I voxjiXjivces a. BOLTON & WILLI AILS ON, Editoku and PnoriUETOus. TERMS: Tli" N'ortli-C.Tolina Whig will lie Hurtled to ..iii.rriliirn nt TWO DOI.I.AHS in mfviince, or j-yVi) WUl.LAKS AM) Hl'TYl'ENTSif pay. aug m. nl he tlrhiycil fur three months, unci 'I'lll! I'.f'. luiin SPEECH OF TDK Hon. Alexander Stevens, of ih, In ilefi-nr.c of Mr. Corwin, ag-iinst Die charge of being improperly conm-cteti with the Gardiner ( 'lain.. ft positive " hire Si'-," caused surpri.se and merriment to the bystanders. Jack passed in, and standing bolt upright before tlio olfi cer, observed " J Jirminseil In lie alumni , S(, and i liave returned like a maul The oftiecr hurst into an uiimistakcable ,' laugh and for five minutes tlio sense of tlie 1,1 ni I r JVIIU lur llireu IIH'IIUIS, uuu imiu.i, huiuvuo nibui,i. " oneiiuu n a- Ueltret r ll IN lite llil. ot He in cue ntnlirn Inn I .'I 1 S .. 1 jiiil.I.AKS at tlie rndoi tin-yenr. au pa per in restored mere fctoou Jack-, lull icngtu DC- ; l. ,licoi.linueJ until nil -.rn.-ur-igim ore paid, ex- f(jr(, t)j(; 11111US1.J hj,cctutors. " CONI LLliED , ,,,t at the option of the Ed.lom. j,o ia j on a phll. ,, v hile ! lint, sir, there is another matter lron1it f;:r::!:::?;ii;n:;:::! , iom i .ho ,1 .-, c um for can i t-oiitiiiuancr. lunrt ad. "'-" ".' ' n nieu uu ii.iu genre ui iuu blouse Kir a suon relerelico to I and good faith, with itst nl fix per cent, the Mount." The claim, like I .George Galphin was 'if them. Ry her remained for several years; bu mnnv fathers, ' I do not care to join with the . nt in Aip-u-t, nuiititude nierelv became tuev i act she assumed this 4f Galphin for JCil,. I"-!, (,'ongres-i passed a law requiring the in numbers. 1 do nt i'.u.ty the 71)1 lt. r, with idteiit fix tier cent, tier Secretin-v of the Treasury ' to examine and tho-e w ho play upon -expressions, aiitimn. 1id not Ihiicniu act create a adjust it, and "to pay the amount which they catch the popular cant or whim of the ju.-t debt? But Galplliud in 170, very may be found due to Milledgc Galphin, ex- "lay. It y an easy matter to pander to the toon alter the act pas; ocutor of (icorjic Ualpiiin, out cf any money 'a-slpui"aid jiejuiliees of the iniiiil'onned. Sir, tieorgo AValtoijo'tier of the Dee- 1,1 Treasury nototherwise appropriated Sir, this U .lie '7Wfr.wj - I''' laratiou of lMdependeifroin tlie State of pursuance of that law the principal the douunard road of the denia.'o.'iu'. It (Jeorgia, testilieu hinii-'in lfMl, tLat h.j ii'ti-re.-t of that debt was paid. That, is easy to trave l it, and, to some, it seems knew (leor.re (inlnliin i he einm rwl l,w sir, is ( i aliibini.-m ! its hckdit, its leiiL'th, to be a idea-ant iamit ; but to vindicate the friend-Inn in Mm lifi.iiniliat In. u-:, n n,,t. Its breadth and depth. J he 1 -it . i. i .1 p s-houlinir court i e stioiiL' ta;tu of because it staieN L upon il, . I 4JI ..1 U.I I... l f.nv 111. II nllf 111 millllill t ii.lll t. K fi Mllwrlli.i lnu llini.it. ........ .r. .u..fTH W . ... . .' I ' I ' ' . . . . i V.rllKMIIIIIW BIIU nil..... ,.... ,- p... ... 6v".US v..v... w., v.....K...8 ..,m,;ai,v,... ,re S colli III! I- t1(, c, ,..... At. X .rl.,.T sf.,,! UlllllIC it, SLTUtllUZC It, tlllU t"il IHC WllClX' IS .1 L. ... . urn. .1 ..... I If 1ll.ll II. ..... IMT I'll I. Will u-nr.k.nnt.. .... I .. .. .... . . .... ... a...... . ........ a...... .. .. 1 I J 1-. 111. me. .u. i , -- nllulc n . .oaimiu'. in mi.i 1 1" ne uuu , u u. i.:e neie euuuceieu niiu oiner u alters nc- i i, ,..u , ,, ,i , :. ,1 c , !, iroMi the rcirular uric. fr lverti, r l.y '. .,, . .. ,. . ,. . ., , , .. , .. , tlwt iiC an oil the COICC lu the Oeorcia . , . " . , ..I., " ieeweu.4.eu, nil mc iiuuac Bmiu ue iu.ili;u. nutvi p pee millions 1IJ lilll'l, uuu one 01 WIIICU il ye r. Alvertimininlii umertnl moiitlily or ,c.- ' . . . . . 1 r i t n i 1 . . ' 1 i i .. , ,i . i ..,nr r,,r cii.h lime. iSemi. too'i h1" scat lu tu0 boat (being taken for has been alluded to in this debate. It was untidy 75 cc iiH per square for each time, one of the wai-bcrwoinen, who tended the freely admitted by the Secretary of State, :i 1- titimui hiein' matt - rru.lto "hip.) hem inied on l-oo'd ""d rfiTtvl Mr. Vnrc-th, I'j.it hPvhad btsen ui ihe Kdiinm. F.eiiern iiiimt be pontd or thi y as a woman and finally uriHwercd to his attorney, and was no employed while Secre- tji 1:1 nM oe niu'iiiH " I.;- I'aj - iiii'iitH fin 1.'- made to eillnT. i r l'otiiliiKter are nnthorii d lu ael an aycntli. muster thougli lie had been ri porteu ns tary o! Mate, to prosecute against the (iov mtl being in the boat with "J prumi-cd cniinent what is well known as the Ualphin to be a board Mr, and 1 have returned UL: claim, (itncral .lacks-ou knew, and ihu coun-j ton want to .1 a mini." Wbeiiv 'cr .Jack Smith v as up try knew, that Mr. h'orsyth admitted this. ;,.or,,0 Walton 7 to that " venerable lua'lJid (ieor-o Val- anvbodv '! J 'id plot H'l ayiiiist ijnaf There's no Such Word as Fail. H i ! ti.ilrf of llic imt!y hrt-w ! Ho ! youth f thv dnwru-QKt rye ! liy alH.uliM thou talk of'-Hikn.y now, W liy lu i. ii:ut KitU r mh ! i.Utmr i-uin thy llio'U in Iiiih 'ii bright niouli! Ami lifht Utut rlitxk so inl; ; I'nr yt-iil'iM ih tt'tc, yiiuir autl Tim r ' D ucli wrrtl im t- il ! Art rrnd in I t hmuty frtmu. '1'iirii tli'u tn -iirt r m hih- ' Tumi to the irtuuN lAtft'i" r 110 it And e;irn a iU aiU untne. Turn to the works f I'.riuu nx n, J t i h t up o dirmi: unit ; And if Ihi'M ntuniil tt, try lu'i't' ThcrV no anth word an lull, Sjini!i voyngcr ctuvdl t!ic wa To k tiii'itiit r w t ,-r! ; And iclirnii in cit ;mhiHi ik y, liih Ktriity suU lit i'irlrtl. Dul l.ikm 1 rt Im- ' !...