4 ' ii DUT1T OF TITE WHIGS. The Philadelphia BuVy Xcvs give? same, advice to (In; Whios of Pennsylvania, which tin! Mrin' Mi 'I sr-!i is cii'tal!- appli cable tj tin' Wliis of V'irjiria, ami which v:e say is also MualU' applicable 1 the .'hi,."f of North Carolina .mil to the latt. r we de.-ire to commend the spirited an 1 ex cellent observations of our contt niporai i's. " If," says the " M.ii!," " in the face ot 1.0,000 majority, tboWliij of l'cniit? lvniria are determined, not only t stand by their party banner, but to Csiuteml with brave oud bclievinj hearts f.ir vj.-iorv why i-houhl t ho VLij: of North Ciro!i;; -l.vam of sue cumVinji for a hiv-cii! ? ..? ". to upon SfJU c!tfJtk: v. uc no t'.-l o, compar ative trciiit!) of parties, ;.s a!! candid nun upiii Loth shies will alu.lt." It is i-vi :i more unmanly atvl absurd to despair of ill.- su'Vess of the Wlii.; cause in the country tit l-ire. Cur ue'.'cat uii ur (.It'll, Scott was ly no me.iiis as i'.et i-ive and ili-liearteiiinrj as that of the kvofooos v.nler Van Ihue-.i. Horse, foot and dra goon". Old Tippecanoe drove the dominant party cut of power. It is trui'. Van Huron olt-iiicd three more States than Seott f -vnn i'! nil ; hot then it in"-' lie reiiicinlior. t-d that Van l.drcii had the ad vant il'i' of hohl iru' the r.-i:i i'j i-wvr, with an ,;r;j y of olliec holders at his lark, a': 1 ii.-. iuo-t peril it un iou iin.l despi-rate cher.-y union.; his own party. Scott had no officii! co'enis, and the U'ia.'s support'.") liini with a faint and divided In-art. If the heof could ral ly and triumph after such a defeat as that of Van llurr n, why sh ield tjit the WTiijsj rally and triumph after the tUii.-iu: and less disa.-t i ott-i defeat of lien. Scott .' Aid, alter all, although t!eus:;:i is i:p-in tli'Mi-an Is of the wio.-s in all the States of the Union .Maid at home at the -i-t i lee lion, mid Will i not vote at all, and vhii t.ier t:: .".is in is . t. ! ' : it ! i; t -:fr'r nt'ttt''- o e- I . $'( '. "'" Wi': .'' 'if anrJ !---rc. " The ' Wi, party p.,'.'.. 1 . tiioie than a rrdiiiin and a half ( ct.- in1 th.- last Presidential el-ett in. ti.itw::l.t.iti.'. i:i; su. h numbers of t'icm evervw In. re di i l,..t v .'te. Aul can there be th -e v i, . would dUbun.i this in.:.e :.-e army, an! trail it- iorie.is l-anm r in t!.. ii'i-t? 1: p'.'.eh there aie, they would render tie Vi!l' ean.-e a .-crkico by j'.initis its j.-.-tt enemies. ;,nd ci-a-in t1 p.iraly.-' -ti' i.L' arms at.-l c oara.-i ."! heau.-. ' y their timid i and !.mi1i.v fore! o iin.-. Tie- qiie-ti n f . r it tr.i" Vl,i-s f '.. i ! i''t T, i can on -iirr-?!'b r f ciplus .' Pa oo. ii" lo;j.r,T I'eii' that tii"; are essential t the diiiity and r-.-perity of the Country 7 If y j have ie!t.-d:!i. anci'-iit convii ti .n. t'. i y et eat ;. t nis hand too soon. If not, tio-n y i-i mi;-t re t tin yo ir tii.i iii 'o a lie- . i ly u.... ' of pivin.' vitality and eirie'eli' V to y..i:i prim i jles. I' ir ours ie-. we are t'ior..j!ii s.ni--lied tii it the c-in-vrvstivi influence of tl.c WLi; pjity Ki- ti--r in 'I'' ti- e led than it will i v v ithin tie' n-:.i i'o.ir years. lt-iv-C'J the con. try in Mr. Po.K .- time fr ''n : sens, le-- and r.iin a war with lh .tain a 1 out Mrcnn. It saved the Union nft-r-war -is Jrotn ti: i-tT-e;- ,.f ilie i-ti-.i.j! quarrel jr.'dj'ol ly the iM-xiean war. .lu-Juin.' iro'.u t!i" rampant spirit iii-p!aV"d .y V-junj Auieriea irjr, an 1 'r ",u t'ae 0 i:,teir,i'".j which its a.'L.'re--ive ten t' I cie-. ice-'ieo in l.i.'h piaees, U ,i- -i rvic may a.'..iu i ncc'ic'i, ue the a-iiniui-trutioii :' Cel.. l'i' r.'e he e'"Ied. to secure the peace fi:d to in..int ii;i the 1 i,.o!i nt the f 'antry. Lit i very Whi.'. tin I-, -t.iiid at 1.1- j. pr'-p ir"l a;.J oe;, rmii. d to pr. .-rve la ta,! lie- in'.-,. ity a:, I ..tii fv- Wi.i. ; r t " . so (.-.'en :. .!. :. i.i :y '. ; wi- i i the -'.vrd of .ict-.ry. he in iv ! ii n; a 'Lie id. w !.:.!. "ill p- ' t tii- .: ' ,.i.d lt-i in-t:' .t.o:js :ro:a ili!.e ( ueoaiei." I. 'II )Vii pi'ii''.! r. r :;';;. . Ti.,- i h ii.ii . .,; - . :.. tn-.iy ii v.;d . tint 1 fir- r... ,.:' t i.i- ii'i--: '!. Ml i -ler S.vi'.,. i ,;:i j--u-- : f, :., :.. K.i i i .. '. , ii i ' ' ,!';'': ';- ! 1 A '' t'"- ba-- Cj1 a " N . -v ii i .n : ,. ..,ii,...i tre'.i iii any ,: I i.-nt . i :. -imo'v c-fi-c Mr. ii. h i- dee ,r- i v . r. ii"it- )v t.,at he i- ; .''! tii ::.. a f that 1-' ..a ! I . .,...,'. : ,!.;., ,, ::'. -ti the -'it.i of jau-j rv ia-!. i." f : u. ' a- r iii :!;.... it. j . . r; e.o j i.'ile: 1 i :: ia ' : S'r, I an, -r mi , 1 1 - em ,,,. 1 . 1; -. A:. 1 i: a. ;! b- ;i a ir . tii it S; -i; I- '.-ii'.ir .tii t in 1 -tr .ti." to .' ".1 -i ..'1 -t hi '.' . : ; in '. ., ( ' il a v. i,. ;. S -. ,i,. s -i -: - h" 1 i. . i.ii ; j 1 1 - ii ,; .1 ! :. li r M,.i; l"i- I. -b .'.-.;-. -1 in tie in vltii. 11 inu: 1; -r thV. t'i.ey , i - ,01 r -. that h..,i.i:i:; 1--u:i into l.e h t t .1, of tl.-.- ...