jfortji CCaroIina Sclliig. j Seventh Census. As Mr. Tt.'s attack lat been very extensively circulatfld.iu pamph let form m well aa in tho newspaper, and ss the character of the Census is a matter r ir real national interest, we should have been glad to insert the very satisfactory de- I fence of the Superintendent, had its length j ; TIIK 1TW-IC EXPENSKS. With a view of making political capital for th nest Presidential canvass, the Loco foco majority in Congress have made a vio lent attack upon what they call the enor mous and improper expenditure of the pub lic money ty the present Administration. nt exceeded the apace which we could at : golno members threatened even, to defeat pre'ent spare. Those who are officially en- j altogether the flppropriatiotis for the Army. .Ti.rcd in devisiuaa idun for the publication : vn 'tIOga ibreiais. Mr. ll jifciii. the Dciuo- of ""the Census will doubtless read both of cratje Chairman of the Committee of Ways CHARLOTTE: ' WEDNESDAY, .April 21,1 rrWH.t.IAS! THOMP"V, F.sq.," i our a. fnt i Halliiinrc, authorized to obtain ailvertiac. in. , aJ milwrni'tMiu, and to f rant receipts. JJ E W, CARR, Emj., in our ag, I'hilaikl phia, auiliormsd In obtain advcni-anieutu and pro. carp r-iitteriptiona. tT V. B. Palmer, Km)., is our autimrircd aecnt (. receive adn-rtiacniciit and suhacriptiiuia at liis orrien iu Button, New York and I'lnladiljihia. FOR I'liKSIIiI'XT, MfLLARD HLLMORE, OF XEW-VOKK. FOll rlt K-rKMI)KT, iLUnm il. GnniinM, UF ViliTH-TAItnilXA. those iiaiK-rs and decide justly. The returns of populatk.:' and all the other statistics of the State of Maryland have been printed, iu the condensed forms, and submitted to Congress by the Superin dent, as the plan deemed by him best for the whole work. In hastily separating, classifying, condensing, and summing up such masses of figures and details, it would be remarkable indeed if in all the complica ted tables some trivial errors should not have escaped ; but it docs not necessarily follow that the plan itself is faulty. With out, however, questioning that some minor errors may have been detected in the Mary land tables, we cannot but think, from read ing the Superintendent's explanation, that the assailant of the work has been rather unfortunate in his selection of the faults he has pointed out. Perfection cannot ne expecteu in such a stud Means, replied as follows : "Defeat this bill, if you please. Cut down these appropriations. If you choose, strike them out. liut, just as surely as God rules in heaven, you Mill have to pay for it, hereafter; because you will not withdraw and disband the army, and, as long as it is kept up, the expense of keeping it must ex ist. If we shall jjo into power at the next Presidential election, which I hope and be lieve will he the case, wo shall have the du ty of paving; these accuniulaliusr expenses, and that 1 wish to avoid. The expenditure w ill be made, and it cannot be helped. Sir, these appropriations would bo necessary even to bring home the army, if disbanded, if for nothing further. Talk about defeat in 2 the appropriation, when you cannot bring the army home without an appropria tion of some sort, and that, too, of a consid erable amount. 1 lieu, ueieai me appropri TAX US IX MIRTH CAROLINA. Thn .Raleigh Mioirftini and liar have published the " statement of the Taxes of the State of North Carolina tor the a ear 1830, eolleetod by the Sheriffs of the respec tive Counties, and by them paid into the Treasury during the year IS" I." The ag gregates under the several heads are as to! lows, via ; work; but we are entirely satisfied, from j .,,; 0lMi wi,at ,i we make bv it r We what we have seen and hcaril. that the re turns of the seventh census will exhibit a have to go on, and disband the army, or we have to pay for it iu some shape or an- much creater amroximation to perfection, , otl,,,r. !! o-, utlcnien foruet. Thev sav as welt as vastly more eompreiicii-1011 aim value in its scope and objects,' than has been before achieved in that particular line in our country. -Yf. ltillizt ticcr, inst. A paloiy, Th- Kditor a-j pardi fir the M-sr-.-ity ' e-ilt-Week, oil tiif : iu tl he is n-t vu v well himsi cond, that hit link only tnlera'Jy veil. Lund Tax, i-M, I0".9 1 Town Property Tax", :!,ti.':.as Poll Tax, ' oo.l 33.07 Lunatic Asylum Tux, L'tU'T"'.'---' Interest Tax, a.".007 Dividend and Profit, M.I lo.'i I Lawyers, Physicians, &c, l.'.'.VUMI Salaries and fees, )7ti.-) Stud Horses, ,!loli.-,'7 Gate Tax, - I'-i'i.'M Hold Watch, WUs Silver Watch, .n.0- Harp, :. V-i Piano, GDI"-!.." Hold and Silver Piute. ,n."i." iV,' Pleasure Carriages, U-'l'lH) Playing Cards, 7d.-7 Bowling Alley, -.iii.OO Store fax. 1 i.-cr-'.ol l'edlar Tax, :i.."il!)7 Tavern Tax, ."i,Ii.-l.tl4 Exhibitions, &.v 0H.0O Billiard Table, -:iii.(H Collateral Descent, !j:io Foreign Carriage, 17-.00 Drover, ' ' ..Og.'iO Foreign Insnranccf' inipanies. I I I .HO IVc.U'iii Trurt.W. ' -t.T" Toll liridgo. 