rv i' JO Vl'rrrtfi 'tf";irnlm: 7tri:.vi if-. rjis w nvrsj MM CHAHIOTTE: FilllUV, January 21, 1S53. IT WILLIAM THOMPSON Esq., i onr a pent iu ijalUiuurc, auvhoriztu to olu... aoUci line mi'iil and Krtlij-erirttoris, nnd to grant ri eripTs. U T E. W. CAIiH, Esq., in our ar;cnt in Fhiluii -I-p'ua, authorized to obtain advertisements and pro cure subscriptions. IT V. B. Faliner, Esq., id our authorized spent l' receive advert:f incrita and subscriptions at his lliees in Boston, New York and Philadelphia, JTOur paper bi been de l ycd beyond its usual time by an-km ss und ir.tf to tnis tircumst: nee bu p-r can be issued lrum this btiice next week. " The Island of Cuba Pica at our doors ; it torn. inanda tlic approach to the Gulf ol' Mexico, which wHhhn the ahorea of five of our State. ; it ban the entrance to that grcut river which drama half the Ninth American Continent, end with ita tributa. riea, forma the Urgcat ayst'th of interna water communication in the world; it krepa watch at the doorway of our intercourse with California by the lathmun route. If an inland like Cuba belong ing lo the Spanish Crown guarded the entrance to the ahould prepose a Convention like thia to France and Knijl md, those power Would ess urciily feel tln.t the disability atsunii.d by oursiln-s ..s far lens serious than that wlin.ll we salted them to an. tunic," After speaking of the Cr-cent City Affair, and iustilviiig the conduct of the President inn la. lion there to. Mr. Everett auges ts the propriety of !p.. in, empowering her representative in the Wand with drploniatic fiinrtions sufficient to fettle all such ditlieultiea with the govcrnincntuf tint I'nited and other American States, without being put to the tedioua delay and expense of retorting to Madrid for euch purpose. Mr. Everett next proceed, to aay : "That a convention, auch aa ia proposes! would he a transitory arrangement, pure to be swept away by tile irresistible tide of atfaira in a mw ct'Uiitry, as the projtrt rifts upon principles, ap. Uicbli , if at a!l, to Europe w here internalunal in their Usi. ot great iimquiiy. merit. Tfee cars at the time were filled with I LongiTown Mission -I,. A jiWtpn. i p:. i Uirlinetun Circuit S. Ji.nesiA. P. Martin. paaacnger., aimuug aawa . Vw"' Sumterville Sttion-F. A. Mod. fcts lady ana only ton, an miercetiog oy oi sumtcrvillo Circuit,-'. Me teod. W n.n years, ueu. x icrce wtta lue urea iu s.mce iir.tuu ,i, w. HortiiJ tricate Liuuclf from the fragments of the car, i I'puer Stitu Mission A. bich was literally bu,.h,d to atoms and L;"- though sound ,n hub, he com? ui ot con- lCEOBETuWN I)ISTriI( i-iuerauie yam iu isi ma. ! t.eomeliwn H. A. C. nl'4 Thainea or the Se ine, and tht I'nited SUtea ! instantly crus-hcd to death. Mrs. l'ieree !s .nU'e Miaeiou M. Kidy, W. Mood. , Avantj one to be Schools. -D.Daaaiea, T. E. rccei V d a number of severe eontUHoli:, UOUe) ; S inpit Mission 'Phoa. liajjor nt !,;.! hnwpvor nro f nlii,l(rHcl elHllire!- i ui 'Ck Kiver tuU 1 e Dec h i rous. Jlauy other passengers were badly bruised, and the do u train has just brought in fix or eight of the wounded. The citi zens of Anduvcr were assiduous in attention of the sufferers. FURTHER PARTICULARS. We gather from the New York papers some additional particulars of the above accident. The train was composed of a baggage and passenger car only. The exact cause of the accident is not definitely ascertained j cue of the axle trees is supposed to have bn Shuford and W. a. ci .me. Mack River Circuit H, E. Tfcburn, G. W. Stoata. Ill.ck Mingo Miaaion F. Rush. Conwyboro Circuit I). Me)onaId. Wuccamaw Mission J. A. Mirrick, W. Caraon, M rion J. Stacy. r M .rion C.rcuit A. W. WaUr, W. M. Euatcrlin. Benin ttsvilleH. F, Franks., Society Hill Mission J. P. Hughes. C'heraw E. i. Meynardie. Cheraw Missiun V. J. Juckion, Chesterfield Circuit D. WSe.le. Wadesboro' T. Mitchell. Wadesboro' Circuit J. II. Zmmerman, W. Ilutto. Albemarle A. Ewing. I T. R. WUh, I'reaident Cardina Female College. LINCOLNTON DISTRICT II. H. Dura.xt, , .f. i i I t ma keu; some say it was the journal on which rharUu. c.rcuit-P. F. Ki.der. Daniel May. reilillOllB re, III UHir WH u gieafc aiiiiuuny, , . , , - .1... i ikLi ).. ....... . th nr. r. .. ! l wheel Piays, oi ti.UL and events, and not applicable to America, j the thermometer pointed at xero and the The day was very cold . Ta eur Falrcns, . The present number clcsea the fi.-at Volume c-f eur p ' r, and it is due t.i our patrc-tis to nuy tht we liee not btt-n aitle lo tii vL u as much tune and atlenlum to cur duties aa are had heped to be' able to oo wiien we frsi l.iunched our ship upon the p-'htic-l se.t, but in luture we expect t' be so sit uated ct to n.ake amt mis lor tins delinquency, and r' n(!er our p. p r a mure aprealde and mteres. tinj v:s:!or to our numerous p .trnns. 'Ptit re will be a a.iLf!it 4;iii.-r-tu.n ;n t:;e ni tnjgi no nt of our par r lor t;,e next ) ( and we expect lo be ?o t'j ted .a to pro-.i jc a&'..:i.t any cjiten.1 dilin- U'io y :n tuturt . 11 1 v 1 1 1 s.iiu th much by way of introJu( tion, j it now becomes our tuty a eiuty which we bave I Ii ! I.Hl.e'to alti mjiteu to pexiurnr to ourselves j ei..i to a f-.ti'ful disch. reot our ro'p'.nfcibilitu 3 to e;.r ii. T: ns, to c.U U;ou l.'.em to k nd ui a litUe j mule ial "id. I', is t:- ti.ne of the year when the un, vt r! i-w ut b allies s rt ;u;res u.i n to se tt!e up . oU fceorts, and c-ironenee n the i.t w, w;th lite j l i ifMiit, o! tue nt w i...r. We iie ft it tiic force , et" tl.'i l,.w to a e .nsier.ti!- e xti nt uursi Ives, and ! fcnp.