WILLIAMSON, (Editoh. "$c ift& io &o0, U )oii Soij .rfhj, q.)0 fo jo'i .Duty.' ri T TT' T T 1 n.b. I. J. IlULIUn.t 'fBLKllliH. CT3I2lI:?LIj01,,I,E5, 3XT CL, OCTOBER. G, 1832. HOLTOBI & WILLIAMSON, 1'lUU VUIETOUS. ' were riding along the streets, returning from I prowess or skill, brings the quarry to tbo mountain, the roaring river ai.. tlio uproot- their plantations, and suddenly, across the ground. Hut now the aun was sinking be- ing storm. Ah ! then the is inviting, then Trtii 1" ... nl i" .ft r i itrnt n 1 1 rnttln.l mill ernu-dsl r.f I it t lo I liilifl llo nt.it I...,,. !..: .... ..I 1 i.e. r 1 . . -i - - ius iiufiuciiiiig dmiiii- is ner exposition oi power, aim grandeur, shoutiiiL' boys, and ruddy youths, issued I ows heralded the annroach of niirlit. II.iw n,l nil,lii;i si....h nnr.. tl... uj. .i. .! 'i - I-:,.' r i .l rr.i ...t . .' " '. ...... .on-. l jmi.-i?: j irom me scuooi-ioom, kiiiiu iron, uuuincr sw imy mu uours nau now n away ! v here ol lliuton, mid eueli in part weru his re- ,,.('. mini.. Whiff will he oflurd.-d to ! apartment, laughter-loving littl i! uiisos and tlio oul i.- pleastd, time binds li is downy murks, when puddenly a iiroH.l tluict of WO IHM.I.AKS in uiiv-m-c, or biiiiliiig maioeiM tripped iigim-y along tne . sunuala on. flame deemed to enwrupt the uoum? and fiilimltimeuMy, a clap o! thunder nhivered i lover's btimr reeiproeuted tll.M'll'.ll il. i i i;s M Hr I V I B IS H i vd Ihr tiiree nwntlis. -nd TllhtK s i tin' fiiil ol' tlie ycr. .,.., -ms itim-rtctl l"nr IMI r per wU".r ,r I. f. t i sized tyi ) lr tl- hrst Infer. i thr cioli t-.uiltnu ..nee. (-t.nrt -.ii- ..ml nti" S.lm oh.rsiil 'Jj mt rounding grove. well-worn avenue with atlases, music, slates, and all the parapln rnalia of study in their hands and under their anus, rejoicing to spend the sultry hours of noon in the fami ly parlor, or m the tool Miaues ol tlio sur- n,l a ue.iuiti..nol .iJj ht cct.t. will :m i'h rcsul r pricis, lor ..tivcrtisi rn by rtis. mints inserted lu.mtlily (r 1 1 v r Mj'i re d r e-cli time. St llii. , -('- ,': sr,u .re i' r v ich time. r, ; tm' to the IMitcri. 1 1 p rt. irh. i tl : I'C I'.illtor. Anil h t. , li.r J jIi Wur'. , ir., lnut be iliree. ' i" :ih r. All letters must tie mt.tiu !.. t be .itlell.lt .1 to. e i it lu' iniitie toeitlier. .. .-t. .-!. i'.rr autluirizetl to aet as ojentB. Original poctrn. "Absurd! l'sbaw ! You think the la- finy own state. But I believa the t-pint of them together, and they look quite lovingly dies have no hearts, and that they are improvement i abroad in the laud. I at eat h other." mattlies ; lueitVr iii:itt:l).'f , never t be kin- l'e Iaey. Is the pirit of edueation kee-1 Headur, wore you ever in trouble ! IHib died, unless some beau or other pves uu- ping pace with the spirit of improvenn lit ? yon ever see your brightert prospect von--doubted knowledge of his love. What an' Clinton. I supposd I-might safely say it ish in gloom? Did you ever see tho hope idea! I have known twenty ladies deep in i, although perhaps it is cultivated upon of years dashed asi.lojaiid the etip of sorrow love who never had any evidence of their the rut Imnn system ; not for the love, but placed to your litis ? If you have, you can No, my dear for the proht ; not to cultivate the mind, imagine the lt'elin's ot t Imton at this mo- learn ; why ho just talked a little to mo rccoverud i'Untlv Who has not looked with pleasure upon the happy faees of innocent children as they retire Irom the school-room, w ith completed ta-k, glad that the hour of rest has eome, and glad that the teacher lias given his up nro iiiir siiiil'j to t'tc W"11 recited lesson ! Other days crowd around the soul,and 1 uro I eould repeat it every word now- many little incidents of schooldays are re-IJu,t listen and 111 recite. First, then, called to mind. Some little tree, some ' t,l, rc i 8 black eye, rolling dreamily along, rock, or grassy bank, full of a world of 'h''" beautiful curled lip, a manly fore- ineanin'', where muu hard iroblcm w as ; head, pretty teeth, and a melodious voice, , , . ' , w.i'. I t:t. . .t . . i solved. Milne theorem ilcinoiMratctl, or -" sne. i nRu a ureoin oi poeiry, oou where " Cicsar s liiidiC was cro-scd " or to atoms a tall oak standing at the gate. Cousin, that is a beautiful fiction, invented but to open a wider field for gain. I he re- inent. He thought he would love certainty l'..r a tm All .....m ....i.iihiIa.I . 1.'.. i 1 I... .t. I.. .! .... 1 . 1 . v - i ....! i. .1... .t... r : ..II !........!. I....I. ....t tt.: 4. i.. hl 1 1 invmeiiv uu ntiu a.ii'juiim-11, ailliusi lljf lilt; tames to Cttlict.'ai tneir letun's aill still Ol tills I.-, inui lite y iticssi'tlis ttiu lilt i'tii nii.il Mtitut, jy-x. mm ...ti vain, j wut no was that liandsoinc stranger, that unconscious, when a moan at his si.lc aroused . lead the men astrav. Sum.; ladies think it crowded, e-pceiitlly the Medical and Legal; worse than worm-wood and galh He had as'sh r'Til"!' 1 1 - J" 'reenlee, Clinton from his stupor. There lay the very uulady-like to exhibit any marks of at- w bile acces-ions are daily made, and many never dreamed of her loving Avery. Ho nS,,Vp KM1' ' ' f3'' "o' "'-Vm' ' e,vi,,"."' fair girl trembling in every limK A mo- tachinent to a gentleman, unit ss they are who have the elements of a good education, could brook her not loviri'.' at all, but could overth ' J ''I'"?!'