''.-' ;.. -ar."'e.iUj-r'.' eTtsmriirrt w T 'WTTfcTf ri. j'HJ ItC1 ;'. 0. wYlLIAmSGH, Editor T .' J. I I0LT0H, i piWhm, . . i. . VOXjXJIVIIE! X. OHAHLOTTB. "BJ C, 3kIjLOJEi: 31, 1852. lie k& Ml 1- i . I 1111 M l HOLTOW & WILLIAMSON, l'llOPRlRTORS. T North ra rutins Whig will be afforded to rd-r- l TWO DOLLARS in advance, or I'VYt it HOLLARS AND HrlY I'KNTS it pay- t.e delayed tor three months, and '1I1KKK in il.I, A US at the er.d of ihe year.' A :veriietiients ioseried at One Dollar pt sqtiart , 111 iii'F or tew, this sized is ft) for the first liner it hi, ami '25 cent for each continuance. Courl ad it:si uieiit'. and SlientTa Sales i hargrd Si per 'I 'll higher ; and a deduction of 3'U pei cent, will be mid' from the regular prims, for advening by .'n war, AdverthTiiit'iim ttiscrud monthly or enarterly SI pur i-q sr tor each lime cim.inuiilti !v 7j cents per square for each tune. 1 T Ail letter relative to the Kditorial Depart ul must be directed In the Editur. And all let or. on b.iines for Job Work. muni be direc. tvl I"' t't P ih ialmr. Ait letter must be poet. paid vr vnv !!! nol oe aliened tn. 1 r I'ay.ne'iis can be made lo citl'er, 1 r l' .stiiia-iliTs areauthurized lo art a aerrila. I W. BKi'KVVITII ha. A . run vi .1 ins SIIOl' lo , the lioum 'a'e.y nr-ciipied an - - ' Ihe II iincls.' Ni i Pnniii(j of -4C. fire, where lie v. ill bi plcad 1 . i : ... ... h Iff yM ' have work to do in tin line S)mmjL2 r-tr:y II. 1-",S 3lf , ( Office of North Carolina Rail Road, (jRfctNtBoeo' iTUi Januiiry. I?.. V Bl;orOAI.S will be rti eivi il al ll, it oil. r t.'.e i.'1 ' Jl til the hr-t ds .-t April mi', tl.e de ivery "" "mjj. ei ienoa, mo ninory oi die . ' ' - el il!a fur the SorihCaroliii S.il Road IroiuChar. (country it the the history of separata eom- i ,obef " ' 'h" io:kd. I la wh'.ie pro loti to Sah-bury. ! muni ties and governments, with different ' C"'''",C ' embraced in lrtv-nine pc ; Te siiU t. be eight tcel long . be b.-. oo te ; j ,.,.,.. ,h..ii.hall were f rnm. bul ,h,, Ptte contain the .ub.tanre :;r:;:;::";a;' iur,::,::;! sn'-'s. "I i-tliiT tufi : :i t-i f,c i-4rKr-J nr lh w n 7 iia til's lo be H gr-d white or ui oik nnil ai.b ti t lo the in-'!!" it.ii ut I be C1SH lit. :. I er (3, ! .'r y u;. tile read. I hf- dtiiv,:ty tu bt- lit i;t, r pari o: : .rbst nt or boniimiy ot the nxt f4f,tiid nut t s u.i fir mi" ii ins. i' li d ai.d tc-viw it. 1 ,k biJdcr will name in l',eir bnlii. Ihe price per i-i '!! s; rii,na on tht; rt.au on w hu b ihay propose to s e? thfir mi s, wincti M.v:iioria wilt be pointed ti .' '.i i K f.t by the liigiiieir. ni tt.i. Uiiad. T-k -f.ion Kake !- n l'U tr el ait, twenty i'. v .. he p' trtd at a ruiivi'niet.l t-nint nrsrcvili f t.-.n tiake, and twenty .i.is at ritlv icet Iron tiia t...f s any o put up ai uvt te Uamae by lyin ca ti. .i ,l. 'I'i.i i'.a to be got during tlie presiM Winu-r or J. M. MORKIIKAD. 3 16 l're-nilenl N. C Hall Riad Q GL2 !: To the Herchants of Western Worth Carolina, TS r ..te-n-d t,- a.Urfitee upnn the author t f itu i.f i e Pie-n'ent e." the riiartiile and t .t i j thai the Road. i ("i'-;:! 11 .ii 1' a'l ('ontL'anv :.. b- at t:n llept 4 mill i bnnnO ibe Niti.-e I ord : thr l a'ba. ': "It in.ditte itid I "t M h ; and mat ' D.-pnl there will be reao; br "ti'ion ol !..., ! inili-e. Depot i n i;i-i frnrn harlotte, and the f a.j t.e vrni at a tie al.il aoii'ri'ir 4 .rd, bv ine .rni.anv . or at Moore'a ferrv, both I sti M. r l ,d i nti may b anvirierd of thi con itt;in of sji-if ic for vriton Hit- ne!'f4;'B:a m this 'te and d to nir! lht IT''!': tlm Clot lis & Cassiineres, A I.MU.K I,IT, which we art: ('tH f i innore they are i ell J . rl 4' gMUC, It )ull , tnt amelh.r.g fine al a:ria iirvt II II A I. s. W 1IX!ANH f'iarle'le, f''fcrurj II, I'.'ii. 3;l ,, j ni .in., a r Lppiag s Compound Fluid Extract of Darsapariiid ana yutcii a jjtmgui, BB M'7".M l' - tn i . m, rr Intirriki fit M r i'i: mi iiirt 1 inFrini' f . k nil ...e-rib. d and r,e,eiended b mo. all the reV. t- I ,-, r,b... ani! oi Lhar.e.ion and the aorrMoniinig . . T.-uMire-.ra'.n '.) add.nf Q I'er.'a ftelirM. e to i!.e Sar-apsr.!:.., coro.mie. in a more o-r - Me- on loan l.v bn-iitl remedy, lonir; and ai t raove F. ..d h.Ch yneom -..ended bvemlmM p - . , I k i.rmared m cnii'rr.nrtice of the reeoiu - r-.' i.d.ii .n rj.sen by Or II K fot, Tro'i-'eor '' niotire. Tli'y. svera men f.ill of Ihe spirit Mi-ra M die,, in 'ne M-A -si Col ee ot 'harles- nf (ho n(.c,,()0) rl)0f, ileeplv wnh the gen- '""(:," ::il'?r:rC';,elir;.'''l .e-mment if U.ecounl,y;of laroecom : r ,.,,,i tor adnunt.trat.oo, and web the prehei amn. of long foresight, and of few ex f .i on i .1 t e ar'di'n.n oi m. n ory, which may be . words. They mde no speeches of osienlu- at a: tune, a.'ded wheo nee-ra-v. I lion, thev sat with closed dnors, and their At air.rel prir,S.-r ,-. u v. d, sad an "",' .im wis, " fone sins dire." It i. ' ""''"''.",''' .. , ..,,, II' llfnia-r-n T IBS': OIK u,,' E.?ri,rr .,i i w di- . 1 1 r-1-r. ' . y ri , l r. eotate the howe .. r- ' s'r-ri: to ihe bloeJ its wanted pority, giea tone U. ; ib'; t ir ''h. Olid prnmnte digi-licn. I It i. Lli renirev Roowo 101 rc-.i-if, iic. t,on.. 'orr-. a'lrl hf-aaire' out in voonff f tiplur. n, lf:o .ni. . ! an i: .'.-. ! I,- trrt , ii.t'.nt ; ? d;f ie from the .v.ir-m m the ! in la :t in all co ar.ci,ui ati'.ction. true, lend It .. 