... i 4 - - - --- ri t T-i-rT . - . A. 0. wlLLInMSOH.iKo'Toiu l. j. iiijLiuivlL'BLISHER' CHAH.IaOTT-13, TT cL, MARCH 3, 1832. VOXjXJIMCEI X. T IIOLTON & WILLIAMSON, l'lwiriiiE'rous. TKU.MS: Tim North Carolina Wliijf will he alTurded te '. rih.-r il TWO J)( )f.f. A US in ndvance, er two iioi.t.AiiAM) rirry cent sr merit he d.-lnyid lor three meiiths, and '1 IIKEK l Jl.I.RS Hi lliu end ul (he year. Advurlueiiii n'a line rlt- d al One Dollar pi r square (lb' linos r h-s, Una tiH tyrie) fur Hie first inner ten. nd 3o eeins fur each continuance, ('curl ad. v,;rlieniei.ts hi d NirntTs Hales rha'ei d tS per cent higher; aiiiaa di-din-timi el o"t$ imm cenl. will lis madi t runt tin; ri gulur price, far advertisers by l!io year. Adverli-i menta min rUd meiithly or n uricrlv (I ptr aare for each tune Semi-month y 7. cent per square lor each nine. I f AM letters reUtive to th" K Jilorial Pep-ft m lit mini be directed tnilia Kdiinr. And all lit I, f . . b -i-im tor Job Work, Si.-.., rniit hi; ilitce , 1 .i (lie 1' i'i l-l.nr. Al lellers lllil-l be postpaid fcr i,,v ii il he attended tn. J r I'ajrineni fan be made to either. Jjr IVoiiuait' ri arc author nr.. d lo a I aa agrnle. I "J'is not fine frallirrs make fine birds. A p3r it, cam, W'l'i i!i p'unug gay, I. Stfuitii. in tt l; i pr.s.: amy. Wi.fr ft tu I lrii l.ur.fi itl t1'' C,C- mn; miK'it a aarai.N's ear engaje ; "ia mil aieg an while the perli atuoil iiit pg In- !"jm o I riif !.ir!if)! ; And ihe fatjtmt Hi it -rtin$d net rn bf'H t 'J ht tt k H iSt t.ikftl in i i it'il ; Hut iti t'ncit hiil aijn in Ins " ttri, f I ( est fir.a UtlMfi fftk iiBP LiFtU !" Tf pctCAck itruMn..! Hifd iff NV th rt.tlt b.r J hwr g ii i ! nr,-.. And mh.dt d iU priiro fc ff fi.ttie ? A it : b r-J ol" fmb wir.fF, He I i tttii ) h t-i l ir'p ! A . I i ter wh if on h baiy !-nht I-l-mt ti i.f ( it rtn!f.g f .in fok ft kit. trt 'I t fd 3fif n h i ttrj I t rut line tikr ms fi... b.rd ''' A ' 'I d .!! h won t iti tour way. ?ef!i--tHui1 lo ctunn, yea sI must itmt, Ap'Mf iu tirt lniin and at rU no ; A ta'fht. i ricf, t g-'t f m'd, Ur p-i.ir i't it 'rft Uh fj-f ; Vi i. t ft g tifif nwntf: word. ' M i nil lint :'lh; mail hn tutil 1' Vi.occllancous. Tin; oi.n i-riul'T. taken a p ice on tha f a of n.ie of I hi.: th pone a- lnc'i r ih between Kdinburgh and (I iii.iir, lor I'.o i u'a ol commeee I j usen d ur in the H 40! nd al S-ot and. Aa we rntl'a.l ili,n; Priaia Sueet, 1 had In. re tu tiirvey my I'ullus travellera. Inur.e. di r.i ly o pmle to rs.3 at te dandies of the f -t er I r, drsei i'i white grsal coals and I '. 1: h . r liaiidksrckiel's, ard eseh with a cij,'ar ' 111 S,u mouth, which they p.S'.d away with in, u comp areni-y. Bendii an'! aat a medest aad rarnely young woman in i widea'e drena, ark sn inint a b;,u! nine inoniha old in her tjrms. 'I he ap P acae.ee of !! ynuthlul mourner ai a her ba iiiriic ited that they b'loneed In tee L er las iif ( icn t ; and althoujh ihe daad'es occ i,na ly ea' t a rods glance at the 1 ti er, the In k ol calm r d aetik d smtow which a'., ,;yar ih'v at such tunes cat up' n her chi'd. a-mneii 10 touch sven thsm, and to dis arm their ra irnesf. O, the , Iher aide of th w d aat a yanng gent em m af p'1111 and prep usea.incj eitari or, who seemed rte'i ly lo ailraft the na lira of ih diud i s- li s suri'-ut was not ab s ' i.-' thrr'idhne. hul it had evulnnily en dured mora than one aeaaoti, and I could per ceive m my contema'aoua laaka throw n u;on It by the ifiitlersii n ta Uf Irhar haasksrchiell Tiie young aentleieiin carried small part man eau in his hand aa small indei i, that it cou J nut peob'v have p n'.x ned mare than B ehatign nf linen. This artic e ala npp-sr-ed to arrt the eves of the spriel ol faahi.n npim te, w Soe w ndri.aes, in all probability, ero ntmi yoliiminuus ; whether Ihsy were jmi I f ir nr n l , mit;hi h an 'Ikar question. The coich h.!iiij stopped at tha village of fTiirattis;ihiiie. fnr Ihe nurente of taiuntr aa inside pa-en-.i, I be guard oU.e rvmg . bal j tho yoiinrj fi-ntleinan earned his porlinail teiu in his hat d, a-kd lease to put il in his boot, to which he immediately canasnted. " Till it I nrly in the centre, guard," aatd Cine el tha d indies. " VV by so, 'I'oni ?"' inquired his companion, It aaay caps 21 the roach," rrjoined the ft 1 -1 . a a illy at which boh induced in a burst wf lauohlur ; km of whirb Iho uwner ol tha part m imeay, thoiiek Iho blcad aneunted aiigl.tly inla Ins cheek, took no Bailee what ever. ' VVb,lo wo wsra chanyieii horaea at Ihe III-i ., . ,,,,,, ... .u io nova in u pnan, nn ngeu ureijar epp'oaen. I d soil held not his kat lor aims. I an 4m I..'