a mat iMutiujMMiuaMMagJMtnuMm was 1. J. iiuLiurt,(V'-BWfKM- NUMBBB. OS. IIOLTON &. WILLIAMSON, l'KOl'UILTOllS. THI! MS: i' - S'.L-th-Can.liii Whig will ho afforded to ..." i l TWO MI.I,AI;S in ndciicc, or AH IMil.I.A KS AM" KIH V ( 'K.VTS il' i ,v. ,. rt u. ,:'d vast ('"r tlirre monlliH, ud 'Mlltt-ld pol.i.AUS ..I lilt did of the yitir. ,ii r!i-. nil nls inserted al hir Hollar per iiu-rr. I,, - or Ls. I'ii i d t'l" ) l,,r tT"x ",M T I n: '.'"' c '1,r c m ct,ttiinii .nee. t .-tirt ..d. , ., , ... ,.t- iuiil Slu ntF's S..lc ch.,rgcil 'Ja r ,., t,t. In 'in r ; and a ill tluctic.n it' percent, will ., a,,u, i!,o r.'irul r price, lor .uvcHimts hy - W r. A.iv-aiii-incias iiim rt-.tl fii.uitlily cr ,', riv, .il 1 (i. r Mjii re f-r cell tunc, s., mi. i',','n'-' V ' ' lH'r s i n ; i rc- Ii r cull timr. 1 Ail 1- Uts rid .live to ti c F.tlitnri. I Ic. rt ,.,: n '!! uin-iied t" fee Ia,it.ir. Anil " II li t I, n t-.i-uu -n lor Job Work, &., nuut l cine-hjul-i l'a'-liii' r. All U tters must ti p. .t p-ui urtiKi w i:i i.-.: he Lttuidcd to. Jj,l'ajuieuts cun Iw madi to cither. 1 I'n-tin ft' r are iUtWizci! lo act as aio ut- I1ASTV SUIT. Am AnU I -'tag StjUe. V.K.U(T of '0-tt II IV Sf.lll Wj.irid with ; A,: nt ltr--.rf; S-r i,"tuf pi r 1 1 'ti I' T 'l' li. f-.trr the wur h'-ryc.t.'-a!. A!r iiy now tin y lit . r tin ir c'ri.-m, In l:.f j !' la ti.ur.'itr; U'niif l'!:iifui uco.'s sitni".i i m, Kir'W U Ui ii rc an J jiitii'.Oif. O'i: ' " r cwf r.nt-X t:a ir game ; l,,Ul U I th W' I'Wl T-i F-'-mi M in ti r tir-i .' ".inny ph:ti, 'ur K." ni?n w.utt no Kin. !m tn;- n in1 : fi. t- 'v Mi'!.t tm . ., J.H.king hat k, Kici-ltil, ir TitTrf I V fur hrr pii--f-. on, T i - ;' is m tfuir h.-t ; - .: ami hmLf anwih groan. Th n ! ir tin tr.it k f r Sott. i f .i .11 ill-' dltrh tf.rr ' K ti I r n.oni tili nij-.it tin 're en to o- 'lfrr 1 '. : i :ru ti ri b.iii, J fi r, u 1 n i"Tiof trnm thr ii!.t, ' 1 it :' lit fu;l ri trs r -r' ffiwi -lnilrn invife i ,n.-,i" w..tili rif.z f''t. f. n tuT" tliri- r(M! r fi-r !l ttv Suuj in irtorv er' I'd. Jkukkv Rite. iftisccllititcous. l'fnm hr St:ir mnsli'l Hmtnrr. lOl'SIN HtLKN. 11 V IkiKA. ' Till marriase, my dear Frank ha ever ; n my fondest tvr-h an 1 your uncle. - it' r regards its f oii-ii:i4m;itioi as a vf h ippinc-s to us all. The union of I ." If., ft'ites is hir;lily lle-iral.ie," I i.ii)w, ur.ele, yoit always wish my !n! s, aut I feel that I owe to y m al 1" --t any saeriliee, as a r' ward for your fa l: l.imltic.s towards me ; but iinpr.'s i in -.f r.ju-in Helen are of "i' h a nature , '!:-.t 1 f ' r I car, never love her m sli"! uie I a mi convinced w: cotild inner con I' ' i': t i each other' li.lppilie-J. My Own ' if' ' me so,'' " N '.-"rj-i", Frank. I! iii' inbcr von and i'c. . r- but (hildri-n when thec llll- -- w- Iiroluctd. and ciht years 11 i a ni b i till clian'i Hciei: is very i.. I ,:.;,'!. y i'ir uneie w r.:. rne ; - , U ! :it tin; thoilghlles ch i-d girl, V'-ar-. i-r " l.i'.'.'d litem vo ir ' i "ti h ari io. !f iceal-le iinpri;--i on of di--" " h- a I d-d. lar-hin.'. " A fiiry", waul in at havo bi.eii cxerei I ! render th irr-j iUr f. atur-s lovely - ' oi"- I the litth; Icvl- n'- pirit into ..s'.tiity," -ai I Frai.k, with oine bitter 's in hi t -ui; : 'h.w-'er, I tliink you 1 iiiie'.e W. , ,!!'., id h iv. l.-eii ib.-aliii-j ra- rii'-iy wi'li 0 ir lean irivinif th-'iu iy w.th-jut our con- nt. cry I'kely, , fins Ir !y I, ..p.. talk 11',, y hi- -in.-! prior claimant .1 !. f r- '.' t . y iii. unci--, thi ma v be the C.l-i'." : a f.o'.'-l, child :" -aid Mr. li.. tli moll half vexed. Who I '!.::. 1: tlii- pr-p i-al Would even -ha-le ' .' Why, Frank, yoi ou-ht to be '-lit -i at ymr brilliant pro-pects a wife. !' ''v, alnialile and aeeompli-h'-d, i no-ir-- of a line foit.ine if she wed ;r,'l; li.i-, with what I po-i-e-..-., which ' ' jo-ir-, if you don t thw art my ;. i- ii.iu.,-1 -iilli-ieiit to constituto Jon a -i ' f olk ri.'U'd audibly. ''Hi-, Coine ; I shall surmise that if our :"'i .eiwliolgcs some prior claim." ! 1 " 1 in a,i, ranee of asAcct face clieoun- ' a I- ei.ks before, in a picture galle 'i v. iv .,rk, llitlod bi fore Frank's men- '"' b-it he relurm-d. carilessly, Ji ' :' l lot think Mi-s Helen Would 'ivy a ii-gocialiou of thi kind." ii ii a g-iod girl, ' replied his uncle, 1 and ilo,iblie.i willing to abide in - oy tin: ilec'tsioii'' ol lo r i'uardian." ' 1 1 in -by v. a ' the re .li.' w and adop r of a very wealthy arid -oinewhat ' I " II t- d I,: ' ' 'i ' -bath' lor, whrt anions otlc-r fan- 1'"! hi trn'bed bim to nn orphnn eousin, '' " '' '" ward of i,,,,-!,. Woodford. Th.. id hi vef nu t lilit ruiee, and (hen 1,1- was tin- impress-ion prmlueed, re-jH-i tin truarilianx avoided all a i . t t', '' i-i -Ti , the subject, and tnit d to ,! " t, -u!t th-y so fondly wi-hed. '' ,,nn l,y', therefore, pised bi " 1 - ,ii..,, i;r,. nn(J fi y-nr Knf'w.f, without hearing the name of Helen in con nection, with his own ; indeed, ho had near ly forgotten her existence, until, on his re turn home, his uncle, broached the subject. Helen had completed her education, and t lie guardian uncles were ilc.