1'. .o.r". s. it i. bteh'y reemoterided fir all d;e3ea of the ; skin, ehrarne a well as re"'at. Une belli' will, in mnt-t in.tariees, etfeetiiaily remove all pimple, pos. tu:e.,or b olclies en tits tai e.tn wbteh yourg pertr.ua jn tins e irna'e re so niieb snbje. led le. I' ! I r'V-T'uaf relirve Kr."ipela evro in it n-j'.l. si oo-., ar dfltl per. nna iiirerii.r from Ihla dls. t;r t-,nz I cup tin are adrt.'d to ne it. 'I nere are tew ra.ea ot ehromeanrl painfoi Rhru mat. .nt that -a i.l net vi-ld to ibe ii.lI'.tiiM ot harsa pari iaar.u 1 o en'i Jnlfhl if duly pre-rvrd r.p. etallv if tasen 'n i tt jiii rumn wnb 1 1 , er wt i'otaii. I, V M. M'PINO. hernial and lruol. Wil Kinjr sloppoaite Nir iet. at , I i.arj.lon, S (,'. f, t a. !. fuX V OKIl.t barlotte. Y. n 17, ir,2 tf 0 It I lf- AHOI.I tl ITulual Life Insurance Company. oi l h i:, n.M.i.ii.ii, a c. rSIlIS Cotepanv roi.'-nor; (o insure the lives of .D all healthy While I'r-rwn and rinses. The g:e.itest rik taken en a eii.f la life $ Wl ave. a' insured fore tcrai of one io bye )eara for I ',: Ibtir value. orrtrs fir f'liar!' K Jahnriri, IVe.idenl. Wfiham i ll.yw'.ed. Vice P.f r-ident, .lae.e. 4, Jor-lao, r-eeretary. Vijlia.n I! J'lnsr. Treasurer, F'-rfin lioatHge, Ait'irney, I)r Wm. II Mr-Kee, KiarTiiamg Phyic.an. J llersinan, fier.eral Agent. Alt lokea are paid wiihit. OQ daya after catitfac b.rv prcHjf is prer nted, !' a.-iki- and Pamphlets, ahowmo; the plan of ope. l.i'ior, of ihe Companv, rr:ay ba )ai n appliealioria al 1 l.e fne,.t r,r any of the Arreoeiea. All ietlersoa biMirieaa shoold be arlrtrer .erj to JAM KS . JOR DA N, X-t,na,y. Tilcrarn. Fmm tht X. Y. ( tuner and f.'nniiirsr, MR. WEBSTER'. AODRKSS BKr'ORE THE 1USTOIUCAL SOCIETY, l Oll'M llIJIO PnHTlBN. . But, gentlemen, I must not dwell longer nil these general tuples. W'e bio Amen cans. We have a country all our own ; we are all linked to Us Tales and fjr tunes; it it already not without renown; it has been the theatre of .nine of ids must important of human transact n.ns, and it may well become us lo itflect on the topics and the means iurnished fur historical composition in our nu n land. I have abstained on this occasion, gentlemen, from mtirh conimenl on the his. tones composed by Luropcan writers of mod ern times ; and, for ohviokis reasons, I abalam altogeihei from remaika upon the writers of our own country. j Works have been written upon the hislory of the Lotted S ates; othei works upon the same subject are in pngres, and no doubt new woiks are coaiemplaied, am) will be ac- complmlied. I need not be doubled tint vhat hm been aehi.-ed by the great men who hae price, ded our generation be pioparly recorded hy their ucceor. A country in which highly i ere. ing events occur is not likely Is be destitute of scholars and author', fit to -rao.mit ilm.e evem. in posterity. For the present, 1 conleni mysell with a lew general lemaika on the luhjict. I 'I Ihe hialorv of the United States there are three epochs. The firs; ex. end, frun . . , the nr g n and settlement of the colonies, re-. p.cne , te the var 1774. Dunne this,1 -on og,; no. .dentic.. indeed. .h,ugh having a strong leaembUnco, and h-tring more or leas reference 'o the constitution and tuniiwin law of the pireul country. . In a I these governmrnn the principle of pripu::- representation morn or lea prevailed. It n.'ted in the Slate governments, in coun i lies, in large d.slncts, and in towr.th pa and j par lanes. And it is not irrevelanl lo remtirk, ;lhi, ty the eiorcne of the rights endued under ihese pr.pu!r prineip e, the whole people ntnr In be prepared, beyond the f X an pie i f all others, fur the observance c! the ' line principle m the ea'sbliahment of ns tn.nai itntituiiniis and tho adiiiiinalratioD of Isoverbton pi.wers. j Tho second period extends from 1774, when theae coiurues nrat acted efficiently to 'giher, fur great political en') as ti n nf-rle-racv ot Mii s, io me yesr lr-tf, wnun u.j prei-nt Cm aiitulinn of gnveroment was es lablnned. The third embraces the period froin 17-9 to ihe present t'me. l o avoirj dealing wnii events too recent, it might be well to cnrivider ihe thi'd eta or epoch as terminating with the closa of I resi ' ... ... J ueoi aiiuioiuii a sunn tiiriii mn, nm g '"a; back into the second so far as to trace the events and occurrence wh eh showed lh neccasitv of a ln"ral tiovernment, ditTiirent fro ii that framed bv the srltcles of ennfede ration, which prepared the minds of the pee. ye fur the adaption of the present Conatnu lion No doubt the Asaembiv of ths firal Conlinea'.ai f)nngrea may be regnuied aalhe era at wh.rri the L'rnoii ol theie Stntea run meiired. This event luf.k pidO m Philai'o!. phi i, l ie cily disiinutshed by the great Civil events of our ear y history, ijo Ihe 5',h of Sep etnbe, 1774, on whicti d iy the liral f'.'fitirientat fiiit res. anseinhJed. Delegates were prevent from New Hampshire, Masaa-cliii-it", Rhode laland. Connecticut, New Yerk, New Jeraev, Penna ivania, lle'awaro, Mary '.nid, Viriioia, North Carolina, South ta'o ma and (jamrgia. Ui hit djv bf etef ftmtmhefei , ... i asaeiii hiad ilnrn the aeveral colonies those U,e n,en who,, names have come dow, to v .... "rid doand to ell po.te.nly Their ' proceed. nes are remarable for simplicity, (dignity, and unea,tia!ld t.biiity. Atlhaiday ; Btujalf here could have been convened ; , ,,, ,(, ,(, , e,u, number of ' e. t , . , , , nieri pue,ng greater talents and abinly, ! or animated bv a lusher and more palnetic true, t.iey na y wroiej hut the iuir-g ol true, t.iev i.a'v wrote! hut the iuir ii of such writin. a. on auch aulhori'V. and at such , cn, (j wli aclion h h, decisive, national action I'hey knew (l,o