1 ? r.. i 'ttm-tK a irnlm;i (Id 1 lift. lie baa received at tliu North among the Abolitionists and Frees,. Hers, and at the South among the Secessioni.-ts, prove, be yond all controversy what we havu hero as- scrtcd to be true, auil iJeneral Pierce being j stiondv imbued with Freesoil affinities, will From the UaliHgU Rciti r. CAU1) FKOM MU CLSGMAN. '4th, leM. our paper of mvMiM...... v MottflANTOX, Oct . i Sin; T have iust seen in TO MR. 1; AS; I!!; "!'LLt'U- the aoth iust, which .,.iM.j.UW last ... ... iti.rU, an ftuoiiunous count, liieauoii wmru ,Vy 7;v- Sri nm wry .sorrv toloani ;" . . ,. H j,J.ut to the Aflowlle IMesseu- if !. 1 ll.-.! v.,nttiro J it .. N IiI.m. uufr oi itt naturally botow the patronage of the t.ov du,.t,nniu.d and inoitilieU at vour ... l..t.d , iniure me. or eminent upon his. Vutlurii alnes. J hi", his reception by my children, when you did me ,. v re-peot mateiij, is a tisane ol! Soul hern friends nill not submit to, and then t he lini:or to atteud my daughter Charlotte's j-ab,l,;IOl,d" V,(ni bcimiin.' end. Jf it be we may look out foraiwthor i-enenil rumpas Wedding on the -Jrtli u!t. J5e assured sir, ,1K, .ls voll Kt a.to,t liat it ( the production at the South. We hope thai "it may not be so, it over siht on the part of (he boys pf ft Wp;,(.rn ,,,, of l Legislature, it , ' . . i1"1 uot "'tended as a slight, so I hope you , . LotU wlittou l uu individual, Out we fua.i veniuie 10 preuiei- um woht pout .,i,0Xll ,t ;lllv ,0re. for my cons arc . barely two vcursaJI, in a publish iusult and lix the falsehood upon him by the to the correctness of this statement, r 1 1 . I il ' . ! . I V..-. .uMtt-.l full y Villir, oftliirigs. Thus far we have cmlcavorcd to j vcry klnJly i!i;-posiMl tav;irU tlit-ir aunt letter, char-oil "with CHiiELOTTi:: EUESHAY,NoYimbfr 10. 1S52. JtWIM.IAM THOMPSON F.m., b our a licni in UjlliBi'in-, auliiurm-u to tiiUim a:rrue lun ! .oid wilwernttiui. i.d w r-ceiit. j l-:.V.rAUR.FH, ittrKcnt in V'.iilsOcl. , ui'.iori-d to obtain aJ.v rtisc n.i l.ts and pro. Caroiiua and Uut family. Why did yju not nn illt,,Ilti01ulj fnl.hood 1 make yourselt Known as soon as you ai nveu, rm,nl;u tl,e:,c charges asi amt ordi r my carriage to conn net you 10 vqM liav(, jnC) t.olltl. I some place of ' safety where my servant eould p.ji.H-liin-- a reply, in whli ho denied the urpose.j ,ave waitod on you, and given you some cUr,rpif "complained thall had beeu per- readersl niee bread and butter, and molasses too if nJ u),piie( abu.i 1 epithets to inc. eedsof;"!1 wanted it? I am vexed with sister Ajj ,hu ujetly nd Inoiuiuiou-ly lay dUt barge our duty faithfully and we hope, honestly to our friends and to the country, lint our mission is now changed, and it will now be our duty, as it will our purpose honestly and faithfully to keep our re . . .....1 rl. ..!.! .til OVll .- .the next dmil.Utrat:.oti, allowing f ill pnose ; ' uk(, care of yod,tc ou.,t ,10't ! where it is duo, and exposing with a bold ,0 ,a"Ve rHrmitted Iter beautiful boy with so i hand all corruption and uiiMiiauagenient ofi tender a stomach, to come into such ft roujrli 1 ... f .heUovernnieiit. country, auion a parcel of heathenish can- 1 r ' ... nihaU. without xnie won iierson to t.roteel :I r . li. r oioor, r.sq. i em M , ftp reruns oi novei iiuu-ui m i" in rri-eivc navrrtiwiiK-rwind ul seriiitiops ci mi o.r,c...u Homo,,, Nori o.id FU.laCclpm.. ot tno nanus ,, - . lie cans ms no-e, in o vjf,ler boy uidencc, malice He, Instead Of honorable man 1 himself with down under these ehargj that no statement ot lis in this I onsii-''onai Vi COII11IIU1' -.JrtllS. he well kuows ... .... . . . ... why is IT certaiuly received with as much VmducfM as : for rieroo ana M; oa Lis return to n , cll0rI,lt(. the nmt f,sl,ionatlo til- prompted if, amt wbenever 1 ua.ve no ouier niounmuis. iu " cc jn Isjortli r .s .utli t:.irolinit r ikw irlfudsto relyoti for counsel, 1 will'ino.-t " as Fierce and ..K'ntg had never done any hut a. HKi'llL'N U, y hi. iintinn em. astiurad real ou 3Ir.' t mzmun: anti4i ni tiling lor mm, uoqiu uu iihm uai.u WM Vc-r.nee cnu u ru. , arZf I sit a 11 1 cliove 8Sch a 'tours ah-1 any, hin, tor them.", Mr. C. continued the ha. XH VhT.' solutoly necessary for the vindication of my conversation, and gave his reasons why ho j,,,!,, or VlNK OKKSWNt.. Hn i. th honor, I will lav aside all scruples in the would not support Gen. Scott but lelt no mull ,uw hl (:i,.,rl.,tt.; or il iW.,;',c'" f"''"r premises and resort to it. But at present I impression on my mind that he should in No.tbCWiaa.h do not regard this as a proper ease. -lUe . any event, support Mjt ;. Twrco. ..Mr . Ur- ;.u,, ;Jr aiiIkoh'. insult would, iu public estimation, perhaps, miehael, of W ilkes, and Dr. Krwin, of Me- ns,. ,nd kakHIONAUI.B JOl iiltifv it ; but it so happens that i have it in Dowell, were present during the cnt.ro con- u n fo)miJ in ony M,.rc331ti failoring hoUb. my power iu thU instance to throw back his versation, and I think will bear me out as M t in New Vora. "X! .VXw York, K ml luvi.iR a dir. rt cominuiiifl. .t'"" h ....... of the 1 .ravt .1- 1- r. mi LUi IM, t ASh . ii'uil vk't in a J UN'I'l.KM AN 'H X' US I I .NO WI'AUUSIUiJNT, tl tlwl wli fa.lioDbU .r.M.,1. made up in a .uperior .lyle would do w.tt to c II Mid U'. t-V ir nwur and .elect tho goods. If they do not mil don't take them. ANnTlll''irW IKNTII If' W'NIKR! Ml Poll I" NT TO l)V"HI'Tlt'. I-1- llmich. to,,'. PKPSIN.T.ifliu DB.