tiLi.MAd':aJW!JUiiJWWii''i''' , norfcct latirfactiw in LU aWlity tt . iceewifuily tho platform of ttio (,0ft-. fliil'U liOilHHUiUU nun. hd ftie jfd that w bve ehwiijiloa ho worthy onlw! """" " nprejudiocil mtt'M lio donstitutiouiil, U would be inioiii. ton" Uwiii niplitusu, nt wLli.il His Es colleney looked palo. 1 am tsorry thus I eanuot extend my ob- onfld'" i ,0,m nrT lla Proven to I ervut,u,w to gT yk ''y notes in full. l'rC ...y.,.. .inn aim liooi'd liiui nil It IS BuiRciullt t fl V tllllt Wfl WcTfi Willi ..ill ft ' ' - - - : 1 . ? . da? last, that H'm lliglit Honoralilu jduused' with our wan, and while I wih "hi INicy P'1 ei, ho n'ore tlie ueco8!' emiuont Ability utcritrt, m , u than tho verioHt Fruithmiiii in po- beifpoitk for him a rij-lit round ninjority Uuils in" Ti i ,tcnce MM a gloriou dny THE CONVENTION QUESTION. . Tho AYlii-i dt'Hire that when Rincndniprits are to ho miido to the Constitution they should be. inado by a Contention, by the 1riiilrt lieonu.se it is tli' cheapest, best and mo t republican fiiutliod ; und beeauKC it .will prevent a constant warfare upon the ('oiiHtiliition. "Why? Tlie fi)!loinf'c:tru t irom tno inaugural iiuures.H .shows, tue tau.se u i isof Comity. It WW a. triumph i ,.f which will long be rememoei-ed , teu iu tho election, and live like ''i.e.. nlner in the tosoin of the mck hum" ....,. ,....,, .,., rap ' rWtHK S.O lire ! IO SIHI- niornHj' .. ...... r lioforo Mio vm,Huiieu uig buwuvi oi .on? wis present as would otherwise) have ? Imt the strong men of both parties . hord tt"l the. Court House was filled, lie discussion wan opened by Mr. Kerr very fid'u itus Kiauntnr. : lie said that '-arty l""1 u0m charge! with au aban itat of their principle 1 they had uc r .banJoned them they bad been churg iih aliaudonintMit of them with regard , Ktataa liuuk ! their oniiiion.s ;t. LUW" 7 ut 1 lun diminutive Kxcelk-iicy, iu tlif iuefiuality ., ,, , . . T , . T . I .. . ... . r. . 1 . y t I hi r.l.if.l I. iti it .1 ii tl .ru "iriil .1 n..twir ot the content ; anit as a tnend, I would ad- . , . , r- ' vino him by all meanH, to make bin pero-ni-! " u vr,,,-c"; l,H; reu!"1 'm ,UU i ,i;,.,i ,.....:. i;....'. m. I than for hie, are queHionn of tons Kerr's. Very truly yours, ANTIHIOI'OS. Examination. TIIK F.ieo!lv il' laidin Colloge have ippnint. eel the fill) ami 1 li i.l July lor ilia Hun I Examine liun ol' I lie Sun iur ( Ikfi. M. I). JlHJNVfOiV, t;icrU. June 30, 1 h.'.ii. a A CARD. Notice. !: INr tlx A.NCi: Tlieie will be an applirn. linn 10 ilie HfXi Lfstio'al ure uf North I arnli. I 11:1, !o titcririmffiio a !l 1Hu.1t Tire liiaurunun C-iiMi.a. hy, in ilic'j'iun t4 ('harloUi'. AL? Tin re will hn an niil alion lo cnlaipc the prr. ' ml cnriurulo liniila ol ( hur lullr, and oiherwrau a. MTiid ibp innni Act of Incorporation. I June :m. IH.W. 23 f F.SSRS G F K KNNEDY, r Clirnter, and ifB.UVIIS M. MlJli.sr. fonuerly one ol t!ii) jrrnl.riiMora of lli Flanler'a Hotfl. ('buries. on, tiuvi' ii'fiH'ti li e An erie-.ni tlot.Ii King Street, t.id would ri'nn B'llully a.ilu it fnnn tlmir Oreadi nd tlielmv ntlitig )iubln:, a liortiun oT thoir inironnu. We pieilue ottraelvpR timt IliB g.ii'Bta of the ll&tct will rpci-ivu tic .onunodutiur.s tinsiirpuftted liy any in tlkp cily. KKNNKIjY . HURST. COL. JSKXTON AT HOMK. Col. lii'iitJin has got bii blood up, and is, to use one of his own figure.", making au I anvil of one wing of lii.f party, mil using the I tdedgo biimnier in behalf of tins other. The Colonel eparea iiobody, ;.nil if he goes on an he hftH iNilnliiniipnri lit innxr. uutift.. tlii non. thoir opinions in ti.t ,,lr :... i; ;,;,.;.. .1:.. ...i.iinn wurft the auiiiri: that al- i i i ? 1 .1 ... 1 u ia h" ; , 1 . luuuui uiiyniieru uu hhiiiu. man now nave C3 or lei titu- tioual reform, vliirh J titomiiicwI to tltc favoraliln vmtsiilcrulioH of the Gcierul AasfiiiJi. There are other ninendineiititi to the Coii.-titution that have attracted pub-1 fiQjQ SULPHUR ik CALYBSATE no aiieniiou, 10 vi men, 1 uouru nm, you win j.riva that degree of consideration which their importance deniaiHM. That explain the whole mutter. 'J he Governor is afraid to trust the neoi 1S1;. Hi NEW GHOCEUY I. S 1 a. j.b the C. S. Hank had attained its cx- me under iwmouratio auiiunwtranoiw, Whip party had heretofore held tho idieny of iwch an Institution, but, gee tkat the People had given an expression piuio gailit it, and " feeling confident ; 1 tlie time would arrive when it.1 expedi v would again be proven," tha party to "oh he belouged bad not pressed it upon (H)uutry, but wore illing that it tthaum ,Je it time." So far, indeed, from an lBiluBlueiit of their prineiplea the Vj'hii; ir had rrrr been cow-intent, and from jav, ef Mr JeflVrwo down to tho pre I tima, thero had not been a ainglo de ratio adiniiii-tration but had bated iudf n some fuiidanieiilal principle of the , psrty. The llomcntoad Uill and the Public Lands, on ttiM point Mr. Kerr wan explicit. He ," directly opposed to thia giving away of public land I he put himself upon the ltf..riB erected by the Plate Convention n' he took his stand. Ho was for a di uti m ef the public lauds and an equal ,rc for North Carolina. Gov. Keid was .1 ....lid f 1 in. mil' in 1 l'uhht Treanury to defray epii-s, 1 . kt., yrt upon being questioned by Mr. rr. he dniitu-d that the expenses bad es- j L il the profit. I Loud laughter by Mr. j rr frieiidu j I on th Homestead Hill above alluded Mr. Kerr fame out fully, and ea'led