H-t "' ' 1 ; , " ' ",,,',',', V. .m.iiiini... m.JlTfn II3LT0W - VILLIAIISOIJ , Luiroits ani ruui'iuuroiis. ' J i u i o, ' ti:um.s: T .. VwUi-C t-lUiA Wilis will be r.ffc,r.lcl .-in !,t TWO I.Ol.LAi.iS in in.. -.one, or liiil LWLl,AI. A.M iU'lA t CISTS il 'i.iy. i, i.t In u 1 . 'l lor tiwc-i iai...t!i, mul ',1'lilil.li v,,l,, Utsi ut the end ot'tlic yi ..r. ."io I'.i-ier will y , i. .m il until ail um..r.i(;i'S urc i...iil, u. (,,.1 jt tiieuj.li.Mi ol' liii; l.Jiti,r.s. A hi 1. .ii uls in it rt ii utOic Dull.ir K r nii:.re tin.-. nuvU Iyi'0 lur the l.rnt mm r ..is lor coli cui.tiiiii.oiee, C oin t iil lull, 'ail - c V, -IW kni..--' t, ,unl Mn rill'' Me eliurgi i r t. w ill r : unit ccullitii.ll ul' 3'li m r mi th' ni-ul. r lino , tiu uui rli: i.i hy AilvirtiMiiuuls ii.i-i.rUit iiiui.ll.ly i.r ii.r! rlv, ol 61 I"!" M..ro li.r c . iii tunc, t. mi. Jj iit'ilj Tj cnli 1'cr tn-uin fur call tiim.- J.rA!l l. tiers nn busiiitm ii' utt he din cti il m I KiiituM. l.ilii ra tuu.tV po...'-! ur tiny 'mil a llu Bttcmifd to. V' . JjTaviiiinU Ciin be niailu tociUiiT. 3j-l'iNitiiiuiiUraruautliorieilto nclai Dfentii. j 11 o ctrn. :Frouiliio Uu'din Cuiumtj,' Maazliie. Surinj i .j::'inx' in in y is coining ! Willi licr iiuii.-lnne anil her fehowvr ; lh '.veil is ri ii i i. ilti Ihc s.r''iii u.'t ic hiriN m brulic nJ l.'-u llalsure filling, leaves ..re swi Hiier, I'! er. en li. hi and hi' ' 'Hi t n tu i ; OYr tSie c irth, :inj air, .ii.u neei., S ,turo hnhl lier ju'.iU :'. Suit tiiea fte.loi cjini a livlin O'er my losmii l.'i.'ierly ; SiveetSy 1 p inli r, us I wi.a.lcr, Tor ln .i'U i'.s 'ire ul' tt.ee. Spring ic:nin' i'ri:1 if eoiiiii; ! With In r ;:i-ir:iniji l'n?il iMiii lie!. I; Willi lier iixnis ul' i i i i n. i. sih.iy, S-;y l" blue, nml C'l"ll'.ti el' whiit. Chu'ttri J" injjhtl.'lo', I ell tile lijjl.t I'. lis I'ruiii toe iit.ir h. iiji 'io;li il nky. W.iile tiie .li ii'lnr, (i ile and len.'i r, Ot'tlie youii moi.n j.!'1 ois en io-a. Slid at muni, t iiii n, -il t vi ti , S,iriii in lull "t j' y thr ine, F"f I ..udi I ns 1 w.,iii!. r. And my iiiumi!,: -at ui't'iee. Sl'l! on ll't c my t!" WIui-um At i y 1I Ut.f li, I. ' VOl.il ii in v ii ; u il Is thy .rii net ui.l.i ;:.e. Minimi's bre.il. in;, l;,i.: I' w ' li W ari.ii rnii in li.e I r. ' I' I ; NaiitU's L'lery niini.id o'-r ti.ic In fUi w . r .-I' sunny li'l.t, 1 : '..t emi I ..ii line 1 y if I'i t;ic s.hety iH ih'.'I.t r y ; Slif hi brigi.l'y uu line idM'y 'I ,.l 1. iviii.m;" e! eay. IUfrvwui re -nd iy i..'. ute I 1 I I lU .r t:..e, l-.leiy e'.e J Iii tiie l ir's i.n l in t..e l.iiiii I, le,n hear thy joyuus tune, Ilil'1 and I lillriinj lll.rl; ti'. cntnilij Of lay i'i il i.'i r i sn:i l.ol ; And lliV ..-i-i nee, Willi lu'i'n em. me, Mike, lee f..ret's l.e.rtl-i 1.1. I.' W bet .re t'ii. , 1 tare, h v- ere live, liti ' 1 ii : XuW I unit tin c, mid I l. r. el lin e Uy tiie i.cly ii-n c -l' ;incmi5. From I' i Slur .i.ocl' d luimr. THRICE HAPPY. J! V Ll-I-Ks. I. iL'l-E. Ay lei lv r soft nml tle-ii'l.trul t y s I iion her norr'.r mn h. I' .r m Ih I I- 1,; i.ml I iie. r 1. i.k S- c t.'. I., r C r. . !l 1 1! i.er yo'itV uaei.i.eii usm ; s 11: il lier .; l,ter r..rn, A . . r.! a 11. . j.. r, ft. mi r l"l, A wuiiiu'iV lie ine;i..r. ;,! "in- nunc her c li. u on il It l.e ti. I,e i. ,1 li .me -lie ll.u-l i.t In .1 l.- in i a c.e r, ri - .r t i .-a h- r f tl.. r's ! oi". lie .rl t.e.t . ri hi r '..I i Ve to Wilieil Hie: tr;l.-tii . v., s If I :i lion',' unkni.w ii J i.,..il VV.iell lie -e tiolllled til - II i - tl, a ii ..! 1 I' ii. i' ' -vv. . iii i v i-t l"U ii tuive n-ileb thy (il,.., Ana torn ..n tc: In vvu ji I' 'Hush, thee d.irliiiir!' and the hrantiful ti 'jtlii r pressed her li.s to the Lrow of In-r sliiiiiheriiii babe, and th. n once more pecr 1 I into the darkiies.-, un I straim d hi r ear I listen. .She was very lively still svvei t Aliee .'re; ihoii.li tao year' of Utt.-r tr i ihlo !.il pi veil a tin -.- of . iV!:i" I no lane! J b io iiii; r.rou l lieautv. w ,n- i r,e l.w vai :'iii-.' had ou-hrilied tin- heart oi tiie iiau l sj:ou y juti"- lawyer, 'iir. t;e Veri-. I r :ii.f:iiii,i;r th.r bridal in orniii, :is if it re but ye-t, iday. All the vi.i.i.'i: loved sweet Alice I'liU nd. f' t there was a pri-hd'ul . ci riiiu" iu the '-t!".-!t ulanccs of le-r l,ri"lit black eye. II,. ,,1 ia in. i sal it was tie pure .! ni- i- ; r 1 io !dn liii lh, and this very pride 1. . Irom all weak Iiai"iitiiic or van- Uy nt v. -..a, i, or beauty. I i . v i:o how Uinl. w:ij I was not old l-lieili to r. a-, , t'lieii ; but I wi ll reiii. n,. ...ni,. 1 were ail riresi.-i.t youn:' und old 111 llie old-tlim: coihjtry church, 101 the Sun liy moriiiit-.' wiieiCMice CiiSbjrd pli.il:t.i k r 1 aii to Ci ir. ne.' Vcre. '" .ihy as she Wa', the nweft bride T" ' but iii mowy t,iu.siiu. and her " "ti locks were without On n im-nt , savu '' " ir'aiid of oraii1. flowers. Her '. were ea-t downward, aJ hlictood be-Lr- th altar, and her loii, rave lashc-i r'-ted tremulously on the pale ro.-e. n' 1(:r 'i'-'k. bit In i-r Vole", thoU"h low, w as firui, - poke tin; vows, a ml then knelt rcver-. "''ly hefori: the altar. The hand of the n " '1 pii.t ,r re-ted in bh ssin-r on her bowed 1 1 an I fr uu that j.laee of prayer Alice 't; ri i a irir ! (Jen. wtie life's i woman now nml tioiis hcuit, mto tiio l - uv, vol id. hut tliero v.usiio lea. in the g'.ciico or hopeful love v.liic'ti met her hm-Laud'-. car- --t jraiu ; nml a they lavel Loin . ur Mjiiit, tuJ ci.u rcu tl.iii- k.umj tia,c,iiii Ciu iia;:r, every on stiiJ 1 U 'hat u liiim'.MjiiiC caul 'o ! How liap- py they luuft hu !' ' Ami huw huppy c' thought Aliee, a liicf t-ur nller tluir liinvria-e, a. i-lie nit in tier J ieii-iiipi i.ii lor f.ii(.ii! inid iwo mh.i:i, .'rciimy hour.