I : , Iff VOIaUMB Q. CHARLOTTE, 1ST C, APIIIj QO, 18SS, flOLTOH & WILLIAMSON, KdITUKS AND I'llOPlUETUlW. Tiro .Vorlli.C'nrolina Whig will lie ofl'imlrd to -ii!u,-rilier ut TWO IXJI.I.AliS in mi v, nice, or un iiul.l.Alisi AS I) Hl'TY I'KXTS if no v. i.mit bu di.Ujcu fur tliri'o iiniiitlif, unil 'l'UKl.i: l,H,I.AIiS ut the end of the year. No paper will U d.KiitiuiKu until idl arrearage, urc paid, ix. ,. ! l the upturn ul tlic loll turn. ''I 1 , ,. ,, A.lv. rtiM-iiieiits uini-rted at Hue Dollar p-r uaru Id li,,,. or lis., tlii 'u. d t yii ) lor the lir-d inner. 1,u,.umI lii cent- lor continuance. Court ad. Minted, una was lying senseless anil ino'loll vaiiM Hii ut mid KlienU'' Sale charged a.i er less on the cushion. Taking her in his arms, f at. higher ; und a deduction of 33) r cent, will s jf hlc m J -,.,. ufaut 1,0 carried her .ulc from tho rcgMur prim., tor adv-crti-cra by ,-,-,r. AilvertinHiicnU umcrie.i mommy or ,u,ri,rlv. nt 1 p. r .,uaro for cacli tilt.c. Semi.. I,ntlili5 cent jut ,uarc- for eucli time. 1 AU lt;ttij.i u bti ii,vu umt Ui dir,'j-.V;H t ' til,' kiiitur.- l. ttj r must Iw ,ot-ui4 or thty illii.it be a luild to. ' I J r l iiynient can U: made to cither. rotmattr are autiiorizeu 10 act 2 (1 1), $3 Tho Early Dead. SV FLOEtS II. ri.VWI'TO.N. F'cv nroW nt ,J''' I" r,e'' ""o (lir-v fc I'Ti vrr tcautiliil : tin ) i'tk, Cut- Mi'ht of irrw, ui-il tin' Wuli- of jjrirf, T ;e r ilikt r of iilHu tioit. iinij lltr cr if 1 ,tt( f" i n our ccrr (tiy(!r, muy r.;.k tli Ui tin If filirt , until, o rpi l't, la? ivt'iry tr-imr drops tiiiVin J to tin' ijiif-t; it tltr wh' 111 ttnj llo"suin of tlu'ir )turn, i - rt in tl.rir kIt y "titJ !-u n 1 l;ic t;jl( tltun at i -jiity to tin ; , IiiVT kliOW tlic flow lit lilt' of" : liOi no towt r Uh-n ill- m ; Injt, i t r, ; uijilaiiti'd to thi- 1'ar nl r ut I jtlt, ,ii lll Jlll- Ellllltort I 111 tin II UHtOt ;!it(', if -,r I'nfdy ami lovi'liints, tin- l4o in, rt- n liiu I'riJits of taiMfd III ( nd'H, ',;d I he c!i.iii"C and thu wrath of Time. yv qrort' not olJ, the lovrj who p n-h yt'iini? ; . ..iiiiii tlic viht y j;ri.t.-n l.i r- l;r tin ir li-nus 'lii Jtiiit.n' thr d-ti'ii i, tin- hinfnd ii;cu:ni iu I. vrt the ifurfn of t!.t i i..n, '.i ti e V- hit ' rto.'r, t!it kindn d litt inuf t-n.T tp'Mi f.'t't t!it: lituiili! ( vi.im ; -1 their rmttnjf pKirr tlti; rn llehri utiuifl ' r t k, hot vainly ; mid the plouMh-hoy turn :;i tin hfiht hir- l.c turf uIm.il t!n ir u.l, )'.m Kfijii, ui- he inj;( hi fiumlt hty, l-.ritii timu Inn nn.r t'.ir t!..it lt p li low : . I, III our lie.ift" th; y lu.U r meiiihr..!. e, im oar dre.im do tin y rrtnt us ; ih rough (If Kuhkn ttory uf Ht 1 ml, v , ' Inr mm I low. il l.y the t'l;i z- of .e, ? juttertii of tin fr Uvuty tu! .ipp r ti'Cinit an thry n em tit r r-"t'"( rt lioautiful an we dit:y ; u w (.'low oll, :vUarly loin! lr incinorn n thry L:inp. It think tut of a pf nth one, I ,ir Uf itiifht tt- tjjiioiMfM (I . S.iint !. : ':. r to ii us an c ierrdin J"V, w 1 IA u m a iimihI t Jtnf dinjf (iritf. ( m m cjtir lily ; end the arifeU lovej it, fit dnl dtvi.lr with nit a terni r rh-ir-u E it huddi d ; and w ; hnjH .1 to c !) iiity ot itM h!onMm. Mul, one d iy !:i; iJerp glory of a tlowt-rmp M-y, br.L'ht mitniTial from tin- lltll of Hliiia mi- tiown into the -ir!i n of our !ov ; : m ilnl tin y pn f r tint pt rf. et bud, ;l iu coaniori d wrrr lin-y ot ii ijrat'f, ut till V Valued it iihoVt? nil othrri, .I lin y did hr alh unu it, and our hty fiii.c, htmt-forlh, nnniort,,! in it hluom. mi5(c!(ancoii5. From the New Vrnk Organ. Fruits of a Cureless Word. A SKKTt ll. ' 11 wirr-, bcwTre of e irel, wortlj, Ttuy have it ft rlul jm.w, r ; T!.itii.'li it..,,, the tmml, u mi itli tlie dreith W ine'it j;.e tiu In, tie V line tl.ivvn, V. t HortifWord, l' ill. inl ' xt 11 Ui::ilh, M iy tlu, II hi eU-ry tmt ." A farrtage drew up before a superb hon-e, I'ity, jilst as du.ik was falling, one M aflerii i'in in l'eeember. A footmau in il tin! dour and h t down the steps, I a lady, cloaked and f.irred to the e "t'C "f e niif.iit and fih'eni, descended to " v clin iit. A clean, but thinly clad ! (.'irl, was tripping lightly over the el tbijrs, that lay hftneen tho enrria'e J the marble steps, of the iiiatiiMi, (ia .' with childish eurioity ut the richly dress : lady, she forgot to look to her own move "t, stumbled a'aiu-t a jirojeeti.ui of iiilptured baiu.-ter and fell, striking r head and shoulder with great force jint tho marble. She rose immediately I nttempted to move on, but reeled as if d ie to support herself, sank back ou Hi p and burst into tears. ''Are you much hurt, my poor child ?" "''I the lady, eouipas.iioii.iti-ly. "lam afraid so, ma'am, " answered the ;.'iil, speaking with niueh propriety, ""t 1 do nut mind that ; 1 am only suriy 'l 1 cannot do my m ither's en , mil.'' ' W liy did not your mothcrseiid soineobler r,,n' You are very small to be out a '"'i heti il is so near lii jht.'' " "lie h is no ono cIm! to send. She will ' '' to jio her.