Jl i " - ' 1 . . "$e fhje fo Got io jjoqf tbifflfrij, 5 io jjoijir guilt." VOIaTJME 2 C3E3Z5lK.3jO,171ZbE, 1ST. C, I-",r 2S, 18S3. IIOLTOW & WILLIAHSON, Editors and PuuI'im-tuu.. UtlSrTkgoJ a HiST" '"'I T1 T"E X0KWALK TRAGEDY. .the first passenger car. i She . clasping RIUTALYS HAPPY FAMILY. I ! Thefollowing letter from an eye-witness an infant. The great kauty loth of tho The Queen, Alexandrin. Victoria, was ARRIVAL OF THE PROMETHEUS. ' It in this. I will have the carria.-c bro't E've8 a um,utc account of this sad catastro- 01ld ''''J1'1 nUl')d by every specta- born .May "I, I -3 1 SI. The stramor Prometheus, ('apt. Churchill, to the door, and order our bill. When the phe, and corrects some errors which have for as ''"-'' lay by sido in their coffins tua J-'rm-is Albert Augustus Charles left San Juan ou Wednesday morning, the waiter Lrimrs it. I uill 1.1L1. it i,nt i,,v !,.! nimenrod in otlior ronnrta Tl. ...l n tlie depot. , Kliiauucl of Saxe C iburg and Gotha, was i 4th inttant, bringing -100 passeng 'rs, 170,- ... ...iivii norn iU'rUSL -'I. tn'U 111 eolU UUSL UII w.i.v One man emerged TEk.M.S: The North-t'.irolniii Whig will be afforded to . .t 1U I) IlllI.I.AI.K in IK1V..IHH ur . . ... .n.i . . i i - - . . i litrt in 1 t.iwlnl nu I I ii it ,r li T ! .... t.. il V 1 i ra . . . . ' i'('M.'u nr x i 7 I": "' -7 S" H 1 one limes, towiioni it is address- I liavo not seen noticed "l ' . v rT " l"V ": . 11.11" cd.savi that tho writer l. ;...-i:..t.i from ' V " I'liv-iu v on: succccueu 111 iraimne thu md wine 1 was not l,., l.,, v...,, .... . - 1 .... ! - . . - ' . .' . .. ,,ui uiuunwu,..,!.,... ,, , . . ,-ivl,.n , nv nil n T. . ' --aiuruay, ij ay , """"'K'seu, uuu iu ciiimjug upon it. lie, Victoria Adelaido Mary Louisa, born rticiiiieitiiiirU.it(ntL"llarpr.iinrH , ,. 1 , 1 J 1 Have no herniation in saynw that if or-' "owever, slipped back ptto the water. J Xovenber 1 It uinary caution nail been ued 111 approach- """K ilB W0ll'u uavc rwveni his hold of. Albert Edward, bom Nov. 0, 1M1 Mil 111 m .n. j - i j y-j n.ii- C(j (ja Dnl.l.AliSuttlieeiidul llie yeur. Po jibt will ley, snatch the bill out ot iny hand and 8ay t 1' 1 i,i- lii.euMlniii.U ui.UI all .rr.Mruge. ure p.u.1, ex. t,11(t , il)U,1(, ,Q m y M reilCU a,,! .1 lliuupt.o., ol thu Llil..r.. , . . ,.';,. , ........ m jiaj uii v:A. peii.-es and jou Frank, do the same. Then, 1 .' 1 - ... I...,- (1... a.u...l I ui... li.r tl.o timt inwr ,,,..,,. , ... -.- . .1 " .,,1 ,.. ;, , ..,.1,1 , . jr i-auiiuii iiiiu ueeil UseU III UppH ,, ,,,,,,,,i..e.i.iir 0..1.1 c..mmu.....e. - J "U,J""" u j"-'' ing the bridge this frightful tra-edv t. rtiwiu. nta und .shi rifl ' H.ile rlmr;ed per to whip the crowd, unlefS you arc allowed ,,..- ilol 11 V- . '1 ,.i 3.1J mt ei'iit. win ,0 it. lllk.r lllu. n(.t,.d(. t0 . r;,' 7-: ; "y " , torMiivvrtiM-n by 1 . 1.. n . i. .. ... J ' f fcachiiig the hrnlge the track tonim aei Follow these instrue- ,j. tionti and leave the re?.t to 1110." c ut. tnirlii-r : anil a drtlut-ttmi . m id,. Im.il he regi.l .r priee.. i,.r ..oven r. ny tjiJUs j itn vi' ir. a 11 it 11 si 11 n'.i in in-ill.! ...... j ... ... .ri.Tlv. nt l m r wni.iro fur eui li lime. Snn m,.iitlily'7.i cent" i-r n.iiure li.r em li tu.it-. At this uiomeiit the waiter entered w ith I r Ml , (! m i.n lMi-.ie.i ss i;iut he din li il In the will! . -- - i' i- Kitliiirc. l.etl. r mutt In. ibjui mi U.j " ailcr, lme our borscs brougul to tne ,,;i n..i t.c nitiiiili d lo. ; door immediately," said Waters. When J r ray menu can be made lo either. , they are ready, bring us our bill J i' PimlmaiitiTi re outiiuriwd to ai t an nurtita. " 'es !ir." W hat do you intend to do, Jack," asked ijleiitley. "Knock the waiter down, seize 'the bill, ruh out, jump into the carriage, 1 and" ! " No, no, nothing of the kind," interrupted Waters. "On the contrary, I sdial! make 'the waiter a present of li alt" a dollar for i the attentions lie has paid us. However all The Bough that will not bend mustbreak. v ct i Ai.tr.. Win -ticVr tlir vi lurltt u J lin ak the ch-ins TiiMt hnd tin m mi t lie kv, ' tttit.iv tkct ( Mm- vcrttitnt nUino, at uMiutit mm, jj f it 11 (tin) Ihl'.i; "V.t u-fi tUv MtiH'iirh nf thr mnl .! 1m it" it fury ( 1, 'i ii ui'h (r liintr yi-..m it htill li. it'd In roitf nf r'..tm- J r i i t : V--t win n ttir ttwm X'Hl'n iiit await'. Tin- 'HHijjii lii.il H ill not iftnd muM httak. trih H I'-liL' PUH-I tl .w iy, 1( :n ll'-f t'tl nil tut Iiwo y ItrtM'd ,' iipKHc t tin ir pi. M ; Ami tiiiiiiM r' fcuii" hate J.ihiiy ntuuv: I -tt t.g tt n't r it In uii, H ;tl- i) tt in n like hru f ir ninfi, )tic tl'iu it, I'i !iimt r with thf Uf.TiJ : lu n iIh liL-d U vm n-4, t St lurai W il rave aUii. its stru ct n i nu. T'! tliiin vv.ih injrtaK ; I r it - th mi nuv. An i, t'u r-i ' i 1 U f w , 'I . i. iii'd tttMi low I, l-v Mi , li' HCtM till!. M -,' iijo, TSr l...ULli!v rhiW of r.itlh ! Jon I hi tf..th:rni iil of hi;-, 'J il 'ilgil il'.tlllflliS ll.lIl ii tla' krtllH, ..iitiif ltrm inn! ctn'i. It i? -.mii il- ;i ir hf ni in t!" eui . i - huM n!, (' , M f h. llisccliancou5. DODCfSG THE Vl, It V HAHI.M RAM. One pleasant morniti in .Turn "nic ur three vears -ince I ur of the crew Alice Maud Mary, bom April ii"), A son not yet namd, born April 7, lIiU. would 1,10 'i hut at the moil' :it of making the helorc eruon a woman 8 nrm 'ro-i; above the sur- lie the hriile the track forms aeurve. Ier, and convulsively fasncd his coat. so that the bridge itself is not within si. 