r CHARLOTTE, lT. C, APRIL S7? 13S8, IS. Mi ' i '! HOLT On & WILLI AITS OH, Editors and PuoruiKToius. TERMS: Tho Nurth.Curoliiia Wliisr will be 8t.irdi'd to iuln.cril.rrn t TWO DOI.I.AKS in advance, or TWO llOI.I.AIiS AN I) FIFTY CKNTS if p;,y. mint lit- delayed for three mouths, mid TIIKI.I-' III lldAHS at the cud of llie year. No paper will bo dmciiiliinieil until ull arrearage are paid, ex cept ut the option of the I'lditors. AihortisenioiitH inserted atOnc Dollar per si...irc ,10 liiu-M or IfiHN, this mi zed type) for the lirnt inurr lion, mid ttj cents fur eaoh coiitinuuuce. 'ourl ad. vertineinenta uiul KlieritV's Hales charged L'.'i per rent, higher ; and a deduction of .'i.'ii, per cent, will he made from the regular price, fur udnrtimrii hy the vear. AdvertiMenientH inserted inuiithly or ipi.ir'lerly, at (I per square for eueh time. Semi, monthly 73 cents per square for eaeli time. 3 All lellem on Iiiimiii hh iiiunt do ilireeti il to the Dditom. Ketteri mubt be piist.puid or tliey will not he attended to, il.)' I'avMieiits c-in ! mJt luniher. B j" I'oMtoiaiilerM are authorized lo act urn agenta. I Wait for Thee. Thr hearth ii nwept the tire 11 briyhl, Tlu k ttli: mij;. fur U rn ; T tf clotli in ir dit the l imp in debt, J'!ic niutl'iii hiiX'kc in napkins white, And nuw I w-it ft.r tin c. t'oinr, comr, hiv, Imriif, th y t-sftk itt dour ; The click titk lit iitnifly ; Tlit- hlintU tire hut, ttn curium down. Tlx w unit riiair to tin Ut funic draw n, The boy i on my kiicf, Cmr home, u c umt- ; In iln-p f.iij yt I,iMk round him Wistiuiiy, And win h the t-rMr.i ttHith trn by, An if' Iby w-'IfMHi ! 15 K tv nigh, ilc trow i i ji ul t it y ly In vain he find the wi-it'onte ram, And tiirni hit glance un nunc, S i i- riMUy, th.il yi t ig;.in )( !'rm unt'j i.tv ht-art I slr un, TJt .'l-ItJf la su like titliMJ, T 1 1 V tik if dun t nnsji tlae hi rt' ; Nu hi'.trt will sintf sii' ii kimily f he r, N 1m atiuu liturt. no h-1 inr, Like tliM-e who llut huitiC. Alt. nuw along thr mp wtilk f.t s t 'I'h it wi II know n uti p i t 1 mint- ; Tin bil is lif'iw n, ti(t juti m p.ifct ; 'i iic bihe i w i il with jy at 3jt A thouaaml wi lcuiiM s lioine, 3tlisccll;uicoits. " Faithful onto Death." It V J. Tll iltN Til- RAMI.I'II. At the (leail of nii'lit there a u er)-. " l'ire, fire, tire V' Kvcil in a e;reat city, here tti-na tuN nr.; nt li.-ml Id n ii'ler aid, it in a terrible ery at thai hour. Hut or. a lonely plantation how inexprrsihly awful ! " Kire, tiro, fire '. ' It ran? through t!ie wiJe liall", aii'l was rohoeil Inmi tli- nerj iiuarU-r, in every variety of tone c.i horror anil ahinu. Tho iiiitrps of th' man-ion. awaking at the cry, sprang from Iht IumI, ami hurrieilly liej;au to drenH, gazing arouuil Lew ililere'l . For a inonei.t Mie. was cohmioii.s only that her liUhliainl wan absent. She n r.-eall-lo foinethin like lo r !l hv th .-liri. ks of the inai'l who hail !-h'pt i i tlio room, au l who, in.itou l of asi-tiiig her toilet, wa pointing, witli terrilieii j;e.-tii'ulati'in-, t ) the rudily reflection playing agaiu.-t llio trees in front of the hou--e, IUll Jenlv, to aibl to till! enlifu-ioll of the n-eiic, the chamber door was lluiiu' open, uiid a crowj of female servants ni-diod in, tloekin.' nflYijjhtedly together like a covey pursued by the sportsman. Tliey closed around lrs. Stewart's bed, scrcamiiiL', wecpiiifr, wrinin their hand-1, and depriv ing her of what little presence of mind had 1 n left. "Oil! missus, wc hhall he burned to death, we shall, all of us. Tin' (ire has can dit the stairea-e. The blessed Lord above hah mcrey on us." These, and sim ilar exclamation, tilled the air and dis tracted her attention. Meantime tho conflagration bi oamc more f-cri ius each minute. Had that t' rrilied t'ro ip listened, they could have heard tho roar of the flames in tho ball outside, and tint crackling sound that nun i.inccd tho approach of the lire to tho wood-work near the staircase, warning them tint, if they would nave their lives, their Might in u-1 be intant. Hut they only huddled the closer together, sobbing, moaning, embrac ing one another frantically. All at once a man dashed into tho room, with agitated face and drosmlinor.lorcd. Thrusting a-ido the terrified maids, lie has tily approached his mistress. " Fly," he cried breathlessly, this mo nietit, or you'll be too late." And glancing rapidly around the room, he snatched the rh h cover from a centre-table, w hich stood iu the middle of the npai ttiieiit, covered with books, pretty tritbs, and flowers in a-es. This ho threw around bis mistress, exclaiming, "it will keep the fire, from catching. Come." The sight of bis face bad re-assured his mi-tress, Jul, a was about, her own age, had been born in her father's family and I'll always exhibited tho mo-t devoted attachment to herself personally. Above a'l the Hcrvants on tho plantation he was li tinguished for a st.