I T. i. HOLTuri, iuHi.im:H. n. G. wiLuAtflSOH, Eu,tor- CHARLOTTE, 1ST O-, SEPTBMBE3H Q, 18S2, HOLTOW & WILLIAHSOW, Pitovim-.TOits. Til TKItMS: Nortli-Cirnliiiii Whig will be afforded In ........ I in..' :.. -.1 i ,-riiiiTS tit IWli inl.l..-.nr in aiiiume, vw -cyy.) pol.l.ARS AM) HKTY CENTS if pay. l 1). 1 . v l for three months, und T1IK1.K IHil.l.Al.S u.1 the end of the year. V-'w rlisi'l.ienis wsenen aiimc 1wu.11 (nTtiuHit: , .; Iine-i it less, this si?''1' tyw) lor Die first iiim-r. j ami '-.i ccnl for ennll otuitiiiiiOKT. Court ad wt'..iiitiits und Sin rilT'a Sales charged 2.- per P. lii'-lt.-r i 'Hid a deduc tion (if 33J mt crut.'will b i t'ruiii tin1 rcgulir prices, fur iiilicrtin-rs by ..." ic.r. Aitv.-riitu-inciiis inserted monthly or , -i -! nl si l r aiu.'fr fur each time. Semi- manner " He will be, Alieo ; something whispers: of the company l.adetired.Mr. and Mrs. Lee fit v. The columns of Quitman and Worth where lie has since remained, and where ' always to sulmi) them as coimlrjm . rsuppli- t wt it wilt be so. (), if sister's untiring1 nml Aunt Mary lire-red awhile to consider were ordered to movo forward in separate lie may now be daily seen m the liidustri- home. . strength love if a hirer's watchfulness and prayers! upon the prnposiiHiieh James Klwood had detachments. Worth's devision became en- ous discharge of its multifarious duties ; a , 1 remain, dear mr, vim gita ,. llin. lilt I'l "1'orini liu vmui:-. umuii'i uuia mhui-iiiiiviii.'. ... ( - r- i I ' I made for the bambf their beautiful Amy." gaged in a street fight in the suburb, but , constant in Ins atlendanee at business hours yours truly, . . . . J . . .. i.i I..l, ..f il... A. ......... .....,t I distantly to Alice. Her haughty manner sent a chill to the heart of the poor ant, and she could scarcely- summon to speak, but the remembrance of ber ehil- can avail, they will be his." dren pave her courage, and she. pictured j '"And my efforts and prayers shall bo' " They love nwanotlicr let them mar- forced its way and took up its ipiarters close forth their situation with all a mother's elo- united to yours, dear Mary, and may God ry," said Aunt Mry.as upon tho city. Quitman advanced still fur- (iiicnce. and humbly reuuested the loan of erant that t ho husband and brother nlav be! ".Lump is t.lriil'teiniierate. and his thcr on another road, and after bonn- hard a few dollars, promising to eivc herself no reclaimed !" I iirinciiiles are villous." observed Mr. Lee. fighting, encamped within the entes. On rest until it was repaid. fireat was lleury Lee's surprise at meet-1 The mother sal nothing, but there was a the whole of this eventful and glorious day as any clerk of the department. PKItSONAI, (' II A R A I ' T KHIhT II' . j Here, at his place of bu.-ine.ss, vinitors. from all parts of the counti y thronj; to see. WIXHKLU SCOTT.. Wm, K. lloiujssox, Ksip. iNi: or Tin: womkn. The l'.hode Tiland Temperance Advocate- ).. ilirc c tnl In Hie r.iotur. Aim nil n l , i hn-im-f" I'T Job Work, vV e., inui-t b direc , the l'ul.lislii-r. Al' lelu-ramut he punt-pui , v will net Ik- atti'tnli d to. I'ihii' IiIh ran lit- m.nli- to either. IV-'iiii'sl'Ts r.rt- aulhr ried to set an agent. Mrs. Harris heard her in siletice. and af- lnir his lonir absent sister, but ho could nleasmir , xnroxsln in her soft eves, which Scott had displayed wonderful activity, and . . ., . ,. , irives us the loll. iwni" ineiMcnr, wiucn 111.17 I ter the recital stood a moment in thought. i not manifest much joy. He felt so deeply j did not speak of isnpprovul. ' had been at all points when! ho could bet 1 le receive all m me mo.-i ira ih, t u, . wcl, , (i il!llt.!t,. j i,y Ill;1y in our own State, I "I am very sorry for you," said she, ashamed of bin appearance of his bloated! . . . 1 give directions, animate the wives, and " but really it is not iu my power to grant face and tatering step, that he wi.-hed she ,.,,. us voll .... . ro. ' in the conllicts of his bravo comrades. In and del.ghttul cordial.ty ; v in.u at i.w iu In(jlR.r ,, sist,.,., of Massacl.us. Us will your revest; I have just 'now absolute bad not come to lJ hi, degradation.- J, 1 0 he exhibited the coolh-.t self- dwe 1,,. n ...an d.,,-. , b! as 1(t(ivo itl 0,.r Ju election, . tho need of everN- dollar that I can command." Mury, however, appeared ,0 notice the HV 1 ,m . e ' command, united with the greatest vigilance f '';: '" f. n ' 8 rum will be in deceiving the ignorant 'V'!i '"'.rc wnil(lorcd to the half-open door chaise in his look' aiiil 11 ,,, She greU- tl p'es order. And now as herctof,,, in all 2' "'i ." VI I lie Ul iw Ill-r ruuill n ill 1 v pui a mei (.Hunt cu in in w nil inueil a liei:il(ill. a nil neiiiinii HIT- 1. L I u ... .. 1....I . ; 1. -l.A 1 1....1.. ..I WIO hi'm. mvun in ,i 11 11 11 .- , . . . , - b m. ......... - am tliev associate in seem ing ills r square fi r em-li time. 1, tt-rs rehtivc to tbf I-.iiitnri.