Jr... O J 0 VOIaUME S. CHARLOTTE, 3M". cL EJJ&.E. 2S, 1S58 3j"ox:2: 6 A BOLTON fc WILLI Ad SON, Editoiuj and ruonuETOits. TFltMS" The North-CrolinaWhiwill be .Horded to ...Umbers t TWO IulF-AKS in advance, or iWO DOLLAIts AND FIFTY CKNTS if pay. , i,i Iw delayed lor three iiitiiitlm. und TllKr.K HObLAKS at the end of the year. No paper will yourself amply supplied with all these little look over our wide spread bind ui.d behold mij.1 all rr..araKc. arc paid, ex- ll0Uhcold co-lvci,iei,ce, which you necni so - tlciucresingBiilouiitofttfferii.,faHd wretch cq,t at the option Uf tli. I..I. or., much to w ant, and my word for it, your bus- edness there exists, without a feeling of pain- .,. .7 1.... il . . 3 tnx iiir L , , ,.,', t,oii. niidS5ceiiUi.rtaolicoiiiinu'incc. Court ud. miiciuciiti and Sheriff'. SuIcm cliiirj-rd -15 p.r . i. i . a . .i-.i. ...:.. r 'ft i .. .11 etui. iMKin-r i uu. j p.i - ..I ch: iie'iui' iroiii inn rtijuur -nt-., . ' ...,'.. i c. t. .; si....i leuiiihly 75 cenummrefor cU time All I.. ii. I. .;... n, ii i I.,- ilirr, !, !! l,. n,r Hiiit'n. lAHtrr niut be pot pma or tlmy will not ! ttelidid to. IT Payiiieiitu can be made to cither. 3 J i'lMtmactcri arc authorized lo act ai ajjentn. Jotfrn. rOH THE NOKTIl 1'AUOLINA V lil'l. BY-GOiME HOURS. Ii V MAC. Hwrt mtn'ry clear ! how oft I fu l, T(too rapt'ruUi tlniUytiU, drawn I'rurn it store Which till my iiniid my n-v'rm mral In plcantit drvami ol' Uy-goiie Hours." Whrn fretted car is laid n.dr, lff chnirtff iH"lh ( irrniimii lltiwrri, I'm wailfti not on trcul lr's tnii-t Jtut sweetly drcum of Ity.uiic IIur," W'liL'n nmiy crowds imund rut; throng. And bitler grit-1 upon nic Kur, 'J'iii tv is a balm a waking iui. Th lovely soiijf of Hy.guiic Hours." Whrn t'inprts rae mml lightning Hash, And fi'irs niprirs snd tiati r hwt rnt Wjirn angry hilloWM 'riHiiiil ntv dash, .Memory turns to Jly-g'ntt llnur.' And tt w when NjIutl' Hrir.g" -itw. And earth sh' Is forth itt n tiled tluwtrst Wtu n hilmy c pliyra sttly hl"W, .M'-in'ry rt-coils to " !5y gout lluiirs." Wlicn seasons change and tinu rolls on. Ami snow giv pUt r tutniiM r showers, Mv mind will ntill -.till think Uwn Thr frtai linn s of " Hy goiif !liuri." Mr. Clio, Stum, S ('. JHisccIlancous, KY SCISSORS. IV I'llANi'lS DANA liA' F.. ' flood morning, Mrs. Wicks 1, you well, thi morning.' npe I see 'Will, ycB, pretty well and but my l.aicM. 'Vour hands! What's the matter with your hands ; not been scalding them, I hf pe !' ' No worse than that ; I have pot them all blistered up, trying to cut out the chil dren's fall clothes withny obi srisor, I've livl 'cm these ten years, and they're jut as dull an a hoe, and every time i cut a round a bout, shirt, or pair of pants, 1 have just such a lime of it. Su-an Willard is sewing f"r me now, and I wuutcd to get my cutting done while my hand was in, so I ju-t want ed to see if you would not lend me your nice large tailor shears a day or two, for 1 won't do another thing with mine for a week to v-oine.' ' lb-ally, Mr. Wick, I would like to nr commodate you, but I urn very busy with lain just now, cutting rags for my carpet, and could not possibly spare them without grc.it inconvenience.' ' Well, I don't know what I'll do I can't cut out any more with mine, and Susan has only two weeks to stay. you know of any one that has a good pair V ' .No, I do not. Would it not be better for you to purchase a good pair ? I could hardly get aloni; without mine for a single day, without feeling the w ant of them. ' ' V hat did yours cost ? 'Two dollars and a half.' 'Two dollars! and a half! Goodness! Mr. Wicks would no more let me have mo ney to buy such a pair of scissors, than he'd fly.' '(h, I think you are mistaken;! have s m-neti II, on, ,1,1 M U .,t-- 1...1..1. t -J -.....v ,.,vb,s llltlUlgCIIL. Tl, -.'. ul. -i .... ..i..:..,t.... .. J hardly ever ask him for money, but what he says something to hurt my feelings, ami I often do without things i reaily need, rather than havo any words. Why, yes, to 'tav I asked Li in for money to iet in v ....... b.i. ,. ,.,t-Hi,-iiiti -in,-r iiiisin-, fall trimmings for my bonnet ami Uosina's, and it was all I could do to get it out of liiin,'- 'How much did it require to fit your boii-tK-H tip for winter V ' ' hily five dollars ; it would cost ten, you know, to get us both new ones. 1 thought h need not have complained at fixing up the old ones.' ' And you have the live dollars in your possession ?' 'es, und wo thought wo would pet trillllliillira fit CrmO'ii Tli nl 1 ,i t n t i I'll I roenl I'Tl- with the orange edge; it's a love of ribbon, and no cheap, only eve!.ty-!ivo Cents a vard ' ' M .1 H--I.. i . :.. ' J -t ar .'Irs, , leivs. H i mv tuts ?