CHARLOTTE, TO". O., DECEMBSH 1, 18S2. :itf TXJQEiO. . - ..... , . . .. .. .. ... IVIl CTtTNTII HOLTOPI & WILLIAdSON, PnOPKlETOttS. TERMS: (16 or lw. !. iyp fur Hm r inter, l,on).ad 25 cent, tor Mob en I. nuance. Uurt id- "TZ ent. biRlier , . t.. k, mills from me n guur wicr, i..r ih fcir. AdvcrtisrmenU inwirted monthly or .uirt. rly, l 1 lr squir f"r ch time. Semi. ounlldy ceiitii per suaro fof each time. , ITA1I letter relative to the Editorim! Drjwrt- ul . .. , , i . hi i. .t iil in lie riwnsMiTt .niinui'""r"i - K v will mil be attendrd to- IT Paj mriita can be made to either. If PoJlinail.Tt are aulhorilcd to act at ag cnta. from tkt Waikmpton .IVrojwilan. JIYM.N TO AI.TfMN. tr Hrsat lit rsKitaa nk Aia v Varia." f admr. .till fadinc ! the llower. are dtine, nduvrr their dr. Ih-brdk the Wratwmd la.iciung; Tne p.lo lonctr M.o lka trarliaa tnd ci.ld. And the iuiikI ia tinted wilh Hie puret of gold j Th Kumnvr'a harah thunder na lnnr r l tmm, I Autuma has conic Willi her dttoi.te chsruia : lloll ! to thee, Aulumli, 11. il ! to thei!. Autumn, ll-il! la Owe, Auluiim, Mid emblem of life F-airif . atill fading ! the lofd nma are alrrping, Wune the Angel of death hia nightwateh ia keep nig i No niiialime dluminea their dark dreary bumf, W nera llw glioul.and the oroi, and liic uiglit.api. fit riwm ; o fiy flowers blo.mi on the earth o'er their head, llutAuluiiinhaaae..tleredlHrleatao'tr their bed ! II ill ' to thee, Aulumn, Mill ! to tiler, Autamn, Hail ! to tliee, Autuuui, I'alc nurr'ir f K.te '. Tkaing, atill fading 1 our years are but few. At other. b gone, ao e miiat go Uo j KVn the S.iringtimc waa blmhing ia iu freah ir ein tilck.m, A'a, little we recked of the ahroad or Ot tomb j But Autumn he eonie with her frkture. f, mn. An.) the p..niti ua af-r to the bright Spirit Land ! ITien, 3f atl to t'tv-e. Autumn, MjiI' to thi-e, Autumn, I! ill' to Hire, Autumn, Memento of lKith ! lUisccllancous. From the Weekly PL ELLEN WRIGHT i fiR, II o n r t r Triumphal-!. by Jon-. Th Notlh-Carnlina w hi will i anonwa w IiTe ; he was taken thence to Lis family dead. ; again and again she protested her innocence, had trusted in Uod. and he had not deserted not fullovv the thim-a which make for peace, tion ot S'j.'MK) for Mr. Lemmon, a he isjintisli Society organized to promote this at Tnll HOLLA llh in advonee, or , .. ... ,i . . i .... i . . . r .. I... . ...i r i.. .1 I.-' i : .. : . . ...:.i...i i I.i .;.. .1 !....(.. - "T a rinjj AND I'ltTY CEN'rs if py. ai iu n upi ui um jm " JSut, auJ the judge, " do not deceive "er- J " mancc oi ner enemies recoiled 1 iiey enjoy only controversy, contention now smppeu oi prupeiijf mo snu w iiuiijauruimini in -v- i bfdclirr-l for three montli., and THULE of her husband, she tell on the body, and , yourself. It is useless to deny what can be UP themselves, and she, in continuing in and strife. Have no communion with such refunded when Mr. Lemmon shall be able sociatiuii." It is a utilitarian project grow - i ..o . 1 1.. . ml at ihn mmry-- save vent to her aconv in shrieks, in tears. Bit tinuilv ni'Ai'uri t linr.X.r.t ..rtii f'..j . .-.... " til! f tilt lis (tf VIltiKi ftFitl l.nimvt v ot. nt Tni--.'tiw otflicr n lii'.uliUnrw nr i t Iriji nx. to Tt'tuild it. 1 1t C VCT V 1st Jit lit' 111 I IlllT out of tliH frKi S lilif ol lol. i , .,i t ii thy and love aweeten and brighten poverty, The year lfc37 will Ions be remembered , ., . . . . , , , . , , in j... f. but the true indomitable In roisin of the heart It t ic couimfrcial coiuuiuiiity as oneof great . . , , , ,. , , , ,, sustains its hardest struggle-, and shims dt-trcM and uepressnin in business, Conn- f ,, ... , ., i i i ,i i , , ' i i i i forth nio-t triuiiipbantlv and briglith , when dince waa loit, a nl they who were esteemed ... ' -, , ,- . r r ii . .i . t i !' rests upon its own strong and heavenly tli mo-t safe fell into the vortea of bank- , 1 . , , , ... - , . . i. ..l foundations. It was so with Klten rtglit ; rititey. Men retired at invht with vissions . . .. , , .' , , , , , i - .i the purpose of honest integritv wlich warmed of oltta and anlendor, to wake in the morn- , 1 , . . , r - , , . , . , , her soul ami kept it fresn and green, never 107 and find themselves ruined. . , . ' . . . , , . , 6 wavered or faltcreil, amid the tlarkc-t gl'Hitn J'jhn Wright was a merebanl doing a Urge f prjration, or the strongest sense of un lud extensive business in New York, and apathetic loneliness. She t ub d on day li-n the pressure became general he was aVtcr day, saving now and th.-n, a few dollar's imong the Brat to fall. Vi-iotmry seula- frolll .xwr a, XxVv.Xi wherever , toil, and becoming security for other s debt, fjC Wf,,,( wm the principal means of his downfall. j- B Bs not lot.g' after the conversation 1 e I'v by day, one hope, one resource faded lBC,.n p;,,n Bn,j Mary, before complaints nib) mother, futurity grew darker and Kloo- W(,re ,,,. tliat , jfl(.r(:ilt r,i,.,.s J,3, p.-en nuer, and as by little and little their stock '.,!,.,, were fastened on two or f iiM.iiey melted away; starvation atarc-d , ,iir(.e ,,f j.irN, l.ut it, the ab-'iicc of po-i-tin-in iu the face. jtive proof the master (Mr. Read) felt unwil- Vain were his applications for work, and ;)iIJ, t0 .litharge any of them, lest he might tli "Ugh he made vry attempt, yet all were up()I1 tH) ilm,,rcllt. ; !eli.'