-i! !i p-ri- waiting her leisure to examine some spien- set! Iiesule lnni liegan talking did shawls which hung graeetully over the days, and bringing to mind the sofa. " Ik-sides, Mrs. Lee, I make it a rule their childhood. She pictured out never to pay for work in ailvaueo. t ro- ny uui-nde, where they gathered nuts gret to say that I cannot assist you at pres- and fruit the stream where they had float tut." ed their tiny boats, and the forest where She turned away and poor Alice, who they culled the wild blossoms iu their iuuo stood as if spell bound, heard her expatia- cent glee. in-' upon the beauty ot the shawls, declaring "I , those were happy das happy day o 11111 iwv n 1 1 .1 1 111:111 11 11 iiiir.i in tuu ihi-juv. .... 1 1 f I ofby-gone Mr. nud Mrs. J.e, and their sister Mary.- i ''' f;llU '"- grasp, he manifested scenes of TllL, olhvt M , ta an,l f,.,..oned prudentia care, a sagacious toresight. an ut the sun-, , , flowt. U tll(. Ui.f j .(Uil. KUoo j nud unconquerable '.eroi.-m, us w -!1 as the high. Vi.... fin.lhu' all P'TT? .,urvc,,u"V' ri',':",'1?1ei"K',"0ri ' ! by every danghterof tempc M ew " c km mud 'b!,'8 .'"""" '" J'y i"-, every wife and mother, vi : itiiiirtw i lie rem , ,,.,,,, BI(j HU.,,.tiim on all eolloiiiual to- ' , ' est limitary genius. During the nig'd, Santa further resistance vain, iioctri). li'l4 I'illinr hl-tiln Luey, now that It aged li -ne factor ba pone to his last reiitie. six-nils n.Mch time with b. r friends at e village, and tlmugli limit of his army from the City, and on the. ' lis whi. in-red that he is soon to become .1: morning of the 14th, our troops entered the bride, thev enti rlai no fears of losili!? hcr.,Iraiid I laza. pints, unsurpasseii uroanny, anu u geuei- , .-, i ous and lofty tone ot thought lie is opu- ; (i f mi.'ml)U 0f the Maine, lent of story and anecdote, iillluent in Ian- , guage, singularly accurate ot statement, . , fo(Jwi nij),i0 ttl t i,u (;lliulat.-d itranee, aua by The American Hag was bois- that they wire cheap at fifty dollars. Slow- said Henry, musingly, " then 1 knew -no grief, fr hl'e declares tht if slu ever marries, I ted from the top of the National I'alaee, l'rrmi. tin' I)'l I'arf Journal. Ti;SE " Will' for tlir Wi"'." TI.e t .enl'oro pirty, I" ys. Are er.iwin nni;l ly ri. r.-t', S un- iht y li;it n'.ri.ie-.!! ,i Tin lr "I ft m m" li.iitr..! Pi.-rnf. Tin v s.iv l.i-'M Im-.I. .i.!. In i il-Ii'.-i " iify-i And m-rrli into t ; i - Wl.il.- Ih il-e, Put (hit In- will i:.. i!-. i iji) k i W itt t;M .vi n.bi r, W a t till vi inbiT, ait Mill NoM tnLtT, Ami tin 'II a!i tarn blu- ly did poorMrs.Lee retrace her steps. She because 1 was unaipjaiiiUid with sin; Mary, felt as if there was no heart to pity her liok at me now. I an you recognize the no hand to extend relief. In lu-r sorrow glad hearted boy who went singing from she forgot that God was ever nigh that morning till night in the drunkard before Ho would not forsake her entirely. Weak : you V from w ant of food, and trembling in every " I recognize my brother still," she on limb, she was forced to paue and leaned swercd ; "though somewhat changed lis against a tree for ret. Her eyes were true y t the purity of heart and peace of cast down, and she heeded not the sound of conscience may be regained the dark past -wheels. .lie whicic wiileli was all lorgivcl. ami buried in oblivion. ill intaitied two ladies, who, at by her appearance, paused to en wlm alll limn D null.'! lie-ir tli.-im. A .mill II lid lit the SiHllH molllC.it, ViCUlTal f-colt aie the smiles of ntum- I etwowed upon dressed iu full uniform, ut the head of lm those who ,w-re so ireiehed and heart bro- JstaiT, rode through the vietmious column-, ken, and tliev bless he hour when the light , amidst the vociferous acclamations of the of Temperance disfialcd the gloom of de- eouijuerors, while the band of the Second lie;lllieltl OI I', ugoons urm k u iiio iusjm rill:? air of Yankee 1'oidle. spair. Th-' W "liiu't liave mttl. il nn a rhoii'e '1' i. ;m (iiit- Will :;-;trovi (Ij.t Snrr an'i IIrmmm are I'n- Is.yi 'I'-- make t!us n. ti-t.i in.. ii- ; Th' !... -h ?-ay llev'll I'o -r thi in, I u l'iit. t ii liny tii 'i. A-..I in in-. i n.t.i I" W hit- Il'.iisi-. H it '!e.t I In- v" 1 i" r ilo. Clio, i Wait 'l.il N ivenibi-r. It ...-;ti.- ; ' mji iiiv til nil tx-ys . ii sl.out a I .oil hurr-li, -.if i.il:..i.ut-e enr i h iii.i.iiiH, 1 Hr .if (,1,1 I liiiM wa, T .. .. t r.s timik they'll him, I. i . ijii.t. . u Kf-y tv o, A i-i rf'i li.t't l:ie While Iboise, II. .t l:l..l t:tCV'll 111 UT '.. Cii.iri VV .ui 't.ii ,i,vt nihi r. I i e.. T ih,. !,.,y mv h.-artus. '1 fT.lr! !n'A-n (.'.i n L-aiee, II- s s.!- 0) ln-.t . I'l Pierre and htl.e, I ,r U lN-HKI.il is lo name. '1 .'i v know tin v ci,r. .1 crush turn. (i . lei.i..,.,, n:1v-t.w'. I. n ii" 1, in.' re . i " in ' i t.i- Willie ll-ew, 1 r Iti .t i.i 's hi, mill I do. 1'nom-s Wait 'till Nnvi-inU r, U ait 'til! Vivetiil r. W ot 'till Ntivemlyi-r. A;. I til- Wi.il's .ll put Im" lliron tli. Hlisccllancous. carnage- passin: tliiete. juiro if she was ill. Arc you sick madam," asked tbeyoun it, a blooming girl enveloped in silks .Hid furs, as she sprang tjwardsMr. Lee, " Surelv, soim thing must be the matter or von would not stand here iu the piercing cold wind." "Sick at heart!'' au-iM-red Alice, iu alow moiiri.fiil voice, r.ii-ing her eyes to the sym pathizing face of the maiden. "Ah! I see it all; you are poor you have no money to buy food is it not so V " Yes, I am poor, but I can bear hunger and i .Id and never complain. lis u .t for in self that I weep to-morrow my children yuu not tiy, dear Henry, to con. pier your app. lite ami l.e free and happy again? ' " lint you know little .,f the force of ha bit, Mary ; you know little of tin- stri-n.ili of a li.il.it which has been chi ri-i: d 1 r -o many years." " Yet brother, lli.it habit may 1 1 1 ... 