;. b. wlLLiAiaoOH, I Kuitou. "lie ihc to tJoO, . Jjotii' o it)..'!), j)D io ip-jr iiij." 0:I.2?2.31jSO,slI?a3?E2, TNT O-, iJXTlE3 16, 1352. T. J. llGLTGH, ( OJlilCXJE. I. NUMBER 21. HOLTOW & WILLIAMSON, riiiU'UlETnis. TERMS: TV North Carolina W hig will be afforded to i- at TWO DOLi.AKS in idvance, or UO !'(. I.AHSANU HFTY CK.YI s it ry; irfiit lie rltrloyid lor three months, ind 1 ItKKfcl lit l.I.AliS at the em) ol the year. Ailvrrlurrmnti instrlfd altlne Dollar pi r square lb hue.- or leas, this anvil lift) t'i the firat .user i, ,n. anil -j cents for eueh continuance, t 'curl ad ,v tl-i it, cult ai.ii ebtritr Sain i batgi'd 25 pet rem. hiiliir ; and a deduction ol 3 J poi cent, will b mailt - from the regular prices, for advert .. era by :,e nir. Adterliscineiils mstrlad miuiilly or .jam-rlv Jl ptr tipiare lor caclitiine Seiiiimui.th ii ci-uls ier tipiare for each lime. I - ;i Icilura relative to the Euilorisl Ieirt rm'.'l ueisi be directed lo the Editor. And all let ursoii h'iinc for Job Work, &.C., rousl be dure il.. 9 jVistiar. Af Istitra muat be ptfel-paid urthev "ill not ba attended to. ; I'ij nimta can ba made to cither. IS r,,iua-ti r ore authorized to act aa ajenta. Uoctrn. The Motherless. r, i ,p!; arnl hifti, !h motherIe, 'I'lm Ht.-.f kffi, blrHinc d ve For whom trr gunh no ncti fount 1)1 Jimp iu. deaUiie luve '. 'I'i.i: viii.iej-l tlie g'lef confuf Kyr wli'i no iiU as Ihev. VpotJ h"e f.nih Mnit' love 2.ied not iU holy ray 1 gvuil.u firiii li'ijcve them L'nf!s 'I o i"0'!.c Uie i-i '-f a ( f ufi No voice to foi-i) a Ifr- 'I o r!ni the (evfih bmn. i)h. other toit'it? may w.utper lo?e, In .iccpiHi tott an-1 im.d ; Duf rion c rii u ti ss lUat A mjthpr beim i child. Jui'j tstnilly of t be motheries A - ' Ut is t:itirt j o!'l Ine he-irt thcgivpst loul nf f0f'O be.if No ruiifu! voic direct thuir plep, Or biJ then) o.l ifJ pre " A tlU tl" lutjy g trig itfftii in, w rang,' IjoJ lie!; the myUierI;ss ! A i 'en the iinful and the frail, I t- ti-.i puU ami ti.t UM-d, t'r ... l t.i e I shall f r."-B Ur pafh, it "p'jrn tl.em not, td "I n j kii intra! not wtmt Ihou hvdat Iwco U iU tfii even An ; Huen t fi y Up wuu ti Tent rojiroich, 1 !i i.k, ihey wers inothcric. 1 A ' "rnj on the rnntiter!epe, W hro'ur thf dwetl on earth. 1 1 - in the home ot chdoltuo'i lr at the ttrai.gVi h.rtii ! f? 'io He t'l ky above th.-.r heads A r;d hrifjlit ' h riti wtthm, i -1 a ii, (.fwtfet the fi.t rfcr-.- And iitfc,! .hern free (torn tin 1 Wait for the ason. H i icu rome with me, mr Fbiha d-ar, to yon iiius litO'inlam ires ' V: -ri. it. b'oonis smsil the swee'a"'.. come rasa al'.nij w till nil ; Ami ny-ty undsj morning whfn I am I.y your tide, H e il jump mlo the waon, ami ail tke a r.U.. , W in for In. v,ieori, W ait fur the .ijuil, V. ait for the wi;n and He'll all ink a riJ. '. to .iiu river ruas like s.lTr. and the birds sing i :!! i ca:.in, Pbilis, and soms'hi'ig gci.hle sat, i ( listen lo my story, ft will iel-ev my hart. . . -i-p .me lb aagon. and i:T we will start. Wi.t fur lii wafi, Alc. lii tin b'ire. my Philis dear, old Mias with all i, . via ,ith, C'a . pii half so happy. I will, yautb and :li .' t . " v.-, a littls farm, a horw, a pi and now. Ariv ji!I mind thi dmrv, wa.li- I will L'md in ilous'ii. Wail fur in Wafgo.i.&c. Y :r in; red u pip es. Y'our ha;r o slack and r,- i', A I i. j up with dihh-is. and l,flvhnrk so sweet. A"' v.y .suuii .y iiisrnirig.when I a.n dy tour s.d. e j .u-'f. ii.lo li,e w at; inn, i.(J al i t Jn J r .!., S fur l',e m ag jn, c , T -i'irr on lilVa jonrnny. we'll travel till we atop, A- ' .1 iiu I,. no no trouble e'ii roai.h Ihu ii-ippy top. r .. ilii u.sswsct I'liilu, niy iljar my lota- v- .' !j:i.;i ino tho wagm and all talcs a rida. Wait lor tti wi;in, tVe. itlisctKancous. a.tiiiislMit'si llullicr) li t ;t 111. In Inr.kicg over Ihe pug'' Jf 1,ie Ide of W a-hmgtori, hv l . L. Wetms, winch I have 1 ,'. done In i'. re since qn.ie a b"y. my alien : 1 .11 .h ririan I 1 tV ashington's mother' dream, si relat' I by that author .11 panes ', "7 aid .'", c iap:.r VIII. of tiial interestuif, 0 ' ,-.' w f Ii , w o ii 'i ( ea 111 , t I h I ', s re III a I ka hi I) ir t. .mpi s ,T"i,t niiij app'ic.ilii.n In the past, r r -' 1.1 a'i'I fu'iire. 11. y be w n'h r'liis.deriog I.;, 'l.om who think hght ly of 1 ho toils of our f ' .ii .iiart f iShers. an I of " the limes that tr 1 rn'n's s((ii!," " It needs no Ilatnel to, 1 rpri-l i'," and n make ns application to " , ', g .ve'tnrient under tin mother 1 . t., :i,o American lievnlu'ion, the Fed '1 (' ii e ai 1 . rj , and nur glorious 1,'nion, a r -v ri l.i (iperatson; and a'so tis d'tners, ! . h"gij.!tiin voiri-s whieii cry at tho r . 1 ii'i.ii, " no danger thai i' will be bro I '1 t..i. ' Washingio'i was sn.'-lded by I'm t ' 'I'.e from the seventeen Indian bullets ' ' ar .'I'd ui bun. and was pmntrd by I'ro t : ','n in tins dream as Ihu father o' h.s 1' ry, nnd the frame r of onr pee..l con ! i -rae . ol Male. Hiiliam H.ewanl and 1 " n .. (eers would peii.aps like to hivo ihe "'ivy h':!i-ve that Ihey aro guided by F10 ti i r e , mku.g this roof apail and making i h i. iMiu-i.md Lines wor-e iban it was be I re. Tiie biographer wnies tiius: When a man begin lo make a noise in the w'ir'.d, h s rnlaiive fide father snrrielimea, but : ew,i 1 lift lender pnent, lit ninlher, . in: 1, 1 recollect certain ri.iiit y ndil I" sins wh eh iliey i.ad of bun when he wa ii I,- d. What rar! dresu.a, for exauip e, I. id ' !,' mothers nf Mace Joiila' madman, and i e .