,.. ; j JJ. rAy- fwirii, hoc) )oiii Snij." 7"OXjXJ1ME3 as. HOLT ON & WILLIAMSON, KldTOllH AND l'lturlllkTOKfl. TERMS: Tl.. rtl..ei.r.,lin. Vi,i will h ,(Tn,.I..A .. (uU rilHr- U TWO IMJI.LAkS in udv.nue, er I " :r"". V!.ffl: 'J.KW.: Uol.r.AlW.tU..eHd.-tiH,r. Nu,.aV,wllat 'pocket hau.lk erclii f tS l.nr f ... , I 11 .11 ,..., . i -. P-H-Blt liailtlklllLIlt to lief face, . eJim'oiilinucd until uil arrearage, lire p-il, ti. cijil ul the iiilion ol thu Lditurs. Aih'i rlinonifiilii inserted atOnr Dollnrpcr tquira C linen nrli'ni, lliia mzrJ t y k ) liir Die tirt intr. lion. 3 J ei nt fur eauh cuiiliiiu.uiro. Court sd. virli nd Sliiritl ' ,SjIm rlmrrrd 5 pfr cfii!. 'liijiirr ; and deduction of .'i;ij x r cent, will he mule Irp'ii th n-jrul-r prices, for advcrtiHcrs by ilii- yrjr, Ailvortistnifiits iiiiMrtcd ninntJily nr. .jiiirii rly, t 91 cr sou ire fur ruch time, rienii. uidii flily 75 cents iki s:uuro tor eoch time. ,1 not lie sttended to. i r I'avmenU can be made to either. PoBtinustcrs re authoriicd to act us agents. a" From the Cotton Ca ipitill. U'e rec'Hi.rnil the followinp iipiriti tl lmc lo t'te n aiirri of tlic Pulton I'l.int. It WBihandtiJ u ly i t Hth iunn who ftifurm ui, that it i a coinjw.- Vr inrnofiiirrj Knjibnd Who fr n cr'x w p am! monn, Who it-r all i.thtra f.ni!ii v tlr;..r. Hut t.lmk it all your own ; Vou hvtjKx ritc, frt out the beam I'.rt you bfj-in !i try To wiH ow.iy thr mot tho t tlima Your Vnk-y nM!ibor't yr. Nay, Jotsny Hull, no long r roll Your cyr.b.j(4 up to Hc-vtii, Nor i!i vatr your hdinln btriinM With phitritettn Invm, 'l ili you ha given ti Uio poor A Nirlion of yuiir If Anil t"( tl ' ir- ii.t rrit-fl 1'urkhaiujt. rti!(i,iii lliftl thyhrir." Who iiit! rnfouraijtd Ucry I piiti i.nr WcnttTii hofr, Mi tV'rn tin kjimI ot A:nt a Thr ht Iph n tM t-r' F 'i hi I'.itlH r that 1 j;t tlier, J.ihn, lie did tue tlwd commit, And thuu wat nouriahtd on the ffp'tilt, 'i'ix.u ranting hyjtriU, Y u "V enr !in! is fr'nr u;n Yut ma tiMmt huf jiiiiI drk. Hut irr th i-rowt ttiBi futl you, J hn In evi ry Vnkry h.rk Yuur toiling, nUrvinj;, fl nh an! l;h-od I i y ten ol lliuuflutidft tome, And tlul thry iiiv t mj,'ro fjrc, ijuil kimtri'd frit uC and luritr. In .frn i t'ic in pro rr.;in May roam na Irrf atr. Hut iiativr h fr, tin- lint nuch rontnnntd uu e-iniiot nx him linr While trre and m rry KiiyUiid 1 1. !.). Million in in nr w..v Who, iumjM tiny ju.t M. ir !Uliur gravta, Wuuhl hml ttnd Uas thr day. Tht; pajtora pay that you havt ua'krd Miliai and Altn-U r Sttt, To come and sit you, and that mH? Ilia a.ud tiny mil go: They'll jjo and ahr.w t ir hnrdimntf kn"bs. And if you like ttu ir feature I'r.iy i ud your iiun ttiou m vt To th in and !! tin H v In rn. Wt'Ml all rnnfifa thrn, Johnny dtir, Y' u nri ni"r' kimllv rwn, 'lo sit ill ttiia huriJi-u lrnt our b.ick. And lay it on your own ; Hut re it Imk Im tt ton; tin r . '1 run inf. you'I nil ajfrct, Thut jm r -,titad, tin y i'ho old man f f the am. lisctilancous. cousirj nn.LY gray. " . TTer 11 I UU iini;. Is he lllitu tine." Ai s ien il nii.-l " Ha! ha I ha! cried li II (irosvenor, "see Vuu yonder cuntry gawky; as I live he ii beckoning the coiiilnnaii ; luw if he get in there'll be fun, for I do love to I'l-Vue these green ones, why M illy how jou do open your great blue eyes, you ai'i t Irightencd, are you! look at her Annie; ha, lm, ha, just look M her." " Hut you aro not in earnest, liell," faid Miily timidly shrinking back into her seat, " J'OU Would not be so impolite, so " " Our jioliteiies.s is reserved for the city, dear, broke in Annie; "we consider such fellows as that iiobodici; and if they don't want to bo laughed at, why they must take an outside place with the coachman, that's all." " Then you won't catch n.-' Kilting on the fame neat with you," exclaimed Milly, with a bmk of alarm, springing away from le r cousins, and rsconsing herself oppo site. "S.. much the belter." cried liell, with a merry laugh ; " wo can have a good time with both of hush! here he cmiics oh! Annie ulo,i -i f,i .1.1 " i r The young man, unbuttoned the coach or rather danced over the beautiful pros-, door himself, for the horses were going up pe ts of lit Ids, and trees and rose-lined hill, and springing up the steps rather awk- paths; she, innocent heart, had nothing to hardly, on ncc'.ii.it of a large portmanteau reproach her-elf with, and gladly wonhF I"' held, seated hiin-elf on the scat near j her cousins have cxchangi d places with Milly. l!e and Annie exchanged looks her. ud bit their lips. Millv hugged the back I They sat very silent, trembling and al si "f the coach, blushing eninisou with shainu fainting, till the stage drew up Lear the. for her cousins, and the country greeny, , broad entrance to the l,.ctor's grounds ; -ho wore a very much noilcd cat and a they were still undecided, w hen ilie coaeh rliockin' cap, over which a light thin mini faid, "The young ladies are to stop handkerchief wal thrown, and fastened ! here, I believe;" and unstrapped the trunk under his chin, looked up at them demure- j from the huge tongue. v. Once when ho Pould let but liotie,. ' Henry .lames, niter a moment's embarrass, lhat their mirth w as himself, he- suddenly j incut, stepped back to, thu door, and w uh a 1'iit his hand to his throat, as if to unite his bright smile al Milly, said, as if nothing un iiliconil, e,,-, r.L r the ends of the ! tdeiisalit had transpired, " U ill you allow handkerchief but pausing, ho nocmed to have changed his mind, and let Iheui alone. ' W'on.t you have iny vinaigrette, Milly dear,' aaitl lV.ll, with an arch suidc, and a -kidu gUucu at thu sUiu-gur. i IS, . , io2&: iiinnii f i fe ' , V " , I,,to a ru:,ft ... gina uiiL-cKH were uin- """"r-'-' "U!UU" J a.KU "'7 ""' coz, exclaimed liell, Pnng , "tlie air in this coach in fall y , ,,e,,r,:'U,,?t0"l;1!l!,ri'lly "J til II nk vou." Hnul M e .. 