HMWMunu:tnii mw A. C. W iLLiAmSGH, I kmou. "Re irne to t'oi to jjoii' t'on.i.rij, io ijotii Snii)." CHARIiOTTB, XT O., ja."CJGH3"3EB 13, 1852, NUMBSR. eo. EOLTOW & WILLIAMSON, I'llOl'illETOHS. TKlt.MS: The Nurtli-t'ariilln Whig will Le uliurikil to aulwrilicra ut TWO IMil.l.Ali.S in mIii.c, nr TWU IM.I.I.AKM AMI r 1 1 1 1 (1..V1.S .1 p.,y. "".. T,,. 7., "",7.1 """'"""" . , ... I AilnrlimunciitaiiiaertciUtOiie Ifcdlur perniiiarn 1 iliihucaerlc.., tin, rued t)r) ir the lirstn.Mr. i,111i,unUiici"tfiiri'jf.lir,.iiiii,iuin'. I Wind, mm-u. nil nts ami Wi' ritf'n S.l.a rlurifcl -'" r i'Mt. hiplicr ; mid t ftcilui turn ot jmt ci-m. wilt U' miiii' Iriiiii la' ri-(riilur pnci , lur i.tlvt:rtis('ni by Use A hi'rttm niriil.4 uisi-rii J ini'iithiy ir iiiiri rlv.nt ! r KjU.p: I"' i ji h liim . hciui. mi nllily Tj rent ( r iU iri P r i itli tune. ti All li ttcm n Inlivc l iIip Kililun. I I ! i, rt- niciit mint be ilirected lo Hie Mitiir. And til h t. u-fi oh duiitfi!! mr rfnu uiifk(acHuniii w. uin-r- d-d to tin; Tuldislii r. All U tti i iimul 1 1 ast. i nr flu v will net oc atti nit' d ti. J ' I'aviHcnl can ! made tiji itltt-r. i f I'lmtiiuistiTB are authuriird tu act it arntH. l ilt! lllipltVlk ICitll i Itollltl),' Oil Tt me. Vtt-.iyatw llutli f." Kr, hvc foil liisinl t!w nwellinif nouiiit, '1'iil lrom our nurlln ru uouud .' It', mighty H"! lilln vi ty ld.t, Thu I.iolc utinit ellt. III'IHC-. The tlujifN Wi Bill ir n rolini n nil n And tfw I 'liipiu'wa II..II in a rnMnifi on iii"l'. Hurra, llurr, Hurra, lluf.'a, llitrr, 1 he ( llipp. -VJ It. II In 4 rohililf ml 4 rolhnc, Anil ti.e I liijijii wi I. S! i .'iroih? V ft JJ-'Ti',a atinii-rd tin ilia to am .11 IfroiatU I Mil tntirtd'a aturuy at hti, tid I .litfUnd'a tle now urga tin. ground hrrr it ti lately ri.iis d arnuud. t'ltoai The l'!niin a Bit! ia rnlliii;, Niafara'a tuff r-nfml eiiirer The huratm tt.ill-ra on ihr- tbnri' It v raiirH.n'a tV-h th- al.initig h.nlf? OT I.' 1 1' rn is dt la i id. 1 hua i a 'I'tie I hipjM vi a Bill a rclloig, Hit l.ftv iltlnir ia b . t !! ill hel.t T;t iljiirei in liic a!ilt fljft.t , IIf'h in a fla aith ofnotiTiii rtf, ,ii in .a. n t!i. Bnt'.li I. ..t' . ra Dr. k t Hoaca -Tlie Ctn,.:- II II- T in; I, I f.-r tl..iiiie!n .,f u In r. KrB ww c-euld hurl Iii" demilv -tK-nf. VV'tl ,.4 v Hum t r thr l.l.i hi i-l lt''r.-0n. th- lliradini heat. l f'hiPTK-w B.!' t a nf , 'I ... ;H ..j,;,. jr lul l a Tit i r f.t" 1 ... lI H'1,,1 -Ifovf iti te . 'I o iirif th rrd-ifii lit re ard i. ii, t rink T.d till trixn our f-it rnoaca Tins i 'tii.p'wa IJ.II i a roll.nif. & r. I iiiiuiiiIh r d liii.ttsamla Uglily ay Ta. v'!l i-ive t'i- ir ut. h t L Iiiih ; "id l.molr a thr l.'o gr.-uji, Tlny amell the f'.af.' r in hi -eup. 1'ibiaea Thr rhinpeua bill i- a r..t!':njr, &r. t on ami Uk " ind l.y luc ay, i m try Iru nd- of i ltiijit ; Titt ia no fi-ht in fi .nay Pi.-r.-r, You'll nmkr hini'fniiit tr h kni fi rrr ' i irnai Tin- flnpn via B II ia a roMui, &.c. lisccllanrous. f', tin N. Y irk Higjii. 1I0MKS AM) ilKAIiiS; DeBolating Inflm nee of Intemperance, HY MR-- l:, I.ii(MIS. ( II M l I K V. T li t 1 Wo MAlIi.S A tdsi.l'.Al I 1 1 1, ,-si.m: TI1K WhldllMi Tilt: IM'Mh. 'I'!., ii tiki- lur vi.iitlilnl In art tis Hum- T'. i.i . ,-i ml tlini. i t.d !.i. .. r, 'I'hn, till Mil- airmranV lit.- hnl! f ol 'I'lime till th,-' ch.ird'a ..f hf.- ahall n-v. r !" " Whi,t bright wreath of thought areyot w. avinr now. Alloc '." cried the merry voice "f n maiden, aa alio (.nftlv iipproachcfl her Irieiiil, tirey your radiant countenance i i -p.-aks naught but joy '' Ali. e Wood py blu-hed, and her Cotnpa i a at that no .in. lit espied a aiiiali ruby rin which glittered f..r the first time upon lu r d.-lirale finjer. "Ah, i mc h' it !-,"" cml, "you have gi ven your heart in cM-haice for if. u iy I.i e s. I ve long anticipated such a re sult I had aluio-d said, teari-d it." '' l-'e.ired it! .lane what do vou mean I- to t H.-nry all that a w an . ould 1 no gi'lieroil, n.d.le, highmiiided "' ' Vc, Alice, he is all that, and yet I fear nc ill not make y,,ii hnpv." " Kxplniu yourself, dear .lune; I am sure that llihry , mc and will d i all in Lis l".er for inc. He is led liili, I know, hut that is r.f iuall import nice. I will glad ly -hare w itl, bin, even poverty, if such is his lot. Why then do y..ii fear my Lnppi- ll.-S '' '' It.-cau-e, my dear friend, he has one L ibit which if tiof broken is sn-.Tn h ht to pi'itc'c himself ami vmt in the aby- of s..r I allude -i tj,e 'habit of w im- drinking." Alne Wooilley started aid grew pale, 'Hid f. ,r f Hue iiioini sat in sib in c. "1 l ll'iw," said she, at length, "that he ''in times indulges in the u-e of wine ; but i . i in. i what young tiian of our aoiiiaiiitaucc not! Vou cannot allirm that Henry; diilil Hlks t i execs. J" N" not t i absolute intoxication, but of-: t. luoi. than for his i ood. Hut forgive mc d'-ur Alice ; I have grici I you by my you tiy my plauim-Hs of speaking and hu aiitsliod all vmir happy reveries. I trust your influence, will .1 . . ... .. . . . ici mueh, and Henrv will abandon the n,o f wine iiltonether. Hut tell mc, for we, 'are no nceroti from each othi I you know, when is thu wedding to tak place " " have dcM-ided un thr nioiith of June," replied Alio..,. M and i must elaim your iron,iM, nH Id-iJuMimid. You, Jane,, and X! f ,t s,avt p-'.