- fiat oar f'riem: w.ll h .e the kinnness to! it.it. tit ,ur ni liv.s in 1:,U5 cibr-g ujien them, j t-i a epir.t ot sut'inispioi, to the sUrn aiid int'exl Lo L.tl Its tf neets,ly. These remarks are ad. j Lrta'.a to each and e t ry one w i.t h..a not had j tj'e L'ov,aness ar.d lovirc kmc!iies, to pay up, and j ret one of you cm ft.i.t tue respon.bii,ty irc-m your t wn saculai rs, i y pre t nun j to aupp-w tliat they orciattn.tJ ior vthera -.oae ability to py itrMht be eor.itii:' tf o o, uoiiui ; lor ot' tois ti-ss We e t U feW t I. . ur . ..-1. S. it,,- -1 t ut f'. !:.;ty surf, s'- ti.atcur ad. Ttr!;: r.;; C: lun f.s i. r a'' til too l.-re to jlltl!y tn. i,. .-I: e'.et,r.ij no '. te:r Mj:sert tn i.s. In ntr t t'.i? 'j, f, w:,' n.ii ,av tntifwe did : t fte ei.cio n,,t dlf, rd lo ,un.i!i ,ur pirtoourp tr'n. i r T w o e the -nu-ui.l liiat we now eh . A FuUtr wt.'.i aloi.e ,:t prt s, :.t prices ns s.;rti:y seliicii nt lo n .y t e t x osi t oi ti -i es t.o .,i: i. t: r;m ti It t- t., ic;-rt1 u- t" r our t.me ji:i! l-t..r. In tttuic ?i. wive r. We sl.-ll XClude """oi frr C'-'i'j!iii,s iot;j aer itiseincnta fur P-ler.t Me.ocn.es. tnd t:tu prevent aore eyea to n.t y t-f our r:ad r.i. Vv"e ex;st:-l.ll who h.;ve not paiJ during t:i ye-r lo cotnf 'y w.io cur terms. which but I .tejy a waste, is iiilinc up with intense rapidity and aujusting on n.turul principles, its territorial relations." lie next proves most conclusively that it would be better lor .vp.in, France and England, it Cuba should achieve her own independence, or be ceded to the I'nited ft.tei by Spain upon fair and cuuita. ble terms, than to remain an expensive colony aa ahe now is to the niuflhr country. Mr. Evere tt then concludes thiaablc StaU Paper in tiic following manner: " 1 will intimi te a final objection to the propoe. ed Couventittn. M. de Turgct and Malmstury put farwora as accident was doubtless owing to the frost in the iion works of the ill fated car. Mrs. Pierce and the deceased son had been absent four weeks on a visit to relatives in liostou and Andover. The accident hap pened pear the latter place. Geueral Pierce wnt to Boston on Tuesday morning, and wlih them attended the'' luneral or mrs. Pierce's uucle, Hon. Amos Lawrence, on the same afteruoon. They remaiued at Mr. Aiken's, in Andover, whose lady is a si.-ter I le..aaiit trove V . C. P.l.tisoli Concord W. S. Ilaltoin. Lincoli.ton L. M. Little. Spirt .nturgW, A. MeSwahi. Sp.rtanburg t'irt uit II. M. Mood. Rutherford J. II. Robinson, . Cat wbi L. Sc.rhniugh, .. Shelby C. O. La.Motte. Morgaiilon W. C. Clarke X Finger. Ienoir A. G. St .cey. mpSt YgrllSlWuRXAW.-- South Mountain To ha supplied. J. W. Kelly and S. W. D .vies, Uansferrcd to the Pacific (C,.liforni 1 Conference. J. T. Munda, without appoiutinent on account the reason for et.terinp into such a compact, the tujn ID the evening. attacks which have been made on the island of j Tll tr in !.: tt,rT went eft Boston - " " - j Cuba bv lawless bands of adventurera from the t'. nited iStates, with tile av tineflmmi nut the lnhtr.d ced that the Conclusion of such treaty, instead of twenty Ulilei from Boston at about one ... ..... -l 1 1 . .. ..la i J. . . . r. puiung a siop u. enese lawieaa prueeeui,.s-. ou,u 1 icy had not been in the cars nve imnuu-.s of Mrs. Pierce, and were expeetiug to re- ! of ill he. 1th. J. M. uraetiey, witnout appointment on acoouni of family a miction. iVrJcd dn of .Iking at noon on Thursday, and the accident hap The rresiueut ia cauvin. ' pened jut after it left the Andover depot, ive a i.ew and powerful inmpuise to mc-m. i would alrike a death blow to the conaerrvative policy hitherto persued in thia country towards Cuba. No administration .-f this Government, however strong in the public confidence in other rcspscts, could eland a day under the odium of having atip. ul .ted with the great powers of Eure.pe thut in no future time, under no change of circumstances, bv no anncbte arrangement with Spain, by no act uf lawful w..r, should th.t Calamity unfortu nately occur, by no consent of the iiihubiUiits of the lland, (.be'uld they, like the possessions of Sp .in on the American continent, succeed in rtn. dtrin? themaelves indt'pciifient ; in title, by no o ve rruljpg necessity of aeit-preiH.rv.tien, altculd the I'nited St. tea ever make the acnasitioii ol Cuba. h'or these reasons, whicit the I resident has Gen. Pierce, after the accident, appeared composed, but Mrs. l'ieree was taken away in a very high state of mental anguish. Her screams were aouizinz. The little boy was ! their only child, au elder brother having died some ten years ago. At the time of the accident, Cen. Ti rce was conversing w ith Mr. Young, the super intendent of the new Mills, at Lawrence. Professor Packard, a relative of Gen. Pierce, was iu company with Mrs. Pierce aiid her sou, and the party occupied the forward which was divided in the Died, in thia county, on the 21st of December, 19oU, M as SLSAN It. MctilSNIS, in the lath year of her age. The deceased had connected her self with the Church of Christ and remained in her communion until the di.y of her death. Ilav. ing had an opportunity oi cosversing with her, more than once during lier I. st illness on the pros, fiects of future b. ppiuess, we were more than gr. t 1 tied to learn that she expressed the hope of ring inte'rest in a conip.-saiurjote Redeemer and waited with patience the time of her departure. Although it ia eitrenicly difficult to get the buoy ant spirits of the young brought to a resignation to the will of t-od and submissively pass through the "rally of the shadow of seath," yet, in this ease it Waa gratifying to aurvsving friends to hear her expreaa a willingne-sa to oie, and aay, M the will ol (tod be dooe. Aa tlieaummer bud, beam Ff&Imf Yirld v-.r!