-m 'ar Mrs. Wick, let me give you j new idea. ould your husband com plain if you bhould trim your bonnets with ribbon worth half that sum, and appropriate br balance to the purchase of a good pair f scissors I' ' No, of coarse ho would not ; but who, ' d like to know, is going to make them "'vesthe town-talk for the sake of grutifying uisbiihd'ii whim !' ' I'o it to gratify yourself to add to your u comfort. Jly bonnet trimmings ami all dl not cost mo over one dollar and a half, a," I don't believe the town with trouble it-f-dfuuo bit about it. Towu-talk,or uo talk, you may bo sure I'll never run about with my fingers in rags while I can save the ju ice of a pair of scissors in one bonnet trimming. Now, don't be offended, Mrs. Wicks, I know 1 ' you can't -at along any 01 'cr tlmu just as you do-but if you will only make the effort to economise in vour items of drcsB. Ac. Vou will noon lind band will not make lialf the objection to fur- uitdiiug money for useful that he now docs for the purchasing of lion-essentials.' ... . . G. ... . -Now, there ,n neighbor I'eiinym.ms wife flourishing ill a fifteen dollar crane shawl, but her t'irls comtdains that she has to borrow wash tubs, weekly ; and that Mrs. 1'. Suva that, is nil Mr. I'eiiiii'mnii a Null, Whs Mrs. Smith. I thought vou were a Woman flights woman.' is ,n"' ll,ilt ""'ong educated men, c.-pieially 'And so 1 am, but I assure vou T am no sudl ns occupy prominent positions in soeic lidvoeate for w oinan's iniu.tice and follv. and l" r! ' P' "1"-- station that may in while I feel that the law of the land, in com- inon ju-tice, greatly oppresses woman, f aNo I feel that she oftentimes greatly oppresses I herself, and lays heavier burdens upon her , ! ow n heart than she herself is w illing to bear j and to excuse her own weakness of purpose, I Iter own foolih love of display, lays all the i blame upon her hu-band, who would wil lingly indulge every reasonable desire, and only frow ns when ungenerous demands are made upon his means.' 'Well, I don't know Mr. Wieks seems more willing to give me money for dress than anything else. ' Is not that beeau-e be does not feel at liberty to deny you any personal gratifica tion, because he feels that lie can make you happier thus than iu any other way ? Try the cxpci imeiit, Mrs. Nicks. 'Jell him you will reserve half your u-ual rxpciiscs for hollseiiould conveniences, and if he does not till your purse with a more cheerful heart, I am much mistaken in him. l!i -iu on the scissors, and it he makes one wol d of objec tion, I will agree to change with you for a week, and wear my bands to bli.-teis on your old ones.' ' Well, I'll try this once. (loo I morn ing.' Good morning, Mrs. Nicks.' Mrs Wicks went Lome, and when her I husband came in to dinner, the fir-t thing that took his attention was a beautiful pair 'of polished steel sci-.-ors, not worth less than : two dollars. Whose ar? these ? been borrowing a gain Sarah '.' ' j -No,' r.pli.-d Mrs. Wick : my hands yesterday with my , I concluded 1 would wear my tcr trimmings, and Lave me a I I ii-tcn d id one-, and 1, bi t win jod pair of , so-i-sors lor my worts. I'ou t you thiio- tn y are nice ones 1 I thought ou would no! care bow 1 spent my money.' Her voice s kind , cr than usu.il. j '(If ceur.se not.' he replied, i further was said. In the cwo.in ; of going out, he drew up Lis eliai 1 work-stxmi. ; ' Ain't )oU going down street" ' sina. 1 4 No. I believe not to night ; I this . ill-tea ti ..lid the 'click of vour ma's m-w .ei-sors, and if 1 g,j tbiwti strict, I am afraid they wii! lo-e their j le.-lsalil tone,' j Mrs. Wick- did not look up her heart was full f ir ju-t then a little roll of ' royal ' purple with orange edgi cheap at seventy live cents,' 1,11 into her lap. hiu 1'nrimr. HKCdMl.Mi A MI-il'lI'M. The fascinating spiritual tapping is with out a doubt gaining strength among u-, and some Very ludicrous incidents u'ieii grow out of it at times, :,s well as more scnou.- and deplorable ones. A few nights since, a young ninle fiiend of ours, who from a sun ri'e- skeptic had be come a devout believer, retired t ' rc-t after having bis in rvous sy-tem partially destroy ed by the information, tiirouidi the spirit of his grandfather, that he would shortly be come a powerful medium. He was in his first comfortable snooze when a clicking iioUe in the direction of the do -t awoke him. He listened intently for a moment the n bc was still going on very like the raps of the spirits on the table. ' Who's th.-re ?' There w as no answer, and the tpiecr noi.-e Flopped. Anybody there V No answer. ' It mu-t have been a spirit," ho suid to himself. 'I must be a medium. 1 will try.' (AloUa.) 1 IftVre is a j.irit in Wio room it siiMiily the same bv saying aye no, illl.US not nillll I menu. II tiieic is ,1 s uoi ( -11 t t .- in the room will it tdcae to rap three tinu Three very distinct raps were iven iu the direction of the bureau. ' Is it the spirit of my sister?' No answer. ' Is it the spirit of my mother ? Three raps. ' Are you happy Nine raps. ' Io you want for anything ?' V succession of very loud raps 'Will you give me a communication if I get up T No answer. 