eJT, ,nitcw to viil ust, tmr oBIf will , daily In ';,r,,i, d of HiP f'1B t'n"t;- tUo eoliimna or the. J t have brrneajaeotrd, tliOBO portions of ,1a w ' 1 "" Hie grottncU ovrrllowefi by the lute friahi t """'our unhealthy"' Hun ""Hal, but the li mouse "J'.' ouatr-t ini, i (fiiwt.lly.of a uiild type, Unl,r ri,.i,jily la iw Jii ."I trctmelll. Vie cull. ,V t cjfl ll,mJ """" ll,:'n lv" -h'the lluT0 " urriil ill tliu luw during tho summer, four of I, re uf children under ten yc.rs pf atfc, ,Wrn vmiwl. . i ' . '. rinv Much Like ah Ai'om.E. Tbo ! r rr of Austria lias ordered that in ull pLrial Koyal Ajotoliu J-lajnsty," I. UOWA.NDH TONIC IMXTUKK.'&c. V Pul)li.-ln-'r of tliin paper lias been np nitril A"iit tor-lr. UowuihI'ii valuable; Iki'.kiiii" 1"IS "owo" Mixture, u valuablti rciteuy for lever and ,mic, hi compound .ynip of lilurkbcrry i;")t l'r Crnmp, (Julie, t'holcru Morbus, f,arrW mid Pysenti-ry, and bin Purgative 'IVjrHpli 'iU, which bo now ollero to the lulilic for nalo. vSilTIII'll S( TENTH l: WINDER ! IM p ,!('nVFTOIYS,'EPTTCt'. Dr. J.s. Il..ngli. I,,-. I'l.PSIN. 'I'm- '! Digestive Fluid, nr Gas J ii ," i"" d "' " L.N f LT.uiUii- FOCKTII SI'iiW -V II ( ' THE I'X sUn iiiicolii.i of Ha. ,, Klil, i!if great Fiijunliigic.l Cl.oimai. by J .. II' t r t 1 1 I UN, M. I'., pinlaeVlphie. This ia ..'. wonderful ninidv fur INDIGESTION, HHnt't JWS DICK.Lt VEH COM PLAINT IUVS I II'A'I tN and I'l-111 I I'l'V, ruling alter t,,-e'' own M thud, by Natll, e'a own Agti I the I, IS I'l;!!' ) I'll I- Paillpl.k'S, lOVa-mug Sulon , ti hv d.-n. i: ii it. wile, luri.i,hid by I he Ag.-nta . , Sic no I e atuot-g the ti.tdtial idirrinc 4 oiiiiiM-i'Ciiil I.i'conl. I IIAIil OITK Sl.PI E.MIJKIt l-'J ' i? o i, l i .', l ,.. r, I'. . i. I -.r. I,!,l. l i. . P .Ulnea, l'-, I .'.1, li, .., .', i . :f ...kAta. U a II) 11 a J II l.'l a ( () 4 a 5 (1 a 4, 4o 5ii 7 a (I li l.'. 15 a II J .N.il-, I run, -wll, t'nfn, M..I, ili'i., lil l1t, .ibrra, II. 1.1 V rn, Mifljf gw( Tail, w, leather. 4 i 41 a 5 -J ' .171 I .'ii 6-j a 7 ", a .lo '.'ft a 0 W i a 3U 7.S a Ml 5 a III ill (I 15 a 2-i 1 a HI II a n I 37 a :.D nn.vwvis MAkkKT. CiiM Hiii S-'pi'm'r 2V ' OI'TN. Th o cHn in wtr mjrht ci ranging truiB S tu 9 U Iti eetMe. riiAKi.tiHi t mark kt. Cv'nn fMtBg on loiijf M 11 to 1 1 J rvutn 1 fw 1h ttrik( ei.il it; the filth nunt, t- r ojiU tu V 4i b 1 HKTIILYi: (()., And Dealers In Gertlemsa's Furnishing ? 'OI'I.O Ci'! the aM-.i.,li ol ll a.r frirnila and V? ihe pubic gnn!'f, lu iln ir p eod d - .-k .( 1 . 1 1. 1, ,M11 II 'I.VTilK iir1rBll'la H Ml 9 A r'p 1 rb afte'al rare. o Taara, I . aoa'.ca aid i i,i A U.ihun, in Ne V .ra.ci.:ite im of' li' n. I) eb, tl,iu. CaWt, f.rr.ii, .Vliaiborry : and li.or ( I 111 H "i. Iirnch and e'te.n l:i k and Linry csii:u r. . i ', Pi. h, ;,r. at,.-. ( ' hiiiF rea a n d G ' a. ,,tr,, V) 'TIS .', '; li wi'l be iuikI.' iiu I ei Order, bv 'r-( l oitri-, btirg ta I wered ib br! 2 1 flit hio.tr,ht iritnm i(. tur Fuji i hm j ! :'tf!inrnt will b fiotd Uis'i'if in any in the 1 brief eM B-filief wi'li iHer Srkv and j- oi nt iffy f ri!. Ill- aa4 Katiry Cat .A ' '-r tim k r rlfiiMfe t 14 kit ( 'nuiUii' P,) 1 '"-. !''. ,i ff re f colur att'J fix, a i i ffn yrar uU ( mrmir htn'if, tnd I ul- t rptttitrd it f. ) lto li k and Merina Cndrr. 1 -v r ind tra. mneihnj piui, S4'ipfcn nod j rn ! o a M ft'a and i-niiK-, (len'tfrfnen1 I1' k i I1 Imr Kill, Hi I, t ii knjn, lsitMre and li f In. tt frtt-, SfieAfl r, Wlaii. CitK. If?inf ' -, F- rt Miti-s M'-tif lb M t'i'gat i , riinff ili'i-. lUtr. Civ b, Ttb, Hit, eni, ,il t .ihf, i-r T !-', ttt ftil ntrti' ''rvthn K oinmnHiiia. IT hn H bf", Jkc., V , ll af -vtncu rti br .OH ; ihvfi ttiev ri b furrhtd ir r!h ',h ' Mo'im, i'AH of imi ah I time In W ( I'SiOUEHH j 1 ' t'i'l il nur Nfe Stand, Lni d.ior, at of pratt I A Mli(H)' rf'nri- I In rthvare. tX'f: h""' en lunj and 1 fri.il aupply nf receive aoon, II AltDUMHi: qiiliiir. o, varii'tira tiurMni.'k baa hen ; i'f lite taieat in the wealrrn pill of Ibn Slate, " I '' nl. I tun of a I'all'a Pure a', will m ike j ' e, ni,ie and full a. any in ihe roiimry Our : "'nil he.. ,())) aatha 1,1 1 ' .'. T ' If yon ' riini, made of Iron or Mi.le, eill and . e "'" loi k rnnaa'a in pjtt of , alia. A evila, j Vieea, (limine a. Sernw Pl.le . Iron and ' I". Kfin.-a and Po k". I'm kel Kinvea and Seta. 1 - I irrera, Kminrl and q iare Spring M'llte. Sah I Sneer Puihea ,s eelyonl. and -cjiu.. Spir I I.e. j '' 'nra. aaanrlnl, Ilia-ia, Willi , nil wi'liontj " e and II, n-, (..Td. Mill I r. ..Mil II I' d. '"'i 1 ri ne and Keybnln fhmm lined, Chopping H"n. in, Aujira and G in'ei.. I'Uauiing ' l:"'k 'I liiwela, bio wah llnl.liea. Meal, ' " BT,li .S.,,,,1 Wn..l. l,.,.k 'I'. 1 1 f h.l " "d P ,, Irf,ek. I w and Sh.-rn Hail.. I nr. Put. and 1'iaiiirea i iirrv'ainha .ml Ilmg, a all klnda, Dialng KniTo", ir"l i lamp Seicwa, Pifiper I blah-It. and 1 a loot .Serjiwi. l..e k IHaw,i llrenal and ' an... ril CoIIm . KIh km... I b .eil 'M,'I,. I'l.wb r Pi i. da Pon ion t ap. r'rii g w l'iailre, Wallle line, lien' ll Guag. a, 1 'd Pilea. M It and iUndSaw dn . .--n"!! I s , i l:, Ili.i.a and Mrl Dug Cnliara, Kanei ila, "- "i i ii If.-1 Palo. Gnu., G n Mi, ,j ' "afinaa JlnunliH,! I amile.liiika lleil "''-t Ca.lnra, I'l,,,,. II Ma, I.Higaand II. ink-, j J'""-'' log .Vnapa.1 i,ll'.-e tltila ll.ilch.1 Kmvra, V aen.