iMLU.t-Ui-iLmnauiui.jmcjymiw , t 1 , I. lie Hawaii are in our way; Canada and ' painiia, to It afly entrusted with the gunnli. 1 apan soon will lie in our way. Oh, wlint aiislnp of the pcople'a rihta. The judgment of preat it-How this Jonathan in, to he Mire ; n:"i who often crra and llicn rcpti.ts, however Stand out of the way, all ye nations, ami honest In- may !, is not nimble, is not a unfe J,'i ve him elbow-room! You all statu! in r-positoiy of, mil on this ground the hi" way ? The interest of his tniilr deiiniid friends of .Mr. (.'raigc "uhl not hope for 1.1s die that you should stand aside : " manifest des- in n. tiny" e.iys " tiet out of the way." ! 31'ortb (Carolina Wh. j fitiitlirr and (."lineman. fbi- l.tsl A-ln l lit' Speet.ilnr spe iks ti ns of ()!. i.ntl.. r's prospects in ire M unit.. in lbstru t. I W'e tire inee M,ii-fud than cia r our I'.v !!, pr. m nl .live, t! i I l,,:i. Y. I.. I luiL'tiite. w iii r-t i If troubled wolh Connies-, ,iual hones- for I lit- in t ! Iwj ye. rs but will be eriiu.t, ii I.i r- in. .in hi Ins , ailnpbai county of Hi! tie nu .he . nd pursue thetltll i tenor o ins waty w it iioiit let or lii.oii rene. I Ajitili, in tise same article the Spe.-tator says', j We'd ; wo laen iv itehillir. the fl'lis of the 1 tiuii s as tin y n.iie proL'r, sm ii, anil ue nidi, s.l i j tinly uivi it ;s our opinion that t or a'ieand roiliaut cln.uini.m f.f llie W bie e-nji ('!. l,nr- Ci s S. ( illticr will he cl.-cl,,i ill Auvllit lu .M whilst our Federal t.i.tea would not be percpti! ly inrn used. Already the cnormo.n niiiomit of Ni:nr.o insukrecttox. Some very serious facts have come out in -'..,,...,.,. u neres nave men jrraincu io new ennneetion with tho late so-called lusurrec for the purposes of education and inlcr.iul improve. ,,i ., ar0 su,r,;cstivo enough. It may tin nts, and none ut all to the old, s. liut the ,C a yM j,reuinture to laugh at this ll Hair yl'iliitineou Journal come. leu itaelt' by iiKsiTtiiiH- yet. that the lands given for improvements An affidavit WAS made Yesterday by the were given in ultimate fictions, which incroiised jY,.,. neofo who first triivo itiforiilittion of the the vlue of the reserved teetinna in a double matter ill which lit detailed at !elii;th the jdan propnrti. ii ; and lima in.tliie was lost to the uf altack. fusteliinj; tile w li"le leadership uud tJein ml i; niii.ent, whiU t the St ites in which ; iesuii.-ihility oil I he Knlishnilili, l' son. the lands lie have l eeti bi ni 'Uted. llul Cail l.'o.ies 'l liis I'vsoii came from lauiaica ill 1 111, and I'.mals w ill be lui:t wry h ov, w lo re tin y are nlid ever su:ee his been implicated ill many I. ceded, win tiler aided by till (o.v. runn nl . tullatifill lllOVelneilts. He tallht II lli'ovo or not; and if the new Stat.- .should In K ft t- re. m Ioi1 here f..r a while, in which tinytliiiir' .-t t. the same means for l.mi-.'.i.g tins.' w..rU l"it their A 1! ahs oecuiieil the attention of that the old ones, nil the Sute w...i!J own ! the pupils, lie was concerned ill the case all the 1 .mis ine, eased in the .,m , r.,1,., and so ' Z for robbery, and, we In lieve be wo, ,!, ,:,.,( niueh more. Suel, is the .l.snr.l . I''' W, 1 0 ,s a ut t '"t'"t '"' . , . , i tleeideilly ilamxet'ous. re isonii.; ol the 1. moor .lie part v oi ';:ins to mis- , J . . .. . . ., " . J be liee ne.'io slated 111 his allnlaMt t he i nil II eir suiKlit i .usi. i in Mine rlll. o oo s the constitutional power ot I minn ;.s to eii.ra'.e mi From the Washington Virion. o ruiuur.N roi.irr ci'UA OR HAT r.lllTAI.V. manner in which ho was introduced (,) 1 y Alhert, lr. Jiilslitoli's slave, win RECKI'TION IX KG VI'T. A letter from an ofliccr of tho U. S. fri pato .San Jacinto, dated fyeitzia, iMay -'ltd, ii'iiM the liillowiin' neeouiit of u recent pre- Wc have had occasion fivmiently to refer ,,,: nt- ,. lluli,r f Ainericnus to the with jrratilicntion to the univeisal response Uaw i.ll(,un ot- Kjrypt, at Cairo : of approval with wliiel. the Inaugural Ad- t, (JrftiiJ j,., fi)Ur dres. ol rresident 1'iereo was received.-; Hmr fine Syrian and hut, to our tniud, this respot.-e was peculiar- , (o flH ,t m ly cordial and si.mlieaiit ... regard to the with a ,,lard of Jani.uries and a few nohle seu.imcnts and t ,e ruly Amene H un .( spint in which he skete he, h.s lore,,-,, poll- P(lllsl,i, cy. -lo partisan se,,-,!!,ty h,s lan.a.e : '. 'c,, ami ...0.. i,,,,ht have he, ,i olleu-ive, a, conveying an nm imi led oeiiMire upon the negative policy ot - . . . . ,,,,,, i , , 1 , , . . ' i.i- . hb Lynns, ot J.vondale, were sentea ill the the ate administration ; hut his sentiments ' .' . -. i .',,,, i ;, i.,,..,. , . i . i hist carnage ; l.ieut. I,anman, l.ieut. Ieir, ound so warm, I'l-onipt ai.d universal a re- '. , ,. . . , , c, i ,,; ., ' '. i .... , ! Lieut. (.Iiiecn, Lieut. Mctson, ot the ht. J.ou.s, spouse rom the A inn lean heart, tnat pai ti-i ." 1 in. - . i I : c ' ... , . i i in the secmid : rurser Jiittnnlioue, t liu I siiu enhei-iii scarcely ventured a wluspeiiiiL' i- .. i v- i . ,. t Mil I :. ., . - , ' ii".iieer Kvce t, lr, W ii'-'lit and .)li,l..h p- oissei.t. ihetnio secret ot this instanta- . ' ,, ,,,.,',, . . . . ... man Mian c, in the third ; in toe I nn in, iii'ous aio tiiuveis.i national nppiova! n to '." . 1 ', -, . rv..v..i. , ,. ,. , , . i - i MiiUliiiiiuan .Nnitli.n .Mr. l'i.