' HIS ' ,."l ..! W.'Ht.'ai mi wa.JBB' HIT .'WHffBWW.I'IWB'l lie A. C. WiLLiAmSuH, (kwtok. 1. J. iiL'Li,jri,i1l'BMS,!i:i OiE-OkaTLiOTTCE "4 I j ri s 1 ; 3 i K CLTOIJ ti WILIAI1E0IJ, J'tiOl'IMETullH. TKHMS: I T'if N. fill Carnli. s (. if will be eiTirrhd to ! mb-i r 't. r- i IWii I'.il.i AKS in tiKtiirr, m Wl) iml.LAUS AMI Klr'IY (KNIfii inv. it i (1 i ,. .1 lor ihtte nibs, sua 1 II ! I.K j ilUl.I. I!S l iliii till! ill li.ejc.ir. I A It ri-i-ni. ii ins, r ed at ne Pillar F" ' topi'" i (lii mm- "f ili.n -ijt- d Hi'i ) "t Mm ii. l i-..ef i i. u ii I i'lotifi I'.ir eaeii f.iiluii.Mi e. I'niri nil- 1 i I i-me Is i M i iirt'n Sales rhaiged i-'i pei cci I li e'iei i nnd it. dm linn of 11 J l i rant, wi.l In mule mm' H i- r.-ctiiur rtt. Inr udveriiM in in If-... icir. Advtol ! im ii's n, Med on li'l ly m r n".il. i pii q ii" II e nil ''" kmi iimi.lli t 7 i i i nn im r i nm lor e-mli linm. , '-; 1,-n., it ii. iiiv.) in ill ll.itonst Pitiurt , ,., i ,.,. . tl.f.eult Kttlm lv lil.tr. And ah I l- iirtmi h m ! " ;' W.i It, A : n-ltrJ d lie- j 1' -. -sj. t -"' Of !(, -'III n it bs ait joded , , .J i" i .yncti' c u ii !;e mace Ii lull ef- .1 1" I' ' Hint ri mo awhuriz d In n t f;cnti. Uossu lull u si i'.i'.cn ol' ,ji'ix;K ik AT mi: KUS.-I'IM DlMjL't;r n N.YUItK. Ctrr-p'irthir httirrrn Iht Rir ar.d Jutlt I'utr. 'I n lilt llnN Ji lll Ih t ft : T. II Hum r im d h.i Ii CO Willi rrgrrt Ihil h( I hi' I i il innff jiivi'ii hy lh"!!ir i.f ii. ir (l lii I, i.li Ii ii,i, I tin it!u-liiiiia fl.i." .1 1 in r.1.1', fii wpie nut pprunli (i to fin-ii -ii' fcji frti w hfii ri ;nii.dinj lo the Ii ! in I, i i I i I t- J u ici 1 1 V Vi r ii, -ji-ri iiml ili.it 4 ,111 w i-ip rrf irl"d hy Hh r fii'M tli e i.f ii r r n. i' Hi-Hi s in r 'y In It . ii n' " I tin, wv'.l kiinvrn dut imi l-n-Ifimin-d , ll .i i"li otii'iin.i .ill In It." pin i iji ii i t !!.: i I n, ml i ui j r I , hi l! ni !n r- ,. n'l.i r i- :t"i V ur r nn i f" it ijificl, !iiq,ii iil, i.j-ri- ill-, ,'ll'l I'flli.il-I ir 8,ll. I III' if I!,)'!"'!!) j I i "Hi I -mi I' l I lii j - i" -1 i t ti,ll rf I.I I ' I nil I lv p. uiii i ti, , in m ii. ; fur, i. a ii.i i. we ti ft'i.iff in ih.ii i iiiiiil, f,.r ! r pi (T'Miiu, ri t ( ii hr iiiil'i"inii-, mi I tf p fur In r fu u o triumph Im h Ji U mi ( niniv i pf- -! , ft,, if wllcll tlii lill,l n at, Mild inttv IE, , i ll. -i. tl hv tin- cm ifi4t, hi arilvft, an wrii Uf i, iii"ii tl r!i'.iiiiH H,I hua b- n f--,ip-iHt ,l In i hi" )'M fit but it i it ii g'is' e J lii A i,(iiT ul hn irii.r 1 1 v ' i'.i!ir. Hi il." "iin "nfin pfnn'ii aro iw rail d rr, ., !u-n!i;i i-n.if m d nacifl ai'l" in ir;. r- Ii n. ny in r it,'-i, i ait re , q i ii'-! ;ii,d npi'i-itiiv ii ii in ike n ri i'I ir ! n i, ii-iH in i'i VH itiii'ii, bid c tu,ti li e irn i i ii,- f,i,i fiiil ti, iiH i,hm,,i. ; and In v In, !..--' t 1 .'" rt - t ,,t , ' ti ?-y i.,!.'."!-! n,ii i m n.f- tiitur-a 't,f H, i;, ir-try, at I'll did I," i'I'', ll t I I, 11 t,T l, ( I i T I , i M il t! 1 1 ; A ll ' I'll- J r- -it , 1 i r H'lhl'l' I 'ill I I'd S ' :ii. m , n-i h -i' ii pu in,r ) y a v , - : d . i f hr-p- Hi,n in i,l i.ur i'iii,. I . ii i;.l l , m i ' . I i, ii u, ihi l. t-t ii q i r it r - -I ' it" A Ii r H i I pi f j, fid, n I a ; ffi ,,!-. i ' -I. it i ; . i i rl-'fiiil 1 1 i.'iii'i ti- at.-d : a-t I I i "i i mt ii .,1 i,, in y i f . ur I,, v 'ii,n,i-i,! ; t,i i in .i .ti t !.,.i i,,f u'i , ii i i.) : n,. f . er i-l , I ii - iji" ; t- 4r ri ii, i tj mm r -t I p - ! t.,n f u- a ; at t t,tr, rt j iri'!'t i,f ll,i- i,st ttnd i "' k j !-,-( , f 1;" MU-- J 11 Mil I (, t II . p I l' lt.,'! I tit imiI piriiii-Hi-ii i-iir-r-'i ' i f t ur c,,ii,,i , I sMi i-ittiii Hn- - . .: : ' " i t' r.tti, r t 1 1 t-t ilit t'-i-'l, h t- ltttj fill i. vi In yinii-rit. mi 1 and i i j i il i! ! I An imr pi,,,;i!i w 1 1 inj In i n - ur I hi' f r i u . f Bint r. l t, -till ;i!-' w t ., -i ii fl -rli,, i r II v ciii"i q i nc t,r fH! i,!v iti--c ,iu2 n.t pmi j fj t' ii t i-i'i- mi f,-r 'In c,n dj ni h eti wt- ; air- 1 1 -t ri q ur, it 1,, i'n !-' ? j i- H-i i.-i,i,ir , ,-ii in I utrt n-iiil al th iStn ' l .!.,il J , u p ill tut linli'tl litip-iil if ri ; r q 1 1 r -t i!r- ibff - " . af,d l-ir i hp .' pri-iiiiii i.i flu i-pi , .t, i.lj cunt aid in t-1 r i.j ; i i ii i t,rf- ni- it , , -t- r- in pi i.t-t'Pif if,i. ! ( I ir nt j ,i in i h i. til t-r ia tan Mild, Mr' i r K,fi. i., ii,,, y,, i.,r j ,,,,- hull Hi- rimr-tl : r i' '21' In ni I- ii p: in .f-in il.,- rui r pi I i, I i li.tt p i , i ir y,i!!,,i ii-in uliiiifi m-i-iii vi-iir : t- j i i it - - i,i ... t, ' 1 1 , hi- ti r ti r t fi ,i I . t r.i nn ' 1 ' 't III ,11 1,1 l, -,,pl M Ml, 111 f I V I I I ft p- i i ti I 'l 'i .-n-! ffi-ru---i,,i! ; unit w -Hfii'd if. ' -'' ,u ly n-i-f, a- v-.ii APfp I'p'tit d li, h pnv I1 il i I a,ii-f Ii in i h if nn-., -i hi. ihnl i i.ii iU j.ii 'ti i ip im i H-, hi t lrh I i ni ami n , pp s i n ii iy llm i, ln-il.ilii- uy j,, t,,i,, n l.ich t, "ii ill- if- dp-. ii-d In tiiitki. i ii I if It '- n riiiiim- im r 'i I It'll fur in jua fli'p !,i ,,!iP'! . I' n nn m.ifp Iti.ii, ii.f. nn put .1 tp nt t p n,i j cl i nppfin lv d niHiid-t. I .. n I . r 1 1 H , , I ll, M tt I! Aiim, r II 1 . I tl ,, Ji O Mi,, ,1 It 1. IV it f nn. I-ui. r. it i-Ttn, J I ' i !i,i.ir,ii, A s it ,i i ft I ,,r a. V tl I! li J, M 4, A ll - iii-.-s. Jim. . li Kin ; Jtui , 1 I" I ,., li m II. I f nr. hit rui s 11 Hi ' -1 v. !. vii i. II. h , tt, io, 1,1 u r . I A I !i!V JtMt W tieifhtits, I'tM.I s K t N I ll V, III V I . u- II, t. II I IU..-i to. Nrw Vi'iiK " IA I I I M! : I 1 1 u JsM'AIIV 2, 1-.V.'. re yi nl that I in" t it u'tt-i'lul ppu.e uf tl.t Itiodiip n d ut li.ii h,i,,,,r i ! i ;i t nre iiinon-i! in Ihe Ip Ipr i!,i i - ... ' It I'U loive niidri ,-,!. I io me ; and nl .'h fur n-as ii a piitiiicled wt'h It, V I 111 ,!tltt!,t hi ihipc ,i I- iu,p Ii I ft in pf I vtOii'i i! I l!,ll a euinuli nr wil li ,,ur pl ,ie it! i-or di-p.tsi. are i i i-l,.,. ,. who h c II fi tl i:ii t,,'i. imi ri-i fu in Ii f-iie Uiii poh I on ,j III iiu! pi re'ils wii.",.. I liiii.f..,, ti ni llu p .ii-ia I ',1 t.io im, , -ft lir i.s mv r-Tnl'ii r'l lis h:n seived ii r it 1. 