-bea, II .ap. and .Vnplra Iron (( .1 "'' A, ovel und J aria, Aiii'ii.tmiig ) -'o ' ron, Graa tVnaiia, .'fitiig 'a He II nea ,: ""I loil.i w .1,, A'... Vi....,.- .V...I P- ' i'"oa 1'ipp. ra, Apura, Leokiu Gluasea, I " iuole.ie, Art. I . . . II II EM & JOHNSTON. I "',, SryUmU 2'J, 1-53. 3li:f . 4 '" "'!'' ftCI'Notice. I'l '' A l IO.,' ,i; ' w.. (ot'e I.egla'a ". i i' n aitii,,. a. .an,,,, r,,r ihe amend 11 -e I i artnr tn i. y iit,i v ult, e ' ': I'i- '- ,J'i A. C SIi'ILE,- - ii Ai'.i.o r i i:. m. c, JJrarr in Staple tuit! l'tincy Dry .Goods, ' llirrhvnro, Crttnj, Cuis, lion, istcel , , und Nails, Crockery, Glass-Wart, i'Jt'Sl"jj's, Window Gluts, 1'"", Ami ft wcll-M'Icrlt fl STOCK of ff AM now ripttii'nff lh UrjfMl and mfwt tompffte U SUtt U Of tOUlV I hive r off.r. ed l my trtriMia and Mia'nrnitra and am drt-rtiiinrd noil am ' tM 9 tLk' a any l-.atablialimenl in the Viern purt of Ilia nlale. A C. STICKLE. SepHmhtt 9, 1852. 36if - IJeef! Weef!! Heef!!! 0"l!H -N (JLWCII L.of Wa I ho ciM ii ol I hull . I e and vi. c mty, ibt he wi'l turmnh ihiriii yil ll'p. laiv iiUI!Bill liifi I dry llir,rtilltff tin7 in? (hi lalln, or Hie ytur miliid if I lie j-rup) ih il a( (hi u.uul ruin, iltiiuli lia tgiu( H il.uin P. Mi C e binil. Ilr i I hung l.n bfi-vca dnwn every iwy wctkw. II" hup thai iha i-iu'enaul' ('barlulie ii rx'tiid lo linn a tibertl rft'ir r- nl piirn.i?H JOliUAN CI.HM ILL. Hrnirmlr S9, St-:C. Notice. A I.L perptina in the (.un'rv who haf IMa. fcr nb'rinintf ubrriitiona lor the relehra i u of Ihc arrtval n ibu Kail N(M.d in thia fiai-e(will pli-ancra. tort, th in In Out ft ininilioe nl arrangi'incnta in ClialbiHa, , C J. H X. ( Vm'n. Com. Srpi.SS. 3C-I'. V.i!ii;ill TOV. IMCOiTCTY II. I, tM on the 'J.VN of October nrt (lir ( 'ourt llntm in I 'harlfHlp, ttut taiutible Mj-j rn il Untl. r,tpp'iiM j trifhl !(, known sa the Charlotte Vimalr .Iratlimy fn ihr S.imlipin rmiorTown, dirrcilv rn Mju IHrrel. 'I'lirre tn b't trpery in tl.a Tjn mure drairable bar priva'e re-ibnre. ilian i!n Tne (liilding Men i'l ii.r.n ibe pruprny will be, ri'rr-d. i-ndit will be jrjtrcn. Iff Quit r of the UO!iD OF TI.TTEt;8 3 j ih nvo rut rnv. Male Academy. ' P ,'" I "I'l'fi.ifi will t ofirted m lm dT, tbr M h of !. ,r r M at, uiuttrr the Mr. Jon t Ikmit, a frnllfiiiAii hu J ''haree of 1 li'l'lv re. ( miiiii Mint a 1 a I I r ftf r, J he urdd ry ra't e of tin I m l nnoir-d jMHKril H. M II.SO.V, JlJ!l A VUtAG. It. HATfX. If. Il v. II I UMS, JOHN IMW X( W. K. M y M(M, J AS. V. (BURNK. Ttft$ S ftfflphft 00. r,. ,3'J 1. I mmfiii '"(jr. I Administrator's Sale. I 4 k N ii. vtjih d.y of October Ural, ban J I lira. F flay o our oiiiity oort, at i,n t omi II oa I in Chariotta, I will aeil to the highrat b.djur, the toiloa it g ff.n fiiP Jul twlnnfinf lo the tt of R irHsrd H earn, dc'd.t : I hipi null VJ years nl her rlnV. d --if b trr a out h fmmn axf her )oine:t ahnut 3 yraa of ' I nty itl hm told n a cf-dil of x mifitha, ibe percbukvr making a nute pviif in Uiik ' H U M, A4mr. t ktrlftt0, Sep4tmktr 23,12. i3' !. 1:111 1011: ri:iALi:j('ii()(L. 1 1I V. Kirn iri of ihe abnve I nut Hu ll n wi l be riruti.fd ihi M"ndav, I lit ltli . at.lvr in-x", under the rial inl h. imhi of M a Fi.ij I'liAna and the par icu ir fi.,teiniiinnr of ihe utifK.rit r. Mi a I"- qoeiificftinm tie U-o eH known and loo bich'y apP'e'MUd lo ned rooinifnt. 1'iitrijriion 00 liiMrmnt-ntel Muic will h givn, hfnio itff, by .Mr, I'imi rniH C! outer. It t. df K hiltifni b ihe Yt Unn l.ioica Ihit illenU lht li.a'i ntMm -vi'b the nfao of a thr.rougb, hbwal and prnt li.-ei rdm a i.in in Ctinuei Imn with cil an i;ii 1 11 a to ?-d niennrre and pr roal pie v. 'I 'm ub-ciii ei, tUrti hire or the linv. I. I . I'e Nt' k a may bv medid or drs-nrf, will impart riri.tn n on the I Urnc I.an? Ungi , Ihe b y ttr hrenchra of M -ilieniaMi and V ! Vluac Tnnts jrs nf Vif "Months: The rii ftitiil nl u t,tfth t-.tlii.'sinn, Til urdinar y rmif f oi l!niih Itiotruriinn. ine rli Ctiud 1 trv, I'.n oMjpbv Khttit iio ric, Ac, A.i! . I aim and Urn k m Fr?nrh Langtiag.or Paint' ln In OH of Waler Cti iu. Fir i-iN iiirttiMi on SfmN'ific Y-al Muaie, O niminfttl N.idle Wort, liiirtinii nut ijg.ic (iW ue of inHuimant 9J u ) S12 t2 5 15 I or Hi'itn htng et'hrKil rm-ni, &r,, lalSeatiinn, $1 H ail,' vt ry ndvianisgt (u U , p r h pnih. $ . $C ur t7 tA.Mi:L A. PKMCK. S ptrm'itr .M), I-.'3 i3j Notice. I WII.I. mil. on Tupdv.lhe Qfi-h of October iM xt, at the C art limine in Charlotte, a Yalnahle Plantation, b, lor-Kiiig In Mm h it of A'exanaer Puller, duc'tl , A iiiil. west ol t iiaf.ii'r. ivii,. on llie waiera nl Sninr t'rei k, eoriiair ing I 1-1 irre.. I In said land la a k''H'd Dwelling (loose and a:f Out li illdir-ga . --I. .!.- I, L ,i -i- ... l mi Ihe d.y nf aale. J. M. C. IHWTKR. Agtml. S ptrmbir 21', lr52. 35la 'Ic in i ran ti' rtotit-c. IheG W. P J B.ODOM.nftba Sona or Tem. perauee. will dol ver an Addreaa tn Charlotlc. on t b-toliar lib, and at Sugar Creek church on the 5th. I I'i HI (tic SfllOol. iTB. will rreume the r xercia' of her ; . l-ltriliiiiK Si liuol tn Ch.irlotlH, on tho 1st iMon dty m Oi-totier, 1H.'2, ori the same term, as hereto lorn. ' be he.a on is five tnoutha. ' S.pi.mlvr -Ji, 1KVJ. 3" Not ice . V I PLICA I IO.V will he made to next session j VJa of the Lrgial-.ture of North Carolina te in- ri.rp. rat. Mrek.uuburg Divi.ion, Sia. 40, ol tne oua nl rrmperuore. Stplemb r 17, ItC-J 3) t Notice !ll I t lemp mry abaenea from lhi( plaee, YntiT t' lliiriiiger, K.q will act as my a gent in all business IranaaQliona. Peraoirii having buaimaa with him, will find kirn n I bailulle, or at the srveinl Coona on my eircuit All persona who hired Negroes ol ine la at year, are nu'-ated tn return them to Mr B al Coneerd, I n. Id. 3laf f.f I h.ei.inhnr Mall. hf.e th.V Will b. aeain hired eat by hurl. M IPS HAP.RINGF.il. Vonrurd, A. C, Septmiktr 9. 