wiw..tig.'jij..ai,ti--j' he t7'011aU3VS:EII 2. HOLTOW fit WILLI AMSON, EuiToltS AND ruul'HlKTOHS, j i TK IMS: 5 v ,-. , , .: , -,,,, , Th- N'irl i-( iin. inn it lnir will be. nlP,r,lI to f r.lH-r .t TWO MU.-KS in ,lv e, .,r ' u.i IMii.l.AKS AM) HI TV MINTS ,t ,,..y. ' ,., i. ,-..)t.I Ii.r tim e luontlu., and TIIKKK ; ,.l..lt the in, of the ,r. No ..."t will ; 1 ' rtl7 1 ,,,, . l.c,.1..,o.. ol th. .... - rtitt'l.li'lit llim rl. ill Dim: tu!lrr ll.irB ; I,,,., -r ll.. ... .1 tvr) ti.r Iir.t ,.,,. i . ,l ..-,....!. lor rani. c1.iim......'e. I'.o.rta.l- , , t;..iii. hU a. id Siic-riif'ti S..!. rhiryd -o per; oiih.r; iiii.i a ti. iitn U'pii ui ..'j "r "i' I'"- '"' !'" 'd"-r'T i t l''ir. rtiiwiupniinin n..- , ! , ., ,ri rlv, lit l ..-r B.U.ir.. for r u h llim'. Selill- . ! i, jllil v 7.) cent!. i. r ir.- I..r c.u-l. time. ,' ' All li tl'TM oil ltlIMm km 1'ltl.st lie .lirr. t' l I'llltum. l.i tiers lliul lie Jil-Jal.i or w .', not he ili.'inii . - 'n vm.-:tt(. nui bf inn.lfl t.ieithi r. l)tniallr(l are nutlmnzcil lo o. t us ngrn 1; en t! r S .ntlierii l.ohi-' ll's,k for June HENRY I LAY. iiv i iri. k n. rn r s r o f, i-i .ITlii 111 . II ' I -I' r II ( nlifrel .j .tii.ele' t'e r- t .on I .f. .1'!, II a r.l ,.l l.i. I ur 1 Ir h.- . ul I ir I , -1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 o In 111 I .. nini'tl il.-inl; ,B li .11 ,1 ll' nt ill. . I i,;.;.. hoi ifuwi.ol .1 , !..; V el L"' " 0 - l'"l I , j;.-jiii I roin llTI.S t! WI."I V, a. I. .1 Im liiiits. ..(' wr.tll slot K'oni. I ' ',- 1 f" I . , ii.,11,,.!. .1 .1' ! i- I- 1..;.!, not r v n-ht : II . ..anoi " . . .'nil ai.,1 -i.i, 111I mill. ie "e ' "I ' 'I"' IO" llil'i'l. (1 :i J( iM,t ,1,110 , ,. . t .rnl , i a-t ti'. a 1 ui - 1 i.uir 'i-i' in s. A ' 11 ti. rt, .-I i..' -. I ni il f. u iul ta.oi li. l.nij t"i. . ' 1 1' t I.,- .i.t :n,' 11, 1 1 Ural's , 0 :, i:r v "rl,. !., tr TO! tl " M ti -,. f , W..,0 1 , I ..t 1 1. I ,V 11 . I. rn i.i , II ; u.iikiii i. i. ;i. ... I..- : 11 " m". ; W , -,.,.!, n,l;i . !. . -I..! lr, I., o.rui in,, I tain,, io. ,.,iii- ainl ii,.,,. ! II -...U I ut i'k' a I 'i;'- ! ... I .r.l r !"'.,' I o i n l...rc, ; ' ,. T u .- I. ...-j v I'. W 0 -tol rn.; .-ii ! -r iei"" I,- si !,,' r ' v iii ,o n I. ,ia,'. ; A1..1 em lo a i n- i I'-'i'M' r i ' ., niniiin.ii ti.-iii l,.r.o'? uliii't l...iii,eB ' II r i.-eo' i. I i t: i. : r ,. ... .-,!,.:. . i I I .1-,.'., f, .1 i.il.am. ','.1 la- ml' j Iin In a;-. - . I I i H 1 km. I l- ' 1.. C"' ..t ... I-" r1 ' ;'" - I . i , ! r ; r 1 1 , e , I , . I 1 1 o, ' v I 1 1 a I , -. . i , a in-. ,, ale , i.;- l-li'i s lie!, , :,. o 1,1,-ni I..- U I... .!.'. i,, i k, u I.., ii,, hi. . . .' i '.w, iii il.n . i. .1! o u . P oi il P. ar, I il Jl.ti li... k. s i : -a r,i r, .,. . oi I ..'in . i i - it. , . . ir- , ,, ,.i,'- , a... . - I. I ;.i. ' W . i. I, .-. i I . 'I''-' - 1; a. t i v I., t .... r. ..r ...is! V ., un ., t . t 'I ... a ei I-. J ui;.', f V id '"I r ' v a.'el t: asl. 'Ui5Cfll;uKous. ' ' ZE01.A, ' A N LOV K U S. Til E IMH II V I At sf ' e handled , P., ... .... -I,,, ,,, . , . , 1....1.. n nt i in mi I t in'-l - mi r- I ,:ni 1 1.- io in i and wild lull- of the ..nail -t. j ..end of the -,jii itt-i 's a.e Ii id lid then .- d th" ," hoe. ut tl o-o rem ,e so, iiiwe-, in.,;, ,d Ih- pi li, ,i - . -at, in eui ,, i :. ',e ti,-t.ii'ibi'i.neh. - ,. the t o.-t oaii, and j p, .. . ,., .,! ,,1. ,d tie primeval l-rest. 'I, ii ,i, ii-liar- ban not then turned up . ... . . i .i... t P ; i.a soii leT th- cat!,' era.e,i upon i in- ; ...... ' , , . i r ns- oi i , in r, o no .,, ...in . ,. . . i . .,', ,1 Tl,,. r. ,1 Ma., there shook " "... . i : - ' i.,.,l,ii,o antlers, an 1 l.-nude I le..rl. s. .r .iij!, t;,e open -l P.,!, , of the wood, o! ,1 ih- d.ini I, d doe ,.r P.'., ti, lit ro-y daw li, r i. liow eventide, la drink the waters of : , lull,. l,i o, d: or t he iielPi, id sorfa of the i .," , i i i - .i i.e. 1 i- sn.iL'L'y n-ar prow i-u in u.e in i, i v i. -k. I, or I'.,! on the ae itti, that shook from . o.ii. I he lawny i.anti.er ran -,-,i unino- ... ., , '. ... i i n . . i' I in Hi" roer; , ;i-I ,' o I tie in,i-, oi , ... ...,.l V .di -,, i -ee 'Ih- Indian' hunt, r wii-llen lord of the l ti... i i .;.., ,. , ,1, l ., ii,., L , , . , , 1 . i.t . 1 11,,' r- 1 ll Ir , II I lie he.l.l w III-1 01 1 lie ' ,n,,.w lliir Hie Miliar ......-. 1 ... ... . . . , , . -.1 .. " . I., th- .lurk l-llil..-' Ml-lv-ippi ; i.M.l :'- do: of th" wi-wa,ua-ee.ided l.yin.,l.y,w,-a,ied energy, and at lift suco-ceoi 1,1; . , ...... 1.. .,, i ,i, r ri. .,. liiiP I.rees.and hi-T 1 1,1 lie been armed, he mijht have de - , ,... --l.de 1. he war-danee1 fended th- pine- aira,,,-. hundreds, hut h- .,.,, I,:,,,.!, diu every vabibore no weapons; so si.linj; hi- mi-.,,- arpca .ur.-e.l by the Ha-I,- j ,1 ,w n be s.o.,,1 n, r her awi.i.,n0' .he appeal- '' , ' ho. d am v u! I tied ' 1 ll." battle ! I .1... . . " . '. 1 . ' ' ii, Id e. s .11111 1 cry .tr, ;, 1.1 aie I Pike, I ,1,1 .-in, a.e. I- u,- iutledoiliiiv loonihol'.luu-,.!,:,. a - li.ai.yottheekwarnorswaiideredfiou, t-.. h,i,; - round, .that o,,,e Pawnee's; d by a war paiiy of ih- ' "P r, headed bv th, ir lo !' chief, Paneha ' ' 110 '1 iv in 1 1 le'i' ,1,11. , ,.,, .'r.-cks.wi.l,', -x.- -p.i......fll,eir cliief, V o liajle, were all si:,,,,. The d, mr- car- r' I llnir pi i. 0 uer in triumph I .their v ilia-.' " wkiel, was si,,,,te.l o . he bank, of a small 'I I,.' sava-e iuhabitauH derided and buf- f '- d ti,,. baple-s pri-0,,1 -l-s, as lie wa, eon- ' -l throud. the vill.u:.