r VOXjXJ3VEES q. " 57 a"!? i ll.i alia i i iiy Ii.0I.TON Ir. WILLIAKSOW, Kim'OUS AND l'llOl'IUETORS. TERM.;: The Xorth.C.irolina W Wig will be nflortlcd to il.-cnlK r ut IMM.I.AI.h in i.tiv..iicc, cr fkvu IMl.l.AbS AM) Fir I Y cL.VIs it ( nunt In-li l ycU l.ir l.inc iih,i,ui, ..mi innr.r. l.in c iiioi.tim, ..mi iiutr.r. i ul tin- ye..r. No - r nl ti'VuTn. " : 'lX" JLtiLaull..r,..r.,.,::r,- ... i i i .- Ml,!. WIS ut Hie t'liu ul tin- yi he ulffn.Uiiui-l uiiLii Ctit "t tile itlull ul A.IV rtliteiiu'lltr liis(;rU;il III 1- to lui.-s ot tK, liim mini lyi ) l1'"' 'I"1 """;r tuiii, jii'i i.'i iviit lur e .oil coi.liini .me. ( uni t ii. .. ri,'.c.iH-il unii .Slitrirl ' S.li clu.ru.-u Inr nc.it. iiikIut ; "mi ii'.imm 's - be,,,,,,, rr..,iill.e Kul. r J.r.c, ., I..r ...v. ri. t ty - I, ...i.J,.,.u.ij in.irtt'il ii li '.I, I k t.t .." .'. i ..... ..... ... i..,r.,u 1111.L. .vim. iii.niU.lv j ceiil;Mr au in: ! r e.ili time. 1 1 All li tli-rn on buiii i muni If ilirietnl to tic Kiiilir. irf-Uerit muni I uiit-ijiu or liny ... . i . i ill ""I i-Ufll'lt U In. J r I'aymrnts c.in be iniidf cillier. J y Pusliu ;lt:r are uulhoriiiiil to net ncciiU. 1octrn. Good Temper. r t imi.M is. p'Fr'j nfit l clit-ip. Ihinc in rsrtlt, V.if fO in' Ii If so it' o ; 'T.x wort'i nii.r. I i'in il io)i.'!ii!i.'(l torlh, , ir Utoti no irntt.ft, vt-..r. It Inn, thr l.'V m w tltlii'l , i ' l it to, ut 'i ,'irint l slot Id ; An I .'ib; iiiori' Ih-. tity It. On- night l'lidi)(ull tl'e rt. ra in. Jul i. I ne kitli '.(ity oettnl ; 'I'.i orn.rt wio j-trt ".'. ; It i a fit froi.l 1'.' .v. ii sri.t ir m-.r t I I" mi r. It in , you w ith t in i it: u t morn ; Il lui! y"U to rt-rM''-; A lb r, fr f ' t '.nd ( n.i.t Lorn, An , vtrljiii rote. A -'i.'m to t.mi1! fn r ewv. T' tn.itrli the t.r.-w ir-'iu f. rt ; Tui-n t- r to noli, ni.tr ti J i - g.ij- S,.rt- iIb p! ...!io'i. oi ty wl.rrr; A't r, 'In. t In '-i ' r ,J' w. '1 1. I ft.ni Hit itiy'a ir -li A 1.11'Mii Ii ! -f i'Of, 1' lo: A ever nun pt .Mil- As inile tlif r .iiiln w tlirmicli tiie cltntd .it ii I oe ilnOij. t"nn U ito A fiiusic 'ntitl th l-itit b nil, I'll, t lill H tt ..) woir A jifii. '.n l.-li t. fi-ii ll.e ,it!o Wli. II W .V' V Ct.lifiil tll, l''.wlll, ."in- fins srr. pii tn tiur Ritit:, 'I'nu nrl nfulir hunii . Wi t in y I nn ttiOiiirioiit 'irit In-, W'll H,wsr titik. 4r.i l-f -r. T it t:'i rni. , 01. bni:1 , tin oil, y I (..M..I trin.MT n. Ii.ii.fr n,.ir ; i; l I. in k r ! 'tin tut rln.ii- t gill 'l ii..t i, in hi Ii cw 'Ti! Unit;. Ar 1 .-in t'n' 'r. , ti, l.'t T' lili u ik in. wn I.J ku (;. 'iftisccllancoi I'iiih liir Oilir j!"tl.li. OHLV A Cuui'mii uinli. u v Mi! s. nr. n im '' " i on art nii-tal eu. 1 woal l i inu r die t'.,jn wi'd a mere country beauty. " " Hut Fred, urpose In r intelligent, Inor a1, full of iiattir.-s prtflry telitlcr In alted, p .ifi fill, mi pulled by a lo'..i!:'ni a g'lile 'e -. siiiipb- n , ir..' ei i .1! .ii'i " ' A e l ' 5 lid I'red laugbin.', " a eh t'.ee riultr of itties mid eiaee-. Country I" uiitl. arc in , swt'i't it!elf -, ami miiplf ; o are country ) i ,f i-he w a . 1-j i i K as ln .t -. n-e in tile wnibl. m i -ie and lit 'rattire, v COW,. No! I tell all augi 1, w it'll the lid ii uii-kiio' I in llli no null iibme ih Has n ml kliiltlii ' in iilles 1 Mllllll t I- ii i v her lor a fortune'' " IIj, ha," laiijhed Helen Irwin ! but it n a vtoj pmtii inio laujh. nwny tlown in the corner id her mu-ieal little heart. Ili'l liri by the trim!; "f a l.ir.-e tree, she sat te i ling vmi bin a ft, rt f'i I, only, ot (he egnli-1. Aiinle r liiiiiui lit, the V'Unir nu ll came Wiilim si.'ht. l'ri'ir fai'o ws crimson, and lie w bi-jiered in v ,-ibb' Irepidatioii, " ilo )0U 1 think she heard 7" 1 "No;" replied the other half audibly ' Hie .-dion no ic-.. ittiiu-nt ; she ha.-. IM't ev en looked up 1nii lo r l.oi.k ; you are safe, she could li't. have beard you but what an augi I she i . !" e i, Helen was an an o l as far ns out ward beauty miidit luent the encomium. Mio s.it halt reelini'12. on a rfi-tii; seat, striv in' lo smooth mil tbe dimple in her cheek-, a- -Ii" bil l her book a-ide, and began to tw.n.' a half liui-lifil wreath of wild io-e-. Leaning on one while arm, the gnarled ' ak trunk a back ground, flovvtrs slrewn a M ind her, peeping troni her bright locks, nn I se ilieii.d over her U'liilu dro-s -be s.it pi'.ti! at her el-it, apparently unawnri' 1'iat tito h:indi-ome oun; geiitleuien were so v' i y near. I Approaeliin' with a low Imw, upon which his mirror h id set the seal of ductless t le pi'ee, Frederick Line took the liberty of -kiii.r if the young lady would 1": kind e-, "'iji to iufoiui In ui where a Mr. luing in i"l With nn inrincent n,i!f the bt anty looked "I" "Mr. Irving! the only Mr. Irving in lie Milage is n,y lather," she .said, rising in lil,.,,..;...l I'.. I r a 'll,,. I.ri.nl I '"Use." si,,. i,,i,n'inii.il "on lii.'h croiiml. f df hi Men bv trees and thick shrubbery lliut's where we live. I believe it was an !ui at- ith iny once that's a sort uf select H !i "l, i-n t it T" with the most natural sini l'U''ity, turning t t Fred. "e lypliel by another griiet fill bow, ' li il your Intbcr, -aid In'. that I shall inyscll' the honor to call ou him to-mor-He will rcineiiiber nie Frederick ''me at your service." " Ve-: hir, Ml tell him, word for word," fep'ii. il Helen, tricking her sleeve round her pretty arm, and making rather a formal cntirtesy. .... .. ' . i I hen catchtmr np Her hook ami CMl,ri..u II... i, ...a llou Jr. .1... hurried tJstntros " Now father, luotlicr, nunt mid hi.