( .1 ' U T.!l Un-f-bii-lN fill. ! the- t.'''f' i ( ..imnlnji mw hi wsrk wn ilont' Thrfr'i no U'vh w-rd Uil. 'J' m-iit in..! who roo from war.t ami g!fin, Ar i"iw in p rantt ir hinl, ith itoriftl fiiirtitr of l!-ir tuiuh. In (iiany s miti'ti r' nli .H- : Uiuit iH.i.l.- )uutt;a, with In nii ! hi mi, Tli. ni; -is (Ji bTu tm y wi, A i"i ! ifn tlt i: !-rn m u! t ;.. ! T' r. S tpf fcti !i h .tJ fil. A'm! thjn, O you lit of nnHxly hfik, Om. r up thy sink. i- h'-ml. Try a view . ;tf in I. if- n worn Urfik t ("'in ' r Q lw ti r j 1 1 1, A mocking ijt il Uul- lli'-c f'-ar, li it turn -nil i ry ill !i-ul, A: ! flwut into Inn" d.-l-irjj r, ''!). r f.j' h h'T-i oi fil. 'Mlisctllancous. I ftiin tin Atiif rir.in I niitn, THE IH;1L IN rETTICO.lTS. nv "onk (k tiik rr.i.i'1"-' " named him ''the devil in petticoats!' for liberty alter this, it was all m.rht with It was not denied, lie was Seen tary of -v. I : . I .... . . 1 . . ... . i ' . i. . . . l ...... . .t mm, ue weni, aim never was miowu to .-taie, ami aumutcii me laot lieiore the com-; ri,i-,., i,: . i l . ! I : i:l .... I .... ... . . m 1 UILU. .1.3 1 ILI . I U. illll ULllllll.' .111? I.I.III'I. I IITM 1 I M I'l (.I'll I im onp II' 1 1 ... . , ... c " , , , vi i- i i , " :H 'if sm'ai.ii) aliou oet Ins arm into maimler ot the cruisi- J he crew nicked- censured Mr. rorsvth ; and no one then dar- i... n: v i . . . . . . ; - ...l..: i.: . . ...:. n-i i .-ir, . mauc o. r-.oruer .v ....,,uF.. .... ...,..o. . stutt, and you may howltin t the (iah.ldus mid haw Htunila filinVin K.r.ri.f.. li l,orn nui if i . .... ' ' . . . , ! ; ' , " as long as you j. leases whilu I st i it ui.? n-ui ii;:iii i'i D'J, -i it'; i.UTjt'i.irv I1I'I.(MATIC SALAKIKS. i0f the Treasury was by the law of 17! Certain fa. t, inti rcsting to aspiriiiL' diplo- prohibited from prosecuting or beconiing mati.-ts, have been brought to light in letti r-i interesled in claims againtthe (iovirnmriit. from our Jliuister.-; and (.'barges abroad, in Hut, as I have said, there is no law prohib answer to a circular from Mr. W'eb-ter. "iug this in tlie heads of the other l'epart- I lie lion. Abbott Lawrence thinks that the incuts. .Now, I hei' the indulge .ui; ti-Jii. .luii'iu j. aniii.ee inuins luiu lue meiii.T. L iie; llie lljuuigenee Ol me w t "I te of I leo" 'i'l I li hid Sh ' 1 1 d el c"!?X'.nf tb10I.Mi,'",'t,'rof ,:,'f:,a,",1'"M "ouso by way of difc.rersion to allade some- to 'm,.', ,le aLunt of, debti wl 'eh was P-0,(HI(i. H,s own expenses cxeee.l that a- what to tins claim which others have ?.UVj1 ,rM,.W. in H, ,t nionev, and six mount. Mr. hives thinks a Mim-ter at e,at, d w.th " Oardiner.s.n, as they call it. c,,t. inter, st. M he old" man died 1'ari-, " willi a decent regard to his position," 1 addressed a former House upon the same might to spend nt lea-t J?l -,0(i0. Mr. Neil subject. ISut Miey are many here who I ' h'rowu, living as a bach, lor at St. lYt. r-- doubt not know but little of its nieri.s. The burg, sp iiMs li,ulHl, iind think tlie salary g' litb man from Ohio, Mr. Olds. J in his -h..ubl be increased rj,mm. lleal-osavi -peech, alludes to " ( Jalphinism," or ' the the Secretary of Legation has not a sii'h- 'ialphins." lie says, that alter lie- disease jcii ut salary. Mr. l ol.-oui, re-iding at the of the l.nncnted Tay lors, when Mr 1'illinore ' Hague, estimates his yearly exp. iises at entered this Hall to take the oath of office, 470 "IS. Mr. Ifarringcr reckons his an- followed by the Cabinet of (ieneral Taylor, j iiiial exjien-es at Madrid at after an Corwin heard liie murmur from the galler- . original outlay of ?1 ',',-JiMI. Mr. Schwartz, ic., '' there come the (ialphins, '' which leaeh I'. S. Con-ul. estimates the lu-cc-sary ex- cd every part of tin- Hall, pe.ises of a Charge ai Vienna at ii,ii-o. ..'ell, sir, the gentleman may have heard Mr. liamard, at Ik-rlin, found l.io.si-lf on Ki' h a murmur, but I did not, and never (he !iih of lieeeinl er I -"-, 'oil beyond heard of it until I saw it in his speech. hi- salary. Mr. N b.-u-Ier, at Stockholm, cou.-iia is toe ri - iurees pro. idol lor the iin in his lifetiiithat be w.-.s n nut. s lireadth ami Ueptli. J here it stand-, iu riot, anil bad renilereienlial si.ve;,.,. t all its naked deformity. Loo country See in the Geor"ia u, , aim who nave ueeu t:ic legislature that frame law of 17-iO. pro- '' .'""'" hen the ca-e was la.-t j.re- viding for the paynierjL -e claims ; that ?p'-'d to Congress, whose bands was it put li-o"'',, - "r"r i'-r tlri li" ''-to! Into the hands of Ceorge McHulfie, &r.yijit--irs-4iiA''' ' Sfh Caroli.ia. Wo i;r.-' nt-.l , it T tivrsjls .iiircrliral-i iifrrir;.oH'i Jns- George McHuliie? id he want to commit ' ;" and that it was lune.-t debt, due il fraud against your Treasury '! Was lie a Bwiuuler: Jt went nelore a eon.inittee, anu w ho constituted that conimiltee ? Messrs. Ashley, I!reesc, Jierricn, Westeot., and Webster. '1 hev made a ri'iiort to the Sen ior then-ties you eniny? !lu'i 11,1,1 spread it before tlie country in 1-- T IS 'II... 1:11 .... .1 .1 . w' . . . . 'I'l t . . ue inn pa--eu me .