il vv !i 1 in-:! 1..' a ! ad . w ' ' : iii I ii: v hi.- : ! : .1 ,.,,.(- - . ,i 1 n .r I i -I '- ' .1 ! i :i . i i. e (! ihrt!) (Carolina ullni , it".;. ' i 1 . r. li.' f.'ftri RLOTiT : NIl'-.W. IMiniarv 11. lv,;. i K s 1 1 i J :., . i- mar n. ulv, t 3'' iooiI ." floi iri -int f t 1 1 di.d pre i ,i -pi ! io r . .1 111. ill;,- ; if ,:Rt FH.LIViOFvL ui- m:w-vh:;k. 'i :-.t i ii i:-!'i!il i' i'' V; ILL!. uiiAnn:,!, i;i :.! . i ;i;;;i:"i:Vfi:ii'iit. . v.':..:. .,- ha-.e ,-;.i. n .Mes .li.LUni il i ir h r::i r stand occupied hy j u-d,HT above 1 t al. in.' duwn i r '.i r to re y I i t' 1; huild- t ,.;rt.. th-c and Mr. J. M r. I 11: M e. r I . ;...' ;.t in- Wc (f t i.:i;!;i;!e Mint. 1 . r,, A K. i." --I.I' i'.'.'.Ti.T "l'i .';.':.'.." Illi i; i.i i..-, i"i M.H.I.-; 1,1.1 i i: . u ii- -.-.') iio Im: i.:,;;o en ll"i X:, I o : IT.: al Uo :yj. .:, m ii i S.i.O.,C,0:,l ."0 Pix-fianntion. idurnor -I-- i.. t . t:.'. r. o'.-ti-i iutivo CL- nt'.-'i out by icieiliji-i.t. c n." to . ci-.i.,:. t i a- i.'.f.rtae t-. v I r t;- in. a into the W';.l Uiei'-r- ! j ti.': '. v. ie.n a- a Lahiv sh-eild 1 re, t J: if-lor- :!'se. i. r . I.t : o'iii.dai.J ..I """"" the constitution of North Carolina needs a niciidiucitt in order to keep pueo with the progress of the age, it needs it iu many par ticulars, mid in none more so than iu that clau.-c which gives to the Legislature the H 'Wir of uiut'iidiiu'iit. Thi HUM' h(Hr'- Jon. ai.ti-rt puldieaii in princ'i md ill-a- i . l : mute d to secure the end proposed. It is all this I'1 cause the election of members ot the Legislature can scarcely ever be a true test j to a-certain whether the people desire to ! have their coii-titution amended. It can j rarely cm r he a true test to roiled the will ! ! the jh'i ; le upon any proposition of jreiuT- .-.1 iut-nst. There v ill always be local (pies I tions, and personal considerations connected v. ith the candidate-, w hieh will cause the peo I )de to lu'Lhtt or overlook pi opo-ition- iu- ioUin snloeet- ol 1 lie j i l.i-torv t-f North Ciirolina for the last tiiteeii I , ,, i i e.;r- ani ly prove- tne trutii ot tins altera I ti in. I'uria this period North Carolina has i !;v.iieiitiy i ast ovi r heliniiii; majorities for the Whijr party in her elections for 1'resi ! dent and t ioveinor, wlienat the same times, ' in her eiieti"ll- far lnellihilsto the Lei-la-j tare, she has r turned majorities iu favor of tue I'emueratie party, llie leisiature was not constituted upon tho ba.-isi of the merits of the proposition to amend the constitution. In some counties this jiie-tion w as not dis cus.-, d at all, in some aeaiu it had no I siiir. and iu otlu rs n advocating candidal- : :mi J tie- op -it" or test iiie.-tion viz : that of an iinre-trieted convention by the people, ., iieve was not discussed any where, as we , before the lneetin.' of the Legisla ture. Indeed the whole hi.-tory of this ques tion from the Cr.-t proves that the people have twice Comli inned it as a matter ofcoli-.-tit'itioual reform. His I'.kci l'len y wasbcut- eii upon it in 1 l"S ami would have Leeii . i la ateii ill but f'r the unfortunate po- j -as ui which tiov. Manly o(vu.iec' towards certain s..t tioiis of the State. Thi- is proved fir-t 1 y the fact that Manly 's votj was'iu-eri-a.-ed from to 1 -." in those sections v In re Le was let personally an' :iA i i :. Hy by the fait that those members of ill'.' W liiiT party who r. pre-'-nted those scene.'- where M r. Man".;.' had r. n !, red him--'.!' p' r-oiio!lv ol'ie xious, and who-e Votes ;:ud ii.f.m I Uif, We bi elect 'd Oo.ernor Hi id, every j e, v ted a.'aiu-t toe i.reseiit i i : ; ' '; We -ay e let-.-1 rhcui t':e a to an, end the con-titutiou. Then t the L; ire iut attempt to ! til" pe pie all', louder, but ivc I 1 I t t . a:ii"ii l tii'-'.r own coii-titu- t: ' v. ii t:.i iii tliem an unr.-tn- te nciv an. end it in all tl. onvt ntion articular- e..-iri or p e leit thi- plan dont suit the ot the lA n."cratic party, who to I -.-in. vp parateiy each of tin (,.e -ti 'h- 1 at- ly lie.,. t.-d iii various d' the State, and ke.p tie in before the I'-r live ' r six years each, in ordi rt 1 art- i 1 1 n ii. as the PS.' "" I " rtv cat We W i:. ii t'h . .1 ! t'. i to n.a.a- party capital. Lc- I" .j i. -ti !.