-ae ie, vt hile pregnant wi.ii those butcll i 'i of the human race. Mrs. W ashingtnri a -u I ad h' r dream, stliie.li an t xcelleiit old .Is o( Fiedericksburg assured me ibe bad often heard he r relato ith great an i ivfuc t ion, and for the last luiio but a levy weeks be fine her death. " I dreamt," said ihe mother of Wnshir g ton, "that I was silling in ihe pisz i of a large new house, into which we hud but late ly moved. ' George, at I hat limn about five years old, was in the g iri!.;n with his com stBlk phuigh. busily running little furrows in the sard ,,, f i.i Diek fine black bv K " " I " '"" , .,1 . , , 1 n,""l,J ' "- ' ' " 'a , ,cfeiy tias its origin ill tne uomesui; circle, im.iHlionot ,etf o iJiCK, a una 011. o , l( pl.,.-d the cur- and drove him thereby several aa)t Irom ; ,.. j, !,., co.iienled ihen.sulvea v. ith vernmenl should hud over the I reasury, . ' , ( ,;0 nuplial couch. Fro with whose ploutihini: George was o delight. ,".... r . . ,. , 1. a.... .... t . a. .-. .1.. I 1.1 ......... 1 :,k ,,,a 1,1,1 . U. . "' . ' ' 1 - . , . cu inn 11 - - h . . I, . . J. 1 ml a,( AS I ftO t'Mlllll in u.o o. " J mv Uream a ituiu 01 rutr.ny nui on io -a.i. 1 I - it.. ( I .... . Brn Blue III IIIV liou.u. in lun ling um i-.b trmiii.iiii.il . . . . ,i j j, , what was the mniter, I beheld dreadful , " 11 , beet ol firo bursting frrVn lha ronf. I be sneeroi 11 a uu S ... ......... , l in runiiifiif nut loNcfl Iw.v'mv0 atreiiflth and 'threw me almost in ih ..rni.nrl Mv hnshund and ' ' J Jl.na nn hut I ka mvne'f were an terrified al : l-ry b.ealh was hu4,e.,, and every heart B,ltr ,,, ,lilka , Mimsierial cnsis last fianehise l h r I iinwlf, norwiil he allow any tbr.-ugli it tu tl.o nalmii. "iivj ehai go us ,;,t. t iyii.ii woul I pio came up. but l.ke mt set weie sot. mm u at , ., . . ,.a.fu!v. 'I he huat , .. . .. . . . .... i ,h. .. .1 r .M.ml. l,. ,.,,il.ii.ff. t,. m.ko i,oel.ai....-."sat. the I". . , ... the a'ghl that ihey could make on attempt to extinguish the rl unes. In tin most distress. ing stale the iinige of mv litllo son rame, ! thought, lo my mind, more tiear and lender than ever, and turning Inwards tho garden where he was engaged with his l.ltle corn stalk plough. I screamed out twice with all my might, Georgu ! (Icorge ! In a moment, a I lliouglii, he threw down his mimic plough, and ran to me, saying, ' High ! Ma ! what makes you Call so angrt ! iti't I a good boy don't I altavs run in u as soon as I hear you call ?' I could tu ke no rep'y , bu! jut threw up my arms towards the flames. Hi? loi ked up and saw I lie hou.e all on tire, but instead of bursting out a crt mg, as might have been expected l.om a child, ho iiisl.u.tly brightened up and seemed ready to fly to ex linguist) it. Hut first looking ft me will, great tenderness, ho said, ' Oh, Ma ! doti'l bo afraid; God Aim'gh'.y i I help us, and wu shall e-n:n put It iur.' II: Ini ks ami w.irds r vised our spirits in so wondrilul a m-n:in r that M all inslonl'y set about In sm-i-I In n. A ladder wis presently brought on, sthith, as I saw in my dienm, ha ran up wnh the birnblrness of a iquirre!, and Ihe seivanls siippHd h.tn wnh water, which l. tlnew or the tire from an Atuerci Gourd. lijl 'hat growing weaker, the llimo appeared to gun gruiiid, breaking forth and roaring on, si dreadluKy, wr.icli so fughiened lie .ervai.ts, that msny ' f ll.em, like pe'sr s in lierpm, began In lease h.in. Hut hn .nil, undaunted, c titinued in ply it with water, an nul m the .ervan's a' the sunc I mn, both by w.irj a' actii.tis. I"! a long linu the c nieit appeal ed very doubtlui ; but at length a tene.ihl ohl man, wnh a I. I ep, ai d an inn. rod m his hand, like a I'jbm ng r"d, re irhrd out tu Lint a L'.iriuu lii:.o Ire'i'i 'nkfl a I'n sin. On receiving lh., he leiinuhl' ij his exail:nnsl and soon eitmeuis'ieii th fire Durjiy on thi ocession was uitiiiuntd. I! H L?. on ihe contrarv. t' J more i f truusport now than of terrur befute, l....ki. 1 rsther sad at the sitfht of ihe great n inn In it had b"'n done. Then I saw hi mv Hreiin, that after some tin e p'n! as in deep tl.o igh', he calif d out w ith inn' Ii j-y- 'Weli.un! now if you and ihe foti ly w i- but con:M, we cat. tnaki) a far better roi.f l! u this ever was ; a 101 f of such a duali'V that, if well kepi ingMher, it will last forever; hut if y u lake it apart, ) no will irsako the house ten lliousaud times wurse laan it ever waj.' " Thrilling Inriileiil ol TJr"ais Idle, f)ar noble sii p lay at anchor m lh I'ny ol Tangier, a fortified town in the extreme north west of Africa. Thediy had h-en ex Iremeiy milil, with a gentle breeze sweep ng lo the north ward and weal ward; but along toward the close of the afternoon 1 00 1 1 br"eii died aw ly, and una of those, su'tit, jim, even like aimoaiihenc hr'-atln 'ji caine from the great sun hurut Sahara. Il.if an hour before sundown (lie captain gate Ilia cheering ordei for the b la'.swain tu ta I 8)1 bands In ,0 in swimming, ami m le than live mmnles Ihe form of our lurs woie a, 011 ieaiiinir from Iho lower yard. O ie nf the s udilmg tails had beon lowered into iho water, wnh its corners supeiidd from the mam yard arm and the swinging boom, and into tbesi mot of the awimui"is mailfi iheir wm. Aino.ie' those who seemed 1 : ... ly uu ma n 1014 ow --("' ' ... .. . j i. , 1 i' 1 two nf the bov a, I im Uadsce nnd I' red a.- .a...... ...'.......( ., . ,t, ..... rairoeiiK. 