; mm tterth wilt j A. C. vLLlAMSON, (editor. T. J. HOLTOn, t Pl'BLrsHEK.' VOLUME I. KOLTON k WIIUAKSCN, I'ltOI-HlETOUS. ' i TERMS: The N ,,ll,C,)l,,W!,i(: will bearded u .uLribtr. a TWo lK)l.i,AKS m uu,.u.t, ur HVj wLUIUiiU rlrTY CENTS ,, p. y- , Ht tni dd yea fur t,.re muntin, .uu TIULU DjlLaKS ut the eiiu ot tiiu ye-r, (!B Ii.., or taM. w4 tyi;c) tin. hrsi ,,. r.-.t. ii.BliLf s and iymuttmno 3:il i r auk ill ... ...n . - t: ri oil ba.iin: li.r Job V .rk, &c, lnu.t us dircc. U-d tJ UMf fiiblinht-r. All k'tUr mutt Ik puit-piu or th.'y will b utti'iidi'd to. IT I'aymcnU &in bs mdc to cither. T I'untiiiintt-'r ere uutliitriicd to M agent'. T j the Blitor of the N. C. Whig : Dbau Siu, For reasons known to our iuime'liate community, I do hereby requfst you, at your ear!iu.-l conveu'u-ncc, to publish iu your paper the following Sermon, hieh vittiJeli.ereJ ly me three weeks a-o iu the l're.btt,'rian church in this place ; aud you will very mm h oblige, Yjur, respectfully, CViEL'S jJll.VSTON. Charlotte, X. C , Jan. 10, 1-03. Tiansgresson I'erJsh Not Alcna. " And l!ut m.tnperihed not ulune in bin iniquity." The tribes or Keukn and Gad, and the half tribe of Manassah, had desired tln ir in heritance upon the east of Jordan. Moies bad grante.i their rc.u-t, upon condition, that, the nun of ar ol these tribe, Iraung tiuir families aud cattle in tented cities, should to armed bclore the Lord to war, , .1 .: .:i 1 h.! .Iriu. aul tn''re cyiHHiu.: unt - en out his tmmi from before huu. 1 bey 1 ,aU plied with the stipulated couditiou. M-tu iml c-a-cit Iroui his labour upon earth. tl I Jo i had succeeded him as t i:um in rr and lea ler of the people Jo-h- m mi eo ii'..e!jd ihep .-ople aurois the riv er Jr lau u.ira uluaily as Mo: had aero lb- lied wild lion I tm lioru enemies were d.i.ciiout from betire him, and the sl, ra! tribes were about to receive their PO S'M,,jit. I'tijn the eve of their departure and re- t irti to tli-dr home", Johm addrsiseJ the tn ,t-i of tteutiea an I .al. an i me nan tit." t.f Muh and he said unto them, """ " Ye have kept all that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, and have obeyed my voire i U that 1 have eomman ,1,,' v.j4 K. turu with much riches unto i,ir tints ai.'l id with verv iiiuch cattle, witU -ilv.-r n l with co J, and with bras and with ir m, and with very much raiment, ili tile the spoils of your enemies with your brethren.' er -' and solemnlv reminded ... ii. Jo hui also mo-t these men ol llicir uuiy, unigeuiiy iu -.. in all the ways of tho Lord, t-J keep his c o iiuniidiueiiti, mil tj serve hiin with all th.-ir heart. I'pvi recroising the river Jordan into the lm1 of their oii p-v-eiou, these tribes .. i .1.. .1L. r, . teu an a.iar u , . , 7 f i 'e' onXll with the t ri I ,. ,, , .I,,..- I, , 1 hnit their ;,;,Jt t, I" ti - of -h , cl a aitar, a delegat' .ii, ton i-ti.i. oi nimuas , i ten princes, , as sent to reclam, these . ,..1 . l,..tt tril.en trum their suri)0.ed mi., m " . defection from tbe Lord In the address which this cmba-.-y ma io to their brethren n, ,.,ii ,i.t nf Jiirdnn. tbeV charge upon l .. in the sin of trespaisiug against the Lord ; , j .. . id admoui.h them by pointing to prior in- htinci,!i in winch mh'Ii iii h iiieii had sinned against (.of. Iu this connection relereuec is nan . . . . 1 11 the r,.p nf Achan. Ibis is the man ot whom Phi in has speaks when he tells us iu the text. " that man xrHh' I not alone hi his ini'iuitv When the veiws of the two tiibes aud a h ilf were made known tho em- b.i- y returned, and sati-fu'd all Israel. Tho fact stated of Achan in the text is ptedkated upon certain fixed principles in th nature of man, aud in the diviue gov ernment, A'.han. Ilaiing crossed the river Jordan, Joshaa commeuced tbe war of extermina tion upon the inhabitants of Canaan. Jer icho, a ttrongly fortified city, was the first to which he laid scigo. the entire city wa accursed of God. Certain precious liut.ih an 1 vessels of brass and of iron werj cou-ccrated to the sanctuary .if God, or to the treasury oi the Lord. Put the com- !iiH!id was mo-t peremptory mai mu ieoj.ic sh mid by no ineain appropriate to their .1- . i . .'" .i... i.,... .,.! . , J ... -i,,i ,t,u nr., hi iu- i i.l .. .L 1 ;,,.lf nedirsiil and , ,i , . , ..i,.,.,.,., , biiuj trouble slid tiod s di-pleasure upon , i i ,i ,i ,i ;.. J i,,.;,,., l,....n ad Pracl. All promulgated the e.ty was . k,n. nits capture .od mad the p.opo hi::,l:;tt"ou.r , di tel, Ue h . c..,dureof Jericho, a suiheh .,d dcLcbmct , aisont forward, to smite the citv Ai. Hut the Israelites tied ,istof their before the men of Ai, and tin number fell in bottle. Joshua ; ,, .11 U. r ...i ..... . tl .. I..... tl. il..,.iu!.i dislri'ss. "I'll! llllr.nu III.' "s ... - i hu.t rent his, clothes, and fell to the "irth upon his lace before tho ark of the L r.l " ,,d the elders of Israel. Joshua r..it-d bis implorim.' cry, and said. " Alas, G h.rd (,od wherefore bt thou at all bro, ht this people over Jordan O L r I, v hat I,.,it I ... mfltMMt Kri.l turiiit i their backs before their enemies." Imme Illlll I ii m diately the Lrd made known to Joshua the cause of this signal defeat. God said, 1-rael hath sinned I hey have even Uall of the accursed thing, and have also stolen, and dissembled til.