1- ippuit ul" ll, - ohervii ns Ihul Win- i.i-tii iiiv iii.dti t,y hip .it ilie It tr dinner, rnil s -k"l o "I iin i.e I , i ,1,1,1 hate f,,!o. f il, h "I ml the ruitfliii i f ;.W p, r-.,. pie Vi ii'pil o n (ii, in fiiu-hii p my adilips. I ult! ih it lh c ii!f. ction that has lieen' pven In lint pu e, ilu lis nl I ll" uoioifip ,,,"r. nod llu- ieiili.in in lloii nh appir : s in no ion 'i!V wt rit h'-ip pu-M'd. f P;I-1 t-il it i in mi Jo I j m- t'l "i' niiperitl e duly luiioike, ii ' nil ( ihn J. "'i!' Ill" eipltinalnrv pr ' : It-si llml tll.j, Htul I!,,, ll'V llllelill-.il In In k nu ll i.lt. in inoa. toil iin ll general foi p ut, i wt -re iliHiiit iiv c, iiiiiiiiniciiii d it", ii e t i I w tt or tti ee gent ieii eii of ll;e runinti! rr i I ur , --tioM.iult'il.-i, wtii'll I riint'liletl lo re-pul.d Is j lite lu.is ihal w,ia tiilif u'IomI In me, j I It lliiilo, j'iil 'elll' ti, wnh t Im truest ea-j term and euii tUeialiuit, y " ohpilipt'i aar j v.nf, J.NU LiLIU. 1 Al ili dimipr rt-ri nily oin-n hv lhn Nrw Yii lt Hi' In Kn-wi h, Jiitlif PiJi'f. f Hip Suiii'iii Ci.url i.f llm iSliili', al iIih ri q'lesl of i h c (,iMiiu tlfii nl A i riiiieiiienls, ieinlidt'd 'o iI.p r-illnttiit na-"l : Tlit Ja ieiaty i 1 indi'nn-drnre Ii t1 till. with ul mr C'yiii.ii'ULioii our Lumm, a..d a't lri:e' do i. " JnH- Our tiiir(l l Vih i hi me in bcha'f -film Jiiilc wlni nun ii( Ki'iil lii riiurii t nnfct l..r llm lutiat th it had ll ti; n pvi n, hihI Im pi-rrpi!fil iit-tjHin and iinlicai Hie f iiiiinriiln w hull it rnilii.ihi'd. It a'an i :t':i'. I liy Bitfial irt-i int In' ai'iMidiiiicb ul I lie Juilui. Mi'd cm. ii.ucci hi fi' i ili, as fnl:w : n ..i ,i . i !.,,! liiil ihrrn are nllii-r irai iln w hy iiur Jung- , ,, , , -ii. r.i -a h' ii'il mi hn l.i-re why it I hi ana . . i i l . n,i ... j tirniii-r hat we Mii-ultl hn falli-J lit uwiia, arm i .i- . -i . i i, i !n.u:il ri I urn ! mii, fi thi i.uulic I'lUule -r a i.i iIiik bti l Ii q i -li.'i c! tt !h l.n In ji. d I i i:li tt ai.'l -il ,i in '. f ii'i n. r. i iiv nn V w Im line. ,iH. SI J : fl Ull I II ii t t,p, n d h tie Im in- ni,!) id Inn ii, ti lit rtunl pnw i i j, iiii U h' i -i'j t- t, hn prii.t ipii'". nml hn ! huiiirinr. S'irii all a'nnai l mil to bp fniiiidid iip-iii ptilitl (tpw i-f hi hulnt) i' ti I Ip. e ha ttuiiirtiu lei eia to nur ea. ii-ni and Hdmiia'itin. and thre muat all he umied liptnre I Im c ha'acler, wh cli I their , , ,, i . i i. , ..... , Ii, run be fu lv u.ideraltMiil ami pirciat . , . . i. ,..',! llu n, li eu liir i, I ni In be irin'tieil iei-ij nipiiiy aa he p-ati it-tic de'ei der f it eit(;ti a and run it lUitiuii nl hi ci Ufilri , but aim th b ilil .-.-i-erli-r t f l a fit fdniii mid iiidependei.ee. Ai ihe l-e, anaei. u, ai d i-lrepid 'end Pf i.f tut ci unii) in n hi ill' ir I t hie i flY la In achieve a fit.ble end, i.e. 'bi r hi itfipctmr a imr Ilia arpii ati'ina or In pi'a aie inr ilrti In l i ow n Ci -unlrv. Il l In it e r.tuna t l Ihe pe- pie, ri dm! n r I frnm ih.ii nf i hf ir t pp' en.i.i ; In ' hi rfiiisi. i I i hp p'-up p 111 t - 1 1 r.-t." if v, 'h .1 hi: it V ,!-.! ; ii, I li.it ll"!i, l ;i!.'i i li' f an ill- r. - .i-,l In B-AiikPii fu' i ; : i I.i ' f l!i,i.p, i , ,n d a I. I.i tip 1. -- ' . ai-t-i'l n uf tii-ir t,j I ; , f p 1 m.p't . d ttiill ll.r r,t!,Mi.'lii il,3l in nl' rr !u t-li-v.lle trie pi up. n ti.lpi.ee U i l ai d n.nta'ly ll in ttrt.arv lo fa'tf llu in p uliiira iy and an-cia'-V- N I arn Ina ai-rv n a an I mi'ri'a a a ,:iiri'l, a rhp and h-ader, a ihilar.thrniuat and a r- puhlicnn, ('.i f a lejjuldie in he i, in d even in I!, p as tl t.n fi-ni'.-ipd h map!! to h- :) - itur a r e i i.t t,t.- a i it i- In h" ritii--nle re f. H " Ci n.i'tii : an-l actl'H.a in I! I' ;.'! ; ihe n t .. tirea wh.p'i li" ihi-re pm, ., n d and niri'd ; in- Fj,. i cr et, ati'dip-a a. und ) .,c Iiiui'i ' n r ll.eri ; mii.! 0.0 riiiirjt iiirent diii.iire which i e tia mi ta'fiv tii 'ivi-fpil in I!; jlar-'! rirn if w a t in: I l nifiit i' n ef tin me w tiich hi- ha d l, nil li, ip i i t I V pi i i e I h I In it piultivt r tf vt tin a I tit-' h'p'ii'-t iii!i it ifti ami it tr it ulpa nl n ii in :i ir . wie-di-i wl:ipiili-ft .,, fp,t!p-a I ttpe nil i;p W puf, u,t ftft 'ii e rbt ituit- fiiiil Hie i, iiiiiili----l 1 c 11 H.'IMI V. ft! ll IIV.i"l, .', Ill fill I'liflllfl nil 11 i'I' v-r it.o in ud ' his f i niiti -is h'tl h q t fi it t ari,i.e t ; i f t.p ttp I , and e 3, 'ol ll e in gl mtliit! cp. t t 1 1 1 ri i fi ii ii, e. t v I ha i.i i.f i -in Kn" b I f I, ii ri f I'ip J it led mil- i. t i -w.i i !,p citiui- f a an;,.- ' Q ii: y "f fit I d m'p itin d :i-i--a of a n.i nt a,!. II, s nr't H, a and tin p'ue i it it t he i, in the lie.i Iti term, s Co .-erv tl,v a full I I U" ! sr r, n pi inicp si,tt sinttti. Tin v i'ial'V p'nve - h . W hi V hi 'S hull OS H!'l l-,,ltf f d Iu de. ip 1 ll u nlii. i f Ihu p i -pie, In is j ll as i,'t i u a d pi-! as le-i-lvi il in niftii'i,i,it in 1 1' 1 1,- i r io i n t r v it ml V "i 1 lo e I nut loin- ltd 1 1' I ' l ' iul-S IM! Mti ! loll till Infei d hv IM- ul ll as well t.s 1,41 r 'toiip.l t,y ilfn '.llpoll is hi' 1 1 ' i.e pp.rif e, , ! p ureter , and I 'i w - h tnun f c n't I t i nl i i !ly i!epei tl. II 4 Is III d It ', iililn ho, t ul he is ti'-t a U -: t-r, nui a ..i i ,iii. Hp i v dppd a H p Intern, hul of hp riln s pn,p. pn-l of M p l'i e c,,lor ; his c --ur is fo r nwn b up, ihf h!u' t-f t ur own -kips, I hp aii!i,t'u-itnt en.ti i in , I a bni d es (utiiit, nodtt a (Hirer, iu II h v n. II, seni or a ' or nwn b in ; i-im I' e IVi ii nn f i li. i lie h s el u i sv o ' i i f una tin in.ti I 1 1 ,f ,ft ; nut I he I'.in-ii i i-ii, rt rr.iiifui e us on v i f lop. wur-,1 sni i ii-t i, n f t-iioi I'rt i'ch it vu:ii!jon ; of Must, l)n, on, mil H -In pie! r" ; if ihe ! -i p fi ! etiij Itie iiiiSiiiiii.e, and ,,f thft 1 ur-ftu- iin- 'j ! ' e a i , o I. tiii,. is, 'h t! wed ; rr. i .1 t , , l v. d in ! ! I.,!.,.. , , !,,,,. i: I l -- I I, ,1 p; i- V : l! o nil til' ful ll t il' id pi! i. ir no, in ( no l:fi ' H ,'UI,I ri'lif! II,' oi l 1 1 II h PS I" I li I, lit! pfinrn! shii In rbrtngt'i!, i.nii A k i it.ii' ij tfi, in i'm if pi hciu'i s and 1 1 ifirir fuffii, lln-iU fill -n r?llsit fn !MH Ml Slit. V, ii hi a I.e ii ituif tfi rr.' mv of t! ft a- inl-f I fit?fi nu'll', Ur ! i aqi ti'.e Im tMP Mi iiii i l''tr i In. Ii k n-'t tt lui m nt' nl'ijfi ( mt 1 tie r cm rurii n upon ft rr'V mint r nj lli'TRVfli llidKIM lii, tm I the &iihllu a I ftC nihil Ull! 4.C-! i uc 1 1 n, t 1 1 v r 1 1 1 1 1 ,t ifi , uthit-T Buy nni rfrv rn(it. ll.r ik e t H fi'O 111 (lli liH iitl II PitHf-i. ihf fllllt ( R'l ii'Miii at si 'fHj1s .Kiliipp.i v, mIhcIi fttMi nt Hih f?iiii nihi crjtiini ol Un rxMiui" tsfi'i r if mini iy ; wht !i il mnitM't; (ho im-Ii-i0U"ri i f nn-j-t ri y m Cfim , 1:4 M)i-ri-ioii tin rihlii i v r (( pl.i' ti r f ; mi l .ih,Ii net k li d si -.ii ! In it-1 i! ini Imc!i tin A in li ci f of tur f I 'i r 1 ' f f if s. ft.fi! .'lift flinl c 1 I . 