'lit "c "lain sunk, and on riy l -, while luB'utuifr : i 341; till you are alulot upon it. This certainly the water, and makii.j; " 1 attempt to getj Louisa Caroline Afbcrta, born Uarcu 1 ?, is a hi"hly faulty ai ruii"enicnt but 14 i "dI.Af tt. rnr x '"- ' ? . lft lH. exists; Timr u nut now well be remedied, Jut " mui. t" liiniself -iu of : Arthur. William Putriclc Albert born surely the express trains, which do uotstop water, lie leu DkJ; a third tune, the May, 1, lfoO. at noiiiu orwaiK, the spot where the acci- j uler man apparently retaining his hold, dent occurred, (and not Xorwalk, whieh is I 'I '"'' su,lk together, and I think neither of nearly two miles from the depot,) should be t'1L'1" T0"e Win. compelled lo slackm &jvtl on upproat In up I Many, I imagine, were drow ned through tin-time. Of course, with the other trains, 'others clinging to them, and impeding their which do stop at the depot, no such rule is efforts to escape. One man clung to a wo neecssary, as, the bridge beinjj close at hand, ' mi,n) ail(' ru'e 'R'r under water, lie, they will not have resumed any great rate 1 however, was reached by some person in a of speed before reaching it. ' boat, and both were saved. I now wish to say that I was present at! '1; whole thing is a dream to me now. the time of the cata.-tropho. 1 wi.s not on ; not "ecin real. It passed so rapidly. KORBERY OF TIIK FOREIGN MAIL IMPORTANT AUREST. The author of the many robl cries of foreign letters passing through the New-lurk l'o-t-ufiice, w as this morning tiitctted inn! unes tcd by the Special Ager.t ot the Poatofiica Department, Mr. llolbrcKk, who was sent Lerc to ferret out the mailer. The rogue turns out to be Theodore A. ust 'Jli. llSi. OdO 111 L'O d dust on Iremlit. The twain were married at the aue of amoui.t in the bands of passengers, and an aperture in the second car, and 21 0n the lbth of Februrv. ls-10. The ! dates lo the lTth ult., from fcian Francisco, ,i.,.i .1 1 1 - 1 . - ' . . . . , .... having made the passage iu I uays unu lldss.i(.( a t.l,.,k in the foreign letter depart- llou,s- , uient. The Agent, wc uu.ler.-.taiid, having The steamer Rrothcr Jonathan lett San BU,Ia.c,ed him, laid his plans accordingly,' Francisco 011 the- morning of the 17th ult., auJ wus au eve BituUM t0 a repctitiou of with 10 passengers for New York and New dei.redatio'ns this morning. Alfred Ernest Albert, bom Aug. (1, 144. 1 Orleans, and '.Hl.OUO in gold tlusi on : i1t,sjt. w(t,: llt once put in custody of the Helena Augusta Victoria, born May 25, freight. Her passengers and specie arrived v. S. Marshal, and will have hii e'xaivina- at an Juau del Norte on the evening ot ( tiijn l0.lllnrrt,w. 'l ui.s detection is a ycry iiie on ii"V- , , : important ou, and reflects credit on the L. cry hnnltnv en the Istli.-'i .- .( s; ii,(, ii,,.., Ti.,,, . . fleorge (iulliver, a passenger was acci-; fll has been in tlie h;J.it dentally killed by a fall on board the 1 ro- ; of brvi 1(,t,.r c0lllailiitl old . iiw.lt... iu ;. ll.rt 1....-1..M. isf Stiii -limn nil tin. . . n 1 .... r, h 1 Eight children four sons and four daugh-, 311 th ult. tcrs- well. -in thirteen years, and all alive and The Birth of another Prince is a periodi cal announcement we look for, now-a davs, in the English newspapers, with as much In port, V. S. sloop-of-war Cyanc, dipt. llollins. OlfiCers and crew uii well. I rom thr Pan Franciiro Journal, nf April 1G. The State Senate yesterday adopted a concurrent resolution that 110 new business be offered after Saturday the 7th day of cars, and I was vcr near the i SIR'li terrible confusion, such a variety 1 .1 .... ... 1 ..... .1 : t. 0 fc 1 tdr:.wbri.lw. Tl,.. ,lrn. r:,i" .1 ttl,., I of shrieks, ctics. wailin.is. ...,1 l.nuK - .'".. 1 " r1"' " L i Jold coin.-, roprcsenting the value of 5 c "v t - j - ""'c is onn uiiriu vvhi h t hn (fpTiiii iin .1 (1 in lin . 1 1 1 .1 1 .1 opproai bed the bridge, and the steamer Pa-1 Ue.-pair laces rising to tho surface and 1 ,'., jn f,.v..,,., I,;,,, if ini, ; a"" 'i "avo r,',!CU,lJ "u(,n issued in mis I eilie had just pascdh'rough. It was then disappearing-bleeding, ghastly faces ' "2 til e t ' r round Aiin. ,0 V "ew ! I first herd the noise of the a,.!.!.,., -faces like niirlitmaro idiantoms. fl isliimr f L . T1" Wtr dl tliC ' , ro"" ?' , bill, re-appoit.on.ug the state into Senator,- I thought to myself "(,ood .Sodl!"' only for a instant, but leaving in" ! !" , ' ""Tl'Z ... . . K I al a"d Assembly districts the ratio of white t is the express train." I ran towards I"v.-ions that will revive again in years to ,f-s .,, .,....:,.;.. ;, ...ti:,,,.,,,.,, ,r.t " -m 1 , ''VUjll.ta ".""i ' ! ' ? ;ride, fctdin, that no earthly power ! and recall the terror, the coilotion, XLX -iCCl ...fc' ! I'I prevent an accident. 1 looked un at i groans 01 tuu liunerers. auJ the aniruiau ' ...i . 1.1 ... . . ' " i . , uui....v. ... " "" " .. .... ,.,-, - ' f 1. ..-..: .,t .i.. 