-; but the stout 't -f War 1-1 ode moved onwards with a iniii inel , r. et -ail, di-luibe.l m-ilher by the bom ti..,r menaiiees that were directed a- r '"' t hi,,,, T!,e 1 ai. live, bound ti-ht with 1 . , ... , . . 1 . .. - 'hollies, was thrust 111 a oat, 111, aim iwo i 'iii .rs iippoiiiled to Wiltill over liilii, by ; ,!ay, inel by niolit. i "-"la, the ilauditer of tho Pawnee, chief, ; n H clianeed, was hkilfid in the art of lical-,h;'- I his maiden w as chose to be the ph.V ''.an of the captive chid', to cure the Wound . that ho bad received in Latflo. No one could ; leok up01' 'R'r l'gl't Wl;ll Hindu form, and .upon her sweet countenance, without n feel- ingoi auiniruiioii,ii noioi love; ami iiosoon-'ll,.! 'r ''i'1 Ihocaptive thief look upon horbcati- drawn his arrow to in head, ho unbind .... . '.. . 1 , I .... , , , , . '. t,,ul lll'iir lll'r vol(:,'i than warfiwuh his burden from the hdjht, completely laminated with her . harms. ,.wn in that -looniy dell, who,,; fhc- ,,, .Nor did the Indian daiii..d herself look never penetrates, may ho sei n a p..t near ,,pon the noble captive with less favorable ' the foot of the dill, covered wit!, v,ii, w. .emotions. I How is (he sweet dai.Ld.tcr of the Taw-! , . ,, . . - H''-', called ." impnred the c.-..tive, as the maiden proceeded to bathe his brui.sed limbs. A deep blii.-h suHused the maiden's cheek, as f.R vepllcl " I'tim called Zc eolu, and am the dauidiler , . . . . f" tllu Clil.'I. hat, .,.1 ...on,, .hat eu, i,o my ed and 1 wi.l fly l.i.e the wild d., ,- I , my own pcpl-, and beard.,-,,,.!..,..) ...y I,..,.,-, and t.w, -halt I, the of n.y lea,.." e.ila can,. .. n lu-e .-, save th- life of 'th- biaie warrior. i,-r ..an -n- rdu t) ,0 1 . . ., !aiot." with lni... at.- cast .it ot with hi i. ,7.- : ;1 .' , , .-ii . . , . , .1 ' "' 1 ' " .. ! p" ) en,.. o 01 and lr-e him. I!-' !l :e! b.'jun t o Ihii.k -In- wa- eoin- t ) prue t lal-e, w I, n he , It a l.nife at hi- bond- which ; s.i it, caii-i d th. in ... bill (mm hiin. ' " .eoia. Mini U ar 1 a C, " airer t hail ,, ,. ,, , , , ' '" ' " ' " "' 1 ,,! Vou wo'iid I Miiiui-ed at the it .. ti- i . , , , , inono ni.iiy e,.Uii.v,u. ,,e ,1 ...'the lily of the vallcv tl.at i, ki.scd by the' ' 'U' 8 l,;,ll"." Wa f yy ; cud as hud writ!,,, a rat her I f :,..,.,; I, , , f r N, J'T"-' , '' ' '- ,M'ei;jued the l"7 ! dewy bps of morn, wilt thou return the love i n'H ""V pl-nomenou. A full Ion, letter to the Chilian of .Superintend. , l ' , J ' ".'""l,t h" Yf'M( U""- 1-'"-' "...Id. his na,,., has 1,. that bu n. iu th Lroast of tho M.A., .r.irvwu ttto ' V- 'V"V""' , !" ''" I", X io., v- 1 M any f tKn s y u )" '''''''. '" "'".ro.irk. family so tar a- (.i)MK; .hwu 1m. U, bouielanes of the 1 7 J .i i i i- 11-. .. .l. ,1 . .,, .1 Z.""1'1 "' urr. ''' "I'-I" "irnrly I..-, .ear', f i - l.i 1 : in . i: 1 1 r. i Ue,l e. I him to nil d .-h H. ' . -1 , . , 'I u ill, in vm 11 , bnin.li In mi , lii-t.-ad of l.iairin .!.s ,.,.,:,.,. lior, tliou-h lie lies like a woumled pantlier ., , , I, ,., ', tiinate, not hm in-' had the bend t of an cd-1 ., ... i . . i .1 ,,r.i.: .V .' tij... . '"' t thy b-.tr' I L-,.r., V,..." J 'i 1,,, , i- .1 I i- . .. .... . i VY av". i uca. ion, thev r, welded to ,,o v-f.-. : n-l V . , . . .. ... . W ." m-w s,.-,.,s more (nan j.r....,- , a',,;V 'nr",r ,r 1 v 'j'" " n u.Mikahle ., su-p, n-i ,n .,V li- ! ,,-, h its ,Km in.ion. I inMid, d not to be ?" ""- ,' l'"!r',,,S y11"-' lr ,;illi',r" CoiM intinoph- s the t-urth din e, de-e.ue!. , .,, ! ,' , .. ;, ' ,,U. d ,,d m k- den, " has a bold l, t, .m m . r. -ta.e y or,,ilia f!,u!lil , uf ,, r!1,!, ('.,,., !is ' absent ,o,e than hx Weeks, at , no (iti:e '. "' " .'' , '"'!' '- "'-ant. lie bdon.s in the v,-rv !.,,( rank ,f . . t ; y . . , V 1 than the warriors ot the 1 n nees, loit .eolit . ,, .. . ,. ' .. . 1 , . ,. , . , ,, . , 1 1 . o,,..i;,;eal mod , you tnay ft -ir t liem . . ,. ,. ,, , . , v V( "" ' ' " u"'l '"" ' ' , 1 1 ,. .I.iooui.r. lie 1, the s'.ii o! a larrn- r ii.nii , and b-tte-s of ad vice, .Vc Wuu.d nut he too ' ... , ., , V, ; ,, , . 1 j.ub.if mi-li of Im-.-ia. al 'ii;.' w if li . . - ( , 1 ,.,..:,,, all. Ui--rHIi.-'t : in u.-1 Hut L'lve her he ait to un enemy. , , , ,. ..... , ,, , . - , , ... , , , , ! ' r.;iitiin of t o- e ht s o the .( bool tax-s. , ' , -f,.,,,.r. , . , ,, , - , ,, r 'l " "'" 1 ' '"' u , '"' -1 I e. . , : I" tiie town of ( lark-on, 111 this coil:. ty, 111 ,iate il .b-Iayed that ume. ., , .? , ,.l . , . '""') a ll" r"".,-,fl-. ! ud.dl. Im-m-IoII, tlav W(. ,.,. m.,.H (hat lie wasi-owli. 11 . , , li')- latnily only (la mii.-I- and sin.-i!ar i r,,T(., ,.,.,.,..;., 1 v (h-,t I wis ,.,( ,) 1 ; " , ' '' . 1 v"',v"1'"'h. '""''. '"' vt? the new - ol in..- ........ i,;,.i, ,.v. i.i- had ta- As the shade, of ev, hue-be.an to .cttle ' ih,t;lllee of r,!,-,! sonmoh ,e v has , ,- , , , , d ' '., F'V a .x of fue d.lli.r,, to k,, p at s, hool tltlr,. ci.01l. ,,f ,1,,,-e admitted tJ al- ku , ,u, ,, ilt 1 v,,,.,,- '''l'w m' , on the deep wood that drooped around, the 0eenrred. Tl... M.bjeet of thi, notice fd! i,. ! , ' ,f j ,7.(1..-, on' , w In I v ' "7 ; J I '!' TV -' i-.ereour-e and inlimaey will, tl. ,;,.t ,.,lr.t v,X!l,;., ha pa-.-vd. ,.,. :c.,p,.v,Miilli.,.,,.l f'rlhereturnin.foo, , , , ;l! ,otll 0f Juno, 1- ' i.vit -1 im' I regret'.' ill L or J he fact a TXt' - K"'"-r'i;. " 'vvillbe n- pb-a-.-l t.,,,1.,!,,.,. If at ;M.ps of the maiden, .-he came n-. to him !IU, .,,.. tiat ,a .,, ;iwal..