-,"' tx i claimed t lie merry giil bounding into t lie I room where tliu family were ut supper, " ns ' true as you aud I livt, that Mr. Lane, whom you u 11 talk so in mil ubout is in tlio village lie will call hero to-morrow this first nro- per eciim n ol a city be au ; (as ot course 1 .. . i i I I . 1 1 .:. . . . . nc win nc; an sciiiiii.tut. rciiiicitielir, tault- nc win i,e; an sciiiiii.tut, reiiiieinelir, tault-1 lc.-h in kids, and fpuUe.-a in uickty impor- '""l ""J a hdf a.-Mircd an one of that ilk " I"'1"' , l,c-. ,,r,,,,,Ue !'"'; "" of .u' ! .....v j.j.m j,, ji j. u wvi.i uuoub lllll-ic, leaning, or miling, in my presi net be- j I have a plan.. Father will ly mvc hi,,, a nc,Pp(.r. er ,alks-I mean in cU- er will be too gla.J to see and mend stoekiu-s. J 0 i Know, on A(M Mj ; r,illlI. mother luc tburii butter jour i utile ot a lonue is I lie only thins I tear, but if you keep mint and nsk me no ....... ... i . t . i i ' rjuestfnns, I Mi;lj.ic you Ihaf work-box you l.uie covcleu s.0 lung, " Kila, you uru tpuite respectful," said her tat her, gravely. " Forgive me, dear father," and her arms were folded about hii neck, " I always uicaii well, but 1 in tso thoughtless! There all i.s right now," she add kiising him lovingly on the temple. " (.'onic, sis, bat suy yott ' " b , on that tonoiiiuii, 1 II be still as a mou-c ; but what " your rea-on T" ' Ah . that's my own, 8ng Helen, dane- tau.si: l.tcau.e t have a l.lau.. l ather uilliSaid a low voice near her. ing out of the room. reel intonation! such breadth, depth, and vigor of touch " who i.s it ! she plays like " You knit admirably." and Fred lot kctl.au angel." ou with an uiicoii-cioiis .-mi.e ot ailmirutioi.. 1 I I li b ii s.it at nil npen window, through wlmb ro-e loi-lics tlnust tluir blu-bing bin!-, making bulb swett .-bade and fra grance. 1 be canary oier-hi ail, bur-t every tiiomi ut in wild snatches of glorious mu.-ie. ! Helen was at work on a lonu', I I ue tuckiii, 1 l.i arly hiiiibed, and her lingers licit' like' I eiicf. - Lit J I ' Vou knit ad 'lirablv ; are vou f lid of it'" j "Yes fpiite. I like it litter than than I anything tin that in I mean I can ' churn wry well." I " And ilo you read much ?'' Fred's glan- fcs had travtled Irom the cornels of hi-cye-, our ttry talde, shell, and corner, in s' .mli of soiu. bn ik or paper, lbit not la P"r''t a J'i Jellow or sen , repaid ' bis i ait h. : j ''. yes," Helen said, with a fctlf-sali.s- ili d L'bince. " What books' permit ine to a-k." " I n ad the l.ilde a good cml," plie an swered gravely. ' 1- that all"'" " All, of eour-e not ; and yet. what do we i nut binl in that holy volume .' History, poo i try, ebifpienec, romanct the mot tlnilling pathos " l!lii-bing and recollecting Inr , t.tlf 'lie a diltd, will a manner s cl.ildi.sb ao it bad bi cn dijnitied. I " As fur other bonk" let nie see. I'vo ; got in iny library fir-t, t'u re's the primer, (eountii ; ou In I' liu.'i I.-) st coini cla-'a rcad 1 1 1, I. oi.. ii u C'iu-ih. i.i.i-iiy tales, (.ii ry toni', two or three i h iiieiits nt something' ' b i t o i y pi r-ou Ol -"liu ll.l griipby of some In .t .i .i in-, I.ilio inll I that a gimd or ot llnri l.ii l,;;ra ;n third there a-soi tine lit . Fred Moiled. '" 1'iib.ip- I don't know cpiito as inueli as tb -! who haw bei ii to seliool more," she added, it-, il di-af ("liiiletl at hi- mute ri -j.il.i-der ; 'but in imihing bit ad. i burning but ter and ket ping hoa-e, 1 in Hot to be out done." I In: yoiini man li ft In r more in pity limn in bn e. but hi- i-it ill I not :il ay so re--il!t. I le be'.'. ill to till a liiagtit lie at 1 1 u ti oi which be :iiiily alliibiit. d to Helens beauty ; but tlie trii'h i-, her sweet artless m ut character, cn.'aiu'; inaniiei-, and gentle tlitpo-ition, ijiute won upon tin: city bred and ai i-l't I a ic Fred Lane. I I t una- a lri-hne- and leliuemenl about every thin.' -lie -aid and tii 1. Hie piiplixed as Mil! a- il.li bled billl. I Mien, a be wa- wondei ing bow some homely t.pie--ioii would be received in good sot It ly , Milne In aiitioil si lit 1 tin lit would suddenly ilrop like J pearl, Irom lit r bps, let moie rcui.iikable lor originality I ban bi il'.iane . "If I -houl I fall in the snare,' be, " 1 can educate her. It Would tiyin.'. thought e w oi th It w.i- u-elesj. to combat with In passion ; so at la t he fell at Helens fed ( lir il I ,itl e Iv -pi akin.') and cotil'e id hi- but'. " I e.ire not. II b n, only be mine;" was hi - iiim, iable iin-ci to unwoi (hint --. ; how she fa-biolialde society, tie. 1 1 1 1 -v were married .j- cxi 'munitions of .l,,,,.i,l in nr in ,.(,. .1 u,i ,.,., 1 f,-,-, tlu ir wedding tour, and at the expiration ot the honey nm ui Fred was more iu love than dir. At a g'tand entertainment givin by the relatives ol the bridegroom, Helen looked mo t beautiful. Her husband did not in si -t that she should depart f Jlu her usual simplicity, and indeed without jewels or la ces with only that fre-h white robe, simple sa-h of blue, ami ornaments of fair n.o- ro-e, she was the mo-t lovely creature in the room. As rlic entered the great saloon, blazing with li'.ibf, lor lieatt tailed her. "Shall I love him as dearly," she a-ketl herself, ' If 1 find that he is ashamed of me 7 1 cannot bear the thought ; fcut should be overcome nil conventional mil ions then have I a lius 1 , worthy to be honored then shall tic be proud of his wile." I low she watched him as he present her to one ami auother.