V ii a ;a i is 13 ft WiLUAMSOH.-iEoiTon. "3Jc tirqc fo GoD, io )o.ir ' Coq.j.rij, jD io tjon'i1 fluty." HOLTOW & WILLIAMSON, I'llOl'RIETOUM. TKUMS: TlicNurtb Carolina Whig will be alTurdcd to t rfli.r nt T vv I t uniii-suiJ in ,i-i.,.c, XWl)l't.tASANI) FIFTY CF.N I .1 psy- be delayed (or llirca month, od '.lllltlfc. ji,jL,.A'-! aUhoendof ihe year. Adv'linicnt inserted t One I oils, p r iquare (16 lino. r ,,IW- 'P'5 fur "' fir,t lion end 85 cen'S for each cmilinusnce. Coiirl d WttrmiU and tshe.ilT Sain chiTcd ,5 per urn. hi(her ! end dvducliun of 3'J pel cent, will be nudu Irom the reguler pnuee, for deru.n by the voir. Advertisement inserted ninnihly or mrlr.rly J pr tq'isre f.., esch liin Semi-monthly 7.", rente per equere for eech lima. I T All letter roletiv to ihe KJitoriel Dpri msnl mil be diraolod to the Editor. And ell let ..nan bu..n-.s for Job Work, Ye.. mu.t b dues, ui.oth Publuiier. All leueis must be poet-pei-.rlheV "ill nut be eltended to. XT Payment cen b mede I either. J r l'uli'nlct te authorised to :l e ij'nli. (Original pnetrn. young Bian. The happy evening aimed, and Ihe festive hall wm illuminated. The giy company hid assembled, si d the bridal attire waa adjusted. And soft lophyrs were flualtng by a the b.idegronm snd hie sunt made llicir appearance amid lb.it twilight. The ceremony over, and all was hilarity, and -iur appearance on the piny ground waa the signal Inr a puffed broadside of rath-ry. "There comet Kale and her beau," says one. " Halloo, JrJttvliy don't you lock armi rM-44jr swcJ IrtJ" '' Oh, TTaa-as J engaged yet," answered another. W political And poor Kale would inn blushing inlo the joyful anticipation. Ihe halcyon nour ci fchoo.runni, and I would pn pose lome pl.,y the evening of the espousals fl-.'W away on to turn I tie conversation. .wifte.l wmir. Hid in a ft w day iho bli.s'ul 'he u.limry between u grew .trenger - 13' J .... I .. J .IK.. .J couple found llieineelve araleil in Iheir own The ('amjaig. At Ihe Whaj! Meeting held on Satiirdny, the 17tli, at Delaware City, (Del ) the Hon. Julio M. CluMon made a B(.tf:ch. A he diBCumi d in ilia courte of it, nulji-cie of tin llnrial mlereat, (eays theNoitli Ainericon,) we five below a brief iej.rt of hie remaike: The firht part of Ihe wiei ch was m-ceesa ! ll.U-t Si.'e Hi tiie midst cl to many (ircsent, nnd 3 ) inntiv ti ii In a to irie dre channel in which he had been nnd iijnm ice of those who wore etiviuua of ; nmor g the turbuli nl e'cmen'e 'hat envr ;cp d ucce(ully navi(;atil.'ff for more than Iweolv his laurel and racer lo ii jure and dec rude i it on all an.ee, !!-: did so ; tut i.obody hut fcarn, tl.o iMght soon encounter difa.lers him. Wou'd ou tiut audi a mail ! asked I li:me:i ciin tell with what fit s. 113 oie iht.n had tier Lel'ore belaiiiu her. Mr. Clay ton i i bo entititd lo jour cut Ii , havo put on the lobes of l.n g'ent Pawifg lo mattera of natitinal interest. ca law ab.dtrg, i.tricr-'ovii-g, loyal Mr. Clayton took up the r-u' jct of ihe com- l,"'' ' Tine wa u coru; icu u? instance of promi.ie'iiciH, and ai l ti nt he acqiiienced ir noblcne, ih n.agimiiiiitity, the patience, tl.e nroonctv iT fu.ihinn a them, and that the h nei.ly, the Ibi bearing mi-i lines-i of b.a the Whiva of D-:!a are stood bv ihem r.nw chaiocier and he who cuu'J 1 hev ao l.uui- j "ly devoled 10 ihe con i-, alion of queelioi,, f-e' of a diesalu' 1011 of ihe Union, at.d ihfre- .r no.rnng hul lo hear her tweel laugh and (jf , , wi.h which the duooIb of the lore nn nccaeion fur the leniai. torn or,, ft.--.HI, talk un.,1 u wa. . me for me ,0 leave. Sim of De.aw.re appear at lh ,,, to be ! rr.rte. .0 in order lo pmteel and save it ; Ue fine rummer evem, g I Ihoi.-gnt 1 absorbed, in coneequi'nce of Vanoua aria ro- but he appealed to all uch to ui.r the whole Would walk up 1.1 Kale a and find cut what ,. . ,, ' r,.w- ...... . .r ... ,w. -1.- .ho thought of a .mail nil lW J " i,,, wa 7-o . M.Ty' lo H,c;b,- lh' t'niu.'at leaal U the aake of t. J..ni ... .tmo.t irLkt n .c-i-T.a'oftJe- . ,,:. 7 "i " . ... ....! ''0'l"" l ;Q quiltty. lo dialuib U.ew meagre r: .:: ,:. known ,i 1 . " r:. : ;t zzi ?. : " occurs. IIVII, ,u'Wiw-"" - - ' ll lu lll'l no prii, r9 ,.fcf,,iuiliii.'ufc, beauty thev Inn! done it lien ihn i,i i,.iir,. bly, under uicurnstani:ra in IrMno, the t,,v oncinallv paed. There weie ihhiiv who 1 e'tlZr P" er ol Mm comitilution, :j certaiu'y ihouuhl Ihoie never had hepn any real dan- worthy c.f being implicitly miiu tti wiiti tbe highcetoll.ee in the popular gilt. chamber, by iheir ow n fireaido, hi Ihn en chanting village of the mountains. The firet year eped rapidly away, month ek. arid week were hoars. Ttie MR. 1'ILLV.ORC. Tl.e Newark (N.J) Aderiiker piys a slron" and just 'rihu'e In Mr. l'lllitiote, ei.u.e portions "..f whieh wu annex. NVhl .it e , alter: hate no desire lo in-tcute comnariiomi lin- woinU L tu mien Ihn n . ......... .., i ...j ..t .a oreacribl d IiiiillM Inr Iwelitv t enre . ihor.tii n ,,f lib.,. .... ..a r..i ...... ...... 