'Shall I hear from vou to morrow?' Hap very loud again, in tbu direction of the door. ' Shall I ever see you ?' The laps then came Irom the outside of , tllL' '1"''J 1"f-' for a" ",f",r V , lie.lllst 'I"1'"'"'" '", '"""', ''''l"11 P"u ' """ " ininuing anoiii me c. ' traordiiuirv visit, he turned over unit tell - asleep. On getting up in the morning be found that the spirit of bis mother bad carried ol! bis watch and purse, taken his pants down stairs into thu hall, and his great coat oil altogther. L.MttiK lions in Sampson County. We learn that Thomas I. Faisoti, Ksiir.,of ."sanip--.oii county, recently fattened two hogs, weighing lespcctlvely and (i'-'H pounds nett. Curtis Thomp-oii do. weighing :tl iintl 491; and W. S. Mines one, weighing OW pouudn. W'U. Jmrnui. (LomnuinitatioiL 10H TIIK NtillTU CAUOI.I.NA UIIKl. A WORD TO THE GKXTLKMEN. Mi ssis. Fjliturs ; ('an we fur a moment Iul Ky iiipatliy arising m our hearts accom- I'-umid with tl Willi u,o uesire ol bestowing relict it t we possessed the power I No, my friend ' l'.. 1 I r. ! l . iinimu uhtouih iraui u ""i'Ke one more ellort lor the protectiou ai.U happiness ot woman, and for tho cood ot tll,! community. Many believe .that, intern- m-ioii'- - . - ,,-...-...s 1,1111 ignorant : but tins Is a sad mistake. It dl"-L ,!"'"' t,J pf'ctice greater coneealiii.-nt ot tin ir habits ot indulgence, and moral deg radation, but the ruin of mind and charac ter inu-t at last be vi-ible. To the youth particularly we extend our warning ere the spark be too biightly kindled ever to be ex tinguished. Vou may as well my young friends dig up by the roots all hopes of fu ture happiness as to full a ietiin at the for. t of the tyrant Alcohol. There is no single vice ill all the black catalogue which carries in its train so many evils drunkenness. And remember that there is nothing in the character of a drunkard wluel tii'ouii-cs a I lady with liappincss in an nliiaiK of niarriage ini. For ry drunkard is an unjust man. lie never dues up anituers tears. lie never bind- up a broken heart. lie nev er .sympathizes with a bitii-ed spirit, lie never soothes an honest pang of snlli-riiii'. lie never makes a pious wish, or breathes a pious prayer. He is blind to all the charms of beauty. Thoii'-h we oiler him our .siniics to light him through the darksome future. he rejects them in disdain. Oh ! my friends just think w hat a thrill ot horror and despair it luu-t semi thr jiigh the hearts of th is,; who have ever cherished tor you the iIm pc-t and f jlele-t ali'-et: oh- tif the heart, to e"s npoii the hlow but sure brcs of inatiable appe tite, kind, ing w ithiu the boso.n of gt-niii.-,, and to see health, Lope, and eiaract-r wa-t-ing away daily beneath a flame, fed from (lay to day by the victim it is con-uming. Vet such is till- M-elle We ale il't-.-ll called Oil to witi.v -s Within tin: limits of our acipiain t.uiee. lim it is n it the self-ile-troyin vic tim a! "in- w ho si ill, r-. I lis n put at Ion, le - pi s, and happiness ale linked with tie' r, -p:i'.'.- tl oi, 1. ; s. -,'l 1...... i;. Hi I,.i. Ml-.,,., be driiL's down vvilii sorrow ami degradati m with him to the grave. If we eoiitcmplate with sorrow the fate of the guilty st-lf-de-trovi r, h iw much more that of tho-e guilt less belli.;-, wbo-e tl, -tini, s are linked with bis, tie- f- ' i i '' (' 'O alel 'It! i'f if ! How in u-t he fe.-'i t i s, e t hem ib-priv-l ..' eV't I V Coll. !"It ol llie 111 Colls. , It ,e,' " li fond ,,'!, and foc 1 Ii !;:! r !' r ( r-tl le t on.pi 1,-atl m. and at I i-t t i b ton the cold hand of charily for -upp, Ji-t inly think for a n many awful emisi ui'-iit my friends of the Helices arising from bi t, -int. i ram llow often has it been the cause fore ( 1 f Laving that vow we Lave made Le d and many wittu's-es broken T It has been promis,.,! that we should be l.ived dean-r than all. Then how sad it is to kn ovv that another object of a husband's love has become our rival ; and instead of every j leas ing ,i-soeiation connected with the endear ing name of hu-bi.n I, nothing ere long may be it-f I but the remembrance of better day- ; whll-t wo may be forced to drink the bilt.-r ilraii"hts of oar sullei iug tear- and doomed lone wanderers in this unfeeling and Si-iiish world. J la-baud's I fathers ! think of it, ere it be evci lastingly too late, for what is there on earth to compare to the solitude of the heart ; whose afVecti'-'tis are thrown back upon itself without an object upon which t rest ; whit h lias felt its better feelings blast, t il, and the fountain of sympathy dried up by the whirlwind of pa-si, and the frost of disappointment. a,:,l its only hope cherished as the solace for every woe cru-hed by one fatal stt p. Language caiiimt de-cribe, nor imagination portray, the utter loneliness of such a heart. How call man pollute with an inebriate's breath that home which she has beautilied for her comfort and bappi m s ? Ibune, the only place on earth here true happiness is to be found. If f. ding has not forever tied from your bo-onis let : us beg of you in the name of all you hold sa cred in life to sever at once thai cord which binds vou more c' sclv to the s mice of all wrefi'lieiliiess tloill lo those helloes whose a(W.imt;S arc lu&x with yours ami wli-vr sail l(s-ii of iippri:irliiiiLr want i to hv cn h y t'1" pallid check and drunken eye of bar you have chosen as your