-o, and they have put it even nmoii r their own stuff," This infor mation lead to the detection of Achan, aud ai, rxp(,.,iii,jn of his sordid avariue. When his crime could not, be denied, .cLju said " iu'iocd 1 Liivo stiuiud oaiust pemidBiriuuiiiu reKui.r ffiw,iw.uwujr w ui ocuor, ami mere mej were aioneq oi uilUUIIU, are UJUallV brought to the ll"ht run bhould peri with him 11 V his ............ .... . -j Bioues, aiiu ourueu wuo nre. xnuc oi uay, i li iousi ifn hi nt'uni ni,;.,;..,w .,iri r!i. ililnruuieke.ch linuJ. bciiu. j i .. .... ; "o'ous Hie, UI f,. -. p(U.ai, Opinions, u.ml.lf 33 cJmu oer u-re for .. el, tune. 1 " 1" V .. " u'u'.'" dm were powbl in any case to con- works of iuinui.j,. h . may have ry,. Liti-r mlttiv to tlie Editori-1 IVp.rt- e I,U "ow Dot,ce l" " Prv?,n2 ceai cnnw.iind thp baseness of human engr. lutaus of their 7 fiio,,. Aud.if o the Lord Cod of Israel, and thus and thus I have I done. V hen 1 saw amoug the spoil 5 gT yvS,".'u 8"'. wo uuu. dred hekcls ots,lvei, and a wedge of gold if -A ' ? J i 'T hcui, and behold, t0ey re la.d in the earth in the midst of my tout, and the wiver under it.'-.- Sordid eonetouats teat the crime' of AchuHj Hit rime brought UMJU ofl lsrad A fc wih ft fc "' ' "i" u is prouKm J nie mi- . i ll It i i the fact stated in the text tuunt forever rent, I here is a principle wuieu I aul expresses secret thing, hxpo ures mill be made at I man, Iroui a laud of liibles and a coii'Tca iu these words ' Koiteafvs liveth to him- eternal juuguient which will cause ninny ation of chrLtian", had destroyed himself trlf, and no man dlc'k 'o hi muff." Horn, 'soul to wither under the influence of a bur- seems tj be intolerable; but. oh! what 14: 7. God never desist ed that man ning shame, cott-ternation and di-iiiny. Look power v ill Le imported to it.-, iutcnntv when should be an isolated bein iu the world, 1 forward to that day, ye workers of iniquity, Uis man also sees and knows, aud feels that Hi social nature fits him for society. All and tell lue, ho' can your souls endure it t be has ul.so destroved others ! the institutions recognized in Cod's word, How can you endure the exposure ol'eterual .My dear hearers, let us all be admon the domestic circle, the school, the state, and judgment. ,is!u d by truth tnd facts, and certain pros- . ..... v ... v,-. .- . . nature. lrineii.Ia and fo.-lin-s eit in our very nature, designed to bind the family of their crimes will be brought, toliht, they occupy commasding relative portions in wan in one uniersal brotherhood. In a themselves will see them iu their exceeding i the parent, ma.-ter, ruler, whether in certain sense every man is constituted and sinfulness, they will be able to tell their .town, church, or state, appiiiited his brothers keeper. Xo man is number, and to mark the shades of crimi-1 ket men also whose profession or business permitted to pursuo his own course, to do ,mjtjr which attach to each. And they in fc "as elevited them to a high point of what may seem right iu the sight of his own themselves will approve the sentence which influence, look well to their conduct, and eyes, irrespertive of the right and huppincss , ji unalterably fix their eternal state. to it that it be directed by the truth of ofothuM. Principles t honesty, integrity, ' Why spend time on a point so plain as ; G0(1- truth, and benevolence, are universally to the certainty of perditiou awaiting all work-1 And let those of us who occupy a name be maintained between man and man as cr3 0f ij,,uity: You read it upon almost and place in the church see to it that our members of a common race. As we descend evcry pa;:u ot- scripture. It is stated in life and conduct be as becometh men pro through the several institutions of God, the every variety of expression. Iu many in-' 'ess'n.k' godliness IPthc liht that is in us church, the state, the school, and the fami- i,.P..M the .-hurar-t.-r nf tl,.. men ulm ....mint be darkness how ,-reat U that darkness ! !'' p-'-P l. aefl'''re "cnetrci " """o"""" ' 'w increases in its power. Hence it rests upon every man as a duty he owes to his God, his fellow men, and himself, to give honor to whom honor is due ; cu.toiu to whom cu-iom ; love and obedience to whom they btlon ' J "r" " w.uv. v. u y reason ot this binding together of bu- f" -., .v ,.m,u. C ,., ' j f J vaues ,ne wume Uo .y ; aun , one ,..e. ioer sur,,;r luo "oie are aneeieu ny ii. now oueu is tins nitistriueu in tne taiiniy circle, and in individual ehri-tian congregations? Another principle no man livrth who rftjet iiiit piiiii una exert and tfluenie. It is made to vary r,y cirrum-tanees i ,lc cireUmst..nc..s, which, most especially mi- part power to influence, ar- , knowledge, wealth, station aud relative p i-ition in life. Ihese truths are so obviou- ihat It seems u1"1 "l F" "" ii j..ii .i i -...j. i of a parent, a father o'r mother, is clothed illi the mo t powerful iiitlMCiice on eartn. It is a remark of Dr. iti.