-o. f ( fl-ee." yottrn. " With the greatest pleasure," answered Lit friend, " and 1 lmpe, dear Alice, vou win u uappi jour weuumut e. as you " "-) ",-.'- 'V " ui blisii ou earth, tin you cm are a sad flatterer, Jane and ......... ....... ...v .. ivu cue-i. i 1 1 i..;cii thinking of soini tiling (iiiite out of the ordi- . r nary course of things; 1 will have no wine at my wedo'im.'. ,, r, ,.y ... , , ,. . T'-keu li ;e yourself, dear Alice, but will your uncle consent ."' " I can coax him to let me have my own way, she replied, laughing, "though no uout.t tie will tini.K.t a strange whim. ii,jw. ever 11 tutroducc a new fash.on." " Ami I. for mie will ii nil it ' 1,1.1 " i ....... .., - Jane, "ill am ever K, fortunate as to cLaii'O my lot of silielo M il. 'J'he lonversatiuii was here interrupted by the entrance of two youn Lidies who were fi iei.Ja of Aliic, A half hour jias-ed plea santly away in lively chat, when suddenly a heavy mppini; was heard upon (lie outer nour, and tier little ma serv.nit ushered cut' rod the room in Mr. Hi nrv Li e. He in a very strange maimer, and advancing to Alice, be ki-scd her ruddy, exclaiming, "i (im glad to sec you, upon my word I am. 1 eouidii t pas tin- hou-,. witjejui ju-t com Iiil' in a moment. hy 1 .. . . low well Vu look, Alice. What a color yoti Imve to night; your checks are like full Mown ro-cs,'' and then, as if ju-t aware oft'.." pr--etice of the othi r ladies, he lowed half a doz. n times to each, wiih many fulsome compliments. It required but a glance to see that le wa intoxic.'iteil. 1'oor Alice! she was ready to sink t i the earth with shame and mortifica tion. Henry threw him-elf hack in his chair and poured forth such a strain of non sense, that tlie yo'in,' laHii-s tdt villi Alice's ( 'tubal ru'Mncnt, r to take i ,ic. Henry wishing to ili-pl.iy hi- gallantrv, ofh red t i c"cirt tin in home, and not w itli-t atnliii,' tin ir "ileieo and cudetit w.-h to di-pi-hse with his c'Uiiprtiiy, proceeded with thc.'u through the street, talking atid laiigliing loudh. When the door c!oi-il up ,n them. Alien iitik down in a flood of t'-ars. ()'. h jv 1 it ter!y 'he w. pt ! When h r ait. tioti had "mica hat -ubsidi d she took lu r p n atel wrote a note to !! nrv, statin.' all her feel-itu;- her -hatnc, her mortification and .-or-r iw ."'In. t .id him that -ho could not w, d a drimk-ird that unless he abandoned the mm- of wine, tin ir i ie'i"i luei.t niu-t be bro- 't:. he be-oij"ht litLi I y evcrv thing love- hi Id ib -ir eti earth, ly and true, by all 1 and l y bis Li .if eti rna! happilit-ns, to nipfitlg Clip. The letter put far aw!V the tempting cup. Tli was deluge. with lu r tenr, aid wh. II. n- ry re and civ I .df-r id r f A d it pang ot agnniiii- shame j-roicli shot through hi- soul leli rid hitusilf ridiciilniis i;i the lice 'ind . 'iii-ed In r t i blu-ih for h CVr hitn. Li -ides brill her loving heart. Il lb op s.lT .w t j iiriri2 p.-n, be w ri-ti r.tdv l.l.niiili; forgn c r aj ai 0 . ,...;,. 1 hitii'cll ereat! i.-l eiitri at -tig h lii" Solemnly In would lie forget hi- proeii-ed n iiiaiiho'id lb her that it wa, the tir-t time In- hid i .. r been thus iiitoiient.-d. and it would be the l i-t. TLe gentle Alice perused the . tt. r ajain and again, and lur find heart forgave him. Milch more guarded and w n t hful w as llrt.ry after this di-gnn-dul m . tie, and th .ugh hi- cniild le t r ntin ly abandon hi wine. he did Hot drink to i-n-i-, and Alice belleveil that the habit would 1 e 01 en-. Hue. Time sped lli'Ltly away and ' r .ii.l.t the nii'-'i-il ho ir. Ntiuier uts gue-t- tlir-oiged Mr. V.'o.l. v, the UtM le of th many were tin- whi-p. rs of sUi wine -.'rai-e-l the occasion. A i the hoii-e of ! ri b . am i.i is.- that n eiblitl.r with- wine' sin 1, a thing was tu-vcr In an in tlio.e d,i s w Li II spirituous li i-lors h f 1 a piouiini ,.t pi ice in cvc r it -ti e so. lie, f-i bus wi re II "t a few . antly, .ind th" 1 li lo and the Hut it p ..r..,,,n tarn s of 1 . d off p!. ; " "11"'" than he ll t, . d nibt to Lett, r advan tai'"' than lie would ..tie-rwi e have done. I,r f us pa-s over the -pace of -ix years aid look ui. ui then in tla ir wedded life. It w a, a ph S.-t..n, i.t spring n't. mo i had been the i ti that p.-iiiii d ither's. .served Jane ? friend p,1ssi, 1 bride-n ai I "f Alice, was on ti tin- ill il'c strei t aoi "ii bv n lady w ho w a- mi a v i-it nt In r 1 ' That is a ehandii.' re!re;it. theladv. pointing to a c .fta.'e cat .U-. I with trc-s nnd festooned with vines, me thinks sweet a spot mu-t be the abode of Lappilie-s." Jane sighed. "It i the re-idiii.e of a , friend of mine,'' said lo " coiuo, we w ill enter, and I will intr ..luce y 1 t . her." " With pb -a-ure," wa- th" r ply. A rdinely, following a winding eran-l walk, bordered by lhwcr-, they roaeho 1 the door aid were admitted into a small pallor, fiinii-hod with ta-t.- and b gatu o, though evi-ry thing w as of a rumple Hid. Alice 1..-C, whi wa, sewing ar.'