-h,ol 1 ork, he 1. mud in the deep coin icium which ik'-.v i ; ' V1 ,. .,, ,' . r i: i ., i .i . . : . i : i , r. Mualt, o hi adclpbia, and an Kn-ill-h ri'is ii iniii i ue m ii c 1 1 1 1 ii i inai ii is iti-n - i i . -,i I . " ,,....1 i ivionmnlis mill .1 alllal leS. U 1 1 Act:tiiniirntiN s;,0 rHI'H': umlerigi,i. li.vmg ,,,!,,.' ' .B. Iralor nl' tba H.lnte ol the l.,, . V" will ovposo to public Mia on Mni,,' -.ant, (,t he,,,, M mJay 0- .Me, i,,. Coiirl.) in t'hailimu, -Ubu,t , Iimuuiir lo iij e.tale. I r,J;'ti .... ,U,M, , '"Mir CHARLOTTE: woni:siuyjuIyu.:.. r , .... , - " - tv. ictt.l'r Jills htoii s s avc. w no w as ar- ,' .. ,. , ,'ent email iiraoomans unu .) ics, r, u , bv a t.-iiu.iph ;nt n.iio iiv. 'I In- h , in n tvv., v . rs i . ., : meuts and vet Ihev h ud the aid 1 1 ' , 1 , , , time that 01.1' loreioii no icy should be nil- "."L . i ,i ' no I -I of ' is .f.i e.l ulm. sr.l.ere nl tin. ' 1 ' J " ' : rested by the C h ft of IV ic on Monday , , 1; ,;,.:,.,.- rc v .,.;, ! their silver-in, Hinted canes, brinin-,' up the :"1 '"' ' s rtlui.urp-... dutiful consist, ,y. a f l10taWd he was free, hut ,1','. Jf. - , "';,,, 1 the city about two miles, ul,d we had to Ko - : . .Mr.tln.-u, n.wlioiias.heni.iatrinsiiious.i... y ,!,;mlf Ii,ll, we are offered 1 .'."". his lamily wal.)0. resident 1 leree S..W an lei. I hat oil, for Igt, ; f J, , t,,e ,.;,v. Tlt. l1(,r,os (),d , iron, I ir rv to . e:ea, i-m, has (; m- mote u t i ,. . ri,i i,-u .-, . , . . . , i ,, -, .... ,,, . ,., relations were ilestiueil to ciL'aL'e a U'adui : ,. ,, , ... ' t: . nibr t tin I ,.., r.aed a.tho.h In'nas l,ei, ' ' : """" r; k .! then asked l,, would he not like , liarc of att,,;0jl of hi, adiuilii-tration i -" .'' a ,l,r0" tl' f r"". ' : el er sinee i !!:;.. He. I 1:1 l.-yiljf Ij cone from one partv, while he lieelv cor. lis I othi r, he has t In In li d I he n !'. t ill e.ieh si: i ci e.t.r.ff i ll', rt. S.. tiiat now ol' the I ,r-e i a u. I I the f.( t tm. ami we shall sen i, l.e able to buu.l up all ol . , ,.IV0 l,ls ,ulmv j, t. ,! 1,0 answered 111 it to the I our works- of internal imnroienicnl, ami p! .ee our the .1 (Urinative wherr ilium n 1,1 an of ntt aek , i - ' - r i ' ('..inmen School sysi. in on a perm. in. nt an.! s.,t. : a mni very ably draw n up, w as exhibit- ' ot' nii:s ii ho u-ed I.i . ort In i whet, w is a ' 1SI U ' 'r.v ' " 1 "s ", l '"' " 111 1 "y ee en 10 niiu, me tmnictuars oi w men ii is uu- i W In l'. he has sear eel v a eiTnoral's u ,ru I. fl 1 in-'i null v of llie j). :u seralie press uud stump or. ; iieee-sarv to m a ki? public 1 .roper I v. irWII.I.IAM TMd.MI'SOX Ksq., is our a j He has hern .Ks.rteii by many of his obi friends I .,(,,, .m trv tll . rs us that II. mutt's Land I There is more i-omdiorativu testimonv. i.oiv h. '"-i no : . . ..... .i.... .i . i. ... .i ), i.e..... ... ti,;. .,Jk .. ..;i. , . . i , , . : i'i i : is tin II ' i , anil I ii a i litre i a 11 oe ill .n.ri . " in nil.. . .iv. on 111-11111..11 miiii. it udi p. ink ill ill in. erais, 11 ho J ' ... . . tsoolo n. frank, and tVarh s I '""re i q.i .l mode of Jipoin2 of the public lands. 1 Mclu.l alio makes nlhilavit that lie rowed ' 1-1 . r icv inv n.itnt, i.iiti it.s ' I V0ll lo Morxyhv. ftit in H.i 1 Ij ihoi: Huthoricti to obt.iin aihrrtise i nl' liu- IK in. .cr.. tic j irt y ; t.r tiir- art' jit nte arui sTilHtrrii'tinii, n nd lo (Taiit rt t-ripls. ; ft. ftr.i i 1 1 1 -1 r ,tc), im n v v- i - n n i. . . . :. . . a. i ' !.rr !iT v til.' t r ail out -H.,'.'a ..'. ' "i.,-. ' Wlui', in in ft rtttrc to a man who m iuh- thmi '. Sui'its ni.i.1.- Unn.icr.irv inv. nt. ;.m its ' VV'OIl lo MorLllvl-lniitalion (l iir.niiicM.iii.i.. ' i and t. hii other tiling, a nul'i ami w ;tir !,, ,P, ,.,.,.-.. ,i i t r.,i .r-v ii t i ' , n man who u anylliii.i: or i.otUu.jr for ibv tmu- In-- ' . , i of aiiilii Ulli tion Riii nrnis with liitn. A hMi II j . B. (timer, r.!!.. is nur antuonrrd ncrnt ..,...:..,,,,.,.. . ..t t,.. t...t pol.rv to d etive tiu' ik-o nlf. 1 iu-retorc he v ar , ... , lo receive adv..rtn..imj,u and ul.penptwim nt in 8 , u c,n t,,, lm i Uii w-iy. and wat.-h jiiic! in noMuii, .ev lorn anu i inuucipni.u i i . . ,, j - b!io K :ir ii from a cnm'spnndi nt of tiu'SjHi'. iitrty. " i titor, writing frmn Vaneey, fjjt!ur ' carry tlit I.'iiioer..tic count i' h' a handsome ma f Wtntt ' ('llllin FOR C"N;riK5, JAMES W. OSfiOR-VE, vr M.tMil'lt'i I'l'L'MY. I CANDIPATHS r'oR CLF.RK. I,-" Wo are authorized to annnunre HI (.11 t. 1 jorilies in the counties of Wilkes ami W..t.iuiM, McKMtiHT, Kq.. aCindulate f .r the I nfier : nn u.- race ch.ini.-r of loll only in the n in nine.' i' Cmaty I'jurl Clerk at the ensuin; August coimtiis will I suliieieiit to i b 1 1 the bi c.m- joril v. Tile ai .r further si vs. i ... i , f . f.. lar recovered from ill health us to fet 1 in We have before us the lull ri turns of t;ie vole J two yeirs ajr.1. Assuinmj;. as we may t'orly do, ; accrptiii" the mnsicn to t'liiiia, t.-iidircd to him t'ol. (i ntiier w ill ree, ue the usual " b.- ma. I S1411C tune since bv President Pierce. I" l...l' t.-k tl,. t-.l . , .. l'...l I. .111.1 ..i .si 11' 1 Uteriial vieila.iee is the price of , 1 ' . ,, dressed I. lacks supposed to he tree men, or I " otlicers,'" as the deponed ealli tlieni came I out of tbecane brakes and to d: the jrut.s ami I aniimiiiiiion, nod di-api",.red. lvsuii then 1 c.n....:.. . 1 :. t.;..i. ; l....- i, , ..very wuuoiw nm .inn, i'jii'.i. in1 inn 0 11 11 nin iiiii'iii . . , i.i - . .-ill' . .. , 1 . , , ... . , .. 1 ... .people starnci at us otit-iJe barbaiian sum h it c inrn vtn en I 1 11 .. 