partner for lile ; her ; who was once perhaps the pride of her fam ily, and the life ol "very circle ; her who I keeps lonely w atch at the dead hours of night for her absent hu-baud, who is revel j li ii -g in all the prolligacy of the age, and at the fir-t sound of bis t 't-t, p flies to n t I him, ami there, alas! to behold with tuiii I gletl horror, shame, repulsion, ami contempt the companion of lu-r life ; feeling likesoim' ,,,lt i,.,,,, an,i t) i;j,s tiat i.Wi !,;,!, ad mother lor her idiot child, there to press I other being iu the w ide world would eonde ! seem! to touch. Such is woman's lot : not exaggerated, but still more darkly dyed. : Will vou not then lend your nit! in the pro I motion of her happiness? Her position in society is such a denies lu r the 111, city ot protecting herself. Then do it for her. To man she looks for protection, and 1 must ' say that our hopes for protection there have j almost ceased to be cherished, since tle-y who stt ri to deplore her melancholy fate are often the first to press the husband to the festal board ami praise the sparkling vi'iie, and urge him to partake. And 1 am sorry tosay, that even some of those who profess to be worshippers of the living !od, seem to cling to their habits of intemperance with all the perseverance of martyrs. They seem to have ovcriooued me very spirit oi mat reli gion which they profess to venerate. How can man kneel before bis Ood, and pray tor the reformation of tlte world, whilst he is en couraging that which poisons the heart, and renders man incapable of reformation? There is no longer any doubt of the part which the christian lliould net. He is im periously called upon; by the principles of his religion to abando all connexion of ev ery kind with the intoxicating cup. Jlemust know that every glas he drinks is a w ar rant for his neighbor Ito do likewise; and I,'.., 1j' kr. f.'A .1 . ..t n,l,'. t, Ji;. ,i. i. I '., f , , . . .mm iii.iiib -i-iy iL-tiii aim i;ii:i i mult l-i ,i I i i- 1 i 1 .i Jile winch religion m-Jires, and poisons the very soinn which itgrafs, laying waste every 'le and manly feelil g of the human heart, ailJ cverv lovely traithi the human charac- tcr. Then resolve tiat vour iulluciiro in . I . the cause of temperate- sdiull once more M,reaJ its rrotoet.in.T win", over the land I ; fr ho red t,tin .v--ir .-nimtrv Tl,,.,. i rwf(ve t nlllt. tliif (. ; rutt!r life shall be!cite J'olir J""--t active symp womau S lillMllesl ; find tl,!. sheMiull lint rm : down with sonow to tbu grave a drunkard's :,llf! ''v of London aL.ne 1,H persons wife; a drunkard's child. Should these j w,i0 rose in the morning without knowing our bi-t and earnest cntreities be of no avaiM wl"'ri' or how they were to obtain their 'dai my friends, wo can only leave you to the lb' bread,' "d I remember, al-u, somewhere mercy of that (iod, who has said no li unl;. 11 li:uo u, that the Kl.-emo.-y nary estab- iiid shall ever cuter the Lti"ln,L nl vi ,i.hn":Ut "' I'-ngland co.-ts aniiually XKI, A LA IJ V. from llie Lynchburg I!jinss. AN'OTIIKK WKLSTI'.IL AND PA 11 KM AN THAGKlir i e were sliown, on r-atirdav. a letterl'V. ho, mv from a young friend at Kmawha Salines, 'a., of which we have pcrnission to copy u part : Kanawha Sai.inks, Sunhiy, Feb. i:i. 1i:a:i : Oiir Valev was thrown into con- iderable exciumt it e.-terday and to-day, by the di-cn'cry of a very singular murder, perpetrated a few miles alone us. It seems that a man by the name of Strog bin, owed one Homines, .n-rul bundled dollars, and a; i pointed an en ning. (last 1'ri- day) for st ttlt un-iit. Stro.Liu jeft his work ,v iu the ecliing and Went IjlVa hon-e, tell- I ing his comn anion that he vas eoiier to set. tie' with 11. Since then k- had nut been1 seen or heard of until ids friends, becoming , alarmed at his sudden exit, commence d a search filially entt n d ll's Louse, air! looked ev. ry v.h.'ie a body e .,ild p.-.-il.-ly be con cealed, and fiLiiid iii -tiling, iiit',1 one of tlu-iu thinking pr..i,a! ly of the iioturious Web.-tcr ca-e, comiucm-t d scraping; in the ashes, and to his surprise, foul: I -.-vcrai luiinaii t- t th and the ehei LLone, al-o, pari of the 11,-1,, siipjiosed to be that oi the lniu, which had run into a crevice in the tire place partly roasted. It was a vi ry large i;ro daee, five feet long. It is kiiowi." that K. bud ueaiiy a cord of pin.- knots at l is hju-c. which il seems were all burnt ip. lb. was immedi ately arre-ti d and committed to Jail uii Sunday, lit cxcrcisid more ingenuity than Webster did ill ilispo ing oft!, ely. 1 no few biiit-- that are found will be diificuit to it.etitify a- t!io-, of a man. from tie ir cal lined state. Ills triulwii! he Very hit, ristin il further developuieits are ii -t made. mvstkiiI'U's iifSAiTi: n.Xi' Intense anxiety stil eiists in har!c-to 'WII .'lass., eonecl'hiiig 1 1 i-h girl vv ho vv as lie fate of n-ciitlv the voung converted to rrot'-.