-e t i w i lo .mc t li'lii with thiil irraecliiltiess and case of luatiticl's w huh she always display ed. Though sliil us handsome as mi the eve of her marriage, theie was an expression of subdued melan choly mi lur countenance and a wulncs, in her eve, w hich. not w itli-t.'indiiig all Lor, she c nil 1 not wholly baiii.-h, and though Lor conversation was sprighlly and animated, Jin readily perceived that her gaiety was forced. The bounding stops of a child came lightly up the garden walk aid a little fairy thing -prang into the room "itiging merrily, all um-oii-i of the pro 1 none" of visitors. In n she perceived them she stopped abruptly and looked down in embarrassment. Jane bold out her hand and smilingly 'united le r to a scat on her lap. "And mnv what Wife you hinging, I Amy ?" die asked, smoothing the curls 1 which the wind had sailly disordered OI it was only my little song, auswer- "'d "'O child, .'lamina made it lur me, ami 1 always sing it when I am happy. ill you ph ase Mug it now, dear, that : ' "i:l.v ll, ar ll 'ii i:it .... said Jane. I he child complied, and warbled forth in j oct oiee tlie following simple words : ' H ippy lit I la Amy I ce, (n e na aiimiiirr air Noiichl u! aiirruw Irnublia mi, inmclit ul"liiior care. But tllliiUl'll ill tl"' rt'ddcn bom-, Hniniine "nnil the ir.gnoit tlnv "-, Hm- I with niv vo-c ef fb .- It ij'fv li"!- n It- . iir ?'' asked Jane, kissim? Ler dnwin . ( ; .vo, not alway.i, was the whispered reply, iui soniciinies iny mamma is very sad, and tLeu I eannot mi.g.'' Jane hastened to load the thouglilsof the- muc nil i o sunn-linn.' else, ai o soon nirer r r. - - - - - ...... roe to leave. Alice followed them to the gate. I " Do come oftcner,'' die said. "If vo'l ', . ' . , . ' know how much pleasure 1 deiivc from your society, I think yon would. 1 am fr dueiitly lonely, no very lonely, that a visit lrom you would do mc more good than I can describe" June prom.-od to conic as often as possi- l.Ie anil l :n I ln.r.i.K !,. mIih ,. , ... ........... ....... .... m . I, to little of her friend of late, but the truth was, she feared visiting her lest -he should encounter Il.nry, who had sailly changed lur the worse. The pi macious habits of intemperance which he had formed, instead of being overcome, had grown stronger and stronger every year, and now scarce a day I'---" "i.noui. .us ui'iuK in some ineaMiiu ulli r he influence of intoxicating drink. me -t such iicriods 1 was Mlty and ridiculous, or morose and mu11c.ii, or easily angry at tri- fillip thiie.'s. Alter tlie departure ot .Jane and lu r com- ..... ... ii; 11 i. . . i i I""" '"i ' ic.-uiiieu uui noi unu seweu wnn increased rapidity. Mie was at length aroii-ed by the ciiti'atice of lu r hu-l.and. "Aliio!'1 sai l he, so stirtily that siie looked up in alarm, " hy isn't tea ready !" , "I thought it early," .-he replied, we do not usually take lea until six." 1 " H it 1 told you at dinner that I wished j it at five tu-night. I am goin.' a fV w mil,-, j iriin h .me," and he frowned upon lu r. " 1 am sorry. Henry, sin: atiswi i . il me. k- " I di ln t Lear v ju say ' . i v i died it carl' N." I prcunic not, madam : i.,', ui-hes n re usually di-r. -ardi d.'" ludeud, you are mistaken, Henry,'' said Alice, "1 will do anything t" please ou," j '' Then di-play your williiivm-s,"' said he j rudely, " ami let tea be ready immediately,1 fir 1 vc no time to lose" The patient wile ha-t nod hi r prepara i, .lis, and the repast was soon upon the ta- " In re's od himself, ' ' h, no I hungry how, Amy .'" a-ked Lee, as he seat "d i M.u tcai-L hi r to shun uieT ' Jl. nrv. r-lie savs she is not and she i busy with hcrl'uw- crs ; shall 1 call her?" " Ye-, she omplete little r -hip unit had better be in th .Use. I w i.-h, Ali c, little pains w ith that that v ju Would take child ; one would think sin- had no mother.'' Mrs. J..-o called the little gill, who came si,,j p.iig in, L. r face radiant with in. Hiii ie what 1 ve lomid .' (!. elied, r.-t upon th.- ground a cuii'iu- " a lin littn- m-.-t w Iii- h tie- bird - have it it, ' but 's st. in l .oks -he stop,. .1 si ing In r l.itln-1 mi Lit til v , and the .-mil V a lii.-Lcd Ir in hi r 1,1 ' I here ! it s ju.-t as I Lee, .-ii.tily. " you've tail: fear im . Amy come L. re Sin- iippproachi d him and up " Amy, what are ou u : r I f..r 7 alwav, ritniiin,' r said . muttered t the c hild t i llo.s lliometit. look, d timidly such a naughty vor the tiehl- iu- -tea 1 id" v our 1 " 1 I- sadly, -tin ir h a at ni-L1, ful bird- stajing in the Lou.-o and studviiiu' c tin- dowers," Him mure J the child, I like to si c tin in when they upon '.os in the iiiorning aid shut them ami I love the birds thu hc-auti-Thoy sing to Ine all tiio day 1 .til' ; aid the little bio ik, lliake shine, s and Iliad. Iitilsie tiio, papa, it the llott- thoiii ail.'' j I like to bo out in th. s.u isii t wron' to ..o tie: I .in ers is it ? Ma m in a say slim Perhaps ho swi child ton, Led a d t tones of tue iiiiioci i.t rd of tenderness in the breast of 1 nrv Loo I..r he stj..i,.:il ami ki-s.