4 he Ho ill) A. C. WiLLiAMSOH,(EniTon. i. j. iiuLiunIi,i",!" S'tl.K. VOLUME I. CHARLOTTE, 3XT 0.P FBBntTARY 18, 18S2, HOLTON k WILLIAMSON, Proprietors. TERMS: The North Carolina Wing Be fTirdrl In mS-iMnr. al TWO DOLI.AKS in advance, or TWO lK't.I.ANS AN'l) HFIY ( KNISil i av mm I be delayed Tor lliree nniinh, and HI R sib DOLLARS at the end of the year. Advertiirmi ma insr-rted it ( )ne Dollar n r squari (lb' line, or !, tin uted type) fur the first wir tinn. and "jaent for erh cmiiniuante. Court id Vcittiunimla 11 d fclinrifT Salra charged 35 pf rent hifher ; and a deduction of 3'1 net rent, will be made from the rrg ular pricra, for iHnnnrr. bt tfia year. A-dverinu im-rna married m-mtily m quarterl, 1 pur q lire I. r each itine R.tji-tii.tlt ly 73 eenta per square for each lime. IT VI letter relative In lha K litorial I)epri mint rnual be dirrcird In he fvliinf. And ell l i ltr nr. nu-ttiaa f(r Job Work, mu.t be d'li c led to the P ib hdier. All Itinera must be post-paid crihev "ill not be attended l. IT Payments ran He made to cither. . . f'ial.na' ra '! suihaiXid to act ae S(ailB. tlis(cancou5. .TIi-llonn IiCm INmiic. nv ii. c ii i r i Tub heavy Iread of'it hoi! t-chnrd out up on I he mi , Hi it axli'ary hoi mm rode nlm.g the Ii nka ul I tin S.ntee river, ami im k tn iv ir, thei direction of 'h f inn rinu-e nf Eihu Hiidier. II" was alinif twenty five year ol ai-, en I ws ttrij in iIib uniform (if Marion's men. II" rmU a till coil black gteed, and was comple cly Brmed fur fini at" nr d friisive i.per tiottt. Hi. h.nl ev ih'nily brn belated, and was rm wishing In make up lor lni lime, fur hia Diihie Bleed was uiged forward m lapid gallop, and hia eve wanderrd anxtnt sly and wanlv around him. Suddenly a bright ri d light bn ke ihrnugh lha fu eil and far down Ilia atream ho h ihe lurid apaik aarfnd into lha air, and bflhrld a rril glow painted upon iha cloud, bv the coi.fl tgrstinn-bcbiw. Hash V raii.ii g 11 h a at.rrup. he g I rl fr an tnalant on he teem!, ai J tln n e ic aiin ed: " Mv fi'id ! it it the h ui of llunir-r ! A ! av !" (truck hia apura di'P(i into trm au.'e of hit h ri, who j; n. a ill aniirt aj-d lik an arrnw fr.'tn pmrerful bu ih!nujh the tide iif the furea'. T'. red 1 1 Tie a i f the fiiej can an unearh ly (lar u ion ihe aurriignd na uljtpla, and revei'ed mill fivir'ul dialmi lnra th leilure of a airniig man vli" h'U anierf d frmn the drpi h of the won'l and ettwid leaning upon ha r l1 , fi ng at ih gloomy aniara. ILa tip. qi riri! with amntiiiri, an'l a tffar atari ad tiivinumari'y to hie y but bruhipjj a aide Ihla evplfliC" if hie airnkie if vteak tie. it mee bo ca ld, h alrillKl In arhfrn Ihe form ( a female lay eireiened a mn ihe earth, a'id aiipm don h" acriit'rni'l wnh ore i!ep lung (f'ance, iht pallid Irntmrt and parir-d lha inn I id hirka frmn hrr p'irv brow, wl rre lha fatal ininile had frcd ue rntranc and deprived Inr nf life; and then railing himc f to tin fu'lrai height, h greap ad tin r II iti a pinn!ic r'u'Cti, anil breolherl f.ir:h in firvid luiit a ihe ung'e word Wnyrance." And lumirijr amud, wn abntl' leavmjlha p 1 1 , aa the aound ul a hurav'a gallop full upuri hia ear. P"r Mr D itiald " he muMeriMt ; " he rcmi'i but mi fi n) hia alTianred bnda'e hnuae in ruini and her in the haixie uf hia tnnai im piarab e fne." Tho ruh nf the a eed ai heard, Ihe un deranod parted in lera'n, and with bnund a hireman boiled in from nf the Inirii men. ainn, and glanced vrilh an unearthly atara arn'ind him. It aa McD.MialrJ ! the ifTunced of Marmn II iniir ! II i luff brow arat at pallid aa that of the drad fem! iht lay b n'a h hi hore'a honf. and hit rho-!, aa pa'" ai Ihe while roa of Sliarun, while every lunh nf the t nng mm iraii.bli-d I ke an rn leaf, and hn tu. t'ni hravrd almit mhiiratmg nti the f in e of hia emntmn, aa he ahnu'id forth in Ihe r,( hia hi-arl " V . Mirmn Ihutl I" fry M irion ! Where arl "(in ler-k dm fiipmv nf nur Innr!, that tin win ('ertinn nf Tarletun'a, I'Mrra ie, and ynu ill find h. r who you eeek," and the hunter atrndn ti hia a de " Hirlie, my fi end, huvv long lince thit deed hppened V " N it an h ur aince." " Then, by the a uU of my foref libera, ah" ahull yet b" m tie !'' and turning hia aieed, ha da-hed rapidly frnm the epnt, lullo rd by the burner, after Inking nue liii;r-rii g luuk at the Irene of ruin Irft behind him. a a a e 1 he hi' a ma nf the morning aun gilded Ihe tree inpa and g anceet leilly from hi. I io hill, a Ce plain Eilerelie and hia part iaau-d from Ihe blark fureata aad entered upon the nunt open cnuntrv around it. In Iho centre of ihe group roils the prieimere end Ihe eve of iha Oll'iCnr often reeled with gloating admi' alion upon Ihe fair f-aiuret oC 'he dfenctl-a ta rimi, aa the ai!ently and with dnwncait eyea roda along Willi a nurdy Irnnper Upon each aide, Io prrvenl any audilon ret iIumuii aha wghl form tneerap. The living on,( night Iho party hud travelled on wild unwearied vigilance, and now thai lha terror of Ihe for. I, known aa lha haunt nf Munon and hia men. were pna.ed, the t'e plain reaolted lo haul! In procure anma ri-frrehiiii'ma and from Ihe ardi'nl glanrea ha hdd an nfien cnal upon her, M.iriun waa led In bi lieve he nicrii an-d anna aci of violence lowarda her, and aect'l ly rcaolved, if any nppnrtuntty presented, lo anapn. The party haulied befote lha gate at large Tory farm houae, and one of the mon dninuunled threw it ripen, and the caval cade entered the rncloaure one after another; lha apnea nm bing wide enough to admit of morn than nun going in ai a lime. Their long ride had ao wearied Ihe mn lhat Ihey hurried in aa faat aa pneaibte ; and by check ing the impatience of her liuiae, Murmn re. mained nuta de until all bul her two guarda bad paaard in. () .a ol llioao ilien advanced before her, bidding iha nlher lo remain be hind her, but at he left her aid-, quick aa luujght ilia turned the head of krr need, and pplving her whip lo Ihe flmka nf Ihe apiril ed animal, he pran! riff in Ihe direction of Ihe bUrk foreal. A deep curao broke from f ihe lipa of the remaining guard he wheel ed hia aieed In follow her, and H drew the) attention nf ihose inaide, among whom waa Cllnrilie. Mount, n en, and follow lie ! a thoiirand dol lara lu Ihe me who i-rcurea her alive!" l e .limited in phrenx ed tonea nfmadnetl aa ho haatily mounleij hi- n it'-ed 'o ruroe. "(J-nn Mnim !