1.70 Fair, ' 1 11 X SCENE IX THK VIRGINIA CON-1 GOLD WOMAN. YENTION. A eorrospondent of the N.Y. Tribune tU The riehmond vapors are filled with the of a lady who ulmost turned into gold, and possibly would have been very vaiuauie to her husbaud had she not ceased to breathe so soon. According to this veritable narrator, a married lady, abuut thirty five years of age, lately died iu New liruliswiek, in a most ex traordinary manner. I lor body having been sent to New York for interment, and tho mysterious manner of her death having been mentioned among the professors there, per mission for a jmat mortem examination was obtained, at which several eminent practi tioners assisted. The curious part of tho deceased' case had beeu that, about three months before her death, her eyes, which had formerly been of a blue color, changed doiuas of the late Locofoeo Convention in that city, SiuiU scenes of wrangling and quarrelling over the spoils have, we imagine, rarely disgraced any deliberative body except tho I". States House of Representa tives. They agreed however upon one point they nil abused the President most bitter ly, 'the Whig gives the following, descrip tion of an attack upon Mr. Fillmore by a Mr. Tucker, who iu " pitching into " the President, accidentally did the same kind ness to the, whole Locofoeo delegation from Virginia ! "Mr. Ran Tucker was called upon for a speech so a sjnech was to be made. Abuse of Whi-js iu general had become, stale de nunciation ot renegade Whigs ot which I ,,, ,,. ,,f .,.l , ...I simulhinnonslv she be there was a goodly number in the Convcu- . .. tli K(, vollow tears, to dream of vol- t inn had been exhausted by Mr. Hives on Mr. Wise, Rut something particular aud 1 racy was wanting so Mr. Tucker "pitched j into " .Mr. Fillmore. Ho was killingly sav- j age on the poor President. Ho had done a great many bad things but there was one above all others for which he could 1 never bo forgiven one for which ho de- low landscapes, ami, in short, to be haunted in every way, with yellow surroundings. Another peculiarity of her case was that she was frequently seized with ple.isurable thrills, arising in the region of the liver, and passing a delightful electric shock over the system. It was in the midst of one of these thrills that she died. Her general health 1 of his patrons rial matter this e fir-t place, that , ar.o, in the se- PRKSIDKNTIAI. Vl TKS Volt PltK-lliKNT IN NATIONAL CoS- y FNTU'W It mav be considered settlct now, by the action f the 1'iiited States Sen ate, that the votes iu the Kiectoral Colleges lai'ijU'rr Blanche is ,jr the next President (aud of course, the j number of delegates to be sent to the Na- i tional Convention) will be counted as fol lows : States, Vote Kii lsis Nnlifc to Whi2S- It seoms that a District Convention to ap-p-.iiit delegates to the National Convention will be necessary. We therefore repie-t that our friends will assemble iu the Court House, in Charlotte, on Tuesday of next week, to appoint deb transact some other business .Maine. s X. Hampshire, j Vermont, a MjfeiehtlK Its. 13 4 6 3.1 : KlifHlr Islulid, . (rt eetieut, , N. Ycrk, ;atcs to the same, and j iv,,,',?,,',, At this meet- IMawarr. M r,l,,,.l in we will recommend a time and place for ; Virginia, holding the District Convention. Our Whig i Can.lirn. friends of the several counties of the dis trict are requested t appoint their de to said Convention. , t .efrM, Florida, Dliin. 10 in 3 13 9 t fi 1J t R 3ti 2i; 3 8 IT 11 ;i M 3 S3 St.. ten IndMlla, IlliiHiis, lewa, V'tseon.sin, Michigan. K'-nrue kr. yi.ssour:, AUthronn, Lruisiaiir,, Tennessee, M isaisippi Arkaiissn, 'i'eX.'F, t'jliternia, Wliolr Xo. 1'W riiolee. Veto Is.Vi l-s 13 It I li ll IS 1 5 1 Is OCT Wc invite B,. i.t- of Jit.. : aiteiiti. n to the aavcrtise .tn, Jr., Sc Co.. which ap ipT ; purchasers who aive I 1 it i i to be satisfied, as : ! every article usual Mr. P..:.. at hi- . i -t . td 9t ."if B tr tr II. B. A L. . -.'leet- S-jm- Yirgiira has resolved iu ber Convention i that shi- is entitled to but 1 ". It will be remembered, that there is a doult yet. under the census, whether t'ali foruia will have one or two members or South Carolina. 7 or The largest frac tion in South Carolina. rr California takes the greatest number, but Congress, it is s od, will inerease the number one aud give members instead of -U". Ai tr vrk lw'pi'iis. that this money lias beeu xeuJod contra ry to law. It shows that they have not ex amined into the ipiest'ion at all. I desire to read a section of the law, which author izes the cxin mliture of this moccv. although I occupy the same ground which I did in! Add Tax of x anet y mv hour's speech, and believe that the ex- j county sjyii.l j , peuditures have been enormous, improper, Additional returns, ; ,.tii ' lv and ainomiiing to anuse. iwi ucic is me j law, approved March I, 10: f-l.V!,-:i:l.-.-. "' No contract shall hereafter be made j The above appear; t. be the iie't amount bv the Secretary of State or of the Treasu- '- of Taxes due and received from ti e Sle -ry, or of the Department of War, or of the ' rids of the several counties. The state Navy, except, by a law authorizing the same, ment embodies, in addition. SliOU a- the pc or cxcciit under an appropriation adequate ; nalty on the sheriif of Vaticey for failing to jo to its fulfilment, and except, also, contracts ! settle. t his amount, togcttier with some i ! for the subsistence and clothing of the army j additional returns f..i 1-1!) and f rim r 4 1 and nav v, and contracts bv the Quarter- I year--, added to the above, makes the whole master's 1'epartmeiit, which m:fy bo made J amount t loT. -'T !,l 7 bv the Secretaries of these di partiuents.' I Deduct Tavern Tax. in d-.