history of the pat, . thev wor? a ivo lo all the d.fllcuinraj and all tha afutiee of tha resent, and ibev acted from the first as if the future were all open before (h(,m Peyton Randolph ws unanimously chosoii I'resideo', Charles I hornpaon wa ! appnuiieS Secretary. In such a eonstellation it would bo iriviiliou to point out the Urigtil particular stsrs. Let mo only suy, what none , can consider injustice lo others, that (renrge Washington nil one of the number. The proceedings of the assembly were in- j lioduced by religmus observances, and de- vnut supplications to Ihe throne of grace for the inspiration of wisdom and Ihe spirit of good counsels. On the second day of the session it was enieicd thai a committee shoud be appoint ed to slate the ngh s ul ihe colonies, ihe in-, s'ances in which thuae rights hsd buen viola- j ted, and the means proper to be pursued for j tlnor r.itnraium ! and another eonunuttea In nd rrp.iitupf.fi (horaIttuiei (:!-, 1'dfli.iri.ent, which hod boon of rhft V,m iiiuai sj ia tTf I n fl I hfi nf Ihe colonies. Tho member, of Ihese eommil.ee. were chirann on the following day. Immed, stely afterward. Coogrea. look, up ..Ihe foundation of tl.e.r proceeding., 1 ceit.in resolution., adopted, just before the, tuna of their as.emb'ing, by delegate, fmm j town, in the county of Suffolk, and especially the town of Roslon. I Huston, tha early victim of tha infliction I of wrong by the mot'.er country, the early champion of American liberty ; Bnslon, I though in this vast country aha may be sow surpassed by ether cities, in numbers, in com- mere, and wealth, yet .he cannot be sur- pnsved in the renown of her early rtvolu. iionvry hie'.cry. She will atand acltnowl- r ' edged, while the world deth stand, at the or igin and ornament, promoter and defender of the rights of the colonic. The English crown Crowned upon her with "evenly and indignation ; it only mini a her aiund more reel, and put on a face, of greater boldness and defiance. The Parliament puttied upon her all it indignation. I( only held her up with greater illumination, and drtw toward her the greater attachment end veneration of the country. Union as she wae in heart, in principle and feeling in 1774, no may ahe remain until her thies hills aim 1 1 sink into the sn and bt no more remembered among ' men ! Uentlemea, theso fatly proceedings of the citizens of Button, and other inhnbilaiitit ofi the county of Suffolk, deserve to Ui w r i r umi , where all posterity may lead I htm. Thny I were carried to tho repre-enia ivh of Royal ty hy the fii.l dialiiiguiKhed martyr in 'the causeof hberly, Joseph Warren. How fit that he who was not long allerwards le fall in the defence of tho libeny of his cuntrv and to seal his love of that country with fin blood, full of in spirit and Un principle should ho lh bearer of us remnn.Oniri s in the representative of the throne of Knrrlantl. No encomium, no eulocv unon the S atn nl which I have tho honor' to be a rvi7.ni, can t xccud thnt which m cnrei.i d in the uneii- imous resolution of ihe fust Amencsn C. n gress of the bib of October, 1774, in these words : RBld, .. Thtl lhl. r.n(,r, lh, op. peamsu of the Maatachueetia II. y t ita tl.cuiiun ths la'.e acta of Parliament ; and il I. .a same h!l b sltsmotsd lo b carnad irilo ti. utien by !,','"., IT - "'" "" " ,Upp0,! them in liiair appaaition ... Tni ('ler'" fi ' Jy '.' 17 r ea.iire 1. 1 i ii r A meric.in libctty. In principle piper are: an address to the people of Great It r 1 1 a tit , written by John J n ; a iiifm riil m ihe in habitants of the Dnlisli Colonies, written bv lium I.iv nffaton : an ad lre to ihe kin" writleis by John Adams, corrected bv John Dickinson ; and an addreas to the lohuhitsiits of Quebec, written by John Dickin .-n. Gertlemen, I will ett believe that tho (tn cient ('nniinotiweaUh of M.iachuefs can ever depart fism her Iruuchaiac-cr. I t .u k it impna. hie. ISut eh--u!1 sb ever l e left to forgetfulneas of herself nnii all th it b (.ii, lo her should she temp iritrity or pi'inn nent'y stray away from tie paths r.f h -r an cient pitrintivm should he, which Heaven avert, be willing to threw r.fl" h': original and all Americtn mantle, tn Oi'o'ie h. r-tlf, tinna ity of charar-ter, the;t are ethers ahi would eagerly se it thnt rran'le. atH w ln wou'ti ah ,w ll.ein.e'vf s cap iMe of wearing it with grace, dignity, and p vrer. I n cd not say here where these olficere are tn be found. I am in the city m which Waahit g ton first toi k upon biinself the arfinirns'ri. lion of the government. I am near 'heap it ,ia wmch a i hearts ant) a'l hopes vterrj en rentrateil in 179 I bri' g !h wh le e wiih a I lis deep inlerea's, before me. Inn the crowds that throng and fill the stree'a; I see tho ten thousand laces, antioui in !"k on him tn whose wiadom, prudence, anl p trl'itisin the destinies of the emiiitrv are com mit'eo". I see Ihe august form, I behold the serene face nf Washington ; I f.haerve h s reverent mirtner, when hs r e in the pr ence of a cnunt'eee a'tjltitnde, and, 'onkieg up with rei'gimi tiw in Heaven, aolennly awenrs before that mii'ti'udineti. n-' mtih , and before linn that sitieth on 0 e circle oi the heavens, thai he wilt support ihe ('or .ii lulioa of his country n re.p h :i Kind' And I h'sr the shou's and arcl.imaii ma hni till the ;r, I e,' outpouring trars nf jiv and hope, I see men r.lsspiog ea' k other's hands, and I hear llmrn etcUim. " We have at Isat a country ; we have a I'ninn, and in that In inc. is slrength. W'e have a (joveni