jJuHE-tJj tfo frm Jl'iS nf n jaai ;.Vt f l1 ' ' J, it will fcsreufewi 1 di : v it U '! tf't fcift l 1 A C. "v7ilAjf AM SON i Emoiu " : : CI3:jf2LCEl.IjOTBXl,E3, HXT. C., NOVEMBER S, 1852. . " . ''I HOLTOW & WILLIAiaSON, . I'BI'PUIEXUUS. . . . . , -TEUM8: ; ' - flic North -Crntina Whip will he oflorded to through tho mountain and have been wait ing hero iu the cold and ruin fur Uip o hours for the tage, until two of niy children arc speechless with cold, then to he disappoint ed 1'' and the poor woman burst into tears. "i'ity ! I'ity 1 oh 1 Lord, have mercy up on thuiu !" ejaculated the beautiful maiden hues oi less, in i ' lnc "n "" creucuieii ; we those poor mile children aro ,,1,li!.-.c.iiti.rrJJ.Jicoi.liMii..1.'-,.. ;"ft"l-.fr,H,i(illf; i; death. lloHieiuber, tiod hath "rrtt '"t ifotVniil wM W, a, you do it unto the least of these, t, higher i ueajwinii-u J.IJ per o ui. will '.:' 1 . . fun I A ll s. im miIl-si,.. ftp . ... . I. iv'lt L'lL'I'L' I'LAI'll ir h.. 1 , . , .1.. i Tii i; iV. at luvtidn: "but.ua. tto must take t hum unlit liilt'lie uir "'iw mi'"", .... . ' . '.' ' ... . .. Ji.ll.I.AliS ut tin! inil uf Hie year. IU. tieiitlCIIK'U, lio Will In: ho pallnut as A Ii'uriiHfmcnthierte(1tiii!lollorxTuor to viieutu their seats fjr tiieco poor holplcg.t 10 liuim or l , tin lnc ,,r." crentuieii ( we tiioae poor mile ciiiiuren aro I. on vrftl! b"-1"""" t , t " t- ,u ..... U mtd from th wgw wriiHin jr jv. - , tut veir. Adverlineim-nu. inwrted nmiillily or, ''I would be Imppy to gratify you, Miss q!1;rt Tly, t 1 ytt wiujtir r-.r-li tlmr. Kemi. AIie," vow Mko, for the tirt time, the ,,,tl,ly73e-i.trrt..inreK1re.. ht.m.. ,u,lg geutleiunn, whom 1 after ard learn- iT All fc-ttrr. rrhllrt - thjpK.litori.llfcj.fJ- ed irtant auitor of the lady'., fa- mi ni nml l) directed to Uie fcrtitor. And nil let' , , , . 1 , . . . . V. Z nlmlbriWrk,Ac,mWMId1r.l ored by tbo father, but corned by the wd totim l'bhiw. All liu um.l bo .o.t.wid j lady. l avoreU, not lor hw virtUfeK, but bli , the will 0'it ! atli ndi d to. Jprinuely fortune. "I would be happy to J7 vni eaa be Biaile toi illu r. J i" I'uUnoli;rii arc aullioritwd lo net ariitn. Le S it gufliee, dear reader, I was united in a tj'W weekd, to the gentle Alice, by and with 'the advice and content of her father, who tiad long since, a sensible man, given up all hopes of selecting a husband for hi dauliler as ho soon learned, both by vx perirnee and observation, tlint every wmiiaii waif by far the best qualified to choose h:-r owij husband, and also tho truth of that aploi i.-m, that " fln n (lie will, he will, you may dLjinnd on'i, Aid when lid won't, ilic won't, i thtrt's an cud out. world, get into mischief and fTnally find ' their way to the prison or aim, house. Vt'ith the habits of idleness, vice inavt'i u rrally, if nut invariably, be limnd. Where tin; mind and hands are iiot oernpied in Kme useful einploynieiit, n evil genius finds ' (jOYEILN'OKvS MI'SSAtiK. torul, (.'oiil'I'i."-' ioii.il, uinl HE I'ADDLED 1113 OWN" CAXOK. ''Well, he paddled his own canoe !" paid a gentleman to us the other day, w bile spcak ih of a mutual frieud. J " Vos," he answered, "und he has paddled it well too." itlllViJF t'f turn A. Fuiiiu ""I I J ! gratify you, lis Alice JJelancy, but would : Tbo gentleman epoken of we remember rather be tXfUHod from vacating a couiforta-b'cars (?0 when we were a little boy. lie ble neat, and your pleasant wjoiety, to ghV jut coiunieiieing business, and we were place for these rude pauper', especially in , thinking what we should follow for our own, these mountains, iu the middle of wucli acol I, , 'or we had the blessing of inheriting an cu bitUir night. Hire, woman, take that, and tire inHrjxntlravt of wealth, and went to begone to some neighboring farm house, and worl our thirteenth year. The youn travel at some seasonable Lour," and le man bad just launched his canoe on the tid.; threw iu her face a few pieces of silver. of business. It was a frail one, and launch 'There is no house in lour miles, sir ; the M UP e(luy at that. Uut he paddled Of his Kxei'lleiicy (iovernor lleid, to the Legi-luture of .Vji th Carolina, at t!uj He--sion, counneneing ' let ilier, 1 t't'Z. ,1 i DM l.l I'hli. the , .... .. . , , . .n j.nineer was einployeU to survey Xeu-e Hiver, and the haliiuee of the iippro tiriation made under thu Act of 1 -Siit- ol . (; ... , ... , ldom found T l-'J "'n''--' "iM-nesoi 'i';; survey, ,:as thin ( 'on 11 .;i ii v in 1 1 1 . t-i .! K t .... ; , ,. .... 9 I..,. 1,,.,. . v...i 1 : ." v ' - ......jj .., ,., a ( u j,,tl.t ul Ijf npproiirialion pai disgrace to his parents J ,r ,t is through Treasurer of thu Company. This tne.r neglect ttiat lio WCai.c tlius. 'uf importaneo, and its con. laion i.romisos parents, however poor, jn tie.c times ofj,ihly beneficial results. The Jieport. of cheap books and iiewcpajcm .need let their I Knfjineer at.pointed to make tho survey is children grow up in idlei:itt. If they cannot j he-owith truii.