- ori.inati- in the take tin- form if p.utv . -. atel . ::.' :o k t J th" people '..r ailieati-'h in tiie f rm and with the t I! all- of pal ly il ii t uti--i-. And I'iius "! f an i.c . i 1 e a fair t.-.-t to a-c r- :e tn, r t. i t'.e U. -;re their.; .-ed L;ta-.1- :.t a -i i et. tj t- i : a tl.i- w V iii lii'Ji'O VWslf rn Plank Ilydil Mcclins. t.- tie- atteM: .-, , :, r- to nr ("1-Stock- d Cine . j -, ::n- -. ii .1. ) 'f , aUj. HIM,.' 1 a.c, 1 '.-l:T6 c.f tin; Wc-t-ril 1' oi tl hei d at 11 .OZ' il s. rrv on 'no 'tit ia- Congress. n "f f.'"!..r' :-oiif:t.'"l to j . t-.r . e tiu.e r.soliai att rs i.ot a.f. etin.' in any f the p. .'. l'j of thi.; b-ec- ti. ..ii of r"-t- The Ladies' Keepsake and Home MRIC.4ltV. V.'c have rccoi d the January Number j of this neat Periodica!, published by John 1 S. Taylor 1-13 Na-.-au street, .New York, at 1 one dollar per year, devoted to Literature a:. 1 Art. ' Ai an inducement to .-ub-crib'irs, the publi.-h'T, on the re'-eipt of one dollar, at th'; oilice of pubiicati-jn, w i.i forw ard a copy ' of the Lad us Keepsake lor one year, auu : one copy of his celebrated Portrait of Wa.-h-i;.'t!j!i. a great National Picture, from Stu art - mo.-t cckbratud paaaing." A CUAPTKK OF MISTAKKS. I. P.. r-o:is v.,' write Jonj articles f.r family ii w - make a grest mi-take tie ' (.t thi III to jrtneia:i id. V.'riter- who --' -t subject of litro- v. r-.-y are greatly n.i-takeii if they suj.po-e ti. it a pr . traded di.-cus-.ion will interest in.-ori'y of readers. i. V.iit. ri v. bo extend ..i.itiiarv noticea i .u'h a half a tolua.n, are frreatly li.i-taK' :, if tie y iiiia.ine that th y .-i-eure tne atft.ti .ii of oi," ha.! the oen.rai n adi -. 1. J h i e who wide only ;i , w Jim;, to ' r. p. et f,r the deeea.-cd, are reat- i-t lt tli fuppo-t; their brief n ,- te - v. ii, tn overl .oke'l. ". Viiit' rsof f'ircle,, habit are greatly iii!.'. if.:.i ji in.-', suj noo; an I'.ojie.r ...'... '. C . i ha i. ''illi.- to do, but to cornet their ii.i-era- 10 pijh'.t latioii. and oitiiooiajdiv and rc- 11 Oil. i Oil'- bait (luill-y sentei.ees. f'. Wi i:.-r- of indob-i.t halit. are gjieitly n.i-taki i, if they think that pi inters Ca ,),.. eyi se,;,teh, s a, readily aa thev can i e i jrmi.d letters. S' A V.'a-.hinton 1. tt.r-writer barns ' fob J r-inui.t a atnt Lai lost all the eo.'itracH which Le Lad made for the tali-a and le.-ia of Lis i;oid bearing land in Cali foiwa. through the ir.anifesi defer U in the i , . 1 1 j fornia, through ""'ie! Btun c-propej tomaKP." l Comnuuications. YOR THE NORTl CAROLINA Wlllii. An a honing meeting o tin .-ok k- . .i o. i : II t . . 1 I A 1 i... iu hii-rs of i i ui'.-ie.-i J hmU Uoail j Umipny vvasi til Id at lvl eils I'CIIV : r,d.. 7th 15:. On motion, l1 Ciitislr, Ksi wasaj pointeil Cliairtjiall. anJ Di . C. L. llun-; ter, Seeietai v. i 'PI... i ,.l'ii.i mei'i our li.i vino hi 'in i 1 ""J ' ! explaini'il ny tue v. nan man, ii was, on motion, 1Ii:soi. Thi' a ei-'iinittee of three . 1 i i . o '. he aioiitli il hv ill'' Chairman tocxam ineunil verily proxies : heii upioi! ( icn. J. A. Youim, pr. S. X. Johnston ami C. C. Ileiulersjin were a'onitnl. After due examination, I hey ieioii'il that 1M) sliarfs: Wi-re repic.M'iileil, in i l-on, ami 5iV-) by proxy, inak.m; .a inajoi ity of tli' hole. it was theiijim niotioii. llOLV KD, '1'li. it the Knuilieer L'lVe a verbal report of his sinvey ;is t,ir a. eollipletecl. 'Jie Kliuiinvr then exllih iteil a map of the -krtehi (I w ilh liih-lity ami act Ji aey, ami made mini r ons satisfactory explanations. YriterrA,uM-thiil rejunts were al.-o made hy ditli rent individuals, appointed ut ;i pn ioiismeetimx, show itn; that tin y ,d been u cessiut u. obtain- , i . i tig i he ;; irui. ' ' At tins stage o t the jiro-eeilit;as a ie-- , I re , wing oiuiion was ('Hired ill the following! words : I! KSOI.VKP, That w e recoliimi nd to the Stockholders of the Wcsp ru Hank Road Company toord't a -mv. y ot the roiiic from Charlotte to I.nn'n by wav of Hnpewe.l cluireh : Provided thiit an additional .-ub-criptioii ol live I thousand dollar.