-,.-!,.; wus-i '---t p , krth villi u .-tic i . i ... ii... . liihjit iye, t.i.'i had uul.) lecn 0enuu to ii'c"l,a"i.i,t k three hurt weeks. Tor one vear niuiv tlri- h:'iii-!iies. eoutinuci' and t!u n t tempter came. .owiy iinlceil, at iir.-t," i 'ii.ually and fearfully had Clar- nice liihi u ; uud lor one jear preiious to the opei.il!-.' uf our sketth, ho had lecil a i'i i , I' r 1 1 1 - ! ti i-iitil::i r.l. i 1 rue. Aliee never rxporiiiuccJ il" - borrurs ofr i iJi-u.trf 4ic j' tor' tho pro- .((Mirty wii'ch wm M-curtiU W lier, vu iur i a Icomlbrtablt! iiieome and it was in a plen.--- antly, nay iihTi an ehvriintly fuiuidu d ; !:pai tmelit, that who sat tiiii evciiin await- Ui'.' the e iiiiin ' ul IH r iiu-uaii'l. lie had lrtun.i d every evening of l.-.ti, in a ta!e of brutal iiitoxieath-li, and Alice j trembled at the ti. ci.l.t of mteliiu hiui. .s'he sat hileiit for home timu h d 'iii h r , r-It't j.inir tieitrude, mi l then putting tiie I Labu down in a hw cradle, .she entered an other room an 1 approached a crib, wln-iv her little Charlie h-y !n in r. (.'no hand jWas sliil ra- in;r bis Utile whip, and the o ther rented niiK.ii,' the heavy ina-.-ei of his 'golden curl.- ; lor the l.-y inherited his la ther's lair hair an 1 bl'i.ht I luu eyes. I 'i'he mother i.:!.e l us .-he La.ed ."I him, and then knelt by his Led-.-ide, an 1 na.r- luilled Sli-ld- of prrVi-r. 'lib, I-V.her in Ib-aveii;' p.haded the bi'autii'ul v.i'inaii, at l.i-t," ' ; ! him from a liruiikard s lale 1 lar, far rather v o.i! I I til-It tiie l'eatli Anvil .-hi.od bear hii.l hol..e '.' 'Allien.' murmured a 1 .w, 1.11 vi.lc.-; an ! Uaiiiil ali i tr. nd.lhi.', Aliee ere was cla-pei! tithe heart of her hubalil. V lid !y he held hu- tin ie, as ia days ..f old, n i ne-l'me, mho 'lliiii'' tin- raven hair IV. en her I row, and piiuliiu' hi.-seS ou her lull lrihthps All ! tin il II ,M'.l i . !. r t 1 a er t, ;e t )' 1 h r all th.it, a- 1.-- ;i t. 1 , i'i 01 l.is p 'ei.et book i-oiiie lii J i, V t ) p irelia-e nil. -, ly IKl'iielil, there . U i.Ut a lee-- h.ll v. i-.en I.i 111 io llu ir ! iy of in.';. 10. the Sit- ' ..e ti. i.' ll.ar.i ' . And lie ti. ' I. i.i li ni h u-i 1 t 1 1 .irry Iron i.i- I r. ; r liii.itl.ii ain.-t evil, t.il lii 1. -it tao la-t, had r. ! i In a-i .-he .-t 1 I L v hi .c il 1 ti r , as a tili-inail a-i-,ie e.iiue and thi -, 1 r taii-y-lil.e loveli , side o.i tiie 1 ri lal luoniiu?; and he had t-in.ed !r mi ti li.pt 1 tioii l'..rever to c!.i-p In r to hi- heart a.ah'i to l.ie .1 nt I,, r !' . t an i I e I ; i .1 n ' A-: nin .1:11 I nit, Ali-e?' L:t her rv !V'i-l,in the La 'V Aliei ifl not "s and le-.irt weie luil of tl !!' tear, of j"V. i.i i.t her l.l's to hi- ia ..iie 1" bui.-, fuel V, r, tin hi- and tiie h ipiii' -s nf A 1 :i , laued bi l .re lhe iie- I i:r el-e-t ie c A MLLANfili W e were sh e., -i I ye-lerday, a ten d.. VAX clrl'ir-emel.t I by Hit- I'tiiitent, y 1. X d xn. v -:r 'I i' it : .lis bid n, li lie; I Jii 1 w -Mill it, W I .ttell p. rhaps nin man, v i.o, iii.eii o- e.L-r his 1 i;.i -, v, I v am ot.i. r, jr.ni vvin.' iu his I 1 t -1 . j - : " .nith I e : -'aiiibiiii'.' ; this is tiie la-t nf li-i i ' - It' ! Ilff: b' H I '.'.-I cliil 'i.iu talh.-r, I "il , i.o- i- lie: I -t -i.i i.t at 1 1," 11. in: ,h l me 1 v 1..V i-t of .v..;- 1 . i .1.. ' ! t: liiber, 1-.'J ib:e in 'irirl'--t'.i uf mi -lunch"! y t bi 11 .v. f illfe --i t ,.,l p:, t.srli, 1.: Il, that 1 fall ai.ii le h- lev vv !,ieh .1 rent all. Ullll.-t i t ha 1 i n it t i ! ii 'i ! I tli, i- in tii" hi i b--!y -;e i.t at p-.t. -i,t tin- -p.-l M.-pbyrtcpih. Lerhaps n--n I -p til" : 1 v. n 1., tale id lien II. vv ! ui, ,'Olil. h i:, led V tai '. to I e who W.ls oiii-e lhe p 1--1 s - ', i siioeiimr tho pincldti .-- or of tiiis foi tune, i . ,i; of p v erty, and In I he 1 i- r- a: inr th-- ii nit - of an 1 i. .... Vi an. I, ii r y eii.i ai.-l uld me a-Mi in j it: si-diictiii- am! f .I'i thai, that of 'an. in.' ; it Vv hicil lilil .s loe.nili . .j- it;, r.n ot hi- soul i I lly , a li ! n i !'-s if all the le s ted t , tin ie i- none ill it- C ' l.-l.Ci-S, is tin) -y ren son-', -, ..ul ii l i roiii i r tin: I'ead Sea fruit, which i- bcautilu lo th ; ilit, but tiirm to a-hi:s in the t.i-te. To the j.'a!liiio table how many y ei :i" men i in tr lee back t:i" commem c nu iit o! lie ir do .t n f.il and utter r-iiuT (iamblin-r and drii.l. iiio are twin si-t.-r and randy found s-par- ate. Is tin re then no youn iiiau In oar mi I.t to w hnn the vv iii i.im.' of tills h:ilV youth may be icpc.itcd T If so, vve v.0111 I nay, beware of Ine i.ieinnlion.s of tin; jraui- ill.! tabic, ami in tiie lan-oia,'" 0 " l,f..k r..uilil, toe A f'-i I, j. .11 j, I f th" p-j- t : ,y I.. i...I i, ,'11, it. i , 2 Ii IVV iOj .v. it,- ei 'III "jii . I ,! .i'.'.'tr . ; a ik r. verve no v. There is a couido in Charleston who dis. j.. - :....,, ;,;.., ... toes of crnoreal loiui-h- . , nil, iv... tl. ir children need t.,.,.ti cmcnt, resort to solitary conllncment ratin r than the rod. Iu I 1 v ein o s.,11, a la d a I out four y lay la t tli ir ar- old, ;' ii- ded his luothi r, an I conveyed him to a 1 t lo i-t "l.e" -. Ie l i.iii hamber iu the third .-to ry of the house, and lucked him up. I he (liiitr-ti-r was sa lly 1 xeiei i d for a means of -..apu from his pti-oii. lie finally r d-ed the window, .-111 1 iei'l,i'iati ly jiimp-d into the yard, which was paved Willi buck, and th iilh llie leap lini-t have been some tvveti-ty-livc feet, he c-e .p. -1 tlio sli.dilest injury ! He was tho .ir-t t 1 apprise his mamma of tlm achievement. It is to be hoped I bat this providential e-enpe nf the child will in duee parent iu the mulia" to avoid ti-itli-eemli.