-tn d bhe you fi r a noble girl ! and IM defy tin-vilLnna find ymi again On, nn. jirll Thee ia hope tiethre, ai.d wnrae than oraih brhind;" a"d ihe teara of heartfelt j iy p mred over ihe ch. ak of Hunt' r, aa he gnx-d um ihe ascitmg erne Take thai oid gray headrd dog I" the first tree, and liana- hi.n upi.n the firl h..,b !" wrainfully . fie4 Kller-lie, a- he ipnrnd h i h.r-e through lha ta a, aad .nh. d h m lori'd In quirk puruil Hjire d. t n men rpr n lorwa'd lonv.aud Ihe , old man a. reea-d fn.m hi horee but ao i.g had i l-ii luritw biro cm tnied in ne pneiiiiHi, that he wit unable la ava il aid In- 41'tu-a. bruiall' aewing him by rh (r'iy haira of hi- head, drapei-d him forward to an nek Irar whn h grew in ihe y'd ai d prorur inr a rnpe, prrparrd IO rarrv into rieeolinn the let dlahi.ic-l nrdtrel Ha blid llnrr- J l-.iler-h. In the infaini iie 'lie alaed wlin-u bore 'he limine Murion, aarpi rap dl onward for the fnnt, and non dialanrerl all ave the nne onon whirh waa mnun'rd I ir.lie linn a'f, ai d he a.xin aw that thr ..d i f i. ii hor.e nii-h H'al .he must inrvi- ; tnhlv br nv. riaaen ; f I he plird the whip, and they ' flnw' hka ire wind inward the gloomy wood that loi.iiia'' op befnr- them. It'i' hundred yaid' inti r vrerd, when, wnh a l ainoniae! Uuh he dashed up be.ide he', and e. nnif holn ol her bridle rem, by a powerful eff.it! eh. i kid ihe tii of her horae. and ty the nine lhi rea. h. d iha edee nf the hlack lor es , boih rid. r. rame mi halt, a- d 'hr. wing hi left arm around her, he at'iinl lrd to d'a hrr to him i The ei.iitmei.i of lie fl f ' h'd hmoghi ihe warm himl iq her rhek, b..t ih" m-u t he ft fed. . aenl it ru-hing- hai k. and ri.r a nioiioni ah. bera.oa a pale eeinirh'e; men ref' V-r.np hr.a -lf, wni one wild, bra rt rindn g ihrira ihrooBb Mo' an'roun)in(t . ed, and vi'niy rnd avo'td to hak ft" hia hold hot ihe r.y i,l di-.palr whuh the-, wi-ni op fro n the !iHl Or i-j 'ed mi.O -rarp e a" hi aid hv earl ih.lt thrilte.t with a pnr of nmr'tl ae"nv. aa ii vibraid up-.n hi aeni, ; ai d tt ai inf hlioa. I' Irom hi eie. cu'ioai.r. ll.ni.r r-a.y-rl lo monni I lie w.l1 and t! ' In itie rrarua of hia daoghirr. P'J' he t1 rudilv ' huld h.rk hy ihe anna o' iron, i d h i pindinf fell" aa upon hearta f mirl.lr, oni1 throwing hmiaelf. bnon Ihe aa'lh, ihe old man grnantd tn angunh, hrainng rnalrdirlHrn upon lha d alro er of happi nnid iniiirina- ' 1 Itui a unifier b.aidi- her father hetrd that fear'ul ahriek. a i wvot rr h'.nif il.inir hr 'ore-i ; and oh, the ihr.ll of h .rror thai t k (o-wo on of In ho aom io thai la-i rmin of iV-.air ! 'I ha ..am 8-w ' in dri.pa from Ihe b t. nl ft. iill. and a- if cnum mua of ihe tiiyrnri at th ieran n, he fle rather :han ran fhrouch 'fre o- d unl.l bn'h he nd h. riiier arrnird like liiinl- flonf Ihroofh air, raiher II an ocr-iipaol n' earth. Krool tho t o' ..a aloi Ms i.nall g t d d-.wn tt.o ro-iii n b.'hn!ri Marmn iiruprlititf in the arm. of Y In- ie. whn fia dia nioun'ed. and is n d. av m inr 'o At hrr f.omh.r irl. lie raoea a oil in hie aiinnp hi broad tliran t- glitter in iha raya of Ha un and hi poaerfnl ire r:ng om Ukr a ilion-'ir al in on toe nn r nrif air, a ha ahouta aiuutl hia we I known war nv ii mi i ' a b. a-. i " Vtntk it Ik - Turin .' Mirion, I etmt The roi.aa..Nie ol l,llei-oe i .1 a he hrarU the trrriblr --uDd.ai'd ri leaa.nf the form of Marion, be frenf in li. no -r; Hoi wlien he roar m hta atlr. rnp hia head waa rl.i lo Ihr ( hin h. a drarrr.d- ia hio 'rnni M. roiMiit'- iliyoio-r and hr a.nk lifrie.a tn th-- earth. S.--i . g hu'd nf tf'a rr.na ol Marion pal'rry, ne luma imu toward, the (arm hiHiar, and ea i ird haitify on-aard " U . not (o ih -rr i hundred rid d'aguona are rt.tmg in .he aid.' 1 ' 'I '.air d'iom i aled liattn !" ird a he ermke t loud vollry ran,! f. r h o;on the bl.at and t' e ihirk volumea ol in-k rurlrd up abuvl t'ie rtMit of the hnuae, ai d a food rr.ah of arm reifundd ihrourfi the yard. Vfc'ion filed an e qiiMtni' glance upon hrr lovrr, wtm rei. le.l hy m?'v )li.g l'ia Vl.rionand hia men !' Ul lha hundred men Hiai wrnt fnrlli with fcl'era. he n-t una e-cprd ; and imm the terror withwhirh thttr fate tn.pi-ed iho Tinas the han'e -f 'h t n.nriin.g wai rail, d by 'heni "MLUo-.ji.u a fill tvt." ' ; KOSSUTH, Slc, KOS-rill IN His I It I K ( OI.OKS r.Tram.r o iTTiti4iv o kuaai nr j Lair numb a nl the 1 n.il .n ''iioi-a enn tarn leileralmni Prince Pul INirrhar.y and Ciiitnl Caaimir Bitihany relative to Ihe Hung man revnlu' Inn. ami the f ha ader and r-ooiluri ni' Kmi-nth, ihrrr and tihi"'i;uerrtH , Eterh2v wai a pmnuneii! menilier nf the Hungarian Cihinel, and, like Catnnr Itatthy. aov, a warm advocate of me popular eaiue, ajriinat Ih i" d.iniiinii tmi if Aii"lru. Both bavr an evnle-ii nulii to iiik wnh aillhoi Hr (in Ihia ul j rl, and Ihr-ir iin.nf nn narchicnl princ plr, il.nug'i nut C ilculalrd to Commend Ihem In ihe ailiiiiration nf n puhlirana, futm . no sulTirii'n! rcam.n fi.r diciritnitig their al legatmna or ainlrr eainnaiing iheir juifwmi'nl on Ihe main point al iub. One ihmg, in deed, give addiiional weight le their letteia, ' and thai I, ihtt ihey d aplay material ditTor encea in refeirTici' lo cert-tm q ieainn t con necie.i with paal eveola in Hungary, and thut furmah an atiticipatnry