-ict, religious per formance of his duties, for .luba was eon-H-tcnlly pious. Ho was also shrewd and 'cady in every emergency, and Mrs. Stew art felt that ho would save her, even at tho I'iil of bis life. Julia, even whili) i-pcaking, had seized h'T hand and draggud her toward tho Utireasc. Hut now m gust of wind drove "ueli volumes of thick, black smoke toward them, that the was almost suffocated, and bIic paused, unable to proceed. It was not1 a time to hesitate so .luba, snatching her in his arms as he would a child, ami drag ging the cover entirely over her face, dash cd into the rolling volumes of smoke, ami down the staircase. Ho was not a moment too soon. .Scarcely had lie reached the bottom, followed by the affrighted maids, before the passage was elosely entirely by a dense wall of flame. Neither he nor the female servants, indeed, escaped entirely unhurt. Hut the table cover effectually protected Mrs. Stew ait. Juba bad scarcely, however, placed his mistress safely ou tho lawn, before she started 'up, crying, " w here is the baby ? Who has seen the child ? Oh! it is iu the house yet." And she would have rushed toward the blazing doorway if she had not been instantly atld for-iLly lctnipr!. The servants looked at each other in dismay. Ju the suddenness with which the conflagration bad spread, and in the excitement of their mi-tn ss's danger, no body had thought of tho child. It was an only one, a hoy about two years old, who slop t with his nurse, or " mammy," as she was called in the house hold, in the back : room iu the upper story. Mrs. Stewart's first thought, on her escape, had been to look for her darling ; but for this the ab sence of tho child might have been even: longer overlooked. 'I ho servants, wc say, looked at each other iu dismay. The hail of the hou-o was now all in a flame, the fire pourng out through the doorway as from the mouth i of a furance, so that ingress by that path w as impossible. Mo-tot' the n-cond story was al-o burning, and the entire fir.-t floor, for the c jiilia.'ratioii had broken out there originally. To reach tho .ipaitmciit wlnro the liur-e, probably paralyzed by terror, was still with the child, .seemed out of the (ii"stion entirely. Hut there was one there who determined to make the attempt. The si-ht of the mother's face, nud the sound of her broken moans, as she sank into the anus ,,f ihos. who restrained her, exhausted by her struggles to escape, determined .luba to try at least to rescue his youiej; mater. 'I will go, missus," ,e said, " don't cry no m. re." lie looked around, as he spoke, f.,r some menus of scaling the second story. '1 here was no bidder, and only one staircase, but the bough of an oranameiital tree, that over shadowed the house, fortunately held out a means of ,'O'ee-s to a bold heart and a stroii:f arm. Not sl.ippi:i2 even to hear j his mistre-s's thanks, he climbed up the tree, ran out on the limb, ami dropping ou the roof, disappeared within the dwelling. How brenthles were the ti oioi-. ts thn ensiled. The flames were siut ailing with frightful rapidity, The eaves of tin' bui'.d ' ing 1 'gall to sue. -kc, showing that the lire j within had reached tho roof, and soon afteJ the w hob; line of them flushed into coiifla j "ration. Meantime the lurid clement pour ed out from the windows, ran upward licking the combustible front, tnl stream ed in a waving, dazzling pyramid, high over the t'.p of the mansion, far into the Id'je firmament. Millions of spark-, ac companied by volumes of rolling smoke, sailed down the sky before the breeze, Completely obscuring the heavens at interval-, though occasionally this thick cam py paiti.illy blowing a-id.-, the calm moon was seen, p. a.-efuily shining down through tic rent, in -Mango eontra-t to the other wise teirilie scene. The r ar of the confla gration had now become intensely 1 ud : and to add to the horror, there began to he heard the awful sound of timbers tailing , within tin- Ionise. i Mrs. Stewart had wat.-hed the fire ill si leliee, hi r hands ida-pcd, and lips parted, ever since Juba had disappeared within the hou-o. Kach moment a pearcd an I age to her. At la t the su-pen-e, thus lengthening out interminably, a.- it seemed, became intolerable. ! " ( lh ! it is iu vain,' she cried, making a new ell. u t ti ru.-h into the flames, " he Cannot lind my boy. Let lin- go niy-elf. For the love of I Lid " Hut iit that instant, through the smoke that almo-t hid the only window that was I not already on fire, appeared the faithful Mud.!, holding nil. ft the infant. The flames were all around, .and in a moment more would overtake him. He made ,a rapid ge-tiiro for some one to approach. : Four of the males, comprehending his wi-h, snatched a blanket, and rushed liroumtlv Inward. The heat wasintdeta- bio, but they lii-re; lied it, and standing beneath the window, with the blanket out stretched, they shouted to ,luda to throw tin child toward them. Ho had, however, anticipated them. Tho infant fell while thev were speaking, was caught safely ill the'blatihet, and was hurried iiniiicdi.iti ly to Mrs. Stewart, who ela-jied it to her bosom with frantic delight. The whole was the work of less time than we have taken to describe it. Hut simultaneously a terrific crash was heard, that made the y,.ry earth tremble beneath the spectators; a huge column of smoke shot up toward the sky, from where the