A - 'Minn A. C. WiLLIAMSOH.lEDiTon. 1. i. iiGLTGt'i-BWHEB. CHABLIjOTTE, 3XT CTMLAJElCtt lO, 1832, NTUMBEH. Mttk t HOLTON & WILLIAMSON, PuGPItlETOItS. TKRM.S: Tin North Can-In a Wing will be nflnrded lo mm!," r r- l TWO Ixil.l AHlS m mivunw. or W() DuI.I.AliS ANU tiH V ( i:.N I n pay mriil ! di-liiyid fbr llirre iiimiilia, and 'II I lit. I'l )i I.LRH al the and ill tile yoar, A JvitI ii-rjn n'a mei-ru-d a( I Ine Dnllar p. r equart Mii hue- nr lea-, Una aifd li pi ) tut the fir.l ini-e-1. II, ami '.'a etui's for e n-h cent iiiuiini-e. utirl a 4 Vintim-manla ai d tslipiitf'a Hilia iha-ged i'S pe rent lui.li'-li and a di'iitli 'l'iii nl 3' ni" rent vil.l tin in-idi Irnni Ihn r nint prat-a. lm advi-rii.t is bv tin: vetr. Advert i., ne nia ins'-tltd m'-ml.lv u fin'ii'fli f I per -i tare lor earh 'iine tajiiit'tuiflith 7"i ci'n'a per 'iJ4fa tof eaeh time F all Irn-n ndaiiv.. In lh K litorml DepTl aM hii- dm-p'-il tn.lui J'-t-iiar. Ad lf 1. 1 I la r. irt ! i-inoa for Job VV tira, tnu.l be dine (( 1 in rn T 1I1 ulier. Ail Idlers niuai tw pusipaid 01 iliav "ill 11 ' lie altmitied In. f Pimraia call he made lu mil c-r. IT IWmi'l-ra steauiliuni-'d lu act t agtriU The IVmppranrc Tlcde. 7'eiirA A'i, 'rtl V, Ihmdit FL Tui i .vr t ;ur-J i', N iir t 'It p i tiif ; An dUvr o l) vr t4h 11. fiui -tJ p ; A U1 tilt i rHn all ; Or yu hut 'f 1 i,n dr..i.kafii a .J.-Lli'jf fail. I'll. lt IV J tfej ir iprp tt f n thy ' I tuiti ( i V iiife- t' t'tUglt '.!(!! IIHUli ffJilie, 'i'l.r y Tfio-M (h, tiir i;t erK' haii Uui 1 mi nd and buJy di ! t rn 'k nor iffit.k. ner t'r 'ill'- on m'K-i a ; "I 'i it'a i't-f j l ui j i Itai'i a rji"1' b. An Aii .r ;eriul 'in( To iiir d rttfg bhg And fcrar'd tfJiM bring Th" ra(.vc I'Uj'ia d'iii and V 4 h 1! iU rn) r !-.d . i itT, A'1 H' d - Ki jiUa-ii, -ffiiy, A noi 1. id'y far - I u U nine p agi fd nr, A'' 1 1 rril 11, 1 i cup : II b'i' a fi'lr A'-.. j )!' t'm luuttt iti up, I fMt id kr thy o;iu aa fma ; h i' lit u (ir 11 rrtu e I I (ui an t)jt iHih ; I 1 I I. kI !..! Uk' I' T hraklH, .attivi, I ctiii., Jtn. UJ, lj'i Can'l I'o Wiihout a Paper. a (.Lii.t'T. Jy Jh t'tr I'tvflr. lut ! I'o w it hou a pipr ? No! I j tfi-l il iu mi ifiit ; 5o, fo aufrft lor on J i I Nr Hait uritil to iiiHfr., t r otl,r (u'lth i-apar, 1 rt r l hir f il iij nut ukn ilia pptf. Whr, irr' my rti.'h'ir To'y treaf, II m ultvjja dmia iii iim A t.ti N.'mn i-tkv imtiU ia hi ad rtiii dsjtt, Hi rriffr c'a 1 ' U,u-a ? U'hili it'(mt van n ennui, II a miitd I (tit Ttf)i ; 1 I r'ie ia p!iu o ha I an 1U aitviva l-.kea a pp.'. While tidgMmr Stro!i hesrt all lha tifwa A'u! k"n aairh itffeii pf And al hi knaot u,e I' t,u t't, Ity t k M f d aU ica I raimut lt.il Ut (fi-e l gfain, ()f oii!irv, c tl'. u,! or Anyknul of itt-r h n-d z( Ut-4un I Uka ik jjjwr. 7 !iniijli I litva tuH- a hir h quire) NI i- h iNiii- and in- nlji Ubor, Vrt ri" !(' a li'iu- 1 me, Aa it uo'it ny riF-.gJiber, 'I h oi ij ' '(mm' !" .r:ittu, I en ua A in! " ii i t Upr. And tmi riiwl tinio io t"it the nitf I linrefra I 'It lake Ida p4t er ! Hli5ccl;tntou5. i in: Ji:sn r .spy. We liavf liul pliriii in i lit hdiiHa an ft tnci Itmii a win l wntipn hv th Into Mr. W I ii it in II 'X in. iinrfl a Rmn ill Caihnhc I'lii'ntiii 1'niUili'lphia, and wli e cutinranin In I'mlrilUii. in maili! a g iod di'nl ol niiim ai Ilia taut) fif ua ficcurri'iici'. Mr. Ili gan i a reaidi'iil nf ilea pari i,f ill rnuiitry, fur a Imm, and uur fldr cinzi'na will rrnir niVi Ihn lomlilt! atin!hrnu mil rlml upon him hy llinaM in l'apul aulln.rily . Wa pulilmlind Ihi' cura' t el lha liinr, ami rant and aliiindnnl Ihpy Wftra ain ri aa wnnlJ , Bd almu-t any pftaiiii In tl ni hi ihfir emanation from Chna (Mil nnlllnnU. Il ia not our purpiao lo rntrr into arcta rian Ciiulrtivfiaj but wi' fiel it nur duty in rfrnrd all ntnilrr, Ifl tl cnni (rum thnt qinr It it may, Cnlcu at' d in li n iPnco tnn di-aiiny of utir cmiiitiy, it li' rt Iho civ it at:J r f 1 1 -gmin hlmriy nf cijr ppnpie. Mt.- Ilngin givea the liiilnry of a Jpauit Pny, whn vv.n a Lay HiaiT nl the order of Jfiuttt nf Slonj huat, Kngland. Undp lha mii'iicea nf rnthul c eiimtiiunilira of dilf-'rent ofdi'M, h fnipfd into the iTirn nf pru ttafit fainiliaa na a apy, in New Orlcana, Ptiiladi'lphia and U'll'imnie J ifpurtitig In her tiif ruira all Ihi- inridnn i lhal ttanaplted, atid Vfry arc ml tf Uiivs in ihfm ; Ihnir ai'ntt itn-nn u n pnlitica, raltgmn, &c. S imclinipa he prrfnrnmd in lha chataticr of an amnbli! and reli(iiiui rliamliai maid, and at uthera, diKU ard in tnulo attire, aa a pinut and cx rallcnt young man. In (bis laat character the appKxrrd ut G.idnl.y'a Ilu'el, in Waahing Ion ( n . Wo iiuw qunte fmin lht aulhnr, lio w ('.iiimeil a Co Im.Ik: I'maul iln-imi'i of winch In wnlca ut I In' it loin wiiii- mi ir uIimi unl liiiid'T liul alu H wliui our iruiten nuhl In linn J wliui cry m a n in ilifi t Jni' li imyhl I.' kimw frniji C.iiImI C auilimity. It I lm -miiiUVH m lm II, It m I ul'i uiiiili kiniwuig if fli", il i f islmi'd wniili din raihctii g. VV. ffiaivuw niiv hi kmii i'f!n; lnarti us n a-tit ii r id itii- ( bUhiIm: Chm ch, heriMir (!.iw here. Vp tin Vf no liemg i tu iiurip ii-.i nt, imt li t v e wt' a r i y oVsiie In rxmiuiiiH, whrie l!ir ulj"Ct i mi limn h'ily of a pnlil t ill mill mil ut b itli'inUH vliamciur. We r.iiii.nl b'i iriiinej fmBi utir duly luU' li -Iiuw c.i izi iik, liy bii numi lili aiiinlii'ily us r."j;S'r a-ivj-fn "f . i Mf t: - t wMMimw.il ut jih ' ruin' g . nr plnnih'ra iff-'udd tutij'lM! iiuf Iju-iii'-hi, Thia Ut mint will lif iimli r.ii id t. i ilii ft b well at ihe IMi'nr ul Ti Ci-iii 'in'it i'ii Mi. M ').'in, iriikn.j; nf