)ortI) (Carolina MM ov "V AVEDNKDA V. Fcliruan . JrUIIIIWI iI."Ml.N !;,,., is our a in ll.ut.m ri , n i; th..rs .t ii l.. oM.ni, ;idrrlite men's ami nl'-eri;'lirus, ai.il to or.n.t receipts. 1 V. W.t VUR, Km,., is nUr a-, lit in riiil.u!, I. u it i, tit f r: 7 a t i oium ad vert im niei.ts uuii pio- " II. I' !..-, is i ur n it t 1 s n?. d a;- nt . " ' ' ! : ' "' - ' r t m : iii'lil ;.r d S l! v. r i ; -1 in!: s , t li.'S ... li V Y.-.-U ;ii.d I'l.iI.liUl-ilu.-! PiiiiiT lat week. A'! 'f onr I. mi's u ,-re s r- !; sic k ..t w rk with i n 'i. m.i, a ii l in fi'iib ijUt no ul tin? we were tin. -or t issue a j.inT. Our jut. nr. a w ill of course iviisc us UMtKr ueh fircuiitjuit'f. Obituary Xotices. M itnnry tjotier. of mro flian tni lino- i..,ti;. lu n aiter puhlihed in the N C lii'. w ;.4 1 v e;.a: eil t- v ;U the regular rates ul a . . W'v tiJiik th;tt e-Lrt ' hiiuaiu. r.r in - tier tu.-tr, ami iii-to untver.-aiW i - j i t l.ai: !- .jZ r:j'-s, -xc t w hen some Lrreat najf, r.r purple l-t-iM-faet'-r, has u-i-artcJ tiiii itte-, in whieh cae a fh.Tt i--iivMie '.-f his j riat-j virt ue' ai.nl -uMic t vn', li.ijLt tivt ie inajnroT;atc m a tc i.uj ol'j'.iblic e;etiu. Executor's a!c. Vv I;vUo at'.i-iiti -ii 1 1 tLo a.lvt-rt'i-oi.iM.t .:, i U : j.:ij-.cr r.?i ilic ;i!o ut thr c-- t ;.. .f tic !;.t-; l..i: r- I. 1 ':ivi Uvll '..-o"J. 'i ..i liit.ii it ; 1 . i.t .. ;i ii .1 ul' c.ittfii to luu acre, auU U iviau u in oiie cf tut- l-cst Dci.-ti'.'orii-joJs iu ( Le State. Sec t-J vtlur u'.c of Prc-pcrtr. Coltuii Tnuie in Charlotte I'j, u Tuc.-'.ii v i Vi -i.iiiL' I'll' 1 i'-t, -.'l.'tl 1 si. . f cctt .11 huvc Iceu b . j i , t iu l h.ir l tt.. !'V .ur C'-n -ti I but-. J ..-Mrs thi a .ar.'i- a:ii .u:it I. a- I-. iiif JH- 1 ;'r.,w the .le ; ! at till- j.'.rn-.- I r . T 1 1 r i: . ;:i k t - ly tin piai.wr: '( the e.ji.i.try. IK u a!t-r wo in t end to give our rraJcra tlie Lviictit of reg ular latelllCbts "f t Lie i;k!y ale., i.K- Aiiicriciiii Hotels, r.;'.-.-c ar- Iv o If 'i '. . m'v-itis'-.; ill thi j. jkt. t. .t o, j'.i f-. t.: r A... r. i: lli.t. :. i':i- i k 1., ,Mi-n . .V i '., i.y A. I:- 'io.i,, , at t'i.. ij tt.lr: ! iiii. i.v it.ilj.i. .1 v I ir, J; v.,. I i; J . .-.!,,:!. ti :. - - u r. i . i f y n ; t r ,ur::: r : '.it- ,. ai.U ;'u- J :ii l, - v a a , r I ,,. i.t. iih,: ii:,i, irje ;o,tl t jainio-iiMHa telle. Ii i havu en,--j .:i t,,.s -i . vr.it , !. J i .. y- iJnir.,: a ri, it, rxlci.-iv. -i.,: j-r-.fiir - v rr tv ,i t,..-v L'.le, w ni':'i l..,it,i.'-r ..li.l ;:p; til- w -'ili; . eiuin-ti,l t'i ta p iLtt of t.i jir-: i .'-p .-, tu, , ;m ur, , t t'.' e. an it sst-ur fri e-V,.rry. Mint l,-.st i ri.in:irk. y Ti, : rt',et. t , !o.U'-t-. '.v'.e.t M I. t an' i 't iii. t ;-. ' J w r, il t ur, . in: ;,r -v . i . , .a-a:,,,:,, mt' a a I, . II. r t.... Tar .; i. .- Aa, r.. ..I II ! t t. C .hla.'.i :. - ' . .1 , - i . : . . .. J , ." V " : : ... .v , ., .:. : - . ;, .. :....ai f,l. vi I- ;..it i":,.., ! a a. : .':,ac !-a i .1 ' ,,f ;t ftlic a l a r, a. t . a , ..i t v, JI;t ir-ilma ; . r, wt sinhtakt ti.e -:tv f.l r- li. ai'-fulinj it t'i ail ,.f our fritraiJ wh, iti.ty elirmet ! a:a.- ! a! w v. W intend lu it'ji tl.t re wucn ' iif :t C 1 ..y.'nl. I'n-sidf nt Conner ami the Charlotte aii'l '-. . Il;nl Ko:iil. ''' n i a -a :: t.: .y's - i , xl r :, . a at : t ... c , .... ur : . . : . ' . : t ' ,i a. . 1 . ; . ; ' ( .... 'a . ' I;.,. J,'-. ,.. iea .i.y : ' aa.-, a. ( -j.uiiaM ui.tii in u t,i. a, i'-i.-. I , r i. ' " -.r.i.f h !. r ijiaiym the eV;:r;'. waj U a,, .-.laiji .,,yii;- ta, s,,,; . lira' t. W t a r M-. ' inn r :if -.'J.ily it niwail r,' ' .a,. a i: .t a .r , a -a-... t-. ... V r:i,,i.. . .' 'a a , is i, ; - . , .. ta.- r M . I a..- - :. : . . ... . r .1 : J'. -a - - .. 1 . :r l ' a .. :- " - v . K. i i; . .a i ' l ', a : l. ,,.,: tae un;,;; . .. j! , i , l u,.'.t ji, i it. r -(. .)!!,, iity vifrit -. a-, a, j y :., r. a s T.;. . a v, rv pr. ia!, nt :.,i i .a r i.: y ii. t ,; e ,'i.inaaltv. Ia.,t Mr. I ,:,i r !,.. i- a. :,a . i. -Ml, u'i.:';.. , ay t . t .. ,(... '.I our r- ar,: j, ;r'.;'-'a! .r! v t, iat.r '.. .-.y. I: .i '; I l.. . a. .a. ..r:-. a r I 1:1 a- - I, : . s a, - , i ,. ',, ,,-:.- i, ., v . : ..t 'A li Gaillier. V-- i ' n - r n'-'n t.ui'" iii e i-'fc-j tz. -i.it tin jail mt ail.! wl.-lr;..'j V i, w - i f. ifld-Jal" t r !'.r - fit 1 1'' M .Ul.ta 1 li f "; i, j(Irt't ifi tiw 11 oi' ji- o:- -m t i ,'. i .tiir A tm I nit -d M.Uf. U . p- - . - k j, .... to .t t I- W .. t r- . v .. ; . ... . , : : :. . v .. i j 1 I ' .. . . ; . :!. :, t i ' i '.n ;oi - . . ; -. A . ii- e - tik'-ii tri Vf: it. .Mine a.id fiivrrt l'.:H (.''. i 1'itij'., " t'n.'k t'f r- f'.n V l" c. of i.is ' t .ti. uoe.-fia tu- n a 'l t dt-'J -i i.t if pa-t ' : 4 --- . -. ' o s- ... . ol tai, t - .--i " i.. ' la la- - I i . , ! w I! li- -i ill r i .!..;. t. . t .. A. a i S ... li.,. h ., - . .- d I' - -i. . , . I a 1 '.. .' ." -. ' l ' .. . ... .... T .Or h' n ' '-ij -i .a .'.- , i-'.i, i - ,.. ! I i i- o -i j.yUr.auJ in M s,un. I -tu Ut. e'- :'i , ,i i, il i',-i'ioi at prearfit. h'- i:i i ,, .' l! .. ' 1 mi',, -i.i aoj...- th.t li; (ii - in , V I " i- 1 ' !t' J '' ,rf, I, i- t,e; lfr J, yr c in ,. ! ,:ie o-,o.eia. ui,., ',- - ,1 ,, a hieii . I, o,i,'ill t.i h-J ill,!' , 1,1 '.,f i -iMfi i ir:N"i m:v. f:i i i : i i. !' iv !- f ' 'H ill.' d- , a a - ' ' i - ; i ' ' .. , , in v ia ' .!"' ! -' ' 1 " ' o ' I j - i iei nr.. f ' ' a . .,1 l - e . . ... I', l ie I a .11. 1 i ' L i .... - .i i . .M ! . ill r.t-. r- ii ' I '- 'a' ; aa ,i I . .1 ,.,. e.t mllsi.i ! im a! '.., - (.ii.i s". I'm 1 1 I mt mi. H'neil V t j "ia ' - !,,.' i.i, , , Js I1,, re tt, r - tte,l.lii a.i'a ji R,f..,.. ,(, ; - ,,r w I ' h J h ,,u w I'e' air, ,a . ,, ,,, : I . .