-clf, now, and tho has work : 'lir'l all day, and is very tired. iche 1 1, very siek, and is not strong jet. ", ill make her worse aain. O, what 'II I do!" Where were Jou ("ui nir 7 " nked the lV, It. u,.,, ii,i,,r.,wl...t 1... ll... ..Iiil.l' vit.,-i-li .,i i i"-n:iv,,,i,r Lj Mi,s Smith's, the dressmaker's, to ' 11 pattern for my mother to embroider -' li's Smith forgot to send one with ",',)',''' Vl'1 dress, this morning." '"it must your mother positively have flight'."- J ' J ''s, ma'am. She must have the dress ,"' "laiililla done by a particular day, or Smith will give her no more work- 1, ', sue (iiih seni worn mni sue ,, , l'"' '"' until until are finished." here does your mother live ?" ! ( 1,1 ''hild named a street and number. ' ' J'din," said the ladv put this little 1 ' "'" -h carriage and take her home.'' Jolin looked surprised, but lie was a kind hearted muu, und did not hesitate to obey, 1 io lilted the child gently, to the luxurious seat and closed tho carriage door. " And, John," continued the lady, " get the exact errand from the Mother, und 1 umu ld 'mss a"u u I'M" uur, can you not?" I Juhu signified his willingness, and drove a ()u ,.-.: ut t; wr,.tt.ied tene- . ,. . . D. .... , . 'mint indicated by the child, and npeiimir , , J , e . 1 . -J -e cu .... He ,,oo, , . " " , , . . ... , , (. 1 ' ,., . , 1 l""r. It was opened by a slovenly !VOiiiaji, who, wili an air, Jiulf of wonder and half of imtitlereiir'e, replied to JoW in,uiries, by (lircxKng him to a room up stairs. lie proceeded thither, and was ad- niittcd by a woman of exeeeilingly delicate apliearanee, whose start nt surprise and anguish, ut once proclaimuJ her the mother of the euHeriti' child. " f-he is nut dead, ma'am ; said John, I ha-tenin' to relieve her probable fears. " she only fainted. He placed the light form on a couch, to which the mother directed him, and waited for u return of tranquility to permit him to obey the la-t orders of his mistress. And while he waited, dishonest heart was deeply moved by the lamentations of the alllieted woman, in she strove, for some time vainly, to recall her inanimate child to life. I " My little, sprightly Mary," she said, ' this, alone, wa- wanting to complete my wretchedness. You are my onlj' treasure hope a!mo-t support ; tor how, or why should 1 have labored to sustain my miser able life, if yours had not depended on it !" Alarmed at the continued insensibility of the i iiild, John ventured to a-1; j "Hud vou not fetter send for a doctor, i l,,,,':.,,," I II nil, l,.r .,.. , 'I,-.., lie I C , ' will tell me which one to call." ' i "A doetor."' respond -il the woman, somewhat wildly. "Oh, if 1 hal but a ihd- j lar, to pa e : Hut my own sieUc-s ha, j eoii.uii.ed" all that 1 had saved for ollr I winters , mhums, ami How hovv we are I even to subsi.it, I do not know. Hut let me try to say (iod s will be done. And to feel it, too," she continued, sti'UL"'ling to compose her-elf. Little Mary, at length, moved, and open ed Ik r eyes. An cxclamutioii of transport from the mother, proclaimed this plea-ing truth to John, who, on afterward, made known the directions he had received r 'Jieeting the errand t i Mi-s Smith. The poer won. an was affected l y this kindness noma st rang. r. Mie ipiicklj- prepared a note, with which John ha-teiied to the house ol the dressmaker, .'lis.. Miutli, on reading ; the liote handed her by John, immediately ej,elaiiiied , " How fortunate ! Mrs. Kerry's own dre. that Mm. Sanlord i eiiiiajed to embroider. I You may 1. 11 Mrs. !! rry that she may de- peiid on having it before Christina-., and on ' In ing satislii'd with it, too. Mrs. Sanlord ; is our very best baud, and I have taken measures to insure her to have it done punctually."' I John a already aware of the " mea-- i ures" which she had adopted. lie received the required patterns; but, instead of re- tun.iii'.' dir. ctiy to Mr.. Sauford's he bent his steps t i the residence of Mrs. llcrry. , lie was an attached and soinew hat privileg ed servant, and soon found hisw.iy to the presence of his mi.-tr,: She was deeply moved bv his desei itdioii of the mother of little Mary, and her pathetic lamentations over her child. 'I he name, too, uf Salilord, ri called sei in's of her earlier iile, w ilh w hieh that name had been associated ; and height ened her interest ill the, uiifu tunate pair. Hut when John came to rchear-e all that he had learned at Miss Smith's, the lady's ehe. k gloued as if she h it her-i iftlie cul prit, wh o-e delinquency ha 1 caused this painful m-ua!ty. She was conscious that a vain anxiety to appear in her splendid dress, at a f'hridmas leslival, had impelled her to give that urgent order to Mis, Smith, whic h had led her, in her t u n, to i im the oi.i'i'essivc mandate that had resulted io little Marv's Ini le Alarv's mischance, and her mother's , ry cn. I bitter grief. Compassion science, were now- all aliv und moved by their joint imi.ul.es, Mrs. Ib-rrv formed a 'are pleased licit sue nas gone mere, u resolutie.ii and proceeded, to 'act thereon, 'H do more than a thousand volumes to with chanietcri-tic promptitude. dissipate tho fanatical illusion which now- Little Mary lay writhing with pain, mi surrounds her name, her cause, and