-ng- "'Now. sir, there is the law under which I ing to the literary find, o this ha.- been ilotie," j A more complete refutation of the charges j Amount of 1 . Hietv;, 'r,i). s I .l ,7 1 :! 1 :t against the Administration could not be fur- . We subjoin a few paMieulars which have nf-lted. Not a dollar has been paid out J arrested our attention u glancing over the without the express sanction of Congress. : Statement. If the expense has been " enormous, itntiro-' 1 he largest ncr and amounting to abuse." as Mr. Hons- ton savs, who is to blame ! Whv the Loco- 1 next, .V.I-.MM7 ; F.dg. e onibe thii The ioiit tiitiilcm examinatioii distilaved her sovereignty and lliany t.uriui, fa,.tH, , ti1B (.ulniinatiug point was reached at the liver, which was found to contain a singular mass of matter, that, alter being carefully separated, by washing, from animal matter, was discover ed to weigh four mmuvweights and eleven served eternal damnation. In the dispute j la,i n.x.n K,V,J jt M.vmtl wjt, the exception about the Rio Grande, boundary, be had j f the yellow eyes, yellow dreams, and tho dared to hold the federal sword over Texas, J Uolihiful electric shocks." ami that too, when a lm. 11111 1 ongrrss offering a bribe to honor. This was very eloquent and very fero cious '. Hut as ill luck would have it, a member of that Free Soil Congress, who ! had voted for the identical bribe, happened ' to be present in the person of Col. Fayette McMuihn. lie instantly rose and demands i d f be heard in defence, auib'ii aud would be hear ted for that Boundary bill, aud most of his Democratic- colleagues had done the same. lbre was an ugly sr,t of work! What was to be done! In what hole or corner 1 i.-i rel'ii.c be found ? The noie and con fusion In came .in j. ottering. Peacemakers sprung upon every bench with the most tram parent explanations. No assault was lie-igned upon the gailai,t Colonel and his Deiuoeratie associates none at all! hdy hilling at the Whig Fillmore! The wrath Colonel w is appeased, and the placid stream uf harmony ii w. d on." AM 1 ' ' flrapgit LIKENESSES. fHHE Ssiiliscrilicrs have fitted a aintc of room A lor a first eliiaa IliocKaBr.ujt Ui.i ear, cm. bracing reception and Killing roonia j JaiUiea n. let) opi-ratinir and clninieid bpiutimnta j all r, plete with (lie ncreHaary luniiturri and aa it lp the tint and nnl v (Jailery ill Wcatern North (-, lina, wo have upareil nu paim or rjipcHw to makn it, in all respectf, equal, at leant, to thebi at in ilie finite. We now, rrapi-ctfully announce to the eitizmi of Charlotte anil vicinity, our rcadincK lo eiwutr xIisiatuk-s and )'oth'its iu the tiitcat style,, and ot niluecd prices. Our reputation i too well known lit Una Sti,ie, to require a prolix indiee, but would brii tly n..t: that imr f'aeilitii in evekt aKurtfT, aa uuerir I us t r 11 mm 11 1 s, t;lieiniea!s, Stock, &c, a long prae. tice, and all the improvement! to the preaeu' dale, enable na to guarantee l.iki 111 ne, m exeeution and liiuah, decidedly iim nor lo any now taken in this leetinn, and quite equal to llie nest brought from the t iliea. thir atyle of coloring Ilia m ijru, is Tin Ktatk, anil onr method of sealing up picture!, t. tirci.y and Ks.TL ctcluUinx lln-m from dust, Ac., ia tbeoM.v iirrEf Ti.it, mode, aud Dteu. liar only i. jiirm lvea. (lurinrire akmirtnif ot of" very fmc Mn roceo, Papier .Maehic, Sulk Velvet, Toitoiwi Wiell, and Ivory, 4e., aod uptendid kfiaewtwtd and Maho. gany frames is entirely new here. We are denroua, a the larger site picturea han in the Citn-a la-en atintituted for the entailer mice, to introdiiec them here, and wanld take tliem an very nioderatt.' ternia, i'cntoija Crain. oa to dis)iiay their whole figure or ln , i adiautaji', ilieuld eboe one of the larffet air.c platili. lid or imperii ct l.ikiiinn-i (of other opera tori 1 grains. It was sent, " so runs tin) tale," to taken oicr correctly aud put iu llie mum ea ui Professor II. to be amilvzed. 11 ho declared lie had been ; ,jiat jt 00,ist,., (,f oxi,,r 0f jroUi phosdiate lie had vo- ; t,e s.,,i ,.c :,i ,,,, w hich strongly resembled siilphuret of lead, yet n as not, unit siidd. Of this latter, there were forty-three trains. No cause for this extraordinary phenomenon could be su;r rest -d, till it came out by accident, that about a year before, some homnpathist doc tor had visited th lady, professionally, and that, it was probable, he mieht have given her eold uitrntn , that is pold, being one of the luedieines of that school. half nfice. and uieturea taken iu run-m aa well i clear wealhi-r.' I3int'iit0s, F.nKravmgii, Djitui rrcotyH-p, at , correctly eoned to aoii size. Lado-t and tieniU-. men are requealt d to f gamine onr production whither t lt v wiah to ait or not. f ao rieAi-and Tiioaoeou issraeiTio.sa nitpart, , and all iiiutirulj furnished. Wil.llK & lUK.IITKR, toamle How. over Trotter" Jt wi lrv Sture O'i iilliG ! CLOIKH-i I ! tax is Willia jffer eoiiie rare T'KATIl lF lil.