SBCaMirotsBllJilll I imiimii PIIPI I llllUfim I illliwini ...Ma in ep I m iiaii.aVnii."'j.Ji ' w ' . 'T ' a. c. Williamson, Emm. VOLUME X. ox-xk.xiioBi7ii?ic, nxr a.; aphii 21. 1802. HOLTOW & WILLIAMSON, rnopniEToits. TERMS: .. 1 t. i - rr 1 . TUB North Carolina Whig will be afforded to, . L ....H ' Hi ' VII DOI. .A KIS III ilvancr. nr."" jWD DUI.I.AKS AN it MP IV CfcN Is if pav- tnnit I" d..ttiyrl for litres, iimiiiiia, and '1 lilt ill - ' iill,l,Ali!i iillliu end of llio year. Atlvi rtiscnitn's inserted at I )m Hollar w r itpiart: f Ih lines ..... ..zeo iui 1..0 ..... ...r. turn, and '.'S CLiea fur en h ciiiliiiLunce. 1 coirl ad. I , .no, u iii it M..tiit". Sah. .haired S5 per , rent. Iii;!irr ; and a li din linn nl' 3'1 j pii epnt. will fa iinnV from Ihe rulur rices, fur adverti'i-m by '"" ir"d M.i.H-ly of a n"i i lv f t m-r .n irit nr eai h loiie Siiii-ni'iiilli . 11 . : If 7-i ci'nn pi'f squire tor each lime JT Alt Ictttri relative lo Ilia 1'iiturial Depart . lit in I.l4ii; dir. ctHit (n the r'.'loiir. And all I. I- . !ii lie- P ih iliar. All li-tttia iiiu.l bi iui j.unl vr iIimv " ill n't ho altcliiitd I". IT Pivitain i iL lie wade to til1 rr. j j- r..i mati ts are uuUiur.i mI to act a . ut. Swiii!i is Coniinjj. v w-. r. a. ' lo ir in an? f s ! Al-i; I" no ar en litf n i.' A' 'I U Plf V'eC' H'if n gruf 'i vli u t. al li e i r i - g i in ar. I'.-f; llit.ti In ir l' t in g' liilu at iii tin ii .rn tliu it'"", .mi, l( :anif liif.'.fr to lli ! v. Aa t .tli djj h p.- i'f ? J 11 lfytnd yvn I T . f rm, .Nl v. r I no t.' t.t :v ll . ; iinl nf w Hula .ii d tVi'js . r." M ji.i U u in a lu'w i f ff. en . H o! an.f iirra, j,n. ? k ml l. i I ti yi I i.f , it .I l 'I 'If. S ill! I'Mtl, !!. Wl t "i ln I, M.,.. j.ii,,g h r. A ' I I r. r. 1. .a . I.i I l I... k 1 llm o.-h"ru ill it V, ,f rs' , ti i Ol 'Vrlr it . . . 'I 1 ;n i-g 1 i ."1 ll..w 1 ,. mi -.- .in,g i i tiii i.j; Uji k - gun : U in'fi'i 1. c.-rf i 'I, J oOt it Ma e vi v leiii Anil S'jt i.rltiiM ul iitfl cjutl .. m . ! ,' i ii.r,j rt cinnnr. .htui l-.r J'T I NUl. sn4 .m Hi, (if! ami I "f i .' i,; VO..'il iaf iC-'f t'MV htllll- Y to ceni a 1 .Sr itecf! ai.a emit Wisccllaiifous. I f 1 1 ih I is of o if X mo'i. Till. M ' ; yu now 111: w ai ctiti:i. IiV (VI.V.IV1I CI' Mil, 1. In a viirJI own, l.ut in. In 111 niie n( iiir lirge.i m.iratir.1" ciliv, lived lig'.l fi.t-d on.' I heie 1, it cmler n ulled I Jic.t. r. were tuo mcu untie thai ii.aih! o"ii an i s. Ii.i..rdinary mail. In ihe !i'! p;3iie, lltmigh he W . rjU '-ft Wea'tilV, ftti I ii.l.iwt-d h' t.Sel. a I I rt s (i.iiif.ii'l 1 I huh living, yet he lit no kiiiwn oih-sti a rei-nv 1:1 aims or to a lit hit ol ih icacv tu his servant ; and 10 the second place, wbut s all I tleite won d'.'ilul, hi? lit iip l. Iievi d himseil lu he hnunl i-.i liv ...rn . I ) 1 ih s hitter sill i ct he w as n - a per ict monomaniac, n ,d a. .auie--lv h i I he lehcved ll InlHl thai h" wnohl ' v ''li' a: 1 1 ''ht and t i k 1' h 1 1 e gh-.-t w lm h he un- ;.i.i.i to be s ii .dnu bv his h d sole, and n un ihao ciii-e had he ar " n liurn his hcil, :io i , ll. 1 ing hi i in t' his ghot-hip, w a Ueil Infill intj the 1 p. n air, and th se who had it-1 ' h. 11 tin a,n;;i i-erasi .11-, and tneo 0 c-m v nee I. ,iii thut hu was i-nliielv a'ori", i 1 f-n if.. ; in '-1 I ,-v in his fa v or. II ; kiew thai lie gh .-l wis wilh him, lor he le!t lh'3 1-r r ' I "ki iirm en'wiocd wiilnn his own. " Pali ea,".nl Mr. Pi'i'v.ns one day, as I - ..tupped 111 0011 ol hu Wjlk and addrestl hi ,)rdeiiBr, " d ) ou hel eve in g'msl 7 1 ' l.'ti s's, sir 1" " V, a olp, !)." "l ux, sir, is 1 I'm Ihinkni its mesill th it'.i h a ghost afore long," returned loe hopot 1 1 1 lie r n nil. as ho leaned u,"''i his sie ve' ntt l wiped llio sweat fioin Ins brow. " I'eiliips "lull you are dead." " o' I'd he Hut sun", sir, 1 nu miy lie. pin I up-ill it, afoie It hi j , if id doi sn'l give no; in . 1 'I io a e and dlirink. Bv me so I, s r, I hsvu'i insl.-d a drup o' ihe cnndirt rire I'vo h'-en tipo'i ymir pine," " I' ll (1 . the-, ri ll ifr gliosis 111 yiiU' CoUII- try, I'airiik?' nk d old l' enn, setnoiig no! It. iio iee Ihe insn's di hcaie hint, I'. ill irk knew hit maa er a weak spol, an, I liS de'erriilfied fur oore la humor hlill, " Mv ci ir trv , sir ? lihu-ts in my coun It).'d In Her hi lieve il, sir. I'aix, inniii'a Ihn nmr I'va t.lkid wed hill meclf when thev'd he at I er coniio' Itiln the hoiie. I ll ol I iiiao'a eye spaikhd 11 Ihis 11 lor rn it ami h ihln g Palm k drop his -piide, h. ouh tr, inn. In In low him lulu the house, w'rnii he th in, noli d n full 1 Xplaoiiliiin ol si! t' e riiriiitil. iiei' ul riiihm' op" gp sily visits 111 il,.. o, Mnilil. I'.il Mijlroonev l:ie " eift ol e th " io n rti ciimi, and or hull hall an hour hp em . laioeil hi creduh ns inastfr well ihe must inn 1 v t-t lous uud wonileilul ac Colinia of 1 1 iah glio-ls. ' nd this is all Irue, Patrick I ' " livery wind ov il, sir." " And ghost have been known to kill per oris ?" " Wiien they've hi en arlher duolny in' ,(1,y Hoa ,v t,r -i nil 1 1 vt ii n lor ineii Ihini, ir, lo.l widotil." ; cliasiiscmeiil, and feeling n desne lo keep "M-. Miilioi.ney," said IVevins, bnneg I .