1 .'. 34tf tiNAHY MCI'U l,.r ulf. T J. IIOLTON. i. haronAcadcmy, 9 miet South of Clutrlollf, .1. C. ri Dili ecuaion ft tliia M action! mil oiiiiiini'iire nil' Mundjy, ll.c 4ili of Uulo. Iwr neat. TEBIISS PT.R SESSION OF 6 MONTHS. Orilingrnpliy, Keadiiig and Wriling, 00 Knglinti Graiiiinar, (jvugrapliy, Arithmelio and Khelnrio, tO 00 All higher r ngtiah Branchea, . H IIU Gisck, Latin and French, t'i 50 IU"tiiiio 05 or 311 Sludenta can ohuin Rniirding wilhio una mils ol' the Academy, at 16 per inniilli. T M. KHiKPATnl K. Principal. Sepltmbtr 15, tioU. (37 lluguy ;nu Ilill'lH'AM lot- :i. 3 NQL IHK at fadler'a lloiel or ol V C liar A ringer Kan. Ckarlaile, N. C , Srpttmbrr 9, IK12 To the Public. f B'lIK undoraiifiied inform' lh t'ohlic genrraMr M Ibil hie MILL8 an II m Ponr Crn.k. 10 milra bHh.w Clmrlntia are in good ennd.tinn and making the fineal qualiiv of W-al and Klonr. VJLL!I JlJIlNVPUN Srpttmbet 14 lRr.2. 137 ff Notice. VLL ppranna in arreara Willi ma for Taxne, are . again ri'ifni'aied to make iiiiinediute payment 'I n luuOa a'b mnch nerrfisd T. N. ALKXANDf'.R. Sli'ff. SrpUmlrr 9. 1H.72 31iOc .11 iiflotil ami the it iter taxing. i Last Notice. I At llinne indi-lttc(J to the hitf f rin of Trotter , XJVh 6l V r ii on, either by Note or B' 'k Arroitit.i r leqM. iif-d lo settle the ome i'h ihu .liMTihf r, -y the I0ih o n:tober neif After Hint tun thev I will bi p lured in oiler ha nils fur railpriinn J I RUTI Kit. I Septrmhrr 15, 18.12 l37 t 15 AKLi;slOt A: I LOUIIM LL. rptlR eplendiri New Mtun Packet FLORIDA, at i hailea Willy, rVlaater, ia now running regular. y between Charhaloo and Jacksonville, Picolala and Pilaika, on tha M Juhn'e bivur. Her time nf oVnariuro baa len fixed (or I L' KSD A Y of every wiek. at 3 o'cloca, P. SI. Paaaangera by the ia on that any will alwiy be mi time Tin Boat tmi been tui lit eiurrasty lor ibie l ine. itlt ppci4l rete. rvnre lo tb romtort and aafelf ol aVaMivnpMre and le ionioiandfd by one of the iii at p-i i. tirt-d of tiiiviiali. fVrto.ia drairou ot Ukiiit; itim route, are inturmtd tl.ut tint paatige tbrougti tu 1'iUtka ii mudu in about 25 hour. Fore to J ktHinvitle, . . (8 Fitulata and Piltk, - 10 Any forther inlorruatmn w-ll be el eerfully fivon by the undera ffiifd liiriha .cured by addreaaing the egad. J. V. CAI.DWFLI, Agent ChtrtfttQ, September. 3LIJa A War with England. CHARLES T. EBERHARD & CO, HJ fPf TH'LLY infoimtheeitienaofCbar. m m little and vicinity, that they anil carry on Ibe ItOO at their o'd aland, two door, below llavid Park'. loie, and nrarly oppoaite K-ir'a Hotal, where tt.ey are prepared to execute all work in their line, in the iif alert and rn' aeoionab!e mannnsr. 1 liey wilt warrant their oili to be made of h bert ina- . it r M In and to wear a well ae any ti.ie Mctiuti , If g oi maier' a la f od workmen and a atn t at. . (em on to bll Ordera will at aure encoursgmt-nt they are deiermiRrd lo rnerit it. A a one of the firm w ill 1 o North on re or twice yt-ar. purposely lo in h.M Leather, we alwava inicfd 10 hve tne ni mat can ne boupot at the North, we w ill be a hie to if 1 1 t ait r and rht-api-r Work fan any ntbe' v hop in biaactin of couii- try jrtilVK IMKM A 1HII,. IT supply ol alt k, tide of h fa. A V Y M AD K W t UK always ou battel. S,pt 8, IbJJ 33;f 1 I . ' S a- f , I l a. jjt3 Notice. f I'HK Norlh arnlma Moi k ob-era in I be I bar ny. who ara in arreara, are hereby no'ifimi. that an. Ut. the inatalmenla on their elork are p.nd by Wed ncaday. Ilia 15th day of t)i tnh r nexi, heir airj k wiil Imi aold al the i out! Hour in the 'loan oi t harlulta on that day. 1 U. G PALMKB, rdiKl. S'pirmbtr f, 1652 33 d . 1 F tfxi llii I I .liiir. OTl'LKH from me, at nr near I ol itnbard't Ho tel. Sahahnre. on ihe e.eni. of ll.e l.l ffo. . fine. tar... old la.hioi.ed L.vernool lever :'.( W...I. i.o, l..h make. Nn 'J'Ji.Snr I till. i .1....1. . ... , . i, i... i . ij rK -i... -oh I l.t.; .A .... .k.i l.L. i.rmi - . nal ng in a large oiiening. Any one returning or . .I mfn .iL L .i,.7 I ,i ;.. .-..It . . , above rewaid. I). B. VOO(). 4'3'i S'plrKibrr 2, 1851. Tiii Wjiit, 1 G F.N PR L ASSOM T M KN T of Tin Bare Va alw. ya on hand and for aale aa low aa the loweat ether whole. .le and retail by S-A.VTI. I. WUIVION. Aug 35, 1852 31 if. Male of r orlli ( arolina. M.vc-oLx torsi Superior Court of Ditr,Jiruif; icrm, (o'J lioea Weaver I e. Pililion fur Divorce. i Uvcar !) Boncard I N I hid caae il apiwaring lo Ihe Mlieiarlinn of Ihe i B Court, that 'he defendant ia not a Kesldenl ut j the State : It i. Older d. thai publication be made I for lour weeks in Ihe i aro'ma Kepublican and thr. N. C Whig, that ihe aaidO-earde rbmrard appear at our nut SiiK'rior Court ol Law, lo be OW lor Line,. In County, al Ihe Coon II. use in LinroliHnn, on tha 3id Monday alter the 4th Monday in Sepleni her next, Ihen and thaie to make his defence in atd Petition, or judgment pro ecnlesao will he taksi, gains! him. W iinese V. A. McBee. c'nrk of our (aid Court, at i nice, Ihe 3rd Monday aiter the tin .Monday n tv.f if V, A. Me BEE. C. L. 8. C. Printer'a Fee, 5. 