a I? en V: of t. it i i v a!;oii if t .n ve property ; h. o loner slaves, v ; and, f c-onr-c ! i t.i; to ' V 1 Uo '.1 it. .. I v .... I 'i'ii -ii.il' i over ! lv ' tin.'1 .1 v , i iv c e ia'i.i own- a;i . - , ty -hi.r i-p-cle- ..! p r : : ,. ,t c'.a ot p i- v. ; I . i :i; , nil 1 n ; . o ; I . . . ! t tli li.hts of i" r.-ii. i t t ..i th r tii" j . - 1 .; ( C-'B.HlO.I bo.ld lit- !' i-.' -nry that tin y !: i' I ' -ki.id .4' pr .- ; t , mi i ti... rtv I. it - t!i.' t.i -'.ir. i t f thv v arc --. .it le i!i t t s arc "lu...i V. -i til of tin- c "Ii - i'..t-d. Tho an :nl r.::;. ia. i I : i !. tin illi-. ulit . I pi, ! -.. V : ,- ..-! 1 1 ' ' i.- i.-i sari' An 1 n a::y f.in.i-h n ; In .i hi. ii U--1 ::. t: .,!' t : i . v, "i i . t i ::y. t ..! i riM-t . an .i I' I I M. Ill':- . , f t .r i! til.-, ! .ol. r in i i;-e i ii I. i- i i: '. Cion, t i say yv.t ;,.-t gi i. il v.. i.l- t j tho ..-' i . . the W . T of ti! 'U-.1T1 is t-:.l I tin iii. irv.X A th m-un 1 "m j . -,:.ar .-j.. i i of ' - rty v U ii i,:..r tf,'r.-l,l-li r-.f !'. !! - ..f i .r-t is i :i , ' -. Ull- . un.r .if the .-a tin- ain- uht a:. 1 -l-i r'.i iiiix ! ; "1 a-vi r:.i-i--:.t .t :t t -! I 1. r in i t in j l.H- i- i:' : - 'v-t l..i-1 -- i i;..: ii ; : Mil i.i -i ; it-- v.ii.a.h-; t'.-y ! i lln-ir l:.tt:o ni r.' rar.-iu'.iy tiian t i : e iiir.l i:.i-t -, , in ;L.ir.:r.:j t'.i. ir own, ta r niil ;"i:iru iiiiJ lul. 1 1 t..t ( tln-ir IVe 4;o iuj-ie; a.. I'.a-t 'i n bretbri n. 1 1 . rant tiiat I 1"! that ' !;,.- i.. iv i v. i.i :i we n 1 -,t that o.ir : .I,--- ' t!i.;t t Mi aTi' lr-t c in'. tl.L- M' lms lu'r. ! f-irc i : : -1 .,1 1- 1. t I -.1 I-'.i' ii u .ty ni ' .Ml t!:Ut .ii I in rail r. ..f hi i i.- 1 ti '.v ! ''ty i - . ' I "' I ' I j1'',-- i ' -,L' :. ' ' ; i"1', t : t .'. I I ! t ; f -ii.. 1- J . Ll t- ., h , 3 II' :r 1 1 i;i the re whole. One Soniitoiial Listi'iet, is, there fore, iieeessai i' v wh oily di.-fraiicht-.od. The impropriety ol this stale of thing. will readi- hit. ir I J ail. .i .i . . !..:... : . .. . .1... .u.liiv omei coiiipi.iiiiis i-iiM a-ainsi u prc.-oi III. lib i t .iii-titittion. .'limy other improve- e.nild be pointed out, more eon-i.-teiit ; v. uh tin' of .M i i ti.-. r -ei. i j.rt hi the ago. llif mii-uo1 tiu-ut is as progressive as I'vt rv Till poopie impt'ov i1 ; their ii. i a.i- ,.f htiott '!.;.' un it a.-; their i-nonin- ; ! i!.u-i i lump-; their r'!:.:i..m.s toward. ' ai.i.iln i". and twa'df citi.eiis uf tln-ir M-tc-rl M:.U- ale a'.I.i-nl. tlur M.-t.T .tatitXiTV ln-re aivuiul us are takiiur aih aiita;;i- of this ae ni iiuiirovi Ineiit t ilnj'l'e'0 tlu-ir il 'i'liis of ii' el'liliiel.t. adoj'teU V hen the riLht? of the I'l'-'ple were eolaiKU aiively , lili.e kiii wn. Is our Con-tittitioii al"in l" i'i i.llr le i. ai'ioa 1 -thl. I- iii:i.i' n I'liseut iroiii tne jnntliiat 1- North Carolina alone tostainl A:o ah-ne t i e.muiine l.-mnd in .!-. .-hae'sle- v.i.ie!i l::ne kept her limbs . ; ii : ti t, l e i in baiiiU of -t.-.-l Or shall :ie ari-e like a stroiu nian in I.U inijlii, auJ eii..:u 1 that -he Audi l e free To y a !.'. We . ea! is ma le. V.'Lut will "i . '1 d'.re to diet at ti yon, i est t'iu- alt. rations which in the C ui.-titutioii. it i- -r i ii I i s-.i -i. i-il.i be ma ll t a part : have mi rely i. .ieil I ts l hie'l ..-.ti lit-uUative i uty. We .ireeted y-tir attention t t!:- exist in it. It is your pro in C -nveiiti-'n assembled, to vine.', when c o r. cl tliec detects, and in the niai.iur which vou may c. jiceUe vi'l bestvsubserve tins tfreai purposes iwr nuirn piruiairnn were" instituted. The po.-itioii w h!vh we a-- ,'::e. ami w hich u.-is governed our cotine in ..iii" iieti'-'U i'i".ii the various i,rop..-iti-.i! an:, l. the otlstltlltl 'll, Wl:le!i 1,:U'.' t-lTll i , the l-...tuie. 1 .i l W i.i st :i lei ; Uli'l li .i ati;ig "i l.K lil'..l.s ,e principle, that the -.i i tie Con.-ituti in of ev, I V ile iiia- ll He !a.. U i f nil-: I'k ll' v.-I r: i:. s-::.ct:ni 1 l-e i- to am t l e ':.. -- t - U.at It 1- .- v:ho i: tj win ."'ii!a ilar I.ui.r if it is t i be tji'nigb-d with tiie corn iti lio 1,'; till! ncfi of p..:-i . if ith the bu-i s ..f ! i- to i t n.i.v.-. -: .;:-:.. a:.-l t ii.:'. i. i.e- ! hy th.- bai t : r . , s- - ; freely r s"" d t' t. iv. -a-il.i .-. oi t.-rn, ii,::;r the into . I a mca-'.re h r. ..r a lm isiire there fi.t" i- -i ' it is pr i iite in the ;u-t. un ! ! :'..r it -I'ol-t. -V ti . to I e 1 1 .! in 1 -i I 111 - u r ' 1 1. v. tie ;:.!. le t v.- pi vi-i"!:-. a:. ! c:.: t rot'-ct: !.. It 1 ! no s ti..- t- II .t the ' - t ;:. .-. v !: .. . i.; ' -.!., 1 t . t':.,t .-'l . -. This v..-n f.:; the pv l'r t..! i:. !: the roe lit ( ictle i! i.i i- n.tr f . t-' all. . lei .u-li-el.il the bis v. :i s to le of to- S- ti it.-. It o at v, as le.th in that W'y, aa.l ale! if was n ti ii la t:;i or- n t v ''tit!'' ; k i" rev i v e it. It f to i.H-aiis "- 1 " ' 1 - !. 