.s. To ace Ins family starve, be Could j l,.t 10wevcr, detcrmim d to keep a stricf H anil, therefore, when ho was offered watch over all, and see if he roald not fathom filu-ti.m in the west, he resolved to p0, leav- t10 my.tcry. In the room ou r which Ellen ue-tliein to the mercy of God. Hitter, indeed, a. rmstres-., there had b. ui placed a quam aaihe parting, and for a short time after, ,j,v tlf ;i, ,J ,l,e ,.lt morning il was aw aifu full into a state of perfect iudifler- -,,i,sirig. mee, .ml it was only owing to the cheerful-1 p;(,,,' -,as ,(, a.t ; tie roull, night. ; and energy of character of her daughter anJ ,. first j,, j, :,..xl Wltni, Sti-picTon tllin.that her drooping spirits were revived. wa, f course, poivft toher." lVfore pro Klh-ii was as yet lint seventeen, but -upon eeediug to .v-xVreiue measures, Mr. Read, her devolved the - support and maintenance of w ho a kind hearted man, inquired if she ii'T iiiuihi r. W i t Ii unit h dflieulty she pro- ki of the article. i i-'ire.l work, and though the wages wcrv , ' No, sir, as God is my witness, I do not ;": a!l, yet by n studied cystem of itotmiiiy, , f,e ,,,( n71. W)r,, a dear, calm, un-. ""'.',"' 'de to purcha'.e the necessities nhrinking eye, conscious of In r ow n integrity. : "flit'i. with some few of its luxuries. " Well, Ellen, you have always borne a Kllcti Wright was, indeeil, n treasure; nut good character, hut the cvidenceis no strong "nly had God cntlowed her with personal agnin-t jou, and I have im t la'i ly w ith so 'auty, but Me also gave unto her sterling many losses, that I am determined to bring 'I'lahlii s ,f heart. Her opening years had the offender to justice. R-sidcs, Mary says "'ii Warned bv tlm sunlii'lit of a tiiother ii wl... . .. , von i .L.i It " lnei-tl,,i in, ,1 M nl..r.ol wit Ii n it.ll,t r . I.n - 4"1 lio deemed no sacralico unworthy, so liat -lie might, in some way, repay the debt "I liinlne(. biligi iitly ah- toiled, and when at cven '"I'dic greeted her mother with a kissof love, " as Well ren.'lid for ber self denial, by or I'l-'l Vers of a tlm iil 1'nl mi, I eratefill snlrit. ci-L nli. I niii.ll.d io.ll..l hv utioii ll.o ""'I" or tune, and at length a letter was hhe feared that God had forsaken, her, but r" ' lv, d from the absent father ; he hail sue- Mill she bore up. though in the struggle, reetlt-. -nniijuj, ;),, mm.y and would M r heart was nlino-t broken. return f,(r l,; .;('. !llMj Joyful, J ,,r Ellen passed many hours of the "'' t'eil, was this intelligence to the anxious weary night in prison, thinking of the dis 'K. -lie dutiful daughter visions of grace of the accusation, nnd imploring as-is-,, '"."" happiness floated before them tancc from ou high to Sustain her iu this uti that they should bo shrouded in the l,)0kctl-for trial. " i""""i or ,,, ''ipiointniciit. "It t'li'li h lif' j i,,i,e find il st irfMtiects. 'IT "'iglitcstjoY are often surrounded by The cup of blits is s'.l hP- It " the may ,c to earth ere yet it Las reached tho s hut a step from the house of joy liouso of desolation. To-day men gay, happy and bk'Mcd with cxis- kuc-e to-morrow, ih door of the tomb way t be opened and a place prepared for him in the chamber of death. '1 he vessel in which the father of Ellen was to arrive reached her point of destina - lion, no cniereu me caum wnu ncaun aim Two days after, she joined in the unknown! world, and Klleu was left an orphan alone llHcry, u A!uM .. tl,0!ie who liaTe T'CT .fult llle li(ter rca,it'' nVtr k,107 nln ..! linrrow eoidiined in thnt word. r 7. , . T . i . can never realize the dcaolatlOD of heart ttiat jt BymLoIiseH. Kllcn was now lonc, and in he r straight- ene(J eircull)glBcc wag obliged to remove a nrtnri-r nnrf itf tho etlv. he w as temrited r i ----- , to envy the fashionable ladiei who passed her daily in their finery, but the voice of conscience spoke sc swefciiy and fo toftly, that she felt contented at her own humble lot. Now that adversity had thrown around her iU traiu of evils, the nobleness and ma jesty of her nature w ere shown forth. Now, when external forces would crush aud blight her young heart, its strength was most pow erfully developed : and, like a palm palm tree weight is which shoots upwards when a plueeJ on it to crush it, so her pure heart rose above the accumulated burden of her woes. She had succeeded in obtaining a per manent situation as k niiistress iu one of the manufactories of the city. Alti i.tion to hi r business, always ready to assi.-t her fellow workers, and of an obliging disposition, she sc:n won the good opinion of her employer, and the love of Ler asscciatcs. Not long after sho entered upon her duties, she was promoted to the chargo of tho apartment iu hich she was engaged. The foi tut r u.i-tn ss, Miss Jlary. had been discharged on account of strong suspicions In iligi iitrrfiiued against Iter, oi petty lliclt. Mie still was employed ill the house, but all looked epon her with dread aud abhoretice. tin Eilni being up pointed to fill her former ta-k, she vowed to be revenged, and under a pn tended friend ship, cherished an implieiible hatred. t'ne day Ellen was iu the act, of weighing a iiantity of silk thread, she aecidently let fall a parcel, which was l y her unnoticed, Hundling up the rest, she was preparing to take herseat, when Mary eiime up and puin - ted out the