.l . i. .. I k ... a I- tt alt pence, nad Hie yeung w ulnar, paor as ski; ai-rini d, was hWnut to do the same, when ihe young gepleIB.,, ln the turtoiit la d his hand Rently on bur arm, and dropped a half rrown imo the hei ar's bal nnd made a ion f..r him tu depart. The dandle loaked at each alker. " Sajnwtng elT Jack," one. "Ay, bvb, aiic!iil al our lat benefit you knew," rejoined the other, ond kolk g iirt burst ml a horse laugh. At this allusion to hi supposed profession, the bland ranunivd into th vaunir rentleman s cheek. Ul it wa. enly for a moment, and he eetitinued silent. We hud not left I'phatl Many miles heklad as, when ths win J began it rise, and the galhertng rlouds, indicated an approaching Imasr, Tho dandies kean ta prepare their umhrelbs ; and the ynung genilemaa in ths surlout, surveying th dress of the widow, peiciia; that .. wae but ind ITarPntly pre vidud against a chafljn of weather, nquired of the g'laid if ihe ctiach lull intid. Bs ing answered in the effirramiee, he addressed the mourner in a lane of aympaihy ; lolaj her there was every appearance ui a smart shew, er ; expre.su km regrui that alie could not be In U u n inte the coach ; and concluded by dinging her the use of hit cloak " It will protect V far," an irl lit, ' at all sventa it will prelect the baby. The widow thanked bin in a mndest and rt opeaiful Biiiatiar, and said lbnt,fur 1 1m sake al the infual, ahe wou;d be plad tt nave the cloak if ha wvuld net tufi .r for the want ( it hiiaicll. He anawerod her that he ahou'd not, being accus o en i.d lo all kind'; el e; i lie r . " 11 is surliKl won't kuil," au,d one of the dandies, in a tone of affected teadernass, "and beHidea, rntr dear, the cloak will hold you baita." " ' The young peni'eman, turning qoitkly ri ue.il, addrfnuud tho apwuker in a Itlie bl dig' inly which I ahall never lurgel. "I am not naturally quarrelsome, air j hut yl it is quite poaaible yuu may prouke inn ! too fur. Bulk the cxnui-iites turned as pale as deatl sliiuiik III apilo nf theiiieeivea iittoihvir atursi iiii(;hili:rioce ; arid they kcsrrvly in lied lhair lips, urn to 'i ch oilier, tiunng he temainiJer af ihe journey. In the meantime, the yiittng gentleman, t ih the sjtne jiolMeness andselicucy an if ie hnd hean akiist rtK a I d v bl auihlv wi'li j her nh.iwl, proceeded to wrap the widow and jher baby in his cloak. He had hardly nc V.oiajpiixbed thta, when a smait oer I nun, mineled with hail, commenced. Being my 'si1 "providid with a cloak, the cae el hhich wm suflieienilv large to envelope ai d protect t I. . mv l ead, 1 (tl. r 'lie yi.ung g ni.' ni.ia n v utnbre.fa, which he readily accepted, but hela i, I reinarker), in a sn alter itr cai- ig jfilad in d. fei d tha widnw tbnn himself. Wh' we reached West Gr.ig Ion, the er,in. at ifS froiu I'd r,!nirh, the ruin ci-jed a i d th' taue eei leorifi, po iit'J lefuinmo rtie ms iiinhre a, lu esi, to r, -!iee he v uoi; ii'ii w h'i di ippii, c It, w 1 ic'i h" i'f k over t'i eid ol I e ici. aid n 1 1 r ' ' " huri it i.n t"H r u'le". 1 tien 'ur. :ri ti ie trtjog widow, le m qu red ,1 &re i o i) Like nny refre-hinent, end upan I er an-erii-J m the rieative, he procetdi-d to emsr into cure iciniiu'i with l.er, o follows: " D y v trovsl tar on tins road, niad.ini?" " A biiul si xl' eo nu'et t u r ; he r , sir. I , the rn.irh about SIX tni.ta on iho other a de of Airitr e." " I) j your fr en Is dwell hereabouts !" " Ves, air, they dg. 1 ani on tha way to my fa'her's h iue." " To your f-tther'a ?' "Ye, air," and the poor wotnnn. raiung her hir.i kerrhii ( t her ee, m.d ; b'.i.i-g Biiiiili'y ! " I am ratumit g to loin a d cr n ..late 'wiSuw, 0f..er a aa ,t dI""'1 oI I" year.'1 " li veur father in eo'-d circumatinces ' Ha wi I eer njfier m- or my kahy to want, sir, whi'e he h.ie strenp'h ! lib.r loi us; b' he is hiiancif in ih a day la borer ein the 'ato nf the Eirlol H " Al tha men u n f thu nobleman's name, the Young peaiierpian coUred a l-'t'r, l ul I1 whs eid''iii hn emu'ion Si M"t of p'esot nntHre. ' SVhat Is Joar fa tier r sme '" a ud he. J.in.ei inleraon, a:r." " A od I.N reiiilenstf 1 ' " B lokh -iint ." Well, I tiuat, that theneh desolate, sa far tais wnr d is ennrernel, ou know soeneihiaf af l m m h is tho fa her of the faiherleaa and fntad el' the widow. Ifsi, y:-ur it aker is yaur liUsluud, nJ the Lord of I ! ' a 1 a i hia name." -O, e, uranla rn ! b!es God that, ihinugh a pious t, I know something id iho bow. tml lliaina i'i3if. Bad tho Conso a'lons of the V. ...pel. My iiu.baid, tan. Iheugk a If adeain.ia, was a m m wliu fiincd tiod abotc many. "The remembrance ef that o.jil tend murk to sllesia a your sorrows." ' It doea, indeed, sir, at I sin ! hut 'I oth er tunes 1 am ready la u k. Mv fathers poverty aad adanrini set, siv lahy's halp leainess, nad my own ilelicnte h'alh, art Irequenllv loo n ueh nr HIV leelni) laltn Truat IN (jod, and be tll provide for 1 tou ; he aaaured he ill. ' lv this time tho coach wis i;nn in in- tian, and ihaujh ike coufersnte n coiiliruvd 'for until tune, tha naiae of the wht-als pre ; tenld me from bearing it distincl'y. 1 ceu d ' the dandies, however, exchange) lueki i wiih one another, aWa at oiia Inno ihe mute forward ol ths Iwa whmpered somethiag to hn owpanieu, in whie the werdi Mctho. dist parsen,' alone wera audihls. At Audita aoihing particuiily cccurred s "hen wo tH Beaut kill way lielwten that tawn and Ui.Ow, we irrtvitl nt a cms. read, wheie taa widow jprred n wish to he sat down. The youeg ptntleman. thre fre d sirid Iho driver to stop, and sponging himself from tha oitch, took the inf.int in his arms, oad :ha alttag with the ouurd lit aisled her tn descend. " M.iy Gud reward you," said the, as he rsu nsd the bahy to her, "for yaur kinds to the widaw and ths fntherlen this day." 'And may he b'rsi you," replied he, "with SI auiriliial cnniahilinn in C'hn.l Jeaua." L - , I 11.,.. ..I. k.. " "".V". n. .ir,r. ...m ,. 1 heed : the wufew opened It nut on ive. v. I i a - ...u..,a. nr,d illee nn hai Ita'lll she saw iei..