1 1 ..uu 1 ...ill . the .111c1icaii lieait, and jrave assuratieo that the national honor was eiitru-ted to able and palriotie hands 'Iho popular heart had tolerated, with pome decree of, the neaiivc Hot to say the lecLle or timid policy of our late foreign U) malm paymcnl, m ,.e 111V1, ""a,l ihn siiiiii. Mr.i ri.i..i.,Ei...l 1.. . - 01111 :u a ....... i.m o prescnl 11,0 . ej-ally ceriilien. "" Jn. 1,, , TIKIS. J, JoiIN.v'Tov . .. ii RANKIN, PULLIAH & C0 IMPOKTKIIS AM) WIIOI.KSAI.m,..,. '' Foreign k Domestic, Staple u Fan, It is s'.ted thai the lb..,. Ii. J. Wal!,er has so rcturi'.eil to the city, aniiini; Lemeci l and ) 0 clock the next ii.nriiiii the m Tinner a ft t r the arrest of his confederate Albert. This is the purport of the allidaviu ma l left jtiu. id Me. Til it there Ins lie. l The friends of VM. K. RTIIV take treat plea. ( oho ar, ,,'y jn , aeh we have v. rv I. tile V11R TUT. XiiRTU-rAR iI.INA Will. I. hsr.s. HELTON i Wii.i.iav-'-u.n : I havi vesterdav. Coupled with the fact that u lari;e liumber of negroes have fled from th. ir iiih--ters and are now uiisinr, it leaves lifle loar irin for ridicule. Thee i.s certaigiy somt- Fiir in annnitncm; his iiaine to the People of the ' doubt. In this eountv wetid ik tin- ehai'.-e h .s iu-t received a K-tt'T. fi'olu a native of tliinir ill it and the di tcriliil:at:li tho . ounly of Meeklciibuir. as a candidate f..r tin 1 if. .,. ,..:,r, r tare, hundred. In Ruti-rf..rd count v. ltcklei.l.ur2 County who i- now in the City ! 'l,i,.f Police to be in r, adiic.-s f .r any t'T n! I inly 1 ouri 1 i.rK, at lue t.-ai.-s A a- ( luiin ins majorii two years ao was ever nil ; e Usl Klertion. i from every inuie itn.n now appar, nt, i litlit r w ill fr We arc anthoriir.l to announce IU'lJII M. C't a 111.11. .r.ty in that county. Ami so of all the IKIl'ST' .N. Ksq , as a oimli.i.ite f..r re-eleeiioii to counties in I tie old li-tru t. V. r v rreal and . -t:it i.-'.cc of St.i. re.rOout l lerk of I nion C'oun. ' ridid changes have taken pi - in ail ,,f t'l.-m. w t' ki.nw 1.1 so rue peni'-ls where (ol. I.nih. r two years aijo seareik r. ei :ed a lot. . w In re- he I! l l-BI! r... .,.l,.l.1 ......I..,.,. ,,, "in lion r, 1, lie JH1I..M .111 iinii.imi ii- i. ie. .villi 1 door was crowded with At the several military po-ts we j-asuol, tlio guards present. 'd iiruis, bugles sounded and drums Lent. Cpci ncariu tho palace, a most splendid Syrian le.rse, rich!)' caparis.ju ed, was led by two Arab firooins in li uit of the carriages, and as we found out al'ter- 1 ... 1 . r 1 :.. 11: .1 inttreourse, and was, theef u c, prepared to ,1"'" '" ' ' .' rMi0iid will" ...thinu of sf...hUuUt a.,-ll' a 'rich sciiuctar, to our consul poncral. ultation at the announcement of sentiments . "" ' P"'5 f'' ' Pl-. so worthy of the le ad f a Meat republic, re-unei.ts ot outl.s, Iron. I to in years ol , It is indeed, time that our lorei-n policy wrre ,lnnv" lM "' l"lH."V order; a j should be characterise! by a di.-tinc--.ive UlA vi ,1,UHC commenced d.-.viu-;; Amcicaii, or more properly llepublican, ' tl"" trorTs I'MM-l.ted arms whil-t we ab-hted Al, tone and sentimcit. We nVe ereatlv de- ''""1 "-ci mbd t , the r..,,m a; .......... 1. . l.. - 1 I.. 1.. I i j'ai i'mo iJin, inn ru iii'ui imiiri i ;t- miv mil V. 17, Htnjnr ll ril ;Vi!l remova Srpieiiilr I, .0 ' CIlAKI.KSTdN, s.c, C1"li:' W. P. KlXKiN.of Ashnvillu, .N.c It. W. I'ci.i im lit,, of" ' P. M. I suomii ii, lata of Ci.orjc, A. I. Smi i it. laiuof Aslunlis (. M.ixl of M.tttrrs Bj CMIN AINC in tho Pi.-nni; ,. , . U 'N- ' Iho 1st day uf J , v i. ., AUxan.l r, .M, N .11 " lliiniiltun L : K y. i- Ivmr. Win J. OIl'tifJIlM WmS ' kIi.!.'..', C , Iko., .!;, ',VA :i,a . jKilUit., f . l...i.p,ton j I. ' '-""e-rii-r. I,i, o John Me , l.od.-l, ;,,,Ml " A i. ir nil I. irt , ' Mls Isabad!,. i.,,i, II I,.- ., ly, at tlie ensuing Auu.-l lleetioll. 1 "We are authorized to annouuee JK.NNIN'iS of asliinton, which contain. the f.liow- ; eiuiro ney j, aei-ordin t 11. .-cl.toiico, "1 am a.-hamcd to ;.') and see laudaLle ;u the extreme. A. i '''. the Va.-l:iir-t .ii Motiuinclit, tin J so j inucii about tlie Ler yirdite Hock lien M. i k- , WI1 Tl'iH Al! I". Tl i t. V '. knburi; Co i:itv. N. Carolina, that lie- there t it i t . c v .t in i.;i nil . 'ii:'--.i 'iiat'.."i.i "i .. .nil lu.i" our "-i'; ic si ii il i i;viin n , , . ' a i ,, ,. , i it ii.i... ab t 1- ' ll II: 'e 1 .b t i:.i ,1 1. i. '- I1UU t. V, but liohe tiieortK-co! Siiji rmr taurl I lok i-l M-'Cul, nuu-' , , ' , , r . . i , . I '.' l"ss and irr v e.biv. i la n :n. n c ,untv, at tae eitsu.n Au.-ust th tiou. . . -n ,h in; as toe W tus nl Ins l..tnet have Iflil . T- Cbt.urin to ( ; 1 1 th, r, th. v 'a. net ir.a !. un it from 1 hi b.iii. T.ais I.i r t'riini I.i.' i oro, r. i,f tl... sir, . Is. OUT I't lilji i '1 iiis w .il l.e joyful ic ws to the In. mis of thi 'ur pip'-r is somewhat d 1 this w eek oh in.; Whirms. cv rywhir--. .-.rid av l...e th .t tl.f lo nfiint of our hands t ii'ovinjj lae 1'oijrih as a lih of Auju-t w ill led a still more : ttenu til. Misconstruction. S-nn" r,f our f. tri d to inifMn.trir wl;at we s nd 1 1-1 we k a'roit list r- ! r-viv il. Th- Ji ?t '-i'ji r t ! to, I'V soil!' n-. t iipiMtcjj' r-Vtf' th tn a of toir hyp rer.t It; j! J .is a n- r 'I ;r:ti :,!', if Ti j I m.c iP Ii-:ii n .t.'ili ' i t, t'.- r, t t-j "in i-i.;iv.,.u ii i;ierc t.un IVmycrncy ami l)isltii)iiiio:i. A "rsi.l b. l .rd t a.- p .pt;' ir.iy of i. i.ry 'l y' -e a, ,,f ii;,., -but:, p. n li.i !i is h s d u; n to I on d ty, toe l. ia .rr.;t.. pn - liaiii. W h id a e;. ' .-'.- 'i 1 1 r in on I ,:i I'll I.', w .nr:i spp 1 t . u;.. I : H s. . ! I a f i'- w rt.h s W'. t f. a a:.; v -.:.! : i r . :i: ; ar :n t : re :r ! t . .