Carolina wiLLiAwSGH, editor. "$e he U Got), fo Jon.' oi ihj, fo Jjoiff 3)n.ij " rn 1. 11 b. chahijOtte, nvr c, September x, iss2, OSrTTIUEIOEilX. 82, holtow & williahson, l'llOl-lUKTOHS. lhI..M: Ni.riti-i'.imlina Whig will be afforded to . .1... . . it. .i i i n-" -.1 ... I" ii:rs hi in i i iii.ii. in .......ii.., ..i ivn DCt.I.AIJS AM) .T.TY I r,. Is. it pay. t Ik.MiviiI lor Hirer iiimitlis, oml TIIKIIE ii(i.I.Ai; il'l end nl' tlie year. ;. ri.. mills inserted at One Hollar H'riiiare (',,. ,.r less, this icil type) t'nr the first inner. ' g i cms rur rami miiiinii.incc. -m i .111. 1 t .-.mi Slu ri'V's Sales charged '-..' r t . r ; ami n ilnlui timi uf H.'IJ per ccntwill .-..i.'fr.un the rcguLr prices, for advt rti.-i r hy , r Vlvrrlisriiit nts inserted monthly or . -iv t 1 pi r Minrc for each tunc. Send. ,:,!-'v ; cents per square fur (.'ill time. ' V'i 1 U rrl. live to I ' lalito. ial Depart . . p-t l r ihn 1 ! d In 1'ir lliiltor. And all li . - m 1 i-inr-" lor J0I1 Work, & c., mtu-1 lie ilirrc. 1 f tile I'llidlslli r. A't letters mutt In- pat.p..i 1 -,. , will nut Ik' attended to. J ' 1'jvmi ills can In1 mailt' In either. I r..-tuiastrrs" are authorized to art an agents. KROM Till: lO'TROIT AIIVFRTI'I'R. C'AMI'AHIN SONO. OLD CHIPPEWA. Am " lb the Jlirtc. W are up : Imu t you near 111c ing uiuihht . We come 'itu a hearty 'inns . What foe ever heard witnoiit terror The war-rr of tlld Chippeiva 1 t'lioRrs Tlie war-rry,c. I r an ljiiefnsto 11, In re nnlily he battled, Niaj-'r, wheri c ry lie t iy, Tt.. jmi'li re-irlni tin- thuniii r. And silhrr fur Old t'hippi '.vi. l r i:t Mexico's y sii rrai, H- r val. s win ri- 111. y l.ns.. in the day, l'..':i''s Vir v.ace of Ins valor and ir1ui , i c!..ry of t.J Oiii: w.i. -1 1, .ssoutil, I'.ast, . t.011 Tiat l' 1- i . -.-. .;!l lr.. hi. ai;d West, it arisi:i, unia r i an f.t..y ; s-iiius of ) ret uu n, 'I': i naiejiion and 1 Itou Injtliewa. II.- ! st I.. rtv hern ploui-hed hv the llritmh. "lnliai-ns in.iKe linn Cray M.t ',! wrvat 1 Ins iiiu'll hrow witli tin laun I, ! !.,ry 11. Old t'hijiptwa. f' mio's million were olTt retl, in U- (otiiitrv lo win him astray oh mm. I'l l. 1 ovr. i.ivt: ASU hit. BY -w. r- J our ' lid t Inppi a. T :.. m lint ran"! l..sf a LMtif, U (.1.. 1, w :n the field in eaeti friy ; V lie, w -m!i rights tor our Irnii-m t TT, Wltil OUT Old "lll.j-i;W3. A I.!;:.'iv's Pane 11 with trie llntish, A M'ss off ( le inll. t 's ilny ; T).' the i-FiTio.ks will liy t'roei the jnr, W;if tht y roine across Old I'hippf wa. 'T strange, though in utratngem able, II ean't in ike a rusr 111 a fray ; A till, save when nihil' il with hulUts, Ne'er h-.p:iens to Old Cl.ipjKwa. W ;!i the hirjh so .1 of honor In nerve him, A -ui (T'kmI sorr his stuinaeh t-i st.iy, ( ..,' I. xiealis Jlritlsll or Jens, T.ay're nothing to Old fhip-twa. 'I I.oro sileri, d a h ad' r. Hut tiieir managing masters said sir ; S-, t ,. y tr iw-stntl' d tin' of a hero. Am', t it 'gainst Old hijipiwa. -.- ' .'., ! they're tin d of their f tt-r, :.; -' 1 -; : . trie trjek with ihsinsy; . '- . irt. d l' in'i''r.ils spurrt it, A'.ii .- ...y round Old Chippewa. : i .t' il. with th! iron "f Kngland, I .- tr o:e Pierce would picn e and w ould Uy .t '.' -'t iiki On- ore of !hc Kev-fttout Ih ;!.'; it at Old ( 'lupK'V a. - as..t wiil d ire t') insult uu, tr.jC.r our I men In tray, lorn who hi" Ideil to (1. ti nd 11", I I .r I'.', -r:. i.t ' 111I t "hi 1 w a. ' pur. , and the Wise, :md the noitie, il - coUI,tr., 1 at g 11.tr1J1.1n and nt .y ; ' ie ; r in 1 ibin't serleHs; O ., la like Old Chi jii w,l ' I -' 7, i v ' for a torrent is enming 'I imiI.m us in ti; 'lie array ; 711! .-otits w dl soon 1 leave th5 W'' V ,r S idorv anil ' .d Chip. wa. Ikm, llWiscclkmcous. f rorn the S w York Organ. HOMES AM) HEARTS; OR TIIC Desolating Influence of Intemperance IiV MI!S. II. l.O'iMIS. ( II O'TKK IX. KAMUIKrt CIIII.IlllEN TIIK III! f N K AIUI Al ll'iMt: INHlinXNA'IE IIKUIIMIT. 'I- :ihii and j.l.icitl jnyn .f li'.rni A-1 t 1 ml' arineiils of done stic li fi le, of 1 liildliMid, gr".iing thy return ' r.tie w 1 I' nine of . loving win- wre tin hliKsirnis w tin h were thine, night I'" now, Ilit lor 111" til-IIIOII Willi: I M ., , . , iwhile the course of Henry Leo was 1. St ii by st i n lie nad nccn n o 1 1 1 1 11 ' if.'ll he had become jiieof the most aban- .'.! ,j drunkards. It wa- thought bv many that his reckless ' ur ha-trncd in some degree the death 'if 1- S r, for Henry after sieiiding bisown I ' . r'y in di'i-i,:itioii, involved the lloctor in ' 1 .ioirra.-meiit and debt. The pretty ".'rage which bad attracted every eye had 1 ' ii - Id, and his family removed to a di lit ed tern nit nt whnli scarcely deserv iiain': of home At one of the front 1 t '' T.v - might be seen, early and late, a i, 'art-. worn woman, always plying the ' ' lie, and scarce lifting h'-r eyes, although i'': '.in might be shining from a cloudless ; id the flowers gemming tho green 'ii. Ib r thin fingers sometimes trembled iii'i' h that tin y could nearcely perform r office, yet still she sewed on. At her t olt-.i, -at a pale b"y looking up mourn - fully in her fate, and listening attentively to tho instruction winch she gave him as ( she worked. Poor Alice Lee ! How had her bright hopes been all laid low! Yet i she never complained never reproached him who had caused her life to be one of j l 'I t cure oi scrviiuuu ami ion. "Are you sick, mother ? " asked Amy, 1 one altemoon 111 winter, you look pale, and your eyes are heavy." "No, dear, only a headaeh?. I Bat up too lato la-t night, aud I feel very weary to - day." " sew any inoro now," urged the child, " he down and sleep a little while, mother." ' 1 'si, e.iisii inj worx, --iniy, re- plied Mrs. Lee, " time is very precious." a 11... 