-'Pd Mr. J. S.ropK of Prr-vi- d-nr.' S. ttitm n r.i'l the p.-! .. (to:;, en hrll .t cvre o' g rtif (Jt lj ij it,fi. tf Ct on. The need i t..c F?i.iac rjii.frrtK.t?. icivinxniDd. part of the car, middle. 1 hey were all turown into a ueap, , fhe rowin fruit. ( n,c earth, ripen and tin ut'l t advisable, considering the import . nee of ! one over anotner. .ua.-ter I lerce lay upou I mature them for use, so it is ts behoped, Hint du. the suh'-e et. to dircrt me to unfold at some length, I tue floor of the car, with his bkull friultttullv : ring her protr-cud illness the furnace of affliction Is constrained to decline nape c'fully the in. j a- .ured The cao which he had w0ru ' did much, by the Divine blessiiig, to mature her , , , ,, , mi j -! 1:, 11 a iminort.l spirit ana make a meet for tue leucines had fallen off, and was filled with his, blood ,of llearm u ont o ,he mo,t ,ol,mn ,nd atld braius. eventl'iil positions for parents and friends to t rry A little girl of Mr. N'ewall, of II:!! .bor- I around the bed of a dying fellow. mort I, whose lite ough, had her foot crushed, aiid it must be eharacter are blended with their own. and , 1 m v u V..,ll ,.A listen to the faint echoes of the voice that waa amputated. Mrs. ISewall was bad y injured, mn muiic in thf milj circ)ei,nd ,wiit and Mr. Newall had a leg broken. Mr. i pUi,,ltjoni 0f heart that can beat no more, but tiorace Childs, bridge builder, of Henniker, when this feeble voice and fainting frame are sti,rd was badly but not seriou-ly bruised. Sev- :-nd moved to utter forth aoitmn advice to the 1 ., 1,. i,i.j . jiving ana otter dick a iriDuie it in inxa ror aimi- pral wninon wprt Ht'riouiV Oruiaed. 1 a ... ... ... , - i 1 1 t ncsa received, me occasion reoounica 11a impor- J he car is said to have broken near the . tinM and wc .tm to ,Uni OI, 1rTgt o( tbe Iinuule. lbe baggage car in tront was not tomb and listen to the admonitirma of departing thrown off. A braketuau stood 0U the end ! spirits who are strangers to tUttcry, and only of it and witnessed the accident unharmed. , word, of .oberne.. ad truth When , ,. , , , . , , , she drew near her I st she tense-red her thank, to A uispatcn, aaieu voucoru, j. uu.ae.ajr her kjnd nU vm waited ,niiou. .,TO0d her he ft v.t ti .n iii France and r.ngl ntt to oecome panics to the proposed ConVLiition." On tios subject, Mr. Caas introduced into the S'ii.:te, a few days since, a resolution to ' atiirm the Moortic one trine against the colonization of any ptrt of the Aiiieric-oti Coutintnt by any European power I'lelaiining all deits upon . uba fur tlie I nit. d St-.tta, and declaring all such designs by , toreifcrn powers, uutrieiiuly to us, anu to ot resist ed by ..1! tiie means in our poW.r." Laid over fer conside ration. The menibers of the House of Representatives appear te be engaged 111 discus&ing the question ot Cuban annexation, and, in 'oiuieetior. uh it, the proprit ty of creating the ti tic ot Lieutenant len eral in iavorof (icn. Scott, as a national acknowl. ee'gmen' of his meritorious services in righting the buttles of hia country, with so much honor to him saif, sad so saacn gfury to k.s a-aaatry's brat, ar mv. As yet there has been no vote take.11 un the proposition ir. the House. RrXIGlOlH NOTICE. Tha Rev E. Pressley of tha Associata Reform d Chuch, will preach in Cbariollo on Aui.diy, tue 50 h instant. For Sale. FI1ST.UA l'K SI'KAM K.VUINE. (new.) 2W. Philadelphia works, 55 hnrae power, ror terme, Vg., applp to. Janwy IS, 1S53. 63 if Poiiitivrly Hie l.isl lite. ALL thoaa Indebted to John A Young, either br Note or count, must rail and pa the same immediately, aa the business meat b closed or yon will have to settle with an officer. Save cost and call and settle Willi John I. U,nn. He can be found at Brown At Brawler's new Grocery Store, opposite Kerr's Hot I. J.tmary 19, l8.'3. t3 HEEBK & CO., ISO IIRUtDIV IY SEW VOHK. Spring Fahicm for Oentlemsa' Hats, flll.Vla ' I CK A, I'a, ifoeetfuH se'irit thi J Jjortivio tli ir iat'itn. aod the puh sil, h g oo- in iliell line a win 11 wniretl at ilf oiiiinriice'iit nl of aprti. t adr ; ih.-ilj itl ii tT-id ample i tie i nniiufae nre Un II ,1 , and have 'h m eeidv for shipment i tire 10 . flVi hi- sale . n tht 19 h of Kehn.sry. wbei he Ytt im wi ! be 11 tu.ilueed in New Y "k 1 he to.l wn g i a Iii' uf Iheir esisbii-h d oriee. nlj ! ii 5 in r pen. diituiit, " Te ins Ce-h" :tli, n til t5. Hi T5l,an $ per d X tor ajliile K ck oiiitani Si .i Ud-ve,-.. 19 18 a -X- T' JOHN DAILEY. R. 8EWELL. DA 1 1 FY & CCVS CLOTHING WAUE IIOUSK, io 3-i4 Baltimore St., near Jlanover, Baltimore, Md. HP. Frrprteiota ol lie Ik.v Kaialilishment in call ,g the all. nlion nl -ouineni er ants 10 tlx it eiei .ive .loek of Spin f and Sain. mer (imils hitird noihni( losiving tliel iheirl'a eil ties en .nln lli'iii io sell at aa low pica aa tney can tie tad torii-e Norlh. J.nuaiy 19. Is. 3 i7 (tr A CARD. $ i. .HE riHf gmd IipV.uk urn put to !rf ind Jt I envy tip-11 up tu rftict HundihyPt nd eii largf rhtr lot h ol liMit. fur ll.e -t.oiiiiifidiMH-r: Itiiir iiuiiifu Iriflfda aiid futimi-i r'pect tilly, hut rariK niIy, cl Uin thi'M ho are iudei ted lo'tt'Ciii eitht-r fT ul of Bouk Account, to aa it ihrm, by avitig up all n 4 acor a, and eniiimrtt eir j on me N'W Ho'a. W ha?e gtveti lnf rrt di(a, ai.d tivr avto.rcalltd upon our Irirfid- in tlii a.amier, aid e hop now I at I I'm 7 will undrrataod and i'prec aa our moiiTfa 111 doii-f a-j li Ima ttm It ia a vtero and iiaflcxtbla necuauty, and tha aeHar in u at coia). II. B. & L. S. WILLIAMS. Janaery 12, lt!.i3. 