. 8" . ' nC"'A "teiit more, and she was raised in the arms J engaged. To be sure I would not make cast them aside as worthless; not bear her loving another, over e room. 1 ve heen getting my cap 0f the young man, and placed upo lounge any advances, but if a young man wi re to He Lacy. Vet there is an advantage in I In this state of mind he went to the wed- at him all evening. 1 hey Hay one must noar hy. Voter was brought, lur temples show me any marked attention, and I could this. Thus a society of educated farmers ding of bis friend, but his heart was not learn to love, but oh! how easy it t to i.,i ,i i i ... 1 . ........ ., . , . , ... ,, , ,. . , . ,-. . .1 1 .... . .1 ..." 1 1 1UICU, aim return 1113 love, I W'tUlll liy ail llieilllS UCIl- wn sjoillg up, UNO collier lltoiv re.tl MCIieiu tin-ltt. .vtl-ei, l.iipj' litces vteic uiu.iiiu I material caUly let him kuow it, otherwise he might than those professional men, who live upon him and the silver-toned voice of tfie fair :y-ui stroke, never propose, considering my couefitlicut t-t.liei r in ctertjut of ih ,r k!!w n -u. '! sou ..let 111 Ins ear.! a lie was ahstrt.c.- 101 tli-ri ":id." ' "'o an advocate lor educated tanners, and led, anu tallica 111 01-joiiiicu ,iow.- " Yes but I'iiuiiie, the y. inn.' men con- 1 almost invariably set tins buhjtct before .'lusie tloated m the hall, throwing a magic elude when a j:iil is easily won, she i-. not wt.ith 1)4111. You always s. t a higher es timate upon that wlih li 1 -( the mote. ' l.it- i '.K THE N. ( . V. Ill I. Ti Kiss S. of Worth Carolina. U 11 It iKillir foiev lll't tile tt.l i! lit" Lit lliV t-.tr '.r .r ht r '.i.-. li- m be .llt.l'iil I, v 1 S'line hard nciitenee in tiruk mastered, will ri-c spontaneously to the mind. Ku n in the bury years ol alter lile, in the heart of the aliuo.-t heartless Worldling, some as sociation will renew the past, and the man is ..nee more a boy, ready to frolic or finht, to learn or to loiter, to study or play. It Is cert a ill th.it these thought passed in the mind of Clinton How art! as he sat mu iiii; in that village inn, but it as evident that Lis thoughts were on the wing, for while the good ln)-t came smiling and bowing, he inti-ed on till the ma 'ic word .limn r, or tin discordant gong, 1 torg.-t which, arou injury ; she was only itunm ami her weak nerves cave way. while th others sustained it without being overpow ered. The wind now r ie fearfully, ami the crash of thunder, now vie4 with the crash of the fore-t trees ; while tliers, too lirmlv rooted, swayed to anil fin, like lrunkcii men. The building rocked' upon its fuutula ti.. l.;!.. .(... ...... 1.. r 11 :.. 1 1 . , . i"n, ...it.- in., uui it'ui-cs. n 11 in neaps ami " i hut M , u 1., 1 t l.iu .1 1, n t . . . , .... ..-.j.. ....w..., ...... ,(, u. lias run away with your heart: sense, an erect form, ami and a that's all that s the lesson." " Will, I than vmir )ou love much, know you are must have me you must Mr. W mi t ou, sav ' Mr. How. r,l '' Yes, Mr. Howard from North Carotins I tell you ; he is more handsome own Augustus IV Lacy, w limn Now blush, Kll.11 ; but I engaged to him. and you for bridesmaid ! I lh Howard for groomsman dear I'.lleu "." the nccs were h vt led tu the eroiiut.. and material carried far of l v the racing Hut the sturm abut. "I and Ciiiituii is vmir dahl tie trouble, little worth, i- a true adage.'' "I )ut upon vmir true adage'. S e tl.i- rini. 011 my linger. It w as u pre-cut. I v. mi l not take a hundred dollar- lor it, nor give it t r all the iiiigs in 1 n 11 web r si, "p. S lerc storm. retired to his room, wonnering at the strange a.l v eiiture of the day, but Ins llem.liti still hung ar 'inn the beauliliil J0"- creature he bad iut rai-ed from the fio.ir almost lifeless. How out toward 1 ht r. ! intelligent, ho tohle. Ills ll' llt e was j.j a and vt s was .TCI ;, nr.t I: V II , It .1 . '.,.! II : ! I - .... I - t n, t .t spit dor I ..iri.i I "in. 11 in. 1' M. J. him. lie was the otnv stranger, an bust was ili-po-etl t'j be familiar "being riitie, Clinton soon found r-ation, durin, Cat". ina the trat Her. w In Is 1(1(1- t u In. h 'V la st w ; f:- t I - r. 1 I 1 I wit' 1 1 .. .I. .1 ,y lit- ..'n' t ; i 1 in an aniii.ate.1 conv the li.nni ' North .it titalK (Iropi.e.l bv the C'itii:t. iiiii.t e t I tin the innkeeper bright " Have uU Intel v pa --iid tbi old SlatuT" " 1 am a native i f that State, -ir. am now "ii 11 y ti. -t expedition 1 r 111 hone, and xoil s.e 1 have Walid'Ted a J r . 1 1 y good dis tal, ee aw ay. ' drawn ble. so Idlikc; ,...,,1.1 I... I...I,. l..,l !..,.. I,,.r I'.,. ,1 I... .. 1... ...1.1 .11.1 . .. lit 1 . . I sit- .1 " .1" t"i'i me nn at, out in v mu noiiic, ami tne f, r ,.it t , l(...;n.... i I .'louiuaius, aim .iini ;vniic, and x oiiiu l.el.ii.d .1 as our "''tlie, and Kliia, and James, and every 1 ,. ,(,. v 1 .. 1 1 . .. . . . 1 . , 1 . . without "ooy. lien uih nie na.lv with him wlitu Liiu-elf be srocs home, and then I 1! sec them all my. h, "'" with N t ; the value lileasiitc it all ation. 1 " True, bat ihe len is gr, ally enliaii session, alter lal ..t e .1 Would on p; of an iirt.ele e d-, either by pr rt from it. .11 -i-1 - III the .lit Of .l.