her her hard couch. The scanty lire in the book. Her friends, the Hutchssess, aud the grate had nearly burned out, and the dim eighty thousand Hntish women who are go lamp served, bar. lv, t . reveal the cheerless i8 to visit her at Stafford House, will find aspect of the room" Mrs. Salilord was still their goddess a coarse pedantic, ugly, vain en.leavorin-. alternately, to soothe the little sufferer, and to draw strength for herself from the only true source, by halt uttered petitions to the Throne of Mercy. Hut, hark ! A rap comes gently at the door. Mrs. Sahford opened it, supposing that John bad probably returned from Miss Smith's. John was not alone. A lady entered the room, a single glance at whose b, nevidenl countenance, assured Mrs. San ford that Heaven had sent ,,.r a friend. John wa-, forthwith, di.-patelicd for a phy sician while he was absent, Mrs. Kerry obtained many particulars of the sad his- tl" f Mrs. Sanloid whose full heart was pen to sympathy, aud readily poured its errors into thecal- of the ag'iit ot mercy. She was a native of a distant state; she had married early, -Hid with bright prospects of happiness ; hut her husband jieldedto the temptation of wine, and wa.ted first his own patrimony, and then hers, in the pro-iiii-euous extravagance vv hieh intemperance commonly induces. He then returned, bring ing Ids wife and child to this, his native city. Soon after their arrival he died as a jury declared an accidental death, leav ing her to encounter the ills of poverty a loiie, and in a city of strangers. Mrs. Hcrry listened with interest to the widow's niornfiil recital j many particulars of which strengthened a conviction nlncl she had gathered from her name, and from a closer ,erual of little Mary's features, that the faulty husband and father ha been anintiinatocoiiipiinioii of herowii cliild ami v, mtli. Mrs. Salilord continued " - - ; j " her hifory. " My husband used to Hay that be was oi'cc ou the very point of joining a teiiipnr- ante society, which, ho believed, might have saved him from the bondage into which he liad fallen, but he was deterred by the merry raillery of a young lady, whose re- sped no valued anil learod lie should lose. if ho voluntarily relinquished what she termed his 'freedom, as a man, to be euid- ed and governed by his own streii-th ' JIc . c. .. . ,. n" was keenly sensitive to riJic-hc : he rei-t- , . . , . , -1- " " ' ""gei aim me consequence was what i liavo described. (). how of- ten I have wished that youm- lady could but look on the ruin her thoughtless inerri- uient had wroiu'lit !" of it," responded Mrs.! ely audible. I was ' liilUm,,! ;l,j " She, at last hears of it Jerry, iu a yotce scare tUQ reckless mrl wUnsa i,lU ...el ,;lr..J r.V.. cule of what I even then had I spoken " 13 J1'1 oUe" tl4OIC0 '" t:,(i " !,'Ct;'J" ot' '' with sineeiity respected, has caused you : , jotts ; "lul hke fal lI dia-o which so much sorrow. Your husband was my ',?yi ? ruVL'1 111 tllL' '" youthful love rdavmi.tn nr.il ni... ,f f..; i. i lines.., it mo t L'enerally seies on tho-e cha- I have often tried to ascertain what Lad ra('(,c',' ivty wm:U F t0 ,u "M been his fate in life Vn,i ;il ,.r.. r ty the widest fields lor speculation, 'lhe sure, refuse mc the gratification of repairing, as lar as remains in my power, the injury 1 hav e done you. 1 have plenty, and a home. You must leave this wretched place and share what (iod has given me; we will nurse little Mary together, and you soon recover your lost strength and health. " M rs. Sanford could not resist tnis generous proposal. She remained an honored guest with Mrs. Merry during the winter, and in the spring, objecting decidely, to a life of dependence, she opened a school, in which, patronized by Mrs. Kerry and her numer ous acquaintances, she has succeeded be yond her hopes. Mrs. lieiry is still the widow's kind and effieeut friend. She is widely known as a lady of wealth and talents, aud having held a commanding i.o-itioii in society. In such eireumttanee, a,,l fro,,, l,..r II,., : ' potent , !l tl'l .- lie lie -left ' -I,.. ,..rl..t , , ,,, ;,,. , "'!'o'.i.;!,ii,,' her yo "IT'" ' J""j I lnemls (and we '"-'ri' " po'.-i'de, impress the same tomi-cl on oars,) to for bear that playtul satire VJ '"l"'"1)- discourages, u, the timid "d sensitive, a disposition to enlist in a ,,,.,..1 n ,. ;., r, 1, ft""" "-) -"c"6- " "J"k- A NEW IT KI.l) Toll I'OWDEK. 1 he last number of the Scientific Amen- can contains a notice of a new plan oferu-h- ing ore by gunpowder, invented by Capt. harpnell, J.oudou, and recently patented I III England. It is thus described, in the j London Mechanics' Magazine : ! "The invention coii-ists of a chamber a bout ten feet long, eight feet high, and six I fuut ui.lr. ll.o l.ii, L ,., ..I' ' inch and a half wrought iron, and the sides I nr -l,,.i Irs.,, M'l... .,r., rl,-. ..,..1 strengthened with ribs. The whole rests upon a bed of timber strongly framed. A short railroad track is placed iu front of the box for tho camion to run unon. The eun is charged with, powder, and wad rammed lown upon it, am 1 all 1,1, , the ,d cba.gcd will, broken nieces of ore, and tl, whole covered with another wad. It is now moved forward ou the rails, against the front of the chamber, iu w hieh there is a circu lar hole, rather larger than the muzzle of tho gun. The muzzle is just introduced within the thickness of the plate, the piece is primed and fired, when the charge i. pro jected against strong thick plate forming the back of the box. To relieve the sides ot the box from the coneu.ssive force, the roof is t". .run. il ,,, floors HI... I, loter,. vvhielt ,,,.! ,1 ,, . 