-.t.ve F mn. nr ... , J . l" ' ' Klv N ' M'L " 4 i t VI A' II Uf Til K t'X li eiicciKti-ot tla. r... I Kl!ii.ttp(t'i-o ..! I t'Cil t le.n'li.by I m tl'tifl IllN, M. I., I'liila-'i-lp1'!". Hi-'. .,.,, H.o..d.-,l..l ,....ed .or K-irTI..N. i.VSI'F.P-U JUl'li-K.I.IVMU'tVII'LAlN T Ci,SI IHI H) imiiI I't BII ITV, cii-iHit .liff Niiir' nwu M lliod. hy I4iu.e iiwu tnoofs. As I do not seek blooil. this is a sufficient justification for rne. It is only under the circumstances iu which Mr. Cling inau id placed, that I eould be driven into such dcsriuration. Should my aiubitioo VWtf resDectfullv. yours. - J. A. CALDWELL, Raleiqu, N. C, Nov. Ut, 1952, Ho. Jxo. Baxtkr Dear Sir: At your over mislead me so fur as to extinguish every rcf,uest I civo you in part the su'iitance of a patriotic impulse and grateful feeling towards conversation had with Mr. Cliugman a Bhort friends and generate a selfish ambition that time before his leaving for boine. On the would li-e upon the ruin of friends and the morning previous to tho appearance of his dissevered fragments of a bleeding country, letter addressed to Dr. Mills, ho came into and th'j fact was i distinctly charged and the Commons Mall, mid Mr. bargnn not be clearly proven, I would seek and welcome ;,, , his pUec. Mr. C- took his beat by my fu injure any one i,r,10,, PVcrv dantrer that tended to ..i.tp. bortlr after which we commenced iet. Mciieo his . . ,i t,,.l.ic lvnA from inv infamy, and ,.nnveratiou and eontiiiued to converse free- ..ii,!,, ,. J. ,l. i . r . . . i , . . 1 1 i i 1 I J r Iplory in any tatal i.si.o that wouiu remove y some tune. Had his naiu.Jbeeu ufiixed toit,;lne ,rom lmj eeorn aai contempt of nil lion-j Speaking of t I r Yf .1-1 II. I '. . l!T 1.1 I I . a. ' mi 1 k-n lit Hi i mm rit!iTlinfPllI4 "ft(1 r.'V7 . nilt ISVO luuni .,w.n ...If.- . " ' a i' . i . ' . . 1 . f i Y 1 J ei j..... ii .... i i . i r i i - . riiti or i , . t . ft . - iti"iitnn rpnri id bi c u u ijvih. , ii -m nfir. r:ijktti i miiiiiu hi wt v. - h r,f nr.. i.tr uMi and izmiiiui . i. . . ...m . i.: ; . . k A in,.i.i.. .c a - i v - . . . . - . .--i .-v.. H c;iiiiu iui-1, iiiiu me 1 L L,. L vume Ul UL'llt 1 11 nr ir. fespeetfulj-.j: !?i snlt inA'diili Carolinn. v.- ,.. i ,.,.. V.nl.It t,u'-v nave uut uiTuv.i ' y f. l! nnd we shall free. e t.i . . . ..... hi n fit'inif of the ban turv ii tit into those of one whom the people the Marshal s horse. i lKive not vet learnef t tru. Let 01,, no fonder very well an accident IUUV -"i HI VJf'jmit. ii ill not be deceived. Ti.e 1,' 4, ,r.rl , ' -7 .. .... ,., of" 'roiiy"'tooii harloltes Med-; j, I tbuuk you for calling my attention iuia ' . .wl 1,11 inumn tll:lt mil ffit until. .. .. . . e .f . peucr have rait her vole for Scott a As soon as the official we w ill p illi'h a ta le , i: I. probable result, "V'rr " Vorouknow vm, cn Id have pottcn soiiie- th! 1 HUr a"d rMj ask CH clirJ) sct 0f ju,'tico Vo me, t:l,.,e from K LECTION. o. r delict litfle eh, CC0,Bp,U,y ,lS PttblR'"UU Ub -Uao insert this reply and'the evidence " Ttll' TffAf. A Po..1unt !.. Wn . . l . , ir . . ' this U dV. . r.....: L..J . , , yoyr mama that .you ?ot ; uoth-" to Mr j.,. n CARD Wfo?e illst.rtion i In'- to eat but raw beef and stony bread, tvott auu uranaiu. I .,f" .... . 'm,i ""c"" '"" i . n,.need THK Pv.-h A Tresi-Jent bus lieen 8UU, M fri,Hl Vittens and d I vote is announced jH the .ingnlar unanimity of if ,,,,, U,t vour micic , of the vote. TT.kc a unanimity unprecedented, we be- orP) p.ot tB8, jj,,. wint , ' '. iievc, finee tha days of Washington be too forward to show off you iipiikliit of the Presidential election, 1 i --o , .... i..' - - i - Hi..... , I II li: Jl li raiopxiu". iw ..- i;idmne u II. v. uf. lunii-lwd by 'l' . .i-.i i:. ... , ,v:-..i. V a-is. nee no i :e laiui k me .." to escape Irom the ljtiominy w men ins con- )te lien. Seott, ana none as ciuen-m ei i 7,,,, . Juct laten upon him. In'itho may possi- for him and the Whi : party as he had done Xargerte; Sr.w'n..fej'o MhSf. r;J!. , riHmrrrlal ICrroril. world, and although bis vengeance may be wlat j lJ(j neara thnt he could be elected iVilAltl.o r I K Ni'vhMllKK IOJi-.vj. wrcaacu on me, ne never euu unue vua iuui to the senate, 4c. Here ?lr. U. went into blot which it makes upon his character. J nn explanation of his course and present Icl ;him of 5ii Ijuitord who iiihj copv Mr. opiniouSj antl concludod the fiauio by re- : L'-ter, and would re-peuib ask Cling,nan k card, as .in act of justice to me, lnFarUi ' that hl! C0IlM ,,ot support Gen, itrtm.ion I ,i ni.i'i-ininun 17 it Tin tilleil.Kili w llh c . ... . 1 n . .rr chicken (jizzards, know von wers you rot bv bein2 too forward to show off your maitnosf. bv on the The comniuu.iation complained f by Mr. i Yours Ac . 11. . y Vym.--"- ... 1 . .... 1 . v is T, .u. .r ( Jirll I lil ni'V&' ZZr AhviUe, auy criu ron,viei i. . ...... . ... .,1 - urawin; your knife and rushin . 1 -r:t of Lincoln U I New-naul.Ps,,if '.carrleu, hnn t0 ' ,e tible," prepared for the men. Z-'r- .n-,1 t,i ."