- If obi ail K d ( iiiil it . m- i ,1 that It take mat rotll. ) one w eek tiom j flj t!. S. h ...1 fund of the State ; das time. iin,( ;t H,,nld la wis,, than inadne--for our This re-ii'iition gave ri.-e to con-iih r- ,,teru br. thn i.t to hope to succeed wiih able debate. After a fall, five and am- i out eur i ii ration. Mutual forbearance mat. d di-i-lis-irli of it.- i 'je i' 1 v ami d b a vote UnTllS It Was ImailV li leeli ot' I lg Aye.- to ::): 'Noes. The liillow im r.-M'liitii'ii was t h Ii ui n; i it ti -i : ami iiiloiiteil Ox- an ovi i- w In liniiio tii.ijority. liK-oi.v l.l, That the We.-terti I'iank lioad be located h'oiii the public s,il U'e ill the low Charlotte to lleZ- if - Ft 1 rv i.pon -.he ii uie a- now survevi d. An aai-'.ihnetit was tin n s;.,;..,:ni',l and ndopr.-d as fiiliow s, I'rov ..h d. I tie. I'lesid' nl .-in 1 Davctoiso. I1' t'.-in-pinv shiii have i ii .A r to m.l -. i 0 change in the pioposi il m the eiL'ht mile iHi.-t and 1 he I I! Ul I k III Irwin's luaiitaiiou 1 ! mount tin- d.lh.'lillie- i:i oi ..:.!..:. ii f 'g' t 'J ":;. ( III uii'taili, L'rsoi.Vi:ii, That tie- p:'oi a i vl : .--tliis mectm" he puiiii-li! ,1 Hi tLeCn. lotto and l.iiieo'uitou p.. i . r-. IC Illi I -ti nT ttieti a'tl'iKi i" ' , ... , . . ., T . 1 1 A I I, ..I . .X . C. L. Ilr-.TI. CM till V. ion the i iiTit i. via i.i a w ; Mr. KniToii : A fey day- inc . ed the tir.-t Lumber of y..ur p; p- r .. i rue mit me to ceiigratii'at. Kdit'T of the .1 urnal vou and tl i M i v i i . i M l.-, , and ev.-ry true Win.' it.l w ho.-.- h ind-your pa per may fall. With you -ir. I have no per sonal a"iUaiiitai.( .-, I nf jiid-jing tr in .,.;r p-ip.-r I have n- h. -it ifi ui in - o.i:i.' etl'ort-. will be irown-d with -.,,u. si -( K-s arid the w,i eau-e fairly. !; m. -tlv and faithfully .-u-taiii-d. the prim i.h- of tiie CoNSTm -rm-. ably d, f. nd. d and the I . 1 1 1 N regarded a- mant'ii.g all the effort-, c. evirv tru-- Win- in tie- Notth ..r j'.tll. " Till, rol.iri. At. -K MAI AITKAU l.l.m.MV" to V ill at pre-, I.t. bill the time Wii. arii.e when by united i i rM all thi- -1-. ilit" wiil be di ..;!, d ,-t. id y J will haie nothing to fear. 11 ii -,r h a lag as you hae hoi-t'.ol you :..a . coiili I i.t i v t al ul at. up ui -uccess, sailing un'h r sm h a banner wiil .-.-cure in the eiil a rit h reward, and I have no iinj.arl .-..ti.-fat tion to your r. ;i'!i r- every W lie,-.'. bin are now ii ,n t'e- o i.. or rt i; 1.1 ol iMo.N' y u nai-t ( ., i t t , inci t with IM.'IHTIV.S froi.a without an! many lll. K.MiiTlONS within, but bo rot i.isi .'iir a.'cd. ou in i t i. poii )i nr. " -torms of i Km i.-ms dunii your . y age, waves of PiuisE Clio. .u.-Kt,HKi;--TION calumny and AIH.-E will meet you. j but vcr keep before you. your Motto " lilt Tit, JLjII e, Jlost-TY Ac. and you will achieve a brilliant triumph over error. Stand up to the cause you have c pou-cd, hriiily, boldly a, id per-evi rinel v. and the future will deei ,pe faeti sufiicii-nt fo satis fy the World of th.; correi tuess ol tiie MUM 1-l-LKs win h voc avow. With your friend Mr. Iloiton, I am personally acquainted and have been aincc he fir:t became the Kditor o the " Jouriiall and if there is a uni in .North Carolina who ha- any intere-t in a pre-i merit, and deserve, the I'A'l'.K ttf W'ni.1.-, Mr lloitoii is that iiidiwdual. Kvery of ins C i .Mio, TUK 'o .sll I'Llloi and Laws oe hiiu much for hi" KUoKls in defending th" same tor y-iir-ha- he he n battiiii' tor the Wlll'i i ai -K. i amid per.. eiitioi,.J Zander- and wbilul mi - has l,eer been known to Iai.ii.k lor a moment, hum, i h..sImi. i, I -w. At fciti oi, L Mi and i. ' iiMl'C," j vil.