I . . -l. ,,.;.',, V!,!;:!' t'l. m.-e,vestiie icuiiiieiio 1 i tf-I I,.','.'. , ,,.iiiti - of. v.-rv l';.t!i.'.io lum-h tin g-ni.-hcd l.im n . . i. ! i i 1-,.- i.i. i I'M ' .1 I t III i ' ., I i. I I III "" i F3 J!'- i ' ., ('.- . ;. ;;.., ;!.! that it is popular 1 r.uii Vi " " . i . ....". -.:; V at t r.v. In ' a . v .1 " . , .i . I .. ! , ,i. . ; v aulln -,., ,!e- . Ln-cu ly K. fr- ''. ..,,..:.,,..;.. i:,-'.ivM'.lal l'i il .1.1. M'i" - d J lil . :1; ' a -..... '. ,g. - :' 1 i-i. !" St i:i t! .1.. I . .ir : :.ul til" n---, hige it pal t.' -ij-nt.-.l .. . . . ,.,.,., . v : i ... fi ..m Alter a renew ,-,.,. '"tiers, v.o tire at a ! t .. , kture, in 1' 1, , i vf tlu- r utin lltii ItV , lecte.i a 111 1 ! I. rWJlVl' JKCf -..im.jl !..- t.,'iirvg-Mf''w nw- . -l0 ,ri-nmllo and rotwlutioiia worn tk-n " ".. ' . .... i...,,,. ,.. l,a, t.ecu filled l.v hi.n tin. .lea.!, five ol.w y; ' f , T,ut bv the chairman to tl.o meeting .nd .... . . . . x .i i i ! inriiwr it'iTisiaiiim 10 f a ru a.'-nii-i ...-. . . . i.!tit .ir in as mu i"" ... -. I,. ..i t In l-0:(,liaMn;; previously aus- r .., t. . nps Iftfll' ill vflill . r .i". " . T I .!,.. ,,l,n oflleu. Taylor with ttrcat uui'.Ht -;v . ,. " .,-iiv iuAect did she ! they win uinim i "'J selt a, a takcr an. , . .., tllR attlintiml nf our'of th,ir power on the otfu-r, u-t impaimu '.overunu,.t, a:, . a ,ul. r,;M - . of ,gv0. lt J3 .n.c that ; a, I;. , ..tm..l.o was oirci.vi i i.w . -v - ; - , . ' , lv. (,.,,,.:,t iiitTu.t- o! the .Navy. - .. : i po..i,tl.nai.ro. for thctnno,: urn-.,, . - r-r ") 1. f K-.tUfky !,.s.,la. reader, ttl.o,.roccaa oUi,MI o. -' , " " (llll.ti,;,, tl,,., Letter mun o, tru-r W l.y ... U,e ra.. u;, ; , (. it.u,,u, than the frien.U ut .nten.a. ,,,,,,roye,.,e,,u , fcilst ml airam .,. lMlH, he was , of U JI.Jfklel.burg l.cl.1 '" V f. " 'u,, an .1 will the hu'1 arty, an-l we rej.-ie.. l.e.uV V1rv ,. all, tenant Address ft es-ee. t., ea.. ... e,u,.,., .. v. mn-rtte, . ,,i,l,,u,e of KeU.ieky t; M(i;.1:iv u ; 10 Com,.llouso iu rharlotto nM rU I, V ,..inu, -r re- his n.n.iu .ti-u.-V. K. .. ; ,.; , ., , "elearly, dii.,ely, and in.-! X. i - '1; J teriU'. in the enrte it tne . . . , . . . . , .... .. . .. - t. . ,.,,,,. u mi ta e re-1 mid .'i.illi arolina li.iu im.ul , an.l where- ...J enieo in the Mate l.ej.1- M.t. that the eitumsof .MeckKnUinr conn- , , , ...... ..JL, i. '., ,. , . ... .,. .. a ,,., .tns ; ' ..... ....... M.:c fr on hour, wuul.l take place auoui im., time, ttiiieli m- LJt'ZTuZ; ty, - '""J ' ' "MtitV oV the U,.i,,. ' . f.V;,., ......ean,, in H.,,,-..fa t ,)!llf own ,-eenliar . yh. There, dneed then, t . l;- mrn?m3i&mir i T-tT, iTlJI A v i.ee tJ. v .l.nve the initl.eimeiM , . y- V t.,v r iniin.itanee of this enterprise, an.l we !o Ami it was the plath-nn. w it;i ,,,,.,. v all.,t; s.y pap. . ., (Jui.,a-v. I'h'y, alio .-i"ue j .,,..,r, ,. . , 3 -th ir .:....;lraii-....,ait:eu!..r!ya,;tN.-.ue'of Hi 1 ieeutai'.ve, and "ii the -V ' ' .. f ,Tt.m (Vlnm-i dtion in it. whieh t.,,etl..r with the. ...,u- ,h, V ' The w . e ,;1 I e t . d;d- ,,rv f Mr. Ihiraht !.iel. makes ln. whereas, delate. ..pear he, e Jay :4 ,lV.r,;i,.,:, a. .i.e. ipeU-e ,.i h.s M-t ,., pea,;:ee in I W, - ' hope that the cjuct.ot h.irU. t n, 1 ... .( ., , u a!i ,,,,, ,..i!ars and a , , , , t .(.,mlar of puldie .eak.-r,. from any .arter exeept thu an I one , :f ,?r:rv"",;;;Vr t:it,ir viU'edthe hi,!.,,,,,,:, avail. hdh,.oro!l,,, y,, J(,e,i,.r..', Al,ngdot,, and all other, l,;,; 'j;1,,, " , ,! thl. , , 1,. and jf.-.r ,!.,.,,.!.., hi v, in advan.e. ' i'ri i( I'.nipas.s t' hi-i voiee enables I two other e.,n,,t,e .,. .!.,, Nat , e II rv.;r,a th. v r..:t;vate. f J rod u- tUeted t. the r s ehair, ,1 ta,L,;r iWn a,a ,Hl;.-e to-tl.cr ith the far-. ,Ku,utl fctkAu,t luliin: he, n puhlM.ed VVe wl-h the ,(, , pii-e mu in ey, r.v ,-,..,,,, '.housands. I le.;ee he i the .p.enee of Mr. I aln.rr ha, ,.. ji...r..... ;3 tiaa p,.l-a.d i.:.n, -...v. 'v.- kr.ow i;t ; ev, i.ty-five .u, e( . hnm.red a,,, tw...,- i!ml ,.uUrv j,,,,,, of the four States ul!til . d:iv alter; tinee whirl, tu-.c he W:IV : and e h-'pe that ...v ll.pu! l:ea;. , hlllll(,. . the fronds ol th,s enl.rpnze ... ha. t , 1 nt if it ..h.uld. it 1 e a ...d evi l, t.ce U v. :es. As a .m h r of .k - ' nul m ,,ard from." in ihis end of the Stat- will fue ,1 .nat-n- , ur.,llt ,, , t ,y ivin.i .o.ne ,,.- ..esse and es.on, ,,-,,., h;, ;e,r l..,a, of tK- ..r..r of pirituat deMoti-l... and , -i U. pres. ..tatr.e-, w.tn tiun.pet ton,.H-, .. ot . . f., .....I .N.-.ta l. ... nn , c ,..;,. - Of. al aid. We shall publish th prospeelm .,llti.tie.., whi.