IH..I i .' jam "e .he io doc), f o jjoiii1 fteiwiinj, and io joir Stjiy." 2VTJMBE3R ILL BOLTON & WILLIAMSON, KniTORS AND PttOI'itlKTOIt-J. TERMS: The Surlli-Corolina Wldj- will lie afforded lo , . ... 'ru 1 1 imii uik ;. a.......... .... l0 l)OI, I. Aits a.mi nn i is ii pay. ,,i hi uiliycd l"f tunc moii'iia ui.j iimi.l. iniXAKS al the end of tho year. No pu-icr will ,- iii'.inliiiiuu uniil on arrearage art pain, cx-i-jil dl Hie ojtlion of thi! llditora. VJit rtineinenta inac rlcd at One Dollar per square lli Jiiii it or It's, tliin ailed type) lor the lirut loser, nn.iiid centa tor eiioh ciiutiuuancc. Court ad- list'iHtiitH and Slierilf'i Salca chargi-d U prr ait. lui.'hcr ; and a deducliiiji of 3.'ijJ iht font, will . luiili' from the regular iric.a, for udverti-cra hy ie v'-ir. Adverti-iciin-iita inserted monthly or jirt' rlv, nt per -H-uare for each linn. JScini. ,.,ttilily V. cents per aijii ire for taoli tunc 2 g All V. Il - - l-umi- .-- ....... .-4 . . Keillor. I-etlcra must be post-paid or they , not lie attended to. J r ravniriits can 1m- intnlc l.iiillu r. I'uhtiuavteri are autlinriied lo art as agrnti. From the V ..shiny tun ItYpuhijt-. itho Death cf the Hon. Win, P.. King. , Si il. -oi n sleep, alel Al ihaliiil looufl.s ! ..'ii.lfl'i . I.'.e Ii i'miii - to nn-t hi f (JEnf, ; -..rr.iwio te I e,rui' Inniitl.i li to 11 lit art, i ii tin' lolfc ol wix: til t lii'Wa ler, iluW. TV v.tleii win re he h in sliuk to rest. i ii.,1 ttUii drum iiiel fih lhi ' rr. w sjitaks ; marital inllmi: Initial. -s Willi lie: Sieli .1 yuiie il'illl t!ie o : I lie" ii'ir 01! ; '. 111 the iioiIit, pun r, hnhi r sir in ,:ei p 11 Ifn 11 n, won hy p- ai n.l d- o, . S ,c and i.. untry I. re ,l:n ir si I. i,t em I ! In hint, rren iihiii: 11 lili ami lii.lh ; . ; . v h mined iil.H: l.right eari ir, ,1 ifinliv lipKd, h t he hoiild rooiiy hnak 1,' lit oi fro iiiUhip or seine (herd ol iee, iiln-i the tin n-hed rihu of olh. r ini n .11 hi -1 lita ue d Inn i ll anmio! I!.i ln..rt, : g.ini a the hiyin st frirndmnp of tne :;. ti.,iilp frhiell llluim d the pith el hie, ! Iiolilid t'rn the pathway I" the RruVt ! i urtin-ii won him all of pitvatc tevi- ; 1 ('Iran m earned hllll all of puUie praii ; r 1. II iloM-aiH. could ls.-ar lino int iU i:r..sp, ' i.e'll' hilll ir Ihl- (i .rk and ilrralol- .s l.-iuh, I.! in cniitilry, ti v le r iiii-hl) un e,' il rn nie toa memorv 3"'i hi 11 .me le own ! one, lo hilil, wan 111 e lh t w I'll - Ji.li .j I n J villi il he yweij hm in ti'O ami his h,rlii ; 1 in r it riioae 110 tji.it Irem Hhn h t.i soar .r from eartii, to bn'hliT re. him ..b.ie, it own rherislled, dear and Ii ,ll.' l.l.l.'ie, nil' It had learned the hss.ilin of the (rie ; irf lile had dawneit, aim tmpi s had i iiistiri t 'nui'id, il y.nith and inanhnoil 1 o r v luuior fomn!. t. a !?ii iifaf, hv flleliiliililp'ii j.'- IH'il elnth , finii a refuge in a Ion i"li elime, .. '.iin-e eluile the threaleli'd erin-fi of ieath, 1 Uit.rehiet-.nl, h tt hit naiiii aliore ! i ini 1 rid fa's. r'-ih r the I. I al! upon the eomilry thai he I .1. .. ' 1 III th .1 eoiililry, trein Hie i)l-l 11 t .ir.ri', I'.'i'iSv enileri, HlUl till that lll.if!'' llM l!tf : pr'-si ul, inst, and fiitnie. all h r. !h ri ' "itihi the ktndlima of O'e strati"! r's le-art, u .im- Horii of ymi..tliiili Irieiuis, lint lite rt?ilen mnr.t, an It i.l.i...(, !f, ni'itn Ihe c-t 11 111 1 -1 1 1 vi r-e ol tin.e, 1:1 nviilly ran Ilic wasting sin Is of hie, ililinily hufiied tiie fet.i'pinnc lamp, 'iilij. tie fe, liilt the I r-. 1 1 1 r' mil, l.iir ill Ihcht lo lli- 1 I'To I w.ir hi !l li.r, e Hiiiijn t lile ill ir.-j si . 1 1 iiean efirO ' f.iiiUv wait me lo my tt. Iiv I.iImI ! rr I am loved ! tin re, i.lily, 1. - 11. e ijir ! r.riet'i pra VI T waa In aril ; I in' 1 mis ohej, , .1, i nt: v h.re him o'er the 1 illn ir d. . p. "r 111 .re ill fiKjHt. p pres. il In 11 ilio' m! I ' iii.irt If 1 tt ivo Ik hilil Ins lialm l.u.d t " I leu. m of well-nine Ii 11 ti;ioli Ins ear, ,r I' iM!lt Iih)rs f.llllli ii hi" ! send hrnw I linn aerem ly took 1 1 H'fht. : ii It il. Ii hemcot of 1 lav III ! 1 p all thai stream, whilut lialin- la " II. re We j:. si : I-. 1: H. r iti; ! i! i in 1 . TiiC buu.il nn tin A!jt 1111 riu r. !, i-J it ')UisccII;uifou 5. OYSTIRS ; nt, A FASHIONAELE "TAKE irj." JlY INYISIUI.K liltEKV, '.'nit- nn amusing allair came uf nt one of la-hioiiable hotels, a few days .since. A long Voting merchant "ho has long been "'eh i,t of liie liotel, and who is ictod f-r li iie souled hospitality, had been teas It -oinij weeks by a number of female : . liiitaiie-s to givu an o -ter-siipper to Iriends of liotli sexes. Ile did not reli-li ;ie,i much, particularly as be believed with tlie oy.-ters, ;Ui,l ,t hiui that i-s were so ovi rly anxious to spend niii, Hi: at last, however, coii-eu-L'ive the litr, resolving ill his own t 1 I to te.-t the Imci -hip of hi- guests, a-hing voting fell-ins is one of those lie mt do things by halt and a- hi- I'iui wa-i know n, there w as no little aux-aio-ng his female acipiaiittaiices to re- tl-ttti.ri'uiis, or in more common par '.''an invite to the fandango." " I'ick," lUtit the familiar name, by which he 'wn, ihul-d about forty couples, and "' 1 very arrangement to " do the thing Itiwii." 