up l.ir. Iteid for his viewu. The Governor i ti 4 know which side to take. He tried Jr p the qmntion. H "did not cmisid ijitiielf called on to give hi views upon t iueure that was not fully before the i and he did not are the neeewity of j l-iij to fiat--Uio Kill had not yet become j 1 Mr. Krrr was for " cninin; to tho point." j f f (jovvrnor uoIged and talked a hile to I iiunr'iBilir." but 'tu nn use he kin knows that, once put beiure the jho,i Coii'titittion will be talien out of the li of deiiiairouei) andsi'ttli d at once. Hut if this Drtiiwfiitic Governor riiil k nrnvi.iif tlif. Tuirilil ''V J " I 1 their will, what will bo , tin: lilds can o lrom ixnri'npinx the result T Wie the management of tho Loco l'oeo party in iliHsouri Here is an extract : j Free S ultra ye "And who were thev that dominated at . throuuh JelTiTnon Citv. and proscribed the ancient through yet. The amendment as to Judges Democracy ! who were they? They were I would require tlm same time: that as to tho old riullifiers of I KM, if It and 1 i!. I Justices the same ; and how lung the " otlt Thev were the Whi-' nlliea in all the elee- er " ameiidmentu advocated by tlie (lover- SHI HI VOVXtYtX. C. IT! LI AND provision" stoiu: J. F. Gilmor, Ilruggist anil gj:otht cars, iinw rtutiviriir uiiJ oi cnii.i: a Irtsh and luiije aupjily oi' Drugs, Hedicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Putty, Thompsonian Medicines, Patent Medicines, Pcvfnraery, Ex tracts and Cciognes, Ingoiiicr with a iarje supfily ol I'aiiil H u.'lm, Tuntli li uslici, iiU'ia tiryi.' asijrtiiir.nt i.C Ab iueiiuul Sup. nnrti'M bw Trus-U!'. Surgical InKlrun.rnif , A . 1: , ! und m large variety ul oiln r urliulin u.su.iily ki pi in ! mii-Ii illMIHS. k 111! K (11 9 lis- arnll F. .ul...-,iber r. -peet ullv ialorma l.i. ffi.ndi. ! . r " I , ... ' .... ',.,, Utrii at ine ffjiii': old ianu, !l v.i.it a in ut, UIIU Hie JlU-iHC JiJl!t5 U 1 1 Y, IIK1V hub o";m.'i u r EiMtKi lh IXTKKN null's North of M 01 pa nfoii, ere now Iit oprriiii) ::i.d rcidi' li.f (hi: recfiilion iif ennpnni'. 'I'hiH Hi-li"li'liil Siiiiiiiht fltrrat caonot !ii anrpii-M.fi hy any ol tho liahlonnlile W A T!;(. i I'LX' KS v. 11 hin the S'a'e of Nwlli 'rolin. More I.NVAI.IIH, an well a those ir.KKiao r. r.A. hckr, may find a Summer litwidance caliulaltd lo has been four years progrea- ,j .,.,. ,,. ...... f....j,. ,-. ...,.!,, i... the Le;:i-lature, and is not i suio. The rinprictor Ima enlarged ln ppacmus neeom. ino'li-tii nn hy rfm'.ii'i'i'tthle ad.litinnti. at.d is prcpar. til In ieffir a t.AKGK COMPANY. Hi; unl tqiarii no pai; l'i tonlrihiilo to tho bene iV and prut location ol' thtae lio fjvor hiin with tions iu the General Assembly in the last : "or will take to get through, and what they . im-ir company .... . .J . . .1 mi 1 1 .t .1 . .1 ... t .i f ; lt eul .. sesHion. 1 hey were men who Imld the rtfjlit j of a ltate to secede w hen it thinks proper, i They were men who deny tho right of Con- j gress to IcginlaUJ upon slavery in the Terri- j torirs, and assert the riht of the IS t a tea to resist the acts of Congress w hen they please. ', They were soft money men, always lor banks ! and shiiipla.stcrs, and ready to go fr them j again. 1 ney were oiu nis turned young Democrats, but nobody known when or how, and cannot yet repeat the Democratic creed. They were neophytf-s in the Democratic garden exotic plants, without roots or branch. They wen: hedging from the Whig nest, pinfeathers of Whiirjiery still sticking out of their backs, and iu.-t big j caough to run after a worm. And some j still younger little chicks jti-t out of the lllg egsf. With pieces of shell sticking to their behind. 'I hoe were the chaps who assumed jtirisdictbin over Denton and his friends, and proi-ribed the am ietit Di iiiue racy of Missouri who thoU'.'lit themselves the .Slate, and acted as. such at Jcfleron City. will be when they do get through the Leois- i"C " Rr. Haepoldt, proprkt- r of foe , .,t,.i.. . . V. 11 'I'll 1. ,,, i M Moor.lain tloiel," in Mfiigaolon, wory neeeaiiary ,.tu,e, ., j ti, I'iif i "l,c inlot mation, portainiog to the M bihcinai. QualitiR9 oeiHT wr juiuiicrauy, or mey exieeii vi . tlmne waiera, can b obtained, ride these holilo'ea fur yours to conic, tinlcsH 1 JAMKS K. KSTES. PtoptHor. the people take the "ni itter out of their j -im' 30, 1652. iJ-j n hands. I'm. Ohx. I '"" ' ! Iloi ho Top Sale. P uli sale a hue cliy batik, 5 Jd. ycura old. ol BX'-f-'ilenl ArriViil ;ml Iep;ii I lire oil In- i U. ' JrJ""" N or Tina n Tri wi'i'kly mini arrivs al Ci.ar lotie. vA $ f"!1" on Moiiiliyii, Wediiefdrtya and J-riday-s al 7: i. L -nS r.t - in the houaii lately ofcopii.-d by A. trsliuiii. Pi III i8tlifti':e, nfiiriy oi)io-ite lo A. lietl.une, wlsi'n: In) inti'iidH 10 keep evry tlnti III tin) line. I J u h-ia now on hand lfai!.ilia, Prunes. Cheosi:, W. 1 . 1 r:: a.:rvi'a oi v.ir.ous kmiok, .t.icki rel, I. ice, Sug:ir, t ot- li-'e. Tea, Who a and ispinlaot the best kind, i-oiia blc for medical purposes. II iy W ainr, ( raekers, fV.i; , i'., Inch he inlenda to tell low tor cua'i, and cuah only. He will make tneh additiona to his 6tm k 8f will enable hi n to keep every article that a family may need. Give me a call. K. FI.MS. Charlolte, June 9, Icjl, UU-tf. clock ''. M : dciiafia next d iy at ti A. M. Soi'tiicks dany mail leavea I :harlutti. every day al i I at M A. l ; ; nd atrivea al i 1 ; ,nir and working qualities. LSIt;U. VVarranled sound pure at Ann e' a Hut' f. ( harlo'lc, June, loii. 22 f dny. Price I do not dilate upon the enormity of this conduct. A bare statcim-nt announces its own enormity. A conspiracy to attack a public mau for disobeying resolutions before they were pa.