- at ilil- t . r, .,.,,', I"T0'' .'"' ."1 " m armin.' fh(. ,.,., allll.itl..u-., and certainly th-j mo-t d: tl I'.i-coe Ifire. lie will fed I: ) jsih ntly, and said in a 1 ow voice 1 f-rr-nt p.-iiodN from a f-w hour- to four i l'lu'iv . ,,.,.'; i,,, Vl,,r t ,..p,,:nn! : at tl,,, c'Uu-.,on, sin ph- ,t are tar .,. ;nr, jf, r.-r. ( a( th- .b.wtifall sufi'.-red bv a in. 11. so I MUuld the. etui ed ..hieaainde-ircm.. , tl, at a ,. It is remarked that wl, ! J i?,, 1 tl: .i, ' v' I ""ir;: , "'U:?;; rM t n,o-t of hi-country nien, Men-.-hi- ,, ,..,, ,- h, lll0 ol L (oh...-, thee .rds trom , hand,, andbthini . ,,,., 0,,t (,f ti:i, eafab-i.-v, he :,i ih.-.i- ,.;,,. u-e, ,,. ..... 1 ,., t,.. .,;., ,,.!i.d , 11 ' b','r c' r 11 k"H h- aliJ Leel. devour,..! by the de- l.;. tWrt u;., i import .,nt t-racti- ,lr. .,.l cc more the free ftirol, he W.,ls:-:t0 IIlVe no knowb-l,... of ti.e iaY-e ot time, .; ; ' '. . ' , ' I !" '"'" ,M '.--tjate. a d.r). , lliimt. ,ir j,, .. ,,,,.1 ii1; ir.. ,, ,,, ,,..t ..Iv t, " Y. ,. ..ei.lle maid. n. flee me f,-.,i th.-e . f I 1 V . '""""' '' ' . " "'. ' " .. ' l."-'-k,tors s.il rose ; aid 1 was pieced (he :, .,,, ...,: is ..a;i,..l ,, I',.,,,, , . -. 1 ..;.,;... ,1 1. ' T.I... .,'..ai,Ul..wv..!.,-, "it ;.,)!,,, illt),lU li( vi.;..!,; .,,.,., !.. lv La.ai-i and tol! ,.v ,,-." ..... ...II., ,i . to.. : i - 1 ,ev had udvaneeil l,t a ii.lie space ll. 'th- Ion -., wh.i, a b'ul sl,. in the .lir-c.ion N.f.h-xilli r.a-h.-.l.i.. ir.-.,-,,:i,.iii.,n.e. , , , ' . .bat,',;, au.raei.nliis.d hum.I aii-y-Miii-es f:;..,,-. d-.:,noue,o that their Hi.l.t ha 1 ileenoi-eovere.l, and the Mllaoe alarmed. .;,, .umed .- I- r 1-,,-r w,d. a l...,k - f r f""-, .""V1-1'' unl,;""u )!.- was n.-t Ins dem.aoor. IIis eye kindled, and he had ,!..,,, hi -If up to is.nd baeka-1 , of defiance, w he,, .hebe- :.....,l.i,. lok of ,! maid,-,, det.rr-d bin, kindled, and h- had diawn hi If up to s...dba,ka-! , of defiance, when the be- .o, l,i, b.ok of th- maiden det.rr.-d h, .-and h.id, hi-head tolled tie- brand,- i -, he da-he. i o, ar t ajaiii with retiouh.ed 1 , lo, .! v. l ie, -.. d I v hi- i eini ani.u. i ll.,r .-tuani and inai -h, thioii ;h tanded j 1 rak. - and ..pen dad. - tie y In 1 . tin ir ri, j - ,i I wa the fill thfeadiie.' the f r,-t a- if she h, Id a dae in her hind-, and st l ll. I ll 11. re sea-.ndya.ifdiree.edbvaeani. ,,11-, ,.-,r.U .1,-. ...... ry of beV,.,.M. , let !, ,, , i r s w i ! t i toe fa 'it i e - a d . a a - - I , .' i ... ii in .M, o'Piuto :i - r.iT.b in i!m ir putii. At ;Ir-t in-lt- lt t! ;v 'Id ..-( I'll -ar to e.nu eriiiel, al- ti.ou -1. th. ,r hi, , oi- i "'ini l.e in i.i -i riiiiii.-.' ! far an! wide, tl.r-md, the Im.'.: ! ore-t but i ... .ii ie,aii.i. no- i..,...., ,,i ..... . . I..,..--p.... a-it'll, .r..i: nad b- ii di v,-r. .1 : .and ii.,!i,edi..t, ly a; I. r, a a,i-. y, :i, a, i! , i,.h-,,i anrv ; a, i , -ar- :i-.:.u :.n I in l 1 t,"i!f1ii'M i i t I,, in a inn,',,, ,,..'...-, ..-c Ih.fv ai'-cie ., I.it.w.,,, said tl.,- li, .ii i, n. my !-ti,,ijti, i- l.i; !.!! lie- . li w ynlcan, I .a,' 1,:' M,;'' , , ,, . , , i 1 1 ., 1 1 i'i.',,, , ,, . ... , ,., .. . !''"" 1 ;!:4 ac.os, IT", ' "':'' , , - , , , I ' :" ,,;,-);,"-,"r U,::r ,-The chief, my fa.!, r. w.u s;.,- iny ll.-, and we mil v meet Hi happier t War l'.a..le," wan hi- eaii.i r, ' "'v" ''' , - ...... i, , ,, ... . it .,,.,. i st..;,.. I;e ..... ... ... c .- , , -op-. in'.' Inui re-olute, -,e a.-am sprati.' for-,, ar.ijiu tli-ht, aul t r awhiie In r ex. u- f .!,- ,1, , r , , - p i , 1 1 :u - a 1 1 1 1 a -1 1 1 1 - ' , u o i i.,. ..., . t , her p.. ,,-!, ps. , r lo, r was eonpnu.i.iy a. mrsioe, - helc lie- way w;f dilheu.t, l.ls....l' lo '. : and sonieliiue even cairyin.' h.r. lint all '., - .i ........ ...i i i.. . TL.1,,1,1,.1 in, ,r enu is pi-,-,. i,i-,...o - .n. .- .1... - , ,1 ,-,,.v ,,i,,P, r and ni lo r. and i t lei, -th the faelii-t was i-ilde a!ar oil' i, in. uieiiii'.ii" . . . , I a - through the p,,7 -,, ju-t a- u. ovena-i.eo en, r-'ie- of .tola L.i.e wnv, eau in ' her Io fall in t lie e i oiiinl. j he a-aiu bcsull-'l.t h, V lover to i-avc l.cr ' l, 1,,-r Lite. ,, i . ... .... P.,. laeti.. ',,.r lidti , le in. en- no . ".- -. f ,rm iu hi, ariu. b'-ke-l around. . . rujoo ami i i "..en ..... I . , , ... , ... ,.. i; I... ...,. inliov, i al, IV t.ei un", . ...."r- " I .I',,-,.,... idee, that beetled ,.,-r a dark! ' and iua' e.-.l le d, ll. Ill, resolution Wa- ... i .i. ,, 1 i- ,, .1 .:. 1 .,,1, ul,.!, .I.-l to the .,iil., l.e str.lie.l oil Willi , 1 ,,, ,, 0 1 ,,. 1 a i. ro, k 011 i : - 10 ,. ' . , . an, ,' "I 111- oiiiiii is. , ,, 11- 1,111 iil-rs. Th.irdu kylonus were soon s,.euthroujh,ha.l spen, a do.lar lor .-e.y U. he.v ,1,,. f,est. 'I hey e-pied the tu.otiM's, and j would think ,1 an act o! madno-. lb, , loud shout ru-hed up the ascent. A j some of tl,-,,, been III l-.n,' on tl,.; morn ,d lilted to their bows, and ..en ai row - were d at the t'l'.ek wairior. when .,', da , 11 inn-,, ,,1.. , . . - Lu.l.l.-nly wav-1 u. r Land to !.- b.d'.w. , ,ni,li 01 ol 11 dhn hut ,-.,' andh-.j-. l.u rather," she died. " spar- hun, or wej.l,,., reason I rojue-t V"ll no'-' t-r nie a die t.-ether. The , dill is hi-h. a ,.d ji Mil-debet ,, o the line-., as I w , -n I , e. inii.ee -le st, p earii,, in- to the ,,!-.