1 it .., .1... d., fnliritv waa of aa K reelio-.m? on a email lounne H at . r , . ,'. r, '. . . V . ' "u """J t" are il H.'dirr v. h--e numo i u,o- Ui ..-. ... j " . : "i inc loui-iy eniciii,ii;c. uui me cinel alarm will nvitninn. I hn holt duralicn. , The jay a of this intereslM'g pair gradually irtw leea, and Ibe aunebiira which gtlitd , , - j -; ' u i ii. aiiu Dff uiliilli i IID IfMirrsi'MfBlnn had been moed lr m tne stlutig room itilo : , , . , , . . , ; (. I L ' ,,, , , , II , i.,i... ".J,. , ,k I ' u.ov.n ,o ll ir Bio III lUIIIBSS nil toiph Iur um ii i lun ii . lie, mill.) ,' atl acl Ihe atteniiun of 'lie large mutinif trZ ' their future path was dtuirm d and fin illy abut I out bv porlenn us cluud. Mi. L was I warm hesrwd and liberal, delighted lo be 10 the compny of his fucmU, and of Course ! look pleasure m renilenng ihem happy. He witlmol being discovered. She was gPimg Ih-id tho ulmoel confidence in .n own ability through the latticework al the moon, and I . . I ,1, i ,,t hurnmtt'c a favorite snrrj of mine. Heaven!!! I la resist lemptatiun, and never attained ol t- b ruR THE KOItTrt l'Rol.l WMi'l. To My Fru-nd J. Mr finnd, reus But liiel f. Forbeer To ilr.ni tliHl nll dieujilit, 1 h denllieel noia lurkMh A, Thet inr yft q-iuff-il r. aii it down. If moul'l but hearken, r'' h ! it t"r " T Ihf ".illy, wililly H.ilieo '11,. Li jji.UicM of U y bisin. Wi hin thai epstktirg I 1"' foam. Tie fiffeol milii h". ''j wilt dtiv tirrff imh Iron) eut it boms. And 0.1 ile plioa with a. W tu ii ite A jitli.. bnjiit bu'.liine pUy, l il i-dwiili II iii-r hu Xi.- t!v .-rt oh! (r .T, "I'm ill tliuf you wa i e ki.t TIou'rt yui ( sad georioua, And fre I rum efr l,.ut av una. Tlieo !nke lii rool, ere irng. li e lr, Or tho ert loet, andooe 111 Maker' law.; til M.keie' g.fl Thy .out my irieud reepeel, T...O hurt l1 l liarouing ct p edriA, , And w.mly, yi nltil . Haw many grei ard fiftnl mind., M-e vtciiniiz.d Ibi. cup far when trie vtj liurii oiiide, lafiey w up. ) w o.any ting1,!, rc.ptendtot I ght, 'Wid liftMc. pfaud hnmrt H.tH had ill .pi ' dofe steep lit ntf hi, And luB fulitft jt 11 vw many a '..in, from g'fmj ire, lltth pUft'l .round it. tiioo, Iiki mist.l !,. lit niiinnrl.t fir. Hail it nul l.Ma within In l,urnir( oru-s f tlie kuwl 'I o find inl.ft..' joy ( Ikal wlnili imlti mine. oui. And ckarme tut t d.uoy. Aid wiU Ibou muk thy K.lh.re pr.yere, At home o Ur .way T I.'i (km, li. ou ,n. d l. Ihy motbeie cares And .niou fure rpiy ? Iut not rm.mtt how .tie pr.f.d, W hn 'ho'lt 1 1 part wild Idea ? Tbe led kind won inr eolhrid " Jy ton, a gwd boy he ' " ly .11 'istare holy loie, W itb .11 a brollirr pnd, I heo wild caprife. te ebote, 'Ihn Miiitl. foe 6rtU. Aad i. rl raue, tliuu'd Hoard lo car., And ever o. Ibe .aine, for hit lo Ar, who Mid .he'd .hir Thy flmg. end thy fam ' .NaT (Ant, thon'lt make her heart frow .., And .had her lovriy tuo. Than .lay Ihy hand. o ra.ii, eo mad Twauid de.ecre! thy if V,!I not all Ii. Me. the olden imka n lite recedin ehain, M'ike thee to paiue, er hopel einke Ihy aUr. .Ne'er lo rue .gain. Th'-n onre .f.in, my iniVt friend, Toy belter mind r6ina, Nor li Int. (oblel datrinn eend A blight upon tl.y bloom. II hath a bf.uly wliicli u la'.sa A litiiie' tn. d'OH. Kintf, A Inrn. which make, hie rTning raull., M llh hnlrou. Tell, to rinf . I) C. M.t Ii. InjJ. Amn e. dniiiit n iiiiurv lo bis frienda by taking a B t , - - ( social glaa wnh Ihem. Il wee liberal, no. ' t ble, p'eBaiit, tu v,ail lliu bar room ocreeion lally with men of hi nn cloih. But alas, for human natuie ! Six miel yeut had acarcelv gone by hen r. L as kiind In be a coi fiinied drunkald, 1. 1 piopem waa ; well nigh all squandered, h;s fnemls had lor sken bun, his conduct had expelled htm i fiom lha church, hia hutiiiras w aa r.rg'ecled, t his Ii v!y wile and hi Iwo miilint bite had i no charms for htm, and his tngtie! anibltnui j a lo p:M- l,in;wir of a gla cf hramiy ! j II iw fallen ! d h I J Ihe wnck of vrlue and j religion see all the noble espiiai.oi: of a 1 minjoutiiinoui aiiu quenihid by Ihe fatal thud " And now," said Mr, h. to her venera ted g'jeift to whiim ehe ftr'l free lo ui bo. itti herse f, " my bsppiiie is al au end. I an licipate nu lling but wanl, and rum lor my. sell and my children, ll has not coma 13 (he wurat ye', and I muM make the most cf ill nrr.ent, bad n i: i. for iiiatluia wi'S cer tainly crow wui.i- until 1 sod to) dear tm'o btja fiml a relntet fiotn emo and eoHi rii'; in Hie house appoTftiJ fora'l iUin." Tear ' sufla'-ed her eyes, and gner suppeJ her ut ! ieiai.ee. A few wtid ( encnurugn'ienl s were t flu ltd, and Ihu I'a.loi wa.ked peliaivo ; ly away. The se'tioi; eun was spreading i his farewell glories en Ihe re;;ii no untuin j tops in the distance, nnd ihu uni g J t!iu j aiint; luiluiics u( ibe unhappy bu.ha..d and father. K ghteen mon'.h aficr ibis sad interview, ibis ssme nimiater was phasing ihri ugh tht ullage, and called ugsin al Ihe hou.e ol Mr. L. And 10 Ins lurpriic he found them liv ing in a spacious mjiiMou, Mir r unded by the comforia, and even the laiur:ts ! Iile. Mre. 1 thll Cl.1,1,,1111 n,B..K.a.t i... . With hi I - .. . . ? ; ...c....ju-...ir. ". e - r r ; a-aeuiu eu on i oe nccsioi, aa uie con ven , at tlie time ol their pa-ane. The Hhi-a 1,-e. p!,r,-d . an old ch.al .ha- al.