-ed, or cveii uttered, shows that the plotters knew the character of their own work, and that it was criminal and ought to be opposed. A con.-piraey against au individual, to injure bitn in any way is a crime at common law, fur w hteU tue par- : I iged to " come to the point," and he took i lic "tight be indicted and punished. 1 li.. 1 Bittinl fiually trt lJ Juror.' 'l doubt Ills ' "g1" umiei mem, uui uie juuges were aelkney aimed to take the ioxt popular j the criminals ; and to indict them, in their mad; but, no far I can leara, his views ! own court, wouni uo like Slicing the uevii m tn? Iloinestead Jhll do ikh tneot with i uu lr)1"g ' ' neii. i.ut there was to me th" areo- . r.'' t'a- . ' .1 - .. ,j county, arms were brought to ki'l me if a 1- York., fnf , Mr. ;kori;i- cat from lXi up to the nomination of ' J' .. ... , . ., , , ' , 1 1. i m m,.. m n V nw hia. '- K.iA . .11 ,U. ........ " '"J""'""-' 101,1,1 he orgaiu-eil t " IT ' " u'""-'- .., ,,.1,, l... , ,1 , 1 .. ,. . .. , : Tin bee o'er many a varilrti roves. at; but the l.ovcrnor distarbed it, and i 1 ... , ' '1 ! a rid bum, the hy .Tf cour,h,por ' mif stmn mut h rffn otl ll (Mr K 1 r - - - - "'" " "' - - - - ' v :.. 1 1 .i . .1 people and to scorn, and the people were with me many Whigs. But, was the like ever seen iu a civilined communit y ? A ...li- f.i-. purine mail 01 iinrty voars Ftamling one 7. A, W , arrives al KImoh zr dei; loaves Ki?en zer depot at 1 P. M. t lmil'itlB al 1 P. ,M, Camokn trt werkly mail arrives al ChartoMn on 'rmi.days. TbntKiluyi., and Saturdays at G P. M.; l,e.iVf on Munilrtys, ednesd-ivs ui.i! t'!.iys at HAM. Y oh kvi i.i.k luoii wef kiy mul arrive" t t bariolie 00 every 'I uei.il y and piiday. ct 7 P haves Wedrii'Mhiys iii.d ...luo! iy st 7 A. M. I lii'itl.NTiis t"oi we. kiy Mail arrives at f barlotte 00 'I ui sdays 31 d t rnJavs.al 4 P. .M . ; dt parts on Wednesday- anft Safirifays at 5 A. M. IliUTTiia r'ot D semi weekly mail arrives al Char, lore on TuemJuys and Kr.days ut 4 P. M.; de parts on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8 A. M. STAT1SV11.1.K aerin.wei'kly to. ul arrive, al Charlotte oo 1 oetutaya and Kridays at 7 P. M. ; depms on VVedio-ad-i i a ami Saturdays al 5 A. M. I1ai.i.s weekly nnil leaves Charlotte every Toes d.iy at OA. M. and arr.vta al I hirloUe every 'I hursday at (i A. M. HtiWAND'S TONIC MlXTl'IIK, ;. The I'ulili-her of this paper has been ap pointed Agent fur Dr. liuwand'a valuable Medicines, lie has now on hand his Tonic Mixture, a valuable remedy fur fever and Ai'if, !:i" compound Syrup of Jilaekberry Ko.it, fur Cramp, Colic, t'holera Morbus, Diarrhiia and Dy -outcry, and his Purgative Telegraph Pills, which he now offers to the public fur sale. OKX. &6ll or 1 000 ImslieisorCORXand Ford. J me 33, If .72. (0 liacou llama, fur tjalu at Bea- AI.FRF.D M. . Bl'OTOX 125 fior.TAi isoti:i,. YOIilvVILLK, S. C. FfiXIIK und, rU'!if-d haing pur Jo. (hai-td liit Hnttl e.iUMi.-liutci t so lontf and lavoratdy known as " (oiobe's." has made aurh arrange. wilt .nahle hnn to at commodate Travel the beet .tvle the market .f. approval of a majority of his party in j om comi tn.il was oj.,11 .1 t ..... ft I .1 .. .1.. ... r. Hit.rtly ..f toil. lii- Of.!ni..n 1 idea. I have heard them denounce it. th before be came among them and since went away, and how they will act now be consistent, I leave to His I!ight Hon ibl Kxcellcncy to suggest. (His Kxcel "y hid better consult the Sibylline books: T are to b fonudl in Washington.) Mr Kerr paid a srb Tthoe lo Mr. Fni n Hi opu.i.in on this question is o ,1 lition as to render it unm eensary for 1 1 tnUrge. 'tt Sujritpr. I'pon this question Mr. rr put luimu lf upon tlie platform of the atetitioa. He .aid that he was nat.iehed tfc th ConrtitutioB as li, is, and so had ra the pemdo of N'ortb Carolina tip to t. ahen His Ex .lb ney, actuated no hy the politieej tring-pullcrs at ibinittoB, (th great eeutral powers of ' , . It T 1 I 1 ... ....f ' partis oi pui. lie opinion : ami to that I de i termiiied to rcort. There was another ! opened to me by the fully of Pirch, and ; there I will have them arraigned, j I come now to tho execution of the con- spiraey, and the means adopted to carry it ' into effect. These were jniue of the means: j tint Plate wM laid off into di-iriets, and a' confederate appointed to dog me through each, and to attack me. To lhos' 1 paid j no atleliti'ili. Men, why would act as dogs, i Ware, treated as ueh. Men Were appoinu d ; j to interrupt me, and in.-ult me with ques- j tions when I was speaking; to all such I , i gave tho hot viid of the f.fiker to hold. ! i " Ahfiiutitit, Jrrrvrihr, provhttist," were ! j the universal lies which all were to repeat; j and all this plan an carried out, and more. At two pUees at least, at rayette in How- 1 ... i . , in ., . ,, f If l, .,t t. ...... u,,f 1 couiiij, ami t j laiw i ity m Clatte ANH'I'll F.ft SIIFNTIHC Wo.MiF.K! IM PtiK TAM TO lVl't.l I It . li'. J.S. Ilont'b. ; ton's l'1-.PSLN. Tlie Hue i,fetive Flunt. or tias i iro Juice, prepared 'fun U I.N . t'lr the M)UK I'll j SToMAi II HF TIIK tlX. .'lei oireciions of ti- roll l.lr.BUs, the preat Pli vaiolng teal i-ltetnict, hy ! i. H. Hut t.H'ION, M. !..' PhilaSrlpbia. 