roof had been ; nud, as if propelled c from a force pump, a gush of intense flame j followed, leaping far up into the highest heaven. The crowd, one nud all, ga-ped for breath. Then came a di ep, long drawn sigh. For the roof and floors had evidently fallen in ; and the faithful Juba, nlas! was nowhere to be seen. A dozen persons rushed toward the build- nig, am! tinti dnveii hack by tho heat, stood c by tho window where ho had been latest visible. They had hoped to find him there. They had flattered themselves that there had been time enough for It i in to b ap. Hut it was now plain this had not been the case. I lo niot probably felt tho floor giving way, heloro no ttircw me cnuu, aim if so, this explained the cause of his basic". They said this to each other, as they fell back. Hut there was little time for words. Searcly had this thought boon exchanged, before there was another crash, ami with a momentary waving motion, almost the entire building fell in so that what bad been a stately mansion an bour before, was now only a shapeless pile of blazing tim bers. The shouts, the exclamations, the sob bings which had filled the air the instant before, ceased again at this appaling spec tacle. Neighbor looked at neighbor, aghast with horror, the lurid light adding a wild, spectral look to each inquiring face. Then a simultaneous cry rose from the crowd, that Juba and the old nurse were buried in the ruins. Hut suddenly, from out the flame and smoke, in the direction where the generous slave had last been seen, what seemed a human figure began to emerge, crawling painfully on hand and knees. A. human figure yet crushed almost out of thn shapj of humanity, but aiiit with life iu it, for it moved. And hark ! a voice. A full, deep voice coming from that mangled LoJy. What did it say ? Not words of pain, reader : but words of joy ; words that you and I may bless Ijod if we can say, when dying. They were words such as the martyrs used at the stake, or among the lions. " Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Nothing more. Hut continually," Hallelujah ! Hallelujah !" For was not he a martyr too ? He had died to save bis master's child, Oh ! he was both hero and martyr. And now that he had " fought the good fight," that the " goal was won,'' God gave him strength to forget the agony of his crisped and "langled body, and to remember only that he was going to bliss cvcrla-ting. Thus, ov. r tho renewed sobbing of the spectators, over t!ie wild shriek of his mis tress as she rushed toward him, over the roar and crackling of the conflagration, there rose, like a trumpet, the incessant cry, " Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah." One would not have thought that it was a pour, maimed, bleeding, dying sutler er that spoke, but the happiest au 1 proud est of men. They reached him, stoiped over him, would have rai-ed him. Hut, at that mo ment, he looked up at his ini-tres-, a tri umphant smile breaking over his face, and th. n fell lifeless back, a " Halleluiah" still trend ling on his tongue. And so he died. His grave has a mar ble tablet, with the words, " faithful unto death." What nobler motto could there be! THi: MDNHoi; DOCTHINK IN KN'i LAM". , From an article of the London Morn ing Chronicle of the '-'-d ultimo, in relation 1 io i hi! policy of our Government as indicat ed in the Inaugural Address of the 1'rosidcnt, wceopy the following passages respecting the Monroe doctrine : " The Whig adversaries of the I'r.'sidont, w ho-o boundeii duty it is to pick holes in his Inaugural Message, profess theni-elvi s apprehensive of the elkct which his tribute to the Monroe doctrine may produce in Fill- , rope, w hib- at tho same time tliey tell u- that it is believed to be wholly without im portance iu America. There was really some ground for their anticipations ; for thin portion of Mr. I'ikih i:s address, read with au Kngli.sh eye, has been interpreted as the gratuitous ami offensive assertion of tin un warrantable principle. For ourselves, ever, we adhere to our first impression, that, taking the peculiarities of his position iir.o account, we have, as Huglislnuen and Ku ropeans, every reason to be contented with Mr. 11 Kit. k's message. Tho American l're sidel.t, whose tirt official harangue had been eagerly looked forward to by a lm-t of en- , thii-iastie partisans, and whose election to be their spokesman hid bee:: he fruit of a compromise between them all, could scarce ly have done less than address himself to tic several ideas of domestic admini-ti'ation and foreign policy which his friends were understood to entertain. 1'rosidetit I ' f K!ti K i jii-t satisfied the exigencies of bis situation, and no more. ! " It is not, however, the Monroe doctrine in itself, (to which President I'iKtt K suh sci'ihesj but the public nfliriuat ion of that doctrine by the ( nvernmeiit of the I'liited . States (which the President deprecates) that is open to serious exception. Wo have no right toipnrrel with American statesmen for , making a canon of practical policy that the 1'iuted States should oppose every at tempt of tho European Powers to effect fresh coii'picsts or plant fresh colonic on the American continent. Such maxims, univer sally acipiieseed in at home, though not : paraded abroad, belong to the traditions of, everv Government in the world. Tho pro- j po-ition that Holland should resist European ! settlements in the eastern archipelago may: be heard o:ieo or twice a week iu the Hutch ', Chambers. We, ourselves, have actually' hazarded a distant and disastrous war, with- j out a single excuse for it, except the doc- j trine of tho Foreign Ofliec, that Uu.