157 1, U N3T V VOLUME 2. CHARLOTTE, O., 11" 13, 13S3, lXrTJ3V3:3SES3E2. 16. If j ffl - wni ia 8 itt a ,a u 3 i Ifl 7 sr '-.y My sy w fur' .im " I10LTOW & WILLIAMSON, EDITORS AMI l'lUJl'ltlKTUUH. TKUMS: The North-Carolina Wing will lie nfh.rd.d to , ,,, r.li. m i '' O DOLLARS in a.lvt.:c, or ,..i mil I.AIiS AND 1 II TV t'KNTX if iv- . ,.t !. ii'ij)'d l'r three .uuiitlia, ami 'J lilil-.l-i . .i I l ..' ii I lli.. nil, I ill I hit I'riir. lii tllltiLT Will -- - - - . . "Tin"" .t.m. ..I t I." r.i.tr. " I v". r....,.H'..U i..Tted.tO,.r IMU.fc, .qu.r. ,'. i',,i. r tl... ixed tvi-) ti.r tirl ...cr. !.t- i...! f '..iiri n.l. ,; .1 -ii" i"r -...i ...... ii.ui.mi v. ............ ;, ,.1.- ii..l nil S..lr .li-.r.l -Ji -r ,. at l prr k.U ire fur cu. I. time. fi.-i..i- , . I.. 1 u'hlv i J relll Jl'T jll.ire Mir l-u. ii iiini. . ll Ii tt'-m on Ijiiiii.hi. niunt ! ilinii.d to l . ,r I.. -it.v muNi be .n. j.oid or ih.-.- uiiiiIb enil l- liiiule I., riliii r. .tiuiiMi rh nre utlthiirut il to net u i a jenth. itua tiil a i-1 is . r or IMF. tuc. Spring. ,!: r iinr njj.iifi, o'rr hil!t and i;i , t , r.f-lt and Inr, ...iw !r.Mi tlir throat of ihc Lirdlm'i h r mi up t(" j; 1 , ( in' jfiiiri, and In r mrrry triiin a ..,.! t n- t rnj iv li ji ; .;F..i.it llH-rH, id A r 1 tihovtt-rt, 'ii ttn r I.i i I At (.1 t up. s I . $ ' 1 1 t t . i A fll'Ot, ,1:. . t.mr ii.'.ili hy lii'' !i.eiiie strain .e: i fully uir ; . h .li r" c i.kli , a i.d I lii .'"viiin r w ine are t.n I f.i.ln I.I. mi n.l niffrjr rutli, li.K mi; In , -ill., ; i .mi i.l liu y In ; ; ..I tin ti il, in i. n-ii-.il swi.'i i luoyy hi.: ktul trt e. l I 4 i 1 ' ..in' ni'ain, and Mi : n-il in i h n .1 k It r.H ; ' i' -t iil fir m (iinr j-v"us t-n it i itll llu' li ri mini r - r r .v 1 . '( r hi 1 ? . . . 1 .1 din in 1 at ili' ,,or'i i 1 1, lit ft. i tr.. jl ..l tl II H .1 tl, 11 r im r.dil 'h, I., .if. I. ri It, ill. 4 I new 1. it 11 f.-f ' He. i.f tu-.l l.f if III' T iJjV : n v. ii.!. r ii't r, t .i I'tni 1 un ..ur, ...i. i,(iriin.'.liiiie cU'jiii, .... .it o r loll, iitit krii ti. r tiirnl. 1 hi no rr.. f ili.t'l r-tr.siii, k v 1110I rt.-t , it' ; . . 1 1 1 r t n I lie. 01 In. , i..a d.iun ir..iii a;.-' v, :. . I h v. . t a lie , : iiir. t li.r f if .1 t'ifi 'n f. f( . ..t Mml. r' T'l,.ai ' i- I'.rr, vr rviry wht re truer, t.l l-vr t!i ni. ; r- f.'-r rtill, wt li. w to ti' V w ill v.l tie tue fctir.li. ; ' r lace jjitaii'ttj, a:ul l. .1 co 1 I lo-lil -i I st-roie 1 ni'-i, rt.d-l, With nrw ra.ii ti. 1 trt-iii Ihe I- I. I rurally. I mi; . ; HliiSCfllaiifons. IRIEWDS and FORTUNE. I.V MISS ;tM V T. W1I.S..N. UI.UII.lt II. ll.M I.I l.KII. week hau pas-ed, and (.race had just ad ciiiliMitl. ring a beautiful Llu- velvet i witch Mrs. Vviiinoulh had sent h.r. and ( iraee had jus ff 'i.t with some ex.pn-ite fruits and a : l.llrl liote. .-I,.' J . ) i ll . 0 1 it Up, l.lld pr.'- I t' cn.iy it home, when there was a at the door, and ..poll lu r saving ' in,' a lady, dressed in the height of ii, walked in, ind bowing coldly to . iit.-r, d at once i p..n her bu-ine-s. 4 a iiule h.iskct f.'.ue a servant who - I h. r, she drew forth some fine linen f ' k handkerchiefs, which she desired embroider, and with a oitroiiizin : .it . iraee, a she calmly took the -, .-he said i ed not hurry yourself about th. in, i . r. ally 1, . nr. d .. tlx in . , and I I'm ught the. ii to you for charity h hake, I oblige my friend Florence llyinan, ni it. woubl be doing her a favor, as ' it o ute a protege of her .' She smil- 1 4 1 3 4 pt. ou-ly and h it the room. a she had driven out of sight, .iraee iiir-tlf into a chair and bur-t into I Ins tin u, is the way my tlrtir ' treat Ine, because I have no money, ' 'fed to enrn my living,' sh- ex i. p.i--ionati y ; I have received that 11 -t my house, ami conferred Ihvoih !l' r, and nu w she gives inesome work l I 'itronizidg smile, as if it would be ' i m k 1 ooy, anil really oclige her ilear u. 'nee 1 1 vtnall. w hose I'l-oti'L'c I niu. i.bi t :i..w hypocritical world ! V 'niu, cring 1 "' Tit.-1 Jiut there are some truc- ' 1" pit ill this vol hi llevrllhiic.ss,' while her lace lighted up with joy j , her tears, and putting mi h. r ''"id "hi.vvl, she took Mrs. Wihnoutl.'s :,'-'J set forth. :,ll:'ig the steps of the lordly mansion, ,' - 'be hell, ami upon tl.e door being 1 I V the fiiiil,,.,.,, .1,., .,',,,,..sl...l ... I... H I if., i Mr.. VVilimiuth. She was shown ' ''"le sitting room, which adjoined the -' f ioiu on the first floor, (in.ee Irem- "' 1 v.-ry limb, waited impatiently for j i.'-iiani-c ot Ihe lady of the mansion; l-r she thought it was one thing '" :i kind note ami another to m-ct as '"' in lallcu circumslaiiees. She was fear a denial, when the door ail'l 'be was clafped affectionately 'by tlio bund, nnl frit a warm ki.iH ou her checK. ii' T 1 . re ...arc, i ii in irjuiiin i - r juu. i .car ; jou mur-i ijc urcu with your warn ; you hint 1 belt, r rest yo.irh.df. 1 will call lor some tea . Yout.hould not have brought that ; 1 would have e.iine myself for itv Inn 1 thought you had it done, How could you have done i :. i ii ... ..... it .... i.iin.Ll. .1 no 1 .... i !'.. 1 'I Mva........ . , ' tvM 1 C""""t ta' a,n "ot 01 f U ' "uJ 1 h.v ," '"J1" work to "".' l'J "'h'1'1 fi00' ' , '-l":l.r,"c a, U'H the room, fnltnwi'd iv Mrs. ilmnlitli wlin - , , when she took I...T hand to bid her pood-by, purse, hut ?linill.p, put it in her pocket, ..... . I ............. -.1 ...... itj;.iii R'huiij nti nuju in.nn; n hi u. As she was walking down the stri-ct leadini v ' -I . ' p si nu t V r i ck .' vwm boned In thought piacly, and paused on ; walked on and ent. red her iriiet 1) IK I .-tie Via, Kill on little liouse Willi a strung, leeiin iijf ot pain slit coulil ti't nnriiizc. Shi did not know lichen it camp, lut hl.c Uuv crp. Knt f.4 hii .iiiti.ri'il tl.ii hiiiwp ur Imirl :n v .....-... , . j met lier and t-.!u In r tea was waitin fln .always took lu r meals with h. r ) The feel i i 1 1 r mu.-t be kept hack now, and so she went 'shiwlv up .-tairs and t'lvk olf her tiling", ! smo.iiiirU her Inn , ami npiicareil at lea Willi ; j no h. n (.1 t ullon on lu r laee. She was ju.-t si tiling herself one inornini; to ww f..i.'tly, and try i n y to think of plia. 'ant tilings, fir she was very bundy and sad, when she heard Mr. 1'aniil open the door 'and com.' in. She did not turn her head. tf3T Mr-. .,,,iel v:..- .1 I.i put tiri.g- to ri,l.!-. en-t'llii and ha as ! v d to drofi in. a ii'.tie chat. Mm- knew .ilr.s. I i.mi.'l she staited ;i. sh,. ;u bunch "! h"t -leu.-" f I. wb.'ie did hi sriiu' t ! t i.i a lid lie i'T .i' le, and SIIJlCl'll 1 in her l.i ii I-.. . t tin 'in ':' a-Ke Mi; in. ' ;.o.,i..' -.lit'. eVc hit tin in, 1. sV.ercd , ,'IU'l s.il, land, and t-U h. r re-peci for lu r ic c 'I l.i re was a ijim ed, ll-w kind I' I'o il. :in Mill lie HI Vi ark out, air nun she an '(.ne these to Mi- Mar t le v are II mi Olie W ie'-e I C Mill t II IH e- Call c!l IHIL'e n -tit.;.', and sje- 1 xi biiin- ri uieiiilieri d ha as iiej heard I to lu r a edcriek (ir.n -ay t!io-e very words few evt tiin.'t belore In r chaiiL'e of f irtnne, ' 'I In y inu-t i, 1 I n ii-t have a 1 e'l I O. I Fill' ore put 111 wnf r .li.-!. r, I'.r tl (inn I. (' in Mrs I .:. V cmed li'-r tti-k,now. with I i -i iiei : I uily tlio-e hri.'l.t. 1 ure lloei:- lv lier, tilling tier ro' nu with their deli, ions fragrance, 'i hat day iiinr.l v.ry In-ppy. She ciu'ht Im t s. If thirl in;', wondering, if it were really l'r d. ri. kin ay w ho h it t In m. Y. it mu-t have I Son., bod w ,. kind, -he lie uglil, licre M.d more ; for thel a came evi l v day a v nit:. 'p-i.t. I here Ii tin in. aii 1 there no , ev on o a v rr 1 .line :.n irnn- v-rva 1.1 . d , f. .r : he felt she knew win it is tha- s. nt t In In. She wa- v. tv nun h surprised, wlcti one ruing, at th- u-ual time t -r the fb w. r- to pear, tie re was a knock, and l . ing t-bl 0 in- iu, there i nt. red, not Mr-. Daniel. but I retiri irk lirsv. IF- had in his hand the t u in Ii of fh.w.Ts; and there was in bis rye an t x pre--io.: -o kin I. r -ii ii. -t and , rave, that lirat-e It It all til l ai ra.--inent whe h at the lir.-t glance s f, i. p,.. away; and rising ;T aei't ili; v , he c M-iele 1 In r hand , anil sac I, with In r hew .tchingly sad ami -. nth: ' I am SO very been are very gl nl to m-o y .u, al'h vigh in itb ri lit a pi... e f.on. what 1 have eUst'.ll.cd to lur. t y ou III. y ,01 difb-r. n! :' h" l.-k. d dipt rent :' I ' !io I 1 b-'pc anil believe 111. 1. .' ' Mi that I ' 1 In-11 1 am h:i py.' lie thought, and then added, s, arc -,'ine di-i o-in-ns that c 1111 hai pv.' lie ionised, as if ill ioiisly . There inge of f'lttltie sour", and 1 was told by s, mboily that it had s- i hang-d you, that, although poor, and wo'kii..' I t y-ur daily br. -ail, you were nrr.tgaul and cx.n ting I h it is the ria ,on why I have let been sooner ?' ' ( I, ho eoiild have t-bl you so' 'Mis Cravtoii; ami she was a friend of V uirs, niitl said she wi-hetl to conimiic so. "but y -ll were so haughty she gave up all lcpcs of doing so.' ' 1 1 a v .' up all h-p.-s of doing o '. exclaimed (iraee, her pale lace blushing, and her dark eye, blazing. 'Yes, well she might, It I did not choose to do some w-rk for her. v hich, as she said, she had already- cut and ha-ted, that ' might make no mistake, and which she gave to me n-t because she needed it. but merely for charity's sake. Y..11 do not think me haughty or arrogant for doing so'' she said, turning to her companion with her gcll- th-, earnc-t look. .No 1 did n-t tl l.ri.rtl.'ssri. -.. in the 1 nk li ,:.F V as so mucl ' Don't think 1 nu unhappy h.-re; f r I .1111 not. M..n i very many liu-nds have prov ed true, fast fiicm!- in my trouble, and the hue of those e-inpciisateii me for the loss of evcrv thiug ' Si;-- Mai bin.l, ( 1 1 a.'-, v by did you re in to 1 ic to mother - .' she would have guarded y-n tr-ui all t'n-e insults. She would have l .ved y ou as her own daughter. Will you c, ine now ? 1 do not ask you to come a- an adopted daughter, hut ih my vv lie. (I (iraee, dear (iraee, ' and be seized her hand, and drawing her toward- him, h- look ed earnestly, ph ading into In r face. She raised her dark eyes, ami looking nt him calmly, said, 'Mr. (iray, reflect upon M I hat vou have said. I am only a serving gnl ; no rich, s, 110 11 .thing. What will the Ll .11 w li. oot In announced .' Mr F red itu k ir..y t .Mi.