-taiiti-in, and wle s my-terioii-ly disanpearel s i suddenly and 'tne v.t t ks ago. I lie excitement yesterdiy became so great that the authorities deeamd it priilcl.t t -. order out the military and file ticpartineiit, iu orrb-r to be aide to ipiell any disturbance that might take place. It was fortunate these precautions were tikeii, for at night a mob numbering some fi e thousand persona gathered about the Liclmond Str ol:e t 'hut ch, and eouilneieed break po-t-, fences, e. ; bit -evt ra! vt at! th- ing down military eiMiitanies soon appearid up. ,11 tie' ground and nit the rioters to flight. Lide-s the mystery concerning thegiil is cleared up, further disturbances may bu anticipated. X V. l'unild. 1 lonora (,'orcorr.ii, tin lri-h girl whose niy-t lions di-appearatiie wa- the t aii-e id' the recent riotous procicdings in Charles t in, Mass., has returied to thai city iu charge of ln-r mother. She. had I ecu taken to l'hlladolphia, ami lure remained till brought away by her pirci.t. Till-: CA LOHK KIUt'SStiN. We have no wi-b tosay a word again.-t the in if method of projui-ioii that is abt tit to be te-ti d in its appliititioti t"the Hrie-son, whit h Vesel in the couise of ;i sli'.it period, may be expected to irrite iu this country from America. All tint we wish to draw attention to without aiy disparagement to any successful modification that Mr. Ki les son may put in operation connected with heati tl air as a motive powir, is the fact, that the invention, said to be bis i- not new. About thirty years age, a vessel named tli High and Lad, that many of our readers will reniembi'i' as a passage boat on the Clyde, was fitted up by Messl-s. Claud, ( lir.l wootl and Co. of this ei;y, with a calorie en gine, the invention, wo I elicve, of the Key, Air. Stirling now tniul-h r of a pari-h ( al sloii, we think near Kilmarnock. Thi- en gine propelled the ver-.-cl at the moderate rale that gave satisfaction in those day-, be ing estimated as working to twenty h.'f.-e power. It was subsi-picutly removed Ir on the vessel in conse,, icnce v( the working parts yielding to the enormous heat, and thereby becoming soli, : nd giving way, ami its place was supplied by an ordinary ileum engine. We fear that ('apt. Lriesson's en gine will labor under alike disadvantage; but be that as it may, he must content hiin ' self ai ranking in this muiitry as the m, re j modifier of the invention of Mr. Sterling, whose calorie engine we saw working regu larly in lhindee, in 1"! I, in a factory. (i'''o.tgtir .LA-, ';Mr. The Revision of tlie California Ooii-titn-tiou reeomiiiended by tdovcrnor .lohu Lig ler, in his late message, was referred to u select committee, from which three separate reports have been made. The first insists that it is not a rev i-it n of the constitution but an otpializatioti of taxes that is needed. The sec nid opposes I dh a revision of the institution anil a divr-uui ot the Mate ,i: likely to prove injurious. The third r, port favors both reviniou and division. JI1IS. EX-li!E.SIl)KNT TV LEU AN J) THE LlCllliSS OF SIT11LT1LAND. MllS. .llI.I.V O.-iltlllKlt 'l'VI. Kit, publishes in the I'lichmond Lmpuircr nti -'iit'iit re ply to the officious letter which the Hii'di e.ss of Sutherland and other notable ladies of England thouul.t pmper not long since, to send to the " omen ol Amen on the ,- ,, j , qiic.-Uoii of doiue.-lic shivery 1 T, . ,, . , . The following is an extract fio;:: the letter. ' If you wi-li a sug'estion us to the suit able occupation of your idle hours, t will point you to the tni; field for your philan thropy the unsupplied wants of your own iconic ol J'.ujrlaud. in view ol vour palaces. there is misery and siilleriug enough to ex thies. I reiiiem- 1 t'1' l'J 1'av0 "rrt! " latei. , Ul.-f, ttiCI.. Tftro ill ti have seen, that the I lishiueiit of Kngland c lUbi.lKld sterliiig a sum -renter than that expended by the frugal and economical goy criimcnt of ours, with its army and imvv, and civil and diploiuut-c bill. .irely, here is a field large enough fur the ino-t getier ous ryiuiiiithv ; the mot unbounded thari- ood jiuchess ol ."Sutherland, on an cml V ot nicrcv to the poor, tin stricken, the hungry and the naked of your own laud cast in their laps the supcrfiiix of your enormous Wealih ; a single i.-wel from your hair, a sin -le li-ih fr..u. oiir dn .-s 'would relieve iiiany a poor female of Kng land, who is now cdil. an 1 shivering, iiiel destitute, loiter the abode t,f ties., bill, ,n 'and want, and cause sip.ialid w I'ctci.i dm -s to put mi one smile of i .mfjit, perhaps the flr.-t one which has li.:I.t uji it - I'aee f..r a life time. I . v. c ir tj the Honicii ed' tie: oath t ) alleviate ndaiits, while .he sui! il take 1 in:: ol' tie i "' for another 1 ,; j - - et ite fruitful of svlci, ".' ,v I t , r . I nice nOer r ,:i tit'. iinithv, I u jed the eoli , but re iiiion of Ireland, witu lis populallo cently starving' tor lo id, winch v, as ! r,i 1 v supplied !: :.: our gr.im-ries. and at tliism.i lie nt craving meley lrolu uvarieij.is laiel 1'irds, vvl.o, to extend the an:, (,f grai-.iug laie'.s, are levelling their bumble collages to the ground, an I o -tiding them f ,; th t tli : iij ui the p ibiic Li.li-.vays. Woineii ofllng lainl, go thither with your t. n Icr charities, 'flu re, on the r nut side, silii:- all al'.i-n-.sal, d and exhausted mother, ,-tlll straining Jn-r peri-bing child t' her 1 rea.