- I'rcMdentipi cliatr a eoraitu lectin on itie . However, my dear nephew. I w in v part 01 me creai mass 1.1 uie iirni,ie. inai vnn . ,;, , . .,,., 1,,,., Clinpman was written without the kiiowiedge of any on.?, and was founded on convcrsa tion, had with the several jentleincn, whose certiSeates are annexed, aid contain the following statement of facts He brou member ins the foil sition, to 1? EATON Gali, Esq. JOHN BAXTER. . ri V t" I. l. , 1 a tlie ,I,,n- T- L- 1 iln''"3n. pu t,", evening ot another member of tho Mouse who. I learn, u l . I tin irthii tiiAitih.. .ulurrait .... . ... . ' '. :' the :ird ultimo, when he remarKett, that ha js nnw ill cxcue h.""""""1"" .-..v.- j.m.r ..1,1. .,-, m. w i .,., coHtivoiiess, cau-ed no doul t by an ia; U4tet frtw a friend in Lenoir, that the petM-ril prosperity of tho Xati-.n. ou,r f raw beef and stony bread. - . . 1 . .n. The returns fro'.n the various States are ' i .:.l ... . j 1 ' i .. . l!,n. T. U VanjWMl Ha .H '' ... . . , ... ... oreao anu raw occt. . . himself and nroeara Mr. V. , . 1 1". :.. . " .uwi;,. fi;.ri;..,Utn Pi.rr.. oi raui, fim ""r-'""! ""'J t ome up and sec vour ur.ele li n .ten n, and . i . .. o r . V had not rcau it, aau um noi miow us con- t.ri, -ver tVaS U,.4,of W Pist..t to Puirce lberefo. g,iaU p, tp-,e rubKshinS the ' lovJ shall treat vou better, in, 3 m'ke ''Vl? " 'n ,' v f v'" " f 'n He al.-o,' in a subsequent con versa- auii Kiai as Le expected. ,3tisties of the vote until we e?:i pive them 'eievP Toa nre'-omc pumpkins ure '"r J- j i' .Ul"-msn W.0U'J tion with n.e, referred to the letter, and Lixoi. Cauuwull Co., Nov. 3d. relWd shape. From the information, t.noU!rh. your affectionate nncl-, . 4 . ' "S'f.0""1 again said he did not know its contents. E.?itrorthe YC lUiir- , however, already received, we behove, that " HIP VAV WIVKLK. 1. Cer.t,eman, by W .( Iu answer to your enquiry, I have to say, Euaoro the C. U hig - tho eWltnral vote, of the subjoined States - ... - ,, W "r,, b" " 'on j or ,f tht, tlRt 51 , coaVersation between Mr. Cling- .ui UiJ.il ciu, i avail niyjdi oi ine ... lfen ca..-, folios: " J -""" - pe tienian preierreu h, tie, .ur. innjman, lllu . f.. dll, .1.. re. 1 n . . t J . ii . ir- e l il.. ....... -.-j Tobehcrd(Yom' ' fring some man ,i miencc al n ;l.., am. o. iu pro- Cli,,t ot saiJ ott4Jr, I expressed the opinion :: ! f ' :: , are comitijr 1 all put up .. i you may neitiier ue inhteiisU by the oue When .nr. c.ingman, over nm own nana, ae- r fj tiiu itt.r. To which he repli ,i...r gtt imo iu-3 otuer. . n . lues i it. ' voa arc mi-taken, there is an influence i U .i il . . : i .1) T. . . : - mis is not . an. in iwo separate conver- me here, that woulJ defeat nit elec- inen as Gov. Graham, Kerr, and Badger stood at their head. I took no pains to treasure up what passed between us but as i my memory serves nie, this is as faith- well , Raleigh. N. C Nov. 1st. 152. T1 1 t.. ; IfKntir ,i,iunu ' T ii - . . . 4 IUMI.UUIIH iiiwui it.i.,0i, mi a MHwmmi i can now mace oi our ht w.thh conversation. I confident, however, . " . ' tor, which was hanuel to me uincaie'i tiy ru,,n, M 4 37 Nail, I i I iili., 50 a I'll Iron, 4 5 It uu r, 1.1 H s.,t, 13 . 10 llrvl, 4 H Corn, 3?) 40 K.oir. bbl, (II U M.ul, 37J :l Irl.li r,tsUc, il) Oils, UU 00 Pork, M () lke.nt, H . 0 l .rd, H a 9' K.ih., j Ss 33 Dim, - : li l' Bil. Yirn, 7'. HU Klin-, - 1 . It) Mlll.gi, 3 . M f..tie, 9 . I T! w, Null M 37 . 67 1 Sol. I.r.llier. IS . 2j '!f that it does Mr. Cin;mau no inju-tice, as member of tho Mouse who, I learn, absent from the City, can testify, if ho will. Yours respectfully, 1). V. CALDWELL. COJ.UUKIA MARKKT. I ol exuu. mlt 8 CO TTttN. 1 he .te ot ciritm .n onf fn.fkAt (ot the ik eiidiiii to d v m 8 Sua fu.!e .1 pit. cc. ranging froisi Pj iw H 7 6 cent Cll -tULEX ION MtRKKT. Cai.Li.TO!. .N of .nil.r r B To iy 9,360 bile, of 1'oilon wtie .old .t 7J to lOeenlii earliest luoiut-tit to give you the resuit of v,u l reMuen'ial cscctiou iu tins couuty. M ine. Geu. Scott a:d IVu. A. tiraham received .New-H-mpshirc, al oat 5'Kl votes, aud Pierce an 1 Kin.' HO. Verinuet, Vh'- is a decr-ased vote fr-tii the Au ju-t Mcha.n. . . , , , . . ' a itattue Isisa, clef-iion, au-J i;;oir. a smail gain lor the iVntw-r tiiut. Whig c..iididates uer tliat elefti-n. arid I Sew. York, ' tiJi.it under all the circumstance! our little NewJcrwy, c 'atitv hi- done not ly when it is lemeiuberc 1 rvnujriv.i. that til. arat Aatu ' it of thesu llusti,j-i riere. Se..tt. 5 U CD.NSIGNEKS PER HAIL HOAD. T. L. C:i:y irtgmau), vouch- Delaware, .M .rvl..nd. be .rescl.t Ij siiperintelil aud ad- S..othX;aroliB. fne.n votinsj for 1 iblna Ofri 4 it W U ': ! t vtn-e ti.c inter 1 of Gen. Pierce ever-awe, '(" and nr.. .enl hi. friends L'rLt'viiuii ea::.i all the a a j from Buncombe V'rrioi. Yes sir, '.he Honorable Ini.hnj,' t. ii..kt a i-jxt-ch Lore ou Mondav before Nh-Car.lio. .- : v i l . T'! , 1 TennetoHi', fciir; ii ju, ill m u.eu lie irnMiTli"! nreriaic , . . , , . AciiUir, aruui.-i.t. if bis late letter, (with eottie lit- Miouri, e. u-,. a I -t ever-, t.e ii". : la a'n! the defli,. t 1. e.-uiitv, 'ieu. I (.. l.l't I liiinoie. yt c .ie-ti, Hri.ce.nm, 1 WJ, Tex... -litorr.ia, Florida, pv i.f wiaich Lbu tKCU sent Arlun..., ' U'an, tj ii an and thil l nv ier . t the ilniiov-raer in. this Vi-. C. .,,, Mr. Kit:!', I n Ij -av tLst 'leu. is r.