lh' i iiirrtiirp i f Ur J mj.1 Sjiy iijuKi lii'i i!u'ii Ulle Hutu!, 9i : ! N"i tin- J''-uil wna in her plurv. Now lay i.ili rli.il mi f lunily nl knowui 'niifiv i.f nur fi,ili'iiul r rfi", h wi ll tit thf )inuli rtiamrliTS nf in i f i nr nntm-fi! I .i.iti -ni' n. N", it 'i k'lwn whcil.nr II e.r (,'niv CBii-l'Iri ; Hii'-thtr D-fnl ! V i In rr w i a lilwr'nif ; hi ll rt Jnhn ('. f '.i'f.i. un iia an IhhhiiiiIiIi- l.iit r rriliilmii. itnn. ., , it km wn li .t 'ii'' w n n.i iri'i'ii :''..h.h ntl'ifiiri" m itin r u.ir, ntifwh.ii . arrH lh" hnV I f II i l-t llMM,'HPII m ih i I'nil' d St .Inn. Iii lar , ilin Uv iti r in u, I lm hi, ami I ill w a it i in (i J - i I In'r I wn . tl'iM mail .l In t;i'' "r "' r,in rl n.l" .r uih t ti f i i f Oil" an tin I 'i f i t t lm i;t in H i c-Hifit r t , i In. u'li II" (r iii'ial i I Hi- J' -im I). il.r in j Knnif, It nil lint V ii I' en i illi! -IIINtlC ffmii : t - r riyn C'Hiii' i ira. II t n rem Ii til at utit t o I .. i i.!V'IHII''l.t. ,iit n-l-ili ijj to tni' :n tier i c k tmm, a tin- la'i'. in irh an" hviil Nii'ii'(n ii-, ai! CfK" ri'fniii-liiiiri'a. if--; i ( r I y an! In pti', I " wnftl a ail I r It I h if nr t-f I fmn i'i. V . ii niii.l ,ii' iii I' I'ii! I Inii" fmn j li. ii ,ii. ii v !uu ; hihI n it i n- cfr lli.it I -li. ii il Wi f n cm l"i whili', listii s ! ' in i ir hiii, lm iiiiit i y I i't u t taitfii me in mv n k iimrn, tluit I fiiiilfxi-i! In . u, J i ?c i i hn vi l icinn, .ind t'- it j'it riri.f ni ' ' r-iii a ii'. nl f.-vi-f , in w Ii rh I l"t irv hnif. . M V Imalllraa H "lit (lul l' !," MlJ l " I ' mii. i ii in N- Vmk. whffc the Sutnr nl (,'iniiv lull h i a i ari" Inr ni e it t iiiniI." I' i a ni-i-.ii-'-a to aav wt'li wtiat r-- j lm Mure mn mm mill I cmiiji y wrlitur.h u , n i ifl i ) 1 1 a ; am) mv l.amj; ih" e ", t 'a.i-i'jj.'i pviiiiii h t tian I liaif tirii-t.iliir i rn . I th 'fi'liifiiiiahiu ain u'h nf e ir ) eiluc : ti n. j Tl-wci'nil ci ffiliia nn.iif f SttuB, at. dm i-m!i' tl mi nl nl ft 1 1 thil Mi- I' i-iHi .-ai-il !... mini ; H i. a n a . n nl , tl.' l'-t ll-'t.U ( iri) li.j..-t'.ri ; iiw.au pilft ni A ayi'i'lll nl a f lftl, M.ii1ic.i!. timla mti.tr ih1 'i i v al' I f ' .i i' If i , v 'i rii fn. in i-tr li. in.' ihn n ii n' n' a J-..n' c u . . V't I H 1'. ("-I. !'" Mi !.' !'. I, . il'i!H--r.i, il, C i ( . .1 me t.t ii.ciiiiii It. 'I t, il IrfV 11 I fli ifi d tn N'" iV'iik, (nj mi I it riii.i e flri siul iiufM n . a-lli tlt'.tilti f-.lluWIi, lirlrll II a rhfllbf?r ' il.anl HI ari"ul nl llil? Wf'HllhiPst 1'rt'fi's'an; ! f.iiinlir in Hit n'y. A le aiilm a ft it ! .tin nil! immI liniii iff IMa chHrarti-f, thn ! M . (I Wl'l f'V" I'H I.BIIIH III lU I I ll lITi lf ) 1'n'ol'l.ni! n! Ilif Ji'ii' fnil.pl- in Mmnliii-i, t a ti ir Ii I him ni uili'ii, ami I hf'r tliia l in n, Imw in pHt'iriiais, a ,1.1V -.att, r il'i il mi 111" Si I'lili t'lU'iiii- W ' if n!i rtrijii inl.nici... lieil'g iff t'ff ' l.'ini! nl Inn r i . : 1 1 ! if ! ij inmUi luf abiu' tw-ivf rn - i 1 1 lia. Ti.r nuaiitiile ' !nni!iiig b-iwi ffi irn'"'f aii'l i ilii aciir..- iiii-n-ir i f liit" ihi.rrM1 nl liiiti ' IvaniB, I. .nl jiini cnni f rnci il, m".l in. Iriniil ! im Ju'i i. Hn tij;lii II h, a iluty In c.ll HMiii I m '. In 1 1 . .'-tl ttia! I wnul't uli in ! ii my i irtlnin .It.- rntitui I ! li. it ' Iii hrri-t 1 1!, at.it rriiH" lo nil nl itf III I!. ,U' am i g llH n-' 'll'. Ill- III' vi i iii'n.ii'il ii lm in am i ut tiuiii-c nut t ' 'I ' mt vie itn n. 'Ii iiu ' hf Vt.ia I llf Vi IV III n Wll i lim-i'ij I.' T I In si'ilt I I iii in tni. t. uii'ty . Hint lu me in li I r run il lur I' f a lua i ti nf iu iht ! a I ? in V I.I, I. I! il Ii ff n la 1 1 tn, a lid buSh ,' lim vi it I) ill in. In 1 1 1' I aid. I V In I In-1 ih riiali'in i.l ilii cirrumalai C j iri I liavw ilmilliTt nl iiitiiiii; A iiihi tfiia nu j Itii-if nuiifd iiifiiinai Jt'Miti Mini tiiina, I knuf i iiiii ; iiinl in iitiih, Mich ia tin ir uiiilliy un Hie I gi'iifi nl aul'j'Tt "I I . ory , llmi I am trini'fil luai, I cum nui. My hhn rmmi) ia, ihat i until a'.nin ll!;nk la lllinli' bjinll nil uit-rir.li ! (iiimr, an l I'nt.i'fV lifruiiii a qui atl.in i I dnl ( in and ruin. J.iiiiilhan l'.l mni In! toun- cd fruui Ina up ithy. Kn.-U I ll-t l'l.. j In a lata ajifpcli, giving Ina ra.imin fur tha for ; nialton of Mui'ifiiri-ia Avaoi.'ttona K msu h aiva ; Vv -(.nnd rfiiinn I'nr fiifmifg thi.a a.iocia'otia ia th it Ikr chfti of 'if pri'iilr at wot ttcordul in II u .Ainf4fl ''if', tmt a iipii I ran tui Ir.a rec otilt. ul ihi aa 4.h.iculiimf whan tiny hava j-ilfif-d tnrllirr anil ai'l III tliuhun v.l.ffi UlfV toiisiat ttf IiU'.iIihs! ol lli"lis I fill Jifrll.ljta liillliO. s of lffnil.. vri.an nut ol tha pmall ilinpa ut Imiiv tlit.il svnl liillliv. a va.t 0' iail I aa tn-i n I' riiiftl, tlietl h.i e.J lliaugli tliaif rliicfa m.y tigt ha woij; -ed, llie.r naiin-a ami inll.n m a w i'l lia. Luud and lung t:on liuuail app .i i - ' Il ia a.-airwly bi-crniiinir in a mm in Kntautlra p intion to vinlciviT lu i-xeita .11 w.H boiwimn lha "yn-aic" ami " IV ii.Ain.' fy-i City" Hy whicti ha mtii.i tli jovoriiiiinnt. Un' it ia in kcping illi hia whula amtiaa liuin the lit al- rri.iying tha noa. pna ily and kiitdnct-a ol' ths Unifad Matva Wt'.li tlToria t tuiuiuil It in lera i;n war. Ilwhmond Ktfbhliean. Vr Hoiiili'i tiighiiiialca, thrualtc and i-waua, aiya I Iir- H i-tnti Pua, atuithiT Inn' has appnaml in ihn mii-u-a! gtnvrsof Vlulaili-I-plno, " Mi. i.i,ijle" t pivitg CntiCfita at tlm t'lmirao Muaeum. Ilu bus an txct l.inl bill. Tlii" llhndtt laliind Snnate haa pasied, by a itinj iiiiy nf ilirt'i", a hill fur aliuln.hiti the puuiahiiifiil nf douth atibatitu'-iiig imprison infill fur lifu. Tho Lintliifi Ttim a ia qiiitft indignant at thr Kfpinl nl Mr. Cm win, S.crmary uf tha '1'rfaauty. It ia too tnui h oppnand to Xe. tie inipurtalivui lo luit ita purpose. Xlcfachitionanr tW. run Tilt! NORTH CA0LINA WIIIU, Mr. E'liior : 'I'lii! acciitrtpiiiiyini; tiarrative ih from ih pfti if tho Rev. Mr. Brown, nl llirriiihuiir, Virjiiuni. Tim purin a lu u h un it ri lu'ea are hi own (an.lly, and ulilninn'i tl nutht lis fiiniliikfii fin a minaiitic ntnty, is an uiivatriiahi d relalmn nf fucla. 