-. Mailml, s. aiu ire-s" She dropped her ryc for a second, and then without;u'iv ing him lime to answer, said, sad lv, ' No) 1 am not so selfish as to let yu suf fer nil thai. You will h ave ine and seek some other wife, and the world will praise the choite yu make, ami you and they will for-i t (iraee Marlaml, oln r the courted heir ess, now a seamstress. ' ' ( I, (iraee, do imt say that. Do y ou think that because you are 1.0 heiress, I do not love you .' I love you more than I .lid then ; lor tl, ... cm will never change. What will the fashionable world say .' Say ! Can they say ai.vthiii" T Are y,.u vulgar or ig norant ." l'l.) looked at her face and he saw there an answer to hi ipi.-lions, for her eye w:.:s cafkniT ag-uiu C.isbiii"' again with .corn, auu Uo..u her land in both of bis, be said bis face , i usually so pale, was flu-hed and resolute : ! i n i . ; i ins eye iianiug, ami upon Ins lolty brow ami temples tlie tduo veins sinning, ;racCi listen to inc. and strive to believe . ; for c-en on the short ticuuaintauec of whirl. T l,.,vo tl. 1 iw , .. J " " . . . "' """'j know strangely little of ine 1 have told vou .i.ii mai i love you tnal it lies m vour power 10 cus the joy or desolation of my life ai'd J' M'r to doubt mo ; morki,,.- ,ny earnest words with the assurance that I will l...l . l...r i i .1 . . iiuu u.iv uiuiv wunuy u. anu uc u.aiiklJl that I was not accepted. Tell me, V.wv, He J Tiailsed. and fixed hw ll:irl ..vr-a nn ..... i ... ners, 1 111! I g llll 111 I ) . 1 " .'ri.-.rise rr..- if J .ae .iVi .iilo.. J ; did not intend to .to so. Jiut ill iiivVr.-'cnt ' circuin.-tanccs, poilionle., and tori ru it fermed ititporisiblu (or anyone to wih to , marry me, she siiul, sadly. In an instant ; he was ly Iwt :lt nnd rxelaiiiicd : j , .or ivo ,e f;raf.t.; forj,ivc lhc? r; band I i i i i . n;iy wor'is Hl.ieh have causcl you pnin, ami ma'le yi ilo yoiir-i,-;: the injii-tac to suppo. e that fortune or popularity could add to the value of your own true wurtli. "W I. :it Vj me or any one else, v ho desired ..,,. ,.. n fn,.... your love, is loitune or po-itiou coinpan with yourself, your pen. rous nature, and unsellih heart ; I , (iraee, deare-t, he w ho hues you once, loves y on ever. For ny-elf, dearest, I can only see in your loss r,f for tune and fri'-nds, reasons why I should love and cheri.-h 3011 more. Jiut if some think otherwise ; fear h"t. (iraee, only trut in me, and a- lur as 1 1 11 in an power can, I will shield you from sorrow and sin.' lie had retained her hand t'll now, vhen he h t il drop, and now he ; ieaK, . I race, our lid il 110 1 Hor'l. ole'er. y our lriiid i v ou come is IV. , Wi and be my v i,e .' (iraee did not dare to raise lur eyes, but plae. d her hand in his. '),; 1 .ice can y ou tin y ou, indeed, love inc .'' Will vou 1 :il i v give me this dear hand ." ' Yes,' she iin-wcrcd in a low trembling v 'ice. ' (I, (iraee.' he said, as h,- cla-ped her to I. is heart, and his voice sank into those low, rich tones which feeling always imparts 'I know I ft( I tee. that the one foil 11 ol in y lite is re.di. ! : ! h il Yet I can 'av nothing. 1 yiU l'.vc can only us ; that nir fi. to re ing, guid , we ni ay me leei and pray that iiod may Id.' be may give n,e power to make y life repay lor (lie past ; and that loi i.'"', a lei pi r !ei tin each o! In r h. I'' walk through life, a- tho-e v li 1 tru.'.I t J c- trll.ity.' ( II VP'S l it tit. Surrounded by In r friends, (iraee Mar land stood bt-foi - the altar a bride. The ceremony over, the travelling carriage of Mi .. .irav, wa packed, and at th- door to convey the in wly nianir.l coupn' to the steamship pier, whence they wcie to. start for the continent. Moii'h- hue r-lh tl on, and an cb gant car riage draws up to the do ir of a splendid inan-i. n iu the Kigblh Av.huc, New York, ami through the llch curtain you can see the r ' uns are .-pletidiiily lighted ; at the door stands an old gentleman w ho it impatient to w. h o.ee the new et un r-, who prove to be Mr. ai. l Mr. Fi -IcMrk (iray, just ;cturucd from their t-ur. ' Dt ar I'ncl- William, I have told Freder ick all. as we t .line up fi - ni the steamship, and he forgive- me the dec. t.on. ami i.s very r ady to r-ecive yur excuses for aiding a voiinp and romantic m h e in her love notions, lew that he has secured that self- unie ni.ee for himself.' Speaking thus gaily, (iraee ran up stairs to prepare herself fir the ball given, that evening, iu honor of her ntiirn. The company had all assembled before (iraee and her hil-l.and made their 'ip.-ar-: anee. F.vciy body wa eagerly cx ci ting h. r, but very few were prepared for the vis ion of womanly beauty which burst upon them ; during the pa-t months she had a.--ijiiired a Id on 111 and beauty which only in tense ha;, pines can give. She wadresed in a dark, rich, crim-.-.n satin, which can ed In r complexion t" look more beautiful than ever. Walking into tin room, she -said, bowing : ' I see many, very many dear friends t 1 night, who have come to welcome the tired traveller home. 1 thank tl.clu. lint I al-o see,' and Icr face lighted up with scorn, 'very many dear friends, who, when they 'thought 1 "had lost all this world's g a..d, treated m- with h nighty, in-oleut eoii b -secn-i'in and who are here, let welcoming ine h uiit', but welcoming III V return to th f .ll.ll.o I never b-l. ..! C O.-. nt. d !.