i i I A. C. "WiLijfAMSGH, (editoh. CHAF lIOTT E , C, DECEMBER 15, 1832, IlOLTOn fc. WILLIAKSON, rROPltlUTOIIS. The Nirtli-C r.-lin Wliitf will li!ncrlitfV t TiV'll l'ul.l.AI.S in 1.1. v i.ec. cr T.VO I).)' I AU FIFTY I TTS il o. v. in nt tic 111 1 yeu le.r t.iri-u muv'ilh. u..u 'J UhL I yiu le.r t..r. mooil.., m.u 'I I1KLE i 1 1 i ..i- ii... .... . UJLl.Ai.S.IUiiindui Uitjcr. A It-r.iscaiici.u unertiii tUni Doll, r per u re (I i liu.or U., I .m i-.ai tyB') h.r tin- hrst n.scr. t U:; ' Hr';,J W "ruf V s' l"" iTr.. tpr" to .t. hinh.r ; ami m-.iu. ti.nul nTr r.-i.t. w.ll hi- Hudc frmn tliu rcju! 1 irn.n, lur . iirrli r by 1 10 ye r. q 1 r( rty Ai'uui ri.ii i..M.ruu uiui.iiuy ir t l ,Kr mu ( f.r e.tU tiuu-. Siciui. . . . ... j . . . .ii.. . , ,lMy fJ c, .... pc, ..,u rr .. r jr.Vtf l-tu-ro rel t.o to tl M.U,r. I U. p rt- Zt$ on bu-iiwM Jub Wek, ... -t b. irec i.i iit'it-Tu ili.lier. AIIIitterniiUlUiK.lP-id Ann l n it i- r t!:( will n t be htte.i(.eJ 1j. IT r)lni lit cjii in in . lie t )iliier, Jj I'mtui-ktcn urn aulliurim! lo ttt a 0(;iiiti. 1'IXI ' JIMMtil . Pti.tvritr.il iffori; noiu iiousks ok co.n- CillEss MO.-.DAl, VI t.Mtitil 0, 1-0'.'. rf:'.'uir.iTi(ifr of tit Venule nil Home of Wrprtu vlaliTtt : Tho brief ipaee which has elap-ed since the of your la t session has bu n marked ly no extraordinary political event, n i :i . i .. .: n.;..f m J ue (l 1 ril.liai e-iee nun ui t..v.i . i i iv ;.i I il il. .. tratu bus t.M-suil oB will. Ics tuan tlie Unual ... ...-ii. i . cieiteiiient. However, iteluielu lis and par- ..... Li.... ).,.., ,1,. ..,...-d in .1.,' re- Iin nil tHtv ""II ni't. it M iieveilln l!s a subi tl Vt U-lU'-'li'M ron iratulatioii last the choieo ha been i f-f.cl.-l hv the iinlepeii'b-iit Mi(lra;s of a free people, on Jisturbud l y tho-e iufl u.-lic s which in oilier countrie-s have t-vo u:tcn af fecteel the purity of popular ch cliotn. D.ir grieteful liianks arc due to mi All increilul rrovidem-t-, not m.ly for 'tiving the peMilence which in d-ffc rent I orum has de-olateel nunc of our cire, but for cr-) il ia,' tha hhors of the h-i-baiplinan with an ! .in I. int harvc-f, an ! the na'i on generally with the Me.-in of p. ace and pru p. rity. Within a few Weeks the public mind has Int o dm ply ath-cted by tin- death ol JUniel Wvb-t. r, tillin. at his decease the ofTiee of S.eretary of State. Hi' aisoelute in the t'x-ca!iie (iincruniciit have ciuevrcly sym pjliii.:.l w.tr-. hii family and the public i-ioii-r-illv on this mnurutul ore a si in Hi ,i, lin tah l.t', hi- great political and great politics pr j.'c-.-ion.-il cliiiueiic.-, In- well tried p,itii"l ism, ml lu I0114 ant laithl.ll t'turi", iu tl.ili ) t imp irliiit public t. j I., have eauseil hi ric-.tht) be bii.ie-i.tcd tiiro ichont the c ni.it ry , and hate earned for him a la.-tiu piace iu our Li tory. In l!i.- c mr-e of the last ninmier con-idea 1 1 ni t) sc .u-cd for a li-.rt time Iv an olh.i... iotuu iiion fioi.i Ihe Oovi rn-ue-l.t ol liic.it Jlri.ain that order had been pica I'.i th p.otiH-t.on ol the ti h-tu- upon tile coa-t ot tl.c KiiU h pro. inc. s in North Auierici a.-aiu-t tho :leec 1 m loachiu. m of tin- C !.i:.0' e.--H:l- of "the I'. Stile- and Fiance, i hu shortncn of this notice and th-; m-m-oii of the .-r secnied to make it a maile r e.f urgent imp,. 1ta1.ee. It ie at Cr-t iippr-hi-ndcd that an im-rea-ed naval lorce ha I bctu i-TUL-rcd to the ti-hiug group Is t tarry into effect the llriti-h i..t.-rpreta- tioa of t!ioe prjusloti-e in tlio c iiivenlion of l""-. in retereiii e Io the true int nl 0f hisli the t wo t i ivei imiii-M 1 !.:! r. It wat Dm di co. creel that s'l. h j. not tlie dc f'u of (ir-at V. it it u , arid s:iti-f.i. Piry f X pia:intioii of ihe r. a! -Ij-i-ts of the men--ttte havu been L'ttiiii bolu lu ie ani in Lou i m I he unadja-ted diff.-re-iiec, however, be tc. t, ihe In.- governments as to the inter- pr, t itiou i f the f.rst att.ele of the conven t. in of I " 1 i -till a 111 .it ter of iinpoi t.. nee. American li-hiii.' ve-s. i within inn.- or ten v- :.i. h ive bi-cu cxe lu bd from water t- iii. Ii tin hnd free iieve-.s t-.r twenty five can niter the- negotiation of the tri-nty l n I I "-, this c.'lil i-.ti w ai r. lrni'd m lar . c 1..1 rus th.- li ly ol F.in Iv , but th.- jut an I liberal intention of the: I lome gov em ti. ut, 111 compliance with what we think tl.p true f.11 It il- tioii of the' convention, tl open nil tie. niher o'it.-r Lav t our h-h. r 11. - ii, w.n ab. -Hid lined, in " on-, .pi.-nee ol the 0; p it ion of the c doiii.". N' t .v itht:in-lin ; tii-. tiiu I nit.-. I States have-, -ine: the I'.y of I'lindy was r.-op.-m-l t " ir ri h.-ruieii in 1 I"1, purni I the tun t libi-rnl co ir -e t ar Is tin- colonial ii-lmi int.-r. -t Hy the r-ienue law of ls"IH. tho dutiei 011 colonial tih 1 pterin.; our porn wi re very gre atly C reduced, and I y tho wanhou ill' act it i- b. allowed to be cnterel in bond without i.- tl 11. .-nt ot duty. Iu tbis way co.ouial ti-h has twceli the two oeciin-', which w.i- the suh a. qi red the: monopoly trade: iu our mat kd, jeet ol the Convclitioi. between the I lute-el 1 . i . i-nleiing to olue extent into the home 1 " i-uiiiptoii. 1 hi-- Imts were anion' Ins e which inen-a-ed the sciimI nity .1 our li inn interest, at tlio liiovcin nt lit ques-ti-i. , I lice rireiim tnn.n ari l the incib:iit h 1 a: ailiided to havu b-d me I) think the n.'Mii.'iit five.r ibic f .r a recoui b-ration of tl..- c utiie sjl.je-et of tlie li-h. ries on the ti Is el the liiiti-h province", with a view t plan- t lie ,11 upon ii in. .re libe ral fooling 1 -f reciprocal privilege. A willinm-ss lo "'eat u, in sumo arrange mi-t.t ol tit 1 1 kind i- U11 h-r-too'l to cxi-t, 011 ihe part of tire:nt I'fitani, with a desire mi her pint to include ' one coli.prcbeu-ive tth-ment, as well "'ii nubjctl as the eonnin 1 ei d intei t 0.11 -e l"leeu the I'niteel Slates and the IJiiii-h u the I nit. 