1 iJl h'."'1 I! aamiiJllll 'Hi i if. J--- Si : t ; Hot t!j (Carolina: Sotfitoi.' WaV r nuiu' -TLvn. CHARLOTTE: WEIMSIUY, Julv 13, 1S53. IT WIM.1AM THOMPSON K.q., i. our a gent in Baltimore, a uthorizcd to obtain ailvcrtim incuts and untntcriptioit, ami to rant r.-ccipta UT K. W. I'ARR, Ei., in nur ai-nt in riiila.lct. phia, Ruthorized to obtain adv. rtiseincuta and pro. cure aut8Criitieiu. STY. R. Palmi-r. Fan . ia nor a tit Iinri rrcd .lirrnt to receive advertisements and subscriptions at his arGcr in Boston, New York and Piiilad. Iphia. j . j FOI1 CN(iUKSS, JAMES W. OSBOR-tT, OF ME KLKNIilRU COUNTV. CANDIDATES KuR CLKRK. j 13 Ve are aullioriled to announce llt'l.II F. ' McKSlfaUlT, Ksq.. as a Cindidalr fir toe Oihce I oi County (.'aurt Clerk at tlie ensuing August ' stection. I The friends of WM. K. REID, take gtvl pl- a. J sure in annoiiocinif liin name to toe People ot the ' 1'ountv ol' M-.'Clenl-lltr, ns a candidate lor the f i'- i fice m' t'ouoly Court I I. rk, ( the ensuing A l. j gu-t Klection. r? We are iutiiori7ed t- announce Hl'liH M. . IlflfSTitN. Ksq , as a c.ndidate lor re- I-etion to ti.t othee of uiKTior Court Clerk of L'nt.m t oun- , tv.st the ensuing August election. r.'"W.; ari' aullioriled to announce It. KKRR, E.q., a rin.lid.ile lor re.i id ll.-n to t .t otfii e of Superior Caiurt Clerk of M ckienburg e.i-Jli t . at the ensuing August eh rtiem. A Iisappoiii!p'iit- Wc know not wlnt e leuse to iivc In our farmer friends for the nonappearance of J"hu F. Teoop Kins, Esq., Kdi'or of the Farmer's J-mm.. I. w lo.x. notice to address the farmers of Meekiciibui J ' n M'Oidav last, we puhltslicd some turn since. W ' l:i .r-l of his being in W.idisb..ro' on tiie Tib, i.m.' snpp-osc t i.-l be nint Iv.ve had a valid eu. t" !utifv his disappoinlnii nt to a l.re iiuiiibr ol our farm, rs win) attended it lh:s pi-c- on tin u-.v ap:inu-d far tiie purp-m. of beiu edified on a suhjeet li.tere si in; as ti'.-t of .igritulture . A NcV tjlc Of Bll22'U"S. Mesars. Overman ..mi H ilscn, a few d.i aoo. flowed us a B'azjv rteei.t'v m nufai lured at t ..:r s'-fp f'.-r M". MeIa.od, :l toe ,.:; of Situ . . s:oi M L..-0'.i, wi.11 n we trunk is one of tin 10 . te si 1 -lis II; .1 .v.- have t te- set n ui! u:i 1:1 N-.r'.!i f 'aro. l.tia. Il -lis a Ct niehn' ss of a opt .r. nee in tie eolitoor n! It fi-uit. ind an idea of Coi.it lii' net in t'lf ..rr.int m-. nt of lis iiil.-rnai ce'iiiiiiloti-li n.. tail 111 ide U feci 1.U-- Viol t!0 to ' T I'lll COIIi aianoiiielit. T.i--- inaniil".etu;t rs ioiee ' titers ol tae s..-ije a.-.tt rn on the w v ol com:.!- o.-n. Tl. k or tw- t, hot 0 .'"i .1 iiunrii i h- 11 11:0 .,: ,.t ii--; t.lv celist.l.t: r to . ii i r .in 2 h- r fist 0. ll :i r Ii or t :e ! .si t . d ft- r o! tht c'a l It i. iieiil w.ii I. i.l! i .v a-' t - l.iios y. end, juiirna; ffe.ni th. 1 liar , we urav tjji.-t.s tlie i. ope that i;i-iierai: v fell. If S'i, we may an av.r.-g-. c.-'-p e-f corn aio: .'..s rei ili, as 1 liiose crop li.c -..-j.. .s :iot y-.t eiil.r- ir p s. 'i. 