-h l.oed infallibly a n..t yet f ...,.leted, and that I sin M ' .' , , '.. . . . i ' ..!!... ,i m oh .on- own JivMn: -r... ,,,...., ,,, f,.,-l nv inti re.-t at all in Now. let our readers examine t.ie . . ..' ...... nst.n.' .iau u , - ,i...,..c, tir . I , ,9 r - it . . . .' -i ii i 1 1 ( c f.T I 1 1 1 lu t!:i!i' I'.tti.ti'i "l " ' ' t ivi.iiv,-vv. , .........,! t 1 1 t f. I HI ; i, 1 1 tl It . . . , . , I ... toin.ut ill 1 1 1 1 :l I l V ' L tin n ."n i.mhihi.i. i r in i.-. It w-v'i' 1 1' ' i'- I. iee f tie -rave, where f.u.K. f. t.d t'l.KM.-. le roused the nation ,tul,t I)(!olH ,V0,K, will respond favora- fuial riatf.ni.to h the inl'.peu.l.nee of tVj laitv wa, buried. ' to the v ar of IMS, and nmm.ted the -pint invitations whieh our citi- weeks paper, ft: 1 Vic iu.-k J.'irnt f. of the peoi le tliroiif.ho.it the tntire eoi.test, . ' ' . Jii , !,ilor nntioiiHl lanmr was illuminated zes have citended to than. substituted for tl ' j 7 , , " whh tuiiiieious it. ri. - 1 y land I'.id sen, Standard. Our . . 11 l.ow.M-KM. 'iViiiiossee, who feel any int. rest at all in Now, let our readers examine the " 01- lio ruhli-h. d in our next .inbraiin the resolution 113 one taken from the Standard. Our reader.-, upon eoinpanu,: n.iv. it. ..!; ('(. lit lilllitli 'III. 4 fti' S nMrnlliV1 fti Uhl' ' our ..t.i.t .m.nv, and the .nnltipSied j- f,;,ml wvilini: from Montgomery ' the two resolutions, w ill observe that there 1 VLtilUlUitl ViXlJUW;wr,,,.s .! funded l,o,,,r vf the .:r.tio. (, (y t,,e ,;,,.,,,, at.c,mnt f ' U ut the .liuhtest ditlVrenee iu priueip'.e 'J - ' i.w.,n' :'T1 , .U'Mr"!'l .1,..., ki vl.twee Messrs. Kerr and Keil I tween the two. The only difference he- 3 - ' Lis sent apeaKer, we.n i.e 01 mu 1 - , M 0'--- -vCC"- -Cu SV. f.-iLini.-siou. rs to b'h.nt. v hue Le was in- 01, the IJ th ultimo at I roy : tween them is a slight varatiou 111 me pin a- ,''JlWVf jrSl A f . tr..mu;tal in elosinjf v ith .-tatesmanlike sa- .. iad t,e pleasure of heariuu' the can- Hd...'V of thu"Oflieiul," from the one al (Loinimmieations. : 1:11: nuutii c.mioI.in'a v. in ;. 13 g&fhX&K v-,r.m 4- s OtAiiLOiii:: :m- ! ;,,.!,, ,v ut the"Olheiul, from the one anove Jidates fr (iovirnor, Messrs. Kerr and MUOted.and tl.o word -'linan in the former iv.: 1 M- I.'...... w ii. tn wnn.'rior t.il- ..... ii. 1 itt..r v.t .In wiril ' settle- iiei't. .'i 1 j j - 1111.1 ii"- ... , - - -.. 'Mm ,i.is. and ol tamed a eoiut lete tiiutui 1. over , n,-tit is iu both, and si ttleuier.t aecruiii;: to his opp.mtiit, l'.eid. 'lhey met in this eouu ..1, -i.-ta. ;iv last, in." ," . ... . a:.a.v-... . Jm. t-iA" . .vih.Vj r,,.""renrini A W rp.1Kin.L'--two an.l a t.a.t hours oisc.u. iina : ... 1 losi rpc...!! to the l 1.; m, eai h. p; y lot l-y patM,.t;e e .e.IiM i l.;,.h showed infallibly was m-t Vet e .mpieieo, aim inai urn niou- .1. .1. .i,,t-r:iiiee is the liare.it 01 nearly ii.eni - -"". '""'ie. .,11 the .nine en.umitted throughout the as, it is believed that the sa, It harlotle am! e.Hintrv The -peak, r now had a text from S..uth Carolina ..:. I .11 be completed t . v hi. U "he ar-ued eon. dti-iv. ly that intempe- Charh.tt by the tir-t ..f October next : ,1 , .,; ,,..i ..,.;l .I,...,-,,,-- r.u.Ki.i.iiu:, It il liK- n.ni., I.ut lill liii-,m. ,,;,,. ,s an,am..,tl, national . Ml, d. t.- . , , ,, ,,,,,, BK in.- I,,;ti, mulili ami mofuts. ui, , , j,,!, t, ... 1.1 this Kre..l .ul.rj.n,, , l).j-eti"iis to the Sons were then eihibi- ,.,, ,;r w ,t;, i.ti.ns feinr..ll ye,' t:- St,,, ' Mil Kl.ir.nt: I am not a eiti.en of vcr t. d, and triumphantly aii-wered. I he I !- f .s.,,,,1, f.r.,1:..., ;,r.l.u., X.r., beautiful, interest..., and :,rivi, ,-. and o,, li-, f .ee.or, were annihilated : ' '.r'X lu:: eonse.ni-l.tlv ..one would siipi.o.,' that I le. 1, I . I.i.ju tr-dlcl . t, jU,.. ,, J Cua.-ii..i., wai arv.r t'l b.iim: nuv or have any -pe.-ial ii.lere.-t in the Welfare. 'J. I'ri.-hd-s of Telnperaliee, but opj.o.er.l b. . of l.er li 1. 1..' ki'iielatioo ;noiml oii. ISut of tlietlrder. l!i:si.vni, Tiul i emuinill. e of rnrrr; 01!, i.,-,-, I can a- i.ie v ol, that 1 e,:t-l tain feclil.L'S ;. Those who objeft to the eili,'ioli .f r,lliattini( "I" fin- rm, bn oii.mi.,..l by t!' for'lhe .nil h' of M . . !.'.. 1, bur ' which I can- wine and lid.-r. , horn. .11 "f l!n. i an! l!i,.t Riid t .nmul. lor 1,1. oimi .... . ., , e . 1, , ... t, l li,,t.li,, . ,,,1 ...... ..r ..1 .,1.,. .. .o.-e who oppose on the gr..unu 01 - 1 . . c .t.f,i m . in rta I le f- i:it'f , tii,:i til I ic I.1..... ,.. ( "1 trio. I ' 111 i y !. r. ihie, ,1 t.i .1 r. rl iiat y, .lit y ifn. in.? hi 11 .to' uf lil li.ll" of hut ilii f m 0 I ( 'an nil. a clan I1..11. I I'nder the hist rc-olution the futlowii." ll.teltalll to ti. -: u 1 i.e.:: I'ee ti 1. 