- ' Si 111 nie." W ll ispC'Cll a m icnilieent look- ing tirl. res. 'llllellt HUH 'I lull 1 1 HI s. as sh curled her lip and passed by 'Ihe obser val ton band, lover's his siib e-t apt'il Hell Iter Ilt'll'll U'U in i n"" . . . i it i . i. i. .. She looked at him. smile, mid only drew ne smiled a her closer to "ilhcrin r' .Many in mac ui nii.iin. g.o m mg m . . . .t . . i ..mi: .. . i Hud poor rreu, niuiii'i ll . in: un . . i I i i i. t-.ol himself on Ihe shrine of ijiiorant .:';,.. lit! he oh joy! lie Hccnied only to love j w hen the dues were paid. A turiipike-ltoad her the more as she clung to bis arm so tin,-' by law, is sixty tect wide, and pnri-h roads idly His noble fao.) cxprcned the pride he 1 about thirty feet. Children lo-e neigh! du irulv felt- he looked as if he would have! rin -j the first three days alter birth ; at the -.weft back the -corners with one motion of i'i:. i i 1....1 ,mi iciifiiieu one way too , ins nium, j , - -- - hi-'ll Oil the hore Ol his prnte. . U Sctlne.l l,.-cSr,,sflevrryl. ok1everywor.luotir,sti,ctUhilEout. quarurujuc w. cotiformity to etiquette and Helen's heart: beat high ; tears caine to Lit eyes, w hen alio ' thus lull hov noble u heart she had won. Thu young bride stood near her husband, -talking in a low tone, when a new comer ap- ... I LM ... - 1 . ' i' t ! . , ' I'i'uiuu. one was a ucautiiui, slightly lorui- UUiiuillUI, n I 'UL V KJIIM t-d creature, with haughty features, uud ill- i Coueuak'U i-coril lurk 1 . . . Coueuak'U scorn lurkeii hi licrprent brilliant eyes, whenever she glanced towards IKb n. Once hbe had held R"w ay out the heart of !.'m!' ?",d .!.' be had .named, she eti in her great brilliant imo:ii'o ncr uoill or iriuiiipu IKIU Collie. Dj jou (.upHi.s c kuiw autjtUin" t said a low voice near her. ' Helens eyes hJ,a. kied -her fair brow flu-bed indiuant. ' She turned to her hu- hand. lie was gone-spciikin - at a bttlo distance with a friend. P I're.eiitly Maiion Summer turned to- Vlirun IICT. ii "Do you play, Mrs. Line ?'' lie a-ked ; there was a mocking tone in her voice. ' A little," answered Helen, lit r cheek burning. " And h'iii.' ?" " A little, ' was the calm reply. " Then do favor us," hhc exclaimed, look- lujr askance at her companions ; " come ! I inyiclf will lead you to the instrument.'' " Hark ! wboe masterly touch T" Instant ly was the half-spoken word arrested the aid ear and haughty bead were turned in!'1 It-teiiiug surpn.-e. ucll melody ' t-tich cor ami aga.n hark . A voice rolls out; a flood of melody, clear, powerful, pasini: sweit astoni-hiiii i.t paints many a fair cheek a deeper scarlet. I here is silence i til -hiokcii -iieiiei', as the pilvcry tones tioat up. Aye ! e.ire i lit t for colli iii-i In t, fii'iiili o urs iiuliice. ii rt..r, ; Ami s. i. in ii, 1-til .i hitUr Wiiril, S e wl.fii il lin.-.k- the In-art. II . in: lie Iriif 1 1' ene Ik- t r tn 'l ite HtirlJ in.y i ht't riesit lie, Son i- I in y t.i. ly t.t. p tiny l,.c. Ant! ti II my jilief to tin t , " (ilorious voice,' said Fred tj l.is fii.-u 1, who with the re.-t had pau.-td tj li-teo, vtho can it be ? ' The words were suddenly arre ted mi bis lips. She hail turned from the piano, and the unknown wa bis own wile. "I congratulate yon, Fred," yiuiii man at Ii- side: but In said the spoke to inarMe. 1 lie color li.nl lelt Lis cheek, as be walked -lowly towards her. If bt; was speechless with auia.enic i t, so w as Hot she. A rich bloom nuiitled In r check- triumph made her eyes sparkle . they never did before lie y Hashed like dia monds. A crowd gathered to compliment her. In graceful acknowledgment she l len i't d W it and humor. I low well she talk " "who would have tbou.-bt It:" ' 1' red s lit lie wife he has found a treasure, ' were wbi peretl round tlie room. Meanwhile Frederick Lane, K-i . stool like out! enchanted, while bis pior little rus tle wile iji."tc I I ooks and authors with er feet abandon admired this one, commend ed that. A sedate looking -hl'lent lo t him self in a Latin ipiotatiou ileb ll sin I n ly lil'i !. tl ii, an 1 l i c i i . i d a look eloipif i.t w il h thank-. Ji"" no's, rt partee, language ii h in fiii ey and iina-cry, fell Irom her I cauti ful lip-, as if she h id juit rccciu'd a tjuch from some fairy w and. Still Fie 1 walked by In r side like one ill a dr .Hii pres-etl bis bunds over his I e w i! - tb rr I sight to be sure ol 1 is sc uses, w hen he saw her hi nd;ug, a breatbiiig vision of love line, over the harp her full arm leaning on its golden -Iritigs heard again that rich oiee, now plaintive with some tender mem ory, li-e aid lull in Mint and surro.vlui cadence. "Tell mr sai 1 , when onee aloie with her, " what does this nieaii ! who are you.' I feel like oil" awaking from :i dream. ' " t 'nly a i niiitry gir', ' sai 1 Helen, grave ly, lin n filling into In r Iiu-haiid s u mis, she cxclaiiiieil, "Forgive me; I am that very little ru-lie that