-, ilsli,lllIin tr,, i,. hnloed his uiinvr and y conceived a gieat lespecl lor Ihn gHr.lennr, " mi are Ihe first man ol srrise i ll whom I have convened lor long lime. I Hunk you iiientioned oincihing about diink." ' Maybe I did, sir." j " Go la lhat drawer flt llio head of my I bed, tt n't bring rue I but bunch of keys." Patrick Jul as desired. " Thcro lako thut nun nnd go down nnd 'iiHiFiR iny n i(iu 1. 1: 1 1 .1 . , 1 1. . 1 1; e.PijpOi IMP ,i i . r i i ,"D '" "" ,rri ""'lie bring linn of them 1 p hern, Only one, arid ' sure i hut Mil the dour," j V hen "Mu!r' oiiry " relumed bo received the joyful intelligence thut bn might " in- rfu.,. and ,t is Imr.Mv iieressnrv In Hale ' . r . r . , ,he P C'l'inr power of thro it proved on u!- Iraetioii no strung lhat Ihe bint 1 1.- whs imp-j In i em i! h it his lips. !,,, Mron'V fell exl rernely bapnv I hat , If ' , ' . . t.e OHM uetol h hnvv I'll nl re ftmf e 1 1. II i r lake I I 'that ul renin of exhilaration whicli hid I) .come eni.eared to him bv ilia iriemmv nl tin-ih hnioeut, Miilr.iooy, but ii lU Ml. 4y . 4mhM .t J-tiu.. F'!.'ovi.g the .il-j )ier .resources, and her blood, pledged to f h r,erso44t.i whom the cerlificato of lo 'roTfirf or hH nsilvn hill, l.ut yet be felt not was in f.iot ih'i direci ineans of curing him ..f , aiople of ihe w i,e a'ld patriotic and founders si rict const rile Cum of she Const iluliuti and to 1 caiion is-ued) hereurn.ri ecknow cd"ed Ihe I. bll M.. U nil l.ll.U..ll I...H Ill.ll U. .till I hid lli,..!..! lull I ..... lift i. rl I.. ..... f .1 . L . . ... . L .. I . C . 1 .. O . . . ' ' ' halt s i well pleased and sati-tied as did I i master. Jacob evu.s hi;d ill lengih f.'iind ' m ill who Cduld, fiurn r, svrnnii iIiit nh him in l'i ),icu'pir v iiiiiiii)ii tini' I'rov iderice had fixed upon Ins file. One night, whin tin; wn.ds blew mrieni fu'ly arounil the n il nii i"ti, an I the Mais seemed lo peep firth as d hall uolmmed ot their tiieai.'ie light, Ihe old Inonuiiiiiina': la il Mi Ins bed fiwailiii? the 11; pear.iece i. liuetillli il vi H r. J it as the c'o k -'till k twelve, his chandler d iurwas !nw'y opened, and tho ghost appeared. Indeeti, Ihe man ;nr woman wno hd M-eti ihat pre.ei,re wi.u'.i have been convinced thai eld I'vevios vv,i I'gb' in Ins ghullv la Ih. J .iwlv in ii in I -i.caU, (' e ghi t in il l, I .1 l I he.l.l ol Ihe d 10 i Wll'l a p. -,'.' I I I. Ill .1 I 1 1 1 Ij. ' ' I., il ir, he ii I ;' ii 11 I . 0 I', IUI,.. I l,(. -Iii. a! ol . X'-O l i e, : d I I...I IM.I ' 1 ' I ill.-' his i ! fi ill1' pa e V l.lla'rl rliptt:.! tu 0i l.; Il 10 In hit lull he all his recuiiiheot p'.itl n 1, hilt 10 1 h:s hu v I iii ii.e : he tu t 10010.0 1 1 iin.1 raie.j, i,, i (,e tin j.i i it o il v ,m er pr on in..: In a tui,o ' .i .o I -i , o i hi ,i : M' . . til 'h - ! I I 'I O I h Hill e II V ... 1 r it-. I If. ,'t. . ur .! I " "Ii Hi it II. . lie '-l (I J 1 1 0 i -I t'Ol I ill he tv t he r 1 1 . .'i! ie I M l ivi'iilf h VII t III- ll ti. f t I'.'s ll.'- t V e V 'I j o. . i-e.l, I- eiio-i 1. re h .. I 'liCi! I I h C ri b. I p.l'p ,0 e -,, ril-nti 11 1 1 I mid t-.r . --I-! li. enrv 1 I ins p 1 l! .1.1 -!, I 0 a n - ns 1, 1 1,1. e ., z-.,i I. .. I. I'll' IN-, I. - .!. , -j !- !' IvU l.g it " M .1 ' ;i, 'h 11 II,.' tn.' r O rr in rt ha v e s 1 ; ,t , Dite li.itif Ii it n,y vt 1 -1 v 1 il 1' these wi 1 !s '!. el the In! e-t fa 111 kept, M r. !' 1 v -I h I I all ! 1 'orV, m I r 1 1 , III, sfi.i w 1 !i ! w-ei'd le ! ed Ms re ftni, at ' hniirit.T s .'"tun s r. 01. no pr. titiv ii'v swut liin s'i 1 U f h- c rk ', w n 'hu irai,rr. Tti" hu :lv h 1 I I ' do d aw iv i:;- 1 I tu r" " ag'1,0 ci.len e aii I He h, II lli'i el bv (hu Ag ml the I i vi-il ii.t beiU'ile, ami Vghl att. Ihs I'efVins ! 'in I I'." snot! 1 1 r'i r ri ght s-t! miiiM'.ii, ..t ! t'-e 11 ' a 1 ' led III d ; 1 1 . ' -' o: ' and e ,1:1 11 i I oh! 111 in b- 1 in i r near 1.1. I t n sa' is' iir 1 three wei-kt the-ti noetuioit, loe' til gS Wl re kept lljl, to the I'll' 11 1 ol the iii'iooiliatii it", ai ii Hji;i no , In 11 1; Inn u 1.1 ii en,! 0 1 . 1 e gti 'eeg-li, .no waim, su'liv n.g! appeared, as 110 il, lit till hi -Ii Mil lo rel'.irii hen the 1- itk 0- e, Jie.-! Villi 1 In J -I..V - - 1- v 1 a t I ihe 10. 'el h w , o Ii' i i 1 1 i n 1 ! v 1 -r ; 1 1 1 1 " i 1 I 1 1 1 .: '1 1 , A i Ihe pr in. i,l" a riXP 1 hiil hi r lm I lie h id le 1 otii" -e. t . h- C. ' re ii sepaii'inn the filial Th" rl. 1 !; Ihsl hi t, t h. V,; - pi I h tie 1,' I ni .ri's r r it'ii t 1 f un. ,'. h.l I I, eo w H i.i-ar to i 1 - - ri h i 11 tie ere I 1 g its i- n ihe h ti- vvh- nml h'i w itb 1 t. et, pr e .1 I" . p ear . I the the troi.iiori. Jnl the his go- sisbipeoien t range - i no 1 hm. 1 resent a; -pent .11. re 0 the ,1. Th w 1 in. hi ui.uti 1 a'i'i h' .iiu g i f ho 1, :r 1 I lie t 10 iii iii Coil il 0 I hi't .'