1. .he i: .1 . cVcfUi i.'i Wl.s sel l . -. e i - ; w a - ; l i th ice an! r--arei-. i.ain -a ! 1 upon to : j;,.el, a nd it p is-ej ,', iiafe. And lien i x iii.iiie tie- II". 1 f . .lull- :' .. 1 ..i d law of -.it that it w A-trrr s-;f-it -avc t .' IVeeliieii t.,e li.i.t to v -t- '"1 :. v v.-. ! i ... 1, or v. hit.-. r -1 v. 1 1 ! t;i;i .. r I. i It 1....I... . li.i;-ri, ' lilcU.i 1 f the 1 ,.1 i tie Ii - ef .. .: in i I. 1 : 1 - -' . i h v-., Ii let . ;; : ;. -id iie b.i'i! t- :t.. ! t 1 1 - .! 1 to I fi, i.lt t. :-h ., p.,,r ,1 ti:. t '.: I -S i .'le Viil.e-.- 1,1-Hi .i tl...- right i n-uity in represented hy thirty-sweii Sena- ! tors,iuiy seventeen of whom may defeat the will ot the -whole, btato. Is tliere any prm eiplo inure thoroughly settled than that a innhiritv of the lieimlo have a riuht to form nr reiorin their Constitiilioii their fiiml.i- mental law All Cou-titutioiis, it is true, ! are ilesiirned 1 1 prod i t the ris-hts of inniori- ri;.'lits ot pei'sou ami ot property, J Ins is ties; it is the shield w liicli iruards their ! the objeet of all free ( ioveriiiuents. We de lights aeaiut all eiieroaehmeiils ; but those j sire nothing more, ami are euro tho people shields, these guards, must come in ti t tir.-t ' do not. iti-taiiee, from tho Mojontsi. In no other 1 Studious efforts have been made by n por va v i-aii " powe r be derived from the pen- : tion of the puhlia I'ress to l.isrepreseiit our ph" onlv." l'ree-siiil'ia-e has, it i -i ti tie, iews, a nd to sttribute t o us uiotive.s tvliieh !"i.-ed the I'ri-sent Loiiislatiiro.but none but ' vie never entertained. This is a stratairem freeholders yet vote for Senators. This : ii"lit w hieh you are told is au inalienable personal riiiht. and which you are degraded ! by not b-iiii permitted to exercise, is not ' yet obtained ; and we venture to predict you ! , iieer will obtain it by Legislative action. ' i It is deeetitive, and intended to be deeen- ! ' ' . .... 1 I tr.e. .Manv persons wli voieil tor it, avow- : : i"l th. ir il. tei-oiinati.iii to i'ii home and elee- 1 i ti. nicer aL'ainsi it. They voted tor it, to kill I their ow n organic law. i a Coiivoiiiion, and eongratulate.l thetuselves ! We have an abiding confidence in the tint they had killed both. j honesty and iutegrity of the people of North l!ut if you do get it, it will only be after : Carolina. We have st.o 1 up as the advo i four nnr'e years of agitation. And every ! eale- of their riehid. ' heir L'iod alone has 1 other amendment is to be made with the governed us iu oar action.-. We appeal then same iliflicultv. A generation mav pass ! TO THH I'EOl'LK Or TIIK Vi llOhK away, before even our ar.ieiidiueiit may be j STATK K)V .NORTH CAKOI.IN'A, to free ! made to tlie Coii'-titutioii, though demanded ', themselves from the shaekl-s of party; to 1 by two-thirds of the voters of your State, I look at this as a Question which may affect and ot the mot vital nnnortanee to their i i best ir,tere.-ts. Sujpona thi;re are not two-third of ttith uses of the next General Assetnblv in fa- hou vor of free-se.nVage in what situation will j you bo? The whole battle is to be fou-ht j over nuaiii. Vou bejin where von tir-t started. Vou will not be as near tho nt-t-iinnietit of your wishes as you are now. Is tiiis an illustration of that principle contain ed iu the lirs t section of o jr BUI of Iliehts " Tiiat all political power is vested in and derived from the people only ?'' The Leg islature, is only the r aturo ot the people ; i and that mode of aiiienilin the Constitution recognises the rhjht of that creature to deal out lo them such amendments as may suit j their phis-tro. It puts it in tli-j "wer of seventeen eVti::tors. ivpresoiitimi uiio-nttlt oi im , M , Bm I he p ipulati in of ihe State, to he!.' dow n. i undi-r !he iuom f-ritidin- tyranny and SAFETY OF Sill JOHN I- ItANKLIN. si. ui. the other ioiir-lilths, and to taunt them A letter-writer at llmi Kit-s coiitidcs in ! with the iii-ii'.tinLT cry of ' ,','( din j the safely of Sir John Franklin. '1 he f.d i 1 hey ?ay we have the puvvvr to nov oru y-ni; : lowing' i au extract from a letter, dated : v.e will exorcise that power ; and "u have ' March '-'" : "Tin re have been no lo.-s than ; : no means of redress except by rebellion. thirty-seven whalers from tin' Arctic seas. I Every principle of free Government is out- i It may interest you to know that they al- I , r.ip-d ly such a course : every principle i most all believe that Sir John Franklin is I of our nature revolts at it. j safe, and that lie has pot through the ice i i 'llm mode of rvforitiiiis; the Constitution, . barrier into inner waters, when.' he will not! advocate, avoids all these obifc- tijii-. There is ru possibility of n.ixin it up wit.i ti: p-.iiitieal nitri.'Ue.