you would di" r'tber than Weil. Are you sorry you luarried meH" " Sorry, my, glorious wife . but, KUy, you witli a small propo.ioti ot highly eiy-t.ii-could not surely tbeeicve nine. Hid lint ized tin-white iron rrites, an ore which has uuib r-taiid (hat you had never " ' I'ct ii to an acailt my," she loaal," in ; "never took a music less, In never was taught how to sing all true. Ami yet 1 am ali you sec me to-night- myself inv own teaclier; witn lat.or anu unigenec, i tro-i i . . ... i ' r i- I , -.,11 .II'I- T. .1. uii worthy to lie tlie wile ul one so goml and exalted as I find luv hu-band to be." Header, wouldn't you and I like to be there iu-t how, and bear her story; she lauvhin between w biles, her pretty taeeall'veii tliiiiples, as sue tells mm now sue nain-neu piano, books, harp, portfolio, lnit-ie. all in . ... . I t l -i 1 an empty room ny tuciiis elv unl locked the door, leav iug tlii iii to .-eelu-iou and l , --while the little country girl, without any very deep laid scheme, succeeded iu con - yiiieing a well-bred city gentleman that he miUl marrv a charming ru-lie, even if her lingers were more familiar w ill, the churn ami k,iittii"'-ni etlles than the piano or the harp. , Cl.TlKK'S MISCKLLANLDUrf INTOll- MATION. . The French speak in the nose, the tier- mails in the throat, ami the Lnglish through the teeth. Hooks and papers were formerly sold at stall-; ami the dealers therefore came to be called stationers. A poker laid over a fire concentrates tho heat uf the passing smoke, am tire. Wate creates a d rough! t lirou gli the r is callcil li-.ti'il when, irom con- taiinng too much carbonic aenl, it holds lime insolation. A pound of w beaten Hour con- si-ts of bran three ounces, staich'teii ounces gluten three-quarters of an ounce, anil sugar otic quarter. 'I he spring of a watch weighs 0.1') of a grain, and a pound of steel makes '' Jill .000, a poutul ot steel cost Hd, anil a sin- "s . . , ...... ........ !-. - i i i ............. w.i ...ll.... ill hi n,,i, iii.i I l I urn pii.es were so ca lied troni i or bar. 'swung on a hlaide, am! turueil citlicr w a v j age ot a week they sensituy increase ; a ,er .t,.,. 1.1.. tl, ,,,t i one vent unv .n -i. ....i... , , require si. .o Capper. HEPOJIT ON THECOITElt MINK rs- .t -.- , J ff "" ' r company, ' ' It ha long been kiDwn tlmt corner rvr- itrs, or yeilow culplnret of copper an f of iron, is found a soei.ittd with the iron pyr- s oi u e goiu vcilisoi .viitli Carolina ; bnt it W iis not known until 'he r.ir.senf vi ir t't the copper ore oemrrcl i s .ffiVi,.,, ity to authorize cpe rations c,;,res..y orit. i-xtrartion Tlo-igl, the cutcrrrNc of a few grniV- men now asociaud w ih the North Carol!,, .1 i. i ' ' , I'per !oip iry, tlii.fnst proper cot. ner . i . , uinoiia Ulirrmioiis ....i. tJQIUIUfiUfUill,. una their labors have already been crowned with great SUeCess. The mine owned l ytlio No-t!i Carolina Cipper Company was criminally opened with some sin cess as a gold mine ; but the cop ter pyrites was foon foind to form so J :, a p-oportion of the tcil as to warrant Mr. Fentress, the original poprietor, to offer the mill for sale in New Yck as a copper mine ; and it was purchased y several members, of this Company forth iiurtio-eof woikinV; f,'r rrir"'r- i nc imp iraneieu sucess or tnc nrt min ing operations, the pronation of a profit aide cargo of good copper ire- from tl.,' lir.-t shafts sunk, and lu for any regular levels hail been excavated orgrnde work heg'nu, is certainly quite nnttsal success , for it is very si'bloiu that the prparatnry operations of nii'iing are repaid b the n im r.-il rai-cd in those operations; lit more fn tpicnt'y iisse-sments are called ;r on the Mi a res to pay the co-tof the wor. Not only has your mine been worked wilo.it any call upon the shareholders for nniey, but a con.-idcr-abh profit is nnder-too to have been re alized from the sale c' copper ore rai i d from the -hafts constrebd in the opening of the mine. On the 2'ith and 'Jiii of April l i-t, I CI ....... 11 1 1 .. . . 1 . n ina'le a thorough exami'ition of mine, i surveyed the vein, :iinliuea-u-f d it in all aeces-ibl" places licr.it vca t xpo-cl. I found the ro' ks of ie " country " to be a suit, bright, yellowis tr'een talcose slate, very analogous to scvuiino roek, overlaid by a varirty of gnej-s avitig Inrnbleiide in the place of mica a nek "onn times called i hornblende gtici ad unlerl.ii I by a fine- graiuetl coiiipaet hon lei')'! an 1 fed-par rock, analogous to g-rci'tone, I ut -tili not in the form of a dikero of a regular bed. ' In the miiKt of tin' :lt t ilco-e slate, oc curs a lartje vein of J irtz, aecomp.itiied with numerous ?inal!o veins of the same . nnterial. '1 bo quirt veins in the little shaft A, t'irill an irgf gate of 't f,.0t 1 Imo. cs in thiekni's", onrj ciiig In inches thick, ! another - inches, al a third inches thick, an l thee veins enirr-ge towards each other a - they dip tntard'h'' whym shaft 15, and appear to unite wit the g: "t vein exposed in that -haft. 'op(r pyrit-s occurs abun tlatitiy iiiti'i uiixed tin' qu art, of all the vein-1. '. The shaft A issiiecn f'. t deep, and cut the veins fio near t'ir nuti rii to be in an advant vgoous po.