1110 mno m i..,'. ..' nf nur old gunner ; and in a laughing mood Ihey started out from Iho tui.Jii,g sail on a race. There was a loud ringing shout of joy on their lips a they darted through Ihe water like fishes. The surface of the sea was as smooth a glas, though it bosom rose in long heavy swells from the Atlantic. The vessel was moored with a long sweep from both cable and the buov nn Iho star, board rpisr.er, whe-o il rose and fell w.ih the lazy swell like a (ir'ir.keri man. Towards lln buoy the two luils made their way, Fred Fairbnnka taking the lead; but when they were within about twenty or ih.rty fii'doma of ihe buoy, Tim shot ahead and prnmi-ed lo Win the race. Thn old gunner watched lh" progress with a vast degree of pride, and when he saw him drop bah. . id, he lep-d from Ihn pimp, and was upon the point of ureing him on bv a shout, when a cry rearmm nn ear that made bun start as if he bad been struck with a cannon ball. A shark! a l.ark! came furlh from lie Captain nf the forecastle, and, at the sound ol these lerrible words, Iho men who were in lie stater leaped hud plunged Inwards too ship. I(,,.hi .l,.. ,,,i al ihe distance ol Ihrnn or lour cables' lenirlli a shark wake was seen in Iho wsler, where Ihe back of int. minister wa visible III course was lor Ihu boys. For a mnm'-rit the gunner tlond like ono : bereft of sense, hut ( ii the next ho shouted at Ihe lop of h.s voice for tho b .ys In lu.n, I hut the hide fellnws heard Inm nol stonily thu swimmers slrove for the goal, ull oncon scious of I tie bloody death spinl thai hovered so near them. 1 heir merry laugh still rung i over the water, and al length liiey touched j the huny together. I Oil. whal drops of agony a'aried from thn ' brow r,f our gunner. A boat had pu' r.fl. but l'.,.i,..,t. L.,u. il.ai it roiitd nol reach Ihe koyi ia leaaoa, and everj momeat ho expuc - ted to gee the mnnstoi Mi.k from pigiit, then i ha knew that nil hope wiulil ho gone. Ai this moment n cry reached the ship lhal went through every heart like a stream ol" lire i the boy a hud discovered llioir euemv. ' The cry Marled ohl Fairbanks In hit miiki i ! .mil quicker tlinn thought ho sprung tulli.il ipiai ter d ck. The guns were all loaded and aiintled fore and alt, and none knew their tern, i pitr belter than he. Willi sternly hand, made I h . I .1.1 1 1 mi 17 01 mi. ui 1 iic i'jii r ivr piiin , iie iiina ....... I... L..I . " percussion wtiler, hi a ml set the hauum 1 ol Hi" pi. ",, I.K-k, With a uiiol'a air--. l'Hi tlie old man at tA .'it a" 1 1 ittaft liriU lit lh hriiit inm 1 (i . ........ , ... f.. lis bearing, and then siizn.g th siri.ig of the ... 6 , , , . . . nek, he sieod baelt and, v''betl for trie next , .,, ,t , ,.1 y. . . swe.l I hat wnunl biliii llie-h.ik in ranee. ll" Uad fl""ed ,,,B P""','R 9"""J H',unce tUe"i .'' llli;u niullieill would ftliUlH hi! hi.DHl find It'iirM. in that ( il ship beat pau.lurv. I lie boat was vet s.iiue disinncu from Ine bnts, while iho Inn i id sea iiinii'ier was (Via r luHy near, fcu Jilerilv the air anko by the roar of the heavy gun, and as the old man knew lea shot wasa'oue. In. sank Lack op n the combing i f the hatch, and covering 1, 11 l ire with Ins I ai i!s, as if 11 1 rani to s' e i he re-nil of hi own (ifirt Iur if ho had failed hn knew thai his bov was i.ist. Fur a moiiit iil afu r I'.e report of Ihe gun had died awat Upi'i. the air, tlsere 'Aas a d-ad silence, but as Ihe i.'ense stm k a;ue fiou. the .in l ieu of the war r, I hero w is, al lint a luw nmr i ur breaking from lln: li(is of the men tint murmur grew louder ami sirring- er, unit! il swelled m a j u deafning shout, I he nld guonpr sprung I j his leel and goz"d 1 fl" mi Ihu water, and the fits! llnn thai met his ue as the hui) Carcass of lliO shark l! latmg with h.s white belly up, a mangled, llli ess mans. In a few mof.'.eols tha h mi rcaehed Ihe darn.i' m iMiinerii, in.i h:f de.id , wnh fright Ihey wem l,ri ugit on b-.ar.l. The old mm c iip.ed hi In y in Ins aini, nnd Ihen oti-renoie Lv fie p-.uer!u! 1 xe.ie rr.eti' he leaned ujeai re gun I ir support. I ha seen mmi -1 all p'lass ul exc'ii ine it and S'-J'p'n., hut 111 ver bite I aeen three fiiir'i tietfioa tie re overrorno hv ihrtl iinj efTin'mt s, Ihao on I' st s' i- tin g motion, ( wli-n they ti.tt kii' ih.j elf'Ct il our g'l'i i.er's shot. COFLD'.N f 1 J 1 1 1 FIVE 4!IM. A bi-u: the li.fio tlia " h- n 'e i er ' i n' I' he gnl 1 he p ist y ear, l.-u 1 i,eBp.-i ea- were "j(J r.efiia m d '..'.i, and tin am n'-l p I ielS'weie ,'fnee, a II', . legist, iftei.ii o. ours, who keep a rrorkMiy eat.e.iso.iiet,! Iioi a I niu ao l m !es a'lute 1 lu Ken t C llruign, ImJ .11 hi sloie am e g nh r aiticle. nf rrru kerv wr a 1111 l,i.,rt t Ii ua Ofit eojis, i,icti wen- in mill n' lired expre-.:t n lied Iti! l,n pn .r h' I Ilea lot O ' le'.iel li.at i .1 ir t.r, pure art:. f !) .r I w nil I fte 1 1 ai m in " Tn rP I' Hit'i a h ie 1 iiii;' , Uip id, d 111 il.S U.i" p ism j Is, .1 M il' r ve ho -t .r-.', n., 1 . ii .1 e 1 s.1,1 i'l n. ! ' .J-, ! 1,1. while H " a 1 01. re s,ih w .ml. rim1 1 it.eir , h ,K 1,0 as Ci !!,-!''. 11 WIS : 1 I I. "a . v ui ' ru k in I a K- d loin t lie -tore, w hen to tlie r-a o w tu -gue ( k plaee, in- hv a-i'Si-rs. II. 'IS'' nt ol s ti J , 1 r. he the prni' 1.1 t I. il L I" lied oil Iriend. " t ) ,'v I..O.. li he a iiR t t Hi t 1. , lo g a i'i . 'ii ' mi ii ii:;n,n, '." They liwt pure, to he 004 " n' I worth iliat price. "tlh, tes, ih"V am the f'lliss l'. vender cf tin' rea k-ry ; " ifon e ... hut ra'fii'r d ill n't to h i'i1!." r e "They're from (ihn, are i."s he, a hij Inok ot.e up 'u et iri, nn' n are fine ''' ake,l I'.esentlv l o over' r itl t ' in ' 1 ro,,. nn ) turning roiin I lonnr w vender, he ne'.-iimi'il, w'li a r n i.'ark as a thunder e' a'd " I) 1 yi 11 think I'm a d irti I f ,'. -V il'-' n 1 I ', ir up to his '' r" 'I cniiie it ii w r 1 e wnh and p-iMing his ili'inil nose, lie tn nl -'i i'i'V gt ra-.i.ii. Mill Mil 1 An iiih hn fii.'