- ot the day 1 '.-iiia'0-:!i'-s have no opji nt unity of' -ei.iiiL' upon .-ouiciOie principle, and ri'litiL' upon it as a ii ..! ' y m'o p .'.Ver. 1 m re is no inij.ro p. r and nu;iatural aitatio'i of the popular mind. 'W hen a Ceinvi i.t.uu is authorized, l y ia'.e. the people are .elisii.e of the ilu- p. .rtat.ee the ta.-k they l.avo to peri-.nn, mid fuilv alive to t!. ie re il ilitv which n -t- upon tin ui. 'J'l v select as, iheir lll ll at.-s, not iiut-liraineu poiiticiaiis, tratiied ill ! saiiic speens ; proving tic cxi-ti nee ot a the p .iliit -d atttio: phere of party corruption: pa-s-ae; for a wuale of the Arctic species, hut men lii-tiii-uish.-d for purity, for vv i-Ioui, . they .-ay, has never beu ,-ccii to the .-..nth !' if integrity, tor pru lotico, for mo.!. -rati u -of Zt desf. of latitude, o tiny cannot h-ivo no ll v.,.i iiave ps. d the a--e when fhev are i doubled either of the Cnpes( if (iuod Ib pi A 1-y sllaKineUs of ambition ; and ; or Cape Horn,) and tno whale i under tne wlei tiii-y ile.-ire to.-, cure f-r their dc-ciid- i iit-cessily of HiahJiL' his pr -cm . hm.vvn by ants a fi-..-o. stal l- and coiisrrvative govern I coining to the surface to blow.' in nt. Th-ir deliberations are conduct. -d I , w:ta eaimuess and ih-nity, i I,-t such a body assemble in X-rth Caro- I liua. and tike int emisideratiou the whole' I '..istitiiti"ii. Lit tioir wisdoi.i ilct-rnoii" v. hethi r any alterations should be made, 1 and if any. what th-y are. Let thc.-e alter ail . lis. ti. en. be suhiniit,-.! to the people, and , ! t th- :u lii-larc. at the .!! t-l-.y. vth-thi r '. y i-.ppr-i . e .jf the r -,'.t of their labor ! tl: ;. pr. i r the old Coii-titut'eiii or the in w. 'i'.ierc need 1 e- no t irii. jil, no ex-it. nu ll'. Kv.rytlii;,. will be e.jni inted villi that' e..';; ,i,. -- and ilitiityhi coiiiing so ituportant a siibj.it. Within twelve months, every :hii!' ia. y be '. ti : aiel if a change is made, the g..v-riitiient Will he Uiovin:.' on hariiio l.l '.-!; in i's i.'.t. sj p. r,. ,,f m ti.. n every -i--v::i.i . r. :i1.;i!ied evi-rv cause e.f eoiu '. :i:.t f I- ti 'i-vay: at. 1 ih a't v. hi: 1. ha- b.-.-n the bane of -N iith ('jr-ililu ci -ipnlin-f ul! !.-r . ': r'- t i o. r l -r eon iiti-.n n-t-ird-i:i-' all h-r inn rovcm.-iit-. E.i-t -r-i and W.-t-i ','e 1 J' .1. II- buried forevi r. 1 c-ur ea-tcrn br..-t!ireii not to sup : -ire to eii'-reiieh upon th-ir ri-ht.. , -t-rn man bailor- such a thoui'ht. ! X t a v.-. il- the e 1-t ' 1. ih - I.. -. le t t: -II. li -t ll Ol: V of " th- IV r been uniust towards the in... L-e p-iint-d out iu : l-.ii .ire i n- f,.'-I :i - !, , , , ., , it v.i. ere nils sn- i;ih-.i l l tl.. , , , . . . . ,. t h. r . ,1 '1 1 11 l.ret hreFi 111 Ih- -fiii-.t ot 1 , ,. , , ... .', ., ' 1 1 v l..:..n.--s and a I- ti 01 witn that, , 1 !,: ii -hou M -llh-l-t (.1 IW el 11 liielli'iers - .. . ' " V'-"' ' "' i 1 - : ot t..- J 1:' n vi !.y . i . i( 1 v TH-r-i-t. in f I. rt r " f i tut dur' ! ' t i'l seek -in ;i't ii.pt !. tli priv e the 'a.-t of any one of j l.er j i-t ri-.'htsT We .-.,!( muly siiu it to j 1 - eejr belief that every cause of complaint ' that either has a-iiin-t t'nr other, can be rt-ily, re a oily removed by a C.ji.vciiti-.n j li. t ail llul !-: will be adiu-te'l fairly i ii. d wi--.ly ; and that we will then ! -rni 1 . tl. -:-, o 1, iiiiil-il in f.- litig, ami in j in: r --t. :.:i I s,.,.,.iii;v that proud j -tuel r 1 I - ;, It !'. I.a.e i- : ;-t o:ir - I ti - , I Iltlti- ,(g, . ! , tor M -- l l hi h " ir : hlir.'ll t.-r of Our people i our i, .i.le- Md Stat.r in he aitioii. il. we shall ; N -.rth 'a r .liiia I h n a of h ,:-i.iti ;ii ui.d.-r our .eeoij:-., h. f . , . . , I llig t lie I, "list .tlltion I, V .1,1, - 1)1 i.r t. Ill c.n i I lie ii. t t erinomi'-al. ' '-.n-iimed by th'- Lc-i -la-1 i' n and li -ii--i..n ot t hl-leln.i-i.t. has c.,.,, tl Mm,. ! i vi,. . of tl,.- ( '..ii- ' m, u : I A ii .tii.-r L gi. li.t.ii'- "iii countiy : tning long, gaunt, muiow, aiel ' .1,. , i ,. ,t .... it, ... r .:: n- wilt. s - it life a kan-'aroo. li.e ............. II ,1 I .l, .- ,- 1:,. " t !! h I ii it.ciiri. I. ony h" na- oi.l a lii.ntiiig niel oil one ol the , t, fi Ate tie r a;,.. .,.!i;m i,t tjiav li.- i.i... o - ! t.-.,.l lie. u), tain I-a I- he nu t a in.iii on foot and . mil C . ,:,,. . . , ii.- A f-'I. 'i th.it tin- ii'-O ", ; -i o.o r. u. lier, ! V ...1 o-i !-, than i , i - '.. . u .; . .. i, pr. po-d i,.i- him- If. 11- ii ! give the -.piare ' " hl- i: i t l.v . . . ,-.:i!i. i :. i-ui,.-i.t, wo i'.i i i, t ty," .'i..-I b-at him. Without -ayiii a w.rd, ! ie ..i-.- th.it. a I ' iii m i.'i-, i i ;. h ., . -, n,; ii ' i: go it and l. I berati-ly lev - ti,. ul. ,, at i, iii. i for, v,-r. . 11-d it at til- .-tiai ge-r. " I'-T ti.ei .