-itit : sttl! ther 1 has been obtained from it a on-i b ra' b' supply of copper me. by woring down the slope of tin- veo, towiird thevbyin shift l. The nhym shaft as sunk still further on the Mop:.1 of the vei but not far enough to a'biw of stiTicicntlvrxteii led working of slopes or grades. Icvas, ther 'fore, ib t i led upon by the miner! sink a new- sh ift -till further to the noriwest-war l. in order to attack the vein at-, depth "f a1 out two hundred feet. Thi-Jialt w ill l e tin' engine, or principal shift of he mine. t In descending iin tiie wliyin shaft, I found that the vein i quartz rich in copper ore was (i feet 7 inees thick, and that ou its lower side theiitvis a regular vein of clean copper pyrin 1 foot I ' inches in thickness. The qurtz vein itself was full of tiesj, and biiiichs of copp'T ore. luingled not been analyzed, lit which robably eon- tains arsenic, and primps cobalt. The gnat quart. . in, font lining the op- per ore, dips V 2a caret s .. !) degree on the upper side, il l l" degrees on tin p,tter side, t litis pre.ntin ' . '.... s . .' 1 . in opening ot vein, a widen- other th .n lo aces in the nngleol tin ing which is too rapl to I cab 'I icre i.s cv id. ntlya b n.b uev in tie to become more' vertical in its d g-n at p ; for ...1 :t I .. i . I .!.:. :. 1... I .. I ' winie iu sna.t . im: tup is inn io ui gn'i j from the horizon, in the whvmslialt 1. I ' feet further N. W., v find the clip to avcr- age 4 I tiegiee: i , ! It is very dcsiral.l' that the lode should 1 have a more verticil dip, for the work of j mining is much moi-ii-implc on erect wins, since the pel pcmlit'ilar shaft work keeps . longer in r upon theM'in, and therefore- is 1 less cross tutting retimed, and fewer w inzes nave to he sunk m tlr levels. The situation of tit mine is to admit of cxteu-ivi and pn now sue Ii as illtablc work. as soon as the level, are run ou the plane ltd' the vein in the wllin shaft, and sloping , ground is thus opened: Meanwhile, tin: i engine shaft must be 'link at the point 1 in j the section, and the; . '"'i will have a le w I and deep cut upon t i ar lode. There M,,m 1 , be two gang of into rs employed ; so that while the dead workiu the engine shaft is "Oing on, tlie mi, iingcp'.'rnti nis on ine toue at the w hyin slialt tv ill pay tor tin dead , work, in they will, xd also yiehl large ' profit besides. The engine shaft v!l not cost more than U'3,ililli, if the vein fold-, its present incli nation. It w ill stnl.i tin; vein at tho itcplti of lo'i feet if the tip holds at U.i degrees. ami at -M i leet, ll It proves to he i ie- .., .., -.i e.irii'. sns I il I in iiiii'ii i .irii in' irn- ie Iic.il.irlv. so that th- engiue shalt wnl not cut it at -!11 feet, a fi'o-s cut is easily to be i made to the lode, anil there will sti. I be am advantage iu having iliht shaft at a low level. 1 since it will drain oil' nil the water from the I mine, I shall therefore approve of the con struction of I he new slialt, an has been pro ' posed by your head miner. I The whole thickness of the strati over tliu eonp-jy vein, I f uud to by li J lltufc I made a survey of the vein, rind, so far a practicable, have determined its course , ou the property of l bo Company. I found : that the cour-e of the vein was N. lo de- I. i..,ii. i) aogr, es l ., ano its nip is N. degrecs W fim ::, (,j lo degrees averaging tin ret ire 10 degrees dip. 1 be leu ;ih of the vein, if ii extends on U cour.M' to the boiiiciarieo of the compa- nyV propel ty, is l,ln lit t; namely, l,."rJ lei t to the south-westward of shall A , and . nits noi iii-ea-twartl ot the same flnilt. ' ;'.";""'" 't e...r.-.. l,ctl,t-r .,,:'"',e w, r,'! ! "" 1 rT 1 " ' V'' '' , ' . I . i'"'" ' "Pl l (balt A, di-clo-ud Urn ore as .e..'!.'' u-ual at that piaee, we may presuiiii! that l,,e uii e vnn below will be found to be Ttctnitn.- '1 life vein may ! reardetl an .-uilicieutly proved for that di.-tanee, 31(t feet. Thcrc is abundant room for mining' o po- rations workiu. oil the vein, now txpi-ed by the already executed, to warrant the belie! that the mint) cannot fail to yield prolitable returns for many years ; ami it is highly probable that additional discoveries will increase the value of thc-e new mines. I he fact that, from a space twelve feet square, a .tl live feel bih, your miners, while excavating the sh ilt, extracted I barrels of No. 1 topper ore, which v.eijhcd about Oil lbs. per barrel, and the ore yielded J-jJ percent ol c "ppcr, will give Mime idea of : ie ml -e ot till- Hell col lier M ill, which i- asyctii'.' opened so as U give auythiii ' like it., full yield of ore. 1 was lnloiini (!, at the mines, that, in one piaee, a t in ol No. traded from a .-pat and o feet high, 'i be books of t! I per ore w as ex- 1 lei l wide, o feel deep, ' companv, 1 surinse. will show ti,,. uioouiit ot ore sold to ihe Muellers. 'J hi-, ii n,a,t be remembered, has been pro bleed Ir.on the works done in the luel'e preparation of tbe mine, or the tir-t pai t of its construct ion not a single fathom I of elude Wolk having yd been ( xec uted, . anil liei.cii im re-ul. ir mining bus vt t been tlone. All the ore m i, to market was ob- ! laiued fioui an irregular level, thirty leit long, in .