ment able lo keep u together, and we have a Chief Magistral, an ohj"Ct f coi ti ienee attachment and love to us all." Citizens nf New York, men of this gener ation, is there any thing which warm yer hearts mors than these recollection? "r can you contemplate ihe unparrnl ed growth of vour City in population and all human ble..,ogs, without faal.ng that ll,e .p-.t . ha, lowed and the hour consecrated where and whki your career of prosperity sod hap pineas b"ea i ? Iiu, gentlemen, ny heart would sink wh hm me, a-d vo.cn and s,,eeeh wfiM'd depart fimn me, if I warn e impelled wcu d depart Ii oui me, il I ana compel to believe thai your hdnli' in the I :o,.iini- 'ten ol the country, signal and imi'is:imied aa It is, could ever exceed-that of il.e Hiale whose soil was moistened by the tilo.nl ol the first martyrs io tho cause of liber'v, and whos-5 rfhtory has been characterised from the beginiiing Ov their ztaloiia and uniform aupport ol Il.e principles ol V n.timoion. I here is one resolution oi ti.o ) d ton grea. oonp eu on me i nn oi .tisrrn, inn, which has neter received n much a ei. i .o as it deserves. Ir it in tioe worn It Cnxwtr., Mrrh M 1771 " firaalcd, Tlisit it bs rrrnn.irt d tu Hn cral A-finb 'ei, I onvti!iftnti, ("(niu;i! tr ammil pb of ftf, HiKiiP'inta! 7 to r'inT all ytwona Id b diiriiifil wil'iin Ihtir truutr.tivfi ( nlun,! who r nottirioniljr ttttfiT'-cimd loth cfi m A-i.ff , or wiia hare not oeisted and re'iM to swniti to dind bjr trioa the L'miad ( oiomti gAiiL liiu hati! Kltanipti of th Bnlmh jV lect aj J Armiti ' fcitraM ffnin tit minutri "I HAfil.Kfc 1 IJU.VIPSO,, lUry." S.?TCr:iI of I ho Governor nf the Stains. -nvrnlioDi, l.uncn-, or vnuxm ft'iy nokmr J.tt'fl ,f.ir f r cn, y rhe tifoCfV tie L'-t, !; . r i cn.rr,u-ric o. ... I-"""'. however, only in a (mm stales. Ihe luile.t tch can be found, are believed to. Jf f'-m N Mamp.hu. and NrwYork.-, Jhe form was a recital ..r the re... lu ion or C c.ngre.s, and then tha promi.e or pledge, in ,he tMowmg word. : " In consequence of tlie above resolution j of (he Continental Congress, and to uhoweur. determination in joining our American breth-1 ren in defending the lives, liberties, and p'O j perlios of the inhabitants of the United Col on-es, wr, the subscribers, do hereby solemn ; Ijr ei.gogo and promise i hot we will, le the ; utrnnM ol our power, at the risk of our liveej and fortune s, vi it j arms, oppose the hostile proceedings of the British ffepts and armies against the United American Colonies." In the mouiitniiKMis tate of New Hamp shire, end among l!ie ' highu.l of its nit uii- taina, then contuitimg cnlv a ft w scutiered j settleinenis, was the If wjahip of Salisbury, j The Merrnnnc river, now so p easant in see- j nery, and with su much, richness and Indus- I try on us lar ks, w-.i then a roaring and I l.iaming atreatn, muking ita way, amidst im- mctise forests on culler siih;, fioin ihn While ! .'ounlaina to iho sc j, 'l'hu settlors weie , CullecteJ, and the promise or pledge propos- ; ej by tho Contiticiilul Congress, of life uml ' foilutie, presented lu iherti. "All," as Ihe , record sns, " freely siened, except wo." ' In linking to this record, thus connected j Willi the men of my , n birthplace, I con- 1 IVsr 4-w-gTrrr1w3-v.r rjr rf-w h veera lhe.so. . er and who went the (iisaotitienls. Aiming the former was he from whom I am inimedi. ately Jetceinfed, with all hi brothers, and his whole kith and Km. This ii sufficient emblaz liny for my arms, ei.uiigb of liuruldiy for me.' In one of ihe township, of New York, we ti iil a longlistufllii.se who are called true Whig, and Ihi-n rmnu what ia called the lis' of Tories, and on that !!ai tl.ire ess erio ii .line. Ar there young men bcfi.rc me who i-h tn leain and to ni.i'ute the epinl i f their nn ce.'.nri, who ih lo live and btealhe in that sp nt, v. ho de.ire that every pulsation of their liearis, anl atery a-puaiion nl their ambilion shall be Amerirsn and nnthing hul A men Csn ! Let Iheni mpijer the cnn'er.l of ihe I'limnrtal papers of the fi si Cut gres and lellv imbue them-elves tvilh tl.eir si nliments. Th-- greal Lord Chvhiiin spoke of this as semhiy in lerms wh'ch have caused my heart to thr.'l, and rnv eyes to he nioiater.ed when ever I lend ect iheui. f'nm rnv first rcadini; of I hem ti til, pr.a-rt hour. " W l,en i loriNhip l-.-k at the paper Irii.'.Niiiitte.l u fn.ni America; when you consnier their decency, firmin , and wisdom, :u eve-tint hut n pi ct th.-ir rum, ord wiah l . make it y.mrrnari. Fur my ie'f, I must il' e',,r. and avow, thnt in nil inv reading und i b-t:rviti-it. : arl it h is teen my favorite a u i V j I base read Thu jijdea, and have ni .In i! and admired lr.9 master st!ra ot the wnr'd ; Ih'it f,.r ao'itiity nf re .s.iriing, force of s le-'t , and w 'mn ' f conclusion, under such a Cniiiplievtinn r. ilifn -rult cncuiolance, ii. tm'ioii ,r holy i I n?en can vi .ml in pref erere to the (iertcn! Congress at Pni'mlc! phn. I trust it ia obi .-ins in ymir tntda'nr at tiu a1! nt'empts ... nr, .,. a.-rvitudit up n 'i h men, to es. ii.li.ii d,,, ,(,. ,,,, r auc'n i ni.jh'v c niit.ee.'til nattnn, nnisf he vain, must b Intnl. W. ahull be foiee,) ultimate KM Wn'YWe-'rfiiM." Th first Cm gresv, or the nhi'i'y w 1,'ch i' tnir I'V's'ei!, the ;f it, c p'es winch it pro claimed, an I l e r'stnr'i-i) .f ihr se who cm) aid i' , rn ti 1 l s l r i ii chapter in our American history I s msmbera ahould he re .ifl. d not only odivieutil') , but ns m a group; they all. uld vie w. d as t v i r pic tures eihih.ting ymiu Amunca at il tl.cn an, and w hen Hie sfi-.! i f its pah iC di s'.iny were beg i.rur g tj stftrt into Lie. well de scribed U our raiiv ni t'o s b;in IjII Cif cn,o)' prosper d bv IT aco, " ?o.t s.n UtS A mini.' it 1 1 fans Sniiio of the ni-rnbera '.f thu C.r,gre. hate lisi rl inv I inu, na I I h .tc h id ihe lioiior ot s- ei.'i.: nn-. ki.owir Itiem ; at.d Ihert ;,re ih".e in :n s a.