aeeidetit. Ellen as about to correct, when Mary whimpered. "Surely you are not going to put bundle back ?" "Certainly I am," replied Ellen ' that whv not." " What's the use, put it in your pocket . it will not be iiiisx-d. Nobody ill know it. land when nobody know, it, it will do them no harm, was the suggestion ot the tempter. "No I will md," r plied Ellen; " this -..,.,1,1 .. tc ,.,,!,) . ii i i i it. my conscii nee woiim ciiccn inc. -iou would know it, and he t"lls in : Thou -halt not steal.' " A llusli roe upon the ihit-kof Mry. and fhe caid, pertly. " Well, niiss conscience, take your own way. Advice is thrown nway i; n-i a fool." No more pascd In tueen them ; but Mary resolved yet to humble her riv al and destroy her rrputation, bile Ellen, in the eoncinu. ncss of her own right, made up her i. -nd to break up all intercourse between them. It is cay for us to bear up with a stout front and even -hc rfull face, when svmpa- "tiod forgive her," was the meek reply, " I am innocent.'' j She was committed to prison, and as she I was home off, a gleam of fcimiisli triumph lit up the countenance ol .Mary. Poor orphan friendles i and alone she was in the coils of the snake in the clutches of a revengeful woman. She was taken to iail and now, indeed. Towards morning she fell into a soft slum- t,i. .i,.l ul,i, loul sfiireid v n u ukniieil lifure ' e an officer appcaretl to take her into court. 1 She trembled violently when she entered the gloomy courthou'C, with its high arches and got hie windows. The judge w as seat-1 cd upon a lar"e arm chair covered wi'.'jj scarlet clofh. The clerk was eated before i Utgn table, with a pen iu Lis LsnJ, and c - looked remarkable grim and morose. The I judge put a great many question to Ellen, all of tiich the answered conformably to , tho strictest truth. Tears bitter tear, i w ere inning in torrents upon ner ciieclts, ana I l,avo uotbiiiL' to cohIosh." renli.-d Kl- w,ic gob broke her utteiaiiee, "I u)jout 1 " You " whh Lui'dl possession ; what do you say to that T" " Impoasilile wuo is my accuser : " 15ring out Miss Mary Davis," cried the Judge ' Witness, ," said the iudge, " you are row b, tell us wliat you knon-of this on vour oath ease. While the judge was speaking, her heart beat violently, ami her knees smote togeth er, but she paid but little attention to the words of the speaker or the voice of eoti scie nee. I saw her take it myself," si said, in trembling accents. " It was on the night be fore they were missed." " It is a falsehood, I never took it ;'' and I poor Klleu wept as it her heart would break. ; I "Stand aside witness.'' said the judzu ;! then turning to Ellen, he imiuirrd if'slu had anvthiny; to say in her own defence, a the evidence was strong against her. " I stand here a poor friendless orphan," answered Ellen. " .No one w iil spi ak in my favor, and 1 must wait that punishment which others merit. I tun innocent, and may God lorgive my enemies. " 'J hat s more than i II do," sai l a voice, , ,. . , , and a man was seen struggling m the crowd, and elbowing his way up to the bar. "Who are vou ?" inouircd the crier, as . the man came ut, howiii" and seranin ' " I am a witti.-s, please your h"iior, pile d the stranger, nothing; daunted. All eyes were directed upon him who now . stooil m the witness box. lit; t ' agd individual, and by hi-t app a laborer. Ellen gazed upon as a middle arancc, was ii- features, ' and the more she gated, it seemed as it t Wero familiar to her. Memory was lK at work, and at last -he knew the pe rson, who thus uncalled, had appeared anion-.' the erow.l. Hi,, reuii nibi red, that some weeks ! ago, she had assisted a poor ho i carrier, w ho was about to be t xpeiled from his home on account of being in arrears for rent. '1 lie circumstance was by her forgotten as soon as accomplished, and n -w again was presr nted to her tnind by the sudden ap pearance of the huiiibic'orer. " on are a witnes, "m sav: who ii it for'" ei.titiniied tl.e crier of the court. 'Who f. there," ami r' Why he ponitei for that lit to Elh n. Mi ' I,, t mil mount the w itn I t! judge, and we will hear w hat h" 1, t - ,, lit- was sworn and ca-tm round the crowd Iil- awaited the the ju ige. .- -t. What is vour Lame !" inuuired that ner- sonage. " What is your honor's will ?" " I asked vour name, my good liiiovv." "Charles Rubcit.s, piease your honor." " Weil, Mr. Rob'-it-, what have lull got to say about this hu.-iiu-ss." j " lake y inr time your worship. Grvu folks enough rope and lh.- 11 hang tliein si Ives ; and here he cast a side glance at Mary, the aei ia:f of Ellen. "Conic to the point at once, my man," said the Judge, " our tunc i- ricious. If Vou have got anything tj say let Us have i; at once." ! " Well your honor, to make a 1 Uig story short, I II till you a',1. Yo.i si c that I had i some bu-ines- with Sam J...,'iii-, :i. a:el a.s neither of us arc members of Temperance societies, it was late before we patted. At last I made an attempt to go ii one, l-r it ; was aivful late, and I was all ail .-I a I'.i i lie lecture Irolii m win-. Soilo.iu the stairs li , ci ci ps, as ,-,'ft as a cat, hot iii.ii. g to tie-iuib - n iiv body. Well ) our l,on-,r, alii r I had got ; Juini one pair .-tairs 1 saw a door open ( standing on ajar aud I heard a w hi-pr-i ing i belvv, en a man and Woman. 