-IMi in bis princ ijlcs. Never ha- he been sunk so low in bin ow n estiina'-ioii ii-to place i hllll-.'lf lipMll tin; I'l LlV M. I IIK-.1 llDAIll), j there to tnke his chance at a value of chance, l:iii.i;irr and sol.n as cireuinstuneei mi-ht ; I hi A 'IK and interest H(.MAI), So sir, he would not surrender Lis kkim ji-i.ks to rat- ify any political Cl.lul K, he has with tood i ail ihe M'OKM.s of oppo-itioii and i.i I 1.1 Kit I others who hgurcl arid flouri-hed like the j reen ikKK at the commencement by i his untiring imiL.strv and i ku-kv kkav k i with Lis i. sIjiim; Iikvoiio-. to the Con-ti-j tution and the b'nion Le Las plant, d him I si it securely upon such a fouiidiitiou a' will i secure to It i in a llti.ll j-osn lev in the at), c- ti 'iis of every lover of the I'nion be him i b. en levied by the l'K, S l I'M. II V " Hull I m.t.s but he-urvives all, and now stands n li .in;' mom of io.m-ikvi y and ii ; v to the Coi.Rtitiition, Hiieli men are -'ai' in the caput ity ol Kditor-c 1 1 tru-t -r. your paper w ill nu t t with an t-Jflcii-ivt! ' 111 L I.ATH. Hlld thereby Mieour- , J " "-' ' te ol any nervicc to you in the way of pro- : you to double your dilii-enee. If I e curing kCB.liiERS I will cWrlully aid : Jou iii doin. ' t-an.-e. Feb. l-oj. Willi. STAiK CONVENTION. We copied in the l ist Observer, an article oin the (ircciishoroiigh Patriot, defining iroiu e , ht, Wc-teru U hi. -s as to the ,. Weimiili-h 1. i..... ., IV..1M ll... r.lenbetti Citv ! o i il.l V.otl, Sii.i.. ,w I'viiivsM'i" t he oi.lii- " ' - -- , ion of the Whl.-sot that s.'etionot the Mate, iu e.ircct .p.u.-iik.ii t-. the icv of the IV triot, thou-li not intended a.- a reply to the latter ., , ,, ... . .... i .....hi V.....1. s;... 1 lie IUII IM1 llun me M'l in ei'iiuim, in we believe, the oulv iianers which have re marked upon the sei tiolial ipiestions likely to occur in the Convention, lint, their ar ticles -how the teelin.' which exists to sonic . . i .i extent iu caeli section, ami wiueii iiiu.-i no exneeted to be encountered ill til' eConven- tion. lH'TY Of TUK WllltiS. In the hi t t lubi i nat M election the NVIol's of North Carolina, who coii-tiiute a lar;e tiiiijority of the population, were defeat cu for want ot I'nioii, and entire coiilidouce in the Cam'iilate selected for their standard bean r, joined with an overweening conli ileiice iu their own strength. The same cau-cs will incvitally produce like result.-; it then fore bchoow thepuity to organize early iu cviry ecui.ty ot tiic M ite appoint delegates to the Stale Convention ami de termine to support with the entire strength of the' party the nominee. I 'I hat thi- may be Hone it i- important that ; UR ; , 1 v , , ! icmieii as iiossinii . ui.u mi- i,ou- no ii oi , ,, , , ,., M1 aj 1m,iou- lik. lv to create sectional j . I,.,,,; .l., i,.,,, the Coiiveii-i which, I will aid the Whig LiUElUY. tion. 'I hat there in e .pic-iion-calculated Id slm. pleasantry, "your wonderful mid fu--1'io luce irritation, distiu-t, and an entire einating cloipiencc has Uiesmcrised so large disruption of parly lies, no one at all ion- a j,rjim our people, whircver you have er-aut with the pally o'.ilics of the State, , gone, ull,l ,.v,. h0ine of our members of will for a moment doul.t. j Conre-s," waivin.; bis hand towards the '1 he Ka-t cannot and will not suj port the i tH ,,r t,r,.t. ;eiiilemen who were present, Can .i'late ot any C.t.v. mi..ii, which shall ! .. iiti I feared to come under iu intiuiiice, .-lew a i iii'.u to tan. p. r with the pr.-- i l,..t . i.ii . r Kt shake mv faith ill some, prin ... I ..... .. v. . - I,..,, ft... i.r.'s, i,t an-. law in. ;.t,. re-peel l a the ( jii-tinj Coiisti'uti'in and - -hould aetiii.le the Wbii: party, the Li. -t ei.i i ii. "( sentiment producing at- u, . i 1 i .i itai iy r. -uit in liie .1.. r ..- tie pal I V hi the a plo.icliiliir C 'll- t. si An .ta. i- 1 1. iu.' .-boil'. 1 be rei 11. i n d. that the ,-tate i hi tion will exert il powerful in tlin lae iij'"ii the Presidential; and tlio'ijli we that, in the main, our Stat" r.fliccrs s-li, il ! I ie l ie'-. i with rtf'-rencc to State ill.e t N ati oi.,,1 i-.ti.- and results -hould let i.tir. 1 1 t i.l.t of. ha- -o ."ii'. held rar'k a N..:. - ol the I'liion. that t - h.'ille t I see iu the N l 1 l"ild hi.' balim r t aii 1 .-he fa-t biiiiiid t the ll tie- ' i etio A u . i. t w .oi I i.t He ao- ' oi .r. ,,t;y t.. I. Il the pr.i tte !' i- Hi H . lice- . X l.ii. , ,f a act.: L -'.. if , . t. t I hi I "i- i , i0 in. i.t in. ii ..i-trii-t. d in noin- -r u i r- but tl u r 1 i t t . 1 1 I irv hi. i;t ' i : 1 ' .:' r t ti.-if p -!. :.i i full., r . i .-diet t I. - of u'tiii.. -ie 1 1 - - in li. it: ,. . it li.. i- io- any i i.i i : -.! w iih in-it ..: tie- p. .