1 1. mJ I. ... i .. ..i i- " .. . . " -.f...v .n.uc mu, iwuihii, Hum, iit.r mm , wtiiinicu, i ui) not need it." 1 I. ..I LL I -I . .. .. ! W ... ..." l n . . ... . . t It It : I '""". ". mmi C ' "Vr. ,0"e' e",," M,"j-0 I ...... Bti.n, " uere e can mii.tiort I yon, you nuvn l rjiiiin rimm enough ihc that I I Ht'tr." i v-.. 'I'lic thoughtlesH girl Hturted, for a blazing I'lf' k f't:cbu'r,tfioHgli thut quick,- piercing glance, with the fire of fifty outraged dig- ( liitie coiiceiitractcd within it. " If you please, cousin l!tll, ."aid Milly, j innr.i ut.Iilr ilw.ti 11-v 1lpi.Mi.1r.1l .In. rntmiiiil ' drill t HimrtV iiii ;iiiv iitfirp I am better pleased with my scat than vour iudc.es- ;"aud the pretty face looked as if 1 il was g-ing to cry I ! The vouiiLMiian turned oiiieklv. the bard I. ...I .......i" ..I .... 1 1 i.;u i rJiironii inn. it-4 .1 11. " lit1 , inoiith, melted into fomcthiiig akin to 11 : pleased hinile, while the two rebuked con- ins were very angry, as any one migiit hae seen. j There was 110 more comnicnt until the ! coach stopped again, this time to take up ! or a Dr. James for a husband. 'I bey are, a fat old lady, with a well worn bonnet, ! however, ery gay and fashionable, if that loaded down with iinnini. ruble band-boxes is any eompcnsaliiiii ; but Miih, wcct Mil and bundles, tno?t of whii h she in.-ited , ly, lives iu a beautiful ullu in a country 011 carrying into the coach with her. Here .town, as happy and devoted a w ile and moth was plenty of material fir tin- merriment ; er as can be lound in the wide, wide world, of the tboilL'litles.s i-i-ters. lie 11 declared that tho baud-boxes must have once cmi- tTni'v w ti ii Mnir tained old Mrs. Noah's be,t bonnet, and MOM Willi A -MOl.AL. Annie persisted thut if so, that identical M 0 '""' "f "r particular iiu iuls b.-nnct was befiirc them. will aj ply to tl.ciiiM-lves the poi trait ois- No fcmcr was the coach door opened " ' f'd'.muiig 'ketch : than out sprang the stranger, and taking j Some years ago Mr. 1!., an Amctican sundry things from the old lady, deposited , gontleniaii, ha iug di-co eied son.c new pro them carefully in the in-ide, all but one, ccs by which he tli.nigl.t money c.mM be which ibe tceitied very choice about; but made in Knglaml, concluded to try hU fjr just as she iierf irined the laborious feat of tune iu I.-mduii. 'cry soon after hit ani- stei mnL' lu-t wit uu tie! (lo-ir. !oii r rd the paper with a crash; something as"lthe leading juinnal - destroyed, and licit mid Annie. eliioviiiL' s c the cdit-ir. Ilewa her real distress at the accident, burst inl.i another iuit.crtiiieiit l.-iuiih. . i The old lady could n 't avoid looking towards them, and as her hair was a litlie aw d I "j .er spectacl i-4 cronKc.l. pre- scnle.l a sight appearing lo them so miicu lous, that they hid their faces almost c jIi ; vulscd w ith mil th. ! " Are these your si-tcrs, sir!" ;lie askid ll.iidlv, tuiliile,' to the in iitieluall. " 1 hope not, madam," he nuswrr alow ai:U ieeiurcd t..u, "my ri.-t -. 1 ui;siipo.- re Jiect nu'C, to them gray hairs are lm sacred for ttilliiij'.'' lie did li it wince in the b a-t under the angry glance ol tl.l liiortilii'il gin.-, now 'OUl I'll t I V Mil IK .I ; !.ut .Millv M ha t tin .Mil her thick Veil '.mi, and U.I3 weeping to bclself. " 1 am going to the lem-e i f I'r. .lames ; do jou know him, sir." a-k.d tiie old Inly after a few niomeiits. " I should, tna.li for he is my father V said the stranger with a smile. The fiu-hed cheeks of Ui 11 grew in-talit'y pale, her eyes met tiio-e of her coinpani m, ui h .i;u lace a similar n.ieti ;u had taken place. "My son, l'r.fi-.-or I. , b. el. ire-in Taunt .ii t i-iiL'hl, and as 1 have seldom the pleiisnr- listening to him. he ii 1 1 n away, 1 thought 1 would make an efloit to isit your father. Voung man, jou do him honor," she continued, with a gratified look, " vou have his , ves and l.i- fore head I should know tin in " the Strang r bad lifted his cap. !'.keii oil the handker chief, and was wiping tie: moisture from a magnificent brow, above which the j -t black curls bung thick and silkily. " I .-hall have the pleasure nl-o of meeting ley son at your bouse, and acquainting him with your politeness towards .t strange old woman, w ho w as the subject of some let very flattering remarks." She did not glance this time towards the young' ladies, if she had she Would have pitied them; tley sat cowering down com pletely cre.