- rake, , il:.!- I'll:.",.' tie VI.VV., V.- I.IVC fj. p... l!.,ll t 'h- ,t 1 ' -!. e.lrll tl.- lllllll, lit gf. lit , . '.!, tl i.: 1. -.!-!, it. i t-e. tl-- t, t al um. ," ripli'-l l; , " I , , i . . I I ,. ii.'': I . I -.' -f. i, t , i i,i ;,. , ,. : 1.. .Wore I'll '.i ill a Otl.it if I e V i r li.i ' a i : , ' r ;.. i.t ir f 'oi,-i,t .t, I v ; -1-1 i- ni an u; ie 1 il.ai. I v. a-, I 'I -h -I I.i I- y..- ; b i ..- : ', .. Wi- la .! 1 tie li. .o- 1 - -l ti- arc tie lm -t . :.e I . e s, , i,." . - ti ., , .. i , P.. , . . ;i ii. .-nd .' i nt t., the f i . ... -.pi-it a!t- r In,, i:. j a i; i ,:1 survey . ! bi , "i i . ai. I ,. i. -I i ,i . .. 'i ,.'!. . .....i r. i,il. !. " i ) al. - o t.i ii. 1 1 I I .!; an vi ,r-e : . : - : .1 ' . ' i .1 i.. . i. I I .'. .. I .- , ." ' l lii'l-oi) : ' e - " ..,:.' I i . I I : Hi I I, I r p - j ' ' - ' 1 i i o,, - . " " . ' ,,,,,, , I.:. . - .-. . ' I. .. il, !.,.!. :.l ; l Hj . I. '' '.'-".' ' ; i i . : ' 1 ' ' t , ii t V, ,1 i, ,o t V . , i - -I lo . .i , I, , , i )n. ill c an 1 X J i a ii.. i t'.iii .i. 'A', i, i. .. th:-t i,o- a- (i V" I.ioli, .-! '.ni d rt no ml i r 1 1, at a in i il . Vo- i-h l:" t II.' M! ... I t il, tiil, llio.ll. , ", till l.,lr l.iece al' hill Ii. , 1st IliOl t, 1,1 1 1 VI l ii t HI I ' ll- 1 -. .. i : , . . i . : i 1 d.. not -ndoi ., if ... , - , , . . v .- I e 1 1 v.... 1 . 1 . I - i , I e , .' i -. j. " i i . . i '. i no .'..iii' "i .. i .i ,. . i - ii. i :. i.i - , U . I . i, vc t h ,t A f.,t a . ie-. I- .. ;. tv or t hi i - t , i,.i - a ; . a r j ' -t hi r i ' : . o i. ' -ii iioii..u-- ii.;.'. nl.ui '-.ui a oil.' a ,.t pi' -i r1 ntioii :i,:..iift ne ii s. jtht ,;!, our I I cd, it wi'.l he filled with the wisdom and pnuieuee mm moi.lor.uion it our ciate , and that they uan and will adjust all tho-u) matters about which tho public mind is be ginning to bo agitated, to the ontir-j satis- laelioit ot all parties m the Mate , t-o as to seetne every one iu the eiijovntetit ol all his freijueutly resorted to, to ward off tho toreo of truth. We are charged with having par- ty moveiuent. Tire ch.-u.io is not true. It j is above party. Our object is to keep our Constitution out of the ban. I'll! inlluetiees of j party politic), to elevate it above all other i imestioiis ; and ta.iudiiee action upon it by I .. f .. I W .1 II tne wise men ot inu ia:ii. tie are in.' m Voeates of the riuht of the lK'oolo to form n ii.- tk ljuosltuu nineii n.j u..v to dotide it as becomes Noll'l' VMS a Women iTtkiK.MEN. tliem ami to uotide it ns lieeoines .Miiiui ('Attl)t.IMANS- i ai. in J. " t.im, n. i- . i.imv i i i.. JE.SSK I!. SLOAN, (U.VtN II. W1I.EV n. w. woonnv, n i adams, MAIU'I S IRW IX, K. liAUKINtiKK. V. 11. I.ANK, J. W. SUlTT. J. M. A. IMiAKi:, JOHN s-MINI'iVK, J. Tin i!i:t litili. A.:. i nsTl li. J. A. I.II.I.IM.'I'OV, J AM I S M. l.H ll, A. II. t'AI.HW HI. I,, A. II. M. MII.I.AN, o. i;. l'tiAH!, s. nni Tn itt, .. 1'. HAVIDSDV, it. M'-h A Y. K. M. t A MI'HEl.I., V.W 111 V. Ml. I I! JOAN I! YI.S. J. II 1! Al l.H TON. ANiil S It. klil.f.Y. 7.. !!( M-I. I l SA.MT.. I I. i:lMl.Mi, 11. T. 1 Alt M l.U, T. I-:, t 'Al.liv MX, T. i. V. ALTON. J. M. Iii i. I.E. I KANiTS I.OI'KK, A. M. HS'iT;iJ, RAt.iiiiiii. Jjii. 27. 1 .'t. . be reached until mild sea s.-n arrive-. -, which they say tha present w ill be. A ot the 111 liavo le' departed. X hey say Franklin will Hot suffer for watit ol I'.oel. They give triu-'e ac-counts of tho E-ipii-iiiuux v ibratine; trim the Asiatic to the American continent and b itk ajain, e-.n-iug their boats made of sk'.n aiel w h.iiei.oin', : over the ice, boinchiiig tin ui when they : meet with open water, lln-v allconiiim i thu fact that the whales found iu the lieh- ruin "traits and in Jiaffiti ll.iy are the SiH'TII CABOLINA UAILU A1. Wo copied a paragraph from the Auoi.-ta I Constitutionali-l la-t mek laliiie; tin; i"-. '. ' Ilaiiroa-.l Coinpaiy bad purchased a site f..r , a U-f.ot ju-t outside of the corporate limits of Augusta, wilha view to throuiiisr a bri !.- ; over the rivr for their railroad track. v c ' learn -iuee, that the Ian I opposite on the ; Carolina side has been purchik-.?d by I he ' Col!.;. any, an I that all the neees- hi y a r rani -mews having l- eti nearly all e..ii.i.l: -t. d the work will -v-ry .-!. rtly I" coo-; lueiioeil, and will no doubt he finished in the ; sle.rt. st po-sible tin.-. i f ha it will Beelii that tliis Ion- contested . i in--t i -in is a'.out to r- ive a simple and :i- i to il solution. It is ti"t the on- v. Li. h . we had ib-sired, or w hieh the llaiiroa I Com- ; panv hnv-!: resortjd withoit Iiavii-.' ii - i iiaii-t'-d every ineJUi-. to brin.' the city of' A ii.'ii-t'i t.i a roaotiuhl- e.iniproiuise. We ! ure - ii rv for our in ; t- ov r the I. iv r, but as I'.i'-nr said . f his d-ad I'i.eiiiies, " ihrif li ii. (I t five ll ft." 