'iVel 1'J sej tha". tii. rains llate t Itelnle d Trie Alia. o. la.. i(.n:. r sif Hie ' tii in- S3V : - W- ,...v Ikch bless. r.s 1 r tiie Ust l-v -i of '.V el;,. o:i V ; V- 'V ori-hi')'- . I f iro ;. vet nt - ir- p'fl t r -'M .n t'ns se cfie.n with fine Li.r. e cay-. 'I lit sity 1. , . ioU'lV, dlol W': iu.. U st.-ssoit .ire- (ji-i . tt. ss tiie corn was not If - f tea r -j- oiplioit, as it IS ill BOIIIC pt.rlions of the S' .I- . 1 le. aeco-jnts ir'im lilt lower : ttiulics s re ci mi 0 v in tiie (iireine, an i m my piano rs m hi sant in.kt fiiou-'n foi .-t.'o T'.e At nit 1 lot- l!;e nt. r of trie s'Lie d..t.-. lis lot ft.l.u 11. r -' Ttec Wfriir.a. '.V.: i(J.t- nad iwiie .Tior.s r l i-u idti.' 'i i-r .a '.Ii 1 immediate vieilniy lor t i i-t ! tur or tier d.vs, iul bate hati to rei.1 ..ttf i i,.-; vt.la oo.y a lew ni'id-rate sprinki'ti. or' r.i 1 l.i riy eT-.ry oireLtioi., s.z or eiylit rid-s fr "i '.'e- e.lr. Ir-.-'e have b . R a nilloO- r tit r-t'f'-sitin r em.. yVbiie the r 111. arounil u. ii t- - efi 111 ff Ii !:lt WJ hardly itad i liOM-tll lo l.J a la. oioi.i U l.i ila.l." 1 ... M r - -Vit or, t lae-1 g i t-4-ii.asfj ot till ay.; . k ti if ;tu-i c.ijyp ui -ri ' r u!ivV' , :n tti; fc:clin oi !.-.-. 1 in l . lit t .IV. It Of ui iifioit inv otijT pjft of III t l C'J'llll, UMjliL'il v iii if- fie. o th t . r in utr y. 'J' t rojx Ilfdih of Ihe Hon. J. I'. CuWutII. V V i .re Hon 1 iht J. P. ruit'i -t t it tile l it ll Ii f.'jli hf fi..U U'T ft y f. JI Ci': i '.; j tro 'J n.i u;t nr. iVtJ ii ju iUt.l.i by tiie tuort ol ti a t h.fc ft iij, i( f,n , iitLi-r tfil-ill i.Jl.ek.. iu. y r'tii-jj fro no t.l T , m if! li - i '.hi! w .'i iyiu tt. .t r n f : t ; twl -i il ; 1. 1 . i f. m : p i A,' . .'it i,. ? r fitii ; t ;i . ) , if i. .j -: -n , t j I. i pun M'.iii'iu r I 111 11 I i !.! t fl I Si'' !, ll.a al , y ana ti o.r lot .. - itiiii to the bol T' i.'tl.'-fct man ll-li r or frt-.ut . i.o . A - j . llltiirop.t , a Mi ... i.,t W-U jiT ' !l'i.-i.il' -Jit! :. ali.i t to : l lit- 0 ai a fatier !"..;. K,r I or ' Ollljt .- ll I II I V f, h . Ii i. I 1 Mv I, w:sl I i( U-.r I. 4 sr.. I . oti ti, n ' ..f .1 . ,0 ,1 tur. tt -' N to ..il.le. o,l'.r ,n : re COI.sti fn mi. ,r,t.. II. H loon' a .O-j'll lo. Tii'- Uiiik of rinHoll''. ill .1 1 II i. ,l l :, ,v .1; I..'",, ! oj, W.lii oil, al, 1, ... ... t'.e i' i .,,1 on t. thr lit ' i.t- . .r. (Jcnero Washington, tod en the rijtt a farm holding liia home under the (hade of a branching tree. The vijrnctte it ft plonijliin.in holding his plough, nnd driving two horses, followed by an lrih lookii)g individual with a c.auo on ihouliltr. The liorneU' nest i upcnted to the limb of a trie at the bottom of the bill, the ln-r-nt la ao life like tiir.t r-u can almost l.cirliieiii buzzing Mound the lust, Uu the ll-ura the engraving ri presents, on ti e lill, a larc foreat tree on the Mile of u feid where three firm-rs are cngij;etl in loaeiin a w agon, j drawn by a pair of oxen, and a horse in front of them, with alicuvcs of wheat ; iind on t a: neht a beautiful nj;ureof the tioili!es of Liberty in it h.ilf reclining posture in front of a portion of a town ! and Kail Road train of cars. The vignette repre ! aenta a daguirrcan copy ol the llrancli Mint at j Charlotte with its beautiful shude trees and sur