- f - n i - droaiieu a lear spi" d H tear U"0n me money 11 Hi) I M I ned araunn la ininn ,e. ... , " - nlready icsumrd his seat upan the coaeh. I Sna cast upan him an eloquent and grnlelul i loak, pirased her infant cenvulsively tn ker j kieast and walked hurriedly aaay. ! No ether passenger wishing lo alight at the imiD place, wo were soon nain its rnptd malum tuwards the great rinperium of the weet of Scotland. Not a werd was spoken. The young gentlemen t "iih his arms crossed upon hu krea', and, if I might judge by tbe expression ef hi roualeaance, was eviden'ly revelin some schema of benevo- !Unre in "'""" 1 he dan e irgarei I him wilh amar.emcnt. 1 hey a so h id seen the gald in Ihe poor widow' hand, and sem ed to think that there wa more under Ihnl shabby urlnut than Iheir "puppy brain'' ceald easily enrjenture. That in this they were right, as speedily made manifest. rha we had entered Glasgow, tti were approaching tbe Sack'a lLud, tho 1 m at which our eenveyance wa te lep, an opn trivelling carrit;, dnwri by four beautiful harse, droo up in the opposite direction. ( The elpgance (if thin equipage niaile the dais- diesspnngto their feet. "What beautiful graya !'' cried enc ; "I wonder who Ihey can belong to?" " Ho is a Imppy fellow, n hnw. replied the oiber. " 1 would gifts half ol Vuikahire to cull them mine." I he s'8e coach nnd the travelling car- riago stopped at the Cuck s at ihe some mmitrnt, and a foitrnun m laced livery, rineina frm behind the Infer, looked firm inside ai d then at the ton of the farmer, w hen he hfled bis halwilh a amix of resm ctlul ! U-cngniliun. I " Are you all well at tho caitle, Bbeit T" " A'l well, my Lord," replied the fuo'man. At Ihe sound ol thai inonasy liable the laeea of the rxquiai'i-a k-catTin steildy lonaled ; but without takii'C ta slihieai no1 re ol them or ih'-T coofo.ton, the nobii rn iH polite ly wished me poed iriorrMr", nod r.e.cen'li"g from the coaeh, rimed tha loo'man to pV-'e. his c k nod fjekpiied prm mi' in in the Car'ta", y Itten stepai'U Into ir riim.e i, and Ihe funtrnrin gef ing up hi hir il, the Cmtch. mill touched the leader ierv .lightly wi n his whip, and Ihe equips.;" and heir nobiu owner were soi n isut ol .eht. " Pray w hat nobleman is that T'.faid one of the dnod.es to the landlord, as wu emmini the -en. "The Tarl of II , nir." replied the landlord ; " one of the beat men, ai weM as the richeit in Seoi'and." ' Ths Karl of il ?" repeated ihe dan dv, tuminj I i h enmpsntoti ; " what aes have an been ! There an end ol til: rhai of b'-ig ai oweil 'o siioiit on his sMatc." "(', ye ! w mav hurnoitr leto rs of trodui'ttoti when wo p ease," r joined I con-p iiuori ; and siieaily nnd crest I i walked up aians to their nptririient. tu bo- Tin: i: K'.on sTitor m.. h. tt.. i . d I". K M W hen P'nr lean, a i. i n d I' to, W'H s (,.;. r 10 th linoa' pell, 1 1 o o a I ho lied r t, er tu e it, .! h i o w a v . a ii v ri ie ouf. I fie feo m e .. , f 4 Acre i " 1-1. not llta' Sno mi sn-' ilrai ' al n,v i k." T ' ' " ' r hid lo s!e rr die, f ir !.. c -i.'d !;i. pit kings at home, for even the p.v.r v weie , poor ct.d eri2gy, that it t k s al cf them to make a '-ft low. nr.d a . ri' w oud , m 4 'n e'-oih - r i t'T-e e. , , . in a! niiirr'1 of i n ol. ii i r 2 -i '. ,k a rl IIMCJ- :!.ici, lu, II. 1 :.e ,krn l-e eniv, Q d eel her. r II : t he o:d rat K v e n the m i I II a- I t !-er. l.vfn the miee ar.-w Ol JtJ w . and o d tabby w er-l in.ike a hta,lv s i.n t wu of -.liin, nnd th 0, Ii" i.'ow n and z -, with tho plea. inp coo. e alien ol kno 12 when the awike tliere would be a fc more left al ;ki; s-iroe sort. And ag 'tn : When I n h e' joz.'er, m- 1 1 m il, I itlier e-i- d, B I ro- i, M ' cr.ed, I',, t rn-d, and t e c ! rio-d. But nlr I s .., ! the i1- i'.jv. fille r .u -j. ee 0 er eii' j, J Iih .upo tt,d wif ; ur-j. B. I -no. Voli sua.', B- t siiiij, ai tke e:,t sun;, tbe kettie iing, and I l ot: Ul a naw fry 11 pan, e,d put a piece ol h -cis't al; 10 H, and p .iced tt an ihe fire, and that ur, and that's tho kied ef tinginp (er ts aynrkman. Aad thud i Th d ft h' -w Pn Smith saser'and Smith driir.a 11 H : Snr,"i diuok as rMisim, r;:n 4, and r-oloiis -Sni'tn so ber is j VI it, j -y lyl, snrt j i lv. S11. ii h d fur: k w ss sillier lei;. !Hrid. ana ia"i r no Smith sober ts caol, rhar-beud-d, mill c;iMoii. Smith sriber is- heat!'. , he.i il hv, ntol h iprv. Hmi h at r nn k iv m ii ; 1 1: i-C. 3.1,1 h t-i-and wttl her bav saved, well k-.-h.tved, :'d. Cj Hi J aay body ever hear tho .iorv if ta'u hachelo'!1, riown in Tenae-s--e. w hu had lived a sail of rat-andoSoo fort nf .lie, to the.r own ni d iheir ticighlmi bond's di-ci rno-rt, lor a go-'id nr.ne years, but who had I" en al a camp-mei'liaj, were a 'ighlly 'rot.sii-tcd," and ' buih of ihrm runcuid- e to reform. " Brolher Tom," sty s one, when l'i"T ' arrived ul tl.i ir home, ii t u. ml ! m n now , and I'd lell ou w Kat -'.I ii '. V.-n ' ii m-j af all my laol s, end I'll i!i v" "f V ""1- I so H hliow lluiv 10 p uhuui n."m,.ri ol em. " fiood !'' savs B Kct 1 em. " Well, yau kcgin." " Nc, M u kagiN, Brother Ji.e." " Well, in ihe first place, you kuiiw, Viro IkPr Trim. yuj M n.L lie." Ci ack ! ees li miner Tom's 'p 1 w' he I wren Brother Joe's 'blinkers,' and c- n.i I riihle ef a 'scrinuna '.;' ensues, until in tli n ,,f ten mieulas, n-ilher are able la 'coin'' up l time,' and the reformation is poi'ji nd st-vrc ins. Ri?" The New Voik Picayune is a funny pf.per. Fief. l!annib,il'a1ector a te nl at s In Ihe pniri. I'i his last one ho desenbe. ' G'ogrnfy ' thus I "O'ajrrafv, my ftens, rtiecp dp lor'gertuee, in?'er!ui!i', nn sitew i.htia t-h de carlo, r d -eiohe. I)i 11 sit it li swynii 'z rk y war y.m aai, wrii. ler in lie tenip.