'll'is. .!'' A PHENOMENON IN II VHilAl'LICS. At tin- i ltv of llul" :i i, on the liiortiiiii i f : , .. - , . ... , . 1:1,1 the -'d lii-l.ilit, about. Id u clock, B bile tin .. . ,.! . ,..1 ;. . .,11;,.., 1I..111, (!... 11 i h !ll-11 H.'e ..ll.i--. ... el.".,.; . ,. , , ,, , ' , -ii,.,.. wall- of the old r.a.'le strt It.tltre, a . ,. , , , ,, 1 . . u;, . portion the back wail crime down, tailing 1 , . .-. i 1 ,,, " nit-, a t.o-.l or stiring at its .a.-e. whereupon ,,- i. ,-.r(i. ,., ,1,,. -I , d t 'tj'JI.III "I iti.l.'-.!fi.iia-' '-."sr .... that r.t ilist.moe of niie IV feet from tile pool, Mr. Ladd, who wan su- peril. t-niiing the removal of tho dirt, was throw n a di.-tari.-a-of Utteen fe t, smJ lodged on a pile of brick-. '1 I.e water cm- d Eagle -tre-t, tor'.wiiiL' down aho.it forty feet of the f-iioc surrouii'iing Mr. Arthurs gar den, and uprooting iu its cour-e -evcral trees and shrubs in the gardi n. b'-.-ides do ing con-id. Table other damage. I 'll Innate ly, th- torn nt was somewhat i.rresteiJ by a lur,. pile of tonois on hagl- ,-tie-et, hut ..r whi-h more serious coii.-cipi-tiee.i won have- eii.-u'-i. Mr. I ..add, tii-.ugh Hot - d injure on .-ideral i v i-rm AN I i.LY OATH. In the casti ru part, of I hivvare county, in .hi- Male, tl. ie rosi'k-i a I. .an n.n .i-l I! , tc.w a j i -lice of the 1,. ace, and a very -oii-iUe tn.o.j but, by eoiiiiii-ii imii-hiI, the ii.' !- !. looking iiidiiidiial in the i.lede (vV w. (. - j I linnn ll rim Din (Kl lift: I vv.,v - QiAHI.OITE: WEDNESDAY, June 33, 1S2. JT WU.I.I.VM TMUMI'SttN Ksq.,' in our a ! irrnt ill K.-MUi!tri iiiilliori.i-d ni nt.tani ailvcrtttic.- me. its ami salscriili. lis, mid I.i yruii t r. ci ipts, .-.' w i-ilii; r ,,,nr :',!, lMiil.,.1,'1 ' !hi:i, niiilairii d to oht.un advci tin-nieiiti. and pro- j ere Mil,. ri,,t,m,. 1 r V. I!. I' lhnrr, is rnr niitlwirm il nci iit to r.-c, in. :i,!v..rti(.. ii,ei.nnd sul si riiti.oi ut his I unices iii ll.uui, .New York and I'lul.id. Iphia. I ron rui:fsni:vr, HfLLARB iiLLMORI-, OF .NKW-YUKlv. FOU VH'K-rUEMnKXT, .' TiTTITTni t p T I ' ', OK XOIITH-TAIii'iMVA. fult lUiVK.HMlll. joii Ki ::5J, OF CAS V K I. I. V I) l! R T Y T 'We re ut i.-ri .cd t rtllinunre THOMAS N. Al.l XA.M't'.l.'. Lsii.. e -i.. e a I '.iiitliilate lol r.-.t. ol Sin rill' ul' Mecklenburg li ell' ll lo the lie , t' Mlllll V . I ;j r We arc liul'niiriiid lo ama.uiie K. t. t'A. 1 V I lSi IN, I'.sii.. an iihU ii. n.l.-iil lti pnl.lic.-.ii c .n. did tc I., r ireser.l M'-ckl. K u rir Him the I'niiin n ut i.t' M.-i'kl .-nlni'it, ill the ll.nnc tri'iiiiini. of j ihc next Lcish.tiire. An Offer-Tin- " North Carolina Whig " will be fur nished t ) subscribers until the result of the August election is known ut Kitty (.'cuts, and until the result of the Presidential elec tion is known for I hie lollar. liy llnj-ji'st Ti e President and Hired. .rs of the Char lotte and Tiiyb.r-ville I'lank Head Company are to meet at Mt. Mourne, on Wednesday the "th of July, to take into consideration btisine.-s of importance relating Iliad. to prnuMdUrl Our friends will renu mber that the pe- 1 rial Tern, -f Mecklenburg Superior Court will be held next week. Judge llattle pre- "l't ' A Wasrr OftVrrd A l'. nt!. -man in this town f.fTvra to bet ail he is vv iiih, th.it he will rereive more votes in the on-eiiiT election for t'.overnor of North eeive.l i : 'he Stat-- before, and that c.pial both the pr. - i.t i i.teliduti s. Lis : aine is K i.nr, lli.m. Correction last ' i k of the itnproVF- In spoking lllelits iu this lb. ads, vve wi Vollllg o-l.tli'II iii'.iit. i, vi - : vicinitv in the way ,t Hail i not aware that a worthy in frf in Sali-bury, Mr. Si- . p.art owner of the contrai? 1 vvitii Mr. Siiiivir, or we should have Julir him the iu-liee to have nii litioiii-d it , Uiihimoie Convention. j ( lur news fr-oii lialtimore is up to Satur d.iv i.i.-ht la-t. The ( '. oivi liti oi bad then , balloted forty-six times with no result, or material change from the fir-t. The vote ) hid ti--t varied a- niiieli a.- live, either way. ! (111 fir-t ballot. Seott rce-i-.ed I '-ii Votes ; j Fillu.ore l and SVeh-t-r now two ah-ad. We give I.e e-editi'.-s of S .tiirday la t inc of the very strong I l il'. -riu I'iillllore is vv the pro iiling a part id' h we are a urcd th- C.-iivi ntioii have adopted H v l. ri M..H v, June l'l, 1 At r k I" . 1 flit I- iiii'.,irliin. i.t. the i, ;iii.) ' s. il til il ll:- I. i.'.t f ',.-, I H l.,t si I .i-ie r. I. 'I I III 1 I I 111 .!. I -."I ,'rit Me I 1.1 1 :::i li. I.: I rift- ul note. no no on (Hi l I pj i 11 jj . . ( 1 -, Noel No H el, .-::;.. . i ll lie'-. i.-i i:i:. 1 1, 00 no 1 17 1 1 1 I-.' - 1(1 I T.' g i ( 'nit. tie. n t -'I' v. t r j '-in N. w M o. . li i ro. 1 I . to tin letii I. let ti.. re tt , little ''lian-rr. 1 The ."