-allv lie ad, I vi; as v.t I,, ill ju- iiielid A.J. " : l ..i h! -iraet" which means, I i.:pi, , -i 'iterice pjliticaliy. Mr. t.'ou.'in tn a- li'.r.v and uiot triumpliantly ...' T fcV 1.1. K. Cul 'well, E-i , of d Mr. i iiri -'eaa, nMaithstauding iJ alslitv i i ui--ursioa. w hard ;wji.i.y irv.iitte 1 and rLavrcened ife iU pr..faaeiu our defeettOil in i-n,; ii-re. It uu a tl-.rioas r tins '' i.Py g4ii.ni in in p jliiic", I. " -t siid independent Whitr 1! I'liitv mare! i.i t th tiallut I 6 35 7 27 3 8 23 li Id 6 IS 13 11 li & 4 rWJ Cloihinir! Clothing!! V. 10. R. V.Simontjn, U. 15. tiaithor, 'rL 1 l, ir iv;ir.. . I ii iMiii.i. tt,. .. 8 i . you and let me kuo-.v w hen you cure this gentleman such office as he desired. t(Jym tliut if Le cDMtinued to act with .Mid,,!, ,. Mclie'., li. E. Johnston, Wheel- i:, i u ,u " ""iju"ar' "u" "1" the Whigs as heretofore, nothins eould have cr k Kerr, J. A A. II , aud the cullaboose locked, that of the letter, and the same can be produced .,revpntL.fl his doetion to the Senate of the ' ,V Co. and A. W. Shet neither be fri-hteusd by the oue when Mr. CingniAn, over hw own hand, de- y s this winter. To which hw repli.-l I tnin-uiur, . Sheck & Son. Kanixour r:GtSI.ATLIiE OK NORTH CAROLINA. s w,lD ivn.jrsoitne x.eg.si.ture, tney Tht. f,ct is, the canvass was arranged Died, at hi. reaidenee in th., 0Of e the 9a. 1 Irtellijenec of the death of Mr. Webster expressed the opinion to linn that he f.jr the beneiit of Gov Graham, in the event in.t., JAMKS I.ATTA DAVIDSON, in the twin- 'reaehed iialei.-li on Tuesdav. the -th it:t. nd.,rr','l eMfalating his chance-that Lo u 0, el(1(;tt, yiet Pro-iU nt." tr-ninta jro-r i hw .ge. llhe Led-latuie of the StatV beii.fr in aea. the JJom-ic rats had no idea of electing him ln :lls,ice tJ myself, I will say that no I However mr.ui ou. tin. dUp-action .y .p. sion. all other btmitieM wa.s put aside, and '"'V,- V ,u "-"""'"" relation has ever exi ted b the following resolutions were introduced, ' W 1..?, and p-it.ontly abided his time, he ,.. ,,f that could F'ttrkti'i-i Pi fit- ind W!f, nf th Aral liieh will b 'd low nr rRh, A HKTliU A. CO. Fancy Cassimcrcs. "R U T r.ned . ernd wipiilv of eitr. In. P Kuweit I'.He Cm. Mir. of lb Mm anppljr now olil kjr lit. H. r ..nt l ailnr. in New Yutk A UbrilUSK M O. Afire.' r.U.fi. .vt--.,of. in ieja. ti r id i i 42 4 4 3 55 pronounced on the pre-eminent character land M-rvieea c.f the illustrious deceased, were unniiimously passed : : l.etotvrti. That we have heard with deep regret of the death of that illustrious stateti inan. patriot, and orator, D.iniol Weh-ter, who, fminent during a Ion life bv ft t'-'an-1 tic intellect, a proiound knowledge ol the 1 menu in evert department of human know!- IP"1' ".' !td no chance for ll0me . I n, arranging my Jack affair and vww. nd UUr.l f.ehng. During U;e p. riod of, i i " . . .. nmmfil Inn m tha r tnlik-d rl Inf. St.-tll. -i. , i - .. ... 111. INL nw sulFi ritift. nnd imlfecl. a lew Olenitis edsie, eon-i-tcntlv devoted tlx ni all to tho r- -a . , uni noi reaen Home in lime io see yon ld- .. " i -- I .1 tfto ShotH uud III in kit, .'ors:iu lluln, Kriaeya & l.timt ., For ft', very low .1 LIA8 Sl fOIlKN S. No S, (.'.uu'. Row. between lien. Ed-" ? w nt "" a"u '"' " eould titlinri'.. miipIi ' . .nl.l . - . .ii t,.w-- -I- .l . ' iijm 1st n or rea, a. e.ery oiwr eveni, could and would have been elected to the ,:., (lf .,lrh . i.,Jr , , n, i, .riw, h. ,e tB , ' . .. ' Winter his influence Would ,u, .... l...i., , l.m.,l, n.i.l" ,n ll liu, u...ln.m el' II.. l-rueulanee. It! have beet, sufficient to have turned the rial- about b' surh inrl,leee as th-rcin inti- not U, t.tmed to., u.ueh k. ..y oi n.e .ub.. anees, and secured the Legislature to the ..,., ,u,.., ,it, . f ,; jeit Una note lh..t nr n...e..orf uoa.u.lcner.. Vt,:, in .!,;,.. vn,,i n ....n'. ollm, "l'tc,l showed to a tew cotia- ,r r ch.r.ctrr. Ill Ul hi. bu.in... i Whi" in whitb event no iuns claims dlMltia, fl.lmijS aD, did not intend to give f.n.,r. .odeondoetjic w.. ,or.t. hooe.i ,d i could have come successfully in competition pubUci,j M it ,t pre3cnt. jhoaorabW. A. a cm. nd n.lf.Ubor h M. wiiu uis. , Y urs ie J V F GCi mini and Hoopit .Ule lie w . a 1ub, geiuroa.,) To the first he said, you are mistaken, I w.rn.lwurtvd liicnd. A. a liuu..nil uii l.iolln r mdibt d lo lh ftrm r nqu-aied la call and nitaa this conva-s was arranged for the benefit of' Taiisv-itv TCv .,t iV2 o. eould h awre tnoar d affeetiM.w. All ul.i. a.rcpi ot u. - - - I i I - w no :i,-w mm pmm a nn y p-oii. m ntiu ina a..., p .r't.. n nifp. liHUJ li.ia Ml lie in 9.11 ol loo Mr I'iTAH Sir : I am nut ready to go T a ii i hi, i mm ol nuldo lie rl, cipmikd bu-mm J"('i VI rl. DWELL, JNl A l!A Is iJCfVotice. rStllE F'u. of t:.ld.H. (1 c Co. i. ikia 9 dav diH,ierd bv m.i o.l eoonl-. A 1 pra no Gov. (Irah.m. To the other he sub. tan- I 'I. il.. e I J J nrmi.ti. nn.,n 1 1. ,li-,. ' u .It.-tl niV it, r. wi.i;e so mv v oiuer aien wnom ne n iuiou fnrm , R.l- .,h ...d 1 ,'p.iri. lo r . '. . . " ' . J. . : " -1 ' j ' - ' - - g ,ra 10 tne vpiritQ l a. l. oia in (or mien aia ol 1 OrU4, 30. UU. J. N. WeELVt fcrL HI .Ntcc.3. rv to c'.oice, 1 U'. 1....: K. i... t J ; " i a a .1 h.s S t i.e V !'! .1.1 t-. e t f I Trnve!!er. It Id very generally believed, iu this placr', ! that the author of the cosioiuuicatiou iu the ' iJailv Jloirii-.