1. Hy tip when the explosion takes place, i und act as satctj- valves, after which thev i immediately fall. The reduced ore is act- d upon by a gentle blast, which -tends off the lighter particles, uml allows the heavier m.-tallio tj fall. A perforated false bottom allows the reduced ore to fall down into a drawer, which is withdrawn with the dust, to submit the latter to the wiuuovvnig pro-, ces..." ' TAI'.T. Tlie Hiebmoiid l'.xamiuer, speaking of the visit of " I'ncb; Tom" j l-.iiglruid, says : Harriet Ikeclicr Stovve, and her brother have gone to England, to snuff the incense ot the adulation prepared there tor them, "ct as much money as they can, and make themselves as ridiculous ns possible. We old school mistress, and she will Und them to be a parcel ot people who alict lier no toriety only to share it among themselves. They will patronize, and she will try to do the same, and two parties cati never play that game at ouce. Tin: end of the visit will be, that Mrs. Stowe will leave England full of mortification and spite, while her noble patrons w ill aw aken from their deliri um iu time to discover that they have made themselves more absurdly silly over a very ordinary old woman, than the Yankees i.ive ever done bclore over the men ot mo icst genius tikis age has produced. A Bl'KM.Ml MOUNTAIN'. An exelianco paper snys: "Tlie anthra- cite coal iu that part of the Hroad Mountain called the " l irry .'lountaius, near .-.cnuji- kill Haven, (I'a.) has been on lire for the last fifteen years, from tins tact, it is now dangerous to travel over the mountain, as it is supposed that in many places the sur- face is u mere crust or shell, the coal Uaviug been consumed up to the surface, and hence tlie least, pressure thereon, it is presumed, might, break through and let the adventurer down into the fiery valley below. At the base of the mountain iu one place a stream of water i'linost boiling hot comes out. The surface of tlie mountain presents a desolate be too much glory at i nn for th" g "--:p-, appearance as far as the eye can reach. j who would make iiiiiiec-nie.it of inc. before The mountain is -cithcr cracked, burnt, or the next " Whig " comes out. Thcrel re 1 broken into eiiornious and fearful depths by ; vv ill defer it, as perhaps, will in future the approach of thu (ires to the upper stra- j furnish materials for sc-uulal for tli..-e who turn ; roots and trunks at" lofty trees are I are determined to follow the practice, and charred and blackened, mingling their py- for the purpose of saving tlie teinb r fed roligneous odor with the sulphurous vapors j ings ,,f some of my acquaintance?, who t ak j from tho hot caves and crevisces around." ; it so hard to be talked al -.-it l-r .-th , (L.o!iununici!fion5. ion the nouth cauoi.ina villi;. Ju till y of luo much oprm rn with any ; for many an u..it.ilc friend hull, ubiisej uii"i, i-J. ed L'ontiilelice, And lent to el(ish ends the eer, i f the ulll." There is not, in the whole train of human vices, one more dastardly dark than Sl.A.v- i . . -' wuisyci. ..mi mo naneim ,l''a's' e:url" P"'"" ln tv' : V brealh ; . and ,kf L!a'st ol thu s.'r.ft l J-.-o- latiou in in iraeK. .eitni l the most un ''uc".tionable r'tiuil!i;. D0'- "'"'-' il'"d"' artle.-stics, can e t.e its rancour ( aud malignity. I:idis.-.irtri':iijits aUae.H " "vaillliiw. 1 :uns-. irtp- uiidissembliiig individual who stoops not to the guarded policy of dissimulation, und the credulous aud unsuspecting mind, ubtutor- .u ,rj fiiuc, ,,,,11, ,i,oni in nc. ry associate j and those who dare to think and act in well-meaning independence of feeling too often rush upon its fatal shoals, which h ave them a wreck forever. Of the taults ot these and similar characters, and more especially of those of females, it is the part of christian duty to throw over! them the veil of human charity. For, re member, that the breath whi- h obscures the bright surface of the mirror niaj- be wiped ! away, but that which is breathed on the fail fame of female purity can never be erased. We should therefore weigh well the merits ' and demerits of an individual before we pass sentence, for without unequivocal tos- tltlloliy It IS WTOtlg, Uhlll t, ail! crui-1 to Con- ueiun. .Moreover tuc saerctl oracles ol irutu says, "judge not. le.-t je be j There is another practice which darken the catalogue of female vie.-.