-h, that mothers ana sct.o ji-masters mount huiujii cuaraner ,.v,.r (,e its renewed, or nnreiiewru nature l m jst mciilioii u head wlneli .Jr. II ait. has iow, we being a corn growing community i i,,.0ilt banner of a purely American Nation a nd govern tin: world. at death, to it, u ttl be lorevcr. It U not so jut fini-dicd, ind nded as a pre.-cut to the ought to have nmre than that amount fr i au'ty to the breeze and rally the true-h'earted, It is quite a mi-take on the part of gome much the sentence of the i-tt ma! jud-'c, but socictv of ladieain Kichmouu. tor whom he sale. It would appear that we on jht to sell .i .,., ; ,. ,i, .....i.j .1,.. persons who think and say, that they have no influence. Iron sharpem-th irou ; to a mn hnW countenance of Lis friend. rrov. i : M. 1 he cireleol friend- ship is the pirticu ar field of influence. Hut it is not limited to that circle. It extends to our e.iuals, our inlenors, aud even to our sufHr.M.s. , , , . lhe social nature of man, anl the fact that no man is without itifiuruce, are priu- vilAi,t pruaici ,j , t, xt. - ''f"""" l'l""rnS ... .. , , 1,0 ot en,,ng and occupy th place of bright lumiua- ,f thv;rndmuea. .... -.i e -i r.rn. finlp r. sitiisoneo Willi n is.ioill irom :,.. radi,,.,,,! 11 aoulj V, ' .... .. . :. t ii,in, hi iniii,intin. niv pv.'rv laiirit ui . object, some putting forth all their strength - iiirilif.. T,teii. and elevate man, and others fire hoth dt'ticd and ctlculatcil to ffwl. R the desLm ' , ... A .1 . e" what it may, it the institution be well or- gauued and wisely managed .ecur.ug to iLselfagooddegree ofpopuTarlvour.itbe- comes a centre of influence for good i or evil. Vares The location of certain cities, the multitudes who throng their streets, and the business transacted there, elevate them to commam'.iug positi'-iis. An 1 so we say of all towns and villages, watering places aud seats of science are also radiating points. Men--Men of decided character for high attainments ill piety, lea.-niug, indus- try and enterprise spread ib ir innueuce far and wide. Men, who neither fear God nor regard man who act as if they viewed the liiblu as a cunningly devised fable who, by their unblushing infidelity strike there- afitics or an existing eternity out of being, army, the death of 30 men, his own destrue- er hemlet, with copper ornaments, for the would be equal to 840,000. .Now at b- per and new create an eternity having no exis- tion, and that of bis family and substance. TTesvnt !ichakc in lho Fronch "rn,y- 'J bo ''nrrel ,f fc',ves SJi'-m thu; owins asav teiicobutin their own heated iniasriuations The covetousness, which is idolatry, of one cxpc-riinent is to be tried for one year in an mg to the producers of P10,0:K1 on this men wbo i b . nf antuii.il. and irlory in their shame, men, over whose soul the love of gain is the ruling passion, all such men are of lufluenee. buch .... , , j i n men of mi.iuity sow to the wind, aud shall ri.ap the whirl wind. m) , of UU discourse I a,k your ,tlw t;on to the followin g reflections. : 1 1. nm,u Mcn of in. i.p.uy and their deeds of darkness, even all tLirleerct crime, will U 4 .ut Men may rest assured, mai, u.mn w m...Uo economy heir tin tcit find them out. Moses ,l..,d,ir..M it. " lie sure vour sin will find vnu out ' J . . the Hope oi conccaiii.eiii, u.g perpetratiou of many crime. Achan verily supposed that be could cover uis crime uudcr the broad Heal of concealment, Could men really be brought to neueve uai, justice will lerrf t them out, . expose tmnr ( lllnCfl IO DUDIIU VICW. iua iai-fc mnuu w , - I ' . .. , . . conucetioi, with a regard for their eharac- t-""'" ,u" " .j...v. tcr, and the degrading basenc? o many - ri.'ies, would operate upon them as a m -aty restraint. Put the hope of conceal- e ., .t ... .?... ' . T . i. -.,.4i , ituuit lias rtiiijvu'i iwuii i-on iii-s Fven in this lite detection is reuucea ai-i ooiu uuuy .........., vUO n.o4 to a moral certainty. The saying1 grave, aud to eternal he!!. O tell it not in " murder will out" has became a maxim. iGath that the man lives in Char.o te,m the ... . . , Most remarkable providences nave aevei-t imu ico. .c ,..t..... vv.... iU, countv. Wiseen.-:n. Silver, red themselves in the detection of murder. ; by his vote, support such a system oi deso a- Kir.toa, ante county, CufriCMUw wo Uabyael is .Miotiuo mi dwta i !icBwUvrww lajtbrt.wo, ui obtuwi tbr planning of which human ingenuity and secrecy have been taxed to the very utmost, nave nevertheless been blazed abroad. Your historical information furnishes instance "i"' ! l''iu iu Ke.