- l rv n l. ; :;-tiee i t p r : i ' . I II i I t V , ..!...! HH.I.JI ..r .1. :s . f . ! i t wo honor I Id- I e vlesll Uis.'r. lit "' o"..;.b . ami t . ; - -.. th t no .ar. .ft.. . p . r ty . ! .! j. ir in : -a ii i. . 'ir i.. r.:...s..-n. W -r- I. .ml ii.;; h, i the t oe.l. j';,;. . , W.I... . Iiul I- tinlrcssi to have the stotie prepared m a oeia.i,t nian- l.i r, or do t'uey inteiii it t) remain in, til the .M oiuiiicut is Ci.i-hed, and then be removed witii tho otlu r rubhi-li. It is a shame and enough t" put every North Car- ...n.iaii to tile Idx-ii liiat v:-:l.- ) a.-liiut Oi City." Messrs. lvutor. arc the fc-- lo f .Meek Iciibur 2 t... blame i.-r t!.i- n.a'.ti r, it' so I h .,' on w;li KUiind them el it In iery iuo of . .ur j.aj.i r iiiiii! .. u ar.'U-e w hate u r i.- lei t of that ) atri.iti-iii, that -romj ti d our an cestors to take the lead uU tbe th .Ma v. 177",. Afl. r tint i-rt..t Montlim. lit sli;i!l liave 1 ,11 ca-ct."! t tlie ii'.eii. ly of (!. i:iii,i r tal Washington, a:ni the . -j !e t-f t..i jrr. at I idol, a tiny vi-it tlie ."seat ot ( iO'.i rlilnel.t. --hi! 1 1 1 1 hold that .-tilj n 1 ,J- .-tfiKtare, and I" j' .v'j that tie- i.i lid W lilt it a', e i.i. Ill bi. ;!.. ni-a i . i: i;ti d c.i.o I,!,,,,; cf r l.ati.c t.ite t , Maids rutin ; 1 1 that 1' .i'i t '.',.! -l.a't T 11 , .v v ill ti... i :;i o- o! N, ilia, Mr. Wi.ixl ti. eeived if we have le t discovered ill tlie c.indiict id' the hxeeutiv e thus far, the evi dences that our hopes on this p lint will be fully realized. When we see the l're-idcit seii ctino such tried slate-lneu as Marcv, Hui'hauan, S.uile, Walker, (iad-dci, in.-t to ineition other, f r the manaem-iit of our intercourse villi the mo-t important frci'n power, we are strongly iii.prced with the Citivii ti ill that he i- di ti l lnilu d I i .aev.ito ir c-rmianon. f y ... , ,., ,,, ,,;. lieati Jtis iu those whom he select to repre sent our national i'ld r. -ts and h ni T. Utir coiiti li i,ee i- er. atly im r, a-i d when we sCe the head of the Stat ' 1 '. ii tun nt int iiol' it.t o our f jrei.-ii ini-.-i ois tin: true spirit ot leno- i title candidate, i in f iv or ot a .ii-tiibu-1 rej.ublicaii -imj lbity, tin n by r.o i i J-; 1 1 1" tioli "1 tl,,- pu!,,i:j land-, an 1 I.i.iil Jhil, while .Mr. A'l.esl ; the i ! i 1 p. ndeiit J, in . era';. c ppi-ed t a b..;'l. Ill tie V, , A-I.e, the rejjular ib ni crati- , (Upie the an,e po-iti u on tl. Mr. J. a - vi i:, t!..- while Mr. Lefike, tlie in c ratio candidate in tl. ! ' -ani'' eroun l with Mr. i eaieii i-t.' in the ,t!i di li!;.' t , know v Lore tl..- I' f N r t li Car .'.!.-, a are , I, ! th" 1' in .- rati a; . rs ... . ii oiii!!.-. -, and it bam ;. .-.;n tbem. Tiicy pi al ...;t the " 1! aMnmr.' "j ' .r well !;.... wa th .t tiiat 1 1 i-ii. t . Am, Mean I at We r- . our i.-aii-...1 it I ' ot II. i.l. U's , represent -it. v M. 1.. wis, : abroad a- hi li lute, j,! to l.e t!..' duty of a r, j.n -eit.itive Ma t, Mr. i to r, fi. ct on I.i- mi -lm t!. ' trim char id r iidatc, i r- j ' f hi- lioierillll. nt ; an l when tiii- .l ie. rul. i- c. j ut. i :"r .ie, the br. ich in. nts a . ill-tiii t, ' r' ' u'ie bvlil the leal of tl.e I i .. 1 1. ;, i.t i.t il n.o- ! ' be d. j. .rtimi.t of our u.iiii-1. rs abroad, u: i. ; i Li. tin r r. .-ai d i- had t their h ,hit, of ;it- t.-ntioi; t t u -; 1 1 --, i i t;,. ir dvt ti .11 t 1 the iiiteri-ts of 1 -entry, t j tluir 11.1.1! a-oi aaii or eieii to Ihiir iln , -h 1 ,! 1 I., .-ir,. Tie J.. pji ii,-in, evi rv - lit Itil" 1:1 'IV 1 ' a ' it ih r-al .I I he ii,-! . ui e oi- i,.' I l -1 i.t , a h i J n.e . M 2 .1... v!. t ' ... 1 .. . 1. M l... 1 1. ...I... i I li i,a, s life 1-iiii.iu n til 1 . ii'i.oain....i. j ill: I .1. nil , , , , , , , ' i- - 1 1 Ardny. . li.. Miry i r..-e at our cntranee, and we were iii' I- jj ually presented to him, after which he mo- j Carkmnn. Jut I. ti.iiied us t ) be seated, when loli .ipes itli Hli kmrin, J A ieweilel mouth 1 ieces, similar lo those ol , '!""', W '.. . 1 1 . ! ,i 1 . 1 1 Hnuhirt K II 3 the sultan, but some nt us thrmiidit ru ber, ,.j , , y.-re : !! r, d. After pul'iti awiiile, c db e , Iruni. m's. Id la-eca in jew, 11. d cups Was broil .'lit, and the an. i Itur John C di. ni-e ended b'uii.L' I i-t. d a! eat t v. , lit v M hi. J . pli miniit.-s. The Taeha is a jolly I . .l.iu.- (', f. ! ' t""' '.' low. a! out f .rt y y. 'irs o aL-,., nn. lliaseti i . w -. p doubt is a f .nd" of the 000. 1 thin:- of tbi- I i L--. J .,.n K lile as anybody. ..r r. turn t , th" h -ti 1 11 ' II was in tho .s.n,,,. order, the rift l,oi-c b, in- ' , , . . i t h ' 'i" .'.inrjr b-d ill fr-.i.t niL' ale I caj ciuii aboiit to , the admiration of all. The next day w .-! li-ishn ll.n .i.,1 b it Ciin f-r Alexandria, w.A arrived on I II '. Tn. s .1. lur trip down tie- ', 1 " A - li i j ... p., II .lo r, . ii.i.onli li - a o J mi . II , boir l sl.ii n. xt iiil.t. tiurtrip down th, Nile was y, rv int. i -til ('( iNSIii M1I1S I'lli: KA!I, l;i i AH K v. 11. II. M .r.i -on. llli i.n:' .1 ! .M at t in M , li. II. , aliuLo n, .1.(1. I'i. air, .1. Cabin, 11. IJ. Wallace, .1 l-.-beV, I'I,. nix k. J '-. I ' II .i, on. vVm C II -. k. re. .11. II I, . . . .. V .. t . a . .. M Co., S. . Sudden!,. 11. It. .1 d.ii-t J. ... k J,.,, t- I ' -lioili I ; I.- pa '. ' i' -!:,! t . . o l .1. :.l 1 it it i- li. It aL I: ill . I.a.t ..! I- 1 1 J .I.I, S. " l o l--t 'ii.a In!, v. t w. - ! r l .i.-t -taii.iii r f.und fu 111 ( "e ;r; " T; I A . ,';.