-r," published iu Vinnloro, b"l nl ."cil ari l irahatu tickets, voti2 iSieni hi La !:ifi.. i Kr he w.s pvent in the l flurt II.iiimj Hutu i ne vdln; uok place a i'd p rt: ;n ' f in.' d.iv.) '1 i.e i.'Cio:i u i.ver and the fate of the canciJa. l!iJ. and I tru-tti,- Whig ticket j. er i! ;:. h iwcv r. it is defeau-d, th? Ubia ol I i. l-;i Ui.il C 'U.'raljiaU; tiiein-aHe-o.i asM ii ii.)ti- t.ieir duty. C. UF.SI'ECT FOit THE DAY. Ail due observance was yesterday given to t!n; erireoti jiii of the Pre-idetit nt Liu I'. C, headed Miss CbarioUe'a Weddin?, 'uited .tat...s to the rccommeiidaticiis of oar aud aigi.ed "Traveller," is t gentleman ' Corporate Authorities and of the Town Meet whom our town marshal iutroJuced to tho for paying !"leinii respect It the day marked bv the .b.- Ll&il H Il'J.e 1, i j ! V Vi-A. ( tultt.-il t.i llie t, mill celebration herf. for disorderly conduct. It I .. hi beloved Mar-hii.-Id. The Executive is v.-ry apparent thnt th writer, when in-' Municipal offices were closed durin: the dav, dit't.' 1.U piece, w.s wineing under tho ', lt?es of buvne jt.meraHy from the hour kOPl IAr Il f III. r1111 trtr . aalco,,.. 1, 1, m -va.n... pentv and pl.rv, and the welfare of her , " .", u""i v to you as an oll uwl true Uimd, that hi. oul. lie or..vd oiu a ana fervenUy Sr pir peonlc another ii he were going to take tne stump f wsut y0ll to stand by Clin.Tin.m for Sena don, and it i. cw.fidetly B..pcl th4 beobUwrd u , M-r.- r.M-tl M H,j.n.h bo.Ht tn. U' tovrd. That, as an ewtVion of our f''r l'h-ce and King, he replied that Pierce ij;, fril.n,i4 clccted you and every t ftt of J,.a. Vv s,i.i u.. frod. oeeply . u!.., nf t. it Mf-c..b co.ll .. . ' V . , , . had never done anvthin" lor I- iu an ' ho m-i i r .i ii- . . j .i lament Iho In., of one to worthy of th-ir eel. nn carr.oniha re.pf.ct lor the memory of the mighty dea l, ' , ? "l W lug member from the bi.trtet, and the a UVe, thy do Bt row ,. t..o.e who b... M; . . this House do now adjourn. did not kno that he waa under any ob.iga- whol district delation should vote for hop.-. M lb. lull ro oi eo.pl cMoal.. b VfrettltWe ButtUM, tiari to Iuui. him it' they reflect the will of their conti- ;.dm.nitrred to tl.e litre. veil ..i,j.r and weipinj a' 'neold .'o.i Gt...ral y k un a. V ,i , II u iieiner uie?e stniemrnn are rrw uiare'i tiients I and DO man can blame them, for it 'rieno., anil ncciting improvrinenl trom il ia . l. ,n,i w, .,,., d Uiem tooorfiMid. f ) IPJiiff Air. ('.' tubman or are m trrxal, ,... if,,, VH.t .nVnnit to thi.eai. """ "" m'PrKni,t "i'l'na Hon, my n til be ,, ,j r..r. .ni.ie.ireibai Iber mat ...r, n..t : . . .. : " walls of the eallsloo-e, ou the nuht of the , V ""c,l" frent o.ai- b,.tW0( ,he o.fiiin.j ta,cmenU of M efle ts of a riuart of oie Sort or other. If of nojn. and the lclN nt intervals were t dl- I Tho .ml, lie fee I In-, l-..w m.j in the readers of th,- " IWi-ter'' would wish (,, ,t,va"r'd manife-Utton. . t toknow hotv ?!' '!-rr fared, and how they I The following Telegraphic despatch eon- I rt'SIUCOliiil L Iff liOil. were t'Vastd with our celebration, we will re- ! vers information of the manner in which the Oi. .' lu-t.re inoi art fie.j t brutish beasts, fcr them to late numbers of the Columbia ' daJ WM ob-'l ved ' South Carolina, the 'harieton Courier, and other pavers of t lie like ktauip. We do not wi-ih to do " Trav-liet" an injury ; but if it be he of whom we Lave above spoken, and iriei,- ,, . rears m amaae-; t Frebcb leave of t. harlot! eaily the who dro i r head, and inuf. un Wiai,.-b..ro Train, alter ".fi -!.nii.p an! 1 1 i L-,ieii.l, V i . 1 . r n ... - 1 '. ninn sr ti.ea a cue oi uv u i,,ars. w arc authorized to ii.iorm i.im thnt be can get his pocket knife by applying to the man, who rode after aud overtook hitu with a 1 . . ' . 111. I 11 ailR 1. C -L - 1 11 llllb 11 1.111:1.1.0- ... , . .. ..... -- -- - - - - nn-f r.i m mi.i in is a question (.ununited to the puMic JUrtif- Cus uiovementl of the Middle and En-tern le, to -art "" '"'3 ""c '.'."", am. .01 members, that we will never elect any borfr. the proof, the reader is referred to the letter (Jlinsman has more character and more and cert.ficate appended; nnd however ,,,:, ,.i niorr. ,t, teaman a nualifieations ' imi"h the public may be divided in opinion thin man or mi!a in Nort!l earo!. tin r lin in & 9. ft r ir inn I rprnitjititin thnt nn CiinL-man and niys.df, no one can hesitate nian froll t!,e -Vute ever ha I, and I bc? of to credit the evidence here produced. . t0 c,jnibic vour effort 1 with bis other Iriends and aet with conrrrt at the tiir for him, and nrtcr drsr,t him, and the day will be yours. Curse thoe middle and ea-tern men they tiiuiK von and l and a.i men, ir t.le or futore kappini.. ! i,l;,, ru-loni li.a' l. her.l.ee.re I I. M WILLI rn. The inferences drawn from tlice facts tire another and a differ tit tl.in :. In com tiKm with inaiiv others, I entertain the opin- on that they furnish additional proof of cor- r ii t.i and And is tin. life prolonged lo me 7 Ar. day. and aouaona given ? Shall 1 nut thtn pr.pire to be A fitter he.r 6 r he.wu ? On earth let my ex.'