'Phis ,s I truly woncierliil rtmeoy lor I N liIi.FSTli IN, i i)VPi'-l .Mi iih i.:.l.ivi.kioMfi,iT CO.NallPAi Kl and l't.lil 111' Y , curing alter Niiiiig'i uas M-tliod, by Nature's own A;rei t. the U AST It H ' JIM C. Pa ni pi i lei i ouiatiui'i, S ooi. : tiH: Lfidfitce ol il va,ue, luriuio-u ny itie Ai'ois Ifr.ti.. fciee sou. e u .ioi g Itie u.LCuai advtiiie.e inents. incuts a. era and boarders in (mill. Aa !he tslabli-hmint is ci n'rally rilualed, ai d ronvenient to all b,.iines, stranera w.li find it to iln ir advafitai;e lo slop here. II I s S C. Mil. I .S wi:l alwavs be kept iuppli(d with eood loam and nr-'vef. i'er. m oli careful and att.n'ivo ll ilir. and DitWV VtlS can be ac - ' luii!.' tiaH d w ith ciievciiif-iii iois, and every thing h arv. .n reasonable tortus. 3J lie will tketi harye of the Horses of pcrcor.s u ho rriay lake the Pat! Koad at this point, and have thi'in aittiidid lo with care. oil vcyn I1C' can always be had lo any point, by Travi era stop ping al this house, as SAhLKK SANDIFEK'S (lifiiiibnsae. run lo and Iroin it, and Ihcir livery Siahle is ai'jftcen', well supphtd with Carriages, lU.pgn-f and Saddle II irscs M TTOH A. CAIVS sPKlliGS j and five miles d'nUnl from town, are paining a hi:'h character for their Mineral and .Meci 'trial Cotton Gins. f HFIE itiliscnbur lakes thin method ol' ii.rurmi g JL the cotton planterfl of N. U , that lie can furn ish them wilh Girts of Superior Construction and Workmanship, (in warrant thorn to run tight, yin fnst and make good cotton. Price of gum, (no dot Ura per Baw , Persons want ng gins, will p!enc call and exnn.iiu fur t!,oiii!"h,fi: Ali orders Itinnk. fuliy received a in! prn.nptlv aiicnded to. Tho mjIj ncrii-er n-luis to Vk follow iiijj ulicn.tn w!io liave tried hi tins .Mi'SHrii Mos, i.ai'd .Al'-xaniir fid Mugfts f H t , near t'oiuord. Kuiiis lii"d, Mutini Muuriie, and W, N. Iliown, of Verkh nhiir. K.J McCKKiDT, Cotton Gin Mukrr. Cmdr n, C, June 4, 185 J. 2U-0 n Malr tifWorlli aroKii&a. MKCKI.fcNBt'm; COL'STV. Cuuit of I'iuHS und QuintT Sessions, J jl v Term, 1 ;o2 John M. Fonf -t i Vvm t y Attach nerit. Kdiiuind Wildes J fr.VIKD on the in ft? rest of tlie 'dcfend-ints in J'.ho tract oi land known us tlie l ( at Uuf nif; M til tract, on their intt reat in the mills and aitpMr. tennnct-B thervuiilo blofij;ii)g on thfir mltm-sl in the Stiam Kngine on thj ("upps II II, and also on i he i ni crest of Charles W tikes in two French ISurr runners. Jt opposring to the Fat sfactit n of the court that the defcndents arc not rs:dfcnlf! of this St at p. ( r dered.lhercfort', tha- pu t.hr-ut ion he maiit) six wei ks in tlie North Ctirtdiiia Wlitjj, iliat un'eps raid !e fendenls appear at the n xt Court of and fj"'' ter fcssion. to hn held fur t;nd enmity f Meek lenhurgat th C iirt House in Charlotte, on V-.p -I'.li Monday m J ily tH it, and then a n ri there p!c;:d or r, plevy, or Judgment hy d:f;in I will he rendtrrd i gainst ihrm. ViIiibr. lirawly O.itcs, Clrk of our pid Court ut Cfliue, the 4tli Monday in April A, 0, b. oatks. r r r. Price adv. $.") Utiv-. and uniiercaiirv to uive p ihliei'v l 'lit: I n't that I ant Mi. I ' Ai- kitig ulu'iZ nnd hh-i'-c'' w th u-nnl u a 'th a' fl kx( " b'il my friend Me;--. H"pt u Vv i,i;wji-(ifi hitVifi 1 1'ely f iiiuitpiH'i d ie "N -nh 'wro ma hiL'," i i 'h plituut tho old ftnuiiir i C ;u Intit J M.ri.a;," that in th cu:o 'v d j I f.d tti.idt li'nd -'i rrr nv hf'urt, '-o t vi ry A e i i pr --r-nw-,: it;,', I JjM I wmiM 1-f- d"ii. mir n ; rt cli i' a 'it3 jm r-i v.rr m a ' ' .en'.' r -tt ii e v.rt I i.ut to a-M't thtr;i ;tl! 1 cnu'd in ')' i ;i;d i u. ia : ' UtrtS'-M and f sihm .-si hie ufideihi iuLf. j T'i thoe wli'j h:,v; fii iiljtriiiv pi'ru: z tl rne r I tliP lt niiMih r of vfars t re'irn mv r hi! ik - , j know ludftni n', s i'l Miliciimf nur cont 1 1. u d i il t !ie-t unr entoin, h elii n tfrnful' ni liit it will ht? i-i i your adviintiit,": ai d inft:rest. I inn still crcufu v.n j j m v old K'nnd ki f ha rift if, on Main-i rt e', m ar AI j. J V Krr'h H'tie!, find nearly op-o.Hiic ii. li. Liiau- : lev V- new I ipMing, VALUAE LFi TOWN PROPERTY A J 1 i;illVa E B Y virlie MS J j.. .7; n n. t. lit. o is s, AVF. iiiht rrclvid their stock of SPKIM.1 . St '.MM Lit l.lioliS.Sflictid I'V A. Bc- thiine in prrson. coni-fit,;f of i vrrv variety f:f I". S S BUM lo be I'l.uod in a Sb r chant T.iilor's list .il.lisl nn '..!. 'I'o tliis siiipi rinr s. h i lion of SLASDN CHOI'S they would call '111: litti !itt,li of the pub. lie, eenliiii ntly In Hi ving ti:..f tl:i yc::li f.iT- r in ducements to ptiri hlisi rs th.'.t. i'lll:l:i,t hi' n i l with elsi where. tiel, th men wielili'i; any :,itn ie nt I.O'riilMi will nti' tin niselvi'K nun !i tin t: and tn.ulile by fivina thr-ir Slock an inspection, iis, tin j neiy n lv on ulwuya rinding trend!, Euyi) irk-H.) of i; r virt I iti st f lyh s, which will he iniulc up to or.li r. In np. rior workmen, in the l.'.tf i-t fimhions, Mill rii,i!,i r With trlMiiiiiet"' to corn sj oi.rl ('.ill ;il t ..i i r new .mi! -.;,li i.i ni i i-t -I !'sl 11:1 i t i.oor i -t ol Snritl A,,i:oi,, on Ti;ic(..s(. .ai'li.tle, April' I I, l-.",. P.'lf ij. Yum si;(6Ksinoci).. i.iirt(iVi:o (lolorci bctogvapljic fS' II K Si.'hsi ril rs In, ie f.tlid a suile r.f ruins X. for ii first ih.ss Daoi i,ki:i.ia Cai. i.i.k v, e ni-hr-.i.tni,' ri et ption iirid i-ittipi; n.i ins : I,t.i,ii n toi ht; i,pi nitie and i In inifi. 