-initted. I be kept at miiiit.'al i..,,o. h t.n.ir nunUs Le street till h.to in t!ie eveiiiiiz, li ai ning vulgar and profane habib of those older in vice j they may be seen hanging around groceries, bar-rooms ana stores, vhcre crowds gather; but they are engaged in study. j ' trieti ; ami lloci-'1 ol'C 'H ill It. tie- of the Stat-. It is resi.i . t f ;i i I lie eoineiii' ii' e iu tie..- iio 11 it n (jii!r utiuii h ano tut .- nati . ul lin i..'ot ri i i tin - I, V re-oruii. to the artuiii value of such es- .al i si.bii.it:.- t. o the eiiiir. 1 : .lie 1 jruial i"t:.. pl.f. .1 ol V,b III- t.V ) .Mlti'Mial Ii uf a 1 Veh .lud . II, e fi-eal .1.. ... :. Ci.. ,: ll'llli : yi nr e:nsi s on 1 ue :;i 'j'r.'ii -iirLr t . tin: work BEN HOLT'S REl'I.Y i AH I V3. I'nKVKMIirB. v iiumi Ah ' y I rvtm wiUr tint miii with d. light, W.i t A1m? fi rbnhrd tnH d'-r ; I her it v.- m the fiuin hnr (' And m.Mln ! tutl Willi ri Ami in.-tr. whn tU) tort u u irlurd. ncd 1 waters are rising fast, and we would drown or freeze on our way I, nek. Take only mv children, then, ;nd 1 11 walk alone in vsclt'. Oh 1 do for the tarfe of thu lives of my chil dren for the sake of heaven!' and with a piteous moan, the poor woman bent for ward and puzcd imploringly, almost franti cally, up into our faces. "Jiy all that's sai red, I can t stand this : they shall have my scat if I should perish , I winder and m !! alone, St. Innf ft th time when my ln d lill r-.ei , Mu-m ' !wt Alie li uo.lrr tin lum.." I r..im thrnnqh tin- wood where wo joyoin wr - trarrd. And mlio ea tl grvrn unr lull ; VI 1. ri ii tru St in tint t-.4ut.t11l glaik', tut my hort i all !"i..Iv and ehill. I ,, 1, ,i l.it ma fomily I r. aard llarn in nilllr. And Iti Hp llui trf ntHtinir with U.rr 111 ih- erae,nd I'm h it In r ., 1.11 I iur-t WaUi e.t Aliri. Uvc. n ! mil I reu.cmtt th cbol-li.nuv and trunk, And tin. M.ater an kind and ao Iru. ," mid tdauuiiujr flusira in tin- c l ahadj njk, Si frifraiit with uir'aac nd lii w. flul 1 vrvp nut tur liiex, Ihfciijh ao dr Ui my iii.it, Vr tiic UirnJa t'tfl lift u ih.n. T.h l-jm ail! W-r, Um Wr.iln,a will atart, fwf "iant.lic lira undtf the alnnc." Miscellaneous, on the roail . exelaime t 1. opetilnff til ,tl, coach door and spri.igi.itr out. "Ileie. di i-' -N e' Vork. He had sniled it : er, laiih my bai'jasc to the t..p of tin- .-taL-e ' 'o'15, an'" in a western city h.i with a jitrong arm and stout heart, headed always up the stream, l'ull away '. sound ed in his ears, and the echoes from the frown ing rocks cairi- back upon him. 1'uil an ay ! until the eddy was es. raped, and the frown ing rocks were behind him. He went from the city. A few years af-! ter, returned 011 a i.-it, and gave a r.il le story t) his success. He had escaped the; eddy, and the rocks were behind, but he hnd I nothinsF but liis canoe when he went from New.' Vr.rlf Hi li.irt nnili.il it rloan made his Kept at worn ; make ueni niuu.-.tnuus scholars and they will ti industrious nt any buiiness tin y may undertake iu alter life. We know of maiy boys young men old cn iugh to do i. mines- lor themselves, who cannot read, and much lets write their own names. They, ;oo, are h'y, for ignorance and laziiu .--i ur twin brothers. We always fed sorry for such young men their habits 1 work is progr are for life, th twig belt iu childhood has new and valuable grown a distorted tree, and there is no remedy for it. They mut pass through life as they have 'ived in itziuess and ii'iior anee. Think .fit. youn; reader, and take heed that your habits am character be not formed like theirs. j"1"1'' J'J'ini'tl. and How part ot the cLildrrn into the boot, borne. If.' had paddled ever since, and was Haste I if vou tlca.- sir. and there is a d... now on a broad stream, with the current in lar for your trouble." 1 bis favor, and such a paddle ! Never a red- Three Commissioners were appointed un-i der tho act of 1-J--'!! to sujierintuml the'1 improvement of Tar Jliver. 'Jliis is a Je.-i- ruble' iiiijirove men!, but it is doubted wlath- ' er th" a.iropriation i-i sullieient to act-.m- j plish the object for which it as inLeiid.-J. ! i'he whole amount of subscription of the State, to the Cape Tear and Deep l'ivi-r Navigation Company, has been paid. Tin.. ! ', ami promi-es to open commercial itd vantages not hitherto eiijiiycd by the State. I'lidcr a Ilesolution passed at the la-t ses.-ion of the In.'iicral A--euibly, tin- J'ubiic 1 rc.-n-.urer tt ausfeired two thoii.-atid .-io.re-of the stick on tied by the Slate, in the v":!mi:i-ton and llalie-h llaih-oad t 'oinpaiiy, to the il.uiiigton and Manehe.-ter Kuilioa',.1 (.'omjiany, whereby the State became a sloe'di .jiier iu the important improvement under tin- charge of that company. In di recting the trali-fer of the stock, the resolu tion did not make any chantre in regard to the number of directors to which the Stat-' should be entitle 1 in the Wi!miii"t-in and to.n. T, win .0 I iiu 1 . mit hi, r'-, u't .r. u: a !.-!i-.l ti." 00 -rati-.:!- 1 i- ,1 ... ..;' ry. The s:.;,!,. i :.. f;;,,H., : State bond-, u'rcady i-u-d, leans autimi i.'ed by l.'.-.v f r 'i 1 i nis work- of Internal im J 1 j . etm t.t lor v, hie ii it i-. ( -pec'cd bonds, will be i.-ii-uu.'. diiriii ' the next two vers. ami 1 1. '.id., r si of ( ! iii .,:,- l . I i .1 i '(..ii a:i 1 , ihi, 'I'i.'in n..'