.'. ti 1 J t tie 1 11 e o- t"i i i.e p la !!.' lit W IS l-f I.JIO', I'SIt Willie 1 f itt I hut losle d ol the ll. up -lie, trial with wIulIi llie s-m! was ter ihe ri'Oin, il rame in with 1 r , a . d 1 ' s in io td in 1 atii-lioiv oiit tti en 0. g 1 ailv 1 gn ficaot ml, no.1 as 11 riac ud Ihe lool board of tho b'-d, 1! sin tcln d Ii rih its hand as 1 1 for support. At l.-rg ;h ihe ghost open cd i s mouth. Mr. Pew ina rxpected, 111 ;he fiilor-s of hit v 11 p ,t!iv hr his glioi'h p s rril. i hleil ' te.i',100 that he win Bb-tiit I.i hul u hal the ghol bear Ihe Ib-1 fate-veil was bis nstoui-hiiii fit givn to (he 1 f ti e piri! 011 ll hi .11 Ii L e p. a II'; s -rl ol .10 W llll .1.11 I'll any log iieot aim el si luiin : " Av I ao s : 1 1 j ' ne nrr'i pi ion!", I.Ike Ktniiiii is, er (In Juhii I ' i vsar. VV ,,l lint t cl t I ti n' viiiKia I 1 i'i" I ale. And ,: . 1 k ii 1 . '1: ; ;r. u ,N. 0 1 liatiiu 12 .'. A r.!..'i t.f !,.ii-,,ii I .1 lull', Ai.d 1 1 Hu - Ihe ( In) lii,.i.! v'rr fi'i!, fir, Anil lor tlliriiik It's l.n elari't 1 11 1 rave. Kill a l,pg ov oti.d Mipitni's pull rn, mr. "Arab, poieii forinr I Ih' J ihcrs, jis' give me the uiouiilaio (hie) dew ! ' Hal a kt- uv in, lil Mailt it's p'-i-rti. .r ; ' J;d Pecviii Could nut he 1111-1 iken in ihe sound ot lh it ou e. Al! thoughts ol glm-l wire di ivro, and spimgiiia finui his hed hu si. Z"d Ihe apparilioti hv Ihe shouhh r, at Ihe s.inif lime exeicising his cnnl r nci me iind x pa. ul ng iinist les 111 such a manner lis In cau-o a v iiilt .it v.hiaiioti to eu-ui: npnii the 1 1 m: VA. ' Oi h inurilirr : morlliei' shiu k il I at Miiltoniny as Mr. P.cviiis eotiliniied his vi- b ii rlfirts, whi.e ihe long sfieel fell liom his shoulders, and he 1 1 bel'or.r bis in- n I'si d maslei in his Hum: in: M'ir. " Li t mo go, ihor inasiher. ' "ilii, me darlnil an in-Uv, Jest g iv me a lip tr 3 on r w h tsl-e ." Mr. Jacob Pee ins found lhat Mr. M.l! ,, U (he Btlic, whcie the lallcr soon losl Ins identity in tin) iqni izmg cnibiucu ul Morphein. On tho next morning Mr. IVevins insline- tivuly paid a isit In his wnie cellar having t.veiy pan avis,, ,i,(.,v,,,ece,,ar-..u..p found hi keys upon hi chamber Itinr and hi c1i!triii con bo bt. iter imagined than do scribed, wbt:n he found that anine four di zr-ti 11I his chinem-l bottles of "brown sheiry"aiid "old hoc k " bad been entirely emptied ! In u in 1x11 11 1 be comprehended the whole te net. That pn'iiablc that moil coiivii.ciiiii u ' ghosts, who bad paid him such devote' tillciition fur nearly three weeks, hud riur loined big key at twelve o'clock, mid return ed thi-m ul i nc in the mnniiiiie lining ap iicnrnl .v ,.. ...u,v. ... ,1.. I A i' ', ' wjms.. army i.i tho wii,b cedar. J icoh Poevins ih tortnineil from the bottom of his. h' Hil lhat hu would never cnleilain A ' Oil in , n hou-o no un, and fr, m that ; r i t i ' rvtMiUi. OMiht tua li.oi.iiiitririin ue enhn.K cured. At lirst he of di-inmiii Ihe !,,.. .1... I M.llr ... I... I .. .!. his n iorimis h illu mai urn, ho ret nned Ihhi io hts rvice, h it lo Wever, w ilh he srici iijoiieiii ti thai J,i should never h-p u word i I h-il had hspp. iii d. I'll k-pt his word, hoi ere lo- g Mr, ' vins t i!d Ihe whole ti rv himself, aiel w the .reetit 'i.ii'-, ihe old man is h i!e and I eniiv . and s emd in rmr.d, and M r. I' ll i n k Mil roi'i.ey :s hit in . si faithful teiiao! and c in paiinHt. (Congressional. ki:i titiiS or Hon. II. F. Slhcklon. of N. Jcrry, . 1 ii ' I' - - ' v V ' . r IHS 1'iM t-F 1 lie Ml IM'ti I S liiifi Ii IN Tin .ATI' fiF Tlie r.NHtll .TTS ur I 1--.,. r.f ihe S'ale of Tf," f : ;. u j. 1 V Mr. v. . owing ' v 11 e 1 1 11 1.1 11 : the I . i"initi!.ir: pi 1 si'tilt d i'n' -in cf t to Ihe Si tiale, he I' 1 Mulr s lorn.s t it i n - it ( 1," ."Veral M atiia : 1 a; I r I I. n. 11 . 'i'i' t . a ti -I M tit s, tiio ' 1 rj ' 1 PP th- , ii .tjt'riL,n cai-ai iocs ii tl !iin, ov l.l t'tinsliln' ion, conrriitil t.ii V I 11 'i ill- tleiiorai liovemiiient .t. w- re i.e. m.a in a lanr.i p r' ' I inii'i-t, es''i i.ii r.v'iic. usee inn t,'! . ! 0 v, pr 1 v :'ti 1 Ti'if Cu 1, inon ri e.'.o; iht' g'li.rii! vitlljrt", mni sr-f-uie s . ' . 1 r I 1 t' ciri. 1 v ;i 1 ti 10 v." .l,i.i a u ii" titl e ' i-f ol I y oprr st.l 1, iiqnh'v, and ir 1:.. ' " in,- 11- I 11 "'!. tore hai i'ilv iiirit.i I niitpr.jii !. Vlers'iria. it is dt'emod 1 ti.jly 01 lo 8 l.r" n .1' ore to ejprms ti- to rth.ii mn theieln : '1 ir-ru lore. ioii'e ci.. ti-roii ; liiat iseCori ni' si ,1 Vt,1 ;onn op. it ino niitiu ri ...o. and i in i, . i h" prt h rs- d y a "i tu im i pr. ami imp nil poAir; , y. i-nu ti! u r or.guitii Itollet ii Male", n rt .i tn the I otin.l'.u! on, nit'i is on i I to tti" I'n oo, anti tiitl a s w II I'eiiti.t ii . r a-iiit v, any in traction o! J i y I e it II t o ! 