- .ii th..:i t . s.-e . t - i 1 other .je.'-r. i'our "... r ., j ii'.i.ne tie : f ;.iu 1 '.' et i. :.;.-.. "No, -Ir. I La;.. a no ;.. r '': .1, ri 1 i '. -1 'ir"hu-i:i.r liiiii. Tier'; i - ,1 t . . t e r- ll. it -(., ik- ni .U'I ! 1 to ;-" -ni-1 .-r 11 r C .h i;. .'-, iw eai! ur, on :i- lor a-.-i--le.c . '1 ":. . ur- .t"tltl mi ... ,i I !.-t eon-i- .t t . ::.'s j ,;.ci.a-e. I aiii 1. ', a i.ii:e' t, -'V - ti. '- -Us... .til io'ie- ; :. !-. ., a.- ::'- 1 ' ;''. un I.hv..- nnv t;ri;i. u;.ji, an; j v. ,,,-h ui'.ju. i.j.v or ,. r ait- r he f.;r-'l'l. t.';. (...,' ;t ,,i,'' '.!!, I ' ' '' ' 'li! O'" i" 0 '. ' '',!' ' ' ' '"'. . Ir .- ', t , to. It i- ' i th 111 1 . t , ... ,; ... -i; 1 Ti ,'. 1 ni. t i ... '.; ..11 1 .'i ,i t:. . - irr-.i-. : in.' ; ni 1'. .tin . r. I : , ;, ,t i i, .v f. ,t vi.: v-i i in.- ji 1' iii -er in ; ; 1 .. ....; , tiiiiii in e ii ,'i 1 :;. : tl, j l-.a.il. 1 an, a t -in t Join !. 1 -s r i r it " All 1 -1' !. 1, -i.i r i' o... . , ,t ; . ; t , tl. . :;e 1 i -i ' ; ' :-!:, I o-, i' , i a ,y t ';,'. t - e . t :, -. . t Mr ." 1 lie 1 ir t... -; eial l:.i - , : 'J !. ' t 1- li t oi-J, l' i. : .. ., '. ' . I. 1 : T. t . ,t Mr. S . i- ;;, .,-..,r of ..:i;:io l'.:. : 1 A'h - is o;,;i .-ei t 1 ;,; : .'.i o . : it . 1 . I ..r ' 1 I , i'1'.r 1 Hi. i'..-j'1-ii.;:. o:.l . -'i ii.l r ' 1 in r a -ori-iol v 'ii iti,! ;: 'oii o:- j.i .u 1 .l-:i 1-. tiiat Ii : vv-' Ji ! t ii. tV 1-1 in . 1. .1 ie'.e , t ii r ' Jh :' . 0 ; -; : . n' .e l ' -.or in ai. ' o! ii. 1 . ,'. a 1 1 '1 1 '1 I, . 1, , 1 - Tie S t . 1 , . - v . t r ,,i V - i n t, e.-i ; 1 i.'. . !, '. ., ( 1 01 .-r:i.;j nt ':: ,- r . ! . : :-. r. f r ll- '. i ! .': t 1 t , ' I" o.- l.. t!l A .'):p u:ui,.;i We hy the r. ..o;- ,f ;, . ; ,,- f the -ity .',( Lo.iisuii". ti, ,!.!.' .) a ii iv or two -inee, in-tru t.-.l : :.. j 1 , arr- t il I oy- j., ratul.u! ttiu-j l e- sti ,1. i.i it ! ' I, , ir at i,iht. unless t'ley i "in -1, -w t-' - . 1 i;i-e for hillij; out. ill- 1. "11' -r -u: l liial ii jiaivat cvjiii Uwt kvrp tiieir eLiiiireL -'a-1 ic mil tj' :r . -f t'n Tlorflj (Carolina Wih v--e. CHARLOTTE 1SW. I r w H.T.I cet in li.ilh'1 iiietits anJ su5 ir l'. '. .i!ii ;m; :ier. ? i are sui'.-ei is : AM THinil'SOX ir our a ;t i"i . a iO 'I-.. .Zi ii t oi.t.un ;u! i r' !se seriti"!.s. ..i.a to r.iit neejpt.-. A!;.';, I'. ,., i our airi-nt m I'hiludi'l. i! t . n!it.ori .uli rtusemeiit:, ami pro- . . 1" t.- ellh lit New sut.M-r hi! I' .. . ..1 las u uk fu.t;i:i:ss, OF MK KI.EMaitli COlNTV. t ANfitivxTi: run ij:i:k. Ti.. :. i-..- . M. Ui:i P. i iki vr. ..t j.Va m:e !:i .1101 -a n oi' i n.ii:iL' In l:ie ! le-li i'l lit ',.'1!;! ,- ,.i M i ' 1. .li.i.i', ..s .1 e t!f.:i.:ate :er Sc. ni' C .ii:.lv '-.urt l'ii:. it the naic a-l I'.i' i li .... or. Ail- e iltl. j.tit .in n. l'rt.r. 17in. : ' rin. 'Mil.e I.'-' ll to . r . .. s it , r in 1-r . I : :.t nl llr s t n tin' VV li T' ( : to i.sil. l lsi 1 s.-l').V A I I 1 Nl N'l'i i.N'. .- h.-tr:. .. i ii. e !.. .it liii.it. i l-horiit M -Ii, .'! t it I llt-i : lit . !. I II. i N .i tii , , t ' .ir i.i.. ur i I M-jte luli i.o.es. M ' : I. i -t ,. ve .t it. -, to w norn etll HWilV 'V le.itil'fiS ' !: v' , ft in ii ii Iii r I.' .fu.-' t: le Hut .-'. ll II.. t III Olll. irr y r l'..i A. e lit Mr. II. In- . y - 1 .M;.( ul 1 i-r.o t! r- Mr I Or. !.. , I Mr I,, l,i rur..l. . It t..- I l.u il'l'Eit N ! t ' PI MdMi M'.'T.IN A P. NdLTII i; I v I" f . i'l ' f. 1'.- M'.;.- 1, th it i-t. r' 1 ;: :, Ol il. t he I Cjl.itru! i cxpl ... C: ;.d II I per ore is afforded by the indications pre sented in the mines of tho?e counties. The ! treat metalliferous region known as Gold mil ;,. l'n,..,.,. ,,.,,1 ..I,;.., i.evt. to the famous Porno 's mine in this Slate, is the field, and the budo. notes will soon rinjj mo.-t productive deposit of the precious throuuh the political preen wood for each metal in the United States is perhaps the ; clansman to rally, we think tbo occasion most promisin; rcpo.-itorv for copper thus favorable to remind our readers of certain tar lieu lit to lijit. Other places mav'preat questions, vbich in all probability htreafur proo i-.piallv rii.li ; lut the eold ! veins at liold iliil, hi hi a already worked to I the depth of nearlv :i.t 'feet, atlord the nio-t ! favoiableoppovtuiiit in the country lorjudj:- 1 in-of the character of that spot for'eopper - - a metal which rarely shows itself iu much 1 l ichu-ss at the t. p o! the -round. Already, ' from tlm depths referred t.'i, tons ofmerchant - 'aide copper ore are daily raised ; and the in- iiiientions are. smb. is to lead the l'rol'e.-sor to ! -r Cm! will vi rw,,, odilv ae- iuire a character for copper as distinguished ,a.-that which it has loiy since established ! f.r -old. ! 1 he Professor while in Charlotte, was ' " - . .' . . pie en ted with a diamond, by l'r. JjEVKNt- I'K, a late eraduate of our Medical ('nlleee. That gentleman had lately dis covtrul it on his estate at I'icneer lills; and this is the stcond speciiren of this pricious L'eiu found within the year in the unity. Ili'.iii : to, no eial search hai been made for toe diamond, these specimens ha vin;; 1 ecu 'discovered ill a manner purely jtfiital. t'.'