'I he largest parlor-, and the ' h-ivi- dining hall in the house were cu 'I ' xpn ly for the occasion. Those tt,,re invited, considered themsidvcs ularly fortunate, and Pick's oyster i' t was f ir many days, the main topic '"Vi r-atioti in certain circles of Ion ton. invited to .111 oy-tcr supper! Jlow aiitie ' how re hem: ' i I CVeiiifur nmiiit t I'nrriinfi- nflere.'tr- Ti f'tuipage after cpiipage drove up to I'fH ate entrance of the I! Hotel, ' tmitied, at the door, precious loads of ""I "landing collars, diamonds and kids, "and iroatei u. 1, raced 1111 beans and tiou- "'' ''elks. )ick was at his post, and re- "i Ins guests with ah the politeness of 'Orsay. J'"'! ladies were in an r-xocedingly happy "'"i etwed no doubt, ,j 5-rigiit anticipu I f niyriads of oysters lricd Mewed, "I, frn-liPri joiiped and acollopcd, n ht moth. Tlio gchtsi with tlie prospect of tho enjoyment of a good supper directly before tin-in, mid surrounded with the choice of dashing Pick lady friends, tould not pos sibly prevent being elated into the most joy. fill mood. Not an invited guest bus absent, to anxious were the Indies to partake of ih'ck's oyster;-, and the gents to accommo date the ladies ! The parlors worn brilliantly illuminated, and at a given hign.il, delicious music from a choice hand, charmed the ears of the guests, mid sent them whizzing and hkin- ping through the graceful puika and the , rapturous mazurka. l)ick-H inuiiilicent hos pitality was loudly praised, no charmed ; were all with his grand preparations for j their enjoyment. 11.. -HI- W.. -v- ; i 'to the ho.-t. whom he had iust led tliroiil; the inaiy w altz, " reu'ly I did not anticipate I such a brilliant evening. I presumed that 'you merely intended a social gathering, ! that we might be permitted to enjoy your ; company and " "Oysters, interrupted Pick, with a smile. "(lh! lie, Mr. , I have scarcely thought of ' oysters' timing the i-vcning. To ! be sure the gathering of ladies to an oyster ' nipper is a novelty, but then the novelty is lo-t, in the pleasure of meeting so ho-pita-; blo n friend as our ho-t on this occasion!'' j " Voll would flatter me, Miss , and have me believe that 1 am indebted to your company this evening solely from the pure 1 prompting of friendship.'' " Indeed you are, Mr. . and I war- rant if oy-ters had ir one of 11.1 w ould have ing." I " Vim romii'iiiiii nt I.. i) i;n -nt m. 1 not been absi nt this eveii- me il.'lllV, IllUelil, replied tin., lcr-t. I At that iiioiin nt st.j per was aiinnue.eeil, 1 by tin- band- planing the .'iw-ian March. ! ith I'll ei-e slip an I military exaetin ss, t!ie gay and b."p V coin any proeeided to : the supper ronin. ! I bnv their delicate heart- throbbed, as they beheld the table, filled with com red i dishc-, all, no doubt, full of o-fi-rs ! How the ladies almost lanced wiilijny, as tin y In held miiiiilniitli vases, Clled with t ill and graceful stalks of celery the in li-peii-able accompaniment tt the s.-uury contents of : Iialtiuiore shells ! They were about to re- ' a!i.-e the 'utig. wished for :liilcee if j-arla- king of an mit-ami-out oier Mipper; an) ' as m.i-t of tie 111 bad not 1 atdi any thing f ir twelve limns, (ti.iir :nitietpati"U were so strung.) it may lie imagined that they al ii, o-t (.iceiiily took their m ats. That his gue-ts might inat sutTer any " vexatious de lays, " mini; i ,,.t had been can ful to have a sen am at every scat, and no snuner were the company seated, with Ihck at the head of ho table, than tin- regularly drilled wai ters ci.tiiiiiciiccd their bishimia'de luaiiipu-latioti-. i "One!" cried the steward, and every ser ant stood erect. '-Two!" and each exti tided a hand aon-s the table. " Three !'" and forty haul", frmn a mativ waiter-. t iin-lii il the i '.ii-r -if a dish upm The anxiety of tin; laoics to lo dainty ea-tein luxuries which j-repared for thi ir dainty :i p :.oW iiid n-e, and f r ..one, the tl.ink that tiie ll-eless tat le ei r fa-liioi, n.ight l e iii-p. ned with the tai !.-. Uj on the had beell tites, was set neol to II ies of " l'".ir !" -limited tin stc ard , a 1 r-, 11 'lick a- li.-htnii 1 aw ay lb w the eo , di-pl avir.g I 1 the h n-.ii'g i)is ircnaied it 1 - la .!' ti .011 ts 1'Uty carcluily t o '.'' 1 Ii t sr ' I lo re wa- cm ry al ii ly llett cln esc, crtlliit'led e!iee-e luiid i In esc and biting i hei -e .in li'.-ton, but- t. r, s.idu, pilot, kind 1 ol" crackers wild, red To tl w ait. r, "Will ile de sliei d 1 In i -e igar, and twenty nthi r , ct the gin -I- l i.'ki d be p.'lite .j'li -tioli of the id v Lab de ci unified or no an-wcr was u-iieti, while " What crack j.rel r '." wa- a-ked I . iked M the !.. r will dc g, i,ti, man 11 vain. 'I he gne-t-at . .u li otl,. r, .'" at t; ho-t who sat at the load ,.f th- table, .. -v, r,..l, ai.il ee-tiue pr-oioly tliiillil.t." In sini pe ai.i! ee I Ihck pretended u d to uh-erw- the eonfu si hi of lo- gui -!-. but ill the lit- -1 happy manner ordered two slice- of cheese with a Il eton crack- r m il buttered 7 While a servant w.i- lining the order. Pick talked jilea-iintly t i those upon hi.- right and left, and urged ail present lo " make themselves lit home." With the hope that the uv.-ters notiht n pcai in the " second course, some who Irnl aliuo t starved tin m-elves to give the vy-t. i- r- m, called f ir a cracker or a 1 it of cheese. Pick eat heaitily, and hav ing satisfied his appetite, ano none of his gue-ts appealing willing to indulge in his " magnificent repast," he invited them again to tlie parlors to resume the merry dance. Hut the sen ices of the niu-ici.