-i .bit -t lie, or d" 11 lenini r u.ce 7. me, or wi dib-r Vo 1 am ii'jili il- equin nx'ail line, or in de h. til' .! a r. D t fate you kin see wid your eye abut ile 41 Ut liluliiy ob beiag po-ti d in de science." The professor thinks it n.ilienal di-grace lhat Aii.eiicx was discovered by a 'lunner." DA NCI Nt. A yalteg m' who had at'end d more la Ihe chllivntion of his heel Ibun of his mind, flattered himself lhat he could he'ler his sua diliori by shaking his feet rather lb. in an emp ty skull, and issued tho follawin proposa's : DaN Siac Shit.t.. mis ter lihifoet p.o pose 10 11 pen 11 di)H fctno akull III w im h hat ht'lliguat hart wiil he tint in Iho new west lashuni. IntlaasnnJ genie! urnhiw may sea iht in piilron ej7.' hms in h s under tskst in, will plena tu 111 tbaer aarne tu Ibis car ps per. not a Bean a. Sku'l to hu o pin as suae satwran Ir sinaott de no. A v rlusua niinil chaises nrh maaeninls as Uast lauds t viliat las aflaruana. Beauties of Jfcmocracv. Tram the Snerc offMf. fieorgo T. Dans : hi .lia.ain iiubli's, vinatifu in tno imue oi R-iri'nlMlive on ih 22J uti. the MexU j Ivpraseniativea on i(h uh. the Mexi. can Inleuitiiiy bill lig tnilei cnniideration ; we mnko an ex'rait cr .i. He is reply, j l"K to Allen (frW I .'rrn.crat,) frn-n ! i tie Siiina i,ite; amlal'r i;!eniiir Sir. ! " eh.ter, w ho Ind bi en ill rly assailed by I CoaliiioiiiHte, he g e a fa,r history of the I direiuiah: barg-.in !-t-esn the Demnerata, 1 ure, have induced the Freesoil parly of Mas and 1'iee eoiiers, by Which tha i llices were I unchnsetis lo lake Ihe Course they did. Frotn divided up arming ilorrnaod the lug Slate the Bolon Cammonwealth, which is the or of Musa-iPhusetU df Cieti'A1 Xhej-'titmia MS I gun if it Freeaoil priy end il it ny prnr. I 1 My collenguc is particular'; earnest upon tic , subject ol rorrup ion. He mpret.i-a extn me fe.r nl' corruption. Now, li. re in a partic- ul.ir piece of i-orruoiior., as J consider it, oc- currii.g 10 our own b uo-, be (ire hia own eyes 1 uiiiiU aay occurring all, 11 own insfoa (ion hat 1 ilunk his lait-ni -,nd force rrnht b'; more pn liiau'v dir' c - dlnauist, than in huir in up these irump'TS th ires against ' the ht-ciriarv el in a to. Nm-. what are the fiie'j ? Trent are three part 0) in M.i.-ai.hu-' srtls, nnd I mean in bi.ng lint inatier close homo, f.: far as Mr. fibster )S concerned.1 Tl.eio is iho Democratic pat(, which in terms, in its rcsolvej, i ndursi i those me is-' urt-t known as the Curr.i-roiiii.e measures. 1 There is f c Freijil p -i , hu, 1. su-tain-1 edsr.dktpt up hv ha'i' i to thu (V inpforn.se measures, inc'uding the I'ugilive uve Law. Tiiero is ti e 1 ' log part) , w Im h I lake it, by tlo-ir Siiif i"so a,, wi.tioul taking per fectlv (!i;ni"t g'oiind iijion the cornprons.u tueas , ores, 1,11,1 take ae. f, cry dietmC ground in : .i.iaiii-i Mr. V b-'er. I1.1i ate he nnm I b-ra .f tbesi. p.irtn-s? Tfco riumln-r Whig! Voters is C 1 (MiO ; 1 uri er of the Di-imcr it j I,- i e. . i- .J.j (101; ; it,s umh.'r ol il 1 Free- i " --il'); I, motij tt) Wi, s n p uralitv,; v- on i, -i,, mfir I- - Mould be a Iliaj'a.ty oi j " I o-i !. O, tt at a-t in j or v i f ' In,.. 1.1.I I) rinrrurt, yiuh.ne 1 '.ii I to) ' r- g iiit -"r.t't'O ; i-r,e part of whom mi I .in the ( 'i.io,ioiriii measures which Mr. Webster B'iv ca'ed, end ih- other putt of wh un, ju !g ng l y i.t-ur vote in their S ate ( .',.i,v i--1 1 ion, ru.i.iiu M-. WeloU-r, making, as I s,id hi l'.re 1 00 0 jO uga :i .t C-.OOi'- Toai was III- c se ia-i y- ar. Some t hu g I ike that was ths c ist; ilo; yeir before. Wri, what was lie result, and what h is ha riper ed in 'hit S ate ? Mere were !u ji,,i; , . the I - in. 1- r.i 1 1 c risil I'r-'p.i,l rai i , i.'iri c v 1 p- p-0 1 11 r-1 1-.1 o to r ipu,. a iiiooad which nas 1 . x; i ie f I'ne-oi par-v, 1 ii is r:i u 1. a iiiost ran! n il p.-mt in t;.e --.--a r. t'nioe . , .'-, i ns mil I g 'm 1 ;.i)inee a bar!-iin. 1 he Fr.-e-ml party tri't "lib I be I) -mcrri!;C piri,nnd s' nt to i M ? nalo of th" L'niH d s':i.'r ihe ni ! ta eli.il us I t-lr q-o nt man who c old b-t pre.; foil I'n-m la- I'r- il ratk'j n.v roi:er.ue ; 'dr. A ' I n always c.v pep'c-d. Liuihtt-r.'j F. r wiiom were the I), inorriiis m M a satf u se 1 : 4 w-k 0 acre in la- v r p ihe war wits Mi x ro rilled u t 1 to Vote 1 l-'or a (jpnt pQan h ,s W iiitlirru) Vn'iti tor lie T'1 am' 1, wh. n Mr. mid hill giv- ipei supp'iei ;o our re .Mexico, " tliat Mr. lathrep oughtra f'r to allow 1 ur ar my tn pate k-tween,he C.iudtne ferks." Now I em not nmeb ! a La ;n-cho ar, but I understand thht the Cm 'u'e !tks Ho no! di1- ter mslerinl'y from ih- A lutcbert ; an'J that iho Caodina f.ik. in that cinm-x os meant that M r. W in; boa s-io. ml have h II the ".ineiican ! r jt to tk-itn.iir merciet of the Mexican kniie. The Pi-mocrslic px'J tire in fivnr of nan iniervriiiio.) ns rrgrirlssluv-ry in the States or Territories. Thev were called up. 11 to S'tid to the J. Slates I tn'e far fit years a gentleman who was in f.ivor of intervention any where, or at least tji lo the verge of the ('oi si'ution, Thev nerd to the Senate of the I' mted Stati s n gen' lees w!:o declared, in a sinech to be found ia me 1 f his printed vol-uni"-', thai there wen ili-pok. ol iofamv as cil as heights of lame' that President 1' . ni te had si'iindid th' inriner, nnd that he h ol hefer r.