'I Nalet an t the liiiii-h r i.inc-es. I have thought that whatever a" an .Miiicnts maybe made on thee two a' j.-it.. il i4 exni elient that they should be ciHl.r.ie-i d in si p.iraU.' conventions. The ill- " ss n, ,1, Bl, ( ,lP u, Seen t iry ot State I" i-ati-.I lh(. e 1111 ; 1 1 1 nccliiri.t ol Hie (on ' iiipl.Heil negotiation. Pains have been taken to collect flu: information icepiiied for tue details of suc h an arrange mc-nt. The M"1'jcct is atle-udeel with con-id.-iable dilfi- e 1I1 y- II il is found practicable to come t 1 an agreement unit-tally acceptable to the tw . .rile-, conventional may tic couelueleel i tin) eoiir-c uf the present winte r. The Control of Congress over ull the provi-ious, "'ho recent revolution in Hue .'10s Ayrcs-.,,,,,) Monroe, are cxpo-ed to clestrin lion I y ol such an arrangement, alb-cling; tho rev Hnd the confederated Slates hive opened , lire. A similar remark may b" made of the fll'.', will of cour.-e bo reserved. ' the pro-pect of an improved slate of things : buildings appropriated to the War aud Navy I he afliiirs of Cuba formed a prominent in that quarter, the government of Ureal IVpartnieiit". "' in my la t aiiuunl ines-agc. 'I ln-y re- Ilritain and frrai.ee determined to negotiate j The eon liti.m of the Treasury i cxl.lb "i iiu in r une.jy comlilion, and a feeling w ith the chief of the new Confederacy for iied in the annual report from that P. p-irt- alarm uuj iiriuiiou ou the part v( liie the freaj accesa f Uieir cviuiueroo to thes-1 uicut. Cuban authorities appears to exist. This feeling ban ii.ieifcreeJ with the regular eoui- meit'ial intercourse between the U. States mid the inland, and led to some acts of which we have a ri-lit to complain, liut the Cap- to ..;.. ii ...i .. i..l... ;.. :.i. .., " . . .. I 1 1 1 1 1 " CI v 1 1 v. I tl I VI Una IS C10I11CU flll IJCI power 10 ileal Willi ion 11:11 governments, HOT Id nor is he in any degree under tho control .. .. v m:..;.... . v...i.;.., ..... .. of the Spalu-li .Minister nt a.-hington Any commuiiicatioii whic h he may hold w j,J, ,u r.t:iit 0 foreign power is informal '"'tterof courtesy. Anyou to put W lfl ixi-ting iiaouvciii ii.cen, (which teeini u to re-1 on a mi concc p:ion,) 1 ilircc- . i . ... . . at ten tlie iiewly-uppon.tuu .Mini-li r to lexieo -, i..n,,a . .u i,. Vnm I'm ,e r,.f .,, t,uy rtct-ivcl by the Cap t.:nJ-enl.rJ -K ...f. red with l.im fn,.. : - on the recent occurrences ; but no perma- Uelit aiTan-eini It w as t fleeted. I 111 the mean time, tlie rciutai Ol inn v up- tain-tiene-ral to allow ia-eiig rs and the mail to be lauded in certain cast-s, fur a ri-a-on which does not furni.-h in the opin- ion of this tjuveriiniti.t eve n a go i-I pre - sum the ground lor such a pi uhihition, has I... i. in mli. tin. mil it-i l uf a M-iiuiib rcuiuii- .,iM . nml T li-i- . 1 1. -i n i.Mi t') doubt that due rc-spe et will I e panl I y the go.crunii i.t of Her I'atholic Mail-sty tei the representations which our Muu-ti r has been tn-lructel to make on tin- suljctt. It ii but ju tiee to the Ca t.iin-tieneral -. ... . .i . to a d, that his conduct towaru the steamers eu.plovcd tjcaiiv tiie mails 1 tut IjiiilLil ' I11 tr 'i -.in .,- ;t' " Havana ha-, with tl,.- except,.,,, . I . . M. V t . 1 - T 1 .. ill kind- ' . lie? itli' 'iir jo-c liberality, and iiniie-i.t.-s no general of intei li-rin' with tin. eoiiiu.i-reial nd. i-e ii n l inti-rcour-e hitmen the i-lcnd and this country. Larly iu the present year official notes were received from the Mini-t- r: oi Trance and Knglaml, inviting the lime nmient of the I'l.it.-d Stales to become a party with (ireat lirilaili and Irauce to a tripaiMe Coiivet.tion, in virtue of which tin- three J.oive r.s should st-vi tally an 1 coil.etively ni e-laim, now ami lor the lut ir.-, all inti-n-lion to ubtail, pos-.cssi.iii o' the l-lalnl ol I'ul-.i, and should bind liiv lUselves to liis eounteiiai.ee all iitli mpts to that " ffect on the part cf any power or iiulividu.il what ever. Thin inv nation ha-bi e n respectfully declined, lor reasons which it would oieupy too muell sptieu in I In- toilii .llo' ation to . "u,1 v uic ii u we v, nan. . - - i . -i i I : 1. I..1 .. . .1 : i. that the- pro!,i--i. mia.-iir.- w.niiil le ol WHIM dojl tlul cottstitutioiianly, imp" Hie. i.. mi aviiilin;. 1 have, however, u r niiu. in with several of mv pre eh ce'-sor-, .'in (ted the Miiu tem of 1 ranee ud Lnglauii to be as sured that the 1'nited States c ntcttatu no de -i.n-a.aiu t Cuba; but th.it. on the eoii tiaiv, I -huuld regard its inei rpomliuii ii.lo the I iiiuo at the present time as trau.l.t W 1th -el e.u- pel il Were tin. isiiii l ton j arativ . ly .'1 -titute of inhabitant--, or occupied ly ,1 kindred race, I siiu-ild regard it, if voluntarily ceded l y Spain, r.s a most di--ir:il..e ncpii-itloti. lat, under exi filij; circumstances. 1 sh .uld look upon its incui Juration into our I iiion us a very hazarelous measure. It would brin.' into the Coiih d.-racy a population of a .iirl. rent national stock, -pe-akiu a liiih r ent language, aud not likely to harmonize with the ether u.i-nib-r. It would prohti- bly Hi c t , iu a prejudicial m.iniu r, the iu .Iu t: 1.1. int.-ri -t . nl tin- isouth ; and it might revive ibo-ti c. ".lints of opinion between the 'lifT. n i.t set lions of the- country, vvh'n h lately sluok the I'lii-ui to il- centre, Slid which have been so ha; pily coti.promi.scd. 'i he r.'j.-e ti'.n 1 y the Mexican Congress of the (.'ouvnilion which had been conclu ded between that Re public and the I nited Stale-", for the protection of a tran-it way a.-ro-s the Isthmus of Tehaui t p. c and ..f the ii.lcrc-ts of iho-e tilin -n- of the I'nited Mate who had la come: propi n tor- of the ii,ht- which .Me xico hu 1 eoul.Tre.l on one ef he r own ci'i. n- in regard 1 1 that tran-it, ha- thrown a -eiiniis ,,b t n 1 in the way of tin- attainment of a very ele-ii .il.le nation:.! object. 