--oet- my pupils. 1 be Agricultural ami .'iim-ic-rial callings are in want of education more than any other. The ignorant fanner en deavors to walk in the .-leps of hi- lather, and would as soon attempt tin: culture of cotton in Maine its in 'le.xas, and th" igno rant Minister endeavors to till up with en-tliii-ia-m what he lacks in intelligence. This may let be the c.'t-c ill the Atlantic States, and it certainly is not, in some de nominations, v. t it is the case in the wild spell around all hut linn, hut he heeded it not. Presently it was proposed that they should promenade in the moon lit flower garden. Clinton aro-e, and proffered bis arm to Mag. and they followed the throng. A s.iiiar.' of wild mange trees encompassed ench half of tin- garden, and within these s.jiiarcs concentric circles of boxwood, de creasing toward tin: eeti're, filled alternate with rose bushes, pinks and the whole isala- f fbiwering plants. wcs still green ; I'1 a-iit'- of a-soeiaiioii ! e.l by e.'iitr.-t-t. I'os. s -' a 1 i ll. is i dteii made Mr. Hiiiip.. he inquired, u: tl. it go 1 1 1 am .v'-. ibi t-, 111:1 ' i V 11 row t ehl, p rt'tig I., hi 11 , -i mj rtivv -t.. 1,-t, ' 1... 'i iirt in. e.l! th.-e :. r;i t'eiiity -In . t iiriLstoii, : -t for r " 'I hen. sir. you tire doul-'y wei' "iiie, f r I .'1111. m seif, Irom the we-t. m part of .North Carjiina, and shall be ever glad to r.e.i'.e in my Louse, ail who tome tr-mi my loriin-r home. I left my own St..t , b d on by the tertiiity ol t'ui-w --'. rn l-tu I. and partly be cause in mv 011i1g1 r tlavs I loved to ro.r, and the wicl 1 !an,. r u! tb" t ha-e was mu-ii; to myt ar-. K.'inain a w. 1 1:, -:r, or a ino'ith. it we will .'till U s walk - t- ;.t' , . nt. I" Original Calc. Mag wiil be the way and dan initiate XoU into liut liinn.r I pan r ; Mrs ha py to sen tl n;,' 1 light. -I g mat aith bi 1005-BAY STORY. l;v I.xn'. oi v. 1,' an solne .it . j t j r over ; let li l'hi.ips and Voll.' He then led l.iiu to liis vvif a good 1. it ired 1 'ok' 1 fjrtv year of age. II CO'llitelialiee. and gelitieness pngere eve. She Wa -mall ..f -'attire but r mild firm, inclined t-t ote-itv, liillible i.l lu r -h p, illdiejtin. of busiiie -, w ho eared l. 't t introduced , the former "11 of 11! ..lit -nu.-'l 111 li. r I III tier !' a till but -nil woiiiait l.rni" th r tie rl.ern .lone i the I- bef .n-s h tl - 1-ek CHAI'TKIt I. n .omlay -uu ' when like a -kv, and the .re him ' nth is its prai-es eel Who can d.-. monarch, he mo-t daring , ro-y. linger l.oed by every arl V i-iioiigli t . v lew the ruddy the ea-tel'll -k'V, while peariv and ceremonies of the day. . t with a g ,od ri. -s of heart, and a .-w. tie of ipr. -ioii, that rendered her bi.bly a.:r. cab;.- in cmi veisati . '1 he d.i j.'liter was ju-t blu-lnng ilit(to 1 on-ci "is vv.jin ;i 11L ol. li. r dark Lair iiting in cur!s ai ouii ' h-r -boulders, re- v aling a le t k that cubl let be a I clan sun. And siil.ie :d v - 'jiiivt r on the petal Iv.ciiing twnigbt : poe-v, and the star- the purple canopy ot d-jiai ting ;r:ift ' ut the drip is -a.-re I to pt-eoing out: purple ca:e it and pleasing thought- inn -ha les and sacred -ib-ncc the page of the rhap-odi-t. w. ring, radiant, tram-cc li mine 11 ion. wiieli the wojciaiiii gath.-r in the towering oak or . lei. and fn.e ticir tin ,at- in i.-n iirni and bt a-t flee from its i iv-. like tie: inhabitant- of ,-oiiie . t!'"Ui tin- A-iatie cholera ; when igli-. and the gra-bopper ri-.s tiie air. and the attuo-phcre datzl.-s -ad ia t ion of heat, has none to r.i;-'-. tiom; to weave her glowing -t. tie 11 umbers; an-'! yet It is the mo j,.,rti .11 of the day it' brillian-g!-rv and mageilieecue eoii't:tute 1. ' t the -ubiinie. I bei-ve, hoW- authors lay down dark lies-, gi ooin, j,. tn.fi rl.tint v, a- the pnnei.al i! t'e- -iib'iiuie. J Ii t our obj.-et is il'lnn'tv , I ,;t to recount tune- ami ini-t irtune-, sill, nine purti ui of the Li- bor-e, tbrougli thi' n i'ls the " Lone Star liuw w 1 i . : I v I ut. 'ul ! us w- 's il ill V If: ... -p. w v t sii '' : -' r tt n lu.w i.c 1! I., r e Ibi tl in II t , I'l u Uliuh tl ( lul. il ' " T here was a certain indefinable (Ip imi about tho-e full limiting lips, tho-e -li l ie, that I l is n uaiit t: ut Inch gat e toK' il ot Lief 1 ler form w a r.-s- glll- st. pped as 1 over in r I bc.mti!..l, skilled 111 tl an air ol that sought t r ro- to description, good humored 111 i 1- t and 1 la-tie.and -I.e hind thai bounded i'-t. Siie v as led ii't attractive ; she wa not e t. cliiiic il.ties ot the world, but ..III. --, of hear, felt politeness another s happitie , yt seemed I.. :bt as the ilivc prai: :,tl. i -tel u W ihl i s, forests IT I II ,. I" 11,1- - "f. , s, and ! the roll the , mi'.-, 1 .y bet wet The dear home 1 . perhaps f'ireve fit'li'T s parting and loud emhraei 11 him and I his clnl'l- ; and the blessing, a , a si-t. r -1 Li.lt- " Ihd he promise to take you along him ?" ' No, not exactly, but he looked when he thought about it." 'Thought about it ! Hid he tell v hat he thought ' ' ' Tell me ! Why no, he need not that ; I can 1. 