1 r pin tiiiilitf ; all ri pi. te with toe liict .Kiirv turuitore ; and : s it is Hie first am! ruilv Call, ry in Wi n ni North Cam. 1:1, i, W: h.,i' SIS i" or t 1 om ( 11 ri tin ci. r (i oo pin: , i filial, i.t h f i r i .pt !'.fi- to make at, to tl.i i f tt in the 1 1 i. i hi of a fnor'":!:"- f'.XI ci il In Joshua l. IS'.V d, I'.r i i" lam im-i, i. i:.s '! e'ein r;-e ill d, we v i I ""il at t'-.ih ": An:' i. n. in 'I c Thau ol I !, ir I, t'','oii T.ji 'div, il r x!7'h d.iv 'f J i!y to x:. fl.tn:ir tin: w..f k i 1 i: fc t 'omity t'nurl.) i t:ii!!y !:ci' Id I .Mi . 1 1: A I t if.i'l.S s s In I .M f tile lincsl 1 1 yit s,. ..I I ' ,t very valuable prn 5 r' v. imratf v known as 1 Hi i iiir rt jin: .in n i;- h wi i) Known in mis .-Uite, to ri ijuirr a pi-clix iwrtn i , hut wnulfl hriuly iilto th'tt cHir 1 e 1 1 j t i p1 in kvkbv h ix kct, upr f;r I:!!tnif( t.ts, Ch n.ici, Stork, a l.p(r pr;ir t:c . i.iul nil tin- iniprovi nn. tits to tlu presi n' inU (nil: ns to iru:. p.. ut t I.ik iMst h, in xcuutimi j ronsistme nf ihjfe lo$ and a third, (ns. ti.l, 7-'). 71 land par' of MO ty ih in the Sontli-fm-l sida et 'i ry ; on ( ir Main-! I e' ) Ht.d uhmit t yu t!i.-t,;!:i trorn tlie I locution of ido k ill lioad Dt-p ,, and the etniral por i ijcriH of liir. Town. I 'J'lii1 prnper' v, is be1 ond df-uhl, in the most f.tvt i ! ah!t) locsihty fr future permanent iuiprovcnunt, ar.C ftii'i'd-i very (h--irHl)ie o;!frt!yiities for iiiviiinrnt. tiUhT bv fiapi'ahsts or per-son- tn"g:np in h i;-irii f 'I'iie terms of payment wi'j uiIoia- finp'e iiiiiij!. L'fn'e to the Ior h:iser and will h-1 p?s.r,trular-y iv. en on i lie day ol fca!et or hy ei i ;ry of I iihur oi the un He reigned. I Pisff?:iin ot a por'ion nf tiio hni-din;- and lof 1 will 1h tfiveii in t i iher, ami of the other.- on the 1st of January mxt. 1,1 - a 1 1 vi 1 1 ; ; ; nv, ADA M AIJ X SU KH, yj'j : its M im:h. i;i i i s i;A(,i;i(;;:ii, AHornty in fact -r O. M flurtwer. M y IT), !:"- . 17is :.Ild t.Iii! in th, i-t i ti' n from t.:.v t U nur .-ty! U -1 ,V, C. i; ' lo.r only to m O.ir i ir-" r-e,.., t.j,r r und i vi. ry , vV n v ir.. it.- c art in tin ( ill i Ui inlfiicner vrrv im-m!, n t!.. Ir wli.dr i h. . i,j Ol'ClOtl 11, uiti ;y snptritir to any nt w taktn tjuiti ttjUiil to the tittt hroulit . '"rin h' ihl.L' up pieturt !nE tht tn ini. M.. hue c.i' i , Tt.rt'.iM- Si.' il, '.'.(itjfl ami i.lio- if"i.st u 1." li Mi th. ni I: te ri!;-- or t it 'I lit, m tu oh in Hi iy :n w in if. the larger sie pieturt s have i.t.lutrd tor t he Miialh r tJiH-f, ere, mid vf'tiid l:i k tht ru on l't rn- :i in Uh to (.is-elay tat;, tu ;;o hi,l..pj , htuld -iA i h.t- .s. in f s of f.ihf r'ip riiors) d put ill Itie niiie t utv at t.iki n in (.i.t f uv as w si r,t A; .0,004 Public Sale. 1 HE Pub-rrih'T having taken oit special !ett,'i o Torrenne. w ill i ifer at public at hi& pmpcrtiet; they arc dully viMtcd hy numbprs o( our j denre, m llupewell ne-phborhood, on Thnn-d, ciuzons anu invsiiu p;rangers, woo ruoinun tiu mem higi.Iy. The subscriber truts from the etTjrts he ha made, and the improvements in contemplation, to met it a tture of putdtf p'rnna?e I iip reM- tho S4ih initant, the following prepety, v z : lolJasis of Cotton, June 23. 152. JOSHUA II. WALKF.R. 22 3w in MLniiinL. Vfarried. on Thursday, the 17lh instant, bv the liev K II I.iiT'fly, Mr. 1 A VI l S, Ht'TCHl XIN and Vi s IKHtt'AS K. jonnge.l diiiRbler of tlie late Khis Alexander, all of this couniy., A!o. in CoiiC'ird, on ontiay, tl e iiOih instant. W. KKST-ON. FDCiCWORTII ri : n a i ,i : n i :.i i i n a ry, lrOHbro N . C. f E 1 If F twelfth far of Hiw iimtitunon will com Jl rnence on Monday the 2d day of August no si, nd terminate on ton lat of May following. Tho t'choia-tic year divided into two st-ions of (,ve month each, with a recess of a fev days only at Christmas. Th primary design ofthii institution is tonecure to its pnptls every facility for the arrmsitmn of a t soltd and ornamental eduesiion, I to1 rrrncipal i aided hy a corps of able accoinplUlud, thoroughly qualified teachers. For circulars and other particulars relative to the I School, apy Iy t. I Prof. RirHARD ST1KI.ING, j I'rtncipal. k2 E I U ""e a fine 1 TirM-rate Itus Hiiruesi lljrse. 55 a While Lead. LliS., l'nre, r.Jilra, and No. 1 W hile I .ca'tl ini cooiini; lo band, I III'.SII from the manufacturer-.: and will be sold a bar'iin, At!-II L'S Urns. Chemical and ! Puuil store, ( i nrlouc. ; .May K It) 3'. f.'ST lleceired and hein' nxhil iled nl llie I'm pormin nf Fi-h:i'ii - Peliiune Co' f s taldislioif nil a lot of tho rirhst. .( rUnftt and . tlevttnt Cioll 8, CaiS'niernf, Vesting. Criyats. (a. sp!endid arlic'e of tit ntlt-men's bail' silk Hose.ij Pocket Handkerchiefs, it, ic,a'loi' hieh w ,1! ; be disposi'fl of upon the most ac :onnnriUi i r , (J lenes j Give us a call gentlemen and v. e will be sore to null. ! May VX lli H : i'.,iiitii.j.s l'i:r;,v;:.r;s', p:- i, : rclyf i s, Ac., ' enrri i ll V I i.p:-',: ti ai'. V si:'. 1. Mil' s f'llii (ii i.tie- ineu ;irc n ooi .