-. il I : pa i ty . aiei in c 1 a the I -Lances of th i-e : anuiiiiig t ., n -... 1. 11. ally alie d to t hem. tie U'e y are nir-ii;iig a suicidal poin y. a i ri u tru-t Unit entire harmony may in the Whig 'oumils, knowing that il it do--, -u, i wiil a-suro.!!v crown tie- i pert- o th, party to whi.h we an at tached. l'ayi ti.-ule I lb-. I ,. r. Aiillh l I.TCIiAI, AMnM- In iio il. j artuici.t is 11 ie ,n - -. 1 -brat-d i.i :i i in , " Knowledge i - v. r . Worth more than in agriculture. Ibce i.-, ta' can be accounted skil'.l'u! in hi . fe- i o: who do.-- not mail l.iui-i! ,t I ie- information, to be derived tr.m I he i xp.-iiei.t-o ..f ..tiers, .-old who do.-. t."t in, j mv I.i- knowledge, by tin pi r,i-al ..t the abh-t w-i k ', which have Inn written on that subjet t Il i- ab.-urd I i inia.iiu', that tiie communi cation hie w led: ' which ha- pr-.tlioled the nd'. line, n.eiii of i n iy att, -houi I be ! in u i ii a i iio, .1 ,i re. I jidcavor to raise I -rain. .,r it will I al . ay s -ell . evn in y a r i f plei.t y ; w here- , a- ll is (.lily in d.-iir and si .m , -, ;i .on., that ' tin re i- a iji niand I- .- giaiu of an inf-rinr ipiaiity. j Let your stock of cattle, lior.-cs, Ac, le of the be-t -orts. and more reinarkable for real utility than for beauty or fa-Li m. lie not above your profes-ion, and alway. c ui-idcr it a.i tiie lir-t that any man can fol low. Admit no tru. -t into your hou-c, who can not live upon the productions of Lis own country. No farmer ought to undertake to cultivate more land ll.aii he cuu manage t advan ti e. It is better to till twenty acres well than ot.o hundred in a slovenly maiim r. A man" owning a large farm i-no excuse fur imperfect tillage. U hat he cannot im prove, lie need let undertake to cultivate. A lar.e farm, with mt skill, capital and iiidu-iry. i- a plague to it, owner. It i like what -dim I, o iy said of self-rigbteoiMliess, the mure Vol iiave ol it tiie woi -e you arc oil lib, I I li.N OF FX K li S I'llMKT. Jiy a not" from U. I'. ..ud, Ks.p, Jhree- tor of the Harvard ib-'erv atory at Caui- hi i le we b am that thi- singular and in- ....: I v- . t. ie ling i one t. i, again vi iide. Nearly Io y.-ar- have elap-ed -nu-e the period of revo lution ol this comet was ili-cover.-d by M. F.i.cke, of li-rlin, who.e name it bears, to bt: vi-iide about ill month-, or a little more than IS yean. It- recent rit urn- have there fort: bteii can dully ob-i rvc I by u-trouo-iiier-, us by lb' ..i tin truth of the theory ol a re i-ting mi nium p!.ipo-ed by M. Flu ke, will pi' be u-ei I lained. Mr. Ji. says it i- ("lining toward., the caith and we shall ,-i-c more of it if the chimin do .,,t prevent. I lio-toli Traveler. I". S. MINT. month of .January the coin- Purine thi age at tli e hiiii leljdila mint was o I,'.':, iu gold toin; tl ., ill in silver coin ,1 Io and ') , . I . I : . lopjir r. 'Ihe ree. ij.t- ol cold bullion iioin r,i,ioi i, in liui in ; the month were I 1,0 1 1 ,i.llli, and jrom nilr ,,ui e. s .'-I If, M II. 'j j,,. sij,i r hiihioiuli p., ited was il' ,'i' . Jenny Find was married at Huston on the ith iust., to Utto Goldm Lmidt, pianist. M. KOSSUTH AND MK. CLAY. Tlu intfl view lH-tyccn SI. Kiissutll ntnl Mi'. Cl;iy lins cxcitcil a general m- tcrt'st in tin' I'Olllitrv, iiihI I lie ri')(il't.s ul it hitherto fiiven to the pulilic liiive b'en soniewlmCkiaccurate, mid, tit I he best, 'iinnrrtect The cem.v.nv on the occasion I . r 1 . .. colisisll' I ,.i S n:Ur I'as.-s Jones, ol I I'liiiessee. .Ml", f enuail, ol nils iiiv, - - . ... ... ,. Mll, lie 1 loll. I'f. sley hVllo, ol Km- mi kv. The lnst-u;iinel geiilU'iiitin hits u,(l; i,,,!,,,-,, ;,t th.Milslaliee ol' several persons, anil wnn ine consent oi mi. Clav, to give a more cMcndeil and careful it p-ut of the interview, ntnl (- lieeiallv of M:. ("lav's remarks, which' 1 .-.... i i-i i i 1 ' . 1 . 1 . 1 M .. re.jarded'as nitthentie, havino, besldesl 1 1 1 1 1 1 i tiu. :m( v ill' II m:iv nn ' , . . m i. .i . the au.hon.v ol.Mr., the sanction ol Senator Jones, by whom the report lias no. n (..xamiiieu mm nppioveu. , wi(()e illt,,rvil.w jie illustrated the rare com M. Kossuth was introduced by Mr. filiation of the profoundc.