'A WEI.ES!).V. Jul 7. iv,:. j 3 r- v i:.i 1 i,,'ioisi 1.-.;., i -ir a Is I.-I..I : : , .1 I. .. . i . ,1 , :. . it was l.i- at.il pi r.-tiasic iieijUi i.ee, 10 slay the.arth ipiake 1 .11 n.vtion ai.d effect the con pkte re storation o i.ational nt.d iraternal comoril. T!.U U .. , f r!. 1 ...f e. L Si. ..rh.f..,! in the 1. ii tlierii citi. s, and the ulitoi s offer a iiliinl.iv Evi'iiins Post. ouruii.lersU,id!iig( fA.eHiiglishI.aiigua'.'e, Th s ami 1 iati 'ii-bin I me to t..e , ..ai.ty se.r,ey. Iiupoo . .l.lliI?o, uicauu- OCIH..1 ,f Nt. 1 "I01I1 will iMliti! :i" lll.t I o. '1 he eX"'lse ol,ci ,ors. Scott accepted the lMatWu, containing thiMm,Kn:!' ,! ' " '!"k and' V. Those who con, !,t the .... , . .. , , .,... sp. ak oj li; r i. in i. ; I w i.l evr able ai. ho tile to l.olitieal and religious Irce. .esoiut.o.i, wniiouiuie woiu final m it in- ,,,.,,.,,,, , , j;y ! r l., r ;,.eMa,.h- 7. Those w ho ol j. , t 1 eeacse tlu v love to , U .... I, were appointed the Committee , Mean oi me ','ineiai, one i a-tne r..m-'r ( Cut Mr. K :h .r. the time has arnvcl think. eorresi.oiiilcmc, to wit : : ii tin ii t l.e .1 ii lie :.l-o ('istintjisislit d kiniM-if .y his c!o li'i. i.t ai t eals in b. half of cla ic . ire ee. a ,.d..f the ..nn-r, publics ...f Spai.i-h Aimii- treat to their readers, having made ar ia ;h.i..i-iO which l.i- inouli fp,.ke 1 1 -in ran.'cmt i.tsj with some if the l:i o-t celcbra t:.e .ui.uo.ii.ee if hi- l.i ;i ; t . 1 li I he c a in- ,, J ,;,,. : a , , , , ,, , f, , , I, 1 1 , .: ,, ; . I; i , N v. "I . 1 North. It. the ,,-rv ic xt I r. :vi!i, a. n M-;; . he wasioie ot the ian.:,. , ... ( f iUm Tlu,v I!1;l,, pled subi. rlue fir their 1 r. thr.-n at . - . I u.e i !i-.'oi,e e; t;.e I liiloi . -, ! i.t i; t i i t .ii'i ti. s h t i crri.i.oi n.ct.ts at the c iiniiciieemci.t of the . 1. l.i virliu the c.o..t:,tutioiial ii:ne Ve;;r for s'Vi ral new Noiiveilittes. Ko'ine, t l.i pr i t.. tin -. c.r Mairiiidia Vale ; Vi.da, or :oivci:t:iies in . ! Ci.. I.- V ti - li, Tl.;. ....... : ... ; ;. .... a i .. .i. . i . e. 1 . i.iiiii ii iiiu,,.iu 'i i liie . it e- .i i, i . . ioi l , , ,. . too far ist; which have been l ub.isliea ; t! li , t .,.'1.1. ( hol.ev Vortlns ,.t.r In ..t'..f I ' A i v his other .1 Charlotte mil vi- (ppo,crsof the Hea'.ia. lr. M. I!. J aylor, lr. C. J. lot, Jaiiic- i.itv siioun ,i,:i:.ii, -t t.';. ir att.iiliiin nt t i . lhosewlio liave no excuse, IpuI still y . I i-tiome, 1 cel., .Miurew .- .rnio, i,.,. tli i a.i-1 of e h;, ;it;., a ; -1. I uniti-und -tand alo.'f. Col. Ifc'i.jali.ii. Alexander, and K. F. lUvi j- . r. et lar and c ei.io; t 1 1 i c diliees f, r Moderate d riii'.im; w as then show I. t be soil, Ks.j , M il.- avl I'ei.ia'o .So-ad. n.ie-; ci.iph.y cm- th- tralfl manufactory of drunkards, and On motion, it a or..'red that the pro. p. ti i.t t-aeh.-r- .! !, a- upv a l.i li p.. si I-, eiived its merited rebuke. eeeclino.s of this nn etiie: be publi-lie I in the t. i;i aiiioii; t'.o li;. till p i ti oi of tl. e i.:i- Ihi'-peiili 1'o luiliol, the Marshall of .North Carolina Whi.', We-tern I.-inoerat. try. pay i.i.h : ..'ari.-s whi. h wiil -. . -ir.- large the d.iv. Mai-.r Jmau A. lai-, muiouneed and that all other papers favorable t j tin o t. N an i J . e ci.ar.iei ; to the to the w h oi .i--eiiibiaoe th.it .1 A,o ;n cnterpri-e he r.-.i le .te I to copy. . i-it'ven. , S',, , ,... p ,,.,,.,!,, ,1-, i,, i,. ;,. r i ... n..P ,.. ; llilVi:J PI,,;.,, I ,1 ..V, II'., .... .. .... , the ..ine editor ipiotes front s-m ral ah '".i- ii-l.ii..' 1. up,.u a prop, r t uniatioii in tie. name of the liisi.n, a heaitywcl- A. ('. Wil'iaiif'ou, Sie'ry. f in !-.- ti. ei I. . io.i..)i ,ioy, v - iitel c.-iiie t the laid.-, ,,f which there were ' . with it. 'I i ail ic i "iiilli -h an a:ie atit of three verv loin'ones. richly laden w ith hams. misimi l'vkimfi! ivn i-viiiv env the Stat.dard says. ) the Kditr proi.oiii.ccs it " one of the foulc-t cheats that could ha.e been attempted," but goes on to C"ii"r:;t' lat" the Whig party of the South, '-that (he i lhei.il r - '.i.ti -ii i IVeM no such a!:: :.t t S .utile: n inteiii.-etii' ', tmr such an uiiprim i- tion jiap.'i's of the N 'liii, " a- .", il- iice the fact." "that c. u t he ;i! ambl-ruoi -faced cutioii, i-r. oai led I i : ! : ,. . .IN, li. i ; I til-r-. ii.il. .lac!-.-, ii at.d Mr. Craw- "".tliey are m the puhlicatioi, ,-t 1 rial Mr. ("ay m,, jt, d the State I , part- and Triumi h," ly T. S. Arthur, the nio.-t ;l" '"" -r,':it :i 1 ,"ul le-h iau- popular writer in the cut. try, and as .,,0,1 interest.. wi.i, n w - 11 ,, jr. iu.