-HOp IIKDDINt;. At half t art 11 o'clock, on Friday last. foeo majority inCencress, whieh passed tin laws, and the Locofoeo Administration of Mr. 1'oik ttbich rendered their pa.-eau ne-ees-ary by its war-of conquest ami auueia te,n. Hut who arc those men who so freely and bitterly denounce the extravagance of the Administration? They belong to the same party w hich by its lust for conquest created the necessity- for extravagance. To the same party w hich is daily sijat-deriui thou- , the n sands ot ilokarsot the puhjic money in use less, disgraceful, squabbling over the I resi de. and P;:'! uf Cass, I!u h.man, Douglas To the same r aitv which with the venerable Jiishor. of the Methodist Hp is- ! 1)U1j proft-.iolis of c-onon'v and industry. ! h Mde Ck-thin?, Ac Ac. A. Uetbunc 4 Co.. Merchant Tailors, have Wen ret-eivhijf arel or-iiii- a- ftie sn as niiueijt of Casitiiere. Ve-tiris. Cravats. &c, ic., a we have ever seen in t..- M-etion of e--uutry. They have ijuite 3 variety of new style Cas-inn re" f r p hlh--ten a spriiij and sumiucr v fir, niiii h .nr pa ant tiiirq of the kind we have ever seen. A" tae goijds iu their line have been elv-ted with an eye t v durability as well as taatc i-ive them call and m-e for your- five. liietu k J- i,u-t !.. No 1, tiranit-;- ISanie, have soiue retiiatkaliy liand-omc irood, at their Store, very cheap, and the a.-ortni.-tit eaJculatud to mil every one that mav f.ivor tueui with a call. II, uicus 01 liiooj-anus oi uonars to stippon a partisan newspaper, and its industry by an utter neglect of the public busiues. ; fr al though half the long ses-ion has passed. sTi- new and Wc Lave received No-. 1. "., ,3 and 4. new rtite-fc. of the " .Southern Literary fjaiette," piil.j,bcd in Charleston. S. C., bv Walker. Ejthards k Co , at ii per annum. It is My e littjauij , . .t.-J 1, t- i . devoted to Literature, ,-. iein e, the Fine Art, fir-. Tie fTn-nds of Literature in t!;i- South. : long and painful iilne.ss. More thau a vear ago be became aware that he was a victim of the ili-ea.-e under which he was finally fallen, and, during the past month or two, bis end was constantly felt to be rapidly aj proTiehing. The New York Evening Post says ; " lii-hoj, lied ling was the cldc.-t of the five hish- ps of the Methodist Church, ami I w as revered in proportion to bis years. He ! has been distinguished over half a century ' for bis purity and simplicity ,f character, hi-extensive lei-rning, and the fi ;. 1 nt ad-j miration which he inspired, in all those who j came within the sphere of hi- personal or : pastoral influence His loss will not be: mourned alone by those who hi lonoed to the religi-ius ih-ijomiiiatioi) of which he was : at once a pillar and an ornament." eiiuation, to expend the public inoiirv. Ail DKSTKl'CTIVK CONFLAGRATION AT that lie has done, has bt.-i, to pay "out the SAVANNAH. j money 31 by the laws of Congress he was The steamer Ja-per, arrived here venter- j hound to do. If those laws have been im day, from Savannah, reported that an cx- ! proper, and if the expense directed by 1 tensive fire raging there at her depar- ! them have been 'enormous,' let the blame , , - ... . - r. it . 1 t i:,h ujifn me i,oeo;,,eo majority, and not upon the Administration. Ihelartrest a-'L-reaiu amount I by Wake, .-'rj-rj,, , : New- II 1 1, ")-: .1.7 :l : the least by- Madison, 3o l.7D. The largest land t:n is j i-.i by Kde combe, cloli.:hS; IJelfie, TMg. .1 ; U ;ii;e, !MJ-.U!I; Halifax --4 .34; Inillord -Hfi. I !l ; the h a-t by Cherokee, PJ.H7. The largest po!l tax paid bv nranu'de, $lllo.50; Wake 1IWUH; K-l.'- -'11 . I "I -.-I"; llalif'as ;:".. 13 ; thl l( .1 by W -11.17. The f dlewing coutiLes stand high. -t in turn? of tax on ii U r . vie . Vake, .-17."-1 ; Craven 15C HI, V,,rreii l .'!ie:o; Mecklenburg Ig3o l:i; Ft'. .n,'.,- IKI VM; (iranviile 1 lo7.-7. Nioth.r c-'tn.ty pay so lunch assi'Hiil. (iuilfird returns '.t. l-ckingham 1vJo41; Kan-iolph -'.--' , Cherokee. Maeou, M , . i u:, I V re turn no tax on interett. Fortv-four e-.iiiitle-fuii t i make any re- KXTllAVAtiANCI-:. liiichanali, ill his celebrated Italti- uinre eleeti- iiei ring letter, (containing his fail for the Presidency which will not be accepted,) s, t the example of an attack on the Administration for extravagance. The idea has been caught up by the underlines of the party in '.-n.-. --. and they have ac-'.-or-lingly rang the change- on it ever since. It i.. -,v appears that the arte ei . n I.t ire 'f the present adniMii-tratioii have been cau-ed by paying off .1,'. ,lrhi for the Mexican war, Ac. the f .llowina tatemetit. Mr VIKtilNIA AND Til K NuRTli CAK LIN'A KAIL IK IAD. We notice in the Iliehiuotid Dispatch of the HOth inst.. an article on the ' Danville Houte," in which article the belief is confi dently expressed, that North Carolina mil permit a connection between the liichmond and Danville Hailroad and our North Curo- :ill that this North Carolina Hi 1 TAAT cuii be mti- tUHiuviiijf to him m fUliiun( ihuM a siiaji f ilfefitUjig- I jt, Vfftt Of Silift, Ml!!? f iff tM fr, hdtlglfi III Tt, iHfitt? ll'tw here. To gvotd tiii nui4f;ftr th a.ejJut- and Ijtf-Aiily, iniVt Vc sts, Kbift, at fatitst !l t litliV nt;cmiti t'tfT ritUi iurti lo C'1S &l II II A I v. U lU lA W April a. IkVJ. t if Jl'ST rrr eivnl and utill Ihrf came pleuiiid lis -k of sriti.rv ami siniir.n GOODS. terf hWCel (ifo'eii iare tm k,a!id it moil U eld al oi- uriet- All We k m 80 eisiliOtali.ia Citraeteil V. I , I -I, -T from rite siieei h of Mr. Mrooks. pul f !,e fi".,,";i,nf.."i power, March 'ir.tr, from scarcely a single measure of importance to : turn 01 divi the f ul iie has ,eeu acted upon. 1 bev be long to the same party, yea they Hre the very men. whose votes are constantly re corded in favor of some .scheme of robbery of the public Treasury and the od States, by wholesale appropriations of the public lanos 111 nr-ier to secure lor tlieir I re.