1: lie firm be resolute, liur-laway i. li t 1 r. ;,; forever the chains which are h -: im.' "i down, and rise a man, will, all the u ib!e feelings of a man '. ou, Henry, were never designed for a life like tins; y oil hae a heart which ran throb with the lu l l. -t iu.ju'ses you can be happy, and impart happiness around you. l'lonu-e me, my broile r, that you w ill be free from the tyrauy i-f Alc,.,..." She had ela-ne l hiin in In r anus and was will be exposed to the pitiless blast without gazini; iu his face with In r beseeching cyi UHiOFsO.SCOlT. I oj I.I Pi le I i HAT I I.K OHIoltlMl lift. IIIV. 1 Snt.t.i Anna had ii"W stationed biuisilf' with hi- reiiiainitij ''irccs on the outskirts . ! tie- city, at .T i nr the hi 1 of (.'hapulte. '1 Ins hill very str-uigly fortified. a:el i oi.,i!i:iic!cd t).- ei'y as well as sew I 'll of its principal apn oach.--. Iti sides werj craj-v and pre. j itous, excepting the as cent from the t-it v 'n its summit stood a stone fortres of in:i.cii"c size and strength, called the ea-tle At its foot wire strung deft-nee Anioij them wa" tie- " Kings Mill," (Moliliu ,1 Key.l a large ,to!l.- buil ditig, wilh thick und hi.h w alls, and tri-r at the em I.. .Unit ii'l yard-di-t u.t 't-.od aii 'lh. r thick-willed st..tu- building, ealb-d foin the N.w York llri;an. HOMES AM) HEARTS 5 OR TIIK resolitir.r; Influence cf Intemperance, ii v i:. i.do.mis. i nN i.r-tuv. i'.-r s line luolnciits after his departure a tiidi avoring to lliink of some in a li re r ,ii v.hi h tie: reUiaiiiiligsuui c-oold be pro '.11.. !. but in vniu. She had not hing of a ! i- !.-; that -he co ild dispose of. At !a-t . i to g i 1 1 tin- lady who furiii-lied i. r w -:!; and s -licit lor t advance tin :. '! -ring i . toil day and night until it v.i- p. ill. Throwing on h'-r cloak and hoo-1 '. i. it tl,.- hou-f, and walked as rapidly .-. 1.- r !' !.!e -trei.L"!i would allow. When '.. ..: ;!,..- di-tiiiee w.is nee .niplish'-d slo- met A-i v i!e was returning wiile ut the u ; .1 -up' I .- of work. .stn: bnr-t into tears j -Ii.- - v.i Ii- r mother. l i, !'" -ai-l .-he, " Mr-. St-iTil.-y ii offctid ( ' . rv i.i'i' h off. tided, an-I she will not - :. i ; i i:.y v. -. r k a; ain." 'Vha do .,u im an Amy' how have I - : I h-.r ' ' a-';..-l Mr-:. Lee, earnestly. .b.- - .'.I the dr--- wa- ruined, mother. 1 1 t v . I r- 1 1 1 1 . r t!i it w li.-n voii w as -ew--ii it lie: other iiighf. fatln-r came iii, I h" i angrv, aicl ! ., ti. it tin- fin-!!' .' I ; i:ig to -ave the dp ... 1. ,1 hurt, but to-. ' ;! 3 of glea-e alno ii-: w ill not let me h:;ve any Is. ii i inured Mr-, lee, then it t , app.-al t j Ji r for help. 1 1 'I he clouds of de-- ' . g.'M 1c f ing 'i'. iT Hie. t 11:. d t l retrace ,( r stepa, but ud- :-,;;,. I,- a we.-ii!iv widow whohad a- i-t ! h'-r. 'lie- ili-taii'i- was long .- af , 1 ut -h'- d'-tt-niijlie'l t'l see J,er i ..-.'l i , Lot- f . diiiL-- W hen at la-t e . tly in ii -i ,ii , h'-r tre-.ib-c.iic. l v Mi-tain her. She i.i I liiiliii.' up on a chair, ir.H.c- of t' bo! v, w Ii i wa 1 shelter ( I conic, come with me," cried the young girl, seizing her hand and drawing her to w ord the carriage. A lady was reclining upon the back seat, dressed in deep mourning, her face conceal" ed by a thick veil. " Pear Aunt Mary," said the girl, ' here is an opportunity for your bein- oleiit heart to do the good it so much de-iies; I know the story of this poor woman is true." j The ladv removed l""- e. -l ..! I.nr pees met those 'ot Alice, ls-th uttered aery of, surpri-e, and the next moment tlu-y wercj locked in each other's ariii". "Mirv, mv sister! O, why did I di-tru-t eoodlies!'' "aid Alice. ' I ear. dear Alice !" iiiurinured the other, "is it thus I find i-i ! Has sorrow graven thi se lines on your brow and dimmed the lu-tre of your eyes ? lias want paled the ehe.k that was so ro-e-ite witii health when la-t I beheld you ! t, why is this! Are vol a widow ? Is my brother dead "'' " No, Mary, not dead, .ut " " Ah ' I can imiigine hat you Would say. Then my fears are realized, and he has fal len a victim to intemperance !'' Alice was silent, and Mary prc.-ed her clo'cr to her bo-oin. " Thank lb o-n that I have found you ! how I have prayed that I might di-cover your retreat, .-ime last Wi lli, t. rb-ar Alice, I too have known sorrow. Mv hu-biiiid has been taken from me, und in v po'-r bleeding heart turned towards ..ii, niel I. ,ii -ed to hear vour swnl. utilizing voice. I have found V Alice. I have en this World': and smile was w ei -pin roiled over the lace ot the u rill, k - tli 1 a sweet thrill of ht.pe p. rv.ided al .in of Mary "lie will be . !.'' la e," " that' tear ii a l.arbin.i r of I. lit v A tear aril, ni the bo said she," good." It w as ci the events reci J une sunet w a ne-s over a rich which i-ible of a fine in ati-i. .ii, ,,f , w- K ,!aU !. lady enj.