-. IS .11 t .. !.' 'Ol t, ..." ! H .w , i. i,!ki'0li ,,aii.a s .' .. r i, , i 1 a I .- -'.-ir : -i ,, . o , -,.,! n ,-. lit. r ,'! a . . , ., .1 !' .1 a-.r ., , - . ; !-,.,. . I-. 10 'i that lit phi y we rnlttrd the prut us of our friend, we were net prepared for the bi ihant ucfcKit which has ni.irktd his progress from thf very nritnnm her of hit pijur a sucrens tin unexampled e it has be. n wi U-(iesrrv( d. Tlte Friend already Btaiuia n-'eond to nn journal, either North or South, and is wumint,' pin opinioiiH iu every earner ff the Union nt. a hurary Mid pictoru.. journal of the wry best order. The niiK r:;il ii prtn i i.t of tiu p;ip r is mai Ued ! V -i i.t if i ol i;i.;hi v lit. a p. u.it i.v t :.lu. -u ,.n,il. -on us ilitnkin.fpnK umi.-n;. in l!us l..fnt 'week lies ; aiiii the toleetioiis show a uund fully skilled in the waMs of the yreat ho..y of m riodiei.l readers hut in tlie wti'iuul contributions to the journal, as well t lie minanet B from the pen of t!ie editor himself, a i in the sketelu-8. essa and portrv whieh I'tirieh iVh Columns, from tlie p lis of ei.iLtrihuI. rs Smith, whom hn.m.-n his seduced from tlujr re tt ti.ere is a tr slu; -s, tr.iti!.l . ..ml he irtv 'V t'IH s - f i? M It w t.J 'h jj IV a .i!lK t- (n.tltnail'h l i:mi!i l-'jt' utl t ' t is .t!i it u a ilistm tie eh.srM trr, whteh e;tiihi.t he stieei ssi'uiiv unit .ti d. U I tiir i li'i rt of mm U a wi i Ul v p iper u;n u tr.i e. tin. try. in n:,;ryvui aiul thv..lin lln t , ami nn-uhiins and f'Tiuititi the th-ir.et( r -f tin y 111 : ill toe t'll thousand f.tuil!le to wilieh it h;s utn ss, it Would Vv vain t spe.i k ; hut tlul I he cut k ef its readers is widening with every we k at a rte un. exampled, p kin w from the humireds of orders that ,.rL pourii.i; into us, from all points, to prnd it .no! 1 1 r..ii. in fi-r S.'l.'iH in prt ft nntt tu aitv ntlu r litornrv par r. (mk!iii:im will Ine to see t cireut,t. tii-n th. twiil ateii:-h t ven Aim, or lie must die ..r!y. We pr t t;..it lu f.-n t;u i nd of .VI the ttitni wiii te in tvtrv S.ut!,tni j-ifl 1 un the i "i'ii :in! ti j '! t.nv r.ii ! in i: It Hu r: ry in. 1 1 rs." f tin S. ut n owl- it to tin m( ;ves to j r i t at tioein tu is sUj i'i.rt' ei, in preli tenet t" the I ''irtle.il rt prints Irm toe I sre daily ollo i s which s:il in t :y s a, v. d With tniht w hit It ristt j notluni., am! is wortlihss as w 11 as cite; jh-uh re i bohtaiis to some enorinous kite a Cjiiiu, tit.ri of in- re vhiti wu r. with hr-ins, murrlc ami capita! of tuo intt ri-r toitur. Kroti-., rs t the pnss iu thr etuntry, don't ie pulled into ttieouranijj, by n ticitii:, theflc loguf-U, w hid worui nmunu you to eat u;i vmr very hread. 1 he people w ho take m in prt ieti ni i to tiie hoinr y h rs. should hi' put upon hrr.iti :ind waUr until tin y thinrj'it and " su ilt rtd . me." liniiulle and Columlim Mails, We ilinli r.-tanil tli.it the Cliail jtte ami i South Carolina Kail lioail Cmnpany has ' nrtiticil tlif (ioverumeiit that it will i;ot car ry the Mail between Charlotte and Colum- l ia any louse r unless the Coven.iueiit would aree to jiay this C'..mjaiiy the haine j rat. s that . tin r '.in. jiiiic-. are paid, and 1 that in i oii-eijui uee ot this notification the 1 ' parruicl.t has advertised in several South . Carolina papers fur contracts to tian-poit the lh iil aeeoi'.lin.' to the old .vt lu, hy wl.icli it takes thirty one lmiirs to carry the ' mail between the two points doiuutu., whereas ly Kail lioad it required only Sev en hours. Wu think the I iorerninent i.-. dfiiliiiL' unju.-tly iu this matter. We further think that the h ttiiiT of contracts miht have heen adnrti.-ed in Charh.lte, iu oioer tliat our citizens might have an equal chance of puttiui' iu tids. We think that our cit iz n are as good and a- re-p'.nsi'ule aj other.- i a this ro-w ct. The idea of returniiij tj t! hi M.ail like fVste :n "t eari'Miig the lnaiis is too ridieuiuus to think of seriou.-ly. Wo, some how or other, have a way of bo IciviuL' that cur citizens are just as worthy of the fo.-tering care and protection of the l ioveriiinei.t as any other peotle ae..' we think that I l-venilne-I.t might iiliord to pay "ur Kail Koad Company the same rates that otin-rs are r.-tuvina t r 1 i k services. We therefore h"pe that the 1 i.-jiartim nt will r. c o'a-ider this ill-advi-ed movement and do what ii right uj the premises. FOIt TilE Sl'ilTlI-f ARdMNA WHIG. i KANK OF CHAULO'l'Tll. ! -V.-'. !'''!' : I assume the r-?p .n-ihility 1 "I" -.ailing t" you. flouil;-, the f j;iawiL'g - n-i! le 'itra.-t fr-m the h. tter ..-f a thor oa.hly taao ih a! 1 hu-i:.. -- man, l..te a ' c'.'.lvu of ur jlac-. a:,! v ho - till fed- a liv. !y i:.;. ;a it ia y--ur t-r ' j . ;.-. He ay li i- L: i : i : , 1 i t la ii.air ol Hie Jilpri.e- :ae:.t iu tin pi' -p- ' t- ...f l.'iurlott-, hut Cot t jti m.t ::iu i i tiie h.tr Linger i guod t j a eon.munity. It is at a very dangerous j.-ai-'-t li'.w far new beginner- and e-peeinlly tha-e who ar" fir fr a:n market and have dilheully ijt t'.r-.. sng !.. ir prv-luc- t'''war l in i i of a declii.e." In ,-p: ak;!.' of th" Kank. ho-;-: ' Th" I'hailat!.' M.-rdianis caht ta 1 1':. a tj.... eaja;..l ,.f the Iie-v Ifiiik tie r:,...jv.-, it they have atiy regard f r the .r -j-rit', ! the law, ..r the saf !y and pl ..tu'r ie-i..'-.s of their oAii bu-ii,'.aSs. Ai'euea - !. la ver L' L..h: the Lu-im.-.-: of any jdafe, and ' ali tho prot:t- th.-y mai;.- of course are draw n away t ei.iieh th. r c niiiiiinitie-, whi!