.-rs. esrtressive cif Ins ij.. C"'1 "' lie tf.i k t' .it b" had rte'ecten, ann llm .iioi. lime nomlin" Willi hi repealed, at mesa , . ., nthi'r trind tn le.e luill ""' cant come it over me. iW r thi ef?g. " yml '.Ji iiri, I d m't give nine shii'ing a d n I r ege? imi rltvr: rtt sii Ktii if Tim." Mai. in Farmer. IJEAli II I.N .-I'll ,S( :E. A ihm, Ctl'lnvermis look ierinin, shunt .V) y ear o( ago, entered 1 1 lin e ni a lleal.lt Insurance ,'nmpauv tn I ndi in 1. a It" dais nno, says ine imy a oniiei, m.n ( " Ish to man in vol inshore .In peepics hehs? ' The aeenl po'iicly answered, I a'tfiid tn .hat bi.suiess, air." " Veil, 1 van's mine lu lts iiiiured ; vol )o.. 1 . , . . ... .1 ....... ... 1 shnrce ?'' " iLti'iirent prices," answered ihn seen', " from ihree In ten dollars a, year ; pay ten dollars a tear and you Ret inn dollars a week in case of sickness." ' Veil," said MwiLeer, " I s uits len dol- af Vori." Tim nriBi t irm nred his s'nte nl health. " Veil, I ish mi ll ml is tnno. Fso shul nut te bed Ion or tree hours a lay, mil le i.'oc lor at a be can't du nothing m ne gout loi lllH." 11 If Ihal's Ihn slate of vour heal'h," ra luriicd Ihe agenl, "we can't l( sum I'- wo onlv insure persons win m nl boa to. A 1 t in y n ,.y .,, t . Vmi iiius' I 11k I ... a Iml ; t"l ton 1 In it I come piv you ten dollar Inr 11 siiure u,y belts, t i;s I v mi w 1 l.l. " There are two reasons why yi il nlmu il .ml inlerrin l mi editor when he is writing. OoO i, il is apt to put him out Hie uiii- r ia, yon might yet pot mil ynuiaed', especially ll lie , g,,i ihick binds I),,wn east ll ey put H fello . in jaii fur swindling. The scamp dimd anuw and sold it for si'i- An Irishmnn neukinr (if R relet ,e who was liiimr. sav lie died durina a ili.nr Itui-aw 1 performance. torcip Fruiii the I.ondnn Tiim a Government has achieved another Itiumph. The foimidiib'o Mr. Lc.Ca.tl King, who beat O hush iii si inr ii. imiiii-, I. ird John Ruvii II lust year ly two to one, k power, has this year bo bi-atcn Ay Lord power, ..as una year oc-ii ueoiei. mv ou.u " J .1,(1 Manners and Mr. lasiaeli in a division of -JOJ tu U'J. I heinij my last year was H ..o.in.t ih M.o..ier.M' .a this 1 ear 53 I ...- n 1 i n L.v i....,,,. .i,.., .h 'i,-..,,,,.,,. fpr, l''g'r Unit . in vl t. ttu.i.in u nii r j ;,, ...h ennr , . i .1,.' n .rTl-,. Di r. ( j 1ro.11 ilia rasn cnar.gc a m the (un.u 01 a in r-. ,...,.,. Kl. ,1 i, ,, , ., 1 ai,H!lt, in r.viafOCKi Kiiiff Van ii oe araiua bespoken. Like most ollioi mortal triumph, ,ld wo Mul u, ,aU(J(j ullljer crlllll,y. u 1 . U. f ... I. I. - . .a . . earr i uu man 15 mo su.i.v, inu meuaute is the same. ii,u S Uies me thu same, ihe igs Couaei t bIims am iho same, nnd liie.u is 110 ve.y iriu,giy w Veliy 11. Ilia riind. Kiu ol Ihu peopie ui large. All the tilifrenie be Iwei 11 Hie dins. oil this ) e,r und .a-l year is that in Fibiusiy I, tiie "li-e 1 J- Iit'es nut being in power, UH liutn g unbilled u:i 1111if1Ui.se Utaug it ui eflCourageii.eut Iroi.i liieir a i.a.a 1 1 minor il v 1 n ! i . I Inn at il s leci nt iiiuIh n, li lt I. i d J II 11 K on I Hi liiil bis 111 bailie Willi hia u'.i 19 laciory lolioaer. Il.ev had 1,0 olj '-iioi. tai'u li:a Mm tier Hi a ii. 1 1101. i) , 1 1 1 11 10 w nit l.ey b. I.eVvJ lo be 11 good c a use. I Ins J ( ar I he case, or rattier li.u actlilenis ol thccasuaie iinia il ll-lent. -j- no caiie i f ll.o Ciit,t Ijlioii, as lin v lh rut It, ha pel 1 Lev aid a to be their u 1M1 1 nu.e as 11 el) ; so i.l at iln ir it ais. .More than a Iium.'rc.j and li.i) gunliuneii wbu last year t'oninted by their at.nn.Ceet lliO plepoaal 10 saau.p, as tii- V tin:. It it, tr: Coiiii'V c,.n-:,.ij- I1.1V0 this )idi rui to their rescue. J.ant year the) legarutu wail fcoiniucei,'y t he p' i.- tt of a l,i.ril"J t'11 u.al.d 1 U.'. h olne. ho. 1.1 is leiurned l:,e iiiri ' J County uieiii ( is. Tins year they i e ic more line to too ( 'iiainj .a n 1 el. Tin1 SLiutt , 1 In 1 1 Im e. wtneii v. u hate tiun j. 'e i m 0 11 1 1! aa 'irm aiity cutisis's in I hi II ill 1 g It'ie ! it, t ibat tn jtnl'e in-u no in i ll. en a ,d tlu'ir Inetids mi, 0 1 lor the a' e i i Uieiinclv e t hat 1 l.ey wi uoi n ,t do lor .: 11 c m. rj j h r Le'..re I'.ey lake I ii'l II uliit tlVote, Ipej 0 k. whal inieresl Un'S t . t '.''a .'. .s i.l tin: quia. I. ,i, nil h H.o- r. li'tl, !,j 1, if ii SO- 11 t'.i-.i p'i.j, tliit i .'1 .u! I g nu a l"il.:ijn ti i. in ('fl, the) n letill Ii'l I1 so pr i!.jier. 1 Is !.U'i. uii-il . v l.n Ij.rolfl ir.-.t imh tmiihii'l is laciiju.aod di-'ioiust ; :,l Ii as hi ces try I . h 1 1 e ,)i 1 1 a'l j arl.e mi a day are goiuy i f i1. log or (Vn servalive, 11 mat ers i.u', pear, n ,(,i inii iiu y ui. w . , . .:.eir p.ipo-e. to rl 1 1 ' . TriT' i, p'"?lnp, reiK 11 o "i al" r sgee. .inn, 1 on 1 ne m o. nt iihf'i . ,1 e s' e o it t!i m won -I 1 f. II II liu1 "':' I I S' I. e ,1(1 l-V 1 nl o 'V as an in-'i! il' d llne.s'ire. ,nid rot 1, , 1 . t ii, 1, ,b .-It r-u 1 1 a I' . 1 men's. 'I ne k 1 1 ern 1 . H iiu II! )k s II teStllillUtl I III V I L I'K IMI til. Ii e. li IW'i'H P II Willi III1 f loeasiif- ., rf.,(ry tn it ifnifieial ripers ' lion, w n -''ier is piiib 1 Iil not one of his 1 j.p ,', 1. s wrio don nol lh . I. that lh" couutt : 1 1.' i.ousi-h dders w u' I b- atery n'..pe(.ta- be ad ' . 