-i tia' li -iiiiiiee, the siippiort oi t powerful AW'.-tern States. The President has nothing whatever to do with the alleged extravacance. His on ly power is one of recommendation, an( reeommt ndatiou- have- been treated with contempt by the L.e..f',eo majority in Con- -re--. Ik i; n.j l.oM-.-r, it he h nd and proit tax. I-llieeti cr.nl.es : 111 iM tiiiii c,r i.iw- yers, physicians, &". P- uaLle aud heal th r .' two eoumi . t.ike-l t re "tin iru s and tef 1 county, Y it. Silver r.nv tt;te w it ho ! I.IX t a -;-l 1 turnerl i-.M, the simld n pfurt the The Io ' 10 1 ptl. -l-iiooj Le Literary liaitette." i lisljed at the sauie i. which i an T: 1 u TiiK JiAlLV "... i. ;r - -.!' hes i t,n reeesvefi ae, t !,e : .! dernoaa-i..; J ' - ! 1 a daily li, tt e are thus inf riiied, " " t.-r ierj-ral has ordered riaiiy wr,i.- on " tUc nia.il routes from lUIeigihy (ireens- borouah and Sali-bury to CharbHte, N. C. " to c maii-iici- w le u the mail j aaiu con " veyed dally or, the !! .1 i . h andlja-t ,;. "Kail Rjad. it Ji tie- uiiiier-tandino. ti,al Witbia two ui.Hitiis to. r. ,t. r, schedule,. '' of d parwres ao,J arriai- shi ,,rder- an M AIL. ill. Jam. - 'i l.l. ,1 - , I ' - :- "l- I v.e-1 (J1 K.tieigh. that the P-.-tiuas- tun . e under-tand from a tirivatf- di- patch, that at about two o'clock yesterday moaning flames were di.-iovercd issuing ir.ii' the shed rIj..itiiiiir Mr, A. C, Lamnr' Cortoji Press, in that city, which, the wind being hiirh, -pro-id rapidly, ami entirely de stroyed Mr. Lamar'- w an I,.ni-.. r.,ntaiiii..-; Cotton pre-.-es and between four and tlioti-and bab-s ,,f C,,t,,,, 'ph,. -bij,, J,,r I fata ittiHul and Jnn-Ulla which were aground at the wharf could Hot 1 removed, and regr-t to learn that the fjrmer was marly ci nsnined together with tiie cotton on 1 . r!. The .'"'-'" -- al-o injured. Mr. dinar's -ie and pre-- which co-t r-oii.iHHit were oii!y in.-ure 1 f,r .-Jlt.tillll. His 1-. - and pup., r.. which Here ii, ;,n ir.m safi-, werr al-o entirely c uisiijiied. He a-o bi-t a h- r-e valued at Hoiiu. M, ,-i -. Al len ,V. Pail hot DMIO bale- cotton, which, how-, vcr, were insured. Mire ti. W. 'iarmany ,V Co, J.t -on bales, and M -.r-. K, Molvneaui. A. Iow iV Co., Win. Putter Fur tax on ,-a ( uly o watch in fr-n.i nil. 'len cfiutnipB only retirn tax Four counties, to wit : A-Iie, I 'o con and Yancey report io pian . q'wenty counties r- pot in- g-d-i and -ih i-r plate; a:,d twelve Coiiiiie- lei pieasurecar-riae-es. Twentyo ight countie niak-; no r turn r,f piay ing i-jrds. High-biv-jaek-aiid-tiie-gam.-probabiy evades the lav. No tave-rn tax from ii. -under, Madi.-ou. atiuga and Yancey, lax on foreign carrilg-s retinned ! m f-j'ir counties. Craven. I Martin. lie registered debt 'iiith of November. i-o'i, was - - . The pob' ' debt 20th Novein- t". r, ! -ol . was Since the Whigs came int I, 1- If, He . have free-l Ui an amount of public d-t.t as follows ; ae'i or.:d M.trrh, l-ij " s;:ii,3uo (Mi Stock of the l,u f i - t- Slock of the loan of -ii act o -g-g,l .)v, 1-Ki net ofg-fh J lilTuurv. I -IT M xiean ilideiiiiiiu -,et of D Hi Align t, 1 - 111 '" I- I - r-p - ... t 11 tit February. 1-17 - - -7.-, mi iinfiinded f Aagn-t. of June. pri -u I , . , ! ; Ail -ii win. Ii a ill l- lil ui I ; a siii.-iium: I' r.aiei in orurr to prevent tue it,,, , , ,,, ; neens-ity fir, and ei-iiif-iiueiitly construction I of. the t'liarb-tte and Danviiie Hailroad; and it is also remembered or if it i not it I so in will be when the taxes come along j that the State has gone two millions of dob j l ira into the Work, Now, since the t'har ', lotte and Danville Hoad would hr.vc cost 1 the State nothing, and the Central P.ail j Poad as a eounterprojeet, fir State ebjeets, I will eo-t her two million, it certain!- show ' a strong faith on the part of the V irgiiuans 1 11' ITU tlir aid of the i.t aa want of Male l.rnle anil com,., it. ' " "" ihein o coiifiiinitlv to aiiticiiiatc ''"i'" .... . I 11 nei-Mi. 01 t.ie erralei,! uiioitrf ot Hie - s oil pan., oi ail int- hyiyy , E t-d. 1 1 1- :i(i:t,o7:i !i 7 1 tii mi ( Hd funded and debt act Itii i 17!;!, and l.tii 175- Award- under th article of the t M i. . t r w l.i 1 1 flft. ll V ll tl enth with on our sense, fo a waiver on anu :ter having cumbered ourselves with a heavy debt, to apply it proceeds in the fun Iterance of the very project, to defeat which it was incurred. Have any of onr leading men been tampering wit!, onr inter, e-ts? or are we to 1- sold rot and brain h to our neighbors, and we i..ir-i U. s pay the ' pun-hase money. There imist be son,, thing wrong, ii-.