-' a-i--i.i-iiii,,i.t to t.irkey-, chukeiis, In, !, l.i.ciiits.cakcs, pu in M r. A .'.,!: -. an d w oj, ) w 1! we are let 11:1 ( ' II.! : r, ilui ;i a 1 in .', i:. .1 acr..- as t! i. i e t.i ': led tie, v y pr , a.:, an I a 1 a t , S .'ith. rn th.. - IIOIl.oV v . ii t .'.;. v, .,;. : ..Tl,. tiii- v.-ry same " au.oi.'U -u-. an 1 u -eil . ..... I i , ! i.L - U. '.;,v.- it, :! ,, i.i - , ;, -t ' r ' ''f-' ' t . ii.t t y .it. -iiitltw--.rt:.. 1 !. ' "" c.'....j k ., . : Mr. CI., v.' j,i 7 - -1 V- tired l'o-t is afforded. t su1,., ribers at Sv! in ad- bandar 1, the al-lit; aiist. e. mplain s, 1 it- -hare ; '' 1 ii-'d ni j ul li.- :;: : I ut in at.. -. ; 1 c 1 i, s f ,r i ; - c .pics cl; 18 c ; h - f r 'la ; -gl c, ies f..r 'tt. Ad-hv-s 1'. a. 11 .v. l'i t- r- hi. liij S-eitli-Third Strc t, 1 - a-:':ii .'. : t l!;- . ! 1.- .-i-latar..- f K, i.tmky, 11. :h. -I ! ic to the day of hi- death ;!. whi. si.- it ii.t, ni.!-. a 11.. mi cr Philadelphia terly of as ciici tlia too iau, !. tiSj.,t!.,i int. re-t-, i- th" . r;. i letitical !.: !, tt So-it hem ildiojii "li in the Ci.i , -1, 1 1 . a 1 i,.:i., ,1 ..t ...o 1.. !..-;,.. ' T ; ; ; ; ' ni. ' Iu 1 1 1 niiit .Macliinc We im't the af.ehtion . f fan, -r t ... -eir ,..?.. ad 1 1 ti-iiiL: 1 .iiliit;. v. ;., re C, Vi.lt.i.-l a I ::' -u.ot luachii.e advertised by :.;i A. M. .'L l'i" ii, i.-f I li alio" ciiitv. We. have 11- i-tiiit.id two sainide.- of c!-al.. d. w hca' fr -m .In ( li. S i a r ...t.a. '.- -o t . ..... 1. .: 1 1 :.i t it - 1 ' -v- ' i iv v , re n pet I iv in bif.ail of e- ni iliatioi, and 'he same !d. ol.e of which hi! b-ei pit l . t -r- e ,t:i v - If I'.' 1 . 'I' ' j ' i t i , 1 , 'i - . ! . li! tel. -.,.!:!:. ! -:- 1 ," ';- ' ' . - w -o! i .hare i:, t ...I .... ., ...... .1. :.. . 1 ..c 1 :. . ,1 ti .1 .,ii 1 .... ii j 1 ,11 le'i in , a;.a 0 - i.e. w .01. 1 1;, 1. 1 - - - al i, ', t i .e pi a, - r .-. j ! an. e therefore, b . I le 1ar.1I Se ;..;-. 1. el !.: -. '., N-..v 111. i.-r - 1, ! have bc'-u ii'tite a- a- . i-ptalde to tio lii, a- - .... . . , i: !.'- t l.i- ae- . r.ti.ce oi t,..- a, .. iv , . b-.-. 11. At :.!; rat--. t'ie ., iti -n of t ;!-;.,-::.. :!,.r-' vi:ri.v oratiaeatiou ,-, ,.iek!c., etc.. etc , all done up W. And T,,;, ,,,.lv emble-l al Mr. Me.Mnth. v. -, tie w h-e, (iiiu- ii.-urwas a 'io.uer honored with a si I nt ... ! ... .1 . 11. 1. : , .- , . imi . inu-.iji, i.i, in 111-.1 , ni, nil 111-1,1 m tj .-r.-at becbt. y g,i m .re o, de. h . or mor- wiilm to do ,if u .,nlli .;, ,r ,p ,h ,. fi ! viitn u-it M-r- ju-ih e t, the iro .-l things m t Leforc them. , ,,,,,, ,., n,air ;,., ,, J V ":,' ""V1 ' ,!' to- alt- ne.oi, the people a-ain a--.-,,;. M..,.., ,,1,,., a;, ,r NV. W. II ,r! -- 1 pr t . ' -,y r . e 1 1 l i, .! at the and w.-re hri. y ad- ,-lli.)i V... Pr. -, !, , Win. l.-.ekv.'.' J t- :! I l-e i.i- .Ir. cl I v Itev. A. li le I:!!, .! ; II t. !- pr -.f.l M i. r..: t.iey, ami m y. .'ir. , I I I' ,1 V .r. ,.r M .. .'.r. l'-iiai.t was lie 11 ca!ii-'l I r , i;o,!.. r- a , ;', 1 by li.a'. v Co .-, and a short racy .-p.-cch pir r- a:,., a.. 1 i 1 w .1, 1 1,, re. tilt. t . iio.'l .11. W l.iidl , .' 0,0, , r. 1, - ' ,,,,,,, ..-..ii- 1 1 . ,1 ........ ...I 1.1 1 ...... " ..'.,.,- -t- ,1 "" , " , , " ''V- '. " ,1' 1,1:11 bv Mr. Warino ,., a a.s a -1 ate 1 1 i.t,, 11, 1 1, l.i oh -t 1 nd 1 n g 111 t he 111- ' .1 1 ,.,..1 1 . . .1. . 1. , ii.-.iiiity were iiitttati-,, into tin- , r ii-r, iiial.iii w 1 a-:i . 111 :r . .ti- in all w !i , i.-iu. -l the S f ii- r.mn.i ih:i-..,it an t e id i.i-ath- th.-day A 1, 1 t w, i . .Ur .,d -..! .!, :!.. y ait in a i.-.-Iy nn-iiaj T- t.d Ab-tii.ei ..'.. tv. hi,. 1. ,1 t.-.t win ,1 ... b.-in.. tl. i-i t .- A ir I ..r.-eis dav tin- f .r the can-c of T-- ' ' ' th" i-i-.' tl il.t -til-, t f j r in. , in the In l"h! - i !, .1, The tin ni.ry : " J- 1 'o,l a i-t !.;!!, ri 1.. ,. ,.f ,t mil r. main h'-u the tree- which it fr !. !i. laa.d.ii.e. and the I i .;. 1 a.-.i :. wa- ho iiai., ! ami h i.- tl.r-.u.li -1.. -a1, , i.ir ol the repil! lie. Ju the L rt ' p, i -:: 1 W , ' . . 1 . , .1 ., 1.1. ... ,,' if . j ;', i' ' ''-at tin- mnel.il.t- does it- w.-ik weil. t 10 lie "i-ij-arlsoti ju-ti'.cs u- 1:1 iiim.' a' ..t.oia f to It i.j inu 1 11, t.-ii led 1 y it. I: ti.t- had I ': : tin- e.i-e, i.itin rn r. j n:t. rs w . .a! 1 n-.t h :u . I-.-.-U fotilid piil-li-hiiij it. No. t!. - tr i!:; : tiei,. r.i! Se-rt i- a- -.e:i:-! 11; n ti.i- -j e . a. any man in the I'likii. nil 'hat tie m Uiirl can -ay tJ the ci.lrarv 11 t;'!;-t.ri r. t.u 11 number f .! i-.iiihtii , u.-r,- in ittt.-.id 1,., , ..'iiitei r- wi re now muted to gne th. ir -pj1(. ,,),;,.,.