-f fc'h Pder plot of Liigiand, many well concerted In- uian schemes lor the destruction of Ameri- can colonies, and the sworn conspiracy of fortv wen not to eat until thnw L.nd ev Jhiaination. of imm t i. . fc , . "utltion or b propcrt? oi aarKne. nernetrateU under t io maul n , . . . upon whieh Uod will bring to iijht every ' 4t iijtrttrrti trotiKi-tso; tniotiii V. l':e ,-.,... .... ..; .. J. ,.,.':. ,. J' CI)tt.r btavoUi ailll wto IHIl.t donll t tll0 regions 01 tne uamncu, is aeuiltu at leng'li. if llicir i,e trutu in (joJ s wori the Hil.kuJ liu.t jH.ri-h. 1)0 we no', jL.arn Lotll from plarc an J cxperiice that the world of maMsind is in- ciu(ca ull,ier UI T Tllat ,hr rt, L, n , . j ,)lte. Otis ! nft. tint etiif ' Hiif i.nnl.t t.:w! 11. .1111. taiuhi talu ,ns ciiaracter lor truth au tju uce were nc to suner tlie wicked to escape I Howe . . . lrul tuul uo . lUKn3t and at an infinite expense, provided aud has set before us a great salvation, and has most distinctly made know n the terms upon w hich we may reap its lasting benefits ! The wicked themselves know that they have set at nau'dit this creat salvation ; that thev do uot ol)fy the po,ptl of Jegu . . M thl,re ifj no other possible salvation that they mil,t rerish. , are brought to the same conclusion bv a coricet iew of the sinner s character. .," , . . He is within hnuoclt a vessel ot wratli tilled turuof ,, soul at death whatever be its rumg propensities or passion, whatever bo it,- ruiin principles and relish, what- the very nature of the soul of the wicked which cou-i -us them over to perdition. Scripture declaration, scripture argument, mid tbe uature of the soul itself evince that the wicked. must perish. 3 ff tlirj,lit ,(. , otll(.rs .,,, (hfM f,(f jiiion. We have seen in the body of this discourse the manifold . ,..,,., ..(. i, ,;,.!, .. .(gU(, tQ ,iU tv.lo, uun y-e Lilve swn , dements which Kive power to influence ; and the considerations which constitute a tailc tru:ns ive expansion to me siai.-meui u , of Ac 0,k.r .-.''., :;,.,.;.., ,ilat tllPv nrrished not wrk. of Um.u.ty, that they penshtd not alone. The wisest of men has said, " one sinner rtroveth much good," He may put forth i- ' . 11 . .1 e direct mnucgee in turning others from We have .striking instance of j, natttre in lhe Acts of the Apo-t The Sorcerer Parjesus, or Elymas by inter pretation, endeavored to "turn away the .1 ....... ;u i..,i,. ,. ,.,., jTilui.ni admonished with y fu of su, tilit .,nd M mif tbou ehiW 0f the devil', thoa q m righteou-i,ess, wilt thou not ct,ase t0 p,.rVfrt the right ways of the Lord ."' ja . U jjow ,IIBny Qf 0,lr (iilV) an jt wsv e 0f our toBII) nre acting just sueh a piirt ; j ven one man niaj t,e tle nicans 0f l,rin?. ;n jown (he blessing, or the. curse of God, upon a whole community. Cod would have spared Sodom for the sake of ten rishtecis persons, but that tiutuber was not there to be found. The world itself is preserved Tor ( the sake of tne church. ( Covetousntss prompting to the crime ofl Achan, brought on the defeat of Israels, .,, Ki-in.. .l.,fni.t iin.m jhi. snlr in. 81 Israel of God in any of our churches. The siu of one man may brina ruin upon his family, and tho judgments of God upon . , . .r, c r a whole community. 1 he sin of a few men, who, by their wicked hands crucified the lriucc of Peace brought the j.t !,..i,ct,t of (ld upon themselvcs'to the destruction of t.,irTL ..a , t. tcr dispersion of the Jew, to t is day. Me,, - bnuj. r- -,,:,;. " ' r Well as upon themselves. How this truth should tell upou the character and conduct miucuiuuinw.M. The town itself is exerting an influence which is powerful, aud is spreading far and wic. iu x,.w u.,, uu such town, with such a charter of ineor- , uu .f. - , 7. fluenee have we here, dealing out liquid . i- i jmi? , --i- - poison ctupoverisn ng our pcope, u ang our i ., ..,.: ' ---r JZ2 Z " "ZZZ ; of justiee with business, pouring a constant tide of distress and wretched uess tuto the k.rt4 nf women and fam 1 es and send nif hfirts ot women ana iaiuiues aoa scDame i- ... . . .l t l ,Ai Ar n,,.i,..wi 3U .t.. vote to remove itfroin the spot first eonse. crated to the cawc of Liberty. Follow the roufci the rich man, at whose gate afflicted Laisrus lay, down to the tor. .uent of the lo t, aid hear hU entrcatie, that Lazarus might fa sent from Abraham a bo,om to bis five brethren upon earth to warn them lest thev also come to the same r 1 ,j.:- c... .w ,:.. .i :.i ot -:. l jjut , j r,!r t irir.n f .;a .j n.n., il, I,:- K., , .11 fcv. mw..v tu.tu mi. Mc uivm lrre- or his been the what torment. 'J he reflection in hell that the y uia u.tfuuuiiiuii scums iy come l.n-,- , naK... ... r FOREIGN POLICY OF THE UNITED ST A I ES. The Editors cf certain prints seem to be under tit influence of such a prodigious affection for the Ebon Government of HaUi an will not suff.r the fniti.d Sii, , f.., 1 any mtere t in die prospect of that Island's Man within tne gra-p of any European lower; and is very Ui, ingenuously preten- ded by these snusitivc gentlemen that our own Government, iu naviuz some attention to the intriguei iu that "quarter, is violating its ow n great principle of Xon-lnlen-ehlwii. On this important point we have met with an arti..! in nt.i1s..!i.ii.l.i. ;An.l p . j. u. . -j v.u. i() k. Btlit0Illent- tui, M eon,lusive in ils . gumcnt, that we c.imot do better than trans f,r to our co1lIBirH. . l.anm,., r,,,llta tion of this char-e against the present Ad- n.hiwtr;n .V l..tt . - A ,Tm" pntlemen, writing from Flor- ence, in Italy, says oi iiait, tne scu pior : " Talking aboit what is doiugiu Florence, no ex cutiu alulut ol Mr. Chut, it U one of the ina-t beautiiul t hint's I have ever seen. It Ins a sweet, sad expression,' renresciitini ' Mr-ltiia mourniii.' lor her som.' Ho is noi working on the statue