'I'linae nl ynur le.iiler vhn are fund nf Ihn thrili tig e venlsuf our country 'a early aeiilenietit, will be gtatificd by your giving tl a publication. Yntiffi, A. The.Dnstnjimpr 8nfl,.Cf r.tH,ty '-' I Family of ; JAMKS MOORE, 1 or TAir.w ui.1 ct.l-.iTt. vikuim. ! In my liny Ininil, Mr. iviilo , iniiiiifig Wrif inorii tntfri-ai fi(' than Ihi) li r ril 1 1 i.fmif i lathe ts r. pi ct ui(! ilieir i -niiflicii. t nh i he In l riiHiis, In i. tie ul Ihene, 1 Ii i-l a apecial line r eat : -nil I j it v i .jj nitciillv el d- avnud In f-iu j o riy if. wih j njr periuiaifin I ill prestnt it ! In ihr rciidfra t I ihf li.'-iillilici'i. i Tlii! (i iii-nla of Jiitnva M inre, Senior were jaitiiitiff llnj!!i; w hn, t!urnin Ihn pera culiutia i unilf r Ctwifle a 1 1 , e imraii.-d fmiti 'ntltii.n ih' tin- NnfUi ul I r f -! . j 1 : lie ni-srenti.iiiia nl ! wlintii, in iIiim ciinnlr i:i tiif ti-i.-er the ni-in-r-j -i I i.rt m. .( "St iiirh 1 f ih :i . -'fuiii iit'ji d I l r. f.-it'iwiuieil In u min, niuj -.ell led nn U't h i'a (ii-' k, in U i k i i iiiy t' unn . . I hen ha- ft1 a i un. J i in: v a k'.-i , un fjin!i tain : In ni tiif aninn conn-ry, aim waa h l.ne.il ijn . .ri-iiiiaiii i I Juaf-ph lb' in and S inni. i Iv.ji ln-r 1 h'fil, ill -I III. U fllf il Plf"ll ll'l l-lll C'l-'nl, ii:i-n ; in Si-iii.-iiid 'he l.riei hv i y In ii a un m l."r nl tin- A - - ml.t . nl i.nii".i'n I) !vnia. Al'i-f n:aini'- M-. l. ri i -i :l i. till- H,l B IH I 1 1 ij I 111 "11 . iUid 1 1 V - in nui i.i' i !i iii i iv n i.i il .j r . .1 i "' V -i- t j illnS I l,t-1 f J i tn''. M 1 1 ri , w . , . . n -t -utijt-Ct i'l I"- i-ki'liil, wa- ii '. . ' H.e . h i : i-r j'fi-wiip he in-iiried Mimii. V ,t i.l '111' I-,! C"U . V, "ll'l an" nil .1 i n: , ' u It w i at nl lie N ii ' nr. 1 1 II ' n' - , nt n .' n Innk'niWIiaa ''Nl wfl'a T-'Vini." 'i'.i-fi . : i.i-ir lim e f-nie-t cliiltlten, JjIio, J ni.fa unJ J- .iph. wi-re h 'li'. j Mr. Stftiuf-I Va kfT, a C'Mi.in n M i. Mi.nre, and nthf ia, nad Ii ei. mil in iI-k S.-uih wea'crn . if I i.l I lie Jm ill-, i'o-It f t li nlii-flij ; anil i.n I. l. U-turn lm (! .'.e nil ,.CC'il, i.l nl ihi -it !. nf th- .nil. anil .ii-r..i.li n' ,ia mi in'eil f'e-a In the fjruwltl III a'l.lk. IMl Ml. M . Hs fi'i liiiii;"! li In VI. il i', and iln.nt i''f Vil ; 7 t .3 . '-I f I' fill V f ill id ' I ' ill' II'. III? Ill i t .t-iiit'iii u na iii A ni'" .v 1 1 - - v . I z ' w i-H rn n tv , mi it, if Wd'f-ra ol IV in- Slum., a hrai ell nl l Sua ntrt. l Uh VmIIvv v. f e..l it. Bimi i!..-n li-' lent I,'i"i, Him fi-i f-v.j)' ii-fi il. li a i ul nf I he i'imni"ti r nrk hv wlnnh In s ivFtj. a fniili' their ictu f -inii. i t- 1 ne i ' e nu n:., and l! waa hnpnil I' at hi- w..iil.l hi'ie iiei. in all' IV ; I'll in thi- ii. Inn ('M ' ' pnivf, he aa vii'I v i i ."!. 'rij A' tins 1 in,e I inn' we i c n.. I .ill ,' - I'.i-' o I ; e t) n-i II. i'f, .Hill I. 'I .i' ' Ii im :ii ii I ' hi l-'t n i In- A I :. i'iiiii1., ;iin) tl.n rn i r a - re ne'er-iiiini-'i I lu' I he m uiniiiit in. ai t. u d hi- Hfi t-ser i, nl hairier heiwi-en liiem. Ilenr' hur in-ri'-im l r ll 't's In cru-h i very atiempled sul lh me nt mi Ihe fiitbiilden tertitnrv. Vi:li Ihe aid nf an o'd V, jjiithitiin oflhe natne nf Jnlifi K'uijisnn, Mr. M.mrt. huit Nit cnnfi. r ii-ji feil a ruei'e nl rriin.i, n ml 'villi h:s ,iiiiUH wife (t member nf tl." Pu-hv Iff ihi ctiiiri-h ) r reeled Ina nh'ir In l.i. d; and ihere he remit, d until Ihn and c.tl.ivlr-ipho we nre . ahi iii In rel.iif . Af.i-r th . li di in f.'imd mil th-.t n few- fun- 'i "ahid aililinl lere.tht'V rn i de .i n ttu'ui -inli fri-m iheir ..wiih eat of the () i n nrar'y everv nitnmer, ai which Hum the setllera teie cnrnfie'led tn into f-rls On inn! of thene nrea'-nina thev r-iti'' to fhn hi u.-p ni ' Mr. J.ihn I'nii, uhout two and a h .t I milea dia'niil from th.il of Mr. Mure. O i Hip tuht i I tin' nltnrk. ai vernl men lieu.a ih'-re, I i p nf them t-'imiik'-d ih r llms tn'iit " k- en a p nui hii k i n' l"r ih" I'lil'iina, for he heard an ir u-ti:il i "i." in ml: i I'limi ol o- U. iind w h'i'li he ai)ii-i' il tn h" the HH'l nf d IT-r-eiil pi 1 1 1--. Hi'i'riiiirhiiij the h'lll-e.,, A Iff tin. nil the liMit. were ex ' HMUi.hed . and a In ni 1 I n'l I n k Ihe nlmck wiia iii 'ile. O in nf i he men m the dnk i7."d eun which ' wna tint hia own; and he eg dmilne triiier ed, nf wll ch f.ir! he wni lint aw.ire, prrased the mnz'le airani.t Ihe . dmo, and in a It-iiifi linij in alunH hrnke ihe trij!ii'ra. Mhnrtlv af lerwiufia t' e Indintia rrliied, and did nut re new the iitiiick. Alier Hiii ftmal of tlm f,ittl ihea relirt'd In lha nioie Ihirklv .ft'U-ii piru nlwha: nre now ll'ickhridne -tli'l.tuM iind M iiiiiiiiiinerv ci iinliea hul Mr. M., wilha le v i uthi-ta. r in .lined. The hr-l i I hia filtn V whn n Captttfeil, Wis .limea, hia M-rnlid B'ifl, lllf'l l"ilfei-li veniaul iiy. Tina nceurreil S' pieinhi-i ?t!i, 171. The raitivn, ho aiill i livirg. iv Ihe fiiilnw inir HCi'iiunl of that event ; " Mv lither hud aenl ine In h Wiiie i.liint a turn M r. Iiaia; abnul two aed a li.'f mi dipt'it t up the