11- timl Hfl h. m l hf (. 1 1 --. tt li I hV.i t., urt' ! I h'. j- 1 1 v p t iv- I it -sir i! Ull'' ' ' t tli 1 1 1 'i ' 41 : :l n f It'l' I il'li ii f JM 'i it I c U J i.'f II' I.t ,t r Iiiip ii'sihl 111 11 ill i-iiai tcn'f f itur 1 j -1 ; Miiii t' Ihffo m irii-t in v nli i,( t, ir tiuiti in mitt, 1)11 m n-l tl K-imiit ti, ii mil CMtlv M'Utld l p'til'tji 1 he, Imi I t 1 -ii im 1 ' v nml ilnplv lii't hrti'it-. ; ai d hrncf lliu fts-i'ilum lh:it ht ill- tCllil I'I BtiV thMC !;'. lll pl-f liUTilMlM ft'-iet in win It I li 11 vo hl'u'l'-d nirtV, imJ mjlil l lr, tiMiiii.in ly tfptiril nn id 1 us rt uin" -I lw ni'"l mtufl (tj'-ill 1 tic CiluiDfi thai lntv! (liilifiii iiinit.uli'il Iiniu N . Mr, ih- fru dun. ttl u li lv 1 1 h cIit- M.irH find loVfl, tilt) Uf ti!( III H h It'll lit M'l k-i tit tthiiiiii fur hi ( (I'tt ry, in:il fur i'ruf liic;l. ti Iim rimiitiy I m li't, if iV1"" iu d . a rent! v , h ill 11 g :. n tflcr, M 'lull Uitlfil WH t U'tM-IVfM ftj I i i-o'nm t f Ht'il I)i'hih ii( ri'pM - ii tiuvvi ilt'fiHif.'rnr v, d.ft rilv oppfif-Pil li. full ihihi :ti mi irchy tt . np-'frPrsiMtfl Hlid tyrHfiiiV. I hn (rffJi slnrh In- rhrri.l.i-a I,,.... 1. th,, ifupl. , CW.luii.-.n d. n.iea, our la- rrKu'a.e J t ou'iol, iind pi lire ; ia theiefore prerisiily lit, it whii h 11 is thn peculiar, pirartio of jour judges, by f.frjrcii'g oS.d that wl.i. h 11 is ths pec-iliar, piramounl duty . . .'dtenc g! yntlr Ciinilitution and laws, lo waioh ccr and pre-ji.'ive. And hence it it ih-y tlie anir.ee uf yuur judyea may well be heard. tlenca il ll fit anil p'oper that lliPir voices almu'd be heard in thn national chorus of y inilliy, ailiiiirHiinn, and eifihiiiN winch Iihh (jii-aii'H his afrivnl rhrniis whicli it i jiriili.ililn each iuixredi.-ig hour will cnnl ribul" ,i in ti viilumo, in r lone, tiid in it; I pii rr. j I hav auid, and aaid adviiedly, " nalinnnl chmUH ;" fur we all know lliat it i n.t the a J ice uf liidindiniU imr the wislin of a par- , i y, but t lit (nice of I hit nntira thai has called arid nnw (Icnmi'a hurt Ii our ahnrea ; and it ! i hrcaiisc ii i uuderstof.d Biid li-lt hy all thai ' ' nil characler u aurh aa 1 have endfavifd In , rinri av, and lint ra flfere (he rriisea ' . , ' , , , : which I Iibvp endeavored til In"1'!. . , . ' 1 iic er ; 111 rt'B'ne er not rmlv ol nmuial a in pathy and deeiifflt riitlitiiiim, bin ufpfrlrct uiianifiijit ; I aay "perfect," fur Iha excrptmiiu ar Ifin few to dnapr altenlinii or untie The itdmirjlrle qualitipi Inch he d p I a r-d a the cl u;f ti3 head of thn btnlr, 'h trailer uf hit rniiiitry in na giarirui miupolr ; ih fi'm ai d tirtuuun miidprn'iiiii, Ihe prouppcliue fctid iho cnriiiiic!ie w irium, an we'l na ilia i in .quenched ardiir, rni'rv, and efiurpf, and it lh ai'mirt bin rritiinema hrh fi.rin ihe litpiL-iii i hp cirni 1'iiiv, w tiicn, inniiKi iu ien ni and ll ti-lrsrafih, have already apread hia Bine I hr i'Ujh the ciil zed wnr-d : nine hue d us n the American mind a deep iintif eitae convict, nn tnal the mo al prarnfptir o' his rhaiacti r ia rqnal In hia tntellecual ; and henca it ia that He vmre uf ihu nation it raised tn we'cuuir, arid th.it Ihe ams and Ihe he.irtif the ration have openf c! in seppive him. And here, ur, I feel the nfcrniiv n' c'linnu niv 'ni e:ki T'-ere is morli n on if i! irioul Hi ,i I ni'pH' p 'S-lll'V lievi- A - I I,, ; , fiiji iu .y a. iha' I itiler-H- H I iim in. i!i-fi'd would iiqure a nnif-h 'H' f purloin pf 1 our liuii ti an II would tie rett--n.ii-aide for me Iu ak . or fur oil In j f -in ; ol tier speakers are In lulln, w hn ln:i-t not he d fraudt (I. l',e,fote I rune hide, however, amne wnida ire necessar) tn be ad if d, In gni i rd itio! a tun probiihlis innC'iu1 ruoli.m nf what I have already sttH. Mi it i ct is. in 'i'i'hI ; hr.ne, t " enrlu !e Coficlu-iufi," and iho up! mall "ll which for liifli iiifpo-e 1 pri pot-e to 4ive la due to the frill iifs sod CiinviCiii n of iiotny ol oy b'elri i en o I t he j jiiifiary and the bur w hn nf now preipnt, aa wpII as til rpy nwn. I am a' -mtitfii d thai, fur other reasons, it is eminent fy tt in nur ft'ie-l li ni!elf. I i ("ivit Ins e;'niiaiiiii, I shall n I re. Irncl a si inlrt woid ihitt I hav- ul'i-red. iioi the nunu e-t porn.ni of lh pr is-i thai ? h ,vr 11 ven ; a I I im I I ire:iu tti r.i 7 s'tal! ba co!ij,s Irril wnh a 1 ihil I have and. ! repent, IhPii, lite. ?,sspr!,,n, It. fit the sen lirnenl wliirh I nave -xpiessrii in r liltlufl In our !'p;, t f tsipeni aiiti nilit'irsuori, of Iiii-- reieiet cp arid love tin him, his ehariiCter nod (is C-'Un aie to ti.i ial li al they mav well he a'ated as u ovi'ina! ; hut I now add ll ia I, nt tn be under: md or inip'o d ll" wh'tfchHru ihf'p M'-nlun n s, mid annre ltipe ai ntiin n a. ami n ini'i in Ihn (pp-irtufis-y trfcl a f in I rtn mi pu ur c niv ft if th nrw d iCnii' ii for n-i Im"v nr rntifs-vnC'l Im b i irh him mit-M b-;h 10 his peerh at thn ininuripnl i!n nf sml in thdl 01 lhi fefiifii:, tins ci trunk V irn l Ui'Mitlv ttaijilt ni d g. f'iwfrful rv(rc d. It l n-l to be uridfn.(f( d nr itnplteu lUvy no ".fiiit'il, nr ar prr-rpd t orii, or w t-ti la l umieifllit ri ni iit'h(in, lo (lir fcc-iil propostihini w hicit hu his tl tlVt-i-l tutiiuaiod to ihe American iinipV, a in'Mis- tin ji fiM.pi'r, and vvvn ncceary, Iu bd ttdwpt. rd hv our Ciiiei nmtvit, N rfary, w-u-! -.t'nt! to 'hr cmi cif I! Jn-iry and freedtnti that ff"--ciunl aiJ winch btt miltriii and e-tpt-Ci. It wan .'jr- U'g I' e dtjlivery of ihu few :nl ftrntenrpa that the fimt dtiurha'. ari '. IS mie pprxons cnud out, "w 14 o all hm d -clriniii,1 nnd on ef two vuicts, ' nui .now, not MiW." N't! ko. M'l.rit h to ho st tj tnn-tt now ho mid. Tim ptfil.'d uiiri'Srvi', the tutl'.u fianknfut tif 1 wr j;iii'-tt bavf mice hit an itul Lint a Cinx!diil I h fii tf pppruhitlimi and prnMP, and ; ft'ich a ninri llu ui-iif-t ft sifiknt'is is i1!;?' hi rr-iim, jui p r' i;'id tha" htnp '.