-; I .trvij, ' H. . . i J .in ; t .New JJijnk fjr riirili.ii!S-. .. ! li - 7'- ii y i : ot'S. 11. !. - t , V hi: in it IS j' Ctlol. t . ( l i:.. .blv C f.i II -ik a i',i.ii r ' of K. w, ' r .v L'ur. V .rd y It- v. J : i.:.t'-r .;.n ,. N of t ... v.'.r . . it . r.l.' .:: . I!.: ,. a a. lb n., It .V' -. a- ', i . i:. r .t f ; ie- r, II i.ry I i : v , bv !a:s n . .. rn r .t. .-J 1 ; .T.-tr i---. . I I: , I a aa r it pal ly. If II u'- );..: i.i i u .la ..ay o. a.- " of fil -r at hant - of tl.i io- p II 1 y, ii 1- . ; ! V oi, ti - pru. . .ph 11 t a h.,;f a ei.i . i s ! ... "... r t a a 1 1 no l.r. ..!. 'J o V.iif parfy (ia--ie I r- a'i ia ' ii', ;t'- I.:iei !;.;; ;..e .-- pi- nl' ; ;;o ' i-'.a.'.'v .'1111.1..;' tie "li1..-, but K n o- : i-l' t . .t t'a I a. a r t.e p , r' y . lis a p ,r: v, i 111 i' r. . i y '.;;. -i.l t ' .M-. ...y's sy-'-m o: 1:.-. tr,-,al,e:. ana ,. 1 ta t a !i..J ..riwii am. 1-t t, II t lie 'I r.a. ; - ti ... J. .p. at t 1 M i 1- I -I :i tl... c, Pr. It I r.- . A New Work on Mines.'s. and yi in in . I'-'nc of ifoc 1. ii. t. r- i" :... it the ;! : r n.t . t ! loii .11 ' ero .i i I i-'i. in,... 1- t ,1 1 that tie ar-iite li -ck fr.i.i ol ! Mm 1 ti:;;l Mel r ar- so.-eilLai:, ! I I ioe . t 1 7 7 II. v, a- t ) C iir.'v t . lev,: It pr t- rly pr, j and. li .t Mv-.-r-. l...tor, 1 in. 1 i oti,J ( .at a! oi,t two or three Irmdrcl ,1.1. a:- wa-.-ub-fri'.., 1 by Oar eiii.i iis f.r the puip---of c .ii ui th- at' ip'-aid Ie .'p-ii'dit,; II 1: and l.a'.ii,' it pr pel v re n d. II , a ha- that I . ii at ;.r pii..te I, and Ie.;, i:,.i. i, n. .re "iii i: take to r. j .ir-j the lb... k 1 .r it- J-kac-. ill the Mi.'.'j.i.- i.i '. .mi:ckl:;n'1;!.t;-;. ' i id .. tl.' '! .. " i ii.i -' 'y :. ; . : ll.-te ' h .St:,'.. - ; I ,:' 111-.-. - a' 1 ' 1-, r, ' t ; Nl.'- ilea 1 I .' . I lille lit, VI Itli.' t alt- 1 1. at sua ll w 1 ;.'.. ;:1 -nil '. , t t, inj o rain - in ;!. 1 ,1 in l.niiiL- t j of f.) liiueh : 1- !' . I Ha. s tl. 11. -! I'r, 11. :,l.t-i,:i tic id. t;t i. I- t ik. Li- I end ! lail.'ui a I n: I ' tli i'a. I ; : , i in a ii, t t tl I lur v. I.i . - : a ti. Id a 1 -. r pn: l'n hi o-1 ' ,. ; ' a: I,, r i 1 !i. '.t. a ,:iv - ..'. ;.,; ... ' t v !i HI. i,- a -i-tlal' 1 1. ., and a1 As nnuo," bas ie.-ei it, in this ' junl ry , mi: . inbrai ': an oao -rlan.t v ie-count a ie w -a-.-, a of I ol our rt i-i' rs . : i y a f tarain to a prat.'.; lure about to Tel at. Mr. ( '.ii I .. j i , I), . ,ti. t -'. - t of I ' - - I , ,;i : r .1. .N :. . ry bai- ,...: ' 'v ut ana .'i.t ! to., -r-. .t W.-i:i'(;T"V, June The r. .. 'f tl.e iii-t t roxitno re.i'.ired I v s. :r'- I'ivv, f .r the ela - - i ie at 1 ei . f t or e 1. iiit-.r ' I' L.I il. O- li. '. e f. r . I i it. . I ' Ine i ' r. -t - u,.- of it.-d C .inu.i . ty cf I V at li., ao. lb. ; . ol t... .-, a; ,y i!" b-. a' ;.; to i. ..--v . it.- i. ,,n to -, ol, I... t'. iii:-'Xit)--e i ii. i tut tnn'.-v. NV ,ai.tin J. T..i,iavat a'.. I I . f'ulton sir. e N w V"'.:, lop ui-j d a pr -sp-. oi- r'.r taiai.s:.,OL a it -w as-r.oi.u: .1, moot a!y at ii m a-ieuio., to to e tiied " Tfo; M l.m M ,j;a7.iii. ' 'J nt f.r-sl liuni b-r wall iV. ts.-.j d in Ju.v in.-ln.t. lial u - w:-; It u .11 be i. St ,m: ird Wo:k, ami . u.brar. minv I n,o. ratio .o.o s H-cies of irifariiialioii r. lata.? to mitiiii in all its ' i.tiv. hi, f.r. us, and deucd fro n n.-rv c.unt.-y wie re m ta- n.n.y 1 rti.n.n is praet.ct'd. W kiion- tiiat many ofour tru. ot niuny J. al ores of Ib.ii.'a r .tie . r- iiit-ri ne. .j ju-t su'.h a work, ami n t iat ii! I" rhaps of none mor- tnan tint vt ine w to ar ,.ii i.'.. I in uiirii'i wail tiii'.ritf.- tins op. lo'ar p-r'y a, lion v ita in- d.-p.-.t.ori e ir.,i;ty of bringing into tne counliy so much '1C iamls. Ily a r, sointion p v.iaahie iiifirj,i:.tiou. 1 1 un'- r - I r.v, i .r ; ne e.a . i- the al s oi in.' them; this via. 1; in W;.-h-in,'oii. 'iie.. ia r. Ilii.-i - the J i man. t,i cl, l'oi-ci. in the llx citive ! p.'.'tmcnt Iroin lipwani of l.d- 0 t '"' t!.,' r-due-ti ui I-. in' principally in tl..' Tp'-iry. In terior a l.d Niv y L. .iir'.meits. I; r,elt--i-li. - tin: W hole ( xe. j.t the cb rk-ill tl... State 1 ' I -irtmeir. iliii:.,!' thf-ru info t,,ar i-l -, ... and I is--..ecru no, uie lln-l inan-l li th 1'i.iL. WALiK liAMi'i'i The f.llowino , ri-.t, t n bv a L'.ii.tli ii.iiii in I lii ii'l in New l. rv, In , nr r."iders. 'I In: 1, t; i May :snth, 1-o.i : " I he country i.i th" '. i- vi rv i I, a-:iTit. t,a .-ti. : at tin- y.'ar, and. i-'.eii in i.. e n i -nort i l ie you in. i v -i i i: lu r . I d, n. !,t l:l r.-.'lente. I .'i.j ,;..! tide e-f t!.i- ! it,-i alee- cvellill'.'-. -ime. I (l tl.e i n I 1 1 a t ! -n ' f a frioi.d, Wo nr. ..- to .1 Wade ll.imp. tali's e hbrated I'ni e ,1,1 a;. e.t :. t:.,; tn I- ; V.'- hi." "! -tint,-. . 'f.r. at "l -tan 1- at ,' 1.. ! -r t :. t. In ti, ,r mi ' I a -. tl.- i , i iit t . Yi 1. - W. II. Nt al. 11. H. Ibirnea, Smith A T., Winchester. S A; S , .1 ! Icid.-r-m. I'. N. 1'iio', 1 ii.ii'i. 11. I . Kdar Is, W. I' Ci ... nam, II .li. .1. A. t'll Iwcll, rsl.t. k A ti , 111... kva 11, C A C. , '!'. IJ, Ta'e. I'.. .Il't-e. A I ). II. I'.ii:.' A S, li KiiobI.-, II. IJ ,rr tt, .1. II Ib.d.. li .1. M, !., 11. il e-t ii (' , W. Kan, -our. II ke A M , M ,-t.db.. A II M an. I'inf, r A V., 11. .1. W il- .n. II. lb lite, S,li A S ..I. I". II e-t 0,. 'A , -t : ., I'i iu K. . . .1 Harp, r, .1. A C. .1 C . Mip-Wiiit. .1. Miller. A. li-, m. on . S. A Y 11. H Mil,'',. v I l.v, o . (.. !...!. c.-. i. a c.., j. i;. w hit.', d. ii i..iT ni:,::.r:LaL. M r .,'.,-, i . . t: , ! . ' -. ,n. I.'