-t it ia.pr a. . ri-h( s to that extent tho-c from Who-e lil-;!i'" -- it j3 draw:i. ' If t'," I hi!.': i- uhd-o taken at n'l, it, s-jo-- - v.:.! i, ee;,,! e:.tir, ly uj on th" indu-try aa 1 , nci :y ot tie -: v, li inana."- it. Al.d ii :h v d i i. .,; h";a w ,t ii o: ajh f t'e - lii.-i.t- I j s ,v . ; t". i rv thin.' in .-:. ; . ! A.-- '.. '. nti I f .r "i.'ti pa; out. tie v had a- will I.-.: b'-.'ir, nt a!!. ' lie ; e'.fjlly. A. li. tih: i:aii.i:o.h. ': !', a : ti.-r in the I .'.;,:!. a I' -:r-ii r iron 'bar! .tt,-, N rti, Car ..ii.a. e !n lafcilJi:. of !!. eai.di:' t of th- Prr-id.-i.t to.- r- . :'h I ar ,..'. i leior a. e: e. The f -ai;.: ..a. . 1 : ..:.cm : " I Ijr inv.t..r of C'a-it.'aitit j.. that Pre-i-df-nt Com., r has noi'ifiod ihc oiheers of the 'Liirl .tto an ! South ( 'arvJijia. Koad, not to . ;ni ney C Htoli to C d imbia until ha' ei ves tiieiu further notice, i,f Cutfiu iu the dcp.(tit -.! '.. own raad. Thi- leatiee, no doubt. ! r-n -i a rj ti oiln-r tributary loads. ' -ia-on-iM -ii wiii sieov that this r .- i,..ti ai i- u:. a-t an I -iie.r iu, in it- oj.-. Iil,!i. h. in,aj-t b-esa-eit Ja:e,-if i:. t:,e i of the j.iai.t, i'' in ti.a I, e i !, h-. r i. .a i ii hi- rv i'l, and tba cotton buyer.! in ' -. . ..' i t. Camdi n, llambur-, aid Auu-ia, ii .iricuinuhttb' lieavy .( lautities of cott ,n at tin. -t fl-ollli W hell til'- )'l )'; i- low. ail'l J l(J Eil -- . 0 . i.ei a j. a iti ad -. aiiey , n I ii aril- -. t- n . Local , u ; a, a lie- I'i- ; !. nt V r.-rii'.u- it.uhieh l.iin ',.1 : i - j ,i li hi- u hoi- ni..tiw ), an r, a i,0 1. 1 ay i - ' ,j it a alii i h u,ai ;., t i ol-. Thu t: - j hi i. "er - a, 'i t ne reljiint- i: j -an t !.--- th!,n t .1 . hi 'it, I-: -li ai '-it ol a . ! i- a, , .iiino m.iii,..: M aay tia,. , aa i I-or, ! to w;..'. ui.t.i llio-a' lU'oe c-iii; em. nliy vitiiate-d ale acc'-mioo-iat' d. l'.eiy on,; knows the ti,,.- uncertainty of a week'- delay uj.-iii a t." .'.,.j ji.'iced t li .ii mail.. -t, and wi.l uii'ler--tai.J th- dangers to wl,ii.h tiie too k c eiii tiy are timi -.--.:l. It i- ai,.-raa-, tio. Ij,-i ,i i,t ti.e in, ti -ha:. wlio i-. a-li-.'-ly i ,a'a--c 1 ill c ill Ml buy ia.'.. is ibu d, J,l ',: . 1 of t!... u-,- ,i iiis J i j : . j --, an i n.ay be .... j iv o.a -ju-i ! I m. .. t i..- iil .ill-. ' We ( ! i in wi, en our f-iodiii-e ii ',-li',ar-ci in C ,1'iinhiii, it shoajd fercoarded a-ready lor the Chailc-tou It ,a 1. and s,,, la. a- ii. -icli ci'titiv'l to an i arly tran-it. as that v. '.eh ba- hi. n loo :j tu :I jt! li ? ia tlie depot aa ! w .: I, m-- tie le. ' J "I ui. r ihi oidirof i'lc-ident Conner.! i. - , !; ' - J .;. -f C t, ;.. d ely a-e-i-la .. i ' t'.i j . ami i f i j. e ti oli'.ii.iU -, . .-j: p.; o l.'.n, '.i ui'.iii' hi? un ' ti : ,h ,- r'tk.f " ll'ANY. ) iry J4, 16u3. S ( liarkston, January To the Editor of the i ouiirt ; A eorn sMmlent in your paper of this nori inf, from Charlotte, N. C, ttates thut " rresldcnt C-iti-m r ha, nut ifu d the etlieetn of tlie t'hailotte and St. nth. Carolina Road not to send any mure Cotton to Coluinlia until heyuvr thtin further no. tlee." 'i'l is is a mistake. No sueh order lies heen Fi en l y me, t-r i my auihoiiiy. It is t ur inl rest and desiie to tal e Cotton as it mes, and with the hast itilav p ssil le, iVom ali the Koaiis in common wild cm' own ; and all our im.tna and all our ert'orts have heen, and will eon tmue.to he, tit voted to that ohjeet, without favour or a tit ttKii to unv, hut with eiU.i justiee to all. II. W. CONNER, l'n mdeiit. I'EATII OK IUWCAX CAMKHOX. The Hon. lMincan r.-inier-m exnired at his I residence, near this City, on M"iiday even ing la.-t, after a lingeling illness, in the 7 Litli car of his .'go. Wo copy from Wheeler's History of j North Carolina, the following sketch of JuiIl'c Cameron's life : ! ' lion. I'i .vas CamkiioX. who resides in l!ah iLdi, w as liin in Mcckleiihurg County, ' irgima, in 1777, sou of an Episcopalian eler'V man. He studied law, and came, to North Car olina in 1 7 !7. in 1-OH. he was appointed Clerk of the .Superior Court, thcti called Court of Con ; fcreiice. ! lu 1-ti'l, lip was dieted a member of the House of Commons from Orainre County, and again l".(i, T".', and TM, when ho was a firm and decided advoioitu i'ur tho war, In 11 t, ho was elected Judge of the Su perior Court, which he resigned in 1-Iti. In 1 I ! , he w as elected to the Senate from ( i ang'e County, and in 1 and 1 J'i. In 1 -1 ! . he was elected President of the old State liank. I n the organization of the p resent Hank of the State of North Carolina, in Septem ber, he was chosen its President, over w hose affairs he pie-ided with unexampled financial skill and fidelity until a few years since, when he resigned (January, 1 "-!!), and w as succeeded by Ceorge W. Mordecai. K.-q." Judge Caunron came to the bar, in Orange County, in 17117 or 17H-; and by hi- laborious habits, hhs prompt r.nd accu rate attention to business, and the native Weight and vigor of his intellect, he soon obtained a large practice. Step by sup he ascended tlie ladder of di-ti'.H tion . anil for many years preceding his death he yielded a commanding influence in tho State. No man possessed a dearer head or a sounder judgmet. Ho was tho devoted friend of iu-t.