-irom that their wards should become more acquainted. Mr. Woodford therefore propro-ed v i-iling I Iruis by Lodge, and bringing its lady in pro-poe-ti vi and thi- caused the .onversalion he tweiu unclu and uephew, a part of which we have, narrated. We will nut deny that there was a still doiper rea.-on for Frank s uuwillinL'tiesH to concur in his uncle opinion, but this he hardly acknowledged to hini.-clf. A half loniicd hope that the eweet face luiht aj;ain Ide.-s his vision, induced him to depart to New York, especially n.1 his uno e and llel eu were not eipi cli d tor (ever.il weeks. The next nioriiiuff he nnnouticed liisulen tiou to his uncle trin-by. " Wry well, Frank, and much happiness m with 'u oiily do le t fail to brin a wnolu heart tot'iiusby Lude, for Helen will not be ati-Hed with a divided one. And remember, l have set my mind upon this mutch, and shall not be easily thwart ed' Several d.iv pii"'.l, and Frank (truisby mill in the "ay fe-tiviies of the city. V luic, hau.lsoiue, and -nith the reputation ol Health, he r;, recipient ol much at-, tei.tion, an. I the cyuo-ure of many a l.n.ht-; eve.l beauty, a well as si h.-nuu.' in.. t tier. I I i rl.aps, liotwItU-taiiMUU III U:ie;e s t: t r c tions, he lui;!it have bowed to the eh ir'ii of -.one " fairp la-lye," but b- never forjot the vi-i .u of the pii tore gallery, n jr cea-ed t.i watch lor its tccurrtiiee. " ll-W sudlv the pa-t few weeks have 1 .1 I i l.l- I .,..,"".M ., ... .U.... ....... -s ..... - evcinig nt a Imbi.t a-m.dy. I.e with-I t-r. This in.ii i -iav:e, in c nt'mplation inak" ! me wrctelieU .Mv uin l" wii! never lurjivc . . : .. : i I . Ill" -r r.n; r . ' vt l l e.i n i.. n ' . i i. r i j li eu a n an nu n i- ii h none to .... , ,, , , L:e. iH--:i..-.-, I tou.'l i.i virijve tier wa re it it-it so. lleas..n wbi-prred, " IVrhaji you can, y ,u h'-r, and she is very h.vely lint memory arose, and ve not soi n preset. lei the esrce fell. i il-tr.rl "it tw- lve summers, wuti her very irregular feat, ire-, and rather ex li bera lit feature- ami Frai.k tarn-.! from liie picture with a igh. Ju-tthen' 4 Voi.e of silvery sweeliie tell up-m In-car. 'I h" t"iie- nttractcd him, and tumiii hi- head could it be po ihl- .' i'h- sain-' fa-e tiiat bad haunted 1.: mind -J I oi.', aj.p' ar ed. lt was voting laiv of p-ihups t e n -tv, iviiii a I '"rm "f -r-oit -yni'tiy, a fair complexion and f- it ir - n-t pi rfectly regit, lar, hut that was more thau e'Uiipi n-at d by 'he earii'- t, souiiull txpressi'iu of h. r deep blue eve, and the sunny -mile that seemed lo fling th- radiance of a - n- fa!, happy b- art ovtr her count, nance. , ,li ' " 15- autital I" Frank miirmnred that Hi W ii were lu.e In r . ' Ah, Irin-by, I pen - ive that v nil eyes are wandc riii in the direction .f y . ti lair divinity. Allow me the pleanivcof pre-.cn- tin' "U, mi l ther-bv addm ' aie-fh- tee ti the shrill-' of the iiieoiupar.it h-." " l'i ice, Marvin, ati l t-U l.c w ii sue i : her i:amt , ' And lim a re' Well, I ranted; tell pre cis' ly from what Ion ' line of aneeitry ' VV ill you never have d me je-tiuj, Mar vin. ' " ai-l (irnisiiv, -ravely. "In si. I-r irn. t. I a.-k you the lady? name ic .th in.: more. ' " And in sober lunn -! I will answer j -i Mi-s Allen. Not a very romantic app. b laic HI, I Colli'.:-, bat We are p'l-t tile a-e of roiiiaiiie now. I'oiil t'cs the lady will choo-e some ..'.her tale r- long, althoil.'ii I very much fear il y -u heir that ru-iu i .aii- telianee, it will not be t Inn -by." Frank - thinkin of II. . n ' Perhaps .Mariiu,'' he raid, atti inptiii-f to -lllii-. "No, I believe I have bit my heart afe in the k"ep;ii.' of a Utile blaek-.-jed eo'i-io iu the lin-cii Mountain .-'t it-. H it I. t me introduce vou ;" an 1 Marvin b d llrm-by l -raard a- he -poke. Miis All' n wa, -t.ui-lin by somc! ( nra viu? and conver-in.' in an miaH-ctcd mati ner upon tb-ir merit with one or two friend. She ree-ived Frank with graceful dignity, although Marvin fallen d -hi- gave a slight star' a' if of surprise on lir-t hearing the name, and the ro-cate hue of her check grew a sha le deeper. Frank lingered by h r si !-. There was an irre-i-tible charm iu Inr fair, young countenance, a fre-hii-- in In r smib a mui iu h-r low, sweet voice, '.hat c cd him. atid ere th" evening wa- i.i , an t la rm t, ho had mentally rc-olve 1 to win her, if po--i- bl- and wi-hed f-oin the depth of hi heart, thai lb den and hi uncle would take a voyage to the Krd Sen. The next day Frank eiirountered Marv in. "Ah. t triiisby," w an tlm gay Habitation of the latter, "was you not charmed with Mi-s Allen T I'mni'l c-'iife- tin- the truth that you are ready to die for le r sake I" I tru-t the lair la ly will require no r.v-rilice as a proof of my fealty ; but, .Mar- vin, can you tell me ought of her ? She i a friend of the Lines, I believe." ' Ye.