-t. while the uti- Li! -band and !':: iher. mm- If I'. ' lil and lalln nt;e-s, s!,, i. the heart rending sc Well-fed negroes of th ol''0's of a: ,ny over lie. Spare fi"Ui the sir States one drop of your siipci'abouuiliiig Vinpalhy, to pour m- to that butt r cup w lilt-1 sorrow and with l ars. i troddi II Ireland I luui'l of in d !e deeds ami gt in r j'.i. l ruiinnig vv i t Ii ,- sllh- 1 ill J, t'.oW S.- p... try and song, ..itesin.iii an 1 the ji' you in t!,.- syin IJ.eil of iili!:il: l. li by starvation p.aee . the waiv r, the I I ' Jill , :..! i- there is 1. athi.ing hen Let the Celtit from the laud this would I e with i -e and of Kh'.d-nul.'' This Kt!, r ts of the I race bo tli of tin ir lvgardc, L'l.ldUcss fat he r-, ami its I'j'i- it Wit II the s, vv, 1 ut l.eait erit oi T' icr .- w a- ( Hi itcd ! y the fair autli.-r-n iii the llich "f vt hleh thiui: nld be made t . those t ) Vt le Ul! suggested Mrs. an appeal Widen v, a- Inane to ess tin. nigh a eomniuiiieali. mond Lii'juircr, the writer ing a (suit libit- lo -o:-i' sb-' the lhiti.-h ladies ly one cf lie li' ai'pt a! Was addressed. :,1 vv!, T. as the ' I vvil es gt I, 1 'l-li l'! 1- pel- m as lolloW s .-t that Vt i.ture t ) lelllell, ill V and t ducat thti'o r, ! 1 . 1 tin - .N 'l o and egiotl d IX- filliV po .-ess, in regard to teiisively in ditlon of thc 1 of the fe, -lavel'y, wl -lurope alel ! vv.r t la- l.;S ..1 ttiilt has tl :;v. ' b.-t rved the c. iii fret eountrie--, yt t live- at the so for year. , in a i ovv in r ,.!' slaves, i'eby con' i ll .!. s t save th, in a , .i i I'l-escnt time. ;. .. . i. i- t slave holding c oiiinunit y, i. t l Vv!) O-e L lppiiit ss she ti far n: 're eil.eiei.'.lv than aboliti . This lady be In ai d w ith inn rest by controversy." And truly she has re-p t!,e whole 1. ,-t of iiiibt and w iii'i l ail parties to this mded with abilitv r. tin- Al, xaudria and t do, iiei.ee. 1 he b. iiazt tie licence : the llie es great rt of Mi oil to Tyler, the in , i lie!, savs -poet I.", , , of duty, 1 and ih- lii,';iit r, " wo rt i'althf.l! exeeuli i if of In r insult, still in bee a us. re !' .r t ', iu be ha jtii'ed country, and in ti truth, she lias had the I tach In r ow n name t her a lion." v mlication Ul ilgo to f ,i ini'.-a! lo i loaue- The letter of Mrs.' attention, an! will d r is attracting much t'.t'ss have a- t .' n sive a pi ru.-al a- da le '!' style of tlie letter is, 1, thought to be rather ma-e oflhou'hi-ofalaly. CV ' 1 ' r the :.-.. TUl'. HCCHliSS We give an act" Suthcrl.iii 1 , w bo In i-ts in tlicir addivs on the siibj n t ,'f . New V u k I rib line OF Sl'Tiililll.ANlb ut t of the 1' iehe-s of a I. ,! the la.ly-ab dition . t i the A niei b an hi iii ; lav t ry. It is ti-oiii tii an 1 II is without doubt. corv cct. li rt 1- Sl I a won an t iiiiltcnn an i imprint ii iu ail th" son!, !m -s ot S'ltheriiin I l.iii.ls ll.avi, l.OP thi be is, she i- M I i s nit hern woim-u are the the social t xeeilei.eii still toer.lt. 1: was only after I'll and real Usurpation w a. cible tt-aiisf .ifuititioii of ,s s;ip. e.eilileil thl't thelilti' emit ted, the inn ropi lly n-ite fo-. into the private property, in tlie modern n-c. of the Chief. I i. -I Is, il vvh st ... 1 ..; the heat! of this cooiioinii a! n v "1 at i m. was a female M-hemet A'.i, wl: 1 had well digested her Maltluis i!ie '' '' ss . S .t-.. .., alias .1a, . io,n ss S'. ;" '. Let us il:-t state lli.it the ancestors of the Marchioness of Stall' ord wt re the " great men," of the mo.-t northern pint of Scot laud, of very near t'oree-ij'.iarti rs of Stitli ei iauilshiiv.' This county is more extensive than many French IVpnrtnionts or small ilel'iiiaii l'riiieipalities. When t'.ie Countess of Sutherland inherited these estates, which UUe afterward brought to hc-r hu-bnad, the Maruiscf Stafford, afterwar.i Duke ofSuth-; erland, t'no iiopulalioii of ihem was alteaily; reiiuced to l.,(Kl. M . t j , il ,. . : My lady counte.-s resolved upon a rauica , i.e.. il.- i eeoiioiiueul reform, and ileteliiinied ui.oii . r .I ii. . transforming the whole tract of country , i . i-ii . i.,; lnlo slieeii-wallis. 1-roln lil t to l-.M, ,i , . ,!.... i i -. . i ...,,,,, lliese l.).!M),l n.h.-ihitaiits, aiiout .!,"(n tan.i- i- , ,. ,i ii i i . lies weresysteiualical V cxpe ed and ex fr- -,' , , J.,, ,, . , miiiatcil. All their villages wcru d, i;n,l- : i i ii ii i ,i .i . i , lslied and burned down, am al then- h.- . s . i .' i, . i , converted into pasturage. Intl.- i - , . , i i I .i HII.I.-I ni n; e.-iinuuieieii 101 lliis exeeiiinui, and came to blows with the natives. A n II., ,, - . . , , . old womiin refusing to riuit her but, was 1 , ; ,, ,, " .. .' ,, , , Iiurned iii the flames ol it. 1 hus my ady " countess appropriated to herself sw ,i hn,,. ,,. ,.,,....,.,, , . . ' ".':"" '" '' Vliiell i'.,,i;l lla:- ier---i-ioria! lux,! belonged to the chin. In the exuberance .,f l,..i. .,.,. ......;i ti. n i ... .i ... .... i. ii. , rn, iiiiniu ,i i,j tin: I k H' I ,. , ; , , 1 en ii.iute.s iinoiit si. i ooiisauo acres. in l i s ..... i" :i.. -i-i... . . ... i t i pei iai.no. j iiese o t-i'ii acres n i ii t " i , , , lading wa.