Viil'ev, tn C'ttch n hn .e lut i I ftuht i;. lo mill. II r leaided fitiin the mitt Htiinil twelve rtiile. mid the r".id thi'lter w -a ihrotigli n firrmy w ihlerm-.n. In e ni- qili-lire 111 the illaMIT", I h id id' i in c-ntie i li'ime ill.' gie r pint uf Hie H.iV. nl il n eln, when fr quenily il wua very daik. Ih i g i lima nciiia'i'ini'd ni I , v e I Hlmut, I set mil lor the hnfie without the lenal a;ipieheii-iou. Niitwiihaliindui"; tins, I had not pnn'miled Iimre than hull way In ihn li 'Id hrlnre a ami- den panic ennui over me. The appearimc ! of the Indian who limk mo waa preaented In j mv mind, nllhounh at the lime I did nut think ol liidnna; but ra'her lhal aonu huge am ' ii ni I in hum a o H'-i.ie wnuld favour mn. 8uch I wan mv alarm ihut I went on liemhliti''. Ite quenllv liinkinif hick wi'h the expectation nl iaeeiui lint auiinnl. Indeed, I w uKI lave ' reiuined home, hut for the tear tluit my In 1 er would he ili-pleaard with the excuae, and perhapa aeiid me buck. I therefore proceed led until 1 came near the field, when Midden ; ly three Indiana apiani; up from behind a log, I one nl w hom laid hold of me. Being much 'nlai:ned with the appretif nainu alluiied tn, and believing ihia In be the animal, I m-renin led with all mv inijhl. The Indian then I, ml hia h'Hid on my head, ami in hia nmive tongue told inn lu huah. L iokiiig him full in the I face, and petccivii'C it In be a human being, I fell greatly islievcd, nd ipoko aluud, ' li ia an Indian! what mttile. me fear t at ihe aatiiu 1 1 inn thinking! witliin mvsfclf, ' well, all lhal ia in it, ia, thai I lll hate lo go to ihe Shawnee tnwt.a.' : . "In thiscnmpiny therje.were nnly three iz: a father and ami, and oao other. Tie fur rntr bullring ihe tiameof 'Black Wolf,' a innlil e njjml man of Ike moat aiorn cnunle nance I ever beheld ; akout aixfeet hiyh,and Imiiniiii hl'iii.k heard. iThenlhera were a Unu: IS yiais of aye, anjl "II of the Shawnee tribe. I deloi d te tbe Bl.ick Wolf, whu had rapiuied me. .' " Mi h immeduilely orocretled to a cabin near to which the hnWa wpie. The uld Wolf ii-ive me toine'alt which they had pfobablV made nt a lick t"'d me to caich mem. My ol jpci w,' j . ulch one, n.niin! tutu, ahd- rtitiRfi'iii'v eepf.""ls'iri!ii.'nr.iTij; my i itiMition, aa i.fin a-i I would j;el hold nf him ihpy would cnti e tiiiuiii (J up, and thua I cate iiiiti away. Finding lhal I could nut 'get one for invaelf, I did not wiah lujretune lor (hern, ntnl an Hiler a lew effirla 1 bbsm : tinned t he attempt. j ' Tl ia was ahnu'dne o'clock in l tie of'er. ; tun n. They then went into a thicket where heir ki iih' imd hbiikela wete concealed, af j ter which we :nfe(lnit' l set out on our jnur ' tie v. Brut travelled down Tut; Creek, which is thi; ii'iyh biatcll of the Sandy river. Tina !t ream receivedtla rinliie frtun a purly ol men iho, whi'e tr e litm iiloni; it, b' ing almnsl famiflieil werr ci rn;o-1 d in cut the hufl.lo luiia oi IhoniF.tliev li d with them. Ificmi eq ii t re if ihi 1-ijjh ..eeU, hner, Iiuf. and i In- im U' t 1- rl arinler of the country, i wii pr ri-edrd h it evening onlv ahoul r 'ght mile.. In .ur journey , the ynuiiif Iiiduiis : ai nl hefnre, ami the o:d W nl! behind me, ; nnd if inatka weie mad" lie whs Careful In re i in- ve i Io n.. I l i q 'int. ily b'nke hur-hes j th s i e ili.r eied, ni d aliBku ir hia loriiuhawk o ver n V lad. five rne to lii'dert;ind whnl I fii'ij' t I'Mnci tl I C'tit lined to do an. I w iti'd lien .cr 'rh the jimuiid with my feet, lint tl... ! . i .ii ili-mvi'ifd. niid fmni it cmtipp led nt .'.'. ii , t ili -n b'-caoi'' fn-ei..ry to nmli thei i fjnrta lo rtifike a tiail tor othera, ere un i eduti 'v detei ti d. ' A hunt am aeitinj the old W ilf gave a i ri-iio ndi'iia whiinp, and niio'her nt sunriia", and them- were repfnlij mornirii and eve riu'2 ilurum the who!-- j iiiney. It was Inn-;, I. 'lid am! "h till, and intended to 'gmly that ihe hid one pti-oi.er. Their rua'om is te repeat the whoop unnl 'he repetriona eouil the mitnher of prisoner''. In this w.iy it cin lie know ri i'l far aa Ihe w' onp ia heard, w I. eld er ti.i-v hiive pri-nneri fir aca'jie. .nn! al.o Ihe number of each. The fi'.t t""lit waa i.'.uk and rninv, yet we ay down in a lantel thnket -uh .ut fond or f-re. Preiioua lo I his ihe o'd Wolf had examined me carefully to en whether t hail a ki.ile, al'er which he lied s IphiI'i g I alir ,i.pnri-ij nr.aind my nark, and hp oi' pr end around hia arm, an aa in in k" i' tiiipo.-b'e lu d net-gage mj self Willi on' atik it' him. Ni.tw iiaiiind tin; rnt c i t cu mat nee were ihn. (ilno'i v, I nolpr'-venied limn uleep. In-'eed, I ruppoae few pti-miera were ever more re.iomd to their tile. The n.ixi morn li. g ap re. timed our jnrni', and ci'tiiiinted down Tuj Creek 8bout two itil f", until we reached ihe main ridg ol Tugmouniain, a inriii xhirh we rieacemi'd ti' ti' we cametn Maxwell's (tap. Thia rap lereived HSIiame from a Mr. Maxwell, i was kiHed ihere bv the Indiana while in jiir-u t nf the wi'e of Tlimnaa Eimliah of BuaXV ( I'den, who had be.-ii tiikvu pri-nine". Mi ut this lin e I waa sent some di.iance fol wa'er. Sjppo.ui-J un ap!