- ' up for a while, to prove who were real, true friend. Many, very many in of than I dared hone, j .1 --ed through I he trial tin -e a til ed, shinning briebt.-r than bci-iv. 1 am ,dc the to '.ct' them all hcif. bowed again, and turn-. I to 1 ngratulatioii of her real l-ieiid. auu Innk in the confusion, her fortune's fiiends off. The party at the end of the evening was not so large as at first, but it was com posed of all those friends whom ho change would ever a licet. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick ( i ray still contin ue to be the stars of a select circle ; cheering, comforting other, and being happy in the effort themselves. si. M.i 1. .u i.xi 1 .'... 1 . .!., ..-t . i. ix-i-.i.i'v -r "I.a-t Saturday, Kev. Mr. Stiinsrn, of j made upaii the North-west side. Its line of Castict'.n, w as invited to preach a sermon ! dcinnvkation is distinct; while, v.p.e.i the in the church of Shodack, lev. Mr. P.aiiey I South-east side there is no outci.n. Tie being -i. k and unable to olliciate. hih I superior rm-ks may, however, be s.-cr. dip he wa 1 'dlcrlng prayer, preceding tlx. ser-jiing South-west their low.r edge l ing , a white .love (lew into the church and I concealed ben. nth a thick mas of soil ..li'.l.l-il directlv on his bead. Mr. Stinison I The following order of dep i-it may be oh- aioieared a little startled, by the arrival of! the unexpected visitor, but in a moment he ...l.ule r.i ,.'t hi lain ami gently remove. I the bird. It (lew "ll the gall j " . -, . . cry, hut niter , J , , . 1 a few nioincnts it Ictiirnei anil aiigtiieu on the P.ildc between hi bands, where it re mained until he bad concluded the prayer. The dove was then caught by Mr. Sliinson, and given to the sexton." Cluis'tun In- GEOLOGY. Condensed from 1'rufit.i'ir liii-nun' Kcjinrl. The iuvcMigatioii of ni'ir. cultural u-cs, occupies a c ; anil it'.'ii-h-r.ihlc share i l.i I' ii vl 1 J-nnnons junori, mi.i Mim.ii e eoi.de... the following pracl.ral .su--e.-.tio.i.s. Mai l is essentially a mixture of i:'mc al,d da v. The mails are .!i.-ti'i:.ui-l,,. by dif- . " . ... . . ..J ifp'iii naiiirs, :i, rtu, blue. '! he.e names are applied to I iiril Marl, oci-upyiii jim-ti im-- i'lTillt. aim value ar 'I'liP in :ir! 1 if ( ' i m p,... i-t :rni-h all the I .V i ceiinty, non--', and f.mnd Ii itiliz' r, was eo!iip'.Mti"ii : . Var.llei Wl.'eh lim.' 1 . , t calcareous mail fioiu J 51 n . i si.-tiii'' alnm.-t holly if -! by fAp.:.-!eiie.! In be a .;oo-' found to have the f..o',;.x r.lex "J.".U Alumina, ph"' hat of Inne, a:i'l iron, i lo I'liihoiiatc i-f li.iir, in.."ri- .''"giie-ia, (I.... J ot i.-I. n:ui' villa, a trace. 1 H t .,u:ilitV, , ' I. the (.'ape .Numerous mail bed", of e.e lire l.iimd at liilliTent place. 1'e'j;', e;i-o, Tar, and lloaie the vicinity of Kliz.ibeth Ci" striituni Iron, two t three ! in , it f le t t'aiel:, coii h, Ac. lioth "ittom of the tjining ci')ir.jiit.:s, shark's te teeth and C"proiite3 lie at the .structure, mixeH with sonn e .Hid roun irl bed, at thit k, and d from the .led p.'bbh s of tjiiarU. The ..1 l.rovtn's laiidiug', is three ft et contain inuch grtfii stun! dc i ci'etiieeous (chalky) formation valley of the .N'eijse is d. epi ! than tue (.'ape hear, and hen lar-ier supply of marl beds. ' of New lieru has been lolii' 1. bounding' in mail. N v bcd ly brought to lio'ht by acinic",' by careful exploration. Tl: marl upon the Tar lii. r an 1 and 11. on the lioaicke mv a! o-I'.W. in.- an! lower furni-lies a I he vicinity noun as li re fn ipie:,i . as w d 11. b ; .- s i.j - bianci'i'S, iiejiort ant, Xtcllded l:o- ' ''l of lilts hl.O.ll J hut our limits will prevent an tier. They con-tii'iie a iru. which the siirroiinniiig' inhai proudly avail thcm-el es. The experience of plant ts marl ctaidishes the imp -.rtant : application, for a year or trto. CXCpt ill Mll'ti' IllJtl hi It l: s, '1 practice is, to begin wi:h a sr.; and make hubr.ptcnt additi..; ti ui to the amount .f or .;.! ti ed to the soil. The l'r if,- ji- t like the fdlowing worthy of tri Spread ii on .in acre tcvi n; of tin: 5(1 per cent marl, and the Use of M, tha:, its - injur: ou-, . ' .nun .11 I .'i iii'.iiy, 1.1 .Joan ' ' VV ll tie 1.1 p crop ...s. When in hi ; , and s.-vv dow 11 ry 0 -t.:,i. Ju -1 1. 1 or V.'g. t '. d and h next l.li.- it and wo: so i-atit i,t T w II have g-.o - '. i ; " ent amount . f t to admit of one hundred bu-hrl rgani buiid n at th. e matt.-r y or 1 wo ing time. "li! s"iis , 11 : 1 ii not heir i'cr- Iu the r. sforalioii of 1 it i- ad ', i-able to cx t . exp-ct too ihmcIi at lirst, w h. 1. tili.atioil is ittt' Inpt-tl. li. neath the shell marl, and n an older formation, are found the age of the cretaceous rocks -The substance called -. 1" .voc. : by geologists to this formation, liz.r it is even superior to shell : color is pre. n, and i composed : particles d' sand. The deposit made up of this matter, and has i from New Jersey to Alabama. ' seen at i.'.ack Hock, and mar V upon the Cape Fear, its cam). .- - .-its ,,f l-.uroj.c. r. I rr. l - a fcrti- arl. It's rr. gula' niaiul v 1 I: found i:- be-t l-ni-.i-toji 'ti i I v presented in the fdlowing auub. : S '.I. -Ill Fotassa, li.10 l'rnf.sidf . f lo.