135 Valuable Plantation Toil SAM.. fWILL fell, on reasonable aer"o, lerma. that VALLAhLt PLANTATION, known as lie tfrUi I'T eat CAIIKOH T K A CT, lyiiie 7 miles aest nf Charlotte, nn the Sieti nek, and ne.r the Tut kasrge P'ord Roads, containing 10 1 1 rri', On lb. prenii-e. I a ro.d Pwkt.i. iko llouae, with all necessary OtlT-eIl,ol0., and a Wsxi or Watkk that cannot bs auipaearw in Ihe country. The pleoe ia well waie ed general'y. and Contains e large portion nf Horn si and good Max now I.ANva; alao, oval 300 Aereagocd Wcoo Land. Those desirous of purchasing a rood, ehrap, con venient, desirable and healthy Sl'l C A'I'lOX, wou d sin weft In (tall eoon snd examine Ihe plaee fur tlx ni selvea. Col. W. N. Paik who, al preseai, rs-idia on Ihe premises, will lake pltaauia in showing aery one veer the plauie'ion. llJ'Kv oail.rg on me ill f'har'nila. the price, and Ihe Olsnd.lnina of sale 1.1 he made kiio.au. James m cahson. o nrivinn F teal t IflJ g3Noticc. I Ll peranna indeb'td to ilia enhacrtber ore here. tiiJLv by nolifiid for Iho l"t lime, lo c.ill on bun unci pay their reapi elim due , without fnr'.bur dd lay. A poriinn pf the di'biadne tliu firm olipriuga Si. dranli y. are a!ao in I ia hand fur culli cliou. M.d nuil be pud toon. ' Attention to line nonce at un early cl.iy will aave coat. . R. II. BUAWLLV. Siptemhtr 8, 1853. t3U The Great Question A ND I hat in how E IL'Lll.Nt. & IT), wlin i& have la'i Iv taken the atore lerently occnined by Or MM, are enabled to actt clothing at ui h viry Inw ia'e. aiid mude in the moat fu-bionuble hiylta. Why, fn.m the rimplu fait that we buy tho irrmd', inBoii'aniuie them nursclves keeping llllll. til l l banca imiKtanily rmpl )"d, and Iroin the l .hi limc q lannty we iell, aieenabicd luaeil them at ilel'iwe-t kind of pricea 0 f slin k, in p iri nimiatitifr nl' Fri'iich and Kcg'inh l)-.b I)' r'. lb nib i ma, Al iaci', t'loliniaietle. 1 a -- n.eir, and Sii'iinicr Twct-da. S.ck, Frock and U'C I IA'I Pant", all l I. a liom 75 rente lo K've l)..lmr-. Vea'rtl lo $5, Lini.ii V i a a 91 loSI 75. 'I'ne ah' Vf friMidnare ouriiavn inanutacliirr. ond wurranii d. We have uUo (rcat vuiiv'y ol Hlnria l)awi r, (' lira, CravatH, Tiea, tiiovi Kuan ry, llaia. t'ombp, II. urhrp, M k andGaime undir ahirl, L'mbri lla, eVc.to all ol wirtrh we wmld invilcyour aiicnli. n btlure purehahin? 1 1 rwbe.r. E. FALLINGS A CO. CkurlMr, July 14. 1'-Si. 2of M A UT I N & B It Y A N, AND a i : 1:1: a l com m ission' yarn u-z mitmtzm Ss . o. 3 iSofrc CVs II 'liar; S'SS'Ji'Bi'J, r D, .Allt ulioii, I .Hlh I!i ig;i(lc ! nicclioil of a Major General for the Ztli Division of X. C. Militia. Head-Quarter3, ) Lt-voin, N. C AtoisT 20th, 1S:2. S U E Colonels commanding tlie dinvreM Ffpgi. ineiite coinpOHiiig the lo ti linK.e ot orin- Cnrolina Militia, i I asaemhle t.e i'emtni.igiotied Ojjicert of their respective Con mm uids at tt e titncn 1 and places nif ntioued hlnw. pro cod to vote for a Major Genvnl of the otb Iivim,ii of tl a .Militia of th tbtc, in pUre nt v sj (,en (J, Moltom A- ! vrny, rempned, and tr rPiitt a f jir rppott ot the vote polhd to the undom jjiied, fttlliui leu cUys If.ert-af. ; tuft to wil : lllid l.'rgimcnt at Taj Inravilic, 1 1 h October, 1?.'2 52d ' Mateiville. 3:h fc9 h " ' W illiamsb'rg l.i'.li fiilth ' Leno.r, -'.'iih 79ih " " 5lorganton, -Tih fcl.t " Marion, 2Llih And on the day following the Iecliona reiiprctive ' ly. Ilia different Colone'i will appi-nr with ih- ir Ko. gimrnia at ine ani.' piacra. pri-parra lor irv:ew and litepccliuti, Kevietas ut 12 o'i loi-k. 'noon.) C. W. ( I.AKKK. t34 .' if."idier O.reral. A Irtfe of A'orlh Carolina, Mi-l KLKMimii I lit'M V. Court of Vleas and Quarter Srssion, July lumbia at 7 a. m. rid.vrra Vx, ight at lVt Mill Do Term, I-O'J. j pot, on the Li't Mi'e nfllie Caiaaba, and by the l-l John 11 McPowi! and Z A. 1 xeculore of San, I. Cox, d Gr.er, c d. Peiit:on for .-eit'eineni oft;. ;ute. Wm. ITarty ard wire and ot1 ft j f-T appearing to the eat mfji-i inn of tlm Court, iJt, that D. F WaddU and Harnett, tnswife, Wm. : i Carol). ere and haruh C, hm wife, a d oniOel C ! Taylor, the deviai'ia and heira at law of the aoid ; i .MiUfl t 'us.ar na.l tnhnbitani ut Miia folate, It i thrrefore Oid'ted by the Court '1 hat publication j be 11100 in t, e .Norili.t'iiro ma U h ig accord itg to law, ' ha Un'ti md hirs and C- vim e appear at i : the next term of our usid Co in, Ij he held for he county of Me- kienhurc at the Co irf Moure in Chat- ' lotie, 011 Ibe 4ih Mounay in Oclui.ir next, and then j anu there piiafl, inuwer, or oirnnr, judgment pro 1 confeao wiil be rei.durt d aa to Ihrni. I I i'nia. hraly t tales, l lerk ol cir Bid t ourt, j at ( fiice, the 4id .Monday in Ju'y, A. If l-j2. , U UA I i C. M. C frintera Fee 5 C. 137 I.inr riolh i A L UGE LU T on hand and fur .le low, by SAU L. I . U (US I US. ! ANOTHER CUBAN EXPEDITION. ! $1,000 Bountv. "IIIKAT AT'HACflHN at II ( REA'S GK .KiK bhl, conaiating in pa't of Liquors anil IVines, j ae rhnire and pure aa were ever iff n d al tho liara -fine eut j CIIEH HO TORKfO, j (put up in tinfoil) a great variety of i v.rving in priee from $2(1 to f 100 per Ihoimand i "'"' aueni on ot gentlemen lo I ,""."