-..d ... he . q,.,llo(l. Tb l)l)m,Cf stlc Leg,..,lure ' of ,he Stale had approved of iheir vnleau"., ccrrer of the kitchen, and her mother sat .n,d t,ed . Cnnvcn-ioo u.or, a minority vote t ears ago, and, so la, .a we w-re concerned Hi. rocking chair w, h her knit... g in hand,, ljf ,,, e(,pPi oM )UUaaild Vole,9 '.here should he no further amnion of ihe, whe to complete the group a n,....a.roua h,t.jna Vo,d f(,r ,,e call hereas the con-1 objects. Tho truib w.a, .ha! the people of mastiff d"S lay uruier .he lab e asleep. j ,ti!utinn ,. quired a moj -ity of all the ci. : the United State, ha. been ,eiZH h ihe cre;,t B-lily up lo the louugo where ehi was .,. irl ,,, nli .,, . ,. i,..,.,. . l.i aentalivea to justify Ihe ell of .be Conveii- j maihable in many of its mplnms. Ha did lion. It appealed, alan, tat a great oulriige j nut know whether it waa i endemic or pi. had been piacticed by lheLeois!ture upon ' deni'c, though he believed it had or.ee been Ihe rights of iko peoplo i icrry niandentig . roi lined lo u particular hi clion of the court. the S:a'e for the choiee o Convention tiele-: 'ry, but bud lately st-rtsd itself over iha fates, some hundreds, or i-.1 1 in a with r.r.l.i I Tr,i(1n nopr!'.- t a r.; ,.1.1 ...... n, .t .I,.....-1. ..Li ..A .,. I.v. .,,,1 . I" , , .'. T .... v . ..,,. ...v n.o,.,e,r..cu a. Hit, ..... ..to .v-.... . , ... tW, tiuridreu votere, hemg ih.wcd the choice very name cl neaio. There cou'd bi rjo-'iMl .'few ijiiitH .inn nuiiiru. I pri kved near, lo her, Rnd Blood pear eiir.i on to caich the coveU-r. cup of he nec lar, hut courage failed lie, and I should base pieii H up as a bad job if Ihe tiMlt: ' I'll ki's her if I have lo swing for ii,' said I to rntatlf, wIhIb ihe Llood rushed of a delegaie lo the Conmiiun, whi'e o;h- represeniaiinn eiated w it h tho next Pisrfrncv, we may be pi-rnit'ted to claim lor ihu forme, at leul n iitsltnj;uit:hed services i:i Civil life us the lat ter has ever rendered upon the I'elJ of bat lie. Cen. bi.'ott h;,s protected our country firm fjrejun invasion, and we would bo tho lael, een were ho deim cral instead ol a ft h'g, to cast a slur upon his miiitny fdint. The mnn whoergt.".' in such woi k coo on'y rr,:ke him -e f nUicjh us, like one who throw pi hbleg el a pyramid, Bu", if Cen. trcoii bns fnteil cur cruntry from foreign essaults, Mr. I'i'liiiore ha pro f-rscd it from the woro denynr ol cml ar. If Geneiul Scot, had wnvercd in the perfor mai.ee of his duly, other borors v.uid have I'rpped itilu his place, ard le'roivcd lha fti.king fortune of his country. It the conn try iL:f hail t ' n overrun by foreign iroc; ils lielils nil bud wa?!!1, and 1:3 ritte burned to thi1 ernund, vet the cm n ie-1 would have let' 1. in I inn witlioiti ll,. .,ii.i.- t,f erd, wi'h more (ban Iwo Ihusand v( tern, or being brout;hl in 111 feme way; and he had tin tunes the popu'alion,iere no. allowed km wti in in at itie No. th, who, w hen I ley hut a (ing'e delegate, and, I the same lime found which was the strni a side of ihe suf s- j j.in..i. 1..1 ...... . , . , iieh I n no. .1 ,!, mnmeo! hehl on lo the ' ... r .. - , . ., w Wfll btll leinporaiV : a tul!:lui SI. . . . . , ,.nu.."i. w ,o.c 10, a,, 10 ucn guts iroin iubibuv, atiu uiouyni 11 ere waa iiullttni! in ih bnght nioonhgn. .,, ejquisi.e hllle hand , iftlcuUr c,imitv. ; .,;,,-, tjC l(Ut t(J k. -vt h the tcy r,g I arm her on Ihe third The question chu-fly di,,c.1 wa. wi.eih ! aierm and c.y ahoul ihe ma. er. hoger. hue look, d at ihe , g but for a Pr , C,.a..lu.,on thus f..,d, in dnect v,o Hesrirc-t. a a nia ecti, e . fi' he sa d re uioioet-l. and then wi.h a quick ,.,. pr?s- ,, (J, . ,be fofm. ()re.rbe(1 by lhe ,,d 'V. t l.L - L eo it tu i.eri,,... au.o, an.ae, am.mu. : 1 Cun.ljlulln of i31, ccfJ haVB tahdity nnd lhat ' 1 ............... uegOW(.( Upon il by a mer sole of ratihra e.ci.eled hr line wal with my arm, and on ,(f be pCoilt. sl.ict.de old Cunaiiiu h.eJ my Iq.a !o Ihe sej-i cm a'ure . mouth. d,d , r,,i(me. Th .,ae,,,blge lis egod. and iiltle li-liesUhal a scieam sue ilfcjed Wl illl(.n,.e aen1) u (hg purt t f , lhe discussion, as il ni.ediaielv afl.-clrd wi e stif.pen l.om my emiirace i,Ke an eei, ,b(,ir dl.,r,.. ll)lr.re, g. snd .piang for the open door. I caught hei ,ha, c.,nsiilui.on of ) me w.t auain. i,,i.i ril,,l,l I,. , t., . A -,1,.. 1. nation w old ,n a fr years h.ie ens. 11 with r"cii!.-nai"d alre.'2'h end ai.ril i'atc-d her in vadcr. I!ul if Mr. Fillmnr" hid f 1. I in he firm nnd cuns-c onuous d ;c.ii; ryi of tliti Myecmnu fust, wh,tii, npun the tleinise of (jtn. Taylor, wap'acL-d 111 h.s hst.cJa; if he had treirtoed by the solid j.iSal.inx of North ern fiiiiaiicKm ; if, hi nesl in 1 11, pose, he bail erred 111 jud . nir in, ll ci-tist-quci ces of his Kie !! don't yoa know " " Wool. ! Vow !" sod down fl 11 on my biok with old Tosvr's denial arrarigciiicnls Iu.ienrd in mv in uKh r. "(i.'l ou', Tu'i'i-r' f ibber, full.,,, help : he'll ksM him! cnou K-.I'-', who hsd recog iim d my vuiue ; and the poor girl was in an ag .ny of lo.ir. O.it ruili.