1" r it. v ! Ii. j ., ait ftt 01 win t ir 1 1 th ' 1 ,. 1 ! i-n 1 tlisl, Nri J: I.i s. . .1 t n vi.' y a' . t . 1 f tit U sur-i-a i il ' ' 1 ' IV I', la-t I , . -t. .t ' tic r e in- ; 1 pal lots l,s it-a-nreii stl p'tol I - H - ' In- rt'ii, known aa I'n' Mra-nn ." Hi J thi! t Verv pun 'I', in "if iiii-'r i xun -I '1 tn-iiiify. .'.iis e in t'o. .t :, ;. ,n ,0 s i d nit: any o s. as -'.n I'nt mi tl r oll's i vt-r a sp;r.l ol t v l -1 o , 1 1 1 g tU.'lil tlCIMll , Venule conrurrii c 3 It. '1 hut New Jer I I s i .'am the t. tinoiroi. oiae !Me. i-na'tiii .. I- u , in tne .'si'iiala ol ine . : ojt Itt preelltatlvl a any change, al- r rt a ' i: i, er r- it 4 i ".'i f i. ue l.l II." I , nit tliti V i- Hie tii' ul I- : I 111 aii M !" I II if ii n I' 9 c .iliproii .'C- It e1 1 t lit "II'C I-11 . .Nov J '-in itt- eonr o r r r g i Thit ihs tlo- i t t' u -it1 ho rt q ;e-t .'iii io ins t. lo truitani.t a copv r ii er ol eatiii l t : v il" I tin-, , t ' t . e o ii t: our si a onra and li t .rnt.ilivi a in to C'fs Tti - R' lihioiis h.iving been read, Mr. i. rlvt n iirilit'-Bt if ihe St nate ns In! .oils : Mr I . I' i Pi mi nr N r t I h i ve also had ' he hnnor ti i vt Hi.: if . 1 1 i : i as pis.. , by ihe Se an. I lieiieriil o I'eSiite . 1 isev, winch have pit been pie-enieij bv Im'e N. J III v hniioiiroh It"' d anil Co dengue. I litis resi.liitioiis st r, jru patriotic and explicit, an need no Ciiiiiiiiepil.tti on or rxtilunatii oi or that tie :i ore lioin no. Nor is it necesarv I soi ul I .he example of my cnlleaene aiitl restate toy op niotis m teg ml p. pniliiol in.itleisil wlnc.'i ii''v neat ihi' im - llll lei In s o . I v ct ,i r in in the si n- Inn nls v o.i I he v ex. res Hlll'i'il llli.i -" Ii' tl iis aa 1 ought, pel hops, I s. I have hen In u.nt' ii no tins sub it w 1 1 e an ' spe k I -c; OV Sill.p l I md it Senators anil ;nec"ini. trv me not suiiitieii Iy. well mliiumd in le gal d lo mv opinions, it cetlaiioy is lm lau'.t ol in ine. 1 1 wood, Ii ke w ise, he q nto so pel ll jos .,r ine i t"r u pi i n 1 1 v v.ii'hcalinii nl i l.o loiurst. w I it: It New Jeisey b is iak njn re'n lion to :iiu -nl , cl-maller of these lesolulious. If. unlol totuteiv , she thai course, have aht n.iti'd fi noi-her Ihe iill'-C'ion.ite re gird of nnv of her s-sicr Sia'es of North, I can mdy for her, regnl such nit, and s iv , lhat what she tins done inti-iitled for ihn vvell'ati: of the I'm- It- ihe 1 re wits -the vvini e 1' on ai, untl iiolhing hm tne 1'nioii. It was that "she hived C. sar less, hul that she loved Rome more." If ihe men of to." Sou h me lint iili-fied wilh her Course, all that I wdi say lo hard lo i lease. em is, that they ate Mr. Pie.idrtil, it is a suhj rt ef regret as net na r.iri In Hie. tlillt 1 he (I iff rt'llCeS (if opinion in regard to Ihe runs1 ruction i f ihe Coiistitntoni should con'li'tie to excite in tho inn lis i f it pnllloll of our It llnW CHIZ 'IIS, such strong mm!. IMF leelingsof bitterness and resent relict's of opininti nrrnnontnns nml rxriting. Ml trlntion lo Ihe mterpreiaiioii I lie snip, on in-i up of llio Cuiistitiili.iii nre mi novelties. Putter , sma1!, comparatively .rtiilrov.rsiis prow in" rill of such ilivei sides of opinion, disinrhed ihe ceuntiy long since .,,.;. ... ... noriiiu- n ihnt w Inch is r ferrred to bv iheso resoliilions. Happily ihey we.e not of long duration. They subsided when i. .. . I ., . I,. ,.f ihn Some, heenme "' " j ' : - " ; . "' I . . Ml.. .,r ii. lain unto ol Ihii nilnil ,n. VVhy.-ir,..t tinmen! .he atlop , iin two - - f,r. I l)llf , pPrfr,allv known to the rlTt-er ;' ,,, p,,,, ( hav.og their war of the Constitution, great diversttie of one Judge .efthe S , ",.,,t, I Last Ur ,,., hx. to he r : hclvd li.reo.h ih.siSW, ,s pr-v.,1 d i Hon 4 ..rg the founders rf !he i " Republic. Formidable parliei in Mafarhti- ll, in New I uik, in 1 ennsy Ivama, ami iii Virginia, vehemently1 wr'ed i'a ndutilinn. 1 md tu many of Ihe smaller Siules there were 1 ' I L'reat ol jeci ions to some ol i s pioviion. It i known, lhat ii was nut the plan prelerii.d tiy Niw Jersey, and d fT'reiii in many re. pecls from Ihe one) presented by Iph pun patriot end eminent tiateiman and jurist, Juile I'allersnri, fnin New Jersey. Jul hai was ihe Rgii of self sacrificing vulue. Our father sacrificed their feelings, their perKonal inietes s end ambition, to the pub ic solu-y. 'I In-y inHg'ianiirioiiNiy axpjirsced in tin; win ot inn mtjoniy ot itio iiates, ami , evened llieir hesi Ijiculliesto pel feet t he i ('nstiiulion, arid lo I end it down lo poster i-1 t Ihe ( 'oust I'ution and their cotempurar ies, I can perc ive no reas.