-o Alumina, .5.1-1 Water, ' il. piantity of j'ot-i-h is fre(Ueiiiiy 'i.t .1 four tier '.. mire. To this sub-Mi.e-it rti.izing cifeet. have been attril .'ed. or its lu the vicinity of (hll-boro' aj'l'ears of considerable ext-ii. runtioii ik" the itll marl and green sand. Jt S I i ' 1 The mail "''.' -Iteil over. not y. t d.-lan it geological 1. it. formation iJ 11 consolidated marl, r stone. The good efl'ect of this o r ,can d in it- uc upon an cxh-vi- ' ; i-f bind, producing a fine growth '.' t i A stone marl at Wilmington, lying Inn ittely Ujion the green sand is co:,; v fooows; Si'.cX, 'ii't.OO Phosphate -f and iron, o.t'ti Magnesia, II. l'J I a-1, of lime. 7v.'.lHi Clrganie matt, r ,v v J.lill. li. ds of stone marl ar- fiui - i'.' 1 1 1 1 1 0 hate liter, it 1 joil In of ordinary- marl, eonsolnoiied by th- matter tlu-v contain. The n .-.'! stone, W lie 11 caretntlv loirnt ami gro-,imi, mai-c an excellent fertilizing material for . u-t-d 1 lc- lands. In a gc ol longs to tl.at boinfi rou. ica! point of vi-vv, I sy -teiu "t ro. 'I he thlcknc- s ot ai. I i.e co. l- beaiiiig rocks is great. In Peiu;-y ' v ania tin- s-rii i several thousand f-et thick, lu th'.- Mat 1 , it is -1 in rally run, 1 tlv 1 t.i .1 I Sic coal bearing r icks are of an age newer than those of Pennsylvania. Tin mcmlu r com iiosing the stii.-s in which cal jt known 1 . . xi-t in -x. fdlou-.: 1 ,icd p. hide J. Sali.'.st- th ( '.11 olina may he avian ; ( 'oiig'i.mi. rate, ni, l ie up -I 1 of tp.artz, an 1 .''.- In: d 1 c ol .lift, rent eol-r, nio-t.v ,1 1. -. ami t bb.cl c ...il. of II' serie i v ariotis degrees of hard ue-.. '! , green, am 1 mottled. I. Fire-.-i ."i. Argillaceous oxltit' and 1 11 ill, iu nodules, li. A ,n cC'-sioii at", and . " The Deep liner c nil h i- : form of a trough ! The int. tend farther than the .-uteri. be regarded a beginning 111 tv, in a wedge-form, or "".if outcrop may be traced tic la 1 1 tl' r vk Tbry inv iile i lua , in a .- may Mlll- Thr ",r i: -' 1..1 V.f-tel V Oil 1 . ii .... to the Ill-field, th I' Cm hue. In tin coal lie!,l, tie rpliit fa, I'ccu served 1'arniv iile ami Home ilie mine: 1. Shaly sa antlsfones, with fine clay Seani ot coal, tliree icet iiiu k. . j our . - . . . ..... 1 . tret et sami.-ioiie 1 . , 1 .. ..1. 4. Oi foot of coal, and li. Coal, three .1' slate. S Coal tirc-ei iv neueaiu. '.. Shal feet thi. k 7. Fifteen fci t seam, two lu t th thick. IU. Coal tire-clay. 11. Sin tU.r leUls. Thi ck. !V Slate, ten inches cam, four feet thit k, and les, of variou colors, with cjil, ura-c'.-y, wU'i r.:..- laeeousirou ore, belong to the division ofl AN KXTKN.SI V K CONSl'lUACY. A SriiXK IS TIIH WUITK riUUSE- slates. Fin -clay is a mass of line, iirgilla-j ;,v. Ji. Smith, of the Man-dhld (()! Ol.I YIK'.LNIA F.IKC'I FI). ccoiis matter, of a rreeiii-h co1"!-. The iron State-nian, lias evidence that the Ji. -other- j The editor of tl.e llrie (I'a.) Observer, is the common argillaceous oxide, mixed hood of Thieves, the existence, of which was ' ,;, r dale Mart-l. i!lt, writer to hi- paper with the carbonate, occurring iu nodular proven 011 a recent trial for burglary, in from Vasl.iiivt.-ii, phut' the following concretions. j.nke com ty, Ohio, extends over every State uinusing aneeilete as hai iug actually oc- The f.vo varietic-- of coal, the bituminous in the l.'nion. 1 Jessys: . e.irr.'d between the I'ic.-itlrnt and an up- and semi bituminous, pas-ing into anthra- j 'c are aware of the exihtenea of said pli'-awt f-r a iila:: lo-toline appoint cite are lound III the Deep Hiver coal-field. ' i,,, , . tie coufosion of one of its mein- .... nt : I he bituminous is .scarcely equalled for line- 10 had 'too much conscience for such liv-the-bv, ih.-ie re some Mucev scenes ness ami execlleiiey i tlm country. It is a lirolla.lll0uj, jc s,llt(.,l that they were cna. ted at ilie hit,- 1 1 -,u-e ' about, th,-.. lngldy con.bustib.c-, eas.ly ipmted, t..l burns , ll!mil(.(l t..ther for robbery, theft, counter- 'da vs.' F.-r in.-tavc, tin- other .lay a tall with a blight ihime liKe l.ghtwood for a ! 1Villl)gi mA Ilm!er, and "to piolect each - f'Hd Virginia" pie-mted himself !0 oi.g tiiue. I or fj.-ge u-e, it is un-iirpasscdiotll(r fr1,n the fangs of the law, by b.ing the I'lc-id.-l.t, I sli.-i i. ::.g him w.iiuily l.y any coal m market; ami f.r jcrlor grates , wUleM.s fur each other, ;.,d getting on ju- bv the l,....d, tjcelait... d -' W ell, old f. How, it, 1-; hot., p easant, reo.iom.ea!, and lrce;ric, . tl(y cou,l. Death, he said, was I .. glad to c v. .. ; 1 ;.m, 1 vole.l for Ju,. Ironi dirt. 1 he localities which have been :, 1, r.(.,,,,i r nnv , ,.,.--,.'. ' ' ' ' '- - ' ;" ..ie n i arm-1 or paiih, or of any of the brotherhood, or in one of So- Haiel.-t ways. Fet,' coi.ti- viile, in the same iietghboi ht.od, the Tay- of anv ,(,. bdit y to th. ir secret obligation:-, '-u.-d 'old ivi.il. la ' I ... ti i'.,r y. n, and lor, the (ii.lf or IJoilon, ami the Murchixm j He'farther ,-tates that this .-eielv h ex- ! now I v am to 1 e y, -n.ia-i. r dc.wu in our mim.". The II ut -n miue has been u.-ed the : Ul,J,.,l to every state in the I'ldoli has ' v ill:- : , h. le's th- .'