-, and which, though not so sinful, is nearly allied to. and equally detestible, as tho one ou which 1 have just been commenting. It is that of iiissu-l'INii. Imagine t , yourself, reader, a party of ladies, wearing all the smiles of in nocence and breathing ail the blandishments jot love, set out for the purpose of making morning calls. Is it ..,.. -ib!,: that, iu those gentle bo-onis over v, hi, 1, tho folds of such tastily arranged drap, ry is f.illii.g, could be urking the passions of u.vy, hatred and " venge 7 It is even so. There is a cl.i-- of females, whose daily avocation f-etm to be to go from morning till Light, and from ,h or to dool'. for the sob- Liu l-'-" 'M :lndo lli.oi- welcome to each successive ft ., ud by iiii' materials for scandal, and uii.-e retl.ll- n-tru- i"3 and exaggerating all they heard iu tm ir last, calls. 1. allies should rum. n.bcr, tuat they are paying those whom the;, are visit ing, anv thing but a compliment supp )se ''i;lt ''"'' can be entertained i': in ot!.-r way than hy this de'e-t.ildo -u.a.. t.i.:;. In deed, to those who vi.li to be ::t : i :.ee with the world, vi-it;hg ha- bi.c-oiii.- s ' joi asa:.!, from the fact that they hear nothing di-cuss. ed when they do so, but the fau'.i- and ! ings of their neighbors", that inanv of t! ,ul- ,el!l en- have determined t ) cultivate enj .j tirelv at home, l.'nless the v i-:t- ll'lltj .,f lai'h-s xt.n 1 a ') h am i.ey ha 1 are accoinpanied with kindly feeling to each and impart l.u jvvledge better remain i t home. a de.-ir ether, iu ret A go: t . 1 li i - a great tax on patience and .-niceritj. 1 whom they visit, throng!, polite:., force a smile, and feign delight or when iu truth they s, cretly vvi-h f ir v i-i- 'J-s any where else. 1 will say t t. !,:" t ol the community, ti you who arc addicted to the .-i.iln of Cossipping, that it is aspirlt th posito of that which ihi-L its Lj::.o racti ery .. I here is another cla-s of p. r n- who ar j an 1 done. equally responsible for v ha' is ...i-.i ; It is composed of those who lend a v 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 let in ns being y of the Xiisi;.,;. i comer : unkind car to the tale-bearer, aud win ha dependence enough to a-sett a fa.-t really so, but throw iu the bear--day, in order to avoid pcr.-oL.il ic it v , and to give spice to the gein in. sation. If one person sliou.d speal- ly of another, let the latter pa-s it by a. the idle, wind. A.-l; no vengeance l-.it the stin. of their own conscience. Il they have none, re.-t as.-ured that they are unworthy of no tice. It is a practice followed only hy those who feel a consciousness f their own in feriority for the puii,-e of biln.li'g Jou down to their own level. I wen'-! not speak so contemptuously of the habits of i.,y sex, if I did not know that they were capable of something: better ; and if it were lntwiih the hope that tliej- would raise themselves above that detestable littleness of soul, and become what, I am confident they might be, not only equal, but instructive companions to the other Sex. I will not believe that woman is iuf, rior to what some wo, ill cali the "nobler sex," and others would dignify by denominating them, "the lords ,.1 crea tion." Hut 1 do believe that, from this ve ry cause, arises more than half the eonl.iiue- ly which is bestowed up-m ti character. I once knew a b pou their llltleln-s.s ol , 1 v w ho iv as a- much nnntiiicd at the h. a. ing of a iehu.il. wliich had been made ah eat the length -d time she had worn a ccitaiu bonnet, as th ' some one had spoken de-par, iginglv of her character. As for myself, I have worn one ' two or throe summer., and expect to w. ,r it two or three more. i,,.(,p a lookout for that ladles, you in. iv id boliu, ! . A ii 1 t w o w hieh ha V i j ears, and i 1 1 u-,i-;ii. ned to be i i us f,,r my dresses, 1 Inn .cry,-,! me these sever,, 1 nutclv for me, one side 1 , as right as the other ; w hu h t n.ibh d mc t : turn tlietn wrong side out and up side dow i several times, and 1 expect that thev w ill : through the proees- ,.f turiiing uutd tbey are turned out of office. I would give -.u the colors ot these two old favorite., but then you would find me "lit, und that would ' As for myself, I am tistd to it. It docs ii'.tl affect me. It only fives ine self-conseqiienee. Never did 1 feel, until folks began to talk jiiho'it me, that 1 had any thing to he envi-j ', ed or iidii.ireil, and from that day to this I j Jiave been quite an important purs.oigo in niy on eslimat:.,,,. I an v 'ii , -1 ..'il , , .in s, t. , i;iu .s.i , , i u .. v l . Voj n uld oulvtaku the following w I some lines for jour guiding maxim, you would find much iu the world to value and admire- that you now dc-pi. e. . ive eoiiiiimnii.n villi f. v, Ue tlitineite with i.e ; Deal jllslly W llil all, And Si...h ivii uf iiijIK." A LADY. SI'IUITL'AL ll.M'l'JNCH think the most wonderful ani'iii.! the pi is ill i nomena attendant on tue.-e e liil.il ions apparent laeility witn wnicu tliey cloud tin; nanus and excite tlie imaginations of tiiu.-e from whom we should expect mure intellectual strength and vigor. Grave S.-iiator.