'I hit.king it ' was some chap taking leave of his gal, I w a just going In pass ly when I heard the wo man sav ; "liloiious; Elhn n.:l,t is done' fir now." "Yes, replied the man," she will trouble V'Mt no timrc. " I gin, sai 1 she, the slut will be put in jail fr six inui.ths at the lea-t." Hat Mary sai 1 he, " how iil conscience did you get in the r -in '" I ', that w u brav el y done, said sjie, i,o oin- sus- pects me. II it the bundle, what are you going to do villi it, sai-l the man. " ili !e . .. .i i i -ii . i.i tn "ii ft, i ArTtnrrTiTtrrrstTii'-r sell it, ' she replied. I waited to hear no liioe(i your hoin r, I went h m' tiirlerst-n 1 that Mi- Ellen was charged with the crime, and now am here t defend her.'' As Robert w as giving hi- evidence, in lii own rough way the countenance ol'.Merv be came gha-tly pale, and once or twice she nearly stilih to (lie ground. When he elo.,- she stood up, and yelled out, it s a lie all faNe. They are accomplices and want t i screen themselves. " My word on lliat, said Roberts," it is true. " If vour honor will but send a cm. stable to the house and Id him examine all ithe clocks, my story v.iil be proved.'' " I II go with him your worship, said Mary and she trembled violently." "Stay where you are,' was the Larsh re- 1 he constable departed, and in about fil led! minutes returned with a bundle. It was speedily opened, anil found to contain the mis-ing articles. As Mary, thus wit nessed the proof of her guilt, she fell upon the ground ill conv ulsions. ' It seems," said the Judge, that t hi s wo man Mary Davis, has out of jeahjii-y and revenge, attempted to ruin the character of a helpless girl. The attempt has failed ; tiod has protected the innocent, and now gentleman, wo will tli-charge tuo nc- used and (-online her false accu-ci' for th day of trial. Tho court is disuii.s - cd. "Ellen forgive me for the pain I have caused you, but 1 was forced to it by Mary," sai I Mr. Real. " I have nothing to forgive," was her re- ply, " you but did your duty." The fiery r"deal was p aosi,iud i-iio eauie forth pmi- i ficd by the flames which Were kindled to consume her. Four years flew by, and Ellen Wright was the happy wife of Mr. Head at-d the doating mother of two sweet children readied a prominence where no shaft of envy or slander will reach her. Her s teas ought not to exist in Virginia, than a Vir Ihe rtti aid uj luinviltj. giiiian has to say that slavery ought to exi.-t ' in New Hampshire. This is a cjuestion left UNPl'ULIStUKD LKTTEIt OF MR. WEB-' to cver' S4tat? ,0 ud if , we mean to keep the fctates together, we SfKll. ; must leave to every State the power of de- lhe lolloHing beautiful fr we have becjti permittud to coy fr' large K,of n eets f the priate'lile of 'l'aVfrJ'ff eiister; by Charles Lamuaii, Iv '-, now in the press of Messrs. lJarucr & lirothers. It was ad dressud to his New llainp-hiie overseer. AVasiiimhon, March IKtli, 1 " John Taylor : '"I Min ghid to hear from you a?aiu, and ! to learu that you are well, and that vour j teum ai touts arc read v for sprint; s work, I whenever the weather will allow you to bc- ! oin. I soiiietiines read books on farinini;; ami I remember that a cry sen-iblo oll author ndvUea, (armor ' to l.low naked and ; to sow naked.' Ji v this l,e means that there is no u-o in beginning spline's work till the weatli asi.le r is warm, that a tanner may throw iiis winter clothe- and roll en his sleeves. Jet he says we ought to bcuin as early in the year as pos-ihl lie wrote j some very pretty verses on this subject, j which, as far as 1 remember, run thus : I , . , ., . ., ,, " nile vet tnc htmic ia .nuir, wl.ilc earl t un. j i ,h,.i (The iWncn bw.m to the wc-tern wim!s ; iole tneutit .in snow iiihM,lvinif,.nut the bud, Aim! re-iii, yt t iu w, Iruiii i-rieijiieea rui. I KYii in tins e.rly tl-.wuiig "I Hie ,i.r, i I'rnihii e to plow, i.ntl y,ji.e le ituriiy it- r ; I And t'o'd huh t.ll l.e Miiku l, rtc.tli Lib t-o!. 1 And the bnsdt aharc is bun. d in the soil." ! John Tavlor, w hen y mi read these line", do you not sec the snow melting, and the little streams begint.iiig to run down the slopes of your Piinc the new gras staitin trickling w ater, all gr brook pasture, and! and growing in the ii. I, right, and l eau- ! tiful I And do you n..t see your I'urliam oxin smol. iiig from heat .-ml perspiration as t.'iey draw along your reat breaking up plow, cutting and tinning over the tough sward in your meadow ;u the great field ? I he name of this scm-ii',e author is Virgil; and he gives farmers much other advice, souio of which you hav- been following all this winti r without tun knowing that he had given it. " But w-'m n e, Id w-p1 ther. henvy unnw r,ml The I .boring I" in hi-. ' I. r; nr I., i.i. n r 'i , ' w" . , U , , 1 hni 1. i ,s h.eiel, : v. i , un nurl: t.-.c mi, r skies ;.rt f lr il whet ti.e &h l,,e Mi re f r i , ii ov tr, i n !', r b Mk, -r i. ii H,s i. i : ... , r en fin-, , ;;fr ine-i 11- sh r; n -t.i.i, liM liil ti! s-1 to Ik rc.ii. v, hi good t,ne, i . mg Ft, re ; r .ke ai.d ,rl. fo k, Vt-it lu crowc.-d lurna U cuey la. rn I. k to he ry, tnd i-lu I 1, .-era ; us kmc, mg swine." ,'iin-r tilings l.iie u l'O.'U i,-e.,kt..i-l to bin 1,-in II, s shut ring pr-.uUry nnd his :. :l And Mr. Virgil says s; which V"d understand u it- I' I :n, I.i 111 is We 11 as e-V r lie did : " In chol Kor-, t Ii: ig veinter pvvains t r - ::.,;r i-l-r-ir h riJsInns, niol re-nr.i l",r ii ire , The f ruier In lull t init,n ,,ls I'rieiius, I And vvh t he fi.t w ith pains, vvali .l.