!u,.k ot Mgar. Ieel,ftl! f;y a,M,d that in it 1 ',e found the rirArl article in the 1 own. Juat ; imported, eapeeiaily for the amnseinoiit of the l.ov. ' ' ' " among in i .morn . cai I down (ianlleinen and lake a neeo at V e " tild Co . . .... ... ... r"rP ,, lonel 1 ho 1 h'" ' &' "d A irn-an llur.e are alao on exhibition Charlotte, Aug 25. IS52. 31lf WlM''aM olll, f L A KG E LO T for a. le low, by SAM' L. I . RISTON. Vu limbic Land TOTICE ia hereby given, lh.it pursuant, to an order and decree ot the Coin! of riquity lor florae rounty. made in the case, r . ' T'i-'P .". A. Henson and ollieia, ex. H f! !! r: ' (I....I. I ..III -oil .1 ... . mmm I-.'"'. " .v ,-... .u iui J tion to the highest bidder in the J iow.of Vorganton, Bmke Ciinnly, on Monday, the 15th day of November next, (being .M, n.l 'V of -oper.or e ouri.j an ine ii.nos wnirii t no 'ano ner.son, uee..eu. oieu. so x. il ana pnssrsseil of consisting ofnine Tracts, on I'pper Greek eleven nnbe !orth weal of Morganlnn. in said fount . ; Among said landa ia a very valua'da p'ani.it mn, ' containing- jOO acres, upon winch Freland llenson rraided al the tune uf hi. , lentil, iocliul.110 a tar.,., I oily of valuable bottom land baa upon it a lingo' snd eoinuiod'oua dwelling lioo.e, Inguiher illi nil ne esa-iry out houses. All the oilier Irac a are sd joining. A credit of Twelve mnnU s. Ihe. purchaser giv. ing bond and approved security. Fmlhcr terms made ki.owu t-n the day ot sale. Give, under my hand, at oilier in Morr-anton PDW ARK JONES EKWLN.C. M. E. Scptlmber 29, 18. S. is MTSSRS.G K KKNM-MlV. of CheHcr. and JA.MFS (V.. ML' I. ST. formerly one of the proprietors of Ihe riauter'a 1 loli I, i'hn. Icston. Iinve IcjiBt d ti e An erican Hotel, K ing ireet, and onld reapttctfully aolicit (nun their fin nda and the Irnv. elhug public, a portion of their patronage. Wo pk'ilu oureelvea that the goceta nl the Hoii-I will receive aCLommudutiona uuiiurpa!cd by any in the city. K E X N E P Y &. IICRsT. bu. I?w-Yirla Mght CIlccKm IOW frVt by II. B WillUme, ASenlftr the Hunk of Camden, S. C. If P. M f 1.1. 1 A MS, A eut. CAeWwff-, Wrca 3, f.V2 fi t atft'upif uiil.'sf Vjv V v be-tt f.t te. rnBln.e and rou lu. teM won or there w ill he ni'ne U H M H. & I. S WII.IJAMS. rii-'aev, rt'js, M.is.'-y. si FX Mil ii JKVKRAL IIL'NDUKO PUt.'N IH for nila I ow by . VJ'L.T. W HIS luN. I C'.tadj al $12 .10 per 100 il). Warranted t9 ketp in any Climate, C I, A It K li A: J C) K N , (SurcetisvrH to Jus. IS. ttann,) W9AM dy. AM KACI Lit I : It S of Minn liefined Can SoK-ir '!..., &r..a,,d v.h,..,lu dea'er. 1 l-oreicn Fiuita Nina f. nr. ."-vruna. ( ord.ala. 4e. No. .0. Ligi.l Mi eel, II i tunor'a .i.d. Hnrlli u'ur allenliim tjivi ll In oidi ra, ui d a liat ' ofarucov with nr.cua ai.ni xd iorvi jtdid to nrd. r. 1 Aue. 18, lti-2. 3U. mm mill. fill I F Jirje and comtnoHiuus hotiac in Ijincolnlon, favorably kmwn in furnmr luma ae Motz'a lloiel, bin ri'Ci ntly bei-n r-tiititl aixl jut in com. fortable order by tne iubacnliur (or the ucuumuiuda. tion of L lie T K A V KLIal fi r U li LIC, and 6U h of hi miiiir-roui friend-4 bh muy f.ivor liiin with a (till. II? pledg'-u all that the uiinot Hili euce in hi hu neon, and a'ttL-iHton to hm custom en, can ct to cilicit a lilitral dcrre of pairon. ago at the hand of t! c jmi.ii. Ctvu him but a Iri at and l e will prove all be lwr ateTtP, T. li. MH'FOHD. Lutcotuton, A"guit, L2. iHlf Vahiab'o Plantation '111 L hub.criber, uishing t rein io to t!it Snulli weft, (ff -ra fur ptili.. hia Plan'n'i'in, on Milliard C !ttk, roiil.iiriiiiL' 121)7 r a. ,.i7fe , excel. cre.. ) i ll.e pfeu.iii jfir-d I.v!liii I loute, I fcffiaSiSMS lent If-.rn and nihir mcp- A3!Uh ary tint imuHt p. A hf.n' I '0 am: i thatrd. 7- ol wliich is hi e Unloni hutd, ?ocd fur t'ol't-n, ('urn or Whrat. Thre is an fer!!ent scat on thii- Und lor a M .11 ur suiitc ollmr .Machinery. I f tbif land is r.n 8iht piivattly btfo-B thr '-'.) h (' L-plemhcr n xt, I will exporve it io puhl'c on Tut dai , the iililh of Odohi r ntxi, (it hru.g Tuesday of tho County Court.) at the '..urt IJ.-u-i; ii, t hdiijtlf, to the hih. tbl bidder. Turutti imtdu l-.tuin on Ihe day of g;ile. OhuKot A. iiursToN. A'lo-t 5, 1-.V2. 23;f ffi..J ,7 r f. C liarlollf sued Koi-.lli-f arolin.'i it A I -&io A ). fBHIE PASSI Sl.'i;:! TRAIN i. n"w rnrninr 1 dai 'y. ;S'imiays ejce.it'i ) frnm Co'unib:a to Port Mill, iuicen inilea IV"m C'hartoite. Ur. l.FAVIMJ. Lei.ve. i 15 it. in. ' f :, I , " I'l " .c, " ll).'-'ll " " ln.:i5 ' , "II 35 " " 1 2 HO in. " 12 45 p. m. Arrive 1 10 " lieWS. RTTrP Nl Ml. A i rive, 2 '-(I p in. ' 12 ill " I2.HII in. " M2:i a. in. " ll.t'5 " 10.05 ' S 40 " 9 HI Leave tf 35 " ' Ci.lnriibia, !iiil-jay. . W inn. bo- o' j Youncei'vii j ll!a ka nfk, , Choierv.lh l.inia', I Leri zr. Fori Mill", Tl,. KBPICIITTrHIVrimilj!. t..,tl, r,. ' ol Oi tuber v. l,i have rt acl'i a na tLrminna, and lie ' t'el vn iru and teieiving P'ltihts, al Char.olte. j North Carolina. j a line nf STARRS rnns from the hrsd nfllie roar! to Charlot'e and ba k in eoii-itei ion. I' roiu Char. lolie 'hrri im a line ol :agts lo laiiflu'V and Ual rt1). I fom I'l e;er yille a lii.e nf ! runt) in coiinrc'i-n wiih the car-ton Mcndayn. ednt fdn y, and Ftii!ay lo Cmcnvi e, 4:enn Spring-, and S,iar. UllNUfff- WM. M. STOCKTUaN.CI.uf Krp.nctr, Aujrill 5, I-j2. S.""-' IO nv Tim iki:ii)e.it or tise I ITi:t STATU. in pnrdianceoflaw. 