-ier have kes hotn thun tn hava siam-d tho Fu'iino Save Bill. What in 1 in llie I ) -inocratit p 1 ri v In do tl-is ? tV'Si i!, I .nv, indue. i the D mortals to do t!ii 1 W aal was it 1 W hv arid h-.-w were ihe 1 fiices ol the Slate V up ok" mutloti End heel 111 ike fhnn b'es I a ill te'l ynu how. The holders i f the twopirii,'.- met in repeat ad ctticu.es ; as an ultm ile result six Callil Cill.its, the Ci ..vernor, jtcitienant (i 'Vsn er, and 11 h rth, were (im to th DeBt"rats, w h 1 id three Coueeiilos, th t l in'ed States Senator, er-) Eereeaix at Arrrs, and same her m. ke weigh! rficprs w.-nt to the Free.; ui pattv. The two pa-lies lr;;aVd and chal. fere I dnv bv dnv, and ii"hl h meht, in long d In a'ed nnetioas. al lo 1 he dis'i ihnl ion ol these 1 llices each l-pajjinst 111" ol h 1 r to come vi;i to tho price ol in ,;'X d nnd ndverlised : co'i.rieiiee and pairiotsrn ! lVl'i d, 1 siv ; ailvettiN' d, I .nv, as trorottohiy us ever weie Piiiiiii's Ii e iiiituhi nt r or nnMiersc.ts' r-1 .-ir strops. I villi do hem the j i.t'ce, how. i ever, end I feci boned ;o say , that there was- : no inck"iy in one re.ir 't there was n per- 1 I el ao iui'i ir iaiity o neachery In principle j on Ciller sole s ( an he expectid irom (lie. vv . 1 It - 1- v- s in 1 ioaed- ct ion id m 'r laht v . I ss.u'tl a sreoa was nei r be .re exluhitcd or i!i .mi- .1 el 111 this rnialry lis was exhibited in od M i.;icl wsetls The leader t-l two, who'e p 1 lira bought, up b; ane wiJh, i;d,l aa.tin sweep of the illiccs of the l mm n j vveal'h. I want to hsnr wh-t the gentleman ill sat about lliis great cr rim ng nnst our ttiftl'tl-' lions, this wholesale curroptinrii Ihn mot;-; strous I had alnin-t smd this inrxpltrahle flltehoed lo cufsri- i- ! nnd to God, to ihe; heait of man. nnd t 1 e naiere el thine-.? I Where was the fo'll o'ni'in then! W i.. i was he I W as he ai 'f -up! i ir lo pievertl I't-f-riiiit i(i then? Qu--t the ree-s. 1 under si I that he ia. I g i.l it ; thai he favors it ; thA he thinks al vv a right. B'tler that he should to homo nnr endeavor to undo the miichiel 1h.1t hi helaed to do ihcre than coie1 here nnd nssml Nr. ivcbsier. Now, nob -nlv at adulaaca from Massarku si lts reuld t'lpUm by the aid rf tho reason which G. d ha gives him precisely hnw i' was that lo partiri, that occupied such ex aci'y eppo,ia gr'.uni)s t.'panth! Crrppremis j question could ha brought up to the mark I ) the one to htlp lo fend to ihe Senate yf the j I I'lHra Stales, fnr gix yeai. am whowiuldi iduring that lore period precis and rnn.rce j j w ith his whole p,wer, doctrines which they reparded a liesatmniilizmg and duorganiz-B!.;. and the other to lend it iiiflueiice to put int power in tlis State t races ol th Uonimon i ealih of Mas'ar.hu'.etts a fit of men utter'1 ea.th of Mas'achu'.etts a est of men atter'y ! and entire'' oppised t) thfn in al! those point whirh thev profebsed to think most essential. ! Hell 1 will lell you how it was. H psrty hatred, and that party hatred leveled a paina' the man wbiim we have heard vill.fipj i.dav. Noihini; elan but that cmi'd, lam nee to read tea panera fi las other sice more 'ban my own, fir I take it for granted thst , my awn ore aiways righ: Iramthe , ' n Commonwealth, the organ of the Freesoil , p: r iy , I cSp tlie fui'owin which was the r.il- It ir g cry lor ihe lust campaign, in the year, of our Lord 1 '"jI : "In tl;o next place there must h" union and c-fiorl, confidence and concession. Na enncesstnn ol prineip'e, lor nnnu is r quned. ; 1 n our i reesoil Irierids wn nay, now that we wih to rebuUo lnniel vrehster, to suttatn Charles Sumner, and to stamp upen the Fu fjoive Slnve Law, Ms frame is and npolngts-ts, ihe .eel of popular rr-pri b ilun, the I)"nn crat who is farthest from it is nearer than any Wii'g can he. To our I lemocra' ic Irietius we say, now that yeu w ish to tuitain Gever nnr B.iutwi-ll, lo rciain the State Administra. lion, to preserve and lo perfect the reforms 'o au.picinus'y coraroi ticrd lutl w'.i.itr, the Frccsoilfr that is fun best from you is neater than any Wn can be. Let Iho spirit am rnate the nl.ii d i'orces, and Victory is tute." And th:, ,M r. Cbairn an, was the way ihey whipped us. Oil, glorious dt feat ! Oh, da. ; structive and abortive triumph ! need I say. that I wnu'd rasher bo defeated fifly times in that wav than have one success. Mr. Venahlc. Sj had I. Mr. Davis. But we are up wi'hin seven thou. at. d of them. We s'at.d i-h dr tn sl'.oulder, ntid though nut numbcied, I can ieii my eolieague we are not by i.tiy nic-sns sub dued. I wi I state another striking fact 111 coenexion wi'.h this matter. L is wei 'known tr.at two years ago, before the election of She present Freesoil I'nited S ales Sen itor. and a '.er the election of Mr. C -utwell, 'he Dem ocratic Governor, '.hf-,e wre eo'ec twin y e tinny I). :niicra'!C niembrrs t.f ilo- Koii-e who we l.i h::vc n. -tiling Eo fin v:.H Mr. Su.t.iitr. What sJitl ti c- F reran I psf.tr du thin? It r-ur.e nut the very nest morning after :i. fir-t failure lo elect, o:,d said that tjuvernur lijtilwtli must not make r,ry changes rr op Senalorship, was 4 .p. led of. That paper well understood its men. Tbtr? was ;h or4:itest 6tal5 of excitement or.d the mm,: anxious expectation unul that n, alter wasor ri.T'ed, ana the deors of the irrasurv were . liirow 11 1 p. n lo ll e hutiory. 