-u why we should re- I Irani limn iiiniiiig d Ihey united, in a spirit : ul ge. era.s cunc i ' a i mio, to preseive the ' ('.. i-!;'.i.. hereafter fr..m ii due I'm ; nod i'i iiii if 'hit hartie.ii) and Ihise fraternal l-.dii gs which -hi ijl.l ex st between the ii;l- terent parlll'S ti so I's-enl hi I tor iis I . I- . h-tppii Ihi, con s ht-IH Ii' 1 "4 'I II net, ami w Inch are ilex stone.-, us well .1 knd. .ii. Pii-.nitjit, p o.. ige of these rrso 'I'l'iiis ha- givt-o ii, e no oiiiioary satiBl-ic'i tti. Ihey weie unanimous' i.rJopttil io each House nl tho New Jeiaey Legisslure. I hi'v emhoilv tho ui.iliniied seiiiimetil of i' at Slate. 'i'ltLiir. at h-ti-t, no dissinliiig v . ire i now ii no i ho- in o- p-.-ii ion io ihe Coin I r.'iii-i' 'iiii-ores. I'm- s ik ela ra Hon ol lie ipniohsol N"W J. re v , i em i -' i' I to g' ,.--;,( el In n; (ht: Si lies o' lh s f ' ililtnier u v . ll ii a l'-ici' lioin he F , lo ners oi Riiinlu im u ) A i-i-rici New Jt-r S'-y is ti al ai.iie w h eh m nc that, any olher, " the hul : le-field f Ihe Revolution. And I is it too rnucn lo expert, that her rxjtcp'e should exercise a salutary it.n.iet.ce op ti I utin ress, and the whole c unl r v loi u I ; in,r ? Certimiy not, if iimpa-nr; sacr finis fur 'Ip- nr itiereo r i:i of fti .,',,,, urfjlletiig fi delity in to iiii'ii :iii f n lieat-t v e Cv ii.inettda I it n re-pert. Sir, New Jersr has p'udored i. and her si ilesmi'ti, hul not her historian. U hen hur h -story js riilcn, hi at will oe he; eoh ey. Then is no sl-tlii on her es cutcheon. Her s o- ran trace hark lv ir .trirtstry ihri.ugh iisny giieraiioiis witht-ut fi i''iog ibeir blond end ti g in ihn ven s oi a Her lerr 1 I: w:. settled hv frci m- n, bv men whose pri -t it was, no l on v lo be tree, i ot j 1st i r.e lo -heinse ves ami true In v :ritie nml p was tt'iri, or gitiil s.iv-ig' s't-i veu'' in.'i.lioj; on loot t t tipr so ii I or force fiom the hv I' pruut.ei.irs. The last aha . ant! ff-in'g grouir-.s. wos u- I .' ' i. i'v v i a r s ag log hick rxt niui-ed hj purchase many Sit' has as much pri-le in look- : to her Cti'oiial as to her National hisini v . lo th" 'osg sun ve mors anil ft-v a' prcr.g g'e w ith '.nsoh'ii' go ne, her ; eorhc were eever diiien bac rlii I. a;-- r.e from Ihe as sertion and ma Tti n nice if a I Ihe ttg'!s em I'erre I upon th.itn hv th' ir original granl ; ami w eu lh'' fin.-.' mrugg " for uidepcndei ee c i me, s1 e was 1 1 In lm. : .' i ' e fl.'st In f n er hrt btiie'tv arena. ne threw oieiboard ihe R ival G ivernmt 1, nr,d e.iabi-hid a free C'ops'itulion before1! he Ih-r .irn'inn of luce- pendenee, and in nilaeee of her stsler State, with trie cxcep'ion,!! ne i"n shire ami S ir'i ("orolp s. which she took in A at nifti mv I limp Of the port ib-o siriigg'e, never ei ish. she tia niei.iiii lals i hu h I' oLi.r lli'i and I.nirtnti Pinker lli'i and Lixingb n an.l Brar.dv wine a n't Cinr'esti n wen g!i r. , hul n"t n'to geilier s'lccin-otui fi nis. Tn- v wear ihe lau rels r.f Thermopy I.I- P. i " ' Maralh ns of lh.' Revnlu'ioii arem N'i Jersey. I 'en too, Princeton, and Mnimi --u h C 'mtnrniii rate uri. tries. Fr-tn iheir 1 !' fieltls free .' in sprung diseoii i tlh'd I en npiralcd ..!,e i f Ihe ' On'hiitei o " made in re 'ustU pledges in tin cau-e i f i.l".ty and ttie I'mon. O.i her tern orv iverywheie nl iy he seen ihe maikin ,i"'io nrini s. S-.-; was liiers!:v hnptiTSjt in litomi NoneiiS her nil hi'ii-ehnld honielliviis, hot are rich wi ti the Irgeiidnrv dnrv la'ei if phmder ai.d cruelty -iitT rt d t the hattdl of theerert.v. 1 t -xv el h.-r o'd fa inhes. hut give of lln'ir best bi.e d in the c nise ; and when the fin1' tl, she reposed en the sjci sttugg e was hves she had in.iiie, and iel! tn o hers the task ol boast ing of their achieva ments. Sho had per ftirii eil her duty and was satisfied. Nor has New Jenev bicn less Hue to the I'nino in peace lino in war. Among lh" fiisl t i h . .-xenons In nchieve lur lile-rnrs, -in. v te.ii- ni t one (he p i t id of snpeimr exer-ll-ms in inniotiiirili g lliein. U'hen the Itli perfections of the nld C.iii'edt'r.'i it n became iniiiiilesl, she was ihf first In ch lhe her Com iinssiinieis In the ( ' 'n volition nl Annapolis, in 17"-f. with loll f wers to teniodel the whole for in of Government. She united with. Nnv Vii k, Pennsylvania, le'aare. and Virginia, in gnttg ihe first limui'so lo Ihe movement which pi.'duced the Cin sti'ii I inn. She w hs null second lo N irgmla to sritlin I, efalrs Io the Consti'ii' mil i1 d n- ' vcntion ; and win n ihe l.onstitu'i; n was formed, she took tie lead, w itli j eu..