-Al il.itigi I. ta-nc- ihe truth, ai:d I k?'ow ilia! t bun htid hi a cniirurv ihe liiilh, abti- nil Ihiiiui, nt jt VHu:ib r I ih 'IS there tue proceed. I do not mean lit discuss all or ih -y havi lneii, fir moro Im oi. fn i 1 u ilie 1 1 uny of tho propiiMiions In alich I have te- . Ifft-ts of ilia cause wh eh In; j deep'y in larrtd. I do nut mean lo exprrt-a a.-tv upiii. 1 lu In-art, and which, by rxeM..ns al oe:! ten aa t,i the prnpi nl y or p"5ihilitny of ihi-ir supci liuinan, he set ks to ndv ji .re. a li p ion. I ahull enter upon nn tk-t.iluhle A I who are thus privileev i will rrj lies lo jiiouud, bul I sh .11 cm. fine niyelf to obser- ,u'u io linn, sboi tie tra.i ca es ins own fatioiiS 1I1 11 I am dispos. d !o ilnnk mil ( ehariirier anil curse f .un the in'sri'piesenni iiiuiid 1! c aarent of ull whu hear me. I s.y, (,, a, dciliimuiea ih'tt so ati.ii.uey ami 0:1 then, 1 h.il the question w Inch the fin p ii ju,ily liutu hei n liu .ped upon t i n ; nil will turns of tur U'iesl of nrceasity raise, a;-d- tnroitti and ipjmce lu listen lo him when ht wh.cti inu-l ol iiect'ss-ly be dtciiii d b'uie i,, picia 11. o tyranny u' der wlnrh hu count r y thins pr.ipiiMlinns can he iid,iite.l, .ire re has jr. aim I, and ilesc ihs tin hero c c li'.t t (jauletl by many of us aa Ihe j. 1 a'e.i, 1 he .. hi cmui'iv m-11 to brmk Ih- ir chains up..ti most iiitiineiiious, Ihe m-.st deeply iiieri..', i.:j ;,, tiftids i.f Iheir 01 -pressors, w he I her view . d 111 I heir principles nr tn thi-i i;,. rniily 1 I he he ii-irm t! to wi h th proliable ron-i qtienct s, ntiim-titate or retnoti, Ihal have eier been raisttl s proper or ne rts.arv t'i be ilicnd by 'he Aim-r rati pen. pli- nirip." Ihe fulll, ilrt'imi of our I i ..VP rililiful . A - 1! we fii'i'i i!u p v tl uhl win Iht I is r tiipi: 1 u 1 ur 1 1 I ihul q 1 ' in a so p, in ,1 t nn, I s i il (Tl ' :l pri p ..mulls .o tseih'V unit ,u lit ullti ly nnv .Imlllil b itlhoilllril, in ihefusi in lance, in liio del-rimn-ti nn ol puh ic nieeliiius, where I'e riikU'iciit .pn ttiiu si!e iiitli, am l.eaid ; where a pervadm! ay nip nhy nml a roiitninus en hiisiusm allow no lime fir n tit cluin, ntd .oppress 1 in .11 1 1 11 1 - !y evpiy imlit iitit.il of dissent ; and w ne e, cms. qienily, the npp n u-o lint ut-y he u'vci iiiiif toe re.i.ht'iuns ihut nmv he pas ed, ai evidence inly of Ihe rjeiietl feeltegs of the Bii liein-e, and imi nil of iheir i'elhif an pn'g- mint. The propuaninns if our gii'si c.-i litinly iii-o'vi), nml are ndinnied .,Ue, an entire and vio'enl di-p,nure from ihi .'! ted p. I if y ol nur fj vennieul, in Ms rt liilmns hii'I iitereoiif se with ihe luilmiia of I'".iropi a poltcv which we have heen ac, iisiniiii'il 1 I th'iik ahe'her I'rroneoiis'y or Mil, I sloil i not n 11 111 t is nut loiint'ed upon tenaoiia 10 i . . .i .. 1 a te,.ri..v rsi oieuey . nor 111 .inn up.ni.tiir S-foj; raphical p..sili,.iiorr.i.tipaialiesiep.h nui is oetnt-u iioiii 11m rry n.MiirB 01 nui n-neci na.mouy wn me tn.tm1,icif.rs.. I . .., UMliHn .alt i. '! f'tv't"" vl kvhi.wiiviii ic ! adapted lo presnrvo lh-' iniiiutinn ui der which we hnne crunn airii fl iuriht-d in their j original in Hy end vigor W e cannot think, Mr, llut tha policy ntiji In he or t nn bn j suddenly abandoned, hnt re convinei d that ila abaniluriment, if it can be jimiifud nt all, mint be piectdcd by loi7; end irutuiu ijulib eration. p It may be that thn cjnnc!s ai d rxnml of Vashiriton and llaniltnn, of Jiflera-n and Madtaun, of I lie Fa ler of Im Cnuni'V, nf Ihe fnu' dera of ita iri( ' pe,-,dence and the framera nf the Cnnatinji ni, huve hitliertu. and until the arrival of lipitniieai, hen on nl ly and univeraally iniuni-fii)'i,l, or, H lin y undo alo. id, oilljlil ttu li,:"r In tie fnllnwrd ; but it ia nut under iho iitoilre of an en'l u-n. aam that stnpt-nd for 'j ii,e the ex- rcist of reason thru this aenlijii''di,;f -pu'.doinnal en ui) ..iti.rtT ir -r. .m,' u ,,, in bn'pia iinunced. I ihii-il llierei'ura m-prclfuiiy in il that the a Willi of nn I ilividu.i1, fir ea ul ihe i nlion or nf the G iverin enl, on jht In he required In 'he r post'ini l of our pout iiiitlt thay thall be thoroughly eaM ined biiH lolly rfiicutied, end their true n-.n-rt, in n'l j I he i r b-arnrga, rela-inna, and reiltj, ihall Ip , fhaily and prnmaly iirnJcrntnoa. And li i dpny lhal ii'-til tint llifirnujh CAmtnalinn I ih ill have been ti.aal iht full V-scu.tiun nhall hav been tcid ifia aiiniaiir rrihe! , . , ,, 1 - , ' resulut inns of nuulic rtieetn ea can V' iutl v i , , , , T - i Ji' t ati c a n t-etwn ! pu ui it; y pi in nn . , that ni(ht In Cjfitrnl nr n fl iei ca ia i-vv di irrr-a the nHlibrraiiona i f our iu crs f I ho" thr.a n repreaeritnlivta tn whm:i liie jaup'e d ive di'ltfalt a iheir pnwera, and wauioni hnve any authority to declare their uveir -i will. j l ho cnnfessif.B and nni't iliiruig t!f de liverv nf ihe few lail apntei c a i rn n ei.l Hint it is pmliltin tney were niil jiiia incllv' hesid, and it was at th,ir clu-e that ihe ep'-aker, in romp n.rtre wl h lh irq-iesl of fin" o' ihp fiit-oila who snip i eir him, re Minn d I la eeal l!ut for ibj' sp-c e of iiu ienre lii which he n 'j-'t'li-d, he wi-u:d have r.'ioiinied and cone uded kulisn'.iall-, ;ii fiiiiowa ; I :nn q ills aware , si', t'mt n,py r,f cur fripnda, perliaps a iiitijnti'y of ail who aie pf-stent, have siiibiacrd I'll ardor a I the ifoctr iocs of our (jupi-t, and are rv- n prppired I i deiii nni fn in Cuiiyies Ihe inn! e, i li- n doji'ion nfl ihe inioiMire- whu-h he ipi : uientls ; but I trust th-tt eien iht in' t ar dent a.'id eil!huiaillC .1 'ft the pru;u -el", nf leatraiiiu g llu ir in'tpatti'iio and su-pi-miui-! Ihpir ai'liini iintii a ieai;iiih e li;: i: f,,.' c u nlpiaiiofi ai d iJix ut.siii!i d.aii luiiii b t' Mil frrt d tn elapse, an !hst iht rt i.! io osl t f toe us 0 li III y be knmwi f.