11 what the gentlemen think when I talk to them. They ju-t think what we think ; ' as face answercth to face in the L'la-s ' but I will not tiiote Scripture W li. n we talk good -hiini'. redly and familiar ly, and sweetly, and look at tbem occasion ally, and let them detect us with a kind f smile, they think that we are taking obs. r v.iti in-, an 1 making calculations :t-, t haw well they please u, mid they think too. how well they would b.ve to press our hand, and ay, "My tlear, how I do love you,' but tV. n they are a little a'r titl that we wont hav e th'lu, that e tl. 01 t love them, .( . -.,,,1 tlo ti if we jiiiile that is w In n we do love, th.y will be bolder, and it elo-e by o.ir -ide, and sigh a little, and talk very low. as if they w. re afi aid of s .m. body in t'i" piano, and then and then th.-v will tell us all about it, and we'll get .eared, and they too, but we'll blush and sav, ' ', so softly, but they can hear it That s tlie way people court, i-tl t it KUell ? 1'il not Ie Lacy tb. that way" And she went off in a fit of laughter at her own 1 ipa-itimi, and at the confu-ioti of the blu-lnng Klh-n, who had never yt t I reath' d her love to any one but l'e Lacy, b.tau-e she thought il desecration to so hallowed a feeling to unfold it o her fri. tid. Hot to avoid all further tonne! H, especial ly in ( otiip inv, she told lo r ta'. to '!.e bliss, fulv.t trustful Mag, with the t acreil . c -ti"ii, never even to think of it except when nb'iie, le-t he "honld reveal it unwittingly. She also told lor that he wi-hed her to be her attendant in reality, and that she would pursiiade An Mi-tin to invite Clinton if M tg wi-lu d it, provided he remained " I do wish it 111 ' ir,ihiii,' and you may cxpei : it I. I f -o, or I will not 1 e brides maid," :tid Mag, laii"hing. After some further conversation, they passed into the parlor, mid Mug introduced lor friend to Mr. Howard A half lenir picd away, and Kib'ii aro-e to tit part, and Clint' 11 attended her to her home, where the fami ly w. re found sitting on the nio.,n lit piazza, and among tle'in, He Lacy, who bad a few minutes before conic from the toils of the ehool room. He was a man of fine, open, expreive features, fair haired, blue-eyed, but looking somewhat languid from nccs sivc incut il labor His pupils were numer ous, and the burden of government and in struction to so many, was too heavy f . r hi delicate constitution. Clinton refused the invitation to rmriin, so ho-pitably tendered by M r I reenlee, but promised to call the next evening if he re mained So saying lie took bis departure CII APTLT. III. The slln had gone down, and the bliih ing twilight -till bung upon the sky. Some orange tinted clouds moved silently over the vve-t. rn horizon, forming nil kinds of mu he had b it curred to his tn.nd. Hal she be would undoiibedlv have dis closed his lute .-, Hr, but s,e was far, far away I rhaps she loved 1,111 not Per il ips In r heart was another already. ISut then she was so modest, ard sometimes confused in Lis. pri st nee, especially if any strangers were ruesi-nt. Sbe would talk to others very fluently but ne.t r to bun with Jou out some hesitation. Whai c-uiid il mean ' Wrj- Ins company tli-agrc. al ! It cubl le t be hate, it could not e d..ike. Sim had never avoided him at home She had never spo'.en heart!, s-ly ., him, but uni formly, kind, and with a i.ii!e. Put what meant that smile ' ' ( lh '. I ovt foolish I was, not to know in v destiiiv, ere - mativ htiii- exipii-itc ! li'iiity." " ti rant uu t li'.- P lin n. I r 1 nee of the if- W.....U of the we-t To tl.e-e direct my pupils. I shall sh attention to Agriculture, a place i- supplied ill the Acad ( 'lint'di. I admit that the two 1' allings I but the time for flowers had gone by. Iu itly turn soon as my. e t'" my mv d. w o.lld avail n In of w.,b! the v. r t!.. irl TbelivX ' '!' th- bv a slmul I., .w it I ,1 v ing dred n:;k-i intern ncd," murmured he to him self. Atnl then be cm-l tided that there was a mystery about a wouiuti's heart that lie could ii .t unravel: that she was an anomaly m nature,- nt to iurra-s the minds of lovers and vt 1 their righteous wul," till marriage, and then an angel iter alter, to console, to be, f.) render home a pars disc and drive every cloud of care frmn the l.i-owoi ttv,..M. ,l ' ' - How wise! Hut he dripped int. the land i I the und-t 't ,i solemn . I5.il ' liilioi ious seiireh, ' if ci'oiv lied the lal"r '" "W here Would be the j lovc.it the ladies drive away Cold exterior .'" " I hut is not in ces-ary k now that it is t he pri v il stand upon the .b !. n-ive " ll 'W should they kil them hiiuian creature-, we Lave I. ehngs ail will, t i a certain degree, expo llovveter, to c!o-e tin- argument vi-e Voii always t . give a little encourage meiit, when vo'i wi-ht -be addressed. It I im ton sin hi Id ret urn, and -ho v yu any pai ti il ities, reciive them with -iiii!' -, , i.tiiiding Iv. and with an enco.ir igiag I 'k P. in-v, me for once, that tbt re are one ta in.' ii:-i who n I ciiccirageicc nl. 'd-e th.y wiil le ver advance b.yonl mere outward slt-u ti .lis and marks of . -h . in Uh.-rs will ne m r de-i-t from tin ir attentions wi'Snut i dow nrigl.t refusal."" , 'Ihe two toii-iii- then retired, as the mail carrier rode p i-t ann mt.' m . " no b t! r. profes. .