'uu- uiMwiictiuieiiappycircuiusiaiicciuai, ....... K... nwn ft. im.:.V. If tie . ir ;ii no i'. mill inr tut i isis tiiiirn '-'i i'.iva.i;'i nui ivurs : 11 inn ri'i'n ittiiii i . The train dashed pa-t me like lightning. I ' forms borne hastily away by the ' it... - v ..... . t. ble de (;is the French 'remember your parts, and wc will slip our j hoard the ! cubic, and be oft at the rate of forty knot an hour." When the waiter returned, the company were jut finishing their last glass of wine. " Ah," fu ill Waters, " have you the bill '." j trajn. " i es sir, aid the waiter, handing it to j tlui him. th,- ii v- i .... .1. n ..1 ff... ... n I .iiifu i ii uuiiiiis uiiu iiit cciii-. .ii Con ' light. There's hall-a-d dlar lor ou, sir, arc j(,e tin- ln.r-es at the door ' i, u nil ri:iiv" ... l . i .i ' i limul r,f ui-ii!i...il, ...... .t i - ! "hi a loin iii'ic uu'-e ui riiiirou'i siieeo, anu - j '.'ii..iuiiiii men, uicniscics .....t ? ,i in,t , l.i..,.i II.. W i . ii .. .. e. . 1 . 1 1 ..:.i. n . .. . Jttts Is fill I'm a ' . . " - , i snonid s.-iv ine train was coiiil' at over ""r-"'" "e uu mcse recollection', ..... ...t..lt .. -M)i , ,. r ,,. ,, i .lfr ; thru-t hi, band int . bis wk-t. "I II pay iliirtv-.d-.. .,",;!... I.,.,.. I, ., i al! that was crowded it.f.. . f.. U ' VVKlt dn out''l" joy and .IT. ct.on tf.I(01lt the bill "is t the same time snatching it t been' more it certainly was not less. The .u,t's f unutterable agony, or was trat.set. a 'lon'ornV''' to . out nf hi- hand. f r. poi t in some of Saturday 's j.apers that it ed through that day am! the following, as their 'Tatitic:itinii . ii i si- niu 1 1 jvu'i'), 1 1.' iii ii j was going at the rale ot titty miles an hour , tal " 11 al I'rougni us ci owa ot mourners, tell. " That's mi privilege.' i is incorrect. The road, in most parts, is too 'and bore away the dead in their coffins all n II once 1 II take the responsibility ott your haii'l-." " Look here, shipmate-'," exclaimed r.cnt K y at the same time throwing off Lis jack 'it, and doubling up Ins fists, " 1 don t want to -on th:it says lie ) j . ti v that lull, shiver my limbers if I dont spile his binnacle lights iu h -s than n i tiiio'. ' Stop, stop," iiiteriipted Waters " ne'11 'have no iU:irre!liug almut it. 1.' t the wai ter be blindfolded, and the first one he catch es shall pay the bill. Wi.l you agree to il tiernian letters, mainly, but he was not par ticular. Foreign governments have been complain ing of the.-e robberies for some months past, and it was not believed at first that the rob beries were committed here, on this side. Ro.-sie is a young man about 1 or 2'2 years old, vith a wife and family. His habits are supposed to be bad. The charge was of sti alin' and taking a gold ring out of a letter directed to Michael (ioelger, and of Mealing a ipiarter e.airlc from another letter directed to another party. The arrest is on the affidavit of James Ilol brook, special agent of the Po-tofliee, who says that from the loss of many letters con taining money, he was instructed to detect the olteiider, and that on the 1-th he detect ed Theodore Rossie iu the ai l, A.c. It is said that money has been missed from as many able delights upon :u .,,i,,,,i ,i. ,,,.. i.(f;j,,.,ir uo!l emu. as twent v -letters in a so,. do mini, mid strat- 1 and loving sub-1 , . i (- , s..,.,..,,., .,,: - ii r.,.nresi-iit.i- i aucm was lakcii in enciosin'r ruiL'. iiionev. lives. The annual ret.ort of the Sutierin- i Ac. There will be an examination of the regularity as we ook lor a rain storm or a : M.1V( anJ ,at the Jy(,gi.,lature adjourn mc ga e ot wind in the almanacs, when, at sta- j ,, Wednesday the 11th of .May, at a it-vt miiuu.i, (i 1 1; Mii'i hj juuh mil 1 Jr o I'lncr 1 l 1 of Pol. lie Ti.'striict-.oii retirements . Jortly APIermeii tii:,t .;-,il,n(ill, f..r coiimnm schools, will be resolutions conveying;-.,, .1,.. Treasnrv on tl,,. 1 ,t January. 1SV1. grave Chambers of Com- ..iv.,rtw l.J.;., n,,l.. n.,fn merce cease for the notice to talk about the ; "i,.,,,,.,,,,! ,.,."... ,,r ,i. Stnte l,v m. ! ease to-morrow. A. V. .joc.v.s l.'t inat. . n r. . i is i lie rreci . i ne road, in most pans, is too "-" - ....u me ueuu iu ineir coinns all ,,riee of eoloniil rM-o.l.icp T onl M ivors ire ,, i ' r. turn. ,1 the other; " then for .aMy fira,Je,l for SU(., a ratt, 0f ,,,,.,.,1 t0 is a dream, and not till the traces of the ca- ,, '1,,,.;,. ' 'a T' , !, m , r . ?', rl Jet' H denonuiiatioiw ot com except ke the lesi.oiisibiiitv off your he attnin.-l. WKnt. I f.di. t iltut ,L..n, I bimitv are removed, and the nl,i;,. t.nV ? ' , . M Jl ,. n' . lor the real value. At present, the franc What I felt at that moment I ibc ; 1 cannot even realize mr ie attained. cannot dct( own feeling.-, or recall the horror that -eized me as the train fled by. I was only one hundred yards from the pi.irre! with yoi ; but the fir-t mother's hridoe, and "in a moment the 'locomotive had nlmo-t leaped the gulf that fact alone is convincing thai the rate of speed was not an ordinary one, a.s the draw is sixty feet wide. 1 he engine am it iu all its tn iiieiidous force actual occurrence. a dollar as readily as our own coin, and in ' Mr' 1'nis '" a ,ilvil,u of 'rt'at '"y alll id tender seemed to di.-appear RISIIOP OF SOUTH CAROLINA. The Rev. Thomas F. Da via, formerly of alisbtiry iu this State, but more recently, ill restlieies nnd i.een " Mv I...rd 'nut tje.i. . i n i . . . , .