-ige.l i ii r a till, sen b r boy lull- id ell.'is, A y f ' 'i Hit tie-' the army in rril Sett .1- tw..p- .1 . Mr. I lit-, in 1 I.- t. tS n.t.i Anna. 1 ll-e-nmig that tin- ars from d.-l aboi. easting a iindseape fl'.'lll tl; situated I'l-oii a ;.. .-il:i,g. .Ni u - 1 1 1 g thr iiiiig - irl s In- t ilne in v. hii h . oeeuir.d. A subdued loeli- .f bill and dale, open windows iu a r. liri d pal t recline d r In r -t iii.h n:i ae at at an . i n d at an I ell tl:. In, :! -tPUig. K ing's l-.r the 1 in t li littnk iictiiy's to the orinitig ol -. I. lit as intr-.i t. d to acioitipli-hcl it iu the n the "th of S- pt. i.i- t'u! I. . I h. I1 I V II P ATIciN I'l- TIIK l ITV "iTT S ARM - I HI S pl TIKS. j III a few days, -tu-h was ticti. Sett's j u . liicioiis e .iidti. I. 'iii' t was restored in tin ("uv, und all da-, s resumed their wonder ful aw. cations, rep. .-ing the fullc-l coiili-b-liee in the security atlorded by ..ur troop- under their humane and ehi i-tiaii commander. ' " the iii-tit. iti ii.s ..f religi ui. i.-iieral Scott ;il 'was piid in M. xic i a profound re-peel Though hiiiiseil a 1 'roti slant, he ni vi ill.e-b-s-. enjoined upon all under hii command, a de eel. t ali i respectful demeanor towards. all the tuiiii-ti-rs and eeiciiioiii. s ..! the 'a-th-die Church, himself sitting the i xatnp'.c up Ii ail pi. -per ni ea-ioiis. lie in ted upon the rule of pi-rfei t to!, ration (..ward - all w ho wish to engage in the Wol-liip of their M.l'.e. The losses sustained by the various, m. gageimt.ti of the army alter h aving I'm-b-I.i, ha liiow aiiioiint. d to J.'Ui) men, b av- but -.ii.ill "t rai-K an 1 tile uinii r arms source ami suggestion on an cohoimu- jiics. With one of the finest physical organ- ir.ations ever given to man, he bids fair to attain great longevity. He has always lived a strictly tempi rate life, and so far a regu lar one as could coiisi-t with his arduous and exposed public services. He suffers somewhat from the severe wound ill bis shoulder received tit Lundy's Lane, the lur king Lritish lead in his body being seeming !v uneasy nt not liming yet performed its intended work. Yet he is remarkably hale, vigorous, and active, ami may :j seen any Iu Foster, there ivas un iiitem'ierat'! mull who bad promised his wife that he would voto for the Maine law candidates for the Semite and House. In the morning of the election day he was enticed into the tavern, and treated by liU nnti-lavv asso ciates till he was drunk. His wife beard of it, searched him out, mid got him home.- Here she gave him an emetic, and. got him sober, and then borrowed a horse and wag anil drove him to the polls. Ho voted for the Maine law candidates, and his single i vigorous, an-i acii-.e, alio may uc m-en ii , . . 'morning at sunrise making the daily pedes- vote prevented the election of a run. .epie 'lliau t'oir of the Ci.v of Washington, and ,-U,.a.,vc. J he result of it is, that we go I prov iding at (he market for the daily nee. s- "". !"-"' '"""'' hlW UK' ,U"" Id. May be long live . country, an example of -t genial qualities of d bv the blainlishinciits eine.iuor. an 1 dignified nor.ili and an upii.ht- iug I,r' sities of his liou-i h )' uu ornaiii. lit to bis tie- highest and m. uitiiihood , euibcl!i-h' of a geiitb manly d by a bd'ty t "f n lien ,rf pi.-rsnii.il ( hai Ht.-r and habit-, that lint i veil lb.- tongue of calumny litis, tver dared to a-sail. ! i.CVIK.ll, Si'lllT AVI'iMi lllf si.l.MKIts. lieu. Se. tt wis alwav a favoiit.- with tie oldi rs ..f (he army iu Mexico. Tin y had uiiho iii b d ciitidciii e in his military ki.-.w-1 IciIm.- mid -kill. Mil fully believed, what was the real truth, that h- restrained him self with treat difficulty from more oil. n mingling in the dangers of the strife ..f arms imrclv from eoii-ideratioi,s of duty to thi ll. Hi a f . Hi.! 11, to he rmiii. d ,k ni. tl piano arranging p niing a gay air p. le r- !t. " I-u t latle r very late, hov, " I am w eary !' vv ai. " No, Ib-r!.. rt: it i- only in, patient that tie- tune -.-i t music nn 1 Ii nil ' a-k.-d the f r h lll-e ,llg. III. m are Tin r. , image s ! cousin bert, king Ii i xpr --ion. lit Vo'J were tie goods f,r us all again , my si-ier." tears of joy. ..ugh of si look up Hut Alice ( IIAlTKIt X TllKBSOTIO.il IS TH IK. HI .Tl' llrriM -ii i,,ir,t tin- ilark fillers iii v lir..i!i.r: 1- fr I hi nr-1 heels ; y , ., the e ing up the sir. it. O, I h is with him." " And Jamie, too," said lb up iu her fa' '- with a roeaii "now in know ledge. Amy, I thinking of him a- w-il as Lii'- " What a t. a.,- v ui are ! laughing and Id u -lung hound, -he sprang thr. w un low into t he pia7?.i shrubs and vines wl. selves over ih'- pillar-. "Ah! but I've eiiigl.t y "I ' i " I i.e ' iii.-iiilv tone, " you vver.- ie t ipnt. , niiiigh in voir tlinht . that i- a eharn, hiding place. Ie, never; I ain halt temp to share it w if h you.'' ' Win re are the naughty truants a sde, ;' voire, and the 1 , 1 1 g 1 1 1 lai Klwood peeped through the v I in s . Mill"' w a- i up v e d a-purp.-e of i-i-t ng i inn ib tenre of the it ., ib and destrnv it, and l r. po -iti. ,ti, pr. prratory Ch-ipultep. e Tl..