. i 1.' n' a',1 m ;he Lu,g, -t. It was known in the Revolution. : hrauclies and high officers in all the Slates ' 'lead : no use . .vaieiioi th. ir, bet make, and a report made to (7,ngrc,s re- p-etinp it, tljal its member., BL.,-e numerous and r, - (be e nm L-i.,,-. ,-:;, k, l-r 1 mu-t be 1. st, 11 . xtant. Jla l the views ot that re-1 ,.,.t:,blc, ii.auv of them oeeupvii." itnpoi taut - ' V- ry happy s e yu. said I'., p ut been earned out, we can scare, ly tell , sl.ltjnil3 anj liayw, a wide ilill.'n nc-, some .' bur you in:..-t go 1.1 tl.e I'.-iiiia-tcr (ieii what a-t .i,i,,ing results would have been fMe ,cml,cr, 0f eh.irel.es. and (iiureh.dVi- crai -he l.as charge oi :.!! that kind rd bui- l1""'1 "I l"'!ml:"ioii. the ctit.'r-i,.,,,, .,,! ,lth.u, ,., (. f,.,llH f n i.j ,,,, i.e,-.' I'..-tn.a-ter ti. n, ral bo dd, shout- pii,:-aiid 1, sources ,,t the State This cab .,., Iw a blessing at table, and . ed 'old V iiginia,' 1 liilnt vote tor him field is kno-wi to extend thirty miles, in the foiling to family worship. Thcs" state- I didn't know I im and don't want to; ! dii. i:ti"ii ..f outcioji, ami to be w orkable lor inents were made' in 1 onlidenee, under ..ir- , y-u're the man 1 voted tor ; and now I ..t breadth of three miles. 'J he J'rotes.-or i cumMilees calculated to leave little or no want to be poMmaMrr.' Here the J'rcsi-:th-n enters into eaiculations whieh go to ,lotiL,t of theh truth. Tl.e name of the hum- , ''t t ...k aiclh. r tuck : 'lint, my dear : prove tl. lit if this coalfield covers only FI ble pi niteiit confessor dai- not be given, as friend, tin- 1 ceoi ds are all kept down at the ' h.piure mil'.s, th..- lowest estimate to be ta- ' j. vv,,,u. ccilai'.ly be p.it to dea'ih if his toihee dej.iirtui.'i.t ; there they keep all j ken, it would le.jiiire over three hundred confo-sion - hould coin.: t ) the knowledge of ' i.e names of the po?tmasters, and there 'years to remove the coal Ir mi a tliou-a ml ; tlv p,, Otheihoo.l. " you -ni-t tile your .apirs, ami they will be 1 acres, or right th'.-1-ai..l six hundred years,: '(. ro can j, ttn don't -f tl..-cxi. t. ic- .l.tiy ut-ivd upon.' ' 1 1 is n:une I w by I kmw Jr -ii f.-.ry-thr.-.: .-I'sar.. l;.;!..h. Nei.ce, the f ,1,;. coci-ty, and it i . :i .larf'll t..t.- of I...- i...it..-. i: l o t s all you want,' pei..Mid .strong.-t c-.ii!id.-i..-e n.ay be felt both as to tiilngs, and shows to what u-cs .scene v can tl.- would 1- p.. tin .-it r ; 'his name is the sal. -ty of ii.ve.-tll.eut, and pcriuaneliey . j,,it. To have seen t oat hhound and" ban- .loi.u ."i..rh. !... he's j.. ( a little the i.icnii- ,!" '.led r..bber-. thieve and iniir.b r.-rs mixed r-i W hig ! ,t.',,,n .1; Uixer and the l.il: ...... ..gl.-im and S:-.l..'sc-miities coal- ,, tlie c .minonit v, and enlering into F:g s .11, dy .' Ihc l'r.-id. i.l 1 u.n-1 he had ! .ring ro !, have b-t 11 known to exi.-i for find!;, at. ! sp ing out all our pr.'ei.nts p-- :l ' i:.-t-'i..er,' and i.e mad .-holt v.oik a 'U.:.i: r -d a ceni ny. Ti r.ieks are tJu., at tiv ,..,,,' ,;li. ii ub.g vdh u-, ..f it. by ailing S.igc.i.t O'Nei.l, and Miioi ir t , those of J.-, p Fiver, in Chatham going to the sacred coiimifinj ui, i ti n- w-dl im li.- -I. ' .!.'. 'iiginia ' out. This .111! .M. oie counties, and eon-i-t of th- same v hornble state of society. Ii.it so it Is-, i- n- ! y -k.-u h, r.-ader, the oe.-urrei.ee .., mbcl-s. Th- co.il-li-l 1 covers a smaller ... kn nv not the danger to 'which thi nl:ir..i 'iid :o tua.iy take lace .iui ing the j.ast area than that ..1 Deep Kiv.-r. It is exp .-. d. ,l(!lv ,.X -,, us. but tl.e coiuimiiiitv oulit t w..-i.. neaily in th- 111..U11. r ami form us at several point Ir-m 1. a!:, -vr'e t . lier- iK. 'apprised of these things, and we have maul a! ni nito.,, but it ha- I. .t be. M.lhc.ei,lly es- eun.iudetl to s.iuu.l out the alarm. j j 1. red t) d-vel-'pejn cxt.nt, or its n-he. 1 . Mmilar society was formed in Kiir-vpe ' lil.t'l. Ill I" IK 15AI I.1K AI. . aiuu.- 1 ioou. T- 01 u,e upp. 1 1.. w r. -i ... .......1 :.. i ... ... ... :..t. .-, 'i,. ..... i,.t. .-iic.i.. .. ... in. ii'iou ttinoi can he: ' r-cMve letl.iug lii"i ':l,an a puss- "M "" ' 'I1" M' "' bre-cliiy. argiil.ice on 0x01-i t ir m. line sf-i.e.of mien a- tua- li'y, jd'.-t. r :.;! salt, m -n,..l! ......it.t..-.. ii. - -ion, in great abui..latice, mi'ltoi.e,, and shab. 'Ihe slat- ot tl.e cal s.nes be- ing Ir.-.;:'..-, and ra-ily .br-.no.o-ed. may be ll-- I as a f, ,-.::., T. It I- eon.p.. d of f,!u- mil.::, si : v, carbonate mci pho-pbate of bine and i-t.! h. It is best a.iajted ti siiidy 01 1 .' ....il: I-.. eo'iuv, a v;.liif.b! c. -o-r' 1. v.oi,-' ' l,,,s I ... .iv'.'i; cvered. T! is min- had bee, profitably worked f. r many ve-ir- for -ol ! It ha's b.ru long kn-wn'. Cat tin- :.;.r ileroii- juri - te, eon-i-t of ti - sulpburet of iron, and th" s'llphui ct of ,-o,r. In .x'l icti. th- gold jr.,,,, the Mili.hi.nt. tlm copp. r l.as been her. : .tore n. gleet, -d'. and allowed to I a-soft' in t!.. wisl.i-,.. Acieii.pts li-ivc been lately made, with th mo-t fl itfrring Mice, s 1,,'it ,.;,!v to -.iv- t' e cop-., r of the auiiltroii- p-.ritcs.but'to wiirk' the mine cx- rliisivt 'v f .r";l i-in. t .1 'J he i iin- tinis far has prov. d u- profit;., le : 'il. copper brim- io the hi -ii. -t price iu the N'. vv York mar- kr't. It iV probabie that many other gold mines in the WcstiT'.i Cou-,i ie.,, at which c. p- ,, ... ... 1 .- 1 .1 .. .. . - i r i:tt!e v :. 