-rnal improvements, and of schemes cal culated to devd ., tlie resources and im prove the condition of the State. lie has g one down to the grave full of years a- of honor-, and hi- r.ame will occupy a prom inent place in the history of his adopted State. Put we leave it to alder hands than our ow-n to do justice to his lueinorv. An ; extended sketch of his life would not only i.e gratifying to his numerous friends, but : -.set ul to the rising generation; and we tr,i-t we shall be pardoned f.r cxpres-ing the hope that the Hon. 1 . L. Swain, who was intimately acquainted with the di. eased, and who is ai-o mo-t fully and accurately in! ' rme,l as to pa-t as well as transpiring events in the hi-tery of the State and her di-tuiiigui-hrd nu n, will consent to under take the task of preparing such a sketch. The body of Judge Cameron was remov ed to his firmei residci.ee in Orange, lor ioterearoit (:-TA 'h-cis-i -iIm-Ii tv ... ii ( ., n. lieai'-. "f ir ll f iTiimeneed !,e nia. and l!ev. 1 r. II-. f N, V t u r-lii 1 1 the poini-. ,,,, f .,.!, ..,!,.,.,. :.. t Ji Witiciit ,ue-ti i.in.' the i 'itvii t- of X'irtfiiiin whi.-li was iilustrat-.J t'aiou.ii t!:e s!ia,. rcvol'it'oii i.y In r warri r, and orat rs we mu-t .-till claim fir our own State the incij. iei.t inovi'int'i.ts which hrouht us into col-; li-; . n with the lic t!ier C iiii.try. The 1, attic ! A! inniii e (.'reek, de-eril ed l.y a j.r tend- , ! hi t rian. a an outhur-i of r. leili-aia f. . '..iil', w a - n t!:in' !.-. than an oat-, -niriu t - tt.-; .ti.- - irit. which was, fail v 1 - .! ,- : :o 177-1. a' th Cart li a--i Ma.liai ' V.'h- !.. r N '"a e;,!ai:m;i va- the la- t ' tie: (' V t'i f . 1 aL'iia'.el of the tyrai.y -f Kn.dan ! i- one .juesti jii. That she w a.- tie- fir-t t ' re-, nt such oj.j.r.-s-ioii is eertain, and the M.-eklenhur;: declaration hears 111,011 it- fa.-e the -tron.'est r.-.-ulution, and the nio-t .iet.-nniii,- 1 love of liberty. We d j n 't d-ny to Mr. J, ll,-r-n the ,at-r-l.itv a Lis imiiinrtiil d.a laration. liat we wiii t. . aiT'-i; to our awn ei;iz i.s, im 1 U- d V.il'i t!ie -line -j.irit of freed- III, i!, : i,'"ti,e. - 1 a- J '.aa'i.ari-t-. We l.ojre -.he di-. .-a--i . aoI -o -,u I'.r hi t.rv will he Ia n. f:t t. i 1 v it K W- l ' A COOD KNDOP.EIt. 1 hp a-hin .'ton ( orr--jiondent of the Lynchhurjr Kef.ubiienii, write- that there is -on,- -tir i li tie inth'Tii folk- it) refe e:, -c t i the O obabie - !, -eth.i, . f C-n-ral I'ix as a inembi r of the Cabinet. "His l'r. e .-' ,ii j.r aai-. itie- -ay - tic writ-r.J e r-t-tiiiiy do ii d recmiimii'l him, but I ,.ui t-.'ld tiiat 1 ioveriior M m-y endorses hi.u, wincii will o,, far to silence objei-tiom to 'nc-ral I'ix. We all know that (Jovernor Marcy vroulJ bo the last man that would ever attempt to deceive the .South.'' The id. -a of Many cndor-iiiL' Pix n- a safe man f.r the South, ii decidedly curi ais and fanny. M irey s own paper i- riot worth a picayune in this market. How ih-ii can hi- naim; impart any value to Mr. Ihx's not,.-' 'I he objection, of the-,- South ern i. n, aernt- are ea-ily -iieii. i.ol , indeed, il they aia- e n.t, i,t th,.l on- 1'ree Soie.r shall -t.ind -paniioi- lor anotii -r. In this way, and in this way only, can they find an endorser for Ijov. M jr'y himself. I!n. Tiun v This reminds n of a -tory which we once li. ard. h n the I 'nion liaec ( 'ourse on I.ile 1 li ed l-.;:i!i"l was in its " hi.'li an-1 paliny a nli-uiau fioin tie: South j a -p ,--1 which was taken up. and one IJrown -el. etod to iiohl tlie stake ntlemmi from the South won the la t. '1 bat e , lid n,t tl iil the stak' holder and t hi- i.-ioiiey. On the next day the same Southern i"-ntlcman altercbd the races and j.ropo'i-.i ano'lier mr, wnieii wa-i t.aken; hol'l and be a-k-d the riuc-tion, " who -hall hold the stak'-s?" A lid fh r-ply w a-, "S.piire liriwn.'' Aye. but, i-aid the Southoiicr, "who the devil will hold S.piire liroivn '" N,',v, a- Marcyciid-jr.es l'ix, we should to knaw who the d.aiei; endor-e Mjr'-v. with or v.ithjjt the- j-ateh on his i ,,.,,1.,... ',. ,,,. Wanted to Hire;, H I ,100 I'j I.OOO A iiUli lo haul a. I a,i.ijfj fruin ' hurlooe lu l uajtnh the b ilanre ot ll,t. aea. on. t or further piirlli uiara H, ply lu A. HAUkLVJWi Mur.J,oll. l-.l.un.y i, 1- J. IU Tae V,',.o-(.'i 11, rnrert .nd i,e C hraler si d Co Inirih.a pnaeta m i r. r,ne'rd l.j ropv until folh..' OtricE S. C. R. U.Coxr iiYtiEHEiL. Married, on Tluirndiiv, 2"tli lilt., ! the Iter. II. II. Utterly, Mr. DAVID 1.. CAMION to Mms CYNTHIA J. Ill.Tl I1ISON, all of lliia cuunly. Married, in .Moreaintmi, on Tliurwlny eveniiijr, tlie -!7th of Jiimmrv, liy I lie Kcv, J. lluxt.ni, Dr. tiio.m sc. i.i:si'n:i;,fAiii Miie,..c.,t., Mis ANN .11 DSON, dmij,'liler of Dr. J. M. Ilaiinlilt. M inaed, in Culilwrll eniietv. on tlie '.'( ultimo. I.v J.,in.-n e. Harper, Ksq., Mr. THOMAS D. Ml. Mr II to Mikh MAIIA1.A lallS'lliU. Also, mi tlie tilli uli i.v the sanu1, Mr. CH AS. 1,. COI FKY to Mim laMlLY', daughter of Mr. Daiiii 1 Coll't -y. .Murri, .I, on I lie 231 llcreinlicr Inst, twelve miles smith of Munroe, bv K. It.'.lL'erM, Ksq., .Mr. WII,. I.I AM MOIiKIS to'.Misn KI.IZAHKTII, daughter af Alfred I.cwellyn, Iv.q. I'limlly sciie licrj i l isp her, her, Willi her be blest, but never tceze ber. Wevtirn Deiuucrut (ilcase copy. In Ibis (ilncr, nn the - llli ul" J anuary, N. W. AI.KXANDlaK, Kq., ajfrd alxuit 5U yeiim. The i)eia .i;..al bud eiiiiimrlliad the iriictiie ul' the law in early life with the most brillisiit promise! nf sii'-iess, but like too many ef Iuk profession, be be. lanm atlilieted to u Uhi fna' use of tb.at bnnc of I) it -man happiness ardent spirits which eventually MiM,u nil Ion iirusiKcls ul life, anil at last made the in tun of Usiiillin nec. He dud, liowev- sp-eted by all as an honest man. Drparteil thin lite, on tlie 7th ultimo, at I'is res ilience in llon well, ir wluiiit he b.'hl year ut' his ain , .Mr. JAM-L U'.ii-, troin ;iu early p r a ml etlieirnt Kulin KUler iu tlie L liureh of lioM'. fnce and pnrr(y will supply tu give entire itthtlac Wi II, a.loritinj! in tliitt, tw iu nil tlte ottier n Intmns linn tu their 1'utronn, ami promise Z'aluui atlention ot' life, the preeej-ts and pruic iplcs of tlie tiipel. , to i he ir tomtnrt. In at-kin a continuance l a iinr N "tie lio knew hi in t..uM tiiil to nek now U tle, pornon of public mi p port, they do so with (lie ast-ur-th.it like ii i ma has ' he wa n -oott m;in," and none I Jiice Mint they intend to dcsuivu it, v were Hit:mite Witll i i ill i eoUiil tall to Itt-1 the p-wt r ot' his xiuiipk Mis piety w is of that hum. hit , uriohtrusi'.e. unushuiiiiii" t li.ir-o ter, which so lovely in it It', and o itronW re.