1 . c: 1 1. 4 o ' tint you can work la.-ter when you get tip. mother, and 1 know vou are verv tired 1 rf-" - j , do lie down, just a little while, and rest." Mrs. Lee put her hand on her forehead. his father's voice was heard exclaiming an- self, it would not so much matt.r ; but you ' ced in battery on all the commanding cmi- ! There was a sublimity of daring iu this ,lU"llr,c'1 V1,1 lllln0"cis. I wenty-two pie A sharp pain was darting across it, and al- grily, " Confound the boy ! 1 wish I bad hold Alice, and oui n,or children Heaven pity ; nences 011 both sides of the road. Highest 'position of the American army seldom par- " n"lllr' w,r''. captured, besides sev -most blinded her. The work fell into her of him Id teach him to step a little quick- vou!" " . I above them all rose the hi i,llim- bill of (Vr. alleled. Yet its commaiider occupied it hum red mules, and an ii.iinensc quantity of lap. lidding to Amy s entreaties, she sauk upon a coucu and soon lell into a slumber which she much needed. ' Little Herbert glided softly to the side of his sister," Look Amy, he whi-pered. "how pale poor mamma is. Ill tell Vju smiie- thing Amy ; she hasn't ate any thills; to-day. f he gave us all tlie bread tins morning, and didn't keep a mouthful for herself.' I " Poor mother," said Amy, her eyes fill ' ini; with tears, "I wish, Herbert, that we could think of some way to get a nice sup- ate, spri,:.ring from his chair, " has he bro-, kneeling, with uplilt-d hands and eyes, till try alino-t imputable for rocks and chap per fur her when she wakes. It would do ken the jug ! Speak, I say ! " j the sound of his fx ,t-ti ps died away. Itou- paral, for a distance of several mile. A her so much good, and make her s'ronger, ' " Yes, fuher, but be could not help it ' sim; herdf. she mechaniealiy commenced In uv v fine under ( leu. Twites bad p-in- you know." " (ih ! I wish you could," said the lov. " but I don't know how. lie sat a few moments intently thinking ; he called to mind his small store of books ' and toys, and wondered if they could be sold. Suddenly he clapped his hands it!i ! delight. "Oh! I had forgotten my little silver piece my bright little dime," sai l he '." you know, Amy, that my Sabbath school teacher gave it to mc, aud I bad laid it a . way so carefully ; that will buy something for mamma, won't it, Amy 7 " 1 Yes, Herbert, io t it ouiek, and I II i;o to the Maker's. You can kindle a tire and I ll make her some L a there's the house. )! brother, I'm so : in VoU i thought of the dime." i Herbert hastened to a small pine box con taining a few picture boks and trifles wh eh had been given him, and drew forth the ' piece of silver which had hecu given him, from its lurking place. I Amy received it ;md left the house, while Herbert replenished the tire with smiie dried sticks which he had gathered. The tea kettle was soon boiling, and Amy entered with a nice loaf of new bread, and a small bis way to the ticare-t grog sin p, much tj slice of butter, to which the baker kindly the relief 01" his suffering wife nici her chil added a bit of dried beef. She spread I'dn n. white cloth upon the little table, and arrang-1 When he was gone, Mrs Leo and Amy cd the food apon it. The tea was made' rubbed the aching limbs of poor little Her ald Amv w as preparing to waken her moth-: bi rt, Mid suceei did in rc toring w arm th er, when a loud course laugh broke upon 1 A kind neighbor bad sent them me milk, her car, and a voice exclaimed, ! and a loaf of brown hp-ad Mr-. Lee p- ' Well, good bve, Tom. I 'Ut f-irgct to pared a ba-iu of it for lb -rbort, but In- cmU come to night. The door was hurriedly opened, and their father staggered iu. i " Weil, Amy," he exclaimed, " you've gt bupp. .r all ready, I si e. You're a nire girl indeed you are ; well, take up your tea I'm hungry and thirsty both." j He drew a chair and aeated himself at the table. With a-totii-hing rapidity the bread and butter vanished before him, and Amy looked on sadly. ' If vou would leave a littb a very lit tle for mother," she "aid timidly. ' Nonsense '. your mother is well enough ' off. She'll take care of herself, I warrant." I " Mamma is very hungry," said Herbert, 1 who was crying bitterly, " won't you please to buy her sonii thing to c at father 7 " j "do away, you whimpering thing, and get your cap. I want to send you to the -tore. I believe I sliati t go out again to night. W hat's the use of having a home if oiii' never stays in it. Ib ie s the jug, teil Mr. Hall to fill it with his b.