-'ore r will !i i ! hp pro in, unci i!. And diirm; I lis ton rv,r I p , r i, nl hope iha: i;py I tml p, rmit Until i'Hct lureitt-uris a d ', -n -.i.i a, n h ii i , . t i . : " fprt'ic-i or rr.mii a' up tth. ,'l,e w ;.e re. erv w huh, u til hp (iin priinie:! - li i I I p p-i p ; r ed lo art si w ell as r)-tak; aili-n ml l i l.t.-mii- ems i f (heir c-un'ry, i '1 I i..d l.i ''" tuyoiu and iiufnir, w lii : unpe! th- l.vi c live nod (,', ngren lo tnar-i in. L' t Hie "i unliP fd thai words aoio ti hv u (-. ent an nut I i In- rerslit , m. I i,.,l hen k ri, ihe rolv aiierna i.e in i) I p sar nr I'lutior a (1-nxutic wai ir irri:rit"'ul'e Nur fit; i conceire that i .il i..':lte !!' '! cicy I a n hound In i ii-t' r-l- b, t-,n'in- ifijj I il e ht,p (, h I , riuriii hi in iiv il o' which E have apt !:en, nur ruT-.us .,'si will c-iinseiil in var., in ,.ii i. ,.!-, t:o- di. refill. n cf his efl'iiis, anj, I v la imn m ii g lull 'tl pmenre ihul riefjiiinu etpfe imi il " th nill-ma! will winch he l ib ut pel (lie P'ism! In unpMEanun u' i i, It' ll V ari -fXtcrnHl prts-urf in i mpt ! ..:; (i..t;ifiirM l p:'MHiyre an I precipiia t' ncu;i, ( 'ii- "n.-u'S U9 b nmi be, !ha' .!.( I. oti 1 f li t' ntti 11 is nh Inn ha l v u i m;l eainet!y dt'tire, ihit bit lf :i-i l p : r i t nr miy be realized, his ltrg-s h' "t b fuili 1 eJ ; conn'i- ys, nt ht im;n hi h t ihu tin- pri'M:ins which bn iiii.!;?- art; 1 tr.ju-u'fl, but dorp, seriuf:y and p f (u ini.t, hi urn L$ a?tirrd Iim the ft" m- m-d in .vie i.f Uh Atitfii.-ii) pfi-plts i I hj cit.'u 10 in:.u- I' st H.rtiieUes, m dut hi, tn a y nt.'l tvt ry nnio that ll;t'v Iht rn-t !v s nnv il r ml t-v lu bo j ist, bul w c. p r c ir', aid Hi U'tii. And tf, in thm coMp-'i-ii-'o, hv 1 t 1 1 Cui.s me. l.t'y it lo jjive lo his 1 ll'iil new tiiri eti. 11 , I fi ; nil lie rendered tar inn , in s me ineii!, 111 v ! I.eie that ro 1 if i'tu tl t'lnin d t pest emotion, when h licnouiiC' s ihe nrr fi,!y ini'i fraud by w high t,,,- cuusi; nl his rim lit wss dt siroyeii, m J filiates upon tin imq n v anil honors of the C'u-s.ii'k i iv 'Sim t-t v C"i l-eptioll of he li.il !' HUliS of ti,e N'.r Ii, hv milt hfur 11 ero-i his !:upi ha 1 e teen lil .sietl, anil Ins run ltv Vr u rfiin'i iie-ieett in a fin e f,r woisr than ra tur in- r -iitj cii-'ii. In dwellinii yn.tn ihesn Ri-,, Mini, ai lopics, I ti wi menr nn m nd.s i 'isni'li uiif llu u n a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v 'hut IK w on v .its. ol i in". g, ,'iver.itv of enlinipii and nl in in ii th.r, ,(,,, ,u",la hopes, limy be e,e,U 1! s s ir,.Ui his cnii-e, bv withdrawirt-; fmin it M I,,,,.,. p,Miioii of ihe linlv d Hi'.l, s our en ; t., ,) nw i,,,,,!. r.-,n prnper'i li" r,.,,.,,.(). When he ah l'i duel! '11,1011 these lopirs, and enlorco iliem W illi nil th e pot.- rr, i psiheMc inn rtssiva eh queiii e with ur, (;,) has endowed him, 1 he s pip itli , he will exciiB must aj w, J0 , ee ,,,, universal. F.'i my se t', I shall rij ire if, in th" iru!t, hi j is .11 d ti net 01 s uulieun' 1011 i f the Am ; erii'.iM peuple sl,,l t.j res raelf in limes Ihu! j re ifhin the p lares if i,e Autocrat of II is 111 anil n n s Ailsli!io snssitt, ami wakening ' ihe,,, f,.o,i t' eir false dream of seen 1 y, !, , s U, m ts.fir cars n a sine nresai'ii of a , n.er,..,., ami as their terrors may piedic .1 l..t - :P..,I I 1, i is invtrt, a isibi sum. . eu.i woie ttiiu we nil rr-j iif r if tht unitod voice ut lle Arrnri can ptriij.le, 'lie itulii.ant s rnp tlhv ft! twcnt nnl:ti.ni nf fr-ftinfii, rnttftcions nf t h at bieps irsB t h y pi j"V , and niixmus I hat nihertt hall rrjiv thrm hIro, fhn reach not ori'y llu; kiiif slid m h!t s td Kuropc, tut list nv ichaniet in d tTiRtn.far'grrrH, th5 ar!ii.ns, Ihe Htfrh.iiiipo, the fiirM't-rs, and tlie pB?anlry ; ! 5 I r 0 h d o rna-s if the ot;tp:, Iip cias-3 ar ! j' a -ylrrnfi li aii'! tl'TV, i' evpt v nn! n tt thai lit I-iti-e'J o;ipri!K e I aiid d'ip n lobfie; unH, g-Aak ffirg tiiern to a rtmvifi.ni ot tin ir du'y itid a enn i 1 mtit of ihir ptiAi'r, fliHll .n-pirt thttn w iih he re-n'u!i'n to nn- r and mninlin lite ri'i', wii'fdi (i il n- ror rnrant l!,py ibou!d B'jrrflinl-T, ai d v tt fii-ty humbly I rt nw inpf.! ibty h'tl recover. Lt ib'! t )'rts( d iiQtion of Kurue r'uive lo be Tret and itov ate Irt-ft, 'J'hey ratir:t. be trodden don il' ibry c'i'oc tu rie. TIiltc is a talent en. cr y in cvrry (a jplp, lliat, whfn crpt r'y arou-.d ana flircc'e .1, i tui Ut be reprev-td. mud ntt lo be ri-wtAd. !,ct t hi npp'C'-ifi'i tuti'-ns r-u v; !o Lr JVisr, a 'id ijcy uni !!itir tiL-m b; .irrpi1, f'r un-eMMm we-e, ti (ukc ti.eir forturt end tcir lives tip n l lie inu', and tv rat r. v will cc, (y t aufM viiii!b, and tl b t- d tn rn.-d tn. n! ti sj'j.i- in be m aUi-rrd 14 w a in i d 1- a u, b 1. Til ibe b !u.s!i- 0 snisi'tin. It if by tlni ujins itg cf ihe nnt'Oi m, tnd hv th 11 vlnnr. I'.hl I f tt rr ;i r y and I'UrH, (icrntuny u:d 1 1 iiv, will Lp r' eicnlt-u ar.d n c-irru d. It ih t !) a'niic that w-hol etiii lo be- the purpose of A I ttiigl.tv wiMJ-im, if we may tint to k hu them, wi 1 bu'i,:!!! r', ni tl ilie tj re i.f CitvJta h 'd and a'' I'.rif w: fird, r. vtj ei.cr.d ai.d yt.d in the Vjicu ul t:,c p'-op e. loejuislo be nnivral!y r.l;ni't,d that a nt mnvetncHl i1 now- in pr' irei up n the csnMsu nt o' Kurop", Qt.il H is rfa-iti'a! I? lu achtve tltati o! ift.s M-uLMiit;fit, h'dsu'. h, v hen be m.s !l rut uri'. i!l be Ihe leader nnd dircc'or Use aiioi 'tuiff and the rn trnhri-- fciii'it. J it t'iin preu np' ii'iii" to 1 1 f ? D't Mit Iht- ri'itf id' ihe limfi even j it-'V tUs b- '.t I that cj, bn'ir n rapielv oppi"i.,'-in, wh'-n il.etx: e Ifiiii tl ji irv, th- prisoi.ir in TuiKev, the L't-c-t 01 A iim 1 1 -'--, I.f f-rii I tin f d hy t j 'Hi.i i.d grati.-'tjl ii-1 li'tn? lh I. lb fat r o! I 'uro; t It is a d hy ih: pu-t, v. ho d p'rcd lh iiill o V"- lurid in viTHH ihl can ntvnr dm verj-p that f x t hf ii i c -v ii 111 h u.t'tjiory ai i tmk into the Lo-rt-s of all hu ro id ihcm " I'I u t lutd fu fci.r el'.t d v !