..I.Veliti .11 I.e a i lij'.liril' .1 111. til .Muniiay ii.-ri.i.g. j Id i'ii., 'I'!, .t th- m, - i.r Ai I. of Ih- lliir. ' tv-l.r t I -l ; r. -f !h- A' 1 li'i-.mi i. lm tn-it.i-.i.l.'l.w in.lu.ic.J ,r- r-ie..ii iimi "I'lle-e. ii 111 l.v t ... Wliljf ;:ily of the I I, lllil St. I. ,. .1 t'lelic et ill .n mi J I ill Me.-f i in e ill t he iliiii. r. il- -lie! ejte. lilig 'j 'lf ' ie. is WMH ti t ii V -mhr ice, .1 --ii t r .. s t :.i v r- i 'i.e ' 'le (t, V. .11 iii , i h t.i in : ti'i-lli .mil in nl-t il; ... II t a ir Mm t ciifnrei lie I.t, until : llilli- I. Il'i Sucre in e fell U li, 11,1,1 -!r,ile tli- Iiee. . ! tv if tiirth' r I.;. i .litnai I il i nt og.inst the III. i . - if tin hu. i,ii t .1 '.li'' li.irid, ii nil t ii- libii-e l.f t !li If .'-.V . is i. 1 ti,- r.t 'i. r. Ii t ii-ii I r 1 1 1 til.' IT iS. , e i isiiilv. ... t. t- nil tiirie. r ..tit .linn ! nt tn- n.. steal l(.t. uttltil iiw il-iliiii r-ilts t.i ftllf . -I;., II I!. ll. n lt, .....I mil .i,-..,....t. ,, ,.-. nil . tl'.rts I- ri.ii- r no.. -oo 't i.ijtl .ti'iii, wh. ie vr. w ii.Ti--i.ii Ii.,hi v. r li.e nit. n. i.t limy he in ol. ; iiri, ton tei- hi-teni if i -si i.li t.i tl,., I. .; I ivi.l'ii . W 'ng p.ny iimi tin mt.'.Titv t .e I ...." ' coird r.!iin;iliiin Wow i .h to in li.e an ex pi a li at ion ill r ti a f .llilli ll III.-ri 1 1. ill Wlileli lippenre. Ill bi t in Col "i 1 oi- Vii-k's pap'i, in rcl'eii i,cc to Lav id So -in- wire we, I nun Hie source iv, l.ieh it . me. that lli-cmmiiitiofitioii ,r,d I., wa- j, .1. ,,.:... l-r the bcncl.t of f'tji.e'e, th:it we did lei lo-iliovfri tl.e." Itwei.tlo Pr-.-.; or we -boiild iiii.ti iii al tli.-it lime, 'ny once for all that we n ti f j in'-nt s of thai, or ii. mimical!, ,ii, whiili passes itiiiii t i the public. Li i deed we cannot, because our paper in an idene..de..t journal, and open to both bides ii,1,i,H,liScus8ionofannuestbmiofapublie I nature, and if wo adopted tho Hcntimctits of u11 riu'r8 our P"l,t,r' we Would llaC I ourselves in the ridiculous attitude of being , both sides of every question so discussed. I When wesay that our paper is uuiiidopeud cut journal, we do uot mean that it is neu tral iu politics. We expect ever to remain faithful to the great conservative doctriucu j of the Whig party of the Union. Dr. Crane and Phrcuology. It is a part of our duty as journalists to notice tho incomings and outgoings of nota ble visitors ami their various callings when of any interest to the community. Dr. Crane, the celebrated Phrenologist, has his . 1- : -11 . i.t n liud llW peculiarities asm, mm faults, and in this latter particular he is. not in i(1,ular or remarkable. c , A perfect luail Would be peeked at. A horou "111 v uood man would bo vilified by oine few or many iu any town and in any country. With the Doctor's manners we have nothing to do. Nor of these have we heretofore spoken. With the science, of which Dr. Crane is a professor of world wide renown, we are not competent to deal either as an analyst or critic, but our senses tell us in unmistakablo language, that there is truth, and a vast deal of it, in Fhrenology. When a man tells us that of which he was perfectly ignorant, until he feels our head, we must believe he gets his information from the form of our skull or the shape of the organs thereon developed. When a tnan tells us a great deal about ourselves we must believe be knows a great deal about us. All af this Dr. Crane has done to the satisfaction of many and to our entire satis faction. If this is "guess work," then guess ing is reduced to a science aud a certainty, and we nhoubl like to be a proficient iu that line. Alter lecturing to good audieuces, and examining many well-known "subjects" publicly, and after giving many private ex aminations of a most satisfactory- nature, the Doctor has left us, and, speaking for our selves personally, we can cheerfully and coiiseicnciously recommend biiu as a truth ful delineator ot the weaknesses, follies, faults, virtues and temperaments of frail I mortality, whether by " giies work," bum- Imgscry, Fhrenology, or by some other po- tent power of his own. He can tell whether () not chtirttti jirevails in the hearts of hi ,ul.jets," and whether or not one U pcr- , . . . . . , . fectly conscious of the "beam in Ins own ! UM of w- j w wJe ,waU to tLJ faulfJf of I othept. A strange niau personally and pro- fcsidoiially is Ir. Crane, the Fhronologirt To the Rescue. AVe publish on the outside of this ei.k . , , . ii- . i pap-r the Address of the V, est-rn members he will : 11,0 ,a"' igisiaiurts oi .touu -''"", niot I'roviso is tmloundcd ' rx Imnn d In. ! up.. ii the subject of Constitutional Keforiu. j Excellency, with much warmth, lint thi i To this address, we invite th serious atten-1 would not do. "There is nothing' I be , ... , .. ... 