-i ui- arc i.i need of more clue ation, v. t I would bv no im aiis turn the attention of all to the-c t.vo. Tin re are some vtlio Lave no talent f.r ..rat'iv, ciio -.iiieiitlv would id make uiiiii-tcr-, cv mi il be liii-el the , .jlll ' T pi ' Tb ntly -, an mid e oii-i'ii-r o-e that t. cilllgs. thelll. t llic il'l- tnn-, but ' i t should i eg mind may rcc ive am pi.r-uit, of w Inch lingo ii.t'i, and tt u I;, and so spend a ittle g I to Sol i. ic. iiupropi'i. ty in ca'.i ine particular pr .fcs- t ,r hiui-t II. do dc ! tr si., r- r mind that yt itli gr. at caution, it i.- I " l"ll .V.e.l. "I !,. Vollll a bia- in f f. "r of a t.-rl: it ki. 'W inile, may p Lave ii i hearl in tin- w dl-eoiitclitcl life, in, Il V II "V . V.T, I -I ing the alienti ,n t . si .i. and let tlie student cl At ti.i. th" i ., r-atioll cb-cd f p- r ; a'cl tin- night wa- wl.il. d ! mate e..nvi r :u, m and lun-ic the j ..,!, . and tin: g:.;tar. The mg !, I. icv call, d t make a t . I ::ni '-i. it I.i . :.. :t: a. - a i.i.ils v ere s.ji!,, H-nt t 1 ta'iv 1 nil school Alt- r some d.-. m--i wing "f nothing .!-.. Ii ci.gr, ,'icy ti rcc,, nil Li- place the centre ol cue square was au arbor sup plied with seats. '1 o this the two wended their way. and were seated side, by side in sil. ii-e. Mag at, length broke the silence, with the remark that she had received a valuable pr.-.-t nt that evening. " And might I cii.piire what it is?"' Woili'l let I Uess . yet would I I) 1 cruiti'it. You tiiigt vceeivc a thou- - a eh ice iu sand and I ml guc-s." be f .lloWt .l " Hu ll I 11 show It V0I1. ig slu- placed Li r hand on Lis and rauliful ling that ciieiielt d her pointed to u. I linger. Clint o.'i h. ld h( r baud aad examined tho ring lli.-i baud c!aij."i 011 hers, as bo replied, ' Tis a beautiful ring, well worthy of tho doner, be h. lov.-r or friend.'' " (1, it is n- l a 1 svt. I'l l yoti not know slip- I II' away 111 ai u at in xt cv, :i- pr p . -iti-.il v. r lvml a 1 'Vt r in mv II" W"s about .1-1. tail lh iciiid a id b N oi I'l l', y 11 r two tb: life t . n ply " You have one fiimi:!it of JS.iry aro.e in an-ncr-d, ,.1 know ol". perhaps, but a t have never ti!d y :U of kn I'm th. Hi r ,'tte of abi of d reams, reply. CHAI'TKII I Let us v w turn l i .North is a 'ul t pt . xceful iiioriiiiig, is sii;l bes,an., with the il. stoo l upon a gentle hill, r highway ran by the d ",r, 1 we-teni side from a w o il, ! tern passing through a b ng gradually rese,.,,li,,j, ,, a rr ri-mg till a -iitl'lcu bend shut Irom the port , 0. Two voting twined in cacli otLcr's arm-, -: nailing from end to end of (hi st cacti end -topping to ut tw -hare Carolina. It ml the grass A 111.11.-i' 11 1 the public imiig on th. 'It "II the e:l-. -f light Ian.-, k, and th.-n ut the v lew l.vh -s were wly oronie- p-.rti. run humor, a 11"! per v 1 r- ti. -s, in an open .'and r, t ccalinent , an I p'-rha lit v . oi l duty to at tunes im.ht L on th- - a k In 11 nt ce- V f.rl ..ne le . f virtu will let'. l.er nat'ii ', that d: '! th liiliid up mi 1 a ! . . I II" of , but ,1 Mr. l'e I, tru-te. s t" t. -tintoniai le .ki , . v. iiii a -ii! .... i :!,, 1 !.. 1 ntl were ii-m - I .i, f ll; C ,., "Us duties i::i .' 1 tie I dint jii, : in, .-iif- biiii to U.'-lilh-. ' uffici.-il , At ad- in, t- - -i i:; ,a 1 ; tl .1 .i.i f :; ii.i.d. . im f 111 e.'iifu-s. I ale id , w hi .. rate that poor pris ,r y .u might commit .' ' said she, archly. 1, for he was pressing I ab-ti .n timi ; but 1m le !Ue belied smiiiirj- uht o I ui its dl l r and and t r. 0 lit tin- a I, error el an ( ir.ir seldom i-'i'l" . f in . b rn day w :i 1 1 .'ll. eii y c a r- "Id , -k lied iii the "formalities I ! 1 1 ' v s- nt I r mi li .me All who I w hi li 1 pmg dbiiic , the p.i.l gar. ' if tl 0iC d. ah, 11 ir f , aii'l the : the rtillie Uiiillg th' - : and the la-t half--miliii'g, i:i-iii. ianeholy farewell ol the gen ding Marv, as he presed h'-r band time, thiilli d through his sou! t end, ,f lightning. Ills face was ir-i- th" grjund, and the tear of v a- s ir'in ' iu his eye He raised , a -miling village lay Indole him, sb-ej vl.ii" lot'ages and inau-io ' .-. I li-moiiiitiiig at the -ri of Africa sei.d hi- ' 1 I illg -in lie nt otiier s w caktie-s, made li. r 11 r i-tablv charming. And as slm -aiig tin: wild notes ol le r wild country.of the wild In tlirin. and the fleet Antelope, th- prairie's wil derness of flowers and eager i h.i-'-.y.iu Would . t lu r down a- some wild iivmpli ol olden times, who had fled to tin to linger lor. ver in the 1 Put when she- swept the snowy keys, and murmured the t .ne- of love in melting ac cents, you would almo-t call lu r the impi r--0I1 -tloli of the t'v piiall IJuri 11. The eveniii" rolled on at th. y talked of tli-tai.t -cei.es ; wlnl" Clinton r. counte deed- of bis distant home, where Yadkin and the Catawba, w lit re the Plui Kidge ri-trs in the air, and where the gii-h- .tream da-hes f rolll t n: M oU II t a i 11 clc II . the vve-t. rn horizon, lcaniii" luriou-lv over the -helving r.ck ; or fanta-tie shapes ; sometimes as a ship, they where tin: wand, ring vi-itor stands on some dizzy height, and bt holds a thousand 1111 rlnh.iiiir hilU. a thousand peak-, and a thu-and (aims lyig in three different would rise over mountain, piled on heaps . :r . t .. .1: . I-..:.... .l.(r i.wl fitt-r..l r.i'eeu.1. lites -ti'i'tclied OUI us 11 mi I -Una's lie- u i-pi a I ii-; iui;".'