. . . II II. I a: i. i :.!,.,,,,. In. K. S W I MM It -I i M ,. ,.i A, .1, ,, i. .1.. ln. Vlt V III. i I ,N. ...,), I r ol I, a i.l, J ,i, .. I .. I ,,rr, n, - . VI 1 1 1 :, d. i ti I , b , rr us i .oi i , I.., -,,i I i.t. bi in, i; , I-. II. M,'j, iN i. i I.n ' o; ,-. . .. . 1....; .M.. i A l 11 Al. I M. It I'I I'I-. . I'I .' arm.. II a J . II ,,r. Vtr. M lh II mil. J ii:o Co ! , si . r, ' ,n ;,.-' .rv. W P I . , ., Mr. t ,.v' Mr. Ml,y A H A I lull, M. I i.l v r- ; ji i t . r U . ,,. " Mdb-r, llua.i H , Vic I ..,; I J i Mt l.'ir... , ,., .f He Kelvy. J !. , vl'l'tr. I im II VI. . k-t i.. s, , a i Hoar,., A . , V) 1 ! " i. a 1 M..rr, 7. .. -' Me.,,,, , ,' 1 M.b M j Ho. .re. .Ion ,r ' ),:Cb-,,i, , '.I A l I i ttlii.,. i, I; j j vj. .n.,. . i I VI, l.eni, J VP I inn, , , i 1 Vleitliu, S j " s V ' Von,ae V ,, V i MtrtlH. J i.,, J I V! t t, I, ! n ., j ilti-.rjit. A I . Motif.w S., VI I ..., .v. ' ln-ie iV I -.. Me' .a'.. ; , P.- ,. I. II v.h a it . .... x.- - j ..... i N uo.iin. V r. I ( ' W... I,., a . 'N- - I.Jo... An - I, . , ; ' 'rr, j , I n ,i I i. ,al! : pr. . ir n t M i;i .I I I. I I , v 1 1 , . '-. pr ' Ol ;,( ' '. 1... Ot- t , I, ,n with S a in it ; t t!.i- tl. t , . . .at 111 i '. a 1 1 1 Spain, t , i o. of fi .a; bin, b d, tl.- in.! 1 ,' ly , ' f tie- i i:n r 1 nd b. I'ai o: V. it a I" ; ).;' i 111 - W.i! '1, -i r i . in i 1 1 . t i..' i.i -t O. .11 .11. I , I : J I 'ii , as. M-.' I , . at. Mil I ; 11. t,., . , v, . w ,s a I., i I i. to.." ! i ; .riiM. I in .ia i. . l .- r ' i.-l te-1 . i n I t i-t in.- I.,- ., .. tl,, int. i" . ir-,, t r , f t;,, p il it. ,n - th lie i Ian 1 ill 1". .ill, the n.. ton lbe-o : ..! :,. r i. . . . e ra- in ,iii,-i,t i.t en,, . ru - -i -t c-ii-tlt'.il!i.' eh no nis on n via a-M" -I. It the, ;,a- iiotbino i t... ,;,.( I.l-i, rv , I l,eat liiir ill, to i i, (,-ir w at" hiuliii---, w,. -hoiibl . I'i , ' 'I.' t r." th,- lir!,n.t t i, 1 i,t .- i . ti e rum ,i - :,;!n, l. d ( . . ,, lit I Smi-. Il---,,, I,.,- ; ,,, l ,, , , i., ,ii;it ..... j. sti-ei .lo,",',, which ha-' . a, ,,. ,,:,,,, . , . , a : ,, .. i i -. ..,'.. . t' ii ,ti.i-, ,i,i itnitii inav be i in -lit with the mo-t ili-a-tt in- pn ii'-e -a Jhit there is at I. a t eioii"h li. y tow nrd s u (, in the (lis ii ,rs she i- Io'imiil' to one of cr proinim e t,. u:t iij.oii tin- Int. "lily of o a- I'ni .tt. know ii n ,,, y II( r, .. ,J , , t , im I .'! u ' i,-it - then: ran, : too (-. with .-alari.-j of .r'jo.l, JI .'Jo.l . I .-"" u rl.-oii. ur e vi n tas . r- tb r artrn, nfs av, bu-v ..rn c."i!ii!i.:i;' 'i ml W hi'- are "on. i a 1 v 1 rincipal cliali'e, v. ill be nt ; li.. p. w. l. iV ii . Tn, A Crave Aptiloiy for Nullification Toe ap-jloi-r of the last I)-moerit for Mr. '"ij(' nubile it. on notions n, I - ( .'-'31 ,,. t,ueu I ir eiio.i.'i. It s-i ins ta oi.'.-y al r. ( "t i, ali.n- i of that diy by tin: fat tbat Ju ;e M ,i, foi ai and Mr. Or.liw w-.-n n ndib .-r !.(. - Jpp .se I . y w r. , how li.jf Oul In j fuj ; 1 Jj. l t y b i.- tin; W'ina party, a. .Mr. ( ;a -e ei J, nii i !".,! 1 Mr. ( alll.un Inrouii b: ,, ian r r . u 1 i. , ,', of ii, tip'iyi-al a.bstr ir.tiont to tie. Kraia. ol' tion .' llid nuihiieaf ,,,n i la.r b, iaet in t i. an eu:iJ,otijti.vfiiil ic rapi'ii a.'i:n-l lie: n 'hi of . : LiJ (. jroi.lia It, 'iaiiii li' r m-iire t,( t rj p d.jinaau ? .Mr ', J-; In nvjl u. 1 not .1,1- run, t "He j.';;.,,; m ,:, iK t. ft .1. VV'ii.jT .,a r i y nr.,; . ,la:,-d l.e; ti',' trine of r.anifi'.at on. liatth, I,. a.- 1. 1 a i - I i.l -li.. d .Ir a., of r I,, 4i..i Ail ! IV ictt bn n' it up ' W ... lb,; ji I of . , e. ...ti ' Ves! a", o 1 i ry w . i: t t Ji ,t i;r-i.ii, !:it oar '. a ty i . .urn .;.,; u - to. r- '. li lb, y i -r an-! a 't- r. ! oer .tie '" 'on Vf.a'lte.n 1 R--i r.i a rind. date f,r la p ..'y .".i.-iro !'' t in an ,ti, - .. I IS j Vb sti.,l.ia t t,.,.. i.tiv i .-, nnd '.,1.1,1 ...t.orj oj'tin pip,. 0 in to. 1 ,st Ir.n.. n iioTn.iii t. ii If, i . r.t itos.tinn, tii.s t I v icbnlim ,', an 1 t nl.irnao! '1 mad,- about ti,.; 1 -t ot the month. lb, in John A. Morri-,v. ha- I nn aji .iii t. d ln-p, e..r of li-u.'s at i'liiladi aphia. Th.; inarriaoc of W. '. .John-oil, of I tlea t) a era, id i.itci- of .l ii.t. iiinev, to-d.-iv cau-cd ijuitt; a ael.sati iU iu fa.-l.iviiaL!u eir el.s. bill"' . yi-r si t n I.i.-. j i . I v. i. - t .l 1 bv III'. lr buiiilr. ol in or hi tin I n f- ;:o to Ins :ie -to a -in nl i viil.T.'e. I.,ii!..iii- in'i: ri I,. on bis ill l- : that in i !.,; had llillta i rn i , til" t ie ti ar, of ;!,,. Ml 1 1 ij - eth of it r. f small 1, i with all the ' n, r. i "' ' ' t i- in who ei-; '' la it lb. put.Ur I'ltilt lire the rutn nun pi r,pi ' ., 'i'i iOi SUil , t,, I,- I i Id by tm (.. ,,, r , l, ,l. ri no t.t as a , on.nion land ..r ti . pa vn t n t ol I,, p jnae i!, at .,ti,i eln-r ehrj.s l on toe pi;.,i. Ii ; is tn. .t Sli: .oiiSr v , lor, vi r oe n-ain a..,il,a. ,,r ill tie . .v. ra ie nl , a. n-n ;,.., r- t:,,- " e.,ai-ii-,ii prop- r h Ulell.. d lii.i i ri" f.r inai X,,.; , , I a r ta ' 1,00 i , ' -il . , oar to I, ii -ll a fi ll b ' o .... . II- I , I . i, r j y ii. ,y no .i .1 in ti... I . I. y :,l an. I et ,. n .1 .- I .,, - y ! a' I , (... r n ii , , ' Ufjhf parly of th. .1, lo,: Udlio r of f ',11- i, a n n f.f tii.j t ti t,i r I ,ri l,i. o the !.,n,,s y "f ah l,,e so.b ,,",.'; in the b indisot tlie I ' ii. ,, 'o i.. r b.p tairt, i n - of i.l. !. ai.. I .,;l p. r.t. : ' of f rr,!..:, , , .. I pal 1 -' ' ' I " p u..... t -o r n ana . O 1, I.! a . ; O'.H , f to. -:.,-.!(..