-, and those heretofore reckoned anif.ng the v.ijc men of our laud, seem to he ( am ,.;, thL. ,., i , r-. .1 1 1 1 1 1 1. ol those who iavu Jowu under the inlluence of the sorcery ' f d,,. )llt.,liUII.s. The following extracts fiom tlic Irovidelice Journal purport to be taken ' from nvo letters addressed to a lady in l'rov idenee, from a gentleman of high intel ligence mid reputation, formerly a di-lin-guished Senator iu Co'igress : Washi.i;to, March 1", 1 S3.1. '' Since I wrote you last, I have some of the most extraordinary phy.-icial manifestations from my old friend Calhoun, that I have yet beard .,f, ending with a short communication in writing, which (Jen. Hamilton, (Jen. Thompson, lien. Campbell, (all hi. nio t . , . , ,i ...I. -. :i im r .. hi , , !t ; is :, n , : i . 11 s "' '; , ", . , . ...ui-, to Hhoin I nave suionui'-ti it, i.ro- l.oiii.ee a perfect Juc '..t of bij hail willing " 1 have al.-o bud communications fr.-ui Webst.-r, through a writing medium, of the mo.-t extraordinary character. A .ci. tie man of the hinhe.-t order of intellect present at the time, said he had lead all tho old philosopher-, from l'iato down to Hacui, and be had s.-en nothing equal t these com munications fio'it Webster." W.s.iim,t,,, March '-'", 1--V!. ' Your account of the niov c mcht of the table, u h, u my letter was lead, indicating an intelligent Concurrence with the ideas pre .-eiited, re minds me of a physic eentlv, i;i the iire.-euee al manifestation re ef lien. Hamilton, li.ii. 'i h ju.tMon, of Soa'.li Carolina, and 1:,J -elf. " v, e were do'i ( l. u to piace the Jii ic in a drawer under the tab!. . 1 placed it there coin letch' closed. It was a small pocket Uildc, with v.-ry line print. Numerous raps were th. u heard beating time to 'Hail Columbia,' which bad been called fun Soon the sounds began to recede, and grew fainter and faint, r till they died away in the lii-taticc. The alpualu t was then call ed 1 .-, a!ld it w ,.s spelled out ' Look.' I looked ill the dra we.", and found the Hiide op.'ii. J took it tiji and careluh'y kej t it open at the place a- 1 found it. ( n bringing it to the i. .:!,!, 1 foiii 1 it open al St. .1, din's go-pel, chapicl ii b. ing ell the b it side, and chanter ill on the ti.l.t side 1 -aid ' Ho An.-. . t. - ij i.ii'i. .. . i . .. j r J 1 i ij v. u- t i iool: at chai t. r lil Ai Us. nun. A It vv a- t,,i u said, a ling th-- chapter, ;j,h..tic raps w,.ro : I at V ",11. :p wele given, liy Volt wiil 1 ett. r ap aln! il.Ielii gellee of atio'.i. 1 his niai.i 1 ; 1 10. "I, u,-. t v, looking at the J-I'eiiate the si this emphatic l.-.-n.i nt ' verse miicanc deiiio.i.-t! ale rted to mine u.-lv invited i te.-tatl-i Wl. I h.l l.:ell i' purp 1:1 I .ill. em, ti. I c e g. Iitle- 1. jur. ' : rev i .lit at j-snicu any ' md p vomb-r th::! vvg lined when we J, ni l I-; sur and hear of .I the I'nit s lie- nanies of iut'-llei 1 ' stall -n we md if warn- pri.-ed such p eilmgs in the c:i s!ates, c 'clued fo know li lt t kn ing w ilh tlieui r high order w, v, a in ; I t i.e c 11 ig ' I 1 h- mil. i) .1 ii.. , ion. conveyed w hieh they have , mis and the grav. the nuuierei-.i- v ; ed I . liuiath sufficient t , ing an vt uiu ' s:: have r our r.-ade o vvlti: tie in, I rs lroni can AN A11MY Willi HANN As ou are whirled ai v, r th Of foi-tj ,'V i IV I . uu- l.l.l- I Liver Haliload ut the late hour, you e itch a giiini -e two of a man w av lug s.uu :le ' a thing po. t hamlk ,i the end ol ! of t xj n -- ;, w itu a sail, m vutitenai.ee. If ry :;oi u tal: -i ;i g to nt, v ul vv, i I that it b. two ir.tmtrei d times ,-st - tin Hat Ail.au ,e I.itll and '1 hirty-1-: ,-r a u-e'e,-. e i 1 ret: y mi "1 :re a r rva, .' :-t th, a I . tl: ee t! sw It , r an :;t cm rv tr , , v , rv t .n !, i- in 1 If-ob, , l,g ; un 1 w in I -i si .in i I t , 1 ..-.at 1 ,11 .is -laud lipp- :. If th v. it ii :i w I. lie 11 a I'uiug t:-::Iu li ne! e on,- oil it re i. an-' thin, .-! rt m :!,: a i. u . i in- It pr , 1, W !' II 1 no - ..md. tl,. , .." Hv.rv I'll 'd t' ai. in... h Lain, re sirlii id. Ut. .1 t imp It of (ll- You haven't oputc I your mouth d tr- the wli ile i ' n," couqd, lined a ring ,'.. uu, .,le M is i'.-, nt.uiv 1 have,' liiciuiu r ol lhe lutiirc t a rip town. " I ye.. - I yawned thr husetts l.e.i-. from the saiiie was the reply, wlule of ug'.i I, t'.u- --p i . on th- v ;' COTTON CHOI' I'KOSl'KCT OT nncKs. l'litTons df TniniM; : Tn your paper of W'cdnesdaj' inoiniii..'. II 'I Ik ultimo, yu ; r(i(j f,r th(, l'lal,t,.r," edited by ! Dr. Cloud, which amieared in tho Maui, number of his paper. Seeill"- that, al'tiele. as linblished . it is due t,i ,v.,. If (,-. s.. il.-.t it l,,,,l, ; ton of coiiving or tviiography : and having re tained no copy, I can scarcely correct it now myself. However, no far as the es sential facts are concerned, I discover no error. 1 have 1 een weM assured, thai lhe cnftoll lands under oultivutn. iiih! tfie force em ploy.J couJ.r not produce sih a ct.r, as reckless and lgr.oiant w'liters have eb.os. 1 . - en tho estimate, the nast Vcar. 1 .at ot l.i tho year previous w a aekiiovvU proved to be a large one the receipts were II, 015,01,0 bales. As it is rational to all parties that the prices to w hieh coll, in went la.