. ,,i ,-.-..-- f.,re him. He t ils of the French Jiroad ce.. At length they began t . i i : i . i'... . i A.., ...... aring ny in sine, ni i'.ju.i.i, ...is,,,,,, ,,.,...... . iii" in lory, in, lar dciii ,un in- na i, western m.:-"'!'1 mad with anxious eye tb pended uj -;: in Irom ( it her w ay "Cmi-in Mary, sai l one, "why are you loukiiig so anxiously- towards the creek ' "! Piiiinie, look w hat a in autilul flow er isht rc! is it not the mo-t hcnitilul dahlia yml ever saw " " It is certainly a beautiful fl 'Wr, but I can see no council-. n b. twe.-i; that 11 w r and your watching the pubn- road. I do not know tL.tt th.-re i-, but 1 haipeiied to espy the flow, r, ju-t at the iii unent y. u spoke. I -i y in know the hliguage of the flower '"' " I believe it signifies "K ri ver thim ?"' ' What a beautiful language ! And if gentl'-ma 11 would give you a dahlia, wliat would you think he meant.'-' "If he iiiider-tiod the language, and was careful to select that particular flow i l for lue. I woud take it in carin-t." 'Would you in reality" There was a prntli man gave me one about six weeks ago, and told me to preserve it in memory of him. He aid lie ad mired the flower ; it w a so rich, and besides it Lad ueh a beautiful language." " And did he say no more' Hid ym preserve the flower " ' " He said no iimre, and I t "k the flivv er, anil shall k'n p it till I see Lim again." " And how soon will y.m n Lim again, if you will ,ilb w me to a-k '" "Perhaps it may be a V'-ir, perhaps true I pre. . h . ii with pr.md d coii ari -to- found in the p .!. Mi'v ll.iviiiu r Well ed'iicalcd. an "f f:.s,i..ti:.U- hf. she had ne j u . r d t h- "p: ni vail in the ari-t .. r.itie b and to a certain xt' lit cirri. ' h. r int.. domestic III' She ler arit"cratie in fe.ding. a- t! mmily implies, but she had tin cracy. a relin. tr'.- nt of feeling, mind , com! in. d w it h v ar i.e.is r that raised h r s. mile h 1 1 aim of her less ai.-.e iliip.i d ( I such wastht uiiiem opinion, it we mav judge frmn lu r p j -1 '. t r 1 1 v , among both males and females. Y. t I. r f-.nd admirers generally left ler with a .1 1 - - :t I i - ti. I air, some tleclai ing that Ler In ait was made .,t ice, others that she lailjlnd theill cut ..I can aj pn this mi. x education w to ll, 1 nil lung id til i iiApii.ii vi. ia-..- bt en ill a -imil ir situ-i'mn iat" the led,. e.f I 'In, toll at i eted g. i. "1 f o tunc. lie had an and nothing to do. His res..uir- iin long. He , and h. cmil orn-r in ' 7 -'"' Cii t h r ! relan 1 bi- I, ly upon ti in Sh ;t'y after this the pnty a!l n tirtd t the j.-iri r in. 1 a few hours more were while! away inj.-vou- enver-a ji..-n. Thi.t i-i.-Li Cliiil n wr.-tc t" Lis friend, reipiestiii'' b'iu I disr .ver if t v. r Lis letter Lad reach ed its .b inaii .ii, .-.n l to fuel out, frmn Avery if p. il.l , if let from other sources, ifli - soit P. M irv was agreeable, and rt- i.lld let la-t vv itiioiit labo illsdallli d let d port t.. Lim iinm flung Liiii-elf sleeii. The i uil'il'l' ciiipl'.y in 'lit at tioii.e. .'lu.li- laii,,ns tl id- lltcillellt-. the I. V. I ; at I. i-t M l. - -I tiitrane 1 s:p:ili..ii ! 1:1 I 'I . I mu countenance, and (.tin r- that she was a heartless, co.ii. it". Ilaviu; In eoine ea rl y ae.piaiiited with L. r, rind seen ler in h.r I van-Hi'- moods, y.-un g .ward could agree with neither opiiii, n. but n l emld let uu ! der-tali'l her himself, and w as cm tain of I ; but one thing, that i-, that In- lov. d h. r i He knew she w as no e..,ii. tic, for -I,,- soii-ht 1 m.t ndniirer-, iiortr,t!el wiih any. H,a' 'he ; w as ii"t hern tle-s, I,,- knew from ac.pinint i aiicc, but whether she loved, hated, or Was : indifb rent to him, he could led decipher. 'Thus Le left In i, under a promise t i cor respond with le r f"i the sake ,,f ,,ld 1'iiend ' sl.ip(') would st, rend their airv canvass to the l inger, and I may m vi r, no n breeze, and float through a sea of Liucralds him again. "' in L'raii 1 magnificence. Again mountain r and ye among dllZ- Inii, a hor-e, lim-elf into a chair in the r. nd. r"d himself to repose. His n d over the village as it lay .-it before him. Il was a real in village, that had sprung up ,r-. In houcs w ere wide apart , d irregiilal ly along the main .. near the .-haded sidewalks, viek, with spacious yards of or I, i iibl.ery, mingled with native 1'i.ile the w ater-cotisiimcd rock, and uumi, ing in its banks as sweet a the -mile I up by angels whi-pcrs mi the dim- pled face of sleeping chii'lhool. He tells her of her distant lliend-, and the home where she once played in merry childhood along the banks of "her natal stream, and she U-teris iu wrapt attention. Her bosom heaves. 