-t whi-key." j " Father," said Amy, "don't send Her bert. It is a long way, and lie is not well." 1 " lie is well enough ; it's all nonsense, w as the rude reply. I " Let me po," pleaded Amv, I stronger than Herbert " i " Silence, girl," said Lee sternly, bov shall do as I bid him. Here, lak ' the this piece of silver, and see that you make haste back." j Herbert in silence obeyed, and taking the jug, left the room. Amy followed him to tie a handkerchief about his neck, and whis pered an encouraging word. It was a very bleak chilly day in Febru- ary, and the wind Mew nereeiy. iierncri. hurried on, but be was obliged to stop every few moments to regain bis breath, and then he would place his little hand upon bis side, for there was a sharp naiii there. It seem ,.t - iii . 1 i -i .. ed a long way there, a va ry long way. In the summer he had freipiently gone to the store on littb: errands lor his mother, but then the grass was green, and the birds sang, and be did not mind the distance, but now when ho was o cold and hungry it was dif- ferent, and With dillieulty lie urew ins wca- ... t;,, alon". At last he reached the place of his destination, and entered. An :.ll.. il.rr....i ni.pi. flssen.l.lell there ilsl llslial- Jill': ineiiii; " - . - - - I )((it (wk 0 ,;,.,. of . s.. i v.-r i n- bov, and did riot move to admit bun to the stove, so receiving the well-filled jug from the rumseller, lie again entered the street ami far ed the cutting blast. Heiiiemberilig his fathers injunction to hasten, he endeav ored to obey, and when one half the dis tance was accomplished, he unfortunately stepped upon a piece of ice and fell, dashing the jug iu pieces upon the frozen ground. The poor boy sprang up, and for some mo ments stood as if bewildered, gazing upon the fragments. At last tears came to bis relief, aud he wrung bis hands and sobbed, as if his little heart would break. " O what shall I do'. " he cried. Father will beat mc so '. what shall I do! What will become of me ! " . ;iA daring to return home, be sat dow n u,n ,r,K( J,y the roadside, and burying j 1 :N f..,.p : J01, n hiiig bands, did not mind 1 tue ,un wa1 s t, and night would soou conic. An hour passed, ami Mill lis wit there almost frozen. The htara came out, and the beautiful moon, and the boy looked j up and wondered if Heaven was very far otf. Suddenly ho felt an aim about his neck and a warm cheek pressed to his. I n 1 1 t . i ' " Herbert, dear Herbert," said the voice of Amy, " what, are you doing ! (I! how could you stay away ami make mother and :Isosad, (t ! you are cold you ate frecz- j ing come ! " I ; " I cannot, Amy, I cannot! I've broke 1 the jug, and father will kill me ! No, no, I ! can t go home while ho is there ! " hoarsely murmured the child. , I " Hut mother think of poor mother, how sue iceis oeeause neroeri is gone : tome, father shan't hurt you, darling, come ! " 1. c . 1 . 1 .11.1 ... 1 icldmg to her entreaties, the poor child sutlered her to lent! linn lumin U'lmn tlu.v - J reached the door, Herbert shrank back, for cr. j " " ft ay liere a jnomont till 1 oomo acl:,' whispered Am v. and ciiteriii" the house si Hood before her father, who wa seated at k a table, smoking with Ins friend loin. "lather, she said, dyii t he angry Poor little Herbert has been unfortunate, but he was not to tdaiuc. ) roniM! me that you I will not be angry, and I'll tell you all about it." " What has he done ? " ciied the inebri he couldn't. ! don't beat him I bcL-." U here is he 7 " exclaimed Le 111 a lo lent passion, "where is the carcb scoundrel 7 I 11 teach him to be 111 ss little re care-. ful iu future." Me hurried from the hou-e, mi l soon re. turned dragging iu the pah; child, who ap peared more dead than alive. Mrs. Lee flew to the boy, aud folded him in her arms. " Aw ay, woman . " screamed Lee, but she pressed him closer to her bv-im. Amv w as weeping, and entreating her f.i- tlu r to desist. " For shame, Ie," cried Tom Hart, ris. ing from his scat, ".'cave thcb. y alone, lb did lit mc .in to break tin- jug I II pay tin price of another as well hj. d at that was Leave the boy alone, I say! ' Well, if you do as j uu sny, Tom, I'll b t the young rogue escape without a fl ig ging ; ho may thank '' for his goo I for tune, though." So n lea-iiig the trembling Herbert from his iron gra-p he ene..poil himself in bis s n a 1 by coat, ami aei lllps.nied hv 1 oil) took not swauow a mouthful. Amy a--i-t. il huu to utdre"S, and then snugly tucked him in his little cot bed, and seen liy r. mo. ing one of the blanket from In r oxxn couch, added it to bis. The boy soon sank to sleep, but it j' troubled an I unp-fre-hing. Ills bo som heaved frequently with sobs, and he would clap his hands and murmur sadly, as if imploring pity and compas-ion. Long afti r Ikt children were asleep, pour Alice ee. by lb' dim light of a t iliow candle, for tin' garment she was making must he re turned upon the morrow. At la-t it was finisbe 1, and she sank weary and sick up. bed. ( lIAI'M lf X. lil.di'MY riSnsl'Kt T: TIIK t M I l.iillli THE II.XI I V Mt.KI IMI. ( III, dry lliy ti .1 An.! h:t Hum II. ".e! th. .e 1 I Miil ruli a s m" I uu heart .