'trained in this business bv excitement," ro- i tion and considerate n of all -erseins, tiolU r,. . ...,,. , . . . , , 1 Til died Mr. K. " I know what I am about, and Whigs and Ileinocr.ds, whr are di-posed to tie charge flni k kiUi u. i favor the rights of the peojde in opposition ... . t ;,; ,.t l,,:.l .li.-t.ith.i) .,., partv bumbuggcry. As the question ''as 1 rt- j i i t now been fully brc ".ght before the people by the epposiug candidates for Governor, v,j will be called upon in August next to ... i ii . i . , . . .).,, ... iis.-ert, nt the ballot box. yce.r right as a , , , i , , free and independent people, or like slaves, -iirreiider them into the hands of deiii.l- pogues and ofTiee king politicians in order l .s. eure a t.mporarv political triumph. , , . , lint remember, that you wul now surrender a piineiple, and fasten upon yourselves and vour j.o-teriiy, a pieeed. nt, by which you '. ;n i i i .. . r. . . j. , I or until a political triumph is si 'ureil ; Lot ..... . . for all time to come. Lememl.cr 'oo, that " power is always stealing from the many to the few," and that if you give up your rights now, you will be harras-ed for the next twenty years, with propositions of the satiie character, iu order to keep up party excitement, lor no other purpose umler heaven tlian to gull and deceive the jieople, mid shut out the light of truth from before their eyes. Our candidate, Mr. Kerr, we understand, does Hot assume thu responsi bility of telling the people that they are oppressed and aggrieved by the burdens of nn unjust Constitution; but simply (ell" tin ui that if they desire amendments to their Constitution to do the work themselves, by electing their own delegates to their own Convention; where, unawed by party influence, and unbiased by political dema gogues, they may meet and do the will of their coli-titil.Tits. Mr. Kerr tells the peo ple, atid proves to tinui, that a Convention is not, only the mo-l. republican mode of amending the Coii-titution, hut that it is the h ast expensive, and most expedition.. Now, the process to prove that fiovernor P.eid's 1'ree-SutTrage hobby, is nothing more nor b-ss than an unmitigated humbug, is very simple. Every free man of the age (, t uiiil vone years, who has nam inihlie . . . , i i -. . r '. '"' '' inhribitnnt of any one ! county in the State f.,r twelve months im- j i- . i i .i i f i . j nieiliiitoly preceding the day of election, shall be entitled to vote for member of the .. . . .... 1 House ol I omiiieifis in tl. county in vim h ,, ., . . i. ,. ,. he n -lu-s. It M proposed bv ir. Ilcld a i i j i i i i . , i . . i . . ... I "" ': - iv mis i-iaiiuaru, ine ii.iiy, io reiiiice io mis nanuaru, tlie ' pialilieati.ms of all voters fr members of be Sonrit... Suppo-e this r,ud be done, . ..... ' what will Ihe people gam by it ? Evcrv j '"" I""" ' above rpialifieations is iiln.nily ri'pri.'M'liteu III the JiCgislature of tin; .-tine, nun tlie clevi-lilli lection ot t ie 'oii-titution. declare " That all hills shall . li- . he reau three tunes in eaeli house before: . , they slia.l piii-a mtu laws, and bo mgued ly J I j the Bpcaker of both houses. Iherefore, .nobillhich can affect tho r.ghU uf ay das of the citisou of .North C in nl,y manner can possibly become a lttw witl'outt,"'ir ri,roljttt-ou through the ianc- Hon and by the direct co-operation of their representatives in the llous M toiuuiotis. Then all that is to he gained by the pas nage of tho Free-Suffrage . Dill is this, that a certain class, who have heretofore paid nothing but a poll tax, and whose rights in tho Legislature have bceu amply, fully and thoroughly protected, will then he entitled to vote for members of the Senate, by which their rights will not bo a jot or tittle letter secured. It is true, also, that the rights of property owners will not be at all affected by tho passage ol said inn, ticcausc tne rule works both ways, and auy attempt iu the Legislature to create A monopoly in their behalf, or t injure the rights uf the poor, would be defeated in tho House of Com moiis. Now the question is, is this more abstraction, resulting in no practical advan tage to the people, worth tho trouble and expense of six years political agitation and voting! We nay clearly not, and we call upon the people to come to tha reseuo, and take their Constitution out of the bands of political demagogues and, restore it to its native elemont, -when thy en keep vigYI upon it, and nurse it to suit themselves. Farmers' Journal. This is tho title of a monthly periodical published at Bath, X. C. Iw pages are de voted exclusively to the fanning tiitci-.ti of our country, and it fill vacuum iu th? practical literature of North Carolina which lias been a great disideratuiu for a I u, ; time. Its price is $'! in advance. Will n