-litaii-lii L-iiiciit of babies JS'ist, Cum: Uoston has now in its environs four eem tetiv cmhraciiie; in all upwards uf three h ju I., au.t (ifly ucreH. From Hie R.Ugh XivjhU r. t im: co.unt.ssio.Ai. jil.xtiunis. TiiK Winn 1'ai:tv in Xuvth Carolina has a jMty oi -p-ttriotisiii ti'fullil, in tlio tip- j.rouc iiii,;.; Coii"ivs,ioiiai Cnuvu-s, uinl tit thu Con;. Yessiunul Kliiti m in Au-u-t in.it. Vi oinoiiii t!io duty ol' preserving ill own btivli-tli, il no other ! to th.'.t, in the tin- devchijd future, wlicii the oeea-iuii may arise, us ini-e it certainly will in h-n than tiK, m.xt lour yeaiv, wliieli will call for t t.Xiiti-e. it in..v n t nut it, ell' rurteilei-a t!iroii"h its own ileiaiiit. According to the recent arrangement of the CuiirvHiiiHuil JJiilrict.-, wo re-nrd it us alnio.-t LvfUiiii that the H liL'sot the Statu tan, v.ith a pruper drrrec oforan'uatinn and tietiily, i-eeuie HVE mi luhers out ol tho light to which tlio Stato i entitled, under the la-t deecnni.il eiiumeration, , ! Tu Llm , - llisictcIT ruiiniosi-il of tho ' - Cjunties ol L'urrituck.Cumden. IVni'iiinaii'. I'aiipidtauk, (iates, Chowan, Hell lord, .rtiiainpton, llalilax,ilarlin, IJertie, a li- intou and Tyrrell, a Cjiivention uf our frii-iii!.- i-t ) he hohleiiuii Tue.-dav, the !!rd of M:iy,i;t KdeWotl. Therecati he no doubt o! tho j :ii!eee..s ol Its lioMilliee, It liiMIMilll.il tueli l-! c i.ces are diiie;:arded in the yeleetiou, and the suecex of the eail.se alone Consulted i as we feel every as.-urunee will be tho ea-e. In the .ve.-r;,, lit rict, coinpo.Mjd of the Counties of Hyde, lieauCort, I'ilt, Craven, Jones, Carteret, J.enoir, Wiiyne, (ircene, U iL-'ecoiube, and ( lu-low, thou h there i- no probability, except under a mo t extra ir liinary conjunction of uireum tmees, tint a Wlii; i-.iui'l succeed, v.u l,po that the loco toco candidate or candidates will lint be ill inv.'.i to i' ... over the t irf. It i-. the puir-e-t and mo t suiei !al policy iu the w.irld fur any political party to piir-ue, to allow a raiu-. t ;:o ui.c-ol.ti'rti' l. To t....t p nicy, too much a-'.'-ipted by our o: 11 parly, in p.i.-t caiiij ai-n-, in Coin ties us well a- in Coiure--!-i jii.i! I h tii.t-, -here v.e have bun in lar.e minoritiei, mu-t be all ribut-1. m nv '!.an to any otlu r e.iu e. p. ;l.::p-, tiie re- i-r-es Wuiell We b-ive hu'.,' red, nil!. in til" pa t few years. 1 :i t iry 1 ee n-.s many an in.-t-ilice, where Mnali, Compael, v.ell-.ir.- iii i,iid lin.iies of Miblierv hi vi-1 ri 1 m plied no r t'. l' i- ami MMtter.-d !' .r.-e- of iin.ii-i'ip'.iii. e l ricrult-. li i s U'!ii.r : iuciph Iv, are 1 jilit u-'tif- and low -hail till- end be cfi.-ct.d, ui. 1. 1 there may ul vv ay be f ".md - en hu-. i -li and iiaiii' ; inf, ready to rai-c t ti, v .re i..-i Li , i ' 111. 11 r up .a m Lii Ii mi 1 ( ..i .... i' t I, 1- alleys I I, ..f that I e i. 1 ; i.e .., 1:1 ti. ." .el, a Inn 11 ,'AMA 1 An 1 A::Ii t-.mpi Ih :i. t t.-ar biiiisi ;l aw a v Ir . 10- -t, d li'.iu tli.. St .t -, which h loves and lie served wish all the dev.ili.. ! of a son to a iii.it In r, what oile r pillant Wliii will take hi. place in h a . in.', win t hi: lias never tailed to I. ,vl, w b. n c ilh il I 1 the tl. 11 "f a 1: ui, (wlat M Hi-.) " " ' ' ;. ' ! 'lhe Ihiftl lh-triet, rompo-.d of lii" Co. lu ll -w. r ; tiies of New Hanover, l!ruu-w ich, C"luinl 11 -, '1'iiek, Lladeti, .amp-oii, Cumberland, liob.-.m, Duplin and Undine. lid, U annllier 11 I "i IA if 1 jc il ic ii-i'i, and tl,.. chi ;i'i nf sin itsi are more ile-p.-i. it... than in th 1 'i-tiii t of w l.'eli w.; havi .-p. 1. 111 above. li .t oar t.-m.ii.:s apj lv i:. j 1 ii!;. well in 1 ; I.i r c.i-". la 1.1 Id t : n t 111 the M ite, peruaps. l- tier lei,, r 1" I loan ni tin- '"' '. vv c le 1 I vit!i 1 it ili-iiata. incut t 1 a c ire on. v . 1 1 t, iier-. 1 . 11 lie 11 a- H' i Ii I.i: . . 1 1 v 1-, li.V.ks, HaI'III, .V I' ' M.n. U l -.sl.'iW, .Mi. vni .-, Si i.i. 1.1;, aul .Mvti.isnr. The o .-.,!, )1 trie mp ,-ed uf Ih" e 11. Il - ot li ae, 1 raiikiin viilc, Iran."-, Na-h and .J mi" tiier " .1! the .-:iuie sort," IV "III 'ill I'pj"' il .llll 1 s, t.) be iiiii n-stinj laiuiiy s.j lahbie, , vl .irri ii. 1 irau- hii-t ni, is y t and lid. I.'.ir, I li" seen of a ii . li it we -I, a I 11 enoii.di, h. ie- ' in I lll.llectio.l l.eii! le-s llOVe OIL'.I-I 111 oil ait. r, t 1 sp.-ak oi mutiei v. .: i li,is i-tr, -i, -o v.e pa-s on to. Tin- '''' ! 'i-li i'!, Vi hi. !l is c illij. i-ed 1'. r-on. I ' i - a 1 1, . biiiiiiiic", t 'ii t li .i in , Ii ,i iiuljil', 1 1 i.il loiil , .'iuoie and M ...I 'mi ry. ( tl our - iiii i -s, here, n . one, vv o , vi i.i e t hi eye ei.,, r tiie li-t of Count!. -, no I n. uii th'-ir polilii-al eoli'dexioil, c i li, ol co il .-, 1 r a tno'iiei.t cut. it. i n a lioui t. I he AJ Ik I'i tl let, Ciitiipo-c.i of lhe t-o'lll- ties of St .hi -, I'oi -ythe, Hocliiu -h on, I i v id- i i, llavie, Va li.in, S i i y , Ir.-1-11, Alex ander and Ashe, it wid he s en, ii n i le , decide I iu tl eisie.il i !ia: a"!' r, -1 '; bir-ely Whir. Our Hi- ml- i.i thi- I'i t , l.-t, vve are happy to p rceivi', ire iiiiii.iu.' active prejiarati on lor the cauipai ju. l'reliininary meeilno, have been ln-lil in nearly all the Couuli -s, and a Convcnti on, 1 1 lioiuiuat", a Candidate, will assemble tit Win Ion, iu Lur-yllie, on Tie-d ay , tlm l-th of Ajoll. Tiie '.'' I'i-1 rict i', sli ii tly s peal, in , the only ili '.i.ilitil.lf Hfunul in t hi t.it.- lt is composed of the C of Cat-ill ba liaston, l.ineoliu, .l.