-d L tin; ait, aid thou, as if half adiaiiied of tiiy left the r-ijlii. i.i ( II All fit 1. ISKS..I.Y I'. l..K 'II.K I.I. V lll.IAl. I...VI: un: ldi-vRTt i:k. KI.W " A.fiirs. .1 tit'il.K! i..s.isiii l is.n his hr. u tai- .irii.ik..ri"s Vith hi... t.d ih.ik h-1.0. I nt'it In Im iii,tit to iln ! Such i a tin- is.rlr it ilr w a . .1 in.. h.l, ; he i a. mi- at l.y i. ii w I nan n u- I lie conduct ot Henry treat anxitty and uricf to was a soiiroe in t llr. bid all ; Li- couii-ol, adnioiiitioii, aid wartiiuo seem ed of no avail. 1'i ihaps it wa, well tor the loving Mary that she did uut witness tin course of Lor brother, or her heart would j would have been wc!i iii-h broken. he was wedded to one every way worthy id Lor. , and had ii moved to a tii-tant Slat.-, '1 he Itootor missed her sadly from Ins hrc.-ido. but her place was somewhat supplied by the motherlcs, I . i u-y Illw o d, w hose winning and ulloi iionuto way, had completely uain oil lur uncle's l.cail. Hie was now nearly thirteen, and ta.i for her n:., lie saw in her the image of Ada, and would sil gluing dreamily u un her as sLe, sat surrounded with her books, and then the i euiembiaiico of Ada would brinj t, ,n - to his eyes. he would exclaim aloud, line o.-. i .11- , ,.. cv's pre.-ctiee, "I Mi, abolid I tlnai oin-o of the human race ! thou fell de-ti .ycr of hu mau Icpos when will thy lavage, cease '." t M' I. uov's father little bad boon hoard cxecj.t that in: was in a distant city, and still under the Loinl-sof intemperance. There arc li nn, in the life of every drunkard when memory resumes her sway and phtiircs forth the past when he rciiictiibeis the high hopes and aspirations of youth, and feds deeply his lost situation, lie sighs for the peace nnd purity of other day s, but ca n ' not break from the boudaoe of sin. 'lhu it was with James lllwood. liis mind wa, naturally uf a line order; he was unit in tclloclual and intelligent. Often, wilh an agonized heart, Le would recall the joy, of hi, youth, aid think of the fair plo-pcct, which wore his Anil ninny houra vvhile otlicrs sli fit The luirtiiiiK toara ofaluiiiti: In: wml, la mI. m o anil dc-p.oi ; Ao.l liil'lldglit's sell inn hour lli'll, I 'I'he nit rcpsnl, ( rnw, Yil mern h.til witrtcaaeil cvtry wor.l All broken cYti aa new," Sonictiines iii his dreams he heard ai'din the voice of Lis children, and fi icd the oft ar'tis of l o-'v were aro'tud bi D 'c'i. apt! " And urc you always happy I she was whimpering r.onls of Lope in Lin And then when lie awoke, a feeling of deep loneliness: would settle on Lin heart. Hi, it .she were only with ine ! thought1 I lie, " for her cake I would strive to conquer I this maddening thirst. I should then have j . .me oixe.-t i..r u' n i.. i .....I . " ........ v. . 1 -B ..J I. ,uw. criituuiiii uo. .11 i.isi me jiiesentc ot Jucy seemeu ub- Jlwood was waiting tor lu r. 1 he trunks chivalrie nature. iu li uirm rciiccs arc -i. -solutuly necessary to l iiii. Wretched and j fontaiiiinir her hooks and clothing which nitieaut intimiitions i f the strong hold w hieli degraded as he was, the flame of parental' had been placed under the vines on the pre- this truly noble man has up m the luaits of love w as not extinguished in hi-i bosom, nnd ceding night, were already in the vohiclc. his couiitryinen. he cherished the idea that his daughter ! Lucp sprang in and her father took his scat'iiks ot it VltY hystkm. might aid him to bretiL from tin fetter of ; by her .side. j vt. QKi. t0 (ieucral Hcett, in a great dc intemperance. With tiiotiiing like energy and ambition he novtf night his daily cm- ployment, and w.J indutrion-l,v .1 I... I....I i . . T. ' i r. . iiinii ii. iu uouc ior a ion"; nine ociore. TIioul-Ii hi-could not (lt-nv himself hi.s dailv potations, hu tok thein loss K-iueiitiy, and appropriated his can.ings to funii.-liing a small tenement he h'ld hired in the suburbs of the lity. When his nrrurg. cieiits were completed, he started f ir the villi! -e where Jr. Li e re- M.teit, Willi tlie itit.'ti'ioii or i ml eel ii Lucy to ae oinpauv him Iiack. It was early iii the summer, and tie weather was deli, ht- ful l'r., whose health was somewhat improved, had gone t . visit a friend, and would not rotirn f .r - .my davs. lie h it . - i , .... in, oii!:g nice Uliiicr the charge ot hi- faithful hnus-kccpi-r, who induhjetit s,,, allowed tlie charge fj do exactly a sh-: pleased. ' Kvur intent upon .-'.tdy, Lucy had rtuio- ved her h-.oks ti a -in all Miinmcr-housi; on f!1( bat.'; of the stro-or, where she could see the blue ky and rum ing water, and hear the tarol af the bird-, 'after her lessons all learm-d, and while she was waiting il,,. .n-rival of tl ill.: liool-itia.-ter to whom -I, r ! i. A retreat one day iii'' iu r name pi th s!,f sat 1! i her rural I by hear Liicr ha-ti- she was startle, otiouiced. Lo- !y tiro-iml, she roc -.'ti zed h r father imme diately, tor time had made hut little differ ence iu his appciirauic, sprang toward him. " You remember u.-, then, Lucy," mid h", drawing Li r t Li- arniSj I was afraid vim would forget me." "I' -rg.tyoul ' she lather 1 Oh, no, I con - Lucy." L- -aid. - eptatcd, " forgot my d not do that.'' ; -i-sing Lis hand over d i y i -till iovo me ? w wretched and -1 how 1 have wished ; Could live witli me ln-r beautiful hair. ' you know imt I ly I am without yi. that you and Jan agatn. I "i.