. Co uct I.tito from i:irii'. AUrT'-AL 111- Till". C.StSAPA -T HALIFAX. P.vl.tlM'iIiK. April l.-'O P. M. The Koyal mail st"am ship Caiim,i, S rnK, has arrived at Halifax from Liver pud, w hich she left on the Pith iu-t. She will reach Do.-toil at day -break on Uriday n;ornii,. 'I he U.S. mail steam ship Unfit'-, Capt. CoV'r'i K, has 1 rokeii her crank ami would not 1 e able to sail on her regular day the -'"ill. The LiVKnrof.L Mai;kets. In conse ii l.ee of the favorable t. nor of the Ji'iflc'i adviei s. the dtinand f.r t'vi'lToN was good, and pri.-es advanced an eighth of a penny. The lower cradi-s have iuiiu'oved tim-t, al- thoUi.li m'1 ti j.i'.iti.js are di arer. I'he sales dupni the week comprised Iiil,ii00 hales, 0f which specuiatois have taken ll,t and ,.,i,,n,.r. ! ll.ni l-'nir I lri,.i.s Is ,i,it..,l at l;-d Middliii.' Hi leans.) PVUiths. Fair Upland tid, and Mid. , I',,! ,,,! at "i:d ; ' ' " I he in, polls have amounted to 4"' llilll bah s. Th stock on hand consists ot i (ll'" hales, i 1! i. k is ii'iiet but firm at ltd a -.'-'s. pt.r evvt. ' L'.niii.n' Most ,y Maiikfts. CnNMii.s are iUot,d at lOdij. The liullioli in the liai.k , of England has decrea-ed il 1 -". ti n . I"i in KI' i N ItEMo. The report of the in surrection at IJaleeluna is incorri et. The l-'rcneh Trans-Atlantic steam Ship iili" ha- i'eeli abaudoni ii. Another steam r-hip has been added to the ' 11 i-oovv )i,L. In the IJriti-h Hiiise of Cotnniii. a i, i. sti.'ii was a.-kud whether the interest? ' .,' l-'iiirl-i'i.l anil lb.- K'ln.i nl' Mn.ii'iilil u. n. ; : beiiii: looked att. r. Lord .John Kf ssKi.i, ! replied that the negotiations with the United States had i.jt terminated. Ati enquiry vv a- al-0 a-lu d the I ioveriitnctit whether It was true tiiat Kiwi 1 11 lou.-e iu Loudon had been searched uu the 1-ttli iiistunt by the I'o'iee. and that arms and ammunition had i e'.n found thcn-iti ; whether arr'-sts had i.e. n made in I'ru-sia on information lurtii.-h-i.d by the London 'dice. Ti.- (.'I'miilit exchanged sii.-Is with the A.-i't np clianiiel. The f 'yo Cb.nov arrived out on the l-'th in.-t. The on,ra eric'il .i from Havre I r ,. -UM: ll"i' by the L'.ii't'iii are prc-i-cly the ti:i " ntcived by the J lr ,:!',, I . 'f I "Tins "ii the loth in-t , Were the r.'ccipt of the Haiti' advices. I.nlc lroin aliforiii:i, iyal ur Tin-: united states AT NEW-UK LEANS. Nkh -i M-.i.K ns, April J 1. c :f am -hip it' Sn'.v ha.- arrived, oniade the trip from A-pinwall in the -race of five davs and three hours hav in -hort brought ad -.ices fr.-m Caiif jriiiu t I t ci A I ni. 'I i i.i-t ;: e.-n.is fr-i!; San 1'r.me ti." l".l I, ef I'ehruiirv, it vvililej rteel eeteil. r' I re-' i.'e'i '.hat Intieh r oll ijeet'iri; uii'i uiiiieiy ,.f tho non-arrival lui'l ari-i n on of tl;'' -team - hi I l.u i ll.l line, ti, tili.e. I, .vili.r '.-., ' eouilt ,' j i iiih m ot th" Van. n thirt v 'las s le v 0;, I her . .ai'l : h" I'a --eii.-er.-i w ho elt . vv i 01 J; ,,n th" -Jtith ol .J-iiiriry liitlii A'., , ..-,', an-! thi.f. .-ore.it were tin a; ;.r, le n-ioii-eiitei'aiin.il re-ieeiiii' In rafe f. . that the A lit of the VAM'Milill.T lint ! t!,i; "f ' i ff ,1-1 steaunr S"' llr,l for c 1 1 1; : - a thoroiih seareh e eiue to hi r win-real. however, hrinoi the uti'i oils, the lo.-t (ir-t 01 'alum: 1 he '"!'!, I'l As- int. Ill 'i i.i i: that sin: was '.li !,. eo: trueii oi, th. n to-.; -t of Loner California. She ti -hoal near Margarita 1-iaii'l 'titinlv eon-uuieJ ri lire ati'l vv as on l.oar'l ovt-r Mo; i.ll'l C. .up Ion,-! mii ireii t.as-, l.-liUl l-s. r j.. ii! 'I W honi 1 li'l were hi r tlrowned 'I in thi- flan. '1 he -nrv i vors vv er,- 1 arm 0 to ."sun I' ran' 1.-1 0. I he sei ne is r J re.-i'iited to have hem mo-t t'Trihlc aiel the sufierlti'; intense. 'I'he inininir ii' - i'l om Caiifornia ia very fav.rahle. 'I he mini r- are making' fine profits, l'linv I M'i'.s are low. Smuli i-ah s of l'l.' l 11 have been ! --t.-l at from i to per LLP ' ' "1. Co . Till: NEW SlLVJ.Il COIN AIKiPT. 'J In- i,-w ,-ilvrr eoinaoe of the I'liiteil StateP, ', - th" li iltiiiiore Sun, i--ueil uu.!' r the lo :i' l Co.ere.-s, j- already in cireula II in our eily, thoii'.'h only pai'l out for h: fir-t time at the Inint of I'hila'lclphia on ui --lay. A'JaUi.-.V Co. 'irew out. that il.il', .'.-(i.iuiu, f,r the N. vv V' I'hila.le'., hi.