-t fallen. It w as, indeed, a pretty kettle of li-h I ley had prepared fir them selves. They, too, were going for the same purpose of hearing l'rolessor L , one of the most brilliant lecturers of the day, and who bad almost been bewitched by the sparkling beauty of 11.11 llroveiior, whin a guest a; her father s iu the city ; so much, so that lie had been heard to declare that lie knew not another woman who no to possess so many desirable qualities for a wile. And strangely enough they were going to tlie very house ol liie man nicy had uu grossly iusiilled ; for they never could have dreamed the g (i(X' to be tho only son of I heir mother s friend, the rich and influential l'r. .lames. They knew, indeed, that he had been for some time expected home from bis tour in Kurope, but his travi'l-slained attire, and his silence, had completely deceived thclll. Meanwhile Milly recovered a little from her trouble ; the envious veil w as thrown back, the two poiitiii; equanimity, the -lad lips restored to tlie ir ui. -Try eves, all the . bitchier lor tho little v.adi td tears, re-ted. inn to assist you out young lauies now daintily ho conducted her to the ground ; but ns the others doseeiided there was u chil lin" reserve iu his maimer, and a painful tuutusiou iu theirs, that told how indelible r;;;ij:t.-cco,,aiooft,latuI1A)1.luI1ata ""wvcor au.l far sitter returned the ne xt day : tli cy 'iOU.J nut endure lo meet I rofcssor L ill thu presence ol his moth er, but thev will nroba dv tre asurc lor li IV: -not to iud,c b external , -"t to judge b.ternh..H,,. to treat old .f ' " '" r"uh " holy t lOlll. I it mole, I ,, . ;.. ....1.1... .1: ' u u... i . r oiij jm i .. 1,ul 1 al" " P""'oiiics.s oriiiian, li iimry. i , " lint you arc tho snnie Mil'y Cray that Baiontne l.ack neat of the ol.l Ma ... and i,ted ifclltc f u and ai umi. u hen f fu. r...l e, pmud ;irln woul.! Imv ic 1UU"UUU UOHll l ie UIICOll' 1 c,, mitre. ... I ......!... .1 .1 .1 man. l-'roni fcliat moment 1 b.v : v..m . still.jiure when I nerceived jour ilelieate ..... ll:ii .10 Jill- ln,l....'.. j-... . ,. . iueteiiiiv. no true mail' ft uforwiv,. pimvs with one who would in.-ult prey hair?, there is little heart in such a one, however faultless the exterior, and I have such cx- 'iretnn ri.Vi.r,!!!-,. f,,r lln. u,,,m1 ll.'.f n h v. t 1 inrr iiniin.ihl( f.tr nin tn ivriPi'ji; r.'iinn over : me when I witnessed the behavior of your cousins ; they may be wealthy, highly cdu-! cated, f i-cinating ; but 1 would no more wed one of them than I w ould i.lay wiih a ratt e ...t - .. Tl ' i i I.... . .... M;it.. ' " ii"ii . j . v 1 . .jici 1111 . . iiuj fj'jt up love, and let me tell you that in my eyes j.iu are worth millions i.ay, more than all me worm. Hell and Ai.i.ie (Jro.-vcnor are b !cd, but m itln r of them has a 1'i oli ul lie vi sent. -d linn-ell at t:.e ollice ol at ti.e OliO and iiiiiii sled IO his an csireO to "I, name and bu.-i!ie.-, wliii auer was speedily bro be .ii I, an ht that the cdi- tur w as engaged. J'.y dint of reat urgen cy, he at la-t MictveiU.l in inal.in r lo- w 'V to the ro 'iii ol the sub-edit. ir, an 1, baviie; l.en-r found atij- dilheiilly in o' tai;.iie' u hearing from gentlemen "I the .ie.-s in hi.s ottiicouiitrj w here the time ol aa editor ii coii-idered almost public property, he j,ro t"' :Ued :it o'.ce t j explain l.i- ui -e j i I y, Hi- tliat It would Ijc received as a la- vor, sihI iuiy gluiiticu, as a no. iter ol coarw in the next day s i 1 1 . r : 1 1 In fore he fail Iv made his beginning, leiwevcr, the -uli-ciitor cut him short, politely but hiiu'.v, f - a : 1 1 g hi., di -i should 'It tl" si,:,;ir nam" a w ill arr HIT! ill Mr. I! I no t nut to -pale, am I.i-i vi-it-ir s ol j. ct u a - t j noticed. " W by, v.--, " it can't be dime, -ir. write' whatever y"i hi .f in lr.-e on will lea . e i .it ir. I V.iiii- e, it yo-ir i.d addr.-s. :ltl 'C with V' r sir." Fin went to the el K 111 t lie fi to the tenc. ( ::g him-, If bowed Hire, w her" he was and priii. r. sat .o out, f ii r iwn. ni-lc 1 w ith pi n. ink and in the c .. r-e of S'One produced an editorial par-, t w ice that number of iines. e l to the cb-rk, no re'v a tuohtv ndiiiit.'s rat'b ol rli-p-'I'lii- be band. 1 I I, r It b. I '.el' it mg would appear the n t .lay. " ( 'ertainly, sir, leli; 'i I il " Vis. sir, i:; ilie " I presuille Won' im'-i tvoe iis,-d in tl " Uiiy, -.sir. I " In t fiat ca-e, si Itoi la 1 1 t w cellllins. h it in the lar- pap. r : -, I shoidii J f,r fun).' sir. the charge will be t large will Le guineas ; Mr. 11. it in smaller, live." took his manuscript and withdr I NCI.F. TOM. The Fun 'gin correspondent of the New ark lLiily .dverti- r, writing from lresdcii. Sax uiv, ! an. li, -ays : ' A few week- ago, at tie' annual fair ill llres.leii, one ol the greatest e iriosiiie, ot the day was a negro woman with a large iron ring in her n 'se, r. presented a-' o to. itive from slavery. She was pictured up"ii the outside and a hand, about ot tin: drivel hiiiliiiiig chained by the ring, . holding a long whip in his -tan five in g by. I he admittance was tits F. S. currency. Thou- sands flocked to see her, in order to gather from life an idea of American slavery. It was a goo I speculation fir the exhihito:-, whoso "name I was not aide to learn. I uiider-fand the above from a travelling ex hibition, making a tour of the whole of Ku rope. 