('oiit rf v ew, I giv vent In mv feeling and wept abundantly. Ine old Indian, how ever hid wa'chee me; aid nu my return he pointed mil thi? maika nl lenf on my face j tneii ahakirij; hia imnHhiwk over my head, told tn" I m.iai not du ai aiinn. Their ob j"fl in snn'iii'tt mn fff ail (nr appeared lobe, io a'Periain wheiher I 1 "ti'd ailempt to ei cape. Af'er thia thev Hi huiner tied me. Ai th a place the old Wqf brought in a in 0 d e s z d dutch oven whuti had been aecreo d on a loru er ex eiliMnn, lk carnaye of which win anaigned lo me. Aifiia'. It waa faslened to irv back, hut alier anl nng tiuich 1 ihrew it do n, a i -i j I wi u'dtiot carrv it. I' pun ilna he laid down hia bU ill", and ti.ld me lo carry that. Ot find .fin h it I could not lift , I hu aine more lecnilih il. look up the fi ve n, and a lei several da vj. filled il with leaves ilnced it on my head. nl carrned it with nmre c iu.lori. V e citiniji'rl on Ihe aauie rii'ge i he w hole of I he flow in-; day, and en camped on it at night. A rain cmmiig on in he evening, the aun pf Ihe Black H ud puled i ff mv ha' ; i lim I faetited. struck him, . mi lin k nawav. But fi miiki' g known lo mo that hia ol j-ct waa lojirnlecl hi-gunl ek. I p "riuiited hun to use it, aim nl er thu rain h reiuined ii. " We trave led 3 d.ti swiihottl sustenance (if anv kn d, .live lha1 I lv- ml inn. w on d occa sional y take the buk ran tite notih side of the p. pii'af, hr isi; and itri) it in ihu water, w h en we Hiank, an l winch seemed to re-(ti--h ua C'lit-idefah v. ( i the 4 1 II day we k l i d a I i fXil.i. tiik mil Ihe tripe, and af er mIh; ii a ng n in w a(r, pui H in ii a kel i e wi ll .oiiin piere. of ll ili, and mailo brnlh Of 'his we ill it i . li he.iitrv, lut eniirely ab a aineii limn ea ing the I .h. At iitghl we h .H ani'tln-i k- tiif. .Ii I l .laiiiin,; from ihe (1 -ii. I hi. i. I nl.. in p i ni. after a Lu g fast " I 'r.ivi lied lln" who'e pule w-illoiul ahoea, in f I , a this 'line hid Hue at tie biin-eiun e.n'ti foot : :n v sulf ringa-oiiseqi.-tiily were vety severe. Fn qin-i,ilv walk'-d over rat tie aiiakea. hut waa not peipitl' (I to kill them, i aa the Indiana consider thin their Inends. 1 Some lew dayaafcr theiral, we killed an- ; olher tiii Hi In lhai was vei Cut, and dried as : much of th" meat aa lastems several days. After this w killed game a our need requir- . i ed, tmiil at ihe end of iwaly days from ur j snt iiig out we leached heir towns. We crosaed tin-Olnu betwet ii he mouth ol Ituy ; an and l!i Sundv, on a ra; made ol dry h g., : lied togpihiT by cnipe viua. U l i he banks i of the Scioto we rema nel.ne day, and heie they ni.tde pictuiea to repriient three Indiana, and me iheir prisoner. R-ar ih'a place the old Winf vt i iit i ff and prmned soino bul eis; l wh eh bud been secreted in a former occa i sion. " Their towns were eiluled on the Scinto, j near lu what is now ChiliQihe. When they came near iheni they piuied ihemii'lves j black, but did nut paint m, which was an o linen of my safety. I wasml taken directly ! to their town, but lo the rriidcuce of Wolf'a half sister, a ihnrt distance from it, and ao'd lo her for an old horse. The reason why I wa ant taken to the town, was, I suppose, fliai, because it was a titin: of peace: and secondly, that I might be saved frnui ruuniut: the gauntlet, which was tho case with pii otiern taken in lime of. war. Shnrtly nft' r being (old, my mistress left me entirely alum in her wigwam for aeveial days, wrh a ket lie uf hominy for my f ind, and in ihis Inne'v situation I fiiat le g in to pray and call upon God for meicy and delivorance, and found great relief, having cast my btirdena on the Lord, I would arise from my kneea, comfoil ed and cheerful. I had been laughl to prav . my father prayed in his family, and now I found the heiii fit (lf tho religious ittsiiuctitin and example I had enjoyed. " In annul Two wei k alier I whs i.mt, r, nn.i re.a set.l me w ith oiheis on a hunting ex cursion, in which we were very un-uccea-ful. The aiiuw being knee deep, my blanket too j short lo cover me, and having very til i le oil). J er cloth tig, my suHerngs inun cold were I very g-eai. Afier lying down at night, in -attempting lo draw up my feel to gel ihem under the blanket, ihey wnuld frequently he i enme so benumbed that it was w ith difiiculiy I could straiten them out. Fitly in Iho i mrrning the old Indian vou'd put nn alar e ! fire, and then make myself and ihe young In dians plunga all over under water, and tin-, I think, was uf great benefit, as it prevented ua , from lakmg cold. j " Aflf r our return from the hun!, the o'd man gave me up lo ri tain E lint, a Under , friifii l)i-iroit, but when mv ui'strcs heard inf it, she became very angry, threatened Ei hot, and got me buck. ' Smtif tune in the fnUowirg April, thrir ; was dance al a lown about two miles ilia ta.u, which I attended and where I -1 w i h 1 ti Fietich Trader from Dei roll hy Ihe name of B -tesi Arii me, w ho, taking a fancy to me on account of my resemblance to one uf his son", bni'ght nie fut 50.00 in Indian iimney. Th i const, pd of silver broaches, cros-ca, ice I ihere a'an met with a Mi. Sherlock, a trader from Kei'tuckv w ho had for morly been a ir a j oner to this Irihe, and had rescued a lad cap lured in our neighborhood, hv Hie name of Mi (Tit, whnve father was an iniimaie ac quaintancp nf mv father, though he was now living in IvPfilur kv. I n quested r. S'ier I rk to write lo my father, thinugh Mr. Mid fat, informing him of mv capttviu, ai-d that I had been puii-hased bv a I-'iei.ch trader, and was gi tie to I). Iron. I here is reason to tie leve that father received ihis letter, and li.nt H gave turn Ihe fiisi itifoniiuiiufi uf what had becntne of me." But we must now pause in ihis narra'ive, lo nniice ihe destruction and capt.vny ol the ra rmiining part of the family. Like many of his day, Mr. Maine was to aeeiialnnmd to danger that It coased lo iive him serious alarm, when once he had passed through a pieent ilifftru 'y. He had enn fnaiidi-d a rompanv of Virginia nuliiia