-. -t- -, v. i... n , It. I T11K 'J HACK COIN',' IiOW.V. We have the sati-laction of aniiO-n,ein.' that tie; work e,f iayin' the track on the Central lload lias commenced at tlie H i.. t. pn T, rmiiiiis. The lir-t rail wih lai I on '1 bur-day lu-t. w h, n the eaniion bro'i,d.t ont, a -a I ii to l.r. d. and, it i- reported, -(.me elialnpavn era, h'-d. 'I be tr'n k joins that of the ilmineori I! i-lr I about on.-.tourtli ol a mile b.-lo -,v !io!d !,;', ' '' ' u li' ji. .V J'-',''. n I'" ! v 1 , , i ' -t.l,.. r. a r, -a .r ..1 i ,s i , ... a I y ii, .ml I, i,, I ...I .. .1 n . a- ' I i si .. I a , i. . 0.1,11, o y ii, l-.t. a-:. I,, In. , ' ii , r. it ii r - . e N'J .-CNItA MAIL. It ri p. ars that tho I'o-tma-t, r C'ti' r.'ii find- Lii.i-. If f i.i vd lioin all 1 .- pan - i ii 1 1 1 1 y ill r- latloli to ti;.- i.oT.tlli'J'int.a; ot tie: -in, 'lav in a. 1 ! . tw. .-ii New Yolk and I;,-t n, the e- I liiit ill sti it t unit it lit p lint. .1 ni"i !y, aiid v di ot '-e,i!',rt." " Wo visit,"! the 'ol am 1'- slab! -"i'.v all of his blood 1 st ,t k, the- tin. -t. oppose, in tl. the i, ,b.. ol been, in his day, ne of tl.e fim-t rnvr- ,1 that ever trod tlie orf. Jli "roam told n tiiat he was no .v niii' te, n ears old. that the ( 'olorc 1 brou;, t him o'o r t , tin i ( aim. tln-iii-lm try iron, -.rioiai.cci-bt.:.-,, y-a. ,.-,., an . our , . , nan no i,a-i noil ms "i ioin I r the la-t .r ........... ii i,i . iwcive jean. im oei nor-., m . me t t,,.r e. ...i .. a" ... .. .l i :.. . . i .. i i . i . ...oy .;., .;. .. im, ..... i.t, oie a-i .,.;,. ,,f i,, r ..,, i.p,,,, rotil.d him h 'oa h:. W e w...; al-,, -hon,, ,,,;....,,., ,i: , in- ;t Id, I'Mtcly. ll. may I; ,! I,,- t1 o j, ,;j,.y of our Coi -cri. mi-nt to tal.e the il. alive' iu I'V'.-ird to Ctjb'i, altii oi.di the eoii-iili.ratioii- lookillL' to its aeoui-ili,,. ililolve liltiiot i s. V: li.r i.t ; j,.,a I tin r, J (' J rt 1 " i.f : -r.i. k- o j " t . . M ,. M'a I'. , .,, ,v K , oK . I , 1,, - bi, . rts r I f J...,,, . r I W p. ', v , . i 'I I V I - ' C . I , ; V - M W p, . . i : , I.,', ' f i m , .: ., J ., , ,-a. Vie '. I ; 'd . I: , o . : r X I! n in, , N I ,,a i I. i.n. n l'.,- r, IV V, I ). ' - . f I " J -e h It pu . , , . ft .. '-. J .... '. I ..... ia. I , ' " - t 1,1 ,. fy, l y I . - , I, i I ) ...IM ,:! U , l u .it. vv i; l a, a (' ,- .: ' , ' '. J - !t ". .! I' ! : .- J . ., ;. i j , . i . X' I X S V. , V I - .1 i., ti v . j i- s i .. ,. v. , s. , j ., ii y ,: J . I). 's-r,y. Mr , , s , , i Mao, m ..j vi.. 1. I 1 1. ila.O' il. 1 1 K S i .. II I'i-.,,, -ii; ir t. re. k i,' .,.,,., n II -. I'no, v, VV . ill,.,,. V ,, H. P..-, VV . I.. I.',,.'!. Vo. I ' .ii.l. M l; a r. i, . l-a , . ..(lainl al W ,, .. . J,.,,,: A i n. it i;. , .,. I ,, IJ lb... . I. I ,,.,. II. o H I no... I'fol..or 'J - It ' .. r I ! . s , : . J ion t J - ,' i i , . i l-vii.s, VI J !-.,.,.,-.... v 1 I' l: -. n I'.i-w , Mei Ani -; , J I ;. :.,,,, i, v I t,l :,., I Mi.i Maiih. 1 .1 ., , :, b I '.. Ce '-... , .1 ! V, .a-. 'I .. M VI .. 1 r I i. A W I, -'ml,, li - -t lis Weal a- in tie: IiO'.v jrr-:if-t raee-h ,r-e iu the I nit". .-lit.-, lli-lil mi' r. His o-.u,, r ba- clial i leiu" ii the I I an w ith a por-e of .' I n.liliii he has al re a')' Ivide the I i.-te-t lime that ha- ( v, r lo f-'ijiade on any eonr-c. Alter filly sati-fyi our-.! s by ..'azino at bean tild hoi" -, a- v.ei.'l.-d oir way home ai-1-. li. ail,' t ,war- i-y.-ni.,, we found tlie atmo-- I i. id, I.t ol the Nt -.!,. j ,;,v , , , -.: '. i'lli tna V tie. J'o.-t tl- . I w York and N, 'i'.in j , -1 ' i 1 - I IC", ' '. "Ii , 1 ""' t Hi i.f. -a -, .lo l , . l !e v. .. -, r r, j,. n'.. d ,t i.. i, ,'. 1-,j! I. I., , i ... ,.: a . i.l M:. ( , , a ': ..... n j, .o'.i. llicn fr o j 'il ' I a a.. : s li n b, ... fet i ao. . Ojl lie .a I'ii il. jjtji. r-y by lt iiwiii.,,1 uj -.J I.- tl.. I in ta.- p . . :i -r. nt:. , r al (. i.-r- J , I I i - a -I.t. I- ' I. t la l:s ' .(i- . !e .:!' I.l , a i i 'in i N ri; mint;;:. A n. ine, v ho has beei nt noil: iu th. t, .i'ii. '!' . o i', -1 at a bin. kit, ho'i-,- in San t I r-inei-eo, on the uit . T .tn.iiiin jn o,,;, ;, t, te- r a . . ol t..,. 1 ,! ,r ,,f ;' an-1 -o.-i d.ii. i,. tie- p-.-t t.-ii or tw.'Ui month -. M ,-t of it lee la . n .1 o:, within ( ,ur i.-ion: h -tr m a , 1 ., ii 1 r ha h -1 ,'J 1,1 w a- r aid lie- f ot ,i oil nt i - ...' t hi- -I,-..' ..r. ' o ,h r am 'Iho air I,-,. Oil.l'f .in- ' We i y. tion of a .ii .-nice, ill lfl 1 di ns an,' p'a c-,!t fi inni-ari: f I he - .air r .p- .ic J, Am'.-.. ".t ul. tho country air -o mm I, pi . r than that, in a pet np town. ' d. li 'htfiily p. rtuiin-d with ly n, ii.hted i.ur --anly th" i 1 1. -t i oil of nur -, if pr,.-i r .11 ; but it is ii ii -1 ,i ti nablv our ilote '!' ""f I 'In y, lo be pi. -and v ilh all o ir ,-t.rei oh 'JJI M. Po.r.l I.l lint, tort , l,.. ( ,,i.: l , II .-..ulli I troliiK K, ilroid I 'o,ii..,iy tiiitioif iie ' il.v .1 ,, I ,. IVAtt )i M.I.APS IM! A II I.t on Hi ..! ... I ,r l bi. ,'a.t .,, i,, , ;.., . ,, ill t,- pint tl ilia ft n't- m.l ,'11 in 1 oiuioUoi ,n dr,d ulii r ibe 1.1 ol .1 ,!v -ii-,'ti.i J 1 1 v a. i:i:aii,ky. June -s. I - VI. -Si.l 'I ri ..i,. r. s v. 77; r son rii i : inn, .v. j. XII. h l.t.xp.i mi ( (ii, y, !,,!, C,,,,,,, i L-if,iiriii-j''r,-m -.VI kiti,i:ui I. i:y m ;i p, iril,,.r ,. X w .-t'e liu k.-t iv, ii ,K uitn up on M iv itl 1 1 o'.aot It V XI Te.-t : .1. 11. KIlIiK ( . M s. i . ' . I -.I'I, i.i., l'llil. j I ,.no, iu, l.o'w rl l2 .,. ...A i-i-;-;J il-'cTl iL'U- J . - '. .'J. I "fi.k. lo I. 1 , .;. IT". J Ml t a ii lifall. P l.rjv, I. W. i . e..bti in. IKnrf I., i-r. I. I ' s". Am I. tnhn.. II,. . V 11 I. r .i. J ,. II I. .eh, r. VV K 'r ..y, .Mi -p.a, stiry w lice vat and w e ci Main par.