'Ihe teardrop starts ill her eye, and she loves the cloipn nt stl anger, becau-e he came from le r former home, because ,js eye sparkled with pleasure as he re counted the S( ( lies of that home, and be- I like "Hear Cni in! Who can it be I don't know of any one nlmin you may never see again Tell me, Mary, who it is." " Well, I II tell you but t. II It to no one. Hi you promise." "'Yes.'' " Il is Mr. Howard. I. " Which Mr. Howard ' ii y it i1' uncertain." "Clinton Howard. He graduated a year ago, and is now gone, I know not whither, it may he to California. He left lu re f.r the we-t & few weeks ngo, and he has I u knot know , him '" so tua- larkeii, and ro-c slowly over tne ih nce reigned around. The village was wrapped in darkness, and not a breath stirred in the adjoining prove. Clinton was sitting along watching the gathering clouds. A low murmuring sound was heard iu the air, ami then a faint glim mering of lightning played from cloud to cloud, i-rowim.' brighter and brighter at each Micicediii" flash, and the hoarse riot been bcrir'l of since, though he prolui: thunder rolled iimre loudly as the sound- to n rite every few days, ing KpiadrmH of the sky approached. "Ah, Cousin, Cousin! I've found out a Soon the heavens were, dark with angry secret. I know why you looked so anxious- ..loud ubil.- the thunder rolled incessant- lv down the road, oil are looking tor ihe Iv now loud and then alino-t d ving away mail carrier to bring you a h tier Irmn bim. j I t ie (li-tance. .lr. 1 luiiltis and III 1 on thought, you w oilld ev aue me, mu i CII APT MP. V. The iimming !! r the event -.ft! chapter, the sun M-. bcriutitiii the world in an oceau of light f. cts of the storm were dcv.-i -tatnr trees were torn down fir and widi , fences were lying in the -tre t or s over the fields ; barns and hitch. torn to the foundation. A!l was a bustle and Ini-y lal "r to repair the That evening according t i (! mi -, called at Mr I ireeiib c's re-i lcie-e. Iv after, seho d w as di-ini I, an I cv came and seated Imn-elf m tin circle. He was boarding at Mr. Hi'cc w bile engaged in coii'lintiiig tho s. h Soon an animal'-d env m si,i,.n was - up, a part of which we will transcribe. Clinton Miss (irei nice, I mu highly de lighted with the appearance . .f your village. It Las an air of w iidness about it that I bvc third cm eloping P. it the ef- The tlid the atlmed s Were Cl f b.sS Clinton Short- ! I.a farnilv eel. Ice's howl. fling in Klimi. I snppo in the older slates d' the ini.bt of tin in, in "linton Hy no ne ry , sonic of them are the 111' i '.lies. Here it ti Mil V ilK S (jf .Ji pie ro-c tow ard il little cottage -ainiiii, there . 1 ,,. '.i.ciir'ini'i' mu JVsdeiiioiii.'i, she gave h. r hi ai t b( cau-e of datight. r now joined Mr Howard, as ho caught you clearly. Now ym might as well li i-,le 'ud she was not. silent, but when stood watching the warring elements. Na- acknowledge all; lir-t, that be loves you; HI s tai . t . . , , ; . . 1 1 .. i. .., I,., .. I,!,,, ,,.l 1 1.;,-,1 li sted she told ot tin- villa " amuse- ture is always i.eauuiui, hushes o. u.-i-i , is j.uiin " ....v ...... , j the cloud-, all beautiful van. ty. At "tie place nmm d fore.-t overhung the street, ii 'he -Lady (I' ll tin: village rivulet I along, and the village spring :' '.ry.'ni w-.t-.rf. 'i'l'o fifttn.rs Sec her beauties arc that you are engaged to htm. t. ...... . it .oi l. ri,,,, wave fields the boating excursions on most enticing, her scenery n, ...st grand anu , i .shall not acknowledge any tiniiK, run ring, wavy -' ,' , ., . I ... .. ,l,a n:.th- J l.o, h... ...s. ,.r !,. ( n whisnere.l be- Ihc river, and the chase; I .r tlie western .ineresiiii'-. v v.. . ... - ' "-' " ' , ., ' IIII. ' . ., -i , I . .: .1..:.. (I. t,,i,r..,nrih,f I.. , T Ln.,w n.t fhut hi. lot-esi ntC. I.. ... ..I.. ....t null l.e I.I.I .1 I 11! VII- lllldtliailllir 1'nilll, ' ns.,. ." ..w-s m-'v , 1 '"'-' - , - ., . . r. ll..:.... .I.... the game on nature s ,-trcam, aim tuo son, mowing '. .1 ... ...... I. h - I.. the nriiirii. it s (to w . but w he ll s lie is UU" r v inent-', mo on. , .- - ., . , tnterestiiig. ia-sc I age t w a in pur- and it would be absurd to accuse nic of oh J -ti dler-l-i but d-e fhg nryed "'.il and iho kcrty I h"inf pm "v'jo p?vcr I "- Ir-v t':. 1 1 tow i:s and v illngcs not Lave proves in tur.s Las ' alls. In the contra luvvtlctl t ig. t In-r. and the gn titer part look dilapidated. Still, lovvevt r, there arc some that are prosper ing. Mr. lireciibc. I have lately received a letter frmn Virginia, and 1 am informed, that some of the best portions, of the roun try, with which I was intimately acquaint ed' twenty years ago, are now in a state of ruin. The old farmers have died, and their farms have been portioned out, ami .old, while the rising eeiii ratiof have emigrated. ig lie :i immediately ti their hf.- .- iiiiiifii.-c a round of til-, i -beer idleii ' -s. The time iuu-t I c 1 j . nt cith.r in p.. a- ir'' or lal, or. Pica. nr.- l.innot withh d 1 it- votaries limn wick-oliics". and thus the f mndatioiis of a !' disgrace ar- l.,id. Happily, f.r r.t .ii, Lis f.itln-rs business required part his ton.-, aril in.. re happily still, with a I Imbii, d with religious feeling, and a I well stmcd wnh 'he truths i.f the gos pel ..f peace, l,e had li" desire to engage in Ih'.-e vioidlv aiii'i-miieiit-, that lead step by -I. p t . the gate- ,,f ruin Mi' spare tunc was tmplov.d in reviewing his former stu dies, aiel eiilti.ating an at'.iiaiiit.'iiicc with ti e v a-1 "is -cit'i. titie and re'n.i pie-ti..tis "! the day. lf.it lew Lis day, .,f i , 'creation vv. rt neaily ovi r, and with a pio-pecl be lli. him. In- mind was at comparative case. The ml l III. icy between hilll and l'e Lacy ri lled ml . v rin !riciid,--,'ti. i Ik ir time wasspi .,; i,.