-y raised In r t- "t cyvs at: 1 lo ol.eil in ijttiriugly at him. lie load her thought, ill Li r face, and sal 1 somewhat sadly "No, my child, I am not yit reformed, I am still tlm slave oi' t mputicn, and ...till tit, dor tin- ?; - u of :. . -,,!;. ,1. I .hoi. Un, Lucy. -iilsc Of life. I in iuii it. 1 was oi, Lut now I a in 1 Lose who Wile ;th -corn and dis 1.: ; liJ Olie loves 1 Mil le t hat py in tl.i. w -uil tj li.d 1 could oiice r.. -p. i ted aiul be despise i and ahhorn d ii. v Ii c ids look en Jnc g i-t ; no one cares f, im- ti --.v." " .-, father, there i- ,- 1 1 io you I will do all I can for v u." ' tlo l bios, y., :" ly. Tie II be sat for s. ; v acat.tly out upon the n At length he said " Y Lucy, I suppose your to you "'' lh, ye ; I cannot 1 to him, father 1" ' m would not w ish ant home nnd go and 1: v ei. I. n v : w ith vmir 111 w ood forvi tit -' n.. iui nts gating and fields. l are Lap v here. ,.i , is very kind grateful enough -. b ave your ph 1 with me. would r ilegriidcd fa ther,', She put her hand ir. I N and murmured " Yes, J will go; I will di all that I can to iiiake vmi lii'ppy." 'Oh. I thank you f. d a u . I.t. r i pi rhaps the! lies jn -tore for us Lot;, now. ('..un- to this ph,, ing atid 1 will be in ion t.. toy po..r home." " 'l'o-m"rr.w I" n pr. tir-t s. e my uncle and t I cannot go in Lis absct te, -e word-, my are days ..f glaii I ui u -t leave y oil t .-m .rro-.v niorn :ni -- t 5 take you ' Lucy , " l mu-t ! tain Lis consent. ." The p-ior gill hur t into t.-ar-.. " t Mi. what shall I I she sold i d, " I cannot L-aie my uncle with ;mit i iiidiiiL' Lini farewi !! ' My dear good ; until' L. c it would 1 r. ak Lis L- art. I am ' ou can remain t! i n." i, ing awav, " and yiuir p. aid Mlwool r father wii tor go 1 .-k to Lis desolate l i inc. Oooil lyi cvrr see me again, he cried, " I wi; o v. Itii you to-mor- I .in y ; perhaps y.oi will "'( Mi, stay , lather !" i! as .hi wi.-h ; I w ill row." ' You can write to your uncle, y -u know." said Mlwood, Li'i.tlv, " and cx lani to Lan too circumstances, and he will for.iv.' yen, I am sure.' Opep more cnii racing Lor, I-.Iwoo.i the place, atid Lucy walked slowly to the house. AIT. cti'-n for lur ui. do hot ard n lid L o( le- Cnn,p;,Ssje duty to Ler father w. ve, nnd niing'c.l her pen art. It athing th ne but on i lu r bo nd wrtc a- a si ui spirit of so:. i. At la-t she t n'l the feelings f l.. pie child-like b tf.-r it,. lovi a htt. r which u one but one 1 Iai- In cv omil. I write. When it v as (iiii-Lcd she s. cnir relieved, and tving mi her hoi.nct to visit In r favorite t! overs, aid f pet canary I irils for the la-t time. She was early n :;dv U)...n tie d to f,d wont .nit ."idle h- r lie ctisuiii ' id not vat iiifoi'iii In r 1 lo r adieu. morning. The In. -is. keeper i left her room, and l. n v Wont t of her il'.t' tided d. pat lure, and I id lo r Ti Id lady hit, 1 her hand- an. Vis in a-toiii-hiiu nt. " You lire ci-;iz.v, child," said she, " I know you arc'. I going to live with the shabby man I saw vou with c-tii 1: IV tioing I i live with .".' You are wild vou are iii-nne, Lucv." " I it in not instine," said Luoy. smiling the expression ot tl.e liou.-t kt i pors e untc iianeo, ' an i going with hint because he is my father, and y-'d know, Mrs. llortou, tl.e lliblo says wc must hoiuu aud -.Ley our pHlclitS." " Hut, Luoy," sail tha uld lady, in an anxious Voice, " vou are not in earnest I "ii ""'i j' 1 I a .. si llig. i ' . ; a; -ho w as in i i"io " . and Mrs. llortou, in alarm, looked hastily , about her lor her bonnet uiul rli:twl that she might tall some of the i.dghlmr and detain the child, who .-lie was certain wa-; not in her right mind. Jk-ins very eorpu - lent, however, before she wan half way ........ .i 1....1 .. .1... 1 uun 1 1... j. 1 v iiii'i iciLhlu 11 l' itunii. hat a sacnlice you are making tor we, Lucv," said he, " i hope that God will reward you." 'ci .. .1.. r - . l.- I hey wore soon lar away from the vil lage, and Lucy dried the tears which not withstanding all her effort she could not entirely suppress, and ttrovc to talk in a cheerful tone. un: of ch. scoii. ANF'tiriTE rif Mil. MMUsoN ON l'KOVlo-i .,N. President Madison, thou..di early purtn- ded of Scott, s great oualities, tieverthele.- mit of the itbutidalit ciuti m of his nature, j alw ays hesitated at every step of our hero s promotion, (till it came to the la-t.) on the j ground of his extreme youth. 'Thus he thought Scott was too young, when it was .proposed to make him Lieutenant Colonel, t io young when he was again advanced to the j'O-t of Adjutant--ii'iieral, too young i w hen ho was made Colonel of a double I!eg inn i.t, and linallv too young when ho was promoted t) the plate of lh igadicr-Oetieral. j J!ut at tile List, when, after Li- recent eitra i ordinary s-orviecs, and hriliant fii.T.'-is, it !was proposed in Cabinet to make Liui a Ma jjor tieiicral, Mr. Madison promptly remark ed. " 1'ttt Lini dowu a Miijor t'ciieral, 1 am i dune with objooting to hi- youth.'' I si. l "IT UnK.s TO KUWd'K ON A PI; I V!ls-..N ! The enfeebled state of Li- health, and the desiio of still further professional improve ment, suggesting a trip to Kurope. tin- l. v criiiuciit now gave 'n'lioral Scott a double commission abroad. 