- (if ('.Ulillell. S. C . has hl-eli etei-teil Iti.lw-i,. amity are removed, and the public have .7.. " . o :. . .,. V ... '.. .! c V," ; " lor me real value. At presem, the iratie ........ ' ' , ,. . Ve J T . half for-otten it. shall I l. ,1 L . .....i;. ". u '' .""""" " , ' ' " -' passes for a quarter, and the five franc for j " , . " ya.onim. v . ! ."".. "". ...Jin . as a real, au JUriuali, the nest year's estimates, and to fot 'jet awhile all about the affairs of the ; East India Company iu cxtatic contempla- OCEAN STEAMER SI'FFD of l!:c " U!,M0' cvc,lt;" Aml it does ' ' ' o:ie good even to see the kind, comie-eend- A letter in the Washington I'nion, from a ig tone the great " Thundeier " himself New jrk correspondent, says a.-Mimes when it fails to his lot to chronicle Vn am lysis of the comparative spied of the auspicious incident. There is a miii'ti. some cases even t-uiailer denominations of; together, and, rapid almost a- thought, hVt the New-Vork steamer, the past year has iu it that is really pleasing, even to a Van ti... li..i.if-.,.o our ll...!, l. ci.iol..,.. ...... tl.... 1 r . . - .... , , . . 1 . r kev looillc. Li. tun. tlnu: v . j ... . ... ,-,.. v ... . ...v.. pjH iirt-u irowi tnc naixls ot a I uitctl t rites i in ir.l n'tthi'lPtur rir Mu.ii r hi .i.hihw irm.r : . l .1 . ,,mi m i . . i .' . 1 -.-' r, ami, as me mo-t accurate estimate l lie intelligence which it is our pleasing n -., ah,a; ,, ,i, ,.; -..n,! f i. ..c v,.,t, . over the wall ot the draw, a I imi'C o .. t...ln ..'.i.!. . .1 i.it.T. i :n I... - :. ... i ...w. . ........ uv,. ... ....... v ....-,,.,.i kIiiioii.iI . ' , . , ,,, , , , - .....v.; u. yei maoe, merits some attention ii aierscavcuie wiiik. uno uiev couciuu.-u about twenty P et. into the water, which was ... tiii. nf inakiii., l -tie llif ill-puie III O.ttC way. at li.gll tide. 1 h'-ard the era-h ot bi.ai.ing time, lie calculates the speed of tin' vessels been SO Ion While li. ntly w:.-. lyni- a i,:ipl;in roumi tl'crs, tmd one scream uttered .-iinuliam- for the following distances : New-Vork to the rule of (Juceti Victoria. At 1 0 minutes tiie wait.-r s eves, V, ati rs tok the receipt ou-ly bv many voices. Then, for a second Livernool. atll neocrantiieil miles ltovin after 1 o'clock vested a v the Onoen was ile. learning, and had been very prominently ilver aspire to an equality with the two bit ' I",kfn connection with the vacant 'icce of the I'. S. Mint value. t 'hopnek ol this Ihoec. e. Piles arc still to be found in California in ' The Fayetteviile ii.$rrvrr, referring to n day. At Spanish Flat, iu Placer county, the recent election of Rev. Thos. F. Davis, four men took out fill'J iu one day. Quartz as Bishop of this 1'unvse, says: mining near Auburn is prospering. At the The Convention of South Carolina has hill diggings near Auburn, one of the tun- anticipated that of North Carolina, whieh an". ncl companies took out on Wednesday, four- i would most probably have chosen the samo . i teen ounces und lvi four men working. I sound and aide and pious Minister, as Bis- mi' 1 ! 111.' - . . -.ii.. l-r', i ., . Ill (Nr. ps, ;i : l.i-hop .... . . , . - - ... . . '. .. . i ' cr i - which lay on the table ami put It ill bis pocK- or two, all was still as death ; then 1 heard to l.ivcrnoo . via Halifax Tim .n.,n li vereil of n I'i i nee in tl,.. nrc.-nen of the -v- i. i-i . .i , . .-i i-.. i ..... . . - - - - - .-vevv ioik. i iccL ill ,.,. si,..; ....... me gurgling oi no- waurs, as mey ru-n.-u pasage on the outward trip of the Boston usual ollieers ot Mate. Her .dl esty and o,.,,,,., i :,.;.. v i.i; 'iv.rn..,.,! T,. 1 . . 1 i .1 f i li . 1 .1 t it 1. ' ' the I lilted Mates Nop , then lying in tie port of R .obtained penni -sioii f the lieutenant to have a day nu in.re. The roads being in good travelling order, tiny determined t hire a "team" and "run li mn" to B , a di-tanee of ten miles. After donning their be-t " rig," they H't.t to a livery stable, hired a ph;elou and jaii of hor.scs, and were w. n oil in high pirit. Arriving at R , abent one o'clock in t;." a!ti rnoon they drove to the City llobl, r id! the hor.-es in charge id the h'.-th r, v., t:i injunction to give them a good rubbing 'Iimii and plenty grain. They then walked ii.!-. the Ilot. l, atil orva'cil apiivntc room :lh til" b"-t dilll.er the h"Use e 'l!d albird. Ill the course nf half an Icur, the servant ('s 'iii'iiin. i d that tin ir ro'dii nd dinner was r -ady . They Were shown up stairs to a richly fiimi-lnd apartment, where the tour -iiiou sat down to au ent. i taiiinieiit fit tor lime. In fact, the p"or fellows had nev ir 'lie.imel of the like before. " Waiter ! bring us a couple f bottles of iilmpagiie your -aid Jack liters a. Lojd n sailor as ever floated this side 'f " I'.ivy . I ones' I.oeker." Alter tiiii-hiug their dinner, bi-urely, lli. y went dow n into the bar room, called f r cigars, ! them and told the landl rd tin y were going to take a stroll around the city, and should return about live o clock. As it was near six when they got buck th. y determined to set off for II imme- liately as their word had been given to be ai.oard at nine o'clock. " Hut shipmates," said Waters, " you're id g"ing without supper, are you ?" "Of course not,'' answered