-' tic r, s.,,,, mnes in llic si imoi r. .in, w here Clinton was learning the ait of teaching, and studying the nature of his Inline pupils. The evenings be and He La cy spent in the company d Mug and Llb-n. iu riding, pi .urn li.'i'hug and talking. And thus the time wore away. l'e Lacy 's marri age with I.ll. ti was ia-t ai proaciinig, ami as Ciii.t'iti and Man were to be the att ant-, they united in discussing the pr.'prie tics ai d iiupi oprieties of such an occasion and the customs prevalent ill dill rent ti nis of tin- country. In the im al.tiine, the attachim-nt between Clinton and M.ig, was st 1 1 n-gt lit ning, for they were daily together, and the ficcdoin and ca-c of her behavior, and the uniform sweetness of her disposition, fi ml in -1 ed st I angel v w ilh the apparent reserve i f his a1. -.-lit Mary, lie was alin..-t templed to abandon all thought of lu r and pay his nd dn -si s l , Mag P it he rc-dicd to w ait until he could receive a bir.r fr uu Mary. lie had writtmi to her a- II as he knew that he would remain. He had written ten derly mil rt!!i cii 'iiati ly but let lovingly. He would be gui led by the i dle of L, r li t ter in his in xt Put In 1 answer t ame In t. A in. mill had ro'Ied away and -ii be was unanswered. And she h..d promised tit--.li nai Im ' that ,-hc would w rite, that she vv be hai.i.v to write, that it Would be a great plea-ure I" re.i I and res what tlinlelv. After this he across the bed, but not to .hide night .was spent in calcu li! proud nothing, and resolving rest-Ill, v re Ivtd not to do. ClIAPTKn VII. I.'-t us int our tlm remainder of the f an i deal b. In all r..al. ubl ...ml to the letters fiictid. And that was a great h.r ti say. Until w as loo s .on. obahilily the leitcr was ou the i be would wait it arrival. Another month rolled by, ami it was the evening "f l'e Lucy's man i.ige, and a ht ler was at hand. H bloke the seal eager ly, but it wa. not frmn In r. but from a par ticular friend of hi-, ami a part of it ran as follows : oiling scene. In a f t w weeks Ic Lricv w.-nt t i occupy a faun about ten miles from the village and iie.tr the river. Howard, engaged in teaching, had little time to think of hi misfortune. The hours of day wi re nearly all consumed in the school room and the hours of uight in pre paring himself for ihe morrow. He some times courted the favor of the muses, a common rc-mircc, by the way , of disappoin ted lovers; ami at others he would read tho p.H I-, or ii-tmy , or talk t the fair Mag, f.r he bourdtil with Mr. Phillips; or at others he would talk to the nd gentleman mi farming, of which be km vv little, till be would retire to bis room, and then pour forth a -train of -oft rolling music from the fl'itc, upon which he excelled. The life of a t. a. her i- so little varied that it would lid hear description, at least for the bene fit ..f those wlm have never cxpt i ictieeil tho pleasure, or pains of that kind of life. I'ln ro is a pleasure in watching the first i tloi is of budding genius, and in noting tho inarch ..f mind. There is a pleasure in , i (..-'iiiling out the reason ot things, it it he nd- ' ,.. .. , r .... Tl OU 1 V II V I '. ' .1 . l o .ii l IJlll. I 111 I . 11 a pleasure in fitting together a latin sen tence for some troiibiid stiidcuts and ill l"'r" watching the countenance brighten ss each difficulty is laid a-ide. I here is a pleasure in seeing tin- ty ro's first attempts at elocu tion or composition. There is a pleasure ill the thought that yml are laying the founda tion of future State-im n, Ministers, or Poets. There is a pleauro in all these things, but they are private and enjoyed by few. So passed the time of ..mr friend for a month, when a letter was rc.-i-ived from bis friend. I h'.vv anxiously he tore it open and read its contents. He smiled as he folded it up, but it wa- a death-warrant to his hopes. Ills letter had been received but was not aiisw. ied by Mary. Avery confidentially told his fri. n.l that ho had verbal assurance of Mary's love for him ; that they were t n-gi"t-d ;' but permitted him to inform Clinton, under tin-obligation of secrecy. lie shed tu tear. No angry expression was on Lis brow. All was calm and quiet iu the exterior, but far, far Lciieiith rolled the d.uk waters of despair. 11. lore no hate against Mary, if he bad never decei ved him; sho had never encouraged ln'm. Led on solely by her charms, Lad lie wrapt, the cords of love around bis own soul, and now he must hear the bitter reverse, unable to cast the blame ou the faultless object of his passion. Put Clinton was Dot of that class of soft m utimeiitiilists. who fall beneath the firr-t n p.-nr Clint ! I have reason to fear your . reverse. His spirit roused its energies. attachment to Marv is use.- '..tes.j you j He strove to lorgt t this hopeless passion, return ami follow up your ad v.... ge. "tiil; and although he could not drive it from bis vcrv L-ocs there almost every week, and memory, yet his plnlosoptiic, i need not say liit'i lawver. hi: can plead bis casa I Platonic, mil (Tin, 'n- 'jch :.' thrt e -we in pi f j quite bsq'u rtlj Acb ir. ft't, I ' I ml, extracted much of the bit- p..- p.jp -f irL-fcrtur.f, is-srl a!1, th'.r:

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