-ti d to i xi'iiiinc cr.r pr-onetii'iis : whether Uu y wish to sit or not. Pi: M'Tif'Al.anil Tiior.ori.il iNsTRVeTIoNs imported ' nnd al! iiii.tcnal? fiirnisiii il. w n.nr. iv i.i (.htki;, t!;-. I-'.', le v. , .,-,' r 'IV t'.i r's J- w ir,' Store. I ! t h!; sioi l. nf llojs &. allle, ll(iis.rli I (irniliirc, and olhcr articles nol necessary to men I lun. Terms made known on the day of sale THOS, M. KERNS, Admr. J:ine 1, lCti. ' 13 is. liiicil himself upQti tho Kemihlii : an jilat- j m that all power ii vrcil in the people. n for aulimittitiir thw nd nil other lotions to the people. He desired the he of tha peojito inon this question. If majority was for it, thru t)ic projxr June, i wiftri should provide for the -M".::;m ; the ill of such u mujoritv. He ttai not j :! to trust th pcfiplu hin competitor j . mcl to he, for he wan for carrying the j 1 Hoi wh'-n he finils the llower he loves, tie tellies there and hums no more. sli-i-e name WM kuovrn ill Kurnpn Htnl A-i ' months mcrie, and will he known to pusU rilv, to i he idottcd tiL'.'iiust to destrov him, and him- 1 In this place, on I lie 23d irs'ant. I. F.I.I t MS, infant djnjjiilcr of .Mr. J41111S A. Brian, af,.-dahoot Stale of .orth Carolina. ME KLKNItCBli COt'.MV. Superior Cnurl of Law Spring T;rm 1S5 ret. lion fur Divorce. a.Ii, Door and Rlmd COIA 3II5IA, S. C. j Z II.MAN. FP.VA.- CO., areprepand tofil! all j orders for sash, des rs, blind-, mouldmes and " coiuice of any pattern dressed il lorinir, ceilii, and J wcatherboarding, aiecit low pr lee?. The attei tii n ! ol Carpenters and builders ia called to iheir estab 1 lishmenl. 19 Iy. Jj.i. Also, in Concord, on the SM-t instant. Captain WM M. HKNIlKKSilN. ared 4b years. In Kaleigh, on the l2U:h in-ftanl, of congestion ef self to ho pursued, insulted, (and even killed, , the boweU, Mrs ANN Al lil Vl A IJol.l'.KN". l.i red to siM-ak to the pc. own liliair. 1 did dare: and wire throuol, hj LeKytivc .nletmcnt. , ';" " '-4't them , i .. ., , . , like dii. (Inly a majority of them ".it in-i " Mr. K,.rr calh-J upon (,ov. Ilenl to my ; t) ,,l8 , Asseml,lv where their com- I ' it w tl,at ho wm .iwtiafvrofj,iimtioI, with ,i,u W,i enM.J them to' - pie 111 his i wito ol v 111. vv . Il.iliien. t so., Ipt tlielll , A. Hoeges, ) ( Josuh Hodges, j 8N this case, it apnearing to the saiisfaclion of the Court, that the defendant is sot a resident of ilia Slale, Il is Ordered, that publication bu made for six weeks, in the North Carolina W Itie. and th? Kditor ol the North Concord .Mercury, thai the said Jwoah Hodges, ap. Carolina Mandard, in the 3lth year of her ( oiiiiiK i t i.il lirroril. iiliin2proricrtv niuliflcatiiiniiforofficprs. I . 1.,'.. I , . 11 . . i : l leev ii.y ms 11 111 ut propose tho cuetiun ol 1 .SutfrajffB when he was for so many f-eimtor in the Stutc Legislature ?" 'jot lUid imid, " Why did you not pro- to abolish tho property qualifications?" fimicndoup applause for Mr. Kerr.J iov. iJ also said that " with the same proprie l'l Mr. Kerr asked me why I did not po the amcnil mollis to ,i. eonstitution the State Igir.laturc, I tnigln. -ask Mr. thy Iu- did nut propone them ? . augh- ly tl WhiH.J The reason why I did t (said th liovcrnor) propose Free Suf m while I wan in tlm Legislature, was, t I wm not In tha rtjjlit plane." Mr. Khir. " Then (iovcrnor, if you were tip the proper plnco while in tho Lcoisla. to propose it, tho Legislature cannot aw the proper plt.ee. to effect tha amciid ut' How do von reconeilo that! At time you nay that the only mode of "isnig the Constitution ia through tho Le- lalure, and in tho next place you nay that cr not in tha proper place, while a tuber of the Legislature, to propose the.se "'iidinenu I I'lenao ejplaiti yourself to 1 people they aro anxious to kaow." 'T. Uxiia. I wi,,!,, ,1 to do io when I ln befor, the people," Mf. KtRR. "And so you hav come 'k to niy propusition that this question " l nubuiitUiJ to the peoplo ! Tre- ttdou, applause. Pn the Tariff, Mr. Iteid in tho course rciu.rk. i:tiJf thnt " Jh niocrats had ' r heltl tlo profjef j f raising a revonue vulirfin principles," and wens al j. ' fvor of a "rigid construction of " ' "ii-tt.nti.jd." Mr- Ki;rtR, "Xow.Oovernor, I want yon candid and tell thcue people (as 1 "w yu will,) whether Congresst has ho r to pas, a 'roU.,.tiV0 Tariff." "'V. Kkii), (excited.) " Congrasa doea mJ ''"fig injudieiously ituch an not "Id be pernieiouj,." a Whig over me. That coml. illation hliow what was in their hearts! that they were Whigs to the hacktione liver, lights and gizrard ! and never wanted ntiythiii!. (their leaders I mean,) but their jn c to chow it." Whoever read the like of thi i In-fore, from a Senator of thirty years, met from one "known iu Kuropn and America ?'' If the Colonel has only been . warn heretofore, ho will be immortal hereafter. A'. I". J'j j'nss. CIIAKI.o TTK, Jt'N K 30, " Hut thifi i8 not to the noint. i ve Hked yon, Governor, in plain terni.i, IT ? 611 would be comititiitioii. ' Bcse pooplfj wih to kuow. Let ua candid " moFANITY. A certain man, with a curly head of hair, earn into our sanctum yesterday, and after looking for some time at a pile of s raps and papers scattered on the floor, after a desk clearing process, gravely observed : " Thin is truly the age of humbug! Lvcti editor are iiinoeulatcd. Hero you people cover the floor with a layer of newspapers a foot deep, in order that you may be called " eVrr-ary ! " Wo called "Harney," nnd had the barba rian spirit led down stairs. -Vci; ( irh-ans Viraiutir. ("ntt'in, Apples, Duller, lleef. Flour, hhl. Irish Potatoes, Pork, l.ard, llacon, Sut'ar, C.li'.c, Molasses, H a r- J (ill a I'll K' a l.i ti a 7 ... a 51 IXi a till 7 a 11 m a U I-' a 14 " a W 10 a II 37 J a 511 Nails, Iron, S,,ll, Corn, M.al, Oils, lit f-wa T, t e aiicrs, B ile Yarn, Sbeelirits, Ta!h w. Sole l.euthor. ipsa. 4 a 0 IJ a A 81 --'i tl 1 I in II". no su 31 H 1.5 .ti : I I'O 1 v.l I .'ill