i our farmers every wher lend a helping hand to this praise-worthy undertaking. (ioV. KKII) AND TIIK WH.MDT riioVISi. The miserable quibbling to which Gov Kfcin retorts to ward off lh just indignation which should attach to the vote be gave, whilst a member of Congress in IM7, f-.r the Oregon liill with the principle of the Wiluiot Proviso incorporated in it, is admit ted, on all hands, to Lave been most tri umpbaiitly exposed by Mr. Kr.KIl in the di cuseion on Friday last. Mr. Kf.llK charged, that whil-l a meiuh. r of the House of Keprestritative, Gov. Ill to rotei r the ujttiattton of the Hiv Proviso lo (lie 'irrritory ul Oregon, and this vote was given after the Missouri Com promise line had becu rejected, and aft. r an amendment (offered by lr. Kurt, . f South Carolina,) which Would have save I the honor of tli I South, had been v.t I down. This was the charge preferred by Mr. Kerr, and he adduced the proof to sus tain it. And bow, pray, did (!or. It. meet it, siel what excuse did he give for this vote it. jurions to the South ! He doubtless and felt the eff-ct of the charg" on the minds of th'w pre-. i t ' nJ r,,r ". e 'rar'. 'Xl'll'Itod s- ti, I little inclination to plav tho llH gni- . ' - - i , mrmier ot lh Hon uf llrjtirsrHtntitrrs ' for tie (ii'i'irn'ion of tte It imut Vrnri-n , ' ... 7. , i " object to, ejaculated hill Lxei-I- . 1(,nf Vi Ult JoU fru p,.rBj.t in it j ,y tlmi namr ! It was not known by that j name, and if you will only call it Vo-' tn inhibit sluvrry or tht Ortlinan'f if .... ' ,. ,. , , I i'i, I am content. Mr. K. replied tint ., u hftri (,'b()!rll!1,.1. j jn which he preferred bis tliargi s, dietafd I to him. The " ( Irdinanee of '7 " inhibited J ,K,!f ,,,e V'rrit"r-' l? ? I''' ,'1 frf' 1 hu " ilinot Proviso ' inhibilud slavery in !u, ,rri,ril t,..,il.h a T,.U.Ttrd . ,n,t ()r(.gon Pill, for which yr,u voted, inhibit. 1 ' Slavery in tho territory of Orcgou. lie Iirineii.lc was the aanm. The only diff. r- ' ' :.. .1. i:. -1 .i... . :. .. . e. .-11. t' n .IS 111 LIltT H 1 1 1 ' ill B I li .11 .11 111.' I.illl' .I.'.' 1 . , .' , , . -' inn. n iii u 1 1 llul t . i oiioosc o ioi,i i. the Wilmost Proviso, becau-n the Pci p'n' uii'l-r-tand it by that name." Ihc more his Excellency endeavored t extricate him-elf, we understand, the dm p- r be was involved, lie was indeed like mw struggling in a morass, every effort he iiirol' to save himself sinking deeor and deop-r uiiUer the lilowi ot Ins adversary. It is only necessary to recur to the record for a refutation of the reaon given by (' Keid in excuse for bis rote on the Orrg-n P.iU. in 17H7, Congrcsn pawed an Ordiiii for the government of the territory Nnftti west ,.f the Ohio. In that Ordinance the follow ing clause : "Tli.re -iliiill Ik- ni ilhrr al-orr aor ini.'"is t-rr . rvilmle, m tin. a nl li iriU.fr, ulli' i"'" limit iu tli- piiiu-litii.-iit of rrini.-B, wli. re-t tit the party nlnill liavi- Inrn dill.' rrmvii t. H." This clause. Word for word a ill tli' Oregon Pill for which iov. 1!. voted. Now, what was the Wilm.it Proviso? h . the discussion of the Oregon Pill, for wle 1. i.ov. It. voted, r. Hurt, of . C, gave I.. following brief history of it : lliirnig Ihc l int Sh union of ( '.Hurrem., .l:-f iri, full. in w .i mmle III llov II 11 Iii furiilsli t:.' ;,i-riiinent ol Ihi' I', S. Willi th.- iiifqii ..(' I-" rhi.liiifr a Ir.'nlr 'if cnef' tv ilh Me'tcti, In f ratio 11 -.rKI-4-iTiTI v k VI iIiimiI . niiriii J'rSKsll V4NIA B'.l. I HIH ri.l'T ASH Ull V H ll T life IVilU'l1 ' or nir. ih hi.vasc k hi. I i r..s oucni'' i IH THOf HI. .(IT Kr. A.iil'IIIMl rKim thu t.'.K? is Mi j 'J').,,, int,-r.li. t " i.,trr..l.ieed hr Wilui-t was iu these words: 1 "Imiviiun. rlmi a an raiirraa and fuml""" I lal ciiciiilK.ii in tin ..iiiimliiiii nf any t-rn. . ,--, . M,.,.llbic , i,.,ICD b- . , -T,MIM i. '' tuc l any treaty winch may lap netu.t- . 1st men Hi siniiia innn i,a isvui.i j BV, r,.K , , rvyH rT ,,,.,.. , """" . ' tt..i rmntf, :trjiw tm r iiiii. iia-r ir mii.t ciiwictrii." , On the l'.'th .laniinry, 1-17, the lri-'i' it ti r . l : ii' n . i i .....n- j Si 1 1 or wlneb (iov. K. voted was underc-u . . . . . . ... Mileriition in the lloiim) of Hciiresoiitalivo siilertuion III tlie lloiimiot ItiTires with the "interdiil" of Slavery in it. ' , ? 'I'"' day, (secCoti. I i lobe, page M-'- Stctftiell Aduina ii.lr.iiliu .-il l ie f,, ovllll. '...I . f it.lv,ni T( nt,i,.g i.t r- hit i.m In "o 1,1 '' "I'"" cnristrin-d ua an istrsH'oi ivrrariraK with Tiir. raonsiusa ia armiT VI, . i i.. . .i ,. i.r,l,vr. '"tf im il ii i ,i tnlu.K to nil t. rritory win' '" Ii.-r.allcr lie arqum il l.y tilt t lilt. .1 M jtcs.'' ,, .... , . . i !. Mr. I hurmauhaid, " ho th ui-lil the h i of ih,. ,1wu4m,.bt 0-,t 0f e.r.,.ri tm,mi ''

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