1 am still wil.ing t 1 l.ojie that th -differences on the subject wlii. ', ixi-t, or may hereafter aii-e, hi twei-n the iiovi rn-meiit-e, will be aiiiicahly a-lju-ted. This suhj.ct, however, has already tu.-a.-.d the attention ol the Se iiiite- of the I pited State s, ami rcepiire-s no luilher cou.iuei.l iu this eomiiiuiiiiation. I he sell lemeiit of the quc-lion re-pectin.' the p ut of San Juan de Nicai ajua, and of the controvi r-V between tin- t. publics of 1 1 liica ami Nicaragua iu retard to their llldiil ie", w a- c oll i iereel ileii . ell-able t C . I IT. II 1 c commence 1111 lit cu ine snir cauai ne- Nates and iire.it lirilain ot the : tn ot April, I -.VI. Accordingly a propo-idon f.r tile: same pulpo is ailuressed to the two gov-i-i nun i.t . in ihat quarter, and lo the Mo-quito Indians, wa- agreed to 111 April la-t l-y the Secretary of State and the Min i ter of her Iii . tannic Maje.-'j. lle -i 1. s the wi-h t aid in reconciliii the- (iill-r-enees ol the tivo republics, 1 cie igi el in tin' negotiation from a de-ire to plate tiie gic:it work of a ship c anal bet ,eeii ih : two oceans under jurisdiction, and to establish the im portant poll of Sail .luiiii de Nicaragua, uu- dcr the govcriiuiciit of a civ iiize I pow i-r. I he propo 1I1011 111 epie-lion was um nteel to hy 'o-t i lliea nml the Mo quit Indians It has not pr.ve I cq-iaUy acce pt tide to Ni- eara'ua. but it i- to be hoped that the fur ther negotiations oil the subject which are iu train will be carried 011 in that spirit of conciliation and compromise which ought always to prevail on such occ.i-ioii-, and that I hey will lead to a satisfut uy result. I have the satisfaction t o inform y.ui that the executive ovcriimeul of e:n zu. la ha acknowledged some claims uf citizens of the I niteel States, w hie h have for i.niny years p.-i-t been urged by our charge d all'.ur.s at Caraceas. It is hoped that the same sense ()f ju-lico will actuate the Coug'ess of the Jleiiol.lie 111 prov uling the means lor liuir nl ; tensive countries watered by the tributaries of the La Plata j and they gam u friendly notice of this purpose to the United States', that we might if we thought prop, r pur-ue the fame coure. In compliance with this .. i .. i . ' . V. . " IIM llOUl-ll. VCII ll.lllis III ill jiicj OIUICIlO Ull'l our emerge ei auaircs ai Jmehos .VUc-s have been lully uutljui iz.-d to conclude treaties ,. ;.i. ii,.. . .... i. , : i ...... ..i .: . . itli tlio new ly-or. ahizcd Conlc-dcration, or the States con po ing it. 1 he delay which ' bnVc ' taken place in the formation of the , MV ,rovcn,l..c..t have a, y,t prevented the execution ot tho,e instructions ; but there, ' every reason to liopu tliat thc.-e a.-t coun . 11 l . i . . iries win ie cvciuiiaiiy opcueu to our coni- uierre. - 1 A treaty of commerce has been coltelu- ded b.-tween t.o U..i.vJ ,..l ihe Oil- . .. cntai I.epuhlie ol I ru-uay, which will he bud belore the Senate. Miould this Con- ; hhii gu ..no operation, it win open io nn commercial i liteljoi.-c of our citizen a conn- Hy ot great extent ami unsurpassed in nat i- ,ial resources, but from which f'orei-jii na- ' tiou- have I.ithci to L.-cu aluio t wholly ex- c!u-!cd. . 1 he eorrcstujiieli i.ee of the late Stcrct.-U V of State w :th the l'e-ruv i.-in cbiir -e H arlaiies relative io tin: joiiok i -lanas wa comiiinm - cited to Congre-s ow ar.l the clo-e ot the owar.l tlie clo-e ot the that time, on further la.-t m s-ioii. !i:-'- tliat time, on further inv.-iigaii.jii ol mic sui.ji-tt, in..- eioui .is which has been entertained of the title of I'cru to those islands have been removed ; an. I 1 lave i.i inn .I it ii-t tint tin-tcii.po- rnry wron-' which had been unii.t. ntioiiallv done In-r, from want of information, should te rr-p.-urci ly an uir'vferv cd ackhow Iclg n. t ut o. her so-, en ij.!.ty. I have the .-at i-l.11 tiuu to inform you that the coui-e pursued by I', 111 has I . . n credit able to the liberality ot le r -.n 1 nine i.t I-fore it vva- known ly b.-r that In-r title would Le tckiiovv h-ilged at iisl.iu. to.,, lrr Mini-te r of I'nri i.u Aiiair- had authorized our charge d a It aires :.t Lima to ai,i.ouiici to the A mil i. an ve--il- which h.-id :oia- to the Lobos for guano, that th-' I'l-ruviati t lov -i riipii i.t w a" w illin.' to Ir. i .I.t lie in on it ow 11 nee jji.t. i I 1 - i i.t . 1. 1 1 - ri h.i- be. n car-li.-d inti iffe.t ly th.- l'eruviau Mini t.r here, by an arrai.g.-iu. nt w hie ii is lelicvcd to be ad vai.tageous to 1 '..: p;irti - iu interest. Our si tt lem.-fit s on the shores of the Pa li!. c have already given a t'reat xl. n-ion, and iu some rcspict- a new direction, to our ecu, 1111 ice in that ocean;. A liiit and rapidly iner.-a in g intercourse hns -prtin; up with Ma te rn Asia. 'I lie Water-of the N ' 1 1 In r 11 I'.uiiie-, e-.cn into the An lie ea, have .,( I u Li.- year.- L.cu lieij ici ted by our whahnicn. J he appli.-atiui of steam to the g. ncral purp.o-e s u; navigation is be e-oiiiing daily more common, a nil lual.e- it dcsiral le to obtain fail and other ncee ary -upplics at convi i.h .-t.t p-'ii.t- on tho rout'.- bitvteeu A-ia and o ir I'.i.i;..- bores. tur initoit.i natc count ry m. 11 who !: em time- t" lime -uf-f. r shipwreck on t!:.: co i-ti of tie- a- t-r:i seas are ci.llll. d to prot. ctioi. I!e.-i -these sp. citie ob.ect-. th.- fi in r.il t ro-p. ilty ol our State- 01. the l'.ie ihe n .run - tlc t an att. inj't should lii.'i :..- to "p. n j - po-ite regions "t .-ia t a mutual y t cm t;- e-lal int. teo.u -e. l! 1- i.bvpm- that ll.l- i.t-t.