-ilmv illiU nt son o.t of I...V .. - ', Mr- With the earliest ray nf morniri, Lee w as again up. Her first impul- xi-it the bed of Herbert. lie was 1 1 awake, and he put his arms about ln-r neck r el kls-ed her. Then she observed upon his delicate shoulder dark places where the flesh had been bruised by the gripe of his angry father, and she turned away her In ad ai'.i wept. She had borne trarlc-idy the neglect and unkindncs manifested toward Ik r-c If, but when her innocent cluldreii suf fered, the fountain of tears was broken up. Herbert knew not the cau-e of his mother grief. He thought she was hungry and cold and be strove in bis childish way to eon'ole j her, but when she bowed her head, and gave free vent to In r long hidden Id lings, no lifted his eves and softly the Lord's l'raver, dwelling with much fervor ti... ur.nli " f.'nc its lliif 1111 1111 r 11111 1 rni.'' With a strong effort the noor motlc r siippre-cd her sorrow, and brought a smile to her face. When the frugal morning meal was over, Amy went to return the work to the lady to whom it belonged, and Herbert went out to gather dry sticks to replenish the fire. Soon Henry Lee entered. He was sober, for be had slept off the fumes of the liquor which he had drank the preceding evening, but he was sullen and silent, scarcely raising his eyes while he partook of a portion of the bread and milk which bad been reserved for him. When he had finished his repast, he arose to leave the house, but bis wile laid ln r baud gently on his arm and looked up in bis face. " Henrv." she said in a sad, sweet voice, 1 " I wish to speak with you ; w you listen to me 7 " Well, what do you wi.-h7" a.-ked he, impatiently. " Sit down, ami I will t vou," she tin- swered. He took the proffered chair, and re-ting his head upon his hand as if iu very shame. looked downwards " Henry," she said, "to-day our rent is due. I have no1 a sull'icicnt sum to sati fy the landlord j you know his disposition. He will show us no merr y. Henry, your wife and children will be turned into the street - homeless and fricii'ilcS!." " What can I lo !' lie asked half angrily, I I've no inoncv, I tell you 1 haven't a cent, 1 Alice." " What will become of us! " cried tho poor wife, clasping her hands. " Oh Henrv, my husband, how can vou continue in such J . ' . J a,o of life, and see von, . l,il,lr...i r... d.ued to beggaiy ? If you would only be temperate if you could only dash away the fatal bowl, wo might all be happy again, but now may Ood help us ! and lier voice wa.i 0.,t in a burst of uncontrollable emotion. The miserable man was touched. He re- ally frit pity for btT. " Alice," said he, with more gcjitieiiess than he had manifest- ed in a Ioiil- time. " Alice. I know it nil ' ... . n . . .' . ' . . . 1 tli who would have thought that I could have bet n reduced to .1 state like this ! Once I shuddered at the thorn-lit of such , r .1. ...... ,l..i: ... 11... 1 :r .1 a... 1 ' ill ui liri .iuillll.ll, 4lliin,l!llli;rUIII.!- ii,.- aud misery were onlv confined to mv- t tm Hope f 1 rn ' , ' u Alice's heart. She 1 aeldoiU h cc.'-, ,ds 7f.mi his y,r. I ,11s his Hps. ! "( h, Henry !" she cried, sinking on her . nees him. " vou in reform vou jwillb voursclf once more say. will vou not for the sake of your poor w ife and chil- dren ! " ' " fearing hiiiisrlf from her embrace, he muttered "I cannot I cannot ! It's too late, now, the habit is too strong ! " lie lift the room, and Alice continued her daily duties, but with a sad and bur- deiinl heart Ii .triiino each moment fir the knock of the landlord. She did not wait long, for soon his heavy cane was heart!, an be limped along and she could scarcely summon courage t ) l id him enter. Sordid and miserly, heartless and cruel, his deposition seemed pictured torth 111 hi- course, bar-h visage, and rough voice. Poor Alice shrink involuntarily into the farthe-t seat from him. "Well, madam," growled he, "I have called to remind you that this is n i.t day. 1 suj "is,. my money is ready." ' I am viry sorry, sir I haven't been able to procure the entire sum," she faller- ed, " but here o a part of it, and if you will be kind enough to wait a few days until I can earn the remainder " I can't be put off in manner," he in- t.-rrupted har.-hlv, " yu 111 ut pay ine iu full or 'put imnieilialt ly. I can lind e!!n r ten ants wh ) will be more prompt. These de lays are dangerous, madam." " Hut. Mr. J mi s, pity me, I entreat you ; I have no 1 lac,. ,,f fhelti-r but this fir my hiblreii, and jmi canie;t find it in v oir heart to turn ui into the street. In a ft w d.ix s I will pay jmi "' Who knows !nt will happen '11 a few days ' " s,ii,l be. " y 11 d .11 t look, madam, aiif yn'd work much longer, and a- for .sir liu-baiid, there V lr !i"pe "f a itit froi.i him. I (.11 y ci I can t wait, and -1 if yei 1! oi't. rai-e th- amount ly I mor row night at firthe-t, yo.i mu-t budge." Mr-. Li e t lined away b'T face, that be might r.ot s, e the efT rt -he made t 1 be calm, and 'he obi ini-ir Simp, d from th" room, muttering "I'an't help it hall be ruined if I lit' 11 to whining Bone n." Ac. To lit: I oltllliU' li. 1NSU.1.N('F. OF A MUM 1 MA II II ( ieiitli men w ho undt rtak" t 1 P -cue la di' S, who are erasing r ill road trat k-, from de-trui ti"ii. should b" lar. f'il Lot to do it iii a roii 'h 1,' Hi '1 li li T. Lit' I. N ly a lady, w lr track near the at a very -tat. I d' pot in :i - tt r, drawn bai k to lo'v wai in sin bovve'.er that I as man hmg acr p .t at Tarrxtown. lotee. Was Seized th" I . v , the bt'c, fcl- :i ry, d a in- V OUT nf a with oh I.t ut ih" a plac li no i 1 1 of bis ott n Tin d iitl manly h .