the landlord, who had heard Waters' remark. " Walk right up stairs, gentlemen, you idiall b" pro i h d lor immediately." " Kut the expense, said Charles B. ntly, ui a low tone." oh, never mind that," returned Waters. "Come, let's go up, and have some sup-p-r We ,all 1,-el better for it '' I he sailors had hardly reached their r ' when a waiter brought in some h"t n.iilliiis, preserves, cake, oilier eatables, ve ') palatable to sailors whofor the last twelve ft. Then L'oing to the the latch, swung the door open and motioned them nil out. "Now," said he, " wc are nil ready. The fir-t on- you catel , hold n to cm dont b-t him get ay from you" and W titers softly i losed the door, and wiih the others pro. led down stairs. Just as they reach ed the bottom they were met by the landlord. " Have I'm got your bill, gentlemen 1 " he a-l:cl. V' s sir," said Water- showing him the r t. " All tight, gentlemen the next time you are round, pie us a call. ' " We shall do so, sir," returned Waters. The next in. mi. lit they were in the carri age, ai d soon out of siu lit. A f.-vv minutes alter they Lai gone, the landlord had occasion to go up stairs, and w as surprised to hear a t r. ineiidoiis noise coming troni the room lately occupied by the lour sailors. ( Ipi niiig the door he w as struck dumb with a-toi.i.l,:iiciit. There lay the table on one sidi the chair turned up-idc ihoi n glass- hi-oke bottles rolling round the tloor and the waiter with his eyes bandaged and out-t retched arms dodging this way and that, a- if endfav oi ing to catch some one. " Wha wha" the old g. nth-mall was un able P. -peak tV"iu list .ni-1; mi nt. " I hear ou." said the waiter, and made a drive at tin- landlord, ela-ping him in his arms, vvilh a hug that would have crushed a bear. "I've got o,i," he exclaimed as the landlord struggled to get away. Y,i , , ,.,. i.int't ' "ui In r i' i'ii lull!" and ilitigiug to him like a "vie" one hand, with the other he pulled the la"e oil from his eyes. !! surpri-e i.-.ay belter be imagined described. Thomas, wh wha what in tin does all this mean" asked the laudlon u..y win ira icteiveu our magnificent clipper fleet, takes her Ue- I There are uovv four natives nf Vonl - -v - panuic nils liioriitiu lor me .-.ii.o ..icn .s- , onna tn the House ot iii.-;iop,, viz ai'py ami prosperous utiu.-r The clipper ships Raid Eagle, 11)7 Hawks of Missouri, Rish-P Orecn of Mi-,i- days from New York, Flying C'hildcrs, ll'Jjoippi, Rishop Polk of Louisiana, and Dish- days from lioston, Albion, days troin op Davis ol .vouth Carolina. Hid, Jacob Jicil, shin into the cars, forming pools on the surface. eiuiics or little w nu i lu another mom. til coinmc rein? January 1 1 . j tin- flooring, the sides, and the foremost end living forward, with a jerk, half across the draw. Many of the seats and the dish. dg-ed window sashes, with a crowd of timber fragments, were impelled, some of them, fullv acro-s the gulf, and two of the passcu '.'i rs, who were seated ju-t at the snot where the car -napped asunder, were thrown full twenty feet iorvv ard, ami pitched with fright- lul lorce upon uie rums oi me seeoiiu aim uavs 11 hours lominut lir-t cars. The first passenger ear was wholly sub merged. Onlv a portion of one end of the second was i-ible, and the water soon coy er, d that ; 1 suppose by the sinking of the first car, upon which it had fallen, deeper mi.) the mud. 1 he bag'gage ear was sub g well. It f)-ialltrr) Alllla Kimball and barque Storm, ; . INGl I.AK t A-E. are now- in harbor, and unloading here. 1 he .Nashville I nion, ot the l"tli Ultimo, A new weekly paper, devoted exclusively ' contains u report of a very singular ense to the eiu-e of total jbstiuoi re from ardent ! which had been on trial ;a the criminal drinks, is just issued in San Francisco. It ' court in that city. The facts arc as fol looks well and talks plainly and boldly. ; lows : There is probably no place in the world 1 Mr. A. L. Green was indebted to Wm. where persons with small means find it so Young iu the sum of pll.oi', in payment of difficult to maintain a family as in San 'which tireen gave him a check as follows : Francisco. The merchant, mechanic, or la- , " liobson .t H heless pay to Wm. Young or minutes a sp-cd per the family of a lady a.s distinguished for her I, orcr, finds that it is very difficult to pay bearer, eleven and fifty dollars. ' 'J decimals, 11. l.'ICrg. On domestic virtues, as exalted in hfr station, j,;s rc'nt;J all( tan.,. An ordinary house 1 was no dot between the eleven and fifty at rents for almost as much as a mechanic can : the head of the cheek. Hohson A; Whclcss, earn, and even more than a common labor- presuming the check to he drawn for eleven. er can realize. The merchant, coming here hundred and fifty dollars, and not having so with two or three thousand dollars, finds his niueh money on hand at the time, told money vanishes almost as soon as he can ' Young to call the next morning, as it was turn round. Ho becomes straightened in then past banking hours, lie did so, when . . i. i " .1 l ..i i. .i. ... i..i. Ills circumstances UlSCOUragCU. i mcv g.t..- mm .i cu.