.ti.ple ahiae ; A-id when t ie,.vi: tin. at.le, M iy he ars reei ivc tin. aoul o( irujio To bli-a divint ly i;rct." CoMjnsifiAntn. Dt-mir-t ple.H copy. .VUJ lueu bsie e-t I'leir lea-oil. U:rifi-:i Si-.it I,?., ieen beot-n for the I're-ii-b.y .f the I "nitr-J State by Prink 11 !' - ' At ti.U re-oit, Iieason baits -t.M a. ;.i,. an incut : J i ; f.e her eves -l-in-ii iu-i, .,. -. ',- ; mid r..i,f.,uiidcd. What i. tuie totcii i, Uic civilize'! wrbl 1 What a Xit. I, itil. Boston-, (J.'Toiieb :.'!. Our city to-day prer-nts a solemn anil im- ce. very public and private, n heavily draped in mntiriiiiiz. Nothing of the kind has ever f a J eon: eiiiur i J - v I hrtr..e. If Traveller had cat winner at the first '. fJ,!t J-eription of the bokmn scene. All a.,1 appre-dated, tjl;e tba Lite f.,;;,, L urij-ut tut 1"'" ' c' at"ua-J U iu c. jurnin2. anl ,-reat mora, have fo and bo much tj wh r, ,i. rever complain of about raw meat and atony bread i the inteliieiji.-e of the W;..i: J S--ott, whoe and bo-e life and iiuu- si .- t!. :i .real lieed-, wot' b. aie Inowu and prize'! n in bin ev.ii eoiir.'ry lia.-lm Q defeat'-d by a man bi-e r patatioD is c!reui.i- ribeJ by the i ,n. u:ne i .-le e i f th-- liraiiite Iliili ill the litte- M ueof New Hampshire. But the t ile i n .i yer a'i t . i. '1 iii d-fi-at is til" resalt of a eon, I ioati of f .'.lion-, v ho.-e purpo-es ate kieo'ii auJ di-ciared to ' i iji ntiea 1 lo the p rpetuit.v ot the t uioii, and t j: true ait- Travel!, r," why it mu-t be owin ere-f. ef it,- country. Fillibu-tei i.tn. wboc refineinent of taste, and not the fault of th" ' T"-b ''' ' .rj"'-1' covis. Finally, if we are not o.Uakcn, in t'lonn. Ko..all.iiii, v.uo-c purpose ist.iu- ,l.e athor of " Miss Charlotte s Wcduin," volve thisevjutry in for-vu w ars iu aft. u.j.t- we w;4j comuieiid tu bin peru-al tht- follow ing uu to.rtand iii iintsiu tii iiirfis of words of our Savior, which we think way tlie pfpie of tia- oi-J woi. J. who are lticipa He of uudi r-. i-, mid appreciatiuu tho true pruie p.ea uf li.itionul Ireedoiu ; Baru- urtieri-ui ud hunk, l i-ui, who-e so) at tin- -I'M ifiee of and m jal rights ; ira.uin-w tiojeeia are to rtptai me beiu witu a lvalue Ij take the Fit' itive Slave Law. mid inl'-' ot. m the - - jut.try the ib-eiiiiiable Wilrnot i'r iviso 1 Abolitionism, uliaf "'j'irt i-t-il reak d..n all tho barrier of t.n- Constitution, which j.joteet the iiiliim .lis of the South; and SnnlN S;ce-i mitii, h-i d. si 'tis iree pial Iv tresse.'ii! -V, but fupp o ted I y a ueire jlno-'.bl pretext. '1 le-- are tie f-tioiu which i iiiiliu." their J:-'- r 1 ant tl. ment. t) 1 risk down tbif nlci tion ofienral S"tt. ud sr. ure that oft!etu-ra! Pierce; CDchle li.Vii, tT.it it parly woiM be 1 ! fonmke a IOJ. 1 1 '" 'ii-!ruiu ul f the Ltti r to wield to their pjrpi- The -rc vote ahich i .tion show a total want of patriotism ju)t (0 , llieiJ aud as soon a-i voa (iet 1 a destitution of political integrity, and .i.,.r , ,.lur,u. w;i ke nrono-ed. tho rffurt th" preenee of a sclfi-h and unhallowed am- t)! u.;tll M tlltl. . ur ,,lultf,.i forever and bitlon th.it reii b r- him an unnt and unsafe givc a, t!ip benefiu ari-iii from it. The depiMtorv of political power. The justice aa. ailj lie hluri have' arrived when tfioa..! i ii f r.. ti-j nrn tnii rtnt rf vr rii l.T n- . . . .1 i . blic auJ private, i heavily draped in , 1 .7 . v , 7 7i . ? . Carolina mnme our ivctern men i-r nana. un i iiii- I' l iiLin in, ui.u ..j it-uii iiii, Ly c.-tern man, particularly when ii,;i;Bin ii, .i.i r.fih. f,.,.ii 5i..,i . r, ... . : in . ii.- . .nm.. ne- Hutu net -r j..-., n e....- Hraiti l.uurit our men, mere w.nil 1 Do t-nded l!i:.t thT! is a lii.'li moral obli -ration ' fow(s rrawil fr onr goin; into caucus ; as resting on every (.ood citizen to Ku-tain me. tjl(,y nrvr rimer, there is no rcamn, wo, nine, U i-i true, a stated by Mr. ('lineman, that and I tru-t in frod our men mr,er u ill again near two years a-o. he nub'ished a card iu fall ri turn to their ha--, riupll in. which L.2 diri'iutued me fir "impudence,! Fa v, you ore a aen-iMu and fair miuded ,,"r"' ...I-...: -l r..l . I '...J .I...-. e"'. . . . . .1 1-... .1... '. inanee, arri iiii.-iiiiouai la.seuo-i , .-inu ina man, ana l only pu..''-i inese niins mai I Cuiiteiited uiy-elf by protioiinein.' bis state- y,,j may take alvanta of oar rights at c.eiit a tie; but accorlini to his own cole the on yet. ; otherwise "all it lost." ;ih toil Iiiimt 1i.ici) Mit t:KPKN I I- MA Nh mot ar."l out altady men. Liberal rag a will be p..d lo oe'i. 1)4 V II' hi. - l.i K Cimihil'. Arte i 4-. II s 2 . I' and boats an 1 every conveyance that could be had lo Mai -hSeld this morr.injf were com pletely cro.vded. Special trnins were sent out early in the nioi nii,,-. The Merchants' Exchange is n,ot ta-t. folly decorated. It is impoi-ib!o to fin any tl.inpr like an ade- Ilenuiifai: Icoiiliiiii: L'pL-uliful!! S& ' L .bn li. 'tn with trei.noiy lo lie wie jL of f n.-y; or our-n 1 i .i.. emm llii- ' of honor, the impression w hich be now seeks I desire further to say to you, that if Clin;- F0I. R DAl S LATER FROM EL'UOPE. to make from his manner of atii);: the fai t, 1 man be made Senator, he can tret any office p-r. t. ... I in. of li'.pe: elm rp,: III. I -f. wiM ii.-rf .rui t i" promi-'-a of" v"o'h ; or that m d I'l -ianea nf to die wi I im nopp Kl liy I'ih aoMi fj.itii'.a nt' a mn't.iwr. a't.'nd to Ilia i.iia.n.a ot H.ilierl naa-. i hi.. ."