-ih-. ,1 nt.-ly I dd his pr. ly without -aving " by Iv, in the true spirit r digiiit v, ejaculated , with rc-ciitinen, " In- baud- m the la' .b'lVf." The l lady who t. It I f.',ee flushed fiUowl" If ilepot-ma-t'-r thin:.' geiit' i Hv, and seek catiii"t do the an introduction before I rcformi old Of I 'f "(lire idit-s, tin y should be it once. A IHiN.M'AI'.Ti: I.N" TIIK AMLIMCAN A I'. MY. A promotion of the Id cadi ts of the Mil itary Academy nt We-t point has ju-t la kcti'place in the F. S. Army. W. remark among the number of the names nt the ca det., .I. r.iinc Napol'-",, I' oiaparle, ".'m w-s liiiMibcr II in his diss at the lime of the c xaiiiinoti'iii, and who is appointed to the regiment of mounted riflemen. Ib I'l andsoii of .It roiiie Itoiianartc, bp is thi ther of the Kmperor Napoleon. Ilx King of W est- tdialia. halia iiinl now President of the I rciieh S, tiat". I lis grandmother. Madam Patter "on, lir-twifeof !'iinee Jerome, llultiinore and is ill posses-1011 ot erable fottune. p'-l'les III a con-id- Co.MINii llVbll. The Ohio State Journal says it has been show n a li-t of mm t y-.x '."' "i names in "lie single count y, nf persons heretofore voting the l.oeofoco tit let, who are going for Seoit. The Cleveland, Ohio, ( leriiuuiiii, r tirr mania, a lerman paper, heretofore a tirui supporter of I'iereg and King, has lately come out for Scott and (jrahaiu. rF.mLors i-i: A P. A man leaned from the Suspension Ih idge into the middle uf Niagara Liver nil Mmi-; day la-t, for the entertainment of a crowd of people, ('wing to a strong current of air under the bridge, he was unable to re tain a perpendicular po-ition, and he struck the water upon his back. lie was able to, swim to a boat in xvaiting for him, but thinks ; I will dec'ine any further b ats of the Kind i "(iOIN'i IT WITH a unsii." We b arn through a sturdy obi Ilemocrnt .1 fi .1 , - .1 . , .t ,. 11 .- ..: irom Hie lentil l-ogioii, iiniiine ", i,.,,,,,,, ,rUr. , ,,,.(,., ,1 I r gl..ri..ii lied " in that region are going it with A per-1 ,i,,., w,,,1Lr , n,- hrtees thai tlnllt .l m.-r the feet ru h fof !'''' (' iinil h"n(. TIIT At' ATT CATT I Jjlrl' UI vJIj.1. uLUl 1 -- l'OTT ritE roil thk city of mkx-J " Scott now prepared to advance upon tho city of Mexico. With only S,0(IO men. he t e pressed forward upon the road to the capital, rassmg over sixty miles of le. vel country lie came upon the of the ascending slopes, over wnich the city of I Mexico stands at an elevation of 7,()Hi) fret 'above the level of the waters of the (lulf. 'l 'l0 ro;l(1 at tlli-' I"jillt I"sss over a stream and winds among the gorges of precipitous hills. ' nollMl.Vi UK r KUIIO OoniH.. ..... .... .. 1... 1....1 1 r t'illll.1 .lllim. H ll'l llll'l in 'V II III) III 'I ll'UII the field of Itiirna Vi-ta. had h. re collected n .1 .. 1 1 1.1 1 . .. il!lllll"l'JII-ll!:i.J11lllllli.' li:i,UIllVlilpon- ted 111,011 these bci -hls. Cannon were ,l.i- ------ -... ro Gordo, htrmdy fortified and protected at Its base hvr lu-avy tfliic ' defences. O'u at Its base lv Heavy tfliic 'defeticeB. t'a the heights, thus defended by thirty-nine pieces of artillery, the Mexican C-ucral had intrenched him-i If at the head of lfi.niM) troops. 1 he attack upon this apparently impregnable position was planned by (Jen- cral Scott Willi masterly skiO. lie dete r- mined upon flank and .i- 1 rear as .!! as in Iron! ; and to accomplish this ohji ct he opened a road, over a coim- trated by this road, the day bet "re the main attack, a'nd rat.tur. d. after a severe slni-- gle, a commanding height iu tin lieighlior- . ' i hood of t'crro liordi howewr, maiiitaiin d The position was by our troops with great difficulty The Mexicans made three desperate ntti mpt to dilodge our force, but each time they were repulsed with hea vy loss, tin the init morning, the lth of April, the attack on the whole of the ene my s position was ordered. The defence was determined and bloody. I'eit our troops animated by the presence of, and fei ling the f.ilk'st confidence in their ditinguihcd leader, a 1. inci d under a terrific tire against the enemy. Tiny rapidly flocked up the! heights, and intrepidly surmounted every nb-tacV that th" ingenuity i-f Santa A had added t ) the natural ib i feiiei -s of bi position, di- ii-pl.iyiiig the mo-t sturdy resolu tion and iiniiicil'le niip. tU"-ity. I l.e .1 . x icans Hire forced fr..m th ir gun. at the point of the bayou, t and driven with 1 -.-i-t-less energy from their securest defences. The lull "f (', rro Ci ! 1 was a.sault. d in front bv C'd. Harney, who, with his men, p. tfortm d rodigi. s of yah r. Santa Anna v. as here 1 flying 011 " carriage, band iu all toll cXj. i-e person, and hardy scaped t.y e of th" mules attached to his -in ral Sett who wa- cb'-e at the coiitiicti of the dav, mid of- I to imminent danger, met Colo V mi the height "f t'crro li-'plo, li. I 1 1 an. 1 ju-l nt the liii.c id and puhlicly ex r. tin- spirit and "ir b riding the a--ault all.