-, Mr. Lano i In r unci.!, and sho is from one t the .Middle, or sioutliei n or Western States, prrhapj from . aiil-irma, nut really, L nave lorgoiu u. , w no - . . i r i t i pro-pecU, I caiiliol say uiut n. i nave in in n she is an heiress, but cannot vouch for it truth.' Frank called at Mr. Lane's that evening, and Mi-s Albui received him with evident pleaiiiri. lb- had nil ucijuaintauiM' of sev eral year with the Lanes, and wan in the habit of occasionally passing a spare hour at their resilience. Now, a new luolivv in duued iiim to viitit their liuiti-ioii. Wceki passed, and li km ever by Muri A lien 'm . . . . . ii-.i ... irn ile. tie nan never uvoweu ins ioyr, yci I... mm i ooseioii that I he understood and r ...roei.l In.- seliLiluc 111. 1 Ii.' Vf't k III! W iioiwht of I.er. but that sht! wan an ortdiaii. .. r . . . ' .. ... l. mi I t I.e rif-niiileJi". but he Beyer L'aTf that a care . ' ' " I cannot t-udiirc thin tat of nusppni," hfl 11 ui- 4nr uiwscd. - I Is-ve Jlnriu Alln,( and I am sure iny affection is returned. Daily I am expecting a summonn home, to receive the luide mv uncle has cho-cn for me. Shall I be false to myself, to Helen, and wed her? No, I cannot. I will seek Marie, and unfold my hopes to her I will reliinpii-li all claim to my uncle's fortune, and it she willtdiare my lot, win a name and hoiue for her.' With these thoughts he went to Mr. Lane s. " For Miss Allen," he sai 1, as ha gave his card. "She is not hero-she left yesterdav," i i . .i . J -' was returned by the servant. "(lone!' exclaimed Frauk, "and when will she return : " , Ju.-t then Mrs. Lane appeared. " Mi- Allen left yesterday, very unex. M.ctedly. Jler uncle came to take her to i-it some friends previous to their hoine- ard departure." Frank loured to iiiijuire if she lft no liiu.vage for bin,, but lie could lot bring hiin-cll to aA Mrs. Lane, mid ib ( lining her polite invitation to enter, he sou -lit Ins ho tel. (hi his return lie foup ! a I. r await ing him. It was from uncle inn -by, uri;. , ing his immediate re'., .in. Melon tttiii Mr U'nrtfltV.rl at t rm.-bi I. id -e " l ,!,. .....i f l8ni.)U to rr.-eiit v.hi II. !.'.. ;.. I..v... ly, more so than I have dared to anticipate alj M 0l a, ,hl, .autiti. y0,. Uhl he ( hjrine.l with h..r l'r,..,L " " Never ! ' exclaimed Frank, crushing tin b tli r iu a very uudiniiied manlier, and tin n like a dutiful nephew, lie cotumciici d preparation f..r departure. On the homeward journey, hu firmed his plans. First, he was di ( roiined to dt-iike ,,,!,. X(..it.V( ig,.j 'lh treat her with the i. He w..uld lloljld to bt.i uncle, to Mr. Wioilord, and to Hel en liersell, if lieee-sjir( (he impo lhlilt v of I their union ; then -ei k Marie All. u wh '-e , , , . . prcci-e resilience lie c mi l ascertain Irom . . , . . ;tue l.aiies, am1 place Ins lis an-.-, am' place Ins loiei u.v- in In r haieU. Mr. Crm-by received him warmly Frank sighed to think that he mult tl.wait his k..cl USM.de inu niioiis. " I shall present you with a trenoire, in 11. dell,' said the oi I gentleman, a tin v -at l--g- th- r iu the library. She i- lovely, ai. lia ble, and ponc.-e a mind of the lushest or der and many ran- aitaiiim-nts. Hiih Mr. Wo-idfor-I ami mv-elf anticipate the ino-t brilliant pro. p. ct of ha pirn si for J j i It has cur L-i n a darling dicam with u-. " And i- ll.-len to have no y ice, ni.--'. 1 ie may u .1 f.u,. y n,, . ' Helen i- a cor -I ,.ii l 1 illii! t i mar I pr l'i r, ry the one h-r L'uardian has ciio en, fume altlnii h have m v.r a-ke- but 1,-ft that for J -1 t p' rf .rm." '' I -had c rtaii.lv n- ver periorm it. un cle. Helen Wooiltord can myer le In. bride." ' Frank -poke in a re-A ite t a.e Mr ;trm-l'j lo-.ked a-t .nnded. i i . i . i iiiin.iii'i Hie iii wii'u e;si- y'ii piea-e. be cntiait.-l ; "I will :, o ,..t, .-. r cohieal my -i iitiiueiit - from j , i. I coiid n..tbi in.' . 3 heart w -rlhy 1 1. n i ace. -plan. .-, for 1 , have pivaui it to another, an I one well or ; thy a:lec!i..ii. I ti, relin- ii-h all i l ion to fortune, iiii'!- 1 on!-, a-k v -ir f-.d.-ne . and il my M arie butemi-i i.l- t i pal t ak- a.v I -I. I will il-p aid only on my o n exertion ' Ih-njoil have n-.l vet r-ceivei h-r con-eiit : caul hi uiieli , in an m-iiriii,' ton.- "No, I have In-ier so i.iit inr hand iu " Th- n I In-re i h . eu, Fran he will t ,-t. e a - ( h. V see H-I- i Marie x. t beauty, Mr Frank sle-ii- 1 hi h-art a an I I i.ioaed In uue.e into r ''.III, 1 here Wi re two o 'am the Wonlford, and a l.vlv half c itin-a y tne drapery of the wind ov " ib b n," th'.ulit Frank and turning away, In- received Mr. Woodford cordial grc- tiiig. There whs a milling of -ilk in tin- direitioii of the window, and Frank knew he was in the presence of ll.