-ekeuloir.', Ii iaan, 11 ('ai'harril I liioti. A lisou, St 1 nl y n lid Cie vc- land, and !i!t.iuii;jli it L'U. c, uu-!er p- i'i ia (ircuiii tames, a muii'I majority lor (iiii. S i.il', ill November la i, it ha- v -t d "lie r- wi-e, at all irevious elections. '11 foco iiinj.irlty may fairly be put d v lo,, ill il bout o'lil, odds very cn-ily ovcrcoiiii! Willi i';,"r''V, and clo.-c iiiiioit lip 01 the part ul the Vhi"S of the lli-trlet. We bell" v e t hat they will do their" duty in the premi is. We assure our friend of the lie i ter lint our candidate and tlm Whi.M uf this I'i ti n t intend to exeit themselves in tin: miim; eoiiti .-t and vvi.l do their w 1, do duly. 'fin: ti'jfilk I'i liel, eomp 1 c 1 "f ii" counties uf W ilkei, Wat i i ::i, ( 'aid ,v ell, liurk", Kutherf .rd, Mel'. well, ILub-i .,n, Liiui.oinbe, Vaiicy, lliiywood, Macon, Cher okee, .lack-on and .Madi-oii, is, with a ili :ht excepti .11, the "in' at present r pre ,e:,t '-1 by TlH. MA. L. CI.IMIMAV. No.v that tie. Ili!iht"lled coil-titilelicy nf ' latl'i--trkt . iiiii'' f In "i'i' I'i In 111 1 vve can have but little doubt that they will Ir.ii'i' him in the embrace of loeofoeoi-in, to make new overtures for promotion at '.'. hands. Such a coiilen. plated di-p j-al of him is evi dent, wo think, ill every indication of popu lar hciilimciit among ton mountain--. So much, iu plain and fcm rul I rue-, for the I'tto.si'K t before us! Cur friends will nice what they may justly expect, an I what exertions they must make ami Katriln ns of, per-oiial prefciciieeis nndcr.-ro, in order to, realize tho.se tip cotiitious. Iu our next and eomostil.viuctil Ujue,t?o feesiio torpealc of emeiitf through which it has offlHirs pone, of munj wlio only Fouglituf .Milto pretext to leavn its raiilis, aiftJ-iW iM.va thus bIiowii ihnt they could fm;,i?lny timo or iu any unerircncv, havl Imu tlepundeJ up- on, pur-ed of that ncuWliigh will alwnyn ii,o to tho ton nf lliu ttnttliieli lm!U lib.h. est, it in liiiido up UOW "vifcat has been proven to he they"'ff meiJ.M itlt no faint spirits or trenehcrous h; ,fs in tho. camp, wo can Mil v forth to moi.Hieein.mv with a ntuvr triia in ! rliMiiKt'tf till i 1 . lift rHit' " - 1 TRADK OK TIIH AXOX AND Tho Union fin niches the fjowins intere.-t- :..r... : ... :., ..!..,: i' . ..... .. 1.. iii.iui.iii'.'ii in lei.nei .. 1 recent evenis ., , ... , . ... Jtliat will throw open to A, collinicice of our country an 1 inmcn?) krtilo region of South Aiucilc-. : j The li-t nrrivil fran CJ,,..!. ,.:., I..;.... . . .!... ;.. ,,. ' ., . lilt I'li'l. U.s IIIU J.I .1111 , li4 iillClllCllCi! lUai Ih hn, the cm.di -hlencd fre.-ileut of Ikjlivia, ,1, ,,r .,, -,! i.-., 1 throw,,,,,!, all ti,,- Hi im tributaries the Amazo,, and U A. tit that are :. v i- cabletotheeomimree.the v.rbl, and ol'. iereda reward of tcn-lmus,,,.! ihdlarsto the fir-1 ,t.-a.i,er thatiiail reach imv one of thee tributaries, t itir by tho La I'lata Or lid' .lli:i.:"ll. Lieut, liil bon, who ts sent out about two years a- o with Li. 1 llcrndoii, United oiv.ie-- -avy, ii c; cirR:ie .m.iz 11 li.im - - " . . .!.'-. ,v., . 1 in.. 1. 11 1 1 "'ill it. sources to it- m . id. has jn-t arrived. i- 1 ... 1 1 ,. , . . . . , Vie !::ii.- li.i'l toe-pie,iul o: eoiiu r-iii-' v.il.i bin, ui.in.h, ubj.ct olhi, l.-,o.t ii,t',re,t. ia.' ex, -dui -:i. lie jKied tlirmi di tie; Biliviaii provinces why. uio thus throvvn open t j 1 in" immerco I" all nation-, ami de.-ci,! e.s that whole 1 . it in one of tiie most l.i auiifu', j.ro.lurtli', ami I'icI c iiiii I.i - oil the Ine of tho Jirth. Ill Id, .-j ii,. i ei t'e i are lej.i 1.. .3. il- 11.0.1J, ti.i re to.1.' ili! ! 1 a ( . ...ji , ,f -, v 1 ral n.ii- I. o ol t .. 1. .loll 1 v. e.r, ad that a cniim.-'Ci Mb 1. 11 t:ie m-irn. i.l In e trail-it ,. ... cuiei i.r il up and e'.i.,,i tlm A ui. thro :;i tie t. nit. , lis i.f ) '. ' 1 i.i t.ii I 1 1 c whiili t . i re-. i 01 of 1 o.i-.:.- 1 ,(' I.t. I,, mad ti i.et'ipy in tii'pnCc inind in thi.. hcini pi, ere, l y the pa!!:c:i ji, ol'tln!"In ea an I oih. r papers with e'iu d to it, by the rrt-f nt exploration oi'it i the Aim rieau mtvy, we reanl tni-aaioi. th, l,.,ua tiovemmcntas 1, subject ol v mrat. ulatioii. r.oii: thi .;. crec, v,o ton'-, 1, eoin- ,,,.,.,1.' ., 1,. i,o-i f..r ,l S, ...I. I'. ..,.1 !;.. .... ' ' 1 01 Itli .Mnclie.'l. 'I'he revoluli ill whiih the fai I mr. 1 .it 1. 01 of tl,.- Amazon and its trihuri ami of the l.a I'lata and its tril.utari is tj m: lo in tue c: .mcrre ol t'. . Ki j( lics mil p. . ''f prfater than that whn h the iuiuien iii"uLimiuTj : winen am . i lie I01iOWlllJ l. tuO COIiCiUUlllg poi'tloti uuvw i iu .n.w iun tj.n iu auu , p . .. . ., , 1 0 '.irl.,1 reMin.' upon tlio Wimi LVii.llTii Caiioi, t.vA. ,lf , p ,.,,, i, ,., i, !., ,i. cj ,...,. at ot i.eaet of p. ace. I , , .. - r ii J. i , . ol nr. J'jcrcttb late ineic i in tlio feennte, ... ' .. 1 . ., ,. ... . Fi.teSIi 1 1 ( i r, . .aiii.uc oi 1 ui tli u.;.ira i.i tit ono tlnii ' we nr fut! : niiiceil : that , , . . hir, a u tlio i pj-.le n-iiit o? n.iiitnry , - , ,T , ' tiie .,;.'kr, tviinhle liiiWtlio j,..fy " tho Ccntrt.l Anieiicau trei.t,v : u-, augment, the hpiiit o. eoi.., n bt, thai ' k bit 5 in the Slalo U this dry icujfthnu at any D ho Semite will infrr, from what I lmo lus fur;.ed the u eliaini i.i Ilnrije vLkh " I e.-.j !.;iiicii in n lato l.ter iho true tinio kinea 11(1. t'lrrJid. fcv or.!al.c now wiid, that 1 dj it ai'l'ii ln nJ rny i!i.,- tlio f?i:n;U r h- (douuutitlv deidorei. Itwai. eharatiii ami iiupoit ol the inili inU d le- Luree umhrwent in emi. e pee of lhe ,rs i:,,',.'.. , t'l ! ,V , 1 r it. I, v ! I 1 ::,";V; 'oil- ,.:.-.,;:; .0 I .-; , , , .: ,- , .. ,;1y ..' .' . . . . ' .. 