-, ii r hanks are people. Iti, 11 Ii'l .tllli'll ' Iiial hi ts, il..' I' to lOl'l the Ol 'taiioii 'il tin- eii.'i.ri.i 1 -i;e' firm ti forty or fifty thou-uml ilollai.s dai ne W11S,-. .t this rate, the roun ooii he pretty well supplied, an. ly fu t r y vv i ;.'i 1 on,., r heai e -la.i.i -over i hail ji ainti of ml of A V II LE. -tat. s tl jint, a m The it, a ie'.v nay .4 u.s w hale 11 to the is hi-in :' lion, : lie .lister iff M ,i,t;t ik J lon-ti-. !.t. vviueli is 1 1 he tak' ,- f , r :t 1 .ihitlOM. A the j-;;i-t Hi haul iiiui a I.II.": 1,',.1-t er for its 1 (101 e . '1 hi ,1,-1 t-. t .')') f, i t loll-r ; ami i k'lpiosi 1 to' o.ir lorty tons. .1 steamhoat lias onoina'ct lroin latmir oy-ters, and the i-ili-nt to tow I. im into port, l our boaU zenn !' (ja ton bad lield a lueetin'.' and r"- been were lo-t the t'oLU..-t Lclore Lis Hhale- 'i . ' SEVENTH CONGRESSIONAL BIS TIUCT Now that the Congressional candidates ior the fervent i J'istnct nro lainv iu tua will determine the election. We hope and believe that the people of this district are ! too intellijiclit to be deceived ley tlio nitre ! name of lemccracy, and that the 'still '! - inall voice' of truth cannot be silenced by , the bedd assumptions of the demagogue, or the lies of the unprincipled parti.au. , What then, are the real question which 1 now divide the Uhip and IVmoeratie parties ? The acquisition ami annexation of forei-n ' territory to the I mted Mates, whether Ly . i i . conquest or purchase, has for years met with the favorable consideration of the Pem oerittia. party. The Mexican war was the i fleet of this spirit. The piratical expedi tions against Cuba would never have dis- graced our nation it they had not met with aid ami encouragement lroin the leaders of the Democratic party. How has such .1 spirit fl'. rted mir interests and our char acter at home and abroad 7 At home it has crcuted a reckless di.-re'ard of treaties. It has tallied our national reputation and made iis a terror instead of a protector to ; the wek ; and a foe, suspected and hated i by th'trotij and enlightened nations of i the jT'J It lias peneratcd an appetite J 'J"s (jf our liciiihhors, at the ' t x jie nV'TJTi ow n moral, mental 'and phy ! ue il interests. What do we want witliCuha I and her mineral Ic ignorant population of ' free negroes? Have we not already terri tory for five hundred millions of people 7 1 Can Cuba he bought 7 Never! Spain would rather see Cuba sunk in the ocean ' deeper than plummet ever sounded,' than in the ' posse-sion of any other Nation. Spain the i land of Columbus, upon who-e dominions ' the Min never set, has all the morbid prn'o j of fallen (ireiitness. She will clutch with ! the tenacity of death, this la.-t geiu iu her once brilliant inroiia. I Would it he to the interest of our country , if Cuba could be acquired without a war 7 I Wc could not purchase the inland for nnv reasonable sum. Mr. I'olk authorized lien. ; .iuiidersj our then .Mu.i-t. r to offer one : hundred millions for the Island, but the ot- ! fer w as iudk'lialitly refused by the hau-hty 1 astili.ms. Sup.o .ilr. 1 olK liau sueeee- 1 ded in the purchast' to have pad the iieht. ... i.i.. .: i i i ' alio. I ne consequent aiHicAauou nuuin naie : airam I. roiiut the orth ami feuum in coi-li-ioti both on the Tariff and the Slavery iin-.-ti.in-. Wc would not endanger the U nion of these Stat is for such a country as Cuba, if ."he was cruted with j; 'id and dia monds. The wealth of the worid should be a.s hut du-t, win u compared to the hopes ,,f uaiijiial freetbitii. which now have in other guarantee hut the Union of these States. We hope both the candidates lor ( 'on.'ii ss will ' face the inii-ic.' on thi- ijue-ti n. e have too hijjh nil opinion of 'he c.iielor of the fri ntleiiieii to sii-pect for a iimii., i,t that either of them would act the political di- uaj pi r 1 he i-ttihution of the proceeds "f the public lands is another fpie-tiou of j.rcat nnf ortatiee, and should i n.- i'e the atteiiti. n of our eauditlates and the peoph- If any thinp realized the fable of tin- trozni ser- Pei't It is tliC comtuet ot the In-w Mates :n ! ed by the'eiuocratic party on tins subject. The ii.-';( a trs alter being thawed into life '.. . I in: kiuuHo.-s mid hocramy of the "i'l thirteen, 'jow attempt to sti ii e th. ir inva n uiii. 1 fane into tin.' l"-nin i.f th. i ni-.th- er s prott-.tors. We r' -rel ia! tin- it -liould have ever become a subject of party : hut we li'ipe at the auic time, that toe peo ple of No:tli Carolina could '.'it what ju-tlv ier duo, she eoi.'. .pell : "lid-, Kivi r-, build educate her iei Plank and Kail children without om We should like to -c noiiL'h to take prouie a distribtitioti of tin- -em of additional tax the thaii'pi, n i. ,1 I .--in till- di-lriet ,i'.'aili-t ,roe, ed- uf the pili lie lands atnoiij that like (io all the States. We predict ah 'if old, th"' armed w itii ir, swerd and slii ld. that nnv Kith- Da- vi even r.ilh a -Iii..' and a few -in ."th 1- bles from the I, r e...,, i triant bite the du-t. Seeessii-.n, the Mnnr tion ami internu! iumri lid s.o"ii m;i th, I'- e il'V'tnne, j ro-er vt-mi'i.t' 1 v the ( 1. ernl "overiiliieiit Will ai reeeive line ntti 11- inn from the re-i e. ;ivc- an I eaniinlate-. r-sj.i etal County aiel '; We hone the vv mo, me;:'i (om.tv in "- - "- - ........... .... . . - work. Lit us li-ht the o.el h.'ht. Let n- expo-e the hollow le arteni.e-s aiel fal-e pre-teli.