at ihe battle of Guilford, that had behaved with g'eat gallantry, and was Ihe last In leave the fir-Id Being well pleased with his residence tn Tun-wen, he ill tarried, though the dan ger w.vs great and increasing, and though most of Ins neighbors had moved away- Such was the eice lencv of Ihe range, ihat he usuady kept tibou' one hundred head of horses, besides a considerable number of cat tle, and ihese principal y wintered lh"m selves. Farlv in t he morning of July 14tli, 1756, a gann of hnr.es came tn fr rn the range to ihe lick bl- cks, ahnui one hundred yards from ihe house, and Mr. Moore h id gone to sail Ihem. Two men, also living in ihe iHmiiy.had gone out In reap wheat. The 1 1 1 1 i i ilia, about lliirly m number, had been Iving in ambush, an I now, supposing I hat all Ihe men weie absent from Ihe house, rushed forward with a I speed. As they advanced, thev commenced firing, and killed iwn nf the children, vizi W 1 1 1 iiiii and It. hecca, on their relutn fmm lha spring; and another (lpxnnder) in the jrrd. Mary, ano'h-r of the children, having e-caped, rushed into the houe. immediately alier w hich, Mrs. Moore and Maitha I v ins, a girl h vnm w i'. h ihe fa mi ly, barrsd the door. Mr. Monte attempted to get in, but fiiiding the door f.isteaed, rati bv it through a small pasture lot in winch Ihe house atond, and when he reached Ihe fence h illed. A moment alter he waa shut through with neen huhe's. Al'er this he ran fitinut lorlv paces, fell, and expired. He wr.s then scalped, and afterwards hurried hv ihe whiles ai Ihe plvce where the body lav, , and where the grave may yet he seti. The ' Indians paid he might have escaped, if he had not hailed on Ihe lencp, hut it was thought, when he saw the depl-'fablc condition ol his family, without tho possibility of rendering them assistance, he chose to share t lie i r fa'e. There were two tierce dogs, which fought like heroes until tho best one was killed The two men who were leaping, heat mg Ihe alarm, and seeing the house surrounded. I -d and alarmed lha settlement, it being about six link's in the nearest famdv. Thsrp was no nian in the hou.e rxcepi John Simpson, Ihe Etig'ishmaii alluded lo, and be was on ihe loll, sick and in bed. They had five or six g ins, but having been shot elf the e.ening before, weie emptv . Maitha I v tns look t w o of thetu, run up stairs, and handing them in Simpson told him to shoot. He looked up, hut was near his end, having been shot in the head through a etnek whi e look ng out. The In 'latis Iben pro-ceded to cut down the door, which thev souti i ff eled. Daring t h i iiiiip, Martha ltins went Io tho far end of, the room, raised a loose p'at.k in ihe l i t and went under, at the same lime titging Mary Moore, whu had the y oungi-.t child ( Margaret) in liar arms, to set it ilon natul come under also. Marv looked al the child, ihen clasped 11 ft her bosom, and deter mined -to remain with It. The Indiana having bro , ken 'iilo Ihe house, tonk Mrs. Mooie, wnii her childien, John. Jane, Mary and M u ga lei, prisoneis ; Joseph, another ot them. was in li"( kin idge county, going to sclionl) , and having laken every thing lhal suited them, set the huuse and other building on lire and wen: away. In the mi 'at of all this, ! Mary Moore, then eight years of age, took i two New Tesiatrienis, one of which she re- j lamed during her captivity, the ether was: stolen from her by Ihe Indian children. j Mariha Ivtns, remained untlar lha house for! a short time, then came out and concealed herself under a log that lay across a branch near the house. The Indians having tarried a ihoit lime for Ihe purpose uf catching hor-i,'a, on 9 of them by chance walked arroas j porlutiity was not long d oyed. Mr. Thorn this log, sat down al the evreni" end of it ' as Ivins, having heard of the captivity of h and began to fn his gunlock. Miss Ivins j sister, clothed hnrisell iii skim, and secuung .uppua nj; herself to havn eeii discovered, hia money about his person. to"k hi- i if!e, atid that he wasjiiep iri"g to shoot her, came ; vVtc. and went in search ol her. Ho wander nut and gave herself up. Sunn after Una 1 ed aout from tribe to tribe, and by inlorma-ilp-v set out on Iheir journey to ibmr towns j tnui from the traders at length li und I er. Perceiving that John .Moore wbs a boy fee j He immediately applied to the pmpur author he in hudv and mind and unab1" to travel. mea for ihe release of my stsler, which waa they ki led him the first day. They carrteil accordingly granted. AU being at liberty, i he' babe a few days, but being fretful on ac j we immediately prepared to go to our dia ant count of a wound, ihev dashed its brauis ou I friends, and as well as I remember. jei t ut trains! a liee. and tlnew it in the brush sometime in the month of October, 17fi'J; it For snn.e time the prisoners were regulaily ned at night, and a warrior slept with each of them with a tomahawk in hand, that thev might he the more readily despatched in ca.e offiiif.uii. Their manner nf travelling was W. , -ar -arhtt--mgi.t iannd -I.T J tt M.m- H h-n Ihev reached the S:-,nto, they can fill ly pointed out to Mrs. Moore ihe hietr glyph ics which thev had mude lliero while her tun was Iheir prisoner, Shnrtly after reaching iheir towns, thev were called tnge'her in council, where an old man made I hern a long' speech dis. nailing ihi-iii from war, but as snon as he closed Ihe waniors shin k iheir heads in token of dis sent, and retired. Thu o il man afterwards tm-k Mary Mome into his f.nnilv, n'en-eu I camped near a iarg. party of ih'-iii, ai.d tho great'v tn