1.: ut. hi 1, on mi', tif iniutls -, a i,-l 01 tell til el-:llid abl.Ii lulled siH- lliile s ii, thit co,i!.try many of them ep llhis wat. r- siieil. I lie Ml vt r ore ifi., I. ell u 11 Ilolll , , , . , , 1 'i 1 -1 , . , .., ..... ,'ti. i, .il' ., find li.. ii, l .r th lit of tie: in. -ans uf .nil i .e, iiioib ui iii'-sc lljilles , c ijfi ii ,i .. li ."i.e. I. j he in. 'chilli ry I "I i'i -e u ll, n, e ml in the was ,,n,,ie,i, unr r. : cr- -li,' ii 1 hi ar in iiiiud itl iilid be tf.il! I o: t" I i:t on llie I .. I oi I" I upon the b;, i the sea s! Ul roes ,.in i .-.... a shore i.i r .-v the Am!. -. Willi lhe in '; i ii, it m y bu t il . nby wat r t t i I l.e v ry j t v. here it i v. .(,.. , , ill :, .1 i! iilid of eo.i. cure ! i. i r , t :,. n, w it it t ii : i Iii iu-ry , thi- ai.Hily I ) pro- ..irl may be ni' i le I to .-jvc a m-iv iiiitoii e tit he won.- le I t i.. ; ol .-i.vi 1 iiii..';i of l'..ito-i an I ev.hs, tiiihi.i.im; ixcninf A coi r.-j'ond -nt n ft! . M. Lo Ihpubli- i i, w i .lui Ii . a .1. : -. - .., II . n th" I 'll.,' ,,, . womLiiul ie.it "f tile I I iillon I i . i lie; ,i ! ICI' Oil I " ih.; old Ha tail' al th" ba . ticks had been -hahin aiel t O'ldlii r all Will i, an 1 the liaV I eilio calm, I,,e i-iiclal lid ll toillV lilt dit d to t li e it ilow 11. ! " A -o' li' I, Miidia, 1 .Me m.'., of C. Ih 1 's battery, a 1 .. ' 1 . y 1. 1 - i- d I till' 1 1 1 l.iTi anl II 1 i. ( llA'pm- I ii-o. 11 s .in" can -; it bee. iiiie 1 01. i., 1 .1 a! h and ;li l. l lhr..a h t'ua plat. ..it to Ih ;r . i.i I. I he 111. hi at t 1 ma-l,bil l.ei,t his pit com,,.,..: lly , a mi ; ive linjly warn- -.-! ' ' '"" pa'ty I- . '. t.--..i.. 1 h in 11, io ,1. JSlli" nut ot t' il In. li, Viil'i !l -p ir bill" sh.-ti'!' l!!.'l I 1 , l ! iii.e thi ".I . Ii I !' ll h 1:1 I -, ii Ii ii : . 1 iii 1 in,' nt a ii i..y I I t, v. . .! I hnvi yarb anl ( iiiiblcd from tt.i' plat " t lnle tiie pally In low Were th" I .p in i 1, I 1 the .:! . iy ami tiiut nl (he by--1 a lib ri t--.' ii.iim the soldier i iiii poised at tin: fly leit i nil 'il re loot- h ft the ui. in. e. li';; a 1 1 i a a t, Villii i I hea. I, now s-.va yed uvir, broke short i!f at il ba-e, an I pi. lilted vvll'i a l.a men l .is era to III,' eru n, 1. I I lie to, .u r iu tin! liieiii.l.uie .as a en Irchni.e bis ni ilioi, ui lii: iij t went over, :ni I i i:clin ; hi -b tliro.i-Ji t!-) nir wila lVi"l.:.il vi I a liy , he viiili p. i ,'. . se.f 1 I - - -li'ssioi, ad i ,-te 1 hi In sell to clear 1,1- fralne- -e.f-p's-,1- ll-alne- Work of Ine em- tn-es, and as lllo ma t liea.ed llm , ro in I lt,--id.iit!y a vn il- m-ii iired b-aji, ali hied ami bl liiicmrades. Ail ei re slail. I into niiiiiZ'-nici-t, . niucli bv t i" inli c i.i. lit v ili-tiliive 1 as bv he 1 In - mill, nt peril it 1, n l led . " I Im iiiainma-t .1 as forty-ei Jit fett hi- h ; ! , tin; soldier bnided at iiity fruit its In i.'1 1 Th,. M um. Ili.iim. 1 iiv.befnri. ihi.n'i.eoli- I ,i b' .i-i.itiir,', has been defeateil by m,e can bestovv upon thoso they r.p.e.'t, imi I love. vote. In th.: Stale ot Ma , a lb tor bill le t me adjuio h,,.,. then, to follow .he pen- more Htiiuent in its provisions than he pro- emus impulses oi Ins nature, nml in tor y. , ', t i . ' i 1; o -i into natriot. his hrst nneetmns to Kent law nai p.'issi'O inu low er nou-eii.-, ov cr u.i, . . two to one, anl will doubt!,.,.! aU'Q as, the his own count ry, to be w ,.,i,i? to con.prohend stu;.,e ' --il the other fucudly countim ol the earth I i i ?ir. Evi:n;:TT.s srr.rai. tuiiniieo of the jieneeful r.dal.on. lietweeii ,a' country and thvat Ihlt.iin, in Mn 'pitnea ol tlio M.ao ol tluii'.s in t ciitnil America. In the la.-t i-peieii v.hii h I had tho honor to mal.e in the Hon ;o of lle-pn.'- aentatives, now eighteen yer.ru ,.o, t ex- T'CfSod tho orduiou that there w as no daii'er of a war hi twciu tho United State ami t 1'rance, wi.h wJ.em oar 1'riemUy rclaliotw ' were Berh u dy i. f-uce 1 in coiiM ij 1..1110 of tho i'.eiay jf iV i'.iii.li Clinmhers to uiato, 68 rt,'rot)Vi.'.:i ".;'l 1 " : Hives 8 tii . it err'. . ill itidctiinily. I am Hot llil..im; l.iy c-.i-a lor tlic ur.-t tune os a member ol the S.-nrtff, that it ii tor tho purpose of rine--riii;r r'miiar hei.tii.ieuU in itb ri.i.eo to I i real Jliilaui. JUS not l. c:iue either in this ease or 111 . ..... .... .. tlinl l 11 111 lunilli -rent t ) tiie inlere-ts or tlm , .. " ,, , ; honor ol my c-oui.tn. 1 ar otherw i.e, mi-; ; i( l,(.,.;lll.0 t ,! ,i,illk ,1,,-y al-o in ' danger. I areo witn the ili-liu;.'ui-hcd ISetnit .r t'roin liiiii'.is (Mr. l..u:la- that ' Jiu.daml i'.h-.s l.-t I -vc it-. I 0 t he r, I -th.us of cjili.liiis which mo Loveilied I v cm- c-""''' '' 'vhich 11 10 .oveilied by 1 ei i . II,!- 1 1 ! ,!,l,u,,u"'' 1 '0 oi,ee '---, mere is 110 rnoiu ior luve or lor nai;, m h'r ''.v ""'"''''I en.i,l,t.-i,ed r -nrt' tl"- j ubiie n.tere-t i the only rule , uS "l Il '1,., under absolute (lovcrn- Ul"1,r 5 ".'"'.'.mi ho like Loins XU '. "i' ",l lilMl . mere is noil, Mr i.ive ami naie. i.eiHce,, iHiHid l.n ! ni. ami the re.-t iT the cm- i-iitulnmal Lowers ul Lur-pc, th-re 1, room only lur the inllu.-uee n! tnu iliclate- ul a'l ciili-jht. u. d I . Hi d to the piibiie: weal. Lot . . , ... , , . .... . 1 n'- 1 I" l," '', :,t !!1' I ioit v nli a 1 t.art:es 10 l.ii,.,iii i a i.i .: 11 .;. v , ,. . , 1 , , . , .l;l,;l,";,M'- f 1 ' . V!:h;1;." t ml, Male - is con-Mi rcil a i-.ir,u n !''. of llie policy uf li. ' 1 vi run. :.t ; mid I t. th it nil - lur .-i le t ia aid Ln '! !, nud t . 1 I ll.r .