-i'jli-l of MOih rn Pein'j'-r n y, vv hieh i- no thin but thceoiruj't remains of tin: V;m Unlet, party, r'-newuu into a s ,rt of ! aei life, hy N'tishville ami lhitlaio i!i-i.r":iiiiz. r. In inotraey in j'ltti aro'ina, inoiii- Seee--ci'.n anil Irto tra'le ; at the North, a liiuh proteetive Jarili ami I' r.-ij fun ; 111 Mi--i. sippi it in Fyiinnyniii!i- with r. .it-iiatiou, ainl in North Carolina, it iuihra"es uhativir h' n-v is at the time . r tl.ir .villi the mas- ses. Tin re is, however, 'on: eurilinal ,riii- eiple about wltielt t'ae ' tuition ami Ira- uietiU' are always liarmoniou-. Murey fir-t uttercJ, titnl iii'j'h rn Peiiineraey has illus- tratea toe principle t.o the V 1,'t'its liel'Ui ' the spoils i !' il m i V.'i ami f ... r SUNDAY IN NEW ORLEANS.. A wriutr in the New York Sun ile-i-ribr bis cxperiei.';': of one Humlay in the ;mi at Southern city. He w nt to ehureh ; on hi return, f itinl aliout a (loy.eu hillianl t ihh s in full hla-t opposite to his r j om ; windows ami doom wiile open; ttoies of i.'i'ry 'In scription open ami iloii.'r full retail m,'l wholesale Lu iness. Alter ilinner In: went, al'iii;' will) about 5:i(M) people, to a hull aiel Lear fi'lit, w hieh lie 'h 1 ii..-- witii -n at jartieuUnty. The bull whippi'l. After ten, wi'iit to the theatre, wh"ri: he -a a ray tui'l f i-hionahle asseuihly, inclii'liii all .'radon fr 1I11 tn'i rieh banker t., the ...varthy .sav.-, all iu tie ir a propi late pia'.-, an'l 'e delihteil With everything aroiiinl tie 111. T1PE A il AT JiUOOKLYN" NAVY YAPP. I'.-triietivc lire br-'ke out on the 17th ult 111 the N v y Yard at Iii 00U v 11. A lar;'o biiil'llli',' ami it- conteiiis were 1 n tin ly c'li'sniiied, notw ith .taii'hii' the mo-t po-.v.:rli;i i f! irt t ) arrirt the prooie-s "f the llanii.'J. The losn is e-Uniateil at over sMHI, ntil'. 'I Le eause as-igned is spout aneous f ijlllhustloll. The tldoni (S. (I) '! iit htatc, theeh'ihra is rain betuciii that and l.a-ton, and lhat t i 1 1 1 r.r nine d that tow II eat!,, Iiave had n ciitly occurred. Jt is .'aid to ijucs'j-il ii man filing)."! m ieilm,; them, to ." .J th : i'iirK.). iibim imm ' ' "in I LAKGE INCREASE OF FOREIGN Til A UK; I Persons who are weary of preaching are sometimes found to relish arithmetic. In stead of holding forth in general tonus up on the extravagance of our people, and their excessive imports from aboard, w hich they ' will have to pay for by and by. if they nian- : mo to escape it now, we w HI f; l at me mine thills in an arithmetic w ay. The Journal of commerce shall supply us with figurative Liiiiruufte iu its tables of importations into the'p.u t of New York, by which it appears that since the commencement of thin year, the increase uf imports for the three months i beyond those in the same time last year is .917,1VT,1 1-'. The imports into New York for Mtircli were : ! is.",! . . Sl.V'sfi.H'O In is.ij . . i-'.,T,mi-J j In ls..j- . - l!i,4i:i,fv!tl i And the imports for the first quarter of the year were In . . $:,fi-.si,!i73 1 in ii.v,' . - .-i-'.siv't; j Iii Is.,:) - . ."ill.lClii.TlH : The large increase of imports has not been confined to dry poods, but has exten ded to nearly every class of general mer chandise. The imports of foreign dry goods for Miti' h in New York have been 111 l.-.U . . .i s.1!l,...'.ll III l-S.VJ - - .l.."..".'l.Clt Iii is.-,.i . . :i,;h.'.,;u l The imports of dry poods for the first quarter of the year have been 1 l l TS.H CJi.US,524 ' In 1 . - Js'.iiliti.re.i iii is.).) . . o;,i' i.siil The exports have increased somewhat, , but by no means iu proportion. The impoit for the last two years were very great ; hut the demand this year seems to show they were wanted fur immediate cunsuniptioii. 'I here is certainly an important lesson in these (inures. What is it .' Is it not that, oiirj population is rapidly increasing iu wealth .and numbers; mid that our manufacturing! e.-t'tl.lishiiii t.t- in their crippled state are totally inadequate to the supply of their wants ? There may be a falling otf by and by perhaps for a time in the fort i'ii imports, but only to latum upon us a-ain in an au guim. nted flood. Here is no ovet trading. If so. there would be some hop,- ,f a stop to these preat imports. '1 he dome-tic de mand pr"vcs them to be wanted. 'I lie ii. ports are undoubtedly to po on increa-ii.p, our on ii proutif tioii lo-in' stationary, or I nearly so, til! when.' Kt, when and where are these wavis of foi'eien imports to he stayed 7 We are all ciiieeriied in the an swer to toe i j 1 it -t i . : u. If these foods were paid f.r by iur own pro lueti'iii-, it would le n i matter in the hnatieial point of vii-vJ If they wire paid f.r, any how, before we1 e 'iisiiiiii: tin in, it would not matter much. I li it if we do H it pay tor them at all, but i run in d, bt fortlc-e iwerful sedu. tions to! txtravapanee, it i a v ital matter t us. Here an: til'ty miili lis impoiti d iu the j thrie la-t month- at the -i ti--lc port of New i ork, on which ca-h duties were obliped to' 1 e joiid to a amount 'A' upwards of eleven j lliiiii -ns. P- iie; under the absolute lu ce . sity of pay in' this i.ormoiis -um, how much; was aiiiio.