-len v- t he did not raie hi eyes, ui hi uneie led bim forward. A ii.oment.irj' pau-e suee-e-d- d, hr.. ken by Mr, Oi iiisby ' Frank Helen," and rla'pcd his own. w hile a Hill w lot-' hn.d Very V'liwe re- jieat-d la name. Frank rai-cl ids In ad, and Ma: e Alien stood before him. She looked more lu-au-tiiu! than ever with a deep blu-li mantling her cheek, w hile a mischievous smile w reatli ed Inr lip. " Helen, Marie, Mi- Allen I" exclaim-"I Frank. " Tell me, I enlr- at you, that you are li it coii-iu I li b n !" I am coii-in Helen she replied, hlll-ll- ing deeply. " Forgive me, Frank, for thii seeming deception. Aa Mis Vlb-n j-ni have known me, and I trust to io-e no por tion of your c-tcein by being alio cousin lld-ii.' " Hut I c.nutol solve the niy-U ry vet," said Frank, with a pt iplcxcd air. " I will soon cxplniii it. My inline i He len Mai in Allen. U li-ti with my uncle, I am usual!', called Woodford, alliiou-li I have never legally assumed that mime. ,.,. Lane, my mother s brother, loves best t ca . Marie, a it wa hi r iiaine. Of BOUrW) with tlicin, I am known a. Miss Al- ,,. At tir-t, I wan mitnewlint surprise-l on hearing your nam.;, but a mir guardiam had placed u-an rather peculiar cireum-taii- cc with respect to each other, I could not censi-tcntly reveal myself." While she had been cpeal.iiig, the two gentlemen, as much (surprised aa Frank by the hlrange denouement, had considerat-ly b it the room and Frank said as he clasp, ed Mario's ham! " I liavn promised never to wed cousin Helen, but Mi-s Allen, 1 nhall be only too happy to tiddrit.sfl. Hay, dear Marie, may I receive from your lips, the promiue tu ln n",,,! , IllCailsWer C1Jm. ' j lotr that pas-ltlg : tcphyr bore it from our cars but it doubt- . .. . i .1 l- i. -. ! reached Pranks in aatisfaetorv fniin- i bers ; for nn hn pressed a kiss upon her lips i lm tiiunnuicd, , V ' , , , . n M ifie. J-Vom the X, Y. liiwW. CfliA OlSUKIt OP THK LOXK 5TAR 1'UltMIDAlihK riKUFCr OF INVA- f-ift ),'. For some day past tlm (Whir and p;M. fiuirer has been pablisLin.' a variety oi' . . . r . ! v ti nous rco utiolinr documents, re In- tin- to the Maud of Culij : tut, as tlu.v (minuted from a sacred club in tin island w In re anything like the organizatiou of a dangerous ign piracy M:'ain-.t its Spanish ruleis, is the next tiling fri an utter iiiipossi- i . i 1 i 1 . i i -i . . i . ' ""J i wl nave seiiieeiy neei ine-o seumous link tins to hu unwort'i v of a inouient sen- ous jtteiitioit. The. CuJik-r of yesterday tantial dial oorimi-r, howerrr, iu itj-;v',iH!sta!itial din closure of a formi Jahb', f .-Mve, and nvstcm ized revolutionary league! iu thc-e I'nited ' Stat s, Willi thv men am; tie lut an iirci- sarv to compicr the island, in. I waiting ,,. ni ll.,r "" " a11 1,'"it 1 ' '" 'I' " ly tor the opportunity for il descent upon W ith re-pi ct l i llie con,, ,pi, u. es of a it, places lln: malt -r In l.e ligj.t (.' the mo t ""'"i--"l'"l Id- rating inva-hm -.1 Cuba, tin y li iit -iiM oii-piracy of the tines. t t!al an scarcely be over e-tim:-!-,!. 'J he no. a sumcs ;i practical sh.-p- all 1 coi; i telav, ' ,u"'tl'",! 'auu'l-r V.nh us would be a Wur compared with which ail ntUr pr-m cts W ,t'1 '';l",t 'rauc and Spain, ull togtth aaii.M Kur..p,..an domim.ti.in oi the c-nii'. cr i l1"1 -v, t 'V'"" tUnl u :" ll'"r" wo tent, or its contiguous island, v vi-ioii.-i-j """"t ,r,T-'irc '" -hat conting- i.ey, or pre rv nod chimerical ; and its coii rc,en.,ive !;"-o f .r tl.c- purchase of Cuba, before it t" n-lciii i,s involve all the hazard! of a L.-u-! " "" l',t" Wlr- M '- '. -'Jr. ir.,Jwar 'Hcbster? Let hllil look to ( ui a. Aceordiilg to the .!.:!!. -i. lit of our c ot.-ln- . porary, it appear that t'u-rt csnt iulhiij count rv a r-1, wile- lm.ii i-.Iitic.il bmi , ci.iti oi, l.u.wn a- the " o !er of the L me 1-i.t it h a. num. mi:i ilivi-i-ins c-tab- li-ii. d all over (he counl'v ihat iti the city city f New York a lei uei hi .rhoo.-l (lure nr.. liei.hl i-rh-H) I there are so;i,r . ,'ii nr ci.'bt iliv i-i m, '' -.ml r i" iui -ev. ml th "iian 1 men, win have all bound them-elv -s t iiiureh, at .i moment s waru-iu-;, t i t'ui-a : that thc-e iraiii.alioii- com prise n. - n of all j.r-.fe-! ns, even including loiiii-t. r- of the gp, !," tul th..t, "tlnir cfirn are rapidly liliuiL'l til tfold. ' From th- authority ol .low Sitieh-x Y-nii' ii ; it further ftppi ar- that th-a- no. ci-t over li'ty di i-ioi,. ol' the ' I.rji- Star," iu ci-l.t or ten .'f the St a.n of lli I nioii, foiHiiii.' an aj-ri'L'-ite i! liltcin liou-and men, sol i iai.iy l anded !. th rt r the in -rat: in . ' 'li ! A''Cor I.I! to th'' I. !. ' .!: !. Mich meiiiter Inu t pr at irs d r thi -mini!: -n,, tiv e tlirre ii 'ii.iis l .r ll,.: oi, third, I e-i but li-arl gr. . , and fi lour -hiiiin i if II- t nil tbo dollars f .r the liii iithiy duci. ; divi-i hi-, have raised th- -.