- d it , th-ni yet that ... cn-.ted th- l,ei,u,i ul a, The anows were pointed downward, ami j , ,od to, the soul, ami the i.selul .!;- bo ly. all eyes were turned on the old chid fiolit. A .iiivcr, for an instant, mp-bt Iu' seen j on his face, as ll lie was cmleavoiiii- 10 . .01- eal cuiolion, he coiibln t suppr. -s ; ami then eiiine his Voice, dear and fi.ll in the dee), silence 'Shoot but spare the -iri. Our wives call for ven-cance on the Creek." The. ai row, were a-aiu draw n to the head wilh a veil 'f iintioip.idve triumph. War' llaidi! Feeinj; be could not escape, deteniiiu-d' in buoain;: Li- f'"' "f t1"''1' ' tended triumi'li. o mortal foot had tver j penetrated the dell below sci.it," thcro- i lore, his mi-tress in Ids arms, he cu-t it look j of proud defiance on l.i. pursuer, and t next infant, just m tlie old chief hai Jra.lili.n points it out .-is the -rave of the Indian Uv f.-t,v lin. ' - 'i r. . I'lOlll tlf. I'.iy III '!, ) lllr,rrit. Remarkable Thyuical Ihonomcrcn A H.I.KI'1M1 .WANT A It J I- VAN Wl'.M.I ' T1. iA ,. ,.; , hl.Ul wiih-mt s f,,r, , j. fci.-mn. 1:1, v wan.i,, -. d..-. hi-y,,, ar- , t. .'.i -,-;,.. ', - .,: i,..,. and hi- whole frame i- ,1,1,1, if (,,di. he conlinue. i that ui- t.,-!.. t arOv 1 i-t r.v.-r- m.d It is ..., 1 . I j - - ,,!l hi,,, down . . , , .... .' a j . i , 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 .1 ' ' - ;. , - .:.:.! n:.-. ; e ,i',m .j eoT.-el.u-lie II :, ,ul I :,. I i. tu, has I,,,,, i.-tt-l in the l; , , 1-, uiti, . .t 1, lin ing a. y ,;.( ,.(),.,.,, .,, f ,. ,,, , ,,. , ,'1,, . im. i-t I with .-idiit- f iui: , i.ti,.. ' " eian- have s,,n and womurcd, ,1 i.,., and experimented in , aim 'I !,.'. .., -ha p !iuL ,-, , v. , , . , ', . , ii, tl. , I wi.lc.t VPii.ti Vde 1-1, , p, he maV be pl.,,-1 p., hif,-.. Mel he will sfinl'fir t ..l.l.er. a- ia- ha- be.,, know., to ,!f.,r (hr. e .lax, an 1 ni -ut, hi 11 h - ne-.-arv to , ry . I 's iirialv -. t ,n-; and in Inat n ante r, but little i : d - n.T,- ,lu,(.,, ilit .,',ael, lie i- ho-v- ,..r i, .,,,...; I , i. , ., and in that manic r, but little I'd i- n,'r- ,lu,(.,, ilit t.H'Hai.u e U ,,r.,nii, l, em-ieiatid, k-ps l.i. i,t ,rl ... '. ,r, and a, ar- ec. ir. 1 , w 1. "it d i -e .... ex.-. ptii," that w bid, i r-.dac.- l.i- .-tr.H..- ... . , "' - out "t vl-v Win ., 1," av.alo-. i.. h,. traue. -udd, ,,; . hi- ri-:l ii.u--d.-s at "i.e.-, he a-li- f i ti..-:,t ..r 'iiinl; (, ,a!in' vru.-i ''..-!'.. If a-h-l ,1, ,,,.- a,ia, 1. a,., ,,-ir. I a -a r.l ,1. a - ,,.,-;,; ,-, a- any aetiv,-m ,. ,M r,.',,,e aniu.:,.ia.i.n.i..,.hea-ee.-:'!.i,d -P. . i -!, . , , . , I to- i ,f 1 1 i.n id ick )-,,'. un, n , vit ........ . . ! .n- a. li-ii,.- ; and !, e mil cut ...f p, i. e.;t up and wci.t t Ih- in!, .re w li I Ir-th.rs ware ; j.,in ' iiilo a at rv .... he i a i ,. o ..r in ior, a n-i ii-ae i i ne e ,;r, -a:n i ) ,;.-:,K n, On su-h r- ea-i..,:- l.e i- I :.i j oi .,, ,,,, ni ,i ia.,,,: -. .v -odd iieliiati-o, lha. 1," i- - a -a ar- . d w 1: at i- 1 1 an-pn .n.-ai "il 1. na - L-i , e,i reeet.t 1 v, bv la- a-,,i;.' hi- 1 ., t r it" 1 1 " 1 1 i ... -1 I. ,w I.:mi I. I- t .- . , i , ; k . . - , - i .. i i a i , ; - n ri i e- :i i u - ,1 ,., ... , , . ...d-i.. , ... . sl,il..t I.:.,. '''"' appeared to hav l ni" aware ,d h - : V"h h ':'i!'-" v, . , . I l.i- was tl ,y l;i-taln . .,1 tie- l.linl. Wo Pen. -ye. I l.e ! n t. that hi eye-lid- are iu a e oi t a :.. I r, 'n " iav-'i- the idea of hi- sen.: , ,;,-. i., , -s I'.,...-, t... ..... ,.r . s .... .. . i , . , i . I i.. - in an i- i. '., in , a,;rj ..; .ar. o.iiu- ,..-r l;iu-, l lo "'iip u t, w h , n.t -i J.ibii hun to th" pi:: ) I ;. a! a tl,;-i ; ) ... .. I..., .1 I I ............ I w.. i.-ri u may l.e s.cu l-y a, i r .- , I . A Pi-tlier ol tl.- r ia a i't. a e,.- -..'iiiiai. u ii 1 A bi-'lliel- of tie' r ilill-1. aide - .'I, a .11. d u :, j ;l , ,lm a l.ea.ilij, -H mvPi and he, li:, ! - tall. d a: y : - ;.- J'hvsi, ian- have vi-it-d the inai, i't la- i ' .a .. i . , i i m i pi aee w in ae .-;e is i ie, o ,u. i'.iiii u- -i , - ...; ., I I ,. I I', ....... . . r.' .. ... , uniiiii no, ,, ' i, , ..,ii.- I,....,. I,., ,.....,1,. ,,, .,!. 1,:, , , , -tiv. , . . .. . . . . ,. aeu.ty who are Uc piy ml- r- Id ,,. ill.: wakd-il ilar .hat whi l;,v .if dip-- he b'pi'i-, and if ; ,.,. i,,t.-r. Iniiv see him it, !,. wa, f'll mood. It is a btt.e .-in vi l:,v,. toe I-miv,1 . lb , to ', , . noil ll down Ids th .- . .1 . . 1 .. . . ; .. r.l mm.-, i iu- mi i '". m . ,oi in- ,, ..." . is ,ry dill'u ult to ;M it ,1 w u iu any .pi.ia- t.iv. ' ,,.,,.', -, ,,'",',,. p, .;,.. I s ' 1111 111 nui.' it sniii' no,, ,1 ..,0-, n ii,.,, i, - ni in, . an, seiioin- y.e, it - ,.r-. ........ .t . . . , , ., , e. , .- , . ,. 'nnd I am.!,- only one wh, would ,.:, ,0 do so. I ha,- I ,1 endea v, , , ate a ta-.e tor tl overs am , j oirc;,.,o,s and ha,' -oieee.de, a lilt,..; bu, ,1 - one ... bur l.rii.in., liii.ii'U Ini'i' u,a,i I, lain, ". - ,, . .. , , '- " ..-" ' ; creali,,,, and admitted t conn-el w ill, I Pity, ,, ,ded ,.' ' I hey w ould sin .ly hav - r in 1 tlioii.'l, totheiu(eil.etu.il iniiel I he tuauli- fill and useful are always, cotiibim.il.' The huinai, voice has been heard .. - -ro- , he Straits of lido aitar, a ,!,-P.nee of ,,,,,,-e than 10 miles. Thi-only happens i ,., odlar -tales of , lie weaiher. '1 lie f.uii,l H-euliar states of the weather." '1 he sound of military baud has beet, heard at a ,lf- tauee of 7d iniles, on a clear iro-ty luoiinip":. Wliv was the first dnv ef Adams' life the Ion "est ever kuowid lk.cau-e it had uo Lv - " -i.-r-ii " '.i.i.m , nie a l..,l.',.i ,. 