- the irginia j.r -s would not be i o confident about the matter ; and if be- : ho -tn us to kei p both eves and if we wmiPJ oi tin t a State, in mere .trip of laud. Viil. Jour ml. f etjr iloek. H e have ail teHi ,BUnMr kept in ... I, - -birrs. UK KM JiHI.-Ti,V, No. ,t.lii!iite (inline. Chirietf. , Aeril H. ltf Highly Important to House Keepers ! The Celebrated C nlMiuhfa H'k tng t'lniil. hiiilile arte 1 rant raa lio a W tra's WHisi m nwp, e,,es,.i,j, ,j arrisii rUifr,il aral ue e,.t. v , ir, W ((.ll a mui h urinr,i,d ! tunre mhim than the inane f.rfio, f ,i, nu-j hn ii i lie t-iiif lliruiiylii.ui I i ei,,n,irv. It I. llM,fe0., r, ,,e, l,t iT Nlirnili,,!. IPmiart.e ami Haitw (enerailv. t ill ,j grl m N.til, ,,j jt a ttm;. t-,llruy ,hj Tr. ,iar, -J and aoof iov ! CilW VHII f.... J., V"lll. le. , cur iijii-u Heady 3Iaclc Clothing. M.. ,1 I. lit ieli were s un-ler twell f the ti-.-aty I bv II. -tain,. Itll lit-1 11, .1 1 ni l-tioii lii.'M l-!) M d dollars ! O i-tl Tl M' . s in 1 ' 1 il f several other firms ha 1 difli n-nt de lroyed, but wc are that all were in-uri-d. -tilllflteij at .i:jiiii,lHiii. " ed, iticreaiiJg the sp. c-i to five miles "fcoor, hetween Raleigh aud Salisbury." YV e-athcr from the papers beiow u-,that the- conveyance on the Kab.igh and Oastou llijad will probably be again in daily opera tion by tl firt f June nest. And it is tated. tbat a line of daily stages ha- been fM in operation, to conm-et with CLarl'4t: :md the p'ut where the Charlotte and 'o bmibi ttail I'oad i comnli ted. m that nar.oit. ami I harle-ton are within thirty ; r.;ein lib-, at e- j r barrel, wherea-i g.e.d bv, an llleiliot. .,f C.jtt gratified to b ar The total lo-- i II w the lire originated, or whit insurance .illicc-s sr.- afleeteil e ,aV ,,t b urned. Ilia rh stijn ('(,ftitrt I-7i. FLorn nitiM isaltimouk am.cui.n FP.UM NKW-OISLKANS. Pr B the Charleston ('m'rirr we i ip f,e following interesting item : The up-country merchants and other', it sei ni-, are im- ! porting their ow d flour and torn. We h-arti ! -t t . ..... iroui me .iimiiiimim r that Hour U at uours o! eaeU other. A cotemoorarr ma.ll reiuarki, tli.t a daily communication bein thiw cp.-i.td to the S -rh and t-a the South, will prestot mail faeilitu-i and eonveuieucea for trv. l hieb will be of great iujportanee to tlie J . fclun the middle and we-teru poruoti- ot oar State. Th thank ., the ptiUie are due to tl .ntrei,,ri, Mcs-ra liiand & Ji,ju1j. f.Jr lu,.ir epinK-d propodU,;,,.-, ., .-,Jr, .,rt.y, for bi aftrtitiotn ia tl.i, behalf. I.,.,,,,. Utfuafh I'lilnut, lja.tiiuor flour loay be dclnered iu Green ville, at from io.oU to iii.7."i, t!jUa cfli-cting for the purchaser a -sving of gg. 'iu me! il.i:, jr barrel. Messrs. Swandab- and Irwin of the Mansion Houae iu that town, have ordered their nuppae from liaitiiuore. ' The Moutitimiiir aUo Mta that Mr. Douglas, of Ijreeuulh?, ban bought lit too ; bushel of corn, in NewJrlemi,., and will have it delivered at the prex-nt terminus of, the Grefoville Pail Koad, at abtutfU i-ei.t the bushel." TIIK KXI-Kl'ITPcV 'in .1 p A leading articli- appear- m tin- I.o 'I in"- i f the o.Vih ,,f March, upon the pose-1 Aniericaii cs pediie.n tl Japan. i thus rptoinizcij bv the Loiio'.o, : I ' 1 '111, i , , .i 1 i i it : An to. p o : .i.t b ainng mticie app -a? the linn - to-day upon the Aruiiii-aii L dltloli 1-) Jai.au. I he 1 i s savs ll,., tin- cxpoditiori i, e.u n. I out in a .-pint liumaiiity anl sound p ...-v. without uuiii-ee--,rv wa-to of ,i. au-l iiinler toe fil 'oi r- - i ,.-i that tie; :,i- of the I,. ., r,,. Iiii-iit. aiel let tin- ereat mass ,f t... je.pu iati.,n, are in fault, Coinmodorc Pcrrv will be baekeu with the sy niiat ines of all p.ttro. p--,iu Ii o I oii-. - 1 In- enterprise i- uiideria k. n bv tnci,,,vi i-iiioi iii m ;,.iii,gT,,i in d one ot the be-t oflieer- on the na-, y li-t of tiie I mied -tat,-, ha- been appointed t-.the e tiilii ili'l i n- I line, peak, of tin- I'.r- e oi l.e i iiij.lo.eu, ami sav- it i, an.p.ly en-nt for the purpo-o. and the efioa-r trii-ted will, tl,,- command can have ditiieiiltv in ii,, tain og their ,,,, terms at .Nahgu-fki nud J.-iiJ,,. ,., ,-,,. eiiide- its ainr-ie ,v reimirliiiig that public ojiiuion, but both biiman.ty and policy ri eoinineiiij iiiotji. ration in the mid-t of suc cess. ' c., .-,w. little ,b,ubt that the I nit. il St u, , xjMidition against Japan will prove tin- cmiitcrpart of our own late ite rations in China. .May Commodore Perry anu in. for. es uni t wnh the like - and u-e it to as goo, a purpose. IliClltillg -h r i ii r i tin- -No ! in wing the I.ulope to I. a e aril- toi lv-l : ir ii, j.h Heranl sav, : THK Tl, fr .in N, ! en h,r tl Al Tllni: 1 1' Till I- PPH! U.I.-T. I '' a ing mettiornndiiiii r- - j . ling th -r-iiip ,,f the several pap, i- ,,f 'I ie h i- i . ii lianiled t ithe edit . r of te i at wn.iji lying -in, tlieorv. t I i ill -cii- itlie both It is ,e:e ( t lie pi i ' ile , ! r i - -1 r .-i 1 1 ( . gane .