-ins were no long' r needed. Some of the ladies were .suddenly seized wiih a ilriadful headache, others .'1 1 1 1 : ' 1 1 1 )i i- I that they were .-tillering from 1 .id colds, nod other- again were very much fatigued. In fact finding that no oyster- were to be bad, the Indie- .on c.eu-cd thein-i Ivi s and b it for home. It i- said that some were in such a hurry that they Would not wait for their carriages. j Alter the ladies were gone, Pick, with a 'few friends, indulged in the oysters, which had been prepared, but were kept back for a second supper. The hurry of the ladies to gi t aw ay alter the first supper sati-fied hiui of their " strong attachment" to his supper and while enjoung, alter their de- 'paiture, the oysters and champagne with his male I'liend-, lie avowed himself a tie- : voted tli-ciple of bachclori.-m. j How the allair "got out," we don't know, but certain it is, that no lady can he found jwho will acknowledge that she attended ! Pii k 's, oyster supper at the 1! Hotel. m:vi:h ;ivi: it. Si fir fire n ; for the wi-c.-t is boldest Knowing that Providence mingles the cup; And of nil maxims the best, as the oldest, Is tho true watchword, nkvkii tilYK I I'! He who does evil that pood may come, ys a toll to the devil to let him into In a- pays yen. Census of the United States -1850. STATISTICS, Condense J from the report of Mr, Kennedy , lute &nj,ieiiitentieitt oj the (.'eiisim. rilt'lI.ATIO.N'. One of the most interesting results of tho Census is tho classification of inhabitants. according to the countries of their birth, presented in on authentic shapo in No. 5 of the accompanying tables. We are thus en abled to discover, for the fir.-t time, of what our nation is composed. The investigations under this head have resulted in hhowing I that of the free inhabitants of the Tinted States, 1 ,T JIM , 'J'i are natives of this toil, and that were born in foreign jcoiintri s; while the nativity of U'J, 'i'i'i could i- tie tyttw.uiuia.- l. w .ihoT, n oLBt iyuoo, , of1) of tho whole number of foreign born iu- habitants, were residents of the li ce States, 'and yj.,:U0 of the i-lave States. It is seen that tho persons of foreign birth form 11.00 i per cent, of the whole free population. The (counties from which have been derived the largest portions of these additions to our population appear in the following statement : Natives of Ireland in Hie f. S. in lf.'i'l, !lfi.!l " lorninny, " " y,:i;Jur, " linu'hnii, ' " yTs-, 1.7.1 " liriOsli America, " 1 I7,7ei) " Scotland, " " 7o,.7.'ii) " I ronce, " " fl-l,iiti:l " U..le, " ' U'i.m;. " All other countries, ' il.i.nji Total, o,-Jlo,sg-j , the several couu ?n:itiiiniteil to the ilation i- show u in The ireponion in w hi me trics aliuve named have aggregate in.u.iLi'ant pop the suS'j -jined statement : Inl.l.i'. In rntaliy, 1 .lie 1 .l.n, l.I.e pi r ct nt. g.'i.ii!) l.'.'C, Itriii-n Ana ro i, . il i;- ' Sell II :, . - 3.17 l r io . , . . M I I Wal. s. . . 1.31 Mis.-ei Jl , neo ii , . 4.17 ' This view of the living immigrant popula tion is impoitant as serving to cornet many extravagant notions concerning it which have attained t-xtciisivc currency. It is found that out of l?,7:'lfi,7!l-J free' inhabitant-, 1,1 1 l-'Hi have immigrated and settled beyond the States of tin ir birth. liii.ijOOO natives of Virginia, eipial to "ti per cent, of the whole, have found homes outside of her own holders. Saiiili Caroli na has sent forth 1 OH, .'1)5, which is H'i per cent, of all citizens of that State living in the I nitcd Mates at the date of the cell -us, and tonus the astonishing proportion of .":j per cent, of those remaining in the State of their nativity. North Carolina has lo-t "01, o'i.'i free inhabitants, cipual to al per cci.t., by i i.iigi j'.ion. Ai.i log the TV rtbt rti States, Vermont and Connecticut have con tributed ino-t largely to the settlement of other parts of tlie country. hK.W AMI litJMll. ' Of our total population, the -of nml Jlinnl, are !717 ; the lfiind, !'70g ; the ':'. sane, .",7(Ui ; the Miotic, l'i,7(ui. I If the, the ('..:, oired Pi af and jtiimb are but (!'.'- ; Coloured Jtlind. 17 1-1; Cobi-jr.-l In-ale, Ol'.'; Coloured Idiots, 1110. That i- to s,i, the Coloured persons atllicted with the-e various inliriiiities are J'inr in rnjiui ttut t-f th' ti h ti ml'' ii- firm th' ito.'M. l-.M rt.r.s Of V !'i j i-1 s; the census rep art only 1 :i f .-17- as having rieeived public charity dur ing the year preceding June, I """, and ou lv ."ill,:t."i.'t as actually receiving a subsistence from the public on the 1 -t (! June in that v-ar. Of the-e, nearly three-fourth-', "0, -nl'iwcr- native-. '1 he aggregate co-t ( siippjiling paupers during the vear afore said w a- n p-iitcd a- only S'J.O-1 1,-0 I, w here of New York paid t-l'.o.tO, and Ma a chiisi tts, f :i;'.',7fi.1. I'enn-ylvaiiia ranks next but di-bur-cs only ?'J3'.',I3- in public charity, and new 1 1 amp-hire fourth, paving out M -17 .3; 1. irjii.ia and Manic areju-t bihinl. V AI.I K o F flti'l'l.tiTV. The lb" nnil Veiftjitil jjftutt in the L luted M ites all 1 Tel'iitorie- is returned as of the actual value of 67 ,1 ::,: it ,7 -M. FA KM LAM'S. The '.);) .. 'As oi the Cuit-d States are set down ill the cen-il- as am juntuig to 1 1 -, 1 17 ,ii"."J acres of improved, and 1-1.