'I his exhibition, pretending to re present the cruelties ot Aino ican slavery, together with extreme piety, a- r. prc-ent-cii in I'l.cle Tom, and the superiority of in tcbect, as represented in Klin a and ileorge of Flicle Tom's Cabin, and the theatre, are creating a universal feeling of hat red among the masses of Kurop.i against the r. publican government of the I nited States. And monarchists are taking advantage ol it through the newspapers to add fuel to the lire, to overwhelm that spark of indepen dence which was kindled through the whole of Kurope in I "'I "- The above is only additional evidence that the Toui'Cibiu party in the l'nited States are ' The friends of every country but their ow u. The only hdlueiice of I neb' I "in s ( alun thus far has been to mai-.e Amcricn liber ty a reproach and terror, win re it was last year a star of hope to tie' ri-ing millions of Vbin.tie. Thus the book has been a cur : the book has b to the oppressed of other Ian-Is, has heard of its doing any good lie noue ionic. A party of hunters, ti-'agcd iu dig ring after a fox, which had burrowed in a clitl on Pine Creek, irginia, recently discover ed a vein of quart, mingled with a yellow mineral, which upon being assayed, prove. i tube gold. The vein is eight feet, wide, eleven inches thick, and of unknow n leu- th. mid a s.did foot of the quail, will J led.l, upogl auaveiiMii'c, slit-oca dollars HJk - IWAUGURAIJADDIIE33 THK PKUNIDEXT !' THE C. S'I'AL'KS. ! OF C0U.MUV.MFA ! It is Jltlicf to feci that DO lluul but my own can klovv the personal re- K"t and hitter sorrow! over winch I have po-itioii,fo suitable for oth- i-l's nil no- .,. .l..:,1.4, f... ....If J he circumstances 'iiiidcr , ....... . IIIHII Ut.311 UI'IL IUI illt.Slll. i tihder w liich I have : been called, fur a limit it. period to preside , r'''t ,lie dctinic.': of ihi Kcjmblic, lill inc with tiioiouml .cnso of rein,ii.-ihilitv. but with nothing like hl.rii.kiiig apnrelien-ioii. I ri't'1111' t.ie po.-t as i.'iifld me, not as to one sought, Lilt iu obcdicnco to the unsolicited cxpresMoii of jour wil!,' swerablc only for lr:n-L.:t C..;.l.l'.. ' i : ti .A ,i t i - ui the nation's confidence rwj iiiaiiireotsliott ot ; but I his, solar from lightening my obligat'e.ns, only adds to their Weight. 1 on Lave huiiiiiioiieu me ill my ; yon uiu.-t su. tain mc by your U hen looking for the fulfilment ',; 1 I'-I1- ot reasonable lequireiuems, you wiil not be ,JI""""!l"1 ol iIm' tnai a"i-' "I"'1' ave occurred, even within the last quarter ol a ' ' ' 11,1 1 "'""- """'' ii'l complexity of duties imposed, in the ad- ... l .1. e .. 1 1 i ..'...! tn i ii i -1 ration both of your home and foreign Mlairs. hcther the clement" of inherent force iu th wed- l'"'public have kept pace with its unpar or j ulbdcd progression iu territory, population. ami wealth, has l.cen thu suhji ct ot earnest thought and discussion on both sides of the ot. mi. J, ess than sixty. four years ago, the Fat In r of hi- Country nnidc " the." then ' re cent accession of tin: important State of North Carolina to the Constitution of the L'nited Slates " ono of the subjects of his sp. cial eoiigratu'.ati iu. At that moment, however, when the agitation consequent up on the revolutionary s.lriiggie had hardly subsided, when we were ju-t emerging from tho weaknes-s nud cuibarras-sineiita of the con fed i ration, there was an evident consci ousness of vigor, equal to the. great mission j, so wi.-eiy ami iiraveiy Kiniieu Ly our lath ers. 1 1 w as not a resunqitr.eius assurance, but a calm faith, springing h'oin a clear view of tiie sources of power, in a govci liniei.t con stituted like ours. Jt is. no paradox to say that, although comparatively weal., the new born nation was iutniiM.ally strong. Incon siderable in po; illation mid a parent re sources, it was upheld U n brocd and intel ligent comprehension of rights, und an all pci vailing pu'-po-c to m intain tii-'in. strong er than armament-. It came fr::.i the fur nace of the devolution, tcmperc l t) the ne cessities of the times. ' he tle.oIL'ht.s of the uu. n of that day were is r radical as their sen'.'inei.ts w ere .ill 'tot''. They w.i.-te'd no portion of their cm rgirt upon idle and de-lu-ive speculation . but t.ilh a fir tn and fcar-le-s st' p ailvaiu etl bey i'l the governmental landmarks, w hich had htherto circuiiisci i bed the limi'.s i huiuah freedom, and la.,t- c 1 th. ir stan 1: rd v, I i, .ai;,-t danger-which haw I lire L led tr en ai. l ! and i lit mal a.liatioll .hi.-h has at times f. arfully menaced at bote. They approv cd the lu-clvc-i ( qual to tie .- lute, n of the great problem, to un.l. . land which tin ir minds hud been iiluiiiinat d I v the dawning li.l.ts of the 11. 'Volution. The object sought was not a thing dreamed if: il was a thing realized. They had cxhid'o d le t only the power to achieve, but wil all i.i-L.ry af-linii- ti be so much mot' ui..l-ual, the ca- acity to maintain. The pressed through i.it the world, from that av t the present, have tinned their eyes lit herw aid, not to. find tho-e lights t xiingui led, or to tear lest they should , ui.e, but to b coii-tanlly clieer i'd by their steady and k-reaing radiance. In t'ais our country ha, iu my judgment, thus far fulfilled its high.-t duty lo suffer ing humanity. It has spkeii, and will con tinue to speak, not only K its words, butby its acts, tlie language of jmpathy, encour agement, and hope, to tb-e who earnestly li.-icii to tones which pronuuee for the larg e t rational liberty. A m, after all, the most animated cncouragemriiian.'. potent appeal for freedom will be its on hi.