-halt A, and from the bottom of sha'.t J!, wle'ie t.o I.m-I i- yet, made. 1 1 was ii.loriii.'d at the mines that only ' six regular miners have been employed, au'l light other good hands, not regular miners, ' who work in i-ily ahoy c ground. j liiei'e wnl soon be required about seven- ty-.iv'c regular uutiers to carry out! lie Woi ks when your levels are cut, so as to give room lOl' WolkUII'll t' Op-Tilte. i ou ueed tj have buildings erected fir-t tor tin: aeeouuno.lati m of y our m n ; ani ' tbi shouid bo attended lo iiuuiciiiuteiy. 1 In putting up you. i .u ! recouinicnil to y'oit the sti am whym, like that ii-i-i at the lhi.st.il Copp, r mini's iu Connecticut, which hoi ts aui lowers by change ol gearing', without -topping or re versing the steam e'lt u : an immense saving of pmcer, si:. e,. the ffy-vvh 'il may be u-etl as u-ual Pi regulate the motions of ihe ni.i tiiintt y. This friction steam w hyiil has Iv, images, wLicu I shall not stop lo cumin rate, since tliey part lit, on in-pietiou will be at once uo of one of tin: ma- ' Mies. V tenoiii'g a inacii;ni-t to tin: loi-to it will be ea-v lo procure the pattern. la cotieiii-ioii, I would congratulate the North Carolina (.' 'ppcr Company on tbe ti.t--es-i.in of the liclii-t and best known copper mine in the Atlantic ol tiie ino-t pro luetii e sinei States, and one its opening was will prove of made. I have no I have no doubt it great value to th" -tockhobli The cxi citing of th.' wor m'ne is generally l ib n iou- id opening a and rei, aires st c eral years. I mi n iv" ln-en -tngii, lortnn; e in bav ing a mine tli.it pays its expen-os, while the regular pn p nation l ly iwn f.r more extended working- are in pro.-re-s. Wishing th" 'i,mu.y all prosperity, am, w Ith great respect, Your iibe'lielil se vallt . CilAlILKS T. ,lA'KSi)N,M.P. I The new I iovernnn nt stamped letter en vel ipes, which wiii .shortly be ready lor de livery, are cut out by an instrument worked by .-team, to the number of rive hundred at a -ingle oper.itn.n. 1 he imago ol W a.-hiug-t m is stumped on tin in in vvbile ba-rclief and the rates of po-t age printed iu red ink. Alter applying tic giuteu, tin y are counted iu b u uuies ol t .vent v -live a ml sent to ash- iugten, wli liee they will tinl their way through the po-tina-ti r- lo every part ol lue country. I Lev are of w bite and burl p iper, and w .iter-liued with the initial- of the 1 ost olliee llepartuieiit ol ihe I nitial Slate-. A bjutoiie hundred ami lilty operatives, chit fly fi males, have been employed iu ihe vvorK. Sp' ei.il precautious are taken ug.uii-t torgery and the abstiaetioii ol envelopes from the liianulaetory, for wbieh olleiiees tiie new pjst.ifiii".' laws have in pi-, d a line of n it less than live nn , it li I im i.tieili'd do! ding li i e y i , or un j-i I-. in - nl' liolll line and imprison1 r.'tCK oi: i; FisiiiN'-': PIN !1V. Mr. Cramplon. th- lki:i-!i M.-. L-.jinin. cap- ti'. d. with ' ll! the l.'.ltle i'a',1- "I the I' '"-to LXTlt AO'.L Mu.' !. :-. nn 1 i -t.-r an I li:,.-. M.ii- : 1 1 "if, '.Ml ; I. , ,f .., , .,!'."'.' of this exo, ll. ut li-h number - -ity -four, tie I 'li nearly tvvi Ive pounds, and a!! i Hi- tn a! . -t vv. i.bing in 'hi wii hill rock. 'Ibis two boors, and from one -in is -aid t" be the 1 '-( sp.ot w cxp-ri 't.i'i"! at the Lli'ie Fall l,ii!i bus been - for ten years p i-t.' This i I uion te-tilie had the s l!i-' i ' ti-h storv to w l.ii li t!i" for some of 'the ti.-h ih" i-di' r ti si, of ion tv i:ig. and th.' l.ir- ' gest the I'obte i.K'i'.t. an rlers pn m nted to tlie Pres. M AYUl'i N A STKHnI;. Mr. Siubl.s. ni -,v or of Norfolk, const , to become agriu a ciii.d'nl ate.w it ii the express uiiilei'stamliu.'. however, that his salary must be raised tj c-'.H ''!' He iUotes the price current of mayors in various cities, and vt rv nroierl tiwteiui.ini s that he e. 111110!, ilis- 1 ... i . . . 1 -. .1 t parage bis own iiU.ii.lie uions ty laKiiig less i,u I ' 'lLO t '. Murk t rat" ." -peiiii liiti-lligi-iiC'-i r I "". ' lie loyal mail sti-am shin Arabia. Pant, 'Ju'lkin-, arrived at New Vml; at abo i' half f'-t -'-' o'clock on Tuesday from Liverpool, w nu n pou si,e. loit ou .-saturilav. the Vl-t ot May, at ahoi.t ha!f-pa-t nine o clock in the inormng, aeeou pli-bing the voyage in ten days and three hours. 'J he A i abiu ha now el.ihli-hctl her repu a'ion, a bo , otnl all com- pari-on. tho craeu shipot liu; ('unattl )im let- last trip Irom New York to Liverpool, is sain 10 nave heen aecoinpli-lieit in ten " m:v...i hours .V.tl.ing like this, " "'Wr,,ily,l,aSHWl,l, , '!"'', 7, l'-' '""n"'" "I I T ""' u !'.'-l-ua" 1 he.e .slow coaclics mu-t look out !, th. ir laurels. J lie Allien has made several iiuiek pa Jges, but her greatest ,-pecd falU .-ouie- ttiiiii hIioh of the time made by the Aiiibia, on her la-t two trips across the Atlantic. W e repeat if, the Arabia has won the chain - pion-hip of the Cunard line. j 'I he Humboldt, (.'apt. Lines, arrived off owes on Wednesday night l-th, and havi landed her mails and passengers, proceeded : on her voyage to Havre. I I he news by tin: Arabia extends from! Wednesday evening I'th, to the opening of! bii-iiiess on Saturday morning !JI.t. 'i he ' news is not of much importance cither com-! mercially or po!il ie ally. '"ttoii showed an advance of 1 -1 Oil on 1 middling anil better qualities, ltrcadstull's Kept up. without much change. I liiu.vr lhill.Hv 'Ihe lower hoifc of Parliament re-as-embled on 'I hnrsday nt jl.t llith, alter tbe Whitsuntide r Lord lohn Russell slat il that, on ."Id .Ian", the government would state their view - vwtlilc- ''P11'! to the future Me. Milner liilison ... f,,t..... ...I,,,;,.;...