-mj t could be made- bv tiop iw.r ti so gn at advantage .1- ly liie I n;l. I Nates, whose eon-titiiti ilia! -v-lem excludes eve-rv idea of cii-tiiii t colonial el. p. iideneie s. 1 have accordingly lien Id ts ord. r an a p. proprinte naval li-rci! f .1 .i tt 11. una. r the command of a di-cn ft and nt llg. nt 'file r ot the highe-t rank l:iion t) n.ir rv ic-. lie the , t.OII t. Ill lli-tlsicte ov . rumen; ,f the iiile which it : cli'ie: it lli.it e . I il.il le ; t ! t iii. Iroiti ..:e r. l IM--01 ia -V-- t .r abu.it two ce 1, tunc s. He has larlv to re-Ui j;i-!r.it ecu dir in l!i" .te 1 pariii-u- troiigc-t bin- guago again-t the cruel tie.i'riient t. which our shipwrecked uiaiim rs have oft, -n I cell .-iilyce ti-el, an I t iu-i-t that they -haM he ti a ated w ith huiuaiiil v. lie i- 111-tr.it t-d, however, at the --nee time t Live tint :rov criimci.t the an-ph t a-:ir.itiees tliat tin: object- of the L 1. Heel Nates are such ami sue h only a- 1 have indie ate d, and that the expedition i Irielnl 'y and pe.ii efiil. N"t wilh-tandiiig the jcalo-.i-y veith which the ovcriiuni.ts u ll.iterii A-i.i regard all ovt itures lioin I'.n 1.111 1., I 1,111 not without hopes ol a In lie-lie i ll result nf the 1 xi 10 liti ui. Shoitld it be Cl ivvlied Willi s'l'lcc '.--, the ad- vantages will not 1 c c .:ili Stale-, but, a- in the ca-r e!ii.ally enjoyed by all th. I fa ve liiucli Siti-tiiclioli lie t the nit. 1 of China, w id l o maiitritie power-, in stating ihat in ail the st.ps preparatory to ti,i tin: io. 1 riimel t of the I nitcd been materially aided by the no of the King ot the Ne-thcrlaii l-, ,s..m,.ii stales has 1 1 olliecrs the only Iliiropcau power iiavin any coililile le ii.l rdalioiis with Japan. In pas-iu r li 'iu this survey of our forei .r rebitions, I invito the attention of Cotigre 1 0 the condition ofth.it d.-piii tm.-iit of th t Jov ernmeiit to vv hie h thi - hi alieh ot lie pill lie l.u-ine.ss i-cntrii -led. Our ii.terc o.ir- with foreign power- hi- of late y .ir- gr iticre.-i-c-il, loth in eoii-eq lelie" of o ir growth and t!ie iuir . Iiu lion effni-my States into the family of nati uis. In atly o.ni new this way the IVpai I uienl of State has I . c one ovcrhiirdi-m-d. It h i-.,by th" vece-r-t e-t'il-li-hmi-nt of the I -partiiient of the Intet ior, 1, , r, ie v ed ol some 1' ,lo:ne 1 11 i in-- tie bu-im-s. It' tiro r of that kind, s-a, li :r tin- eli-1 1 -ibiitio.i of Con -res ion :il doe it mcuts, ihe kee in , pub-li-hing, and di-trihiition of the lives f tha I'liile-d Slap's, the cx.-eiitioii of the c opy right law, the subject of reprie ves an 1 par dons, and some' e.ih- r sul'iei l- relating to inte rior aduiiui tration, should be trau.-ler- red from the Department el' Stat,-, it would unquestionable be for the jeoelit of the pub lie service. I would al-o sll gge-t that till' building appropi iute-il to tin- State D. part inentis not lire proof; that there i- rc-.-on to think tliere arc defects in its en-traction, and that the are hives of the t iovernment in , charge of the Pcpartmenl, with the prec ious , olee (ions of the manuscript, p i Wnshin. ton. .Teffer-on. Hamilton. M.tdi-on. The cash receipts into the Treasury for the fiscal year ending the Ii; th June la-t, cxclu-ive ot trurt lunds, were forty-nine millions seven hundred !n,l 1 1 I. thousand throe liundi-ed nn I i.;..l,t v X.A. laig 1. nd eighty l.inc cent-, (5l!yii i-!),) and tl... eviii.iuliiuri. c,.P tl... - iikcwi.-,e exclusive of trust funds were forty :.. .. . . . MX millions seven thousand ei'ht hundred and ninety-six dollars and twenty cents, (3., ,-tU aO;) of which nine million four hundred and fitty-five- thousand eight bun- died and fifteen dollars and cibtv-three - ' cents ( ',.).7,-l.j 3 a, on account of the principal and intei-st of the public debt.iu- cbidii::r the la,t ir lalinciit of the inileuini ty to. iluiieo, Urm a-aife .t.mtj uruudUulujiu Hidalgo, leaving a balance of SI 4 ,&-.', I ot) i, in the Treasury on the first day of July !ast. Since this latter period, further l.tir- chases of the principal of the public debt have been maele to the extent of two mil- lions four hundred and tilty-.-ix thousand , live hundred and forty seven dollars and jfojtv i.iuu cciit, (S, l"H,"-17 4!,) aifl the surplus in the Treasury will continue t) be : .ipi lieel to that obiect. w henevi-r (In- .fm-1; 1 e-iii be i.rr.eiirpd u ii l.in tl... limit. .. i.s ..r;.. i cut horucd l,y law. I The value of foreign merchaiid i.-e i:n- I lie value of (or ' ported elurin-' the l ' ported el uruii' the last liseal year was two iiunelreU ami seven millions two hundred , and forty thousand one humlrod and one j dollars, (3 JnT,"i4i,l l' I ;) and tho value o dome.-tic- productions exported was one hundred ami lortv-nini- millions ni rl.t Imn. idled and sixty-one thou-and nine i hundred ; ) besides ml eleven uori irs, (f l-ltVOI,!)!! seventeen millions two hundred and four tiioii-and and twenty-six dollars, ( I T ,'.'(!. - 11 (i. of fonLn m. rcbandi-e exported : ma- kiiiL' the as-jrecate of the entire exports one hundred and sixty-seven millions sixty-five thonsand nine humired and thirtv-sevi n dollars. ( i liT , li.),o:t; ;) (jrelu-ive of the the country. 'J hey are therefore- mere ten nhnve tliere was exported forty-two millions ants at sufferance-, and liable to be driven five hundred and .-even thousand two bun- from place to place, at the pleasure of the dred and (igl.ty-fivc dollars, (?4i,.r:i" ,'.'-.") whites. in 'pe. ic ; rind iiuoo. ted from fore i-.'ti ports The treaties which have been rejected five million-' two hundred and sixly-t wo propo-ed to remedy this ev il by allotting to thou-e.irul si- hunelred and forty three did- the different tribes districts of "country suit-lar-. (is'-.Mi.'iiy.) able to their habits of life-, and sufficient for In my Cr.-t annual message to Congress I the ir suimort. This r.i-ovision. more than called v'our att. nth n to what seemed to me , .. . . .... . soim elc MS m he rre-i'i t t.-irit! nin re. coiiinieneb-d sue h modifications as in my adopted by Congress, it has not been deemed jud.mrpt were 1 est adafted to rcmi'ly its advi.