1 1 ui I 1 the t,inti'u"iey . That rae 1 1 I b liillo to rufa' ih'.:'s on iTahy 11, di- I (ales s ii.urli h'oaer U-vii ol character and : positi n than in a la r '.' t.wri, I r .11 1 1 til i l.i.e and smaii cnumry . us a l11 bouse boiler I a man of i-.m ottls prop'-rU , or nl greil industry, or nf mp- i or e.oiruti n. This i at. dent (rorn ihain-irh smaller pro porinui ol iiiiiisi s ra'ed it that auionnl in rural (Ii-" icls than in iarje burougb. Ine rmai I11', hoiisi h u'dt r isu-.ia'.ly muie fixed, be'li-r known, and an 'gein r under tlronger liiriijii'i ! ,r In. g ,., j bo'iia' "ur man Ihe man wu'i pus tnat rent in a I 'go town ; an i 1 ti , ii 4; it v.l a.e a.mp i,ei pirn, 1 1 aiiesn.'ii. cii i.ers, and hua.ktei aiu i-n ulays dutoied to 1 h Hi'sioi nn y ur liie (.01 iii-b, lh-y w i. stand a lavur.ihiu cniii,iiiisori .1. then! ie a.ieels wnh l.n) pronpet os cl'ira'.'s nl our ma 1: ' 1 1 oC tu r in n towns. 'l:.!-i ihen. o. e ' Mr. l.i.cke Ki g sclient iii Im 11 own lot fits, p issihlu Ii deny II or very not mercy on the pi-nuo ol n 1. "'"11 strong c at in tint I. of lh for u It in ,og,a'ure, but tun oiilhu sympailiy iigliCUliilfal llil rest. I'nll Il ' Ii' l Ii.ouieiii i natned .icier Ly Air. L -eka or Ins npjl 'li lit oil III. II oi'slii ll, Ul it wimi toe C'Joiy C'i s tuencu s In In mi mei.l' d bv il.e nd ii on ul litis cla, Ihey tvi.u dm shi.il d hn ii 1 wiui nn lor her ulier. nl, ,in All paitl 's w u il thi n u ntci.os.ty of ex'. I act in; iiolll the t.iiiuence'i ti.wns i f it ne tnaii e ee 011 I Ue, unit Con i.t or leu thnu-and luii .lo a ,l an. ital t v . either nn; , uoi 1 .in,; t lit'ui repie. l y f 111 groupa, liceiild U'L' to their liineu t-iiiie. I ins wnu'd 1 lie- cissiry i u ntd'-i In pnvi-nt nno or lanl, ! mill r' tui iiuig liie so ca I' ,1 C' Uiity lii"ini For nn itinera nt limn nan. Ion, these h wi vs on l.l Itn well cuii'i'iit liloso i Hi-1 r .shaie Ihu w i h-r loiis'ilueticy nl lln: cniioty . 'I I ll i lliat 1 1, i'joh, a a in e'er of eonvet .en mid lor iho NiiliditiMi.il ol pi, Inii. ,il I ah o Mr. I.o( ke K...L' riinves V, e enl i ai.iihis'-in' i.l of lit)- ci.nitly ll)'. I. us. h ,hii: s, and i loi g more, thai ll is in,! and cjiiin't bu i!ii usn'ol as an llisii'i.'ed ill' iluie. Thn ih h ate ttueh as il was, ohm -I'd chief ly of ii'lu-n ns to the poM Cal topics nl iho (lay , Hpp lleiilly i oppoiole parlies. i! it a ,e w In i all ' ut the Neither nf ll.em, hiiaetel , eeuieil very anxmii .,r t use quaners, duu the irciip nits nf iho Treasury leni'h we.e evnlenily well cniili nt wuii n n ei.t ticleiy. Mi. Ilii'ie i"i. iinled Iheiri of iheir "ihi': i,i liancnise," in d eh-i!leug' d tin m to stand up innl ait buw (ar ihey woa'd go m thai dm c linn. I. ud John H l'si il l. lilinsmo un prolo d. II ' l.eiiin by ta il in g (inverm.iei. I with the t .1 1 if i.ie.s'iie t applied lu the bts. , . , i id lbs sos-lnM. H 'en ' Ihn SnliCltn ,-, ,1 , iii !,:, be ti. ir. Hide, hull ol . iiissae-e iii Ins Mar an I, speech on the 1 e r I.' ' s.-i' y i l (leci d, , ,!, . our ciin.meici.il pnitcv lit mu e. and on ill" necessity cl l decnluo'oiir noting our the tuiii- .1 i I ..,,iie. n t iiof-e rxiil no ...is . 1 els i l.ee Irude. lie then nolic.-.l tt-ly Li-Mi John Manner.. Sir John v ...A i.. ... .hn I tl.fi t.n i would aliurd htm a Itt lo spoil. A. Ilia lo ; pins of allusions hud noiliit g whu'eter lo do Willi tli measure bifute the lluiiw, ami lis 1 any debate that Could have arisen nut of Ins , remark) must lints been of the rr.il episoda1 1 chariiclcr, their wisdom at that psrlicular 1 moment ii ut least quei-tionuble. Tho Vic- ' tuns i,f the spurl however, refused lo flinw 1 liht, und, wiih iho excep jun of the Ch'iticeh lur ' '' lcli.-quer, mamtaitied judicious ..t I. . I. k.'. II . 1 1 . II silt'iirv, even lu'iugu . ir ueoi iiiiui H ill , 1....1 ....11 , I... ; throwing cut hiuNof what they would do, ; 1 11 roiv ini; 1.111 11 ion . '. wimi ii. ey iuu in 00, ! evunls on y lavouied their penurmis do ; "g1'1- i"t '' "rifling o Ili:u!iy that ; -halever is pr. posed by one tola ill lie in : futdltu itn. h.ikI I , i. ihn ullmi l as i.rlil fi, 11. i -v n - j ii r fi" I at ralulnle iheci uiilry on the vut qiiuimty ol mlsr Iriessure atmrunted fm ern. nuance Iho cmIiihI I'liniirtuoi'V, inrl.id.ug, id the ei.l.ji.cl.i.eme.ii of l.ihor Ly Mr. Israeli. Thr.l pei.tlcmai., In.wet. r, we innslli (.-nr u . I I i fi'ii.tATrf to ffl. the aau.0 nuy bo :sii! of toiiims other n. gestite i.il.ma!iiins thruivn eut in the coiiria of ihe il .bale. l'.jt is . not .:-j! lino) ihl cur repiesenta'tves sii .ui i bj sei.t back In thnr ctn-titui'iits w hen they cm do 11 ithing but b.d lor n niilji ity ? 'li.e sieerhia I1-1 10 lil.l'j mire than buxlng ii'l diese, RS will pft evei v tn'it u',' the s hihlv now Ini tl.o rni-e ,: ii Tins cinieit b1' legar d as a rioru ol ami I.eVtl.y cot.diiioii ol 1 tie l.e'ii aiure : nor ran it he prolonged ihijut itnpairn i s credii. 'I his is 011 is !t 91! , l-.-t In L , -n.rs Sti i Sl! I'd oil I. Hi I no, ii w ii lioiibl w 01 li.e r it -.v .;. hear ant ol her ipihnit ni.o ij'jtiils ai.-J e teiioiit-ei n.g I fl', 1st s. IVuiit the I. union T. (!. i:.n;i.i-ii Li.'UGEr. eel arm nl lh" (Jhai.rei'or of toe Ex- T c 1 0 ij ji r's i n Fin1 it is tho adtoitrirsj i:h which liu h.s us. J a 1 (,,.; p i-i'ij'.i. The ground on w huh Ie acts ate p cni undcni- sole ; and alni ! perefn it itv 1.1 tln-ir ie mil. win qiretnent I' iU' 11 1 4 nut tterv Cil J see 1 1, It is in, I every I. i'i a u u , d HI entiled, s'al.ce (lit wi suhm.l lu li.e diCUfiuti of circtim much Ie- 1 la it . veiy tn hi w ho ni J 1 his i iiams as ii tin y were the in- .", 1. ol ii ,i..,.r and Con nie. Il .:ar'eii eter (Ir lined to thn.e w itn list' u- d lu inm nti I iijat wi'.iiao inncii p.tatiiie, ihatthe p:.:a',"r Was, int.iloir piiiast, " fni.lv.i.g the Lest ol" a L id j .b." V, -fuming tsilll t.'ic so ri.