( ,,f , cl . jueiit an -I l .ri-it le 1 .iiiiiiaiiie.iii m was then read from '"j'";-' Cpf .1 .!, Walker, w'..-,. it.ine had been l"r im i.,1 a., ,) iu eoiiin . ti-ai v.iti. a nomination. il l illiilig upon the fa on- nl ill healtli, t-i .11- ...... .;., l.i, r... .1. . 1 . ,"'" i". ii-i"" i'i-'.i.iii 1,1 1 in; nn- ...linen ti ni The 1're -,lei,i tln n atoioiiit - l Kich t- r. l,...,.l.. f.. 11, ........ 1 if I. 1. . ir.t, r.'-t in , ... m.-.r. u . , ...I IK- ,.!.... 1 . ' I ' ' . . T ' - , , . ... . . - , --- -- - n , -is this ri -l.t : i'I hive mouldered into .1 tt -t 1 it ' -h 1 -, and .-till-h ,ii-e I I V K.at p. o a!l ,..,ie!t.:iil. 1 .for- ; .. In I - i i. I..- v . - -..a :, th.- t.o I'cail! t;!' I!,'n l i.-v Hi 1 Ti e, I i I ti ' ir I,..:: . t.e w ;i - W l.i." SiilliiiiPhl. A'-i.-eiJl the Whig- i:, ti.i- .; ;-..'. i:, l;,;.;t l-.r the 1 'l . - l,i . l.e '. , 1 IMloll W ! Hi t hi . r h I V ! lie r Tl c e ry W lie P 1 ii ..am (iel. ated. the p ii..i the South, would have profcricd the iioini- 1 in' lai- .,, ,,f Mr 1"" o,or,. o.tb. ir ei.n.U.b.t.. f.,r th" Pre-ideiiey, , t under the cir.'uiii-tai.ee, f the ea-e. the nominate .n f fie ii- rid Se rt P: ii. an 1 . . h:i-t"" be, .. r- r. i: g :i Mr V V- . I. i ii ii-j'irat: .lis i r tin- cr-.wn-"1 th" r- piildie jif.i r. f.-r a luo- i hai t . -a. rn- f; on, i.js ii, io- t.. a, , ,.; ... . lb:.-.. I... :,. ,!,.. f . r ' i- I t. is proved to be ,uit" aceeptaide to all of z- a!,, ecu t'..... vl. . Pave heretofore Moo 1 firm and I ..... iiel h" cHtoiu- ,! rai y. ar-, ai,. I.i- n. Hue, n U. war, t hi 1 a number- ; and if there -1, ii 1 be ah ,!;. i.-t- in it, it is nothing n. r - than v.li-it fin 1 among fie- friend- f -r. ,,: m.-., , a days. We have rcc . .. : th" n. ,-t r. i I a -- araiif ,- tli at it v, i.- 1 i n! ;! ii? -, . a I'." f' 1 . I -- ! to- ai V ' !'g- :.ti. :! I - -.1 -I, Ult'l I,, t , H, )!,, 1 i. a- , . , " ,r-. ;. ,. ' ; at c i I " ; ti.. i. : 1 . r Th- y. v.:h ut j--. a f iv Ml,g seef.'.-i olii-ts ill.lollg U- wi. ! T V ..'a I lh-1: - I'...- Whigs, bi.t who, the Iii-w but r. udiated d.a trine of .-c-n ha- uri.-i n. have -tniy-d away from ;.'i.- Male-. And. but v.'-t. rdav. u -. a n ! Cea-ed to act v. it a tin' par; V. The-e, t d g r r.-atii wa- ml. oi, in f r t',,-,: o-t ; art. as wa-t , ! ,-xp. ..;, d. ar- : - i i , ,'I. in ::: ; r- nit- r-t'l-i 1, t n, a' .v.. 1 - .,- w.ted .eat r and r- II, -I a, .-! 'I... . ... i !,; liii tl,- Ulidv- -, r-..-l tin- r- -t ; art. as wa-1 . : with th- i.- ii.ii j :: a i !- ti: .t i . i it - t ." pa; 1 1 ' i'ii i : .r-: tii o! it , nt of '. 1 -'v i l'. t -. r 1 I ' M. i.i -a',-:,..-.; w ith tl.- i, -lull. .:, .u - , i.-r.ii - l.-li. d With that -f ieliei ,! p,.r. . - v- ii! ;ke it f r rrai.'i-d, !v.,-,, r, that ti,. v v-i.l -. ti." l'i. r-" li- 'o t. ami th i- :if!,i.at" tie n.-.-Iv. - with t!o- Ii.-u, .' ." arty. (' .r -ii." t ni. pn-t they lrive .-tood a! j-..f fr -i.i b t!i t-i.- fid j it i artie-, except wh' re Ih. ir !:: : a ! v a- i..-. i.. :. and it, a- !' n . r..t- s-r- :!.. ad, of at- - it !. , 'i.- r 0. i ! rati .:. ii - , i hi- n .minatioti. and that r.-.- : a ti,- ! th.l- " ;l1 i ... i I I" pr 1 1 1 - pr-vu.. -d among a,: in. -r- .,! ' '. 1 - t i a 1. ti,- ( - I, ti .ii. , . Si..'-" writing the f -r iiig, ha;- r-- W' r- :.. i ti.i i.:h lio- Noli I:, t, iiig. i.e. r. t!.- ir f-ili letters f aeeeptati" ir .iu i ,- I,, r .1 S. : '' ''' ' , '' 'o - a;.! Win A.liraha.u. Tin-. ! tt. r- ar- , , i i.i. 1 nf and can li 1, a:,i la .- i . , - ma;, r- .. ,! I'.i sal ;,ti-f.i. ti--ii. l-hi'ii t',.j S'la iarl. w n: , b- tl.n.f.. - ' -ht I be sati !!.- !. Tie - i-f-r- I' rl,,! . . , . i.i i t a; ar i: v'lr n .' WTLMAM A f.ilAII M v ' Th- new-, of the ijohiiiut, ,i, f Mr. lira- ham f r 1 . 1'r. -i 1. a i i . d le r- ( ' ' ( by ti,. W l.m-, in t i v- v. oi, n-iv.-r ,1 i t and ii- iiiCi-it -atisfaeti ii. A inor- htting and ae.-i ptabi" seh itioi e . ,! 1 n ,t have "" v- I.. . :i made. Mr. .jraii.uii i-i -.1," ot tie-n,o-t '" , m,,a .'. f ai.-i i. i.t, ,i n!ag- ! '! ,- -taui.e;, ' ' V, . r- l ariug. of .Mec klcuhurj;. ir. J. J. Wil liams, Hugh S ils'in and Maior Hart ,,; t r ar, ar- 'frog-step-, am. rti.k-to.i-e-', an-l topi rs i - . ,.:,, . - i .1.1- i " m o'.i.iiiiiirt' iv n pill IIIC IlitllK'S ill ',"UT , "! , C ,,-'(tt,"-"!;T'-tcr"..ng .0,la,,e -,.,.lemc., to the l.'onvcMior,. t-, U .V"';;.".' f.'";,1:'";: ; .:; .ri -T"' ....Ui....t.d ca,.d.,iat"s , represent th,. ' ' " 1"'.! '.i : :' ,' '," .,' ,K ' ' two Counties in tin-iM itf Jerieral Ai-M-nil.lv t - : i ',.,. ,: t . -i .i iiv -. I-.... A . .N. tl ... ..., i eoiiiHiiLii e, riot iuu an. i iree eo::- miUi.tion. reported through Mr. Waring th ru tm t.rn tii.