leluiatton of any al- j ligation of complicity thai m.iv be made a-! garnet lllini. I'lie lenera are loo long for. pub'ic-.liou entire, and we therefore velecl lhoe pnitiona which relrr directly to Koa tuth. prein'ving rhel in thua putting nur rea dera in pneaion of Circunieianrea and npin. lima which al leatt p a-em hiainricnl ititmeil, we do not c in m 1 1 nuraelvea favoioblv or un favorably in reaped io the judgment Ibey ' involve. j HvierhaZ refert thua In Koaauih I " There we' al Ihe head of arveral de paninrnla, aa I mentioned before, men of Iruatwoiihy character, who labored under no iHuaion aa lo Ihe political tendency and Ihe clandettine plai.a of their collengue, and an. dcavoied, although unaucceaaful, lo coatiter acl ihem. "I may diapenae wilh pointing himnuf. Ilia name ia bul ion much heard in Ivi'aml,' where Ihe would be f leinla of Hungary have prepaied for him a fcei'ii .n, ehnwing a linking conlral to lh evidence of hijh1 Ireaami, and lo the calamine! and mial'oi tui.e j which, hy aubveruva achemra, be brnughlj on hia C"Uiilry, well aa l.i Ihe eta e in I wli'Ch he left II at the ntoiiieni of hia flight. , " Ii ia evident that (wo aya wre open In lha piiriuitnflhi.tr palmitic viewa which he boaated f. One nl them waa ihe path of le- galtty, in dev.. ting hia undeniable ahiltly l ' the iak nl rlucmg the menna employed in tl'oriing Conceaaiuna frnm Ihe crown. " Bul the arcrel motive which guided him, hia vanity, and lha pan? lo which he waa deemed, diova him into Ihe npp u.le path and following thia direction he brought nn the ciiaeirnplirp of which hit country hat been lha iheaire, and waa himaell led lo acta of Ireaaun, with Iheir juat Conaequencea. Tint letutt of tit pioccdinf,, of which ha wet al once the moving power and Ihe mtru metit, ihe frequent diflerence between his worila and In- deed-, and hia ri'luclmicn to act manfully, in caae of nerd, b coinm;pi,ua ly expim'ng hia life, have fmw, I 'luuk hint led nut nm. mo the m j irny of the nnn.ui the iliHii'HtniiH goriH nl hi- ui priipnnm n,fl n-i.ce. To that the loaf blow w.ia given, when, eee. iiig the end of hi ephemernl power fat ap proaching, he rcaiirird io ihe republican Utopia, inure iuti'inlrd I iippri lieiul, fur ex piiriHifuri in fn pign nnukrie, than for Ihmhb Couaiimpl loll in nur on, at. I can linrilly think In in Capable of inch an cgiegmua nut tiike at really lu in u'li" in ihe hopr n1 nmk ing euch a echeme palpnaie to a population whose geniilt, I r n (I t mno I hia'nry, leelinga Bud habile, am to emiiienlly rnmiiirchical and anitocralic." Bitihyariy't letter conlrovcrta a me of Es lerhezy'e lemniks. ctpeciallv in reference in Ihe policy -f Ihe liongarinn Cahlnei, in I ?.). Tin pnilinii it aucceeded by llie fullowitig emphai.'C cnndenina inn nf the conduct of Kimxuih in Hungary. It may lie added ih.il BilihBiiV, the writer, played a priuiiirieiit part in Ihe revolution, and lung liuied Km aulh'a exile ir. Kulat a : " It cannot Im deiuril ili.it there' waa fuc tinn in the country, and even in the Di"l, that waa daily lucre. ing in iiuinliera, iid : b 1 1 K'.aauih waa weak i-tmug i to Ciunieiiaiic, huiij nlj.-ct w lo keep op a petpeiunl Bti taltnn, n.'t Inr the pur.naea of niHintati ing the Uwa and liber lie ol Ihe country, but nh the view of hurrjii.g ihe country i.-mo revo lulion. Thia facii'ii wa kepi down bv Louts Brfihvariy to hfiu a he wak able (n fiiHiu lam hi pnii..n. f, witiioui gelling prei i-e ly Ihe iippo. liand, thli faritoo fi u'li aim Ceedi d in epr. adn.g lei r-.r in ihe rai k of all nlher partie and fmcn g Ihe c n. trv into eyircme rni'Bure, tl me cly hi-cBU-r it aa enabled lo (ifiin a fl'in fining lluntigh ihe policy pur tued by he Austrian l.it'ra. The urgent neceily nf plncu g li)t iiy in a atate t f defence aiainl Ihe (iniehinniinti of Ihe Aua'rin Cabinet, aerved aa a good pre text I" cloak Ihe iral rieaigns o' the facttnn. " Cut when the undPthand practices thai had been enna'ant'y earned nn cnu'd n" Ion-g-r he concealed when unepee'ed blows ere deal- lo the dark, iih iIip inteniion of wearing (Jm garv out, and exh u- n g her airengih end pa ii-nce in f ui'l' aa I ru'j;le. then, it waa thai h"-'J'h' lo pi-iil im and rickleaa irii.per, aid ihe ti herent wehkrteks of his chaiHCter a- d laxity of pnnciph', pre doniinaied over bta lietier feelti js. An bi lion and a hai-kermg alter iin'.irii , end the vupp'enra Willi winch h'k atwn xirhtnl to Ihe moat preening and len-l ICU' iilnoa plarprt him firai tn contradiction witti htuiaelf, and then involved him and it may be t'lid. a'lto, lha other monster--).. ao tuConi1eiit m)r cv, anil fioal'v led linn In ihe aell willed and aibiilary meauiea which accelerated Ihe fill of Ihe Bitihvauy m niatrv- I la none c laarv io cli i te a man with more f i .m' and foiln, than h- fat hern guilty K1"--auth ha alreadv ennug't lo nrisiaer tor b-'ture lie lribuin.1 nf piih ic uptown leaiecling hit political conduct, which wai uiqu'a wnably the in ii n cauie of the ruin and dunmall of bn cnuuiiy. I -liciPiil in Ihe knnwledga of ninn and thing, m the ateHiKnst beaiing, Cool j idg meni, and cnniniehcriaive m.iiil nf n a'rttes. ninn, and without ihr firm hand nf a ruler; Betting nude all aoiind ca'rulauon, whiie l.e played a gan.e r.f rhanre, and linked the lute of the Pallor ' ii Ihe cast ol a die eiicoiinier leg dang, r wi'h hair b'Hi""d tt rrteniy when diataol, bul ahitnkiiiu Irom t nln'ii iioii Bated and overbearing in pro-prriiy, anrl u trr y proa'rate in adveraity wanting III it tlieigih and mtreperi'iy of rli.rHcin tfiHt 'one coiiitn mil- horn anil i.tedn-iice fiuiii r.tliert, While he aufr-ied hno-e f In be made lha lo d of every ininuer he curiie in con nection with rni-tkiog h a manifold acdm pliahiticiita and tmiu a' gentui (or an aptitude lo govern a c titi'rt, in tiinea of irnub e, am! telling, in Ihe flighla ul fancy, no Imundi to lha ie. pe of hia ambtlinn Ko.