-0'-'l,3 I- of I iiiinproved ; total. 303,07- '7 0 acres, worth, in the avarage, 10 per Here. 'I'he avarage value of tin- l'urni Lands of Massachusetts, lihode l.-iand, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pelin-ylvania is about fltoper acre, (New Jer-ey liighe.-t, Peini-viviiiiia lowest;) while Maine, New Hamp-hiie, and Vermont average about f 1.1 per acre. We are rather -urpri-cd to see the farm lands of North and South Car olina, Goor-ja, Alabama, Mis-i.-ippi, and TelHicee valued, in the avetage, below -c-1 per i- re. AM MAIS. Of liomi.'.tir Annuals, this country had an early supply, and has always been pro lific; and the number continues to increa-e steadily and rapidly. The iuct ca-e ol Hor ses, Mules, and A-es, from 1-H to 1 -.10, was .1.111. 0.13, although the number ha- con siderably decrea.-ed ill all the States liber ally cheiplered with Itaihoads. New oi k has one hor-e to seven persons ; Ohio one to four, and the whole union about one to every five persons, or a little over four mil lions in alb Of Nest Cattle, the number in 1 -.111 was 1 -,3.1,1, '.'-7 an increase, in ten years, of about '.'0 per cent. Of sheep, there "was an increase of J,.'10!t,l0- between 1-fO and 1-.10, notwithstanding a diminution of (ill!, -.1.1 in New Kiigl.iiid, and 1,701, !i. I ill tiie Atlantic Middic States, eipial to 11 per cent, in the former, and "'-'A in the bit-j t, r. Sheep Husbandry is tending rapidly I westward ami .southward to the nnhU r slopes of the Alleghatiies and the Prairies of Illinois, Missouri, aud Texas. I.lginHsi. Of iiiiritntts "'it Molt Li'Hors, (he an nual product reaches the enormous aggre-,-ato of r.ighty-six Millions of Gallons, (six gallons to each person old enough to drink, or to know better,) our imports and ex ports just about balancing each other. Wme. Of Wine, tho prodution is stead ily increasing. Our importation amounts to Six Millions of Gallons per annum ; our tcju-umj'ti-ju u at T..'-fy Xlli'.-'jj of Gallons; so that our home ) . ductier( must not bo far from fourteen M l' on Gallons. t tuor- time of MORTAI.ITV. The following ore the ratio.-" tality, disregarding the age at t! death : nmml drnth?i J. jirr cent. New England Sti.len, 1 :ii Sliddle Slut. , with Ohio, 1.311 Centr.; Slave SI ,c, 1 ,3r) Coaal riaiiling Slalin, 1.37 .Noilh.w. stem S1..1 tt s , l.!i l L'mlt ii St.. tea, total, 1 .38 . 'to in the ..'I, tirluir. 1 10 i;t 'I to 7:! I to 73 I to 7.1 1 lo Hi) 1 to 73 it will be seen, that the value ol hrec I OOs. o.o- f uuniu.aiiii.i -iJig-i--S I i,t. by Wcb.-ter for iiif.-tior towns in 1-0.1 " The annual deaths," he observed. " amount only to one in seventy or one in seventy-live of the population." Tim enquiry might n-ri-e in examining the preceding abstract, why the rate of deaths in the north-wes a H, tern States would be so much lower than in ! Jt will he seen, tiiat the value Oi ,.n- three I """"-iicy, i ns no iil-mi:uioii an raiw, middle divi.-ious, strikingly a-ice ,,'tb the ! ale iull ' s-ustaiueil by my ov pi rsonaVif avtrago of the I'nited State- -.sd hole. ! l,",gf i "or have I any doubts that the con representing cue death to scjja."-" ' ,v.ld,"t lhop Ives, m his late d.J etion to the Middle States, and especially New Kng- ' from Pi Ives, i published iu the ''Gnardi land, lu reply, the mere ratio of moi- 1 an," an Ktigli.-h paper : tniity an; not conclusive upon the question j .Sjrt. I have read, v illi e.iia! pain and of relative longevity, without taking into ae-1 .surprise, a pnragiaph in the Standard, co count the proportions of yoi.ng and aged, vur j,.,.,-, which compels m,- to and the merea-e of population. correct certain grave and iojorious mi.-t ate- KIH'r.TKi:.'. j lliChts. It is stated that near l,00tr,0i)0 youths ' 1. It is. no' true, as there Mated, (thanks were receiving instruction iu tho various, cil- ' be to God's j; 1 l'rovid. i.i c.) that I have ueiitioiial institutions cf the country on the ever, except vv hen under the imineiliat-: fir.-t of .June, .10, at the rate of mu :n eve- delirium ot nphtis fever, bei n deprived of ry five tree pi r.-uns, 'J he teae!. ei- number the u-e of that measure of reason with more than 1 1.1,0:. 0 and the coil cs and scl.ooi.- near 1 00, Odd. I KIMK. The whole number of persons convict of crime iu the I'nited States, for the year ending the fir.-t of June, 1-.10 was about J7,ooo. Of these 13,0u0 wcrt. nt.livcs, and 1 1.0.J0 foreign born. The whole number in prison on the first day of June w n about 0,700, of whom -1,300 were native, and 100 foreign. TllK I'lL'.UIM MOTIII'l;... W'c are indebted to a friend iu Califor nia, siiys the Louisville limes', for the fol lowing. On the occasion of a (oii'n bration of the last annivi-r.-ary of the" ing of the Pilgrims," Captain Char!-) horn, Mayor of San I'ia:iei.-eo, r.:qi. r cele-Land-Breti--ted a talented lady friend of i.is to 1 .rni h him a suitable toa-t for the m -a-i . ceived the following note in re-iy, we think, knocks I 'a tiny Fern jo-j a re- ich. .-l ed ImnP.rt. Tlie gallant Mayor prt-e po-i d the to;,-t suggc'.-tcu, reading the laity licit- also to the company at table, and "The Pil grim Mother-I ' was drunk in elthu-ia-tie bumpers and amid clamors of applause : '' I am surprised that a man ' your gal lantry should be at a loss for a t :a-t on an oeva-iiiii such a- this I .