-'eiiaie. i nere was no fonuidablu opposition, because the ' grounds upon which it was presented and sustained were too clear, as I believe, to be -avoided. Here w as tlie act of leorgia oblig- soleuiu a debt ever was contracted. It was for partic ular defences, and was put upon precisely the same grounds of assumption as the Vir ' ginia claims, and no one could c.-cajie the , force of tlie reasons. j In 1 " 1" it was before the same committee j in the Senate. That committee was com-po.-cd of the srinio gentlemen who constitu ted the former conimiltee, with one or two ' exceptions a committee of able a el prae- ' tical men. They reported again in faor of it. Wile they the Ialphins " who per-, petrated this nionstrou- fraud ''. The dis tinguished Senator from Michigan, Itiem ral uid ui o:i the te-tiinonv ot tlian who stood bv this country in its dark hour, 1 -hall feel 'g lll:r 10 P.v that debt as no dishonor in dcfenditlie rights of that man whose friendship liijoyed while liy. i rig. I S.'l V there never ; sler ! oii.. iwrili!. Now, sir, I inti nd this . a 1 1 ' 1 1 i 1 1 claim. ( choc Mr. S,,:,, -!, !-, at the res ourees pro. Charge d 'A flairs at this place to be -uflicioiit.'' Mr. lJaynrd puts down his annual e.j tii-e, ut Ilru els ?!, I. Mr. Sebein k, at Ilio, whose cbiblrcu are iu the Ci.itcd States, thinks be may nave p'J.tMlti a year. Mr. Mar-h tbiiiks tlio Minint. r at Coii-tautiiioide '',;it fhiim ngain-t any one wl ought t j have his salarv increased I" a month or two aftc-ihe venerable old man, as the patriot Vm called him I saw some time ago a togiveii at a dinner, with this idea, that tli.H-iry of this Ad-inini-tratioii would be ten in the blood of the (ialphins. Ainlei, sir, was (ial phin. He was one of distinguished men living on the frontiers your country; a man who stood by tlpatriot, who won your liberties and ae.-ed the indepen dence of your c juntry. state further, that hi- daughter Was man I John Milledge, of Georgia, a man v. it name the capital of our State still hi iii the city of Mill ed C when Secretary of War, said that Llile !ind u-n i!.. f. nl d ! 1 . . .n -.red l.v to say something on thi, perpetuation of t tn-icic of a man who nitlemenmay, if they .. ,,, ,..,.,., , ,, .-,,. .. coiilinuc to cry out Galphin fraud ; i:.,.1.1'n ' , ,.!.-.,,- .1 i : . . 7... I ... .1 1 . 11 .. . .1 '. '.1 . .1 I . . . "i li.e i.i .vi . i ui ioc snati iioi on il auyiu uie eiposure ()r which is due to truth, as wcli as right and i tl there was no doubt but that the claim vias just, and the only question was, which should pay it Georgia or the I'nited States. Was. he one of the swindlers! l.ar'y in the bill came into this lluu.-e. and was laid upon your table. The report was printed, and the ea-e referred to a committee of this House. I have before me tiie names of that committee, id th, SAIU'I.S l'LuGdlNG TilKMSKI.VKS. The following is j,ul.l.t4 it, letter from Norfolk "The I'liitcd States frigate I'.aritan is here of which you arc aware. I ba.e b ani ed from one of her officer-", th-t since 'u ttbolili n of flogging iu the lia'.y, t1 who were uispo-eil to ilo their they were compelled to d ohu. in coiiseoiii nee of - the men being coi.fi- -J as punishment for neglect of duty. '"' various ot her oflene. s, look it into l' '" head that something nui-t be dune ' prevent the continuance i.f such a .t-,s- of things. They then fore formed th. m-H-Ive- iito vigilatu-e coi.-iimttees, ami ju-tiee. Mr. Speaker, T am here to-day to de'"' 10 may l" ' enough to assail if I bold iiiyse' '. - say and maintain that there "'' .'r:ia'l in".!." Ga-nli, claim. T - 'V , , i ' ..e otner J a- laded i. mi a oap. r,. ... i., i ,i. bin swim Ij; ' 'i . ri ..I, ool a p. . i . - .. u -, i-ii.ffc i l ,.r .1 I ..--I'll III la'i 11 .11 loll ui lor liusii .il nave of liiniii-trati wrrtiu m the b bi.id ' Galphins, w a,,t written iu the blood me oi uie ruirr-m n i , e-t men w Is raeli their all for t lights and lib..-rt ol tin ir cm! X.w utry i.i in IT'.:!, h j it wa- Gal: II large men i-eing tan their utioii ,.f took upon themselves the punishment of all parties I know and I will vindicate tl matter. 1 leel it n v duty to Oo it. m vindication of the people n i, i 1 konw. dc.-i eii dants of Gaidiin, and men why under him have received their jil-t right- rights which were long delayed at the door of public ju--iiec. Sou.'' of liie-e gelithuieu reside iu the State of Georgia, and some reside in the State of South Carolina a- high-minded, honorable, and chivalrous men as ever trod the f.e'e of the eiirl'n ; nu n who would scorn to take a dollar fr.-ui the Government that was not justly their due. Some of these i in. this rdnimriw r.r,....io. .1 f . tl,, legislature, ot tlie Str . 1' ( t. , Ills sou. x - '"l. I' -"' '-..,1 in T . . L,f . ; ti d t , sc. rul li;J.tre 1 - Jti ; lout it was icp.iH every committee tohoin r.-porti d in favor ot, a-aiii-t ("eorgo,. llj'U as! i .,id : I Iter tlio-. t wa a j-i-t iielt a v hv it wa- ne t il tell v; iti ii v ; ini n, .-im- ly becau-e they ilinot l.a c tlie money. For the same rca-ail fear, that nio-t of our States w ill fail fray- their debt-, when are all honorable men, and unimpeachable, "ue .,f the gi-ntleiiieu upon that committee Mr. l'ettitj is nominated by his party I see, to be a Senator from the State of Jndi- 10 ana. Was he a swindler? IHd he think it i'-'S i- a ereat fraud? Was be trviic to cheat the public; Is he one of tho-e with whose Moil it i- the de-lie .