.'d tint inferfera with tax 2 r. rlaKi empi ;. mei.t.i, und the ineome 1 pi ili --..oil . a is now (ioiic. hutlr piT-ii- ii.. iio not 1 . es- per.-jiini estat-) ot thai :!' of oi. ,:iiiiv'l mid littv doilnrx, 10, to he 1 x 11 j.i 1 11 -in property tax. and 01 . 1 ii Ii!." am .m,t n ight be .!' I a!'. r -. A .-v-tetii of r!i i 1 . 1 - .-. i- r.-c- ilai.lt 1 ulioU of in r. :-i a. t of bl. ; :, t!o - iii...r.i; ,,,i,i .,. M 40 Ci ami V. .,. t , -a Hi II. l. S ! ll,,ii!-S, l;-..ie-, i;n:.!--i ne mi o-r thu ' lu-t -1 I -ii ' f the liein hi! A win t it'evi-.. tin' public statute Iriwss o' tin. w ,'IUO id not n -.-1 r I i ,a 1 1 . I in', I... . - i-v !ib-,-i,ce, till the t-'.ti, ff t1,,it Lifiith. . nation i In rewith eoininu- 'J'ile J;c oil 1:1! . ar, 1 n Ii ii liei'ew ith 1 j If will be the Treastir i toe i : i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 . -. -. that duriiio 1! iiuptr j. I -t , f 1 .n- I, 1 . An ' no . b'lf 1 t l.l lln-.i. in t! o. ir t. V, !! - ; 71. la-t -r.-veoii r.j.. 1 1 la't'er S'lln to ior.s 1. nor 1 le . 1 j -. I.t I.- .- 1 1 II, I :'; ar. ii.1 ,11 1 t-. mpanv. 1 Hoc r tiie ell'- Hjh I sir, kind sir, but find will reward you .' ' murmured the grateful woman, as she seated herself in the coach, i ''Will you permit me, kind sir, to thank you also, for your very humane and gentle , manly conduct," spoke the young lady us she extended to n:c he." roil, u..!i..:'e hand, skin could show a broader or a stranger one, and as to that arm and will, the exercise had made then, stronger than before. For some years we lost sight of him. l!ut not I'iiil; since we run ri"lit across bis track a he si passing alonu the street one morn uig, and we shouted "ship nboy !'' and be cast anchor, and "spoke" to us. He had ; cutiistanccs, tho li .aid of Internal Imj r e , incuts did not feel authorized to ii..-i. any ever since we saw Inm last, in the oi.en sea with a stiff I and beto iiiir one of the iecetest ini. a im- ag liable ; "you have my trratitude, sir, ;:d been paddling profcuiidest rcrfird. 'J rue nobility is ditli- i.nd was now eult to find air, lienee I w .uld be hupptr to breize, all sails set, and with a valuabl know more of you but thn coach is etart- rarjo of specie on board, lie was just ina; adit-u I adieu! and iu a moment I fetching tip at the deired haven, and ijuite found mvsclt alone upon the road. , rceeutlv has dropped his anchor, and tinds ' j himself at home. Twelve 1. ninths after t events recorded I He had paddled his canoe well. He has above. 1 found iuvelf strolling alone 111 Mil- an amide fortune, and an unblemished r. har- i f... d I'ark, New r!c:iu, striving vainly to aeter. He started with the maxim that lie (overcome a depression of spirit that had must do right, ud pull away '. In the mod- i con., over mi' oii,e days fr iu the sad iutelli- csty of uuiisBumin diffidence, but with tho ' gv.uc received Iron, my father, that through courage and boldness of a man who knows th villainy and treachery uf a partner in be is rijrlit, lie pushed along, and bis whole . business, I n had become a bankrupt, and , career has been a scries of turnup. He jthat ne were 110. beggar. Sad, sad ne was elected Mayor .f a Western city by the I to nie. W ith mv ryes in nt upoa the ground "iinnimout vot of the people, although A nn.r.INU .CTIAI'K. "Acorn,'' the lio-ton crrc.-pondent of the New Vork Spirit of the lines, tciis the fol lowing story : A few days since sou: of t!n "bloods" residing at .Valiant had ire sport. A mini- Kalcigli Hailroad '. her of the friends of tlnOianie l.nju..r law, with a posse of con tales, proceeded tj Drews Hotel, for the prpose of s-izinj a 1 change in the number of direct'" appoint quantity of the "eminjthat steals away ,011 the part of the tat''. The sto, k tn.t men's brains," and ti t wag of a fellow, . fcrrcd. is reprcented I y the State in t Sain Loring. whilom of Trcmont, uetting Wilmington and Manehest-r Kailroad Cvi witnt ot tlie intemied pro, tig, ami, having pany. If the Le-i-haui-e inttinleil t the fear of the law bclo) his eye-, resolved number of directors, on the part of the Slat' not to break the pcae.. .4 he commnnwclth should only be in proportion to ln r st .iek, himself, nor allow the i'liates of the h t-l farther legislation on tj,.- subject w ..'. i au to :lo so by any overt t, yet he was still pear to be neee-sarv. desirous of pivinu' to tho.arty an affection-! The Wilmington" and Ilaleigh ; i", .a:. to reception ! Coiise.pi;tiy he summoned with etiere' tie manaetnr-nt, has of 1 ate over all the scrub-women a hit the houe (o.ne come, to a considerable extent, the early fifteen lusty I ri-hw oiii.t and agreed to ive embarrassments this important work I. ad to tlicm three dollars caclit they would allow .encounter. 1 he Company has commenced paving dividends, thus enabling the Litera ry lJoard to distribute an increased amount a " ii 1 ..I i . I ' !Ili- tlle ted lo tin' .-.im of .-l 5 i ei.i," Ad. pa-se.l at !n i b, li"Ve l. i:;. l"asn tl the T. a- 1, . t- .- V Xcith'T tl," ilemaini- o,, i',. '1'. pllbli" COIIVeliiel.ee any iii"e:,-e I I 1 two y .., iecti 1 from the pe di fra v the cm. 