-.os .h I'li'ieiir , in which li was lefl bv thu Nisr of the I . cofn" Tn x, In rtt.et.l ihe nn n ti ral 110 I'n da by which it .ingl.l h" silpf In .1. Me prni ti d out ill at I r ti 11 y 1 .11 a, iiiji'elt 10 1111 a in -si iries,?!!',!'! nnporlu -! ! . 1' . . i . i.l I. . I ...1 i n 1! ie. In :,. 1,1 ine i'i"i upon ui.j amount nf nuny nn'l.' Wbst I'.o a'. s'.ei:i bid Ie u I'fc ileJ'y ! n rei"' ue havii'O r n't' O il) 1 t !'. I 1 ihe I n e e lh il 11; I pr' "'loMie ri'n.i s., o. ;r. ti, it - . i - . 1 1 it p, 1 " -o Si I no r I a In the i :. tin re, 1 (.es-l.,1. li'K I ,t n V, I 'illt I I 'i.i I'.i'e " nri s"i,t s' In a il il. "i rt by i.ew ' . . i.s ( 11 n miiiii'T lh it C' u'd not b" nnstr an, v. t red. N o Tin" ee I 1 the in r, !,e 1 1 ous'i Fxr-.-e. Here ion, !hoo?h nol from exaei'v tl sun" ) 1 ir- ir. then., had b' "ii U, same optmf'ui.ity, f-.iih-wed l.y 'In! same rerrii"! lis, at spoiirs fnm I he erneral pr ; er 1 iienp'e, the fc nn'! en'trn f n ri'n. i'i' very time, sm-i ilie ( hii cell1 Exchrnuer. lh"re wn t ! In n ,1 as lar ry of the N.IV, Bl ir id" the d-m mil Innn no snppurler. of Lis. hn t ni- n'n.'M i i, I e-rtaui Exciae du'i' a pr-. io 'n o nearly tni'iioti nnd a In f. It was ra M r h 'pi n s (lien, to 11, irk nf incieas.ng I hen c Jinn the di h el tax the l.xots-.'.--' 1. H hat wa Vour lasi I'tuarici.i! s'ii.'.. ' H irri nd'' r mg near two million by Iho repeal of the Win J.v Tax. lor Iho iiioiuer.l Mr. M.srneli adroii'v lor'joia In mention t! e aiib-tit'.tc.l I II. .Us" lax, and alterwards explained She (iriu-.n ll Itv a rea-oii wnicn, lis in pn n, tiimlu bis c.ie nil I liu '.longer. Thin" Lave i oin" In this pl.s, bo said, lliat vt hen ynil Lit on a net I ax, to U have . lound .1 on U tst't.I. of exempli":. 'Iho ( lislclll. liie Excise, and lint ordinary (orri s i I indi rect t'naii' i. Living ;'i'j been tleclua,lv lil-po oil ,, iinthirig leliiaini.l but Iho I 'l i-otiie Tax ; mid ns Mr. iJisraeli tiegan w.ih tiiii lapse ol thai lux Le (Lushed by pinioning i r a re -1 in p is ; t loll inr another year. lie bad :arceiy Hu e In m ke tins nuiiuuiieeincnl liifuio llm House acknowledged w.ih an ul most luniuililoU i itlli'iirretn 0 ih'lt It was le.iind by too same, ciiaiu cl' nrccssiiy us li.msud. In an Bigutnnril which thus ndm r3h'y en- loaced nil thu facts of tim case ihero w is , n v n: c t ti i i i it ouiiHud, and that was ti.B l.ignlv di-t iniuised pill wit ch liie speaker ban lilln-'"l lakeu Hi IM peimd under re mu, l o on,.! liiat pari ti is humble ; il w i" n it !e pin Ii nl i I'rt.l" e piioiy super lli.u. To a II ins" that La n .t e v "ii y et iui J ,1'en Ihe ci;;. i-m v ' ii'H il.siigure.l neiy fcl itemi'llt of e l lide'it l'eei ii)jliul lo h IK! a liin'oet w I ll " 1 " iii it ; und lie: ateri.es. l ie it t as 1 1 1 ' hi molt ll ri unlit a iheii lawaiils ihu Minister who di-iued l.im-i ll any tin-Hi, nr . t'en choiee, ci iin mann. Ihe piO'lenei of I'm mi l.-I 11 1 0- -'. .1 111 I'e circiim-'iii.ces ll ul Mr 1 - - r nil - part ut lh" Ii lain i.i' hi-loit Ln w i rel i iu w is jost llnal whieii It w iert d III ; 111-II t In Ininij', II- had opp s. d -,i Inn iiiteruiosi iieailt nil ll, ii !.,y .Ii ,c id the Tji.iV. nnd was n u Oil.li-..l.g to In" llou-e tiiilt liny nils! i.ll hu iii iioioined. II: hud lit;; d I no" nmn ..iiisol 'h' Exc.se, and wus now diqi'mu g I ) ,.. l,p - I nol Ol I in,,." Iiolll I'- As ll wns ne. es-:.iv In iniinn ...this tns'iii en the . in,-!' iifit.r ir. tl." (L uiand I n mm s-i it,-, lie I iiinhi "nous honor was hit In l.o.l 'enr "e I'n ntu i k- A.; m. when Mr. Ms raelt related tin' (jrowmg linpnptiluiny d the lii'-ome Tax. Its last is no tpiisiliou Inr only one) tear, 'be mtiigiitmn nf its ngnurs as re mil. d one Class, IIU ad tho "elect cut initlee now M't.ng nn llm i.s-.-s- l ent of all income, i.e. , i, . . k,. 1. ,, .1 ,.. , H might Have occntreu in nun t,,..i i,.- . thaidt hiinself f. r im smaii pait.d lb" - i-ultie Le was ib scrili ng. Iinh eil, oidinnrv mnriais, inno luio sini; ... . pnlitietans are made I. Ike. Iwu m;h, sine ! iIia i.id h? nnvn li-t Vif townrl -horirnin jtho reign of tho income Tat. All this hew- i ever vt aB omitled. Ur. U,sracli netcr mud j m otl M J'ahs Magna H I, nnieli us he might iiu tempted therein. His hislorv of the tax was dexterously impersonal. Iiu only left j nothing iiu-ind lhal could ho said against it, and any one w ho w is inclined to oppose the resolu'ion in the Cliiiicellnr of iho Fx 'he ! (pier's himds found himself anticipated in i every K.bli olj-ction. IJut hero came in I . I... .. ... ...I C... . ..... . C t l. M I .... i.t inn I tho erainl feature of the Ministerial puMtion. 1 .. ... 1 1... I il,,.t . .nu I ( i .i i i . t. . i .!. ....... i j like everything else, wiih as Ijtile delay and j imo r r-i 1 niog csv, t, h ii nq . 1 ...o j ...... iiuiovation as possib.o to the new I ar.iamo.it ; so this ooious, 'Ins utjum, this tmai.y nnpoa siu:e Ineomo lax, must no re en a .en onro I m rt r Vf CmtnA it aV n ttlllKt IpfilfR it. I laU . , - cmnmiitee up sluirs has nol yet ni'ide a re .mil ; I tit that uport is irale nothing can be .inns. Thus ll.o order of the d..y, so sleriry ..n(o,ed uprilho M.ni.ter.-.th.r order lo do nothing but '.at was ah-o!utIy nec.