-ay '( oi, be en, e I l.iiaw that you arc i.jt -ucli a humbug as the-e Puritanical. -'! -ait-laced, hypocritical, Psalni-singing Pilgiiniif' whom 1 hold in utter i!etc.-i..t n. You came from the South where we do -' honor unto whom lienor is due," 1 ii-an to the n oi.iri. For more that tw" hundred years this flagrant act of iujustie to tic geiith r i sex has beell tolerated and c uiii'i-tialieed ' by the men until it has ceased to appear , an injustice to them. For two hundred I years men have uii-urpcd o qiuutly all the J honors of Plymouth llock hi.ve given1 theiiisc'ves dinners, and tuutte thiinsclv es, tin ir dangers and persecutions that aj stranger never lor a moment vvoild .-up- po-e tiiat there had ever been a I'-oinnn ' within a thou-and miles of Ph-nc at'i Koek." " The Pilgrim lathers !" lor.-. .. 1 1 ' Vhat had t In ; io vod ur in eouijiarifou v ith tin " ) iigiiin .1 t'li'is : It is t that they li.nl hunger, and cold, and .-icku. danger f es without .Hid within unloi lunate Pilgrim 2lAU(r. ! ll nit only all these to endure,-.'' ' the Viirim i'others olsn ' and ; names are never mentioned. heard of the " Pilgrim ever gives a dinner in honor of ' Who ever wiites song-, and iliii.1 and luiikes siiciches in recollection. and but the t had - I. hid . t their lei ever ' Who . ., t 'i.st-, ; them 1 hi- si a-sufticielicy on tne part ol the men is lieyoiiu ail endurance, tne, io near thtri, would actually suppo-e t! at N. vv Mugland had been colonized entirely by nn a an ji'istirtii provided by n sp-cial, act of Providence! Only M Motion, . has ventured to insinuate that there t e r was a -woman in the ea-e that the May - ; flower oil' brought anything but i t" a-I cross the Atlantic. 1 assure you. my .bar friend, that I am perfectly .ii-gu-ted with the I siil-coiiee.t ol th- nun they appropriate i ri'i i ijhi ni: to themselves ev en the s.ttle- ! meiit of a colony, and the peopling of a w hole coiit in. lit. 1 did In ye that there V w one prerogative they w ould h ave the women. ' u' submitted ouietly to their invention sci-eK-eiling us in many things to tln ir sew ing achiues and other " fixing." but we will not tamely allow ourselves t be deprived of this one privilege ne will not allow ourselves to be deluded into the bvli. f that New England was settled and peopled int hi lii by "Pilgiini Fathers" ilovv eonltl they have been jailors if there had been no mothers .' And I hope, dear Captain, that I have sun ta iled in convinc ing you that oii will be lending yourself to an act of great injustice tow ants hi il'vou do not propo.-e for ) our to-ist, "Tiir. l'li.i.lil-i m.-tiikrs; . COOPS FOUTIIK CUY'S TAL PALACK. The New York Post says that several gentlcineii of opulence, who are in possession of several works of art, have tendered the use of them for exhibition in the Crystal Palace. Among tho-e most worthy of note are Powers' Kve. the Greek Slave, and the r;.l,..r ll,v , th.. I'l.-r i ,,f Craw fiird. .-iinl Chaiinting'Cherubs by Greenotigh. These : specimens of sculpture are among the mo-t ' beautiful in the country. The splendid icr- vice of plate presented by the lio'di-childs ; t a fiiend of theirs in thi county v. ill al-o! l: Cilititgi. ' J11- IVES. The case of r. Ives, the abiurant l!i.-lmp . of tip- I'ioccse of this Slate, continues to 1 excite, ilitere.-t in both hemispheres. On the subject of his al'.-gi-J in-auity, Judge Ives, of Connecticut, his brother, a man of .sound J"". 1111 nt and iutergritv, writes thus to the litor of the " Church iicview :" " Silt Th Statements which you have read to me, and which you propose to publish, of a constitutional tendency to mental derangement in my father's family, and i.lso of certain facts in proof of such a : tendency, I have ho hesitation hi saying, d etion to .:i l-'. t u'tvi inted. at -;,fc-a aat. to that sanit caue, viz. a hereditary ten deiicy to mental derangement, ajreravatcil by disease and by very great excitement. 1 am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, ki;i:m;;i:ii ii. i ks." The fallowing letter, purporting to l e . which God at !ir-t was plea-ed to endow line. J' is true, however, th.it I have had n j brother deprived f time of that blessing. l l.ut Iiovv thilt circuiii.-taiice should he w-it- upon me as a piiiiishmeiit firfillowing tie li.-iiiaiids of my coii-ci.. nee, 1 via leave it with yours J. Niithcr jl'.-t before b mi it for, ami if to del riiiiiie. ' , as ynu Stat-, that is it ti in , av ing in v oi , t urevv II.- rcceivi d in i in it, a yeiir & ."'.', under a I'nte inil' ine. It is true however, that before baying my former fi' l l of labor, to gain, if po Ibb-, relief in some way to a di-quictcd mind, (the .v.ic of uhth 1 hotl cum in f n fiih il In a rUri col mt nit tr nt ,,, y Sooi'g Cttui hi ittie,) I received an udvance oi'ii.t' Mouths' salary. And it is "so (, th:it my arrival in this city, my conscience, under additional light, would not allow of longer delay in my sub mission to the Catholic Church, and before making that submission, I wrote to my di j cioc a letter of re-ignation, of which the following is the concluding paragraph : " In cotic'usioii, as this act (unexpectedly to myself) antedates by some month tha cx- pii ation ot the time for vvnicii i a-iied leave of absence, and f .r which 1 so promptly received from meiiibcrs of your body an advance of .