-.;Mire s nds j i I)r vis eh.ors i:r tuiii tee tire-, . i. t- iN mice- mure. Stories veioeii tiflt-n l.ei a t. i,l : , !- re, S, r -,h! a lie n t hie, with thim-s g-.d to fit ; Act! ailiiii some moist, iiinc to I l- !v,nt Hal li:e..t ; Tin v pr e-t Ins liosjul. hl v iitnl to I Tin y siuil sii i i In IU r ullt r r c a a Ilir-I !" "John Taylor, by the time you have got through this, you will hav, n ad enough. Tin- sum of all is be ready ',r vour spring's w jrk as soon as the weather . iconics warm enough, and then put your h.-uel to the plow, and lok not Lack. I'ANIEL WERSTKR." DANIEL WERSTKR S I'll IV AT E LIFE. '.VasiiinoTun, Mart i. lth, l-O-!. "John Taylor : " Go ahead. The heart of the Winter i Irokeii, and before the first i;i.v of -A pril all vour laud may be p'.evvetl. liny the oxen of Captain Mar-ton, if you liiink the price fair. I'ay lor the hay. I send y ol a check foi-SlUil, t.voolj its. Put the great oxen in a condition to be turned uut an i iattein d. You have a go .,,1 horse-team, ' and 1 think in addition to tins, i mr oxen and a pair ol loiir-vcar-oi.l sic rs will do : ,, .. ,i ,':,.! ymr worn. Il vou think so. then ;ispoe ,- , . ,i, ... i of tne Mevi ii or unyoue tlicui. and , , semi tucni to tin' pasture, tor 1 ci f. 1 knew ' 1-1 W tOIVfl nyi.ry tl.iinr - I not w hen I irt I 1 1 !; is- li - -..i t- ...ii,..' snail ore ilitiug. II vo.l !..' d n. lining, sucli a , giiiiiei. for l.i-t.iiiec, w i ite to Joseph liuek, Esq , Ho-t'V, ami he wiil send it to you. " hatcver ground yni sow or plmit, see that it is in good condition. W'e w ant. tn jiriiii.iiniii rriys. ' A little farm well till ed,' is to a farmer the next best thing to "a little w i to Will willed.' Cult iv ate yoer garden Jh sur-e to proiluee sc. flit ietit of Useful vege tables. A man may h ill support hi.-, family ; from a eoo.l g-trden. Take care to keep my mothers garden in goo I order, even if it cost you the wage of a man to lake c-ire of it. 1 have sent vo l many garden seeds. I' .sti ibuto tin iu among , Send tin 111 to the stores : every body may have a out eo t. I am glad tl Mr. Pike rcprcsentaliv e. your n, ighl.ors. in tli illage, that j ut of them w ith . t you have ch '-t n I Ic is a true in an ; but there are iu New 1 1 amp- hire many per sons who ca',1 tilt insclvi-s bigs, who are no Whigs at all. and no 1 1 Hi r than tli-union-i-ts. Any man who hesitates in granting and si-curing to every part of the country its just, mid its con-tit:, ikinul I'Lhts, is an enemy to the whole country. ' John Taylor ! il one of your hot s should say that he honors his father and mother, and loves his brother .led sisters, but still insists that one of tlit-ni shall be diivi n out of the family, what can v,ul say of him I nt tins, Mini lucre is no real iauiily love iu luni . Vou and I are farmers ; we tali; poli ties, our talk is of oven ; but remember this; that any man who attempts to excite one tiara of the count i v against another. is just as wie d as he would bo who should I attempt to gt t una tpiarrcl between Johu Taylor aud Lit nei-hbor, old Mr. John J-sa-; born, or his other neighbor, Captain Bur leigh. There arc some animals that live best in the tire ; and there are some men who delight in heat, smoke, combustion, 1 ou have no more ri''ht to say that slavery ciuiuic for itself. j " I think I jjevcr wrote you a wot upon- politics. I shall not d it i' only say love your country, and yo ord before am. 1 our whole l.'UC UMi V 1 l- II LI. Ul. 1 tl4 LWI'IIII"! UlllIH . Ill 1 s w I J - - I I S) , , ,. , nnA a.-, .....I ,.. ,11.. ....... I I m if ll.i Country; and when men attempt to per- following, endeavoring meanwhile U. engage suade you to get into a quarrel with the a passage in some vessel for New Orleans, laws of other States, tell them ' that you rinding that no passenger vessel would be mean to mind your own business,' and ad- sailing from that port to New Orleans for vice them to mind theirs. John Taylor, you some three weeks hereafter, went to Nor are a free man ; you possess good princi- folk, and took in the steamer City pies ; you have a l;.rge family to rear aud of Richmond, for the port of New York to Provide for bv yen. labor. He thankful to New Orleans : having no idea before leaving the (joveruinciit which does not oppress you, which does not bear vou down bv excessive taxation, but which holds out to you and to yours the hope of all the blessings which liberty, industry anil security may give. John Taylor, thank God, morning and eve ning, that you were born iu stt'-h a country. John Tavlor, never write me another word upon polities. Give my kindest reinem- Irancx to your wile and children; and when you look from your eastern windows upon the grave of the family, remember that be who is the autliot of this letter liiu.-t soon follow them to another world. " 1IAM1-.L W KJIM hit. THE .SLAVE CASE IN NEW YORK. The ISoston Commonwealth furnishes the annexed Report and Proceedings in this case, the decision of which, has resulted in a decree for the Plaintiff-, the negroes who have been freed from their owners. 