-enibies that ' ol' the t h i-ftto! SdUoiir. it hed the service, the ptopie and the worship ot' (iud. And, oiteii ot' late; yeirs, whin borne doun by the weight and infir inities ot" ycirs and sullt rr.i from fiiseafe, to an extent that by most persons, would liac 1mm n deemed a sutlicieitt eeus for abscii iny; them ( I vc f t'roiii the house of i io;i, be w ts iund in hm pi. .ec in tiie sanctuary tKus showini; that he loved tin: place wht re tiit's itoiior dwells, and pre- : lern d a ti.t y iu His eourt.- lUive a tltoUti.iiid t le- ; , wi.ere. Ills removal has r;ated a vtni in a lari:r ' circle of rehitiu , in the iiiiuiuuity, anil iu tin: ( 'Lurch ; hut his life of imi k and eotisi.-tt nt pie t v will rem.. m a bnht aio: !n aluah!e inherit.. io c t., b posterity and aeijiiain'.anei s, wurthy ot' their rein nibrance aiid imtbitioii. He died as be had lived, dt pviidinif only oil thoim nts of his Kcdeom- i 1 er ; and wo trut, that inn u e, w hu h even tn.li.re t i ijiiite sileue-d in (ieiith., uinii r tlie palnw.g hiind I ; of disease , refused to d tlf b"!'!;nsj of ;i,e soul, is now iieurd Juudand eK-nr m 'nc m iu r world hyiun- ! ' hjr tin juiiiL of Redetaiini; Love. j "Thou art oiie- to the rave, but we will not i ii' pi ir tlat ' .iite our loss i lliy yam, and our ; pr nt so.-row tjy f ver!a.-tiii joy. "1, vuian- " the u.-.id tii.it i,,r tn tiu- Lord, lor tiny r--t from th' ir Lb'Tf. mnl tin.fr vorks do toiinw tht in," " l.i u o, I ord J- .-us eainc vut kly." '. Iioii sudd n!v. nt Ora.i v Springs, llorid.i, nn i 'the 7tii Jatiinr;-, V ILt-lAM LlAKI.V, m the year of bis u " 'J'he dectased was a native and re iiK-iit of thia ! ( ounty, nnd hail tf"iie to mijoumi in the tuihl" r ' elunat. ef the St.it. tn whieh In iud, with a i w to unproe 'itf Ih-aith and in v i-,'f irate ' ... t it ut ion h-itur.illy ft - hie, and u kith trie w.f?-Siiii i n-ries of (incase had lc n w t arili: v I'or set ral v .irs. In tin- inornmi: of iije, tiir from kindr' d a no iion.e. t'i eohl it-y h inH of deifh w is l..id tlj-on him a nd now in tiir midst of the fort t, where the sih ini; oj'tho t.iini Iim wtndi the fei-iebss mil of the i MiUriiiuniieriii( waters, Ne edirptn of the wild lord oil e ha iil ins eUrml lulhihy, he h ps the d p tint knows no waiting. " In tiie midst of ! h:'t.- ve arc in th alb," uid the pr- sent iutanrc is 1 iiuoni; tin: many wlaeli ctitiftrain?! us to ft 1 1 that we "are fearfully aid wonderfully nnnle thr.t W" are a-t " the I'raaalhnt in the luorninj .siirini' UlMlUII B; CV a.n, dr.,l Xk , ,,l Vt fie: .at.' ' I,, j Ini,' tb ir time toaill, a! rs to ualiicr at ill lii-.Tlh.wind'a breath, n.i t rs In n t but nil, '1'., ai I, ,.t a!l ht-asens l'er tune own, O, l, ath !" .Mtv II- who teuifM rs lie wind to tlie shorn iii.t... . ..ma rl anil eoiiBoll lue alilii t, U r, l.,tiv,s ii.! to, mis of tae diii,, aui enable tiu ,n m ful la .t tie ir loss ia Ala gain. Jl Hi juried this life, early 1st Spring, nt the o, mo . s ei'l' .i.toruia, II. A. 1ATTH (A S, Cx)., in tlie "10(h r;ir of lli UCC. Mr. 1 . t lie ws waas ,,11, o tat noble. hearted Fori of ,,M M'-ekl'-nbur, w ho. ',.:n(,t! v jir . a,n d linn s' If at the e.il! ol' lin, eon, try, and seni d in the h'.rliii ra e.iinj.aiii until I t , lose of tiu M' jii an v..i,-. If- wail he- lontr reie aib, r d liy (I,.-,- win, - u loin h, st in il Vollli nan luall-Ii , lioli- -t. I: aonoti i. :th inanvlh.ai-aiels, the hoj.f of Mi kih' hi- inrtune hiin-d bun h.H,n ;ifl-r lln lius' of llie ttair, to tie i,;,j mill. i id e.il i lorliai . Til. r. , in u land nf fitr.'tii,' r-, his miiiinioii- eiiine. Thoui'li ea( h man ma v b.- r, '.Hired to .lie for linn s' If. md nlone; yet it nitiL-'t.-s tin- sorrow -ri. f of -nrvivorH that in.m should ilie in ind the iin,i-t of his in a, Is; hiit'i'i in h 'n iL'i ly hie. taliou awaiyt'u- mil fin ati- ,,e t lio d, eejei il. 'J a, y il !"o -a'aoi-siii Iv to the vii. of i righteous (v. .itiofi from tin rt e.iih d upon to i t'l, w iio rui s in ( omut'irttrtilfil. ri-ht,-oiiii,-.. Jnmt'li y -II, 1 "-"'.I, li,- a, in 'I ii!.,n conn j, T, nn., Nov. Jlnli, 1 ''r'. f T-.y.onl I o r, need !.". vairs. Hr. W I l.l.l A.M II. Al.laX A Mil.lt .-il Atl f:, (.Tiii.e-oiii'l Hi, .ac Win. Il . ae Al.-t ind' r, of tin-'ounty. In this mt. I-inn and n tl! let 1 . : even, we iir- cuilid ujioii lo re, , -in- fun- of those dii Ii ,'iial i nsi r at , hie hi sh. n s i'ioiin, w hieh hit ofien erirael, ri., tiie iroiid'-n. t il -ii.'.o ,,f th.it Il-ilir w nose way IM m the ii' ' i, ioel u h""' f jitst. n ;ira not known. The s aiet of tills notice bill lail r a ally coinjib ti d to- pn j, i r .t-r v Ntiidi. s aid nl. t, a' noon tin pra' -ti. al ai-, h.irt; of Ins proi -.i, n.il i.'uti, . ; iiml v. I in lla ! w months of hi-are ! (r,l, I'mal In-,li-ha.l of, I oiii t nn i xt-ilsM- J,r o.t.i , .Old iiflor,li,l j,r.,i. i-, of i mini nt u-Iti.i, --. 11-ini r.itiir :iJy ol a n, .01, ait., ah: and syii itaiziii ilijioitioii, h--( in, ,1 ji. -nil ii iy fitt'.