1 reniftatfi an crigrav;r.g uf'.er Landscer, in winch a num ber ef very hungry-looking does are squat ling or sl :r .iirg on tkeir hu:d-lrg, w ith wa ler r g iin.u'hs and lerrib e anxiety in iheir eyes walchirg a meat tray over which 3 very pertly-looking d g is he- pin guard. Laugh ter. Tho ei-glaring titi.luuies thvse l.nes of t' e dis'ich : " Ks -ii wdd tu'Lii hops and matiueniri to p-evail. To, C 5 Ihs pl.anl s.r and w .- a il;s a.v (.scant la.i" Well, thera w as someihing of I ha I aoi l seen in M issachusetts. Tim poiuge wa- savory, KsHi was huegry, nnd the U.rt'n-righl and . went. L'lMn cr. What, th'-n, is theata'e of the case! Why, that these twenty su thousand voters, cencc-ntratin their rsgo nnd re em men! on oae grey, si'v. red bead, mali ins that lhair duel and itadirg objtct, and sjcr ificirn; everv principle fnr the purpose sf "nling their rage oa t taa t great man, bare succeeded hv mvs cn the political diets board, in causing a surface expression bl a stale of sentiment vastly d tVerent from the atuts r f sr n'.imetit w hick actually exists m M l.Jiichuspite. Why Ihis raj" egainsl the Sa'cre'nrv 01' State-'? I5ei ause thry ciiooas to sav that ho liad teen I'.eae lo thn North. Upon that subject, en seme proper t-ccaston, nnd a 1 seme early occasion, I ska I have seme thing 'o s ,y. 1: 1 lust now thf lio e lo speak of his rent. e of p i.ey. My ohj"ct is accom pli. lied at this t'nie in pointing out hy it was that mv colleague supposed that his course in relation to this m.itier would k; re. garded wilh suspicion by iho House. I r what Mr. Webster haa $ufi'ied if ho has sufl'jrcd usMhitii: I do rot ?'i'est I kat hs has nnv saecfic c'aim nti nny u n af cotin- if v, for Ik'ifot thitk 11 v Se:f Inat he was in. fluent' d in Ins c ur.B by rcuarj lo cna sec- tnui more than nBother. WSatha did, w iieiher rikl or not in a', its details, was, ih my ju Jinriit, Iht liuil and re.ullofthe intense, glow iiio, pas.'.eoiute ns tionaliiv wh eh is engtn ved in 1 ho man, and which would lead btm, 1 think, to endeavor, at w halever psrsenal coat, to do equal ar.d s - act justice, mirier the v.oii.iili.tn 11. to every section, and .verhaps it may he liuly said that hie career, li.un the abui.d.ince ol his vi'al ca-', and the persenel, individual q laiilies o! his character, mere forcibly than that ol any state nian of thu time, it aatnr.es. the .iy ing, j lhat, 111 enplying )iinciplf t Ihe rhanging ' a flairs of life, tho man w ho is true lo his idea must elteii submit tn the risk of being deem ed tncon.i.len' in his measures. I I cnunot tell, Mr. Ckairn: in, how m ich ; tins sort of n. sault w hich 've have heard to dav is calcu'atcd 10 irjure Mr. Webster. Il I run judge fiam iho t-xpenence of the past, from the feeling which 1 see t spressed in ihe laces about me, or from iho e:n lions o mv 1 own heart, I shisuld siv not much. However ihisiuny be. 1 comf.'it iiivskII with the lh-'t that the 1:110 dies, hut ihoeau-e livts ; what en r he has done, ;. e, nnd nci'inol. 10 lire long u.'ior h.ai in ihe -neals ana g o( ,: h.s cowotiy ; as tho pi'i.i;in tn cs h r tis'inicnv thri-ujh its liioiis'.nd builv arms, elf '.hid with the f.nils nnd leaves ot a thou sand vrais, lo th care which aoutished lis eai ly gio th. A seeplicai yeeng man one day cnavar;na; will) lhclekrald Dr, Par r, s. id he wuld . , 1.: ink ..!..., ,j 4 Ot liri USSilllI Sllli.iiSS i.iitewsi'1 ui.hbi ..... " Th"P, vounj nun, your cried w iil be the sherlftt of arv man I know." UtlSft On LaliC Aifaragua. i:s r: n. sqi n r. ton ,cnl jomn ,hal ight direr.lv be k;fj , hu j,,,,.,, pf0U Orf.t" Tk h.uly ol jl(H v;t(in ,l1(.Brfd In be a nuclei)-, he'oe (an lh9 ... rtldir,td ...n the nrv zanhh, Iho fHow 1 1 'hi slre.imeH pat the m untain, uj"(i Ike I ike, in. a n i7.. ioe; tin m tt Bl(,, ,,e itBt(rt f Sulenlen.nni umJ L , ,jUI.t0 MPm i to fi nil as in liquid sold. i. lhe el W ,)W(?r the lm- of the heav- .,,.,..- Cr;n i n. hrin"iH. cut the palm trees on the islands in high relief against the tky ; then to purple, and finally to the cool grey nf evtnu g, through w hich iho stars shone down with n strange and almost unnat ural lucre. Tha trarai'iun was rapid, for here the lingering ti'iyht of northern liti- udes ii unkiit-on. O-.t oelmen were net ;.u.i,i , ,l unearihlv hoaiHT of lne urene ; and when it n a as 1 assed, ti e) began the etenii g chjunt, ''Ave Mar.a jjan.irna," etc , ihe echoes of which weio repealed from Iho sii u's, 1111:1! ihiy ti.ed aay in ri.urinurs 111 !r: di-iat ce. T1.0 niglil was wr-nder fully su'l. ffecul 1 dinlincl y hear tha link i.-i of guitars al tin' fort, at least three miles distant, inteitupiid by hursts of yay iaughier, unu1 a late hour. Before I slui.k under Ihe ch .pi, however, clouds begin to gather in the n'.r h-wr5t, lighted up nvimei.urdy by fl isl.es ol" I ig tit rung, w hoe hou ousts ol w mil, veering in er erv Cii irier. btfi-ket ed the api're.jch of 1 I thunder storm. I nevertheless went to sleep while Isaletiin to the dis'ant muiisiings 01 (hain.'er and thedsrnril how I t;s ol the "mo no Colorado, u r how ling n.i i Kn, A V(tj' v t riudiii"hl, boweier, we weie a,, roc in a summaiv manner, bv 11 d;.rh ol Weie f.i'i in enr Cu t s, fuUuvted the text iiiatani by 1 the lurching of ;'ie Luat, which tumbltd pis I ,.1.1 ' 'i'i :..' 