1, MILLAKD FILLMORE, Pn aidm t of the I'niti d Stales ef America, do hero by drelare b rid make known, th.it n public fab will be held at Ihe Land OHi'e at " I ll.l.WA'1 bit il) tho 'Perritnry of 51 1 . . KStl I'A, commencing on .Monday, the Or s-t d,.y nf Nnvernber next, tor ihe d;e- poaai the Public Lands (ilualed in ihe following named Town-litpa and fraetionul 'Pownmipa, y z: I liorii of the bate line, and trest of Ike fuuith principal meridian Frarlinnul Townalup thirty. erven end tbiriy ! eieht, on the re lit bank of M Cr.nx river, and lownahipa Ihirty-ntnc, forty, toriy.one, and forty, two, ot range twenty. Townalup. th ny -eight, thirty nine, and forty, ol raiu'e twenty one. An la'and in seilijna Ihirteen and twenty four, in lownriiip Iwenlv and townahip, ttiirry eijjlil. thirly nine, and forty, oi rangu twenty iwo, lowi.ahip tntly, lorty one, anu tony two, oi Range twenty three. Il-nnrpiu Island, or lot 5. section twenty. three, in township twenty nine, and an Island in aoeiion four, of lowr.ahip thirty, of r.irirrj twenty. loin. Townshipa tinny aevcu and thirty tight, uf lanje twenty live. Townehip thirty reven, thirty eight, thirty nine, anoiony.nl rai g lweniy a-x- I Town. hips Ih ny eight and th fly nine, of range ' twenty. seven. j Township thirty nine, of runge twenty eight. Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, ' mi itary, and other purposes, will be excluded from : the -ai I 1 ho off ring of the above mentioned landa will , : he e inmeiKe.il on tho day a pointed, and will pro. ceid in Ihe older in whuli Ihi-y are advertised, with all convenient itcspatcti, until tlie wtiote snail nave i been ntti-reil. anil llie sate tlius closed ; uui ine sate ahatl not be kept own longer than two w eeks, and no private entry or h'Citions lor land bounties h-reto. lore granted by iuy law ol Congress for military service rendered lo Ihe Cnitcd Mates of any of the lauds will he admitted, until ufler Ihu cxpuaWun of the two weeks. G.ven under my hand, at the eiiy of Wush ng ton, :1ns twenty. ninth day ol July, Anno Domini ' moueanu eigtll lliinorru anu nny.iwo. MILLAKD I I I.LMtL'i K. Py the President: Jtill.-v. hii.mi.. Acting Commissioner of the Ceneial I.und Ojicc. NOTICK TO THR KMPTION CLAIMANTS, AM) TO I.KSSI-: KJi, tt ( I PAN IS, A.M I'KK Ml I'TKK-S OK Ml.NKIiAL Is.IS Kvrry prraon entitle. i to the nU of pre eruption to an V ol the lumla w it tun the inwi.s.npa ami tract ion al ; t na't'p! above enutner:ili l, is it quircd to eotatdiah l the s.imo to the f afiiH iirlmn ol the Ke'irtter and Uv ' cctvtT at stllw iti-r, und tn.ik(; pavrnont thcrt!or nn !' soon (19 p acttoifU after teeing this vott-e. and ho. I fure the day appoint, d 'or the publ.c aa.e, ollivrwiac j sorb i l i in will be hirk 'tf'd ! And every person Iiu v mf l' e riglit untb'f tlie .id ' cntil'cd 14 At. 3' t lo cie te an tiMci ml l. :d Lis. c y,ct in t! e Tt rntory f W i oi sni. ami tor otho' pu poxe."i.p ro'd 31 VanH, 117. Irssers! oc Upitti or pel tmttre, toenter to tlm ext- r t nf .heir c.itiea r pi rmi a any ol t c lantU w iihin the low n uhi tind tract. Oi.al toHnahipa nlmve enmiier-ncd. ai d w:m are entit'ed under li.e act cniith d " An i aet o rciiiK'e the minimtini pneu of the mineral . ; landa in Ihu Luke Mip-nor lit net in Vi tt h'jjaii. ' and tlie Chipiwrt-.i Omtrii:! ;n Wmeonain'approveil i Qfaih ii pluiiber, 150, " to enti-r the Und eov.'ndj j by tin ir lene. , oeeupaney and permita respective, ly," at iho minimum pru e of !?i 2a pur acre or it cuTcrinj mtre than ut-e full soction, entitled "on H e urn nder cf Mich leai-eor permit at t ie proper i , Land i rr.ee, lo pnrchane, if he lm I leet to do i ore full necliou." at the rat) ot j it) er ,ai're, ia i ; required lo CKtabli-ih the wrtif to the vitiaUei mn i I I ' the Pe!Bior and K cetver at Sii latr, and make j payment therefor e ton eyrflf ticuhl mfter 8eing thi not t re, and before the day appomlrd far tl.e i onimctii'ctiienl of tlie public ei!tot tne lml em brat-inn liie uacl i-larntd, other ie em-h cl.u-'H will p- tfKlnt.d. JHX V ILUN. A'!tk 'V "ifl'liClfi thr f 'i'.t ' t- -K Of j i) Nil- IAS tt CnilKN are prwillvrle rrllirf nut A'iMiejr ilu-ir atoi k muy bu tobiid a irtnicnt of very good aa. Silk Ti-nn, I'.arepo-, Iljrri'e lie Liinra, M'lina fTl "a r"',,.,v "c"'r.T L ki SI n a a hjihui,;, u ya tpt--m- ltIOT4 and furnifhiii)? aiti- EJV '' ' B eenrral uatrirl. W'rlaa IS mint of II A li I W It 13 and CillOCl.- KICK, which Uf.st hv SoU at Mu:t' S'ricc h'.-nire pori'haame their Kail unci'. Cniee and j n'cr tor j onrselvij. and )nil wl'l be a'nni!i' d ho lew Good, ran be told at No. tii-KiH'e ll'iw. LI 1 & COHEN. Aogist 4, IH52. aa.l' l iiittMl Mnlcs Iirntuii ISinf, f t hnii.Hr, K. V., Jlf S9, If 5 J. J rgll!!' nperaiiona uf thii braieh mint will be 'i pviidnl. from t!.c lliili of Auul lo the 4 h ol Ojtohcr iiuit. JAVIKS V O-IJUUNR, fcn pill Inlei drill. i)iiti;c t mi; to tiii: oim iji:i;-v ciTirn. Fare (Jreally llcducrd Through f mm Grernthf.rough. ,Y. Ct to Hichn.tin'l or I'eteitbuig, TUX DOl.I.AKS f 3 Ml I" lino, ..f liur llorac t t'oa c h is, from N. (',, via lo K.clitnoiid and I'eiuratiur,. ia nuw in f..!l rpuriiiit'ii. riinmnt; in connrc ion 4ilh the ! ic' niniiti and runville Kail linuu, rd South b dr Hail f.n:ul from ri-li-rslnr(r LdJVe Ureer.aWo' -crv 'I uad iy, 'I bu a. lay and Saiurdiy, ot 9 A. M, Arrive in ilichuirmd ur l'e. ternl nrj; tri oud d-y Ihcrinlier, in iimr f Jt the eve on ir I'ura Noilli. I.riive Kiul mond or I rleislmrfr ev-'iv Tufmi.iv, ' I I. nr. day i r,d Naturcav. 