-d or th- nrauolis dntii n of ; iii.il- proh ssion wlio.e j e 1.1.01,1 rs ari.- so oth n e 1 1,' I to w ill 01 hv tile col. n ol s. bin sn iilnl iinn i l' r r In J" to tlie (jbysiriii 111.1 , ii-m of their fi How ui. n. Ilronijht n in the Ijosom of the IVtsbyte. ' riaii rioir' h r-.,rly decirsilni to liod 111 tin- ordi n.'inr -: of lliptiMn be lov-il In r iloi trims ami or- ; ,1-r win, rtul.ir iu lna all, lelm"- ujion (ne m r- j . i. 1 - of t'e- s i i,i tiiiir v i n. Jim r.d in hi j. 1 iimii -r v eon'ri huti- n a of tiie iijjiortof tlie lio-fj. ' Ihit tlioiiL'h olt-fl borne ia tin- f. rerit jit 1 v rs ol a j ,,o;ih moth'-r and uliif r tear ' bristiaii r. ia ti v, u to i a tiirofi, of friii e, y-t be liad in af f-It prep.-ir'd j to j.i .,ke .1 piihlii ill-, p r-nal ,011-, . r j to, u ,,: 1, nn. j h- l! to liod, by eoiif- - li hr:-t In t-r. n, n nn.l eo'iii' , I010 hill,-' If wattl ilie visible hilfeh. T.,:,t he bad Ik, Ih thought and I'd! nee ,d v on lln- , stjbt 1 t, is wa ll known lu low frieuiis, but the 1.1. tine and si vti! v of bis dn" -ami wain (.tub, iih to' it'i.'j ii-dify biai IV 1111 l'ivi.-i in bis i.tst iiiouients ; licit elear and sitli-f.o tory cvidenei; of hm prep.-i. j r.ilion (i,r d'-ritb lint) 1 uiljiiri. nt, w ho it nr.- so eon- i si l. torv lo suriviaf r. I. ili.es. " lie yt- ,-il-o r-a. I tiv. f,r in Mlt h in, boor aa y- think not, the Son of M .ii con 11 1. 1." '. ' eoN.-Ti,NKL.S PKIl KAILUOAI). W. V. Kims ,V Co., Jirein J., Williams, U. 'o., Irvin .V IJ., U'. li. Wither-, . a-, A. II. Mo--, (,'. C. Heri-lersou it S.. Ilar ia r, Jones. lo Karnhanlt, M. A Co., A. j l"'"'-'-! 'ar-on, U',.. p., C. M. Pay .V Co., .i. i.rown , i,. .. rule, Harris iv I. , ,j. W, lis, W. A. Smirh'leal, lieo. P. Pavhl.,011, Prueker S., Kiias ,t (,'., ,J. Mead, .Inn. O. ! Wallace, J. II. 1 1 udea-orH & Co. Jiromi it P., j K. CaiLlli: .t Co., IV M. Foar.l, Il-lu r, I!, k e , M. A. White, Ii. U. Torrcnce, Killian, l-'ry .V Co. I IJanjer'.s Aoticc. fcVl' tr,te":'' "y bok,on the 2fi!'i ww ulinno, Ii S. A. flnrrii, a ni of lrey Spri.,!,.t a Hume I'ihof tho follwirig df'neriptiou, .t : d rk hrowo. 10 or lJ yara old. blind i rt the fft y-, ih-eJ b.lore a 'it fchv.rd with the gter, Ap prate d lu tl.t, vj 'i'i of ",) l.Uun,., 'J i"i , t'' Comiiu'i-cinl Uccortl. liAlU.OrTK, KKIIKUAltY S. Da3. Cotton, -tpplcs, lluller, llcbf. Flour, bbl. 7 a 91 Nulla. 5U a till 11 a I'Jj 5 a li Iron, Salt, i tl 80 a I to 40 a 45 Corn, Mini, OatH, Ibeswn x , feathers, ll.ile Yarn, -sheetings, Tallow, Sole I.cutlier, 4U a 4a Sj a :i lrih 1otalocs, Us! (IU I'ork, 7 a (I 0 a U'.j 0 a la'l 7 a IU III a II 3J a 4a a HU Lid, Haeon, Suifar, Cu It'tiu, MoUssea. 2j a 31 75 a HU 3 a H 7 a 9 18 a 2i COLl'MUIA MAKKKT. ("ni.i'MDiA, January 31. COTTON. Sale! of tho we.k 4,110 balsa al prices ranging Iroin 7 to 91. CHARLESTON MAUKKT. Chari.krton, January '26. Sulfa ofCollon todav, uplo liall'iast 1 ('clock, wars 1,100 bulcn, ut Sj "a H.J. American Hotel Dissolution, 'V I'urtin rshiii hu.cloforo cxialino; of BOAT UUill'I at jANNlaY, in. dimolvcd by iu own li nutalion, on the 17lli in-t, JAS. IIOA TWPJljHT, J.nt.W. J. 0. JANNKV. A CARD. American Hotel Change of Proprietorship. Mm. Sbah Fi.kmino and Mr. Jamm T. Fi.miMi reopeetltilly jjive lioliee, that Ihev have purchased and a-smned t ha inanagcuif nt of Ihc A.M tali It' AN IIO IKL, lately to auecesifully conducted by Mr. J. C. JtMNKV. lVa 1 'l I MM Iih. Ml Ihev -4 AtiUinu luteniionnt umiop every mtana that eiiwri. The 'I'abift wilt hp ...nnli.! ii.;..- ..... the market aflordi.. served up ,n the bet manner. and eipenra Dy watchiul altendanla ; and lhcrhanib, rP ai d pjf ior will be fuund always ready lor the raeep tiun ot guetla. SAKAH KLKMING, J. T. FLEMING. January 20, 18j3. v2 31oney ! 3Ioncy ! ! f I.L .erort indebted to A Hoibune Co. b Acc.uni. are requested to c.ill al th.ir tatab. lishiiR.nl and setilo .Mr. K. M. Kobin-on, in Ihr b, nee of A. Uiabuim, will ail nn li,., ,t an lime. All ierBon mdbied bv Nolo for pant yr.ru. re ,arti, ul.irly req,i..ll 0 !liak.. pnll,t.,,,a ,rlh ill.. I eron. nol alten-.'.mg 10 the alKio by Fak- . .., ,,y i it ,0,,d ,t.ro Aecouiiiiand .'una in in. iiaiidt ol oiue eri.on lor coll tion. A. UKTHL'NK A CO. vi I'thitary 2, lSj3. s.ili: or A'altiablc Property. 'X II, 1 se'i nn trie VJii cav ot I ettruary. upon the premt-e of (he la'c Jainen L. iuid-eii it Troviilence Seitiemin', M- klnbur county, IS C, his entire pt oniil proptrty, coiihu tinjj of Ilont'liold A Kitrh'-n Iiiri..lure, 1 u m i?ig'YfMjhyX(rgoti!ttIitti::it Cttton (Jin li Mulrs, h hrifl of Ott'.'r, 1") oi- "Jll f,L'S, .1 11111 nt il 1 ot Unit, J',i'irt O.is iiml ye, ."ill l.iis),, h i,f ,i,,tt 1UIIII niins ofCuii, -10 bags of COTTO.X, 12 likely Negroes, M n, women, arid c itdren, Bmonir whuni are b Cook, li 'kmr-ith, nd a ft Titrate .Miner. I A!l pornon fiaviny ckimt aain-it the eniate ot J ime . I'avKH- n, dee'd., af ri-ipirttted to presen' th rn wHltiti the tone prestnrii by law, or (tu no lo, e will be pt d in bar of their ret-over v. S. NVK. HUTCHISON, Ks r. 1 Kebrua'y 2, i "oJ ALSO At tbft mniv time nod plaee, at thft inaianre dl the devi'pp of Jan. 1.. f fttvidaon, will be Hold hi PLANTATION. It hen in Jroiridenee, Morklen j burf rtun'y, and cmlirnei tiboot 100 Acres of Land. Thft location is Very di::th'e, )u ig ndj irrot to thet'hurh and At adetny. 'J'tn: improvement art g-uxi. toil ncel!ent in tpiali y.and H adnp'ed t the Tanou- prodoc ejus of thin r ion pari it ularl cotton. Ttie most lBVorHte irrtu wt't h ivtn. S. NVK. Ill "n iHSoN. February 'J, l5"3. Itt Executor's Male. riMflK unilorn'ned, aa Kif-cutor of the I Mitt Will fttid '1 t'H'sturrnt of Jaiiien .Sample, d'Ttiii;d Mill expo in puhlic bum, nt the Me remlrnce ot said A'tmph', ui Mcklenburg rouu'y, 10 milr North of I h.irlotio, on Lrmg .'