-d 1-0,'iire - . and looeeneil tn" from ! ' fn ol t le ti g. K 1'-' !!'..' I'.er made me ti.ke od my coat, that he might see the ext. 11: of 111 v wound. Tl ey were ..ot dan foui, und alter ap, It ing some c.iii'iii' n. (he j a,n ft rne, sod I look a chair by lhe Si;!e of 'Mr,. I! "Why, what in the world made you .cream o Kate'" .111 1 her fstlnr. Pjor Ki e blu-hed In tl.e lip of her flu g"r, sod sid nothing, bu aas.ed au implor mg pl .nre at me. " Vt aa 1! Jjok ?" h irq iired. " t.v , the tru'h i, Mr. I. , w hen I came lo the verandah, I saw Kale on the lom (jo I.,-, king to bewi'clnng, that I could no! help inking a kis, and I ..i k it without her ! live ; il startled her r ,nicha(." Sqinre D , reared with laughter, while Mr-, II he meant to stand b, 11, htlievu g Ilia, it contains Ihe true princij-.lns of the A mr rican coiisti'ti'ior.. In reiato n to the public lands he suid thai Delaware claimed a ai.are 01 mem ; ami ho ilenounreu ail those timiui'y or icci.ii-.peii ncy ouM have pru acts of Congress which had urjutlv gin duceo a ic ti whan would l.ovc been irre; a them away. He spoke ttronglt 111 favor of ble. Il, out of the qucs'ior.s ii.vo'v-d in r;vcv and baibor unprovr -iiif.-m by the Ur.i- ''le compromise, tic fi s. drop of food hid e r , I Government . and nl iorh r 1 ir-i: !u r t v m bi. en sheo in a iti 1 11,1 1.1 1 i eo.l. no Kon:.. n 1 I He did not be noii-pei lormauee l v it of .he coutrnct "r energy ci u'd tv.-r iiavo irnsired Ihe breach. I he t iii..ri wcu-d hcv L;cn c'm. . C contended Siale t.uvern !hnn that prescribed by nil c n.enu mat inc oiaie iuiiiiuiion couid oo y w ., 1. ,.,it ...... , (.,, , p , . p,.h i. lslle.ed by a special ectu.-n; but said land, in con-.oernt.on of lhe cession of 11 bv Ihst llisl mode waa ri,e,elTetommeon'ed as ,,e giate lo Ihe nation. Ot. Ir is head ha ex one amune ihe menus tf tic tins a cbarnre. 1 n,...,i ,k ..:. ..... ,. ... .. .. ; . . u.,3oi.u II, u ,.!.,, ...u, 11,11, 3 ... Vlll-COl" n ketl s' Kate with such an L. fjree'ej hitn wi'h a coumensnce as nuiuiy ejtvrsair.n thai she s ipiied cut of doots lo a Ihil she was accustomed to w.ar m he. hid.- h-r foi.(..sion. .... I went eut a mo;ni til after, and found her girlhood days. Mr. L. was a aober. highly jn ,,,,. rW m lf)f eir v( h()u, respt-ciable man, and was engaged 111 an lion. " D ar Kir," md I, " forgive me, and I oiable and lucrative uiitirieni. II s former 1" Ktve you bsck thai ki.s I sto'e." She linked al me a moment, and then He was himself in favor ok revision of me Cnm.tiluti.-n, and had Vol for it; but he I would never agree to att.uri" h, oljecl by a deliberate violation of an ir.s..imeri', much of which wa the woiij. AVi, own hands, and winch, when appuiiki vh".f Juncs of the Slate, he had sworn sppori. Thede ! cis now to be r meuieiif a rr tisiou had ariain from the increasi fopulalion of one no ol the counties ol the atp, which had near- C ly dnubied that il the oera ii..,o the last 1 twenty live y ears. He IJ dcsiied a rcfoiin, by al'owii.g lepitsetilaliiaccordir, lo pop ulation; but he would tver aguu lo Die doctiine ihst the '-rnd f'iiid the moans." He proposed decided opNirnu t h t-? un constitutional hgislatioi He l a I aluava avowed himself anxious, st 110 "tty ques tion shou'd bo made cfe is 1-, could it possibly bo avoided. I wished lhe Con. veottoii culled le'-illnate. and soon as il cou'd be propcily brnuglbout n enl on Ihe constilutioiiques: ln.ia'ely uryed, and seeij 10 t pen. cuy iriesituwe. le coin . Vbig no. lo do rul !li4'ood ol it; neitlie, 10 rcvoiu .a tin mem complies wnh its agroemaol, Delowute ought to, tea. I the gram and resume punts eion of the island. Ai regari1, the ie'ii n of n.-R.irialion by lhe Vthijsasa tandidaie for liic.l'risij dt-ncy, Mr. Ciavlon sa.d he VMS for general W 11. field Stoil, and he would say why he was lied forever ; civ, I and serv le war wouM have desolated the l.ind ; new din-ions and siibn': tiiiionv, in iime, .u,d have ..!ow ed, until ti.is gioat K ub .c woij d ;aa bfen ftii-k in an a'.;, s of i-.nii s,i deep that " ihe hand i I' reiurrtciinii t-'.o'd never h..e itcel.f i i',' t. if ll !.uu J, sn.nl in. iy b3 t.l br.r o li h.rtli ss a apcc:ao.:c fr ufovcrjal shame and eiei, siting contemn OiUouii'.ios t.) and i.ri that were moinenlaniy uppreb- no. d. rioiniiiul day to Ihn every cyo has been dn'cted to every wonl and action of t'..j Pre-i.h-i.t, 11 tid f'V.-ry meainri. has befti sc-uiin Z il. I 1 the nn' 1 nul view, tl..- Pie-nlent was uhr: : t a new ur n. N..lhing was coneeded to I. i 1 : , hur taki n upon tru!. lie had a chai'ai.iLf to enrn ; end 11 ll n-riee in win. " And now after I ho e pet u r.ce of his iwo years' administration, tuny it not be boni stlv asseilcd, lh:-.t, notwiibstntidii.j lhe nlm-i-i UiHirccenocnled en:l:a-r atsrrou'a ol h.s ait ualion, l,e I as not only nvcic me them nil bv his ri 1101 r k a b'n pri.di-i.ee and C ino'iloi'orv finn-.i ;s, hut has cni.c'ucif d ; fi'.ir-. wi'h as ample n shire tf pah! c tpprobuti-.n, v al must n, y .n-ig'slfi'e the couri i) has mr lad? Where ere hia rnffrtey, ll iinv htf i h reason a-Ktd ? li" he I. a-, t nl C I r; i-.