of 150,000, and is a full estimate. Suppose fl,ion ni),i palIjir outcasts from the sur Mr. Ciay, aud lws been engaged for some the number of horses and mill. to be 4 , j cljlirirud purlieus and bye wa-.s of Europe, time in making, with his own hands, an iu- one for every 3 or 3J indiviJuik ; and al- j pvi,,, a,j pmipors whoso votes are as po strument of his svn invention for executing low for each one 50 bushels, this gives us j .... ,, vo,.r rpajpP i 0!lf. occasion when it in marble, so fiat it will be as perfect as man can make it This in truinent consul- cred by tho-e wo have seen it as one of the greatest inventions of the age.' -ib. Tho New Orltans papers of the 11th in stant are fi.led tith accounts of the impos iUi,' ceremonies lu honor of Clay, Calhoun, 1 i 1 a . 1 . .1 1 culL' ' L"u,tl ! , ,1". " - - the pa 'eunt exojeded in nnivcr-ality and , ... e .. ,.. , , ., , V" "'.V tempted iu that city. Three eulogies were pronouueed befre large assemblies in dill eretit public buidings. Judge McCaleb de livered the euby upon Mr. Clay ; Judge Eu tis the oratjon upon .Mr. Calhoun; and Chri tian RoseSus pronounced a review of the life and strikes of Pauici Webster. ib. The Senate oi Tuesday lad passed a joint resolution unaWlj appoi.ting the Hon. J .hu Macphcr-Dn Purrien, of Georgia, a Re gent of tiie Sndhsoiwm Jnsntathn, to Supply a vaoauey which had occurred in the Hoard. In likf manner, and by the same . i . .. !..( !.. mil... fl.ill w lfeebe was reappointed . Regent, bis prcti- ous term of six "ear. having expired.-oi. y O . FRENC1I ITEMS. There is some talk of substituting a leath- lufantrv reL'iinciit Amon rr other project for the embellish- '"! Pro" ? P?PlcM?f ,,,s pou,,t " Paris it is under deliberation to open Cve a.r"L'lcS f 0'r $ ' fr 'T" tour Immlrcd metres (1,-JOO feet) in the data assumed are correct, and this in mcntof a street tour hundred metres (I width, from the Place de la Bourse to the Rui' de la Paix The Masee Imperial is nearly finished. It will contain objects of all kinds counccted with the hi-tory of Napo'.eou. Among other curio-itics are the uniform, saddle, sword and spurs used by unu at tne Dame oi u- ... I ..I ... l rec ren'jo lhe public collection p, mC e,n. to be raasacked, to furnish, if possi- t.i, .,.:. COI,tj,,pnt. to this museum. A special agent is employed in Italy to searcn !,.-,-,. i,.,. ,. hplnnwd to the crcat EmPeror The museum is to belong to the ma,,on imperials; ; aud the employes win wear tho greeD miiform. On the morning of the third of December tbe theatre Lills of Paris appeared under the theatre tills ot ram appcarta ui. ;tifl i h nmr rans ltseii . . i :,ei,n- Ae.di.mi. Turner ale r' " the ,mi n.. Theatre Imnerial de l'Opera cmie opera theatre i Comique ;' the 1 beat CDS Ordinaries de b. 31. Jrancai viumucs v . r-' GOLD. The latest gold discoveries arc en the mmieatuins. - FOR THE SOUTH CAROLINA WHIG. Mr, Editor : What will be the benefits I of the Charlotte and S. C. Hail Hoad to the people of Meeklcuburg couuty ! This qucs- .! - - .11 l- :i -.. -J ii lK,u woulu "ol ue easJ auwere n an it bellfinS!, uPon u aa a COtnruunity, nor U it "- -j "it"- -j- to the minds of some men. A few facts at least have been ascertained and w ill enable us tx make an approximate es i'.M.o n one or two &r ic es. , eLMt'm article is l,Lh now iu Charleston, and has h..n ;, i u..i,- i., t v 1 1 i at from Sl.k5 to per sack The popula- tion of .Mecklenburg is a,sumed to be about - - .. . .... . 10,000. '1 here are then not 5,UUU families of 7 aud 8 persons each who will consume 3 sacks each annually iu the various purposes of life. Assuming that three sacks will do each family we have 0,000 sacks consumed oi J t i i- .1 .andgl saved on each sack, making the sum of 0,000 saved annually to the country on this one item the interest on 5100,000 or nearly double our State tax and but for the present high prices of salt in Charleston it could be sold here for SI .73, making a fur ther saving on the amount of ?15,0uU nor could salt be sold here now in the present condition of our public roads by waggoners at less than $H.5U per sack, if at any rea sonable price. Thus we find a saving on salt of over 50 per cent. What has here tofore been the price of gunny bagging t From IS to 22 cents per yard, now it is sold at from IU to 10 cents, making at least 0 cents per yard difference. This enables the farmer to save 27 cents on each hale of cotton. Now suppose we produce 10,000 bales tins year, winch is a reasonable esti mate, and' save 27 cents on each bale ? This makes a savin" of M,7HI to the coun-1, tv. Now what do we save on the fVei-bt of .1.:. ,... ...i..i. ...ii :. i...- : i more southern market? Two dollars per bale on 10,000 bales will amount to the enormous sum of S-'OOOO of profit to the cotton producers of this county, man believe with tlm rro:,t. l, LFoes any the corn and wheat crops this last corn would sell for more that 25 irreiiL iiutiiioiiuee ui . . . t vear that i r.i.i,r rier , bushel in the absence of Rail road trau-por-1 ..u t v-. i : :. i.i :.. .... i bauuii . ,i ui iuui: milieu ii sum ui v.titiiii.is . n f.. ... 1 n .. 1 .. .1 . 