- on- nia and Ih'oiwarp, in i' rr- ion. Mn' w i s the f-i st, us I s'a'ed the other day, In approve the irriportHot iimendineiits in He Const, lull. ni which si-cured fiord, mi of nil gmti nml of speech, ni"! ihe right i f pet.tion, which have b en the siilegiiarils of . he Stales ngniiisl tho cncroaihnienls i f ihe General Government. She furnished her full pro portion of those mm whose ciq icnce .ml uKiliiin have lii.ded vour public coun- cil, and wtn se IlllllltirV Bllial-. in has ath'rnt' d vour The fust bright inimt s gi- ,. l.. in ihn u ir of 1 fl-J. weie ihi se of Pike and Lnwuiu'C. line iepie-i nl nines of the Jersey Blues. The fir-t died in ihe aiiiis ' I" wi't'.uy a! I.i'he Voik-Hie oil er with lh" memorable won! D.m'l give up Tone ship. I'liuugti m teriiloi) , sho in' in nooo in hoin'r, virtue, nnd pilr.olism She his never been ul Vour d. imtiiir iimrrlv lor share of eS1" loavi s mui f, he,." ' If in ll " lifetime "f ihis Go j ertniitfni, now t iiihtacing a period of Ihiei' ..eneraiiiilis of men. slie hai rver ban Itimi i fs - - P.. pa , I i an t w ll rscC re a I ICS Ol 1 rnrnt I gotten U- eign Minister. Vuh a lonj extent of sea j eoaii, mil with an imperfect lida waler na- ! viral inn runiiinu into llio heait of the S'aleJ ilio ha never received any assistance from . n , I he (ieneial Gove rmneut worthy a no me, in ( aid of her harbors and rivet. Willi her uinunloins full of iron, zmc, and olher mine. i rail Willi her lerritory doited all over with j manufacturing ektalwsiimenti, f!ie has borne I without a unirmur her shares of tho injuries isU'slained from an ever changing revenue system. It may bo liuly said of her, thai j whilst she has bortio her full proportion ol ; the burdens ol the Government, of lis di- reel uencDm utie na tiKea unto una recetveo I less. Still, there sho stands, this day as of! old, beorl and band, with her treasure and j the Loion of the Stales In the nam! 1 1 a patno'ic, generous, ami heroic cotisii'ui r.ey nye, sir, if my col. lenc will pctni't me in m in the name of every man, wenian, aid thinking cin'd tu tim Ma c i. .New Jersey, 1 place my hann on that sacred instrument, ami declare for m? o::d roine, lhat no letler of it shnll l e in Irscled if vvn Con help il neither hv Norn em or S.;:i'.h"rn tinv'so couti-e's. If wrong exist, they imi-l he redressed by law, and according ihe Cotis'ii'ution. Put this I'mon 'if the States ihe World's wonder is the common hetitnee, i,s n hs the common glorv, of all (he per p'e of a! the S.'atP". H e rr.usl no1 pern it one link of lhat goldrn chain to he broken, and the hopes mid happiness of m if k nd, f. g time, to he blighted 111 the I ud, p S'OII. hv wild hiiiatiiCisin or haslv IOIJ71-. AMi Ii:.M.ATIOAS Foi; tin: ThAN-iiti or Land xVakhams A NO L't AIICNd. Py ihe first stclion of the act of Congress flit 1 1 if d "An i.ct making land warrants as signable, arid f. r other purposes," epproved March yg.l, it ispiovid.d: " Tnal all warrants fur military bounty land which have l-ei n, or inr.v herei,l;er he issued, under any liw of ihe L mted biKltii, end all vain ioca H'jns of the line, who.ii have leen, or may hereafter bo in ide, are hereby di claitd io he assignable, by deed or other mat rum' nl of writing, rnnriu and tX'Cii'eil alter the Inking ilhcl of tins act, accuiiiing to such lorm, and pursuant lu sucil n gui.itt'ii s as may be presented by llm- Commissioner of ihe Ge neral Land Olfii'e, so as lo vosl (he ass enee wall all ihe rights of the ong nal ciwnuts of ,i,e warrant or loca In accordance w i:h the provisii nf of tins sic iiiii, Ihe folluwing fo'tns aie prescribed for the iiB-ignmrrit ot Ihe warrants atlJ ioca- rop.M roPv the a?sm;vmf.nt OF THE WAhttANT No. 1. For value receivi d, I, A. C, to whom the wiilnn w. iirant No. issued, do I erel v st I ur .1 a-- gn unto C. P., of ami lo his hens nnd as! g,8 forever, iho said warrant, hi.J author. z-j him lo locale the san e, oi.d reci i'.'e a patent tl.crofuie. Witoe-s mv hand and seal, 'his day of , ie.) . Al es; : r. F., i;. it. I' orm t l ai know i.'ur r known to t A. R. seal J iei gnu --i,i win re ;;u tlficer lakin; i fie veil the ac- know it'dniiictil ; StvTK I F ColNTV CF On this Kay r.f in ihe year , persrna'iy appeared (here insert the itanie of the Warrantee.) to mo well kniwn, iiiel ackoiiw tdged the foregoing assignment lo bo his own net and deed; and 1 certify, hat the said (heie insett ihe name of the urrntitre) is the identical person to whom the wiliiiu vvarrant issued, and nhocxeculed ;,e foregoieg assignment tho'eof. iDllkcr's aigna'ure.) lor in r ! ackoow leitgmeni anviinircitu dnr is not kuuw n t fiiccr and his ideti'i- t y has to be pt oved : f'TXTII Cf Cot NT V ( F in the year Oil ih;s rav i f . persniiallv came before me (here in. n- ....... . .1 it...- srrt'ti"ii'iiii''ol tne iiarfiiiiit'i'i aim ptcio insert me t ame and tes.dence of a witness, nnd the said (here insert the name ol Ihe wpnessi si beinj. well Known to me as a creiii- b.eand disin.eresled person, was duly sworn lately p catec, so ia , n., , hv me, and oi. h.s oalh declared and said, cT bind can be located by an n-signen o, .a that he welt km ws the end (here insert the rious warranlees, till a number ol name of the War.antee.) and that he is tha nor can a pre-emp'or in any onse us., t .oie i U-.