-t 1 1 tht m, they have certain'" dti"ppeaiei!, " When baa there been a tiine til tile an r.a! of the nafn 11, whtn con j.lainl-. ol what t lit- Government has o'oi c, or tun!. cud to perform have been so rate! (,'rititisrn and 1 1: ui ! fit! I ii ijr , anpea, 10 linit ebalidi lied tin C.-'Venttneni's adopted inia-iiies and actual lr.Hiaoli ri, ard tire rf r 1 v . ;i to n -'.rt I 1 wrnnga which the adtmt.i-.trht nn n ei-i'inl- c. u.:y cot j' ctur. d lo n.tdil.ite. I). .'.!, 111 tho tune nirivcs for their perj.elru! on, It is f.-ui i'd, tl. .t t hi; V hate 1 . m r boei: commit ted nor c. n'.eri-j.l .ied. V 11 fort-ion rela'ioi.si hse not been less satisfactorily m.nnijjed, than i nr intertia, uTiir. I'.urtly has il.cru ei--t.d a bitter ft-ima l,t:voeri vri arid for e'gu )' wers than now, th. i.h 1: m.y r1, icaio m-itteia hm e been ni:;i.!i,l v iret. sunr, noted and linre.r.biy seilltd. Ntver i,a i!.e tb..r. acicr of our In loud cnui.tiy stood r... o'e. setvec'y hig ii e hti ad, as ut this in, unit. And i( is our sincere t .-11 f, ilml we 1 cu-r had an oilrnuii-tratinii 50 ejil,l-j in tin' pre sent is, lo allay domt'Hl c li-io's, a- l ist on I10. riota'o e teiina an iii.it roi: n.n.,1 question of d. :licacy, or iepi-1 ne-y :'..rtig'i rcr..".-cl :ut n. " Such is hul a g in ns" at t'. nf t.:,.li ncv, which this fidn.iMstraiu n iiroi.urd in too bntl spncu of loss Ihi.n two years, h t,:u simple sinno'h i.f nL.'ii'. e.i d vu lue. ' h: 11 tl is cor ai-ct-d hu'.v mutii I a1,' nt, inii " ily, providence, knoulc'.-o of 1 . !!'. r at ti m.-.i and genu-ne 1 1 v.iln-n lo ihn t ub'ic iiite.es. 11 ri quin s, to ,':ic il elevated gro-ui.d, the i hou.e and ie.-,ecl ahr lluous 10 sav, tha; I1 I -sen luent on !hs ct o coofidi me at toad, it i qoite stipe, -i:s:d.-nt Fi.lmoie, who is a: ils lieai nnil resp .fiit,!e lor it- c.-ii'se, nas won a run bii oi,; r or le tra'.i.-s, l.i ll Cie,-va l..e lu-liii I.-' C.-.i; ."" ma, is. ivd-J of v7 11 .field Scull, and he would say why he The ri, le in whn.'h .Mr- Fa'm-ire has ten ' ff-. p is fur J.im. Ii was not neeesi-ni y, nor had 1 dercd to his country siicii ci nnhsd services (. is-.F' j V'r'.' ')'ft. f the limo, to go ir.lo an elaborate revi-.w 1 ' by no means at an rnd ; the daiijrer is still : J,""ii r . fCY Gen- Scott's pallic life and service. j unniiiieM ; and yet .1 n p.-oposcti iu remote- r'-H'r i'1trT--ly'i iese weie wuii known already ! the pno- , "tin Ironi ins pi 5:, and subii.-o;e tn.i;l.er in ),'' " '5- :Jy .vv -i? .-, and sp.ke ei.puenlly of the man. Ho- j b:a place, and (hat 1 mihlaiy iea-!.-.-. Ii th s j PIum n'v" a , """C". is cononl lo t,berve that ho had known ' l i .-e.' f it fiiati'lul T Gen.fcr.li. jl Jl 14 S JS l tN . (If. Tl pie, and sa ke eii nuenlly of the man. lie j :'ta j teas con onl lo ob-erve that ho had known :JU"! ' Gtn. t'coi! long a:;d well, and that 1 lit re was , a"d every whig ef 'he c uirry nrrc van nat nut living a more honutuLle gentb man or j urahy and properly indignant wi.cn it mi. truer pan iot. The charge nude hy aunse i proposed to remove him from tNc cmiu.at.o ti; oii'i ft c, ri c-nl by ti. letice, nor cite il lor any Ii tu- dsysuf prosperity had mturnc d, and bound this family weio exquisitely happy amid Ihe i peaceful abades o! a toiibuwered home. ' Itot how waa lhe transformation ith cled? J The answr, is contained in a Single sentence: ! Mr. L. was thorough'' n formed by b e. n ! mg Son t r Temp:ax k. j j Have the Lami.i no interest in the sue- 1 I c of Ihe Order t Will the ladies of Cn ta- ' ; loiti; make no etfiuls lo induce iheir loses, j and sons, and husbands, and lathers, lo bo ( conn) 8 10s ? .They can do huh fur the: turned her head awn ; hul she rl id not strug gle violently hen I repaid he, the kiss I had stolen o-i lhe verandah. I havo kissed u a .aft lei ,1 pornry expediency or p:i might be gained; and, a . here lo eveiy thing thj-ns , so fl' a il. II-- lory m 1 ne intrum;nl it l.-d for il- ,tt n nipr., beau-ilul giil. suce.biil neve, found lhe zest of ,he ,,, nar its oriein, and pointed r-ihe n i cuiles ol rned 1!. It had f thof- .'ft kiss. Ah, Kate. niih'in nolirv which h id TiiKniuLFDoFSGooDwiiFREVi-it ,uilt a ;5,m(lf pu saved Ihe State from tia(ixali,,n forlwen- 1 r Gdi:s. I he history ol the r: tils i the mslory 01 , v . n ,Bd nrestly a perpetual in, fade. Ii is legible in tho Iti-hl oy ',,, $we . it hod 'rfdod . . t. .. . 1 rt- . .. . ... . . ll' . . J; 11 tias a-misHu ; can inrs na t iiocia onn measino us progress hy lhe blessings il has deposited. A rive, unrinr in n remote and uncultivs- against lhe contractions . the currency arising outj by the eeneral govcrnmel (Original Cair. cause if Ibe y will. Mocklenburg Division is led d.