1 ir,t, to exaiuine the impr .vi uu-iits of military : and se cond, to conduct certain secret negotiations in regard to the itnlcpi hdehee of S uith A niorica, and the supposed designs of Kng land upon Cuba. He aciuittod himself of those latter ib h cut..' duties much to th.- s;".-i-tactlon of hii govci'inii'-iit. Ho examined the chief military establishments of Western Kur- i -, held ii.teieoiii s.,- with it most dis- tingiti-ind military men. and attended the -ticntifie left ir. - of the si h . ds -f tactics. Arriving ju.-t alter the bat tie 'f Waterloo, his opportunities i i n.a-t. r the views and h arii tin- experience r.f tie- ni.-t ili-tiiig-ui-h- i.'d Kur..ioan pr tiio.-t "f whom f..-s,rs of military science, ad now congregated upon the soil of France and l.iigland. m tueir gi giilitie ( IS'ort- to o-.-erw hohn Napoleon, were unsurpa-sod. I'lc-h fr. m the tiobls of hi own triuiiipLs, and witli the war s).ivit still at its full licigLt, ... may suppose our y fling liero aeipiired a toek of il.toiligi nee. bear ing ii. on Lis profes-i"!!. that year, of ordi nary i-dild m-t have given hiui. Ho 1 r. ..i .'Lt ii. r with him whatever could tend to improve our system of tactics, or he mad.' useful to the military arm of our gov ernment. To his effort-, then and after ward, we owe, in a great inea-urc, that sys tem of discipline and instruction to which we are mainly indebted, in eeniunotioii with hi, own unrivalled military knowledge end skill, for our recent Mexican viep u i. s. On his return, ho was placed in eoiniuami of the eastern dii-i .n of the Army, with New York for hi. In ad ijuartors. In l-l", he married Mis, Mayo of llicl.motid, otk or th am; - hy ii.m:i:i-. nk.vv v i . I : K M v IHiilM A. Meantime Congvess La 1 passed a vote of th:i!;ks for t!:o eminent scrurc. of of .'mi this ulusrious eoiiiinaii'ler, nr. I votct a large gold modal, iosoril od with tie nam.- ,.f Ch'pp.'Wti " and " Niagara," and bearing his likeness,. 'I he Mates of New York and Yirduia likewise bestowed a -imilar high oi . i d i iin-i , t , ly votes of thanks, and by making Lini v aluahle gilts. Kneli oi t'he-o States pi-. -eiAcd Liui with a sword of the nor Toinpk'u picsoiitatioti richest workmanship, s, of New Ymk. made of the sw.-rd gii on Lover- a public by Now ocilsiot). i him bv l oi K, :iu obsened the State military eveio-. ' A XV. in hi- ad. Ires, mi the that it was j. resented t in token of its Iniirat'e w ith of -p'lClO 1 a career, rcpM. I'.-ii; T T!!V. Ill I P VtT'At. AM' 1 l!K ltnlilil l!. singular im-idciit is ci.tiei t mediil I'loseiitod to ticner i. -s )i was at one time d 1,1 . poig i.i the ault of th. d w It'i the d Seott by p i-it.- l f .'r oily Hank ef Ne" York. A noted robber, breaking can led off ou-ry thing that but sparnl this token cl' p'..h v idem respect f .r the 1 rave ii:tj the safe w a- v aid able lie honor, in sobiior s only wealth. '1 be ca of the mod ,,1 was f. itci.t- uud open, iliil.'ili died hut retaining its pi-eciou-N i vou a w icli- hie , f crime had be !'. ', . n's broil -t :i ! for Lis country 'r or tic general a Lis y.-iiiiiry im u t able 1. i xtli . il-b in that -oliug i f ptriotic admiration I o-1 soldier. Ala- I if cv Imiiatioii and tratitude of hall seek t row aid (ieuc- ia! Seott real service y th. gift. bostowal will th. ro f nati in to try to h the oal- ri .' We sti "tial re of the highe-t .dhoe bo found those so 1 al pride, of justice rob him of his w oil uuiiii -u- tongue of trust cot I I'm- tin pntatioii, the claim demands of justice iu th. o.-t to nil -011-0 and honor, as earned tamo, pa ui.- an w ai 1, sake of our n ef patrioti-iii, and the o trust not I Lot otr.i. tlon hesitate, as it li e roll iw u which even at 1 e eager spirit ot fleets upon that 1 the robber respected I AMV F. TV. OK s on' A'K TttK rt' h- i',n m.ts. Long after the foregoing oceurrence.Cen oral Scull, 111 tlii'.dliug by steamboat from VlLaiiy t New York, ha. I Lis pocket pi.-ked of a ,i-- ,-.i.i ai a ng '1 in gold '' ar li-i'.g iu ' Y.-rk. 'Lc ii n. r-'l ! r,: 1 to liim tilt' ro- i by the head thief ot the city, with spectful a-surahec that none of Lis poi would have touched the (juieral s purse il , they had known his person. Thus doe the 'human heart, tliou-h steeled to trim. , r, 1.. t- 1 1 .f 1 c t 11 i ii .1 "c ni-i uus. e 1 1 taut prce, our existim.' military sv-tcin. ltwaa first introduced by him in' urcpariiig .ru.v t Jiaflalo, for t'A horoie .locdH , . . . "... . . . . : . on? after achieve 1 at (,'hipewri nfld Iiiindy'sLano. .Subsciiucntl v it was introduced into the whole service. In IvJl he jmblishuil a work embodying; his system and j dans of discipline and instruction, under the title of " Crcv ItfiSittitftoHs ft,,- thf AnHti." In i lo.). following up his design ot still further improvement-, he publi-heil hi- " lulu, tni 7re.v." And again, in l-'-fi, he drew up ! for the War ltomartinciit, -1 -.'mi fur tin () 'iv . i Z"f tnl l ml tst fltt:t intt " tltc trliiilf ""' 0 '" and al- ,-o, ' .1 si,sffiii fit t ittiiiti U a?ii ri'r I - ti'-x." In l:io. he published by" order of Congress, a n. w idition of the latter. II iw well the military sy-tein introduced by Scott serves the purposes for which it was d,.. signed, is shown hy the general oharact.