- iiib y, doiibt'.-a., who hive b he d the itel', form of Wa!iep'oti, nioi n-k-d up-oi ths no d n'l iti'tlhenl lace nod Im, lid lli v,.ie., ul John Jav. Tor myself, I ,, tia..-l back in uni inai.oii, to p ace myar.;t" i- the nim'st ol II. is assemt. v, this nut ,n ol .reu'iii-ss Ht.d p-itriot-lam, a.id lo c iiitetnp ale, as it 1 hud w itueai ed, i pioioisnd iie!iterattoiis an I Its rrniater I) ' ei'i.hil ons, both ur,' ti.9 rights and of ihe wrong of the count rv. I may not dwell loiger on tin animating arid eiiehoiirir pn-iuir. Anoiher grand pic iur raiii . een it, and that is, the convention wn.ch linrii. ii ihe csnttituti'.n, 'he spirited leetes in the St.itns hy thn afelet men ul I hosq Sla'es, op-in i'S adoption, and, ft-iaMv. Ihe iirgviuzati -n of tie first Connre, tilled by tho gray haired ,'ilen of the ilcvj'alion, and yourioer and viyoious pvtimta, and lovers of liberty, and W 4iittiton biinself in the principal chair of Ilia tj.a e, surroun.led by h.s head of depirlmeii!, seiecl.'d Iroin I ho. a wh . en .yed toe (jreo'eal portion of his own regiird, nod aiuud h g'ieat nl llm estteni ol their country. Neither "n iphnn nor Thiii ydnJes neith er f-.io.i.l uor Livy present any picture ol an naaeiiili v of puhl c men, ol any acene ol his liny which, in it proper grandeur, or its large and lasting inlljn.ee upon the huppiueis of mankind, eqijjla Ibis. It importance, indeed, iid not nl 1 1 to mo ment, strike ino m uds of ordinary ai.tn. H it Burke s.iw it with nn iiiluiiion clear llm liyhi of ho.veii. Chillies l'o ij it, ami "ai)6 noua uud deep thinking minds over all I'.iiropo heln-ld il. Log'no.l, l'.iii!ninl, how would Ihy dealt, niea hive In en nlii re I, if Ilia adv.ee ul C u ham, I! irk'', and l ot oid h-'i ir f.j'linve.1 I Sh.ili I s'lyalteied for the belter ? 4 'claim ly not ; not for the heller ,.r Lnglaud her self, prohilily rsiiu is s'ron-er utnl richer ot this Ml iiiieiil, than if slid hud Intern d lo the urilieeded word ol her rtat st.ite.smen. Neither natiofia nor iniliv-iitni! sits tya lore oh ihl w ho h their own inleieat and hnppt lie . .pure. Our greatest b'sii.ga often a r iso from the disappi.tntm. nl of our most anxious, h-pt s, and our in it fervent wihc. . ,t ua k noar. Our inditfi'stiar. soilisliina servn es wall, When '.r deep plots do fi! ; snd that shou'd teaeb . I'lier' a dismity .hot hps our an.is, j Hough hew tbein bow ws wilt." Instead of subject colotue, Lngland now he hoida, a m ghty rival, rich, powerful, iiillli- (.cut like herself. And may those cnunlr e i ba forever friendly rival. 'May their power and greatness, sislamlng themselves, bo al-j waysdirocled to the promotion of the peace, the prosperity, Ihe enlightenment and the; liberty of marik ud; and if it be their united ' deatiiiy, in ilia courie of huinun events, that they shall be called upnn, in the came of hu msnitv, and in the cjusj of freedom, lo stand i agamsl a world in arm, they are of a race, i and nf a blood, lo meet that crisis without shrinking from danger, and without quailing in ihe presence of earthly power. (Jen lemen, I rntiat bring these desultory remarks lo a close. I terminate them, where perhaps I ought lo hare begun namely, with a few words on llm pit-sent fctnio and condition of our country, and the propped which are before her. Unborn agi a ami visions of glory crowd upon niy aoul; the realization of all ihcso, ! however, is in the lunda and good pleasure I uf Almighty (Jed. Hut under Tlis Divine ; b!eMiig it w ill be dependent on ihe character ! iind llm virtue, of ouiselvt-s, and of our pea- teiily. i ll classical hislorv has hi en found to be, ie i now, and shall continue to be, tho enncomi 1 lent i.f Xloaa Jiiiiui ions, and of popular elo- ' iiutuce, what n fluid ia tV-ninrr' to ua fnf4 nn-" other Thucydnles, and another Livy I And h i me siy, gi titlemen, that if we and our po.- 1 It rity al.all be true tn the Christian religion, j il wo utid llity shall l.vn uUii. in the fear 1 ol (iod, ui.il ahail respect !ls co niiiiiti.lineols ; t if we and they shall maintain just, moral sen j limenls, ntid such conscientious convicliuri nf I duty n sl.ull Ci.iilrol lh heatl and life, we may have I ho highest hopes of the future lor- ' tunes of trur country ; snd if wo maintain j those ins'ilutions of Government and that po. i liticnl Union, exectd a 1 nraise as nmeh aa 1 il exceeds all former ex unples of political ai- j socittlioti., we may be. sure of nno thing, thnt whiieour Cnuniry funiishee materials (or a. Ihonsarid master of ihe historic ari, it wi I 1 ell .rd no li pic for a (J.b ion. It will have to ' Decline and l'a I. It will gi on prospering , and lo pr-.eper. I.ut if we and our posterity ' rejr cl religion ir; I r nt 1 1 ni tnd authority, vi olu'c the ru'is of cternnl j-j.,.;e, Ir II j with the ii j'iticlinns i.f m o'nli'y, ami leck'eas'y de stroy the politic,.) Coli.tilu' ion which holds u together, no man Cii. ti ll how sy.ieeniy a Ca'n'rephe in .y overwhelm u lh it fhi I bti ry all cur glry in prof, uud obscurity. If thai cattistrnpliH ahull ha) pen, It t il have no history ! ihe lijrr b'u