-rn Ko.' lu-ka ftli." Ihit v e cjre to bo: ti.al in llu rope, fie'lom, Te Vt'- i g hum h! r ioi.g irtfn'e and Ercmiri;; C( &'h, w ill r.iftj it t-r f.iii' '"et V'Mtf . ixl Rprr.id htr li iunib ji. t h-anner, whin Knut't rh-iit itturn. Tin: Ri-:foL' iters of 'inr. south. Ojr cniinify ati'iinds with all Ihe g!el el ements nl prosperity and wea.h. Wal, tan. ud, ron'. t;i I in 1 11 nt a 1 ns if n.iifb'e, miner a Is nod nir'ala i.f every descript.on, a soil and t':.na e wil'iuul parallel. L'-'l us al w.ce, liiL-ii, cetse ;o 1 1 It, nnd Lptn to act in c ir nest hy n sorting tn Hiose mer :irf s, lli-i! v.-ili nut (nil inline" e'jr p p'llancr. iiiitl pr nc r t y In r iiinin at home, lint which will enc-'ir.ijjM irechatiics ami c pi 1 1 1 I 'n vctllu amni'n in. O j 'C i'-i s may ha t:i!erposeiJ to liic e., i n in in t.f ihi'.e pti j c Is, Ihe ieni:z ilicn i.f these li s. hul niiij a.iuijis the wi-ilum mill liner- n!iiv ol the pen; 1 4 tn ad- pi every ua!u! i hiin! In sustain rod support any proper ., 1,! w ', ch i I c -11 , 1 1 .f ' to 'ins !.'".. I ; Th!- is the. iPiiy n.-.iu.ii, aacit-iil or mod sr.', wl,,,-li lrof!i ih" t'X'!!nt of her sua coast ti e 1 i'i .us.les-a feriil.ty of her i-'iil liie i.'.ri-'iy ol loir citmaie, ftem!ii,(; l!noii''l lupoty di yrns of latitude 111 the in st I tvor edzn e, aril coutnit js physical aiivanlues, is c.ijiainti of ptjrppiuiiy. U htfther lie is ri-stui' tl l i it, is a priu.'ein which remains to hi! Silvpfl, :! which Is wise V, i' 1 !;nps, conceal-il ta the irnfieiiciriih'e veil of futuri'y. Ai d ii t ei. v are the Toiled Slates, us n ivhiile, thus blessed, hu. miny i f the iiidiiiil-n.-tl i!iei!!i"rs of the Confederacy, espec-i il.y tin Midtfe ani S.iiithsrn At antic .Slates haie ihi null pi'u-Ji.tit and se'if-f i'i'iit Ii e vfi'V.n l!ii.ii:e'ves. I here is sc i,.-,e:v a ii1;-iuhl?, or trutt. or cereitl train, which nr.ty not I e Mit c s-lu lv CjUivuli-'d in South Carviitia st.d C'Ulu,,. ' l!u I go 'urther s'.u! ar,i! mnin ain that tl.r,' is iindi-iih ftd-v a ai"i ti j-irioua spi cies of tiiii'iic w hn'ii In r noun is-! 1 ,.!in alif outl the s.iuni HrifC'i-'t v.;iici i.i'i'iiii futiiioco 1 qoally well or better oorsi Ives. 1 ;-c c 11 ' I V if we are a hiiiiil in' ' V alile tu nuiie a (.i.tivitm ii.rii.trv In !J;,'ji y 1 ur own cons:in;iti. n. Meitor In t'siati'i-li eottr.n, wooheri, in n, ie ither, piper and a'n oilier in innfiiCiort's. 111 which we c m ultiii: 1 c-ly 1 fT-i il ur u:i.-p:i;-s nt'.ie-s, nt great eX -use lo nurse !v:s nt iuin r tl ics, Ihr.n bo t r in ji sii 1 y litpt'iiiJciit on others fur Iht'in. Jut!;e Li.mpki i. NF.Vf l-UENTH CONSrnT'riOX. A I' i ' is di ri'-pi itdent t f t'ie Cumiuerri-il Ail ei User, w m m; under slate of t!iel'.';!i iiiiim , :-a s, "Tm new cniistitutjon to ba jjraoted' t v lhr l'i esident alter his elertmn is nlreni'y s:-ndjed forth. Accordu to well i"!ui tiicil parl:, tt is likely to bo as fjltoivs : A .-'t n-itc of cipli'v muni'iiers fitty-on to ho name. I by 111- I'resiih tit, nnd thirty -nine 1 v the 11 'H-i i s (tt-iiernl. from a hat of can uiu'u'es mtidti out hy the P.esiuent. A L'-is!ative Chaiiiber of two hundred a: d f-.ty. IvmcIi cummune is t i nti'ne nn elector lv Uoiveisal snli" a,-e. The nu nbrr uf Ihe-e eh-cio'S will bp Si; t'OLV They n e Ihi'ti tu n iim 51)0 repreMMiiiiiivf f . Iiimii this hit tif.ri,M lit p is i tl t'i . t will select .-"''J, who are lo ! mil Ihe ('h.itTihp;. Tup- I'n "t mill I.i b c eeted fir ten yrais mill Ihu tnle i f Reeetit of the itvputi'ic. tie shall ii - nspi.nsi'j t- toilcss the eo i iniiiml c'i-c-luia hiln, three n::;es ronsecu ivelv, return a tint! v of rf present l ues i ut of whi m the J"..pMtle!,l shall In un.ibte to selecl a Chiiioh r in h.s Im or, lo n, if they retuse the bjdjjel !h is to retire. The p ess tii I.e frse but nit to rail in qiir..i;i.ii 'irl ui, n'' iho "nah's of propBity," nrHh' rxistii g seriil or p tn z it ion. T."R I'I KM'- K XiH'KI.NU IVroSTfltF. Ii is-sinil that 1 1. : s iiiipos'iiie h.is rfsulled in the ri ve'a' ion t l a new a) slem of re!iji n, m d s new siiei .1 cummunit , tn lie rta!i' !i c,l by t ' o irn.'ir.7tl nnd nil true b- hi very, ui.iit-r the iltiectlon mid Mipprvi-i',n ol eeenls of lh! fpiri'iial wnilil. TiiB f.;iiiiis hive riiinin ni'tt'ii ll eir I'lseiples I" j,i ot se-nch ol ihf pimnispil hinii, ihe ' N.-w J -ni-Hlt'in." Tne N. Y. Minor s.iysil kiowai-l J.i.l - s, Cirri' iiit'ii, l'iii s ci n s, Htul olners ot r pote, li mill g Iht Ir rt tillltlBi CP In I llrse k'lui kill:, s. while ni' n pitipsi( o to tie trhu'ais u-t,l l-inkers, pieiei.d lo receive rev. In no s Iiniu the -piiinnil wi-ilil. suine written iti 1 1 -lf t w. In Muses ' l the l'repheu ; s ,me m (in i k, hi Paul ud thr Ap",ips;s me in Atahf. . hv M thoniet ; an-l, Ituil'y, a 'riiniiiiittee t" 1 lummy" in behalf of the kimrkiops s-t-ed by ( rhe vonerati's fjncn of lh IV c!a ration l j IldeprrtsJaofa. MH. ChKY OS iNTRUVF.NTlo:.'. J'rciii the iir Yoilc '." 'f ,1', The interview lulwten . lin-n'h nntl Mr. Cisy weierrnirl m Ih': mn-l in puiliint ihnl hislriknn p ace at the sei.t 1! nn rn , input or Ifi tt hert : nnd if ihn von1.-! ol 1 n.an who Ins devnt..d fur y yea is to tti' puh 1 lie scrvicn, in pence nnd in wer, ut lioiiit; i.r.d , :ihrond, ere In huve snv iir, i't, li.fy n,us' I 1 1 ii:'' Ihn en'h'jsiastic ri.A ic ihi; !iitt; r. '. nf I "lir c ii'iiri tieii .'ti pnyai bt fore tin V p'tn I this g'tveriiineiil ilitu the whirlpool ul lUito j ,e.in pulu lea. j " Mr. Clav has impnrtcd his vios face to 'face to the (lunirariari chic'. Thev are, Inr j A merira, 'Nov iM'Kitvi;'tlnN,''X' N i.nii ii I VKNTH'X.' 4 NtJN i:iivkm-Iii.n,' a Itit-usai-tl 1 1 rile s ' Non intervention,' ,v ',l(. f'u;n ,j ' States 111 1 he pull! u's and i" iev tl uur-p-. I , Mr. ('.s intio'j.iiv-i l-'. K. i:i-r. !., Mr. 1 C! iy at I.ii tf pas! t " o"'. 1 k 1 11 l'i 1 nv. a-,! Ihe atia'nr limn tvrntorkv ! .- i 1 I 11,1 standing end in a most i-ll ciiotnite ri n r-f-r. I l ur hull an hour eimI rrt"ni tt.o tvu wi-n t.i 1 pt he r. aini Mr. ( 'iti 1 decl-uni i 'i 1 n i -1 ,1 . er ualiniity rt uld b fa-1 ti t- (..ncri.riii i. 1 than the duciries o' inter 1 eoiiTi us p :i ;i ,-.! . hy .M. Knssulli. 