-civ u.on inc loon J.ailiv. As things stai.'bs now, thousands of our . citizen would be b.'tte' off i:i the Atlantic States, for there it they cniinot earn as much as here, they g't coi.ifortable dwell ings to reside in for a sma.l price. They are lint taxed so exorbitantly. If rents were reduced if the men of small means could obtain a lot upon which to build a tenement, branch of the Cunard lini for eleven months the infant Prince are both and endin.r has plea-ed i'i e vidence to bless Oueen Yic- hrieks from tho-e in the rear car-. -md 'in November . MO of same venr. is shown t-. 1... tori.i with so nnmerous an issue that th" the hind part of the third p-i-s, ng, r car, 1 1 days, l"i hours, 14 miniib s ; and inward, event can scnr.-el be .-. ceived as one of hlb d the air, and in thet.ext iiist iiitth. ru - days, h hours, & minute the fjrmer great political iin.ortance. The succession was but one scene of indescribable coufu- having f.raver.ige speed per hour lO'l'-M-, to the Throne was already secure in thedi- "ion. tho latter !.7 U.ji). Of the perfornianco of reel line of the present Sovereign, unless, 1 should have stated, what indeed is al- the New-York and Liverpool steam ships indeed, more than ordinary calamity should ready w. ll know n to the public that the third for the same period, wc have for mean pas- fall on the Royal house. " Dut w.may le passenger car was nearly pulled into tho sg0 f,f the Collins line in outward trips 11 permitted to hope that this fre-h addition to wuier. lucre was, novievei, wie n-irain- days, .J hours, -111 ing force of the rear cars, while the weight hour expressed in ot those which h id gone over operated in the other hand, the Cunard vessels Asia and may bring with it comfort and happiness front to drag it over the wall. 1 lie coiisc- Africa, for outward ti in, exhibit as mean It is n grand thing for the Monarch of this picnee was, that it snapped like a match ; passage 11 days, 0 hours, '- minutes, and countiy that ii-uidst shaken crowns and fail- other vessels of this line 11 days, 'J;l hours, ing loyalty, she alone sits securely enthroii- -'c! iniinites ; or in the lir-t instance, a speed ed in the hearts nf her people. The event of l".3-i:i per hour, and in the second, of which brings fresh happiness to her hearth 10.-4 17 per hour. Inward trips of the Col- w ill he felt as a private joy by every tire- bus hue give as mean passage 11 days, ii hours, 11 minutes, or Il.U-'o per hour, Asia and Africa, of the Cunard line, for ditto, 1 1 days, 1 1 hours, lfi minute-, or 11.-t'-'J-t tier bom- : other vessels of this lino 1 ' ' , or lO.'-NU 1 per side, where I'.nglisii is spoken, iu every quar ter of the habitable globe." : How particularly it is all told. The very time of the day it lo o: place, to a minute ! lu the " presence," too of the usual officers of state . 1 hen read over again the coin- hour. Assuming that thi' Asia and Africa placcnt jubilation of the Editor, about the for size and power can alone be fairly eon- "grand thing" for the monarchy of that sidered as coping with those t.f the Collins country, and say it the limes Ivlitor was jle wlt hope for better times. Rut so 1 line, the superior speed ot the latter is not ot in the very b.-t oi goo.l humor when as monopoly exists so long as a few men so great as generally supposed. he pet 1 the announcement. Rrothcr cnl,trol nearly all the real estate in the city. Jonathan tcmicrs his compliments t Her wo may expect that tho capitalists only will for the sum. Young drew the money, but did not attempt any concealment of the sum, hut consulted several friends as t what he should do with it. One of thetn told him to deposit it with him for a levy days, and if nothing was said, that he should keep it. The presuuiptiou is that this was done, as none of the money has beeu re covered. It was argued by the defence tit at as the law di.-tinctly stated that the goods inu.-t lie obtained with intention at the time feloniously to steal them, the pri.i- merge.l, as also were ti.,.' locomotive and A CASUALITY PREVENTED I3Y PRO- j Majesty ou the interesting occa.-ion, aceoni- lir,ls,,or. That the poor man will continue oner could not be found guilty, as he ob- .1 l .. .1 : l. i.... :. . i. : .1 . ... ... , ., i 1 . , will ban tender. Hie smoking car was caught nion the piles of the bridge, which partially kej t it above water. 1 learned that there Were only eight persons in it, ami that they all PER PRF.CAF'IION. ell as anied by the wish that, in her capacity us tJ bo ,rr0UI1j to the dust- sovereign o! a great -nation, she wi, live up The Hudson River train due here at half- to every other divine iniuuetioii as vv. past ten this morning was nearly an hour -I'uicer '1 ines. ' angrily. i As soon as he could recover himself, the waiter explained the scene between the sai lors, and the proposal to blindfold him. Not hearing any one go nut, he supposed the four to be iu the room with him and when the landlord broke in upon him, he was doing hi- be-t to catch tin lu. j Perceiving that the joke was entirely at his own expense, the landlord for a while ii ied to keep it "mum." Rut the story ; soon leaked out as every good "sell" doc. ' j, ,er or later and the ho-t. was fain to acknowledge over a bottle of "old London particular" that the siuiphhcai ted waiter I. a, In .. t sai'i'i ratcd matters very much, lu