5IU Valuable Town Lots (or Sale i article is. V'r iVrol v, ii er.tion in cur l ist, that the eiec. t;or. f r Irk fid-ant an.: T w n e "oniiT lasit r.crs cnne orT i t woek in Cha-i tte. The lodern nt Mu. bh :.. .1 T.ckrt was 1. 1 .-d be tf! inanity. It ii unierl,Hi ti it fuse genii, men an not pitched 1 P'' i. a i oe o! ;- :.fi , t'g 1 1 i-: .i.li-.-i I ? r-..-s 1 1 r- tail ior,t,.u- l.r; uore, ethr than th.t I tiiW of the St.te conmianrts. T ir, ; :.v l aw Ho.--., i, W.l" fl I ni 'icratic Free Pris. t:ie t:t! I'f a t.iwr reeei.tiy atallis.ed ': ' . N. u.i'l. r tin- niit.,ri au-p,p, : ce l'.OL" r. L-i., formerl v Kdltor o! UK- !' .e-st in I inriotte, lie has f.n red ej ft- f rt mi -o!). i t :,.s piper, whie'i bears so : ' . i . of Ins genius ii a spirited wri. Wi haj-e toat Lis p-rly may patromre him. ' ''- i" I' i I.. pe' i, iiiJueu as una article is, ' i . , ,. - . i e -i th.t our town.m,n. J.,. . a s.,,:i, r ...rf s.n ... , loli 1 Liu mother and father i. Alexander propose to aellun the Tuesday of our I The announcement of the; act'iJcnt, St 4 n. xt J inuary Court, all of the ir Valuable town pro. ; o'clock, cau-ed grckt excitement in the la rtv, know., h, rctothre a. .S.dtihr'. Hotel. It i. ; House. member camp and said that Gen wittiout oouM, as tin v sav in tiieir auvertiacinent, . , .. ,r j j ti a Che v.ry be.t town pro,Kr'ty that wa. ever ottered I er' 1 ,erCe LlIuself djead; floor tor s ii.- iii Western North Carolina, and aa we say ; au1 galleries were crowded the charge of probably iter wnl be. It is sitoated in the centre j bribery against Judfre Butler bein under oi our lown, ana in u.e very Heart ot tlie most bn. suiess part of it. Persons therefore who desire to settle In our rapidly thriving town, aa business men, w ill never meel with another such an auvan. taoeous opportunity of pun -haling just such pro. rxrty as tiiej wr,l to carry on business. Call, then tore, and examine for yourselves j for we Slick CaniiilUv. evening aay. : I bed, and bid them to (neve net for her. Turning Considerable aprchension ii felt here lest to her youngest brother, she advised him cirefully Li Uielancho V Utility may prove aerioui " attend to the instrjetion. and aiiinni.itiona of . .. .u it- iii,. i, . hia pircnt.. It serrse-d to be her intention to in its consequences to Mrs. Pierce, the has i fcw wof! u eaeh af h brolUt ,nd been for several years in delicate neaUu, nresent. but exhausted n lure .id. it i. cau.-cd partly by tbe loss of her first child. ; enoui;h. ..Shsimke ncmio ThcstjJ oi irriei. Kcmi-a 10 wnispcv in sen car, D o(ii More. 'ki- IOR THE .NORIH-CABOI.I.NA WUIO. GLORIOUS VICTORY. rVr. t'w. PlMis to let the world jw t;,st tr.e cit.-ier.s of Charlotte have office, and the n.o-t inti-nse anxiety to obtain I iioiiif rtaiizod their village by a victory more particulars! has urcvailed ever since. consideration. The (J ivenor, Council and most of the Senate were present. Instantly every member was on hia feet, exclamations of regret were heard from every oue. The veteran Icbabod li&rtlett, of Ports mouth, the oldest member a political op ponent, but ftroug pesoual friend of Gen eral Pierce w as observed to weep like a child. Others were much affected. The House adjourned instantly, and tbe tnembpri mhed to the hotel and telepraph Hear friends, and must we pert this night, Mtiit I from your embrace torn. Yes. e shall meet no more on earth, .My r .ther call, nie to my lome. To me your kindness oft Wis ahown, Ti our bright daya of oci- Hove, Rut now, the darkness of tre tomb, Hides me from all hut one aiove. I know that wh.n the pull if death Shall aettle on thia feeble fr.me. You'll mourn at every vestee left. And weep the mention of rry name. Itvit pirents, brothers, eister, friends, " Weep not for me when I am gone, Trust in a a'lviour pood anc kind. Send up your prayera unto us throne. Ommunitattd. (CPnnuiniLn tnnu. rVl'lK ropHftm rhip lierfiofora known aa lb- Firm of I. R.a I. . Wilhama mm dtptxrfv eu un 'Ha firal day ol' Janu uy. lfa.r3, by tha term ttf trir origifial if rrrmflnt, and having now aaao eiatrd wiih lh"0i in hiifincva Mr. Juhm I'iion, h p rtn rahip wtlt hrrailrr ba roi.durtd under fh namt ani aya of W illmfn I'isof aV t o. al ll r nd cror aiani'. in . H, vtttnm "a iry tia B nk Ku ditiir. )iare ihy mitt tw p t-apd lo ar tiiir 4t ir in da end rtiti.ini rn, and tonlract net frii'd-l.ipa ad at qiitiii'ai.rr in he r line of huat nrK. 'I hfy tta aurnd thut t av are now in a litfr roi.riiMoii lo pfat ai d fl.lter the tata o ilit.ir Irirndtt and iuttui-r lltfi ihey hare re. h-n he ifi-, 'I hey iheifit'.ra rep'Tiri(,y o.ictt Irnm ihem and (rem 'ha pe'iiic nrily( a Urgm nd Mtarai de(rae ef fit or and ratrnnfi. L. S. WILLIAMS. JUI1N DIXON. H. 55. NVILLIAMS. Jtnury 13. lfiS3. ihf IffiiEIIlIilW III! AND p 1, (7K would respectfully annoutue to the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding courj. f trv. that we aie now rcci'ivine; and opening in Brawlcy's New Buildint?. onnnnh. J. i. Kerr's Hotel, our FIRST STOCK OF GOODS, which were bought by one of tb. firm in tbe INortuern uties, eonswiing oi FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DDIE (BCLDdDIID J Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Bagging, Rope and Twine, CP? Beebe's Leary's & Genin's nj a. a mi m negro shoes and blankets, and in fact, everything in our line of husincHs. From the LAD1KS we would solicit a call, assuring them that wc can and will tali nlcaure in showing them much more than we could poisihly enumerate here. Aa our UUOl'S Were tioujin exclusively lor CAMI, wo feel assuror) that we will J,. enabled to offer as great INDUCEMENTS, and as GOOD 1JAUUA1NS to purch.nir9) a, any other concern in llio place. Wo solicit a call, and although we can make no treat diiplay in ai?vertisiiigt we pro mi) you we ean in the QUALITY nnd CHEAPNESS of our GOODS. tMlCMM, WAIMM tV I'lJI'M:.. Cttarlotte, January 4, 1953. 