-aiai) , I hereby leli niliee all claim u;"'ii the same from this date, and 'i io !.,.,, !, ,! the intiuiati III f Ii1'1! L''lt ion to at ni ot v uir wt.-li w li:. vi r y iii the -J-'ii dav of may have aovpnee '. cvoinl P n,!.. r 1 -"-'.'' i shall n.o.v oiily id I, th; eyes ol'Gjd and of Hi- Chur. ii are iij' m oii, waiting to see whether you will have ttie magnani mity to do .-in act of simple justice, and fcib!i-h this contradiction of the -tauim nts ju have sent abroad in -our I cry respectfully. paj.er. Your obedient -crvant. 1 Si I.I. I AM I VMS, I. ate Protestant lilshop ofXortii Carolina, lb'-li-;. March 7, 1 --13. NKW TKIAI, i'nll IlAKI'.oinXG Fl'CI TIV1I SLAVKS. In October last, C. Oliver and other--, of Marv land, obtained, iu the L". S. Circuit Court in Philadelphia, damages to the a moiii t of S'-'.-oO from Abraham Kaiiifan, of Pi mi-ylvani.i, on the charge f harboring their runaway slaves. Step!:, u Weakley and Philip IJreckhiil, charged with the same ollciice, were iit the same time declared not guilty. At the ; :.-i;,i tiiio of tho eouit a new trial of Weakiv and ll.eekhiil was ap- plied f-r the plaintiffs ; and on Wclnc-day Ji - titicr i. lu-, I the motion fur a le w if liivchl.iii, I ut granted as to Wcak n th- ground that, at the previoii- ti i.d by, , tl ial. the court, t i contradict tho evidence if liinry Stnue. a witness a l apef luirtiorting lor plailitifl's, to be a lease .,,;, ;tte'l ol a li -i-e irom H ealiley, iiper, it has since been fraudulent, aud that "lli-: to Still e, whiili a-eel -i i i.i J, Vva s. Wcaklev and Ivl vv a ri'i Wc.nkh v sw ore ful-ily in swearing that Henry Sniue did not live iu the tenant bouse of Stci hcii W cakh v in the years 1-17 and 1-1-. I.H'MS CHANG KS. A lady ol Cioclnnati, wh i h i I i ecu e er-pei-ua ieii by her parent- and her lovar, whose affection .-he did not reciprocate, to approach the b) Mem a I a. tar, liav evening, Aiu'il 7, plucked u I ioir.- eoi, rage, ut to her r when the in.poitiint , ic-llon wa- by the olhoiatiiig cli rg man, ami rc.-,,mtcl y answered " n ,' w lien, by tin- riibr-e, the p roller rel-'v would have In ell 1 sa lilt blli-ll, a soft si-h. and a whisinrcd ves. the coii-fci'iiatioii of all jo.rtie- may be imagin ed, but i:-t ile-eril cd. Ib iiioii-tratieo wa in vain. A" said the v-nug lady, and 'oiit was. 'I'he -wain v. as embarrassed but net di-couraged. Ca-ting hi- eves about the it. he ciMi'iirnl, i- tin re any lady hue ,. will have me 7 if so. let her make it Known. One aro-e and declared her j vv i'i!ii.utie-s t utnlergo the intlnti-n. A .bargain was instantly struck, the l.n -t ! was tied as quickly, and the parties have '1 -'y.' '- ,,jr '' ;.' Nivv oi,. t i. -'.'; tin,. i i : . i. an ui Spiritual manifestation seems still to be progressive in its-ad and unfortunate influen ces, judging from tiie freipiciit eases of in sanity produced hv this cail-e, and reports i of which daily meet our eve. I'he Albany llcporter of the Kith in-tant say-s : "We have all seen, within two or three day-, in our exchange papers, notices of the insanity ,,f no less than seven persons in .Ijll'ereiit plin-e- iifoiind the cou-itrv. cans.-,, ii, ,-:-h -- '; I :' i-: - ' Vii'C'I'n'siilciit Kiiij. After announcing the death of Vice-President King, the Washington l.'niou makes the follow ing remarks : The public career of Vice-President King is familiar to the nation, and a brief recital of the leading events of his life will suffice to recall the many and important services of the statesman whose loss wo now deplore:. Colonel King was born on the !t!i of April, 17s(i, in Sampson county, North Carolina. After completing his education at the Cniversity of his native State, he be came a student of law in the oflice of William Puffy, of Fayetteville. At the age of twen , l) 1 ia ty ho was elected a representative of bis ve coivity in tho Legislature ot the Sti'.e. A; twenty-tour lie "as cno-i a representative in Congress from the Wil iningtun district, and of the party which advocated and supported the, war of l-l'. he was a zealous and con-i-tcnt member. I il the sliirng of 1 -1 (i lie re.-i-ned hi- scat in the liou-e of lb rc-cntativc-. and ac companied William I inekncy, ol .'larOanii, as .secretary of hva!: ut, lir-t to Xeple- and then to St. Petersburg, to which court- Mr. i Piuchhoy was sent asniini-tcr plciiipoiemi ' ii ry. On his return to the Initcd Stat , j in the w ind r of 1 -1 --'1 0, Mr. King t,:;ed jl.i- residence in Pallas county, in the then Territory of Alabama. He was elected a i member of the convention to establish a j State gov. riiiiic.i.t, an ! via- appointed on j the committee to train.-a constitution. With the Hon. John W. Wall;, r. b- wa, ,1 .-...-.l 'one of the lir.-t two Settnt.-rs who n pre- iit ed .labania in the Cougi'e-.- of the 1'nil. I State-. Iu 1 -'-'3, in 1-J-, in 1-31, , 'in 1-10, he was re-elected to the S. mat-, iln 1-1 I he accepted the mis-ion t, I'l.-oic-, ! with the especial object of facilitating the annexation of Taxas. Ile wa- reinarkaldy ! -nt ei s -ful in his mission, hav ing l y his ski.l and prudence entirely prevented the f ;-..-! ti o;i off he l'reiieh governmeiit to that inci sure. In l-H he was made Senator from I Alabama, by appointment of the Govcrn - or, to fill a vacancy occasioned by tli- re ' siguation of th - Hon. Arthur P. lbigbv, : M-nt iniui't) r to l'.u ia. In 1-10 he wa-'ect-d by the Legislature for a term of six years. In l-o0, on tin- aei -.