11 2 ihercfo-e exmes lv i.'e. ! precaU'd any such pulicy. '1 ioj iiiai princi ple of tins count ry , ho i iii!, reated iiimn its '. repiiiiiiciii chnraoler, n seen 111 i'i3 t , : e . ' v ji.f the pioplit fr foil' -gfiTf-rrinii nt, nnd id i -' practice nf rotiilmr-i! action tn 11 own i'u ties. On r ex a in fee nasi lie nl Clm-ili, n p r g ess, nml ih L'nit'd S a is. as me i-n v lii fip I!"piil'ic and eXTinple of man' cs; a- Itilitv f ir s-lf ir.iveriiioent, as h n;t,i t 1 nt i courage prr -jrcus arid prospeniy n this :, n tiiieftt. All this won d lu eiii!-:n-rnl a. .l . iJes'royed hy lireij;n warn, and m ii ih.-m a I .hopes of frea institutions. Ties,, le mi;, j nere ihe seiili(i;eiils t f a tiiui' in in, wl o fui 'a life tune It3d alru'!pil itr Irti a'.ii.i. ' I Th'; enf 'ftniioViitJ of the J urna1 n! Cmi ' mrce and Courier &: ll q-rtivr citifinii ti , v:ew of tin cis : I " M. Kjs-uth diit nr.! ceriiHi .?- f iv' puiition. lie c iifineH htni-iilf In cinnt'i-tn. II g on the eniiriilioii of l!nnginv itn.i 11,2 nl ii itinnif I'rnnre, loc'i l,u l.'.lievi'J wr-u'd iirnv ki ' t v i ! war in J poriui s a g'liiuta! iev olution. ' "At pirtti;, !r. ( .'ay rn nn! hat!? K-s-'"l'i f iit"e I f itevr r, Mith un.-.h e'li ti m, wishjr j iin ('nit spejil in Iiii ii5',f u lor llt.np r i n indept nn'enre. !. K 1 li f id 1 hi t ho ''; :T (liid d.ii'y fur Vt r. C!a v'a rcslnrnt ' o he.. ,1 p. !' h weie f!f pp y t.i.iie-J. O.i y I jur s;.t c Idtfirs tp-e prp-i-i.t, " M r. Ci;. v . til yet 'fii nr w r i'e his en tip,,eiit!t on t!;e ft'.hj cl 1 I liiifj' verii :nn. Ti.e elTrt tinfl.iy will pri'hriVy ruins' inn sncie what. Vol l:n hi '' ' . e r t ! 0 ral:..r eai ' I durnij tin lust fj ii -v. " M. K'ls.ij'h's ii.tervipw iiith Mt-i-ii was rii'i!-'. ajl-nliii. Mr. Cinv s'o 'I t'.'.;-: fcnj s.iiJ, 'A dy ii mti, f i 'p-j uur 'J.,; trine of interveiitimi.' " tOCl.KL 1NTLX r.SCi: rr: VAli:xrT?". Toe Na'i null Iti'ci leu c -r tt !...!. to l?rms of uPiB-vvii ..vet i-" -i t- se.-.tii! u i.-t-liftiitt'on bv Chii ceilor U alwnrtll t-f Nt w Vnrk, in h s Int-. j Ii in K. -s;,::,. tli ii t e pi'i-iple i f ashir eiuri wre um r'r'uu- i tlu ir course Ujiua the Ko-u.li quetti-ft l.v !!-jsi,i:i I flience. Tho Intel 'ptiu'i tvpr.s-is n-j S'jrprn.y :h-it a pPrsun orru-ivii th" ' p!-v i ied pnsti mi o! Chiii'C. !h r W ,i ! .,- !s sr. i; i i-ii,'ii--ii;(! i(! friti nv s . i !!;-: it"i. I'lli'.i.'S lllie', Tlieje it li ) H lis ,'i 1'ir lit'- prise, however. An liihvfei, li r :n"l Hi d v ti':t:S!lo-S2"4'i- ( . I r iu - ui hi' iijUiin bv i iTi -o-l ' i ti. Ti n who oiusili to t i! rie 'it.' - ii t. p, B'-ti d- :i his '' t'lillt'-l ti isitiuu"' i.:-Ljs ut p, y i fj i t inch i otl-a li s i i -I. i V, is n-. Io .t t-r 'ent t!: in it i'rn he tti-utui 1 is 'nf ' ii,,!;-; , . j i - , thrfj-'it ths vale Le;,.r. U ,il inpli lu!, p. ways In I'll a (anaitr, n 1 1 -p'jln nty -I ' .-, ": i a .erti'i'l rep't s. r.t-tive ol N't ' i c v i: nt y. -i tv l.n-ii im-s u,e t li-it Nun gi k c ii fliluies llin whu'c I :: i . , .J . , i't s. M'o ill v 'i I lie Cii mreliur tit r ml 1 1 r reri r!i.)ii!if porti.-ri if lh, In f - " i i . uj Di'iiii'Cr'i'ic Ciiiveuinr c! l!i -t i: ,r', i. , -ea - rot u iie.-in-.f 1 1 : i' r v c r t i, '!. , u'i -t .t this New Vi rk '..Me cr 1 liiiii'.l ;,,- -':-i ti. v. J.la.iiii! cl I.. . o, il. r n.;--i; iii . 1 The C Ut-ii nl v ashi l.,;i, v. I, itai'ijert J hv ul i.ite 'no ill i ne !, hr.. C ,oj;rt !, . a limit si it ! r.i- t ' n y wu im .tons ol it,,!;,. n ! , 1 " t t .1 i. 1 i.e north wio ftus cc.iiiii.ciii.-t-0 iti 17.!;l, v,',J t- is li.itiiic.i tu 1-1!lI, It Ciii neuiiy lia I o i il hull. TllO so'jlll WII -.' W"S Cuinlnt.'iiCt U ill 1 -OH ami ti.iisi.td i.i I , uiii cui over it'uij.tili". The Ct o-ru n ns Cuniiiii.'iifcd in 1 ? I 5 anil was ti.iisii-J ill 1 --7 : r. c.-st near ly a int, lii.ti i ! do iai '1 Ii3 en i . e Ij a t. :, Covers mi ocitj avii ;l lia I timi 1"H left ul gri.iuiiil. Ti.a Iti'lli tf li-Liil is ; ' l - l; Hi ptli of Ati'p, 1 J i ; C ist p'.j c.i ni ii .-a s.cps, (! "j.o.'i I "i ; iit-l pri t-'Lt. on mil -u ;, a, tlt pi'i S:- hi !uii of ui-lo t i ol la '.-,-lluit',lt; I t l e i ! ', to tup ui c, li'n! nl i: '."', I tut ; .I'ii.ilt t lit ni If .-, it-tie' 7 i , t -. j, . , i, 15 ; r,iui,-i'-i'iit,i;iv. s on., iiic-li L "i titi, hi ielil f;U ; hl'lll' l.t Cl li'ial K it,!! l',l, l 'i. Tot. fu.n.iJs it ihe Ci i if i i-iiil.ir.ict; a crts, s.ii it us,,-d liy ti siiiu nn i ti liuii r.t, ,i'i, I tin iti; e li i, vt tne ii is I, ur li; os ol u n.t c. Ki"" Mr. W it th ti ns ivr.'.Cf lo the .1 nr .-)1 of I 'em m c ill t o-- i l !'-.'' ' I - ' i . . i'a; ., under ti its! ul tt o '-' 0. il lii' iin, i t "An i iii rial a r licit ol ll-.e ' A.s-t::i!-'u Na. , ,i , o' --t ih.j 1 'V ." Iteii.i J ' !. - : i .a A im'rit'.t,' Dili i" a;s, w it fi i!t i tsii.n, u u . f tl.- paiutnipfs tl tt-a New Y 1 1 !; il rati ili SiTii;lu ,? i-fi ',! luil ii'.il 1 in! It! l,-,ll:3 l'i I. t '.!, n; s. T t.'.'-i i iim I : . i c f i : in , the 1 1 ' it i - it i , ,i ii r ! 1 e p, i.,l tic r.r.ei nil eltncfr me iiea.td i .;' i o ui Aintr c !;i i t 1 1 ; 1 1 a 1 1 , i -1 N . t s i ; I'j II, IV !l !! , ' a al l ;; if. t'l a" t. A -, , i il ni ni' r 1 1 r it o a -It r 11 it; ninri', t.1 rrt.i . n I - - i .t. i n - ' ' ' I -cii-ti lo a hiilt; iii.ini..Jiei sua ; iimi ii i--ii-kt il it Amviii iin it .tsi-.i !. U -s . . ' i b niil st I'.i.-tiiif, wi;!.fiil !,'!! ;n i iium-i boI annnintioi', tn lieti-i m.t.i tl u p it. -l ti.e I i ii . i i's ' . it, n iti,; ; ' It a l.i-i was ii-q it-stej ol inn al a 1 u q I t, ll '! " be, 1 'I ne 'Iiainmir.iti ti oi -jr. -M .y iliuse of liio era t.t hiiint;-, t; i s i:.t , tha eiticmst cuuirci!, CawcaMiv ant! it's1- ' 1 live !' " Vi lllO STATP. C0NVT.NII0N. Vt'c- i;n- ti'i.ii to In- iib'ii m i-tifii'unre, incur I np-r ( I'tiiis il-iv.ihf.t the time and place for !,, uf ii u I',,- V. bill itj'f Ci live n' ton, i ncrnt r ate a C.iniluhiie h r Ci, lemur, ar d ai pt ml I ) , - . i - liodi il, Sia'e, ot ifirjje, tu Iha .Villon nl Wbi a Cuiivi ininii, have btt A da. ip inriiii upon, m, pirliips, iha only mniirtsr hv sli-rii ihiycuu'J late Kecn sp.livfactt rtly i nil ti,i;,.i flv rtfir,;', d. Tne tilting of the S ipierne Court, ilill tho Special Ses-ieH of i.iii.ii t'up rit-r Court, in wtiica a causa of uff-ti! 