5Ctf 3aIJcmovaI. T'IF! i,b cbet iMkr-M ihti ineltn-d ut inTrrmipf l prrrnita ii df bird I a fj t m V A l I -Htdc , I hr ha rcfiHtftrM. h i-ffi tnMie ol' Km ufliia lu Ua hunt An rrH-an lloi-, here ho ran a ay te '-u. d rrady ( Ule the bi i ul Hit tl vn ru a iie'hH', The nrpts-rib tily nl' hta reii-jf ifftry t'fi n d bt i r rr ii h rraa lr h.in na tiere ihi tvnty one indt b ed nnn cufidtr (Hi tm i- ea riH.oar apiliealion lor the an iin-t dm, aid that iayniei'l mw he n.n'e aor, or n will be Mwitive y iiccenaary tring ui . S. T. ALEXANDER. J f'V 91. t'S3. ii . IVoticc. fTTAVIN'U lakan leners l.ii.iiin,ij rfnm ,;1S iSli t'ouil o' f ea and Q lartrr is.iui,. ir mu fount v, at II, e Jmiiary leun. If. ,3 taiate ol J.,niea I ousiim., ie-d, aid q'taliri-if aa eaerutrn i I'lWiliiij lo l., I an ill rip salt puttie sa'e, un the tf7 h day ot J.iiuiry liisiin? ia lol own. f ari, ta nl' pri p.'rty, h i, ia the laid esiate, V I : 'I he Valu.l.U and w, Ii kiir,a Grist and .Saw jlills, on 1 welse Mi's i reek.tl..ngin( te d.-e'd. Ind for. oirrly owned by I'onaul and fcy W olf li(etlwr with (he plantation uf one f9A I undred aerra, iij on win, h M ,Jv5l they are situated on a eredit aWWf ol one and Two Year a. I Also ilia Vanee tract, on the public rmni. sa.ii a contain 213 acea. Alsu Two Town luis in Mia. roe Alao a tare, quantity of Davidson College. I jfnllr) number of scholarship, rtmrtu ny . reso. ' .X lutiun of the Oosrd nf 'I'ruattea ot Davidson Collefe. adopied on the V?th of Man h leijl, have been ao!d The aehularrliip seheme bein. now I dopt.d will go into oper.i ion on the first ol Jan j ( OTH, If Af, l'otl(t( r, OalS, $C. osry. 1851 . men m.ke. .1 lugbly imp..rt.nl that) ,,,,, , on pttm ,tf, ,f diC1 tb. t-f.l' .hould liquid.,. II,.,, ob',fal,on.j furInprl ,,,,, mltm ,nd promptly. 1 he 1 isasurer hereby noiifiee the sub. ro. .,,OKn orHcbUl.r.hlp..nd to .1 hI,1. the bus.n.M of p.y. , , ell(d ,lld BoUfc- lh inent, will depoil. ( ertificatas in the handa of (he ; ,h i.i .-.. k.j ,', . ,i . . p win.! li i. i.. a ill., o... i lh lef.l pw-enbed time, or li.. none, will U M. Anderson, of South Crohn., and Mr. llutcbi- son of Ib.rloite. J McDOWELL, Treasurer, y.s.sry 13 liJ. 51tf I in Wrsi.rn 1'ssnner.t, York vill. .nd Sli.burj lepers will ple.se pub isb Ih. .bus.. (OC Notice J M K MsgiLii.ur. of Mei.lenburf eonn'y .re A no'iuisl te .il.nd . Teea.y f Ja.aary f.-un't i om I lo ateci a t'.ionly HnlieiMii, L-.juuiy So'v.si r, and ir emer C'ountv il laiueaa. Jmuaiy IJ, K3. 51 if plead in bar of Iheir r.cuv.iy j and those indatiite Will pleas, oak. psymrn1 innti, d at'y K. L. IlUUalu.V, tVfatri. y.L.ry, 4, 3i3, 51. Hf-WV,. A H'l'KRM.NK No'lhem ma ?VTrtil- CAKHI A(K md IIARNti V Mlr Anr.li I... mass s OVERMAN k TVILSOX. J.r.uary 12 lr53. il if 2 Wholesale and lictail V 4'iiiiiinrri'i;il IC'rsl. Lie I! Ll -T. I.tk !' .r t ?' '. t.T !M T tMI I I t til aa.v.-rt.aa.iuint : il a r- l.i ( .-: . ol" pu-'lias.s . e ?Ii. u' . one u',f S utii ol Ki-rr'a iu-y be l.ur.d most of L.e Ltandar;- ' aa'1 . Il't if nratim, r,f t!.e n,-i.s. hiv ni'. .-: i,'u eurpriwd t:.at ,me. 'iat.i.c 'iiti nut ih en p,.f., r up bi ff re Ui 1 j,, h i :,i;.a f '. .: aetn,;,!:aii f t '.f I.,,.. ,-. ,a-,,t I no r.t !i :v the ir, sent oppor. ' ' 1 lilfitiUf. tlie iault in ; ''' i fi ,rty is an!. ;,r.ti will, tin- i, wiiii : y r i.'t r r.f h ..itiful .". !'"'il.d ill tile h t ,!. rif"ijj.r and nniie suioitjn !- te of t;ie purertaser. hc hn t'l.s p .p-r. ii:n .;. to Mea.r. Troutm.p A j worth t of ListorisaxI rtcurd than the Jeclar-i Ir',',.:.- Z'T?'V'T'"'A '-" of Ihdfpendencc on the 8. th of May' our town people. rtr ., wno have e.t:.biib-! " J !10tj" 0,a 'athrrs declared them-1 and gt!rott", much beloved ty his play- .v indepedd.-nt of l!nuh opprenor.a, mat. t. When asked, the other, day, " Weil ! ut had afterwards to fij;l;t for their liberty ; li uny, how do yoo expect to like living t but we, their lucre noble nous, on the the White House ' he replied, " I don t know 10th day of January 1 -':', declared our in- about goiug there to live at all. I would dependence and achieved our liberty, all on rather jro out to live on a farm." th.; j-aiua day. Some of our citizens vain : Mr. Newall of Canibridire. one of the paa- ji iinir wisdom, Wf-re disposed to set tLcm Ji Ives up ai guari'ian, uot only of cur n;orals but of our purses, and by th ir con duct s've u to ut.Jer.-tatid, that noi.e ct- 't Turki-y Mo. j ccpt tbn rich who were able to buv by the whole sale, should have the pri.ilege of raakiriL', seiiing or drinking whUkey, o oec- (t-ary to tbe ccm-'ort ot poor fallen man (II K IjOTTK, J A MVR V 21, ! 3. For the last few day. busiiess ha. been very j brisk, owinir to the nles.nnl ve tiler, and a Ii. Tire 1 The little boy was a great favorite with qu intily of Cotton ha. been bought to market. lie was aprecable, kind , 11 w selling at 1 to 3 cens, and we heard of some silling .1 v t.o. uuuei iti4 L.ura 10 a lo1 j. lllllMU senders U injured beyond the possibility of reccvery. SOUTII-CAIIOLIN A C INFERENCE. The South-Carolina Conference of the : i, Heed & It., J. Don.in, Carson, W. A I'., Mcthodii-t Episcopal Church, corrlmenced it j I'liifer 4 Y., J. Mead, Mow. U.i Co., M. . Kul.inson. 