-u.t achleV ctliCIlt, I Iiuiratioii nf ed by hi . ill crs -poke with --ed In ii-t d'n ( ut h 11 -i .1 -111 nf the calm and ing of lie ir gallant (' unman Id rlv er, duritig all ut.inti rinil- the d ingers of the bilious and t.i.g di-i barges nf the arti! I.i igbts W bile the I attle rage 1 ry fr I. Mv in the 1-' )'- is po-i- clock the in iii wai driven fr on li )ii, totally routed, and was in full (light along the load to . I alapi, xv hither "iu troops fill 'Wed iii close pursuit. In this action, one id'lhc in 1 t reii.a, kable ,.f the xvar. Scott, r' 'I :t,uini prisoners, t.HM stand nf arm-. I"" pieces "f artillery, and a large quaiitit v 1 f a mm 11 ni! ion. S mt 1 A n mi's car riage, c 'iitaiiniig hi. Wooden b g and a large sum "f -pecic, als.i fell into the hands c.f the xietors. The fi-s of the American's in kill ed and wounded was -t:il. That of the Mex.iaiis was computed at I ,mo to l.'-'m). ( Al'l I Hi: .1 XI..XI' X AN I' si I! H KM 'I. It I 'I I'K- llllll. (ieii. Scott r.'titniurd bis rnjii'l march with his small but enquiring army, and mi the M ti. the advanced corps, uii'ler I icn cial Patters ui, ciit' led the illy of Jala pa, :i.i milt s f. .m Cerio Cnrdo. On the 'Jd of April, Worth's divi-ion advauecl upon Pc-1 rote, H miles ill-taut, whose celebrated for- . tress, with its powerful armamciit, surreii- deled at diervti ui. This surrender over-1 cd fili pieces nf cannon, 1 11,01111 canti'iii ball-, 1 1,011.1 bombs and haudgreiia les, an I .'ii"l muskit'. 1 I ITV f I I I.1II.A TAKIA'. 1 Santa Anna escaped ti Pmbla with the' remnant of bis uiiny, now scattered in all directions by the force "f the blow struck at t'crro dordo. Worth's dixi-ion again pushed mi until it came within liftecii nub's nf Put bla. lb re it was inenared by Santa Anna, who reappeared at the bead of Jt.ihiO cavalry. This troop was soon di-per-cd,-however, bv a few well-directed rounds from j tllir battel li S. The lli'C'illllitted foe tb'd to; Pilel la, but could make no stand, nnd cxa-; elated it 011 lie morning f the following day. n the j I ."'th of May tin' American! Iio.q.s entered I'liel'la, a city .t ioi,ni"i 111-1 habitants without re-i-tance, where they j halted and proceeded to f.rtily the neigh boring heights. AM HIP AN AIIMV AT I'l Hit. A. On the iiiiixal nfllie ndvance corps nf the army at l'ucblii, !eti Sentt xvas uxerta- This note i hoiihl h ur hern iiil.ihi il I st wn k limit r the In nl of " Sett nctlli s in. North-1 as!, ru lloiiinlirv Inilii iiIIm s," Imi! vv.o. 01111M1 d. 111r.1l Si oil's toiler nl h ittl this 1111 .mion, which we ri gn I we liave not romil In )'lilihsli, m a uioliiiniciil of Ins unlit iry skill and pr.M n lice. He th t oh d III iitlv.ilitc tvrry liiovi ui lit i.f the lrnoi during the ull n k, "ml 1 vi 11 irccrih"il the 1 x it t lllovi nn lltll nf ll.e valitllls ill t.n ii ilirli I iilti r Uu- I, , III. si won; 11111I Hie whole oiiler w.l I VI I llleil In the Ii II' r. "The tii" vi-uu fit nfi.iir iiruiy from riichla whs one of tlie most rotnaiilie nnd reinarll'ihle evi Ills hu ll li.m 1 xcr 01 1 urn il 111 the unlit try annul nl our count! v. Our Irmiji , it 11 1 t .. r 1 1 y cut elf nil .11 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1-. lion w ith 1I11 ir i.w n i iiinilry, nnd ml. Viini-eil w ith sloiil hearts, hut li 1 l.le 11 ii 11 1 tt rs intu the lliltlsl nfn llnitllle n nile. The eyes lit twen ty niiliioiim nf i.ur re iiiitrymi n were fixed iiinn this ih vol' it h.inil. Tin )' w rc lost to us fur fifty vm. liul 'hi- clone that hnl lie 111 Irom our vn w it v it il I'y ' ! m ken by Mr. N. I. Tri from Washington with with the enemy for pei Trist, who had arrived itti power to negotiate my tor peace. Mr. 1 list urn- Ved at Jalapa on the Uth of May. The army accordingly lay in ineir quarters, , w,ile the di.-nateh brouirlit l,v the envoy I :,s frar,l...l to 1 1..- riiv of Mrie,.. Cm. i .S-ott's available force had now been r...!,, J VVI to (i,lHHI men. He was in the heart of an emmy's countrv, numbering ,0(10,(100 f souls, and occupying a city of ti(l,0(M in- habitants. In his rear lay the road to the (iulf, whose waters were -JtHI miles distant, and the way infested by robbers and gurr- 1 ilia parties in untold numbers. In front av the Mexican nrinv. under Santa Anna. the ereat bodv of the Mexican tionuliilioii . ' . . - . J . . . ' ..,,,1 ;,. il... .;.i.t r ..11 il... r".i.- ..i' M. .. ...nil... miiini ui mi, ui 111 ui .'hi..v, with its jOU.Olill inhabitant, and protected 1 .....I ...i;i;..:l .l..r,. ....... of the l'jliili.l till'a 11. llll.iui uviLUVin "I iiiv Urom-est kind. with uncoiuiucrable clf-eliance steadily cciittuipUtiiiV, alt the w'uilo, the .'.till hazardous experiment of an advance upon the City of Mexico. den. Scott availed himself 01 the dclavs of the nego'iation to collect iiiformation in regard to the routes to the capital, the char- aeter of its dclciiees, and otherwise to pre pare for the perilous enterprise he had uu- .1. .-..,! M :. e - ueMune,,. ...eamMiie, rriinoreemeius ,,r . . ' -' tieiihies. The succors were annoyed by the incessant attacks of the strong guerrilla par ties tb.'t hovered on the road. In addition to these, the Mexican t ninral Valencia, had come UP from San Louis I'ot -i with 4,00(1 . 1 . r .. 1 1 .... '1 troops, anu u u puces 01 aniiicry to as.