-t sj ring-say 10 cts, for niid.lliiigs v. hicli brought forward all C"lt-.,i made not only last year, but tlio e cr..ps, and paiti.f crops which were held hack, for various reasons, in the counlry. It was im portant to those who take an interest iu sm h I investigations) to ascertain, as nearly as possible, how this w.-i. that is, how much of old cotton entered into those receipts of ! U. Ol.i.OOtl bales. Three million bales in all the cotton region, w as reganied as not far from the mark. Well, if thi- crop reaches :1,0ml,. 000, it is "00,000 t0 000,000 actually larg, r than last year's. And, if we contemplate that increase by coinpar-soii, we coii-!e.-s it is au erroneous one. A crop one year by extra odinary causes as is l - 10 may I.e much cut oil' bv wnrim ; or us in , . . . . the hast and the ear nievi uisly hv, gen ' .. ., ei a.lv very f avoralde and long season.. , rv heavy and super-abundant, neither ! t!n-e, 1, iwevcr, fun.i-li exclusively praetie.,! in foriuali ui tip' -ti which to found calculations, 'lhe safest mode to arrive at the actual annual increase of production is to take the last live years of production in the aggre gate, and the live years then preceding in their aggr gat '. Th; sm ill.-r aggregate sul traded from the larger h aves the ten per cent an ii.erea.-e of the one period over the other. This per edit divided by- live will .-how th-.1 annual per Cent , f increa-e. It is a fact, iu which ail engaged iu rai.-iug and selling or having cotton should know, that the annual average increase of one year over another, fir the la t live year.-, that of the preceding five years was not three and a half per cent, that this is. a wonderful in cr. a-e. 'I Lerel'ore ll the clop readies M, OotyjOO bales it wili actually be about ten per cent heavier than la.-t . ar, and six and a half per cent above the av, rage ; which, as bef .re remarked, it-elf a heavy average increase. As stated in the article to lr. Cb-ud, I think the reciipt- from to-day forward will bg next to nothing, at hoist c impure, I v.illi what has been received after this ill other years. Last jear it was after the middle of February before cotton v.i- received un restricted from all quarters. ' his jca.r v.-e received from lir.-t September, making live and a half months earlier than la-t year, so 1 say receiving live au ! a half m .nthi earli er, whh pile s tolerably .-ati-faet oy. when ac:-q ol o,.", nO, Olio 1 ah!,, w a.-threatened .J Some ..four own plant, r.- ; it i. rational to a-.l .nit it has c ine in II .e and a ball'm-.tiths e a: n r - ,.! i.- j.i-t live i.e, nth- lroni lir.-t ll, . r. lie I--. 0 the , ij.ts t-. nay not think li. ",., f al, a, . t j come in: , :! . v ' .. j. r t. M !::i,:ni!:.., .New U.-h n. ,il N, u (hi e.d 'J'LX.S - - l.i. I s'i nu'l T.,t,:l deli will together mah With the enenujin IT.-., J, oil", odd. on.unipti ui '0111- .ol w lu re are j rices t 'l'he sli- ei.i.ili ,u iu to . it--ii this year ii , 1 , iv t, be gi. ater tnati wa- ever l.u-.wn. . e we ar.- ou the tlr-t of April with so- b n-taii,ly vv, t and cold weather that neith. r (ton or corn are yet planted, and it i. ! . -,:. e to plant ami cultiv ate a lu. 1" cqucntly, to inipos.-i We n vcl' year, su- lay i'.itv ba,, it, down i to do it ; mole tint s ii matter in-i b.-si,:,'- two large Xt de i.di oth.-i the xt 1. I'll. . ri.iin to be li..rt. ;luarl I venture to ) 1 a., being like! v 1 n- (ll.o. (i. 1! bef.U ,e fill! tie re a interested . b M sTIU'i'TIYi: AVALANCHE IN THE l'Y HEN HI IS. Aii enormous ivs iig-. ti avalanche of snovv f. 11 a in one ..f the high inoiiu deplirtlllcllt ol tie- Ariege. r op., trees and derm-bed lew ns at Ke.ib.l. -wept a ,v a v is, s, and coin li all it- p qui in the ad: ice nb!ed, and a I e cded ill r s i ie -a ilv i roi -. 1-urneii the ,uui , t. t. I ',,,11 b Ulpll e-i III 'Ii v ilia j- . lUlliledlllt 1 V lls- 1- a gi'.-i.t d.-:'l of 1 r, i.i r twelve - rs i 1; y 1 and io. 1 1. . i: ;.oi ; i i.t ls lupcd th, t ,.f the r-iin V V, i r. Nil,, W el e numb ..f 1 os. I to. n c: as were The 1, i: r li" ll.llell ,1. Ig of -,-si . an i -X n. ,11. t f -t. A hi : I. at In ll tl a :, f M :-s had 11 lilt, I d ti...t de-Il ll .lit, I t I..,', the li, , ... . , . rati -. Jll u.-nip - i - m il at i ji i a , v. 1 r I tw.en tuiity live and one liun .saii '. iis'll.ii i per annum Havana . th. .ine ii averp a iv it! MS 111 Ui'll" Av M stanza.., llu ig, or Canton, t St. Tlioma.. v l'i -, Ah xand.ia e coiiiiueleial and 11 agency I 1 , 1 w ui.-h We.t India nh from six to vcar. Elands, is said to be ten th 'U -an I dollars KASii:i;N and avi:sti;i:n j:.'jj;n. si ox. 1 he St und a "1 gives the follow ing sjunp.-is of the enact. it'.iit of the last Assembly in re lation to the extrusion ,.(' the Central liail r. ad to the lia-t aud the est. 'lhe charter of the " Allanlie and North Carolina Hail load Cmnpaiiy '' and th'c barter of the " North Carolina uud U'estirn Kail- i road (.'oiiitiaiiv,'' are iu one net. 'lhe net - i I ovules lor a road ' commencing at tlio mo.-t el.gii le point on the hai h.jr ol lieau fol t, Cai tel t 'couiity, iilul thence near New -bern, Trenton, Ivfrioii, so a.