-uih burned away H e natmn into a chum" nf the ni M liiipnlutc nieamro, and giasicd tho highest piwer in the ten in by dubious mi am; Im', when .rarcely in pnakeaioti of it, full-red it lo he wrested from his hnr.Jt hv lha inan whom he had himself most injudiciously rsncd lo a high Million, and against whom, tlhoug'i he had teceied repeated w irntns, aa well aa proofs, of his trenehery and worth, lean. cm, he never dared openly and boldly to prnceed bv the man whom he had hoped to enanaie, while he crouched beneath htm tn ahjerl fear, but by whom be was fiuully oui wilted. "The generco "n-alhy of th" K'ig'ish nation cimnnt be quaahed by being told iha' Austria wat Ihe benefactor of II jngary, while Ihe Hungarmn D el wai a factious assembly, and the Htingsnan Minntera a ei of rrhela. In doing honor lo Knsu'h, the Eugltih peo pie have shown their awnpaihy fur (hecmse of an unforiunaie country tlwt ha been he rested if it chartered right ami liher'ie, end in fomenting ihi aympaihy, Km-u h h been nlihed lo psy a iribuie lo Ihe feeling of legality lha' aninia'ei even the hiinili esi C'assea in IZo. land, hy lha eschewing in his tprechet i hn demagogical rmit in which In hid indu'ged only a wet k before at Maneillea. The applauae of Ihe K"glnh peop'e wna mil jiven lo the revolutionary character of ihe rone, but lo lha able manner in winch he brought ihe gnevancet of his country before Ihem. " Meanwhile, my own oVcided opinion on ihe aubject i thia lhat Kossuth has tint the leas' righl lo ael himself up as Ihr vole and excluaive rr preaenliitive of hia count ry not Ihe hail in; fit tn remme the liileot Govern or and he funetwra of dictator, aa he dor in hia address f:..m Husaa tn Ihe CM Z"ni of 'he I'niled SlHtea ; snd thai it ia a nwt unwar raniahle, ai well aa a mnat illogical proceed ing on hia pari In coniend, aa he due io Ihe aame document, lhat lb Hungarian nation could no! legally enter into any enaanrments or adopt any (neauia 'hat would he 'tirom pa'tble wnh Ihe act by which he w raieed lo the dignity nf gnvernor, it heinw obvious, even if tie had not in-igned .hia dignify, that when ihe nation waa reconstituted on its fur mer constitutional baia, in legal representa tive! in Diet aaaemhled would have the right to act in whatever way they m ght deem the moil conducive lo Ihe welfare of ihe country. I am alio nf opinion that, to far from follow ing a touiid policy in wishing, aa he does, to ierm.de! iha lelormed 'constitution of 1849, and engrsft on it princ iplea of republtcaniim Bfnl unleavened demi'i racy principles which aie at v iriHtice wi'li uur national lawa and ins iiuimns, at well aa with the rummer, cus toms, ami genitia nf the people he would h.ive acted mine witrly, awl rendered a more essential aetvjee ii hia country, if after his lib' raiinn limn the iheyj'Hmn of detention he hail pp. 'nod before the world in ihe aitnpie cIihibc erof ii private iiulividijal. ' The ronspicuoua pari winch he (onlt in the . (Tors of his country, and his tuh-equeni inisdo tune, would hyve secured bun gener al irsperl, while the mod-nv of Ilia demean or, bv f-flaring fiom he minrla of hit country, nu ll the .eciil ertton of ihe faults and errors he committed, and f-rnugh which Hungary has been brought to hrr present atate of tint pry and aaivrudcy woud bate given him a precedence by courtp-y Btiineg his cnttipan iona in exile, and placd him in a position to receive thai useful advice and assistance winch Ihey wnu'd have gliidly offered him, for Ihe purpose of hereafter repairing, bv 8 course nl' Bound Htid moderate policy, the in juries inllicled on the lands of their bind. IJ'ii i siiJ of sciing .n tins manner, he has eel himself up as tin. -dictator of his cnun' ry men. I' is, therefore the sncreil duly of ihoso who, although fir foiti wishing to fel. ter hit activity, are tint disposed 'o Bdintt his claims, publicly lo proles' again! his pro ceedinos, ithnut cleling any longer on ilie weighty mut.ves for caution which may be deduced from his past career,! will n.ere l observe I Im t ha pretensions lo b slill re garded as govertor is Ihe more barefaced liorn ihe crcums ances attending his resign ation. "The rircimntaticPS ere llicse: He was summoned by Gei.rgey and three members I the ministry ,o res.g ., H" insian'ly com plied, ami res.i in d the governorship wi bout convening tho (,'i uticil of 5 ale ; that he was hound by law m conilt on every important occasion. Ho resigned withtut intimating his intention of doing s.i io the older three iinnis'era, l,nf wfnrn I wns one,) and who were, cot. si qupnl'v , quiti1 unaare nf the f.ic'. He did not resion tna authority into Iho hands of Ihe mioi-lers al under such Cir cutiiiianres be was bound to do but into the hands nf Genrgey. He. even iftves ed (:eor gey with a powr mid authnrrv wnh which In' had in-1 beni inve.ed htiii-ell V z : Ihe ilictatois'-ip llx delegated n power which hr only lo id linns if i-eraonaMy ', i d, in fact, provisionally, hy a d-rrct mandate of ihe D ' I. II" re-igind in ill ' riame of the nun i-try, which he pad no rtgh' wf.aiever to do. " A 1 1 h u,h II iiiav be safel affiimed Unit tie was in a -late nf mo'iil nm) physical co ercion when he gMve in his les.gnat mn, it m ii-i he borne in mind ttiat he vn'unlsnlv cm firmed hit an abac he wus free from all m-UHio! and could never be pe-auaded lo re Hsainne hi ahandoned power, neilher at Logos, in the iti! 