-.dor and llirm-.a iniker in inm town ol' M a.iiMt.. conaalof ibe follow n.j vi lo wii ; Nn-ih Tnro'in. DIll.i:,, Kniil.y 4 "rt r,"-..te r. " I) umi ' If- a'ao h iB a vane! v of an!d!a m'ds f'Xpreaa'y .1 i a i vi iii: . -ii of ;i tuns r iii-kkh, , . MTIMKI', riAKK.H-s.nd JCA.N8, lor ' lo I.J I I I S A i ollKN. j N SI, ta-aolte Row. i Public Sale. : 1 1 I. H on V'.rfnwiir, it. I Mli 0. I 4 4 ,,',,r m-i-, -i th rHKMnr t'' lr. W in I, I'ofp. r,r p. tl p'W'!i riif ttinirhftfiW, ttowt J mm! ff .su ' ti-tlo ii bM of th fftiiittHing pf ' r jr ! ! H t ei-nd, roninfttfig of. -2m- lS.000Ibs.of.sccd COTTON, ('nn, I' hrnt, Onfrt, I In if and l'mhcrt tl it Mil'- J aJwrr, Clulllc, l.Oj,, Iloiisrlioltl at"l Kit flu it n ttvi nut:, Charming 'tool, I II on it Wagon, A IX 5 Mi irnC. V S. '. K ul Itm.nl lurk, a ltd oi liter arlii'lea mil in. i. irv to mint ion. 'I arm. mid-i known on ins day of atU. r. t. kr,K,.l Attm r Nuttmh r 10, IHjJ it Kail Koad Sills. tfai.'f IPIH W.S I" d'-ll?-- ! Il- no 12 4 I. Intel n ol ilir Ni rlSI ' ,1,1-11.4 11 il Ro.d, b i.ieived .1 II. It. h, 2 .31 ard Hnd I ilti"- in ir-ii r,. v, . i . 1 , -,..., .1 T...-.H , it 1 c . 1 ne sieanier i iicllic arrived yesterdav at ' unit. ix.-iore me luiniraiwu 01 m ior you mat you nwre. w m ine- uie niz - - - - - i.u m.i. .iien mi 1-' i"" iiim r 10 i. n no aa ... ry ,., esetxeert Ira.ellr, left . . 3 tarJ;ttbich be now seems to think ou.ht to or the Keinocrat. are in power ; l,a l,a jrot- Jl";?'', .V-!n.Vo Bo7wh; 31 " l"h ".,...,... u, w.il r.ea,ed wan oar ex'-ru.us U ei.ttr- o, lh ultllllll. ', ,,e markJ un,,rr(ie have provoked a ci,aiict,?e from me, 1 had ten tne the one I hold, and 1 only surest H-..."-, i.. . or. ' I IC'SXTi. tatu 1 Lew. We hal pociireu tne very he.-t no material chanee. '1 he f. flow in., is the made a speech on three different occasion this, that yod may be apprised of his ability j ?a;iillTV ll;irltv;il'f i 'e-d .d -.. a- ... 7 cc he,..', and cooks which the country a Horde' , had baked i Teleraphie r.-p.it of the peneral news : in his pr.-s.-iic.:, and soon afterwards pub-' t sir re his friends in the huur of need, and ( wM) oi) )h m morjle ,.'flB, 'e(lh.r hy ' i bo 7 .i..-t- il... a be .en n- l.eo r fl.o.-..ed into bread f,.rty b.irr.'ls of flour, and roas- Kv,iLAND.-Par!ia.ne,t will meet Xovr-m- " ,". contai aii.-f many I further thoudit it miht be pleasant f ,v ,h .,. .,, M ,,.,,. ' "Z,X1.' 'V.it'u hJ"' ted t -n thousand r, ,ut, 1, of meat and if er ror.u alt..-r which it is r, ported that f?. !" ".' th': "P""00 "St '' you to have a lucrative office tor a year or UT.ll a-d she, on. d.or F.a.t of L. " - ;":,,,, d ,rr r,m !, ,, l n ti,,u ant p ,ut,l, ol ...eat, at.J tl .,m( f ln.-nds injur,.,,,, -hars a.n-t bun, and two, or perhaps take bis place in Congress. vnt . .-.or.. ,-,ih.,,,.. ,,. . ,..,! mi. . , I 1. ,e-.,., d. we failed to pica- t.ie fa.tuious tate of . . ,,.-.,, ,h ...,:, , the only n.tn;o taken of its publicatioit was Alt this is I'tuccn u, an I I her of you as j .. ,-. ' I r b.d. wi I be .rie iceiedcn it.i. Iu n to hi. Trade. ul j. t i. the J,o..s.,r. !To. very pi.ncipie oi ja ti.i beiiefit him in hi-future travels; ' Whey ttuu art bidden of any man to a Bedding, .-it Ij' t down iu ( le-iro in-t the bi.dii.st I'o .m, k. t a uurc hoiioarabie man than thou be bid ieii o! him ; And he tL.it I. a ilc tLee a-1 Liu, er,uv and .ay to thee,li.f t . i 11.au niaui;: and tli.nl loWtt lOOiil. Wliilakfr'h Magazine. We for jot to tioti"- in our last our rcep ti ii of this deservedly popular work. Of coure we do not ruhM.-ribe to the political mailer which it contains, but a a o,k the object of whie-h i to raise the standard r.f Sojtheru Literature, we t liquid like to . e it pro.p..!'. Mf- mi l Mia. Whitaker, its edi tors, ate both fine writ rs, and their wi- c tions of literary iti-tt'-r are of the first order. The work, a our read-rs l.ave lu r-tof-.n te n bj prised, i puHi b'd monthlj iu ''0 lun.l ij, S C , a 'lir dollar, p-.r nuriuro 1 The funeral of Lord Wellington will take place at 5.it the Ktli of N ,ve,ub..-r. i Hon. Joseph It. Iuersoll presented bis creilvritials as Mini ter on the I th, and was itit. od uccd by Lord Malmebuty. 'J he '0. r.y are rnilcavuius to revive the con. ocatio'i ol the Jiii,-li-h Church. 'J'l.a lrl-b f.'ati.oiic papers exult iu the pro.-peet ol the French Empire. FttAMK. Napoleon ci.tL-ie l Paiif 011 tba I nth in imperial .-tale. 'J he city was deco rated with triumphal arched, up .in which via? in-criijL-d " do the Emperor, .Nnjioleon the I bird The .Senate ha-i been suiiiiuou cd to a--t ii.l.le on the ith of JS'o.tmbcr to Jelib. rati.- concerning the empire. Jt j-, be lieved that they v. ill declared the empire. Ab-J-4-l-Ka'lcr Lad b-t-u liberatci. , and wi.i be ton'.i ved to lroii.rjaa, iu luikey, ha i.a . iu .Woru upou iLe Iforau not to liia- turb Ali'.-iia. refusal or neel.ct: II. M. ED.N'EF, ) -., ,. ,. - . . I combat, f.r the ! N pj -V,Ui pv r alll Horrv s)m wA t)0llu)(, CJ0J)tl)U, tl)0))ll)Cj. TJu.ZVam i6- "b!, K"' 1U'0i !l 1 1' dr ff'l .0.,KN j , , received a b.aod. clone, tie a mm- bl.iI1(, there, but am audly di.,.ppoiuted. I fr'j ,,,, ,, ,- 1 the card atoreai I issued lrom the City of Iuv- friend to hrcd uhut I hnvr S'iil. W a-hin.'t on. If then, niv refusal or ne.