-t -ry, its trials and its triumphs, l'lv-ciiu. ntiy the power of our advocacy repos- in our example ; but no example be it r.n. -inhered, can be powerful for lasting goo whatever appar ent advantages may be -lined, which is not based upon eternal pr'i iplcs of right ami in-tlee. Our fathers dec led for themselves. i..,tl. hi il,,. lir i,-. -'dare and the hour to striite. They were In ir ow n judges 0f the circumstances und' which it became them U pledge to cachother ''their lives, their foi'Mnes, and theii-ae red honor, " f-r the acqiii-itiou of the plccless inheritance transmuted tons. Thivncrgy with which that gl cat conflict w as of ned, and limit r the gui lance of a manifest. id beiielicviit Prov idence, the: uncoiiiplaiviig endui'ince w ith which it was pro.-icut.'dj its consummation, were only surpassed by'he wisdom and pa triotic spirit of couccssia which character ize. I ail the counsels of ifl early fathers. I ne of the that wisdom L most iiiijcssive evi'iciice of t j be ljud ill the fact, that the actual working ofjur system has dis pelled a degree of solitude, which, at the outset, disturbed bold jartsahd far reach ing intellects. The a pcheusions of dan gers from extended .trritery, multiplied States, accumulated Wiith, and augmented population, has pioveito be unfounded. 'I he stars uponyour Jinie-r have bee 't;io nearly thrcc-iohfiheli' dgiual number, vour densely populated po-.-oioli- .-kil l the sh d. s of the two great ocan; and yet this v a-t ine rca-e! of people' and irritory lias not only shown itself eonipati' hwith the harue)i,i-..i-ae'tion of the State- ad the Federal Gov ernment in their iv- elite c in-situti"i.al spheres, but has ad'.u-id an additional gu.ar ai.tee iit'llu sir, n-th lid into-Tit V of both. vv:.i .:' .-.ilo... ,";.,,...(;,.-. il lill ,111 e. i' I o ie . .....- v . cheering, the policy i luy Admim tiatiou I will not be ceiiitrolleiey any timid ford ' : dings of evil from i'uiision. In-h id, il i nut to be disguise d I at our attitude as a ; nation, and our p .-it.son the globe, render the acquisition of .main possessions, let ! w ithin our jurisilieiiiti eminently important i for our protecli v.i, iilt, iu the future, es sential for the prc-irvthiu of the ri ! eoiiiinerce and the tare of the w lits rid. ! Should they be ai.d, it will ho thi-oj gh grasping spirit; La w-.th a vie to d... I IIO GTH 16, IBS iou.i mitional inlcic.' t and cocui ity, find in a mannor cntindv con.-iteiit with tho ctrictot ! obscrvaucc of national faith. We have noth ing in our lii.-toiy or position to invito ag-frrest-iou.-; wc have every thing to beckon us to tho cultivation of relations of peace and amity with all nation?, l'm-jiocc", therefore, at once jut and pacific, will be sirnilieaiitly tn'irl;ei in flip fiiwlnrt nnr f. i r. i ir 1 1 !ifl:iir4 i illU.ld tllat . Adniini.-tratioii hhall leave ,, Llo, on our flir ' record, and trust I may safely give the assurance that no net within the legitimate scope of tnj- constitutional con trol will be tolerated, ou the part of any portion of our citizens, which cannot chal lenge a ready justification before the tribu nal of the civilized world. An admiuisti-'i-houie, or n.-peei u'u.uad, Kliuukl it cease to te influenced by the conviction, that no ap parent advantage can be purchased at a price so dear a-i that of national wrong or dishonor. It is not your privilege, as a na tion, to speak uf a distant pa-t : The stri king incidents of your history, replete with instruction, and furnishing abundant grounds for hopeful coiifidct.ee, are comprised in H period comparatively brief. Iiut if your pa.-t is limited, your future is boundless. Its oh- ;.,.; s tllroii the unexplored pathw - 1 .... 1 II v ol advancement, and will Le limitless as mira tion. Hence, a sound and comprehensive policy should embrace, not less the distant future than the urgent present. The great objects of our pursuit, as a peo ple, are be.-t to be attained by peace, and are entirely consistent with the tranquility and interests of the rest of mankind. With the neighboring nations upon our continent, we would cultivate kindly and fraternal re lations. Wit can desire nothing in regard to them so much as to see them consolidate their strength and pursue the paths of pros perity and happiness. If, in the course of their growth, we .should open new chimin Is of trade, and create additional facilities for friendly intercourse, the benefits realized will : equal and mutual. i'l the complicated ui'opeali sv.-teiii of national polity we have heretofore been independent. From their wars, their tumults nud anxieties, we have been, happily, almost entirely exempt. Whilst the.-e are confined to the nations which gave them existence, and within their legitimate jurisdiction, they cannot alVectus, excej t as they appeal to our sympathies in the t '.gc of human freedom and universal adv ancumeiit. lint the va.-t interests of com merce are common to all mankind, and th. advantages of trade and international inter course must always present a noble lie-Id for the mural influence of a great people. With these views firmly and honestly car ried out, we have a right to expect, and shall under ail circumstances- require, prompt re ciprocity. The rights which belong to us as a nation are not alone to be regarded, but tho-e which pertain to every citizen in his individual capacity, at home and abroad, mii-t be sacredly maintain!' .. Sj long as he can di.