-au our rear, aud to intercept our supplies.. The roads were blockaded, the bridges blown up, and patties of the enemy lay in ainbu-h limit r every cover, encountering our force", and attacking our trains, nt eve ry point that afforded an opportunity for assault. tut the fearless intrepidity, and dashing gallantry "f our men, overcame all the difficulties nf the long and dangerous march, and bv the 1st of August the army at Puebla had been reinforced by the arri val of ,"i,'iOH men. lll"M 11 Kill. A AP VAN' K ON TIIK (ITV F MLI O. The negotiations of Mr. Tn-t having fail ed, lien. Sc. ill determined t i break up his camp at Pin I la, ale' advance at "in e nn the t'itx n f Mexico, !io miles ditant. He i-siied his iirtb rs aeenrdiiigly, and 011 the "th nf August tin- columns nl liom ral Twiggs, hea ded bv Scott in pi r-"!i, wt re put iu motion The divi-i'iiis of Ouitman, Worth, and pil low loiiowed at intervals nt a day tarn. The whole army of I n -ji. cott, thus moving I U on the great ro id to the capital, number id tO.ttO ui-n. With this small force did1 he attempt, and accomplish, tin-conquest nfi Mt i.e.. ('.,!. fluids was left at Puebla, as 1 ( ioii 1 imr, w ith .'1, 1 11 Ml men almost two-thirds i of whom were in the hospitals. All milita- j ry coiitn-i ti "ti with the coi-t was now bro ken; al chance of rtliat cut ntf; and Sett advanced nn th" Mexican capital, re Ijing solely nn bisown skill, and the iuxin-' cil-ility ol bis tr-'ops. In reference to this j daring and heroic iimx 1 iiient, lien. Cass I sIk ,-l!v afterward pronounced the following eloquent ciilogiuin in the Senate of the I ui-1 ted Stales : Si l TT AHUIVI'.S IN SI'illT l'i .'.!: riTV OK MhXpn. Within a weik after leaving I'm bin, cur army lav upon the cre-t nt the liiiN that surround aid overlook the city of Mexico, which lies within this circular banicr as in th'- I." 'tt 'in of a ba-in. The pi-ture-que ap pearance of the city, the novelty .and beau ty of th" circumjacent c umtry, the traor diiiarv circumstances and hazards of our p--ilioti, created in ex cry b reast no iiules. cribable conflict "f eui"ll-)iis, as the scene bur-t upon the view. The bracing atmos phere came ill aid of the natural excitement nf (lie occasion aid the sprctaelr, and filled all with an exhilaration nf spirit that vastly enhanced the interest w ilh w hii h they look ed down upon the city they had c line to coliqUt r. : I'osnloN (.1 scnTT-!- AIIMV IIKt'OKK TIIECI I TV UK MKXP (. i On the 1 - th "f Augut Sett had, by a difficult and skillful imminent, iibundoiieil the r .ail bv which he came from l'mbla, 1 . . 1 1....1 . 1 1 and on xxnicii rania .nn.i 'M'i ' '' nf his strongest dcfcncc-i, and had thrown his army amiilid the shores of the lake, up on the great western road leading from the Pacific to the capital. Here, at San Angus tine, nine miles fmni Mexico, lien. Sentt es tablished his head-quarters. The city was surrounded by two exterior lines of fortifi cations nf great strength, and defended by Santa Anna, at the head of a well appoint ed army, :io,l'ltl strong I icdiatdy in front uf our army lay the fortified village nf San Antonio. 10 the left was the hill of Cmitreras, fortified by batteries. Nearer to the city, on the road bv which our troops were approaching, lay the tillage of Cliuriibilsco. These points were all strongly garrisoned, and defended by sixtv-onr pieces of artillery. The l'th, I -til, and li'th of August had been passed iii laborious efforts to acquire a full knowl edge of the enemy's position, ami lay the foundations for 1111 effective attack. The 1! ill especially had been passed ill severe exertions nf the officers and men. Several skirmishes had taken place, and an action of three hours with the force 011 the hill nf Contrcras had been terminated without any ni'irl-,1 result 'I lie troops had worked ami suffered proil Ciiura'tellielit MOIlslV. lo HUH IO l 111 - ins- ' il... "dnv. the rain began to ii- 1 1 . . .1. . ,i fall, and the night closed chill, wet and ed the way to the city, and could have cn dieary. It was passed in suffering and tered it sword in hand on the evening of the .1 .,.;.., The lioniis cut no rest, but victory on the bloody field of 'hunibiisco. stood cmwdrd together, drenched and be numbed, waiting for dny-light. The officers met at the quarters of tictieral Scott. There was despondency and apprehen sion. "Hut," says uu eye-witness, "tho confidence of all was ri stored by the great coolness and steadiness of the commander-in-rhicf. As the officers came iu from tho field, wtt, fatigued, and weary, he made them all partake of a cheerful repast. Hi's) bearing was most noble. It exalted tae spu its 01 all present. hatti.e ok onthkras. in 111 1 A'10 "Hack on Contrcras had been aoim- rMi' l,'a""L'd hi' ihv ( oiiiinander-in-cliicf, uil on the morning of tl.e Jt:tli, at 3 0 eloe it was assailed in front and rear. The in sition was defended by (jicneral Valencia, couiiiiiiniling 7,H0(I of the veteran troops of Mexico. I!ut so effectively had our forces been disposed, and so sudden and vehement was the attack, that the enemy was driven headlong from his entrenchments in an in credibly short space of time. In this en gagement, 4 ,.101) of American troops drove 1,001) Mexicans Irom lhei strongholds, anil , , ., , - I,urs.ut1 V".'" "'"'"e slaughter The rt'sults of the battlo were gigantic. Seven . . , , I'll I 1 I !""" rc' tlic t ii niy were killed and eight small arms, shot, shejls and ammunition. ljut tho bif brilliancy of 'b-- adiievemeu. L consisted iu the superior skill and strategy displaced by C n. Scott iu planning and ex ecuting it. The lo.