-sia must not bo allowed to push her arms and her j interest t the east of the western Caucasus. No one has ground for complaining against precepts embodying the traditional w isdoni of, successive generations of statesmen, as long' as they are not obtruded on tho notice of; equally independent Governments. Hut most certainly it would bo a dangerous' novelty if any such maxim were Hung ill the face of mankind as a principle of : public law as a dogma which no cmerg- ; I'tiey would justify tho declarants in con- j travelling, and which no combination of, circumstances would entitle the rest of the ; world to discrgard.'' IK ATII FI!OM SWALLOWING A PIN. A few days since a girl of four years, re siding with her parents in Grafton, in this State, died in consequence ofswallowing a pin some six weeks previously. T he child had the pin in her mouth, when a younger child seized hold of her aud by the sudden act caused her to swallow it. The child com plained coiitiuually after swallowing the pin, and evidently experienced much suffering before the died. U s. 'iiascu'cr. SYN'ln -IS ()J the Imu s in L'arri . Wi-laiitm to Com- llldll S !"uh's, DlSTKIllLTION OF THE i ih KhDsj OF TIIK LIT ERARY I L ? 1). The nett annual iu- oine of the Lib rary Fund, (exclusive of monies arising from the Bale of Swamp Lands) is to be distributed among the several couotii.-s of the State in the ratio of their Federal population to be ascertained by tho Le such distribution. The share to which tied, shall be payable next picoedi "aeh county is cnti a or before the first Monday in ( letoher. And shall be paid t ;.Ch airmail of the Hoard of. C5-ll.iy Su.J4 t'.-tc.ueMt 'Vr' tin lawful attorney, upon iho warrant of the Comptroller. The County Court of each county, a ma jority of the Justices biilig present, may, iu their discretion, levy a tax for Common School purposes, as otoer tuxes are levied which tax shall not be less than half of the estimated amount to bo received by the said county for that year, from the Lit erary F'uuil. The Sheriff of each county is required to collect the taxes levied, for school pur poses, and to pay them to the Chairman of the Hoard of County Superintend! tits and his bond is t contain a condition for the faithful collection and payment of these tax es ; for a breach of whi. h, the same reme dies are allowed against him and his sure ties in favor of the Cb iirinnu of County Superintendents, as are given to the Coun ty Trustee f r enforcing the payment of ordinary taxes the right of action to ac crue tho 1st Monday of November in each year penalty to go to the Use of the schools of the county. nn i Kits of tiu; sy.-i k-i. The Common School s .m is managed, 1st. Hy thrrfi ('mititti'tre nnn m It S' co hisiie t. 's!d. Hy a, lid ltd of 'tlUHl 1 ,",. ;e,V. . ilrtits in (nrli cottit, to consist of not more than ten nor less than re; of which the Clerk of the County C ,, t i- , r n'irnt Clerk. ltd. Hy a CijiiiiuttiT aj I'.jnmi imi inn Jar 'I'eneltrrs, to con-ist :,f not more than ire in each county. Uli. 1!) a general Superintendent of Com mon Schools for the State Cl'MI.-TEK MvV. These are eh cud by tic: people ann'i.'i! ly and should the people tail to ebct. the County Superintendents are to appoint. The Chairman of County Sitp'.'riiitetii'.eiits is to give notice in three public place., in each district ten days h-fore le elect"-.. . ana on the secoml thur-d..; in October, the qualilied votcis for members of the Ibuse of Commons arc to meet it the de-igoati'il place in the district, and vt:-; for three coin-inittee-iiien. The County Hoard of Super intendents are to appoint two freeholders iu each district to hold the cl tees, so elected, enter on !a tir t Thursday of Jaii'i n. To purchase, lease, or hi to employ teachers ai.l ter their appointment to r i tiou. Coiumit ir duties on the loilowing. i 1 sell .o! hou-es in one month ;,f rt to the C'hiii c- man of the Hoard of C 'uuty Superintendent-, the number and n ui.i s of the white children in their districts, v five and under twenty-one years old. C-iaciittces to give to teachers and others, with whom tiny contract, orders or drafts on the Chairmen of County Hoards. It is also the duty of the committce-iio'ii to prepare and make annually, ou or before the 1st Monday in October, a written report to the County Hoards of ti ir respective counties, shewing the numle.'i and names of children iu their several di ','icts who have received instruction at the siiioo's the pre ceding year the length of tine each sclio-d was kept up th na' .o of tie teacher and the amount paid hmi or h r an ! -"n il oth er fact- in relation to their r o d- as tl: y may deem expedient. I ' c , f .NT V S I I ' Y. It I . T I. -1 K '-' T These are to be annually e ho-en by the ( aunt V Courts at tho first urn. held next preceding tho 1st day of January : and their term of ollico shall begin on the l.