'nx cal goveiniiie:i;, 'J axatioii i- in-li-pen .-jal--, lilit it is oiicf.f the first duties oi tie- M..i,,'--maii. to cudcator t . eouanzc toe i. ir b u- ;i. well a th" benel.f- oi' jr..yer:i'it i.t. for many rear the i1 i ' i:;on t!i" Treasury wer- -i limited. Co t bet little ,"t R'lilK'i. wa pa. i Ij tin.' .-.ibjiet oi taxation. if i.'.U- iar.s, L.t. n.-t! 4iiipi-ncmi..t.- an ; oth.-r pill iii- ..Ij, its I.:,-, u. i:,i-r. -,-e.i t.',.. 1 -p. tnlii nr. -, n 1. 1 ii' li'. 1: . i ,1 - 'n ii : a---iiiued m .re imprtntit a-p'ct. It w'.i pel'.', i.ed, th.it ot liie :-'l.j7,i.i 7 1 fix. p.ii 1 mt it. fed i the t oi i. li.at th. v would U able to lab. f i b :,,' T'' w in n ".I will ha-b "i; mil! nnd a ,i i u v. ,i k , v. i o iii t! "net.ci.i! I-. i- ii.lclv.-t Ij. 1 i: t . ! . :' r . t- til" an. It l.i-t li' IV:! pr.'.M-e eifi Im the u-ua! tune ot it ne. Th.yi'lll ' of dirertiy to the sneii actiou can Im i.t. 1 ,. or 'htctl utn I n to Inai.n l s I" y -f the " lug. ami it i I'l J'iui tle (' i nits to tm agricultural ..f the Mate. Agricui n. ill! tu.' J r-.a-urv iu 1 " o vn mi ) A I :t:' H7 and IV i t: III - oa a! ! t oi7 til on sf to tax : .ate t the sum of to.: 1 1 i: -ury o.i t le i:.:.it n ; and c i.;.,:l r- Krntu the I ooalratid tanulv tinud. 1MW I CAMK TOBI-: A HKNKDK'T BV TALllOl i.ai..x. I'Viaf. ir the ta-re-eoach i iu waiting. I I trolled along iu au. h an aguiiv of mind there were two other candidates in the fie I', if. sir,-' rtomed in the waiter a aocoiid : that I scarce iiot.d the fine carnages that , and bus won for himself everywhere, the i ,.ie. .re ho eoald arouse inn fully, a I sat :p,i-d and repassed n(e every uioun-nt, or i aj. ying aii'i lo-il iu tlie liiiues oi my cncrmi, ; the many gay j.arti. s ar Ulore a i lieerliu ure iuuiytli s hol l in tlie WiiuUful village of Morgautoti, North Caro lina. "May it to thunder', but till the uii themselves to be coven from head to foot with soft soap and gre:r: and immediately upon the informers au..imp5 entering the house, each one was t.Teize her man, and commence embracing hi in the m .-t affec tionate manner, to whN they all at once agreed. Sam immediate gave each woman for the support of Common S ted t ',.". I ! I'.1 oil. Th" tax f poses is e i:n c-u -J entirely an.1, the amo i,.l ' ui i ini s'dl V (11 the-'.' tv. i :le!:s i 1 ' i , n !:: I. ! ta : , mo mtiiig iu 1 1 l.'igi .-7, IliH I i- 1 i.i ", tax a. ii i .ii- '- .ii ot y p..r- j Hi. I li oi- ; 1 ib'.ic i'l-.-a- w in n c Li te !, but it is he a new impa'-o, that inc. e:i-."l rewind of the is in ii.'Ved til : t an nddi "i, t ) sop;.1 y a hering tip- t..n ..fsp-ei- i -onic suitable piaeu te the object, 0f ihu in -.U'l prom '- I l -; ci iai.il ti.e l .-I i:k I'lVI. I't me LTi-at j ! asure to c. 1 1. in i .-4i A-.s.-nib'y in ail i.re c i c.ilat.-i! tu proiiiotu ii'u;c !' t!i - m ite. i u ii s. i:::id. Pl.t' -.1. r.ii .i. ( o r i :. I-.tJ. j is-, an t o, r Hoistard and ,,1 bedaubed, vrr, servant, to tarry a uiutiicut for me, mull.' red I a I a rue unwilling enough and fcxsi. d ui) self in paekiiig my little ctci tcra, i mi U) continuing my travels; for I had Uli.-d a stage in Morgsnton, partly to enjoy i he ii.agmhe.nt mountain seei-nery, and pirt'.y on account of tho scvclity of tLs ai'atii.ir. The weather, though raodernle, was still inclement. Th March winds, high aid ''hilly, whistled around the w ay-f:ircrss lieail with biting unction, and moaned, and reared, ami howled in sad cadVucca in the b''v pinia and down the mountain gor-gca iti tin.- .listanc. Hut vet I had resolved to i iiitiuitc my jaunt on the morning iu iiics ti iii.and having made my preparations, reck ii. d with the h.ctt, Ac at lu-t siiwefed tin. winding horn of liii driver by enl-rinsr -stag., coach running from t'.e f.M h. I found I. already tcuni 'i-d by I.incolnti.ii, Xrth fuiolina. sincere admiration and respect of all his associates. awakened only from my reverie by the fliit- , t oung .dsn . you nur-t padule your own tcring of a perfumed in te that fell at my canoe! It is, on the w hole, better that you feet, as a splendid cod. h and four da-l ed should. See that young man w ho get into bv inn. Tu king it up, I was s.. mew hat a canoe bought with the money of his p:i- kstomslied on reading the follow mg ",'lr. rent or liis irietius, nen the gay vessel H!ph Kmiuers..n iii plca-c call at ., c r- is launched, he must have it paddled by ncr of It. rnard and M. James stri-e;-, this hired hands, while he lolls back and per- evetiing at six o'tl n k." Imps M'cs nothing but an unsubstantial shad- Not a little purled to discover Cno dr .),- ow of himself in the smooth waters. J'y ped the note, I betook myself !.ack to my and bve the canoe, through bis careless and rooniS at the St. t harles to await the -pointed hour Although my father had iiicti long and favorable Known .! a wealthy thrifty merchant in New Orleans, yet I was niys. if .put.' a stranger in the city, led bavin-; the pleasure of an R.'