-cern evory star in its place upon thai ensign, without we;tlth to pun:ha?c for li-'n preferment, or title to secure lor hi in place, it wiil be his privilege, and mu t be his acknowledged right, to stand umlashed even iu the presence of princes, with a proud i consciousness that he is himself one of a mil ! lion of sovereigns, and that he cannot, iule-, : gitimate pursuits, wander so far from home that the agent whom he shall leave behind, in the place which 1 u .vv occupy, will not see ' that no rude baud of power or tyrannical passion is laid upon him wiih impunity, lie must realize that upon every sea and on ev ery soil, where our enterprise may rightful ly seek the protection of our flag, American citizenship is ni. inviolable panoply for the security of American rights. And , iu this connexion, it can hardly be necessary to re afhrm a principle which should now be re garded as fundamental. The rights, steii ritv, and repose of this Confederacy reject the idea of interference or c .Ionization on this side of the ocean by any foreign power! beyond present jurisdiction as utterly inad-j ini-sible. The opportunities' of observation, furni-h-c 1 by my brief experience ai a soldier, confirmed in n y mind the opinion, enter tained and acted upon by others from the for in at i ui of the (iovcrnment, that the main tenance of large standing armies in our, country would be not only dangerous, but unnecessary. Thcv also iliustrated the im- portance, 1 might well say the absolute necessity, ot the military science and prac tical skill furnished in such an eminent de gree by the institution which has made your army what it is, under the discipline and in-truction of officers not more distinguish ed for their solid attainments, gallantl y, and devotion to the public service, than for un obstrusivo bearing and high moral tone. The army, as organized, must be the nu cleus around which, in every time, of need, the strength uf your military power, the sure bulwark of your defence a national militia may be readily formed into a well-lii-eii'lincd and eliicieiit organization. And the skill and self-devoiion of the navy as sure you that you may take tlie pcrlormaiice of the past as a pledge for the future, and may confidently expect that the Hag, which has waved its untarnished folds over every sea, will still flout in undiminished honor. Iiut these, like many other subjects, will be appropriately brought, at a future time, to th.: attention of co-ordinate branches of the liovci'iimont, to which I shall always look with profound rc-peet, and with trust ful conlideiiee that they will accord to me the aid and support which I shall so much need, and which their expcriciice and wis dom will rea. lily .suggest. In the administration of d-mie.-tie affairs you expect a devote d integrity iu the public service, and uu observance ot rigid economy in ail departments, so marKe I as never just . ly to be .pi.'stiom il. li I his reasonable expec tation be not realized,! frankly c 'iifc-s that one uf your leading hopes is .loomed to dis appointment, ami that my efforts, in a vcry importaiit particular, mu-t result iu a hu miliating failure. OtVu-es can Improperly regarded only in the light of aids for the accompii-linu'iit cf the se objects ; and as occupancy can confer no prerogative, nor imp' uiiato desire lor lierleruiiiit 'iv Saudi they Ix toasiJcri;-! with sole rvfer - e'lai the psiblh: interest imperatively J ciicc to the duties to be performed. Good I citize ns may well claim the protection of 'good laws and the benign influence of gooel government ; but a claim for cilice is what the people of a republic should never re- cognise. No reasonable man of any party will expect the administration to be so re- ganllcss of its responsibiliiy, and of thu obvious elements of success, as to retain persons known to be under the influence of political hostility and partisan prejudice in positions which will require, not only severe labor, but cordial co-coperation. ' Having no implied engagements to ratify, no re- wards to bestow, no resentments to reiiicm- bur, and no personal wishes to consult, in '.Kclcc tioiis for official stations, I shall fulfil j'inotive as '.v..,,-vn... . 4 , ..... i pos-ition; which does not contemplate an j efficient discharge of duty and the best iu- (.-rests of my country. I acknowledge my j obligations to the masses uf my countrymen, and to them alone. Higher objects than 'personal agoraudizciiiciit gave direction and energy to their cxeitions in the late can vass, and they shall not be disappointed, j They require at iny hands diligence, integri ty, and capacity, wherever there are duties i to be perfo rined. Without these qualities ;in their public servants, more stringent ! laws for the prevention or punishment of fraud, negligence and peculation, will be I vain. With them, they will be titiiiccssary. ! Hut the-e are not the only points to ' which you look for vigilant watchfulness. The dangers of a concentration of all power I in the General lovcrntuent of a confcler ! a.'v so vast as ours are too obvious to be dis- regarded. You have a right, therefore, to i expect your agents, in every department, to regard strictly the limits imposed upon ! tin in by the Constitution of the l'nited States. The great scheme .if our constitu tional liberty rests upon a proper disti mil lion ofpoWer I" tvv ecu the State and Federal authoi ities ; and experience has .shown that ; the harmony and happiness of our people must dtpend upon aju.