.ie k. on th'- '-.'h day of I t'hru try, the lulbtwintj pr-tpTW( v.i ; 8 vahnibli; JVcrocs, ALmi the Trnct of Land on w. !u-;b aid Sarnplu hvtti, con. tainii'tr about tiOO scrci, with a Valuable 31 ill Seat Wit nit i Corn, (h;t.if Jfxllrr nml Jlay, fjfir OtrruJ J'tl tlr ii, pi mchtsf ij c. Tftrroa mado known on the day of a!e. 3 f' All periiunw indebted to n,nd rtt.it will pleta1 come forward and eetlle; and thfe having elairni afaitnu tlte naid eniali'. will prearnt them properly :naheiitn:..ti:d within the tm.e prept:rihi-d by law, o' thi n'rti-.ts tli bo m i mi ni ha of limn mtuffry W.M. A. SAMPLE, jr. frhruary 2, l-."i.'l. lla riVIMir. w- ill hn auld at lie, dwelling linuan ol Henry Moan, decaf , in Ihe. county of Meek, lenarirg, on Tucaday. th. 'i'iii inalarit, a variety of article, of pernonal prunerty, viz : 150(1 Int. Cm ii, front 3 tn 40(1 bv. ofW'hrrit, A ijiiiaitlti n) I nliiil in tir srnf irirriil. rnluolilc Jlnnrs inul Mti'S, Too Wii'-'nof, Too IS ii an ,v, A i'i-- . nf (,'mili , oo.v inul hrrn 100,0110 ;,(-,, it Mt. of Jlliiil.Mintl, Tank, JiiliUI'L' ( trull.'i, jrllsi Until ,y hit' tun I'll I' II I tit if , ij-c. All prrnon haviriir clam-. iii;.iinHt aaid e.lata are ri-qtji-at, d tu .ire,eril them a. required hy taw ; and ali perauii. imb.-hteil lu aaid ealalu ara raqnealud lo inaku pruinjil payment. IIAPPIKT C. SLOAN, Admtntitrtttvr of il. A Sloan. r,l,ruary 'J, .a3. 3r ""tiee aN Appn-ntiro wtinted lo learn the Honnr l'atfitftt ftuaineflH one that eiui eume well recfjuiriijiided. iNoolhor need app'y J. W. ItAlNKY. - u y 2, t-:2. if Taken up A Ml anlar'-d an my . ry bonk .according tolnw 1 a by J-ihn 11. HiKsei., livuii; .even mile. Iroin tlie ('" irt Elaiia'i ol ('aharnu cuu lily, and a ball I mil'' of Kocky Kiver ( hurcb, a eerl.in .irny M.re, ! f lie. luia.wi,, duaerijilton : hav. riglit hind ia. f Oir. while, h.i(. Un..-.- ealkil Ihe hi( bead ii I pu.td lu b. thr.u yaara old nnt aprilif . JOHN MtiANS, Wmtgir I Somali ?0, rYl Jr I7i m 3 on it, I fimm M11 mWJx.BQB3 T5"17K would rospectfully niinottiice to the citizens of Charlotte, ami Mirroumljn f V try, that wo aro now receiving and openim.' in lirawley's New Puililiii r C"n" J. 11. Kerr's lintel, our ITUST STOCK OP Uoo'US, which wcro Lottght by o',. " !l! linn in the Northern Cities, consisting of FOUEIGIV AND DOMESTIC Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery Bagging, Rope and Twine, ' Meebe7s Jbeary's &, Benin's rn jflBR.ir, 3rTegf o shoes !!! in fact, ovcrythin.; in our line of business. , From the I.APUCS we would solicit a pleasure iu showing thein much more than a-..a.Hir (iOOHs were Imuiflit exejusively lor CASH, we feel assured that we t enablcil to offer as ureat INDl'CK.MKNTS, ami as COOP 11AIU1 AINS to purchased, M any other concern in the place. We solicit a call, and although wo can make no rrnt di-play in ui'rrrli.iiii wc ,,r,j. uiise you we can iu tho tjCALlTV and CHHAPNKSS of our UHI IPS. Chnrlutti:, J,inuii i 1, !"):!. lt.II.Mcllvaiiie.M.l). Mil I. SH'i.lA A' SI noi o.y, c ii ki.otti:, v., CIONTINUKS lo give apeeial atleiitiuii tu the y Irealuirnl of Surirat diseaa. a. IMlieamMr. I'aika' Irame build'), up alaira, uppoaiT Ki-rr'a llulel. r.vrsT tV viM:mii:.M:it, iMroRrrn &. w Hij.rs.i.i; i,rAi..Hs in Foreign and Domestic 1 1 a r d v a r e , C 1 1 1 1 e ry , & c .. .orOi Third Mred, lktween Arch A Race, Westalde, 3 HI L !!j ; li Ii 2 . AUIUi-isUAV'i ii y a. Hirriiixi:. IN ofT'Ting my arviee to the travelling puhlie an proprietor ot Ihy Aioth an llnle!, I Mill r ri.,1 irtiin alt unnetessary bu.ibln but wdi juxiire those v. ho atop with np;, that nothing which pr. won! efftrtH on my p..rt can act jnip!ih to eooiri bote tu their comttirt Mill ho It ft uri'Jone, ' nu buiidifiFi Uafi ail bi-n thoroughly rrp-nrctl and lornini.c.l wrh entire v n-w furruttirn. Jt p Hiiiiah d Hiiltin a'-oiit three hundred yard of the Irpol. 'I be .Vlj;o Utfiee i kept at thir Ho tel. 'I hu t on hern Muk-i arrives and deprts. daily, the Vt:ntjrn aS'lio Iri-Htekly. litornr Aeoi at thi pi 4 Co, traveller! poing will receivu all the at. tftntiun that 1 am tdo lu Ucatuw. .My mottu is s " I tudy lo plt'tM," 1 A. PKrilLNlC. I Januiiy I'j, 13. j.' if tfcy .Notice. I'.SSI.S Wrisfoo iV I Li! me hive Irjpljy invc TlL led me with lull pe urn jt pt,(ic their His:-oe-. 1 wutjid fei-p-ttlui y fciiy lu t..u. indthlid Ilia! it in wtfitivt ly neerNary Jut payu rnla ahuuld be uiade imniidialely. .S. P. A I.KXANPF.K. Januaty 12, Is.VI. ihf Viv Sale A FIRST. R TV. SIlaAM FMJIXK. mew.; I'lnl ifleiphi.1 leiiM. 5 hnrsij i,tji r. t ur leniia, Ac, j(ij, y lo. W. I". PIIII'KR. Jnnunty I'i, 1?."3. tl Positively llie Aolitr. A LL. tho) indebted to John A Young, either il by Note or Aeronnl, mimt c-i! nd pt:v 'b aator; iiurnrd-ftt-'ly. in Ihn iHpihim n an', b rhtoed or you will have lo with? with no nfP-i-r Sue eot nod v ill mid netth- wi'hjdin I. iJ-owu. Ilfrtf, (ur fotiiid i Rro-.vn Lr.i v. ley' new ro' rrv More, uppotolf Kerr't M". I. J intt, ii y I I .'3 tj Hi:i:ni: & co I5U ititouvv voau. ; Spring Fashions for Gentlemen's Hats, Ill.VIe j II KLHF; Co., rrpir?tu!ly "o'trit Ihr 9 ort'rr nt their patron arid the pub be, for lojeh usd- in llo tr line a will be wsntetl at foe f oniiurneoirnt ot ut tut' the o jei t i to atl'.nl ample H ne to uinriuhie Ilii. nod ijvi ibein riaitv f" r phioiui-iit in t tl. r b.r mli: on llo: b ol Feb'Oiiry, whin I i m i'i be lit' rtttlneed in S w Y 'k '. 