1...' ..i... 11., , ; a 1, , 1 , ,, , 1 111 11 11 p i , e I 1 I- I I . , V nit.c'f ii! a tn'iiienl, ar.d scro nib'i d o ii upoii the .ine' i, w I. pip P-clrn, c!n g.nt; to lite tiller, wascihiig ft 'iit'c il y to the nien, w hu in a cofnuscd, shiii'ii'2 niBtiS were clustering a round the sw.it iii.' mast, vainly endeavoring to take in the tail. W'e were before ihe wind, wheh stas blowing a hurric hip, and going with immense vel city, the hissing a-ie-s ri. eg Uhci1 r rur siern1 alino.t to the 'ev el nf liie pin-;!!. Broad sheets of Ijltod nii lightning fell a.'outid us, f illowed by detfe-i tig neals f thunder, rlrowr-'tin for a tie.mftl' t.heroar rf the terif.-.'. I fad larii'v tune to pi n.nri liPiol the peril of o.i r situa' 100, with the a-u s -nt-it-g'i e in ihe nn- , arm swat ing from .iile tu rjo. w hen a flash of Ii g'lti-tne re vealed lo m" Ben's s alwarl form iimnnjrai ti e friph'ein-d ni iriners, I saw los short IL-iman sword li'ance for nt) tn.'ai t ahov e their heads 3--1 bad .Cut Ihe rre. The sail fell but ed koat tcuodeu s'e--,.Ii.y te 1 re the storm , , "e - j . -,.-.4. ., ,,i. m.i. which foon cshcusied i:.eif, havirg u, lirei-ched nnd uoconifor'ahle, ti ssii-g rviigl.ly nrnorgs; the waves, 'i he tren to, k !s the ears without a order, and in evid-nt reiiel pul't-d hick lewars's lk course from "-hici', we had Iteen driven. A'l that n'ghl, thuntn. r storms, like uivadin; column?, swept over the lake around us. hut we I'd1 in Ihe course of none of Ikem. They ul! teemed to lo irer a gainst ihe high Vulcanise i n the cpposir shores ol ihe luke, ai if 1 hey would level in their wra'h tnc uji t: nciis vtincn opaosea thiiir prugrets. i'lC'.'l '.',! .--;.--. '1 Ac) Juuir.aL STR A N G K D V F. LoP M F.N T LA UCK NV, MONOMANIA, &C. Our ci rtvii'iM lv was thrown into an ttnufU al slate , f 1 i 1 t :o .: a'ii'..o the Christmas I, 'ilii.. by a rum ir nt fii-t vaeiie and wIhsbo r J. bii a.'rrward 111 a do ottte tnd aoiil.,- tent n i-i'iitietn iii el Irttiei to standing uninnj its had been le!"c'e.l in sta 11 g ho-ks from the auction room on Mar ket street. When laq. ntictieneer became cerium that !,e had tiared the thief home, he si nl in his h i!, sonic I -'."), te the person im-plica't-d, who, after dotnals, equivocation?, i.'.c. ngr'-od li ptv for ihe property, and haiidi 4 over tlO, which wa all Le cou 0 riimmand ot tint time. This recurrd on Fne.iy, uf'er Chriaimii, at'd hy Sunday, in sB.ie of 1 fi' ris in conceal Ihe transaction, the whole Ci moiiiii.iy horatiie po..ef-ed ol S knowlcdgo t.f the n.a'U'r, and the secusrd wa siimm ti"d to p.p; nr le'ote lh church ef whi- h 1,9 had Icon a prom iu nt and 7. "ah us member, to relieve himself nf the charg.F II,! nnn.'ared befoie 9 cemm!l'"p ef the al.nrrh nn thmrSv n-.ei rn i n a c 1; n n n lee .1 v c th.it he h;.H e w ! the .- -ic'i. ie pr Sl't. to ave.d a civil prosi'cu'ion anu d sgiacelul noiorit ly hut denied heo' g euiltv of t h? r rime charo ed. Punog t h s t clny he was arrested hy trie 1 flicers nf oi.'i -e a search warrant was ;-.! Ii t ("j! and uean an exaiiima'.io'i ef his hou.e a l .r-e ntnou-.t of olen nrf.c'.'- k-..:-Usiatiom'rv,drv gone?, h trdware. ch.ih- - . , 1 . . 1 in ,Ve. A-c. were ounu cna luent-n-ti ns i j ,(,., i,y our merchanis and othc 1 ,1 m ,p,m, j., (-,,.. pursued f In fact inths a Hiss of vv holes i'i; nnd iom.s. nnon ite steal- . ir j. and h'S h'gh character ns n man nnd a j christian bad protected h.111 from uhlic us p:C'OB, a!lho'i-H certain indiv iduais has been i induced to sjsprrt niH wa'cli h tn. Ho mane a lu I confession uhout Ihe time of h:snrtet, nnd e.tid that h s (iispnsmon tn j steal w as ifi. iii hie and uiicorqitc'i ahie, and : rerealedlv ilrrlared ihat iftii'tii'd loose aoain 1 hs would be imp Ud Its s e it any and every i th'nn he could lay his hands on. And, m I deed, ho gave evidence ef this, by stealing . Iron) the guxtd who set u,i with him the Bight I preceding the lti.il. From one he stolen h.it) kcrelut l" and I'rnoi nn. ihcr a pur oi bans. II i not only confessed lo iho thing. h had s'o'oii, Lilt he ever, s.u I he had stolen ii trig h:i h it w is pitiven iji.tt I e had pur C ; i - e :. 'I 1 ! - .- o:.cl. t "go In rvvi'll the I lien mar.'.' rl he a en urii.'l. s vvere i'r 1 ous, if i.i.t im !ti., a nd nl.o th .! i e h d ie f i-ed 10 , .. . . : -i. be b.i-l hi n a . v ed an 1 j-sor (unity ned n. ;'!;. m ,! z 'Ii ' hd rs to r.u-e doub's e-j his sanity 111 the public nnn.laii'l 10 ct gender mpainy for hiu svll and fit nn ' v - t'poti ttixt before the eea't of enquiry, hf teU,.,. 1 rcoed en'.itf'y ler hu dtience upon the plea rf moneman.a but the court situ n examiuxti a ol numerous witness ana llat-'iung to ab'e and earnrst iieecnea f.ei;i count; I, (J- E Crockett and J. B. Husbands in deenc, s-J L V- Ili-Vsrd ft :he f" erution) held iho prisoner to bail in the sum ..ft I OtJ for lomsclf, and 100 for bis secu.i. lies, to answer at Ihe next teimnf our crim inal court. Some twenty or twenty five -f our Cl'iiens went tho man's bail, and he iet here aooti alterwatris on a Southern a earn boat. We had intended, thrnu1) rcpecl to hie worthy family and respeeiable coiinexmns, not lo pubiiah Ihe unfortunate man's nanie, but as Ihe tianso and main fads have been ivleeinphed lo other pmnts, and published, e see 110 reasn far the suppression on our V"'- , , The accused is S. S. Harvey, formeny of Todd and Christian counties, who ha had charge of a prosperous mala school here for near