-t day of January succeeding their apoointuieiit. ami conti ue for one year and until others have been choseu and have entered on their cili ces. The County Superintendents arc to meet on the 1st Tuesday in January alter their election, and appoint one ol their ii'iii.bcr Chairoi oil. 'file Hoard snail keep's trj, an 1 ju-t ac count of all monies ri cel. cd ant expended by them when and of whom reci ivvd, an i for what and towhotn paid and the bal ance, if any, oil hand: and shall lay the same before the Committee of Fiuaiic,' of tlieir respective counties, and if there is no such committee; before t! Clerk of the County Court, with ail the vouchers which report shall be made ou or before the "nd Monday in October in each year; and the Committee of Finance, or Clerk of the Coiin ty Court shall examine the sau.e and the voucher, and if t i:i 1 correct, certify t that effect. Tho Hoard shall n I'ir, '.,v ,y pay t their successors in ofliec all the monies iu h ind ; and if they shall fai! so to do, it shall be the duty of their successors in ofliec t ol rin .: suit iu their name of office, I" r tiio rcc.. . , -ry of all balances dn , with interest thereon. In one mouth after the Committee shall have reported t i their Chairman th" mn i- ber of children I. di-triet. the Chair- man shall call a muting of the 11 n.rd, wh shall determine how many teach, r arc ne cessary for each (li-fi-jct in tho county and shall then proceed to divide the m mics due from the Literary Fund and from the coun ty taxes among the several districts, in the ratio of the number of teachers required. Tho County Hoards may riako other ne cessary regu atious in regard to tho schools of tlieir counties, not inconsistent with law, ami determine appeals from committee-,,, en ill regard to the location of school-houses. C IIAIRMKN OF I'lHNTV sib PEItl NTKN Ii IN r. The Chairmen shall give wrilten notice, nf. th. d.iors nf the Court Houses of their respective counties, of the amount due U . each school district in the county which publication shall be made soon alter the money is first received. Chairmen are to keep the finds, and to:'ii:u hf.I'.s am I'l.i'll.s of com Mt in s ito''I.s, pay all -'.rafts and before paving the teach- er, may call lor Lis certificate of i imina- ti'Ui, and if he has not one from the coin-! miltcc oi in- county, Uatc.l witl.m tin- year, may relu-c to pa y him or In r. Clia.rin.-ii are ; to keep the funds always on hand, and b-1 ready to pay teachers, Xc, ic. Any Chairman failing or ni'gb cting to ( ! pay, on demand, any draft properly d i awu 1 on him, and when he has funds. . -ha. 1 be li- able t suit before any Court having juris- diction, in the i:ame of the pcr-oii in v.ho.-e 1 .... or said draft is drawn; and the plaintil may r -cover said umouit and twelve' ;-(.' C.i i-t- 'i a u.'.gs- It i:. tic i!uy of th ! C m:ifv Courts to re quire of each Chairman Lei ore he enters on i t iic duties, ol Ins oluce, t gi ve 1, on! , w .th tne scenes ut n a.-mnglon, w iin u g". e t . ins good nud suHieient security, in such sum as : observations ou nidi ami things there, a they may deem reasonable and adequate, ! poignancy tho-e who are not 'o iking for ofhee. conditioned f,,r the faithful performance of will probably appreciate. Some of the iu his duticr-; which bond shall be payable to ! cidents he relates, illustrative of theru-h the State of North Carolina, and shall be ! for the spoils, arc sufficiently ainusiir; (omit npproved and received by a majority of the ' iug the profanity) to quote ; Superintendents, and shall be liled by them ( "I,, the room adjoining my lodging.-', a with tho t'h-rk of the County Court. And!,:irty of New Jeivay office seekers arc the Chairmen, for compensation are allowed j quurierid, separated from mo by a pair of "-'i i"i ul- on alimonies which pass through ;diug doors, which do not shut Very elo-e. their hands. ;im involuntarily compelled to listen t all Kach Chairman slia'.l, annually, on or be-' their conversation fr they seem to have before th ; "'rd Monday iu November, make ' ,.,y (,f li.juor, and spend "lunch of their a repot t in writing to the General Superin- :;; in drinking it. Last night, alt. r I hud tendetit of Common Schools a copy of the j taken a drink with Senator Norris. of New account rendered to the Committee on Ki- nai.ce or I ;i'ii ol the l ouuty loud to - gcther with a stab-incut of the number of (children iu each di-trict, of five and under twenty-one years obi ai-o the number of males and of b niale- taught in each district tin.' time during which the schools w'r! Kept op-n, aim the average pay of teachers the pay of ma e and lema.e teachi'r.s-to- I gcther w:t , such facts in, 1 suggest,-,,,. ,., Regard to the size ot the school ni.