1'hilvr. A. & ?.. Drucker S.. CONSIGNEES TER 1AIL110AD. Springs k McL., J. II. Vie k Co., Fish- er, li. & Co., II. K.-id, A. W. Neuffer, A. Gri- er, John WcILa, II. J.McIwell, Carson. Y. r(a;nas fnff ! & (i.. Klias k Co., Sill S, Brown k B., G. 1 y". Mcef5t'''H t MJ 1 3 r . McKniKlit, 11. Severs, ),. Litiebarcer. II. Hei,wM 7msIs-n tlM-liia W. Guion, J. Ilarty k Co., Lm:bart.'er k Co , ' J. McDonald, C C. IL ndcfeon & fv, I'ark I k II., J. K. Harriaon, I!reui J., A. V. l!u-1 1(1 our friend, and I u-tom.r. w. wnutd ..v. that at last w. are feck at our 411.1 Cur. ht Mu.d, "Is.. 1, .tlrrtfeuwil'. M w We believe w oecupr Ih. l.r(e. end fines re-mi 11 in. .-1 ale o rttriri l .rolina, .nd thai wa hav. Hi. Istjsat iccl( of &ooh ever nrnofhl to this plaee, which we intend selling l I'rifei l.w-r th.n iny sr w.r. hereto nir rn ren in m inatarl I iiii n o I . 11 La. a. llu quick sai.es st low raiccs an. smost rai.rirs -ill Ii t wl.o will ea.i md eaaiiiiti s a I h eon f ineed thai iniei d aeimf up m whai w preseh V a have 011 hands a laifo and wall select. stok "f DRESS AB?.D FA5GY uwiiki A ! 1 inili i'. U..A (Wis. , Vilrg" IIOttTS and J;u!:c Iij:hr-r and l he Supreme Corjrl. Bcs.iion iu SuiijU'rville. S. (!., ou WedueMday T w ! I rn I If tl'-i ti t tf li-n No one denied then, the Dririlee. of drinking ' ""?. Jnary ., ana Mjournea 1 uen- i : 11. nson, springs & y ., miler, U. ,a it.- ..I,...., 1 . ..t.i a.i day afternoon, the 11th. I he nentod was " H.v-, J" J itvu.u ai-i . - ., .. . . , ., . pleased, yet tuey bar us from the name liberty of conscience. H hat riirht had they, sir, to interfere with oir liberties! What riirbt bad thev to 6av 1 K . ... ! ..i n I. i . 1, 1 ir nirinr:,!.'-. il r. in lil .dr. f .;::n'arr has noirunai.-ii him -1 .1,. y i a t 1 - t.i.-urt 11. r.e:i of '''n w .". .' r. '. V "' '"f, ! tLat nJ KB lLou!J not take hia dram, or Jine nui.u.a since. Our frient.'s wiJI I , . , ., ' -nerat r tliat at t! last a ri of Con. I .1 snt 111 tii.. riiMii;ii.-.tn,n of Mr. 01 L 1 ' ,114, but t;i. .s-ii .iv. I.aimg a li-n.' '.nt.. lui tin pf pLiiion ! . 1' is n, ;-, l-ut Mr. IJ.d.r'i " t ,f t'ie r...;tii,n, r,i' !, t wilii hia ' ' ' ;r,ly ii. l, n .I.-, win iniJuci. WuA nomination, a.i.'n.ui m.nv a tt.KI . l..t -cam Conres (jib-i, kc. I, .11' anu ' tu mu'i i and 1 r ty in ( m':i 1 . ;-a T- i . t. a . S t f 'irse of pj-.j-i L-r iiuu u a 1 is 11., . te t'junf-v -ir itU ol tti .t a I ri.tn, w i n - o .j.-, I t -f,i .li.,i, 1! . w s :i I t; ti. C ' J (tfV IIJ i.11 u . e : j 'i l n t . r. w .1 ,ni IT is ou? int r I, ts. ) 1 I us su'ci t iv? ,tr. n il ima in oar p or til v b t.cai:o-i tne c t.oi i;,, iiiFj a 01, ti 1 uti n l ..I ur'.(a- li n.ftir, a'.ij it. 'm be -I u .m,:i t ic u. itifi y A 11 .11 IriMi .- in .y l,v men. Hr.. t.'a.s, M non, V 1 ri . b v roi.'iticaJ:y inUnrsLd tne - ,r. 's &tiiitu,jj,tral!ijri ba. '.-t, and we my mis con. u un fie un riiir.iw and 1 r-:.. a, ir.t of lillibus a u-i-'i, r-'jar.jlt-s ol" in. oi i, .t. ji.s. tj uif ,rc -" ' - War ot ti -l-.-iin, witn ; iu'y lo lie at , tti l we j ur re.uYre tne : pen a jus money as ne pleased : i no gave tl.eui authority to say that ny mm should not, even, gtt drunk or wallow with Logs if he ch.ae? Why should they meddle, if a man chocse to beggar himself or his family! His money jpent thus would not be lot, but ot.iy exchange pockets I It is well kuown! mat u.e ciiueosol t-tiariotte need money tQ-tnnnh River MnaionJ keep pace with the times why ahould tiicr! be supplied. cot bave the liberty of making a penny iu j Oaketee Rivsr One to be supplied. any honorahle way ! When our friends from ' t'fV"1:' ' M"orI J4,VV;.l''ulkl"r . 1 . J . , 1 , 1 1 VValterboro' Circuit A. M. Chrietaber?, k 'j .ii'.ry c-jine to town, parcuea wiin ucat, I joy. II. llarriaon. one of great interest, and the importont bu siness of the occasion was despatched with great harmony. The following are a list of A PTOINTM ENT3. CHARLESTON DI.STRFCT C. Burrs, P. E. Clurlestiin Cumberland, Wliitefoord Smith, Su pernumerary, John T. Wi(rhtnian. Trinity, C. II. Pritchird. liethel, Jo. Cross. St. J .ines, Allen Met'orrjud.le. W. M, Wiglitman, Ed, S. ('. Advocate ; U. Jenkins and C T.ylor, Mia aiouaries tu Chins. Bl.ek Swamp Circuit M. A. MrKibben, O. A. Liirby. r . rlcming ; one to Co., E. J. Brevard. Kew Firm. TIIOTI AH TICOI I i:iC !SO. flSHK aubseiiber would li X form 1 lie public insl be has tslin hia son, WM. p. 1 liOIT r R, in as parli..-'. th. bul .ea will be eoaducted 1 Art... Y 2 .1 l int of i.tttcv Rf.MAl.MNti in lb. P.t Oftir. for tin r. tcr ending December 31, lSa'J. A J Au'on. Freetsnd, 3 .L..,Ur. Mr .nm.1i ,M.re'el K " S.rah f " l'r A (revnt'y " KamiMon l.i l.ydi. (J Alli.in, Flrit m A Anderson. J W hav in future under ile above name si dslyle. Tlisnkful lor Ua: faToia. 1 rcoeclfullv as. licit i ceutinLanc. t 'he if fi'n, THOMAS TROTTE.U. N. R. All those in leb'ed by Book Account or Note are rcqurefed te com. sod aettle a. indiiieence e.nnm be f ivep. T.T. Jmuaiy 13, 18. 3. ihf A KfQT LOT of i:.v nu.(ji.n n. 1:0 PK. .(qOij-Wu eWiiiiig. Ml r.i c y- . . .-o :.t. 1.1 r. 1 1.. 1 J . . . s ol ti e i " coi'j, iceiiie, languiu anu iniraty, i.tniialiee .il.ssion J. K. l.obarn, A hi' 1 oi li.v liii'.t tli-y not exchange a little of j Aabep-so Minion f. ti. Bowman. t:i.-ir s uplut cash for a refre.-hinj? horn'. I " - " 'Hiam.. I,. , .1 0 Orangeburir Circuit W . II. t U-niin. J. S. f.rvine .'" f"n,at's.' fanaticism . thou euetny of tU ,$rt.uitw. Crook, W. ll! l.awlon. liberty, liaving obtained the victory by ; Oramt-ville and Aiken J. It. l'ickett. tue Llection of an iLteudaut and Council 1 ' Prcaa Circuit W. Y. Mouiin, W. W. Jones, who will carry out our view, arid wirhes on I ''."n Vvn. Mission W. C. Kirkland. . 