I I'll l 10 . Ml 1 pear at our ne.11 upcrior Court of .I.a.v, so be held lor Mecklenburg County, at the Court House in Ci ariotte on the seventh M, nday a'ter the fourth Monday in Septeml-er next, ihen and there to make his defence lo said Petition, or judg nent pro con-H f.aso. will be taken apiinst bun. W itne a J. It Kerr, Clark of oar said Court, at OliSce, thu seventh Monday after the fourth Monday in March, and in th. 76tb year of our Indepen dence, A. I). lSisJ. J. B. KERR, CM. S C. Printers Fee, 5 624 l2'; IVIioif-iale tlhinj (it:.c. j HOP KIXS & FA I It C II I L I). A. '2&0, ISultiiiKira; Slretl, ; Sr F.F.P conslant'v fin hand a farce assgrtnienl of Sx. KEAPY MA III-: CI.OTIII.NO.of allqnal-' ities, lo which they invite the attention el dealers. lll-ty. ; li AT 1 mi :, on r. ;,.,iHv::.i: tn met, nf l...-!.;..:, t.1.11 !. Mi.,p-i.-s'. i.!.titlii!2 I f.al. . 1 r ..:: ; '!,: ! , . : , :,...ii: tl.i ,'- . i.t til. L' now 1.. re. T-. ;.;..!.! t!.. iti.s. i.i e with : I . Iitle ci rlainty, and lo f iismi' ti:e litau ita al ol stylo and beauty, 111 Coats, Vi sU, Sinrts, or tanls, it is 01. iy liccvsi-ai-v for ei iitl, 111. It to call at j II. II. I.. S. WILLIAMS. i Ul Hour uhou' Uovil's llutil. ' Apr:! :,. -:-.'. ' 1-Jtf I Head v 3 1 ado Clothing. v ;.i I, ATS. I'.."TALHXS and VKSi'S f our own niiiniifiicturc. An a.-cort- . pi Cl.stl.tlV 1-11 iii !Ul. A. h'LTIll Ni Mi : ,v co.. reiiaiit Ta ilnrt:. i Shirts, Drawers, Shirt Collars, Black &. Fancy Silk, Kid and Liner Gloves, Elack and Fancy Cravats, tKo.M th, linist tn tin- lower frradts, for rain by A. liF.TIU' N K & CO., Merchant 'Pa ih.rs. ("n.'irli'lt. , April 1 I, l-.V. litf flOrf- '-4W l or swale. PINE SHINGLES, best article. For par ticulars direct to K C i K. Grier 1.V.C0, at Ful tvain'i P. O , N. C, May li. 1G 3l 150,000 (Tin: Ai;r.v;;.) n..tI..SVH.LlA.MSIiasieniovcdtoR. II vTli. lirawU'y's i,R(a: nuicK not si:. where ihty will be glad to se-e ait ihtrir Fntrds and C'us'omers. I. I . y ai rr ix & nn AX, C OVERMAX. COACHPIAKER. SHOP, Hs-nrly oito Mr. kt'rr's llU l, cHAHI.OTTE.se. Ii K M AUKS. j t'orn srd Heel scarce and in good demand at quo. tatlons- A fu i su(ip!y of Crocenes 111 Iba niarktt- I muss ni:isTHAis. The latest Knglish advices late that there is a great dennind for brass bedsteails of almost every description of make. Atllir iiiinghiim they had on hand largo orders for this branch of brass foundry. The brass bedsteails have, indeed, within the last two years, but more especially since the great exhibition, become, a very important item of export by Jiirminghnm merchants, ami appear to be eagerly sought for in the North and .South Amerieau markets. The Family of Gen. Worth, it is said, have applied to Congress, for a pension, to he paid them in consideration of the public services of (leu. W., who, at his death, was unable to leave them any property. The. mini asked, we have heard is goOO tt yciirm THE WHIG CONVENTION' Of IViincylvania ratified tho nnminatioi"! of Seott and Graham for the Presidency aud Vice l'repidouoy hy acclamation. (II AiiLKS ION MARK F. T. ) CHaat.ts-i'oN. June 27. COTTON. There was quite an netivu demand for Ih s article v slenlay, Ihe trao-aeiinhs having reached luJv ioDll bales, at an adv.uicii of t a 4 , cent, on for-ner q'luulntns. The prices ranged from l to II cants ( hal. Courier. COLCMIHA MAHKF.T. j ( oi.t s'an, June 21. I COTTON'. The Cotton market continues quiet j but very steady, w ith prices very full and firm. j The sales of to day have been routined 10 som" 4". bales Prices ranging from 8 lo IU cents. A'ouA Cjroliumn. Valuable Plantation I roKstu:. I C V.X EUAL COM JIISSIOV .Vo. 3 ttoyee A' Co' II 'barf, DAVID PARKS AS Just rereivrd at Iii well-kiown stnud in Il C harlotte, large and Fplendid assortment of t'fnvi.ting of rverv pcwsible variety fi ic h in com uttiiily bumght tu this country, htsidel a number of cooking .vrqvKs ly which puacha-ers inny sate thir? yhiIars a year in firr-ttfitjd. Us will sell In ptinctial tUfrloinerH, fitln r by the wholesale or retail, up-'nthe most mo derate terms. I'lrate call and exanme for vour selvcs. p. PARKS, April 2!. 13 j if Leather., 11, HI" I'lnilersined he Iheir NfW Tannery in l.incoiiiton, in full operation, aid exiect from this date to keen on band s good sjtpply of every kind of l.l:ATIIl:R umi-IK tinned in 1 Ins eounlrv. sod bavimr. as their Forcfcan. an exneri- tsaw I'isl s; also, of et .fUU Acres gouil v ood I ami- encel Tanner from Lowell, Ml.saiitctts,ihev vol! Tliiee desirous of pun basing 11 rood, cheap, con- bo able lo litii-h Uarneso and Itclunk for Machine. venicnt, disirable arid Inallhy SI TL'A'PION, would rv j,, gaod a slale, as can he deiifjin the t'nited do well lo call soon and examine the place for then.. 1 siaiea. Our prices will be with the fhcapeal in our selves. Col. W, N. Parks who, al prcsi'Ut, resides 1 couniry. j on the premises, will lake ple.sure in showing any ! r. C. HFNPF.liN PON', j one over the plantation. , I.inrnlmtam, N. C, Mat IS, lS.Vi 1 17-lm ' it r-nu nn.n n.. r-i...i..ii. . i. -.i : I : tha coiniiltuns ol sale will he made known li ' a . WILL sell, nn rens itnible oX terms, that VAI.CAHI.i: iff ij9 PLANTATION, kmos n as 11,0 tj?J VAKSOX TK4C T, ln. lying 7 miles wesi of ( harlnitc, 00 the Pieel 1 ink, Slid near the Tui kasego Foul Iio&fls, coiitaltling 10 1 1 .tcra'ia. On the pieini'e- Is a good Hw-ri.t. imi Itoear, w ith all necessary III r-Bi ii uim.