-I. .' . .... in -i . .1 l l.yil ,i in l.i. a-ked a ti ie-tion in re- ! fercliee to . lohn 1 1 issi wi -h di-:i hi lilies, to w h ieh Lord !'l that he tiid not thin it uosiratiic to Intro luei. ' subject, that be inii n.b with the oaths taken ,i ,i . a niea-ure upon the I to deal generally by members ot tlie House, ' 'ro lie added that there wu- ', bill be-llou-c 'd' Lords which liiiglit meet :tln: ea-e. ' 'n Friday night the Income Tax bill was Vl'''"' " -t eoinl tun", tlie ro p i :ti m re-'erv ing ll"''r 'oree until the third lcai'.iug. Mr. l.'obdeli a-ked by whose aulhoiily the. l'ro- 4 i"cv ol ' 1'egu w is anncX"d tJ iiiili-bln- ia, and coiiteii led that the people ought t j uv e had a voice in the matt' r. r I Iloil lepiied th.it the annexation had been under tin tm ii t a- t ma le tiy the tiovt i nor , ,ent r.il, aulhoiily of the llonje tii.viru-'nipeti-ation for the cxpen -i - of' the vvar. Tin r vi a- ia a-ou to expect tin; I'loviiice would pay no authorization had pay ils own expense and yet been give u for any lurtlier aiim xatii'iu. I II l',.l.ll- , 1. -...I Lil-seil siati'd tuat th" I'. r. i ( .oi. a ha I applied to I i rent Initain for as-i-tanee, but no orders h i I been given to interfere in the war in anv way except for proicrtion of liritisii property and subject-. The House tiie, i adjourned till Thursday. tin the notice boo.i is a motion by Lrd Dudley Stuart, to oinpiiru w bet in r any iu fjriuaticii h.i 1 boeii f' ct'ived ny I io, eminent icspecting tho f' cent expulsion of political refugees from Turkey, at tin: ciietation of Austria uud llu-sia. '1 be dra',1 of a bill, tlir.'eled against nunneries, bad been printed ' An act lo cnaoie the i.-vl Clianuclior toappjinl Coiiiuii--ioiiers to vi-it bouses where it i.s supposed women are improperly let .lined, and to i.-siie writs oi .!', ' O'.V." A verdict of manslaughter had been re turned a.uin-l the lUii tols of the ork an I N th Midland U.iii Way, lor c au-ing the death id 'I bouip-on, engineer, ami J-y ke-, brakeinan, of a train which Tliomp-ou was g nil ing, and which run 'di the track , ow ing t.i the imperfect condition ol the raiis. A ie'ter t'.'oui Lo.i'hui states, tbatCipt. F. .bt. Ilordoii, of the A'ibiit. Auierie iii bin r. di. d very suddcii'y at bis 1 - Igings, tin- I '.lb. The deceased had been Map ir tv in the morning, r. turned home apparent ly in good health, but soon altelAanls tx pi red . A Cry-t.il Palace is to be bul'.t nt fihs. guv, on the plan of the new palace at Sy denham. Ireland's Ureal Inhibition is succeeding even beyond hopes. All tic arrangements are not yet completed. They are however p,ogres-i:ig rapidly, and in another fortnight t ii o building and it.s contents will fully jus tii'y public expectation. Un Hlli. I -I ler-oli- vi.-ited Ml" building; of these .", welt holders of sea-on tickets, and the le- main ler paid live .shillings t aeh ou t nl Next da v I ,o Lb A national (Iti-h) i a nee. tirti- ni iiii.il is to be presented to Mr. Uaigau for his ii ii ni lit i-ni l-. 1. oi in. May -J'I. The' l':ig'.i-li FulnN have been iuipi.-vitig, an I with an ioere.i- d bi.-iness. The iutelligi nee that tiie leu. --.v. d d,:Vo'u!ty hetweeti Turkey and Un-sbi ba ! iiia hu-led excrcie.s a f avcirab!.' inllu- tnee, but th" market, an I I ti oii Amend ; are .'I'loti'.l W i ,1-ii r state of the lii eiev e bil ge anil .'lis of speeie are more p it, nt. l',.ii-oi s ' t 1 ; f r I rati-fi r. and 1 ' ''! i loi Account. i lHTltl' Tti'N OfTIIK N'UlTtl Stpittr.CoT- , i! Mil l . !, Tuesday I'iglit. the No;th hhoiv Mill, on the hauK "f the .ee,s ;l:i. Liverpool Canal, near V aUNlrill -road, tile o.ilv cotton factory Liverpool p.w,.",.,!, was lotai'y de-trovi'il by lire. Some i leant the Ntent ol tin: price may oo lorun'o pron tin: p, .bly OVt till' Ir. 'Ill tie' ' i:. Ti, ., erty . l o i that there .1 i. win. iiii'il, vv i.irii ,n t 11 .ue r v f I :-. II. F. Noftli. t'.i.iii.g. .! b m i-. ,-ve, about two year- ago. and i tow ., 1 1 v of Messrs. .1 din au i Ah-xaii-igdcti. Alt 'i-hi'il t" the building, a til" pi .ill' b l ng. low tott-en shed s-.vet.dics to tlo soinh 1 ward, and iu tbi- was -tired a very heavy i stock of cotton, valued rou'.hly at from j Cl-,0 Ml t 1 t'.'il.Oiiil. Parallel with tbi Ishcd W'lc a si'iies of t 'rr.ieed ceUagc I I10.1-1-, four -t nit s in height. ei'icUd ny I tb,. late piipriitoi- ('.., 1 lie use ot the work- ; people. I The lire can only "' aid t.i have really lasteil two hours. Put nt its climax, aoout ; half-past ten o'elot k, the sight was one of) the most astounding cvandciu'. For an lour t efore. the heavens hid been illuminated a,i : uum-iu-e e"s?oa.-o ! i-rcf!" is- , at tic- s-cvjca cl tho d:r.t!t'-r unfortunate factor') with the exception of the dark outline, of walls not vet fallen. i seemed one Uuis of Fumi-hod gold. : 'llie mill, including stocky tiiachineryvvc., Hie latter I ting ot the best ami mo-t ot- ' proved construction, wa-. valued at about , 0,0'HI. l hohedi) adjoining tho mil!, containing a large amount of property, v . ro pri st rcd through the almost ret U. iii- tn pioity (' the nu n tompo ing the to Lie In. tide-, many olwboe lives were coi,- .