-al,- , div ;-i"is i xi t in . li.bly i- ! rim-.1 lb' of il le .Vt so. n a three I a- any Slat-, a p n-- I'Olilp "K d 'I two m III I.er t each m-ion. clei t - . I, I 1 1 1 . ri I I V I'Sll'-t. 'I 11-, I" Ml ,1 mill' T t- t I a- I J Iirts, and r-gu! il '" ai t.. V luiy i--io-iiiiia I n tie- -el and Hu r- - jll i - ol th. po-o! iii'l'T. I ie- -'iprene r-einril i- r.-m-of ! itk-ii I-r '.: in ca. !i -i n- r.i U .1 . d I v I'.. , . !,.-. -.iii. ;, irgi d with the , - in r.ii int- ret the icr. 'I he e .'UI.e.i li.i" p , r to di-p i... -'I' luiid-, lo i-'V v e.-ni rii-uli 'in it a I- "l- ein- V: ,., i,. e. - ..a ry , ti name . Mi . i - and a-tit-, ant I-- ai t a umpire iu all li-pat-'" of grave li. in. . i.t w L;. Ii ... . ir " II. ri. have a'.' the . eifieaiii-n- of a y -tt.iiial.e mi l loi iai-i.,!u.- -r . h i. it."ii, or- ..tinted by L'.pi , and is in.l. d into a -ort of eu... nl. .1 vk i.Iv -im. th'- I '. ';. t--r- iii i it iteui .-I tin .atal stid In. I xp i aide t , Ol with h a r I li- nulv v'ng. it, i e is il. I.li Iii- lit', litliof, ol ('ol. a '11,- luimeiiie -t a -poi,, wiiu-ii a -U.C. !.a iiiv a-i-ti I- e. !ul itiva-i' i. r-. i- thus I. i- i r i-ad- in b ii on lit r f alii I give to th- c s the reward ..I ml pi. ; na'.i oi i.i.criy, ami n av in irf v r- j We em n ir ace.-.'inl !'r the ittij-.-rt mee I which th- Cii'lri-I ha- -ivn., , the re Vol it , tioiiary iloeniiiciit- emanat n : lroiii Cuba. In thur i loir.'-ctioti w ah th- "t'ider of the I. in t ir," th-y tiav- a in p meaning- No il uiht th- i on pirator in the island and out --I I In- i-land, ar" th ir-n -ii'y advi-cd of , each ot h- i i - luo v c in eia and are op. rating to.o th- r in h-riiioiiv. Power!"'- as the ron--pirary in th-- i-d.-iudiu ay I.e. it i- i I : t tided fa tic mo-t ii-, ful a.-ia in. .- to th" inva der, win n lh-v sh ill a 'mil lintard lli.'iii S'd.es iii a ho-tile irruption. S.uiie guiding ti-K 'em of lh- movement frail the I'mted Stat"- i- indi-pi t, aid'1 at llivana; and a f- w sa o n ions and int. Hi gent m- n are better than a fuze ho dj ; for if hall tin- men en rolled in tin country t-nli t in any futur cxp feet iai an, fa even a third of Ihem el cf- ! ling tin of Oil. i day. y w ill n oi.ire no 1.,-lp fr on the . i' a very I to t ill I t lt- 'i he cont. l-piatl -Il III will be i ; and nlie the .dlv ol extermination on lu.tii sn:c !i" hi''i ' incnS 4 of lh" four hull' armed n- ii under I. i- ., may ; !-"l br il rd s. cou.pli- l slim-ile of ttll.t could he in-con. p!i-hed witii four th iii-am! well i .'lipped. I lie 1 1- t 'ppoiiit-d Spanish fore of liv, nty th"u s.in I w .a! I li d h- a' I- t" -ope with tlc'iii. Nor an- the obstacles to the nri-Pa nig of three or four th'-u-and nn n upon uur -bores, and their failing to -, and I indiiig up ui t!i' i -bin I, as gn at a many may suppose.- W hat wa- done by L- -. may be dona-gain , and No. i-mlier, I'ii i nil. rr, or -I aii'i ary in t, would be a go id tine- fa tin Work. The le-eiit si't in ilii -t r.it i hi will b going out, and it active stipen -i at over uur f'O-i.n relations will he to a great il--gr-c sii-p- lined The New adinitii-trntion will not vet be ii, authority ; and in f-r Cou-jrc., wa pprt'hfii'1 tiiat tliat branch id tl oyertin.. will be looking toward- the fi-liing bank-', . r ,-oii''W hi re else, and will be loo "low to overtake the Pubaii iu Vii Irri until it i ii late. And ihat tin' succcs-ltil inv .n-i'.n of t uba, by no ovev wlieliiiiiig " liheriitiicf ( Xpcdition " fioin this cotliil ry, would be hailed with iiccla inatiou by the American people, lln re is not tiie remotest (-hadow of a doubt. It would lot u popular thing the Mieccss ol the " Order of the Lmie Slur " is evideiire euough of the popularity of tin; sclicine. We Miy, then, tins is a inomeulouM Inoye iiient. 'i here i teinpf ation cnoiii:h in it to lino iible, talented, and respectable, men Oien of cuarai tcr and men of iiivuu, to say nothing of tlm trumeiiduua conti-cations nfl poveriiineiil iirom rtv and rovali.-t a o.-tati:- f hat vvoiild follo-v ihe lilu-ralinii .d'( 'iilia b v au iuv udiiii in tny ol patri ditt ad v t nturcrs , W should not be mnuised to hi- our md-iibor, ml I nled ti ijt c-m a 1 rigndc 'general in the Mexican war, appointed, and, hravely acting us u major general iuthuj piojicled compiest with Cuba. Ho may, I even now, be a a member of the Lone Star) ' -'i-'lf'ialion, fir all that wo know, lloccr- '"'"Ij- appears to have been admitted into .fl...! ....i-..t !C ,... l,.f.. !...;. .M " " 1 ' " I Whether Mr. Wcb.ter secretly leans to I he l"T",u,,il 111 ' m"'. ouierwi-e, ,n not know ; but at the time of the lavt I per expedition, he was mippi sed to be re markably indilb rent to the terrors of the Spanish minister at a diin;;t ui. In fact, there is no telliu; how far the speculative Kcheriies of Wall street linaucial and no- lili,-'ft' !, till they are brou.bt to li. Lt. no luayi'rsi as.