-, and Wki.i or V ats a ihal cannoi be surpassid in the eotint'V, The place is si H-waiccd gcncralU', and conlains s large porlioo el Hot c, m and good .Mr- jam i:s June art, IsjJ. A CAPSON. i!:i:i, 'lit (Jir-I. ATTACHMENTS FOR SALE HERE. tlCIS sale by It. B. Williams .'.et for the Dank f Camden, S. C. ' II. B. WILLI.tMS. Agrtt. Cnwi, Xmth S, IMS. .t VAIalJaV AI AIJI111V, vll Count)'. IB R. KDWARD W.FA V 2 -i-Tl- i'K'I'TE will ofen a At" iSchool 00 the 6th of Juy, in .'.iaV. the iui.iicdnitc ntij-hl of-bood l V .V.r '1: - 1 l the suhstriner. l-oarddu per f-esioc. twenty wteks. Tuition in advance, ('l.'c.if!s( $;!? 10 Knplish, $10 tu 1'2 5u To tht subjoined certifuaies we deem it uonccca ry to add anv ;hme. S. t PATTKSON, K W. JONI:, l JS. t HAl,rt:K, Trusters. V. II DULA. 1 S. V. DL LA, J CKRTIUL'ATKS. ! Mr. I'drahd . t a ccktte was tor several years 1 a student al the ijn Kiver lu-titute. Ifis depnrt. nient na such as to secure universal esteem. He : purf-ucd his studies, t '.assies! and Malhematiral, iith preal dtlicrnce and 6U,ces?and made very considerable attainment.. lie has chosen Teaching-a his p'okssion, has al- ! 'cady con'idcrab e experience, and we repard hnn ' ni posst-sMiig in an enunrnt decree, ttiose elements uf character which uniformly make a successful j teacher, 1 A. C. MNDSKY. I I! liul LU. Dm River i'tsfitutr, YuNCtfriilc, April 0, 12. JVIr. Kiiwari) V. Ftrir.TTK eontmenerd his Classi cal course, wi en a lad, under my tuition, and rvinei d both uuiu.-trv and aptnts k urn. Yar three vest past hy coiitlucti tl ti-e Ku lV i'irim-.nt in my school Hith fidelity aud aluitty. I rrmd him a YOUt r man ul hi? a iMUeritv and promise. i V. J. iun;iiam. Ouks, ihane $. C. May 1-3, 153. UL The Lineolnton Republican,! rrquestod to ro py the shove six wet ks, and forward account tuGra hatF, Allcmncu county, fur stHlleincnl. SELL I NTs OFF AT CSTS : In addition to our o'd Stock ol tiods. wc have re ceivtd our G-OOBS, prnhraeinc every variety, wliiuh we are a. so selling cfl' at I'UcSr. Ar- we are d..-,:rmiued lo tscil previous to our removal into our ow n hour, call and rxaminr. and we w til convtnee Vtm that we il! .-eh Gauds J W l.R limn tliev can he ('iircoaMd ut' any other house in thu p'aee. 11. 13 & I.. .S. WILLI AMS, apri! l-.". I i if A 'ew Finn. .Il liis fi id Alan ft, a do vis S'.ast of Springs Corner, Charlotte, j. C, 1 Keeps constantly on hand, ISAPPr.ES, HARNESS, TIICNKS,! iBUIIif.KS. COLLARS, C R PKT.BAG3 SAUDI. K H t;. WHIPS, I Fl.Y.NK PS, io. i All of which will be sold at the lowest prices, ' Wholesale and K-t:til. Mnrrh 'J. l?3i'. ilif unt!rr-.i!i d, would II h. unirr-.i!i d, woti;d loftirin thetr tut ind the public srt'ner.iNv. th it ihry h:tve htkrn I tie hoost at the cist end of .Mr. Kerr's I toul, w here thev intend e.irrving on liio iSaddie and Harness n all Is various :u.uie-iies Spanish, Ehaftcc, Eummersolt k Ladiec hoif v Blank Warrants, for Sale Here. iu every vriat v. They w . nut spare any pn.ns io ple.isp a pubi sc. Thev wonhi respectfutfv invite al! .ind rverv to Ve tht'Ut n e;i,l and r uumr fur I heinst! ves. ilr'AM kinds of K LI' A IK 1 N U done with nemuess ; und despatrh i rA'l kinds of ('OL'N I K " r.UlUTE Ukon tor s oi k. V ,T f! fl M KU. i a, w. w lm;i f - fcTl V75 i"i--7'J id t-I t Ei.irlotlc ;uid oiilli-ttaroiiiia liAII-KU At). t II R rond will be opened! o the Lben zer Dpot. mi!fs above I'hrstervih, on the first of April, lor the trjusport;it:on of Freight and Pas se ngers, W. M . STOCKTNt Chief Engineer. ChnrUt.et M.nch '21, 1?.'2. ' Jlf Dr. Allen's Vegetable CompouEtl, I t R THi: C L" ii E ( K Dyspepsia, Liver Comprint. Nervous Ewalililvv ESili.ttt A IU lion?. A-. ; This metJ'cii'e is ofi'en d to the puidic under tho assuratiec tii-it there is no article in existnee hav tng stroiiiit r claims to tneir cons lratk' Humtj eompo ind d bv a reuijr t? f A ll' ATK of JKF. Ft N t OLLKt.K, Vi iladelplna, aitda praeti. smt' I'hy-ucr-in of TWKNTY VhARS IaM. INtiiti I'hiiaifciphia, his long experience has coo ti nnd him 3d tho opinmn that a coinpriunded nied. if. nf ws r ipi-r- d to prrvent and reim-dy the debili l i' on pr- tinct j i'V rcMi! rn in low ini.tsmat ic eli m itts uiui to counteract t; e prostr.it n inrineucea ot tiipj m.inv nervous disorders wuh u inch tue hii nun iami y ur- :iilhi tt j. Iu. A LI. LN is a well known physician, and li is o-ied l it nhtiv int-dtcme hi ins prattiee fur I H hi VK VL K wuh the mot ustuinshuig itftcl, I; a v 1 1 tl t?ti'U lis qu.i,itrs m hhove Ft V K TIKa AM) t"ASF.8, N o nied:ein ever r t.'eivcd more rial taring ro epnjfn!fni.tl on from phy-ieiai of eminent sUntJ ug Uian hi." I'een hftowed on Un i iiui sams ai;k now svffkrin; f r mi th.it iiiusi tire.ithul cf.oipMtiiii th liVtKI I . tthcri a siiiijk bntilc v.f Vll ALLK.N'a! V f.i. I AIU.K I V M l'U l N2f Won d have the- ef. lei-1 ot reriHrVH ,t ait lhoM distrt's-injf feeling a utenM1.nt on th it m !.t dcLil.lulujr di-ee. i it e "Uii- I roprutt.rs, li. . Al.LLN, M. T . VuIIa , and J. A. .it VV. 1, i LLVLLAM. '07 K nt; st. (. iMrJoton, S. (. Dr. Clr-aveinnri'tt i)yk T.ih.Wah; Ir. rieav- la u1'!. riil'iirUf; Hur lictnrative ; Ir. (.'IrsvcUnd'-i e-uii ent'a'ed ILx'r o i of Jjunatca iiiofer; B- nneti's XitMi't- i.-r I! a ' I'onipioH't-. a stovwrnn remedy Cktrwttr, M.ty I J i.VJ It!' itor I i" of sa.,e ni t'h ir'o'l nd t'uttfra lnlttntutH. . hy 1e St, i' vlbw kll. 1 AN A UY SEED lor snlo. I - J. llOLTON. HUNK ii.Ei Full Hi I.E. 1 1 t.l I..