- a- I heral VV oi'ii, u ino-t gallant (ijiiiii r i -sti'ins at the Knur's M.,1 an 1 ' l wi re del", ided Wll'i idtstiMate and only viil'. d t b ngt!: P- th. our troop-, wb poured in under tempi--1 of I .lb-Is mid su'ph'.r. ai the w .., (,-. ! The victory, though rlori.-u' a ' ! pur. !: i-- t ut a r'.ni-'iis s.n W I-. Iiet t i bll.'lv's I..1II. , 'U ' do -t battle- rn orded ill Ann , .Ve-.rly ui.-. forth of Worth'- wi r.- eith-r 1. iled '-r w 'ind'-d l- in f -r. e i ngi-. d wa- I', I I f . rv I H th. -c s.iii at tl il.liiiii tr-iops er. tt hi., and I;. Id with only thi Scott I.Tlllliil ll.id-t tai.t-, ai try c..nt id" so ul-. .f a Ie ind in re sick and in the garri- t of Cln.pult. p. e, so th.-.t . all that Were ipiarti re I i-ses-ioii ..f the City. Y.t. handful ot mcll J I t I " neral ill l-oll-i i nil Scclll My in lie- til. City ..f -gi.ll.llll i" itihabi he heart of an enemy 's enm a p ulation i,f eight milliom, arm V Hrl lii-" coin. try ; a inny who u n"i-ou-lv deiiiaailed of him to rc-erve r- lioni all uiin ees-.-iry ip.-s.irc i'l o .1' i v. I rav valor . I. id. .. t an I- as it was, sacrifice. It of th- bloo. iern hi t .rv whole eorp 'I I,.- Ann r I i 1 l.lntil ..I v n many 'li.t v w a n.. dir. -t -r ! r in I.i. h i i I t! p .- .th. 'Ie, my 'Mi- A d liaiid. II kill an i.-h sale til." till then, wilii , I..- ! m l bid among tli w n at! d tl.i in 1 1 a v in ,1 Sett t. 1-, and ot the i UV -It.- of the ' iii'iirir-'li-. illrl 1 w pr. p. r.-d bv the iu. ri. al .-.I and i. d I.i , tr .o, . I'll. l , fire I W o'lllO. purple, i p. tin i I the re .f llnir d, ll- ii.-r-' r T';,r'i din tell M-xi... 'II I,.- b. ' am- Th -p .ll-ll'le dull' live liiolillis at! I vhlbll. 1 liilll the dl hai - e ma!.-!:.;. Hi- i-u.t in t!..- elr I i lie- demands (h- complicate I coin ed his Iltt' lltl . W t! di-i r. tl -,,. Alolie h, of ( '. 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 I -ill' h count r v, an! S- ei.-t.i no r. -p. ct !i 1 In- t ill did he eome sb-rt '.f t d. and MIC IIOVl coi, o n t p ildic alfa.fs 'ifo.-liied the r that di-V-'lied up.. II tl I III f. r his I'l, tt nin e into t he ( 'it i a man inn pi v o i. ill lii d tt ' highest dllt, 1I..II w a- ii o , 1 . t .-tat did ...iv in a ii f. el tie- tirm. -t and nc.-t un ib.ubr ig as-iiraiiec, that if . v.-r the tune should cine v hen it w is tn ies-ary t-.r the i-oiniiiandnig li tv ral to lead his lio..ps in pir-oti. in s .tin- dreadful Clin rgi ney, that hi. w.nild rinl raee the occasion with joyful alacrity, and cheerfully " b ad .. forlorn h .l.e lliroii -li n 1, reach spoiiiiug vv illi lire. that tow in' i. dial am:ci)!iti:. Ii i- -aid t'.i.t Judge T , formerly th: pic-i iing tli- j-.isiU-e o! (.'oi.iiiioti i'.ea-, uii'ier the oi I i i : 1 1 -. wai engaged El olio time in trying a criminal who ha! b-.-n st. abng the goods of a merchant. His ii'lt was i i. al ly e.-labli-hed, but a ipiiv-lioti iil'o . as t i the v'uliie of the stolen articles, and .ui the .'.i ti riuiu.itioii of lln ir value depended under the statute the fait whether it was cr.iiid larceiicy. puui.-hable by impiisoiiinciit in the peiiiieliti.iiy,or petit laieency. pfir-isb-aide by confinement in the comity jail. ' The jury sitter being out for some time came into (,-ouit for spenial iu-Criu timi, say. iu-r. it the va'.O" .4' lii" g-ls were found at llicir wholesale price, ur w bivti they were i , ,i .i i.i r... ...... . purchase. 1 i y lln ir ovwr.-i , u n.-u-i m " to p. fit larceny only; but if found at the p tail rice, it would In- grand larceny, and ;!iev wished I" re iufoimcd aa to their duty in this n-spi i t Judge T C .r.vlciloii tlial gave ' -.ii- troops, and toiin- .1 his f stales. .-el and dilh-ro-.- sup. t i..r and treated ei I.- tliat now engross. con--t:i,!iate skill and - p. ! f 0 111.' 1 t hi ll 11 1 1 e s i, f, l'r. -id. nt of the r v of the 'l'r. a-'iry. Iu il. and In n . re-p-i t .to t 1'i 'IiS .,( his 1 CI f tin pull.-,.. M. v . n.'u d ,r i n vi-t i r from lae ilefiliis r,f stliiln.l. ami li..ine n, re II. f ii tl.eu ha jipy ..ml joyful i. '! - tin.. i nrove In v " It weril'V hutll : rick- At.'l - I : i '.' :..it. he pushed the v. as uv erturned ; - s a u l we t bought i.iv Mrs. Stanley ig the folds." b-t me i r- ,,p. , an il l n :int- pa--'-at : viahd rv side ,f. I,-: dl-tuibed. I lill'l r. pa--ei upon sil'iii, I lie tokens ef tier, and 11X11- ; I " i -.-. a ii-ep s..;, came Irotu In-r ' 'il .!, ,-o-ild n,r forbear contrasting ! -..it', ihaif f the owin-r of the sump-.- 'Iv.cli;.,. . for a lu'.ineiit she f'-lt in ' I i-. pirn- lit I'rovideiice, but the feel-:- ti-.iu-i.-lil ; si, me sweet pas-ages - i i :r" whi. h Amy bad r-ad to h-r ' ii. -i lung, cam- to her mind and ban I l.-r r. piniiitfi. tiay bur-H of laughter from the I i-i ul: fa't room, and ihe hap. '-list. - sM-ui" .1 to have torgott'-n that I il.- or et, row e-sted in tl d -' I ,1 , T r 1.1 n r Ol .:. I I. ir e liieri Ii n nil . When the carriage stopped at U,. 1,1c abode. Mary looked out upon th ety tenement, with its liing.-b-si doors and broken windows, and ulo red an expression of surprise. " Can "iicli a place a.