'ii iiiifijiri wus la have been tried, having n:,-rii ii to this Ci y a nun hsr nf ll,i iiii'si pri i!iii!Pti ni.rl dis ii euuhed Whig ..f inn ru'j'e. r.tid, MHO! ( them, a jjood pnr. to -i i ! Ihu i'li, tutite Cli'irimrnee sppsiiited nt li t! O ut. mo n at i t-fi'l, lo w hem the duty of rie.tjnjiii-f' tha ui:i.i End pl;.c for tha "-' id. .il. has h-er uina'ii'.r.us'r ii e. uiii,, i ... il, i.licr i-'e cr.n-uitation and fi ii r, i.e. ituim.-i t i.e m, that it kstajSjUe- I a li.ti : i f I! .'.i.i i .ii, on tha i- ' i i it mi mi iv in irmt iift. ti ;,' h, ',!!;; th. '..Ton aay i, I the irion'Si. 'I': si:,, iitui l-ietj have bi-Stl s-.i!uvi, nfer r;H,:::t! ilt- iii-'r'riuti En-rl a lisek sad . pi'fi f, !i!e-:if n' -; d c ii p ii isiiii of pr'erer.', ns a I' j r- fi tho tr-o-l bCi:' pt.th'e i.ad appro j m o. No iliiv rnij'i'l well I, itve bren fuerJ, !i ch tn u ,'i nut biive roi flicts'J in amne tis "ree, . t i seme i f Ihe r-si'ect ve Courts ia tin; Vi I ... t f.-uritit-s tf the Slate ; bl, t is i.ii inn J, ilut the lii. eii rtas! will intert'ea vii ii ! ? s ni; rf, 1 1 i tli n any other that its y i : I. i -n . -; . i-n ,:. A to ; !, ;.ure, we a re, i f re ir ', p i ro; ed I', m er-.v'n rri'srsr, I'l-itt !' at ii o et: o ii" 1 1 jenera opinion, lhat, r. '-'!'. 'leu fl i.i In r r.nnsiii, !Bt:o!;s, tKi hi Ii no ; 1 1 v -i i' i ,'i 1 ., 1 o r'.-.lmn of l.ulduirr pnl.ti. r ii ( ' --M oil. fi at tho Cap'ta! of the Si t.r u ii , i, ri 1 ,;s i.i.t ir.ee he eti; arled frons. It ! reiimti s fur ihe W ii'jt i.f every (.' - , in Nui'i, Ciruima to mova i.f'msdi. i.i.-l', . i -p , i'it ih- i ",tps to the Ciinver.li n, liiil lit.. -'I.,! t'tiu'r s-iessinidv lie nseessa :y ; ir u I : i i';:U vim ;:;; nrg-.-iiz ittor. of tha n ,r v. 1) i l!"v nct-J any t s'lnrtiiii'm lo djty ? We r!,:iii it !: .' i it. 'I tiey know what tlipy ti a e to l.eo tt ives, the-r principles aid their Cui.nlri ; rii.i! m: w !i not h.r a inimical dentil tii.it tii'-y will j.rcre trut lo th"n s-lves, their Ci.ii-' itiiii li,e r eouiitiy. Principle, self ii sj r ;-t. oil,;- and pstrl lism anka rail tin ihein, ttiih s loij ! and stirring invocaiioa, to v , - lu :.!e -heir p I uriii lute-'ti y, ana rts cue i ', :i'i' 1 1 urn 1 1 e or -p ol iho sp-u'ert its I-, 'i'i.ii : u ! t u is f ' -ot el i ruin tt e hans's uf lis r - i.t iuii'l, '.-' r r ," and ra Lg!l. lite fi iii ff i:i the ot ni of L"C . Feca 'v.! ! L"- I h-j v mi! i ui! mo of V.' I. if cha rse ler, t'i h -re-siy ttr.il Whig patriotism, bs .sh 'An. I , I'tsiV c.eii.'y ill North, t': , i i if- , o, i!.e (';i-;vuiiti"P. in li !, i. n I! 1 il. t"l ihe isrMi-m.b isj t-f A,i 1, ' il.itugh Eitucr. :-. i t'l CAuOL.iNA PAIL r.OAD. T.,p P ,r 1 ol D.rectnr of the Noil Ca '; ; , ''..', 'I fid nit-t a: li it b rough an tha '::i ti....- -pie.t-n; Messrs. Mnrehead, Saua ti'i. i. li-, W i! '.ii, Means, Hi 1 lud Juarr. i iif, I'ltii.eiii K is tiiithor t"d to n.uuolt f r l ie pijith isa i.f iron f r ilie Rnad, aarl i-,v Hi- r s It o1 his it.';--i!rif befora tha '.! .. 'i i-t it- i eil nit-eline ; or ,f ha thinks ll I.e:, t'l conc'iids! a c.n'ract of pwrcaass. I, iv a ii 1 1 -i i,;.'.'.l th,-,t tho raits altciuld ie ef lueT p tti-ro. e g iteen feet long, and wsig'a i" i-it.n p i, in!-, u i he yaid. Hswas also .ui ! ,"!.'.' ;t : i pu eit.i-e iwtt tweti'.y ton loce t . v. ii'-i a iff i I 1 1 eiulu ra r mr each tie. iii! t i !.. ,f d in th ees'ern aad tha i 1 ;,f r i ;. ' hn tl t !i',- n erid of K- ui 9. !; . in ,; ii, i L.,1 u !.:! ii.ii tse Ciirrl i , ', :,- ,.' . ie r,,i-v cc'tca ?v e-mpitved aa I;-.; run' I'n l.i CiSilo'ta l Sa Itv'uary , 21! o , f, ' 'J 1 kcj s, at il it being made ta ap pi , r pi. : i p I in l t ;'i ii whole ut that pari ef t.-e Ro -.o wi-u'd b icai!d iurns ib ore-tent ,e I'lin i-rii w as nil' hu; tzJ li i iiu- ,;e nttyii 1 1 m hf r, ;! i r tha i 1 iifii-rit was au' ho; tzu to con- tunrr slujf :u - e ,-, - , I' J test pirl of ihW line, by the A ti i::i;-iii!i'! e as rm,'. f, r CO par cent, of t'f c pi n: s- pi.; ol the compatir, l be paid ii ly trc f, :t M,,". i.iy in Ju'y ne it, bv in- it I I. tl r cf i.t eistv two mas hs. ' -1 iv - f ' ''its t r:e and il, firt Manday ia .'.j.,. Wo i. uiii thftt lb-i sti ckSoltters are :ty-:'g ii fn u-p'.'y tins iaii eII of 10 par ('!". All ci ni C'.-'i vt i'i 1:9 receives! fren tka ; , '. 1 : . : , . si 'ii as tiny sic rtr.ithcd. '1 lie w . i k .ss li '.ii d to be in a rapist s'ste I f'r 'os. "ro) tilSt lt C!'lfJi!t"3 ' s fill. !"i!i as i:ie inu-l siii.fiiina ef its fi ieac could r.t. enticipcttd. U.tlcgh lltg. rns-vi-ss'ii i i 1 Th I.e- :.,; j,-e of M s s-ifiii mat lit! e 1; ni J.t.kf ii, ilie co, lial of the Su's. Ju l- P. - !. oi P ,'u'i c, tt as en -sen Presids-il pr , ti ii,. ul 1 h , ? n , :e, aid Mr. Pur ler, cf !,. .. iu !", Sp. k r ..!' Iha House. Na i , ..i ; ,,f r ' j ...i ca haj turn iiai.iectrtl i iu :' . -j .' . . O i i ii'' !'.'i ii s ' fi " t the ?:ae I).'m.-cra'ie ('. i i ; imi is,.-;,1.,! J ai J i,!, nn, and as p un e.i il'i v I) I. 1'i's t i a f nJ 'lis Iemtv rriic N i , i- i I .in ,.i;u i in pu 1 dd tl i' i iiiiu'i it ,1 ,. ' v . They i i-ii'o srorre. I. ri'tp i , k " n a tt ni, r oeiiiftuio lii nttae rej,im.:.i.;,,:.it;,in of it. a i,i' N-i.iotai Cee 1 ; I., it 'lie r.'.niiiier ol IV Pf.t'i Idra e ch .ti, - li u ,1 c nr let-pi!!. u a-nii us rvpic--i t l u (.' : .- e-. 'Iin' c iii'i-ii. ii n.'svptfd tie Pjitiinpfe i -,, , , is 1 1 1 - t - mi! i re if rjit aid I-. . 1, -. us . i. .;. , I ' I'- ana .la. ''':f!ffe, I.'i-'A !!. a pa!!: cr T.M. I","!, tl ! i -i J ul' d oiuiiir. was ena rJ'V il I t a l.i; t , ;if ui If h i t ii, that tha t 'd i p , .. i.ii. tfc.i t. u ii iisp l'..r Itim.' He u i , , ' tu, k i ui I. ia j . t .. ana wio.e t.te ,,iu. i , e s . 1 .. , I s i: - : ,1 , v li, r it1! 1- i tf, i : , ,- r u i- - 1 1 uf . - . ' !., , t . : ,. t, ! n !.." t r . t - l , e . , i i - -' i 1 r i.f t i i ' l I is la il, - ,. , . . i.; ,,-,! , ; -. in I -tr .e ,u " A- , l ll .1 ' ' : - . ! - t t i i '.'.; s f y -. , i ii , t i -t !' iftii 1 1 t-i ."; . a ' i i d if i i ' : t f n I , . : p t i , a , l u ,' " t il. 1 S3 . -t ! !.; : t- ! J-' imi ?t.i;,-' i.!,rt a,. i. -' .- i 'If, .-,.--.;--..!- . t r sli- r-- s k ,f.-t- r -; il I'. i '1 1 i"j i. 000