-MM mim Hani'- of t:,o Hon. i rn u W, l'a,etf. for ll-'.'Nt., N C. .Inn., -ghlh, l-.'.o. the Senate, ami Win. llijf k, K-. . of Meek ''"' A- H i.'.'i.iM.Min leiihurg, John M. Ingram, li .. , and C, I ik At the -ugge-toii ..f ,-ev. ral citi- James A. Dunn, of l uion, for (he Com ii- in tiiis county, a public meeting wn mom; whi. h w ml, .p,.ij uiunii iimi-i ?. 1,-11 mi tin: I'o.irt h Hue, oi, the "Jfi n,-t , tli" I he Prc-idi-nt then appoiiil.-.l Mr. Wul obi, , t .f the lin etinj being to aJ .bt reso- lace aid Mf. McMalhew, to inform ,Mr in- ut , ;l! -ii xpr. i . - .,! tr,e .. ,, fth" in ting I'raln .( hi- nominal i-hi, hi appeared he "t r-lati--, r. th hit- tiiovi iiient made by th" f-.r" tie- eonventi.,,, and t!iaikt'-l th.-ni f,.i .' ' e, r -b- r ,. e ,ir. i-nti ,n, an ) I i di-eu-s the tin h oi .r . oiif-rre-1 uj.-ni him. i;i a bro f uu-; l'r i te tv -! - ii ting i -I'-gatei p, r, pre..nt nipr-o.ut" ad Ir.-,.. M,-s-r. C4I.ln.-H I t.i ti. I 1 .ii- a j ::.t f -It an to ad v iili.'t the '. 1 ar- all nt .ilv V hat la I I. a; - and , -1 a'" t ia t li" ,- ! wo :ld 1 1 . . 11 -, . i ,,. a 1 1 1 i o r - - -ii." I Ian ! ;. who h t , : a : I" 10 I t! r. i I." l-et i.i the llie.'til, at I. - At: r I.! li'. I' . I, , , . - fig V. a . - W I , V. ic 1,-t- '-f ith.-r can lidatii to a -ry i.t. The I'iatf ,rin. :, i.i t- -rv. i r . i t o; 1 1. a't .ta t. i.t ..fib., p y ( 11. ,-, , .; v ii-! , ... .-- Whig. j. ;, -. . , -n.alh 1 t!.. ir '! I.'-- so i ii,.t".i. taat 1,0 inalt.-r how oid N a I ii - t.i' . J I - h a - -. r 1 with ''le'.il y n. ay . a t tie ir ti., v will hot 111 1 ''.-re-.-, and now !i,i-, mo t 1 r. ditahb. . tin- oiio e ..I er.-tai v o to- .N.i.v. Mr I ; '.. ..... t". :.. 1 1 . . .. 1 1 . adopt id by ..,,,..,..,.,,,,,),,.,....',.,,.,, .,, i,r ' . , , f ti..- !- !lt' Whig Cor. v.-,.ti,n, j.,u.-h f.,11 and ,!:. . r ..fth.- pre,..-,.' ah;.-Cabii.-t I.-' i...t i i.aifa,a-t " n ; i. te tlii.n.t h 'if a. I that our patty ;f t- r d: h arged t in- .1 ati - of hi re-.p-.n-i! ! 1 I, .t.e always e ,:,n tel. d f r th i' "t .'i'ii- .Mr. 'ir. ilium i- a g.-nti. man ol , 1 nt anilities, I. le- i.'i.iiinnu n' -, rullicn nt i -. 1 1 .1 1 : . - xii, !! in - , urban.- and ei ah d II. ; ii.lig. I - '.- p. o" -, .."li .I.; ,lt. in-Ill IN Lit ll" h -i-s (--.erv a 1 I I . 'y '!- i t l.i - j a;!;, at t!.i tjli.i ; 1 - I -- r, .:;! . at, 01 r- - . -H" i'l ill" n -l ilng .,: t;..- gl-,'.l il,i.t- eiaily, .ii,... ,,:,.,)..,.. -i), ,,,(,,.,.,.,,! li. 1' the S.-natc. Hi- p-.-ii'.-li fiodi- Tt;. in the -phere ed 1 , , , ,. - 1 1 r-al.tlollS nr.; ol a ( llliiaet. I t lit I - l'i'.,-, 1; in r,;..v a: d i - II, g halt- w - . ai.:...!. f r th" life . f 11 -, a- i;.j W!,; -r, t!,-r rt a::, w I; -. nn ai. 1 j p- -t - 1, a , 1 i -. a . t . -1 1 1 11 Ka,. li .' I -. -'1 o ir - .1 . , a t e J, l ; f j, , 1- - .: .- ,,::-,.,! 1 - i - - 1 ' -. 1 . 1. - - 1 , t . , . . ,ag t . tl," e ',. j i ai" 1,1 i- lli i, 1;. n. .) i iiv 111 th- I oiiii nti 01 t 1 be h. I, 111 I. s. an I I'.ii.ii 1 m ' al.-. i.t il... I'r.-i l'i. iri -It on (i.i- .-ibj. -, t. d.i.t m-t; ui t.-d ll,- , r. turi.s toinf.rn 1 j 1 'a la ti .ii, Mr. J r !an ('..iit.eill, wi. enii- til-Hi "f th-tr li-iiiiiiiat,.,:,. 1 .It. ti;.- , ., 1 1 . and .1 ,i,i,athaii II ,rt m i Mr. Waring fr -nn th" e .11111,111..,, r... . tt-d I. t 11 . ,li-. .,, rel.orted the f ,1 !., i , hiiiriuan haling ( vrdaineil the oh-I (.''J''" . That we eord.allv n,,r.r.,v .. tie- lo.l iwing pr- iiii-1 tii- iioiniiiatioii of tin; ,,0. Il.ni, ,s. Jj,.j. ' ";' r.-..!.it! .:is were 'dS-n d by ii. T. by the :,t" M.,t- C..,,v,.,,M..n, as Ih,- I, ' icli. K-' . an 1 iiiiaiam , i ly a l-.j-t- 1 by 't iti" 1 'an li bite f.,r I i .v. rnr and that i '" 'le- i.ng : w.ii gi ' him an in-:, a . I v ,., nt t!,., , . j W !,- r -a-, a J r p-iii :, hi. 1 i Ii - t iug . 1- . t,..;i. i j; t i y a ,1.., nt, , lld in .!,;-.,, r-,', i , Tl..,t the iai, , by th. i '. i-f I ' nn , t, oj,,,, ,, i- .inn,, mi ...i,n Ii,!tiiii..re C.,uv. .it. ui. of (,, ,, (, ; ly Kuhva;, between t!," C i.tral l!,;lr,d l'i" r," and Win II King, as C.iielid.-il,-. ! I yl '' ;ir Ci.ari at-. N. C. and tt.,' lia-t Pr--i b nt ,,,! n e Pr. , !, nt of ,! I t,,i . t I ''-..'. anl ir.'ii.ia I! ..li ,ad. at Jon,.. St..t in, , t, an), ,,r hearty appr .baieo, ""' ' 1' nn.-.-. . ; and ''. It ; . a prop ,.ti,.n ' and pledge ur.. Iw i to niv.-tneiu a e ,r ha- a --i tt -ii made t i hold a Cmention "dial and . I, tin,. i.,-ti,- s..,rt . 'h .r!-.;," -n fh- ..!h o( .! .,- t- t..k" I, l hat W" approiu of t!. r :.