-nlei t.-it .sl vei al times to be it; iiiii.iii.ei.t pen, i he sheds and the rrop.m- lcl, they "ir 1 .,u l"- m.ih.u-cs cHcct...l at the v.m,,u ol!;e, s a,,on.,d . , .Wi.tMm, b av,.- , r..p,,,y b, t ie amount of .11 "ill. Oil.! iiii. ni..i. il II... f'o:oin is a t of the uliiees in which tho prciui-HM were iu.-urt d, and t'.io au:o,i..t, ia each : 1 l'liu-nix XS,nro 1. .1) I :;,.j,i.i .'5.0(1 J :j,ui)j 'J, "i;,D 1 .")-) , 1,3 i0 1,-VH 1..-KI.I 1,11(1 I l.HtMl Alia., No-tli Jhiti-h, Alliance Liverpool Loyal Lxcharigo Loyal Sun County London I'ni'jti Imp! rial London Assurance Total .... JJI'mwi Tim. Sk w.s- .p thk fnr-r.-. The pr-- enl is one of tin: Ino.-t backward sca-.,ns e ver kno.'.n. We have leach the l'elh of May w ith jut liav iug experienced any warm th, ex'-, pt in the Mm at midday; nor are wo lii. to b ive any chaieji' until the wind git- ...it ul' tin eat. Kaiii i- be.iuiilii;. to be m rv iiiiich wanted f r Ihe ru-s 1 m l ,,nd the spring com. As fir as gt fling iu the nvu is tun-crnei voral.k: than the . nothing can be more fa wi alin r tlait we have bad ; ii n t vv mu-t have a ere a I tiiiiine. if it. is to grow and ripen at toe u-ual tune. Tbel'S i- every pro p, , t of a late harvc-t. ., r. J' I an ... 'I'll t; Cl s.wui IT.ket. -The Cunard lino id steamers now cmipri-i s ' J t.r-t -ela-j e-scl-., the ; recent a I lili ni-, the Midi- t.t and Tent l:i, lor the Ji.yptiau nit 1 TurUi-h Hades, haviug aiiivcl in the river la-t :v. ck. Ft: A. 1. The proc. i -dings in the i"-t s L '.i-i Hit began t a.-.-uuie an a-' m i t iin:a V 'i iiiie t ) ti:" lion ri.iu. 1,1, -o mu.-h - i tii iT t.i. re w Civil V le suriiii-' s ,,j a lii-.-o'.aLioii. In tbe n-:oa- I i 1 1 1 lie- 1 1 ..yi i lonelit coiu- in i a Intij o ;ty el ..li.y , i, i nn iiifer- of the l.c-i-latur.- 1 courage to c against j'. i. i:i ! u l tb- Tbe It a -oi, ; i ' i ii! ! , . f 'I IHHI oi In r I 1 ,-e.e ird.-l a p no. I e.N.'i n :u C-'IO bad ing ! I : .'' w a. I i it .'ir, 1 e . 'J.' t f M '--i's. itV" ff t n,' it wa it v. a if. i f! ferr. -I. t!," C ia port. Flit I ally "f death vermin-til, was I-, 'he I :' i- atti u.p ll CI .VC'I ain-t .-li o. I Uii- fa v or. 'I be Patrie c has appeared in French ship--'i- iitramett a -tatcincr.t that " Anii'lieati journals ': that, vv ar are on their w n v, w i: Ii I; o.i ile lilt i l.t agaiu-t t lie net vv e It turtle r denies that the French I t the Sllidwie!, L lands, .up-. chased any trai t ol teiril ity along Hie li"il Sea, nor no tin y jut 'li I lo lake p o--is-ioii of an i-laud there, a- had al-o 1 e'en nport- 1 iie in'ie.'iteur of I!i a w .igt r ul' lit," ' I irauc betwt i li -onie ship on le' s"ii;" gi nth :ii' 'i of the I denux states that lias ju.-t bet li i.iid of I inii fit v ali 1 nil I le- " l'l"-l iel.t I illlll "li ," 'ill A 1 1 L ' ' I 1 ' : thai h i- ju-t taken in her cargo at 13 i- ou tin; pniil ol .-ioo:!., ii I) I ti.eo , I 1 1 1 x . - Of the " II ni i u.i a,'' a lew .Ippi'r latify baiit ly M. Arm. i n, of I! i'biiux'. have made tie.: iiLo.c bit that tiie 1! ii; iiein '.'.ill whin tin; l'ioii.Oe in n v .y.i.e ti New Yolk. Thu wager cX' ite- great interc-t in llor.'.caux. An address fr vii tlie inhabitant- of I'. -union i foriii' rlv the l-!e H irb n' ', 1 b. .. o sent t . tin' F.mpt ror, pr lying 1 1, 't toe i -1 it, I may be called the I-e li m iparte. I'AIIts. In a de-pat. li, .'at -1 Pari-, Fri day, 1'.' :t!l p. III., tile M nlli'lg Po-t i'HTi.M- pondtiit state-, that be ha-ju-t ii-ei'rtai'i'"l that- th" ri"vvs of fh" Pol te s tl Cl'! -pt u inv of Melisehikolf's uitiinatiiiii is unfounded. 'I ho l!ii-.-iiiu legation in Paris bns n c in"! no news from ('"ii-tuntinopie of later dale than the 1th. '1 hi' Porte s an-vv. r to Meti-ehi-kolf w as t ) be sent on the ll;th. News is anxiously expected iu Pans, but Pone has ar rived. 'J be F.oui'se o;ieut"i lirni, and threes fir-t c.'iln d at 'I t 1 . then ro-e to -1 S cue alarming rumors ,u -c,pu ii!,y Were eiii'ii'i i'vil re', itive t i tin p-.o:ie of I" g -ti 111' il.- at C 'ii-t.iiiliii. pie, v.ii.eh pioi.i e! un, :i -i i ii -s am mg-t -p. etil.it. -rs. It i that tile Ib i'i-h tb , t had sailed Ir oi for tin I'.ii'biin 11. -. Thii - to Oi Ii I! 10 - I .". all I !.- 1 at - I 1 " f '(' tie a Mi Mi' I en I the nioi.th. Fi.ir-an l half pi r cent-c! i-e-1 at It':t 7". I ! en. de Th I -s... tl s.-.-rn-r f to" Po.y technic school umlir L ui- Philip.', t'tie-' at Pari- on the I !th. A p .'ii-ioii of li a I'l francs i train-' A -raid i '!. Ir un is Vi ! Iv to tl'e tvv.l uv 1. r.tor ef tho Tani-i t ' i ir- heir- ,.f I fl l s- ',! At'Cu-i the io-- of beiiig 1 :.! Alieg', l I tie 1.0 P. I pi ;ll 11 in t.n; i ore-it 1 i'lilo li! -:;-. pr -p.'t'iy was ciioriu r.v-, tiie ly ii :-troye 1. I roni I - i, il iv - -iinilav di-a -t .''iu- in . ril uv ing of tii. 1 ; . IP 1 -, M.'la-. Lie. Co.. a:. 1 l' ill -tructiou had b .n e 1 Spain. Tlie wi itt- agaiu-t tie I'll- lleii.iio 1 III . "C il ,!,', o d .." Mr S.nl. '-' oifiel.11 tap.ieity Tiie Mari 1 ; I':..:'.-. ' re.'- pt :i-i l.'f ,!: Vi". v ieuht has ,1"! p -une - n 1.1. Paii-'. '1 tii ' 'r03 rei'. t:::a a 11,1 Oil - 'r-tru- sllilt t. c.l 1 I A TO t'-t--. tttt'-'

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