-ablu to attempt to enter into new tr..a-evil- and promote the pro-pcrity of the tics of a perinaneiit character, aithniiL'h no country. Nothing has since o.curred to effort has been spared by temporary ar ( ti..ii.-i- my views on thisiinportaM question. raiiL'emcnts to preserve friendly rclatious Without repeating the arjuuiei.ts con- with them, tiiined in my forme r mcsnge, in favor ofj If it be the desire of Congress to remove di-i rimin:itiiig, protec tive duties, I deem it them from tlie country altogether, or to as m v duty to call your atte ntion to me or two sign to them particular district mere re other conM.h raitmis nfiecting this sub je et. ' mote from the settlements of the whites, it '1 In- flr-t is, tin- (-fleet of large importations will be proper to set apart bv law the terri of f..r. i..n .;().! i.pon ...ir currency. Mo-t.t ry which they are to occupy, and to pro of the- foiil of Caiifornia, ns fast as it is v ide-;!.e i:,ean necessary for remov ing tli.'iu i-olni'.l, finds its way directly to Kuropc in 'to it. Justice alike to our ow n citizens and payment for pooels pnr, hn-ed In the n. ti the I'ldian- re.jiiires the prompt action ef 1 place, as our 111:11 i'a. tnring r-staniisi,- mcpts are broken dow n by competition w ith ior. :gner-, tne c.ipirai invest!-. 1 m them is In t, thousan of lione-t and indu-trious in 1 'vm. rt, and citize ns arc thrown out of the f.irwcr to that ext. til is deprived of a home marke t for tlie sale-of his surplus pro dure. In the third pb.c, the destruction of o:,r manufactures hive" the foreigners without competition in :,ir market, T rice of the and he artie ! 1 cons.'.ii. nt'y raises th sent here for sale is 1. 1 -.en in the in- creased co-t of iron imported l.-om Miiglaml. 'i i.o pro-pcrity and wealth of every nation im;-t depend upon its r .1.;. tiee indu-ti-v, The farmer i stimulated to exertion bv lind- inga rend y market for hi surplus products. pud tl-.ei 1 ctielitteel by being able to exehpnge Withoiit loss of time or ejpen-e of tran-p.srtation, for the manufactures which .,0 bis comfort or convenience reejuires. Thi I..- ilvvavs clone to the b. -t -idv.intage where n portion of the community it li . c- ; engage'. 1 in othe-r t it -nit liicli he l'.ut ni. -t ii'iiinila. tiires require an and a practical skill whi, am niht of capital li cannot be eom- man. led, unless they be rote, ted for a time from ruinous competition from abroad llcc.ee the necessity of laving tho- the necessity of laving tho-e ehilios upon in port -el goods which tin- Con-titution aulhoriz for revenue', in such a manner as to pmt. et and encourage tlclalor of our ow n citizens. Duties however should not Ic f xe 1 :.t a rate fo high a- to exclude the f,,rt,j 11 artleb' but should be so grail iiat.-el as to enable the dome-tie' manufacturer fairly to compete with th.- foreigner in our own marke t-, and 1 v tlii- eoliip. tition to red nee- the p. ice of the manufactured article to tlie consumer to the l..we-t rate at which it can be produced. Thispdicy would place the mechanic by the side of the farmer, create a mutual interchange of their re-pec-tive c'oinm.v.lities, and thus stimulate the in-dii-try of the whole' country, and re nder u ir.depe ndent of foreign nations for the sup. plies required by tho habits or ne cessities of the p'-ople. Another question, wholly independent of prot. 1 tiou, pri'-ent - it -elf, and that i-, w In th- ., cr the 1? i.t i-si levied -h odd be upon the v alue r.i . . . . . 1 . . .1 . 1 . . 1 . . . 01 .ue amcie at l ie poacc 01 suipm,-,,., or ...I' .' I- ,1 ... Ill ...'1. , .1 -I'l 1 llll I. III. " u it. "1 according to quantity, as a-c, l tained l y weight or inca-ure. All our duties are at prc-i nt iv r.i'-'ii'' '. A ecit.iin perceti tige is levied on the price of thg good- at the port ciT shipment in a foreign country. Mo t commercial nations have found it iu-di-p "ii-able, for the pirpn-e of preveulin; fr.-iii l and perjury, to make the duties spe cific w henever the article is of such a uni form value in weight or measure as to ju-ti-fy such a duty. I.egi-lation should never encourage ili-hone-t v or crinie. It is iru-pos-ihle that the .-eve'tiue olliecrs at the port w he-re the goods arc entered and tin- duties pai l, should know with certainty what they co-t in the forei ;n country. Yet tlie law req-tircs that they should levy the duty ac cording to such co t. They are therefore compelled to resort to very unsatisfactory evidence to ascertain w hat that co-t was. Tin y take the invoice of the importe r, at tested by his oath, as the best evidence of which the nature of the case admits. I!ut every one mu-t sec ihat the invoice may be f.ibricati'.l, and the oath l y which it is sup Kill tell false. I. v reason of vv hieh t f its di-hilll est iinnoiter r.av-s a rart only of th- Juiles ! Li-oii aro paid by the boutWt o,tct? iLui1 indirectly receives from the treasury of the United States a reward for his fraud and periurv. The reports the Secretary of the l'f..,,,,. I, ...... i.e. ,r il,;. ,.,...,.1, ..;....).. ii...i iv..,,.l i. ..,.,! been juactieed lo a ;reat extent. The ten .1 : ... a..... i... 1: i. i .1 - ' ter for which our merchant have lon' been i ,i..r- i t. U1PIIIIUIDIILU , lUUIIJilUU till; IHIH'IIIIIICIII of its revenue; to break down the honest importer by a dishorn..-!, competition ; ami finallv, to transfer the business of importa - tiou to foreign and irresponsible agents, to the great detriment of our own citizens. I therefore a-aiu most earnestly recommend - the adontion e.f snei-ifie dutins. wbenever In (iiueiieuoie, u. a lioiuu valuation, iu p.e - vent these frauds. I would also again call your atte-ntioii to the fact that the present tariff in some cases imposes a lii.-hcr duty upon the raw mate rial imported than unon the article maiiu factured from it, the conseiiiit iiee of wkieh io that the duty operates to the encourage mc-nt of the foreigner ami the discouiage ment of our own citizens. I'nr full nml di.tVil.