-. thi," said she, "de serve the sacred name of home '! Here take mypur-e and satisfy the unfeeling land -lord; but you shall not pass another day beneath that ro-f." Amy and Herbert who were w aiting the ar rival of their mother, had provided the on ly comfort in their power, a bright fir" up on a ideanlv swept hearth. Around this they all gathered with the exception "f Mary's young ni'-ee, who had accompanied her. She went gaily out I . ord'-r food, and soon a sub-tanti.-il rcpa-t was spread, of w hich tin- half famished mother and children partook, with thankful hearts. There was joy and glidii.ss beneath that lowly roof, alihoiigli ocea-ionally a thought of the wretched husband and father would cau-e a thrill of sorrow. " All'-c," raid Mary, as they drew near the hearth, " I foretell many happy hours for you and Ib-nry. Park and gloomy as his case appears, it is not 'lopch -s. Have von in t heard, my "i ter, of tin- ircal tein ,i ranee movement which is agitating the bents of so many thousands- of the noble I'M'ut-of the band w ho call themselves the Wii-hitigtoiiiuns '!" " I have heard nothing of it, Mary." " Indeed ! tlnii I have joyful news toim-p.-nt. Many who were sunk to the lo..cst degree of intemperance, and rendered loath some and vile, have been rescued, and are now respectable rind virtiiou,. 1 know a hundred happy homes which one year ago were miserable iu the extreme. 'I he plcdgts has proved an iti-triiiin-nt of salvation, and to its magic influence and the untiring .' al of its advocates, we '.we the blessed changes which me da'ly wrought.'' I Von sun rise me. Marc. 1 1, il llcl.rv Ml cried f Lin y - in r. , llcib'-rt, come and help me to capture these two runawavs. Kor shame Jamie, you haven t even greeted 1-0.1-111 Alice.'' " Forgive in.-, si-tir, but I will make im mediate .unciids," and with a -rie-fiil '.ow he cnt-rcd the drawing room. Mrs. Lee aro-e to welcome him w it li heart felt 11IT1 ctioii, and In: seated hiin-elf oil tic sof.i be-ide h. r, and Conversed with case and fluency upon a variety of subjects. Soon a gentleman cnt-rcd accotnpa-iicd ,y Herbert. ' S-e here, mother," cried the boy, look what father has brought Wont I have a feast for a month lor me," and he di-plav-ed a package of elegantly bound book", w hose contents he w as auxiuos to devour. " You've one of the be t of fathers in the world," said Alice, tenderly laying her hand fin tie- arm of In r husband. He looked in her face with an 1. fh etionate smi!'-, and it needed but a glance to assure the be'tioldi r that tin y were happy. " Why don t Aunt Mary eotne V cried Hcib'rt, "she ought to b- h. r. ; it seems as thou-h soim thing w as v l ong vv In u she i-i gone." " She vvill come s,,on," answered bis mo ther, " no doubt her pre", ih-.i is a bles-iug iu the cottage of Widow (ircen, and they will detain h'-r as long ns possible. Hear good Aunt Mary !" " lr we all love her " said Herbert. " And we have reason," ob' rvi father, '-toller, ill a great measure, w our happiness to night." Herbert looked up impiii inglv. "She lias been a good angel to me," eon tinned .Mr. Lee, " her efforts have snatched me from a drunkard's grave. May Heaven reward her!" " She is already rewarded," said a voice near, and then Aunt Mary came forward with h,i benevolent face lit up with joy, " ye-, ilei.r llenrv, the rniicioiisncs that III the in I a I rn s, -ow l.e l.p. S. pti ml., r, : - In ivy I at-ea-t!e th it .1 Chap. lite- .1, and parts w itlmi the woks, ram-on ts. Tin fire I his one y.ui are restored to a lite "I temperance,! and your family to peace and comlort, is a source of the purest lm pines -. My prayer is that you may never fall hack V , " A men !'' i-esnonded evervhciit. 1 4 : . .- 1 .1 ... M 1 Ml't as it .V 'IV 1 .'veiling was linn. .'i.iny neie - . . , . . , '...,1 J -J e. i,,l,ii.,. ,0 . ,., ,..,.iii'in nl lhni.,s ilet, rili'r'd I t,t,..l. V N, Ml, , - - , - I!.'VI1.VIU'V.-.1 AM. -I.'l:vil.i . Till . tuoriing the 1 '. t !i "t -ott,ll ilillg plae.-d hi lied them 1, poll the I the s. n.iiiit d the hill ' im-. vi liili.'i' te 1-1,1 rn v, had p treat W hi I e he vv .1 -II- !V po-t-d ill full f'-ree. , U n!i tin- -a j Pr- i-l thi. strong and com-! man. ling po-it..n, the city was d. -line. I to fall. 'I In- 1 MP-liny was occupied ill aire un ridi.us caiiit.n nil- on l oth sides. 'I In sp'.tnl.. w a-, earful. I lur heavy ordnance iiill.di led tltir p .il.t-hlalik shot through the -.v ails of tie c.i-lle with amazing lop e I iiiid precision. 'I In- mortars and howit.er belehed tle ir '..triutive iiii.-ih s upon all if tin. tiitr-ss. Iiombs l.i. r-t 111 lury Kvery -hell (op. up the if the cm my e c -c hit- ly b'-s I'-ii ion 1 N'gli' clo-ed the -ei lie Karly in the iky ol"the 1-th the signal for 1111 a-au!t iii ho del a' hn.ei.'s nlp-ady de tailed fur the 'irviee, was given, ami our brave tr iops inied forward to the attack. The stony and precipitin- ac'-liviti-s were but sPjv.Iv in.juited, y.t the advaiice of tie e ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s iva, utwavi ring, (hough made un der the holies ili-eharge of cannon and mn-kctry. 'I In, first redoubt was cariicl ami I loud :n-f:,iat n-, Pressing it.-adily on, our li i .ps iicreau.- the 1110-I determin ed r.