-i- of the service, and especially Ly the triumphant .-uooc-.i cf our anus in Mexico. We owe much to Wc-t Point, hut West Point ow.-. more to Scott, lt i.s he in reality, w Lo Las given the army its leading characteristic of Lieli spirit, lofty tone, gentlemanly bearing, extreme i fhcicncy, and love of duty. I'.i- so.-siiig himself per-oii.-illy, every noble characteristic of a soldier, he has -tamped them all upon the Service. And for his gen uine zeal in it behalf, his pride in i', pi. ili- civncv, hi- con-taut and tliivcanod labor- for its perfection, and though last not least, his dei j. de-ire to see it alw ay s prom. ted and guided by u si irit of humanity, ho may 11 be styled the father of the American, Army. I S 'OTT .s A TKMI'KltAN'. i; MAS". I ticui r;.! Scott may 1-e pluc. ' very carlie-t piniici rs r.f the reform. As long ago as ivM, i a painidilet, (first a iearing in il tilted Tela; i he pub' the .Vol .g the I alo e (mz'itr of I to iliseotirag. ulcl Lia.) propo-ii'g a plan c use of intoxicating bjiu r- t; i in the I luted States. Ibis j.:ii ... y was writ ton with groat al i'.ity, and fond Led t'n ! matter for thou-aids of Tciiiporwe speech . I - and ii'Ulri-s-es siiioe ib li.eie'l. lie v a,-fir-t led t -i this i ff rt t . h-s-, n tl.e mi--ohiefs ef!i:ci'. in eoi.-.-.i'ti ne . ! the diiliotiltios that bo-et i'.i i'i i vo . i eg the discipline ...f the army. Ti..oi.h m-vir a teP .taller in the stricto't ctisc ! the t.-rti". 'Coiieral Se.itt ha.-, ncvcrtliolos--, ahvav- 1 ,0.11 a strictly t hipi rate and mail i liideod, iu all hi- private and s..i-ii'I rola 1 timis, he is a man whom the youth uf tie 'country would do well to f iILw n- a model His moral character give- lustre p. I IS Ills- toric celebrity, lie has Ticm i covri'p- ted by the t"-inptatios i f r. trice lei i-hed by contact with laxity- of piiin men, or stimulated by avarice;iv agance into any f .rays. o in publio Labit- of . dir. 1 1 or in nrv. 1'er-ori- direct, upon the puPlio ! roa ally lie is without ri picion. His example No example has ever roaoli and above mi--has lifted others up. dragged hiiu ib.w n. SC-l.TT AM' SOI Til Wi, I'.I A.N t l l:!'f.'. 1 1 M K. tieiicral Scott took a lively intei v-t in tl " struggle-, of the South American Kcpr.blie. to si euro tlnir iiide;.cndoiic.'. Ho wa- not iu the public iiiciis. and could, then fore, take no part in the el o.pieiil discuss i uis id' Congress 1 1 p. i . 1 1 the si.bji ct. lltit so far ii hls pn-ition n i-ii,ittcd, ho ci-.cotiraged and sy in a'liiod with the noble effort, of the South American leaders i f the Ueiolutioii. Among th.. acts that illustrated Li- interest in tl. i ir behalf, w as Li ors to give a military sons of tit iioral l'aez. . wore Lv Lis exertion -, sUceo--fii! cn-ieav-cducati ii : ) thi'ie ' Colombia. 'I ho laced at the milita- ry academy at We the aospici s i.f'the State-, w here they ti rw ai-'. ent bad f their llatii e land t Point, in l'-o I'ro.-id, 'it of th" uieur L'liito.'i rd at-il.-i i tie, 't l.-'W W i re ci.uoat. i !l. Lt t 'I he military ilitarv d::tios of t ictieral . engro-s several Kur -.po tlou. d the chief part cf I.i- att years. In 1 -'JU. ho nr oil a pri '..--.-i - iui 1 tour l lit: lit A' ; t r. t: It M ! C.-.-rii .-' r an ah-i in lie' Mil Mi! several u... nth-. h the Indians , u tlie I 'pper ls Is; ippl lor the eclei rated -l'.'.aek I law k, ' n.i . -assumed a fni.i la'di .i-po :. S.-.f. w a I rod . the War IV artniii.t. !. -I . t .', 1 1 the -,.,, of e,.i. Ho". t , t.:' . ::i- 1- man I of the foioes lo sul.iluo llie savages. In the 1 oginniiig .-f -lu'v h.- :: : r im.-'y eo. harked at HufTalo. with a body -f :,1 . I .(Hid troops, on board four steamer-, hound f..r the theatre of war. He wa- arrested in - Lis j -,,g b the 1 real-. ing out of dioi ; a iii it- tui-t iiiiilignant lorm r Meiiiitime th" liidinn- wi re o I r b-b,.. I 1 rl.c Illinois militia and the tr-- 'p- i al Atkinson, and lllaok Hawk w cr t, lo,e:-i-apt.ired Scott snb-o.pi.'iitly proce of destination, nog dialed with the S.o's and !'. . . de i t " Lis place in.-. riant treaties . an i th- U ::o,i' a unties on that frmi- i'oos, composed the 1 tier, and ili-charg 1 a:': the mission in a inini; . : '. '. at i t Ut.tiei to 1 fv of L.- .li: i i ' ll eral Ca . tie u ':' i- i.o'y - t th--following tribute " Allow me t i ongrat ulate y on this fortunate con-uir.ti.atioii diio.,- di, ties, -md p, , .:- my i.r .hat! Ml of t he w l.o'c i 'Ui'-o el ii. Sir. up f your nr ei tire ap v .r pr . . . i ,- . - ill.e- uillig a scries i iiiiiieii..iies ,,'iirt r-iito narv g Li.h. moral age than ti iiijn. ttin'.i OIU i- ot an active e o"'reuuistun.'cs." "I I leiicral Cass Li re ticllcial Scott's brave r !'. i red, in part, humane and sdf-i , till troop.- Ulider i nyiuj euudiiit tovvanl llilliio .-uirge t wl.t f the . MlUtloll T I lie 1 lib) h. His money was sent bad Til H v III il.Klt.V SriilTS MDitK COMiL ' I . (Iii the pa.-.i''e from 1'iiffalo to ('hie:; 'the Asiatic eholerii, which then for th" hi t time M-lted this couiitry, broke out on ! the ht !M'iers c. l!Vcviii'- tile troops , ill tin; most i own 1 I' .l f.'