1 1 . wi.i they so rh hi t Ye h .v.- liov ti.at i.iti lit'. iii 1 ..i .... loited !' c ml. n-. 1 r.b-tract of the ino-t practical j -rtion of Pr.,f. F111111 on's K, port, omitting mueh that r late to ge-log'cal tor- . ... , . ' . . .. ifi.tii.'ii- .110 1, I 1 1 1 t t. 1 1 . . 1 , 1 . 11 t i 1 1. 0.1.11 be un.at.i reil.itctl by the . an.in -.i, reader S,. t vi ., . r-i . 1 ,e., ' rri-.o o-eur r'troo.-h tl... i,-i ,.f '... It, .'.o f I...-.., i, .irt.il, i.t-.. He, we are in!' e in di to :.e una void at le a '"sell .,1, ..,,,.,,: tl, , .,.:, a. in it .eii.'ii.'.t'i ,11 u l ag- l'i'l, the l'l--!' say-, the Tu- 1;;. in beauty i r ir. 'y ex.-llcd, and th Magnolia, among the tree of the forest, i like :, .oga,,.;.. , liv "Tuiij," we .-up- p .-" the author iu, an- the Tulip tree ( Li, i- ...b mlnn t i',p. f.-ra ) " The M:ig,io!ia," of which we have s-vernl specie, is truly a beautiful tree, r ' ing, however, ne, " nearly a pig-antic blv thin a rose. AV'e fuel- Iv h "i- .".ir hot "nit al I n h-s w ill al-o be t jl- ly exaei,'. 1, ;, 1 il, i; 1 banns dl, play, ,1 be- fo, th, Si ate -s-i'-vty i b.-.,ught to a el .c.; (.11 page 1 in, Kmg s M yuifiin i spoken a I'.'ing in -utu 1 arolina. llu i an or- ''" Xing' Mount . in proper is iu .North Ca- '111:1- the 1 alt!.-gr end of th at a f"V e.i'es dlstanr, i in - .ii'h CarMh.-r 1 o, ,'.,e wli de. the Pcj.ort i highly va- lu ll la -ind iut' ii'-tiu-. Ji- -o'lnd pra. :...., in,.. mi . -le. is, 11 ninny I . in vco, will be . niiiicntiy b, uelieial '. , the ngi ieil- tiiral roieioini'y. Web-ntilv eouoneiid its I- ri-al to ail vv I,., in. -iv v i-l, lr more r.T. n ' il.f' !..... !'. . ve.a! j. . t of a tneli it t ; , a; -. pr. -ent u a- it ur min. i al -. o.'.ii.iioi,. C h. il. l!:. Sol'!.!"-: l'l.!' . 1 1 T V M I'ii ANi'll (- Hi-t tie' t tlur it.iv, in r a iitig ihe :.....'. ..f the ri,:.t Fi. ml. author, A 1, a:,,i.r D.iin-i. a M-ntioii -f the eircutn t.iii.e to which vv ti ar- iuii bt. d l-r Mr. Sonic', i. ;:,;;i, rail. ui t a:;! sit'l. nient. iu the Fuip-.l States. A, it may be int.-ios-t ;:i- ... ,r :-i' n r., j. n ::.-n! 1 1 ly a! 1 1 wilt ll th- lli-llll Oli-il, d gclltlcillilll is ill ic.-.l cite, we cop tlie ti au-laii an for ihe K le hi ot those who do let n:id the IV m h : ' ..'.. ,:(.ki.t j, a:; j,0 ,.,, 'l',!Asi. v i n.N. 1 11 tl r intimacy Mery ' UVi cn tiK. pdii-n and State highl and liai t iilcui v ' lived at (in. time one ol , the .iii.cipie eoUer ol a journal cain u in. Yellow D.viiif. This euitor wa naineti Ie had been two months in pri-on f..r an aitich on San D.n.iiigo. lie unl not M-.li-h hi rxpcii.nce of j ri--u life, lie . j hapjoncd to bear a strong resemblance to P..iit!i. b'hiy. w hich permitted of hi using l.i,1 ,,,-o.ort. 'liaillii lcuiy but it to him. Soul,, 1 . 1 '.' i- -. : th"l to union, ami 1. o me 1 i,iieu I si. .le. wtierc he is now the first lawyer of New Oi lcan, and make by Li practice o-s hujdr-sl u.wii,ad i'.-u--. y-r." n n", by VWishag.pt. Zwack and King... 1 . . wlin h contiiiiied u n years, nii'l wa-tlii-n i r .. ken uj, by the discovery of tii-ii pa n r-1 11 tie' Kll)d-,. raing of Zvva.-k. They h ad 1 ceeii t ,m, lur i;, alonioii, filling r -m with .iy-,t.. ,.,r., and divi., .ii:..- iielii-, thiiiirh. and scores sof counterfeit seals. W- hM j-,.,;, c ,., hear of the like detection a.,d disniptioi, of tl.e one that ha made it wm,, .,.(h ..' , Til 1' I ! V -iT X I . Pl .'-;. )"nu' ilU,",' 11 ""'" are con-taiit'.y en tdoved on this stupendous 'structure, whir now attracts a large sh-ire of public att. n- '", a'"1 tllr work progressing rapnliy. Z11 vu'''k ,h" "l'"'"'r "'"f11"'1 " '' 1 " Mill further mcrea-.d. V e .earn fi 1 Mr. '' 1;' 1Vt""'!'1- "!"' i'l'cirnng I.hgi.ircr. ,,'"t tiicre is in. doubt bur that a! ot the I'or"" t1"', bui.u.l.if w.u be . .on- i'" tcd'.v tl.e ht Jtinc. V ith the exc p- tion of the duuie, the 11 on work of tin p or- t'"" 's vor.v,;ctir toini'it ti.'ii, and tne (-'rlil1 I,ai;uo '"'.-'"," "! 'b'Vciopei, iu it- 't ateiy j.ioj, . lion-, the de-igned originally ' pro-ctor. The i-frer rr,"i,',its 11 lHbryi.th, of pillars rods, r-p-s, ami timbers, Willi men thickly seatu it d. and "'"king the air resound with tue clatter, clang, and creakin g of th.-ir imjdcni. nt.-. Curious visiter arc cxclt: V a vv. del. enclosure, with gut--keeper, but the city i daily visited bv increasing numbers. J he 1 uiumit of the reservoir is tin? favorite In ik- " l'1"- 1 " 'J'bui'sday last it is tMima - " '-t l.-s than o.t.tH) person vi-it. d tne ,.,..,-,,,:..,,, I! . I, ve ,,f I a. l,r.,s.CI there alb.rde 1. A large nunib. r -f str; In ii'ly atti acted tJ the city fy the presence of the palace The .uui,ti:y of ii .m use 1 in the -ou-t me- Hon ",i ihe w hole iiuioiiug w.u ne nearly 1 '"" I '- I lie gall, no-, winch ar : o 1 f-.-t wnte, contain " .-ipiaiL- in;, or am.ui one :ore ami a half; and the gioiind Ilo H. -l-5re h it, or nnoui i.vo:.ci,-s bult uiaKt.ig a Mai area -I 1 . !"l"ar; or "l'arl.v four ;ii :'1' T:'1' cMreme length of the Mru.ture 1 :!,i"' ''''' 5 lts 1" '--!;t ls '" lot:t- M'1' l':u'lu0 '11 cost uLJut .-"(',""" A HFSINKSS lililF. u- nr. r ,1 with a young of. ,uu, v..r v handsome girl, says th- edit-r of jj,,, M,.r o.,;,.,ts' I,.v!ge, -, w ho ha the prill- , ,,,.,,,,,,,( ,,f a large in.Teantl.c es- ; t . ; S i-l . in . 