-f some v rite the history of this Adiuini-trati.iii? I'o joa w::nt to write tin: history of the Admim-tra- .'.i".''.'.-! tiiju.in the blooded Ue.ieral 'us', of Mr. i i h ali.io.it ri ft-r red truth, to stand up for the right against the majority, " Uf tntf lux' ." I shall I do it, or attempt to dj it, sir, thouuh 1 be a minority of one. .1 have nothing to say at this time, about , the Connexion of tlie then Secretary of j War with it. Mr. Crawford was inteie-ti d iUi the ihi'.M w via- Secretary of W;.-; heil the interest was paid that is all. t ' will, however, ask, when the o!lei- w:si ma le to Lave the ju-tiee and legality of tiie alio,-, . anee referred to the Supreme Court of the I'liited State.-, who j.ruu nted it ? The S, n 1 ate Journal w ill sh w, ! I 'id they want to commit a "raud upon the ' Treasury .' 'as Mr. lii'TI.KU, of S o-tli i":t olina. Mr. Ati iiison, of Mi-soiiri. Mr. 'l'rit M:v, of Tennessee, and a number more whom I need not name, were tin y all Galphin-? lint 1 .mi done with this; an 1 I ' am al.-o done with the matters alluded to iu the report of the committee on the Gardiner ca-e. I have shown that that committee fully aecpiittcd Mr. Corwin of the char e of be ing improperly conn, et with the claim, ami that thi.- bill has really no connexion with the duty a.- iglied to them. This bill, with amendments, I intend to vote fir; but 1 shall iwt vote for it as it i-, beeau-e, under its provi. ions any mi-nbi r might be put in the penitentiary for going down tithe I 'em-ion li:. and filing tin; memorial of any of his coti-tituohl- i n- a 1 oe.nty land warrant. With amen Inn-nt-. which .-hail prevent members of Con: rc-s from attending to such husine.-.i f oi fee or reward," I shall vote for it. I am in favor of such a prohibition in future, Hot heeau-e there ha- been any thing dishonorable, dis reputable, corrupt, or ',,,, 4V ;,, such act-, and not beeau-e I think that Messrs. Dallas, Webster, Held 1 1 and Stan ton, or (.'iirwiii did any tiling wrong in wh-it I have stated, for 1 do not: but beeau-e 1 think that we .should cstal li-h a rule f.r the future by which honorable u.cn can a.-t so a- led to subject t'lcm-eive- t , unjo-t imjiutati'iiis. The bill thus amended wmi'd. if even made rctro-pectivc. never touch any act of mine. Hat I make, however, no boast of that. I have never looked upon sin h acts m others as at all lii-reputable, much less a.- grounds of ciiar.ing corruption. I I'e-jk it ui-a i-n I j .-. ,-o- that -a-'.. 1- r-i-l.itioii shouid be made. -nl v.ii. .' i!. - ven fo be fraudulent, if it shall be so proven, that the same igilanee which arrested Gardiner ought, to pursue every man who hold,- a portion of it ; tue one fourth stands on the same tooting as the oth er three-fourth.-. I have no lea.-ou t doubt that Mr. Corwin would lie just as vigilant, and the l'resi.b-iit would be just as vigilant, iu ferrering out the one as the other. I do not care in who-e pocket it is to be found. How Mr. Corwin will act towards bis as signee I do not know. Whether he will feel under obligation to make good what lie sold without warranty or condition, I do not ktiow'. And it will be time enough to moot the propriety of his conduct in this matter alter the ease shall be found by the court to be fraudulent, if that shall ever be, and wlu ift.-i Ll't I, or his,, lu-scigi he money idlall fail to rcsp-jiid. I'l. oM S Tli Avuti 'A. The following Iter will show that Kartlmuakcs and Civ il War have t the w. eiiiuat' are let all the calamities they irovide iigain-t mi that ijiiarterof I. l'i-ea-i incidental to our own ii-i find their way there, a.- by the remedy they seek will lor proti i.tion. 7'. '. .". C 'ai.im;:ai-ii. Hi: vtt Sin : r, ; r! ;i Tolt.M. to sold, and W hn II 111 supplies. ol II. In ti IS run here are ini them are lie your our s. A'. (V I'L X leer, -V'-. S. A., .It i.v 2n, 1- . W.' have the ph a-ure t ) -ililUllellt of Cltee.liV I'l: - house, the whole ipi intity pre.--iiig demand fr lie re, await the arrival of f.i"her ,V.''C.Si in rilitJi fllSlli.i. mi its ritfixi out hi ,otln ic ii ii'i ii.ii '' iiir ri'i r pmi 'ii'. Mo.-t of our remedies rtc 1 IVom Kugbii.il, some of and valuable ; but Ii pro line! ot othcl" tl it or a 1 1 v so fully the :is tiiis beau- ii.-al skill lr luarti r has tier you r e!:-:i nee of m.r iopulatioli tiiul pr.-pai atioii uf yours. The Article has attracted particular at tehiioii among ('' fiiift a 'i.'t i a Lyi iiiiil t iti : . i'i-. -in tin- fact that (oeiieral Ihilnes, l're.-id. i,t ' I' the KeMil..!ie, and the high est oil.,-, r H the state, w as cured of a -Cere aiel i a n .-1 ol Is all', ction of the lungs, bv it- ii-. . lie allow.- ii- to send his name. I gi- ii - i-b. tit . We to add tli. aekliow !i dgi iiieiits el.- f..r bis ,-elii f. ii.ue the honor t) be, .sir, cry re-pecti ui! v, our oiiediei-t -ervant, C.'.Kl.'isi A l. Attl.. & Co. W hile our chip laid in ''' '' "f ''' ""-y ;!:i, the Cap-tan. dir-Ccd that the ship's .li.pany should hve twenty four hour-' i.e. rt) "ii shore, "d ill gang- of tw . -lily -liv .i toil 1, TIM was bet. re the gr-"' ration had h-icu uVoii-hed from the Navy. jmn ui, ft' line d.' il came to the uuu of a gang of pretty gn r.iiv.