1..,...,. ....l .1 e... r.... ,.r j- , ....................... ' not to-event os Hon " sent to ; heria V- .. . . .... . ; .. n. ... i.. Front the Aslirri.'c Fjirrtntnr. ! (' I. ll.I (IKI Coipvtv, . C, ) April l'tii 1--.VI. $ i ' !'An ' '" : "r ,:lv"'' "' ''(: I .th . . , . , , , .. . ul ' '.''"d' I'-'-' ju-t r.i i.tU inc. .Mai, I not ! " ; 1 , ,vu r'!!l,:;!y '""' "' r:""' , 'x ", l ks- J J' "Ou ..f kliowmi', j ' 0' obscrvalion of my own eye, the actual Pinn ,L'in : Your kind farm- of (he I iih ' """""" " m ,!a" " ' " "'c ,Nl,t"- , 1 ,:"k "V"' llll!"'" 1 ... f ,,,,., K,u., , -nurse uhtiai t mt f ' ' U " S,Cl''- , ' b.eau,e it is necessnrt m f-rd.T to know A.C, Ac. i lie Ka.-t I I'.iU.-t VI.-, I Hi the spring L,, , i . iii , . . hun h, oi and winter: and I havB ii-t returned trom J . i-i ii . '. . i t i- i in 3 our I a tour which uded :i . ui rit nek. I did; ... "7 XUZ Z ... ... r 1...,.,. ,i,;r ,,, !;..-,,,.', ,, ,, r, ,VtV- . I 'h ' , , jvV V'" v v r, ' ,. ' i, ; " ! ? ! . ". .... .. . , ..... I II ) I I. 1 1 .1' - - r I I I ' . I' I - i 'ft I 1 1 1 V , , , 1, " , , , . v,".i.-l j..-t but lay u- hlou.d-r., .0 the wheel; if tl-y Would pu-li a- Well as Wl.-li, j- .,. .. (j, III ,' , ot ,, s (lit . '. . ... 111 , . ii 1 1- ' ; ii; t iriii-' . i.t r mi (itv ih t, .or- , ,,, " ,.;. (,v ,,, ,,., n 1 !. :,' "," ,) ,' a , n e n!- 'i' '"''"'"""- ;"',' t'e V Ko-ii.t s, .! (V-ry book, ..IlK to every j. .,., n ,;. ..o,,..;' .: ., , i', , , M-s 1' 1 b "'' ;' h !.!.;. ' ...- e a . " -u h , , ,-. Z e ,.r ,' ,.-,' , i 1 of : .,. v... ,, , ...,,:..,.. .,.;.,, tt) 1 ,. . .',,, v , ' f m w- ,' , - ' ' ' P.'";"" ; -t i .. i.-l , , t M1..i. i v ,,.e V ,. , 1 - , r m .ke t, I h n w- ,' , I , ! ,t , , t i,,',- e ' r' , ' ' ' l i ' ' . v ', o,' 1 ; ' " : ' " ' ' " '. "" 1 ; ju-i. ie -eh-i!- are aeimi' ai.-l i,.iefii,- ou - ."1-,h, tiav are,,,-. i,i,.-rb etiyMtdit have sh.d li ot a in., 11, , Hint ..tie rv.'-e o!,I have ..." 1.1 : .....I...'.. '.. ,'.,.. :., ; I'u . a,,;,.) le,, ' iZZ ., J:i p,.t and ri-' -r l-eii.taiu-, -, 1 t ,. .'r o, ,1 ,e, their ow- I .... i l.e ii ...r .wii ...i u. ,r i. -.,ii.,s, i , . . . i , - it .!.. l . . i . l . t ,n- i.wii. i ' iL'hi- i i ut' U' ;i l i"TiiT illi'l ;'r'' -.,,. . ...lin. , u-tl, i ,1 , 1 ,., a ; 1 1 , u ,.-'" to , (oileo-e. a ul A.-ademi-. ; ea I, on,- w,o ha. thu-a-' ini.d by ,i,e ,.rj , ., 1 , a,, a t u- iVs,i,i se e, ' 1 1 i n - t In fe id, i;r., ; aliii-- t v i a, ' io ' tie -n tl,,. .,..,. . ,-f ,Mtt-n ' to 1 i" ! r -. 1, ,"' - an 1 ' l""' ' 1 ,n- li. 1 ion , alter I., - ed a at' oi t- co:. pMed.r- !y,n,loyu,,nt. a. i tl, innaedi- , , ... ,,,,,, , , ;.--imere ... ,.,.,,. ., t'.5,vertal inline, e. , ,!..,,. leii, in lo- e ildition in fa, r d the causo And a- ' dl;, - are inultl, li' ,l,ey -td;,- .,,,. r. t m -l t In' t'oinni m -. I;.,,l- ; tin y n l- -kirsupp.,-, n-:mcrdy le..:,',. f,.tt- ri. h. but iK.k. .!..-l,f , 1 s : p'.ilde I ,; ,.,bi... . i'-, i. oi,!,. , en lot.., in,,--,'.., I., op,', ar wi, t heir I I', S ind fi . : i t . i. . ii. ; i.i ,e,i i , i' x i -1 . i u iu -,' l i s i , 1 1 ; 1 1 a e a - ' , i r. ' . . v ,d ieati oi I in-limit ip.tei.t m 1 riva.i-y d 1 .,;.-: id al - i have ii f. .!,.,.., . :.bid.- tli- . . .. " ' ''.-. . ,.l,.,i in. .p ly ;d i, I i !..ei a. y .d'l, Ii a - s,i.,t.d witli mi, t n -t i t at i , a - . tl,y w,il liiiOt be p ai,i,. d , . Ol-IVeiV. a.jN d:l-.. r,l;itl;e , ha-of ( ;..-..; v di til i ei-erV' it, f.-i '. ! a- ddi. a- . " i 1 . '. , ' ,in a (diaraeti r ui.1:,i, eted w ,1 h t h , - in- .". i.i . . ., , , - a aiei i if "en, ' m 1 1 r, re . . a t ei . a - ,. ,. I ,i, ' ,. ;'l I... , . , , o i . . . .... . ' , M ., ,,f B vi j,,. .. ail r.-i , ' ',ii.....r -t-V 'evil ' ', ba'r'd I,','.- ,, '; ,' ; .:hI.,!, ; i , i . "tin, heb minein I i, and dubis u In .,. t',..,!,,r. an 1 f n iheu, i., r- I,,,, .,11 ;t -, -I, ,.!..,. ,e - i,i it- n-it n a I le uer- ni; i p;i- . ii I, i em l.i r ,,,, v, jij end are I l.e 1 "ij. ,-t, and afain to t !,. la r . -t -i-.w.ti. .- v-vciuti-.n i i:-e.v ' . ., m . . eon, ' ,'Vi ill Mis ri -pa u lit- n-'i le"..- 7., PP. .-.V....... n I... '. .1 (onPn.lt, on th- iunn... sc ho '-; on I h- i! p.. i . ,1,1,. co.trai y all are hi '. i-e.'.i 4 to i,;ti lei.e-s an.', to a--i t iH tniaid; , sphere of t in ir li-.-lu! n--s A (,p , ' ..1, .V' ' V,,., I ' ' , ' U' p,. , f,', r 'j , , v . C ' 1 .. p..! j,;r. Sr!l H,'j" .v,tl.,,, ,. j, llt ,-;., , Y ; toiumon school-. 1 ta .e a -, u ,,, ,;, : n( 1'., Stai- il is iot.-ii '-l ! n ii. I . p ... ... ; .,,,, I; , tM (y 1 ).,i:. f '.V a.i e,.l --, -. I Pan I;:.- I 111- ai',-! Hid. It I- toil', 11 l "il I reeiscly the same T 1 ii.. ip.e : il t- l a- I ,e, the sanie nui' -;ta,,: .-.'in.:, fa, .., ::, 1, nt . lyv' . ,p,. i,,,,,.,. . ,, ' . ',.' is ,.;,.. ..i(.h p'.'iv to !,.. ., l.,, M to ' . , w,u,,, , , ,(lV ., , " - , , I ' 1 1 .1 ,1 CI...,. I lli-1 I... ! ., ,1,1 I,',.-.. I .em. 'n- six or ,-i ' t IV Y.-. I -,,,-s at salaries el ti -11 Pip, t, b .id,, ,1 .'. th-a.e ..mars r ........... . p n Pi ehetioeal an phiew pan a, an, ,r.; us t, ;., i-,H.t. to sM ,ol !. and t Sn hi,,, th - , bel.el.t ol sucli l.ioiains a.s tl.ey . live in d-mT't of such Libraries a.-, tl.ey lave in j the V oii. -es, ,, ... in . sain. Ut' I , .11 ,t 1 1 1 1 ' 1 t "'Mil'. I v - V ' .1 - And alter all thi- o-t, the sol w . Id I e deprived of the very e -a-id, lali,- 1 . ncli. , . v-d fr.m ,sso",aP., f,oi t't- I il, rary lemed tiotn .i-i.!.,, on, ii iu i.i i.u.rary derived from !i.so-ia.i,.n. li . , .societies, and from that fevlin --.inf cn.ula ..!;, (-y wou',1 pu-l, a- well as w ,-h, tr,.,,,,.,, , ,-v. rxwle re el.