-t respect witho Cass at about three o'clock. the ciiiiille.-t sacriliee of his personal dL-niiy, On being presented to Mr. Clay, who exhibiting in all his bearing the most lini-h- rose to receive him, "Sir," said ne, " , ed and attractive stamp which can be given thank vou for the honor of this inter view . "1 beg you to believe," said Mr.Clay, iiiteniiiing hini, "that it is 1 who am honored. Will vou be pleased to be .-eated 7" Alter the mutual interchantrc of civilities, I owe you, sir, ' said Mr.Clay, "all apolo- ,,y fr not having acceded before to the de- ? M vre M"u f " 10 , , '" ,T tiuni once, to see me. Ilia reauv mv ncuiiii , ... '. , , . '.,,'.!,. ,aZar,l the excitement of so intcri-Cii'' an r, It..,.!,)..- wlr " l. mldiil ttiili ciples iu rcyard to the iorei'ii policy ot this tioi eminent whii h I have long and con- taut' v cherished. And in regard to this matter, you will allow me, I Hope, io spcaK with that sincerity and candor which In comes the interest the subject has for you and lor my -elf, and which is due to us both a-the votaries of freedom. I tru-t jouwill I i '.lew im , loo, when I t' ll you that 1 eli te i t in. ever tin- liv. li -( sympathies iu every stru..'le tor liberty, in llunjary, and iu cM-rv country. And iu this, I believe, I express tin: iiniver-al sentiment of iiij coun try men. lint, fir, for the sake of mv coun- try. vou in ii -t allow mc t) protest again-t 1 the policy you pr..po-e to h.-r. aivmL' the gr in- ami inomeiitous tjue-tion ot tne ngni of teie nation to as-ume the executive pow- er among nations, for the ciitoret of international Ux, or of the right of the V. Mat.- lo r r ii dictate to l.ti-ia the charai t. r ul ation-witii the nations around I , t n- at ..mi' t.) the t.raeli. al eon-id- ration of the matt, r You t' ll u-vour-elf, Willi -Vlll rent truth and propriety, 'hat mere ! thy. . r the expression f sympaihy, : one t advance your .urpo-e.. 1 on re- 'I ui" ne t. rial aid. And iinlet d it is malii- ; !"-t that the li.i re declarations ot the -vne i p ,thy of ( '..iigress. or of the Pre-id.-i.t, or ! of the pul lie, would be of little avail, unless .. - ' . t t -. , tion- by a resort to arm-, and utiic-s other ie.'i ,i. - i oi l 1 -i that pr. p .ration and di- ' termi'.ati.'ii up. li our put. Wi ll -ir, -ui- e ll,.-..t M. r -holli'i ! the i.-ue of the y ei pi' .po-e I i a-, could yve lie n . f. 1 . t ;y tlung lor y.ui, ..ur-tl',.-, . r tl." "f id . rtv ' 'Io Iran port men and o r -ss tl,,. oi ,.:i in -ufet iint iiuiiil t r. arin- and quantities to be t lb t live again-t Ion sia and Au-tri.i would be iinpo.-ihlc. It is a fait which perhaps may not be generally know ti, i !-, ;.t the ino i imperative ft a -on with : Ct'-at Ih it iiti for the close of her last war 1 with U-, w a- the immense o-t of the trails- j poii'. ti, mi and tuainti iinnee ef f.,r. c and the ' munitions of war on mich a tli-tant theatre, and yet -he had lint peril OS more than' thirty thou-and men upon this continent ut ' any tune. I p-m land l!u U is invulnera ble to ii-, a- We are to In-r. I poll tin oeiaii. ! a wur b. tweeii Kus-ia and this country I would result in the mutual annoyance to ! "iu m. ne. Iut i r ihal ly in little t l-e. I b arn recently that lnr war marine is Mipc- I rior to that of any nation in, except peritaps t. n at i.iitain. II. r port- an- b w, In r commerce limited ; Lic we, on nur pan, would .iff. r as a prey to lo-r crui-ers a rich and t xten-ive commerce, Thus, sir, alter (-fleeting nothing in such a war, a'tcr abandoning our am b nt policy of amity and iioii-int. rveiition in the affair- of other na ti ui-, and thus justifying them in abandon ing the terms of forbearance and lion-ii.tcr-fereuce, which they have hitherto preserved towards us ; after the dow nfall, perhaps, of the friends of liberal institution iu Furop-, her despots, imitating and provoked Ly our fatal example, may turn upon us iu the hour of our weakness and exhaustion, and, with an almost equally irresistible force of rea-oii and of arms, they may nay to u-, ' ou Lave set us the example, you Lave quit your own to stand on foreign ground, you