-J lin n that is, melt from ail grades, mien, ordinary seamen, and laud-men 't in ) mu-iti red on deck for in-pi ction prc- i' i- to leaking the ship and every man is a m at as a pin in his dn -s. The " fourth cutter " wa muniicd and landed them on the mole for a day's cruise on shore. This i:i 10 o'clock ill the forenoon. Their bb- otli nder-', l.y t'.icl.ing theiii up ami pmiig them half a donen or a doen wit1' the cat ns the ca-os reipiired, the olbei r of the deck being alwiiy- particularly m bin ions ju-t a b uit the time t ho i.perati ui Was perf'orincd." All i xebange thinks it Would be unu and 1 will Minlieate w In never they or tin ir ter are a--ailed or in; sir, no fraud in the G ; maintenance of what facts and nothing but the trail conduct ligl.ed. .1 to be kis.-ed to death b y a alphin I say fact-. il of In-iorv n this mat There was. claim, in the I shall us-crt which are eon rtil le tl..- ouestion shall Ihctw every high taxaiion, Well, why was i' .-ciilcl tell you. In 1 7 !. tlGen :al passed what is kn as tin act. That is the leneial brought into a gend i;c butioiis of each Statcitl n ri final and liel-e . (.'.Vlf I will nnient the Judiciary ( oiiiinitte i m the senate, and in the blood of the distuinguihi d imiivid ual to vlioii: have just alluded ? Are ail these men Galphin- ? I believe the gentle man from Ohio said that they, the "Gal phi:.:',," were buried so deep that the hand of resurrect ion would never raise them up. Hut the Democracy in Indiana, it seems, ha- imparted new life to om- i f them has j'llfi. -a :' " him. at least by sending him t ) the S. :-..-...'. I heard a geiuiemriii impure how this -e In o'thi Can and a m seriipul ui (In the I'llK.NS I the nest uiir.uie-ael.ai.te acting in tiiat ca f eh il; for ti. ee v. :u I e.ii-r;:: t. e pr -gre.-s of ihe de' having rep oiled I. uri. -iich. eicity, til m.u I. ,..te Ml l. sti;- , Iron. t - r sa Vs ' st--king sel i litei w liohy uufuiii Minlcrgoiiig ji pron r courts see, in.l;ired a fabrication i, that the Gardiner claim wa ded : I ut that the matter w as lieial inve-tigatioti before the , Mr. JOHNS-1.", ol'Teii::.---.f him ii' liie voof of its being was not so conclusive ; to A uiiipti"n Galphin claim passed through this House. unt t - to tl verumeiit .e com ri e general del lice of the erty Would be up nt the same hour, the next f .rci.0- n. They frolicked ill their own way and (j . i.t their " dimes " f'le. ly. There was one iimong them however, a landsman. Jack Suith, who was proverbial for gelling drunk and coiise.piently breaking bis liberty, but 'ed kadbelured li i in upon bis failing, and tiii-time on iioing ashore, the l'ir-t Hieiiten t!ireateiied him with puni-liiuelit if be broke bis liberty. I'roiui -ing t i be on board when the ic-t were, he was triu-ted to go. M..Wilf .lii;fi)..; jiL 1 11 'i U.' .It ' '.r.V 1 1 v Jlf ;'. ! '. rather "tight.'' At the places where sailors' m i-t do congregate, there i., n d much km- CAHS WKSTor TH!'. MISSISSHTI. l.a-t week the ir ui hor.-e -tartcd on the e-t side of the " 1'ather of Water-." on his way toward- the l'acilie t Icean. A short section of the l'acilie llailroad is in readiness, and the train proceeded some four inibs, Tiik S. ihmii.mastkii Wantkh. The fol lowing is a copy of a bill Rent to a gentleman deuce sometime sinci iiusafad:., -ataeilioniiuoina :. r.D tin -ly, in may he supposed, Jack got lo bed wUi out his owu knowledge, mid slept hi:nily. In the morning he awoke early, S'lin what refreshed and remembering he 'ini-t go on board soon, according to proiu 'e. or be punished, be " turncj out," but ' ' ihlu't find his clothes, ci cry ai tiele was r even to hat, shoe-, and stockings. All was silent 1 le w as alone. Ilesw. ro 1 Iiiiii-i If nnd rnnsacked the room all om r, hut could find no clothes lie must "go u. ' i ml," but he couldn't go naked. Sitting "ii the bed, lie was thinking what to do, 'it'll he recollected seeing female apparel "' 9 closet ; (ln I,,. pt,i ,)Ut and overhauled. ' '" illy he rigged himself in a complete suit 'f " winiciis lixius" and proceeded down 'iiirs, out of (he hou-e, down to the mole, wlnre be found the boat wailing for the "liberty men." Stepping info .ho boat, he took a u.iat in thn " stern sheets." After a while the other men came down, ' into the boat, and weje soon alongside -hip. I'0 ' 'oxswain of the boat reported to the efl'.ivr (if ll,., .1... L- I.i- r.,t,.... uilh nil ll.o jdicrty men, rjirjd Jack Smilh, and that ""hud brought off a utiin.ui, who wanted I The Tennessee TVinoeratie IVlegation iu t'JCr.me onboard. The officer then began ! Congress has, it u said, unanimously re '"iistering the liberty men by name, over j commended Mr. Nicholson for a seat iu the aw Bangwav. inhoiiri . to l.esuro who had . V-auinci. 'uriieii nut) wllfs ,, ,s their names ''rr) called the men juisseil in, each in good "filer and condition, w lien the tweiitv-fiftli i j trovi rted iu the tia-t. and lncntrovi fr all iiue to come. A:, i when I am done, 1 want to see the man ri.-e up here in the face of tb.-e facts, and say that there was fraud in the payment of that ju-t debt. These are the facts: In 177:1, the Chero kee Indians and the Creek Indians iu tin State of Georgia, was indebted to certain traders to a eon-iderable amount of money. Th"v had nothing to pay it with. Thi- was while Georgia wa- a Uriti-h colony. I liese Indians agreed to cede t the C irw in of G re at llritaiu a certain amount of land, two mill ions and a half of acres, or thereabouts in consideration of which Great Hritain wa- to take the lands ami "list barge their debt- to these traders. The treaty was made iu 177.1. ( u the May, 177"), a 'i rtiflcate was made out by coiuini-.