'it I . M. arnm in Urm ni boro' Kecoi.d day thereafter, in timo fur the Sniul.ury Si t ae?. 'I hia line h'ho connecU at f)unvil!( with the Sta. gca to Ly iichOni j MoLm-.nr.Y a co. T. FLA((i it CO. Si7.f. Julv 23 1 5-2. I Last Notice. I A I ' l'oi" indrbt.d lo the lute firm of Fox -V liftOrr, a are r n ip.trd 'n m 11 a llip-r nnli aniol .. ' eoilnlM on or before ihe J i!v ronrl. an afler that timj they will be plaLfcd III other lldt d I. r collrrtinn. L J KUX. July 2, 18 2. To the People. W W',JUI' invitt the puhlin o'riiitly. tu our 1TH K ISAImU.L., as we arc putlinif tliem un in gtu d et!L, by Pinitrt r vt'tuknif n, and of th hel maitrihl, u fuc', oil w.fu k made hv us is n l to be eurpjsfeed, either in St ! j or I Ujrabihty. W M. J. PLL'MMER, . Tr - ! iaiiCK!! Inxc f I I. nrrsons who do not come forward and nnv tl't'ir town I ax hv the JUlh ol tiita iin-taul, ... " nay expect to puv with inula. . A. II A I, K I Tow 'i Collector Charlotte. Aii'mat 5, 18 :2. 21 12 I laH KI'l, III Mi SsaTlESiJIS L"SJ T II PI auhseriters take il.U meihrjd of inrnrmin,' Ibrir friend, and the pul 1 ic ger.etal'v, 'hat tl.t y now efftir for aulc, a 'ai ge uinl.J of r.ff co t S:le I.cnllicr al their Tannery six n i'ea from Lineoliitoe. Ilav nig furnished their Yard wiih Ihe la'est and rm-l improved I i id of machinery, the aub-er'Sere a-e t n-ah't-d to oli't-r to their eilPttinif re an arl.cle ijual ,o he be. I Northern imk taiineij leather ; at.d a& Lw aa it cm be purehai d any where. Otdera lor the abuve will be at'rnded lo if dircc Ird In Jaeob Ka'ii?oiir Si. Son, l.inen'nlon. 'I he aub.crit e a hi. ve alao ai ifei. Tannerv in Lin. rn nli'ii. a larje aup: ly ol E.xci'lil'llt I pper Slllll liiirill'Sa l.':t(h r. ir aale b w. 40O (' l cf II. 1 1 k uai.Ud ul t! e Laurel Hill 'Paniie'ry. U" A large quantity of HOMF. MADE SHOES, (the bctt ut lirogana.) uir .al.'.on lavin-iuee trois. JAUH1 UA.Mst I K & SON. A igu.-t 5, I?i2. i-iloi DL.WWLSS AM) F.AIi DISKASIiS KADI- t VLI.V I Ki ll. f"hR LE Glil'.NN tf ra to ihoe tullVriug from .y I '..tines?, hi luialhhle Aural reu.cilii e, which have been MiccejiT.lul ;n marly a thnmand eaeca ot' ?oiifi.'nud d,ufoi".. 'Phic u nsr.lit's cr,mprie dif. IVieut ei'ur,..a for die.c of the interna!, mirfdlcand external PJar, nnd hive been pronoiineed by li.ose re libra :ed annuls D't. Kramer, of I), rlin : Lard &. Delcun, of Pane : Curti", Pilther &. Yearaley, of' (guidon a beinj: the most wonderful ai d ifTjettiai cverapplicd lor dlseasia of the internal and middle ; ear : their i (L eta are anoart nt nn Ihu h Ih or tixth i diy. (r. i.e (1. b ahrasts a circ hi every cuae j xherc t la ear i" perteel lu lormaiiun, lie hase gh. ! i, en cert fi -alcs of curra I'rnm llnwe who had hem 1 nrair ami i t in, and h' ae hearing in now complete. ' j V renond, and are cnaM.d lo learn the lam-uage ! The names of over twenty a- veil hundred peraune, who h .ve been cured by Dr. Le B ,may be seen by ap; liration. Putienla, by (ending a ne-cri.iiion of llieir cae, can have remedira aent lo aovriirl P.-rm. 9)5 consultation fee ; till fee lo be paid when the heariiiir is restnri d to its oiigina acult-ncss, or when a watch will be heard lo beat al the distance ol eigliieen feet frnm either ear. N. B. Dr. Lc Hrunn'M Treatise on the Ear and its iWasra, and Treatment of the Deal ai d Dumb iramlated from Ihe French pni e $1. Address Dr. , lrunu, I'uiun Smlare. -New Yu. k Cite. Jjty 7, lew. 2J-'3in Carolina Female CoIIcac. rRl H IS Institution is si mated on the Maui mad lead leg liom Wadcshtiro' lo Saltsbu-y, about len Iroin Ibe fnnne. ami Is in a Vwrv 11 .irtkl... t con.iitioi , eveiy facility hcirg ntf uded for acquiring pound and thorouyH cdueai ion. It (iiu the Fdlrnna.e uf iho outh Carolina Confer, rneeo the M. I. Church, oinli, but cordial y i H' rs , its privilege snd bcnilila to ail, wuhual rc.-pcl to Bert or parties. j Tlie dirt ira of (liristi initv arc iniili atf d w ih tut ; ' reference tn pi rlieuiar Creed ; w.iti Us biosings org. j ed upon the acci ptiuce of aJh i BATKS Or Tl tTIO fi R 5KtM.V np FIVE M NTIIP, ! PAVABl.t IN kl WCt. Tuition in Prep.tiatiiry lnpr.,..mt l-om $ tu $i2. For poard amt I'mtioii, in a I the bunrhii, of H i n atior, exct pt the r ra hi h r inciuuing 1'ut.l, light-. ( pt-r hesrvn, fG'J 50 rXTRAB. Music on P ano, $30 do on Pt.i ii wi'h t.wKar, ziS do on itoilar a!one, fi P.'ajwinj and Pamtn-g in Wutt r Color?, Ill in Oil Culora, J j The 1'rcni h I. manage, ,1 Kmbroider v, 5 i ut: vol. row i Mi ri as, As con rosi: uir. t ac'm v, ia : Kcv. TRACY B WALSH President. Mt til a I and Moral Science. W1I.I1M K. PL A K E, A. M. .Ma hematiea ai d iNaiura' Science. W 11 LI AM StllEliZKU, lostru "ental ai.d ijal Al ,i.-ie. MIS M A l; Y C. WARREN, p'rinth and Music Asi-i-taut. .MISS AM A.N I) .M. COLE, Drawing aud Painttrg. MISS .MARTHA A-SLU'tr. Prepsratoiy Deparimiwi. I'AK II A M SMITH AND LADY, Mevvard and Sttwatde.s. N. II. Pro'esmr Smith baviag resigned Ins Chair of Anrirnt and M -dir i Languarjes, en a. imiioi ol ill.be, 1 h, 'he doi'i-a ci that Cliair sre d.n-td n- eg the r.-o'a nmu Pr.-'ts.-tr . J 'i '. "V j,. New Cabinet Shop. A!in;.a. &, i50i:Afc. fjt KSPKCTKL'I.I.V int'.irm the pi.blie general--ft, ly. that ti ey havo eatahliabdd a Mmp n Char, r.ite, for the pu piiae ol carrynj oi the Cabinet' Huairrr in ail He variona branchea 'liny intciid to keep or) htind and will maiiii:uLtme to order, I I ao lit a, U)iri-:iua, M1 lniir(!a, Ttiblax, i-'i-'ii lt Sl tlrnia, Wnidiubm, TstUtul, Itucltiiiir. 