-i ( rati -i, : I a l t- I by th- Stat- foment, -m 1 1 ' l ", 'i - - le!,. w I., , I,. ' 1 pee, a! V those III I i . . r of l-'re all i . ,'i i . i r ' -'."V ' ' "" ' "I" v .' .th Ihpiai Siilira-e, an 1 the mode prop.,,, ; ! , i-i' '.,.! . -i"',.. .i,,1',:' .','"!',. "f a""',"li" tlv '''Hitutiou iu r.-ialeo. n- : -,-: l.,.,-,.i,,.'..i'. . th.-ret.. j ' ' " -i "r. I) :.. f. t , tr- .,!.., , .''"'"', Thai fhe thanks of the Iieiie. , ,'' ".' '"' ''' "" -'"I V, ..hi. rn .North cratie partv of khiiburg an, 1 li,,i,;,i, i hi io'iei;, ,',.;,'7, ,.f M. '"y.fd.-red t.,j.r. j. j. w.nia,..s .t , V- ' . ni c.t.... - . . , ,,, yi,r-i i'!, ; " l'ri-".i, i-s.p, our late r.preseii ' "; - I"1 -."t'-ru.ig" ..I i riw, t , (- tatnioi in the J., -gt-laturi- ..r the able mu I ' I.io-t I.OL'U.h- I'.iil, !- , a. 1. 1 r..,,l .i . ... I..., I ll . . '' ' loos- fr 1 a. , a,,, , i, i., i ,. ,!.;. .1... . J " II .".' MN V V, lit' I ' t i.e 'u., I ' . t , haw v I, , i.. t,, ,, , i.. .... i . 1 '" ' f ,,- t -ill I-tii nil s.o.l.t.rt of ll... ul .o, 1 ill that J'iaif ,n:i. 'I he i ,.t r .. the .... i i... . . ' t ,.: i rt .1 p iti i-t ,'iicl -I i g- r. he woild I ... N' nh '.'aroiii.a Stan. lard, in l '" try. 'Hie -. If -tr-ii-Hi w 1! !:i:!Mi HVI.-IUN (,! Till! S'iVS 'I' I KMI'lil: MT-;. '"' ' ' o : ' '!., I ' - ,.,,, lent inuniii r in which they ilischar". ! nn . i,i, I., i,,-,, ,, ,....t , .,.. . r ,,,i,, ,i ...,, I-, ml to, ,, ,kI h.o, i.t ,. , , ., , , r i , N,ti, , r,,h.,. : -Mr. I l. ( r,e. nllered t.i" f., lowing: -.1 -ni. 'I a .1 I ir-,- ,! I- i. ,,,. ,,,,., , ' .''"", Thnt ('apt. John Walker, by " ' ' - W i,g. o, I ., I,,,,,,,,, hi- pa-t s. ruce-, ha. cii'ieanol hilil-i If t'- I ' ' ' -' ' ' !.' on iht ..Hi of the Dein-, . ,, leiiburu and 1 ni,,,,, ale! it is with ileeii r - a. r.o y t,f tlie two Co!!!. lies of Meek and 1 ni, in, ate! it is with ilei ii re- ( gn.i we hear of hi coiiiinueil imli-p .-iti n. ii tl. .) in c i:' th. we oh-, rve. inak' - in nil, ado a 1 i;t what !., i- I h a-, d to t nn th- , ,..; -I, r . i tn, -t l.aii.b, : ; t," -a v .i - f . c i. r. We j- , t. th, :b:; '. -i : .ckiii,w!rii:'iiif'iil. W. . t .! '. .or - ! , ti,e H A 1 1 .. k ! 1 ' i - t -. I III. '. . I ;,. . -,i- i '." . ; i -. .g !; . ,.t-, ! i I ! an ! l-o '. .;.o; ; r ii.t' r I C.t, -a : i m -., iau-, n-, nit i b it!,' i it- W.hig on wntion. I he - anted to a tn-,;. t he-, I 'j i d by liem r il S - 'f, it Would be f .ind in al'- i ti..- inline of Will, ni A. (irahain. of North t in ,r -'il.l. whi I.etived th" .1 1;.l I, I III i i ,;. ii --a in, at:. .ii l ,r ie.; J're i lent .,11 tk - ,., - ' e ,;, -.' I :..!. t II i, a :-! ,! " an that N. v, at miiir, I,:.. ;'e,, -i ! ol to hoi, ,r. ,,ii ! '," j -., , . , pi" o! tl," w b ,!e ! i.jnii learn I t , re-t,' i t,"' ,;, y; .. i s y ,t hmmir, ,,, j. ,;,, . .1 , !., ,1.. r d' I !,. d , , .- '-f it - -r di. 1 1 ,i th, i, regtit I to the- , on,, i ni.ual M . ' . ta- S i! i .hbili. r Nniili f;;ioiiha I i, jmmkI it litth; fi mi that ad ...ted i :, o. :-giO.-- ; and ,:" , nd .. '-! m ;,..!,. i, I t-, I y ti- p, at body ,,f ih.,, 'HI. r llt. Ill the j,,, .' .. ,e ,.1 . ,,,,V -"' ''' I' ' e at tie- .. i t I I, . I g- wi i-l. ha-'lat' .". V' 1 ' ' o. . : e no ., r tin pi. ' t 1, i, d , , an, ' ' 1 '''-i I" : re the ial ; il ,a lit'-oi .,! t'air ) ni and w- t h :' - r J 1 1 . l.-.wii r, th- i,,w la.ar- mil,!- ",in of high . ' ' . 11'!' ... I it. -r.-. :,.. mo. i .i ti,r- a, !,-.,. t th- i ., ir.tr-. , ' ' I ' W.I.IA-. A lillAMAM, i V I I l'1'h-l! I.- I e 'li' !'!' I ".r-l i- 11, M. .-:.!. ;; -, , ., g I 1 mil.--. '.: . '.. o! .!'.-, an tie- (', i 1 The v-id. r aiii.ed at tin- p) 1 ' v.,... I , an 1 1 eimi .ji.t,- a . j ' ',. i in:-- at.. I e, i - ; . n al,-,-:, hi- I . 'I h S.,i, v.. ie ill th- I In. i-i M i ,1 An. - -d . I M, , - W.-t ! I..H I ll i -. . - ' i: .at, i,, '" hi. p : of Mr. ,l.d am. ,r the ie- I',, -i Vl,: la." fle re '! ,-- ,.,t '. , I ,ty or in -I " r I be t, mat v ,-t tl 'I, I :' al "t I. . - 0 I... K' ' .. y t . iii" Iki f , and r- ,i "t 1 .' i.i and iu. . t i ,ii and liit-iie-tuai J rug .Ma. . ,! Pr .' cUllJ , I, t . ; ')'- -1 : n I I r- , I, I lllit il o .! !. , am! i ' i t t . ; ,w ing w .,r'i - : ' "" "'-'t ' " -. 1 l.i.t tie- .-ci. - of ' ' . -... i:.. ;o t ! i . i, ig I ii I . - I the I I,. ,11,, III,-1 1, Hi J.J aa-'pie at the ('on 'I I.I I lb I! '. Illl fill 1, . ai -i an I I iii--- a- a p. ii,!,. rviii.t, i- i - -. - r kiio.ll I, .. i li ha- , ... , J.ldglin I.t, lii .1: a, .., tl," ,-. , ., -I ti." He- ! I'; : ... ha- la, i, I,.,,.. ,-, i .1, d , I y I nit d St..t. - - I , . lb I. .. ( , , ,,, , I "-tat.- a- ii ' 1 tie I" 1, o - I . Stal. ill an if iii, ii 1 ml -nf", an.,-. ,.