-si-lauec doiO'lged the 1 111 my at cury point, and nn l up the hill with pr ebgiou cm rgy in tin- lie of a desolating lire Sur rounding tin: I'l-tie on it- crest, was a deep dili h, an I stole walls I I to 1 .") f.-i t in height. Scaliie laddi is were planted, and over thc-e ('.,!. i. lal.le rampart-, under 1. she. I of flame, Mir nun pour.-. I wilh thi.' intrepidity, tiling th- .-a-lb; und owrwbtl luiug its del'ciih rs. w ho steadily and fierce ly re-i-t. d to te- List. 'I he stais and strip. Were (lung 011, tr.'ln it- lui-.-e wall-, wluh-oiig.c-uitiiiu,.,fd,iii,ts and eh. evs anno. nice. I ifi fall, and th.: intiaii.c ..f the Anul iein iiliny into the legal llalb of the Moiitc.u 111:1s In Ihe language of licneral Sell, " No scene coijd have been more animating and gli.ri.uii." Yt t was the victory dcinlj jiurchased, by 11 furtlnr lo-s from our gal lant corps of SKI kill, d aim wounded. KMIt.VN. II IVT.l Till. 1 ITY .' tirNP". The .-hunts that rent the air carried con sternation to 1 1- enemy, and announce. I the impending fall of the city below, ticlu nil Scott had iirriv-.d "ti the walls of the castle had been carried, and niter 11 an-, man I. Se'.lt b.r a ft- . tli t palgtl. P. V- I. I 111 tl,- : I- v V ! i gl it prai-c t iii.'inagemi I t riiilii.'.tioii of d-tli. i!t I i ,011 i .Iu- t f M. xh-an his iinl-.tar-. , .v .- 1 . 1 ;. 11 aff iiio .::ie It was thi- universal peril , t c llfldell.'c t- i d ihe eorncr-'tone i.f hit unbroken sucres- sis in Mexico, b in-piring the courage and mniiitainiiig the spint of tin; army up to the highest pitch. I'liit-.l to this feeling of coiifidi lice in the comiiiaii'ler-iii.chicf. was that .. love and aiTciti .11 ..r his s-rsoii. The net touching evi.b ii'-p ,,f the atta. li iin lit of his co!i.ia.!.-s in anus was given on numerous oeea-ioiis. licm ral Scott was al w iv-, indeed, agieit favorite with his sol-, diirs; and h- h i- those kindly feelings for all, which n.-vcr fail to tom b the chord of the human heart, and deeply endear him to all with whom he comes in coui.n.-t. Many a P ar ha. fallen at his mectini.s villi his ..Id comrade ; and many a firm grasp o) the I'-nnl given, both "il the field battle and alter the peril- of war liaveb.-eu fd -I ly t , who was eminent f.-r hi- . i' . 1 . 1 prin I., al con. moil sense, r. nm ior 1.1s -.n attainiucnts, 1 harg. d the jury as follows : Considering the way in which the pris oner ol taim-d po--.--i--Ul of these goods, I do m-t think tue Slate of ihio could well a fiord to jet l.im have tin m at less than tic: retail price." The result of the -barge U1.,y be rta 'i'v Biagitied. i:.timi:.t. lildiiood, the lo rr.KTTY I he nn inories oi ciiii'iiioo aw. -iv ilavs of toy hood, tin and prayer, the voice l I, s.j Ills to gtl of Slgllel all a. -I alt. tl. ill. II I! I I - I- Al l.He th- M-.V. A f.-vv days celled le.tic in bis eoinmaiid ol tl itics at Wiishin-toii. iliiu-tiee I .1 1 11-11. I al . I I'l II 1 1 at li'.adilu Alneriei'li I a t real V I. Ibd.llgO b, inuiis-ioni i . m;. im.-i y. 1 til I V 1 ti.k i he Pillowing ant licntn barge ;,t i nppi (.1 1 Mil T fcW A. lute ii l-dd . atiei' pewa. When the llri-In-d within about H" tl i wards, 1 iein ra! It he had be. II f. arm v, b v tin 'Illi- pl.'l.e .tl had loin .tt re- pen. led :iuth"l -f gr-.s done by , an order was pti.n Py the litfjr-W Ig ii l t n Un. t .pr, aii'b r I . charge oncts," 1 r,rlr ,, v. t , , 1, p. , e I.I I ll 1B iw II .1- I e Hom1 (ohl 3iii.e, I'o Ik "11 the I I the administration "I M fiivolous roiled- A c -uitof iu.piiry was culled and at in M. v;co to inv e-ligate the conduct ofecitain ..ilucr.s of tin- war, and al 11 lo i-oii-idcr tin- complaint against m 11. Scott, on account d' w hich In had been stis peiided. Ihis court alp rival. I- a Ijoiirned to Wasiiii-P,ii, and there, a'.t. r a brief sit ting, finished its iiigh-i iou- labors, (iener-.1 Scott patiently ill. del wi nt the examination ,,f thi 1 body, "iiii. I ilbi-trated by his whole conduct before it, I i strict obedience to, and ib fi reiiee fur the laws and the consii tuliouiil auth'.i i t ii - "f the country. N -thing was developed bv tin- iiepiiry to su-tain ill the least the premature an I iiieieu-able action of the cabiui t in su-pcii ling I ieii -ral Sc., It and the emit adjourned without do ing any thing ex-ipt t- order the public... tin 11 "f the proei citing. 'I l.e vvhob' tr.nis aclion wore sin h an o Ii a -p. ct, and ex hibited sudi an iiiiiiialet.il p-hiiii I nvards a triic-hcait. d and galla; t oil';. . ! , who had shed unexampled lu-tre iip 'ii mr linii. . f Ihe catiliii't s ion l.e t tin- wide pp.c. eding It w as an exhibition ..f t a brave oilici r. which .I ju-tiee, and shocked u art It vv as a iv rnig done ..f tin Il 1. line had v aids of our". Itriti-h eoinm afcoinpai:"-il by the aggravating remark. " (he Yankees cannot stand cold iron ! " lleii'-ral Scott heard the remark, and rush ing at on.-.