-t discrimination be tween the separate rights and responsibiii- : lies of the Staffs, and vour common - rights and obligation' under tho General 1 Government. And hi re, in in v opinion, are the considerations which should firm the true ' ba.-is of future concord in regard to the questions which have mo t seriously dis turbed public tranquility. If the Federal Government will confine itself to the cx-cn-isp nf powers clearly granted by the Con stitution, it can hardly happen that its action upon any question should endanger the in stitutions of the States, or interfere with their right to manage mcstic according to th people. ' In cxprcs.-ing briefly my views upon an important subject, which has recently agi tated the nation to almost a fearful degree, am moved by no other impulse than a mo.-t can. iet desire for the perpetuation of that nio:i which has made us what we are showering upm us blessings, an 1 conferring a power and influence which our fathers could hardly have anticipated, even with their nest sanguine hopes directed to a far oil' future. The sentiments I now announce were not unknown before tin: cxpr. s-ioii of the voice which ca'led mo lu re. My own position upon this . subject w as clear an I un equivocal, up in lie: record of my words and my ads and it is oulv recurred to at this time because si'eneo might, perhaps, be mis- J construed. Willi the L mon iny Lest and deaiost ear'bly hopes are entwined. With out it, what are we, individually or collec tively ? What becomes of the noblest field ever opened for the advancement of our race, iu re ligion, in governini nt, iu tlie arts, and in all that dignifies and adorns mankind '.' From that radiant con-tellation, which both illumines our ow n way and points out to struggling nations their course, let but a sin gle .-tar be lo-t, and, if there be uot utter darkness, the lustre of the whole is dimmed. 1X my countrymen need any assurance that such a catastrophe is not to overtake them while I possess the power to stay it T It is with me an earnest and vital belli f that, as the I'niou has been the source, under Providence, of our prosperity to this time, so it is the surest pledge of a continuance of i. ..!.!....;.. ... i. ....; I ,.a .. in, i-ii s-.iigs ,, t; ii , t; t uie' , e n , uu ,'i.e.i " t. .... , , . . . . . ... l- i..i are sacrc.l i v uouii'i io i ransiuu unei iiiiiuisueo - - to our children. The field of calm and free ' FX IT. At illl'IN'AllY CASK I.FMAI.K discussion iu our country is open, and will gMil.K HK ( I'l'ION IF AMISTUKSS always be si; but it never has been and: TOI1K11 SLAVE, never can be traversed for good in a spirit AW- have recently learned the panic of sectionalism and uiicharitablcness. The ulars of a very straii.e history, one of the founders of the Kepublie dealt with things as they were presented to theni, in a spirit of self-saerificiusr patriotism and as time has proved, with a comprehensive wisdom, which it will always bo safe for us to consult. Kv crv tii-.isitre tcmlin:- to ulrt'Ttt.t.'it tlw tVn terual feelings of all the mouther of our I -nion has had my heartfi It approbation. To evf rv theory of feverish ambition, or of mor bid enthusiasm, calculated to dissolve th; bonds of law and affection which unite us, I shall interpose a ready and stern resistance. I be lieve I hat involuntary s, rvitude, :e il ex ists in different States of this Confederacy, is re cognised by the Coustituti m. I believe that it stands like any other admitted right, and that the States where it exists are enti tled to eliicieiit remedies to enforce' the con stitutional provisions. I huld that the. laws of I -oO, c Miiiuonly called the "Compromise measures,"' arc strictly constitutional, and to be unhes.tatiiigly carried into effect. 1 be lieve that the constitute 1 authorities of this llepuldie are L mud n regard the rights of the South in this respe'.'t as they would view any othe r legal and constitutional right, an 1 that the laws t enforce them sh mi l be re spected au.l obeyed, not with a n ine t inea i uc'turageel by abstract opinion a- l their propriety in a different state of society, but cheerfully, and according to (he deci-i uis ef the tribunal t ) whi. 'j their e vp i-iiion be longs. Such have been, and ar. tio',1-. and ii'i.-il them I shall act my cuivie'- I fervent- Iv h-'tie that the iiiietnin is at f".- id tuat t n ) sectional, or ambitious, or fanatical cx 'ciLouciit may again threaten the elm-ability of e.ur institutions, or ob.-c .:rc the li0ht of our prosperity. Pat let not the found atini of our hope rest nn-vn nno's wisdom. It will not be sulTiciem. jthat '.twaal iUXi find nop'-ai iatuei t public deliberations. It will not be sufficient llint the rash counsels of human passion aro rejected. It must be felt that there is no national security but in the nation s hum- blc, acknowledged dependence upon Uod and his overruling Providence, We have been carried in safety through a perilous crisis. Wise counsels, like those w hich gave us the Constitution, prcv ailud to uphold it. Let the period be remembered as an admonition, and not as an cueournge- lnent, iu any section of the Union, to nniko experiments where experiments are fraught with such fearful hazard. I,ct it be impress- cd upon all hearts that beautiful as, our I'ab- lie' is, no earthly power or wisdom could er- er reunite broken parts. Standing as I do i.... ..,:,!.;.. ;....,( i,a ,- w,. nf the tomb of Washington, with all the clicr i.