-e, if the rid.t ..-wauwiuld I,.,.. V.ill ..,,V ;!-., V men were,,, al.,.,,;.! ,f it- ' I- A- ri '-ted' "" ' '"JrU ' y 1"" !"' a ,rrn o those wLo .,,i,.r.i.t t.,. .,; ..-,r:..i.,.i .cher.etoudiatovrwierin, f,-n, my sub,, , , 1 . .;?,t.;,;';!i:;.' ::,v;.;: v:,x;,: r.:;':!';' r:L!:":.o'.:;;::::.!:::::,:::::.::.f:;:! don ;.'.-n. rally r xdt-d in larp-e win iewol these coiiHilcriitions, (l,e Mate, at !lie roniiiion co-t of all, has provided a I ni i r-ily, has erected loiildi!iu'. pnrelia-ed looks and pnratns, and . -taldi-lied a fund, tlie ii t. r. -t of w hie h pay p irt of the Cerent expenses. Alter the nppi"pii.ition of tiie Slate, (lie ro t of era In .'in' al our noble I'liiw-r.-ily i, ilimini-hed mote than a imudred 1ohl. 'J he 1 'ui r-ii v is thus n L-r. at charily in the ii.d,b st aiel true-t n-e of the Word ; and ill the same sepse, and no f i.lher, arc ' p ... . , , I . I . . ,1 . ,. .. ...... .. . a ....... ..j. leiiie; a mini -t. r ol I he ' lerman ret irine'l ou marie aiiu.-ion to a race tminer- ... , i num. .hate section, ami m mine. As you know, I am surrounded by - riuaris; 'uul '. " " ," 1 "'' i'-. 1 , K ' 1 . '"JV I" ' " r V "" , l"0t t:''V-?n "l'"U"t V" P " ' " lu!, J ' " ' -' "! J" ' "". 1 J " I I ' 11 I "" 1 . 1 ' 1 .. . . ..11. .11. Ti I-"- ""' a- ..,,,.-,.,.,, v i (..Oiev,. it ,-ou!d be .lone iu the r. m.itc . x- jnMr."-U'r' """V""' 1"n;;'-"" ; p pu i a r - 1 u-a 1 1 on. a iiuatid a m te-i hi-r, a nil i ..l ... : ...;.., ;t i.i l. ... i , M ),(, r.(l.r hnml, !;, .1-v.s not .aeU a '"' '"" P 'V' " tain so,, of .p, r.ieial ca, i.y. In his t-rs eo,.,,. et-.l with our oiet,,.,, -ehoo,-, , , j R , ;. ,-,iU , ,,. ,.,,, U .iri,.,',- enli i.t with . 'i-ifle. r' . i , . i ', " , '"'' ' ' r.M,y ot L-:p-i-. and has sine,- k- p. up a i J ' " I ""' " "K";" -v l'f '"V ' I ir.,1 rcudi.u, whi. h ,ivc .he airs kl, -wi-v V " ,-' 1' !"n '"' v "'. """T'-r - rv , l.in without be-touin a pmlound er ,rd'' 1 ,,',ni :::T;t: -r'T i"n,.u;' ' r ' . ' , ' '", V" ""' ""s ' ' 1 '''"r--''- '"' wl t-,vc you due no.iee d th-tim- . de- af. t,.,; ,,. r, p,,.,,,;,.,, f im ,-e aed '! :V'',r--v'"'1 t!!' rV many -id, d al.il.tie-. whid, wubl Mid. r ,.,,)., mtU a.- iai-e a crowd as you ha litll ..,., ,.fl,i in wl.at-.-v.r I.- n.i,L. ...de,- ', ,--., " " V ' I ','!" i ";" V' ? at '!! '"- ' '' 11' r--to:e, I le pe li will l.e in in v power i i ii. i some .-.on, As I stated, I wi-h ..know ti'ou, inrson - .,1 0b-ei-v,Po, tin-aefi-il eondition of tl,i,i-s ; f;x iTS b: .-1,-1 ,-, uiak-'a plain talk to all da-s of ,.. ti. ..... i ... ' 'd ' ! '''' " 1 . '' ' . . '. " . ' . '-nd ,i e'loi inrs'Vr "r'oM.a ' " ' " ,,, , , ,' , ,. ' , I " ,od can- i- . ' ' ', ' "i ' " ,-' " n !v.,,( .,11,1 vdi, ii tne io n, ration now. I'i j t i tH'-lt" p. u,, s on the s, i-e of anion, a revolution .1, . ' ,' '", '. i '. . ,.., ;,r,l l,e .r,a.lv ace, .1, rat, d. ' ' i .,, ,a, ,., .'...d , ni ,ii-, ora o 1 u-, I no pr., r, -s ;, . ,a ;, ,i. ' whnt'-v ..1. .... . , ,. '.i ,- , , i ; : , ' -. ." v,. t . ,. . i . i , ... '. ''.''iVl.t.."!!.-!'. (.' II ,( V tl Ij .1 -1 , T ' I , lb M .-,,. ,,. n . , fr .,,.,,-, i ,,,,, ,l'o .1- ' .!, ,.aaai, ,, . r I ii.t d. ' I i a 1 .i- 1 ,!....,,:., , ,i. ... ,'.,' ',''.',' ' " . ..'-,", . , t... ,. w,,u.l !.-,,. ,.-.. ;ir i :,dv I ...... , '.! lii,- l" can 'aiomdii'lidv s'lmw. I .:,, r,.!v 1, ,.,r(Ml viilsiie. ,,,.:1 aii: i, i.t.'priiieiph.re,!,,,.-,'-,-! with t he wdi are of . o,r Cum, ....-'.-bo -U ; .,,,! Ill, ll.il. Oi ' Ol i ' o I - i i. ... ... i ..ii r tin,- I tra-t tuat tin l-eaiiliPa! Indliu Iiauo- n- rd-.'.i w ill be p. rp. piated in , . , o ,i, iP d t ., hia-ti.ii.ity and t!u- art f l, aee and ; i 1 . t , n. U i-i.dj: l-allli and i,. ronal stuci-ss, ; T -. ; t. . ' ' "' " Vur, ( '. 1 1. N' 1 Lb. Y. To lli.V . J. II. f V, 1 "UH. I L" v I')-n () Tjf p ill l-i, l Id ' - .,''' , ' 1. A 1 1. 1. 'A 1 1. A parly of ....eidleiu.n coniieit-d with.!,,' , . , . . , i , . . 1 '" '' r U":'v ' '' I' '' ,' .'' ''." . i : , e i a i . . I I i-i' r lad a - I w e, k M; t w t , t . - , , . . . , ,. . , .,. ... - '-'''.;.o..e-i,.r,,Mi,erap.oSnea,,y-,My- "!'? A!'ll!'l'l;uli,,','1S?31'1 ?t .''i'; I .MleTi-i ,.,., , ,' ,.. , ; , ,., p ,. .' '., .' . . ' ' -, ,(ti, , w I ,, i, ,e, i.t n, er pdi.iv - j,,.,.' p, , , , i j ., ".. ,', c jh. r , , j ;.' ,1. . ... ... - i ,i . , , , m . ! v. lino al ei .ia, - , an I Pa.- in, n -''' i o i , ,. ,. , j , . ; , , ,; ., !" a""! -' .' " '" ' ' tA"",! ; ' n'' 'r ' d' 1 ' ' i'i -. , I ''i ' 'T I ' ' o - '-, - v' 'i f ' - -' . 1 - ' .., ' , " ., . ,,o . . . . ; n 'i-e, tha-e tw - .re..! i. t ra i iiin.:. 7, ..,.v A 'I..H Pi-IP '!.' M'-N- Th" 1 1-vu 11 t iw '1 I'd, . -r ,p!i pa' a-l w ! 'all .N-.a,t ll.m a bit- . t a.;- ni;:', "i .. a..,;:.i ,a t ., a e i.ei. - i n.a u - 1- has a f w 1 1. -,;. 1 '"le .'1 . !'- -! m .".lan.i.a. n .-. Nil o:. I a 1 . o 1 tie 01. wl.O-! eat- h atill; . ami - n.- t . ; :, 1 1 : '-, na- , ,p,v. ,. , ,b' , ,' .. ,- ve li , , d,,,,'.,!,, di n'd kn-w w l.i, 1, ; ' lip ... 1 l.e hind lor male hun and the lie, pair ., 1 in; lock 1 ; alter Pal.,,,, in' th- .1,," : 1.. hi- I -v p., ':e, Ir.-ii. air ! .- rear up. ;, ,. ,.. v I P, I... .....I. ,1 .! 1, l'a l:r..!!,.' ' . - p., ,p, I,. I'd. II v, a:; 1 , vr i t-iu that' n,..,,b- ,d loc on li "ii. j j r vuiv.i -Po led ae i-Pui, you-sdl I o ; .,,,,,.;... Theic a:- w or 1-1. ... the , , i,n ....... s.d ueiii! v , M'l v.-.-r. 0 ol j (; ,;,-h"lanii.. je s.divieiiilv cipiv.-.-i-. 0 o! all our pa-.