'st ul Gen. Hem's army, nor sir. mienilv in Mehadu, w hen Bern urgent. K requ.sird htm to dnso, Bid !ry the Insl chance leal remained of .uccea ; to which request he again reiurni.) i negative answer in writing. By thus nrtii g he abandoned Hungary to hrr fa e, nnd nX)sed a'l those who had tsken a part in li e war lo the yen geance of Austria. "He coi fit med his nvnr. crl infenltcnnrre tiring into p tvaie life, la crosstnj the frntt tier and eii'eruig the Ts'kish dominions be fore he capitulation nf a'o could posst blv be kn wo to htm, p.l hil there were slill lu,ties-ea and afinirs in Hungary, by which the national cai- could have been iilnined. In hia letter b' re'iisg! to General Bern, hp, in fan, auggptd the expediency nl Callioo lnp;her unme eminent men, in or der I i form a provtsionnl gnveirmenl. On his arrival at W iddtn, l" aga'o eiliiicly de clared fin a 'etter since j nh'tshed) hi r-o. lulion nf relirtnrr into pav-te life B rpsot-j nun which for a shnrf tttie he ac'ed upon." (Drcpu CIRCULAR LKT'I tK OF HON. JO SEPH lane. The AVps! is furttishtig qui'e a tirge rrfi igra mn to Oiegnn, the .lumber last aeaion being hi thp iiPiubborhiod of ten thousand. At ih" last at'Conn'a mist of tho emigrants had at rived lor the yetr,ar: I the families bad 'iifT-red but litilp from tit knesa, tfomjli ma ny had hist properly fr.m Ind an thelis, and a few lives had hepri lakitt hy the savages, Ore gon is des'iiipil lo become an important Slate in the Cniori, end B e Htle of em:g ral ion thither will bo annnallj increased Those who have beer: longest in the Territory wrile the most tltittrriti" letters if their success, and all concur in representing it a healthy, prodtict ve, and growmjr country. For the information of such as ste looking for a atiH to Iher Wet, we lav bfne them the recent circular nf Hon. J ispph.Lane, congi esstonal delegate from O r gon.'in reference to the setilempn'. Soil and climate of Oregon Ter riioiy. The informann, given is just the thing warned. Si-into (iizette. W ABIIIM.'tOTI J in. 1, 1 !;)'.'. The great number ci1 liners I am constant ly receiving, m .king irqui'tetin reference to ihe Territory nl Oregon, has induced me to embody in the lotm of tc.rcnlar such infor mation aa is iisus'lv desired, that I mav Ihu he enabled In furnish it more promptly and more in detail than a due attention lo my other pnbl c riuttea wouljallow me, were I to endeavor lo given wriiten answer loe.rh. I hope this rourao wi'l npl he considered dis coiirte. ti (n my rorrearmtidenls ; for, in pur suing tl, I will more efTfrloally and a-itslac lorilv serve Ihem. which, is my chief desire. Oregon is a nioutila nous cnuntrv, inter-per-ed wnh manv extensive, i ich, and beau nful valleys, watered bv cool, pure slieams, having their sources among Ha snow clad ni lint a ins. It is evreeil ugly healthy ; no cnun Uy is mora to. Thn atmosphere is pure and Ihe climate delightful, especially during Ihe su mer. From April lo November there is bul little rain, but a cool gentle hre.ie b'nws 'Imml perpetually from ike north. The winter ata rainy, bul mild; for dining this aeaaon warm south wind constantly prevail. The country ia well watered, and thn soil yeiy ferulv, indwell adapted to ihe growth of all the small grains, grasses, potatoes, and ether culinary vegetables all yielding most abundantly, except Indian corn, which is nm regarddd at a Bticceisful err p. Many of the hills and mountains are covered with itiPX hatist ble (uresis nf fine timber, unneraliy fir and cedar. The 'oresta frequently sktrt the valleys and streams. As ia well known, the Columbia it the nn ly gri-ai rivei on the Pacifir slope, and stretch ea from Ihe geaconsi to the R..i k mom tains Frnm its mouth to the Cascades, a distance of about one hundred and hfly miles, there i an uninterrupted navigation for vessels of I lie lareesl nza. The Wi liamnie empiies in'o the Colum bia ahout moeiy miles from in mnuih. Th s river is also navigable for the largest vessels Io Poitland fi teen miles from its noulh.atid many havu ascendud aa high at ,l ,'wai.kie seven miles further. At the risk of some little repetition, il may not be deemed improper or unnecessary lo give a more detailed and minute description r f the vallev of this and some of the other stteams i f Oregon. W illianielte Valley is bnur.ded by the Coast mountains on the et, and ihe Cascade range nn the east. Ti-e 8o. is excellent, and Is nor surpassed, if equalled, by any portion : seres, arid to a married man thiee hundred of If i- continent in its adaptation lo the growth j anp twenty one half in his own right, and the of win al, rye, and ohis Potatoes are pro. other half to his wife in her own right, upon ducrd in great abundance, and arc i fa Mipe-t condition, lhat Ihey will live upon andculli riot quality ; hile beat is invariably u cer- i vntr it for four years. lain crop, subject to none of the disease and The pr.nulaiion is of a substantial charge- nncerlaiiities peculiar lo it in the Stales J il maturet slowly, hence the grHtn is always lull and plump, and he sfraw unusually solid and elastic, and not subject to fall. In consc quence of the cool dry summers, and lie en fre absence of rain during lie harvest eB. eon, the farmer it inabledto gather to his gram wiihnul wastp, This valley is about one hundred end fifiy miles in lengih, and thirty fue in or. adih, and is sparsely settled ihronglmut its whole extent. Many fine loculiunt are yet uunccu-! pied, w htch nl richly repay the labor nf she thrifty husbandman. Natural meadows, as yet uii'oui lieti by the band of cultivation, af ford abundant and rich pasturage fur immense hem's of calf e. 1 lie valley is un ally prairie, skirted by beautiful groves of timber, while succeeded in their latiiiab'e effort. The In Ihrnugh its centre run-the Vv idiainelte river, atnute at Sa'em, nnrier the pitror.ngo of the The Unipqua vi Hey ditianl frr m Iho f.leihndi' Episcopal Cimttli, and ihe A'-m! Wiliametie about twelve miles, and is sepa- 1 emv nl Tinltiiin P ains, vvArt the cml n I ol ra'ed fiom it by II. e Caiapooe innuiilain. It tin, Pie-bv terian. ate excollei.t