1 - 4 't 4 . ,. 1 . ., 1 , j r-disto Jebosae 4,. Vilsjn, II. A. Bise. t.us ,ubj-ct, plea- to put'.uh to the U-Ao& l 1Tef Circuit J. T. Kilo, J. li. M.Crook. WOfl'l tliat every Ii.au IS LOW at liberty to! Cooper U.ver Mission I). I,. Simons, come and drink what, and as much as he ' St- Andrrw. Mimioii To be .upplied. pleads publish to the ends of the eartb.l COK rHL"RY DISTRICT S. Leaan. P. K. that audi ia the independaut spirit of the i Cokfst.ury Cireuit R. J. Bnyd, W. M. Crayton. people of Charlotte, that a population of ! f fr t I??' w t"""' ,,,. , 11 11 ., I Feinileturj b. U. Browne, W. B.Curric. l-) can and will liberajy support ol ; r-ickens J.,s. Farker. . . . , o ,w iy". -ii .A..-., -n ;.i, v. Bp ai l tel by our Se.ri.tiry of St.u,' Mr. n nie leuer l'l aeaswer lo tt, prop.sit,,,. an! rre-W.il Miniattrs to form a eaf v lo srei.re toe p.ia-eion of 1 to5?ia;n i'or all Urlic to tori.e. Mr. x -r..u .J that our roiiiir into a doien gro'gurica. A Friini or Lieertv. l:-H ij.. ot 1 1, !! tf-,irl.i. I,U;.. ,,. K.e . :t t we t nt, a l.s.ti Irn.e ut ii ,ii- I of at, p-i Hi ot' 1 ,1 r.l ,i it j-i.-t a ijs lie M u. . i 1. .i! 1 of r'e-iter ml, rest in ll.e ' ' r r.j.ifiiiii, wlkveea. it 1. n-e-.sarf ,,i u i eve on Hie !p to sir bow I B' t in end Franee Lo ton:, ucli be su.Ti-iidi.'rifig our M iliroc Ce. rr a FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENT. Boston, Iec 6. A frightful accident occurtd on the B-js-toii and Maine ltailn aJ about noon tu-day, i ..r.i... . ,.f .1.. ti :.i. .1 nt- trillion, .ud adn.itt.iif; anv I j 3 , " " "Jc """ciil eieci was r to i.i.J in atf ir wlwse iden. i r-'atly el. Jan we red, and his only son itihtaB- hIiiil- ia stni iiy American. , ki..e'i. V hen near the town of Ando- 1 tne Luiu-d M.tea, rer, ia -Miswhuntts, the train wa. thrown SutKuon)0H the track t v kiiui, ii!,atrn.,n .,..1 cipitatcd down an embankment twctitv feet liurij are t: rrl.turtia of Euroor. and )1 Iff I ' Il llK' bih, turning a somcr-et, and falling upon L-ik of ra:ks i. li-2 bolfe.lt of tLc lt-lriik- tireenville Station J. A. Mood. Creenville Circuit ti. Townaerid, Mount Tryon Mission D. D. iiyer.. L'nioD Circuit W A. Gamsw.ii, A. II. Ltk.r. I.a.ren. Circuit H. Bass. Nevtlierry C. S. Walker, A. B. McGilvsry. Jaa. tV. W'ibti.ian, teacher in CokesLury school, COLLMBIA DISTRICT S. W.Caea.s, '. . toluiiibi. Washington atreet, C. Murtluson. 1 irioti street, 11. t , r.rsona. Columbia Circuit M. I.. Bank.. C.iiftaree Mission S. T.lli y. LemiKtoii Cireuit J. W. J. Harris, E. A. Price. Winnslioro' Circuit J. A. shorter, Wdliamioa Kinitli. I.encaater Circuit A. J. Cauthen. Camden Circuit W. Matin. W ateree Mission I), li. McDanMl ; one to be ip. fluid. 11 Y A. IllaTUUIS i:. SN erf.'rins; myarvieea 10 the travelling public aa proprietor ol lbe America Hotel. I mil re 'rain Irom all unnecessary boast 1 g, but w II assure thoe who slop with m, that solum, which per sonal effort, on my part e.n .er-eoipluh te coniri buie to their eouilort will be left umloii.. The buildings have all been theron(hly repa.rtd and lumiat.sd with entirely new furniture. li is situated within annul thtm hundred ysrda ef t e Depot. The Stag DflTir. ia k.pt at tine Ho tel The Northern Mage arriveacnd depsrla. daily the Western A'taj;. tn.weelily Kiting Agent al ti 1 plaee, travellers pasting will receive all tbe at. leiilioii that I un a 1,1a to bestow. My mono is ' 1 study to pl.se A. BETIIUNE. y.aa.ry IS. 18.J. 1 ' if n a WILt, pr.eliee 1,, 4ei slo,lfiitg .i.d the .dn ti . .I'joinieg cnuntieeaed proseeute Roun. ty Land and t. n ion Claims. fifEte Johnston's nr,i k building between Kerr's Hotel and the (fuel Dfli uo siara J.nu.ry 19 K.,3 f2-IV Cnats. Panis. Ve.-s. snd ottnn Drawers h rs. bin 1 oilxrs. oral,. 011 . fee. Conaln ml rs.it iH4 m Intgr meek mt fs O leans and Wns ,.adn ftf'U t H streaii'a Mean. R. fl ed and U ' Slrwan'a Iloulile I ene.l lf. New Orleans MOIa r.l, Uiiaenvsilo a,, Trinidad dot M India Ce .Martin 1. do Salt! Salt!! Salt!!! i.asee i,nv s. a B a trarr.e ihilv, elViiix, ihitniHlie ud l.ir, m .f OCalTlTV. . ""d s us. s. we are itttrmm.i in 11 C ! we m.sl .nd uitl haf., if Mlling Coods Will fIUHUfV ... WILLIAMS, DIXON aV CO, neary IJ, 13iJ. 5i(f Negroes to Hire. Tf H AVK 3 .,r t N Kl.llOIoS to hire on I ueerfay JL. the ildih ii at.iift. io women anil 10 boys, one boy la yefcr. old .nd th. other iii or 3. A. C. WILLIAMSON. Jvnuury 19, 1S51 TO TIIO.ii; UM IKM4). 9 (--SSHri Wrisim, k. Ilni. have h gaily mve. ifi ed me eilri lull p,.ei. ti sel le iheir Hist, lea. I would respeciiul y .ay tu those In., bl.r" hai It ia positively necestar) llial payii.ents .book ne nt.de imiueciiinfy. Will be sold nn Tiwd ty of Janusri ifWjCntir', on tune. . 1 bnhii.. aie m llmdaniuti Btlifiira 'VI ,t4i M HID 'II. Jmui-y 13. i.',3. 8. I'. ALEXANDER. our Notice. A I.L peraon. indebted to ilia onde.igned indi. ivL fidua'.iy, are requested to make paymeni. WM. JOUf- 'l UN. January VJ, Mj). ialf of .1 ituuriug Xthool. M. BRO.IM snd T. II. WILLIAMS Wuihsbo'o, M. ( .. propose 10 tesch in the town of:iisrlotie class of young g nilem.n end la-lies in tlit eleg.i t srf of d.nei g, at ten dollar, p ti liolar, or eight dolla.s and finu the bo.id.ng of Ih teach, fa, Tn.y leai h Cotillions, and all lli. fanry d.ncea, such a. the Polka, Maiurka hebottiah, Ao. A.e. A ssion will eonsist of eighteen bmwin. Reference, esnbe hid at Winnsboro, Celumbia, Nrwherry l'dgrfi d, duiuler, ft.e. January U. JM- , . ; ijif ftNotice, AGAIN tall on these mdeblrd le Wil.on & Hsr y, niake nerniems, tit the eirr nmaian. ol the esse will am admit of longer indatgsner. The r'edilni. ol lb. Finn force me 10 say that iu lesines. must 1 e ..p. S. P. ALEXANDER, Agent. y.., i, .. 