narrative r.evcr ho written; let is late be like that of lln loal hooks ol I. v y , w h tea no I onian ry r. shall ever read, or llio tnu-ing I V-iad, nf whirl no . no cn ever know mote ihan that it ia los", and I. nl f.never. Hut, gen'lemen, I will nit take mv leave of you in a ton of despondency. We may trust that II a sen w -II no! for.uk e ns n Im g a wo du nol forsake ourselv s. W'e must a'.iergthr-n rtim lves aid gird up our l it-, with new restilution ; we murt co insel each other, and, vowing to sustain each other in the support of iho Constitution, prepare to meel manfully and unitedly whatever fate ' may have m store for us. Are we of tin teneraii n to siertlicl ? Have wa to liltle of, mg tbrotigh our veie. that we cannot pre- 1 srse what our ancestors achieved ' The wrirl I will cry tut " imii" upon us if we show ourselves unworthy to th descendant of those great and il ustrimi men who fought f ,-r their hheriv, and secured ll lo their po. len'y by the C insti'uti n. Now, gentlemen, f xtger.ciea "ill arise in t':e history ..f nation, when competil on and rivatrv , i.'t-pu es ai d conicritirin., are pijwer- . ful. Lvigu cn i arise ni" w Inch fifcal men of o'l parlies, and a'l shsdes of political son tirn'T.l, ire cal ed upon lo reconsider their o piruons, to re adjust tl.eir pj-itinn, ar.d lo ( bring lheme!ve logciber, if they can, in the spirit of h.Min' ny. Sorb a slulo of ihirgs, in mv opinion, has happened m mir day- An ' st:t"tii v Ins arisen' We have a great and : wiso Cunstitutioii. VVe bin grown, fl .ur- ' lahr.t, ar.d pro-percd under it wilhadegiee, of rapidity nt.e fiist!eJ in tl.e h'st iry ol Ihe world. i"ounded oil (ho basis ef f pia! civil ri-h1,!? pmyi-i r, secure perfect i ij la'ity nn I freedom to a'l ; nil who live under it are , er'i i! a'l erj it ing the same privilrge. In a case I ke ours, it ia lo be presumed thai a'l ll;e wise md good men of tin- nat'on hate th-1 san e end in view though they miv wish In take different mean to obtain that end the prervation and proiecium of the Canst ra tion and 4jnsernn.cn'. If, then, thev have the ame object in view, lliey tnuit pursic a coticiliatin" coitrte, on,! j each be u,' ing 'o surrender to-new hal to each ot her, lo secure the harmony of the whole ' This general ! ; ct, then, being tiin preserva tion of Ihe C itntitiili on, the nn'y rflicien'. meiins io accomplish Ihii end is tho union of all its friends. iAppl.iiiu.'J Tho Coovtilu lion haa enem.es, secret and prolesscd ; I.ut thev cann-t di.injuc Ihe fact thnt it secures u many bcr.rfi e. These rnemiesare frlike i in clurae'er ; hut they nil have aumo fault lo : find. Homo of li.em are enlhustaats, but beaded, ee'f siillieienl, and headstrong. 'I hey j fancy that Ihev can make out for themselves 1 a belter path than that laid down for them. I I'.' .i 'on, thu ami of Apollo, thought he could i find a better course across llio heaven, for Ihe sun : " 'I has l'l.,r 'i.n e'ii e, ainuist t-r ttio-riia. i-'a.ns. I.e.,j,ri oo bis falhef'a ear and seixerl ths ren.a ; I- ir IrMm hi poors impeded lh ((lowing jun, ' I nl oattiru'a lawa ta w ini .1 surd.:! run." Other eneni es there arc, moio cool, and with mure calculation. These have a deep l er and more Irniioroii purpo.c; they have n ken of Imciblo r"siianco to Iho pro j vi.ioin of Ihe Conslitu mo ; they now speak ! of secession ? L'l me say , gentlemen, si ce. I sioii from u is accession tli-ewhere. lie who I rem iiiiCea ihe protection of ihe stars and stripes, shellers hlinse'f uniler the ahadow of anoiher fl ig. Vouin") real assured of that. .Sensation B,;ul app'au e These malcon- ; lenls find il eay lo inflame men's passions ; the, lay a'l misfortune, of individual men of j individual Stales, of set tions nod communities all wanl of prosperity to the Union. Tlie i co opeiaNr n ol what ure now called antagonist , prmcip'is is mad.! sin v irenble in ihe eiulcav . or lo i.vci throw ihe ( 'onslilui mil. I'strcmev! meet arid conceit together. Funic there are; who, in t 1 r own word, prnf.sstn halo the' Constitution because it tolerates in the South- rn Pinks Ihe instil nt inns exisl ing there; some . becni.se il does not more rnurguiicully sustain i Iho " peculiar inatinition.' I Ilolh parlies are Milling lo overthrow tho. Constitution, and concert their measure, ac- I cordingly to accomplish their end. Now lo counteract the rffirl. of Iheso ninlconlonte, the fiir-iids of iho Constitution must rally all lis friend, ofwhaiever .eeiion, whatever ihmr sectional opinions may be, must unita for its preservation. They must forgot iho things winch are behind, oi;1acl lilt e a bond of broth ers. They must forget the pa.t, the little bickeiiege and trifling disagreement, which have hiiheilo separated them. They musl look forward only lr the future, and utniu their elli.rts to preserve the boon bequeathed to Ihe woild by those great men, their ance. I tnra; ihey must gird up their loin, to Ihe png nappinesa in nny omcr. no wm -j .. woik. 1 givo my confidence, my coutiio-1 to go down to the grave ere lime shall bevis nance, mv influence, heart and bond, lo all j bedecked hia brow with the .ilver blossom of thoso grind and wise men who are willing to i g ; and ihe green leave, of hope will fall stand by ihe Constitution, and lo acquiesce in j before the first bud of enjoyment ha. expan. the ineuna necessary to maintain its priceless 1 ded. It is true ihe mushroom, of peace may provision, without reference to ihe past or j spring tip during a short tiight of forgetful. pledge