and 11 iurih is about ninety miles in length, and varii-a'mg institution. There eio a'o Iwn femu'e from five lo thirty five iinleg n width. Il is uisiitu is in O'egon Citv. Portland. Lifay made up of a lucceision nf hills and dales, e te, and other sma l towns have good sclmn's. furnishes bul I it i It? limber, yel abounds in a I dcnl, thev ate comuirin in tin1 country natural luxu'ionl growth nf the richest grass. North and South Unipqua rivers run thro' this Valley, and form a junction about forty milea from the bav nf the eai e name. The en trance lo this biy is found ! he practice ble, as many sloops and steamers have cross ed Ihe bar al its m- uih, finding from three to three and a half falhi rn nf watpr upon it, without the aid of pilots, buoys, or hgh' hous es. A few sltiht accidema, however, have ocruried fur the want of such improvements, A port nf et tr has been established here, and appropriations have been mude for 8 light- houses ami fog tignale. Thia bay is destined lo be an important point to the southern porfion n! Oregon. Here will be the cutlet of the produce of the L'mp- qua valley ; and here, consequently, will be lis commercial city. Many pack trams are already pmpinved in the transportation o( good's and pmvi-tons from this pom1 in ihe gold digjjtngs" on R igue, Chasia. and Scttil rivers. Rogue river alev, which lake its name 'mm Ihe river which pBssng through it, is a- binjt seventy miles by the main travelled rou'e from the Unipqua. The valley is watered by never fa ling stream ; the toil is general- ly good, and :t is skirted and in'erai-crsed with jrrovesol fine timber. As it holders tip on a rich gold region, n must eentuai:y bo- come densely populated. Asyet, however, it contains no w hue settlement, butts orcu pied h the Rogue river Indians, w ho have rendered il the seat of much trouble and suf- fering from their depredations. There is no portion of l!i Territory, and indeed I may bIiih si add ol the world, bet ei adapted tu giaztng than this vallsy . In ex- tent it is (about fifty by thirty imlcs. Sur rounded bv tiiountiiirs. Ihe eye seldom res's unon a more beau'il'ul. nici urei-oue. and to- mantle spot. Il ex ends to wnhin a lew miles of lha boundary bet we in Oregon nndCulitor- uio. These valleys nil lie wesi ol the Cas- cade mnuntatns, and south if Columbia. There are also imny small valleys, neb and fertile, in this part of the Territory , af fording good indiiceineiita lo settlers, and which no doubt will be speedily occupied a soon as suitable protection cau be txttnded over them by the government. A very interest. ng portion of Oregon lies north ol" th- Co'umb a, and is being rapidly settled. The Cowlitz, h c'u in the Cascade tm.ut. tains, north of the Columbia, tuns through a large IracI of line, arable land, entering the Columbia aunie forty or filly miles hoin its mnuih. 1 A French-eiilemer.t of many years' grow tit C leiu cs near Ihis river, about thirty miles ; from i's mouth, and now embrace some large and a uiuie larnis. atnericatis aisonavr, wi ' hit) the. last six years, settled between H and ihe Cahalcs, and are doing well. The country is level ami ferli'e, and beautifully interspersed wi'li pt&mes B.id in.ihi'fs. The va'ley of the Cahalet is also Ic-'.ile, and well adapted to cultivation. Betwten it and Pugel Sound the cuun ry is level ami well timbered, wil'i occasional small pniines. This Sound is one of ihe safe' "i d best har bors in I ha wnrd. Il iitlorils flue ship nuvi gs ioii into an important pail nl lha It into ry. Surrounded by a large ii, strict ot cou i try, rich in soil, with immense (orestsof the fiaeat liuiher in Ihe world, and combining man advanlagea, agncultuial nd commer cial, il is deslined lo be, at no distant dav one ol the most important points on ihe t'a- 1 cific coast. A low pass in ihe Cascaite niouu- j India ' 11"'! a mum for a good road from the Sound to Fort W allawalla, on tho Columbia. Such a rt'ftd wculd be purlanl for nnliiaiy i purooses, and would al-o be a great saving nl dialanca and Inyo to emigrnuis going io the Cahalet river, Pngel'a Sound, nr io any other point of Columbia. At present emigrants are compelled io lake Ihe road acrost Ihe Cus. cade mouutaiht, tvutb f Culuab.t, to Oio - gon city, from whence il is as far, by fl road nlmost in pi'sab'e, In Puget Sound 8 it would be from V allawalla bv the road suggested. There are also easi of the Cascade range, norlh and aoti'h r,f lha Columbia, now in pos sesstnn of ihe lodiniw, large distnclt (.( coun ts finely ad iiited to vmtug, wnii nrcavinnal gond true s nf farming land, w inch will no doubt pip . ng b-ecctipted hy the white. I O pgnti City is situated at the G real Falls j nf lie W tlliitne'le. S eanibciits run daily, Imm this p ace In Portland, and ihose of a mall clafa also run daily up t'ue liver above j ihe Fdlla. from thirty to fifty im'ea, and in j somi instances recnllv, as I nm mlotinen, thru have even gone up one hundred and fifty miles. A small judicious expenditure wuuld tender the river constantly navigable fot such boats that distance. The population of Oregon, including the 1 immigration of thn last season, is nrobablv twenty ihnusand. The immigration is rapid- y increasing, owing not only to ihe naiuial advantages of the cnuntrv, Lul lo the liberal prnviior s r.firie for aclual setic is hv a ate aw of Congress. By lhat la w liberal dona I ions of land are ma-le tn all w ho will et tie upon llo in 1 eviotis t-i,l Ii r first day of December, lcyll; to a sinnle man one hundred and nx'v ter, much better than is nsual'y found in new 1 countries. The per p'e ate enterprising, in dusirn'.u, frugal, and orrierly. Many of Ihe early settlers have large and well-cultivated firms; indeed agriculture everywhere in the ' 'Territory may be said to he in a II lurishmg , . mndiijon, rema'kablv so for a new country.' j California nnd ihe Sandwich Islands ntr.td uia-kels and cf"d prices for all cur surplus products, ai.cl will undoubtedly for jcarslo 'come. ' , Many nf the various religious denomina tion have established churches in tbeTerri-tn-y, lo some onenf which trie majority nf Ihe settlers belong. Grrat interest has b'sd been rnani'ested by ihe people in the establishment nf L'or.il at hm s anil niini'rnbU have they wherever Iho population will jos'ify Ihem. A g-ant ol" land -,is made by llm Ins' ten greas for the endowment f a tiniverstiv, the ' me nf w liicti I as been fixed by the territorial ltnila'tire at Mnrvrvillr. The Iz-dians irnrnedi-iie'v hnrderit.r; on or near the set lempnts a re perfect v frn-nd'y and ' well disposed. Settlers have nottiin to fear from them. Those upon Roua river are triiubleson.e lo itios- pnssn g through their country, ur.dwiH prnbab'v continue si until a garrison shall he established lo overaw e and keep them in subjection. This I nope will S'1, be done ; for the depredations upon irnv- eib rg have already caused much trouble and sufTennjr. They are upn the great trior- cng i (are from Origin io California ; a folk of which leads to Foil Hall, being the road fn q ierniv travelled hy enngrati's from that point to On g n. Emigrants have for ti e past yprtr sfi'-red consnieiBhly from the Snake Indians, who infested the great n ail westol Fort H ill, and who are sca'tered over a 'arte extent of ter- rttorv ihinugh which the road pas-es. The, istnb'i-hnunt of n garnson in their cnuntrv 1 is essentially necessary to the maintenance eft peace, and the protection of the liv and j property ol persorts p.is-ing to r.nrl fri m Ore- ; A nutiiher of emtgrants have, during! the past season been rmudrred by Ihe Indians, I and ma. v of their ani'iials and niter property ; stolen fiom them. Emigrants should exer j Cise great care and prudence in pissirgj thrrngh the distnct ol country, and they shou d remember that it is essential to their sa'ety, upon all part of this road, that in no ca-n should they ufT r themselves lo be la- k' u by surprise, or liie least ndvaniae had of them by the Indians; for the leis; care- lesnes or wntil of" proper prec ititton often senotislv endrtceers the safely not only ol their proppr'y, but then lives. j Those hIio cntiteti plate emigrating to O'- P?"n shou d Le iraily to leave c-t. j.-sepn, on the Missouri river, with a proper out til, hv the li-st day of Mtv ; m teams much to b- pre ern d. Pro isions for the ti ip, and sufli ciem blankcls for ihe bedding, w; b such tool, as n;e necessary to repair a wsgon, should be ttikcn. Every man should 'ake his gun and plenty nf ammtitiit ion. The journey is a long and tedious one, and all who undertake il musi i expect to endure fatigue, privutions, and hard- j sl tjis 1 wou d adv ise every person, at least every company, to procure Palniiir'a Emi- gram's Guttle. It correctly lay s down the t lords actoss llie streams, lue camping grounds j and also the paces whete grass, w nnd, and j water can be f. uml. No atti lo rot necetss- j ry for the journey shou d be taken, at there; is great danger i f uv ei loading and bt caking ( iwii i itiiii- J)iy good-, gri-ceiies, I'urniuire, and farpi : ing uii iisils of a i kit ds ate abundant in Ote j eon, nnd tn one sliuii'd think of Inking such things with them. It must tint, however, be 1 supposed lhat no menu umenccs ate to be cx j periei.cid l y m griuits after they strive j tiiete. These are Rl w ay s met. lent lo the set tleirent i f new c util' tes, rpecia'!y fur the ' first year, hit thev Bie lewer in Oregon than i are usual ill the selll t'g of a new terntnrv. j Ji'i-F.l'll LANE. 1 MISSISSIPPI SENATOR. ! Tl'.e New Oilcans Bulletin say s thai the St-nate ol ihe State of Mississippi has refused j to j itn the House ol Represenla'ives in elect in" a L nieil Sutea Senator. The reason is I l,nt in ihe II u-e Iheie is an oer w uemnpg ; nisj inty ol Fnion nu n, ho can control th. I election, whilst ihe Secessionist have a pre j pondeiance in the Senate, in eutiscq ittnca ol a majo1 it v of i s n embers having been elrc ed in IS t i), upon quesfiona thai had no r f er'.-iK-f. to t ii grest issue wi ich was made at I the election in November last. This docs net accord very well with their professions nl ; being al H limes ri'dy 10 svibinil lo the ex ' prtttcd will of the t-ecj'e. From ihe National InleHigrt cer. COAL FIELDS or NORTH CAROLIN A. Tne ii any works recernly published on tho subject of cnal have made the world latiulnr with its value as a mineral fuel. et unl.l lately very little was known of the local lies lu winch it was found, and stiii Ii ss i i t ho many uses lo which it line' I Lu appl.ed. I ho vast coal fi-Ida west of Ihe A h gii.ni.s we.(. little Va'ued twenty five years mice, and 'im anthraciiet of Penniv Ivaiua ec m , ,r.ii. S.iicb thai lime, however, ihe ninO'i" Au reus, tteam, l as needed Us assis ui ce lo k-t-p i s hundred bauds at work. Io the I i Med States il is bt coining a vast trade, and the do tnbtid, especially for lulun.ini us coal, is con tinually, greater than ihe supply. lis value to England is well known: ihr quantity an nually produced from her c. el fittattliim b - a computed to be wotth fii'y in li on tt 1 t Ihe ininos, nnd from seventy five tu ot e I .- dred unllinna at itie places of conmn pt: -n ; indeed it is to tins mineral that she isch.r By indebted for supremacy us a cniii en-t il ar i inamifacturii g nation. 'I he celehrntt d ilng 'I M lier, perhaiH the ino-t m . rn-m g.