-ioners appointed according to the treaty, George Galphin for .i'!l,7il l ."i,. The war of the Revolution broke out in 177C. The land was not sold by Great Rritain, nor the debt or any part of it pahl ; ami in tiii, inwgia toou'pos.ie.-.-ion ,,r the lands. She gave tle-iii as bounty to the sol diers who would go and occupy tlicin. She Used thi iii ill our national defence in the w ar of the Revolution; and George Galphin. in that day, did your country and the infant colony of Georgia most essential service in preventing the Indians from making inroads upon the defenceless inhabi'alis of that un protected frontier. I speak from history and the records of the country Galphin was true to the cause of his c iiintrv and her struggle for itidepcti- And I j-tate lit re, that the only sec tion of our State which was not at some pe riod of the war taken by the lliitish, was where settlements were made on those lands, in the county of Wilhs. There the lritih flag has in-M-r waved since the declaration of independence. Nay, more : a fort erect ed by these settlers, bearing the name Washington, on the of Washington th ,. .. .1... .! .1 C . Il inscrutable, items were inat uay to mis was tne nr-i place, as i oe , lieve, on this whole continent, named in lion comiu al imi d'-ad. an I "is. ; . for the : a. id dis i'i hi, am mm country, d ol';. wa: for . Ahis time I ia I icorgiri banot p il l tl; She had dge'l hcl-e Ti ls .-he hi tab. ll p -scd of, butie bad not did not lit it u. to tb iinn: tl le n si niL'gl peiidi liei iiati.'U hin w as C'..7 : I to pay -si n of aid the account -ett'icineiit nnd the Assumption act where the stockho' .'er-: and friend.- of the iiitorpri-c had a feast, nnd g. n ral congrat ulation. All are snnguM." that a ball is stt in motion which will not re-t till it reaches liie hon s of that ocean w i.'u h separates our western coast from Asia and the Kast ladies. We regret that the Directors have decided to run a train on the Sabbath. They may think that it will be for the advantage of the enterprise, but they arc under a great mi-take. No man or company of men ever found it advantageous to desecrate the Sab bath. In this case there was no necessity i . ., w , , . n ... ;, I.KVI SIL1.1MAN IVKS, The Hishop of North-Carolina, who has seceded to the Catholic Church, was the twenty fifth Hishop in the order of appoint ment, of the Kpi.-copal church of the I idled ."'ales. He is a native of Vermont, and was originally settled, as a minister, over a Con giegationalist Society, in the county of ,-t. 1. awrei.ee, N. V. on tl of I7i.il. I be scttlemit nil tern act, was tlioiiglfor a huig tune it. Georgia to be a tinalcttli nient , ami that she could led go belli it. Weil, in l-:i-', the State of irginia me before Congress, and presented claims a large amount, un der these cireumstatir : Mie staled that just before the war ckd she bad. by law, promised to all oflic. of a certain grade and class, eerta'ii utilities for life, if they would enlist in the rvice of the I'nited States during the warTlus.- men had nev er been called into swii-e before the ter mination of the revotioiiary war. Hut they had cn!i-ted, at claimed their pay accord im; to contract Virginia resisted, and finally the courtsjmpelled her to pay those claims, and thelate then came and n-ked .''-ogress to k-ji the As.-umption act of 17'.hi, or at leat'i pay these claims upon the principles of at act ; becau-c she -aid that her liability ( dlieer- was of the same nature as the iMiliees for the par ticular defence th.1t In- bad made, and which bad been hroujt into the As-um tion act of 17l.ll. C'-givss in sinned the liability anlpaid it; ingth.it, Coiigrc-s did ight ; beeau-e ginia, iu I7!hl. did I. Iknow that liable, or would be lial-, for tbes I say it pa. ed this House by tlie unan in.i us vote of every man iu it, when any one man's voice could have prevented it. It stoj ! ui on its own merits. No speech was made, ill its behalf. It had no advocate but the plain, short, strong ar gument of the c uittee. Their printed report lay upon your desk for six months. It wa- taken up and acted up ui ,'it a time w hen no bill could pass that did not receive the unanimous support ot every man in the House. Voi.r Journal shows this fact. It Were all in this It was passed, and ii- signature. 1 id about 1 1 alp bin ? n-tit ute , ami pr he had ceuti 'lis whether '. ( rw in, in-. Gar reei ived ;t::t. - 1 r the A limp- joi-.