1 Vrt... ai . -t .1 . is worth 40 cents here. Assuuinw then that without the road it would be even worth 25 cents, is there not a profit of 10 cents per bushel caused by the facility of tran-porta-is est!tiialVTaTanftre"iioretVaii 1)I(tf,nnn bushels. This is probably too small, but assuuiins this as an average, the crop of this year will exceed it by 'JDO.OOtl bushels. nearly 300,000 bushels. ", l l,.v ''J' ' another mode. Suppose the population to be 15.000. allow 10 bushels per every man, woman and child in the county ; this cives -'OO.OiiO l u-hels, to which two sum-', amount - tig to ,iod,0(H) bushel-, add loO.OllO lor hogs and other domestic purposes and we j Um am eliarlestow n, convened at ' Fan have the consumption at home of 5 10 ,000 i uij ilfi ,voll!ll as far as bushels having as before stated, 300,000 ( fartill,r,,i.t i the Native American cause." of tins crop for sale beyond the limits of the j gain, w hen that noble ra-e of patriotism county. Fifteen cents per bushel on this ; was ar,xsiul ; ti0 American heart of the sum amounts to 815,000 saving to the far- j j,pUi.jve s;t.0t) 0 hearing of the outrage. j - v - ,CC th.e mcch""f- mercliant. lawyer, tec.. or liieir norses, tor wincn tins estimate m sq i ,)., ilUsliels i.rovides be makes the ad- 01 "' .'"sm is pro nit, nc inches uie ,iu d.tional 10 cents per bushel, and better re - wards ot labor and more ot it have enabled these other classes to piy the prices. Thus wesceit our data are correct the farmers ... ! : . e p. .p 1 a;iii iiiiiKe an increase oi pronioi ci , f:mi one article of produce in one year. Tbe average wheat crop of Mecklenburg is stated at 7 ,31. i bushels. This was probably taken from the cusus of ld ) and is too low. J" TohMy exece U )U0 b-isheK but t ike the crop at 110,00 - 9m. whlt,(? ?Uifwm. " n it I i i VrfM? lV0l-al!ow 6 bushels of fr hltP foll'nn "nd du d, whether they produce wheat or not, and we consume oOOJMIO busliel", leavnej 50'0t)0 afJ! .tweY flIkvt' w,,i 10.,,0 Urrcl. of flour, worth . n..B,, KirtUB (lllMlt R I Yl.,1. l!ll'..ll Yould flour bring S4 per barrel here with- j out railroad transposition ? It is doubtful, , but suppose it is worth 84, 10,000 barrels wneat crop oi tue county, i mis iiiasni'z .in addition to the time saved, wear ami teir of horses, wagons, &e. And so wo mijbt go ou enumerating the advantages to all classes in creating a demand for labor and raising its prices. Then look at the Thou sands of Dollars added to the vaVie of our laud. Have v a forgotten, Mr. Editor, that 1"' thecs ,,s of to Columbia were 10 uu m (ho w slecn. two days lost, and any riu-intity of jolts and jo.-tles making at lca"t ?1'J cost iu addition to wounds and bruises. Now : passengers are taken in seven hours with ! comfort and pleasure to themselves at $1.25. i Now suppose 500 ecntlcmen and ladies of ! the county annually have business in Co'.um- j bia or any where South of that place, or 100 men have to go five times, what is the jnu aid u w u.c ...-. a. . .... , cjvn io tne coum v n v iub ui ut-i t- m uhmics I of travellinc. sraim and returninj ? not les than S6.750, quite an independent esfste to one man. It is nenevea mat tne oertents oi the road to. Mecklenbnr; county alone is equal to 6 per cent on $1,501,000, its entire eo-t. Now, is it not surprising that indi viduals should be opposed to sueh improve, ments ? These suggestions have he?n hsti 'y throro together without as reliable data ; wo'jI-1 H 4wa46.blo, but tto rolativo pro- portions of population, production and eon-1 Butnption are believed to be substantially correct, except the amount of salt cousumed ' may be too great. Should this be the ease, the result woulil bo about, the same as the difference in transportation, &e., without the road, would liiuke wore tuau El per eack. I.NTKIIXAL I.MPnOVKMeXT.. FOR THE NGIlTH-f AnOI.INA WHIU. CACsK AND KFFiX'T. The sabaoth of Europeans iu the United ....., ... i ..,,! nr.... i I.-:.,.. aU(1vioe Presideut of our eoMM I ol'.tau country it U iueumbeut upon the faith- lldT4.Uf. r,U,V strictly and with brave hearts into i "ie cause of this sad cflect, and, looking that tllUse Lolily iu ,1C iact'' tlef' iw f0KeT cvur ! to dtf?t tl,e AuicrieaiiB iu the peace- i till r.f.l. ...... .T nt. ..!,........ -w...v--v -j, ail CJviiutl. The two great elements now wielded By those who make polities a profession and a source of profit, are the native patriotism of the country and the intercuts of that for- eign population whose " votes " Martin Van Jiuren very truly predicted would "make our elections a curse instead of a blessing." (How truly fulfilled iu the election of l'olk "iiikteuil' of the immortal Clay !) These are the two elements upou which depend the perpetuity or the ruin of a eouu try made up of amass ai entirely opjo- site iu their pcr-onal views and natures as Europeans and Americans ever are and will be fjr centuries to conic. The selfish el- emeu', adverse to t tie disinterested patriotism of Americans hud always been reprobated by the Whigs previously to the reign of those great fishermen alter votes, Seward the political Jesuit, and Grccly the vision- ary isiiii.