-iriti s have been r,. and u -. ..th a volume of IliOUht of -pceie shippul e".V ;-K iiiolie. tin- ;. t Iiciiriy n- i:mci as , 4 , in. i.: ii,i t tie; I l ie ,: . us t ... a i, t lie mini i. ( one ,, ,.,,r relief ., , ..a this en. -rin oh drain of ti,. 'il.i ri-e it woiijij ha . i i it 1 tl . i try 1 1, r en d the price of our co ah. I I oi . i our bread-tii' eim: jii'tltl.-.n Willi tiio-e ot the where uitjial to pay -h" ng:iiu-t ii. Nor are we ti that it will not come to thi ther gold of Calitoinia. mil, tiuti of the rxi-t.ng taniT; f. hoiind.i to In it r v rind c ti Hiipc-rioij. and mexoral le nf ce-sil nail .us, to more than individual, fit by the teaching of (;.periinc.'' I. I , , I " . 11 K, :.t. I ili.es, I J une- -a -r.t!. 1 gr. ll info I Wllos, Ililn the 1,1 on the sub Th.- la-t n. ws from the Cape f I ll-.pe. receive,! Jjiglaiid. b ads to the b. lief ihat tin KaiTir War ha ben brought 10 ucl .-e. Ii appear- that the K.ilhr- hi,. been driwn into a position B Sm h leaves tlicni w. He. ut means of -,,i,-,., i , r rp. treat, and that they linn- mini f .f term-. 1 he r. ply was " an um-ondiii uial surren der," no other promise being given them than that their lives should be .pared. A week was alb Wed f,,r their decision, but thev gav, noan-wer. An advance was ae eoriiinglv iiiii.l,. upon tin tu. and t his, was tin- -late of affairs when the mad left. (If th al - lit, -i i... f ,,. fi.,1 movement 11 aeeoiint lias heell reeeiveil. bill all illl- pre-.ioi, -. . in- to !,:,.,, prevailed that there i-an be no d -l I a- to it- r---i I S, PANTALOONS an,i VKSTs our own manufacture. An aurt- lli. iit k-pt miifUntiy no ha,Mi. A.' 111. J III M i in, Mi-rrhaiit J ailorit. Shirts, Drawers, Shirt f ollars Zul i. Farrey SUk, Kid and Linen Gloves, Black and Fane? Cravats, j,-I,' HI tile hue. I t, I,.. Iwip r,l,, f, in A. Irl lil .M: A i . M. tr int Ttl.,r. l.'tf " V...I II. !-'. jJ)issoIii(iou. '"-liK Inn. le r, I-.f. ic exk-tinu m,d0r the ,,....(- li:.l . I i .: , n .o n risou m in,, I,, name ot I i sua hie in I tiarlnlti , m Ui..,l eiit. mi Ih. rlli f y ,r, h ... iveri 4 1 mutual cf.li. . "!,,:, I it r- i.i 1 j -i t f i i r , e loriu- r editor of trie tii M.n. I-K. -tn:.-, h.- had r. e. n, from it the huint,, r- of tin . il i , the scleral au- 1". I i . I , j I' lianks. J. i and (..ten i ot - j a r ii. Hope, I.- I 111 lb. to I- f t - iHr,l,i inelii -nc l.y M.i'.ison and luincs by .Mr. &r It is now reported that the civil li.-t of Loum Napob-on. the i're-ident of Fram-e. will be eight millions of francs, free from the charge of maintaining the rrva! c-tab-li-hi.ieirt-, which fell upon Loin, Philippe I he civil h-t of tiie late King w as twelve mi.ii.ois of Iranes. Ih- ::.,r of th,. Mjtl. i-t.-r Secretaries ,.f Mat,. M now to be oi,, hundred thnu-and tranes a vear. the Mini,. I i eor.f iim, ,i I. 3 i oil,, . : l ( hririolU , i.e.! I . F liCa Is ' J. Rii.i;. N. VH II.I-. . "OI ill Ih -li lo! .. la Ho, C'l, In R. MuriBI-aix. It I r.-i;'h Aff.'i an I f War reeciw,,. on,- huiclnrd and t urty thousand franca a year from having more h his lr f pn m nUi. ti'in ttian the other. flatl tin i agaric a hi in .1' ail 1 1 . a - I lio .rt of And ITU- en I.-.-- in ni l.i lolili TIIK COLD P. KG IONS OF AC-THALIA. Advices .,i'. e a inoii'ii later m -in ct I ii reeeiveil date, from w I THK SKVKNTII CKN.-I S. v vbaa-rvt-d in the Cnioii of Wedneaday airlKle from tha Sup.ni.lei,.!, nt of the 'UeJ, 111 rel,l I.. F.t.,,. - r-, "- - ' .".-( .n .'ir. A. l.ua-ell. ! .. Vrk, alleging certain Uraii-!Hn.., Jy the publi.hcd table, of the A Pk-I'ITK I'.ini and Cl,,nir,, two sall..r iiti-ly eoiivicled of tdraey at Kiel,. a , and w-ntenced to l hung at that on Friday nrf. and f.,r whiirli il,.. mond, place, M-aH-,1 CrtT fbcre is tiiiieh foree in remark made by th- New York " I imes " uw,n the propo.iii.jti .,f the ' .S.uth Car .lina ' See;.. sioni-t V) confer the lV-iduiitial (jfliee, at the eu.-iiing Kleetion. upon a South Caroli nian, and naming f.,r that office a di-tin-guinhed citizen of that .State. 'J j. " Times" ay.,, that it would , " willing to ee a South Caroliurs Seue-ioiii.-t in the 1'risidi u lial chair, so tar as rany danger of dissolv ing tl,.- Cnioii would be involved. There i- a cousi rvative p-.wer in that high office which would override ml sueh pain -, arid partial viewa iU.jM, outcf -tnk-u accession grow. J'tom that gn at height a S.ees.-ion- lat wom.i a other lines than tlicx wliich from Svdnev h it aiiiieajs that the yield of jiold eoiifinucd to . ...,.,.,1 ; what had been expected. During the pre- : lading fortnight, !. amount rcecivi-.l ut .-idrii y and Melbourne showed a production at the rat- of i- .'.i,mni,(HlO per aiiniim, but this was probably beyond the ordinary sup- : ply. Several cargo, - of Coolies aitdChina men have Lci-n sent f,,r to be i -mpb.yed a - 1 shepb.-rd-, ami o;, .,ip. ',,,-,,1 rlvi-d ill. tin; nieiiei I inn. Ilamil voliiiiie of tin New ) oi k So ha- been l.ur- r a- a i rtliia- 'le ." 'lie, Ot for .ol" other less hum, nihil piirpo.