-ed ill August, l-l- House then (ialphins T carried to Mr. I 'oik for be n .t understand ui Was not Mr. l-or-yth a leed attorney, and did be n d pro-ocute it while Secretary of State under Jacks". i! Did not Mr. Wi-e report then, that this Galphin claim was about f loi.Jlliii ; Vas not Mr. 1'olk, as s'.caker of thi- ll m-o at that time conver sant with all tbc-e facts? It is to be pre sumed that he was. At any event, he sign ed the bill two day-after it passed. Is be, too, one of tiii- famous- family of the Gal- bins ? Mr. Walker, his Secretary of the Treasury, paid the principal, but did i;..t pay the interest, beeiiu-o, a- he stated in Iii- testimony, he did not have time to in vestigate that point. Hat be said and inaik it that whatever Galphin's V' Wa-, this Government, by the act of 1-I-. bad assumed it fnily. The act of Georgia of 170. pledging to Galphin OK 791 Ion. with interest "at six per cent, pi r annum, urn. Hut who can sav, with .1 .i -i inn, lie wouni not i, ave pai i cording to his testimony '.' caa-e the 1 'resilient to tlie recovery of the m -n'-' for forgery and perjury, .V'e. ; Mv. Srt:i'llKs would sny that Ml if these acts should 1 e decided ag; diner, would repay what from the Trea-urv of the I mi- Mr. STKI'IIKNS. I will ao-',v,r the g. ,i tlemati. I admit that the Hp -i h nt h i done what he said, and it is a fact to it b" did it line; bef ire thi- clam ir in the Hou-e wa- raised. The President bad thi- man arrc.-ted under a spit-ion that reached him, 1 think long before the geiitlem-in from ( Ihio (Mr. 11.1'-) moved in the matter. 'I he I're-idi-nt upon suspicion did it, and lie did right : and thi- committee, of w bieh the gen tleman from Tenne-see (Mr. Johnson) i- a member, knows and report- that tin Presi dent has bcc:v Vigilant an; the papers iu the r.port show that Mr. Corwin too has bcin active and vigilant in getting at the truth of the matter. I grant the.-o facts. A change hn- taken place in the f:i-hion ot liieii - garment.- in London anl Pari -. I h - .:- aln! i l ock coa Is are made to reach the 'h ....... an 1 i.ie pai.lui'i'i.M are full an I ...eg. . in- ,.- iioi- uoii oleil l y " j oiiii .; All l l ie;:," ' le h.llg doW II IloW lie. C, illl 1 tllU ( in- i a -a . ing m chilli ' . eoi-nin. .' ,.,.-.. i r. turn t ) the short , ' uekle--, and o'lic r ft'..- .-cii iiteet,'. ctiiturv is taking G litlemcn's full di '-s coats ale with large .-h eves at the wri-t. like the e -ves of ladii--' d r.-s-i's, and worn with un-rs!eev.-'S jiull'ed at the wri-t. like thos0 or-,i by the ladies, the ladies of the Paris n court powder their wigs, o., and so on. We see bo.V it i- going a- the Wolhlll's girts cono; ' p men s go down The trau- n irom coats to petticoats, and tr.-m pet als, to coats, is raphily jirogrcssing. re is no toiling when or where tilings .-fop, and all parties be satisfied. -V. i'. : :. tr an I '-rd Ano:: ll- che-feallll-ls jdaee. in a i . API".:, iai'ii .i.i; .may in: nl-' AN KAUTH- K i i N. in' e a -e Tie now 'rc-i- beeu . will , .1:1. rlie p i v as not bt f. re 1 1 -ii'-', a-- i that act lielore and ;u do- i the interest n. and 1 state tin in because tin lioiidin g and i- yet to be tried. dent ha-been vigilant. Mr. Coiwin h i vigilaut, and am I to be it-he. 1 what In do in anticipation of that jud gun nt .' Mr. Gardim r, it is true, wa- put i'i p He has given bail ; he has found s.ir he savs tiiat be will vindicate hi- chain Is Mr. ( -.Twin, T any one e.s -, tj him ? T never believed milch ill th ' 'lean claims, wh ii we w i.t t war t get. them , when we wire t i l that there were six or seven millions of them, that we .eight to go to war ti make M-xio pay lie m. I thought then that th-y w. re u:o-t of th-i.i nothing but batches of fraud. Hut I will not i.rer.i. -'C o- ca-e. i.et n;m eo-ne uu eter. idge VI. X i.--' I'd he wa claims VI tin was itne assumed. f 1 1 os. : I due i 170 I'ade Josef Can any of our readers interpret it ? At first we took it for apothecaries' Latin ; jiulge our surprise, then, when the key was given to hud the simply these : " A hmsr htilf a ifm,'' ami " a tal.in ml turn Itnmr tif;tiiii." Call any of our readers beat that ? bearing the name of li d included in the ite of the present town name continued from or ol tlie rather ot Ins country, this, 1 say, 1 believe. I do not stale, this as a historic fact ; for (here may have been some place so I called at an earlier date ; 1 think not, how lever; and until the contrary be shown, 1 shall claim this honor for my State, and the peop'ie of the country of my birth. j Rut to proceed with my narrative. 1 he , other tilings sunt State of GeorL'ia. in 17 Ml. missed an act the lit iisnt'lit You paid under that ai nearly a million dollars, perhaps more.' Now then the repre.-ntatives of Galphin came and asked the irneral Government to pay .hem X'!,7!'I ".. -nl., with inter.'-, at si p, r cin i; whic was the liability or debt of Georgia incur - l for the parlicu'.ar defence of that parti the common country nt of 171HI, ju-t a- ihev did the Virginia- claiis, and identically up on the same principle, of cipiity and ju-tiee j .. . i i . i - 1 .i .-.'... . i .. ami rigiu. iu i-oo, me .-c.uiie pu-si u a re-olution reipio-tin;, the Prc-idcnt ot the 1'nitcd States (( icueiAi Jacks, -n) to write to the (lovernor ot deogia, to get all tlie ill- i formation in his po- -is-ion upon the subject, pose Iu January, 1-'I7, General Jackson wrote; and Goviirnoi Sehlcv, of Georgia iteve r t ( I al; Inn, t ne act And who can sav .. with -ix per c i .it. ii.t o Galphin bv the act ? If any man v. a- which I' 11 bad that t!i,7!U re-t, w as n. d of Giorgiii of is bold enough to do sll-p a tr; gr.i; , ion i nay in c ci.iiuis ti. ace 1 so, let him do it. My time will not permit 'me to ili-cii-s this - ,1 j. i t at any greater ilcti;:1!. and I tru-t the House will pardon this ill gfi i .ui. i What I have -aid, I have stated for the I House and the 1 have rnd n here M a political friend of ieiicral Jack-on an-; swereil the iiioui-ies soon after, and among-1 su.t r y. I he -, a- I tilled, iiie iiiu'ontiovi 1 icl in the pa.