-t. All of those thousands who at- tiiched themselves and faithfully adhered to the Whig party because of its advocacy of the American mid nationalizing measure cm- !" , Uon'le a VI years schol- : I ,a1',P 111 tha hool of hepulheaiiistil, all 01 UU,. were hint made lukewarm m the cause ol their party w hen the leaders of their party became lukewarm in their advocacy of th.it luo-t important aud warmly cherished measure. Subsequently, w hen Seward threw out his book to catch the foreign vote. ,t , -., . ... ' ; I . , 'i VI" . V ...u-.., ,H Il( U-lltl !l t' IIV...M t I,-.. ........ o u.ei iiireaieueu to xuuvcri tins trovern- ..... , V" ! ot Uf 1 Catholics and j ti,e Soutl.crn slaves! those Aiiierieaii- , . , , . i iiius.iin. Buy wertf more lenacioiis lottlieSJl years mea-ure than anv other . , "X in their catalogue now became cold in a cause which they considered no longer entitled to their allegiance, and Grccly "n npotacy l'roiu this cardinal principle of the his.' faith iiist their disaffection. Only occasional! the adhcrer.ts to the plan of altering the natural!- za.io.l hws, were inspired by the hope that their leading spirits would throw out the site t.artv. ii w io were otu.osod to the c ,.,;,:,, (.,,;,, l,l,r In il,n 1, .,l,nP L'olll- I ImirkL,t( lllul f.-ign imprudence, dictation, ,...,i r,. ;,. fi, r,,lrjlw r .),., lir;v..,:,i,i,, ; ,i)u rat Webster held out t ui litTiliil-e to ... :..:,.. coreation 0f the citizens oi , iicrm'u uuu vy me ji i.?ii oi x miinieiuuiu. upott the precious right of the "liberty of h in ,le persons of public speakers, i .1 1 . 1 i 1 w . . . . auj a third time when Daniel ebster just 1 viou4 t0 iiw death promised the " Order of L:llitcj Americans " (at the ' Tabernacle" ; jn Xcw York) the he " would take the thun- : jor - co,ll(11est upon his approval of their I. . .... 1 .. doctrines, which arc well known to be more ultra still than the 2 vears probation so often I wrong. Here this defence snail stop Jor sanctioned by Clay aud Webster. On these j the present . There are other matters be several occasions" the hearts of the true ! sides the Senatoral election connected with Americans leapt with joy and they looked j this disc ussion which may be brought for forward hopefully to the time w hen the ! ward hereafter. It is not necessary to do American too could boast of a nationality I so at this time. This future events must and not be compelled to hang his head for ! decide' As to what you say about Mr. Love, shame when he thinks of the vile mixture i that gentleman adhered to the pledge he and hcterosrenious nature of that country which merits the reproach of Scripture for it " takcth no care of its own household and is worse than an Inndel. .but alas, tne restraining hands of those two powerful apostates from tho true Whig faith, Seward and Ureely, were upon the hearts ot those who yearned to " more Amcricauize our country, aud they yielded to the insidious wills ol those who have ruined, while they sought to build up their party upon the sandy (and in their secret hearts despised) foundation ot the foreign vote rather than i... i. r ...:.': ,.., ;...i..!.i.,.l ;,. tl,.. Ml.uil tue I'.'UlkVJI PaiOUUMII IHIUtWHtU III mi. hearts of the American People. Prom the past let us take Warning and the future will be a record ot American victories gamed m every Presidential contest where the tests of Americanism and khrctgnis.-ii. are made the rallying cries of the contending parties. A Wtiiu i.t 7 6. M:'.'i ic ru., IhvcmUr liuth 1. iiil fi IK d the nieanurc of his iiifoiiy by likening OH 'ennui tu Washington. t.'fi.'1'r garden tptrth, IE1 ss. PI" RE FOR ERYSIPELAS. rt-t o t ai - - .. ..mi.lrtrtt The Salem Observer savs a correspondent an cicbaiv'ed paper gives the public a v . . .v . .. ,. , ,iKli,- a cure for this distressiiiL' disorder, from ' wineu i i t . . ..av ...... 11a c.r. I 06 nas been a great Min. .'' simple poultice made of cranberries, pound-1 iuu u(Bf ,a- 'A " .'.," Tr ed fine and applied iu a raw state, has one, two, or three rubbers. The re proved in ly eLe, and a number also in veraed gentman eould stand no more but P' - T M bolts tirouh the cospis:onway, amidnt tse tnia vicmny, a eerta.u ..-,. n,,,,!.;,' w,s ar.nlisd on eoiM to hed. . " - 1 ; 0 0 1 and the next morning, to his surprise, he j !,7 found the inflaamatton nearly gose ; and in two davs h was as well as ever. Billy Bowloggs, although elgnie; a trea tv to that effect, has refused to remove freer. iiotili Vi w cf ttyj Msswrft. THE SEXATOESHL . To the editor of the standard;- Your editorial of Saturday, under ths bead of " the Seuatorship " demands a brief notice. As you have arraigned the members from Wake, Chatham, Warren, Johnston. and llavwood, bv name as uiBorsauizcrs, you cannot in common fairness refuse them a heariug. To remaiu silent under such a. charge would bo a tacit admission of its truth-to refuse them a hearing on yourparS would be adding injury to wrong. This you cannot do alter your disclaimer of any iuteutiou to do them injustice 1 licy uo l.r... ..i.l.i;,. "... i--. for tile oourse ,liey pursued." 