.iuaiutaiice with a single lady , for I had been absent from home presumptuous steering, tsda-hed among the rapids, and he goes dow n. Should he come up again, he finds that h" is abandoned by all, and that be has made a wreck, where he I'light have made a fortune Voung man or woman ' paddle your own canoe ! Even if vou are favored with pa- f ir a iiuiiiber of years, and had returned but rents or friends who can give you one, be a few days previous. I our year- of my life bad b.'eu spent in foreign travel, and owe the last in searching f. r the fair stranger I met with twelve months previous in the M orgai.ton to Who could it 1 ho North ( arolina Cailroa.l. it ii be. lieved.is progressing as rapidly as could be expected, coir-i'l "ring tho cii-nuii.-r.inc. ir. tending its t-omii.enccuieiit and pro-ceiition. This improvement pr noise's to arlonl new and i lie .vased means of transportation t a considerable portion of the State, heretofore tie ir expected deprived of su. h facilities. The I'rcidetit ti.e rotunda of of the company wiil. in due'time, submit a ..- I bv a st .ut. report iu relation to the progress and condi- t: a hug that tion of the work. fill-grown she It is probable that applieatio:. wiil bo ;. rib". The made during the present year, or early in c. and beg ror tho next, for the first instalment of the ! th. m, but not State's subscription t the stock of this road. until they were all bcila e l with a In tero- to raise the sum. tate hinds are author geneous mixture, not of ie m .-t agreeable uvi to be i-sued und sold. It is believed Miieil or appearance, at a- they -neaked 'hat this loan, a- well as all . iln-rs re.p.lireJ out tho back door, looid like individuals bv the Slate can be procured upon better terms by authorizing the puhiie rublie Treasurer to issue Coupon Homls. An act wa- pa-e 1 at the last ..n of the .eneral A eml ly, appropriating t'-'tlve tlieil-and dollar, " o.it of the fir-t moneys ciUcctcl nUer th' first day ..f January l-o-', from the sale of Cherokee bon is, an 1 from the sab; of Che-kee lands-," for the s.irvey of a l!ai!ro;rl route Irmii S ili-bui'v to the Tennessee line. 1 In' Agent states, a thick coating of bncegr that covering a thick ct molasses; and thus arncd they awaited the arrival.'' visitors, who, upon entong the hotel, were institutive! well-greased Irishwom: w neaiei- resembled that a bear than anything I in parly soon began to cry n their lives which was sitv. resolved never again attempt seizing li.pjnr until they had b on.e satisfied that there i.re no creased win n about 1 ' 1 on 1 .-ill'' er e- and a . ami havi n- ol tin I pared with the tax p".i 1 for county f'.q ". j s. s. We have no ri turns i -i show the an, cii.t of coiiLty tax coiiecled in the .State. It is 1 .j.i i. ., ... . .t .. ,- - . ,. ... , t tie. W I. -.e an 'I.t . 1 t ' i ,;i.-. - :: . ;' e I' :l I',. I'- - . filiate . t runt ace ,rdi, existing rev i .i.t sv'-u m . At ;:o-e-.t 1-H e, tit-, while ibiie e ,n leiieo and public p .Hey, p ,y- n-.tnnrr ;.l ii;, ; S ildll invested in laiel, pays o'"1 eei.t-, while .-Kill) invested iti tra-le, i,axs luo cent-. I ither unj'ist di-ciiiuiuaiiohs l. light r show n. A- a gei:;:-al rule. ': i- 1 . :'-"H ::v:t : tax ui. -u tin- estate of ca.'ii j tr.-di shoui t Ml 1 r op U't I :i to its value, !hi nr at I ' CI- W mv , .' of . ; iLLTXi.TOX. iin.t d-e. !i held on i:n- b v ','iti average amount An e: iiiiiii.iti ui in .. t.'i. lavvs t ill show that the p. rat -s very iincpfilly. loaned at interc-t, pa - :-1 : M I I hoar. led aai!i-t the tin- nil o I as iv a - l : He :i'r. I ui. n the b'O'it HiO-t .ui. to the t!. ' ! : .'ice -! 1, oi aw some y, or .-'bout u:el of the ii i nearly w a p i,-i ii was in .-- y . iv :i him by titu lhiti-h utit of iii' ','ijO, Sd.'iUO, i v, i ' ".-..ii'isuie to I.t paid t male heir-, who aNo in--tates and bis title : out an.', eiin..i iiiiciit.- are to Le ti.e Ko'.ioty and others', -V v i!. t'c i'U- me el t . -'.I :- i I' ll, 1 .1, t'ir.e personage; one y-'Uiig be then l.nly, tlis others pcutleliien. 1 I'C lady wn- .ng lost, liiutiful indeed! beautiful as heart cvuld ! no ! ns! sure to earn it liy the worthiness ot your lives. In high purposes, iu noble resolves, in generous deeds, iu purity, and virtues, endurance, and blameless conversation, let vour endeavors to paddle your own canoe be seen bv all. l'ull away! If the paddle Coil I it be AUce pi'lancy , the breaks while striving against the rapids, lung sought of my heart ? Hut have another ready. If you have but one. Yet the hour draws nigh, I will pull with tbe stump of the old one ', Poll t a nr. i v a l extr. h; pi x a n v. Mr II ust , of the firm ' Thomas Istt-t. whole-ale druggists, of N 7-"i Maiden Lane, recently brought home om .nth Amer ica, per baripie Iu-publi i ne of the very lavg. -t specimens of te " 'o.Vs, or elei trie cel. cv-T ?pturl. We had the pleasure on Friday last, .seeing and feeling this "floating battery, " nhe lay in a small tub provided fori.iui in te til-ove store. To th-v-c oi'our readers who ave never seen an elei trie eel, a brief des-iptiou of !'i- ap pearance may not be uniti-i . -ting. lie i about five and a half le. long, and of a i-h. Her evc were liac unto the inciting I wait ; nml for a time my eunontv and anix- of the gaiclSc, her hair the raven, her iety drowned the heavy weight at my heart . .s' ... . I I . relax ouo enort. uio sirene ion, ano ii nniv be fatal one ! l'ull away! Vour canoe, if vou have built it, like our friend, of the right material in your character, will hold nut as long as yourself will, l'ull awav 1 And before long you may find your self in as fair a haven as the man that pad dled his own canoe. W. (). If A. . 