'I'ut: Si.avf.Casi: in Nf.w Yhiik. The arguments in the case of the women and children claimed by Mr. and Mrs. Leninion, were made on itn'sday. Mr. Kohough, counsel for claimants, read the amended re turn to the writ of habeas corbu-t, which states that they are on their way from Vir ginia to Texas ; and got on board the steam er bv accident which brought them to New York ; that the laws of Virginia ami Texas authorise the holding of slaves, Ac. A claim is therefore made for said slaves. Mr. Culver iu the behalf of the slave", maintained that they were entitled to their , freedom on various grounds, and presented authorities to show that by the principles of the common law that enslaved persons , brought into Iree Mates are tree, i he same i w as shown to be the statute law of New York. ; Mr, Lobough, iu lehnlf of the claimant nisisted that persons owning property in ... . , 1 . , . . . . Z :.i .i. . one .ta ie na v e a i ii: in io iiass i un ii iun.oii;ii ,. . ., x. . , .... i .i . ,i v . e vl... .'leinphis, w lich wou d sai for New Orleans any other State, and that the State ol -New t . . i. I- ,,,i ,i the next uioruii.g. 1 then went with him in- l ork had no right, necording to the ton- . , . .- .ii e . .- ,. side the otliec, w hero pasage tickets were stitution or the law ot nations to prevent it. . ' - ii ii .if. .1 . , 'Ti veil me. lie then stated that he would lie quoted from the Constitution ot the's- .. ., , , , f'nitcd States, tliat the laws of one State shall be respected in another, lie contend ed that as the persons here recognized as property in Virginia, they should be, by the Con-titulion, so considered in New York while they are passing in transitu through it, aud ipioted points from the law of na tions, disei-ioii. iVc. Mr. Clinton followed by Mr. L., urging also, the idea of the clause in the Constitu tion us to the laws of one State being res pected in another, ie. Mr. Jay concluded the argument ill be half of the motion for the discharge of the person;. He said the principle in this case was settled by Lord Man-tield in 17"0, iu the ease of James Suiucr-et. lie read the statute showing that if slaves arc brought into the State under any pretence whatever, tliev are free. He said the only doubt that could exist would be the constitutionality of the law relative to which the Court would decide. He contended that the parties Were entitled to their liberty. -Miuge. j .nut- sai.i, ..s .,,g,.i .. on,. i.i.. i. - :.l ... I...1 !..,., present I and authorities iiuotcd, he would , ,,, , ... . 1 o,l io lender n ll.-Clsloll OI1 .'I I 11 1" 1 1 H V , 1111 i . Ii morning, the women and children, Ac, still ;,. ; the nf the officer ... , f . , The New ork Pav Riok referring tJ the . , matter, appropriately remarks : ii i - 'no ot tlie nio.-t iiorrnuc pieces oi crueny - a-Jietratetl in aeivinzi ,1 ceinuiuiiitv is ev er pel p , , , . 'Ut L'llU: lliuo.o'i ev till' al'OllllonistS in this city. The case is no more nor less than robbing an American family, ou their Way from Virginia to Texas, of all their property. Two colored women with their three children and three colored men are 'about being taken away from their masters and turned out up"n the cold charities of the world for support the women to be ("mie dweller- nt the l-'ive Points, the chil dren 1 1 become thieves, and the nu u to hang around and get a job here and there il a strange country ninl among a strange people whenever and wherever they can. All this is done under the pi' dence and in the name of "philanthropy." Horrible! most hor rible? A family robbed mothers and children destroyed, and honest, faithful men turned out of doors, and of I.IVIMl. This is abolitionism. God grant that whatever judgment he basin store for us, we mav not be left to the philanthrophy of of abolitioui-ts. If these lunatics should ever take it into their heads that our chil dren would be better nff wandering about the streets of New York, picking up rags and burrowing with vagabonds iu cellars iu 1 the Five Points, than within in our own ' house and home, we suppose that under a 1 Seward dvmistv wo should have to submit, 1 1 ut w would know what vvc would nt do." 1 THE SLAVE CASE PEC1SION OF ! Jl HiiE PAINE. I Tl. V.. V,..l. T.,.it l r.-..... ... Alie ."i-H I jl i iiouiii.ti vi ioiiiiiii-ii.e le - , j llw Tomninn slave rase, and .In-lm- pajne's decision and trust the New York Statue, on which that deci-ion was mainly based, wHlhc repeaUtl at the cvniing "arssion of the Legislature of that State, Mid that I POSTAGE A.U M.lUMRc. the Legislature will, also, appropriate the " An important . inovonier.t is now in pro sum of $3,0011 to repay Mr. Lemmon fur the I gress in England and upon tho Continent property robbed from him. In the mean j lor the estiibiL-huieitt of uniform rates of lime, the Journal recommends a subscrin- iosta'u over t!io w hole civilized world. Tho bided to bv the Journal, was Massed under Seward's administration. The following' its members arc many of tho mo-t (listin statenient from Mr. Leninion, shows that il guisheil and useful men of (ireat lii itian. deliberate plan had been formed to rob him ,). (.'. (i. Kknxkhv, Es-.p, Sapcrinteiideiit of of his property, on his arrival at New York, the (,'ensus, is nu honorary uiembcr of tin) "On the mil day of October last, I left Society. 