-,ureu, iiowevej. inai ii mere hIhiII appear to be a fair pro-p. ct for tliii (,'ubaii enlei u i-e, fundi will not be wanting, THK KKIIT ('!" C'll! I'OI! VTI'bVS To make refill at! m - f r tin r.H nim. nt their lupl ivi n. vi a- s, ti;,., .y a ca e r cenlly tried at I' ncr, .N. H. A fcinal..- o. crative sued (he Sain. (..; Iil- .Ma'iutai l.i l in. Th. icpany fir - I '. r all, -"l due. 1 tb- ir in 1.1 t-l- .i,..any fihov. ; Ill' s t i t I the y were had reta plaoitill, tint cont-n-lc"! t li it li-.tiiid to pav, l-iM'tiu'e to g.ve to He" k- l.otice "f !. tie ir i !.' p' 'V , a. fi i a .- r dy h ir il:!' nt i -n t i In..' th . I" tin: " I. ".'.nation I .ip. she a furnished wh-u - ii r-," with vi h entire! t . rv i-e. A. eor ii t i th- i. il F li- .l.-.ir. e .lint. if tin v tlm em" n il. frmn vhiih We derive th - a-"tin- co-lit charyrd the lury that were sali-li'-d the plaiui.tf rul-re.l pi 'V ,jf i! ..f t'hit a inp.iev u.t'i a fo'd kiioM 1- l.a' r .'il.Chl, 'he ( n.1 n let it r-'i ... it t lu ll m try f a .u i. r t i iii i 'hi amount due. Tint it n thi- 3:r-ri:iciit t i be signed in it lin.lino. 'Ihat the a ;i i r.i- nt wa. I 1- , in j. I hat the a hciih: ' l.lil.tlff had . 1,1- ted the ilain i.n ler a lull kn -v. h li-ui The jury returned I del. 11'i.il.t- 'i he i!e!i u i nl wu bile! i elepl 'V !' ii ol -e ,, the re a v- run t i al.l- hi I : (a1. I..", v. ;. i, ,g :! the l.o- i a -tie r I,-: 1 pn..' 1 i - a. Ii te e t! with t le-t i "' Hi. p. I ! ti al lie V i i'. I . iv u ai t a. illy da th- l M . t - !! I., r tax : I t- ; t' at ti,.-y !,., ,,- tie p-irp ..f k.o lii.t.il out ot her pav, out lucre ij ;i ri.l.t a- a Corp rat. n i . make -t, n- I r the g iv. rni .i-i.t t.f t! P !N NUTHK (THAN I V A I '!! It in sail the Sp ini-h Minister at W. in - .1 oi ! n II- d I i-: attention . it o rg a n i . a t : ! the lia Pic i- iii lo th fact an- irv iio-.v ,i !., I r hillg ! Ol urier A f u ig in -eel. 'ill- - t ti e I at-! her iuv i-i -i- of t 'ul a 'I I," W: -v York (hi a'uri I'.srrci't lent "f th" .V in a.'iti" inciiig f ile) iiii r ii s, ., j. M t.-r, add : "pan 1 a, a- it -; I w ill c ua is In I' j i- t I: .. .s-. ngla l I', it . -'! '-- ; Iff t,)4 ft I' I ' i.tu f,r ,t ),ft'f trt in t;.'! i.l t. r Igor -us policy l.a-" I th- ('uj tain lo in ral "I li d i. l.ee to I li -! ruction-. HI; d-d revi 't ard in v a i ui. every pcr-on taken with again-l th. untie. rm. -, .-I thtee ho irs n't. r .ir 1-. has be. ai I--UI d, I ii it il 1. an I I. he ll, n- I -I iic I, in r th- hi i r- ted ll. it is hands hail ! sh.a vviihin A firth, r io'd" r iii r.i"' tinv .'fViecr t he I .1 e. " -t ii ; p-u-: atitly fa c-tit :ui i eoatts t , c ur.i.'t the iu the la-t cru-a-le iliollbl rel'l-e I 1 I'M'i'llt ally be shall b- -hot in ry. The failure of . ar C.VIM dllli'lll -11 engaged a.;:im-l t 'nba, hu- lint on I I i to repeal th it lawle--lia- creali d a bad impr. I the iihllily of tlir ju li-miiii-tcr tli"1 law iu tin tat- of opinio!!.-' ,v cneoiirag d nth ctiterpri-e, but a --ion abroad as to ial li'.buual t " ud - (ace of a moi l ! I A LAH'ii: PAI T Fil'bM MiilTIIPAP- ! OI..NA. ! A few d.-.ys ago a raft of luinbi r, e-.ti- laining (d'.loli feet, arrived at Norfolk fr un the VclloW pill'- fol'eitl of N"!th 'a' . ii i n a, 'bordering upon Pamlieo oi-.!. ( In- piece I mea-ur. 'l "eM cubi- I'd t, iiud i -'i f- i t long j by inches s.ptare. I i.e tolls up .u il through th" Ih-iiiiil Swati.p Canal iiiiioiiiit i cd to upwards of N I "-", and it s .hi, d. ;ivi r 'i d at Norfolk, nt a pri-- n .t far sh ut ..f I 7,H Ml. The wh de of it i- int. ti led for New York, and was t ivved mi 'I lull-day .evening, bv the ht'-aiu-T .'feci, up th i ( die-up" a !.- hav, mid from th-iiee it will j proceed through the canal t .aiid to Niw I V..ik. We bain from tin- Norfoik Argus, ' that timber can be traii-poi'l-d lor half in j much thi- way n it co-t t -hip it in v" - s. i, and that an cxfeii-ive bi l l i- lil.c'v soon lo be opened, when a pi of.t il.h- li.-nle will be e imill-ltccd i'l 1 Ills husine-s hetur-n Norfolk and the X-irth.-rn fit:- . cuyim; i:a nn:--. Tin) Mlbj lined ll"tiile i- '-flit f ) the Sun b a cnrrespoit b tit. e t -py (hc sako of liiitinriily f.r " Having heard I an imp irtant m . 1 cove Ino.lo ly, on rj, minie .-.Hue years ago, oi a r-a iv mini..' .-ollie ye.i of silencing soiialling 1 In I d li' 11 . 1 lat I board of a car, on my way fi here, eiiibrac-d an opportunity in Newark I' ti-"linr its virtues, Willi the in. -I sati-tnt toiy result, upoti one of the loudest and luo t iiieul'vi.gi- hie little (iiiiillTH, I think that ever shock- ed my weak m rves. The jiroeess i-t a very siiii.ole one all I did was to pre-s one fin- icr Kcnldy and repeatoniy ucioss tliu rurti lo' of Hut fluid imse, ud in Icm than a minute, fa the rretit ainiiscim sit of the nan- seic'trs it w s souiiil rt-lrcp. Piebevintr Jcsirablu - piece of infonmitiaii should l gem-rally kuocn. I liv cmliiaed to juvr r t i-iiMe-ny.'1 WHO KEM SHOULD HARRY. .... ' If you aru a mechanic, a farmer, or a fol- lower of any profession by w liieh you er- p" t to supp.irt yo irself and family, and get l-iell it villi eno Mlll'elv it is of t III lltliio-t . ' -j - iiiipoi'tauci" that Jou should marry a Woman capable of assisting j on in jour eflorts. She .should therefore be ponesed of hcimc, and in lu.