'uin 3llm and WiixlKur l ll.HHS loietlirr i h every other article that may lo' unfit. id in H i ir line of bum.ta.". W II l; I PA 1 li I.N ti at '.nl. il' d fo uiictiiaHy a i d w it Ii the utmost di i.;irtlth. flj I. iik. In r in d n (!! ' I'l :tf ol a I kimia iiikeii in eii hur.;o lor uuik. I ;- I heir Mmp in in tlm building, I door North i'f ll.c Jail aii-l iirariy oj ponie 1 io ti r'a ( arnarte bnp Al! they ath ia mi i a-imiiiatir n ol ihrir Wmk and their pnei a, tor lbi'V arb celiTinillrd lo" ko'l ut tiiu luwtnl priee lor AaJI. J VI r tl. SvAUN DP. US. Pu :v KLIN llOU AII. Cli irlolU. Jn'y 21. yil' N . II. t (ill I N S of any aizc and quiliiy !iri,!(i. rd at l!ie al.orli-al nntro c o..Ais:ia !Su :si on i;i;i , s. c, Y VIC. AYBIW Si II. E. IIAP.I-Y. t;tiA.(.j;s AM) I At l' u i v t y i-.mt. I f! IH-, rrn;,t i-'irr n! I- m.iversMiy Unt-wn and .ki lot' fj iHkI.1'' fd I !ot , tu ivitr IhlB OJ.pf riU I V r.f rcturniHK t.in e-inc ri! I ' oi l;n t i l i t enda and '.' c public itr U.c very lil.i r il ; iitrnn c, lor f. uiiinv ) .nn, (uh(ijfi)td ul il. ir I iiMtu j it I'd be i to ii, l tm t' fin tl .it I e I nfl t.i hi u in o pnti.'etH i; vtitft I iftiM if in I'i1 in un ircin nt of t e bu(iirtM Mr. II . K II ii I Y. Ih i- fjtinf s jr uiii inunly Kupcr. intend tit of ti n lii-oo, whc oriiani'jf m d i;tiru niHt i:g :tiit ittion I uvc utiorded o nuicn fatrslaction tot t tn fpicnhts ol I. v t 'thMiAltteL W c an- not in f.viir of j;reut prcrne, ond driro to avoid ho at m jf. hot we cm a,-iifc w o sio: ! hi o-ir IIo:d tiitil notj ii wi-icli pi:son;il ilfort or l.lwtnl txpei.ditiirr ou ur j-nrt rsn at roinplis.i, to contf 1'ititi to t t ir oniforl til ho loll miduiievour u.i.'i.lii.n hfiiiir in louku tic I OM.VliKt iiUUL ' tti(40ril,v JluMtJ io L..i.-at8. w- t ivot V N. B Mr. II tc' cor k's fine OniniliiiiiM' il'. cm. vcy pa..nrng''r!' to and Iriuiit.'io virioiia llinlroail lle pnU to '.ia Hoi io ; and i.jh tli-gant I 'arrta ji a will alutiva br pruuip ly at li.e at rvico i f lii"se w o d--. ne lo ride about Ihu c.iy or vicit tl o adjoining, country. Julij 14. Is5 . 25tf Jti-'Vfe Ni:Y FIH3I. T K wmild rc'prrtftil'y annomre' trt ti( i iif'dr, I f I hd I w b i v.- It if d.iy lurn.uU i iiintr.-ii p' uiuier t; e name und s'yl'' of )VI-Hl.M.N 1 AVILSOA, for the purpoie of nian-faC'ur'ing j CARRIAGES of rvrv dfurrip' inn. w , , , , ., : nil i'i t- r 1 ;i 1 1 ftiruuss U. ill a wmi! none hn I' t II. CALL WiiliK WAP, RANTED, il-flt I-.PAIXI M; done al ll;e aliorloal notice, and on lli ions! uuilii-riite ti rvii. iLr'Sjicp nn I ry .mi mil Churc1! Sircala, nearly , Ojipnuto lo K rr'a il. u!. I C. OVFRM. ,!- ! G WII.MIN. , Chnlattt. July fi. 1?.")2. 25lt FII m mr r' i'i '.v i;i iiiii; 'ot.vrr, .t. c t. "i ' ' ' ii'i'ea jN'orth of Morm,inn, are new ) "..il C '! : il I - .,1 V Inr (he reeepl inn o' coin pant . ''!: - si. MmiKti-r n'ir'ttt oanwt be ..d ', a - y 1,1 (tu- li.lnor .idle V ATF.K. l.'.G I I.M I S , oi,,,, (I,,. s-aeet Nr.itbCnrolini. I ,ir 1 . ' U I ! S, an well n H.o-i (i kki. o r r. (!:.!. H-a) l.l"'. a S limi er Iteldetire ) alclllutta) lie r, '". e and i.'r mii .. ' '" t ' ti.-r-le. : the phyMi'i. L cel.-' iti.tiuu tt.') t; c ii.usl laslidiLU-i las.ie seeking 'ta '1 be Proprietor I as enlarged his ppaeirus aceom , modnlicna hv cr-rnifeepliji, ,.i'ilii i,,na, .,-d it. prepar. , ed to ri.. .ve u I. A if-.' COMI'AXY. i He will spire r,.. p,n ,i. I contiihutc to ihe here, fit and criilili.-alioiioflh.se who Caror him with llieir eonipauy. IW cal iiiir nn Dr. Ilappnldt, pmprieb r the ".luuilain Ho tl," in Mo, iranlnn, every l.eiear in'iiiniatmn, m-rtaining to the V r.uei.saL Qi alitik ol thee waters, run be obtained. JAMES L LsTES. I',r,pri,tar. June 30, ti . 23-J n ali. Ilnoi .imi IIiimI COLU3I1JIA. S. C. fl.LlAN, PI! Y A t O. a.e,repar,d lo fill all oners for ah, 'i-i r-. Ibi,d, nn.uld.nga ui.d ..iiiiee ofai-y -a'ii rn. ur-s-eri 11 win:', eiiln'ijj and lathfibonrnii!!.', at very leiw priri. 'Ihe ate, ti. n ol Carpenters unit bu.i.tirs is ealini to their e(ab iislimenl. j) yt ' VI liol-a! litliiin lloutc. "OI'KIXSi lMIKCIIILIlv Ho. 2SO, Hallinioi Mrrelf -ia Jj J. -1 Jul y j j jj , P7" FEP rnu.iant.y nn hand a laee. assurtnent rf aHV HEADY M AL E CI OTIII.NG, ol all qua'. Illia, lo which they Invite llie alleiillon of deaiors. l.'l I r. fall SIC & It). 1 1 'ii o 1. 1: s. 1 1. . a u o a: n .v, AND CO M M I I O ?1 1.ICCII t ! T, , No. 33 New Levee, and 6 Commrce St.. LU$. ol BACON fur niiic. II. NKLL, Steil Crtik. July T, 1H50. '.5i( CLOTHU i I ! "CHAT er ;i br more annnyinjj to a man of V f-islnoii, thai, a ehi.pi I. ss, ilsfilsing Coal, Vest, or Shirt, pulling lure, h..ggH.( Bit r', filtuiT nowhire. 'Po uvoiu ttus nui nee with i.bsluto ce.-tuiniy, and to t iiMirr the bea idi i I of rtyls u.-.l beauty, in l'u..ts, Y. ts, W.irts, ot P; tits, it io oiiiv eeetas.irv !er c'l-th tern tn e 11 i,t 11. 11. L. f. WILLIAMS, At Br-wU y'a .tw l'tnkinp. April Is.VJ. ii,- II. SILIW, ;.! his Old Stand, '2 dears la ft i vf Springs' Corner, Charlotte, N. C., 1 Ke-'i-s eon.tantiy on hie-f, IsADI'f LS, HARNESS, TKI'SKV I BRIDLE.-. COLLaKS, f H PK I . UAC.-i CADI-l.E K G. WHIPS, I Fl.Y.NEI S. A.,. All ef which W l 1 besj'il at Ills !mv-t p-i. es, ' lOtuleiak atlld Ktl.'l ' V,; e I'l ),( 1 sSffelfajrtrWeBrXsWHiSS