coiiiinisseraie her condition, nn-l "Kl morning f ur nr five of their warriors showed her aM possible kindness. Some , eame into nur camp painled rod, w Inch very limes ho would call her to him lhal 1 1- uiuch elarnn-il us. They made many ei qui. "might hear the lii.nk lalk;" or in oilier j ' lea, but did no! itio'eat us, which might not worili,. thai ahn in ght read to him nui of her j ' .ve been the case if we had been atone. testament. Tins thi- younger l olnns w iihl j After this, nothing nrcurted wur'hv id noticu frequently hide through mi-chitf. On and Ill ' reachni Pills-burg. There Mr. iiccasiniis he wou'd aiJmii.is'er u rer innf 8" ' vms got his shouider ills!ora;ed, III conse-sr-n-re that the same individual a not I ke- " nee of which we were detained through likely to repeat the i tll-nce. ihe winter. D .rifig our Hay we resided It due nui appear m have been their iu with an uncle nf his in the viciniiy. Having lenlion to have killed anv moie of the pris i expended nearly a I i f his muiu-y, he leli h' nners, but a f-ariy of Chen kees, on iheir ie. i "is'er, and proceeded with ua. A daj or t urn fr.-m n vvai ex p. dilion iti'o 'he western two nfier we fKl out, having called at a pub part nf IVnasv U an a, in which they wete fn I ' He hnuse for breakfast, whilst it was prepar ofiiv unsuccessful but had lost siune of their mg my sis'er took out her Testament and I'limher, c imetothis iiiwn, where they b-! t" engm-ed in reading B'-mg called to came inioxk-aied aid wb.-n ihev si w i he ( hi eaklasl she laid it duw n, mid w hen we re prisi. nets, aero much exa-pei .tied, nverp .w jsumed our juunn-y she forgnt it. After we ertil the S-i.twin s. and kil fit Mrs. M ,re and hid proceeded several iiiiie. she thonght of her daughter Jane, to avenge the death ol' . Itiosp Ihpy hiid ln!. Ah ui Mary Moure there mu.:h con . teniiofi, wh"se pmpeitv she .sln-uln' hi ; am! I when, as was Irerpientiv ll.e fa.e, Ih- v g"t rl i .ink, this su'1 j-cl w uiild bring I he tn m h s . On such occasions they nnu'il deieru lm lu kiil her. but being aiwavs warned nl tier dinger by lie w ii' ger Indians, she mm il c i c al herself unir they lu c ' me s,,,pr. A ugu.ia County , h. ut i n e fin es .u' I st ; This tribe proving very tr.ubsome to the "l Sniunton, nu M dd e River. The plunta. ' whiles along the trnnt,ers, it was repeatedly ' 11 " owned by Mr. (.enrge Sbuey. . coiiK-tnplaied to fend an expeiii n.n again. i Mr. Inns ri r'-in-d Ir' tn uncle J. s. ph Mnore, : their towns ; hul it is pmbai.le that Una wa, ihe iiilniii.is'ratu' of lab el's e.taie. cmnpen ! ill some measure pu.ipfini-d by eomu uniea- sat'on for his servtC'-s al'er whirl, he teiurn : Hons from Mariha Ivma. through lb" traders, ed to Pi Isburg and brounht in his si.ler." urging the prnbahle la e of the prisoneis if Here the narrative of James M. ore c'oa'. (M wr-ie done immedidlely. In Ihe fail of A I ler spending sever al y ears w i h his 1 1 lends 1 t-e, however, such an expedition did go " R i khndp, ho relurnt d to Tatewell nut. The Indians werp aware of its de.lina- counly. where he slill resides. He is a high- tu n fri in ihe iitto; r s'ripd. and when n drew near cnncea'ed whit I l,ey C"'.l d nol lake wi'h them, arid i'es-iii-d Ihen towti-. Annul this Uine Ma y Munm thought of se creling herscl!' until Ihe rnval nf ihe arinv. bill fioiiig the consi -nuenees of a nr.-ater delay than ui'ght b" at. I cipaled, she desisted, 1 he expedili n reached the point of ilestina lion lite in November, and afier bunnn. their luwris, destroy mg the.r corn, vfce. iiirnfd h imp. o' irt'v a'tei i h i-i -.he I. di came hnck, hut winter laving S"l in with cniisidt rah e severity, and lim ucg Ihemselves without Iniiil or shi-licr. Iiev became jirea'ly disp'rited nu i .e: mil fur Detroit, On tins e.x peililiun ihey uouid snmetimes auk" up in 'he morning, nnd in additiii'i to Iheir blank e's, find theinsfives covered Willi twelve or lounpen inches of snow. i,in ihey reach ed Detroit, ihev eavc tliems- Ives up to s rent er exeess in di if king, and s .Id Marv Moore to a man who lived lu a small ullage called Fietichltiw n, near Ihe wpslern end of Lake I-.fi-1, for o,i"-l'dll gallon of ru'n. Al tin Iiiiip ihe released rapine bad nothing on her left i ul a pair uf deetsk Ill III"CCasilis iltnl Ihe state of her other c!othiii wil' presen lv am rear. Mariha Ivins was about H p nine time purchased hv a man in the neighbor- hood of Detroit, shorllv after wh ch stie was released, when she went to re-ule an the family o' a weal hy and woithy lvigltsti far- mer, by the name of D.i ialdson. w hern ahe received wanes fur her labor. But we will now resume nur furmer uairalive: "Mr. and Mrs. Aruune were to me pi retiis, indeed, they treated me like a cbil i ; I eai at their tu.ile and s'ep' w ith their so i. l'ni-v always "ive me good council, and ad vised me not m ahaiilon ihe idea of re'utning to mv friends I worked mi the farm with Iheir sons, and ncc isioiia I y as-isied in their trading exii-tliltons. in which we went lo rilf lerent and sometimes d staul places. It was on one ol these that I first heard i f the des iructioti of mv father's famdv. This was communicated lo me by a Shawnee Indian, wnh whom I wis acqu nnied while with their lillie, and whn had been i ne ol the parly on that expedition. In the Inl-oaing wirier I le-irueit that mv astir Marv hail been pur chased bv a Mr. Sigweil an A nerican bv h r.h, but unfriend v in Hie Ameiican cause. I!" w as a in in i f a bid ch 1 1 acter, an noli el tug wretch, and treated mv sister with great ui kiiiiincss. Though thu winler was ver. severe, and he res'ded a! a cm'. I ieiub e ins tance, I Immediately prep.ued to go to his house. Bui as Ihe j mrnev vvouhl have be-il attended wilh consiiierah'.