-io,,. AYl.v is a 1. m hal.-w ay throip.h a -at, hl.e a half puinv 1 lk-.m-e there is a head l . .. at oue l1!,', Illi'l 4 Ul, "1 1SV tiuei. ITiINCE MKNSt'lIIK')' i' I'his mini r , who Iiloi'i's very Inrp, !y in the recent diplomaey ef I In-.-ia w il h Tur- )ev, is jm di-.'rib.'.l in a sl;-te w hieh apj'. urs in the .New York T " of (he J , 1 instant. It ,-hould be l.i'.eii, we -e,. po.e, wilh the allov anee at 1. a-t that it is i,t written bv an admirer; ...r, , M .,".,. ;;.-,(' f;,mi'v d ies re-t date from the early times ol the Itu.-ian a;i-- ,,.,...,. ),. j", eeiei arat'n el v receiil. II. was 1 1 mi e.l In- ii inn rue v in :i :i leist V V ei n o;. W 10 - - I ... cii.d Ins wares thr."i-h the tro-t. ( ;i i i, ir r,...-.r,l ... ,,.,, .r... ),,.,,,. !,:, ,,,. ,,f , ,,- v, ,, r., 'lu,;.. however, did . M,)(t ,,, S:,u,,.i;l .,. !'" r'.;"1'!(i?'-' L I-''" '1 .'' ;l '"' )-n-n- -"""""' "i!' ' k""lf" Url"'r' ""'ki''-- 1,1 U'" '!'"- 1,1 '''' !'rl"-"'- '"' I. a- d, -i.i-e.l them a- i-norainu ill, ! I, a!- ities. i own mental or- a:naiion 1-, ... 1 ' t lowrvcr, 11 or ot a noii nr. 1-1. i i i-mv ,.'.,. ,e has 1 n .om ri ( i e, ra'l I V nil I " inc ,!l(u;:h ih ,,, w:ls mv,r ,1b, and S to ;'L;::v 'a;:1;.,:,;!;;:, ''very fe.ofthcndutheK.,,,, livly very f,-Wof themin.he Ibi-iannav . ,,M . :ird':'"! !"' P"!:1,; -I "" iU ' !l . I.iu, c-f..l in wbatev, r I.- n.id.. .... , ,k... ,,. b,,-u din.iiii- , ,. ., , . .,,,,1 , ,. . '; - : -Vt C ,0- of ...hers and ha- 1.,., ' , , ' i ', :1?: r':,'1';-1;;;1 iv; .:":,, ,'VV r ' ' f'-.r.-.l "i 1 Cl 'i - i ' '' " '""u '",r"1 1 ' ' ' '" ' I" 1. -t, l.tin- , Veil nit .he l,-o, ,,) !! ,.. '" "- '"';il'. lli''1' .ll- ni-a.i.r.-..,.(.- i...-...:.-y ha- In ,r r, ea. -led him a- a lav .u de. . , . ,, a in a '"" Tin re nr.- iu tie' cent of St. IVt-r- ;,r' '', ";'""'-' I"1"1!'.,' ,"" 11 'i ia n ami the erni an. The P-rmer eher- j-h- the idea of , r-'doniinaiiee in Kuropc. -'t Juirtieulai-.y d.-ir. ..i,me...ate .'M.".i 111 '"' " ' ' ai'-Tp.. n oi in:-' k. v. a: if le . 1. even of Aim:;;1. Tl.- li.-rniaii party nior- paeili- in re-iM , i I . j.asiei n ,ie-. i"ii. in s. , . . '-'"" the i:: a, nee of llu-ia in .he i . -I. in the ail ,u - M .eini.iii) to- in-tam-. :i ). iliev -t,.:i iilv pur-n 'd t.u- the-e d . -p, , iii 1 E v lu.-iiiil'. -t in th- i v ni- d' I - i-s and ' I'l. Mdie- h ioi, r d thi- I. LP ! Ki. nar.rallyl.' N, md-. -up- ' rt' d.n hy by Jo-iron l.runow tie- l.u--j 7 ' Ly- -M- A "r . ' ' Xl' nni'- j""1 ! '"V , . . , - 1 , i - l other 1 1, rmaii-, l.otli solun r- and civilians. .. , .. v . , , , b ni, r the inil'ii ii,- of Ne-.s. li ode, mo-i ,d the .liploiuiitie ii .e i.ts ol the . mpire are lit h-r I i eriiri us or other fna ; in-is. I l.u-. Mr. ,,1 i at W a-hiii:;toii, p- ,oiin thin-: ik- a U a, ,.!, a, n. and a I r de-taiit in i e- ii -i -n. S . it is with ode r-. I'rimv M. ti-ehlk di beloii':- 1 1 the lb, - - sli'i: .;ivly. 'I'ho.i.h a .liseiple ef Voltaire, , w ide ilon.ain" has Pm :,;, half p, op'-. t, a- tar a- rdid'Uis ideas, are cue rod, hedefo.e ..u.-t- i-.th f its ,a-, ; j-y !:-, hold-to the in"'i,-i;ee of die ire. k Ch-tveh p. , seleimd and r- ii ! r. i --i' --rvi-'i.t t pi- tli Tii'tiwii i! !.'( r of IIll--.I:ili M.-fi.il, I!. tr.-. 1 , -i i . - ii thi.;,. v)., tn-v.-r 4. Uli( ,:l.f (l.j, hi- bobhv. I" 1 ni. iilt-r th" eatiiieii-n ot 1 -.'. etidin-r "i . , ,- . l : .1 . 1 . ': "" ,rr -v; 1 ''" ''"r n-io v ,,,, p,,.,' , ,.f .d.i.-f of ,..,.!. r.helatel'rii.celVterWolkonsky, :"' ' ' V'"M " f " ' " ' ' " Xl s" it : w onieU o jUitti d th m i,u V bo liao hefl the I ,,-it i oi ol rl.l.-l ot Hi". ' e. Ill his n noon, lue ilea:.,- uiiic-i ui.P--l.tl V -. cure the ri .Tits "i li.Avk e.l -li I,.!. , 1,1 l''e;ad, ' ' Ihelind id ,. of M-!.i hi:: - It ha-l-'-vav- ; "i-d ;l- hid. as that -f a 11 a--lau n 'd. ; - at. .- . :.;m. lie n;i- ...i-;..i i .i-.:.. a e.'lil 1 ".ill,.' m'l m ? y, r t ii" ladd ,d the : j V ,r, and to h dd the Pr-t plae,- in hi.- conn- ,,,,, f,,r . p---.; -n f r a tao'i-i'id y-ars of 1,1 r.,.ii' - 1 ,,,,, in , 1, i,,d, ha- n- er ali -,1 p.-:, ; it i- 11 : en a r'i that v,-bav- a h oa ' hi;,.-, 1: to i-e . 1 ii ,t p,d. 'lie- t.u'h i-, In- ; o- the . i-nr 1 m'l b.wutr- Men !' ail I ' !..,,. I U. II.- 1 , . r i , , -1- i'.i--iii,, d tie ol -p. 1 "i- y ,d ,11 ; - ;,n.t; ,.- .! the ni I .ii . e .it:-.-r. f., lit vi tie' t.i-! 1 t o' i.i- de-lli s, Vi"'- !..'-, 1. -v, M r. ii la'.P 1' ;;',!-. : " ' ' ' , : 1 e ov, r tee he:,- t J i!,J thr-l.e. When : :'. i- the di-i-ters v ni-h th- 1 1 l ; - -1 ,i ' 1 ti.- ps e-l'tlnuaiiy e," Mi Heed IU I ,1 .1 no 'el- lie,' mixed L'. l ll I a lid o 1 i.r.'ihe, Sa-. a, ,d .-'tl-r li.rmat, '. ,;. ;ti..-i . i- res.;,d ... .- id 1 ' da' : 1 ea.- li a- i i li. w il h in, .-no li, i.t in , , ., ,l .,P1, the fa! ' i ow. r of Piii,; '- alensehPo'M stii'iie I e .,-;. ! 1,. T.e t o t . he plae.', 1 riiu'iu i;,P' 1 1 iv ail I --..li e- -'! IlllllleliCe III!'! Ill, ..11. 1- -U' .1- -i- -. 'dl. '"' 'f !' ';! n, n an i woiu-ii, di. is a -lent l.r.ont.' wi::i the .af.er t It ,1 , !.- tbr. l.d'i-eli' .m hi- , ,,., ... ,i, f ,;. , '., t , ii,. ; j " ,.;,'t it ,V!S .., panted, end all-, - . r lt t W,,r.,llt -i,,,-,-n.is, d to the , .'. , , ,, ,, .,- .p., p.,,,.,. i. ,i- I' ..,,-,;,.,! ol!" t he honor. In this w iv the n-.dn'.s courtier .row to b- same m-v, ntv Years of a-" without the I d. -si red opportunity of addi.o a bisp.rieUb.it it i- e.a-.iu.- 1 to he. !;,e jr.-ai-T e , d i-tiv to h.s name. In the allairs- ct l.er- , ,. ,i i:.,rn nns-lvl I,,!1 " I11JU 111 . ...v v j -....