-.sary ; hiiB lll'f II f'lVI II hlllt l) Ihft I !' is iU I U 1 0 aiitl e - p , Mini-lcr. ilo 1! s ; then, lis t on last f ar fianl the Ineom-' I ux, so hill veu now. This is Irom the 11,111 whe has r und f.ver . , again ' ppnseJ tins n ry lax. 1 w a l;!Uli' "1 enough 111 Inm nol to mero. -n In . wn achieve- nenis m tins as in o'l.nr finar.rial Cuntroter- ties. We said ahnve that tl was also super lluniis. Thn specta-le of Mr. II siaeli nil nnniiMii;; t'.e l!.jilr'e nf l-.Y s nkn for it self. Il included liie history of ihe iat ten tears, and d "ti. n-i d wt:h Ihe iiee( (, self. On. I'ltinii. True, every Ii !'lie of that iuidnei hod been pre arcii by hn predecessors , Huo the fje's wi-re utterly 111 ("iii'li'u i:a'i"ti ol Ins I uu pul I c career ; Irue bo was, as he mu ileM'v C'Hifi i. i. I'oleb'fd to the mriinriiie he found in hn nflir o fur ihe c.'i'cu' tini.s and even Iho dpi.-ioi. of speech ; ' Le t-,s rei ping it here 1 ther bad i-nviii; hut there he itai, ( 'l.ji c '! r of lh" Exrlu qu-'r, crun mu, Jug ihe ra plati'e if a lisieni: g Senate. II iw env, ho j.n! emus to he in "i'-st under so"': i . curns' nnces. li it when is tins cil :in nf r.eceasi'y lo stop, and w hil H tin -ro tn prevent ihe fi ia i' i il a Hteinrnt of !-.' Ftidiy from being equa1 V app'tcablo In next year? Why, this very ; I. a ol .v c!i! v is nn V a temporary one. It i,t in- r res iti, I i'i, Mr. I luraeli h;is savd Ii in-1. from anv r 1 -1 1 p:edg m t his Con due!, in or out nl 1 f:'n'e, 10 XI tear. The lu ,',, fl mi,! the usscssineiit (I the Incniie 'lax 1.91 mi1, prove!, junta, I'n it S- he.lille I cm on y be adoi t- I In the I ' of tli"" who paV to 11, hv 11 proce o w inch will render J-.'in dules A, Ii. and I' wtmiiy ii ei'i v.- :o I '.,1 en rji 1,. ,111s, a. j nj.sice can i.n!. ho ml, :e ,1 . ut of 1:1" frill id 'Le Ki I to re er 'n ir in iiiioiiier. I eh e . n one ever !tid more against the tsx than the nn.i who last Ffid.iV proposed it l..r 11 leiitti tear. Hat thut is one of ihe .iiiu. iini : ai.d ; ' e;i . o. ...s (, .,.1 it .., ,ij in ., j 1 and exure t :.';l i-pmun h cln ice is the . ll.ar.ic 1 leg" I, wh .ti n r hi .1 Ly it. I-r nn i la I' UI , (or ii' mil' sej 01. V i e v "S Li C'sml h;m. rn.t As Mr In till, lei. n ii c onn its 1 mo r !. i d h m :i;m and in ic'.ion. Las ih fn -ores, pas- r,,sie. ll v e ur I ni indemnity lor ,1 i lis i eh II1SV S 1 V I Ii unit 1 d 1 111 r.m.p ii-ce "!' lesoives 00 hilll to i titer t bv d.ong noilin 2. A 11'e and so il' m n yi n.ch Ihe (loveriinicnt pret what is rl.' 1 Cnmrnissinn so s'mi iiry us iliut w 1,1. t ii.. i 1 -" I cl ed 1 wo nmnih oi)( has ul 'east (a ii' has been I, li.ln tort c lorr hi !. rniidu of licci s.ii v , aid V irhie Ci verm rneni wii has 11 t I 111 ir, sii fi hotil n inm. 1:1 ine l.-Ji'm or cenl atipc. ranco id stu'.ts. nn; jf.vs. , fhancellnr '!' t!i I'scheq-ier, -"the wnt.r'rniH bov, who wrote n Ins r enl I. l'e nf Ford Cecree La in i ti it.'crest.eg laiemen's Tl.o M'l.n Alii.v, nt 11 and jii ,f w! mirks of Ihe Ihe co ul 1 lions as In toe rhddien id luacl, mi ho is one. I u one p! ic", be re ihnl ' Ihe u'legnioti ll.'it the dispetmin Ji'Wisii race u a peiiul'y incurred lor tjiti'i-ni.-ti uf a gicil etitn" tho nu i i.f Jesus Christ -i neither l:is'on- cu.yi cal'y true or ili-giiialicahv v-ti'id. It is lint linn n, lie V ttil", hee, it.se Hie jtfws werens .red lliniiiohniit l!.o Wiirhl nl ihe our I.ord as ihey a'e at the pre , oi.d had been so Lot many ecu I ills,; nt of (I III", senl ; Im ICs.' Agtiiii he t:iv! Inivne iiitil per cored, nre prnh : ' The J-ws. afti r all the ecutioii Ihey hiivo experi ib v nn re r.uiti"ri u al lln en: dii'ii.g thu leion ol i;o : aro Imit.d in all Li-id, nnd. da n than ihev , mnii the U 'sr .mfuriu'iu'cK , .isoer III ini:,!. All which mnt In .mivcs that it is in vnin Inr man 1 1 alt ,b. Ill . , iho inexorable l-i ol liuiurn w'ncli Las .:(- aiel i i it a su.e I't race sii a I il.-ier Le destroyed or absorbed b an inien.ii.' A j nn ; " 1 1 l n." ieid"r i!nos lis eye iter I tie I'r.pt i i, m o I I ! vi 'im eiits nl tier many , of lu!V. ami even i Fran.'", ilor Hied io l-i-) im w.ll rei'i'oniso every woere I'i" .luw,-h ei"uii'lit. Mu- m. who in-coin pi.iied Iho iii-.il r r I inn , nnd (leUii.e, ami ' . - s - I .... 1 il.'in ill i-Hil l 11 nt V ' luce, is a .low. v, ,,,, j,,,. !.. lh uki,i.i lit' I'lCj-'WIsh l.'ll.'l'itl IUI he ii tes in I 'a' toi i y as tt II ' I. it. wh,' 'b- l.oiiih.iiiis call il eohierie.l Fieder-i H Cent, S 'coelaiy In the d i,l Vieiii.il. was a eli.'d nl Israel. IS nil miliio.n of ihe Jewish race eii-t m tn-o. t ii." only ii pail ol their rdiioi o.ie I'.io iiineli nuoe can C"lit""l. Mil ls Cm in ay cm lime tn p"iseeu e .low", HiidJ"W. in if ! ersi.t in ei-b 'lie ino Christian, but who cm ih't y that Jesus ol N. . uelh, Ilio Iiicarn tte is,.i .d tin: M.-sl II, "ii lii.d, is the , ',.,.,l ',v nf the .1 Wish IMC ' f i ... " Tin. Ivtriiieiiil ll 1 1 nil its liieitlileb peiui ni i nil is inn nine, tho Jl for much thai rcgnl iic. much lhal charms. and ii.ncli that solaces existence. Tho liui.iig mtillitii'le re. I every scsenlli day bv urine i I J ; ish Iti't ; limy are perpelinlly reading, lor lh.:r exu.nple, Ihu records ol Jewish history and singing tli des and de nies of Jittisli polls; and Ihev dally lie knnwlei! i . .i . ,.t.. ..v..,:. tin, . f r.tmnui .... i . ti . w noi-vi ti ii ri vi-rcii K, .,,... ...... - - - die,,,,,,,, belweel, the I .ea'c, and Inemse ves ih-. ihut l ie ( n! V IIU' ill ll Itli; III II'' ail-ana rtitious ;' ami, iiislen.l rilCP an tho Vilest (1 2VM ' 0f logically looking up b the m at the l.um.nt 1 Family that has coniribuied most to humm j imppiiiess, they extend to them every term !ol oblurjuy and every fuj in ol persecution.'1 I HEAR WHAT DE TUtUUEVILLE I ft A VS. " II is caisy to show ho much the uccoii of Iho democratic r public in the United Sl;ilea in one to the ruligt'ius leeling ol Iho ' , l.