hurrying to the beach, I saw forty or fifty persons struggling with the water, crawling un the end of the second passen "cr ear, or catching at fragments of the floatiii" wreck. It is a curious fact that some half of the passengers who were in the third car, seated a!mo-t at the point where it broke asunder, were not impelled into the water, while others, as 1 have stated, were sent than .11 botiiint tune, vv c learn lrom a passen-cr, that when a mile or two below Cold Springs, going at full speed, one of the journals of the locomotive broke, throwing it from the track. The axle, howev.., was provided with a " safety beam," which prevented its dropping and the overturn ami smash that would otherwise have been inevitable. After dragging a short distance over tics the speed she has to that mie which bids her multiply and replenish the earth. A. V. Lj-j-ihs. IMP! IRTANT DECISION" RAILROAD E NT Eli PRISE. At the present term rf the Tinted States GOVERNMENT Rl PI'N'lHTL'l Dining the iiuartcr ciidin March, the recc.pts into the I . S. Treasury were as follows : From customs, fl(,"d,-!'.'- 7's! ; lands, 5 l'Jv.',":l'.l 7-. : iui-cer,ai.cous tained the money without fraudulent or de ceptive pretences. The judge so charged ; aud also if Young had not formed the in tention to steal the money, and was ignorant of the aniount he was to receive, he should be acquitted. The jury returned a verdict usotier was dts- '(TIP'IX n FY ("lrf"li, Court, now in session at Columbus, ' of , 10t guilty,' and the pii ' Judge McLean pronounced a very able and charged." TL KES. interesting opinion, affecting the power of rail the flying forward. would probably have betn throw u into tho Language fails to depict the scene which river, with results perhapjas terrible a-tho-e followed. The passengers w ho w ere nt. in- ,lt N'0rwalk. .looi y J-mnim. j u red and those w ho-e bruises Were sutlie'.ent- "lv sii 'lit to allow them to exert themselves ' " thronged t the assistance of the drowning. The poor creatures were taken out of the car windows; axes were brought to break through the sides and roofs of the cars, and as la-t as any .me rose to the surface an .V .' .1 .. ...,t., l. ..... Clioii losavc in.. i. !- . . ...... ... i--i i. i,- who hadputotlii.boats.or who had ventured " . ;') ' a Rah. of the traiu was checked. Had the eneino sources, s-170, 1 1'o oO; bum of !.";, i treasury been ot the ordinary construction the train ;.i a- notcs turn led.) I 't' l-dal, n, The rxpeiidiiui'i-s for the same Per mounted to PHl,:l:!-,:iMJ id, including v.', .7 1,l7t 17 for th" Navy. 7 l.ib. I 7(. fir the Army and Fortification-, ? 1,1 ""7 ,o I '.I 4.i l .r civil, tiii-ccihinc tercmrse, and s-!l",7,!Uiti liii for Pensions ami an injunction to restrain the construction ol the Indian D.-partincnr, the balance being this bridge. Judge McLean h. Id, that where for interest on the puidic debt and the re- the bridge was constructed in such away as .1.,.,. i, .ion .-.i' lo.nu a : not to ol. .tract navigation, it was not improp- '""iitln had tasted nothiii" but salt junk audi when in the height of his hugging scrap- FAST SAILINU CLIPPER SHIPS A CHALLENGE TO THE WOULD. A merchant of New-York offers to bet C-."ii,bti0 or f 100,000 that the clipper ship Sovereign of the Seas, under the command ittorcan, now nia-ti r .1. . t.:.. i.i i.. . :il . ...n 1 , ,. ,i -.. ... .,,- ... oi iiicsniii ; nu ai iisi.-i, w i:i nuisuii an v i r-n i... I in. u iii.r ii-t lar us tneii iinii s.iieii ...... . . ami interesting opinion, anecting tnc pow iil-t of roadstobuildbrid gesover navigable streams. ; .viitim-i. titisi ivi-t- i vt- i-1 i -i , ,, . i ,., i i - . lr- a..oi iii.ii .'luvu t ui. i v. v.i.i.w. A l.ailroad I ouipauv lias been formed tor building a road from Cleveland west, by way The N. Y. Journal of commerce states ol 'Sandusky City, to some point on the'Mau- that parties iu that city have ascertained nice river, and in order to do it, it was tie- me existence m a large u.-poMie oi v.uan ce-sary that they should cross Sandusky Day at a point some short di.-t.tncc lolovv t'.ie mouth of the Sandusky river. A party w ho owned property and had a mill and large tannery a short distance above the mouth of forci'-n in- the Sandilskv, al'plled to .1 udge vie Lean tor ' er or illegal to MM'CSsiv to l l build it. that Ami pro ill tins f she -1 that on a barren and uninhabited island of th oocan, ly ing i:-.v-;-i: t!...u miles iiom ttio mainland, and are negotiating with the T iiitcd Stab s lii'vermiiciit for the protection of their rights, in case an effort should bo made to secure these hitherto unknown treasures. The valuable agricultural pro perties nf the article are now generally known and appreciated, and a great demand ha- been created for it iu evmsequeiiee. Not less than loti.ooo ton-, have already been sold, and it is estimated that the unporta- TI.MP.ER Tl! A DE OF NORTH CAR0LI- thelb ridge (the plan of which was submitted) tions of the present year will exceed 20,1,1100 ... . .. . . .... .. .1... - .i. .-.-...I utrd bread " Wait.-r, ft tch us a bo'ilo of the oldest f, you have in tin " " I he expense," w hi-pei ed Dent1". I th. expense waiter, bring the r.r.I....l Water-. I " Now," said W aters, niter the waiter loci gun,., " our bill here will be twenty or huty dollars which we i uniinl pay !" " Well, what, do you propose to do?" a.