-s ot i'uo American ai only sixty killed and wounded. 1'AI.I. 01' SAN ANTONIO. The storniiii" of ( iht ri-rris enahleil our tr,,,,s to turn the enemy's rear at San An- . . . - ,, . ,.J , . w:,y ,0 t 1(. v age of L liuruhusco, live miles li. tant. I he can 1- sou of San Antonio, io. tcad of awaiting alt attack immediately evacuated their po.-itioii, alter witnessing the fall of Cii.t ivra-, and hastened to fall bai k on ( b urubu-eo. hATTl.t: id' ( lit r.t. iu s u. The ( uttered forces en from Coiiticras and if the enemy, di iv San Antonio, had concentrated themselves upon hur'ilju-co, in aid of that strong and important po-itioti. Other troops had also Hocked to il, and Santa Anna's entire disposable force was in trenched in and ne.-n that village At b a t txicnty-iive thmisaid Mexicans, strnn po-tcd, here awaited the on-i t of our ai nn . As the American troops m ned to the at- tack, a 1110-t territie tire was opened up-m them both bv infantry and artillery, al org th W I ct ded li of the clleinv. V- era! of the i,'h ai.t cU'Vaiu s f an;::, being pii 1 ipitati '! np.'ii a j rincipal j - i t . t, of the defence, (Sail l'alb ) Wire almost entirely sv.ip! avi ny by the trciucudniis cau ii"tiailt they bad to 1 r. Tom ids of flame r d do:i tlo i neiuv'.- fortifications. rax aging our raid, w r. 1, ! -.., of,:. ter. J or m great tide of 1 le than thiec xv a attic sueee-.sfiill v rc-isf tho 1 bv tin llelllV. Their mur-li I returned bv our lie "Us lire sva,-, hmv . ips xviih uul'.ag- 1 ,.V) r gnig cin-rgy and k p' rale re-.eun hi. I ho attack was el length pie--eil with such iiu-ttiii-ity that the xi. an bit leg:. 11 t waver. Lit iitetiaiit -Coloiiel Scott, heading two ivgiuirnt- of infantry, lu re made a fu rious a--a.i!l upon the -tr ngi t of the 1 ne my's w.-rks, (th- ti te-diipont.) aid carried it al the point "f th'' bax oiiet, alt-r a nm-t ob-tinat" eoiillii-t. 'I h.- main 1 o ly of the Mexican infantry - : u alter gaxe way 1 e forr the assailants. Still one poiliou of the field xv as contesf. cd wilh fierce ib ti rm inatioii. Hut all re sistance finally succumbed before the iiif-si-iible valor of our troops. As the la-t stronghold of the cm my i bled, ticin r .1 Scott, xv bo had b'eii wounded in the ;,-tion by a grape-shot, male bis appearance ill that qiiaitcr, and was git 1 ted wilh deafen ing dm rs by hi- brave ti ""p-, In w t e i 14111 -pbalil at all points. Tl.i-m chloral le batlli; I mi"1i alter noon, and did not end till suii-et. 'J he loss nf the Americans iu kill ed, wounded and missing, was l.O'ifi. That of tin- Mexicans was -1 ,"0'l in killed and wounded, and "JgiilT pii-"i:crs. It is coii ceiled by the best military authorities, that this decisive x'ntory xxas chiefly owing to the prompt and ma-It rly arraiigeuicnts of the c ouiiiiaiiih r-iii-chii f, both before and during the 1 ugiigi iiienl, and that t bin:, therefore, belongs t! principal credit of this mo-t glorious iich'u vi un nt of the Amer ican arms. Hut besides the militaiv skill I exhibited nn the whole of this Id, Sending tilth this terrible battle, ody day, iclu l al Sentt di-playc.l all the lire and In le-ie Icm !pcr of his youth. The brilliant genius and courage that impelled his great tfl'oits at ( l,i,.,va ad Lundy's Lane, here blazed 1 ,,,,, ar,.-h vjt, renewed lu-tre. The con- I . .. .. , . jtagiou 1,1s cxaiiiple nl o!Iv courage ai.'l impetuous enthusiasm, spread through nnd through and fired the whole army. Ne ver did lien. Sc.. it's nolle appearance and conduct produce a greater influence up on his nu ll than mi this memorable day. Mounted mi a tiery charger, in the midst of his conquering troops, diiciting in person all the brilliant evolutions nf the various dixi sions of ih- army, dashing froin column t column amid the pitili ss in lungs oi the iron j,., ,1M, t ringing shouts nf the ictnrs nnd dispatching his ordi rs in all directions with unparalleled celerity ; the illustrious commander-in-chief, covered with the smoke and du-t of battle, and wounded in the des perate strife, was regarded by all as the guardian j.enius nf the hour, the protecting; icgisnf the army, the unconquerable hero wh-v xv as never vanquished, who-e banners nev er trailed in defeat, but the sword of whose mighty arm always led the way to trium phant victory. S HIT till.XNTS AN AHMISTIiT. ( Jfii. Scott, bv bis brilliant initial and strategic In nictits before the city of Mcx- ico, ami nx 11s siilisetiuclit dcci-ive victories nt Contrcras and (Tiurubiiseo had P'oiy r and ope ti 1 ..11 11 r 1 ....1 ..11 en Ull llie iliaitlli i. ii j. in, uu eo a great military commander. Ileb Hut he now exhibited nil the nol le qualities of a generous aud uiagnaniii'.-.'.s mind. IL; refrained from pursuing the manifest advan tages he had gained, and granted an armis tice to the enemy. He desired to save the further effusion of blood, and the city from all the horrors of assault. Santa Anna, however, with characteris. tie peril. 'x, on!x l'i.:dc "f ' Scott's

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