1!.'- browni-h black nor. .t ''iv tho marble, her checks I io rose, lief ! and alleviated mv sorrows, occasioned nv bps like like heavens ! - they fever, and (the misfortunes o mv father, i t my brain nil in a whirl, and intoxicate ) U wants but forty minutes of the h iir lee even now, as if 1 had been drinking new ; ow heavy, Imw slowly time flics ! Thirty "inc. Hut lrt that pass. The gcntteu.cn : minutes twenty-five ah ! I can't wait any sere boili gfiiteel ih,(iiit men : the one nbout lore'er 'Hilb.a. omnibus, drive me to 'Jg, five and twenty, tbo other in the decline of corner of IScruard and St. James Street-," Jmiitr hie. The latter evidently the filler uf the i and in five minnt"S I was set down to a lady. j princely mansion. 1 rang thn bell and was 1 "Smack ! smack !" went thu driver's whip ushered, by a servant, through a suit of is wo rolled over the froatm road towards rooms into a gorgeously decorated chamber, I "Ititon ) and, as the day advanced, more where I was reipu'stcd to tarry a moment. I.ot-teroi.s became the winds and more bitiiig Scaling myself m a rich sof; 1 ran my ad- I'" old, . j miring eyes over the nittonitieeut inirrois linvel oping myxi'lf in my cloak, I sunk and paintings that decorated the w alls, w hen ' n k into ouu corner to shiur with the cold, 1 thought 1 recognized a familiar eouute iii.l nunc over the chiti in of the fair being ( name in a painting suspended oyer a in.tn- lu.-, I.. ... 4 i. I 1 ..1 1 .. 1 1..-L. ! -' s ir inr tor ii naw aireuv oi-e u . m , 11-4, . - . . , . ami tr0,,l,l l.., ticl'vld l,,.r bi,ht .! Aomoacl.ine- it. t neremved to mv il)V come to w hat they are by being bi ought up win. .tin , eouut.nanceg 1 hud mused but ' and astonishment, ,,t it was the likeness , ' - ."s ho con,ti.ute he bi.s.- f. moment, when I was somewhat rude- !f ,y long sought Alice lKduncy, of stage- 1 I'""'"" S, l y arouni'd frotu iuy iih-naiug reverie bv some couch memory, and forgetting myself and our great and use!,, men, wero traiuml up "" hailing us from tho road side and beg-tmv whereabouts iu m cc-ti.ey, 1 sprang , ' boyhood to be industiious ::h?the drivers hull. I joy fully forward, exclaiming aloud, "Alice! , When ft boy .s od enough to begin to "Wan,. ! Va.ip t gcii.lv bovs sti I Jsweet Alice ! and have I found you at last!" play in the street, then he is old enough to sl ,,..lt .'. I ..:... .t. .. 1.!, .....O. V 1 f l,l..r rnn.r mil lie , l.,I 1C taililllt UOW to WOl'li. tUtUUIS. SV'.guni Bi.4 aaifiii unicf u.i.f ii- ma iini.- , ihviij 'i "i ' i i""s ---- f - .-. . !1 " ,' cattle, wo all lour iM'red out 111 the mu just as I was icHcli.ng out my arms to not, ucp. ne .h iu general appearance resembling acol. yet were li" cut in two, the upper paiof his body would present a shi.rt, thick fon, very ilil'Ai'ent from that of the eumnioifcl. Just behind 1 . i s j.i'.s are two mai fin-, v, hivh appear ile that only a .-niall sum applicable t this ap propriation has been collected. It was not therefore in the power of the Hoard of In ternal Improvements, to procure the execu tion of tilt- survev. It is to be regretted, that this could let fie done before the com mencement of the present session of tic Legislature, as the c-'iitciiipiatcd line run- the through a portion ,.f the Slate, v h r 1 n 1 pe.'j le arc ih piive.l of tin. iinuii:- of c.-itve- nn i:i. 1:! tiau-portati ui, and arc t lieia '' re dc-p- , ly iulereste.i in the subject. It is uncertain, e:; under the iire-i-nt A-'t, wit. n a sitiri.'icr.i sum ie v. ill Le coUi ete I 1 1 detr iv tl , ovl-shnped pectoral the survey. Shotiid the L"gi igld both for s, iisa- it to be made at an e.iriv p. ri be :n 1 r op u't 1 :i to ei" t ti ui- r.'iv a- mental principh-s may rify. I i' i-:i pr p. rtv on ti. one ban 1 i.t n--t l.ia ie ttC tejt Of Ji'lbbC pii.ic , ll Hi ti." "th-r "U.'iit t ie :.-,oo.eo .,; j., .... .-.. : - t th." ;.ei'-.ui fi !:! beavii,.; 1: 1 . 1 b- s.',ro of'th pubMe bui-.t-i'..' T'.. it is t'u ui;'ni ius'. 11111I proper to inin itation tax. Sli'vos :ii'-.' ) .- i, .' . f i N t - 1 1 1 as ... th 'H r-o'.is tri-i :'") ' :y. f di.'wing wise j .yisii'.i i.i o.,i' it- ( tuti.'ti. which ought n-t t" i..' n ; ar:"'! defines the puvof legisl.'.tion tipoi -ulje t ' b. alii. n tu . 1 us a- m I C l I v ' VV .1 - V i. II ii' ::' th, ... en : 1 :mc ol l is tutiicr s VV tlcln o hu was i til has hithei'ly boi no 1:1 I Until tho t in the IIou.-o nber for Norwich, He ng'. an i bears 11 c on -id era bio 1 s'nl.mg, 11. -1 mhiuuee of his i ,!' 