- to strike tho lialeigh and Wilmington Hail KuaJ at its terminus near the tj-.vtf of Ilk-ldrUiroutb ;'' - ' nJ'd then for a r.;,d eoninieiicnig on tli N",'t1'' Oarolif LailroaJ at or near the wow n o. .Nalisboi-y , thc.c.lhe nio.t pr-ielicublu ...s.. ,1... I-!.,.. I'M. .... .1 r . " "-.""- '""u i'i.,::e ej u- i curie.ej line uie capital ui the i.v-t t oinpanv be ing f 0.10, 000, and that ol the Intl. r i'-:i,tuiti . 000. The act proirlcs further thai Towns, Counlies, and Hanks may subscribe to thu Atlantic I'oad ; and a!.-o that tiny may subscribe to the Western Hon,!, not inr.ro than "1, 000, (Kill, (J.e capital thereof being r:l,ooo,iH!i). The tiovcruor is authorized to make the le e, --arv arrangements with the I'resi. lent and I'ir.., tors of the North Carolina Itai'roa,!, lor a survey of the route from ( i.dd.sb.irough to lleauloi t, and the sum of s 1,000 i, appropriated for this pur pose ; and a survey is to be made of the Western route, from Salisbury across the the Hlile liidge to tho Tennessee line, and C-l'-V'OO are iq.pr,, printed to defray lhe cx-pel:-s 'lie M a t e res. r ves no li.- ht to .sub scribe: to the .U',.,:.':e H-"ail. JiiH. nn.L HEAT AT HIS ( AVN THICKS. The New York Times states th.it it has been a habit, for a year or two, with sever al ed' the large English publishing bouses, to piint costly edition-, of their Works for tho English market, and ;it the same time an edition spieially de-igned f ,r the American market jointing tln-ni iu an inferior .st le, upon cheaper paper, and selling tlu-ni at a reduced price. 'J he name of au American publisher is generally iii.--ited on the tille page ; but the books are I lin ted iu England. i his i me to I'.re.-ta.i the American re lee.nl'y, a -New York pul.Ii-hef ,ii ,-oil, ( li u tie .-e 1-iiiglish J. i int. H lead, a l.i printed bo v; here be ,. v ery largid edition- up ,i., r lie re, v ll,n. -hijo.i-d liieni to London, t In-nt at such pl ie.-s as Iu '.v til i XP'-n-ivi! Eli: lish n w hieh th. publishers bad 1- calat. d to make large pief.t-; and tin so gent bun ci, are thn. made the 1 o-,-rs by tin ir out, ingetiuii,. i r, i.-, saitl a go .-J ,h a! CXit.-Inelit exi-ts ;I,.,., (he L ,,,. ;, ,uh!i-!,. i i - 111 Co o : u hea pici.ee ol tiiis, return a their : tie. ir o-. u iuv cLti JUs. HE I.l !1I!. STol'Y. Tie- New York ti nine uril.c. the follow- lug alino.llieelllel.l (" important, if (rue,' ) l tlutne to " 'l'he I hi " We are t -11 by one ol the J-arties enga ged in thi.- invc-ligati-.n, that a letter in-is been i-icein-ii from a lady at New Orleans, who stat.-s that she is the p. r.-on to whom i,, ..... . . iieiunger mint,.- ms dying uccicralion, gar 1 t , the Ha;-;, hiu." She i- well kim I'm I! :w!:-., having been a m, .,V..r in re- vvii to .1' bi ehur.-h v.!.- n be wa-' , ttb .! in New Orient,.'. M: - -t.ites thnt si: has in b- r ..,-, .n ii ii ,.ni. l.i. i oi Uoeiini, til- relating t . ti. :- que. -:1 tau.i- tun c .muiiinii all ui. from tie- i -v:: ly, ,1..:. vi I.ieh s. I il,,- matt, r , ni: le t. and prove- in,: H.-v. Mr. V be the !h:.M bin. l.y,.;i. .,ut. ha- I M n -. nt to .. , 1 1; b ans t ) s- - i ".l of (be documents. The.,: stal- d ! i by a gentleman v, !, c! ..-ely eoinii eted with thi- mint, beginning, and if t hey are fi.-i ,.- v :i, nun.- 1 1 An agi nc l-taiu p is inets w erij bus bee li : from the e hope t!u iiiM.-iib wiil be iuinicd uj, a jou a: a Hivi::; s stuhy. The ate m th; c ibin ,-t t ot II I,' steamer ui the tel.. ria," vv l'i , 1, ,a-t of lielan l, 1 lc- l,e ,wt 11: r. . U'ed bv a div til..' tli,' th r ; but the man t r .t, ts that nothing hi ui:, t . go ,1 nvn :i ill the cabin W as r V.': messed. I Iu wax-work , xhihi ,v i.ig in ,,v ed from e.-st! went ,! nvn. 11 or t .ventv pL'l - world vv -uld induce ni l time, a- th,- -ecu I in ,-t horrible h,- cv igl.t h- had e..t r. 1 a II til' c o-p-e- 11, nr 1. tl tin '1 h p '-111 e.l a- re w--re n-iu the c I t be 1: in r ; and me Clg'.'. in. one am a'.lof v.h u s,-eiii- rsaiijii wit! appearance e.ieh f the I,..;., seeiii w a- so life I t bdi- ke that ho w as 1- - .-l:u V t Ii Vlllg v ' ' 'ii-' !.''NA''Y, it of the Mate l.uiiati,; - an in-l rue',1 ve and fear- he annua! lull! lit I 'lieu 1- I'.i .1 til I.t. I -"'-'. of thi ui-i.-nt. T!,. nuiub, r of p,,. under tl, atuient during t liC -o. "J . vv . .rt! year I lilt -', ending Ih'tii lbee nib, r, w , ii - number, 'In re v. . i , ,,1,1 v. e ,,b. un.-, im au.!, whirl, i- a fa,.- w .rtliy of rv .iti ui, whiie I I, , I , ni ... , i a e.i iciuic e de .bite e.!u'::.t.'ii.. A i a i ge ni :ijoi i- tV ot tin ni. ile put. . nt. are un,., i, -lie,!, and ''' '' '. a i.uge uiij....;y ,.t 1 1..' leliiale patient.- were mauled ul Ine tune .,f thei.' dei in g. iiu ut. 'l'he uu iiber of wi lows and widower.- is cxe.---ivelv ..mail. There i.i t li -an. ! b v pern ; iUjUos. W ! T iU'LH !-' C'tMIN'i TO. N -ibi A. H, 'I. vbi ate .1 r! leu .11 I ml .- ' ! i i c :- di.it ! I I ' iv, ;-. iii ,. hi. a li. rei of ,.r lin n ' lhe aunual ... W 1 t o V ,ii ., I 'I' In n a q i -irt-r "I a pre late mo:,; v prc.-uit ul i". t i 1 it., A r. . i- or i ev , ..: .ne in! iuviii; ni t- .ice. i l-.l -i ll en;,,.- 4