- to the front ccntro of the brig ade, exclaimed ' N.ldicrs ! ib. Voll hear that '' Show tin 111 that you are 1 ll I K Y.VN hl.l.s. Shoulder 1111 wnit for the word ! ' And when the enemy had approached with-! iu thiitv I. aces, he u.ivc the order iu a loud! and distinct Voice, " lieady lii bavMn t f-.rw ard !" far mother s love f a departed play fellow-, tiie ancient church nud n-ho.d-hoiisc, in all .heir green and hallow ed associations, eome i.poii the Leait in iha dark hour of sin and sorrow, a will as in the joyous lime, the ay-age f p! asantly-r. ineiiiher cd dream, and over that heart they east a rar of their own purity find sweetness. ValH.tl.I-' l'roci t - llio IJcc.l (oIil .flint fr jac. BY vii.inrf alriti Tmi-i, ursuit-d hy A. IP llirtcl r.nd I'lnt.il v l.ird. IW (,ui.ritii lOfn 'a 1 wf H' l. 1 vv 1 I s. .1 I I'u-i'r.. .Vie li. e. en t'o ,1. e't. (se lei I ilL'-qiV, lllc -' .s,..ii. KIM tt Charge th.-.t tie- 1,1, n.bel s came ativioii to 1 drop into oldiv ion. aa-.li -pint "11 TV gelli I'.U- t, In in i ll Seotl. whi. !l the public voice univei-sallv eoiidemiu-d, and will, ere buig, petty niaiiet ,,b li b d th. i ttt Al" l-ici. rllll.v l.nrt'ns ik.ivi liUM.IIAI. S. TT. Wasiiim. T..N, May 11. I'l vlt Slit : In reply to vour him letter of the sth instant, I take pleasure ill saving that, grateful for the too partial estimate von I'lace on my public services, you do nie no more than justice in assuming that 1 en-' i tai 1 " kind and lilerat views toward mr naturalized ciliz.ciis." Certainly, il would be in, ible for me to recommend or snppoit nnv measure intended tn exclude ' them from a just and lull pal tieipatioli m all civil an'1 political rights now them by y..ur repul lieaii law a tioll -. It is tru citi llii lit, : I'oiiiplainei I, inn in I a'lils eill.l-li . N"t ' 1 sreliiu wjlirsnl VI, atl i I "ill, ,-iSi.ul I I illdi-s S, iiUi.i-ns. , ., e.rtl 'I Ii M.i.e vi.s i,l' Us li'st d ..'.J ; in tin: V no il Sijii ,n il t in of e ied in tit-Id j li,e ri-i'csi ai n-.'l idee a' Vila nr. lurniii; em I'ein . 0 mi.. li t . Is' ti-r tm -I i i w IU si Lit FP q I-, ti ll, i!.- t,. e ( ,:d fcift: aUavs b.i-n i tt ..I mi In- suil' er ti-ri nl-" (j Ihe er-e-ursi i. 'fhu tract ntiiti.nii T 4 icn , nit vi ins at 0 ii nH oilier orss ,.i-li. lliroiujll t. ol ll N i d-ui.l i ls. m l.nlie .iein n- ul Un- i.ii-s. tint the I'.iins l J value nt ll .im r ; a .ni so Km( t.lH c-ayi'ml ' nei-dtd tn n-.llc .t lu ll - rprry ii Ihccuunlry. C.OiU'S-ismerar- n i ly ii tjiie-it-il lo c-t-ftmie -. Tin-li Ie is on li.ulit il; mill Ihp'nla will crrntii.ljr lalis t.es. Trinm, pj inmiilia' ermitl wilh iiuoicb.. Ale., s llt.i.all ai.d lie- wr'l .k.w'Ihtj Al-w to pr.Mins ivisl.lnif In pun-hunt. K.r I'm 'Iter purlieu. ml li 11 'u fi" ts ct r. 1. , . m " "ie '" ' TIIOVUS J llll1,Tr.l-.lle.- Ci n-i.r.i, Jiry 1J, it?, xi. Sa l mr., i i cured to id iits t it n . li .1, lalicahv P S.l.TTS 1 Illi MI'll VT PI'.TI its. till the ,,'-,'l of May. I - i-i, I ielieial Scott ill's.. arrived .ler-cy. from th York, a III. Il-opt ail'!, cm alrade, w i ing . that in a s-.-ion 'd liniisual ex nie years ago, when both paili. i of fraudulent practices in the n iliiraliatioii . t iLp igncrs. ami wiu-n inei. secmed t-. be danger that native and adopt ed f iti-ens would be permanently arrayed against each other in In-side factious, 1 was inclined p. concur in the opinion, then avow ed I v in. m v leading statesmen, that sonic modilicali hi ..f lite nat ti I ali.utioti laws might be ncces-nrv iu older to prevent abuses, al lay strife, and restore baniioiiv b.twci lithe dill. I retil classes of our pc.ph and rcttcction have ew Sadler's Miop. LL -in. i n. tin- liMi.mj .it Utf tsl ci'tl V Ut iii:iMts v -tfrj i.-g un tt o , Biiti:.! iniiTtn ru. inert rpinT'iNv. -lilt lilt 1 ;i k 1 keiV t! .-tl, tin re i nit- i pSaddic; ami IJai ne.ss at his bom.- in Mlizal.cthtow I., cw i ii..... i .... . I... ,. C.iioiiiii.... ; e.xperifiic. licit lie ,i ,. s ittt i i'l ti . , livil lllllho, itics of .he litv of New i "" l'"!"'"". ' 1 invited t . a public dinner itl that j -.I'l'.cl.fns.on-. lis lie accepted the itivitati.ui. j In my ri .- nt campaign iu Mexico, a very til'1 lll.'HU" r, .... I,i .-us-cd arid the plans for use- .''b- II "I t 'tiugi'l- nie'-bi - I 1 .1, 1. 't' I tl .iteil by a vast ninl iiuposing eav- large pp.poiii"ii amid the roar of ruiiinni and the!mand were vour .f flags, and siirr nnuled by deinst all. ! enthusiastic masses ol its tellow -ritueiis, entered the city and partook .if its bighe.-t honors. For a while In- remained at his heM.I-ipia-1 r in New Y.-rk. In 1 Im was transferred to Wash'tn-toii, ari l t -ok . .,( V- ! -I' ''. !; ' if- "t the nn li Hint, r my com coinitrvnun (Irish), Ger mans, ,ve. I witnessed with admiration their i. al, fidelity .ind valor in maintaining our flag in the lace "f every danger. Vv ing with cm li other, and our native-born soldiers in the .nine ranks, in patriotism, eomt,ii.cv and heroic daring, I was happy ji. all p. Tarn. fa I raneln e Hut later Spanish, Shivftcc, Sun::aorgctl StLadtes . i.tir. iy li --sipnted my in rvny vsns' T. lie w i.i m.l (iuro any i.a.n In t"'1" i' " " JMlt.llS, He BOlllil Ii ipeC fully i" vile all anil I Trry Inn. tn c V" Ie... ' nil .m.l ' '".'- '"' " .i'" !i,.-i il All aimi.i.l 1.1 lAllilM-.i-.i'" i.i. in mil. .. anil .1. a"!.-!.!'!! . li-AI ....!! f'L'MliV fU'dllCklth. "' "'k '.V j rirHMER. (h,lolfr, V--V I'-'. IS- 16 f 1 1 M l !..".-' I