for tiio future. j ncsi, bul Ihey will all wither beneath the 1 will quarrel with no man ahoui pB.t dif-1 scorching rays of remorse. How can you, ference, I will object lo Ike co opeialion of! my friend., ever have iho wickednes. and nn man. U'e .land here now upon a broad , cruelly lo cheat the Primer, when you con- constitutional basis, and lei us act in that spir- j aider how much he ha. done and is every day it of union which actuated our ancestor, when j doing for you- He hea poured inlo the trear- They framed .lis institutions we rr.nst Kseea-jiirv of your mind eome of tha most valuable Hate eur effort, lo preserve. Hut I do not gift, that anything short nf God can be.tow ; carry my lo'eralion so far as to justify io Ihe j aye, riches with which you would not part for slighlrsl degree any defection from ibe prim i the possession of iho whole world, and a mort- ciples of Ihe Union.' The great point al slake age on a small corner orhnnven. W ith iho is il. preservation. I cannot heei'ale a mo. key of magic, aa it were, he ha. opened the rnenl on this q ieslion, nor act well and har- , iron rased doors of Ihe human under.landirg mnnioii.lv with those who do. O.her que.-j dispelled Ihe daiknewnf ignorance, and In iii.n-qiislioiia of poliev are subordinate; "P the lamp of knowledge and wiadom That this in paramount. Lveiy man who i at'ac 1 ; rnigh'y engine the press i. surrounded by ed lo ibe Union should come out boldly, and , 'ho glnry, ar.d its effulgence spreads over Ihe av r, without conditions and hy potheses, j broad empire of iho mini illuminating tha and if, and and. and huts. Laughter. Ida kesl avenuris of the heart. And yet the What aiv a Cicero " D. riique i..criptuin sit, ! Printer, ihe man who toila at tho lever of pitres e'onscrlpli, in fronte ciijuinue civis, ' stiul enlightening instrument, I. often lobbed , , . r ... . I -r i i i . i i... u,Unn. I, a I, ipion rte hac re senttlal. Lt nrfV mm bear inscribed on his forehead what he is, and w hat l e means to do in that mailer. There are person, weak enough, foolish e noueh lo think, to believe, end 'v v, that if the Const ituHon which holds theae States 'o- g'ther should he broken up, there would be , instead of gtzzuds fi led with gravel, take i j..- other new nod better chains to h.nd heed what 1 any to ynu. If there be any a. them. This i. rash I Thu is issh ! I no , mong you in this congregation whose account morn believe, looking al thu thirty-one Stales , not settled with Ihe Printer, go and arju-t , whieh conpose this Union, cov?nrg so val H immediately, snd be ab'e lo hold up your a r.oiint.v, embracing so mtiny climei.s, o head in tociety like b Giraffe; be respecled many mountain, so many rtvera I no more I'V the wise and good, from the lorlureanf -s b-l eve if this Union idisolted held togeth 'guilty conscience, tho mortification of re er ai it now .a by the Conslitu' nan thai it peaifd duns, and etenpe frnrn fa img into ll.e can ha ever re-formed on aev bvsis.lhan I be- du dies of the lawyers. Ifjt.u are Imneet. lievethatif, by fhe fi .1 of 'A)nhly power, , honorable men, you will go forthwith and the law of gravilalion shou d be abol.shed, P;y lr,,! Printer. and the orbs which compose the universe i Uut let ma tell you, my fi iends, that if you should rush into illimitable space, joa.'iBg a i don't do it, your pathway lo the lomb will bo gainst each olher, thai ihry could be brotieht 'v'rewed with thorn ; jou will have lo gather back and readj i.tcd mlo harmony hy a new ""' f'om brsmUet; your children will priocipla of attraction. Applause.' ;fl' cf dysentery , and ycurse.lve will never (ieullemen, 1 hard y know if H wosjld be .' enjn)' ,he b'cssu'g of health. I onca called an egjravati.in nr an ailevialion of fate. W'eiuP"' 'ck peron whom the doctor badgiv candie no Iicerin2 death; we rannot fall , "P a gone case. I asked htm if he had rtget victims lo war, pestilence, or famine; in ear'heiake alone can throw down Ihe pillars of our Stale, and burv us in eternal political ru;n and the darkric. of t verlajtine eiEhi, may 1 never live lo see tlie day. May 1 nol survite lo hear any ar.nealypiic angel crying ihrough tho heavens, Lpesen, epescn, Amer- ike, he meg ilaimndion, k It; ..om,. ..inlketermn phalsko rn'o ph-um.lo,;ately gratified, and from that moment lie be ftks'tisriou. (tenllemen, a most aupicinu nous omen .a'utes and cheers u thi dav. This day i,lhe anniver.a-v of the birth of Wa.h- jr,nr " Vs.liinglnn's kirlhuay is celebrated from one end of lh .Jand In the other- The whole atmosphere of the country i this dav redo- lent nf hi princip'es (he hit!., the mck, the gf.ves, tha vales, and the river, eh. ml their prai.e, and resound wnh his f.,me. All, Ibe good, whclhor learned or unlearn, d, high or low, rich or poor, feel this dav thai there is oi.e treasure cemrron lo ll.rm all, and lhat is the f line of Wits': ington. Ihey all ret. 1 count hi deed., pander over hi principle, and teach, ne,, and resolve to be' more and mire ended bv them in tl.e fulure. To the old and 'he young, to all born in thi tanJ, ind tJ all whose preference, have I il them to make it the ho ne of their adoption, W ash ing'nn i an exhi'ara'ing them". American, are proud nf hu character; all evile. from j foreign shore, are easer tu panic pate in ad- , miration of htm ; and it 1. true that he is this diy lu re, everywhere, all over ihe world, more, an object of regard than any former day since In. birth, Cheers. J j Gentlemen, by Ihis cvainp'e and under 'ho, guidance of hi precept, will we and our chi Jren tiphoM the Constitution. Under his military ief,i!ersh p nnr father cor qusred their ancient enemies, and under the ou'; spr,-d banner of hi pn'itical ad conslitu- j honal principles will w e conquer now. To1 lhal standard w e sha'l ndhcte, and uphold i thioiigh evil report and g.H.d report. We w.ll sustain it, and meel death 1 tee If if n come; we will even encounter and defeat error, by day and bv night, in hghl er in daiknesi- tniCK oaraties. 