-t f 'rcid l i be left unpaid to the i f ri i.-ii manufacturers at. I merchant-,.? 'I'he' trui h is pi.iio, we are p.'ttiup ! ply intoj .lilt, ni.t f.-r ." ids which are not wanted' heia lor they are, and w huh arc worn nut; ami c in-ami -i before pai I for hut because j our own people are -t uiilin; idle, or driven to the w ilderm while strangers iuutherl miili tries are iuvt tlu:r v. oik t--r tlieie,1 and r'.iiiiiii tin in of tie ir 1 ii I :,rirl.t !j la-: for f.r their eomti v i.i.-n, and int. -ret plm' tie- I r ad which th, ir native - had d---1 tilled ior l!. what i-- to 1 be no end. ii-, ;.n 1 th no'iith- of I.i r eh.li'ireii. the end .f tl.i-7 Tln-r file p.e.r nr to be a! i t.nt r v , ..net. local. t to I.i And ; i- t i III! pellUl lit, is to i I i ib I ts, and lo: to inert" a-.-, ci. i!, as i.i i. tie a -lave, hi; dit'-r -. w hi 11 r' -. '.i'ltl tiiie-s and . i, li -hail com;. , civd or finan I. .:::.. 'hail ei.iin; to our r. liel'. niel vvi,e them l,oth a'.vav t loi.ther. .V. f(w7; I)n'i A'lr. ANTPjl'ITV il' '! !!'. I'DLKA. j '1 le- ile -en,!! ,.! 1, 1 the l.r. 'j'.tn. in Sir .1 ,hn ' I t.i v u s j -in on tin 1.1 ino. the ( ire !,ot ru, ' j (l.ili'i,; -iiivv.s th;it tl inu. t hiive t'. is.iv re-1 1 -. .! c .. ... 1.1.;. :. .... r... .1-1 of a, one f tie; -r.-at i uv ent . n of the I'Mh eeiitury. It runs a- toihut.: ' V. t is li., re in,.., t'l, l,,,,-l i!.-i,..i!0l it, I., I, l.,t v Jim, , . 1.". r '1 ! ni"' ;,,,i i,,I. VA I., :,r, . t.'v 11,1 .;, i ., t , in, -.0 . rn, nt Aiel V.h.ll I . I 1 wit. !.""!:.! ; Ami st j: (., . . I s,, ,, ,j.-,...t 1: , .ieiii'1 . l, ;..iia l I- .,!; I'l ir nols.e . U i.e.. hr-t ! , I . t ,.n -le ri, , no I'ani i ! !. The " ;ii,:,,;i'-t" i s eonei 11-i , ; it point-I ..;' ti, to the peeuiiar nature it tie' polka, the paii-e on Ine-tlnnl step. Moieovi r, it i, p.-ar-, that there i- 11 ) 1 -peeial li.oire for the polka, so tie re wa- n ,ne f.,r ih,- n. j ta ; for i'. is ela--, "l ai ion.; tlei-e il. u.ee- j V.'l.. rem tie t ,!.,!, r :-r,-... ! ,,- I, . . v.,,,,, j V ,e ii, VI ,1 'i l, -1 r.e , . 1, !.:; ,-", n m.iii, ; Y"t 1 v. r w in r- I,, w.ni.i.lv noi-t r .UL" . ' An ,J turn .it,, v. aul wito inn 1 pi 1 n-tj 1 h.i n'r ! Who can ihnil, t after that ? The polka' wis cert iinly ilanei-'l 1 efure ' liliza heth. I't'iitt " ,'o' s a I Q"f.s." PI'CKS KILLED P.Y LICHTNINC. The y.'ot.'oi 11 nil, I ,-t,iesi that diirini.' a thumb r-storiii a few l a v sinco '' "two wild il ucks were taken off the nilig'' hy a flash; ot liohttiinir, n 11 '1 (hopped near South llo-- ' ton I rol'i 111 the wat.-r. I le y were s, 1 u to f ill ami Mr. .Joseph Col!, urn, woo l and coal dealer on Turnpike slr." t, South lio-ton, went out and pi'io"! theinup. ( ui: of them had his head taken completely off. The f'-a'.hers r,n tie ii'-eli Were part'v lti"d. '1 he oth'-r h id a win.' taken ofi, 11ml the j f.:athi'i-3 on hi- hai r, plucked as smoothly a.s if done by hand. Ai Yo.in.' s Mil! in this county, la-t Sat urday, during a thunder .storm, a woodtock was .-truck hy lightning and immediately fell dead, with its feat I.i r-i very much iiiei d, at the same time setting the woods on lire. So you see that lightning can kill hir ls out south as well as in yankceland, when it takes f.iir aim at them. (iniiisLirimh I '' 'it.. Thirty varietiis of eotton have hr en found .Towner spoiitiini ,,n-l v in Africa. A mis sionary .says he ha- stood cret! ll'i'l'T the hranehes of a cotton tree in a (lornh, vi I -lu'.'e, so heavily laden with I, oils that il was propped up wiih fork' ol stick to prevent it from hrcakiii'.' under it', own vteioht. The cotton was eipial of any country. The na liven luaiiuf.ietiin: cotton ...,ila cxU-lisivi'lv. arn that the whole line of the Cane J'ear and Jleep Ilivi r work has ln-n put under contract to responsihlc ineti, and that the work will he prined as rapidly an pos- L'ilib' t) eoiiijil'jti ju. 