-nt ..sued, than one warrnnt in the I, Calmn ol ine hind : .' '..,. f...-.,,., .i,ri.mei.i. mil' linn ciit-iunt iui- . - . 1 histes'imoiiv beiio. aatisfiictoiy evidence am I.i me of the fact, Ihe said (here insert the name ot the Warranter,) ibeieupon acknowl edged toe said assignment to be his acl and died. ilhFiiU't'a sigiMltiie. ) roRM TOli TUP ASsIUNMIINT I i 'CAT 1"N - No '-. or the For mine received, I. A. Ii., lo whom the wnbin certificate of location w is issued, do i i ' .., ,t ... .i to.',, C I).. nnd In Ins he 1 s find :e en- t, never, ihe said ceriilK'Ole O! . 01 o, un do-sct ihed, an; paten' tl erel.i I the .larraot ill cl I boil therein author hull to itceive ihe seal, this day A. I?- -IM!. W ,'l.fss of Attest : nv l.tmi 1".". . :. f , ;. 11. m km na; v Form of dor is pes nv 'e.'gmrr.t w I e-e tl e v-.m known lo ihe tllicir iakm" I he sit me ; Statu r On this ' d.iv o Crn rv of oi the year personal V nppeiiten ( here insert the null" ol ihe pi rsoo to w html the cernlkate of b'ca- I ion issued t to i line,! ihe line well km vvn, ard m koowl ts a-stn.irnetit In he his set nod deed; and I cerhty, that the said ihere insert the inline of Hie person lo whom the cer; Ikulo of l-'C Jimi i-ueil) is the idcniieal peisoii It) whom tho within cer'.il'u aie nt lo cation Issued, nnd w h.i i X"CUIed the forgoing assigrmoiit ihereol. (Ortkei'a signature.) Form of arknnsledirri eet where ihe "re f'otNTV CF On I hi day of in the veir 0,v.ii i,r..,- i tu. '"i" u l mm u lllillilt. Iim I ll( o QM UK. nama of ihe person In whom ihe cerlifir.iiie of loca'ion isiied,) and (here insert the name and residence el a wilness,') and Ihe said (hero inseil the nnmn of the witness) being, well Ifllfiw-n In itih HNt n rrnrtililn nml iliir.lM. ' rested person, was duly tworn by me, and on , his oaih, declared' and said that he weii j knows th said (here insertllio name of the j person to whom Ihe. cert (rate ot locatonl issued,) and that bo is (he same neisoii ti j whom the cert fieato of location issued, and j wn(t esecurd the forcso.n" ie.innietit j end ' (-,,, ttsimiony being eatisfaetoryevlleiice I" m9 Qf (ne rttC il.e said there insert ihe nanie ; said assignment to be ln act and deed. (Oliirei ' signature ) Assignment No. 1 and ackt-ow ieegment I mjsi he endorsed Upon liiu wirraot, and No. 2 and acknowledgment i.pon the c ri I'p u e of hcaiiiin; and must be attested hv two w itriesses, acknow h-Hjed before a liei-icr or Receiver of a Land Oli'ire, a Judge of a ; Court ol Record, a Jiistu e of ho Pence, tu j a Commissioner of dee, is re-uieitt in the ; Stale Irom w rich he derives hu appointment; ; and in every instance where bi know lulg. ; tiient is made befnre any oilier nlrieer than ' the Reguier or Receiver of a Land Olli e, it must he accompanied hv a cett.iicite, no- 1 tier seal of 'he pn per authority, of ihe r Iii . .1 1- . . ", I c in en amen r oi ine ith ii j lore w lioin ,', ac k rn hilg menl was lo.iilf , ai.d a I.e. ol the geniiinenrss of his Jl ulore. A I assignments, of hi oon'v hit.ii ivnrriini- issiit d in, iter ihe ac lSj'l, made before th Sefi'iMiihrr l!-'.'i ite i.i ihis net, ate invalid and void. The same section provide", Tint anv person minted lo pre-empnon right lo nnv . Ian I, shad he cnin'eJ to use nnv -nrh lnr.d i warrant in pay menl of the same, nt the ra e of Si Un per nere for ihe tpldti "ty i f land Iheiein spccifieil." Iiv tills piovision, all persons ei.iiiled tn pre-einplioti. whether on rflered or um ii.."ed , luiids, can use a rntiitarv botnity land warrant j in pav mem lor Ihe Iracl pre-empted, iecko- I mng 1 1. u sa.d warran: o: 1 Vhj p"r ncre o r I the q iiiiility iherein specified, wto tlier tin-; l.iml mi claimed is tt ihe Usual cr Mini .ceil ' liiinim'.m. Should the area cf ihe ira-t claim' -d ex ceed ihe no,' unl cahe l for in ihe w.irraii", ttie pre emp or wilt have lo piy lor to i t cess m cash, but if it shoo d j I sh .", to- ,. ; not eiilii'ed to a refund t g i f li is further provided by the same sec'l " . " thai the war ranlg w hieh t.-- , , . , . i.,..n .l u.-enr l hereafter b. ','',,' r . mg io the bgil ub division nt the puhhr lands, in one body, up'n nnv lands nl the Fni'ed States subject to priva'e entry nt ihe time of such, location, nl :he minimum pre : Provided Further, That when said wnrra U shali be h eated on 'snits which nre sohp'n toentiv at a greater rrnnin.j.ii ihnns-1 "Jo per acte, Ihe locator of said wnrrnit shut , pay In the Fluted Slates, in cash, the i!