-il infurni-itinii in r. n tn il .......I , ..,i;i;,. ( I.,,.;.,.. allairs, I rcsjiectfully refer you to the re-- port of the Secretary of the Interior and the ac-eonipaiivin-' document J he Senate not having thought jiroper to ratify the treaties which liad been negotiated with'ihe tribes of Indians in California and Iregon, our relations with them have been left In . v..ri. i,i,i..ti-f.,,.t,,rv liti,,i, In other parts of our territory particular districts of country have been set apart for the exclusive, occupation of the Indians, and their right to the lands w ithin those limits ha- been ai knovvb-eljcd and respected, liut iu California and t Irei'on there has been no recognition bv the (iovernment of the ex- elii.-ive ri -I.t of tin. Ineli.ins to anv r.art of any other, it is believed, led to tln-ir r. je t- . - ' ..... .J nun: ;n,i -is 1,0 n , .. .1 for t ,:n r, t.ougress on this sulject. I 'I he amendments proposed by the Senate, to the treaties w Inch were negotiated with the: Sioux Indians of Mium-soM. have been submitted to the tribes w ho were parties to them, and have received their assent. A large tract of valuable territory has thus been opened for settlement and cultivation, ami all danger of collision w ith these power- ful and warlike bands has been happily re moved. The removal of the remnant of the tribe of Seminole Indians from Florida has long been a chi-crished object of the liovcrnmcnt, and it i.s one- to which my attention has been steadily directed. Admonished by past ex perience of the- difficulty ami cost of the at- tempt to remove them bv military force, re- soil has been had to conciliatory measure. l'y the invitation of the Commissioner of lu- diaii Affairs several of the pi iucipal c hiefs recently visited Washington, and whilst hero acknowledged in writing the obligation of tinir tribe to remove with the least possible delay. Late advice's from the special agent of the l iov eminent represe nt that they iiel- here to llieir promise ; and that a council of their people has been called to make their preliminary ai rangcmciit-. A general emi- grulioii may peeled at an there lore be onli.leiit'v ex- ally elav. 'Ihe ret.' rt fiom the tieneral Land tlflice ows iiieie a-e.l activity in its operation-. Th, survey ot tln- lioithern boundarv of Iowa ha: been 1 inipli'tcd with uiicxani.led de-patch Within the last vear, H.oJ-.', !).".;! acres of public land have been surveyed. ami s-,ilo-g.Hd acres I ron t into market. la the last ti-e..l y.-iir laere even set. I.oe.u.i witii l.'iiuiiv I. ml wsrriu.ts I. Oct. el vv iih e.tii. r c rtillcuti s l.oa.l.llTl A 3,-.M 1, .'Il I -ll.'..i;sg .Making a tot.. I of In n.liiitn li tlie-ri- war,' Reported iiiul. r svv.miji I m.l (grants f ur ueiern.il nnj-ruvi menls, ...ii ro..il: Ac. 4, 'To, 1 1 1; 5. -Jll'.l's '.i.iii.'.i-j') Malong 1:11 llggrcgitc el' I hi 1 li,l T.i " lleiiig .'in increase in the amount of lands sold and located underlain! v. arrant.- of .".Pit,- Jl) : Th c les wl o v 1 r the prev i. a- v car. amount sold, located uiiile r jj w.irra,s ro,ul.toll miAvr Mvamp laml grants, and selected for internal improve ments, exceeds that of the previous year by .'!, I'.'.o'i acres; and the sales would, w ith out doubt, have- been much larger but for the exten-ivc rcseTv atiou- fo- ail roads iu Mi.-s ..ai, Mis.-i-.ippi, and Alabama. I I '. r I .. i,u. t. r 1 11 1. ing :lntii S. 1.1. u,!, t, 1 ."., th, n wen s. i i ' -g I.I. J.i.i ' 1 I,.' ,lM.,i.lh'l,nll il,rr,i,l. I 1.! I I ii .. I..H-..I.-.I with i tii.-r t-ertific..t.- l "..V,pf - licK...ieii ua.ii r swamp l.uiel grants -.M -,-g:i:i e i- u irtcr el' 1,1.11 ,-J j3 Much the large r portion uf the labor of arranging and last ecus,, ha .asilvimg tin returns of the been liiii-licd, and it will ; now dev edv e ui'..i t "iigress to uraKc the lie- ccs-ary provi-ion for the publication of the result- in such form a- shall be deemed be-t I'he apporlioniiii-nt of represe ntation, on the ' li.i -is of the lew- census, has been made by ' the Secretary of the intcri.u in eonformit v w itli the- provi-ioiis of law relating to tliat subject, and the recent elections have been ! made in neeor.l aneo with it. 1 commend to your favorable regard the : saggestion contained in the report of the Sor- v,!,ri' f,f ,hc Interior, that provision be made I ,iw for tbtf rubiic4ti'B a tiiitribuntfc. periodically, of an analytical dit of all the patents w hieh have been, or may hcreaf- ter be, granted lor u.-clul invi ntioiis ami Uia eoverii;. with such de.-ci intions and illus Iratiuns as niav be neces.-arv to Meent - intelligible view of their nature and opera- li.m Tl.i. en-i of neb rs u 1 .lie ai ii n i-oiild casilv be defrayed out of the patent fund, .it.. . .. . . i .1 - . :. 1.1 1 .1: .1 ..) I nn. rtiiruiiii.1i.! ttit it ponhl ho iitit1.m1 I" i r - -- to t, object more acceptable to inventors "'! beneficial to the public at large. ! An approjuiationof 5l0:l,0.K) hav in-been '"'"'e t the last session for the purchase of , a suitable sit.-, and for the erection, furnish- . "! f"'"s! up of an Asylun for the In- it' fane of the District of Columbia, and of the j A"J( " Kj of v.