1 have seen a circular addressed my home in 15atl county, Virginia, with a ''ini. containin." the outlines l a plan for view of ftniWatino to Texas, takin ' with reulizinj the sehemo ot uniform postages. 1 nic my wife, seven children, and tight slaves. 1 reached Hiehrtioud on tua aorf, dv r-f )o toner, and remained there until the 1 uesilay Norfolk, that there could be any diflieulty in L'oiinr to New York with mv slaves, am; proceeding thence to New Orleans. 1 had been told and believed that I could do so with entire safety. " Mr. Ashniead, who was a clerk in the City of Richmond, told me, on the voyage to New York, that I need not be at all un- easy about losing the slaves ; that the law was in my iavor in cw l ork. and was bound to protect me in the possession and property of my slaves; and that the Mayor of thai city would see that it was done, provided i any diflieulty should occur. Mr. Ashmead promised me, w hilst on our way to .i-iv York, that he would immediately alter tin City of I'ichinotid got into the harbor r, New York, procure a passage for myself, family aud slaves, in some ship going at once from that port to New Orleans. " I ndc" these circumstances, and think ing that all was right, I arrived iu the har bor of New York about half past four o'clock in the afternoon of the Oth iust. " When the City of Richmond had thus arrived at New York, Mr Ashmead went ashore, telling me he was going to procure a passage for us iu a steamer ready to sail for New Orleans. Alter an absence of about an hour or an hour and a half, he re turned and stated to me that he had been unable to find the man whom he unit to see in regard to obtaining the passage, but handed to me a piece of paper which he said contained the name of the person, and direc ted tne to go with it to a place iu .South street. I went there njcordingly, and at the door met a man who said to me that he w as the individual named in the papir. I I told him that 1 wanted to engage a p is 'sage for New Orleans iu a vessel proceeding !at once to that vcit, nt.oii which myseil, fal"'!' "d slaves could be placed that II 4 ' ' I J l. IIL' I t'l lit U IHilL lit UU1U l 11 tTiltllL ' ...'.I. II.. t!.. b -, I.i: T ... i . - , .'. , . Iv transfer all ot us that night to the steamer seuii rouuu lor my laiiinv, siaM-s anil uag- gage, to the City of Richmond, and tr lllls- ler every thing ou board the steamer M lein- phis. He and I went to the City v( Rich mond, and very soon two hacks came then, which he stated had been ordered by him, and into which myself, family and slaves got, under Lis direction, he saying to us that they were to convey us to the Steamer Memphis. "The hacks, thin, instead of proceeding to the steamer Memphis, drove round to his office iu South street. Here I was told that I must pay our fares before being put oil board of the Memphis. 1 then paid the amount, being i-101. As soon as this mo ney was paid the hack drivers refused to take us to the steamer Memphis, but carried us, against our earnest protest, to a house No. ."I Carlisle street, dropped u down upon a sidewalk, and drove off. It vv as dark, and we being utter .strangers in the city, were compelled to stay at that place till morning. The next morning, the tith inst., the steamer Memphis sailed, leaving myself, family and slaves and whilst she was departing from the .w ,,,., ,i,, ,,. ..,,. , ', . ' ., v been taken into court. The result of the pro- cee uiu"s in eeuii lias u ,11101 uie oi tin in .1 . i: :.. i... .1.....:, ...I ..... ..f property, amounting at least to ) 1 1 ' . ...,.,... , ,."),uu;i. u ' Ill.l .i III itMMti.N. I " New York, Nov. 17, lo'-'." If this is a correct statement, as the Jour nal presumes it is. it shows that an innocent man has been robbed of his property, some fso.HOO ir value, being all that he had in the r.Iftf'rtrlle-, i-Hgi..', tv'd. ' ' -.1 I ' world, tor no either offence mao ioue umg In the port of New York, in his transit from one slave-holding State to another .slave holding State; and further, that the robbery w as effected by means of an infamous fraud. Who sent those carriages professed ly to take Mr. Lemmon and his family to the steamer Memphis, but in reality to drop thun down in Carii-lic street, strangers in a strange city, that they might not be able to depart in the steamer Memphis T Or had the drivers been tampered with by the abolitionist, and bribed to carry the strangers to Carlisle street, instead of going t- the dock where the Memphis was Ivingl It i clear that M-nicbody told a string of falsehoods in order that a S.i.uilO robbery might be committed ' under tlie forms of law. We hope that t'te authors of the mischief, whoev er they may be, will be fcrrc'U 1 out and punished as they deserve. ; ,rri'.At, mil: r.mrs nr-viMoN. ! The case of the Lemniou slav es has been appealed to the Supreme tVint of New York, which is to meet iu New York city 0 the lull of lVccnihcr nest. If Judge Paiue's decision should be- revcr-vd, it is not at all probable that the slaves will be within reach, nor would Mr. Leuimon, say the' Journal or Commerce, have an obiectiou to i reliuouish all claim to them, alter receivin,- i,e indemnity money which is in liroceas of'c.imc chicken ....lleolon were If not thnt Riirdi - v'i,.. , ..... . .. . ...... ...... ....... iiiiii , relinuuishiueuts at tlit.t time, would render ; it impossible to test the important lea question involved, by proecuting the cac iu the higher csourt. l'lesi.leiit is Earl iRAIM.K, and anion? . The principal feature is the prepayment in .every country wmcii sn.m enu i m- ,.io,. J;-u., eltcM intended for ocbeir postal union m ik otintries within the 1'nioii; each country to retain tin: whole of tlm po-tage, and to tli !iw r, without any charge, the lctti.