-, we oii.it ti 1 -.n i h-r a llllilil.ll'y I ell. . ' 1 'I, Jii aeeflil ji t' lie .1 T -0 H i a drill!::. I pi li.i iple ..! ear p-.lliy. I cordi-lly sy mpi.itiiiz - with th" ili loi-'-nt hi"! S, 11. t ir Ir.u.i biiii'iis, i.i ih" povv in, view- lb. t he cut. I I.i'.. . f lhe t I w i'i and ylurv of mir country. I wi h I e mi l i : u le him that this dorivi f t "I Aliieiiea is i;. it ine ni-i -(;. t wllh a.i i o tal ly mi plil.e i. fi.tiiri- ho- lie' fiic no ly Lowers uf Lui. ve. I vii-h I c Mild persuade him thi.t th: I part of lhe w orld is not exc! l ively tln re "din ol t-iiib- and monuments that he o graphically de-cti! e l, but thi t ill every country iu Lurupe, more iu mhhc thai, ii ...1 1 ... .: ;i i. :.. ..11 ii.... : ,,,);.,,,, pv !ltW(k; ihatpupu- t( ,;,;,;, hllhu,M.H nr, ,,.,,. !v firm:,' lii m-civci ; t'nat tin- melioration ..l il, , 1.1.., ;.... Is . ..I,, r an . t!, il "'" " s - - fiiuc: t'-ei and 'ci 1 coinloil- :m makin ,, . ,, 1 11 . ,1 . l.n a r vi - 1 .1 . . 1 . 1 1 ii.- . 1 u- .- 11,1 man to Iclieve j-.e-, Il I- file; and iiilniii: Il pi ..n,"te thi- f -VT.iUo M l" uf thill 's re than the kindly -yn.pa'by mil a val'i- t irv 1 -x.'iuple mi llie part . I (his co iiilry. v.'i 1. .:"..! . ..... . . .... .,,.1.1. bavn exi-t. d v ilitlo. . ivciio. ..t ..r !' i-n exi-t. d v 1 1 t.o .. iVCi lO ... : m. i.t. tie re i- 11 -I a c .onlry id ill r,-.... v I 1 .- 1 he 11 iiii" i.d character "f an A- .,,,.,.,,;,;, j. , ,Hr,-ct le.-Mit to ..... I i:Ver ;.-ii ., i I ul. ice tb- t a It m " r can de-ire, .. ,,! ! ... r , 1, - ,, , .,, .. . , - . 1!.. ' jjj. i r v lews of the - I.,, e.s f, ire that aw aits lhe t ni i ii , v e a i e in a- lhe . to re rnr.i ilea- lire and I t - : lhe in Ii x ol'.nir country 'e nr '.1. -s. I do . 1 1 ' 1 , , ,., .,! (.,,ri,.,lii.-s ul'that ii;,- ,..,.:,,, I, ,. ,, .,rv. .,r ,1,,, I nil, Oi .11 I - . . , . liettypc ol i.aliomii en. n -ii ur niiiiie i up- ui a '.-I an 1 ii:e'i i-.'.'in ive -t ale. ll cum -1 . i" ilt v, '.eil v . . i the bone Is "f a pi If v , ., ,,r .1 , I ad not that ll.e i li-.n ol ee.,. ,,r.,,Pl,;,,. .,.(..,, i oi n.eess.irilv ciii'i ie- wllh It ih -'.i-.i, it c e-s p ii, ,ps .y ii.ilni .-I i "i-h I ..i e , ,i i .,i ivlih .,!! r I' !!., -'.' I l'.",'. !! ie is ii i f al. s l fir as . -co-rat. hie, d ,;.t, ii-i .ni i lieee-sarv, that we .-hail iu lhfli.ilui.il pior.-ss thin,-:., have as mm ii of ir, and in rapidly as tiie p, t P t re Is of t .. c intry a ' i.-.t or re- ipiire. ,i ll," no ael.inc, if ive wi h :l real, .-'.lid sahtii.li.il "lo.vlh a .rovvih which will not tiinx ih in c illi-i .11 vvll'i fnei .11 I'.vver we shall have it in t vvenly-iive years to our heart .4 oiti nl ; le.l by the "me'i.iphie d :.cee-i.n uf di ad inTes ; lint ' by li i- 1 III I Ih.h-i, in- l.y tin' paiii- ' Ii ei uf Mci . ; but by tin .-imp: p .iiellll in. rfui' nl ulll leitilliali .11. ' ' II . , , ;sir, 11:11 1 e yoil Weil (oii i.li red lliat tbat IIIV-'u lions I aw w hich w : .r. .mi. I ...I..,! ... 't th,. ,i..ih ,':iv uf th, : Creall .11 " lie Iruil- t!i,. si vl h 1' a V oflh ,, m umli'pty nml r. phni h tin ll," , j ,,,t v-.ive V. ar-o I.e.IC, i ui. , ir ii i. . li wi. i ,. I ep io t' I - y ,'. I I-, 1 .,, iiiiin! rati ni. Live us -i , tt,. I A ,;. .. ,.1-li. I,, , 1, a - lar as li. H ! h il j y,i; ti.jvv p i--i-. ; W -, ri.', a i oil' a - ii.nijj ! in. t, are i . o- nn-1, I i ihi lip a. lit' the i,j ili oi n 1, 1 1 ,i w ill h ive p i-.-c! .... ll: ' -i '.-'', it v 11 1 i ; e i, ' iiii th I Iiii an. I "i 'iiiii -i- I (i.),,." j- I . ive li , ii it M I ! ceil i p ' fr ,, the di : I i.s of the I hn ' lie, an I j do t the I ni -ii a., .tie- r Aim r-e.i a-p 'pul "i- a our-, II i.y any -li" i o. p ' i ! i' j". i-.. y-n eon d I i-iiioi io.v i Men i V i ii j " I- 1 ' li "I fro a Uoii-on s ,.iy lo t ,.,. ,-i! ,,.;,,, 1 rv eiv lion, aol la'e i.i 1 1 i re;. ii i.l. "il l all ' t! ir I ..,.,!. i,.m, it uel n.t I. . t V"U i a ".reali r iiioo'iit nl popnlali .. i.n biii ; i- ,m t '11 n l .1 I vv i.i hi . .' et I h ' Uil 01 twent v-liv e .ears by tin: simple la.v f in- -.r,.ase, ai led by iunni ;r .i: on I'rotn ahioad. j jvl, ,., .....it. My children I .f i The S-'lml r IV. mi lliiniii-, I - ,, 1 1...1 in.. ., ill li, ,. 1 .,. it 1.1 ,, :., i,rl, in ua" m.re lik. lv .iiiiiiiii , i' i .1 I,,. I., niii.ri'is Lis V li'US ul lelli.le p i p y iinn r,n tin. linn I n tlio-e r .11 1.1 r millions, and to receive from llu m iu retmu nil the 'lonors nml liu-n which h -.iiiu imi ..-... vilhin t!io copo of ft iihi i al coii.iide ration I tbi that 1 ro ht uov.nA'-).i to tl, : du-t in the mop.i.rr of tho woild, end has !.qt her natcd i:i Kiel.eiotli ami n-'us tur nuea. Jhi, Ua. leu Crceecj this de. tr.y i d Koine. ltwas not a fon i.u enemy that laid the axe to the root o. Home's 'freedom ; it wan , her oil u tii oeoiiau'B ..n, iii r hon.o li uiu the t,ueces-lu wars of A-ia, ".oijr d with tho gold of t'r.iqiiereu' prov iwen. 'The im'ritof iiii!itarni;r--tidu4UK-iit ud eoitijUeUlirve done i.ho Line for Kurc-io. Will they not the ,Si nator think that I cu.-iu i t hu wi-hes to mdu!; e tl.i in j Lut w ill tliey do it ; Will they not ; iwi us vart rlauuiu ui ndrs.-ovi r i hadowiu : nai ies.colo -al mi..: an e. l - lli - h in, i.i '. Ii i 1,1 lol estn'ml li jit . e o.i . , t . iuLs. con 1,1,; 1 .11 v .. 1 it , . .. u 1! .f.:t 1 1 , inn. eon -i.pli .ii v. i.-v.i it t.c..i.ii t.'.j he.i 1 1 1 j con , .. .. . .. ... . .. . . tiiniilalu. Ami ho. v c.iii our mn -i. 0 re , . . ' publican iii-tituin..n..o.ir -!. -i;c n..i i-tia- cies, our annual or biennial . h m e ol tho,e who are t- rule over us, 1111 upp u ted by heiediiary claims or pn 1.., i.,11 . uards, Le cini-d ui U'lli r Midi i el'".: c : n. ... . .1. .... 1 .. . .. Ullrl ll.U Hie, li IVICVtr, Ml. J couu-il no lut-iilamiiejiis c eliine ot 1:011- "r .. .i.i ....... 