'Miivlitd. At Nashville, on tlio 10th, as a Mr. KinoA WAY was passing down the eteps in front of the M. E. Church, the right skirt of hift eoat, in the pocket of which was a loaded pistol, eanio in contact with the bidestono of the stcps.e-niMiiig the pi.stol to gooff, the contents of which took effect on Mr. Summkufikld Patti.E, who was (itanding a few juices in front, on the pavement, causing hit) death shortly afterwards. Mr. Sands, au American, has been per forming the feat of " w alking across the ceiling " tit Urury Lane, London. CON.SK1NKKS PEK KAIL KOAD. Williams, 1). & Co., Prein fi J., Phifcr & V., Parks !i 11., Win. (iaithcr, Springs .V McL., .Jenkins, K. & Co., A. W. Puis, .1. P. (iilmcr, Cross Si W., K. E. John son, .1. C. .t K. liricr Co., Wallace k C, W. Wallace, J. K. llarri-oti, Spratt A: A., K. P. Simonton, J. W. Thompson, Winchester iV. S., Sheek .t (i ., H. P. Waring, 11. Martin & Co., is. C. A: M. H. Wauph, McKorio & J.. J. & II. Wilfong, P. Juli an, Miller, L. k Co., J. J. Long, J. Par ty & Co., J. II. McKorie, (.'arson, Y. k U., W. Plaekwelder, Springs k W., A. W. Ncuflcr, W. 1J. .V P. E. Withers, T. Trot t.r k S., Irwin k 11., Spratt, P. iV Co., Elias A C, C. Hickersoii, A. Stevens A: S , Davidson A M., J. 0 Ncsbit, Stadc, K. & Co., W. II. Heaved, lloke, E. k Co., Overman k W., J. Krian A: Co., J. Paw A- S C. k V. M. Ewen. Daily. . .V Co.. J. Wells, J. V. Houston, J. .). N. Thomp son, Drown & lb, D. Shaver, I'ishcr A 11., W. L. Springs, Drucker k S , L. Scar 1. rough, Capel A K., Puliiiigs A Co., E. .Myers, J. II. White, 1 ounp, li. iV to.,' J.'P. Henderson, Murphey A lh, C. Col-, fin, L. Williams, L. It. i'uid, J. NcwsonJ Smith k T., C. Cairoll A Co., T. II. ! MeKorie, II. Sevens A Co.. W. J. Hayes, j l'isher, 11. A Co., Drown, V. A Co., Sam'l.j I'. Houston, Lowe A K., A. Sheek A P., I C. L. llunt.r, llousion A P., Plaekwell,! C. A Co., S. T. Wii-t.m, Siil A S , K. j W. Moore, W. Raines, Hamilton A D , ! C. C. Junes A Co.. S, ter A M., T. Wab ' t L. M. T little, Wjlie A M , Murphey,1 M. K. A Co , 11. D. Carrie. M. W. Robin-1 son, A. 11 Moss, S. Cooiler. j 'Mil- iTl;u l. l. I IIAh'I.uTI 1'., M A V I, 1- liAl ON, ,',-, . II s, . " 1 1 -i; roiiml IliriMi.i;. I . in li, li. . I. . loill. r, 11.1-1'...!. . Ilt.il,, fro 'iy. A;,.l. , . l'i jili, ( oil, II, I ..ll. r, I jn,;i, ,, Ail.iiii.ii.hne, raii-v.,. Con ( Ineiti lis, . loiL.T..;,;,. r I-, " I. Hk. si . 1 1 1 ". flour, I . ..Hi. r, . I. ,r.'. . i oil' ii, Ml. . Til, . M.I , . Me.,1, . .Nail.. II. I., . I' rk. . I' . . - p.. - lu l-.'J . Hi. - U'i no . li,. . '. I, 'ej . V,l - II 11 )'. . in. . I i ., . II.. . l-.'i -i I.I In. . -0 a . I.nsl.i 1 . u a .Vi . e,l. . 10 a .'el . f.il. . s7j a 1 .i!. . ' a I'l . p.. - II a. l-.'J . iii. . an a :h . Iii. . a 10 . tolsln I . -IJ tt 'el . iii Ii . 10 a 1 ; . v ir.l . l.'J a I.i . virl . '.' -. s :m . e. . ii . h a no . P'li it... . $ji -Ji . li.. - 'JO a .'to - lo. . oJ a mi . In. . ,'i a n . hi. I. . 610 a Id . ,'jl. . .11 .ill . Ln.li. I . 40 a . lit. . li a 7 . Inishi 1 . - '.i.i n Uu . I',. . ,; i " . loi-lii I . mi a oil . !ni-!.. I . .'.0 a (nl . I.11.I.. I . ,. l a no . I.u.a. i . a no - Ih. 11 a l.'i . II,. . 1. 1 a 'i . p.. I. . In K, . -..(' I J a no . ill. a l - b.i-h. I . ii.'J a . (oil. . i.i a .VI , . a 1 1 . I.il" . "l a On Pol il,-, Ir,-!i, . w . t, . Kit-. . S.i.r. I." if. " Itnotn. si.,1,1 .V,,n , ss.it. . r .i, . i . ,t. U 7, .ii :in rn, V Viet, I! KM W.kS. COTTON Suif ..ur h-l Ii', I i',!,l at pr .in rnnfiii from 7 I'j ol li. r iiu . !, ii.-', lo iiol,... , h.,1. . hav, l"J. H, Urn hive ( m i Min 1 i;ki;r ',1 1MB! . Nl V '.'. CI IT I 1 IN.-The 'll w fr, 111 law r..l !,v Uu- 11.!. tie, hUii i 'i.i- to h.n.il linn iiinrinti' iu.,tiiiia e. ' l n- of 1 I n I i', t . ,t in ira, t, o.m ii,.i n. v t ' f- f. . I. , ,r ,,H l ... ai.,1 f .- trnis:, ti. ,.',!' le'rnir.' Inve h. , n .tt te,- iiirni.l r.,l.s ef' i,nt '-. r-1 li.ij.-n m-re s,,j 1 t T ) !,, 0 . i i,'. ( IIA!il.l lM M MtKIT. 1 inn i-i'O, M . 2, I 1 ITTON. The inn rk. I l.i.iiiiv may U tut ',1. 't.it, h. . it 1 r ,uii!,l I,, .'jinl a- tie .r il.Hj. li,a,s .lei not n i' h lull i.;i . !)!. !1. II. . KOCH. SI..IKS,K.- Ssn from 1 r iU-n in - f i v 1 'Hit 'iv . I 1;m! of Ihr f i bf alt ij ( Itsit le 1 . V . Mt (i.r, fp-rifu v n.-"riia itc c: up i ' :r o(t". Uiat hfl ill piv l-"of i " (lit? I an-' I'-'ilr, II-i'p gin, fi-iiur Vml n, I l -tr, im-ii c hr tili fli--, atv, hn . '..1,1;. m- ji (, i rrnd, I t ii'i'i-M ((. a("l-fr,i liv hi xin. I ' l will ati) I mi f I'' iur . p r f m '."Tnun Kriii. fi tyl'-. Uo lie ill f ivi: ! motn in llir -kt rut ii I n f ; K I KRKNf i:. fi"f. I S. i'.h. II U .mi n, K-q , c C . ipN-ri'm, lofi' tMiioii, N. i ' ; I i ;,v ; r,!,f.l, -n J MP M mm Hon A II. l-ni.tf irK I Ion VV . ' ' , ti.,,,,. nl ;.; Ki .!? VV . It S tiir- nt, I M. M" dl tf.M, K.q , Kr lr ft. htnun I r S II J,x n. !-.. tti-id. I(e. Dr. Kul'rr, W S nhr-fi, , Kq t of S ti lit ( "riil'n v Vitr fiif'ht-r ft rli:uUfii Jin at BrlliiTir'a lli.lr! .irv mi ii f UVl !, iFlr'r ll' hi Ii Um liighl (nice Mil i Im aiil in iSA'll. TIIO. Tin ITTI'.II SUV, i SIIK K4MiV IMalloiiii '.i-ft.- Th9 Arknatttftfenl S'Mu'lnrd. (lti.ltol. Ha.. Col. ur (1 Kuiiirti.' S Al.l-S, at-.l p njr art ot llir countr), at attoft iioiunr. 'ro (. F.wifi', l2A ! I'hirlr" St , fia,,tmn. hank" A. t, , ) Water Ki., Srw i, k. Muy. Iriil. I I :. o Tori Mourn! ON the U( Ii iiicl.