-erl ; it ( iintain, a rill ; it source, lhe ..u..t.., . nranf.ir.e- m, a. lie nf orosneriK. kie;il roll enward, and makes Its channel , ' . , ' a bell ol verdure, and eveiy acre it t'liches lint mucii yet reiiii.ns 10 ne uone. ruur the only Sti'.te it broken bsnk J '(.Il TIIK NDItTiJ rAIIOiI.lNA WIIIH. A True LStory for the Ladies. !t was in tbe afternoon of a chainitng day n April, 191-. Theaweel titla wns quietly Reposing in lhe shadow of the adjacent nn un nns, and grateful lo ihe weary Parson who td jusl concluded his intel'eclual labor was is light of its gardene, and groves, and fields. A lovulicr spol earth dues not afford. The ural and Ihe sylvan are here beautifully ended, nor can a stranger visit the place pttlinul wondering that evory one has not ie this sought a retreat from life's cares and ails in (Ins leafy, fl.wery tilysiuut, where dd water and pure air abound, and where . soft riales of numerous birds mingle aceful'y with the sound of the artisan's a tn nn-r. A wraiher-boalcnCoibforllcs collage was i"lered, snd the mislresi of Ihe eslablisment xed ho, colloquial powers lu Ihe utmost lo Jntcrtain her esteemed visitor. Uul in spile l h'r efforts lo bs clieeiful, a sliadu of inel- ichuly was painfully visible in her cuunten- fice. Theia were, it ia Irue, lhe glossy ra. n ringlets, the biillianl black eye, lha fair niplexiiin, and lha pe.fuct form, but the )aiil smile, (he sleeful exptessiuti ofoth day had fl J. 1 St years hefore s'ne was a blooming beau- J 'J 1 f eighteen. Her young heart had been J jii by a pn.us, in'elligent, waelihy, nubia ; system of lhe nation ; Millie consequence had been thai Delaware in ihe Union lhal never I Il had incurred no public oweu not a noi ar. Hun lv years, while lhe VVl, tvhi" otiice, entrust", I w Ilia argil n was ela persons lull t.e w-js not tu Mr the 1 nice was . 'ne ' nr. 01 i;ei?,co 21,3 tin; oii'i ft Ciii ian iudicious'y erroneous ; and those w ho made j U1 his stead. Is it not f qvni! y urj'.s', lo it were Ciihe, grossly ig.'ioianl o.' Ihe tnatier ?ra,efui and absurd tu ren eve fl wis a.-.d or interested lo nnt.rrprcs.-iit the liuih. He I 'ne-j ci'i.ian from a -osi:iu:, which rt'q-iut; sau 11, in uen. ocotl no-sessL-u a clear jaiic- ami 111 wnicn ne nas f. sp.a.ru i.'.c nios; emi led the :a!-,i come r Govern- ad' D. tchr reustd the funds tho perple I expnnions of the war a;;ed nun I he bank ino ni''r,l and enng'ilPiicd mind reptciir.g the politic I airairs of tiis countr ; thai he w,is ec u-ive a awjCr h. tJjci.ti..-n, having left his prt-fes sum til ear'y li.o to serve the r.a'iuii as a s,i dirr ; that he v. is well ir-tructi d in ihe coiiti-tuti-inal law and I tslory 1 f the I',. ion, and as q-.i .iiiicd with inierniitienal jurisprudt r.ce ; thiit, while he was the able genera', he was also an accoti'nV.ed scholar and publicist ; am! that he was cuir.p.'tent, in pc-mt of jniel lectual strength and arq.iiiemei.ts, lo fi I w:'n erect in lomseii rmi aiitan'.ae 10 lf,e cc-utitry lhe hi In tcferrii he iinu loiignt more catties lhati any nlhpr American Gctteral, and achirt eil more tic lories; h.s bl'H'd had flowed free'y, his life IkiJ been pcnl'ed r er and ever renin f;-r Ihe people ; his null aiy career, from first to !ai, was a continuous exhibition of devotion to Ike welfare and e'i-rv of that country whose and to put a 1 , oent qua, ilit-s of a state-:; .'I jo, l.eiiero, in hie r. see ' Cut to the cx'raci i'.-om the AJv. r ir ; I "Nobody has ever oh ohiefi ihe I'i esulenl's jc.ipjciTy for eny i Hice or responnboily, to , I which he might be sunimorie,-!, uni-its it vi ate 3I EOH'IM':n, &v. Charlotte- Dvv.i Ktoro. V 5 . t C A 1j !5 i: L BM ' Issicit ssoi !; ITo Jt Olf. f! r; li ' n j r j, r " ,t r r ri own f.. .. iui-ntil a t'i,;,:ir',ersi,.i la lii ai-ovti !m ;e liu.l ; i", to it pio iK a aware from irri-e'i. II, s 9 onn modes'' ma' have caused it had O'til of one six- it transforms into an l'.Jen, and every cottaeo membeis wero imlialed al our last meeting. j C(1UIS0 ,t fills ilb cotileolmeni, oud Will not the ladies muster up dozens wore ' every palace wnh wealth. 1 s;... 1, ... is,. r .k. k.i.i. Ti,.u , . . lor usT It is toe who are now traciny ' ' ' 'n" 1 nail tieirayed me eonn-ierl .he.. I.oe. .h...a ... .noe.lin. to f.r ' h"',lal' .fur ,h ,U'k " or proved . defaul.er.o . 0 luHmrt, ih.i.n me re it, 11 t m iris erst inns ' ... . .f ki w. ii ...... ...... .1.. t;,.. ........ii,,...) 1 . i.., -. .... e 11 I "" " "' " "";oi us power; mat lony civiii7.in is me 0 .,, S,n(e by a pallry! ality in favor I gontlcman you meet with, or press the one gulden sand lhal, more glorious than Pactu- j 0f mt opponei is not aij ting to twenty 'who now an at your side ? Il you do nul, I " "as inKen irom ine ixuta v. age, euu five ,ole . and lhe defeat eveiy body in sireweu a 11 swept smug. na. eni.icu j iiaware knew, was owilo lhe deserinm inlo all coi flicis, and come forth refreshed , (lf evela hundred VVhie,bo temperance aim rauiuru wut. u-rr.uiB uruuiy. .1 , nt-eml ion t he ll,.r -rt. I him s.ui.'jtimes lo be ditiiJent ; but Ihe result I Los been wrong, wbilo the pub ic who hje I confiiitd, hi e ten riaht. 