( t h" "il" - ' ."--i. -,r w In- h . !h, .- I,- ! tn- iiangi i-.li- i , M-lting ,, -ti,.ii- wl.n di "'Willi tn M e .. ,r i., inn,-, il.l,,. tin y i ii, I. r.i ee ; a nd . s., fa r a- tk.-y , ,- oi, - and party and n, I il I, t hi..!,,. I in d. we v ill inaintiiili tin in. and in-i-t oil l.--t"c. up,,,! , , ,y hi- leigl,l-.an .1 ,-.I- i am 'I Iniii t a-. ,- J)eiaitllie.l, 1A(, ih- W hi r - -in i v i - in .ia;- with yy. ,t ii.t ; bi .i.H;!',: T-inp-rat,. g And tl.- I nil I" i oi.'i. ..' ! . tin- d ' ,! !. '.... , . . .- -., , I" -'r- :.. .' ;.-.. ,t .,-..!. r tin- wi p,, ad l,-g li - V .ti, a I .,.'; ,- ..f blue, , I. h.t - iil-i.-.n, . l.b. r. . i t , - , 1 ,, 1 j, ,.,. and fid-ltly, ..:, t .. !, jt ,. ,;,!!, . an i'. p i. g pr , i .i, wa fornn-d in ai -bail not. - i "ii-d il in-j.iii:,.. n., . bill and .!!,,. and , .!. ,. ,m,.,;,i nt-.ri in d t-, tl. , ! a, - r. p ir.-d f.v ll,. ,r a.' 1 """" ' blti-.ll I l.e ,-, ,.. ,,b- ; ,,f ,). ,.M w re ml: elm - d 1 y !,,. lb , . y. ( p.,,,, ' "ii in an nt pr tt ,, , T. .,.,. "" v' '"- p"H .::! ! , -i-i'' a i., , t ..... I" ','.-' allair . i ; I. -a v- .. I ,1 l a,. ,'. .i, , 1'. O rt, . te-l I , I , H'...'U t'.' V ,:, p.i.'il iii or I, r la iiroi ui, ,i , a, , , v i.i ih,. r, and We limv nt'.-r loin ,!,.. I, .1 1 "".."', .. w. .......,,...,;'. f,,V:'ra" -,.. , , , , a. ..ni', a ,i ;, -i,,i,.,i, ,,, ,,, ,i i IT. .1. .1. imams ofli red tin; following : i(f i . i!,, -i,.,t a r,,p,- f t i r. r, . iiilli,,,,, ,. ' K'Mihrd. That the Coiivi iili .11 hears with r-..r -,..., , arniiaahni,, , ,,,,, pieM ,. ( !1U t M r. W a . ,; has con -cled t- i.. .r,u ;.". aiMl "'"'i"'-" ' i'emo,rati,. ,,a,...r t- i- ph!..hed , .. moti- f Man.r W. I. ,. ,!lf. f, , VUUt'- '" " I-"'-- "ur-.-lvcs to ..." l,(,n..-r ,iu,." ' "lir ,"'"t '"diavors turilru, tsciieiilal, lo.. ing ., r-oin wi-r,. imaniiii.oi , y a.,1,,,,,,1.., r ... . , d, 1- '.iti - to the ( h irl I, C . IllOtloll (if W III. JiUl KV, til ' thli'lK- " 'iimi i ni . i !... . i i .1...' ,!,., ii ,, .. ... , "',. ..." ouveiiiioii we,,; i.uiiereil t, m inim , llorto ,, .. I, lewell, Ml,yp y - """,l -wl'"r""i"' the ncrw.tl, wh,.,h I,,. ,.,.,! ,!!, .,..,. JhliliW CiilM-IL iV ' r I "'''"'"'"t ,'ir. .'le.'lathew i, (lie thaim .'NA'tftAN iii'i,- St'! ' ' ii i "nvc.ilio.i Ul re tendered to tii" ' '' I ri -lilelit, lee I'le-ldelit Hud S. cr.tail' - I'.li III.: v. ' , It T , I i , in , ,. I n UMIO. '"r the courteous mid hin.Ttial inanie I with 'II API,' III K AM JuMlS;:m. ; (, whieh ll-v di-. harg',1 t'i( ir r,-. d.i K'lAI. MI'.KITN.i. to"-, l'i. iiioti-u, ,.f II. I'.oph s III obi, in nee topri-UoiM lioli. e, fl large .'oi,,,, '(hit ill" proceed n 'fi of t!,i- illel '.-p. et.ible lliee'lng of the c I f j e j , , ,f Convention be pub I i -lied ill ill" N C.SlaU'h Mieklinbiir' f. iii tit v w i- I ;.. .1. ard. ami thai I'm l.li ! I : .- . . . 1 . T , . ,,, and .' ' "' 1 1,1 I lie ' " 1 ,11 1 hon e 111 Charlotte, 1111 M. 11, dav the - C'. Whig be ri'iiue-teil t . t .py. -.1. I.. I.. ' 11 p ,, t ' J "'; I'd. Jonatiian lb ill lr no , ting adjourned .1 "th of July in-tanl, l,,r the ,,,r ',, , On king into e.,11 -ider.it ion th- -ubji ,-t ,,f a !.,i. 'on v.. it ion ndjouriied lliotilll of illlgll WilieiD, li-'p, 1 . -c. ' ,1 -in "i in ia- . . . ... 1. - 1 i I tm ir -tni I . n! ,r. iiiciif. until tiuic and 1 x- iii'i.'s. .'. pcl ltlitC rhilll (J. Inom-trate the lie. i.-Ml V ol "i' t ll A l:li;ij; i'i:i;si: tatiun. '11- 1 tin- 11, tl,,- ,,, ighboihood of Hani 1 -on - ('ioliel, pi,-.,ileil (he l.ivi-iolia f ,1," -or I S, f lie- day "''.' -"ll,.e X loll between ( ' l II r lot t" . C IIICI .lolieshoro , I I'imr,. ee, w hel,, ll motion, udr. w p.-,,l K-,j.( ;,, eaHe.l t ,!,,. Chair, an I A. C Wiil, .-. lv lhi... S,.. eietarv. At the re.p.e.l f the chairiiiati, Ir. C. J. I" , vpl lilted the obiei t off) ..fin , JOS. lit )SS, president. I) -vi-ij. W , W , uiT, ... ,, . , ,'...., ' J ,11: Pr nts. apt. . llAItllls'iN. Wm. I.i -kv. i , Col. M,,.,.,N Sr.Mtr, N ' S 1 1 mu" I ii't'fi crtMV atc...t P.'.lliir in !hl! inlhtWlH-r ! rc'itti till tin.) r..ilMi:.., 1.L,1. 1... . ! ... V . 1 I . .I..-., nl . I . ---i... r nr., nut. ii in- f,ii PUI U H H'W IHMirn inn-fi' I..'- ju li "i.t fitciii '.!,' f 5t i' ,. .., .j ...i i. i .... m- . - . . . 1 Cl. i ,,, , , ' . 1 "'""1 1H I'ri''"',!" h.V a lew poiutea an l ,i. her hiishnn.l'n store. The merchant valud fr i "' ""-' i y iiro,riare n tiinrfes. t - 1 . ,.' ,;, .,; ft;' . . . ,,.,,.,.,, ai'.-ieieii i lirof.ri.ile rnn,iili it for 81b F il -.11 it at s-.'loyaud tl.o lady purchased

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