1 hey intend to occupy higher grounds. Men who have the .tafUWto think and to act for themselves, aw n. to receive the l.i,h with impunity, thou'.'h it may be inflicted by the hu"d ot a l'aniza" PrusM' wUf tbe "laiw of - a faithful expouant of the public feel- .....1 .l.y. .l.li.. nill I V.n . . n ... V. n .1 '"c i")" i tit jiituiiv nill. J iiui.iiui:(I fsw" intend not only to defend, but to jus- tify- and to show, that if the ileaiocrntic party failed iu the election of a United State's Senator, others besides themselves are to share in the responsibility. You say " Acauciis or a meeting of the Democrat- ie members was hehlrand the Hon. James C l'obbinrof Cumberland, was nominated for Senator. He received not merely a majority of the members present, but a ma- jority of the entire democratic represcnta- tion in the General Assembly ; and his no.-n- illation was afterwards unanimously agreed to." This, statement may le true iu part, but it does not disel-s the vhole truth, This the public have the light to know in order to a correct understanding of tha juestim. And this they shall know, as we speak from the record. 1'he leinocrats had iu the la.-t Legislature t(3 members the Whigs requiring &8 to elect on joint ballot. A caucus Was held about t ho middle of November, and after every effort to obtain a full meeting, only si.rty-cipltt attended. Hi the smw ballot Mr. iM.b.u received lo votes bctug east agam.-t hnn and II absent, lhe uieeting refused to adopt the " tiro thirds rule," and voted without any one being in nomination. Ihose that were present pledged their support the absent gave no such pledges, AS as such ' a met!inr as this entitled to the character til, ll !tl!l ,l' U' .it fl T.fll'.l. iifllllld It ,m,tn . , . .. . . 1.'V""y v ':"' . .'"'".""'t uueuiumi n.ai BUiuiiiaMou to us nominar.jn . We answer nnt emphatitally no aud i-ay ciit'if democrats refused so to recognize it. ,. . irn the C'Iiiciisi tick weight vvd iroinoi ii ', a sajteictu nuuitivr lornei snonni hare Ueu resent, end the tuo-thirds ru'e ! adapUd. Without tl.i.s tbe nomination was ! calev.lat.-d io produce discord, not harmony, iiaid should have been ;iveii up without a j I c. n t- rs.tod either .f. J'obbin or some : other democrat, eiio.ally sound and aecep able, would have been elected, lhe alarm about the election of a Whig was a phantom only intended to (lighten the timid, aud force submission to the will of tbe interested. The great democratic party at Paltlmora had resolved by a vote by States 2(iy to 13, that in all party nominations the two-thirds rule should be adopted and whet'ier just or unjust, politic or impolitic, the rule is im perative, and when called for must be ob served or the nomination loses the Weight and authority of a party nomination. And yet here was a caucus of oi.ly 08 out of 66 present the iiomiuce receiving but 40 votes whilst the whole of the SU was necessary to his election. To persist in such a nomi nation under such circumstances, and that after repeated failures, argued a degree of iulatuation bordering more on rashness than indiscretion. The opinion you are pleased to express as to lien. Saunders the mor al force of his example and his vote" may o for what it is worth all he asked was '' fair play" be felt neither politically or personally bound to aid in putting up thoso w ho had sought to put him down. He re cognizes no such suicidal policy, and thoso w ho seek to enforce such an obligation upou his part must teach others to do justice, be fore they can expect submission to such a 1 gave to bis people and he who redeems ; his plighted faith to las constituents has uo- ! thing to tear, whoever may be his accuser. 0i; OF TUE PltOSl'ItlliED. A SLIGHT MISTAKE A SCENE IN thk Cabin of an Albany Steamboat. The Yankee Plade publishes the following joke which came off the other day: Enter reverend gentleman, aud pointiug out a trunk ashore." Frenchman, rising from a chair close by, " Dat ish my thrunk. What tor you wants carry my thrunk ashore for : , - . 1 ,t 1. , , . - " P acc- h- ;-.-" ou are laboring under some mistake, sir ; that is my trunk." Frenchman " Vour thrunk, hay1. No sir-e-e ; d it ish my trunk." Rev. Gent. " I repeat, you arc laboring under " Frenchman " Py dam ! you think dat is your trunk, bay ? Maybe my key unlock dat thrunk, too." (Takes aud ap plies his key to the lock.) "Ah, ha! (lif ting up tho lid,) "my key fit your thrunk. You say dish is your thrunk ! Maybe di;h i-h your fighting iron, too (holding up and exhibiting a revolver.'") You say you thrunk, hay! You pistol! liy dam '. my iui mm, iuu. i'lsu ta in tci ' ,. - .1 i ..... Tv;. i. :., volv. ivy gar, t .i. " -' , . .,, Hn-vtiii-nnidv u nif,L- nt nurd I ''ib. ha. ' iooik-e-e ueie 'us vtu ww i.u " . i.r . :. , , , vou ltim Cus . i'l'D isn ley aeca. oi csras. ... k... I ,k! T ; . ,K". MiMn. We will . hi. 1 TOars ot "6 pa.cs. . O fcMW o - - red;t however, by saying that ia his rotreis i he pointed out oc tbe boiler dock a trunk wrv siruilar to th i receavaza s sav.sg tsa same initials oa the end, which the porter tiied sad followed hiss ashore with. - j i ' i lie cifj 3eH ?f ats to 51,1

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