'i'.'ie f'u si no ienai j recognition cf Mr Fi.Iir.oro wns when I, -I was at the head of one of the nrr.ema' cum- si of il chief iiien a'rate. 1 mini 6S ol the Ilause cf Retiresei ialives. lo Ins e, iocs, Mr. Cinylon said ; After carnir.e as a lofiud.ttor a hi -li leni.tn- I lion for iiidusirj, in pailial.'y anil dbility, he 1 as tiBt.sl'eritd ly h.s trorp in'.tncdii'e fei . low ouzel- lo one' of lhe highest cfiices ol hu nvit f-iate. This, it is unnecessary In I say, he discharged m::i r.o iri egniy ui.J c.i'ii ctency a. 'mil led up.in ail si.ies. I i the midst ' of h s Itihois in 1 ne of the must aidueus 1 ili- famc he had ma"e il uslriotis through the ces under an;, f the Stale Gi-veuimen's in world. And yn he has been less rewarded Mho I ni in, ho was elected V.cc Presidenl of lhati any other public servant. Nay, he lias ti,c l'u-tfd S-!.:cs. 1 o nn. k -i-t his soli ctioo, been cuelly tviope-d, aspersed, lersecuted. 'it is well ktitisn that ll e tiiif.ittiinni.. .!ee.s,so I .nil ihs SinIii ' 1. i. ... . :.. 1...... ' 1 o . .l .....-. , . . , ., uv .urn ou wci c 1 n-iiui 1. oi i,ieU . . i r 1 1 3 oi rrcsiCTeni i;arri-, on. nnii ir.e so' sn,,,--,i more man .wi n- arid bla deseneil pnnu'auty. Al r. C. here ne'ij powei, no nil; 0f lbl, su.!jen and unjisi reca I ol" the State fundi (.;,.. Scott from Ihe scene of his brilliant repnted in him, 1 triumphs in Mexico, fcy President P.,:k, to in- arfiiij-ned bel ro a petty court mania', be s s I-,, rs f rti.K-.il of 'If I'lRI i v.-r i ii'.-n-, , i. n e v i- r I , o'h-r s V 1 M - . I A I - Heitv, I l lo ct! t-iore '. "i i; int. in is nidihtt ; .i or on tilii'. eil.J l!i ,iu, tn eels I, lo M-L'i.re lit 0 in i i -. In !M', A- . i.-., I Ol tt'i.lul U . i p-im-'usi di- ii nuit an a V 1.0 -e ; I'i ir p .iron: the fate of Mrs. L. may be the fnlo of your- self, or your daughters, in a coming day, and j .hen there may dawn no bright day alier , spi ken in fierce disputant, am, bieatm d in I . ..... ..f ... ori.hln ohiom. W !... will n..l lo ihem a ne w sin t it, and I m pa r U d a ne w Jus will) prayer, and pleading, and smile.? Ay Admirkr of the Duuiiiihs Charlotte, May 10, 2. ) Tin: sroi.KN kiss. My dear Ned, md you ever steal a kiss from a beautiful gul in some unguarded mo ment, when she wo totally unconscious of lhe close proximity of your hps lo her own, until Iho irfiusuio was pilfered and past re demption ? If o, (hen listen lo me, and I will give you an account of a tut of fun in that line, culoimo lo Iheir achates, ll nas lounu ac cess lu (he cotlaeo of the peasant, and lo the pnlaco of the king, lis holy words brighten our joys and assuage our sorrows. I is the light lu our feel, and lha lamp lo our path ; ihn guide of the erring, (he hope of lhe good, the juy of Ihe just. que in power ; but ll held po a iiiiiion y of lhe peop was a ni'iiotity Govern: -..K , a- - . ... o .... nnu roiivsneii toliv IiniiniieoiilemntLl- eetiHri.es. (parly was now ll.v Iho totes of The Governor ho Legislature Sena lor and Kepresenlati this Suite hold their seal mnioiiiy of the peojilo; the S ale were true tu ll n; election, tiiey wou' vv.i TimiTirrs i fu uie ilonitiiiition uf iho- .. , . ', ., , i ihe power con. milled to i l-.vil ihnio hi-are woiso i-neii.ies than lions i ' and Hirers; 'or we cnu keep o.il of the way I ' He suggested thai, wit of wild hens-t-, bul had thoughts win tl. ir i Coiiseiiiion on cons wa v everywhere. The cup lhal is full will BI lue earliest nay pract wasa nunoiity l.ei.isialunlhe O-.nucrulic i ti Coni'ress Irom .,,,1 . lhe votes ol a f lh M'hios ol eivcs at lhe en levo it Irom li e ho had abu.-ti Ion. I principles.! maik well Ihe st.iu mriii, tor lie made il on hud no moie; keep your bead nnd henrl lull hen I was nt Ihe mnluie sue ol lourteen, ' f En()d ifiouehts. lhal bad ihoun-hls may find Al lha district school where 1 attended there ilo mom lo enter. ns a hlile blonde, a classmate of ni ne, He en your guard and .irivs and pray whoe roguish eves and dimpled chei k play- i To drive ell wicked ihougtue away. ed Ihe mischief with my studies. - - - . . Kvery day after school was dismissed, I LiZj" fSStif tl 1 1 gallanted K.ite I! lo her home; and j , , , . s , , , .ti rnW!. coiartiie..hip heretofore existing under when there was snow on ihe ground, I al- lhe ,, , ' i iirr ,i. day disaulv.d ways insist, il on her Hiking a seal on my sled, I ,,v lllU,UJ ,.,,.i. All p. ron. mdi 'iti.i to ti n .,iu while I, proun ol iny loan ol loveliness, woinu i tirn. ro rtipunu to .n iao iniim umia paym.