-t. ill remain incontrovi rtible f r all time to c. . me. and I ib f their coiitrovcr or any where. I am here to resist all party clamor that may be brought against this claim. I -up- that many ot these exprc.ion-, sueu as ' ( ialpl.1..", I partisan feelings court, lieve thi claim i hav.' hi. el. II, ting hiin-i'. count ry. and a slio.iid'l.ave it io it. .Mr. , that he will not d t the opini :i. 1 inc. it ; and b, l.ee the; 1:1, ;s a :::in t him. u a v.o. e.i ; 1 to be, 1 wil Mr. C..r 1 jaror, ,-.i a strong o 1 .1 he -:,:'.!! le he i- ,- : t'1 t t tb. ot ,! - tr. :.!'. . ai .pinion i-, that hi u's ot-illi.-ll i-. lb it. I'llC I lie. that hv in t'.t ..to th Hat I will i 1 i en a- I l e'i -. imt pr judge him at 1 lo th. it his -h eiid lll.il' .s.- s of the . and he will lo'.ll't- -I.ieht ill IL -t pro- r.-e .-nt oeeu-.-reii - ' oi ;UI c art .1 1 l'1'l Ij.-1 in these isles ha- thrown around these territie natural pbeuoun na an immediate and per sonal iuten I lit In rto no means have been p-.h'tcd out for indicating the :i.proacli of an e a rt 1 1 - j ' i a k e , as we by means ol the barome ter, di rive indications of the approach of a st inn. 'I his desideratum would, however, n-.w up; ,.ar to have bitii supplied. M. Ratl-Melit'ii.. a gi l.t'e man c 'irnei ted with the French diplomatic corps jn t!,;. Argentine R.-public. has recently communicated to the Paris Aca.h-iuyi.fSciei.ee-, by b tter, ad-di-.c 1 to the l'reiieh Mini-ter of I'oreigti Aliair-. a sure means ut h arniug the ap pioeli of an earth, piaiiL'. Ace o'ding to this g.-ntb man the earth. piake indicator i- iio thing more than a magnet, to v.hi.-h is sii-pi n-.b'd by m;i 'll. tie a-.r;ieti m a li:t'.,-f,-a;im it of iron. Shortly before the oe ciii leiiee ..f ail cartlnpi.-.ke tie: niagii.-t tem poral -i!y b-e- it- power, an I hence th,. iron falls. Ace -rd.iii'r to Mr. ilati-M' nt.oi. the accara " oi thi- iu oi ativ,. sign has b-i n tho.o'igiih ti-ted by a highly cd-.icaf- 1 Ar gintn.e ii llicer, Cd. K-p'ni"-:i. during a residence of many years at Ar'npiipa a region where earthquake.- are very fri-ipucltt. L.-.iepeiidcut'y of the authority of the c-m-niunieati in, ari-ing fioiii the respectability of its e.-.iiimiiiiiea; u', and from it- being pu' li -he I in the tiaii-aeti nis of tlio I'leaon Aia h my id' S. leiiee.-, the re-nl; i- n .;i.ing li. .re tiiaii might have been s;i-p, eted, from theoretical c,,u-i iereti- :i- of tim aliianee Let ueeu ihctrieity anl uiign. ti-ni. A iii-t.gi i. anee ku ,w n t i be y e ar il ; w e.e t el at le p iv. , r long been i with i a "ll. i puake.s. tWl the u - Weiiiis, Sonic r Webster uttered i'.lll.-uil llilll, ill ,'hl Adams and JclVersou iiy-s; v party heat, emanate trom .and without liny distinct finite idea of what are meant by tbi-ni. ut I sav that the character of every man "om Jack Su This information has been elicited in re ply to a circular of Mr. Webster, scut in th.it there is iitsthi line should he ilelen,icu uy iii'-e who mve uuu. i . Cuiihiit tin- sum nl' and justice. The character of the humblest. l.;,..i;.,,r n.,,1 ..l.i;..i;.,,r l,..rj..H to o iv to uiiv 1 nine l h-.itx.,.l -i n ii lunula if inn inn, In- alike with the character oi inc .iigue.-i.sn.i.i. .I... ?. I..,i;.. i;,?,tj l- ....... - i', i ,,, ,u,,.,l. -!).. ii .,.;" , lire .', e nt. all times, receive defence from me, w ben the country the whole amount aw arded io i -until, was culled. In uu iu-liiiit I - i: ol. ., r..u,,loibn i.-.sed he the , If, on be the commissioner.- under the treaty. j ' I eon iu. ii.iu e li li ii ... i s-. . j - - - , a slot.net ntllienrml ihii. I ut.ii.'n wi.l. a n.l I ' -. I u: . . si . .. I n ...1 f. .r ... lo.d. I .n 1 iwl u wnr.s liouml i n (.milt strriiia tilfiit of (,'iettt Jtrtl'iin," .('., d-c.; "nil. the until titrstion tmtr ts, trlietlu r Ucoigin or the l'ni:.d States ovghl to jxry I ci n defend it. I care not it the uaiut id wrongful accusers is legion ; I will face them all, if necessary. uu nor. i,o win :u i.i. tie. pat. gi !o- a depending upon a future judgment iu . irt. Nov.. the geliilema'.i says. -:n.io.-e Gardiner shall be found guilty 'by lhi-eoi.it, w.-abl 1 del'-nd Mr. Corwin f-T U'.'.di'ig th.-. nio.i ev ? I do not i on-i ii r that the cwdenoo di-eb's, s that Corviu h..s reeiiie 1 one d-d-lar "f the money from lh. Tri:.-:try ot the I'liitcd States. 1 'he testimony is, tnat he did buy what he thought wa a good title,' and sold it without warranty, wi'.h a ipiit claini. That is a matter between him and his assignee. Mr. Law, or some one under him, it seems, got Mr. Corwin' interest in it. Rut my opinion is, that when the ea-e in to his own eas an be 1' iuiil in Nothi' Lngi: lau- ' Superior and coir.ma'i lect, a truly great nr.'t, ueh-afes .-o rare a g'ol, i- n.in.e i . u r. nt bri.ht ex) iniig, giving p: It is rath.-r a -virl- as rail eo'nie. ico ( limii: I . t it eg hum an when Heaven i- n .( a temporary a ,!, a ti'l I ! ! t i r -t u inn ; u ai'i-ir ..f fei leut ll -at. as ll p ov. r t.) kin li--im, iu ii.t ''licet, .so imi -. in its men t. ecu it mil in lit-I. ihlilht I n the ,.-.-. ,, ' ii I fi n- I ' t "' i's men sun t!." nt Sight, liri-s .d ni- ii we'd th .',- ,.' an. I ' S, : f.-'o: j

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