-tr.ets. the I wants an ! mtiuests ,-, c-.'i e, c, i;', as he may deem imp-H..!. or as may b e , reported by coiiimitlcc-meu. j ( i.MMl'l I'UK OF FXAMlNATiog. I Miich Hiard of County Superintendent- 'shall annually appoint a Con.iiiittce of J!x- j animation, to con.-i-t of set more than five ; (e r-oii.-, of w h-'iii tlie Chainuan of Cotu.ty .-upon, iic, uk-i. U stia.l be one, whose ;i;iy it .-hall be to examine into the mental and i.ior- ul qualification of teacher, or of such as wi-li to teach Common School-; which, cm- 1 mi t tee shall me, t three times in tie yux, ' -re-s trot inithin' to say ? j ;it -oiiie ci iitra! point, to cxiii, line candidate- , " J. r,. ti,,. i;....t complainant in,'in:,ntly of wl.iuil times and p!ao s it shall j.o-t a ' r. spouded "Wei!, I ve gt the whole ,1,' j written notice at the door of Court House t legation from New Jersey on my papers, 1 of the county. , i --- ' '' - --" j No ee'.'tiucite Liven by this committee dummies. shall be go ,1 for a long, r term than one1 "nil Voice Hill is right about having a 1 year, or b" g-,,.,1 in any otln r county. member of tho Cabin.: in y-rur favor ; be- I All teacher ef ('..UiiiiOii Sdic-d. lnu-t si b sil.i-, f,., 1 that outside backi rs arc ' have certificate ; and the Chairman is ait- required to secure success. . th ri .oil to reiu-e t pay any teachei- who, tith oiee "Outside backers!" It's , l.u no oi rt.iicato of the proper kind. co-t me more than two hundred dollars t i I he ( oinn.ittee ol Lxamiuatioii sliii.I be exempt iVoiu l o.i I and military duty. iKr.Klt.M. .-ri'KRl.NTEMiKNT The General Superintendent sh:.!l see that the laws arc enforced -hail receive the re,, ,,'s of ('!,. aien, en. .'il.,1 himself make an annual r. p u t to the Govcicr, ivio a ' letailed account of the oiu-rat o .s of the -v-tent in each e .:'.! the 1oi,.-b,T at -chool, tuo liiimiiei' ,1 teachers, av, l.., i oinpe n-atio!,, t .me u ul'ing w liicil t .io se l.ooes I are kept open iii each county and the num. ber of lieen-od u.aie and "female teachers i iu each county together with such fact-, '.-.'.', -ti -,u a,, l 1-, .m:,,. ! idai. n- as may 'occur t.ihiui, f.r th" more ,ih,i,u,t man-.; ,'- ;iei,t cf the cause of popular edi.ecti 'ii. i Which r. port is to be pin, ted and liiil 'pi,- eueulated a.,1 which is a!.-, tj be transmitted bv thcGoveruor tj the Geiieral 1i.i .. 'f, ,;, -i ,-; is alsotoina'.eaiiiiddili .naiand spieia. rep ut on or before the -id M-nday iu Nn, ,! r. , I. giving a .! t.-.i:.- 1 a', i c-mden-ed : ountof tl.eiere-.oi'tlieCoinn, .,, Seho d s-t, ,ii in N oth Car niua of the '.: which h.v." iiiii'.d- 1 i:s progress iu 'each Jcountv of the' deb ets and wants of the ! system and all such oth-r matter.- ..f fact. 'with suggest! .us of hi, own, a, will enable ! tho Legislature fu'.lv to under.-taiid t!ie .m r- 'it. di!',-, t-, wants am! u-.-s of the sv.-t, m, -eneri,;!,' ai.l in dct ill-iUi , b, know wh .; ......d it lasacc-.n.'disl.ed and can aeeomtdt.-h Gove, n.rt, the Legislature It i a! , tie duty of th'G.n-r.,! Sn- r- I,,.,,,!,,,, " ' To l-.ok after a;! .- of ,-, i';-!,n, s- cd t) County Superintendent and nunc- c-.unt -1 for; "and to see that all such sums are recovered; and the Tr. a-nrer of the State i-t . turni-h him with an ai.li'i tl -tat.- iiiont of tl.esiin. di,bars ed t-. County Chair- men ', mi :.. the Lit. rurv Fund. . is a!- , rei'iii Ml, l ... . ::.r. . . , . i o icci u i e i ii i a e.i a i , ol c ! . ,c s a s ne - r - - - - . . Iha opportunity to emsu't with ex-ori-'t" ''"' Ibmlap for the loan of l..cap. whtlo iouccl teacher- at, 1 t.. anpoint 'out'- in ho went out an 1 pufehii-cu a new t-.p-, leach county t, lo di aff.-r 'escheated prop- ' U'neil W , n !! and sei i.al ot u- v .., n; ., , ... . ' no;, oi my acquaii 'an' ,' mr. . necii -, v. i fie i, To is,e annua! circular, to tie- Kxiindu- in - Comii.itt'.'e. with .-ugge.-ti ,n aul in- sin,, lions as to ..aii!;eati..u of teacher 1 1 pr. pare luaui-i- I or i .uti.ty ."-up, nntcu- 1 dent- and C unuii:!,'. -no n ,vrc; ar a lew edition ol the S, h i Law, w:;l. l oin-' an I iu-tiiicli o.i, ac. Ac. ! ,-!..Vi;i!, I Any County S , erint :i dent ,r Cmitnit- ,(...; ,,, the lat thief." tco-muii. hieing nee.-pud .-,-h appointment i i .v f t;. New V -rk herd, we may or any Clerk of the I'-omty C mrt, r. fu-ing ' ., ;t!i .,;v !,e.o,n;:,g t eon, he.., iu or neh'cti'i : t , ;.crf-,r:i! th dale- r, quire I :lnhV ),,,, an i socio wrlie that t'.. y ( of him, shall forfeit an 1 pay tho -utu of it- j ls;o j. , ,. ,,, .,3 a, th.-v oiinii,:-,: e ; ty dollar. t be rccoverod iu any C ..irt ' Ul,,1:;! ..,.,,;'... ,., dcfiiiy tho expcii-es oV record iu the Stat, which suit are to o(- u p; ;( ; i ro:l,i lal 0t, e. A 'pretty jdight, jbc prosecuted by the County Attorney, j j,,, ,,,r ,,icii wh) are willing 'to servo laud the money paid t; the County Chair- u. ,.,,lUltry chtrap, for cash 1 .V. V. in. iu for the benefit of the Schools of the; county. if tho General Superintendent, shall wil , fully and habitually neglect his duty, or uc I hi office f u' the propagation of peculiar ri i-'ioil or I'ouiio.'ii uociriiies. lie snail lie li I-- . . . ... iible to reuiov.