.m. iat, out of "J'' ( 'n board (Ir-n. Sott's pcr-oiis, no lo-- tii.iii il. and -'i otlu-r--l itul v, ili.iu the were coiumittv'.l t the hy.-pitul wit iiiu the thol't fpe oi i.v tu s. Vu hoard the other boats tiio mm tai ity was scareolv less alarming. The iima.-.- ing fatality of the attacks of this liisi lal.le terror alnoiij the tr spread iiulc-cii aid among the ,,,, looiihttioii whitlier tni v wi r earned, iin the c .sucii was ine hum i pro'iiice i, iii.ii. iiirsu of a very lew day.-, siekuc-. drttli, and ik. sort i jii, Lad reduced the n.isi. 1 i r of our tr p- f, ,iu to l"i. Oil the pas-age to Chicago, tic; do. I. ..: i tai ill of I il II Scot I s ciWil Lout Wile c.-.. . d with the dead i ii-l dying. Iv.ery i. ; the clock -truck tlie kni H of some m w v tita. il"oiit was pietui-eil on every ceon I io-1 air seized upon the i ra . iu bailie they c-jjld meet withoii' f a. . but hove the viewless destroyer totally pa, nied their em rgios. itliont- wariiiug. th. troiiibling victim was seized, helplessly col-lii.-cd, nnd died in an Lour. It was a rcp ctitiou of the worst Loi '. u-s of the plague. Amid the teriihle scene, iu.-U ad of content ing hiiii-i If with luerely ordering the medi cal im n to taki! all iicccs-nry nicasur. , for the ia lief of the sick. Si- .tt sot an example ...f loitituile aud coinage that shciie je.-pleii-doi.t through tao sun uinoing desolatiou. He atu iiiicii the .1-1. in . or. -on, a mi perform -id for his 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 U - s t c ii.i a do m cry iii -a :i i able oliiee Willi a bioihors care. lie con soled the sick, and c-oriitoi fed rior dying', and I cheered the Ihiguiu.r spii -tsoftliosc u lii'ta.-k- t-ii, b i: v. h i-.j ; pre hen -ion pro o.-ed iiivnoT, and iiisnved ilcul i when tin- caiii. , S'.ihsi iiiici'tl v. aid r !cai im.' Chi. laoi, Scott Ion u i A.litiMiu'.s loioo at Hoc . Island, attacked with the seme iipOiiiiillg disease. i Hero he renewed Ui.- tearics: id vi.liat.-. g. li.-.i.oi, j attentions upon the .- iok and dyi.ig. j himsclt iii, hi- li.-v .tioii to I.t, fellow was cou.-tant. rial adluirati L .-, no ni.ii aid l-i caiiie ih di. Ha spared a."'; '. i (iangi r. tliclle Liuis. tO 1-cl id ge;j. f i:o I. i -ve lu t-oii.rado- w ho Wcia i pcstilaiic-e. He v i it his July t., ,l , ,., t y hi' i ijt., pr, son in .I'm or h. the iotllii ted t!.. WLtel, I i. I 1. till-. I, iii- l etieoura-. a. oi pi r t iinv lime si an upon t:.. li V tillic : Lo il III'. 111.1. l-e an I :il!. i loo. - If To ijili.l I KE M I.I t IU Lao ha" iiy g-d i.. ii'i I .ti.: 'ilea fi I.i , ne, t!'c ! eminent tiel r,l i-i in: ler 1" i r r,.. r. 1-.. . X u ; II .' . . ;' u v.,- ,id in Soiitii Ci-..;.!,,-. a .ll.log t , , el-lio . J ..,-' aid it -liking S.ic eneril aim t iveti gtL.H 1 n -, Li g ; ) -i w a - S. ott .-as 1 1 eu - ton had pas-cu its the I'ti-'ted State- r v,s la ciitorci-.l in ; nit !i c u ; t ii .start! il'. ! i.isl 'Oi! ! O l". I lo ion- for an anno I rc-i-tan- the con ion C first M-ils i.V od th: a-ooi liiiii whi.t u-iisiirvs Mere uceiled to -c cure dn ilii ine to the laws, and serpi s the vdi llio.:. if it sln-.u'd 1 real; .mt. Ion he was ill, a diarg. 1 with the hid,.',- . il' . of o il.eiiiating tl.e Ca'-o'.il i.ins. ' aioi,, adding to ti,,. cx.-itoiiii i.t by open -t. j s ef n.iliraiy- jo-, eaiit! ui. he i:-;t , Charle.-t in by the way .ft!:e int. l dor, a.- , ' -i" 'is annual vi-il -.-f ii:-a e tieii. Wi,t.u ),, had liui-lc ! hi, i.xamitiatiou, Le ri turu.-.. to Wa-liitigr..ti. iii.i'-..' Ids rcp-.rt to 1'n -i. dent Jack-an. nnd c-vi . ;-tcd' tl.- arrat.g-- llil i.ts III i-e-uo ciiiti I' ll ore si id do Scott th di r tia! ii'-rri'.c': ioSt t j Liiii i. liven tiling. u-y f -lid t;. eri-:-. Cat c-ton. l i . . II- iiLchd loin ra1' Illl'tii "i wa- I" . re nd t to ( liar teiired thlth tiio iX' fUV .l .-I Lis of. lit Plot. ponce, ill the good i U'l uilis.'t . ' . l't this . j.-ality, a- v.. 1! a- !. .if n i:: li-ii.t cliarai ti r. ii iiond So,.;t La, tai.cii t i.i-tiiigil.sli liiuisei,-. ii, liTlliiry Cei"i e,v,t of th.' t'ilii' t:,i' c. 1 o -Un. i.i 'il .: t li. p'i ' .: !:ii'.-i i'l foil Car . i:'ia, 1, Vi- w r nigi.t li.iil oil tie: liicuit in tl .'.arte rs w a ar'. -ts. i, V. war, I a i.t l" site Char: enod by 1 aiiiii Me i: tb.or a-i.i! .1 li nd t.J d i-v to- t .e I wa- li Vl 11 llil'l .at of tiio 1 - t 1 Lav 1 i of in, pen Nul. the i-lat. ll al Cue '! 1 h -.'.: V.: i .e. ii'i';, r M'.o h -.-tibtie-, t piot o and ov load';:. Ldi, f , f til-Ill was a! I, !1 tii. ii i ' N"! y t .- "I: 1' Wa il, mi tie' ! iii il o w '. ..'. . r:. no : i vi t so t t. duty, di i.on till 1 oil 1'iu him there, a to win the i wL'.nl it I . i ai id if ti ! -Wc can Lar d ih- .s. ' 1 - ' I.I si uiniei lakiieg I l.iiu w as t mission, y . t be r. .- ! .lit t a 'il -i.ii-'ai t: -i -t a. i w i I ii .'. low t i th e par'ic SCI 1.0, reflection thai m. cotir-e 1 1. fro means of saving eoni.t rv r o-s .-.f civil strife. 'I. '. . " Pi'u.toi -.l-i-. a ---villi- rc - ' .i Mar- L. ( tin. .1 ii .rt .i t I, 111 -.i i.i - ' .i -C Met'

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