-ie uiilil then, and no itM iiin- I i the pfiijii it.tor.T. 'J lie countess wa.- iicro,is eiiougii to .-ell the acre at -s. fid. on an ai i- age, I i the eiaii-iiieu win, ,.u- r eelituries I, a t had., he,! tie ir blo-,d f..,r her family. The w l..,!c ol' (he unrightfuily itt-;n- 00 dated elan lai.d, . i . ,i:. : i i ' , , sue unni.-u nuo iiir-ge sn,-cp i.-irttis, each r . i i -. i , ' , oi iiiem liinaniieti ry one single laiioiy, uio-tlv Knglish fa rm -la bo re I-.- ; ami in l'l I . I1 . ! .. the l" niiUCaelshad already been .-upei -ed-cd bv I HI .imil 'be, i, A port! jti of the ab rb i::,-, l,ud ben .1 .. .. .1 , , iniown upon me .-tag. r, . aiei all, n ; ! . to live by li .Ling. 'I 1., v I . came ampin! i- ' ous, and, as an Knglish auth -r - a-,-, li .c l half on land and half on watt r, a::i a;', v ail did not half Ii', e ua 1 -til. t!:a mi:. k i;i;i:tts lmttki:. We have nns:i-!y ! . !.-! for the eoin int ..: ' on the L.iti.-h pies.- on the j, tn r ,. Mr. blv- ii tt iu l, . po,, ,' t I tl.,, J j- J ,.;. (., 'i.r-r into a treaty Vslii, I ranee and Kn '- 'anil to secure i 'aba t Spain. I r en an article ill the London Times we o'iote the i 'llov. lug paragraph : 'I no cl.i! orate a;, 1 circumstantial d, p-'f'-l. iu "Lb 1, Mr. Kvi r, it ;.e tlh.-s tie- i Lis .1 Ot 1,1 - v Vel-lilllCilt t . Co x in the 1 v ; ' al- "f 1'rai ee an I lln. i. i, ! i-, ; r. Imps, the very bi-t d, fern .- that e n'.d i.av e been made for tie- 1 .'' y in .oie-': o. I; confesses with n:iii-uai cntn! r-r the u I : - i . r .pi'ct.-it!"!is of the Am. ricati -;!, r 'ts to v, !,:,e i.; t. i Im -I " the ib -tiry .(' tlo I ::i 'ii in temj rate Ini iiign : -., and ili- ti! t! - pr--' a! 1 ,. -u'ts , f tl;"' e .nv.-nti'.n -o. - "'- 'I vii'li v ;. :t we inn t ad; i-i ra! I --, 1: vv, .1 1 1 di iiy tliat ! y the pr.-pi-s,- 1 r- i saerifiee of the I'l.itvd St.-tc- v It t tt-r and more vve-'l.l,. it,.,,, il.-.t .,,' ,1 .. . v tl' eo ii true tin' potv el'-. . V s if e;n ( ,-i in m i d w ith perfect sii.ce It ., ; 1. at n- it her i i ; at liiitain i. -.- !': i de.-ir. . r La- , , . ;- ,. . sii' d. tie- i,s -, -i. of ' a ; and li.l- i ... fir !e-s pr. oh.-' i v t- I i title V -:' tl: M..;, , tlniii to the slat ut the I !.; n, it f. ii us, t'f c.'iir-e, that the two li,n pe-.i, t-.n.in-ineiits would have ,-t .lothlng- l y the exe cution of the t oiiven'i in, win rea- the Ame rican government would Lave surrendered whatever pr -pt ets i: might ei.tei tnin. We are ,piiie pr, m.iei! al- , t-, ;;i!:i.oui- ed 'e lli'it. e ilisi.l, iin ' ll.e li -si- - ,.('., at the mouth of that gulf vv hiel: ri,e, i , , inightv livers of the 1'nited State-, ahd the pr d. able development ,,f so yoiiiig and si povvciful a naiiou, die ae.juisitioii of tie- is- Ian ! at some time or .giiei- might n .lui ail v t iO. r into the v i-i. ei-,,f .,,,, stnio no n. If Am ;i. :.:.. ha 1 mv . r .- aid . i; In r h -- , r tier.- than .'!r. I.v ei"!t ii"-,'. v-tiiem il tht V had (!. lined tin ir w ii it-w- t i lie ordinary (dial. et s of the liiture, an s had lor- bom-- to a-eiibc vhws of a tlilb .rent c un- pit xioil to others the propo-al of the tli- partite convention could haril'iy have been 'liv -ted of the character of impel ilnei.i .-. H it we learn Ii"iu th ir own till hm,:::!.- joildieati'.ns that the (but rnimnt ,f 'a-l,- liigton ha- or some tune pa-t !eeli i ngagc I in in. pressing upon ahi-h .'iini-i,i - t.. aggressive iut, nti ons of nili r Mat- -, ate! l -pici:ll!v of tills country, I-e-liect.ng tin- island ..f Cuba, and iu ju-til'yii.g by tin so all, "i-niiolis. lis , iw 11 nlV.eioim .,,,,1 hi,, .: ,,. mile prot eedings. At th" same time, the iopu!ar feeling of the S'ni oi has b en so i ". solntely bent upon a for, ibl" a-iticipi.il"e .;' its "do-miy" in this p.iitb-i.lai-. that t1,-' supreiu" goviTiimetit had s-ono uiMieuir v m pi ev eiiting, on the pal t of its own !!.; an explosion ol tho-e very designs vvbn 'i it was imputing t- others. lii.lt r th --e elr-eum.-taiiet s, t'.ieret'ore. the govevtm.. nt - f l-'i iim-e and Kiiglaiid were manlft -i ; -,- war rant ed iu ta king the Ann 1 le," n t i , , ..t at its w,ird, in disclaiming f--r tl,, m-. :v .. all the lil-ideii-'oiis. nsfiil" '1 t i tl.eni, an ! i:i asking for such a diselaiuu r in 1 : i: i :: - w, , ;ld set at rest forever a question wl.i, li i the .lin-ln an- ; leuisei yes l.ii , l , , u i'S i l : V net l ie il in rai-m. Ml'. linrett s .li. th nigh lilstili il.'e, in out' o.i.o hi. n - a pit t o of national p iliey , mu-t, in v , -rt !,.- less, be eo e'l-ive evid.liee of tile- tilitll of the ease, ami e liv iitce the w , - v!d of the r,'s views of the several parti- c o. -i n.,. 1. SNOW A IU'N!im:i l'liliT HliK.r '. The St. Louis ln!,!il, net r p.i' li-!.es a It tie l- fi .i.i an ovt il ini , ni.gvaiit t 'l' ili-f'i-i.i:!, nl.l, h give, a f. iii-:'-il account !' a tt-i n, ii 1" : ! st om in jb" in i;i n' :1 ns n. '.,-.