-k-fl Pieiitly, ready lor any emergency. " That a ju-t tho question I was about to a-k V',.," returned Wa'crs. " Why thu tl did you order tiin supper ""'I wine, when you knew there was not a " shot in t,e locker" to pay for what we had alr-ady ha.l." " I bunder and guns. man. you might as "I'll I,,; had fairly screamed with joy, " A. ivv iini'fi fi'il Ui iii'l Hit I'i'l- old ANOTHER COMET. A new Comet was discovered by Prof Sehvvci.er, at Moscow, ou the 1th, April, at which t' it"1 IL A- ":is '-'"h north I il ' I - M- Chacornac, of the ( ll.scr- ui Marseilles, has recently discover ed another small plan. t. the twenty . : . i... M ,r- ....,1 .111. new known i" -isi m-i ...... .. piter. On April l-h. 40m.,its R. A. was lHh. :iMu ; dee. south !' 'l . The mime ot Phocea, with the symbol, ('.!,) has b.en proposed for it. Not one of these small plan ets was known to us before the beginning of tl.n nineteenth ccnturv. und only live r six wen; Iirsit seeu la-i permitted. I lie steamer varijii , wiiicn nan just passed through the draw, put back, and i ropes were thrown out, ami a boat lowered. I did not see any one taken on board. One j eeiiilcnian, who was thrown off the wall i troni the breaking of the third car, escaped by swimming. 1 see il stated in some of the papers that none were killed out of the ' third car. That is quite erroneous, as two ! were certainly drowned. 1 think that none ! escaped out of the first car. Indeed, it was fourth ' so Uceply imiieuucu iu ine unci iii.n mo locked up " for a large debt as a years ago, eight ot them trial to be made lrom New -York to San Fram bto, and the vessels to go in ballast or otheryisc, as may be de sired, and to sail within thirty days of ach other, or together. He lays he is so confi dent of the llectucss of tin; Sovereign of the Seas, that he throws dovn the gauntlet to the shipping merchants of the I'nited States and Europe. Several other bets have been made on the speed of a number of the clip per ships now at New-York, viz: That the Comet will heat the ljuoen of Clippers from New-York to San Francisco ; that the Young America will beat the Queen of Clippers j that the t otnet w ill beat Ue oung A me N A. The timber trade of North Carolina is said to be an extensive bu-iness. The Ncwbcrn News no tions a single firm, Messrs. Tatum ,V lluld aid, from Virginia, who have been engaged ill the business for twiiity years, it) Diifort county. They constantly employ 'J-g axemen, besides a large force in getting the timber shipped. Some times they send to the brid Norfolk Slo.uOtl or J-0.000 worth of timber! in a siii'-lo lot, ranging; from I; to ' feet: square, and from " to 70 feet in length. would not obstruct or in any way interfere tons, tor which the farmers ot the I intcd with navigation. The bridge is a draw, which States will pay several million of dollar is worked on a pivot. j The Judge remarked that the Supreme Court of the I'nited States, iu the Wheeling bridge case, had held that the improvement could be constructed by a draw at the west side of the bridge ill .such a way a- to make e constitutional, proper and right. Ciii' inii'ili ' uiim i ciu!. who were not killed by the shock of the fall i mmt have been drowned almost instantly. .1- ,t . . :i.i . -..t.;..i, .......,. I n , , ue .c, i.u.c ... ... ..... - I and that the Fh ing Cloudwill beat the Que l,.mr nierwnrds. wlien the rt covered bodies i ... Jo were taken to the depot ; of the appearance of the dead and of their identification by tle ii- frieitds and relatives, 1 have no power One lady (Mrs. Hurley, formerly Miss r.-nce CI. g';raa) was fouud iu wlca l is ull W le jrosj-urii RAPT ISM. ROMANTIC. We published, a short time since, tho mar riage of a couple, whose age are, respectfully, 71 and 7:1 years. Th.y were lover, in tho hey -lay of youth, and a matrimonial con nexion was then prevented l y parental au thority. They have each been married, and each lost a partncrjliy death. The i'rj-ts of time have failed t- chill tho affjetions of their hearts, and with the weight of years COLD DISCOVERIES IN TEXAS. I. -iter lecnints from Texas confirm the news of important discoveries of gold in the , upon them they have m-w come together to Capers hitherto sceptical "Uiiu me vows oi in. n . .nj ....cuon. of Clippers. -l'iea : r;,,l,t v.tini nersons w ere liantised in Cross I ', dorado re-'ion. Papers hitherto seep I.,....,, i i. I... .1. 1. ,;.. nits nf the sll'..es nf St)'g 'l'7.l !' I' I'M. v . riCh HI l HIS l'.' M ll I v.-it i . ..mv .s nun - i.i v'"-'-s - - - -- by Rev. DavidS. V il- the mini rs. Large lumps have been found, ! oneourse of people was valued at 8o0 to ?170 each. nifiii'y frini tirosn.rilw nfion nrnins 1 tircsent. and we learu that good order pre-1 - . i wbcu he is said to be ruined ; and ruined I vailed during the solemn service. Laijetli: j Melhiniel, assisted , ii.iius. An iuniiens The area drained bv tbe Mississippi is l,C.y,t.Hi0. -lAiJ-v v fr-i. DEARY. LICENSES. At Hannibal, Missouri, dram-ellcrs ire r!.u;red to pay S'.OO for every six months' i.ec. Rut idop I believe l'vo a plau1 year.

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