Lave aLandoned the policy you profess ed iu the day of your weakness, to interfere in the affairs of the people upon this conti nent, in behalf of tlio.c pi im iples the su premacy of which you say is necessary to your pro-perity, to your existence. We, in our turn, believing that your anarchical do. triiifs are destructive ot, and that lnon archieul print ipb'.s are essential to, the peace, aecurity, and hit) piness uf our aub jects, will obliterate the bed which has iiouri-bed auch noxi'ius weeds , we will cru-h you, as thi: propagandists of doctrinen so de-truetive of the peace and good order of tin: world.' The indomitablu snirit of our peojde might, and would be eoual to . J .. . the ciiicrgeiicy. a.n( we mi ht remain un suhdueil even by no treincntloiis a combina tion, but the consequeliceH to ux would be terrible enough. Vou mii-t allow me, sir, to speak thus freely, as I feel deeply, thu' my opinion may be nf but little import, as the expression ,, a dying man. j " Sir, the recent melancholy aubvprsion , of the lit publican I iovcriimeiit of France, : and that enlightened nation voluntarily I placing its net k under the yoke of ilespnt : ion, t. at h us to tlespnir of any present eue- ce.s for liberal institution in Furope ; it j C u"; inipres.sive warning not to rely upon others fur the vindication of our tirin- ..- i i ..... . . . '. -ipies, mil io iook lo ourselves, and to clier-l-ll with more care than ever the K. eiiril ,,r ,-, ,. i.i .- ' j o .. ii oi-, 1 1 io ion- ami i;:o preservation ol mir policy niel prineipleH. J!y the policy tt which we have adhered fined; the days of H a diiii 'ton, we have prospered beyond pre cedent ; wo have done more for the cause of liberty in the world than armn could cf. feet ; wo have ahowti to other nationn tlio way to greatnena and happincna. And if we hut continue unitej a one. people, ami t. tl... Tli..V U'llWll. .1.11- hns so vVHry ttll,i tiiumphuntly viuuicatej, we ,n!Vy j miother iuarU'r of a century furnisli an example which the reason .!' ti.o world caunot resist. Jiut if we should in. volve ourselves in the tanked web uf Luro- J"'a" I'0''1'1-'4! " WMlr '" ' c'-ald etlect nothing ; and if iu that stru.le Hu. ., rm HilU tl. mill It .-llOlllll n,. j - ..',.',, ... i. .... .i. . uowri Willi uer, wu.iu uicn w(v uc inu IU.-1 IIO lie 01 llie l.ll'll'isui ii.;..v..u luiwuil,. nnt ,i, '.,...., ? l..r l,..Ul.r h it ur our for Uunjrary, and lor the cause f jji,t.rty that, adhering to our wi-e paeilie . ..... , - . system, and avoiding ti,. ui-iant warsut Lumpe, we should keep our lamp burnm,. brightly on this western shore, a.s a li"ht to all nations, than to hazard in utter etiiu I (1... rnliid of f:illitl or inline r r. nun w. c ,v- P"!'.'.'" iuKuroinr." f J lirouiilioui .'ir. v ibv n-iuai sith tllulmit intent and tu.ltion. ll(1), throughout th,, to the true metal of genius, lie did imt enter, in his turn, upon a controversy ..f Mr. Clay views, but began by statins' what he thought the reasons of the repeated fail ures to establish liberal in-titutious in France. Kducution and political inforiiia tion, he said, did not descend very deep in to the masses of the French people J att an illustration of which fact he Mated that hundreds of thousands, when voting for the first time to elevate Louis Napoleon t the Pre-ideiicVtliouelil the old Kmperor win Mill alive and imprisoned, and that the vote they lin n gave would clfect Lis deliierani e. He (.radually diverted his remarks to tin: affair of Hungary, Austria, 'tSu.-.-ia, and 1 urkey ; Hpeaking of the eiaggcratetl -ti. mate of the htreligth of ltussia; of the strength and weakness of '1 urkey In r slrciigth, which con-i-tcd iu her imnieii-e land force, and especially in her militia, or I.AMiWElllt, as he ti rmcd it ; her weakne-s, which wa. the liability of the a-sault of Coiistantinopl : by wa. And lure, appa rently in allu-ion to Mr. Mr. Clay n comic, tion of our being unable to t -fleet any thin ; in an Kurojiean war, he spoke of the inaie. rial aid which might be rendered Turkey in a war with Russia by a naval foree t r the prot. ction of her capital. Alter a ncri. of cnt. rt.tiiiiug and in-trut tie remark, a- bout the c Iition and iro-pn ts of Luropc geiieraliy, he r J-e to depart. Mr. ('lay rose and bade him farewell for ever, with the utmost cordiality and th,' kindle .