11 1 in a nourishing country town.' visit- dilhr. nt "dies a! 11-, .-t . -it T ,.urehae s.ipplic of dryg-.d-, hard- :.i W Vl. c;,: , , ,., ,. ri, .-, -i. n -. n-','iat ',-. :.n 1 "' ,., t,(, .llutl,'iirpus saleal le whi.-h make .. ,.- ' j misccll an, on-.-tore. She ,,i ike cmt la, t. all ;ich 1 u-i- -ucu I u-i-i.r, e lev t r 1 -lie i 't.i - . ., . ... .),,. , , I,,.,. .m, .... I, i.i, y t u. 1 t);,t -he 1-t -.,,1 ;,, th. ignity, admiral -ii ai 1 I... i'jllsi d. I auu veiy prvity won, NOMINATIONS IN M Iss'I-'Si ITT. 'I'll- fdlowilig I- o:,il.-i'"l -: I Vf tea ma .' by th. 1 1,111 n-. a t ic pa.ly of Mi - -i,-i. pi -,T iu,a nor .l"hn .1. Mt-llae. For 'I ie .siircr C. F. Hemingway. P..- u.iit r Madi-.-.n Me Al V ,r . ,v;..ry ,.f th -'tat. W C. M:i- F "i- Ar ;: v 1 .. -i.cr .. IV i . '. u. I 1 ,-! i ( .;i.n -':.'t.a'. D. i.i. t--'vV'i'.'.i -!..-. ' i- -ri :..!.'.. : .,, 1 !.;.,.;.. o I "1 lillOt o.UI' st'i.,,, .1-1.... .... AN lYSTFll CA'!'i'llIN:i A Moi'S In Aliehtovv 11, P.... one c v 1 niu g I' -t wot the proprietor ot a le-iaurrut .. It a lew j noar jus jat0) ,,.,'u.til In- 1 .ant, with an t.-rs standing in a Im-i'i on the fie. t; frm I .,,), I ,t u, p -g-t-ry . "If, said the heat of tie room they purti-il'y opt nod ; ! t,u, Jt ,-v ., ,lt . 1 ,--'t ' th.-j.v" it t heaven, din ing the night it appear, d a 11,-u-c '"', ;t ttva:,l K- n. :'" .it .- i- w ay." deitook M creep 111 between the sh.!':., ' ' . .1 . ........ f .. ........1 .... .!.., ..,.,.. w uen me 0,1 -n . ..i-t- u. n- ... 0.-. i made it a victim. In the hi T'iing the ov, ' tcr wa picked up with the la-jure tijl.Uy j.rwji U-twaou us iiw-I. - . I !- Th- foil -v. ing e 1. t.i lien have lieu clee- 1 Fi:, t ! t lie- P.'. ne I'.;.l,t llaihoad ., ' . ' '"'' 1 1 : 1 ' . j ll- ban. r g t ant- 1 at the bet -' --. -o -I j Mi 1 ':: ..'ii'.i .egi-la- 1 ..i.-. ii. w.c ...... w . 1 1 -:::;:, ti. A 'I . !, dm. .1 .111 .'..!.!. il. ' '. M Fi:ii...'.n. II. i;,.:"iin, 'I . I.. Wragg. lb I - it Adgcr, V. C. Dnke. At .1 mi! -eijtn nt 110 "ting f the Hoard, lleiiry i.itti'iiti w: . . 'itcti 'i Piv-idei t. It is . :. '. 11. t th '.hi' e ' -i.-i ..us r.f l ' 0 :- -e i ., ..1, I 1 ' 01 gi.t ioitl .N !-.: C.ii-dsi , v.iii ... ie in itcd under ic- , . 1 i'M"!i, ai-i With Mo- ; : 1 it vv , fin cii- teq rise has i.ii. ady ;!.., lad . !b 1 - irui 1.,. n f th. .i-.'.-t . x; 1 n. c in tl.e c-i,- ' ' ' ' " "' n- .t.tlcati.n ii. tl.e J. s m f t'..- St.ile c : 1 1 ,b ..ti,:, may i,.- -a, y t s :hi -, vien -. but it is l-I.-. v. . ri,,! ,-tr, rl-u.- 'd,.-taele will ex,-t ,:: th..! ,-u.:,. I: it -I -..Id prove, ,. ,!.e v h b: r-..-.! cu be put in -p.. ra'i u. m 1, -- than f-ur years. in- lioiiiit. . ,e and i,i Krhroad is al- r.aly l.r.n-ii. - C..tf.. ,..m Tennessee the !:,-t l'.a,:i.ii ie price cui i' i.t stating (hat biik- . f lading of no 1, -, than 4(M.'bale have bvti. r.-c. iv.-d, an 1 this b the ireui- tu us 1 , -i the !! nor So that, ' work a may. . i.ro n-t likely to be a licinc. t r-o s 'vi. to secure llu lcgil- in at-' f. iit- ti,.- 1 -.Urj 1 i-t. -( "i. Hi .' .stull - Ji'-ci, ,. ')MF. PKi'Pl.K 1 t 1 ihink that a m w-papcr n 1! iis'n tin ir iueiibraieii, . ' '"1 . ' "! 1 n-.-i-t their J f-j 1 ts, e., Ac.. Ac, the cdi t : and j-r 1 t-r the v. bile ncciviiig no otht r con.j.t iisation than it word of thanks. :; ticket of inv Itat'oii--'-it generally receiv ing in .thing at nil. lien, t.T .-sample, is a li 'te invitiog n- to att-nd a !ny ball to ii-tie- ai -.'I'lii:;.!'. to 1.1. -mi. 11 that the car w ill k-;.'.e and r- tun. at .-ueh and -r.ch 1111 bo-ir for the are. -111111 id e tion -I tie gue-t -lilt! ticket e:-l be had i.t -loll :i lo-ahty. N w I'll ttii- i.if.ni.'.f;-... v. id I.- t ir the 1 em tit of the I'l-oprit t r- ett i inatiag-r of the 1 all at-O' -aid - i-t 1 ! t -n-s. It is mat ti : t f i :i ; : l: Ti i.ee t 1 u- It will C" t us lit en v to p.itdi-h it. We u t . w ! v we -houl i take nr. in v - :t of our own .ekct M.-r. !y to ,1 Iv.uti i.e and '.ea-e ti e May ball manag-r-. And on tcitl.tr eo'.-i'Ur-atioii we ib n t bt-'.-eve we -hall d.) it. VAI.T'API.i: Fli'.'Fll'TS. Hil l, s.u vv'-.t u.'Ti-v and I t . let. teg. ' T ... P g-i',:---.1 -i u t I.e -ti'iigr-t chin 'o an I all-,;.! - . :, - r I ) bee - e I ., -0 rt ; .- 1 v "n I 1 (V .I., h- :.:i I l.av e i.'.'ne ot ni" Fx.ilte-' i 1 a Kjt'.e ( Mliee le:c!v i.t ...1 huh I iict :-- t i-l for " f ig nu 11. 'I b-c -e !' :--li. 1 -ii-pi' 1 ;i. r.i i void -f I O i t t oil"' in, 0,1 - ur. I, tu' e To b,eo,i- in Spi as. yo.ir bcnll- illing tne i'1'..ch . f o t iii.it- Print your t ni i ,. i ,e,.e .-' .', -I. Ti 0 Iblit a paper and u ii t - I. -.' ,. .... , ., '. ' tl "''-' An i- , ' u" treat nrigi-.'ia-, chal- ti w . -''' " spirit rappiog 11 ateriiily," i.--. le'iui ao-l 1 1 a c her-. iu tli" :ei,n. o;. ,! ,1 .(hi, t. ,,u ,!,, x g ,.,,,..! - - v slil.l ; "i.e.- a sin.le hieek ...1 his tald.' v. iiu-ii e t 1:1" I -n Hint It 1 y 1. .: ,:al r:t:,- s l'l 1 11 .f iii-il law.. ... I 1 ,, ,1,',,. o. ,-vli-. ' .1 1 ir j,- stone lying . - The I lot- ! St-it-h .-s-.-s a huudrc-1 mil - ' ','i. n neit s ot ji-o'iie 1 . . 1 that the lo-t 1 i-to w-.u; -wfc, i. Uv.'wr tged. fr.y

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