-trioiis and frueal habi's. Ilo not, therefore, sillier yourself to be daz.led by a tasty dress, or fall in love with a pretty face, or run crazy alter accomplishment; though none of these are to be desr.i.-ed "hen aeeonipanied with oolld kou.se. abd uvHi '!" vmo. ,-iij.jiose ii .vv, aa you areju-t iiegiiiiiing lite, you marry a young, pretty creature, w ho kno'.vs nothing ol lioii-c-kci pin'.' or plain sew in. You mn-t immediately hire one or more servants, and your wile will not bo able to direct them or even i!. t ide whether tli'. V are ''-udeiit ai.d ciil.iille. Win rea vou have th.j rijit kind of a woman, .'he will lake pleasure in doing the little- w-ik wli'elii required by Iw-. pcraon, and will always he 1-at and iheiiful at t'ae same time. Thus you will save the wage,-, the b- arl, Hud till- w aste of a hired girl, w ii . iu j -mail al imilv' i-a u-cl ,-.-. aad trouble-1--me vi; rii'aiierary. Your wile will l e more healthy and t l.eerru!. for the li.l.t la I or an I care of her little b-msi h"!d ; an 1 U" p lid l.J ' ll it, ail I .Tpl liel.Cud Wi;t: omcs bcttcr than an iia.vpeii. ma 1 strvai.t. S i take a W"inaiif advic.-, every man of Vou who cam- hi liviie' bv the bit- r : f hi- le a 1 or h d-.aM e,e i'f the bill el of vie labors i e l r he ir w i!e, .f your th le perf !aiiain ii-i h 'id. 1 1 w ii! i. a i.i, in. pair I. a lleui-a p .lining llOV I ii -t, lh- J r. c vi nt ii-r la -mi,'. 1 ; from V '-: pair I.-'r I - antv, but lt v.lii a. e In i ii 'i 1 pievi i-i I. tra 1: of l!, tain to "I.iil el iia- 'inin ; it v. i i.er so il vvi;h the i! with w hich i'il-iic-s i on- hour of .via- n-i H w: d a m an 1 nii'l pr- , i:.'.;.l a le ' I. i . It ii r sord. irr.-w l.ee n. a i Met kit.-!. from v o-ir il duty to iiiak..- 1. il 111 l! VMi lot ill : b. or i I- I! In r oi v il -! ai ly l r. ir si, en ..!- to v . ;.: ! 'e I.er j- 'i-i! : le r 1. ... . . t i ti l .a a ii e. I.i! ' all p. i. n : liol w.a i., :i tin: i.taoa! . a I. rl' i t r. -ih'h r i. n , i ..c t ., not p . Hlhl t : in i .. . V -I l.n , W:C a li. i d Ii .1 find th Vol! ii . i -i t - .1 i -.f i-iil-. I, a t - mi: tl-l '' v I r tu ' e.il !,-:,: : I and a 1 !'.. w ii I i d.l-a- at v-'tr -ide. v. lien il 1. ; s , )-. t: ti,- p. i.;i this in A e 1 i . c d ii t y a v. .-: l!,v o! :. -.1 .- '-! .... an .:.v, r I ,. air -I ilv , w 1 mail at i 1 U I.';.' it i in II V .11 i'l i jai'g f . v hi n i I -n in 1 I y the oili ti, .Hi -I fl ielei-, I'i- i t i :i p lin . i hel'i - i r- to have '.ir w 'Ic iag hi-; : -v a ol tutei lin- inn t -. if y al would d an I happy , leak .t-siiri d v .-ti n i'.I . ! c hi r v .. ,r i otai s cm' la,.; vo.,r ant, and 1 e ill pro-pt i ... i".:.' i.t. le ali i fi.n - O'I- v.h; tii-. in. ing a I ii!u--s il-i- than pass;.,;,: e'u . Inr I '-' i-apl-in Fan t'uer- be anvtiiing in e n. a- c ititeuiptil !e than th - h p"- ritieal mi-i ry ..(" keeping iin-es And le-vv in any ;tie i thi- c ii -I i lit struggle, d.-ei p b a --uu.iii a fit I-.- po iti'ii a:.'.: Hill!' t 1 ail I'll 1' ell lllii: d 1 ii and f" a r, t the e .in- III- lie III-1, t . nd w hat tii.l the-.- r r on tlicir ai'i-'t t slai tsii ta-ii- 'I inr gain Mere!;, the III'"-, who si-iii which appear w h. In. in I tin- 1 Iii i tig to bl V ! -Ill; lioti.', I . vv a t la-!aol, ' Fret, in do. ill!'.- -i.e. th-v tdait "I. P.v daring t v-.ii r.-ally are, -p. ct of u'l da: liny coin F'V ll'.-ll what ..'I air.-elf t lu r.-aav arc not, w i, b upon j 1"W II I luart .1 -f tic'-e w lei lid the r Ji.ti.icpt -.f i.!i -a ll;, ui y mi, : : s. t i- ty til'- I xtl'ellie il n ii tin- i xti'eiiie of tollv I i f-.'ict'iln . indi pen l-iice, self-re-pi a t, and b"iuc coiu I irt. that vou may 1 c culic l nn bv la-lii.-u'i-biy itf'.s-cd pt isoii-, mid by such la cogtiia-l ill the -ll-eif. V.betl bj this toal'se y-il f'nr- f. it tl.s ie p. a t f cv-ry nn ih'.o per-, u. P is r.-ally -i i t ii'ssiiig to nee a cure worn man t liinig all day and ti, t p into ni.-la, that bis wit" aod daughter- may be ta.-htoiiitb! y iittin il, and live in genteel idh m.-s. This kiod of Coiiiii'jal ippii i 1',1,,'d vi'd-g ally. p. lis ly to i an - and bt'le i.e c t'il.try. pel.'- liv -ill ft i'. .lues a V. ife, t: tl -. In th, Wh, -i a t i 1. -. p h. 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 -1 s hou-i', 1 lid a nii.t 1 v ir ni ls M I 111. II ill parents an . ttitig u living. Ana 1,1 no haste I ' have tl in. n i i, ,t i.t-.' tie v .in- I i auiv. lh- '. ,:l'l'- :-. .