--i"ii n ..fr. Fillmore to the Presidency, he was unai i in -in-! v cho-en Pre-ideiit of tin- S rial .-. P.y the PaltiiiiOii- Conveiiti ,ii ,f the '-.'d June, 1-."-.', he was mad" th- democratic eundi-liite for tin; Vice J're-idetiey, ati-1 w;i- eiected to that i lli-c by the p- iple ill th- eii-uiug November. In the winter of 1 -.11- .1- Col. King began to ,-ufh r from a Iiiilinotiary affection, which gradually grew no alarming in its syniitoms that he was ndvi.-ed to s-ek iiilcv iatlon in a tropical climate. Accordingly, i;i the luoiOii February In- sought rvpn-e and relief in the i-land of Cuba ; but ili-eoveriug tlmt hi- di-ca-e vas fatal, he det nniin d tjuie iu bis o vn bind. In vj- i-s:ie of yester i';iy we gi'Vc' an aecoir.it of hi- return to , M .1 ile. His wa-tiog -tr.-iigth bandy survi !ved t ';i- j Tiriiey to hi- home i:i the eoiin ti'V. Scarcely had he crjie.l tiif thresl.liold lot his hou-e when he tank in th, of death. l't po.-e Colonel King was never married, throughout life, as in the struggle with d ut lie eiiioved tne a ii- i ti vnate ng: ru atpl M ,1 ki-,1 liiinistratiolis of the most attached fiieud ' and relatives. He wa-of a nature to win 'the warmest regard of his per.-, ma! friends, and to command the respect of all. ' 'sound judgment, magnanimous heart, i:i- trcpid courage, a or, be wa- the ,d the liici -t setise of n. odd of a g. ntl-i Ju-t iu iill hi- relation- wit'; the --:l.i. courteous and conciliatory in his manner-, generous in his impid.--, he lived a lile of unu-u:il length and responsibility, without incurring the bienii-h of a soilitary re proach on his hon-r. The country ha- iro-dti.-cd ne- man wh i-e character can l etter bi :ir the si'vci'e-t scrutiny. A- a stiitcsiii.aii, hi- ipialitie- were rather safe and solid than splendid and darling. Soiin lii-- ofj-idg-inciit, fertility of resource, a penetrating sagacity, an inH-xible fidelity to principle, pr i b in- and cauti m, gave hiui tha' weight an! that oiitrd of others which brilliant, but h u-efttl. intelUct in coiin-th- ni"i-' Ci.il Io".. r couiiiiaiiu nib lie vv as an uninterrupted scries ol siieee--c. No man enjoyed iu larger incisure the e.m iidelicc ol tho.-e who were capable of ap preciating his worth, a-is attc-ted b) bi-repealed eleelioii to the Pi i-.-ldene I'll- - I . ol the Senate, and by the high esteem ol evel'y cminelit .-tatesiuutl of every party 111 tlie country. When a man of such un-uilied character, of su-h so!: 1 v. yrtii. and ofueh great influence with the country, fall- in the hi-h function of ice Pre.-i.lelit. tlie hat: m niiiv w i ll mourn its lo--. Ofgcniu-, capa city, an 1 expelience in the public service, the country u.ay fee! no want; but while shall we lind another iu whom are united so mu-h of integrity, honor, magaiiiinity, ii.--cri tion, sagacity, courtesy, ami so'i.id a! i i tv a- vv. re bleu led in the character an 1 ii- lu-trated in the career of llN.i the chiviilioiis g - oiless patriot. Wn.i.i.vv; Ki i r.s iitlemaii and tno ANOTIIFU NF.W INVKN I P IN. A scientific gentleman iu l!v:insv ilic ; Indiana, has be. u engaged during the la t two ears, pirfeeting an in-truuicut to li able "the -iglit to j cuctrate through fh- hu iiiiin I odv, and has alieady brought the w-rk to a point that guaranties him ultiniat siiceo . l-'le-h, viewed through this tele cot c, i- ni.ilelii'i ti aiispiiient a- gl.i , an! hi- a pink ling-. He turn, i hi- w.v, to thi- pr 'Jed nineteen v-ar ago. -i'.e. wloih time I- has dv en il nliuo.-t con-taut to eight. Now, savs the Athens (Ah:.) Herald, on ly see what that mall in Indiana has done. We hone his - instrument wen t letanvone ' see through a body s clothes. Any how, the Junior thinks he will git one of the tl.ii.-, that he may look iu and see vv hen it i- time t .quit eating. Some people would i'.- well t) take a lk and see when it i- time to qii't tli inking. A true knowledge of the idi-cit-ed condilioii of the stomach might 'induce many a ro.o. .! ,r di hiker, to say ' n iihing-l'i oiitimi -il - oaUors. to quit a practice I is r ' i .'- to ! '' is - - '.' A Til KILLING SCKNK. The Ship Tno';- Wind which took fiio on In r pits-a.e ffoui New-York to Sail Fraiici-co, h id among her passenger-, ci.ht Mis.-ioiiHi ic- and their families, sei.t out to Calif , i iiia and Oregon, by the Home Mis sionary Society. One of them writes houiu the follow in ' deseriotioii of the scene on I", 1 board : On the "loritiu.r of the i.ty-f.r-t day of our pa-sage, vv hen in lat. 1 tcg. 1 1 n.in., and long. 11- Ocg. li.iu., one id the sailors came running to the olin.er on the qii.nter deckjCrving out. '- Ihe .-hip is on lire I ' 'Ibis ofincr went forward, and .-aw tho smoke coining out of the chain loekv l's and crevices ol the die'-.. lie 1' .cl'.;d llie foleO pump to be inititi' - ', and vi-nt I'icii to the" cabin, where v apt. vv . mid the a--engcrs were at break t a -t . He colon moi i.ieii Ine 1 1 -4t-t to the Captain, and tie v 1 to b it v.ilh I out any .-a -pn ion- being eveited a- to the ciii(-e. Alter liiai.la-t i went upon duk, : ..le. the ll u ll - u n 1 stir uli the lu! i castle at ; l fact ing ii.y ntijii, I i ht loiv.ard, and , soon li : I tn-.S the cau-c the. -hp Was Cil lire, in the cargo, -iliio-.vl.cie il Was slip I o-ed between toe -, colld iiiid third dicks; I ut I...