-oi. gi-; i Iviropent the present day, having visit, r! ti.o disirict in winch Ihe central coal lieol. H Eng'and lie, is attut k with rs stz", c.'ii.p" -cd w ith the niinhly n fljenre it h . had i n I l.e destinies of England. Unsays: "It-area is only thit ty imli s long and eight l;r ud ! And yet hnw many sK ain rug i ts lias t! set in motion ? IIow mnry railway irai. s has it propelled, nnd hnw many miiltut s nf '. r.s ot iron has it raised to the surface, mi "It-"-d nnd hammered?'' It is also known that m f-'Jtl only 305 lont of aii'hraciie were nm ' 0 in Pennsylvania. In 1517, ipwan-'s if fur millions of tons w."rc brought to market, worth twenty millmn dollars, lljting tt.a dl-cti'sinn of the tar .tf of 110 one of I he Sen Btors nf Petinsy Ivania slated lhat her coal at lhat tune pmpinved 1 .000 ships if 1")0 ton burden each ; Ihu tirn.ht'ig a nur-i ry f r the training of (i,(H)0 seiimen ; g-.ytng cucul-i. lion to fifty mifions capital, cmplm men' tn 15 000 miners, and support to a min-r.g ' ' ulafinu nf 70 000 soiOs, who cnit-u i i d ' " " millions worth of agriculliiia! proriijc's a'-.d three and a ba'f mi'lion f merrhand -e. . I'mt, thntigh those (hc s lire known, wi' i1- obi .f 1 1 lie g lie rally known t hit send I .r u. 1 1 1 . - u mine pv tensive than that of Cei-tia' 11' gl.-it.il ,'as Hesci ibeti by Miller) exi.-ts in Nnrih C.r ilina, from which have been already rot-' it -s line BnihracilP as any in lVnnsy U at. ta . r: 1 better bituminous cnal ih-in was ever I !' " rxhibocd in the New York rnarkn ; -"i soi'h is ui questions! b'y ti e case. It i-w p in ot nur pit sent pui pose In Cong ra 'til- l" l a' a n on il good fmlune in pnseirg -ucl- s. urres i f wealth, or ' he Sou'h on havti-g wtiint's bosom ibis iiiiiispen-alile n quci'e '" micci in the direct inten ( ur-e with E m pe bv stPan.ets. lecrnily prt j- cteij, t or to si.i ek ! i'e ines'imih'e alue ni lie ci'a-ti" lint? of the entire Sotrhero roti' im ni. Il.e t ; . . . . t t Ihe West Indu Isla'iis, u r il . i:tj..o b' , i e advantage ll.is Sora ttv u ti-l i inr i if i. e cral fl-lifs of ihe North duni g li-.i-l t least of the year in winch ice i r.ir., - - ton canals 'fading from them in ' i!e wa'er. LI ,' we do intend to call Ihe public a' en n n : Ihis district as presenticg -dia 'a.e- in m, ing atld taking tii market llie fnte-i I., no ti cus coal at lea- expense and w tt n great. -r it r . lainty of profit than any other in ihe I loud States, As we have remarked that lii'V is I tan of this formation, vve take ieave to stnte t ut though ci al wat d-coie red on Deep iivi r iti Clialham Cuuiitv, No th C .rol tn, nn-.-e ti.r.n seventy y ea r s since, v et it h as ot.lv Ii tio rtL' ihe improvement n Ih- navigattiti ol ' t stream thai it has been traced lor n: n, v un-i s bu b above and l.rl the point of i s li-c- eiv. Duni'g the anluo n of 1 ioO a c. ti tn,' y of Northern gentlemen purchase.! n lam. c tan it g about ihrce I undn-d t en s to .' r i i w ith coal. The services of Prole;-; ! a' ' r R. Johnson, nf ashiiigton, wre f . r f i j i . i by the cotniuuv in exiinme nnd n n Tt u-- i the geological and mineral c-iarECt-r t f thn formation, wnh a view to future npctat m-.s, should his report j'istifv them. The char if -ter of this gent'enian was sucli as m e v. c. -ery assurance of an able and l ii h'u1 ' p ". He had published an elaborate wink in " A merican Coals," as a'so on the "Co.. I m o ol Rrilih America," which had iccived t: mversal comniendaf inn, aid t t.ntn! it'ed, o iloiibt noi, to elevate him lo ihe h'gh p.'-t'i in he occupies in the National I r-st I u'e. I n inonfbs of November aid December. 1 -Co', he visi ed the lands of t hts company ; w o h order to ascertain w bether t he usual rr"'' it y observed in other coal distnc s e.-.i-te l there, beex ended hiaobservatn ns a ong tn range of the sandstone f. in ' n tt wi'tt-n the coal is found, and t! us explnnd tnit.v miles above and bvlow their posessi.'in, nt.J made sn elabutate repoil on " l he situ i1 n n of the miiiiiig distnci ; Ihe gutlogtc i at-i mineral character ol the for imti ni ; the aq uation (f the Coal in respect t water lev,-'; the PMititiun of ihe seams and their ini''.ii--lion; their thickness; ihe character ol -' coal found at dilicrent poin ; patttcular char acter of thai found on the lands of tt.e com pany and its vicieily ; aatl the cost ol mining and delivering on boatd 'he harg-snn i tra- . porting to market ; and, fi i;,lly , llie advan. lagrg of the locality in reapi et In climate, health, and means of sul si-ieiice fur a mn.ir 4 population." Weare linn par. icu ar in 1 , . -log the tnpict rmbraced m ihe repoit, th .t u mav ba at-en how full is the informal 00 a furnis'.iCs, and to put at rest a I d uu til re gard to the va'ue i f these coal fie its i t ths certain y of pn fit lo tuoe who may ct e 'g in mining t hen'. A very ft w extracts from th rrpmt ml' c T i the opinion! entertained hy tnr 1'rr't s-i-r of 1 qnsttty ef lha coal, tne Ihn knrts nl-'.lie er.-na .-r vo a, at d the cost ot tratiaporl 10 t.ds j'. r. V t h bituiinnous cai lie s.. . : ' It h.ii-;ot . 1 of M) per enl. rf carbon, and eT.-porj . -. r M ot s'e.iili lo ona ol coal ; t' u ? s'uiw nf 11 a t n" .1 tr a- lijptatton to a earn -ea " " it t t ,lvan- lagn ol a b.-ita and briiiisr.l lu.ntiu-! o .. riiuUniii.' il a most dea..-at.'r fuii tnr ;.u r it.'t., il. t nio-ei.ver. an cxr lnt c.u' l.r - 11' ' s' t ' , o-' - ' It lakes tira prun.ptiy, awtlla .itt'.'-i'li'-V, ai:u n " natr Its inas.fi Iffcouiur ao .n oi grm a j-imd lio: h w tir. " I ii au.i'util ol m pi. sir i no', aucii s- lo pr vent r ii-.,' 1 '.- tn tiia avli''8 n' ' 1 r t inrrr-rre well it. pr, servali.n either ott v ij- - or on shcre " W rui h r remark that 1 a ' poit ny ti.r three or of iha anove nain-i c- rii'-.ny lo ihe ottk' e iiva tin pven icr ty "' tree on. .-..i an v tutiaiiteralile (juanti y nf aa ' p j- a r .; r--. m vi Itie utmost inipotlam-o in v-.-w yt t.- r.. . aa'vua wftch have oceurr.d tu to., K. :s,-. s 4 A.r.lMcaB l.-"i. wl'icsi ts a 1.1 , -