-l I v tho Literary Hoard lut uU.t le tried, ou thirty day.,' w ritten notice, and allowed evidence in his defence in which coi-os a record is to be made for the inspection of the Leg'mlatur. . (.Xe,t m t,w and military do.-' ly ; and fi.mi serving on juries uhi'.-t enga- ,r, a j(1 ,,...,;,, ,. Attending school. , T,,.., , ...... ... ,1. ,.,,,1 f the lime f.r whjrl Ul n.m, enL,a.i(.() tlJ .;lc!i, ,u,t re ort tothe eommittee-'iiieu, in writing, Ul0 ,,., (,,,.,, all, ,,,.,.-. of the children tin y have taught, specifying the number of day.; each has attended ; an 1 no conimitlee-m.aii, while acting as such, shall be a teacher in a Common School. mi i ia i i - SCKNF.S AT WASHINGTON TI1F. HI' Mi iUS OK ol-T t.'E- SK.KK1.V ;. The editor of the S.inlay Atlas is sup- posej to have access and intimacies " behind Hampshire, nud retired, the party, seven of ' t hem, came in soinew hat gl-ji imi-, an I tins j., tu. ,u)l: lance of tin ir conversation. i ,, ,- ., p..,, :,, ,., !,,,,.,.,, W.(.;s utll;u-!l iUu, yt.t. i ,.., , . mol.(, nw, m yurk ; h(, lllilluts ' tliu.i I can in this infernal region in a life v,,!,,,.),- ,! t kovv imthiu' ill this .,..,., ., wou , ,,.u Vou that. ,,, V.-.icc-TI.:.fs 'as true as preaching, . n.,)m,,v , r ires fir y-ri. I gave iv ;,M M;llvv t(;11 ,.lxs a ;o; .,,! 'j ., Jj hu, ever looked : . 01(l! i oie : i 'a r-r- ! I f y oil nr.? so ("i-O',1 . gi-.-i.-n a ti '.sp.i-,. they read papers you had better go homo and learn son,, thing, ! L,-t me t-ii yu.t, my young friends, that pap, rs has little to do with politic. If N Ve got a I nitcil Males N-nator ami a . mt mbcr of the ( 'al.ii.ct to pitch in for you, ou 11 win if let, you've got ii. tight! " .jd, ',.,i,.,. Ain t the ik'logati.ui in Con- pay the eXjHii.-es of -ami , two ,.dd logi.-s ho pr tended that they had influ- . i nee, and wh.-e bilis I agreed to pay ;f they u uil-l e Ui.e down and help me. and they lave done me i.o lit-re good than two geese ! With ail tlieir mighty influence they have made al out as- much progress as a . 1 1 ' . .. , 1 . 1 .. .. 1. larmcr wonio. iu .umiu.ii,. , . , p g reel I s aid with a ie.ii, ol i-.di-ta;!,"i rat- ust at ti l moment one o! t.n: party pr ,- ... .... ...I ... ,.,1, h.i- -el rs 1 u lol.. ' ' tl'.v r" '''''"::-"'.-. 1 t, :l 'I' :l"a l"t t!"' remainder of this very interesting J.-r-ey '""'' r-atmn. 1 repeat it merely t . give the At'ii- reaio-rs an nlea of ,1, b cling that p'-rv :'!- the wu..o trioe ..( ell:,'" bunt.-r "ivicng tne Capita, -t this fceral ui.ioti. " Ne w hats are r tner uncertain propel ty '!1 ,!l- ir'll-v,i !"r 111,1 hungry otbee seekers now here Mv iri' iid, t.rand i- "'" i'1 V'- w.!' ' '';''"'";"'" soan-h ol t!ic Purvey ,,'-,,,p. ,l,i a brat. I i. nil,' "t the i:itc-t st le. parte I w ,i.i l'-"; ' .'' il i!',ti'- lfl i'' the Naiioinil to take hi- lir.-t ilinmr. In '' th" lVui 1'i't i ' sh; ,'ki,,g bad 'at. " of a very nniiqiie style, winch gave tne !-:' ' .r"",!i,!",e v"lv the Grand Sachem could not appear mmi. I ' ""'' ll,'a'1 t,0'tu",('' a;H I"' t beret..,;... had to resort f. the extcl.-ive wan.r.du! .d 1., f'i'inl. Cd. To-o Dun.ap, ol t.ie i outer -l'ig. w ho supplied hiui w. I. a more erne- brow, iu th" si. ,po ot ne ot -Meiilos nrii.i ,nt ...uiica- "" ' !'' l'ar ' :'1"'. m:' '- hi- first near., 'e-e uei e, v. i: li ii :.;:ii:ie.:;t bc.v -t 1 : s. ri: h:it u; ii .1'- h' u,l, but one day list ,, while iiU.iiiuei at tue N.it.ou- al. some de-ponding office seeker, am eutiou to make a sensation on too avenue beneath l'-'-'"'"l':'''''' N''w ','!s' V11'1 ' ls iniiid- upon it, and left m itsj..aoe ;:i Nation- '. ancient mim-css s.uai-.-e.,, ... ue- eu- t-'e of I-lo, wi.ictt ot ce-.rse, wa- n-t :.c ,., i.led l.v Sh-I hard. w!l in tuni. les -rlc 1 th-' ' same sa le' ' ' at tue s :i:ie u ,;. ,, until it ha- ! c one a matter f pru , u cv.-ry niiiii dinm at tuo Nation,-.: t tail,' in- uat betwe n his l"g Kvery ;...y hear .-"., '. .ie.i .i h t. wh;. !:! vl . !,:,'., ; their !. ir-, i a :,- t 1 their I. ye s.ilil" ileluon- t , . i:i 'i'i '- ' """v i;l tu ...dy i.-t ..'....;.:".. er. i el i- ii. 1.11 .-,! Ul, Willi CsJ' A eobi.'er in M ni, who a!?o pro fcscto teach music, has the following ovi r his door : ;" Pdightiul task, to iiiiuvt the temier b iot, j Aud Uach the y.iu:i idea haw tv Haio Tin: wnK; canlidatl for con- (illMSsS IN THIS DIS'lIUCT. It will be perceived by adverting to the head of tub- Column, that Mr. Osllo'tNF. has con-cute. 1 to stand forth as the Whig chain-. pio:i in this !istrict. If tho Legislature hud ti led to make an equal contest of this elec tion, they could not have done it more nin I than in as soi ting together the several counties that compose the l'i.-triet. e be lieve the Yl.ins have rather had the majori ty when they have been stimulated to any determined cii'oit, but very often tho coun ties have to voted, as, when counted togetli i r, they have prei'.-jinini'teil on the other side We have oil oar patt a li:o.-t ixcel lent candidate. There is no Whigiu iho We-t, of wl; uu the party ought to bo prou der than Mr. OsiioR- F. ; His bi,.l; moral worth: his im.isthic depirn.ient ; aduUd ., hi -1 xccll nt -eiise i.i.s yariou.- acqiiii enu nt-, and hi line power.