two years. He was selected one ol our Common school commis-inners last Spring, wnrr n intelligent, gpnlh nicnly person, and stood bih as a man and a C'nrutian. words won 'I II. We would that all our readers were ap. precia ing siudents of the grace and weaiih of thought in WoidsWorh'e poetry. It make us tad tv .en we thir k of the exquisite enjoy ment which might he derived fiom it. its phi losophic port. To Wenil-w u h, ntu-e than suv other, Would apply his 1 Wu hoes: roerMings 1 a on him, and imniar'sl praise V (,u c.iii us no iter I st-s a-iii l.e .ler cir-, I he fuel, who oa ejrlli h.is inioj lis i.e.rs Of irulh and puro delight by heavenly Ujs 1 W'p can imagine wilh what emotions w iWould look at tenarilless palaces ane nixuti 'anl fruits ar.d fragrant th wers, unlruched, ; unenjiiyed, because- unappreciated j bul xvhat ! are ihe er j i moot 1 ihe .-r.t s w1 en com- pared w:h ihe rnpiures t.f the mind, as it s feists tpun 'he tr eunliis ana iniaair-nrir nsj Wl.u'll "I nius BlKi ptiei.C iTil'V supply . Iial are rini.es of gold when con.piteil wi'li Ihe vast treasure of intellectual vicuilh, ucckaai- ale lo ail? Thai is, of all desohitii ns, mos! meurcul and dreary which we citen sue in the world of mind. ' Aliment fit for the gods, lies un-ta-.tcd sud uiikm n in tho volumes of our s iges and pt.eia. Meloey are joy, and br ghl. ness and beauty enough in ael the slurs lu shouting, nie all unappreciated. A table of good lliu gs for heart and mind is placed bu iore us, at vvmch ml tha intellect in the uni verse might least, yet, on y in w and then, come ah i g S'Ji.-ie s-jlHary one to late, .ed ae, likely as not, wi-l be cop. deie d mri. The ispu'crtlv shnw j men Ihe wide a viak men Ihe wise in Iheir day ami g' ne r.iiipn, an- cau'.'it to no such lianecenuental eoinii'.uiu, 11. Tr ir ii .pirntiou is derived fr, m aue'her source, and meican'i'e aig ici tv ol'ten sHiih s at the dreamers wh"se most hervent p'uen.y never adva ei-d alcck a lar ; thing. iiu.'fr Htghlt tpubheat. j 1 A .VI .-T3 v. n A v c . What singular s a'e cf things would ba b'eoer ! ah ul, if no il si. on d begin to otey Ihe JJ.ble nnd love 'heir In igl '--us as we I as ifc-.y love iht rnsviV-s ! V..n Would sec no smiling looks at tha acvar.ee o!' gain and nu In: j f ce. at the loss ef property. I'tte voir 11 of b.nsh rebuke, coarse a' enr, ar d loud c'snuincalii n Would be htj.hi ri. ' 1 am ks eonil as o'l lhat I wouUt have vou to know " Would i;ive place In, ' oil are us gn rl as I, mil .ie,' wiil a.M.l e.ich oilier. cmouider la lii-r, w ill sunns fsccs ar.d li-jtit hearts, mai.kii'd would mote oil i'i the march el life, di.iribu log fnvors With liberal hands, and laboring to make each other happier and bet ter. When wiil this happy t.ina an ue ? KsT" The Trut American nicnlions the ap pear Bi.ce in Tn 11 ton ol a man whohasjust b en leleased Irom the S'me Prison, fifier a icrin of twen y tears. During this tune tha .nireli ,,f , m iirnv p tne nt hna dppn sn raniri- ' i t ! ut almost everv vesiii'e of all lhat was fa- n 1 . , . . ' . . . .: 1 miliar 10 1.1m men swept awny. v ines mil low ns have grown up, railroads and telegraph bave been eatlfb'ished ; the ocean is navigated hy sttntn j in shun, almost everything w hicfi tn us appears old and void of nuvelty, must aiipear ttiang" and wonderful lo him. Ma r-n ercii his cell ol 8 by 10. a young man, and comes out with the maiks of age and th stamp ef ignominy upon him. La!-?ur Maubonrg lost his leg at ihe baltlo of Leipsic. Af'er he aad auli'.-red ampu'auon wnr) the greatest ccur.ige, he saw hi servant erv irg, or pteter.ding to cry, 111 one corner ot" it, 10cm, "Jack," said he, ' none of your cr o :ra! tears, you idie deg ; yuu kuoir j v c u are very d, for vou will have only ! "C bout la dfn ."' " Who is that lovely eirl ' exclaimed lr. wittv Lord N.iihiiry, ui c nipany wi n his friend Counsellor Oraot. Miss Glass," re I uliee tho barn. ter. "Glass! reiterated the) ! lac to.u .-udae, i snouia ..lien bp imov-c I led cuuid I p'ace such a glass lo my hps ! ' i 1 1 he tobacco crop ol Vuasour for 1 ; es'itiiaied a trom I I 000 te lo.OUO hhds. I'i .('00 lo 13 000 ihe precetdu g year Tne quality is sa d to be good. Never laugh at tboe wha do not dres a ell you. They may knew a great deal more than you do. State of iSorth Carolina, MrVKLi-M. '.,G ti l M Y. Court of P.eas and Qjarter Sessions, Janu ary Term, lro-. J-Hi-es ll-rotepiii, adin'r. oi Wlloain") K.ve., dec'u. I rs. I Peti .on o r Jjee II if '.. Jeseiih C. Temnies a-iil t tiaal sen r. larv 'ns woe, Wiilniti D n ta. t sou Ktfteev nis wite, 1 -vi 1 .0111,1- so' n a no 5- ii.n in -i t ',., J 1 - .- .- L11.3 tdie. ana M i is ct ti .ves. J 1T 1 I i', :at II lino, J..- 10 t . I'i Ms I 1. VV lie, k 11 1.1 fit tl Sill- ii a 1.: 10 . .i Levi h.,l',l'...iil.: 1". -a-. ' i .toluol. 11! tl -s M O,-, . IJ : ','; I Cimrr, that ; ; ' .!' II bv use . x .'ti o. t o Norm t are in , ,1 -eo i'0"t oti.lt be a .1 apytar al the nest t ourt ol l'..-4SSIid U lrr r'e. ,,.. . lie in W lor lot roji.ly ul' Mei i': -.- .'. a' I ihe t'eorl II oi I Ii.: i f.i . on 'II- 4 ' M"i.cs lu I Ai.nl ne.xt. iht n aoo i' a tusiiu wu-t ,,l afi v in. y ' ;.av i vi .. v I o.- -. i. &h )U ti not i.e ;;n., I . t . v Uaiil, l er o' - O sa' 0 I 'O'f t at ' .v c i: e 4 h Mond-'V m Jiem't t l- 1- -' B. OA I I ",' r. i I rn": 'a F. ii ' ' " a

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