-:.i re ceived from countries coming into the ar raict i.icnt. In this way account will In simplified, tho expens be greatly reduced ; of keeping tl.eui wi the inhabitants ot 'each coitntrv will kn-i the co-t of column ,-M.- c.idciits abroad. nicnting wall their corr.-.-p : i' have no doubt thatii ctlect 1 such an ar rangement would be bcucfie'ul to every country adopting it; but tho difficulty of commending it to the favor of the Contin ental lovernmcnts may be found an in superable obstacle to carry nut the plan on a scale suflicieiitl v extensive to test its efli- jcicm-y. The Lu-don Association urge that 'efforts Ve made to orgaui.e a similar body .u u:'- i mu-'i .-sjao-s. ' lion. II. II. 1!avaiu, American Charze at Rrilsscls, writes that tho statistical Con gress proposed to be held in that capital during the present year is po-tpoiu-d until ISV." The Ifcdgiaii and other European Governments which have patronized the scheme have decided the members "f the Convention nut t be appointed by the execu tive authorities of the countries to be rep re -st ilted. Learned societies may send tie!' - 'gates; but it s. ems t Ley w iil Hot have the I same privileges as tie' other.-. 'J he object j of this meeting is one in w hich the statis'ii I cans and wr"is of Europe and England 'iniiiiif.-st much i i: t v.--t . '1 hat we May di -'rive cs.-ciii iui iiistriuuoii from the re-uit "f jit.- labors is evinced by many facts in tli,- ,' daily experience of our own .lovcrnuient. i AVl-;' J vi -'i ('''. ' '. j HENRY CI.AY S nll'ICE. j N. T. Willis, i:i a kltcr to the Homo Journal, has the following nutieu of his visit to the office of -Mr. Clay: j "You w ill readily see the association rf .memories by whit h I turn from liovvning's ! working-place to the working place ol Henry 'Clay lis law office which i vi.-itcd a few ilaVs ago at Li xingtoii. It was a small l-ooi.t opening direitlv upon the side-walks of a a street much frcpienfed A large 1 1 very I its 1 mg line of ajt'll, .- lt'W lll-f,fu;f,l fltW i'1 ' ' ' - i - I - - i f--' ; , , , , , unhoused veliieies exti.ii ong iu front of the office door, while a group of stable men and tin ir haiigers-oii were discoursing of hor.-e flesh iu tones that must have been habitually audible to the great statesman at his desk. Tlicre was no c m- in the office. ' and tin.- tlo r vv as opi n. i nil and cuu- loon desk, with : hinge, formed. i leaf which turned up by a with two chairs, the only furniture a naked mind .so plumed and i re n a, indeed, for a quipped ? Yet thorj was soim-tiong within the loire walls which made Hie fee! that my head should be uncover ed while standing with them. '1 he suffusion of blood over the heart, which one feels at a great thought suddenly expressed, or nt the sound of a trumpet, came over me. Mr Clay was still living, but the mornings news had pronounced recovery hopeless. Never more would that tall form with the knightly port and mien, enter that luimbl,; door to unlock that humble desk, nt which his, the most princely spirit of the age, had patiently achieved his fame. A resentful thought at the weapons with which modern chivalry must achieve its triumph, if at nil, was mingled with the tearful homage with which I remembered him who had there used tlicin LEGISLATIVE Wli'. The following is a report of a portion of the proceedings at the late Session of tho Legislature of Wisconsin, as given in the Milw aukee Sentinel : Tho bill introduced by Senator Aiban. on I eh. .If of some r,f his constituents, exempt ing a ride or a shot gun from exi ciition, and which passed the Senate ."''" ' ' c.l so as to include " "?rrr,n-- "Kr"""' o t, - povviii r-t!ask and a siiot-p"T?f4- taken up in the comtnitteo of the whole the other day. and amend ed by including in the exemption a pocket pistol, (restricted to the capacity of a pint.) a brace of pointer dogs, a pair of high I ootu for w this f great the in itling, and laii.nis ot-r things. In rui it was killed this morning, to tlo ii-appo'ntuient ,.f the soils e f N;n r:.!, ghtv huntir." ASKING TtH) MI CH. A y,.in:g eun'e was sitting fgither iu a rotnatit :e spot vui'u l ir-ls and llovvcrs about thein. w hen the l',41oing dial iguc ensued : " M v dear, it the saci iticc of my life would please thee, mo-t gladly would 1 lay it at thy feet.'' Oh ! sir, vou arc too kind Rut it just p using u- reminds me that I wish you'd. sto laet'o." "Can't think of it. It's a la! it v. ill' li !iT am wedded." Very well, sir, sine,- this t the way you lay down your life for tne, and as vo.i tra already wedded to tobacco. I li take good care vou are never wedded U nic. as it vvoiilil be bigaiuv.'' ccRior? sitt. d.iv since, in M. Loni", Miv, A few llpl-J 1 vui Iiis owner, ran r.ito ft ilrur store, h w ag lill-t a bottle llpsi t - - - it. and tlm- set cvap- ainig fii'ii tiers nr n", ' ?$. l ho ilru. ; owner of the rooster, lav gist has sued tht ng bii damages at 'i.i if va;ne f the p. rt- rje wa'r-l.

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