- as a speaker, rend,", him a most capital choice, and one to whom every ,,t her gentleman of the Whig party who has been spoken of as a candidate, has voluntarily conceded bis claims, and urged Mr. Osiiornk to come forward, nud wc hour of no ili-aih i ti ui any where among; our liiciid. The truth, is, Mr. 0.s,oi:.',k, wo a to ci riali. would nut have been a candi ili '..! at all, il he had not been a--urcJ of en tire unanimity among the pruinhi'.-i.t Whig-, of the Hi-triet. 1 low an, in this conte-t, ha the po-.yr r f tig tl," event: an-l to tue goof ;m l tru - Whigs of this county, Mr. Oshoh.nk ap peals, lie has never vet received an ol'iei: Iron, the Whig- ,.,f the West, although for '-'tl years ho ha l'in a di-tingul-hed advo cate and leader of the party : and has fought the Whig battle with unilincUng steal and unsurpassed iibilit v. The people of ILownii and Calarrn, win are so ,!co !y interested iu the que-ti ui ,-i' the Hail Had. ought ti roineiiibi r that Mr. OsiioitsF. was the original mover, and was more than any other man iu the State, the author of the great scheme upon whiel. our lion I 1- I :ied. Indeed, wc know that I," ev.-r, in glowing terms, spoke of our ex t, ,,-i"ii a embrace I in his proposition. e know t io, that who., there became u, crisis with the sub. captions to the stock of the North Carolina Hail Hon:!, Mr. O. step ped forwar I aul subsc. ibed for Mecklen burg county to... amount neei-.-sary to lu::k ! up the ,.'.-t'uiate assigned to that county , and that t , when this ext-'ii-ion was known t , be l o lav, i lite with the p opie of his town, and when lie bad no assurance tha' 1 ,,- r.f i, u-.vi.LI t. ijl-im nrr nr ro-- uali'ls. A- it in-, I," is tlie only subscriber t i nr I! j:, ! i:i Charloite. It, this matter, a iu cm ry thing wo have known of him. he is tl; public spirited, patriotic, In oral as-crt.-r of ti.ltli ami j'l-iice, and tiio g" d of Norto Carolina. Iu this wo think Mr. Osiioiim: has great claims upon the people of tl e .untie regal' lo ss of jiarty. Hut ho ha other claim s which will not fail to reach tho hc.'ii t and cordial approbation of the people ,,f this I ..'strict. This wo verily believe, an 1 t , this end. we mean to give oar best exer tion. ( una 'ut:hi,iiin. wnvncu.uT in Pennsylvania. The Chamber-burg (Pa.) Whig relates an instance of sun, -r.-titiou which could hiirdiy have been .-upposcd tooxi-t in the pr, -sent day, aud to be countenanced by whito lii"l!. U appears that recently a female i iiber of a ,i, n oiiiiuatl ui called the Chris tian church, in 1'tiib'U count v.. Pcm.-yivauia, was t i sick, a:. 1 liua.iy iiuagii.e-1 she wo bewitch "i l y usi-tT iu tin.! cliure!,. A n. ct.iig '( th,' - . --'..ui wa- e.il'.c l in duo sea-on, at which the minister presided, an 1 tin' charge of witchcraft wii torn. ally pre ferred agsiiii-t th" lady. Hclng a n ow cuo, an !. v.,- pr.-suiue, n ;. provided for in the di - , inline, tl," i -ui was puig-L-d us to tho prop, r ni.inni-r ! , :' . . .". iu the ease. At le.i til it wii- prop ,-ed that she won! 1 bo a-l-i-'d to step over a broomstick, as it ha 1 b". u -ai 1 that a witch could not do so; bo' the ;,'-..;, 1 got ovei-it with. mt apparent diiheii'tv. Aib r a e u,-u;ia;ioi, it was then a;i 1 thai sue -ho.iM be tried i.i a pair of v , i jii -eiih - with a bible t 1 ' iiliine-.. h, r, and if -he wa- a witch the bible would bo to) heavy fir h.r. Ace rd:!ig!y she was tailel, to il ini.l, an 1 tiio expjrini.'lit tii'd, but sli " proved too heavy for the bi'nle. h wa then inliuiated that probably h. r e! "til ing pre 1 fair te-t. ill! i !,:'.!;' a b'.l-h -l ol e ,rn wa.- nut eu tuo WU.l tuo I , '. ' tol .ilanc' liio ehitliiug, Hilt sti.l tiio la ,;, wa-t io heavy, and tiio charge was formally di-,.--el. HOW TO .H'!v;i; CATTLE. 1,1 V.'i ' 'ii; -ti" a: '. ,.i.': the skill, or hi l' , form of ;;ie be t mentis by winch t c-ti.nate tlieir fattening properties. In tin; 1, Mulling of oi"!,, if the hid.' bo 'ft aul .:!; t , the to ich, it a :!': a pr ;' -'f t.'i. ,!, -ncy t ti' he moat. A !.", t !. ivi.ig a p,i..itt..,l, .;,! have th:,-!;, loie i-i i ii, t! 1. 1 til g. a -it w-. , e.oii si! ayer of s if: i':t. ;. i Id -in. t , tl," .-!ight"-t pie--..:v. au I sp.iii.iug le k tov.afi tl," ringer lik" a piece of 'it loath, r. Such a skin will b. usmlly i1 i. ' lol wiiji au :t! .ieiiii,.',' oi soft, gbvsy hoi', ;.. . '.Is. like a be i !' mx., an 1 iienca i ,a, ; i- i, i.e I a w y ski.i. Hut thiok-et, i, :. : 1. i r a!a ivs li.ri ;!; bird, :iu I iniiciie, a lin! fee b'r. A. Y.li,.,: CllAKCOAL 1MU SWINE. I' i n u perhaps gep.oraily kus.vi th it ',.' of the be-l article i that i-.i.i ' ' .ivo i tiswino wiii! i in pi'ep-ir'i;:oii th' tih.i. co n in m cliaroo.al. T ho is at .it...' pr t n'.-i are so groat that they h iv-.' s:ih.i-t "1 o:i it without other foo l f .r week pig ;!,.:, Geese c i ill no I sia-t, deprive t:i';u ol in itio!., an 1 fattened ou fire-.- g iins C e ,ra p-T day, an! us ri n.' i c ' as they cm devour, have b-'e'im' fat i'l eight day. The hog c it v '! ' is'y after a li'tlo ti;n a aud is liever.-ick while ho hn a go j I supply, t It should iilwsivs bo kept in ill e stv aul f.o fed ti the inuiates rogiilarly likg ul! other