11 i .son. L..rd Charles I ' t'il.l of Lis tge, and has a ins us member ,1 1 !.im 1. r -,( th" ipitati State 11 tax ". in a same. . All I'n e males . year... ate! mule :'.s, and all slaves : -. an 1 uin'oT t'-c v lil. -.!! b c,. ill ti . i'l ;i:i 1 ver the age . tie age over tie- a.. . go ..f tii'iv v te SI ll - . : t a -so 1 ma' LAZY HOYS. A lazy boy makes a luzy man, just as sure us a crooked twig makes a crooked tree. Who ever vet saw a boy grow up in idleness ' that did not make a shitllesa v agabond when he became a man, unless lie had .1 fortune left li i it to keep up appearances I he great mass of thieves, paupers and criminal - that till oiirpenitcntiar.es and almshouses, have ti.ui ami motion. 1 he tad is broad and pnation tor that purpo-e will l-e the rather depressed, liicasring. we should by w hich it can surely be ace unpli.-h judge, at least ten iticsesiu circumference. ! The Fayettev iile and Wc-tcrn He has a blunt, hull-dogort of mouth, but lload is in cour-e of extension. 'I he Ins I10.lv is nicely romteii, and tapers , amount ui uie .-taie suo-cri niioii .: -,re i L'hildreu of healthful, playful in mid .l.rln.u. wonili riiio who it could c.,.I,rnee the. loved image ; half startled, half exercise, or the tune they sicutu sp. u 11, '"' "ut in snrh a tonelv out-of-the-way place, 1 abashed, I turned round, and beheld, stand- j study, but teach then, to work, little by little. " su. 1, a hitter fre, ziug i.ij.t. , iiig in the middle r the floor, the fair urigi , m the child is taught to learn at school ll.iil.lled by the side of the road stood a'nnl herself. Hut I was so overpowered 1 Iu this way hu w,!l acpury habits of nidus "li'ldln a. ed woman and four thinly clad could not utter a word of greeting, imr the try that Will not torsake him when he. grows children, ".Will you be so kind, air, as to Jady citlier, for perceiving my cestney be- up. lilA ... - ... : l. . 1. ... i 'l.uv,,tl.. ' f,..,. 1.,, ....Iruit iu sili.i unl.,i-..il. shit CO nl.l 1 Manv parcnt-i iruo aro poor '"gg-d the half fror.en woman; "here U do nought in her modesty but stand and children grow up to fourteen or six ecu dollnrs to pav the fare for myself and 1 blush scarlet. In a moment, however, 1 had , years of age, or till they cat. support then. ' I.ildre., . s,t U; reselted un a few nieces ' i,ained hit self-possession s,t far as to erect . no longer, before they put them to labor. -ilvcr to the driver. "t!.t.'t t.k jc in the fair lady and lead her to a seat. , Such ehtldren, not havmg any idea 01 wha "'-rm. ar,(ll)lT ulorowded-Cc. on ofi And, gentle reader, before I .rose from work is, and having ae,,,...ed bab. sondle let their gradual y towards the ta, averaging a cir cumference of six inches He ha- noibo-sal tins, but instead thereo upon the hindet part of the fish, a short i-tance behind the line of the small pectoil fins, a long wavy tin extends uninterrupteiy lo the tail. Al ter thoroughly surviMig this strange .creature, we became a trie carious t. , el .bis wonderful power ofuiviug the electric I shock; so, baring our trm, we reached through the water and f miiieiiee.l pas-iug our band gently along U under side of hi ! body, and had scarcc' vpresseil him at all 'when a smait tingle ra kip our arm, which I sensation w as soon related, and then lol ; lowed by a shock of sell force as t) make ; ns jump and let go our.obl. We observe i that while eoiiiiiiiiiiieatig the sli n k he be trayed no motion, but 1 soon as it was over rose to the surtace as if ir air. His p wer was evidently much veneevl by conliiietiu nt and the freipient call which his curi .oi" visitors have already .ado iip.u him for his electricity. It mint be dangerous t work lias I u paid. I lie stoel been pa ing iii , i b mU into th. : ry. 1 liis ict only bids f.,jr t . b ble improvement, but tin- -t 'ek it lii; 1 late ' va,:i 1 ..I invest meet I tin is be! tate. ie sub! ers. 0. : (led t'.a ve.it 1 fu'c pr. !:ilirini: It w fu'lll illl f.-'.'o are impose I t li' peri earlier it t en, it iii 1 be -.. .: tin i-o.,. ', a'e siie'i t; .:: iiiieU twenty- :, -tue f I . 1 ',v . f. t ! r uc ol on: 1.: I '"''' ... - p. 1- I:;,! ol. , if in a ! i r fr ;...' in olh's ai.pl....:. H l I..- l K.--. I '.I i V t , ha!, its Wer: ex-'-telioou.s- He Tiu ' i t military ike. it;-"d i hard ' iippeared to a- pt'pagc u.iu ai- t j Vi I'Clj-i. 1 go. an ,-. n-l. I d I- ta - . - i.l'V l.l tl tiiat ion iu I" .at ut. ct t 1 a poii t ui b"tl: male a: 1 of tav .!. ui c 'tl I c. 1. tin 1 - uave property amiog a s'-i, NVii.t" ii.ai"s x , a : 1 1 J ' ',!! . ! female -:.'v.- in u -1 ui ,1 1 l'l-e-'nlei.t and Pirector-of the crew ith transiuitt, d. was r.it' 'inted t) superititen 1 will l.e a g. lleport of the Company is 1 An Agent the construction ot the . -tern l ike road. A considerable p-ni.-n of the loci 1 ha al ready been made and other parts of it are under contract. The Agent, it is believed, h i- faithfully performed liis duty in sup r intclidiug tiio Work. T!1 gatherer- hav alvealv been appointed on th" p o'tim of the road completed, but a repnt amount of tolls collected ha- u. l b eeiv.d. It i.- ro.speeti.illy .submitted w hcth, r legis lative action is n-'t necessary 01. the suiiject of public lligll-W'il V s. This is a subject of general importance to the Slit", km 1 !n I. ecu too much neglected, tiool road-will be found to advance the interests of u!l thL' T ;-.r a.it 1., ell .1" .1' th. ell r Thus it wiil e- the aiu 1. t iws on slave i d.