- Vuiwa oiavcs, proper measures have been adopted to car- ry this bencficient purpose into effect. ! By the latest advices from the Mexican - 1 Houndary Um mission it appears that the - survey of the river tiila, from its confluence witli the "Colorado to its supposei intcrsec tiou with the western line- of the I!io li'rau- de has also be en lini-bed from the point agreed on by the Coinissioners as " the point where it strikes the southern boumlary Ne-vv Mexico to a iio nt one hundred and P thirty-five miles below Kaglc- 1'ass, which is about two-thirds of the distance along the coui-e of the river to its mouth. The appropriation which was lua.Ie at the last session ot ( ijiilti'ss for the continuation jf the survey is subject to the following proviso: ! "' YwiiM. That no t-art of this ni lirot,ri- il,ilJ" 1H '"' or expended until it shall l,u made satisfactorily to appear to the Pre- sielent of the I niteel Slates that tin: south rn boumlary of New Mexico is not establis. d by the commissioner and surveyor of the ' tales farther north of the tow 11 call ed ' Paso' than the same is laid down in I'is- turiielF.i map, w hieh i added to the treaty My attention was drawn to this subject by a report from the' Department of tlie In terior, which reviewed all the facts of the case-, ami submitted for my deci-ion the epicstioii whether, under existing circum-taii-ccs, any part of the appropriation could Iv lawfully use-d or expended for the further prosecution of the w ork. After a careful con sideration of the subject, I came to ic con- f'"--'0" -'"'t it could not, and infornied the i....i ..-.I ... 1. 11 1 - 1: uc.ie. 01 inni I'cp.iriiu 1. .1 uei .-wcie iiuiiiee Ii ati'ly issued l.y liim to the coiinnissiom'r ami surveyor to make 1.0 further requisitions on the I'epartiiiclit. as they could not be paid ; and to discontinue all operations on the southern line of Ni w Nexie... Hut as the Ie paitiiient hail no e xact information as to the amount of provisions ami money which remained unexpended in the hands of the commissioner and surveyor, it was b-ft dis crelioiiarv with them to continue the survey down the l!io Grande as far as the means at their disposal would enable the in, or at oin-e to disband the Commission. A special mes senger has .ii,ee arrived from the oil er 1u charge of the survey on the liver, with in formation that the funis suljeet t) hi- con trol were exhausted, and that the officers ami others employed in the se rvice vve ie des titute alike of the means, of pro-ecuting the work and of returning to their homes. The object of the proviso was doubtless to arre.-t the survey of the southern ami wes tern lines cf New .Mexico in regard to which sums expended w ill, 111 mo-t eases t e lost, different opinions have been expressed ; for Ihe report from tho Navy Pe prartinn t it is hardlv to be supposed that there could 'will inform you of the pro-perous condition be any objection to tliat part of the line which , of the branch of the public service eoinmit cxtends along the channel of the Kio Gran- j ted to its charge. It pre-scnti to yvur conch-, liut the ti-rui- of the law are so broad side-ration many topics and suggestion.- uf asfo forbid the u-e of any part of tlie money j "hieh la-ky..ur app,..val. It exhibit- an for the prosecution of the work, or eve n for , unusual degree of activity in the operations! the pay incut, to the officers and agents, of J of the Pepai tine nt elu'. ing the pa.-t year, the arrearages of pay which are justly due 1 The preparations, for the Japan expeelitie r.. to them. 1 earnestly invite your prompt attention to this subje ct, and recouiliicliil a inodilie-a-tion of the terms of the prov i-o so a- to ena ble the Department to use a- much of the appropriation as will he necessary to dis charge the existing obligations of tho liov crnmcnt. and to complete the survey of the llio (iraude to its mouth. It will also be proper to make further provision by law lor the fulfilment ot our treaty with Mexico for running and making the residue of the boundary line between tin- two c oui. tries. Permit mo to invite your particular at tention to the interests of the District of Columbia, which are confined by the Con stitution to your peculiar care. Among the measures which Seem to me of the greatest importance to its prosperty placed iu the posses-iou of Coveniuieitt .111 1 are the introduction of a copious supply of interesting and valuable account of tiie char ! water into the city of Washiiigtjii, and the aotcr and ro-nuoi'.. of a country abounding I constitution of suitable 1 ridges across the in the niiitct i.iis of conu.ie rec, arid w hieh, )l ; Potomac to replace those which Were elc- opened to the iudu-try of the world, will ', st roved by high w ater iu the early part of prove an tut sLaustahle f ind of weallli. the present year. I he report of this, exploration will be com- ! At the the la.-t session of Congress an ap- iiiuiii.-at.-el t- you as sc.ej as it j- completed, propriatiou was made to defray the c ..-t of. Among other subject- nfTere-l to your nn the surveys necessary for determining the tiee by the S--crctury of ihe Navy, I select best mentis of affording an unfailing supply It si.ecial eomincmiiition. iu new ol its. on- ot good and wholesome water. 'ine J-rog-rcss has been made in the- survey, ai; 1 ,.s soon as it is completed the result w:llbe laid before' you. Further appropriations will also be neces sary for grading and paviug the streets and av emit s, and ciielosinj and eiubcUi-liing the piiblick grounds within the City of Wash ington, 1 commend all these object", together Willi tue euai itiil'le institutions ol inr 1-is- triet to your favorable, regard. livery effort ha- been made to pr deef our frontier, and that of the ad; lining M..x- 'can Slates, from the incursious of the lu- diau tl ihe.-. ( If ah, -i.t 1 1 .(Hid men "f vv hieh ; tiie army is composed, m ai iV -.ni'"" are'e-j.-I ploved in the del. nee of the m wlv ae.iuired territory, . iiiciii.Hi.g Tcxa-,"' at. I ot mi- giants .i'oeec.l;iig tncretu. I am gratili to that these efforts have been unuuailv su.'i-i lui. Willi the except:--!! ot Ilic" ; p-iitiiil outbreaks in (V.iforhia and Horegon ; am! occasional depredation n a. portion of the llio (iraude, owing, it is believed, to the disturbed state of that border region, the urea. Is of the Indian lav e been cthctaall v ri'si rained. Kxpericiie-t" has shown, however, whenever the two race are brought contact, collision, will iiiev.tab! v ocr ir that into prevent these collisions tho V. States ha generally set apart portions of th-ir term ry for tlc Ciolu:'i -g e-o.