--t sympathy beaming in his face ami MifTu-ing bis eye; and gra-pin Kmiutli's hand, he said, ' Idesi vou and your j f.Ulliv ; i;,,, l,,,,s j1)ur ,.,,; y may she j (.t e fri,t, Kos-uth, apparently overwhelmed by the ft aru (.,r1((t e mpathy thus exhibit. .! i fir i,;,,,. l,j, su(l',.ni,g t'auiilv and t-.un- . u profoundly bowing, pr.:ed Mr. Clav s I ,i..,.n ,..,, t. I thank t..u. hoiioretl ir '. ; t .i,,,ii ,.v r. ,.,,.r'v d il.t health may be restored and thai tiud inay prolong your life!" Mr. Clay a eyes tilled with li ar-, ho a'ain pres-cd the hand win b clasped his own, probably f..f the laj-t tune, but he could aay no more. Thus t lo-cd one of ihe ino-t int"re tin st encs it has cut been the fortune ot ttif no et ill this world. '1 lie one, hv. ii.rf biu I. rtl the t-our-e of Li- (! i,.v, luou.i liv. I and acted through tin: U it. r part of hi. e. iniry - li :- i tic. and Willi it. irroAing ;r. .-itn'-- and Mi.'JH having r hieved In. own, tin- sun of hi-glorious career ja-t go ing down in unclouded l iiliiiiiit y , and m u l ing back the rays of it, declining (.lory up on a happy l.-nd, Ihe other, sti',1 ai tin li.i leq ing and fearing. Lis ju t ti.-ing a mid -liirms and clouds and tlar'iit ; bt fure Ii i tit . all the v iei.-itu.le .,f an unci r tain future for bim-clf and f...- his country : the one, like a prophet of old, pr s iailnliig tin print ipl.-s of the fathers ol his country, t" whom be was shortly to be gathered tli .-e prim iples, living by which that coun try bad aehiived ,er griatiic-s; the otter, like a st lio lar, Il t riing to rati L th word of wisibim, and Lear tin- h s-oii- i,f exp. ri t nee, whiih should be tr. a-iired up, and which might yt t one day profit Li- country in In r pupilage: to portray that -eeie-a-right w.Jti'il ( lialic i:ge the skill of the p t and the painter. The writer would rival, too, the art of a Handel and a Haydcti, could he transmit to this panci the swe. I In. lain In. ly cadeiiees of the v nice f the Hungarian cile, sounding like the low m. I auchi'ly wail of the striken children of free dom ; or the trumrcl-loiied yoiee of the ..Id Stale-mail, gathering some of its am n ut (.treiigth, and ringing almost as full and noroiw as when in days of obi iti clarimi peal sounded its note ot cliet r and murage to a nation in its triumphal martli to gh iy and to crcatness. Nat. Intelligencer. AKK Vol ANSWKPFI)' Will the Itegi-tcr come forward and give Home RKAStisn why the Whigi ought to be re-tored to powei iii North Carolina ". Standard, itli. e, to accomodate ynu : I. Ik cause they have been xeahms friends of State improvement. "i. Ikeau-e they Mood by tho-c iniprovc mcnts, when the Loco Foe. is opi,,.eil them. It. Ilecause they are friends ot the I'.Mos and opposed Sk r.ssinN. 4. Ik-cause they arc friend j( the Com promise measures. h. Heeause they arc opposed to interven tion in foreign allium. (i. ltecau.:-; they are against Fillibustert ami FilliLu-terism. 7. Ikrause they love their own Country and Washington, Letter than they do Hun gary and Kossuth. Ik cause they have a good t xample t i follow in the wisdom, (iriimes.s and paliiot ism of the present National Administration. '.). Heeause the People don t want tho-e in power any longer who sustained, and al ready again to mi-tain, f.r the Presidency , a man " who votes and writes bi ters that require a Mi (i.Mi Pami.i. To lv TKHI'KKT I" Hegistt r. " Wlir.N will Mr. Fillmnre begin his race for thu Presidency ; anil where Ik Mr. lira hum I Standard, Ith. The former ha already mat hed that high position, and added new lustre to it by his patriotism and wisdom. The latter is, where he ha always been found, AT II IK IMIHT OK 111' TV AMI IK -Mill ' The Kditor, certainly , has been on a vi-it to Ihe " Kx-Charge." (J00'J morning, Vim Winkle! Register. 3T Tho Hon. II. M. T. Hunter has bet n re-uleeted Senator in Congress from Virgin ia, without aerioua opposition, 1-dJkM

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