-ubh-to.l on wbibvp 'IN, iu pr iiiat. iil of tho two l'.n-, -1:1 the duratio'i of ti.e ; are t:i. 1 is e, ,;iva:i lit t cut more. T: i ':: '.' '' !'..port;o:i 1 1 In' wi h- the p.'il-tax pai a- much a- ti ' h.ti 011. S ' ii w o "a iu th ' '! vi slaves in tin :u no nces ni.c r i:v e yea: iooger. ta ..i! ; li Uu S, x- " ule.'t.' I IV ': : 1 the t', ' .uin-ur.O e 'll'.-e- ' portion t ) the p'.p H.l i tile ,1,1; ,'CnC. ri j 1 for w :. : -":i t iey ri ' I, ue. re I p. -r .. obv; s'n th it !u numb r ci each. . oil tue siii.es i- 1 .ii 00 U.uc-s p l.l taX "tl till' vviot" p U'.; .'. I- Ion-: t that t:.i- p. '..: .t:t,r! m his '. . p . ! at i two-l'oid character of per- tin i von it tt .,0011 : 1 L" - . '. 1. Vi ' t . : 1 . .-. ', 1 v. n , '.... . .' 1 . . . .' 1. -.-j . ... 1 i ' i..e ,1 1 e i u .ii . is ; p.m. -: 1 '' . i in ;.l; hi ... u'oiigs. he w 1 . - j'l-t. and t i'i'iU.u.: , v. th-iugh priv.i' -uv .....:. ill- W .st' i'l 1 liampiets, which, i.Miy sii'Ve. on. v.u.s, iiruw ar. anu I- :': 'I Wi 1 ' the , I,!v , N.'epti 'l.s u-na, .. .- t-i to di - ehlil.l. p.ct. i v t -il . 1".' of -t.uucs 1 ! , 1 n.ttily ea.-p. I.YIX.. ANP li.- 1: - 'lis ... ml property, and tax cant. 'I be 10 p Csl.H". V 'i'--.i- v.i 1 p' -perl that an a-. u:i that - t i - :i :aiv ,- v .stem ' v- 1 iSieetit't taxation. ! hoy -n 1 i'o t'.'s and j:tt relation t eaih oth. r. in a seivi. with iii. l.nr,. Ion. .t ruMii.itiis in full , lU'lustnal pursuits ol the Mate. 1 ut mode , ot r.'v .'imi. ll is lu.u im fiat a.i r health and iu his nave waters, for this ; oi assesiii,r the labor to build ami rep-Mr ( ting slave-, ca -u p,-. , :is , tat , r. a. uu t eleetrieul power is his leans of attack. u.l public highw ays is une.-jual and nnju-t. 1 he pi ,-i 'nal. im-lu ioig ui'-.t:cj , wh.-t!- r tit lf.t-.-r- o..,.u 'i,;i.r . hnvin.r anv idea of what ho .,.t a,.K. l..w lilts s, l, K-.I. . I... ,l..-.r..j , work done oil the public roads ts- a tlx paid est or not. ought t t be fix-i silk 11 . ..I.... . .., im. ..... ...f, ...j - - -- ...... .... ... ... ... .v 1 . . , 1 I ' ,1 III Way," "oh! n.c, r.h! mc ; what 'shall I do ! 'ut I must go My iiiisbanJ, gentlemen, "is just returned from California, aud is "ow lyins at CharlotUi at the point of dath. II" sent, for w to meet him there with my t"ll.tB, at-a I Lave wilkc-J fur avil tbtvt sofa, I ughbut my wUo will in-Uet ness, go forth to imp..' upon their . ....... i.:..A., I,..-... ,u n ......ii 1110 tell how I popped the riicstioii and ua accepted ; sho has her hand upon my uioiith and threatens 11.0 with sore punishment ir I ay anything about the many sweet kisses, "t h ' well, pray Alice, dear, behave and 1 fill skip -tver tiiat part.' ploycrs with laitness. There is a repul-ive-nuss in all labor set before them, and to get it clone, no matter how, is there only aim. They are ambitious at play, but dull at work. Tlia roseeiuenen is. tlu-T do not stick to one thing but fbort-tiaie jtbey ive about the r,,r food l.nt low .,( siiH'i..i...,t to 1,11 n 111 labor. It edteu occurs that a m-rsoa Ol ding t vain ' horse. -Mr. I lust infored us that his sj-eci- j .'j'.iito limited estatj coin ribntes in the course , per-on Hem f : 1 . .1 1 ....,:. i- . of the vctr n considerable amount of labor w. .',. .0' bis .n- IIK'D flit" C'HIMIIlTl'll I'V lit: IIUIIVI'S C CUUI i . " ----- - America who ..rocire'd it for l.im ns il.eit" Hads, while his nearest rrighhor who hue the public Im-e-est thev had ev eicar,t,nreil. II,. de- h "large estate eolitributos but little or ' cla'so. ur",t I ril'.cip serves the thanks of tin .oieutltie eommiini-, notning at ail for that purpose. t of no better ru'c t asot-rfain the al.i'ity o; f.. 1. .:,.,:... 1. 1.1 ; 1 . . r it hecoines lua autv ot too prese i.t tiem- t. owner te nav. artna a2ree,ut tnroU-4-ii.ar. 4", 111 4 1 1 o I II ll'Jiiii; in aiiliiuiill IC 41 1. U v 'I , . " . ; v '" - - f--,i - c- - - ; aecov- I his woi i.l rcomre every i r , - . r'.ti.og in pt.poition r tue h.T e.-tui', a, i i would e.jua burden bc'ween t'u a y arioti- 1 llstii'V. t Kllsi.V so iKr? . A ) H.'i'.- t ral A" inb'v t s xv if? -he If,to ii'- V.ee JV ts i.i;.nriN0. o i l - ' I' o ui u- that a mail :', ' II ! Ou'iicamp e, l.i i-, p r ' f a hot. ?. who htts r possessed v. ith the ilea that ate ! Ana s, and v iu the air. p. ' i.ii. 'y b t!i ab.- nee ;t tt,e p-r-oii app i .teit t i vvateli over l.'ni, and i n Uav or e l n carry out Lis ilc-i gn by tl viug fr.nu tlf win I w, vvliic'ti was on the to irth Hoor. He lell rutin- court yard bu ! .a- kiiicl ou the -j ot. '1 he V'i ue! i.i.i.i hoi n o lie forecast an I .a;'lt; ol an ,-i-pi.iu alike.-, who made nn epei iuier f iu tT.vti.;. Ilaviuj .leni-o.i.-trated in scicnt.tic pi im-ipl. s th possibil ity (f 1 n ovii.' hieissif Up, ht pieieurvd V-tugs Si. I .:...''. 41 ted IjIC rt-igo ol il b.i-n. l""o.:i th ui e ue cassv(,I Uight ; but. I'd g ii. ii1'!:' to re-i-t 'he laws of : v ifitiof', bs t ami now n pi nieodie ularly inta a ::. .p i. -I u.-. b.ui iitg kauuett badly. V, :u'i -uU i. rf lu ..cu ttvia;, Le i I - ,? r':e:va..t cnoug . Cut s..'., . t j - rrlr'-iv .r j.... ' 'g-it.. ! i