-hed memories of the past gathering round me, like so many eloquent voices of exhor- tatioii from Heaven, 1 can express no better hope for my country than that tlie kind Providence which smiled upon our fathers niiiy enable their children to preserve the blessings thcv have inherited. l'nim the Anson Arpuf. K" The following, which is being ex tensively circulated and commented on in the Northern papers, has been sent us by a. friend iu New York. The old lady men tioned as Mrs. K. is Mrs. Kindred, who left this county about two years since, carry ing her slave, .Jacob, wiih her not, as is stated in the extract I clow, to give biin his 1 1 ti ll i in, and r.-sioie him to his wife, but. as we are ii of the in oiliied, to keep the rightful heirs ro from getting l.iiu at her death. The woman Nancy, spoken of as the wife of Jacob, was Lot a slave, but a free Wo man who e It her husl and and went to ' 'bio some ir- ag 'ik-t s! in ever came back lu re to gi t her ho ve c think very doubtful. band to runaway, 1 he story of her Iv ing out iu the mountains several , wo suppose was put in for effect. 'J hi re aro no ui. mi. tains in or near Anson County, that. she could have Used for the purpose, and if there I ad been there was no neces-itv for her concealing; herself as .-he wan a free person. Whin Jac...b attempted to runa way he was taken lip lit (1 rei n-bul ongh, ill Mead of Lear the t'uml e iland Gap, a.- Mat ed l y the Cincinnati Gazette. Mrs. Kin dred left no jri.j.eity iu this county , neither did sin; runaway with her slave, but came to Wadcsborough and took passage in the stage openly. We will relate a circumstance that oc- matter.i .strictly do- curred at the same time that this " extraor will of their own ilinary" all'air happened. There is an old li. g.o now living near this place', who all our citizens know by the name of Ge orge Moore, or " L'licle George," s he is called. Cncle George took it into his bend that be would do better to remove to a free Stat", but acting on the advice of his lViemb- of which he has many among the luo-t rc-pce-table per-ons in thi- community In: Wert out to e xamine (he country, ace .n.pany in.; .Mrs. Kin lied and her man Jacob t) io George remained in the Slate tor some time, noticing how his colored brethren wcio tr i.lcd by the whites, the place they occu pied in society, Ac., when becoming dis-gu-ieil, he made the bc'-t of his way back to N.uth Carolina, declaring that he had ra ther live a slave here all his life than to cn- y his freedom iu Ohio. A negro in Ohio, s he expresses it, '' stands iio more chance than a d"g." George was a slave for many years, but purchased himself and scvcial uu iiibcrs of his family, and has means to make him comfortable for life anywhere, and only wished le live in a free .Nate in order, as he said, to enjoy more freedom, but lie i- of opinion that Ohio is not the State f.r l.i in. We think Mr. Harriet l.ccclicr Stowo could get a few chapters for the nest edi tion of ' I'ncle 'Tom s Cabin," by consult ing Fuele George. She will tind him will ing to give her the benefit of his experience', as he does t every person who asks it. He advise all blacks, whether bond or free, ts stay i.i tho siaw States, and te'iis theln if they go to Ohio tin y will hud that free uc gioes there are far from being free nitu. The following is the extract from the Ciu- . . . , ciniiati paper, re -birred to above straiigc-t which the vvoiking of tho " pe culiar institution" has yet brought to light. We have heard of masters belonging t their slave's, but we never before heard of a slaveholder running away with hi slave ... t. f.i.-s, i.:.. i.; nL.i The to' lowing are tie' particulars : Nancy a few years since a bright-eyed mulatto woman, the slave of a geutleiu.in residing in An-on county, North Carolina, fled to the tree States, which, alter unusual hardships, and theexi reUe of more heroism than is generally attributed to her race, she succeeded ill reaching. She left behind a husband, who was al.-o a slave, btlouing ti a .Mr-. K., of the same county, io this h.i-baud Nancy was strongly attached ; an I though she was well situated in this S'ate, could give her.-elf no peace until she hart resolved to ret. iru a:,l attempt his rcSCae". i'hg long an I weary j- uriu-y to her old home was" male on fool, and by night. Arrit'-d near the '.'e-idence of her hus band s u.i.-tres, she lay concealed for nure than a wee.; in the mountains, before sli-? cool I safe v procure an interview'. II : dare i n g li-it the attempt to flee, ...ul it w is sever al week before luis black Macbeth - c oar age coal I be " screwed t t the .slicking -r rather to the running 'point. At .a-t lo tied, an I had nearly reae'lu'd t Und cap. when he wasovcitik i.e L aoiocr ..) au.l cup- , ttil'c"!. ; Hi, mistress, ',,v th.' w -1 - vv ,..;ilg e io f.ar of Ii.t . ti :- il. i: c'i is. N .i:ic V .' c i ; .' I i sli Jtibl escape. b.K . ,v i heirs, who in lee 1 were th.' cd and iMptu.C I th-- sl.i.e. an 1 before- here. The a -, I nil.!;, - ot f.. f.igilive was so I by t'a devoti i:i of of i.ie h.i,b in I t i hi o-.t'ei'. e I t'.i ' -tr i i ; i oil v, ,lh her o a'.i , Nancy and tae de-i ' re-uuttcJ, lo l! ue c