6j. tin Thr t.avn:ti-r ilrcfftl. fCl"D. rrm cwn 3r A a et ,. go t n t.uiiin.ia hi,hi ap 0111 , 1, 'X l aiieae.er Cud li-niS'. h the charier, h irpi.raie lb l.an.a.ler Its.lroed l oiiin.n. .1,. rMoaing "Olu i "IS We e ISMrd m,.A .,,.1.-1 .. 1 nit, i 1,. d. Hxmlt'i That the baikanf .i.bsrri tien in the prai aim S of ihla eoilltf-nf he 0im-iI nir the Cam 1. inu'e. I he le v lie mut. .and IC dees at ,..,.1. i lbs fi 1 M firfsv in Ki-brnfy t,r t iing iht 7 k i.jr ni in. nxiiitn.snd kei.t nea-n ior siti day.. r ing nn lbe seventh d. nl A.nl r.f,i.si Hie tot ' wing pla. ... a d ui del lbe direct! n of the fuilow. 1 g f nniinisaiaiier ; AT l.tNi'ASI K' COIKT HOI'S F. H C. O'tm H.rnea.T K Ci.n ton, J ...-fa ll. Wuh-r. li-", T emaa W. Du. v, Wm. M, ii.nna. w (; autfi.e, John Adams. W. A. M .re, II. K Price. 4 d J .nie K"bm-.n. Al Carf., ;.Jh. Bsssrer, W. Thurlo. Ca-o-n and fiea-n I rvo. all H. as. C-8.mue J. D.tkley, J Z II. 11I mi; J, Hutiand. A' Caesi.r Cwf . jv C - J ,l,n A Drad e. sWa ' A lif v anu t). M i n Al l ssei. S. C- James V. L. lea. J. Caldwell nd J ibn ii liowuian. Al t ae.esiee, K. C.-S. 8 Fsrr.r. Janes T ban, ro-r and hredernk F. Fser. Al I l,V,'a's Hiwe, encesrer Pttlnel T. L. t-'ltbure, U ah W,ui4m. ,a Ad,,w J..ion. Al tUl k I'. U. K;,k.m JJi.r-l.W.i, Kuklsnd U m f inrhei. and Jese Trursdaie. Al M.ui'i OW M.r, t ,,), ,i. a, Beckham, W. A. Itt.eborniifh and J. II. vi.f.il'. At Uhtrty Htll, 8. C John Uiown, L. ti. Pal tersen, snd Wn. C, Cunnnigham. At MtnrH. iV. C.-I). IJ. Cvington, W. W. Il.rl, J. M.Stew.r. Al His.n'. &isvf L'ei.a Csvay. Hugh Wil sob Win. Crnw. and J ibn Wtlka MXON B a. K N t'M, T. K.Ct KLTON. 1. II. WTHI-.KSP()f)N, Thomas v. HUKy, W.C.CAU1 II an, JOHN AHlMS, W. .. M K)I(F., II. K. PKICK. J MI ,S HiB.N80N, y.nu.r, I a 1853. ICcmmisslonsrs I Lanessi.r C. II. I 13 Notice. ALL persui e md. bled le James Knbinson, dee'd. ill oi.ke i umidiata eavmenl to m.. an hasieg claims against said rr.it, will present Ihem tuning 111 i.w.or 11 nine will be p'ead in bat f tin ir itc, v-'v. S. I'. ALEXANDER, Adm'r. Jaai.ry ia lei.l. To tllu Kn f t uslomctn. ALL person, indebted la me for Deef purchased during Ihe vast seaion. ara r, sneLlfull. quested lo c.U on my sgen', Win P. KoClelland, and miks payment immediately, .. Ibis is my m. fleiibl. rul. iiiort selilenienle insks Ion. fn-nJ. JullUAN CUUIVclLL. Allison, M mm E A Ahr.ne. T W II Ritfard Jimee ll'i keil J Rurnetl. J If n-.ty. w r a c Hat net t. Mrs l A Rowers. Kiehsrd R.iilon, . W lUsnn. W F Ir R'air, ThiiMiaa Hrent. Tlinisu C Rowm.n Win Dr Hltikrr, Wn) Heard, MriisiI A R 'I hoitHS A II 'ark. Col John UVi kermsn, 11 Hiker J sse Rluiil. (j,-.itfs W liar, lull, licheit Cauihen. John T niaa Allm Craig. 'I hems. R 1 riit.nili.ii. I, .t Fsq 1 ail. , way J W fosaland. Ll F Ciifr. Wm ' smpbeil. laaae F.ssj I. I. 1 liflnn, J .1 t halllier. Ir 1 etloit, Jainr. K t ongU r, -ai.iu 1 t leiifhinn, Jt'ai-pli M 1 rawlo il. ltiilo.il ..II. I'nter (ilaik, II i nl 111 a; Calhiy, .Vls'g.ret 3 1 li.vi., Wn. W Dr ria.nuul N li ti " " J .hn F Dr " J I a J nn- 3 It. men... Jai.te. II ll.'isey. I len.y llfiinia lolm Heckei. li K Uar.c.on, John, Fq la Fl'er, Joaepli r.rwin, W U F I. I Flsgg Sl Co, s'sjs sgt. Fesi'-rman, livi F.rrnw, Krv T M 9 Foreman, Havia Fowler, Wall. U fJray, Mr. N.ney W (il nn, David F l.rier, K U (iriar, Col W M Uanll.nd, Mi. Sunn (r.y, John ti tirier, Mr., Dure., (entry, Martin W Italian, i A I Al II Hendernn f M Horns, Culinaa llanberry, Dr 11 ft House., A lea Hundley, Jon llogea. Mi. Jerrmiab Hnlnte. A cV. ti W ll.nder.on, Philo llavwond A.ia H.tp.1, t.eorge N 3 Handera' n. W 0 3 Ifuniion Ji'aaa Hunt, li W How. II. A llairis. Charles S llarm.n, N Howard, J M Hutchison. Ady Hooa. r. Moporina Henderson, Mr. M D Hipp, Mr. Margaret Johnson, Sain C Mi.aas Jones. Sslha K Ii K.nnnn, C K ke.' v, J lines , Kerr John M 1 Koca, Dr I. I.yles. J ' ll. I l-wi. Win ti j Llofd, Henry J I N I Miller, Join. I, j Vl'Ltion, Ueo'g. M'Al bur, I, wi. Msawsll, lrs-u.an G .iiu.it gomery. Km. it vlsrlm, hlmlielri W'Ceulry, l( ti Vt 'KelVey, John M Maiieon.'.Miss M J D VI si.. Mr. .t.li... M'H boner, John K lofria, M s Am. rids M M'Uall, hull ell, 'a 1 Nrrwood, Wm Nolin, Mrs ,1jiy Nnl.. Isabi ,s l( Nuel ll.tld Norwood, Ji'ob M Orr, Farah J I) ,k( jf Jjtnrs lis, n. tirnp W trslwurn, U Ii ! reliJa, Mis. Wiry Ana I'siker Hiiii; I'o ts J ,1m Painter J -lllfS f-l s ,n .Unlv Pin tr t.n.' s W ; Paike ll- nf) J l'l. lan. W Q Q irrv J I'm or heir. 3 Win or hvira 3 ft Rirtianls, J onea II,, la. ui. I. F 3 Kiet. s.m ll J Hog. rs J W II iiikin. J dm V huge.. I el""i i-S 5 It til, .tts Mt.iKilii S rnith, rtiirinn S Slim, J p"r M Se rist .oieii f Msry. a eeiv nl Miriam.r. A Y .evr, Hen'y, A'chore, J U Slanl-y, Wm II 3 Mern g Miss N'rj E .Vin si, Hugh M 3 Springe It Aainurf. a servant 4'cott, J M .Vuiiiineis Wm fneed Jusi-pll ti Aeaiey. Ku bard .fumttierviKs, K J Small, Wm .Springs A. Witlior. hpencer, (iondinall 3 spring., Miss brartetC Msrsdon Moan, Wm II Htew.rl. Itachrl E rililwe, JnimS T Tsyart. Mia Nan'y Turner, faydiiey 3 Torrance, C barks L V Vane, John V Wi(ima, Lnef A Wm il.on, K II w,naii.., vtiasr:;ia tVatson, Iaat: S Wilson. I.esndur Wlii'. J l Wa.k.r J M Rev 3 M alia Jthn Wa.ker. J.dm .tf VValkin. PL Winnow, Nieho3 1 y..r. Jsnie. IliirneVs Na.1 9. HIS ALtKA.IDER OiiAflAM, f. f