11 11 crne, 1111 " narifer's trou'iid mgM i o'er Aad I bt star ef peaes return. " Short Patent Sermon-Ey Dow. TrxT : Ir Tit arf ilo.TaT, hoorsmik Mr:v, i 1 vi, ami par TitK Printkr. Vy llraay.ns : There nre many seeming mil s in this world which you are tou apt lo overlook, nn account of their apparent unim portance, ihe neglect of which ha plunged ihoiisnnds iota the deepest mire of misery, and sunk their characters in'o mettricsble deg nilntinn. Among thesfl nSens hie Irifl'S, ihnl nf neglecting to pay one' honeat debts, 1 ihn mosl common, and attended with ihe worst consequence. It take ff nil the an 1 k -en furz frnm the fine 'bread of feeling, crc atei 11 sort of ini-nhtliiouic coldness about lh. heart, skims 1 tTall Ihe cream lhal chancos 10 rise upon the milk of generosity and makoa man look as savagely upon hi. brother man a do", a dog upon otio of hia own species while engaged in Ihe gratifying enj .y ment of f nlier. hi master' dinner. O.10 debt begets anoiher. I have alwa) observed that ho rho owes a man a dollar, owes linn also a gi udgo : and ho is n'tv.iy. more ready tu pvy compound intmcst on ihe litier than on ihe former. Oh, my fiiunds, lu he over head and ears in love i a had a predicament a a person nughl ever lo bo in, but lo be so deeply tn debt thai you canl sleep of nights, without being haunt ed hy the ghost of some insatiate creditor, is enough to give a man the hydrophobia make him bite a wheelbarrow, cause it in run mad, and t reale general ci'iistennttion among the lamp prists. My friends The debt that sets heaviest on iho conscience of a mortal, provided ho has one ia ihe debt due the Printor. Il presses harder upon one", busom thnn ihe nighimme galls tho aou! fiel und chafe, every en. nobling aenlimenl squeeze, all iho juiee nf fraternal sympaihy from the hfart, and leaves it dryer than the surface of a roasted potatoe. The man who wrongs a printer out of a sin ula cent r.ever exnect. to enjoy comfort in thi. world, and mny well have double of find- ,"i su-srnt sins uj " " delivered from mental bnndiigo and placed in a Paradise to lay efT and grtw fat upon thai fruits of his labors. Oi, you ungrateful sinners! If you hate hearts moiaieoed with thediwsc.f mercy, made his peace with his maker, iiu-sai'ine thought he had squared up. I asked if ho had fo-ifniien all hi enemies Ha replied in. I then asked him if he -had made bia 'women', nu invti s..iu moi nc uo . owed him something like four dollar. wh:ch he desired lo have paid before he bid good byeio Ihewoild. Ilia ucsiie waeimmeo.. . came cniivi.c.c'in. ne is now ...,,, .,o enjoyment oi nun, in ami prosper. .y, .m hispap- r inedxa-e, at peace with h.e own conacience, hiG.. ' and the whole world. this beau ei.aiii,,le lo you, my friend,. Pairor. za ihe Printer ; lak-) thu papeisand P) 'for ihem " advance, and j our days w ill he long on the earth, and oveillu mg Ho '.he honey of happinr.e. ' li'arcrs! Pay all 5 nur debts, and keep an hone! reckoning with thy fellow men : but. nbeve all, keep paying by daily u.staJ. nicnts, that everlasting debt of gratitude hich ynu owe to hi o from whom jouob- lam capital aufficient lo begin the first trans- clmn of bfe, o lhat when you come In bal- nca acrnunla on Ihe cay 01 genera .eiue- men', .11 thing may appear luir and above board ! So mote 11 I e ! Direct Importation. iiiifiw At AVhoIesalo. in Charleston, S.C, I IE I. K KKUISi l.N & CO. ha ol sre eentinuallv reer tvttip by every arrival. .liBS5m.6,i isSUOfiPt-Jn which they are pre. arcd to sell st s small advance, on the aiertinf cmt. A look at their -.-,: r.wm 3 "...T ' t. .',' ' j-f-'-, 'i.'1'-. WS vLi i-i' is' i-'Jt Will well repay the trouble. Their Stock of j a KCSssi ia large snd complete, and in m " x a rmrai many'ylca will bo found, nol generally kept in tltmr niarlut. r. .v n. I, KRRRISOV .V CO North Weal Corner of King aud Market Sis. Ft f ui ty . 1 S..VJ. 311' (Dissolution. f gllU' ti'm nf Wriston V Riplar is this cUy t!i$ m, Kityrd hy mti'tul cncnl. All prrfwiiw in dchtt'd lu (he firm arr rrqurlcd lo call and Mi tic h, -tween f tr in and Afrii Court, or tiiry may expert to pty ru.t, ei the uusincao of tlie finii mut, u WRISTON &. RU-I.r.R. January 1, Komovai. r a 1 1i Ksubsi-riocr having purchased JL the whole of tha . 'fin anil Sheet Iron has removed it to thejhno of R. U Urswlry, nesrs ly oppo.ho J. U- Kvir's llu'el, when bo hopes 10 ace ail of bis old customer, and friends, as he I determined tn sell Till Vlr! lower l'OK CASH ihan it has tver been sold in Clmrlot'e, eilbor by Ihe Wholesale or Retail. Th"so wishing to puichssw wnnld do well to (ivo him a call baloisupfi t' Z tl eiiiBclvts elscwlu re. ir.MI kinds of COUNTRY rRODl'CI taken in cjchanga for wnrk m ware. - irJOB WoiiK, such ss ISnofin-;. iit tl'l lllS, MtOVC t'lllt s, sVc, done si ihcshoil. est notiet. ITOIiDF.RS from a distanc pnncloally attends, cd lo. " a SAMT..T. WRISTON. Jaom.y 1, leSJ. ti'f lA.NAKr ."KMP tor sate. ,T. J. UOI TOX.

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