-lfct : It. M. ED.N'EF. to chiilien.-e him to morta insult coiitaitn d in his forme intimates I one lit to have leni ream lor I,-ercditi,-..' my naien.eiii, vyM ,,;,! L,0UJJ lav0 be,.n have, fi.1(! U,sh Kr,.h .. d Urea. i;iltT?J the same reason will apply, with double ,.,., ,., 1 , ,. i-: ,,.,.. .. , uf ,,ral;. ; .1. do s. k a..l lij.n.u.a do a- 1 ... 1 .. . 1 .1: i-j ... . ---- ... ... loree.vi niiiiseii w uoti, siai, 1 ui-e.eo,-,, u k, i,j ,,r th,, any lever owed any Uv- ' " ..! r,..l.li ...-I.i,. inuin wl.ii.li In . ri' ......... .,1..., ..j . . :,, j r,r rvii v ui ; tie is me truest, auu base an opinion, except the evidence p- he'.t Irieii 1 (Jul ever ui.-i.le, uud when you perilled, eneti by o.t,tkiiieii of hi,.'h harac- tru,thi-u uudaouud bimyo i will find him so. ter. w hose honor has never been tarni-hed i ... ... . . . , - .... i, i Jf we iiil'i t no more, t,oJ bless you, my t v q iiet v aiiliinittit,., to insults as Mr. ' ' ,:, 1 . , , . dear fell , ', and i pray you may always ( liiiliiiiiii ami turtn hair dune. 111 1 , 1, r-ne t us c, d I ' ' 1 , ,v - i" iiut I am not di-pmed to pur liner, 1 '-'.o atio Janta too C oih t'lo.li.. I'loth.fc'a-imeie. Kelt, Pelcri-hain am) llisi li t 1 ler. ei.a, Pants and Vuai. in every variety of aiyle .nd mi I.- id. HinrU. D "wrr.. fi'hr, f'avt a, (Jlof.-a .id yen tleiil'li'a ftl.lit-bll.e n rl ,. i,4, all o ,i.rii will be -nlil 10 ,,i.r ren. lowrf 'hsn ariy lor li. l HjK el Ilia- It i k Sn. ul" Hie m.iP de 11 ir. . x -ei' ili. -t- I. i.l mot ,lio N inrlie. heart on lie- fl.iieopd ante-, and be t? niehra titt ., 'I b' Sl 1. ,11 tin iJelivi fi il no the line ol tlir Road 40 ,1 'li- ri.-taii. at 1 ' every li.O 't' I bv the la- J ... nay. Is: I l..r il. 31 ami 3 d l' .mi', and In 't. M ot J ,.n. I-.3 inr ihe 4 h l-vi.. Ail ,0 b. in-O'eied and .n;nvpd ,y the liegaieef. 11 . d' 1 a will be -b.i 11 oi. a. i lei. 00 eai h D i 11, ai d win laiiale in lloir bd ,b. .eelimi. for wluih le Id, I . kn d nf limlH-r ilnti .11 are 10 I e m.d b pi ,,' i . of iheir con'ract liny ara W.I, Hit1 ,0 take II, M.n k. A .a m r. 10 M M'HI 1SH KAf, Prdk N. li II It -d. J J. 4 t quarrel lurt ier. I am emireiy sarnuen .. , . .,, , , .-,. tv ,. J f,.r n 11 I 1, 1 I . 1 11 ,tn ii 11 till death or I tCUJI U. : 7" reputation in the', j AVr-mfer M. ,,. .! j- I .,1 1 .. ',us ai,c. 101a .',1 wi oiiiita'n J t -tru-t. the dt-cn-i-ion hal b"- ' , 1 , do me a favor which I will always luve you o n-r e,nb.iiiim.M , s.. , . r.n ann j legi.lor i I an, entirely nmM . ,,. t S .,.,. tt. .... j IU Ir-i ! r I net, tween Mr. '!;ir'ii:ati and wywlf to years; a to, the p'lhiiiHtions to which it lead, an 1 1 hi on the merits ol that contra-: putinc ver-v. IJ. M. EDN'EY. Yarbro' Hutu., I o'clock, P. M , ) It may be that I uiiae(,iaitited 1 Plank Koad Notice. 33r)tico. (mineral t ami i Hire, O TOIIKli 14, lso'i. mtti 1. 1 S f.i. lo. mi binf f'lsi.k . - tr.if era Ja. nn ih(.'b,loi. and I 4N.r-n lo r ank Ho d t a. h l eifiituer ii.tb.. luiD'wo'd.will be rereteved by ' ih, p. ..av.ri g:ni Iti'.et r-. P auk to b -ol'oak or I pli.e 3 iceliea li nk tv H feel lone F"t ,'ll.f ' .Jirifi Btlosia t- ihe l le.oiei'. Of tba Moderai ,n. d. ! H M. JUII.TtN. I'e- ! AWaitr If). It'i. 44 'I ri. I ' . I . . - li,. I'r, i i I. 'irinv u''i tinirtlv I , n-i'iieeil WI" po-IUOtl lil society, am in.il iny. ....j... . ... - j -J IJ M K li ( IU a,,lie.l , bvi. g leo nia.le to - - - - - ; 1 .liii.,!,, mj.ii m 1 r.u if known, would de-troy tl.e effect of tins date, containing the follow in. enT.iry.: ft ..,,.;.,. ed,,:l.d. liailCr S Nil. ICC TI,.-,ovcr,,e,.tl,asa..ic t.H.-.J.oro.o. 0,U.,0 this di-lin-iish-d ! 1U you have a eouv.-r.tion with .Mr. J o., ..,11 e.....l..,ann. ,,f,.u -..... of lUlnCI f 1'UHLC. Kivrai,iu.es of Klbtue.y, Maijland, and ' ; ' . ' , ; . , : . , t (-lin ,,, durilllf bis late visit to this city, L- Wvr. w.. e.-ra.ed ta-mre l w Xt Ae.-,l.,i he ,,., B,.ok ol' .rk'.nb.,re il iu. f t ,1 aeca. p...i.t in Ill.t..,ii.ri.ss.iti4l in tint, nit . ... ,-. ,.j ,,,, .k ,,,,,,, dg d bl..r. . Notary I'o.die ; in A sMiuy oni C h naiaoi. by (, fM-l Jer -one thin,' I do know, what little I have .aid , winch you asked li.m, if be ntended to. i( hu..., .,,,,,,,, ,j , . eeA.ii. ,el. Ii-e i Um I-. .,l, of . h.rloi,.. ., and written ,a never failed to stir the !l.m-' take tho stump for 1 ..:ree and Km f ami ,., ,!,., ,,, p,p.-r ...iiboniv. ol too aimm on. .m o ot ii.a ol.j;-aiiai orv rna.1, hoiae of The la-t words of IiHi.ieJ Web-t.r are re-Arable pentbman up to ere at aelivilr to i if so, what wa. his reply T In reply, I have ! ,r, , , i,..,., r o. ' n. . o..y. n... .,r t, the rl"-.f '-"i;"-- ; "' porfd ,ob-.-f .T1..T, ,n!" They will counter,:, it-influeL. Hut this result, I to sny, that within tho Lr-it S p.,' !u" ! n".'. ..f'l.ia a, to ..'' 8 ""' T. Yl ZVuX'StZ f'-rm an appropriate ep.fipii on his tomb p,-e.ine, is pro I need by my obxur.ty and , tne present ..es,o ot tne iiCi ,.wn. . ir. ( , (w mmMlvt uXi Mafci. lul w,,i iN.. l.od-..pj, i , he v-.. f 31 dot..... ,,., ,r,,,. I,., .,o,.e..I t,.d .1.. ... 1 i tliii'maii was in my room, and I JU a.-lt , , , , . ! T.J IIULlU.v. U-msn. in is ", " Ji irH'if 'if (imtif xe i ITis suj ation to fti to cba'.lenj.; hi if h intcuded to take the otuiup ' J'Jll.t tt ILmrN; rmmtnt.ntr. Nuatmt 13, lBS-J