-jp i-.r -u ot tl- h dian tiibes. A dimculty oeciir.-', howtvi r, in the application of this policy 10 Jcxas. - J.y tne tei ins 01 me comp.n i cy my - Mate was admitted into th i moil, sue re- an tained the ownershii of all the vac ant lands within her limits, Tho governuui.t ol that State-, it is understood, has assi-'iied no por- tiou of her territory to the Indian.-' ; but a .,.! .. s..itl..i....i t., .idem, en In it i f tat tin her bi'tllfiiifhU aUvaiH'cj lavs it oft w into counties, and t.i-w.;eds to survey ami sell it. J his policy manifestly te-n-.s noton- ly to alarm ami n r.taU- the Indians, but to c.Jinpel tlu m to resoit to p.undcr lor subsi.-t ci.ee. It ai.-o deprives this liovc-riiment of that influence and control over thcru without which no durable peace can ever cxr-t Pt- ...J 'V-- 1 ;4' " lore, that a due re gard for her own inte rests, apart from con.si.lci atlons of humaiiity and justice, will induce that State- to a-sign a small pm tion ot In r vast .P iuiuii or ttic pro vi-ional occupancy f the small remnants - ot tribes wittiin lic-r L-unicrs, sut-jret ol cour.-e to her ow nership and eventual juM.-diction. If she- should fail Io ilo this, the fulfilllm l.t of ,,ur treaty stipulations with .Mixie o, ami of our uuty to the Indian tin m-clves, will, it is leant, tccine a suloc et ot serious t int.ar- rassinept to the t.uve. i l.inel.t. It is Imped, however, that a time ly ami just provision by Texas may ave rt this e vil. No appropi iatioiis for fortifications we re maele at tlie t" last sessions ot l.ongrc- The cau-e of this omission is, j.rohal ly, to be' found in a growing belief thai the sy-lem of fortification adopt. -d in Il(, raid hereto fore ai ted on, requires re vision'. Thi- suljeet certainly deserves full and can I'ul investigation; but it should not be delaye d l"iig. r than can be avoided. Ill the meantime th. re nr.- ce rtain works, which have been commenced some ..f then; ne ar ly completed ile-igtied to protect e.ur prin cipal seaports from IJostou to New-Orleans, and a few ether important points. In re gard to the necessity lor these work-, it is believed that little difference of opinion ex ists among military men. 1 therefore re coiii-e-iid that the nppi opriations necessary to prosecute them 1 e mail". 1 invite your attention to the remarks on this subject, and on othe rs e :,ni,e. te d with this Ih partiin lit, contained in the ac companying report of the Secretary . f War. Measures have I. ecu taken to tan v into effect the- law of the hit session in a Ling 10-vi-ioii for the impruvciiii i.t of ccltain rivets and harl or-, ami it h believed that the nr range mi nt made for that purpose will com line 1 f!'.. ie my vv itli eeone my , Owing chief ly to the advani l'1 s. as 11 win n the act was passed loue ha.- vet I eeii done in regurd to d liuie ha.- it 1 eeli done in regurd nia iy of the works b.-..i..l making the tie ei'-siuy preparations. itli r.-.-pi et to a few of the improvement.-, the -uui already ppropnate-d will sufln-e to cc tuj l. te Il.ciu, but 1110-t ot then, will r- .inn-.- addilioiial aj'pr.'priiitioiis. 1 tru-t that the-se n; pro- priat!"!is will made, and that this v. ise: ami be nelii en I policy, .-o nu-jueioasly resum ed, wiil l e c ntii.u. il. tire.it tire sliouid I e talie u liovvev. r. to cmiim t.ee no vv..rk which is ii"t of siilhcicMt inipor.:.tie-i' to the com-iiien-u "f the country to le vicweel as na tional iu its chara. t. r. liut work.- which have been commenced sboiiM not be discon tinued until completed : as otherwise the to which I lave alreao v alluded : tin ar- rangeini nt. made for the exploration and survey of the China Seas, the Northern Pa cilic, and lie-ring's Strait 4; tie incipient inea-ur.-s taken toward- a recoiinissance of the Contine nt of Africa, ea.-tw ard of Liberia ; the preparation f-T an early examination of the tributaries of the Uiver La Piatlc, which a recent decree of the provisional chief of 1 the Argentine ( t.fedcraiiou has op. ned t navigation; all these cuter) 111. an- 1 y w hieh thev are pr- ri -e.-s and the nosed to he ac- eoti.piisiie.i. nave eommamtcl my lull np .robriatioii. and I have no doubt will be productive of most useful le-ult.-. 'J'wo officers of the Navy were heretafore instructed to explore the whole extent of t'aes uiii.oii Uivel, iVoin, toe Coiiiiucs of Per a to it- luoufli. The return of one of them has ncxioii with the interests ol tn. navy, tha plan submitted by hiiii f.r the e-tai ii-hiiic-tit d a pe .-u.aiiiiit corps of - .,1 . r.. aud the -a.'tic.-ticit. he ha- pre-. :.: -d f ,r ri' .-rgan-izati-iu of ihe Naval Academy. Iu reference to the tir-t of these. I take occasion ti ay that I think it will jgreit'.y improve the efficiency of the servieo, an.i thai 1 regard it a- still more eutitk-d lo f-,. vor l. r Up "11 t t..ib-l nation, The- 1 .rv inffic-i cc it inust ex- it li ra' cie-aii V d. - na1. . . t iu- l-CI'o.ilK', -r.-a-mg 1 1' re-u.uiig ironi present s. in proposed fi,- the ., gai.:.' .:: the s. aiueu furnishes a ju lici o.is -a' -; fr the law of September, l'o . al - e-orp t :e. i. rai pum-H'.iiOu: , an I j the policy of that net. ' .oil ' Li weil adapt' I ., 111.11,11... i o.i i y ct irity -.f ju; 1) u.ge vv h.e-h 1 -e" Vlit'l this precede! hv T-st iv. .' i 1 command an. i. lei 1 I ;. aps. it 1 i i'.'.v-cs pt r .'I th. ,(' I :u: ll!o a -the ic ot p. mi y sum ot n a v v wit' llllli'lil. -.. .1-i Oe iili-t.i;.'i,: which i -, -amen oi trie i -. go ' 1 depOitUi may pr. clu ie al iiillies . f a bar The safe tv of a HI- CI a-s, vv li ir id. r it ts p .tare. 1- S'l t r y - ca lo J a re--ing u H or .1,- gr.. hip an 1 h.- crew I- oltcii dcpeiielant nj. , tmriip n.,;. ,'bedii'nce tv a coiniiiand, and tho amuoriu t . cnftrC'. it tn ist l-i equally n tdv. Tho arre-t of rctr.ictory s.-iiu.-vn, in t.- 14 '' V. ' Ol J

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