'I'h' .:i.mii(; i a liul ol iheir r nil j'i t to .1 p r rcfii . (Mint, ' 1f,, il) f 4.r. lr. ?.1. And 'ftb'i. le d hm f-i, 'iVriop t "ah" t'i inr doz. tor white KfH.kv Mo'ioiain Si.vir ljvor. January 19, t!.'2 13 JOHN I'AILKV. K. NLWtl.L. MAILKV Ac cos runniM. WAI.K Ol K, JN .'tl! 1 Jhilt mitur tirnr llmturvr Haltimoui:. y. rMHK I'rnprtetorai ol tin' iii,ovit I" Htilili-lotiPut, M m ealhujf the attentinn of onllurn ler. r l.4i.i lo tbf'ir Ktii'imvi! niitf k of .prui and Sum. mcr tiooiU, b&Kird nothinj inniyinj? thai tbitir fa. editiea an a tilt Ihfiii lo aell al aa low pncea aa they can be had further North. January 13, 18j3, i7 Blew Firm. niou as tkoi i 1:1: .v so.. IK fsubr-rr ibr would in form ihr public lb:it he lo" tnke( hit ftui, W'M. T. ' KUT'I hK, in a a partner, Ihe biiHtieiia will becunduetifj in hit tire under the above name nod sty Ir. Thankful lur paid favfim, 1 rriiectful)y iu licit a continuance i ihn ne w firm. THOMAS TKOTTEU. N". IL All th'mn indfhlrd by Hook Amount or Note art; reo,iif;ali d tu eoiue and netlle oa induli'iice cannol ' given. ''. 'J1, ifc.y li, IH..3. 5ltf .1 tPaticiiix School. M. IIHOil.M and T. II. WILLIAMS, of VViiinaborri, S. ('.. proiKiM! lo In. eh in the (J. town of ('barbilio a el iaa nf young i;, i.lli-iin'n and lailiea in llie eleira.il art ol (lancing, ul ten dnllara p. r a ihular, or ci'hl dollaia and find lb. boarding uf the leiuihj ria I hi y leaf h f utillinn. and all I lie. fanrv dance.. iiii:b aa ihe lpnlkn. Mazurka, Sehnttisb, A e. 4 e. A ai Plain wdl ennsial ol eighleen eaaona. Id ferenrea can he bad .1 W innahoro, t '.iluinbia Newberry. la'gt-fi'.'U. Nurniar, 4e hltU'ily Vi, I" :). ,',1U 1 1 1 JU M tratje ; lute llo hmr to I llf l" J" wm and blankets, call, assuring them that wc can and will we eouhl rwiMv Miuwunt. bum tlkt Til U f ! , , t. C. ,'J ,, a. -.-f rll.l. lir.ellcu III lli.-ckb-lihilli' nilll, .... the adjiiiniriir eiiiinliea and proserin. I! ty I. ami and I'iii-iimi CI,,,,,,.. (lr,,. J,,!,,,.,,, brn k biiihliiiif b.'inevu kcrr'a llulel and the l' (Mb.-e, up hiitir. J .nu.iry I 'J. 52 1 Y M II H uiolrrcnrd ImVUii; boMi uut lo !arj JL heavy rxpen..-p tu mturi lluiidtiiu, a, Ufgethtjir stock ul Uooita, (ut the at.eoouno'ia ol no ir uuineroiia lio hu and cuatouiri r. ;..u 'ullv, but e-Ariitbtl;'. call upn ihoxo ho are iie:uj. ltd lo them, Cflher by oin or (look Aceour.l, (q i. unt them, by pnv in i? up nil ti'd aroft and r,uif:. a. ring on n.e St w Ihxkit. W q have jjivmi l-n ; .-re t!iU. and in fr aeiore e-ilh d upon our !rn ntj. o. niuiiM r, it i nl m e hope imw It Hi llo y ol .. ii, d jj prT..iL' iur inotiv-'n nt diio p(j at tf.. i iJr Il m 4 (eru ai.O influx i'iIu itfcostity, and Uic k.-!'cr tout cuine. H. Ii. L. . WILLIAMS J'tnutty 2, I?.j3. Jin" rillll. cupartnrr 1 I mn ot If. H. lop hirtiofure kftunri i lii L. . V illeiiiii Miidi'i'iir. nl on tho f.rwt diy of J.irm.ry, It.'i'l, by lbs tern. ol tl eir origioal 'Jireeui.nt, and baving1 i.dh ei.tietl Wi'hthem ui h"iine )t .Mr. Joll"! I'uo lfti p .rfif .hip Will her.-jiiirr bo conduetfd under t r naimi and -t. 'e (,f W iMiirnit. mdh I'o., Pilfer n il romer nnil, in II. IJ. H i.im'a i.irse (, liro-k HuihiitiL, wtirn- !i-y U tc pa"l to e t ieir oti triuinii and runt'iKiur, nod contract .ncutlahipi and artpi.tiulancca in iluur litie of t..u n'i. '1'ti. y h-l aiurtMl lint t .ey ate uu- u. l.!Hur toodiMofi to p-ii-ty ad flitter the lit J tic ir ifo-niifj and cuiiuimri than they bvt r (wen I'lMff. I hey hem and lnm A-ra.' c!ettv uf t here f ore rprttiiV it tho puWo fritprfifj , a Urm lavur siiti pairunsf.?. I. ,v WILLIAMS .! MIX I'lM i.V II. P. WILLI Mv Ir'iiii and I fan ni i in ,V.-a3 Wholesale ami Itetnil i..l!! i RPB-3 a-.a fB"0 our l"riei,,!a arol I u-lonier. we wiii!,! "ir, il ii, .: i ,.i i.-,, k al 011, oi I oi lier Maml. .. I, i r ha iil' Itnw. We believe w, i,,oii,y e Urje-I anil li ir.l ro tn n the Stale of .Nurib t'arulii a, and that we lu Ibo lar'e,! Of tos ever , rnu fi, I l.i On a i lore, Inrh o uif.ri.l --hi' ; ill I'flll'l l.H T than liny ever ! Iie'.!. lore , tl r.-! in Iiii- m.iikel, 1 i.t r inu'lo n, I h-o is u ' i. li I a i , i Mil : ho l.llH. I'HM t f, NJ ."l(tRT rkiHin -tl' l-dtll ftl'd ci itoiio h.l'l ite rr"l. il' r,d n (lit;,' op lo ?( i! -'i ;rh. lei ! flu a Urie and we. I t U -tJ Se I, MESS ASD FAPcCY mm. -'K -s, t ).( i'-S t' i) I f-s l.iiKiiin l, n j. ,v Tni li loii .Mnll l !i imIi'i " Kid .li'., .7t i, ISOOTS and ,SilOt:.S. ' ta fi a i.AHor. Lot or UVXSY It Aca.IX.'. isopi:, KMifiiK, ("oala, I' .nils. e'a. bir'l, Mnrt ( nllira, ,,r.n-ti and t'ulloii llrawi-ra, A c. 4 .instil nil)- on li.-iml a liirga-Mnrk ' .New "rloini and Mimcnvado S H It. Stpwwrt'a Miam Kehretl A. and II. Stewarl'a lfufdo Ketifird Louf, .Sew Orh-ana lOI. A M irovnd'i do 'I'rini'lid t! W'trl Inili.i iio MlftllllfJ'IO tin Salt! Salt!! Salt!!! a i nf.K fT rr rirrtTro hAti.v, YaitH) MPoHH stirs titt IVrf, IN A(Y ql.'ANTll f. fall and ten usn hi im drtrrminft in H MS we iut ami vi.7 havn, it aelliit (oof Will procure it, W I I.I.I A MS. DIXON V -Junuuty I I.3. i,lii (Jlleiiioval. f Bl-IK r-ub.erib'i lake I his methnd vi trifnniiH'i M all Mron iniltbtrd in Itrern X. Alfiander. Hint hr baa removed h. otl'ieo twone of thr elliem i' He'hunr'a Auierienu Ilofe', whiro be ran always louni rriidy totenlo Ihe biifiriuftv of tlm aln'Vc " paitnernhip. The impoatttbilily of hm neemg every oie indebted, rendrr K nrf eanury (or bun funny I" re thai i-very uue mdib'cd iiiunl consider thia rmin u HtBon.il application lur the amou.il doe, hmI that pkyioenl ioi i te mode aooii. or it wiii bt poit f iieuea;y tu hrioif ui'. tf. P. M.KX AM'K.H Mil