11...,. f,.,i;.i' 1 ..... , ha ,.,,.,! , ,.,,. lao ,.r,.,t Worid ,,,; we thall always .,. a muiitime ,,.,,;. ,;r..t o; r. , ,. , .,. tm.rvt. ,.,, yAu t vhetv.cr il Ihuits it mn t be pr.it. 1 lei. (Mr iu.mcriM. j,,;.,,,,! r,,,;,.r : J .,U,:1V, ,',,,;,, ,idt ral e :.rmv ; and it ,Cn be h. 1 1 in ,. ), ,.t ... ,;j ,:. , . ... I, .; at Aliiupolii i.n.l Wi- t I' i I ui. -1.1 to l e I i t r eiiildreii of our l!.i,!.ie. iii-bi-seii-ils and car iiim.iiies .. i I t t I e l.ej t I. lied wiih every wi-:-p'.ii a id iii.ii.lil.iii m w r, and every v .ili,..- .. p 'i I .0, il, 1 , t 0 1 ht I 1 be I 'itilied. Lot ni.. eve lit mi tin' miuiui " in p a. c pn are lur V ur, 1 I in al-o remember I' t I ' I I pr ; ;i .1 1 t v 1 i p. .11 i". '. i 1 - 1 . y .i- 1. 1 . i. . ; tl.i - ;mi ti. 1 i,l- y air no ..a - ; I hi , knit the ri;.. v . f y .iir-t,-on-.t!i ; tin - 1 o-. . r- y .u ail u...r willi a .:i:i ply uf n,i I.t ; and then, it war mn t cuine, in n j:i t ta.i .-, 1. 1 1 . . r uil earth I- , :ir, 1, I : II 1 .n.i 1. , ! cihi 'iii ..ill .. .1 : ' !y I. 0.1 v. 1. . 1; i ., c :nli r y oj ie e l ihlii.1.. ii it "iie in these tvv. i.t v .-.! rars of i ''" 1 ,l' " t.mll.' -e .:io..;.piaiter I a nii.iry ,- I 1 .- m t imp otn.t in our V.le.lu hi t 1 V, !. 1 I li J hi i ell V II b t Us ha ve the I w i ,,ty - live y ea 1-, at b a t, . 0 'i e . Ie. t our lerlilo w .1 te- be lilh 1: up w it -w arm. iiii millions : ht the lii onllniii: to t'-'W in l'i"i.i loir : ; I I the St 1 aim r, n t the en r, !, . 1 the r ,,. ,-. ay, . p. ci.iliv I ! "t 1 : I '. 1 . e 1.1. 1 ... y . ..' lhe - 1. 1 i.'y 1 1 ' , . - 1 . i f Ci va I 1 Mi ! 1 01 iii a ; ; ii i i. p iy I .iih I .ie .a . . .1 1 ' : . . i.i 1 ... i v li II I 1 ' Alliliille i i h-t a 1 i. i. t 11 e 1 . 1 1. t, ,r v .1 t w ,. te . with v i .1: j i ty ; h t t la in In t:I ,1 riid 1 1 I aii i ' 1 t llii ir I 1 .ui l-ii I otic . : I li. v. : U ! '.,11- '; ., liver- ; an I lie 11 ill the train of lid- ;.r in r p -p-.il.-.l: ei. h t tie- 1 ii.t'n 1 , 1 . , t : -1- !,!, an 1 l' '. i i ' el. ... '. be 1 . " ; -I ! r the 1 'oil. . i n-', .-i, -, in 1 1. e I .. 1:1 ". ". . . 1 , v. I. I.i " . .. .1 a .-p i 1,0 le ui n th na; p: i'-ilty, -1., ii a- the world li:i never seen 11. 1 ! 1 lar e a scale. all 1 y i vv it bin t!ii: 1 .ach oi : C 'ul :.. 1. tl il. vr, 1 . i ll. -. ' ie. I -.i !. ,e i , v. ic I ,,el ! p o lhe ou.c The follow ill., from the ."ill I ...i J '.inner, V:.,' y; ,i,tii:., ti e Vr ll.e ll. ii..l. I. i,.ee ol Ids contains si e "oo'l I radical luiiis anu -11 ..i.t l.nis. -ii, il Ui-tv be lead .1'. aeled up- j,-, ..,,,.,1 y iiiauy oi '..ir eil.ii ni a h-r : "I,i reii ii' ' the I" irnn r, I 11 n 1 much j.'..-. . mi .1 n.aliou Oil an -ii.'J. ci-,y it I titiiik th Miel.i "iu swatiips do n .t iiiiive (''ie . ati; uli n ; it i-tl..":ii ..li I . . il i i.d c a t-in i, oil Siate. '1'i-iie, ii.iemtii-r.il.ce is bade- ll l.l. ll, illio HUH 1. i.ii.1 in in Ii ha-been .i I an , one to do it a ay, but tin y that vvi.l I I "1 ..ill 11 p'i-"H, ar it" pi I t t. I. .t v.l.. . lh:.l .'., . . j; -ii t. I ' ,v ii.ua. in.! i'-e ' ' ' ' sta.i,.i!.t .. .I r ,ia:, i.... i.i I toiai. il I- .e.t hi.O , .III :t " a- i' o ".ir , o ic. 1 c.i 0 ha. i .-..' io' .ce ,.,i,i , vv c vv .. id.-a I10.1 -. 01 v.e .-.. .1 . ecu f mi c: lo 1! lain all 1 ic - vv .1 1.0 . t .; ... oi the liiii" aiei 1 1 a-, .1.1 1 ' ' ' i s iie d. I I lii t III e t ... " -IV " ' I-' 1 - II II .1 C! ..I ... I. ll.il'ie ."I.. 1.1 , . . . . , llie 1- an . m'.ny 1 1 .1 " i y h .- l . . . I 'i, i. .., v.e 1 trill: it ult.' .-i'i I a-a ami Till euc-lia.l a- 1. i y u. ,.i cue vie HO ill see I h ' 1 1 1 1 I ' 1 . 1 . i . 1 f - III 11.01! I. t i: I. . . - a 1 n ai' , .1 1 1 l l llloi ..I .' hi CO. , : i t ic. .- i i.'i.i. a, i 1 pat ', , ' " ao "1 li i. at lie in ai ray a-i ipi: k .. - 1 I.-. "j,..,.,.,, t'.-ii cxpi li ne ', th it tie: re i. i v i.i ihe.e fi,aii.p-, no I vve ha.e ., ily to era ill llie v . - .1 Im v. ,. ; Ii.i i ,t. I clean d t.-.o i.in' i : ' yar- a ., put it i..lo ; i .. , :. ; i b.iicc ah,, it I ,ai I l.e - a s mi.e,i l...y I i I.. : ac a,,.:, my n, ...o i, an I .. , .,y in, ; .r i..;i.iii : it . . . I . ;, . . .. '.' :, la r l ,, ,1 i, , !,;r ,t ,1, , p, I ti..-.. ... d r , h a i , d I ion 1 ll, and ll..' o i..".i.t .;,.( luieiov cuemv w ,i t mi my .,.'. u 1 ,,;, the ii i. . ,.,,1 -.1 it . I , o ii. .0 ll : i. ' . i i .1 the ii . d -'i I ., ., ,,,i, titan 1 i.i 1 i '1 i",1 at it and j i,,,i,, , ii. I pat in iv.n r i.i j i.iid.e- t ,u " h. a id u I oi' .01 t i i. iih .- mail st oie-un 1 I on! ',- t I.i i.n b- , nf the t-m o! tne 1 1.1:1:1 I. lit a i.art "lit I nut in -canton ' by . . , ii.iil. I tlielil. " I coii d lit limni'V move la- .' i ' l'..r idli-lii'i ', thiili ht f'.r fill per cent. Lot on- man cannot aeeoa pii ll lb'' ..bjcet al '.e. I have l fame 1 the III" I 1.1 InV oiill siVllill'l I, bi - ne vet I dnnt i vi" it t" 1. '.ili.'.v mile lit as to healU, ,,.il my in ymr, drain th.irs. We want ft reneral cllmt t lirauh- out lhe Stale, and it ivill double tho rAe I Ji i:!l i'l. iis . 'utioii ol tlio mmy to c.-toi taliou.-ly an i-ounei d a lew v.tii.- ao lor the piiipo fi.ofr tjuitun;? me rj pii'iu'ii,iom wiutii, imiuiiie H.uiiiin tin oit-n u.atei: j nciiic pioie.-hions ol the J.n.pi lor. were : 1 1 1 iai!y K.t wilh re- -d to hi.-. Ion Ku t.o.icy. 1 arfcuetl that '' tei ious nud .iiMiuu.l.t icOi,tiion had ,l;1' ineileU j that the uelttuif't pom lu.-ly eni.uui.eea sii.o.n.ud rt the ti. ,"'lUr:'. 01 'c,i-e 'v.enty t r th.ity tbouoamJ men .-ix or icvcu mu if . u'.i.i r U . n lj law ehar :i: ; and that thia mi I'Miie n as ilii -t.-.ted ly I v limn.i coii.-in ri.tiom ; no ccm - ' '','u v.tli iniormed per-i nn M:ppo. ii. lh:.t, - 1 icl' v. vd td Lp.u an m iei-.e Jor- " .." !" the new i-iiliioi n.ryle, l,e . 1.: ve 1 no oi Ine i.H. . e n.lt 1 v 11! ion ....... ., , . - '" j " '-! p"' n ivte.li e m.l .