-.r.,,H, , ,,( (ho disorder in " r ' ' ' . ' .. j ,.,,, y iU European Ii Mt.,( , y 1 !jo 1,1 rone all lillfls It UlWICuit to tun. m, U) l(m .luWets f ie ,taie, only bec.tuse tu ,(11J 1 U,,JK passions agitate liu owo dwelling. , , . . Ihl. ro a prey to 1 tie uneasine tho instahilttv of desnea. , .1 1 . 1 ol ne IIL.aM unu , ;l (i1(J ijm,e(j gate Iho residence of the . rill7,n ,8 f9 jumge cd" Older anrj of pnaee. v,,,,h A m..nea. arefirdin" lo the onifilon of hliV lie ,., lave visited it, is tho country where tia is muni aiipiec uted. this 1 .. . . f ... 4 ,..a.. I.m il t.r 1 , out y u,i ,iiwi iir?n ... ivm - r , ,j, .e.ni.la'.oin witb winch r,e is ubsaileil by loitune; but II re gns supreiiie r ihu on. il nf woman : and 11 ts Woman ! i; f,,( ms public mora s. A lung as Ants, , pteai ie ihe s-venly of Ibeir ',.., .1 ,.,i,.,.. ikev will tuescrve ihu dunju- crate 11 public. ' I their morals become related, if I he bee. 1:1, e vicious, it wi l be because religion has been ilipi.veij of it au'liori y. of a die nation ih'-n! will boa I mie i J (leeraui'd mass, governed by Ihe Voriupl rich. nuhtiO in I :istl 'J'loi s 1.1 1 V rial in liaiU'l 11.'- , b it the i.ati.e will te-coiii" 11 ilecp' inn. l will be like Ihe Hunan ll'ptiblic, im h 1 xisinl in inime m.ih r the t i.'ai, but he leniHy of which hid pompli lei (lis ppeaied. In It. i Fin'irt 't,i'"-, no gi' ii a'"" g-neir the mm:', resiranu ii Hi its aberrilinns, a nl Unit U comes a guaiitiity ol ihe iI ju'i m l Ihe rep.i -I.e. Ewry body lu t lio I im, ,l si'ate pr ies-ea lellglnu llolll'is. I"'"" ii ai nurrber ho are nol sincere chri-tiai s, all ( I In he m, !e-t ihey si. ' old besusieci'd ol hatllin l.o iti.gl :i: I in lalisllily , ihert fo,e, has an external adhesion which I unan iiiioiis. I hu refij't ol ibis is, thai in the! moral world evei v thing is fixed, a't'W'Og't ll,e poliin'al world may appear lu h" einntiy (iiven up lo di-i usainti ami .aa l expei in. em. Toe buuiaii mu d in the L m'ed 3!:es h.a nil heloie il an unnnn'ed sjiaee ; however hid it may be. It feels that ll."ie Die lomir. oiouii -ab'e Lai riers before wl.icn II most .io,.. Fence it har-pen. lion in ad Cias.es Hole i. a ceiiair, resfaiul, either v jlutllai lit , i t li.e ii -a I ot I'nce.'' Rules lor Home; t;ettcr;il lot. Tho r .O mi 1 and Ii run a w e ci inmend lo a'l lend. Im I heir exrtelli uci , ' oit'iiy. I h"y us pin.tcu ii. '.s'lieis w," l-i a Cniis.ncilojs pnsilloll in nor p ii lot" W'l.li.t o! Le llll.l he I C. pis (i. n h usi 1! is Linn (i'6h.e to on- len p ale ihe mi sc.', if I, misery, biiiI rum wrn. o aie me it o.oi,ita'c luit o" lluae (It h en r.ci s w h c't Hie pointed cut tn Ihe rules to which we base rHetred. I. el every psre.it and guaiuiau read, poiidtr, and inwaid.y t ti'-n ; I. I't.'-ii iiair rlii'Jien'i earliest infinry, iio uicaie t ne necessity of instant obedience. '1. Fiine fi ni'iess w ilh gen leiioa. Eet Vi ur children undeis'.and lhat V 01 5IKVN ex ai lit w hat y nu .tT. 3. Never promise i! em an, thing utiles you aie rj-j. to sure you can give It, em whal tou prcmie. 4 If you lull a liH'e child In do some thug, show I, on liuw to do il, und see that it is (!, i.e. 5. A! way s punish your children for wil l .lly d'sobey mg you, bul never punish them in aiii-r. C. .Never lei them perceive that th"y can n x t mi, ur ins ka J ou lose self command. 7. Ii ihev ive why to petulance and tem per, wu.i till H ey are calm, nnd then gently reason wi h tiiem on the impropriety ol iheir C'O.iiui.l. . ki'ii.euiher ih it a hn'o I'ttr.-KNT pun ishtneiii, w iu-u Iho i.i casiun arises, is u.tic i in re i l! dual I huo ' I he i!i:ua'.ii,nig id ; oret'er putiishmi iil should tht fault be re lic w ed. It. Never give vour children anything be cause they cry lor it. 10 On ti i account allow them to do at one luiii what yml have forbidden, under lilce circumstance, al another. II. Teach them lhal the only sure and easy way tu .trruAlt good is tn hk good. I'd. Accusioni them lo in j Ue It.eir liil'e iec tills w ith perfect I ttlh. lit. Never allow ol tale hearing. I I Tench them that self ih'Msi., and tu t si i.r imh iniiM f, is the '.ppmutcd and sura 111" I .1 did M'l Ul HIJ Ll! I'pii.e.S. l.'i. (In i il I tem uo ,tis lie i iilj'gi nee nf an in jit arid a re.erti .1 sou. I. II tin'.' rules wem .educed In p:ac!ice. Ii ill V 1 11 tl TH'K. bv parents and guardians, h, unn li llisefy a. tl d he plfte li d il.o.v nu.tiv in d ing-r t-f rum wnu'd be sat' ,1, and how larj' It wouhl the luit p oes-i of a thou. , ami d iuii tip circles Lo aujuieiil' (I ! ll is la iiient i lite io see now .iti iineii isp reinai i" U ''in, ami 'o tii'ni'ss the '.'id and die.id ul Con ipiences in the run. ol l Ii i nj - :l . ,! a ! i in: it 1 1 1 1 nit in schools. s ii Chiisiiui pet pie," nay the North Ann inn r ie in H''t lew, " xv e r annul w II limit gt nss t't, i-xciutle llio Seiipluri's liom our Inn Is," im i the saini) Ivct iew pniiiiiiiriei s loo e x j ni "piSioii of our reiiiing hooks, Li i n s und oilier unnoials of cduc il mn, id a'l I, '.I at be ns It .-ces tif Frnlesl in, ism, tin ubsuij ! . . ... . ui m vital, tin 1111,0.;. lb o tic tl le v i ine ii t . , . , MVU E I ) Y'S OPINION r.K Tlir STAGE AS A SCHOOL OF MORALS. Mr. M ieioadv, the tragedian, now reside at Sunburnt", n 'he bi'som ul a must tuier 'rH'iin' fimily of twelve children. Among "" 1 ' lent iu.es Inr Hn) eoieimiient i.l ! u ( ti f i m ' v m one. Irom which, it i Paul, & 1 i never deviHi' d. It is that m, one nf Ins i b fiW iatli.HUe, or have any Vi-lt.tig cinucctiuii wiih uclurs or actresses. i