- i' - iflcu'Iy , and as Mr. S. I- lurmed ui" tiial he in 'ended to m move l i our immediate neighborhood in the (..l owing spring, I post ptmeil mv Visit. II. n as so n as I he anl ol Ins tn i its! I eni o. Ins house, wheie I f.ui my hitler mihe tri'-si Biij-fi condition; being coven J with only a I iv dirty and laiten-d rag., ami ex hibiting lo my nnnd an ..l-.J-ct if pity n ue-.t. It is impo. sibiO !o descni e my I elo gs no that uccasiiiii. Sotrnw in no ordinary tie gree, mingled w-'lh jov : ami I have no doubt, her (eel figs were entirely' aim In. I imme di.telv applied to the cnmur.iiiiling tlncfr at Detrml lor her relea-c, inform n him of h-1 treaiinent, and went wilh M r. Snii.ui ti , r ly i o Col. Mi'Kee, the snp.'i iuletideiil f.,r ihe ' Indians, who hid Mr. S. brought to trial on! thechan;P. But nlthough I failed in ob'aiii- mg my object, it was decided that as soon a- an opporiunity of returning to her fuemis should occur." the shou'd be relea.ed vv uhout 1 remuuerauon : iod ptcviJcniial y tuib an op j having been about five years from tl e limn of my cnpliviiy, lull1 a li'lht more than Uucu from the captivity of my si.ler and Mi-s Iv ins. A trading boat coming flown this lakes, we obtained a passage for two nf us, and pru Mudefl 'a 1t . ,V&mviw? Jew os, ahiul two hutiilref) mi If on our w ay -n Pittsburg, w here liy appointment we nit I wilh Mr. Ivins am) I tns sisier. He having in the mean'iiue pro- I cured hiises, we imiiiedialt -ly lenimed our ijmirney. Very urunulely a party ot the Moravian Indians were aho'.il starling no n uniing excursion, and these accoinpan.ed us i con. ideriihle distance on our way, winch whs through a wilderni-ssj ihe hunting ground of at, unfriendly tndo. One night we en- it, and si mngly insi.tt d on turning l.ai k ; hut such were Ihe dangers of ihe wiy ihut we did rmt think It hiIv i.-ible. Being C'-nnt-rli d XVi -h so miii-v ltili-n St ii g h..' cia'im s, ai d liav mg been to her a si-ti'ce i t si, much coin lort nuiin her almii.t mo e than eaitbly triii s, r. was a l.'ss u.ui h o he regieiied. " H i- prneppried in tint;! touched '.ho h-ue of mil uncle, W ham Mi I'tni leis, in ly re.-pecinhle meuiber of I he Melhntlist church, has raised a large larnhy, tuns! of whom are ennnt Ceil with that church. 1 1 : sj brother Joseph is a resident of that county. and a n. ember of ihe ,'i ei hndi-l chui c h, as me bImi iiiisi ul'liis rlu'iln n. Mail ha Ivins married a man I.V III" name nl Hummer, re- moved lo Ind an i, and raised a latge f.imilv. O' the-e two ate Pieabvterian muii.tera, una in 'he I resiivn-rv of Cr.i w lordsv i ie, nnd tho fiber in ihn Piishilerv id I'W.i. Shnlly al'er her return, M irv Mo op wer.l to liv. "' ',er um le, J. aeph W a1 ker, in R bridge cminlv, about s,x miles snu h ol L".x- ingion. Tile house was subsequently owned by M. John Donihoo, and kept hy linn as a livern. Il is now owned by a Mr. Mi'ffit. At : l,e age of twelve she was b i .t z--d by the Rev. Simuel Ill usion, and received into lull communion with ihe Pi es'nv lerinn chinch. Plus wns pmhahiv e iher f t Ilighbrnlge or F..:l spring. v, hen ane gr-w u:i ane ihe Rev. Samuel B.own, a di.lin- innrri' d i:uisiieii rieauv tcfiiii preaerier, ami pastor ol New Providence ciit'grpgati'.n, ami bicutia lltc ilioiin r ui eleven foiiniieo. .i nii-in.- uuo i ..r i i .i.l IV. ,i ... .. .. died in infancy, another at the a ol luur- teen, at which time she gave pleasii'g evi- det-.ee of piely. One is a pious phy sictau, ainuher married a physician; another mar- ned a clergy man : one is a ruling elder in I he church, and five are I'realiy ten hi ("ergymen lo the Slaie of Virginia. Her last leg, cy was a bible lo each of her children. At the north end of the graveyard nar New Providence church, 11 miles norih of L xing'iJii, near the .n;i' road leading to S'l.U' lon, is Uif grave if Miry Moore. Il may not be uninteresting to add that two id her sons spent two years in the Theological Seminary at Princeton wi h iti'-i ol Ihe sons of Mis Inns without b.ing avvire of ihe fact; and that una of them had a most inter esting interview with one of the latter, in November last, in ihe citv ul B.idimore. 11. B. MEDICAL Vj?E OF SALT. In many cases of disordered stomach, a lea spoon full ol salt is a certain cure It ihe violent internal aching, termed chulic, odd a tea spoonful of salt to a pint of cold wa-er I'niik it and go lo bed ; n is one of ihe S"eeiicst remedies known. The samo w i'l revive a p.-rs m w h i seems almost dead alier lei t iving a h- ai v I ; '. I.i apoplectic fr im Lm" s'l.iu d be lost ill pnunug liuwn sail and wi.er, if aullicient sensibiliiy remiin lo allow of ihe awadovv- 1 1 nn IV i ' r 'hfl head urns', he spci gpd wrh Ihe set "s reliiro, wh-'ti -i t will con-pte'ely restore the patn-ni Ir. in it: a i a r g v . I i a fit, the feel shru'd b-' p'.ired in warm water with mustard nd'ed, and th" 'egs biiskW rubhed, all band-gt rem v . I tioiti thp neck, and a cool Epar'ulio" pi. cured if poaaili'p. I-i mmv i'.i.fs i l" severe hlpeding at Ihe liinga, and when o'h-?r remedies !'ai'. Dr. R u-h foil nl tw.v tea .iiomis In'! uf sa'l C"" -p'eiely s'aved ihe blood. In H'olh ache, warm aail nnd w i!er hei.l t" t'" pan. and renewed two rr thiee lime., ' 1 r' " v' """" ca.p,. f ihn tuo.. I t. niT cted. .h the nnm'h Wi'h brine ; if thtt cvtrd wnh n-iai, w- ah ihem ' ce ' ''" "''- " Java-.

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