-d Willi on. Aof ice. .' :. tlcr-jii"!, had no rain, v.itii th" cx-i p il show r about. lw., v,, , k- ir-c ot t wo mont ,'i -. I l ir t ilion- nr.; r. rl. "tiy u-t . u. ,d coin pr, -e,l- ( a ,.,,,r md I iiieb r-taml from some - that lar.."; po, hoi,- ,.t tl yet up. A, , " ', ,'. ( " ' to pri:i. nt f,ny int. if i. i.i who h ti.r. at, u- lh, !.:,f...ii, of nor , ii IJ ,,a riiiii.-nt. : ill t tiiat ii,;u I , . - ' r . Ill a le rn -'I be 1-tl ;,. 'SIIK -i'i,,' ,',! I,, on II il " -'"." "!.' l,,',l lie b.s Ian .! i ti ,11 too oi j; t I'e: ii. 'a. I. . I- a in t'. II. J -.i-,.. 1.1.0 b , .ni, vi n el liiuv. I...; j rn p. Inn', .-n i :d 1 ., te ?. A il ,-, "i, I:.' , 'l I. . lao I , i , i a oi , . A to. -i n , iiiii' .iiui.iii. ; Id' ' K(r v MIAIIilli: (,'i'OM,;'S- 'I I Hon 'iiivnoi- M. C.1.1. ,;,., a J. ,, r. - I .tl .a ,,f t,,. J., t ;.,,...- (,-,.,,, ))', be" ei.ii ii iia. t of I't tin ,1 . ani i, no d at liie -i ii'i a-, i f,. baii'iti, in I hi.t 'lae( ,, ih , ii:, i -t.u.t, in tin; '',7th ', a." of hi-, a .... I VI'OIITANT IM'MMi:. o, v Y ii:, .1 ,:, . :.'-. It j , ,,i;v ':'' I ! e t , .!.,y 1 1, nt a ti-af -, (,.,.) , . " i -oie I, eb .I bi t n et ,-pait, and .'de , ,t p ,,. ' ii.' th, la't.e under the prnt"ti,ii ,,1 ih,. ' illin r. '. te -t man ili-d iii N"W Vorl; la-1 I, ,u . a'ao -trawberiii s. A wa,;i r bad , a i ,i, the I,,.- could not , at. t"ii l a ke . I- H ne. .iiij''ii-hi"l the (eat, won the aj: r, : .d iin;d aimo-t iiuinvJiul. ly alter Hue t. l.e, and we are nire il is i, ,t. ,- i I ,i 1 1 1 in eianine I ! ii - point of altack our ill tlt'itloll-. ill, Din- know led",. iii - li dip! .iii.c y, and the on it of ! ;r r t-.n w Li h ha-, uruk,, tlie car. , rot that "o.e nm, nt, v.e may J... i xcti-. .) p li-ti to riiinor. which are in t an-oii.-mt ,. Wilh In r pa ' e ,n hi.!. If it,. I,....,,,., ,'.. " t r. anil, . I.n at l!.ii.,iii -h I i, , tl, it I. il' oiiey I, a, b, , i, . ,,, I, lunk" in refidi'y sn -1 , i. . !,,. .,, .,, '' u's, t"i; ii'in.ini ti i! : ni st,,.,,i. i harai ( r upon th.: male ., llM ,. ,, ., ;t Ann ii. an p. l.-.-y ; and w , are e,,i,ji I, , , ,:,t tin wide Ann.! an j,, ,pb ar, p; a u ,,i f ., l'"t P '"''.V miiintain, d will, . h:,u. ,-ii,-r"), !i b illy and , ,idi,e-t v,llt.l I ii. V ii I 1 'I ill alllioUli, t li.ent nil 1 ho f. . ii a I, ol II . II ,11 J .b.i II: I. V I' I lo A ct, ' boiiitt IP r. II A i II, is, ,,i, " .XI s Jllt) i " J u VI llenrv, Ibtrry i II illinari, l.tibiiii ; 1 1 oil on, M.iltliop.1 II inn.. It'-tilii-u U. Hid. - V ' ll:,S, i; ii 1 1 nris. I ' ,,! .un i II tlo'.-l, .1 IV o , Hon. a. XL, M.'dimni. ! II mi.. Mi i II v inbjrtn. Iht- p.iii i a line -e I l Mil l.- .i 1,,. I ' i'.i .i 1,1 IJ wr. V, i I, 11,,. T s ol bl . .,wic,. , ,, , .. .,r ,,, "I twrnly ..... be lain v , 1 1. .,,;r n,. p, ll IS 3 .. II , Mil. i,l,,in In , I, .inv in U.,: Siiiitri, S,u, r I,,,,,,, . ,, i i,,l ., Mii'iiy ti,,. I I. 'nl wa. jt Iroin II- I Hoi. Anal la. MiM O 10 b-. ..ipotl,,,. ,,,,, ) " J l,,,v.r. I- At lb.; I,,,-! ,,., i ,n f;,iwi;1 (jrr li, : H""!". lion, rl (' will be able to c'uid Ir an li i is l.ii-l.. ,.. I M , l.l. fiv K hour ll lanh liioe.r. .. . I-U Ibnoltlol In l ! Ill,,. ' " Al a , .'a It. t .o ii; ..r I ar I. inner ,li',in: ami !,,,, I,.- M ai,,l, VV ' I" 1 o oi,,.,, .- oi i,i- .tf i.l- lo un til , I in., I ,,. iv.' nut! a to il. I liiiloiot , d nl II , llo .v. r. .I.ine- M Ho i! on ill, I-; l.-i 'ii will l- (.iv, li by in, I up,-, in,, ,.-,) ,,i ,u, v;,b r, W. II. Nil l Ju-..".'?. i-:,.i. Unnawnv EIt'.VI lb.-.!,-, r,ir.., S,n,l,,ll,n a .-.ut ,ii,, (; rl ii no, , M;.,y . is., .1 do sOlll, .-.ii.iiii 1 c J J tun.. in, Vi ... ,1 1, i,. In, val J lltli'4 ' M ,. la K lilt pl'llek, IliiCl Me. .M J Ko b Pr li A II :i:i:i z b pr..-.;.. I . -' t ... f l .. .. I .. ' I VV J a a b.ra, M J I. VI...-,'., ,,. at ll " Ii. rr, I J . i a i " - v, .- VI..- .. I'n ' V ii vv - , J n -oota A . i I, ' s , 1 1 , i : i . . t lit' Mifiald. VI - IP ,T I - , - J x ; .. w in m 1 lltrnw.r, VI .. IH"' I ,.r, VP- l . e I .-.a . VP- .. , ,.,r .,.i I'lio,' r, I . I ,,'.,!. Mi I i.,. VI VI I,,,..-..,-, vv I' in I ...e, J ; " w, : J : " " vv vi,- li''- VV .,. VV "i Walla .- VI li VV i' ),,-'. J a"1 .. V! 'b'' V..I-r. Ar. "-i-.' ! VV ealli. '. VI '"' i.k... J i" ' l i Ii!, ol, .1 VV bile, .1 I,,,." ' VV, ,,,-r. I',. ' VV ii ii.-r. l'-.v ,1 VV ,!, VI ,,y I .i: I I eh A in'iii hiii ii.o a 1,, 'mis h, ll: ,-!,' in Iht . an answer, that it via- imp , ,, t., I, " lloiv many V -,r," r, .ai ., I'l l, in.'. I- Ot I I.e. '"' ,:"r" "" "' t'l'l ,'iieil..-,liinl li, yi .m i,i I " ' ' '. ' " 1,'. atfc. In. n v. rv I, ad. I- H't.t,, v ami lull,. .1 lm;. ie I. t.l or !.,i,. ,, , ,r I,,,,,, ,.,,, )-,, w:1, ' ( u on Oip a, I Iu r I u i... ....1.. . a : ',, . ilKlui a...,,n,l,i,i Ibi-'r.:. All ,,. ,,.,. I H.'IIhN M'.'lltll'll .'I ( tUV "' ".rrwari.i. I ,.., ...I l.arl.rjn or fmi.'i n '.oil 1 A I. M.' numb -ml II M'v '"''"" " ,.. tf'rl lliiilc' iM'liHpy ..I ll, latv. A rnt-lnl nl fi n il ,. ;1 nie win, led al 111.' Mm. s C'1' ' I,"1'"'' - be. wop I,., . iv, ii lar her appo-heu-ion mid deliver) I m.ieli hber il i .ill I.n ..i'"' lu.l'y I" ., I l-'l' lo lot: in (,aiie.,ril. ! i, i. n. ,.. i .... ie ...n,,i,,,i. at b"' ' ai l C .X. I I . I i il ii. i, er in uiUiii. iV I li ne,;, John " I b- '.I I'ii-S, ' I .'ll i tin in, as 'tty ,"' oj ,(.i ,,',.y." CjiicjiiI Jutij 1, I a, j Ju, tt, Isi J,

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