- m V.d-ey. l,i vtl, .1 is e:.li, d t'..--,t oil iinn, it. the v.-.ln r sav, !.g tntgl.t 1. ,1,1 of pi no trees, ai0 miv,, t .t,fi !,:. I , , i- an item that shou! 1 have a bi iilin.' up ' i 'i oil, sf. ,tl It 11 v.: ,- -ol, i'le t !i lo th. ..u;li I-gs.. uiiiU a I :.,.''.. 1 1. , t p. v 1 1. -ii.ee of rem -, a! '.y ;riv :i tlie oi- st.Ui 1 il.il ' Vi t i.lV l l.t - Tlie Si iel.tille AlielleaU S.T.S t'lilt Cn'il- p!-u- hi.-' i di-, .v,:.-! t b iili.:;'!!'!" to that terril le poison, .-tryelir.iu '. A ina'i wlio Lad been thrown iut) imiiviiW ois by two doses of t ho poison, one-sixth of a grain each, administered for the rheumatism, was "Wearing - -releived by tvventy gr iius of idiauipli-ir, t ak- t;u ' " ' ' en in six grains of alm.vnd mixture. lr. S.i !- dock, in a Utter to the London Lau.-tt, claims to hav6 mads the dibcovery. Til E EITECT.S dE EL'KOPEAX V.'All 1. '( ). AMJilECAN CO.MMEIK.'E. ., , , ,. . , , I l "in a 1 in-.' and iMiwetlii -peccu I. a , , . , , 1 ... ,,v ',r' ' "I "U at a late peace meeting 111 , . , 1 , . . . .M.ii.ei.t-Mi i t,i, u a aiieiioi ii jv soi no i x i , , , .. ,r . tnou-aiid i-er on-, we v.iue the fo l owing pa- , ' , . , ... .. ." 1 I'a.laiili.i leliiilV'- to tie' eth et n a Euro- 1 , I war ii'i 'ii A HK-iii-aii comiiicree : ,, i , i , , , ... , , " -sou, 1 I. live h.-al-d a . ercat dea lot tra-h , ,, , , , . , . taim il, and Imve m en a Lrciit ileal l:io,i; , , , i . , , , i . v.iilti-i!. ah, n,t what i-i to be ixpee , ! from ,,, i -,;, , r i i . 1 nit'!l states ol . iiu-l it-i it ie d i ..;i e ' .,- .. Ol, I I, ... i ., : .... ,'. .' ' V ' . " . ', ' , ' A UK I ie.l 1a ti' -t ei .liaeiiea is ciiij. : I i I ;,l I,, i -e , in a - ., ,. , , . ' iianee Willi t:,e An:lo.ax."ti race, to luaUe ,. -,, , , ... ' .,' , ' ..' ' ''. , v-r villi 1 ral.i;,' I ti :1 oil hat t he L lilted Is:,.,,, . ,v;i , States will do ; the l:r-t thill" t'uev v. ill di: Will be t i a - a V, ; V t , all;!1 ildiy t le:, ;, that ,. i l , , .11 i i ' ol ,-i-jin a v. hu ll w a., e. a;n-,t d ale' :, i ed , . , , ''! '' 1 v.r. ano was 1 , , . 0 :i -t i' ei t ! ii a I ! I ' ,. I e:.e.'. .N..iv, ', -,!l in tartly I , i, i.o-ii,,., i,... m all , . ,-. A., i ,,e iv ii, v. ;;, In r t.,i.!.ae i il i ' lir ., i . to do . i-.ii, 1 ,!';'. ',; , i i " , '' v " ' ' e . V h it , 1,1 e.;n ' ll t ' I-.,,.- i , i , , , , , di-'ii law.- I pen,' 0 l.'-W I lir, lie t: lie it-bants el Lite - talk ,o ; .:! var. t-- pay ' .' ,!;,!, I,.,.! I, v :. .: I .-as : . , . , i I I :, I lo, j;,y, - 1 , ; rail ,1. if t - a - .:,! In, a i'. v. Hi, lof. in.- !, :', ' f n.;,i :! t.y a si ...t st- :,i,o r I oi.; on i ' - -l .il.g .y. r l el'e v. ith - t ' -' i.: ' a- pi I,:, t y a v. ".'' ;t i ,,. :;. rein. : t 11U ' r !' - lio ll-l, I! i -ei i., t tie In ni;c !,.- - i t.r " 1 I an t Ali.Clie:,,! T Ami v, ho ii, -il ! en rrv on e, nun, t-. - -. ii 1 .- 1. el t j pay U.M.. tie e Vii.o l'! .'l '." V "II t,;l tloii in air. i -.iii:. -i! or 1, i ,. , . , brougi : ti.. i,- L" V l.:.t -.Ml e'tie i.' ; " I- in any i ,;- ehl ': 1 e ti,. - i li. , t ii,.-tiM,tly of war W! t 1 ae V"U- bar! .r k!.! go !- 0 ii' - iii, 1 LO ie.l-!' r I I'l l 1 .. s.. j -. oi' i .lei, -l.ij -, "i- i . V II- t: - i" I :' 1. vvl. -n ail tl W l.l.t, rj'od. -inp -hi . o I i I. i! 1 ' I ii . ,. e. i whig a vv a;- l.l.V V - .id bite. I vt !,,i h - ., ti.at i- t i :i ! I. Industry 1 i vv !n:.U rial ,ni,v into ciis " rlw iniiiei-iid vi ai - a.o ; f r I. rn.t 1 ,:.i. : t.-r ',. I.;; I. ;.t I ti-c-s !. ! -' "W-'-'l" '"" i ' :r ' i-.-i an . ,.-uu ; i. .! y i i.m e.-,t rf;. : - - : ; - ' ' ' I . I !r wir t i: . ,- ; tn ; -. but .-(. n t I I' y ' ;'!' " '! I '' ' ' ''''' ' " ' .' l" ''" ' " '" ' 1 ',' lll'vV- '' n .' ' i t,l; "'-l' b ,i: - ! i- r- it v. i!i i ; I ;;;'V i M i'. !!;'!' '. ' ! ii'i Tt 'III - ' of X.-,v V .-!.. tin- year hvivy. i i. -. t ! il v ali; i a! t'.ie p U i.i.log tl. : i in I - i. a.: i 0- t ,: e :-; ei-ling n - i','l i-e- t he '"' '' ' L 1 ' ' l. f''1"' ' 1 '' t!'' :!'0! I ' , 1 V'''.1' !''4" :" ' ' 1-1 '"' ' ' " L;"'t . yi ,:l-- '. " i 1.- t;o e.i-oi:: i, t.-i w : ' : i I r a vv : 'i i li o'l p i- c nt. p a-,-and in-' 1 v, : y 1. i y. t ?':';- ' iii - vv o 1, ,,'.. , . ! IT '.II, 10 , liv 1 .;; 1 -.111,. i : tif v.l: ill. ; -7 ' "; t :i; i , , I e o-n t -.:.! we e i : i i -t Vi ;i;- at t.n- t:n: and vv h i-b.-r. ail ::; r : gp. :'t io,p irtiine-' t i A- thi; i- .ii ,t I i.i t iii..- , -n 1 . ii i a t : : 'y it large b :' ,-e tl:o ii, t II It VV ,1 , "f iinpor : . 1-: bo a s' it- el C. -i liiiVt- sjopl. tlili'-c. an 1 va-t a i ,.i: We t."h:l. m. a! ; then; in order t is 1 ,-,n of o, iili w a- tl.. I Ii c ,.,t 'id- ..f till- p:r r .K ; i the best ,,; y l.t f. i oil o :, e i-i I' ' Ml ' 1 iilinl . !." A I':'., a I t'.i i.t (' 'nit I'l il. of n 0- i ' ' ft r ti.ail the a' o-.l,- ma'.- - th' , ' "'' 'o' " - ' l': ' '' ' " " ' t.1 ' " ' ' ' '"-"''i an ' n ' -"'-' m''!' .x ' 1 1,1 ; .llll 0 ' U-i s i'l in : '..itm-.-e, v. ;,....... . A. ( ', -1 -. - . fp :V ig-i'iio-;' ; - -' :.eg 1..-C i'.ox je ui-;'-.'-

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