-.V (XMl-ivc the 1.1 e Vi,- could not be immediately a -co it.iii.cd. A h-de was cut through the deck, and n -li, : ni ol Wiiter from I he loi ce pump, w hie h wool, I tio u about live barrel- per u.iiii.t-, wa- thi-wii upon the burning ma-s. Several other jdacv-s weiaj cut. ami line- ;...r p.-t.-.-ing bin k. t- were f i ui i d by the pa-.-t ngi r.-. We t .died on in thi- way tor some three hours, but could li t see ui lil'ih Us that Ve V. i le glltlllg the lire under. 1 he . i ntiiat. l - .-c med rather to show thi t it was .-pivatliiig aft, under the c; l ill, v.b ch vv il- then begii.l.ing 10 be filled v, ii!i gas and sin lie. 'J he ship was I hen tin lied hi a 1 to the ialid ; we wife -IVI miles from it. 'Ihe maga.ii, c v. as bo-itcd i.joiithc upper deck, aud placed where it ould be ca.-iiy thrown overboard ; the lii'e-boiits got out and ihe provi-ions and water, and the ch thing rea dy. At thi- time another large opening v. :i-litii-le, ill, 1 a b ,x, on lite, wa.- 1 r olo u np into piece-, an.', il - i . ;.i, : I - passed up on tho deck. An 1 1,, r a n 1 iii.-nhi r w en br, k. ii up lu tin! same mai.i.i-r, lid a 1 1, . e v. its made 1 an, e eiioii.'h t i admit n- of the all",'-, w h- I, ..oi ly went , lov.ii with the 1. . c iu l i- hand. He dir. .-ted it against the burning mas-, till I,.- 1, I! , x'.-i-i-ted upon the j! ...r. lie w as hi :tg. d : and neither, a- 1 old ;-s be, culm- 1 ' I i - p.i'i; '. In a i.i uii-i.t or two he 1-11. hi;- hi- eoii p:t!:ioii. iiiid wa- crag ged out ili-.-li-i!.li-, cil lied up -ti the !i k. A.ii'ither iiiid ::i.i'th, v t hi- laic, and -lo, i en ll- i -.. , I I, I s it v , i r - o -ill -II- ot ,;r ixt) . lii.ois i,a I t.ihi -i i.i- tiiili. At one tii. I c i.iv.! -::;t. c; ,.f ti,..-e gei.evo.i- I j; ov - h in. t 1 ! la r mi th" il i ri. , 'ihe hoii"- c.iniv tr-in the eat iu ;i:i.i lo, til ed their heads with camphor, V.lich Would, in mo-t t . bring ti.viu I in a s-Loit t, ue. As -o -i a - o'n- was r. i . . i , 1 sullicl--l.t y t wal v he would - i back fi'cr his si r1, iies agaiii. S. vcr. il of the men were brou-l.t up out of this p!::e is many a- eight times. (In the mo-t of tln-ni tho -as which th.-y iuliiiled .secni d to have an - tt c t -oiiicwh-.: ilk- that of laughing ga-, i!i liciiliii I) w lo n th"v were J artiaiiy r-S'l-i-itai.' 1. It was ni .a-y matter to le--traiii tho-c p--wer!'il tiieii when they en ih iiv eid t o li.iovv liieui-elves overboard, or do tiieiii-. lve- -ir tl- s s:i,e 1 1 r-'icii harm. For four hours ue labored n this way, air! you may i;iiii :,:i;e the t, rr i - of oar p ti ui. We e ould Int fear that the strength of the m -n, self siicrilicino a- 'hey Wire, Vi'-i'd n t ho'i-1 on till t!;e llaia-s were i.v-tiiigiii-lu-l. Some of theiii could do in more, and these the hardiest of them all. We toiled en, hiw-vcr the pa ciigers, gcuilclneii and lii lie-, worl.iiig the pump far ale-tiler h-if, w hen th- j y 1 ill news eatoe that the lii- was oat. No more tlauiei could be .- , ii. no m .re -ni 'l.e aro-e. We hi -an to breathe lie-lv, nod b-pc that ,!! e.'.ii.Cs- ha! t ; i ot t u-. AiU i the re-t of an h-.t.'. an cxiiioiiii.tiou was ii.ai'.e, i.t.t ho -igns ot 'lire w as di -covered. W e i ll la v ,.j..ii up ,ii ll.- dick (it vv is wry wain,, iio 1 pi---i the night. The next liav w.i- the .-a..-l.v!i. ii i i never .1; I a iioie -la'.clul, a it,-..iu .ivvoat a--c:uolv, c jiiie tog. tiu r 1 il to- w )i -hiji of . 1 j 1. ihe in . -t liaiiiig in; 1 wickc 1 among the s.i.l.iri c-,;ii'v-si d lint! ii' led ha I let have helped them I--)' ---1.1. 1 n-.t p,.t .sat li.- tiro. ' iu of the men ha I said when luj shin v.'.is oil lire, " You see n ivv !i nv li'ilo u-e all this praying i-, which we ha.c iiad alt. Tie.-re never wa- a .-inn that went o.;l of New York that ha- had much of il on baa;-.!, a;il et, h. re .-he is on tire." And yet, thi- same man, w In-n he. wciit d aw n i.;t the lo! 1, an 1 -aw what the tire u.i i done, said Willi a great deal of cm ii -i, " if prayer ui 1 not ke p the shi,- b '-iu g-ii'.ngo.i lire, it uiii-t have hid s jii.ct'iiii t.i.'.j vv ;tli pot ting it oat." ..-: kk:: accU'Iin r. The Paris ,-. ,n id. t of the Ya-U-iitgt ui lb ; -ni. lie, t. a- the f ywxu-: " A shocking aeei le.it haypvii' 1 h.'i - the other night under mo-t extra -i- :-.;.arv or-eiiiii-t ii.ces. A y; laiasj. :: il eii i-r partv, emb av-raig t i di i.v t ,e e no; of a ii..;t. ,.f v.ii.e, lii, -ii:- c 0 l.-ci, vv iii the lui hi'-. II.- then tii- I a nt. th ; n m loviiiii the Siii'iho- fu-ein; r-lV.iet n'y e-O K-. Ile d.ie-i up t i- !i '11 ).v at the bolt. nil i f the I itt'e w ith a i: hio, an 1 tiv.-n -truck it v i m .:!;. v. i ' 1 1 hi-iiau.1. As thisp'o uace i tc i'l '. i.c -'rack toe b 't'.jiii a-o;h'.-t ih- h-r. 'I 1rk n.ovcd sh! t iv. aid he stork a:all: v. lib glcil'ir lJ.-e. ii,,. 1 tile fell ta pitee-, and two the sphiiUts c.it the t elit'.citiau S L :. i aid wri t t- the bone, scvcri.ig tvo ;.::..! coii phtcly. lilj id e-'.-a; e d g- ,:;. I n.t.y, and h -fore tb- -i r s o; a :.-;, :. t be pro,' lied h- io. - - i ' ' ex- hiiii-tioil. He di i d iiia ; ihe i.e. ' . j The llvpre-s 'i :--..i iVoii X w Y'.l. ! j All.lilV. p..-.-e 1 l.V.-r tin- I'"-! I. o I Mo, 1 I iln-t. lu 111 i.. ...o- " - : " '-. - . . d -i - : - o- 51