- .1 . , e.j.,. ,.,.,1 v. the teimoi uiiicvoi ti.; mm ' oi. char; c.l. Ann 1 11,1 ih. r ar,,m ... ti r t io.iveai:y otmr tmni limu.e-n.l impoiiiii.c.- to ihe amioiii.ved iciitKtion. the .;.-d;:e rl.ouid hivi I , 1 n ; i - 11 lo en.il 1 .ion;; 11,10 rclual 1 -ilon. lie ' . ,o.,!i n , n ii 1 noli , - ii 11: 1 .''-, ie annual (oi.tiii;;! i.t mi piio by Cuicnp- li'Ui lor the ri ri .0 1! 11 mwal 01 the ranks - . ., ', , . ".' '' rein b army, i a. t . are now ocenr. ' ' ("J"' '-'."IW'V .Jl"'L"- I" ''... .e.n.it. en lot.ie J.e-i.-ii.li.c Coips " i1"1',' ,! i,Jl li"V ",1V1 ol te m-ual .ro ol : . ,.( ;J V ' in r C 'li t lints liMiii lhe i!a-.i ot 1 '. the vh"le in inhrol Veuli men ill 1 1a1.ee an:::i.;lly n;!.; t t 10 tl:i-ca.lis t.ie.ut l.lo,. id 11.. .- , ..' : re I .. 1 c eh . . n 1 y . t ti -1 lie 1 or . -. n .::r- in ll.e ;.Iu,y. I I." 1 ill l.a n i. :;:: y L 1 .' 1:: . al .y i. j or. I .1 11 in lhe L ,i 1 (.'..tp , ,.i,d will ' "'' t" . 01 I -t come a law v.itiue,it mo'.iil- i.i -j. U 1 u 1 e 1., Ii o I U in pi I 1 ce t j tl. 1 ti 1 t , i h. II. il -it t le. 1 iii a matter of t . ; ll.e I...! .; -i I ll i.i - f "I. 1.1. Let 1. I.,.- I t s V . -i l.cij 1 the .1 ! i . i .0 tiie ti .11 ol L,i- 1 I, Hippo ti I '..it lei t ' .I'vU ueiuii, i. ni. 1. ally M li e 01 ..1. I.. I.t. (.Mill no i t 1. .. -.ly, ; i ih -js invi-iial I; ,c: !,'.l only ,'. lei II., ,.i aeli.i.lly ii.l j icrvice, bav in, tlied;,.,- .0. . 1 ,.t i, .l..e, but j.ulict at any 1.. ,..,'-..! to le called .nit ii in iho 1 ii ei. ti oi -if ' lo.eramti t the 1 Niei.ch - of tho Mat., t'.ij, 11 Mini 11 leoiiiio it. ley th S , ,. , .0 , .i.iiaiy Ion.... cou tanl- , . , , . C(Ji ,. Lai I.i en ' ,- I I 1... il. ."-. lar, lie ii ; .ne, from oaeiiii-r ( Knfope, :. :.i i ail ', i i.' the iii.cciit-. r-- ""' '! m-, r.i c.ivct'n e r.ili.t tion of the iii.it, .y ! ne el i . i.i i , ,.: -j.dt on HI. hns iiviii I iia io ic j ,,if, ly liiis lie .V bill i, i ' lii , li.e li . . , I i ii,cu:..ro by Up .. .1 ' i I ,' il l.n !i, V. 1 1 1: llll ill ! her I. -i 1 ii, 1... i i h.ary 1 .ce .1 ll.e i.iu y ; tor li:. i ii. li ." ll:.- i . t ,i l .ill out but i ,J'f i the ' c i. etipls i-.i:,:, . hi liu. tn- n... i ...lui .i i.t. . . lhe pi . U.ec, jo I ! e leii,lipoll I'V the 1. II. pi I or, ol t.l-cli.l"; u;f, . ; : i l.e . . h I . .ui e I l.e I i .ul oa , i ;. plra ;. a ..i'l.iiii I. ii.i "I .-i iv Uc, ii " t e. the ie. i. e !: j. . ,.i 1 ,ie Oi 'i t I .- ui toll . 1 1 Ipts, i ; - I 1 1 ii I . i . . p tiie i aii.i ei ..f men i.eta ,'!, i , ,i i i:. : at :i n. lire a lill.e uiiiUr . , i i. .'. ut him call out, :'s he is a ! ,i . I i I i ' , lhe Kid - ,' ! oi the class oi I ), fuel I, I -i hu r.i' pieliiiil urely liOlu! ui ihe i, .i r cla e-, ami v.e ha e, by inliui -si. ii i u; ili H 1 . i. . c ia p o t tii; ' y pub- ii l 't !','.'. bayou. t i.i t'iiiif about tho -way :t I. .me, or tip oi lie' i:.i t.c.u o's oi L ii.'pe In it . i si 'ii , el a area i. 1 . T sov tr.'l ,' i, . pa t too MUii 'hil il journal I,. i . e bi . n i :: .! i- in- a I, ' I - .-h ; ; . al j j, . ,, , ,, .-.. t , j cr.-urnlj ll ir p.-ii. I I1...1 1 i u ; u. -: in :; 1 this iu- cii-i.-ii i.t vl.ii ti.-J 1 1-. proli--ci peace p. l.cy, ur euiiii l 1 s.ii.v lli.it luere li - tut In . 11 11 vcntali.e led ocleiii oi tho n.i.itary 1 -ice of Uralic-' t 1 I .e aai'-int ut .1 .iM men. he 1:.-, a... r c:,iie--in ' I I. .i :i. 01 "l I I '1 it III -u.t" "t ; t ii-re siio n l I, ! t lhe 1.0 1. Oi ll: - I "i:ie V. I ) ill ( .. ' J' Hi', 1 1. ... lis I 1" e. pie '- il ls to he all 111 -0 i lo I" i ll ..CO :i, ul : w I. 11 1 he chief of u iiv. r- hi- !.- in' t i n.alii a.iii t..c" s i.uli iiiis v..'V a iiiiin oi oi uf 11 or military ..'..,..i; o to ni in ,i, ie biin, I 1" i i ,'c , n i u i .' I i.i' c I - -ie.it n ' I- hi. h IV e li ill: o U .,!.. I i I. ,.e 0 i-.h, a.t 1 : iron r e- ilii i ; I i lor, all 1 c oi-e-oi t.oi tic. ., ..1. J a tl,- n.c.i i lime h t us f th :i . i.i;r -ti. n .th jf as oi l he ini.il ary p wvi r Vi e .'..i.i - e. I, .'. ' -0 :: ! i' i . lis I: Ii , . al a- we V.l . e. I .,e ii! ii la I la ii ! .pl'loroilS ll l.e (o.'l.ei, V i.liu . c.i caeli of six ll:'e -loo- . :ii - io: ', under r." cvni iii I of a. ,i ..--A l...'u ai ii i.l c-i .'-A Imiial. Unu ,.; th' - -, ! i ni i ' to I. i . e it- I'' il 1 1 nil' at io... ei, on l.n' .'i i a', a,-, ai ! llieoth ir -t h, (. an tiie All ti.ft. 'l he naval I , : 1 . 1 es o.i i. a n I I I 1 o a v -i. ; 111 .in '.i li d - ui, I i. . u. 1. .; a. v I i I lliuouil.l i.i VitiUO to ... i.;... u i. "I ll, '' . " '. . .. . ,- I i.. il ..i' A 1 . '..ar : nf tli" J th iii- :., t u.t iiiiiiHi tor the .I. .!' (he present m :,,h, (.'i..vli-) i.l I', ilia, a l'o. i. re ' of i i a.eii- , !,. cm: ri 1.1 ! n. '1 r . 1 In'! I11O1I o ll, c on i.i u.t 1 .1 j'! .s ; .i 0.1 111. Ilii.p 1 , uf II.:- i 1 aul An ti 1 and i.l, 1 , .-i I'i ! I 1 ai.' I' le'l 1 illlilllllto , 1 i. ihr : 1 i : I hi: il-vv I.i-.-1 day", vb. 1,1 lii.y vil. 1 lo joined by tho :s of H ilian I a il li'i.i.iiii, t'liisicoii- to , 1 c ,ie- :-li . a ry ; ovii o -is ' oi iier.n.iii; , mil ii.vei'iu ; . 1 Jt ;, ul l ic r.iii.i .; I'. Inc.' ' oi' 1 ' i. y. I f I iii i Coll do 1 i ur ure - 1 ' n ! p. i.il ii'ily p .k-d by a spirit I. I,, a "l' ni tril-t I ivard N.ip .'eo.i 1 i f, hi' cxebl I aul a i "1 i' a' 1 ' I Cii'i.-ui".' if hi: . mopl -le i : !..'.! ui anion ; th . ii r. i :,, of iiar ''.'. ' .... . 1 Tin: ivn'ih vrdin.r lo n Idler received ii, I'mis - from a p -r-ou I.i d, in iti.l.i ued 1 1 It nu, tin. . .,v, v i , . r an-e ; - c . nine Juiij. . .'-,:,'" ; " . will est nd to two !'- h 1

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