-ni draw hnr on the ieen hill lo her home. I ne I i no nou- ami olher boys, envious of Kale'a selecting me as ner champion, seemed determined lu mil culn u tu the extent uf their power ; and wha Kate and i wet on our way le school, be concert of action aim out the S ate ; and the n Ihe mode and manner of should bo referred lu tl hundred o'l'leoaies from hsnds of lr. I' scale the same. Hooks ol lhe eonptfln ere in Iho J. Fox, who alanc i. authorised to March 17, lb52. r. j. fox. M. ,M. i!K. ltf assemhio on lhe first 'I'ue, of June nex1, at Iho capital, lie impl ihe people not to iiiflh, the Slate lo be J .ced uy a Dair rebvlltiin or by civil disc. I'y a succes sum ol blundeis, Ihe Stn s in a greater peril than il had ever in ' bef.ire. Af faire had now reached n -, Our little ship, said he, is rapidly among the brenkers, on a lee shm , unless she is speedily brought up wil l nd turn, and restored bv tbo v'gor aeoli.v of her crt S.uiie peisons pieienoed lo accuse him ol be lli" a haughty, imperious, and violent man. i.V III roi lia evhthit snrh A leinner. nli,d Mr. Clayton, under ihe injustice ut lhe Govern ment ? What other man exposed to the same provi caiwii. would) h ite submit!, d equal pal lence nnd my n't y to t xecutue w roi g and abusu .' i hut other man siiunted as he was al the lime, nl the head of a victorious , devo'cd armv, in iho lull l! ish of triumph i n -jest , wou d lime .esisied so nobly. so li: inly , II e natural proiiiplings of an out raged, -iicoi scd spii it, und luid uonn without hesitation the high command he hi Id, and re unit d al once to obi the eiders of lhe Gi.Vfi nine. I I Dd this show haughtiness l.eliloo.-i.ess .' .as, mold than mis, view lo lhe call or roi Olid Mr. C Mt.d l e nod lhal nil uouici thero should u Whigs thrti'. q.r sIiod as lu mg this ohjecl eisiiui i.i thtee e cr unties, lo reliable) uulbon'y al lhe veiy iiiomciu when Gin. Scott was so ciueily, unjustly sutbiiiouod lu V ashii.gtoii, ul tlie close ol lhal brilliant eerie ol' auccesse yihich he crowned with li.o- c.iptuie o' the city of Mi x ico, he was tendered tho Picsuleucy of the fiepulilii; he li.ul col quoted, una i III-red the immediate possession of a u-ilin n and a quar ter if (he a s. if he ntull accept thep si lion. ImiI, no. 1'nder t.,e keen paiits cl lhe iiigr,iliiu.!i) wii'i which iho inliinnislia lion ol his own coiinlry was vis.lmg luui, !.e ii fusod Iho giitteriiii: pi..-", clin g with cm.'i minifbed 'ove nm! (idt-l ly to the land he had solved so long nnd s.) well, and pioceeo'c.l In j lhe National tu.ipil.il tu meet, wiiliall the f oiic disgraceful defection ol John T li r, warned lie St his to elevate nn mm to the second i fiice in the Republic w bom they were not cei lam w ou d do hui.oi to it in the first. Willi this expre-s pn:bi!i'v in view of his succession tu lhe office of liisl ru .nislrulf , Mr. Fillmore as chosen ice Pie-nlent. 1 tie even', i .lus Conleinpoile, nas acluailv occurred, and Iho inJ an. in s iraiioti of John T ler lots been the lnsiiu mcnl of rcstoiipi the Cn-t iuinni lo its en with filial plan, wl.lc'l j lovulid, thai of the Iho c. in.li..' ,t.,s ham g ihe t-io-i v( es lor Prt-si- d. 'IV, lbs h' ;hesi ;.,ll he dec'arcd P.csldoi.l, ami ihn o'lu-r Vice P, .-sol.-i,! . " log wisdom of tins liuiuie in th i luii iiaininlal law, lor a l.iiio almost . h.iier.iit d by nil iimem.'ii'ent l as b. t'ti h i-ulitii'U illui ti a'ed hy il e iiiim m-rrat: ui i f .-. lh Inn.ic. He Hs-unied iho reins in very titina tin es. Since ihe war wnh l'i.gl.n-J in 1?!'.', ll.ere hissc.iicey bt't'ii a pei tod, w nil the excep. Hon piiliapsil a pjiHoo if i!.o admiuistra ilellol ticil. J ickioil, h hi tl tlu pi :.ce Ui .1 uiiii y ol I lie oouiiii y have been so seii.ni-it d siuil.iii and llueaieiiid Willi uticr iiiiioiiil. atioii, ns at .he isiin. niod uen h oi G.ii.T-y. iur. ll was ii.. lech u c-isis, n'rn the liui,,; weie really Hpj-iihid, uinl oven i ! c si- u i -lieail hi-eiiii Ii. Irei.ib c. The ci uni'V o:i knew the su.'tes-or of Ihe brav to iu i.i.u ackiiott i ilo, -,,;not oi n so hoioo: le sia. lion. I':, in lu- ni'ure if toil ; ; st, lu- iVr.-oii lro.n toe 1 inv n ami Cooni r v u.-iv rest as. Sl.reil lii It l:u ileet;,,n l-i c ireiLih.ej-s ill Ji u i : I - Lp .Mehi-.ii.s pro; erty sirill Lo w anliiie. Mi c. col pic-cnp -ions iii i iy -:.,l--ireful, v pre pir. .!, All orders iVoiu Ihu cuui.t-y ancia-l.v ut-t- t, I a to THEIR Situ K COVSIsiTS IN PAST .K 1 lit: I i'LI.U Vv l.Ni. : Ac.-!, Jiur -, I ! ,-. .Mar ail.-. j,', i -. T.iri-.ri.- A. t'.x , ,c .,-. nisi I'fi,ji, a: li I'-ji A-S--I!. !,'. I,i-i..it.,l Alsen c. i ,o:e,'- i 1 ,l.en do , In.ll.-v.in'- ilo.. Anli- iii or v. m aJa a;;ii -nl. c uti A nun on ia, A.; ia tl ) , A i-ldle cu , I. ..lii. n sa p. An 1 in.uui . . ,!. A nl ii-0:1 i on, Alcohol. II. r. .i.o.e-, l , j. nn i j - a. time A!o-.-s, ainni,,ni .let l'op;,er. Ji-oi.ca nn-J ihro.u.la Arro-a- r,' '. Aj'l iti,., e.-n'-i. an, I prime, lijl. I ( 'i oal, 1'- . nn. , ..! i.i. liar; ii 2, Hia,-k I'r, ; i -J phar;l;,i :-, . Iur, r,,,! 1 ,r. I v r.-: ,1:1 j c . .a i j. tluir r t .1: d s '- ; Z 3 5 r Ac. hi, f a- K..I .V I' oi.iar.i ur. -li- ol Mel. lir-i .1 I l.i: I I S, depriti-il i (' coofioci ce I -tin -nl u as th b,' overv. ho!, f-lin of I. s 'I t c ond 1 1', t la th. 1 by 11 p 1 : 11 .1 ' e 1 , ! to Mill if the G i lieu or c w 1 i,-h s lii he veru i-u t . presp 1 1 U 1 1,1- B e I .-ct ol ya'tv of a ratiio ic ci! I-n, even lhe raticer Ue-jt-j Tuns iinfivi-tab'y si'ii lied, lu- w.-s oil a sud den cult ii up-ui by an uoloiesern p.-oyidence. i lout I'lfst'e, and witiuuit 'ho h I'm ni, the pa 1 ly , lo . of s me 'or ,i 1, , ' me. 'loil-:. la tin a, a:- I ,-i . . -. :.- ,j x n 1; v ION. 1