-int. a ainail anion-. t of MoNKV wait loiind ncr harloltr, wliit 'i lh mnvt an Ijmvc, ,y pyinif or titt" i'l v f M- ninit and Jiro viiig tii iiioniy t'i tin Iti. Ki it' ft fi T. C. KIllKI'ATIilCK. Ap-il S7. lK"i5. Mil ic i:vai: i. UA N A W A Y from Ilie aiilinrrihur, rn I lilt 'Jill llis'a, I, my Imy SAiM. Jlrt la a br.ght .Mulalui, ahonl Vb v.,rr I liai?lll J I lilar-t liair, a um a ur jMVl 'n 'ok'1- II loruii rly In leiigt-U In Xjry II. A. Kiiai, of Sirlc Creiik , ami m kiiiiwi, - fitA '' tl" caii.c uf Hum lfoa. Kant buy ha bttii urltitig at the (.'ariM-nlnr Trade fur lha Uat H V'ura, and lei 4 a larpe arqiialliiance. I think Im ia fi ller 111 the nrijrlili ir h.Hjil ol I'ruiulriicti ur tslia-lc ( rtfk. WILLIAM 0. NICHOLSON. April 23, mi. tn ; BB.Y Ncs. 209 and 211 King, corner cfjra'ri ket Street, ! XI C II. I. ITt In I'aillilica nri Inn( , V viniiing Chailoluii Hn'iiriiig1iill.,(, r 'M ai'K, 01 PANC3Y & STAlu m rrfr 071 f- r-s that hai ever been Lll'vireil fur ii:ni:clin i (j They inviie rn i miminntion and ., ,, I'iM ll.li, anil iiiM'haii r e nerslly ihnt ll,,.,, will ctmpnre futurublij t itli any iluikn in il ')'"' lid itlutel. Tcriui Cash r Citv Aepi-.iitinr. P.KOWNINU & I.KMA.v 5urro.au la 0. If li. I, Ktnuan'it'r. April Jtl, IHS3. t.J l Iicnoir Hotel, WflTA , it;md',',"f(,rn"f In- lf!-r friB .w rfc.-,.:!y r'tfiii(i buu',,,, Oifir aiPoifiMiudiiiin.lfir Ur ;. flu t J 1 11 7 Mm mutown pi oct, id idc ttwn t,i n nr,nw!if(J by l Win I)jvtnr't, j U.K , Vilry. ThtJ Mib Fiber humi ty an in.hj,,,,,,. icntiim In hm (ImIicm tn remttr imp (u.fj. i ,() h' flop w it h hi. 11 cmnl'urlibte a mi ntrr-Bi,!, j oin lrt'M'if iti iIip mmititspiiB, anj w..h VMiae 01 l.ctnjir, 111 u.(u ins li iu ti " , (',.,' reun j Ja e- A. E. HAiil.n. V.y 1 l '' 11,' tillage Hotel, It V II. (JUAM-, f I 'l I.T" ara n'oilncd l.y ihr u , ,,; ' l.'. i'.l lltir I'VK." Ii n d 1 . ' ! ncvr r l:.-i 11 Join b. I'-i 1 -i-iim 1.131 g.ii.i,,,, , , . iin,K.-r, er 11, 01, Ii ns. limn re, I, nt.,, ! I J I" y. I" a 1 (irmaiunl jl b'aek ul btaut, ,j ..." iiMiii,i,i:iII.M: .MlM'I'K, T.na arlicle i to h hd al ihe rii-.s,, , . , nlYA k UKIMKi Just iCtccivnl. vJL, r.p .i n U M.ii, riling, 1 11. ni'iirp. tic 1 ; Ulinjj iuu t ! a kmtJ.XIl " .it t j ii.t,nr 1 km C"H' 1' hi un," 11 t j !( ihc an. ;c ; it i'i .i r ( in 1. a hi 11, a ViH ,1. n ll .1, M. t,,, , , Vtfi''. al'ritrV fl'"l!l. Ii ) !l:lsr,,.(, , ; mi finfc, riMU ).r un (di'e list, add , - hU'.m ol ti.M ('i r i!i.n ar w II u -r ;(( , i cuf4i'f nit at ul' Uie iuti.ic. Kur jit : i:K l 1 'fulC ol I ISIIKK i IIIilMiT-:! ! May i. I.-.'.:). 1, ( w ( Ik iii ii I h. ' f HON b llvilrnfrn, I trn rl (J h,i ; t , .,. , . i t, on S ilil)4l, t.,r.lna V.ip; .11, KiVi ' I V- an r-an, Z 1 1 to t liluii t, Prul. Iij; .M . ..-J,', I ni V'a'i rin, Ot-H.- 'a ',... j IM r,..-, ,v, .1 t 1 1-is: 1 i;u a nr.i.MT.sii. Spring Goods . .Yo. :t, frantic iloir ,Bl'"'i"i: Jf(fo fc of il, l.at i4 sii,., ..I AMI 'M !! iff ;(' '.' ("a I ontl rum nr tie- u" cm. IKWIN i III''. 1. IN-Ap'l'i'..r-:.X a: Domestic Cinods. A I K. K frk of Muwr'a pciH-' r t,r t I fiiirr ' I iriMa atnl I, men dum.i Mftpra and I'laoi boini-ntir , A I Xi. arpeting. I. ve na call at No .1 (.rinilc llntt IltWIN .V III i.i.IN- ICnihroidcrics. 'itPM ii ..... 1 i .,,.,ii- in- E rl, -'.. dift-. Kn! I l,rui . '-. .1. " w,sii I. .'o a,,l f win pii .v. - . A ail If riiol, lej al Ihe VV t.rlii'f 1 ir. 1'. j ll .. II.WIN A III '; .i'; Apiii: i-:.3. ij (jiCMitlomon ! " J ' lit 1 nu l.'iv I in l-l ll:a 1 M a 1 li 1 asiinti r- l.o,, ., I'- ml- . Mint., VI ,!,.'. li,, ' l!. ; e,i II.1'. lagleirii i.ij 1 tii -1 c , al .Nu .1, rn,ii- linw, Ironi IllUT.V A III '.'o'- .111 i.'7. l-.el 1 oii saij:. A IM'IK ami t rmivi-ntfhl v ' J m t'U"!!' nirt i( . ii.iflnfu ii'f ' ' ' -(iiti pt tvmt iv 1 u ' um liif Mil) t. uiirt, w void at ti:!mii. l.-njitun ol. , 1a,rk 3'). -f S M hn fijU.f riht-r nome tin.f m '" laaf, limn i iMifi.nl, V C . a If 1 : i. nr pftiiif h'ifdif hr trip rn nr 1 ,v I,- I'., 'i m . !u ii.i.d? u'i i. : j "r in at v wnf ciii i( v mu tfy, a ''' ' " ; r i 'y i-nturfi il ti' a i uf if i i'! ',.,. w. a r . n i" April I . Is .3 ' I'l.tnl. INi.'iil Cii.talii"'! V H I IlK I" hnri hy f iril. It, .1 l!" I' '' , III" l l.iirletii. mill 'I yi"tt'i " ' t iniiMey hiv" in.ith' ii.sii.-iiiriit "I $'' i' nil nil ln k in ..i.il l ' him p j ny . u'i w 1 1,11 ' i.' D ' incut ha mil line it jiiiul ; an'! fa I' ' f" I'm-Ii mi hn'h the firl iimialmn l ii"" " '" .-.aul inaulo i nl lu he line mi S .nfla v. "" April n..lni.l, anil all lirl in.M-i.t '111 near g. .1 illi 11, ti r.n mi iil im-t .'"' "' iml Mil Vjll i'uv" alti'l il I"1' " 11 "' W.M. JOJINSTON. Ap,il'.h I-.13 " ' nsoiiniAii: riMi ai.i:ac:adi fizlIJZ H. .... ...... ne .. ' fa Xf , ,,ur. li,uinlirtt'Oi.i.U""01 eail J, I . Ta rit MimoN" 5 ",T"" ( Ui.hiicrai l.t. It..'.. r. iMg.An l."" '. Kniiluli (iramiiiar, ainl Ji!ra'li. ( ll t'ier llranrhea r.,!rir'' I Ion nl ran he uhlainid near the ' p.r ni'iinh. . ApU G. s.',3. To .llilhiH uHrt .Ti. '"'' ... ...... r. -..nJlio'1 fH; lliilillilir vuraui 1. JL ale. Aiuily t". .... isi - . tl' I'l'' 2 April..3.

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