-..-.- . 'its way, !)il it seeilied opportune now to ;!" liu.--iali party a chance in the Ori ental fjiie-tieii. Of that party and its di--coi.tent Meti.-ehik ill was the or'rau and the trumpeter at M. l'eterl):;rh. 1 lo not only L'ave out in private that the noMiieiit had i "in" to fall on Turkey, but there as ali os I er reason why - m 1 bin -liquid be : ' I o ( er.Mitv him. lb: bad lately be. n o'-ii,. d t.i M.-'.d (lie l-'.-t ol naval li.nu-ti r lo Ihe ,,,.;,, j ( ,n-tanuno, the .-ccud s.ui of the Kmpfr, tiiid the , . (iul ol 'iialii.-nt of i . i . i i . .1 l .1 .. . . . .1 : i .. I''" I .mil , V. I. I I! ao I oen i i. Hi .lie' l .1 r .1 ii t'i -e .-iniple fact- may bef'tlU'l tliepriu- Cll.il rea.-'lls W IV .'I' !i-eiil,."It was si 1. 1 to , ' , . . , ., ,-. , .. , ..n-talltlll'il'le. 1 It a I e i I . I., e II.. 1. 1 1 . 1 1 I v - u . ,., , i i .. . i... i .. ; !.. a 'r' i--,ai.., wi, - .,..,,., , ; . 1,, f..i;Ul baek uuiong tho bb.ekiK-" J, a-.an,: '' " ,..),. -o- ,;,,,..,. (I,'. .loo':n, Ti:i;i.i.; .-kntlmunts. Oik I I ..- -1 N WiiAil- n : A -tr . "' ' ' ' ' T ' T' - 1 .' , 'lis u!! Tu ' 7?::,r ::!-.-:.,,i;:ri, :;'::vt''o-'r;;;.v ;rr;'::..i:u:;h:i::h.:.;;i,.;;';i iu ie t.d iil.y el I his "'Uiitl I fn e all the liati n- of die (.a, 'iii. The "!e.' o rea-on, of exp-ri nee, and of h. t - i- iiein ...'. .!, a:,, 1 paion ;i:d lanaii- ei-ni I I att . W .'il. w- i r tie i,!l,., ..V. at v ,'le, no "b.ul t ii- oiJ it i i'i. I'i .,: a p j elate-n in I 7 " ti o;' tin-, mil : Oi- ol - a! . -plan 1 en . : a e i ' III I e I !' ' 1 1 t , ' I V v , , i a ; 1 t I 1 1 1 !" V . We li.'UC "''i;rttli Io le a irr.-at uat'.-.u ol iwenn -,-is n i'don- . 1 i . - n , ... e".' ii.;.' P-'. iip'i'y iil iii .-t I- -us -- i;i i t. i.t. Ai.'l .hi-, . , in t'e- -'e it -j of m'o ; ty.-ev. I, y.-ai - ' ':l- ll.-rv -.. r 1 a ! -.! -. in the i.i.-toi y ol I he W old, .'l.'lOli -a rapi I : lli-t .ry tdi- n V U,";!":'! ''" .'' 'T !t 'as -pnu..' up a- il by mnao-. lie In ' --'i- w .-rpr.i,,.,! " " " ''"' "" !"V' ' " lo .; -'a j-r-.,- .. !- r- . I i lioi.a, and t,:ih(.-li stalai- c .,:!. ui leled. .., , d a ;.;,',., .1 ,.!... ,, Z ..,..,11, lot . -li- a i 'l I .-. i y -1 1 - '1 - a ia .; : i i.i ,i me and p. art a , ,, . i. uei - un in , " !v,e.;.,'-1, iii..!-:. at e,-. ;,! a- it 111-. ,'li -f i 'l'-ihi ' -, free a I j,i! a-kn-wlede i, t-. b.-, i- ,!-.-r- im d:i' l-ttur,- n- t-nr I.iat l-y , .. ,M v t-Iuh .u.v ,- on t rv a" 1 it- i 'r. e ia- s,itii..,,s il.t . utt. r and irretrievable ruin ' - .him; t.,- re i. I'- u -. .!.. v; aee "t -rv sp.-ari upon ii.,. i wiii't - it -;iv .' In ! i p in 'iin.lel ::ec i.t- t i .,ks !rui the iniul. ,.!' (iu- p-i-t, " Ik war ' , , , . ; .,.w-.-,r . ther." ; and a thus tar can., thou lo. Put :,. ta ,ike . a.,., s pi- due.' like f.l'. Ct I i-t'-rv a'-mitel w ;t!i tin fin f that i ,,,, i,aii a, ha- I ,-eu aide to luaint.aiu iis lr ,i,.,u ;i 1 1 , 1 i i . t i i t that lias est, tided its J... - . many .1, , ei -e , i , t . as .'I.', -- I diti.-ian- ,l- -ii-e to s, tiie iii:,:t- .-f thi- I'ni.m. lax fi e;i t''" Sr. .'i .is up oi th 11, '. I il ainle Ut' 'll the S -Mllii, -on " "f -eir embraced in ,. - .. li---' i;w ' l . , 1 , ,,,,i ;, 1 , ' . Ilie-ela I -li 'V, - ol the -Teat .VI- ,,i,tie up -n ,:i-t . . t!i- bb nkirf.-.l i Pa,,!;-til.' l.iaje-Pe l a ip-ii; -il the ji ,ui! In, - , ve, y v al i ly ,. f soil a lid i l.mal , , , rverv pr.-lu-ii-ui tint, can a, In, ;n i-t, r to the ! t o, h ii , t mail, and c-v, ry ch -t , n.a'.e Hi, a p o., , ,-f J ' n,, ot t'a ,t , ..n i and ind. o ndent i,;:ti -is : v, r b, 1 '.,-, ihi- -au'-lid Willi what th'V l,av. tl V t tin'- t!,,v I,-; -,v t r.-l'. s- Miirit- that wall 1 lau serve m lu -neii pr,r,t ,. t,-i,n.- prat, a.- ad p wn;.e a', at ;r de-iii,i, .- of t ,iis jr-iit e .im.rv. !,; 1 ':!:! u-t ! -, i. 1:11 ia w t 1 irii - - iu the i'l'iiiii .1- oi" our u oiiitry, a:i'.t eu: ' 'I 111 tie . r 10 ia , ; r, -r inn j; 1 ill- irre.-.t e .- i vativ- ,' iaeet. ..!. 1. .-pr -'e; l' -t .p.- iu 1-1 i-e -t'-'i'i- , tl,.. h -ai- .1 , .,-t in! tie: wl.iid- ia -n- --. ' . '' th. ,1. .J , , . ! . ; . - ei '. ;'. d we ar- fr-- ai. I r ha- I v ; i'i-: '. ,'; i:h that we yet hav .ns w h . lo'iv .! :r tae-'i:,' ami live aiii,;i;u-; tin:-.' thi--- are all a- notliiiii ; ,.,n!. " !; ,ili!,-l !.--I ill?" l-l-K U- to flfOf" 01 00. and nere i,'i-' l':tc. de-pit- of . - ie i-iinx-d. Aliii.ej ii,ii-t s-.,,;,.. ,n; -, r-av. and i ana ia ni-. ..uuis eu j.a l: IV I'.a Il.r.i. '!.. I..U-1 U.,.-.. o r ,' I IIV MliU.-s "1 IVlll. I ! .-oi,,.....- -. .ll.l-.ls it. t'.r P-'l-d 'h. vliat a duievv- v,,,l ho-- ol, si. ill t'i- v -.d aid t.ie " re-t i - a a.. ;a i sP ; .. 1 e lue t :.- ev;.t -iiPlv b e,;-e 1 llidir I lie1.-.' Sain s ,e -atdv I';;-.! un 1, r biie1.- Sa:n - ,e.p-. an I -Mir trade 1-1.;,:' tier. -d 1 !' a -. -. . ;-,,i. .v iv '; t elio'ljh t- da at hoii.e : II w hall' ,1", 1 ! the V l -1 ve--,,- . - .;' I ,. i , . . - ... 1 . ' - - ,'i i , . n ' e ..... -.. . , ,- ..... ..r. n. pr.-..f . i-i -.;i , . - - - til" u, ' li " j ',: - '' . P . '! r f. How -bei-o-, ,,,-r v Li ( kiiidre 1 h i,' -P.:' 1 irrave and a pvd 1 h,nr o.miitrvt , vtWr in i" - a;i ui.t'iiieiv ' line '.ve b VI, d our country t '.-:u-r iti ' a- n v,' em ,ri.- 'of iron? line we f-t. r. i -"in ui-rce aid 'mavuPu: ir. . an 1 u.:, b- ' ir e nintry in fi-t ry in .u- .. .. . . u ,- i3 ;a ,vir .uvi Ma.'o u uuir k; - .

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