-uu-hi'i- of their .' i - t ant in all I . .nn'-, and I ihoi-.i -I ii:',.. a. i pot going to say, ir sphere or eia -. I pi-, though ti.-v f.u ev en i' . i -i aid", i Now.bov I I, .an y o,!t of -n tl" li d liiaac pi-., i- . If y-it I.im en I auiiabi.' girl f.r what vou arc v h i is vt tiling lo t i end accoui'.a i luti' lo such II III' id" of lit as wir income v. ."r- 1 I't b. VI ."I f - In r tin I. r to ilin-m y, t raids, take In r an 1 lew von deceive. '"' ''lU'J 1 f you w , i r in it. her lal-c color-, il yotl that which vv-a are not, and pi in is? vi hat ymi arc ma alilc to periorm, luei o ivin 1 deceitfully, J,"l will richly di -MTe all the mi-cries that follovr. When pui see your w ife di.iappointe.i and weeping t when you hear her ecinpl'iiii! - - ami upliraiiiing.', unit lei I mat stie a pi- I tli at she rt jm as a fool deceiver, wuat can you reply : A woman will forgive a man lilrtuv-t nv --in eu tait deception. v decwiv nr he can neither o LoJiur, trust, or bi.i;. 'J'hmi luii, u-u no concealnaii-. It 4 J nuig l.uly relume .fry ni,t . f yj ir p- .ty ciieuiii-tane,s let her go ; she does not love you. Sun ly you would not deceive su-h ft one into bveoiuiiig your wile. If you do, and live miserably or iJruilyu yourself to dentil to .niaint'in the a p.virjmi of her ne- customed ra.ik, ihoii you are a poor p..!- lnn ;i mItiic ;i li I'll f, .1 tin'! it il citnr nu.li ; - i lauit. .Never marry a girl who is n.-haiued to be s" i ii engaged in any iis' ful titid uuital le em- ploynn nt. Flee from the girl who si(i toy- ing in t lie parlor, w bile her mother d rutbs in the kitchen, ns you would from h'pro-y. She lias neither heart nor fouI. Shu will never care how hard you toil to support Uv-r m liUh idlmcif. - . - - Once luoie I Conjure you, if you mu-t nia'.e voir own fortune by mental or man ual labor, to seek i wife v. ho wilj as. i.-t ton by cheet ful labor, her L-ei.tie .-vmpatiiv and jlidie an "i d.iec. If you cam, .it nil. I inrli liclor, sir! be as sour ive an 1 1 una 'in - .-.-i:-". I'' tier fo than 1 ' ii:d, f-" 1 f y ami iinreason rcii of h.r trainintr. So if burthen ic able v ife a p eh;! and man. savs a v Si j II iv C '.. J .i. : S.-J , I ! ,. li r'..tll.U- "Hid I U t. to. .1 15 t t i-j a l a . - I . , ,1.5 I: r?5 fi S .T- - f S l t j a a V j-' is l s, .- ' ir c i. i s WILLI t is 21 Il.Vg. .Lea tli or. niVHi: -A I... i e i a. c 'fill r " 1. II. I . . t ; S . ..i t.s: fii.;: mot ' a . .1, i I ! i.i -1 . i. ; , 1 1. re u oi n , an ex;. 1 I s- at I It on, if . an b," .l.a ii '- s lin I he ct i . . d H -l ' lur p-i i i ,io t',.iti it i am .1. mn- ti .titiy. . sr-i'iiMn - l X' W-V ii. Si IN. -I'll i alti.iLlr I't up i i - tUc licrii !! a!hi - inr ovjiU-. ?5Y e ks ii4-, :( t I -a .i T. a-', ex'-i-iiie.' by A. -il-v Kent, ivr ptirii-.isttf , 1 U. .". I I.- v '. . -Jin at l'ui ! ' cl- Vii I ,1, .,1 II... V- S, s I,' Il V' ti . ( I' ll' ', li.it v. r' v..uait: 1 raai ol Vin I.i-d. kr.iw u a" i!u Heed (Uyi 3Iine, , U u.g in I alisir . Ml -Iters. Ill M. I.,; i ! - It ' I'' ' - 1 .1. 'I I' ' n i lie I .ai. ii Si toe i"'-1 i' l a1 ii ; -ii. -I i . " alia,, .Viuti I taii.i.i a, nn the '. i-i-k, a f-i-il 14 hi'IcH s.itiivlioia-t i'tn' us- in tMe li'st it ne'.vi-n i St., t. s .mil 1 ,:s moa , u ,Hli Iti V'Si.l s' ic -l'u i iC v iii i.-e littmi'ji otn I - : 1 1. 1 j.. i i. a -I .el ; vi i-i in I,, i j... lu 1 e i; .i ,, '.! nii.i- tl' .'II t II .il U'l :t s. i i; ",- i' i. ..is. s 'I ,.e iri t i.t- s. u in i v. ..- i.i (.a u .not u'.hcr Hit i ii.-i .- hr ..-I uti'nii-as-ii'i; og'l u!. -f II ' it -11 IM t .l's ii In o,e .a. I : It i. ..t I. i, a e , si.. I i,' ' ..'is Hi'ti IM"' li.eneiB-l vlliet lift li'-i; Sli. rui-'ij , f--. tl-it I- .)!,k'' .1 I V I 1 H e ilorv. p III I-'8 : .'al- In t, ,,. ., up 'v 1 'i (' i! i i' i 1 m 1 1 i f . ! Tim- Ii I,' I tm.Ji u'.l t , uuii .tie slu a ill f nin ly i siur 1 .!-. 'I i-ipi-, l m ii-tiis-' rrt-Hit i n!t iii-lfr(-'. 1 l- i 1 1 it O.-U ,.,f ;,-t j th, VI inr t i t-fTMci n'l-hm,' l-.i p.ir I. i-r Y . f ! ir t iicr ;,ttn u. ' ar. , rt q me -ii U u1 ti- B ri 'l" r . I . .1 1 ( " norfl. 1 THOU J Siii;.N.TMi-,ue. ' C n-Mr.:, 3 VV I-.' .( v., r iVou Sadler's fhop. 'il CO 4 it 11K in. .I f.e h-iis,. at- int' 1. i.st.-rsi,-.,. a. tV'ii !il 11. n.riTi 1 is fi if 11.' .I,.- sC'i-T . 'V. II-.I' la- Ins !-.(,,' -I tin- e is-l ri.-l -I vir. KertV It iit-1. w lu-i :i 1-11 1 leg all tfio it all il t-.irtutib ' r.im ft i fr-ti-'-h, S5i -floe, f urtimsr-.ctt fr. Ladles Ill lVS-T ' : H ' T iiel a p. l'i lln hi re :-V ia 1 la -.Ue.isr a tlfint Mm Otll'll II.. Wi.lll.l ri'l'-e."l"!'l on I''' 01 111 f Vt- hllil a rll liil i'l mi". l' II ,'AI' ho, .lb ill HI' f.-llilte's au.i it. f ;i.i'i-a I, a : kind ei t t'l "" I n Y r f.o 111 k- 1 W J hjiiulle. .Way 12 ls-O ami . vsiv Let',' 1 ..l.-'i VCk. la- M r I itrtiin 1 .lit ( I: 1 a,.- fl V M M f ll 1; mN aHY slXU ii le. .1. liOLTON. S3 Jj-.- 11 lit