-lT"r- enco between the vahje of sui h warranls a1 1 per acre, end Ihe tract of land lo ca'ed on." liv these provision', whcie ihe lards are sulject to priva'e enlry nl $1 per acre. -ihe holder of an eighty acre viuirant :-m lake anv two fort v -acre h.'s, fornnic a L'' i pact body of eighty acie- : and Hie hmder ot a warrant for m e hunditd nnd six'y acies can take iwo eighty acre, or fi ur i.nlv acre lrtiC'S. lorilltl.g a Ct.'I'PiiCt nji.V rlrrd and six' 'V acres. Where the minimum pr ce the sill p'Ct to pnvalc emrv prt d lo lm t.c.l led is more than f ! ' i ncr ncre, the lender o! Iho warrant ran loca'e, in tecordnper w'th the iiiST'jeli'T.s contained in the fore going paragiaph, ihe qoantny :c iV.'J in the warrant, by paying llm d fi'.icn ce in cash. Th s acl (iocs not authorise the hol.ler c! nn c igiity-BCre warrant to locate there nh a ; fnrtv acre tract ot land nl Si 50 pr acre ,n full 'satisfiiclinn thereof, hut he nm-l locate by legal suh-dn isions, the c-irpaci h ry id ' ei-htv ncies, ns near as nnv tie, nn-i pay ine i i fipi rp iii r:e i. rso h s .... , t. i . ,f 1 tiil acre war Cases as ben o ranis, fxcept in pre-emptn. F.ach warrant is lo bo disinicl y ami sepa pre eii.pted l v him, iinl tho txc"ss I anv. . uiu-i oc paio .u. ... - Ii. I'lta anml aeill. ni.l tins act prmiiies, " lhat the Registers ai.d Ri c. i v ei s ol Ihi Land Oilkcs sinill hereaiier be seveiaily au ihnnsed in charge and ireeive lr lhe:r s r-in.-is in lociiting ad military b.tiniy Unu wiiiront--. issued Mi ce ihe llth div ol l ib- ruarv, 1-li, tne samo coinpeos.ii.i'i. m ccnttige to w Inch l hey nri tlitllied bV lor sa e of f .e public mis lor cash, at rate ol ST lit n to he h .o per acie. Hie i 1 i o ." i leaf tr paid hv Hie ass 1,1.1 is liohle'S ol such warran 'i he third section " thai Rt gi-teis end or cut of i like nt ll ? their legal repn seti'ii shad he entitled In siirv cf the Fil led St tofere i ciloriiHil in ! i-f Ih s act pr. v .h s Ri ceners w ' e . r l i piss .g" of this net, in , 'ives in Cn" i f ilenth, rereii e from ' he Tre nti', for serv i.-es here c ittt'g r". ' 'it v hi u i'v un" ra'e of eoiiipensa lartd vv.trranls, ihe mil provided in the prt c'd og se.'lton ho -ervicrs tune itter in be perlormed, alter o ihirling iho amount atien'y r-civei hv s ii-h i Ilieers nneer Ihencl en'i'.'ed ' A" acl In rfqine III" ho tbrs of n i r i v hi d war ..ill's lo cini.peris.itB Ihe Land Oilii'-ns nl tne I inled Slaies for services in re alioil I local. on of lhn'0 warrililts.' 11 PP' "V '.'.I i Hie M,.v 17lh, l!- l-. Promieil, Tii'lnii R. gistcr or I Receiver shall receive anv r niiofii.Hi in nut it the Ttinsiry f.rptst scrv ice w ho Ii nl cli ugej i il l received i t gal lees lm tl""' lo c.itiiii of itch warrants. And pt.viuooi I'urlhi r, Ttnil li" Regis'er or Receiver slmo receive fur services ilanng nnv vear n great- ; er compensa ion loan Ihe maximum no ul- , towed by law. Where may desire In r-vail th?m- !?tate of l', I lif y most la'..e Ihe the Uciis'er .. r-il ihey r I ntit'ed. s-.iiy -i p iy '' n jvs r the fees lo ttli cli The fime cr.iirsp mn t .i i - n n o'e rrr rn 'f.e Hi i. . k i g a plication hv he oh1' r vrd hv j i trat letter to ihose i fie i rs. meil! I f l.'MiS.' h t: S ti.e vV ul. out II. i piy. us toe w :iams caoio.i vie locale By tho ter-..i f ibii law the ate c follow s : For n 10 acre wnrrar.l. fi"iv cen'e n-'i Rr -i-tiratol Receiver tolnl SI t an SO ncre wart nit, orio dol lar eaeh lo Regis'er Slid Ke rr iver lot'll, - - .,i F I'll r a lOOncrc warran', two dol lar each to R -n.sier and Re ceiver total. - - 4 oa J. RUTTF.RI'inLD, C. JI.'Il-.-i'j.NKi:- IPiSSOliiliOil. rsxiii: J Ihe y mot i ii linn aro I i." N-io r . n i r ' ' f - - ',. I t.rin o' I n A i ' r,"ii'. A . t ii.llrt .! tn mo i r in 1 .1 a ilo ! ivrn n'. s an i lo" i 1 ' A M sLhE (lit LOI i.trii is a i 1 1 I ' I I-, j. ri M. .M. ' rs Charlotte Drut Sloro. .ii)JilCt)L ) X & ' A I, ii V," I'. L s. (siic'i'soi s to rtx Ai Orr. W.p's r j r. x r r r U vv r Ihn .. r. av r 1 1 i; . 1 . 1 j S. I I" I' M I , i I', -s . ' ' i' '.' v inn re-1 l-d JilUiisii-l' : . o'.ii f y punctu illy at- imrt ti, AO unl 'i ill. II S I t, . iv I .'Nti-l's IN P A 1 i ii i; i t'Li.o .v im; . X Th-. Ar: I fir. I'i i x " s . C - s. 3 ii a. . I an. 1 i. ( n ' gen .. .M .i .s V " : C i i rjoi 1.. A I' -i cnt'liil' ti i-. 1 ii-ru. tlrtiw ii'. I ,1,1 io:. i.f Mi Mm ( ' I nrio ii I'i T Ties III i" I ill)-' W t r . . .- , sV - , r i op to ho f. ' i in t; e if UrH Morre. lero-i snJ ;o I -; ctn pr. o t.t'.ivy si.,e?i, -,d t-vottit-v ii i rjh i-o - ceeaeiT torn ev-T i !'": O-ir -! -ek f.'.f : i oe. To it sue i a. Mil." Ol I.iiir. 35 lie tt .p.: s nt ,.. I i.;,;., J O ! II iP iinl,!-.. fr-iin line .ii, trv in iy den ami. J 1. i; A1! , bled , O.e. i lucin i s? J : t i u a ?" v 1 . Oil n -i A;-- v in v r.xpi i .1. I.lllst ; -'il l'i(. W-.AC vvn- val. IxCIiH) rnxi-i. .' .0 r li-.'.i.-ig p .icliasei t i.:' l..o I SLuH't Eri-ii Tl. CLloS y.vs oi' I;, il lira h v. u ar- li- J. 1 h t " 'I'm V. art' r I i-i 'i sj'i! n. fi. n o : -, iv hoii'su e r r nod no vv 1 1 Kiln i. t.i i;lvtl 1 1 . v n. - ' i t:ioiire r.i VVilh'K ti i -ing, v. ipt ", j l T0?V , r 0. I,. T Wi 1. T1 ..V. for bv the act of 2cth September, 16.