-e. " In Mr. Alailison'- enumeration, publish ed long after the death of General Hamil ton, several of the paper claimed lis Ham ilton are appropriated to himself " T ' 1 dwri'iti Heed III cm b. -hinging to t! Library , which volume 1 from the Library eitb SiMiTlltvi Nkw. Cminoilore Sto,;l;j,,n. a prominent candid ate f.,r the Locofoeo ii -.iiii,ation for the Presidency, declared in " "I ' '" li'lil..ii. a lew dries .nice, that a protective tariff was a cardinal principle ol I'. in.., racy Ami Hint wuh an annual expenditure of -.ill. IMMI IHIII staring us it, the face, nothing was more ridiculous than tho vagaries of fr, e trade '. This will he new to tnc Ih moeraey in this part of the world. -Net Public House. f IJMIK Charlotte and J-oiith Carolina I!., 1 i Load is now completed to Kbi-uexer !. ,t, wiw-re Ihc nn.nrt onil tr, ,,,x ,,, riv- i!jiI) . 'I lie i!li riit naa up neit l'l,lit H-nise w .i tn tt Is, n,l, u IH-r be la ireirel l., enl, rtail, the Trv. 11,, I'libiie, o lMi to r r. or Ym. iri.iiii iit IS- in! i.. 'IV.-.-ta : - ,. j i .,, loll, M.eae Aeeiiej- ,. j ft. a Itt.llM-, H,t ronviVall. d p to lllllen lit B,ri Bel-,' 1- tenl. JullS MH IiSSI.1,. Kl. ii o r York Ii.,,,,. i s April 1 I, I-;, lit Kdueaiiou. fDIfl-i Tru-tce, of (,vkir JUvcr Acade H my, re.pe, tfiilly inform the nnblm tlial tin j have pi,.,,! il ,ve inamni,,,,,; ,,, I.,. ere nf l'r.,1. .r H,.., ( . I.imlsl. i , Ul, 1 r i ,,. ..i ii 1 1 , rvi . J .i hi . mm k ni. .T;r.f .ii Lisbon v, HAVE llt reeeiveil their atnek of SITilNt; srVlMKH titXilIS. w leeted bv A. It... 11, te isr 'i Chi..:,, by way the emigration greatly on tin; ('In e in-t reeoiicd fi oni i Kiigland, represent- that f Chinese to 'ajjlfoiiiia j, llieri a e. Du.il, ' (he t.a t inoritii iu v ha... I saueil ; t.-n are as preoareu. Have been rei,il-,l l j i : i . . by the Present of .1 i;ftit. .1 t' tor : ZT ' "Thr r l"U.rt.t . , mmM ins iiUliiiJU Vls- tWO Wc-kjl. ioa. X'it. lntrllifur. paring to lean Many who had returned with in i-i-", n nd tl ml tn ore iii- d. I ' ' ' l.v' iiiigratcil have "uh-lantial pi-. ,N ..f their '-lllIU'SO aiB Hot slow Ii, followiny the cxa.npl,. of their eo.mtrvinen when mooy is the m Juceniiiit. J-'OCTIIKUN JilGIITH CONVKNTION OK GKOHGI A. The Democratic Southern Pight.- Convcn tlon of Georgia met at Milled gcvillc on Wed nesday la-t. Only forty-five counties, about half the number in the State, were rcpresen-t.-d iu the Convention, which wan comnosed of rather Inore than one hiirulri.,1 I I. I., .... , . .. i eliant Tailor'a Kat ililiahim-iit. D. S. Still was chosen President. "'! "ft n "KASONAIH.K Th,. i rl, I, .1 i r i i ,i- .''","'f, "" r w-nnlil call the attention of the pub. Ihc principal business f.,r which thw lie, eonii,i,.,,tlr Wi.-ving that th, y ,, ",., ,. oiiiention a-cn,hi, , was to appoint Dele- ; .Im-emeni, tn piireliaie ra tint enimnt be tm-t witb gates to the Democratic National Conveii- '"1'cw ln ri. Im-iiIU men winhinp any nrtirle f tioi; and aeommitt.-e having been aiitioint- I ' l,( ''''' 1 N,i in thi iiun-K, minh time an, e.i to prei,ar,:s,itr,l,e resolutions. ,t w .... I " " " "-I" ' H',7 .i . , : , .- , . . 1 j in. ,, jireoiniiH-iiiianoii, resoiveil to seiiij fort v 1 in legateg to the find I onventioii. The ,nl(, i i-oininiitee reported re-oiuti,,i,n re-dllir.,.!,,,, I tl..- llaltimor... pla; lori.i of 1 - 1 1, w hicl, were! CJ0K9 '-l-"!"'' 1 of there I In ( i iveliti ,n did not venture ,, i 'inter, I liooi niisillii utiiMii Hil I., nil, ,, ),!, ff ,,,,, ,, , im HI, le i i! in. , liloe,, . 'J j alert at liocky l(n,r Aejd. 1,1 V laailua t hureb, where there , larea. ning r,Pry Sublatl,, Tnitiei, ; n, ,.! l. .,11 .r M, -.11,11, f fc 1ii),Ibm,pj aJld wa,!,,,,,. Hi, fH, nioiilli. TIk b, allium w of tin, '"' car. -t ha l. en ..i.iircl, un. ji rp. in Iinhle. " he , l.uln.lK- vr j, lkuii;.H mln w N. ..1..II, ,,f f,. mlb., , J, wmmK., mg ikt hr.t M,lar nf .M.,y ,,,! S.neml-r. Atit . SHiili nt In, niter,,! (w hu b can be rtone at anji tiiiic ) no liciiiriion i. ,na,if . tr-1,,1 fi.f si. kiw-ka Iliv. I), A. I'l.NH K, It. H. Miil.'l.'ISfiV, Ha. t Yltl S A. AI.I'XAMiLR I). Al f.XAMiKII, I liVI I'Allhsi, t in-. W. K. PHAKU. II K IIIKTATIi l( K. Kr,..,-... tlllllie in m-rnon. e.inaiatilur nf ev. r v.,, ,,.,. r! I'r.ili su,r I.ili.ol, v nullior,,., i, T,,,., ... ( M m mm m m mmtt U, be found in a Aler. i :i' P"r '""lh ,,r Bii (ironnse, ninralla ami niemauv, an glnUly reci,t,t, w bctln-r thi f ,n ,ar or not. IJ.Iit lloekf Hirer Aeatlemy, April I, ln.-.o. i al Sniir ( in U At .ult ' D "pencil on Monday, th 1 Bth V W day of Anril, under the direction I nf Mi., Ma h Faw. T. rma of Toii(,n fr j live mnntlia will be e , , . "T- ( t r. - I F'f Heniliiig, Spilling , Wril trcic), tmhM) k liiiicncaoi A,.u,n-tf;. . . " ' . - lw in ier,rr,i,liy, II, Fi i-nture to ex. pres., a p.! f.,r liny i andidate for the I " ''"'""'' with trimminga to correiiiini Presidency, ami bit j.,, Delegation uniii- I 1 ,"ir and .phnilid eMul.liahinent -te I- J u.i thai point .jf. Bui i i.iifWM.1,,1 sipratia Alh,,'. u Tiaib.-t ya tinihii rr neauiiiir. nialliiur. Writ,,,- .i fi IMI store I iH,,niKipb riulKihjrand ..ii,rttr,niJ,wli he UnU ry lat,;.t,tyl..,,w,i,,willbeB,.le upt0' N,.,r Wurk' I'llm'L. I,i., A-. ... be laiight, ,i-B reijinreil, anil' at u.iwl ti.-ieca, Hoard eon be had near tl. Ara,,.m, or, mmk, ate fenn. by ii ri,ir workmen, in tlieliiU-at faahiim. v i.-.ii.ti, April ll !,", I Ml" I I I I- :. ,H

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