j rounding fence. Situated near this, and as a part ' of the vignette, is the American eagle v. ith out- stretched wings, holding in one claw the emblems of war, and in the ether the olive branch it jii emblem of peace, towerinp in the elements of his pride and power. Over the eagle, ex tending from wing to wing, are the wvrds and figures ' Meck lenburg rkelantion '.'Ml. May, The Hon nets' nest in tins bill is ausptuiitil to u limb of tile trt,r 011 tnc 1' ,l- The old Branch of the Bank of the State isstill doing a large and protitable business, undirthc t Mipcriiitcittijiice of the. new Cashier, Mr. Dewey, ! nd t'.d. Williams the well tried Teller. We hope tiial e liny not hereafter hear so many dole ful ; t.le.. lr plot .ns the scarcity of money in this re. ! inoii of the commerciul world. Ilrmnrnrv IVfftr.nml Sinn l!n .H-fIloil. i What his lieceitne of tliat ulriotic sei"' "if lA'iii'icr. tie Press of the South which uiaiii'ested itself be fore the late Presidential election in such bitter denunciations of (ieneral Scott for his s poird conn, xion with William H. Seward and bis ; abolition clique of the .N.irlii .' Ot course thr.t .pint w is not evoked to gratify any p-rsnnal ani- ! mosity of tin ' faithful " ag-.mst W.'luir. II. Se ward as a man. but to ho.v firlli their ui.i'oui. promi.in hostility to lo-i alsiiuinalb- doctrines Which let! I lletrUelioll at tiie I'tCll'.i.r Ill.-titU- trjiis . f tin South. Tiie ;e. ptc. of t!.. S..u!h wi re . told ly tiie spirit who h ammat. d this ... Pres.. that if ti.ncral Se.-tt cere . h . d dintof thc-.I.udst.t.,.V..::i.i..II.s w-,daa.! '" S""- '' '" ""'I-' 1 t,u "' tn, -re.uns oft-.-vernmcnt and ...ive iou,l..fl..H. fivUstfJhn. l'"c.:.,'. ! s of .utm n. int. rests, and S-uim rn utility. We . re t- :i that tie sp.rit of I' .liieiin had r.s-n r. tui-t i.t iroin the v-mt of the grave and iin.st-.-d the Is,- soui of tic iiinii icuute hr.ii.ini l'o ree oi' .New II nupshire, an.! tiiut the policy of Ins adiniuia- tr .lion wouid n. I oc dario m d by the b! aei. e li.mls of als.lition eoui.ciis. Hot ..lis! in u's brightest drenns .-iriit tones hi toi.cn and result 1 st re.lili'.s ; an-! Krankhn Pierce h . the fur hops tjf tiie S u:h vt.th a 1. r.ti'.l.t to teach Soti'.ht rn lion in fulor lit w t:-. tlie specious prunus- s ol N r si kt rs ; trial they ind h-to r l.t. stuhitorn si'f lice of the ohl Vila rle. n The Wiiijj IV'ss of tin S. lit 1, l id t 1. 1.1 1 me a who were tuo re 111 v t : i a ' Wt re not apt to tie ov-r.. rniiuJoeis ; 1 '.lie dark. ' ti ceil ed ! ry t! t l.et 1 J he- is ;n Ktijonj; sa iii a num. n:-'-r Ire prty ll it- lit- lot VViilaaeil lot eoui.l:y Isr of tin- Ii .ti.,:... I orrj .n of toe li ahat S' e 10. d to be folheol.t 11. nee te In oio -a :. it it rt cent iustory proves to r.a.e b-. n true, t.i..t l.i.-re- was a ;eui 1 01.1 :oi... to-ii lt-Ae-ii t.v.-ixi hi tHisX. tV'kAat Me 'I' ?..jVe.i- 'Yr-ttnur Tii. y mw th-t ti.e Kdit-r of the Waahincton 1" iiinii iiaei siiei that " If Pit re- s'rn.uid be rierttd I v a conibinnti n of t ie l'retso.h rs and did I. if e l.li iii't.rsts, he woulo, in th-- dist.-.iiuti' n of tin' -s .mil p-tron. pe, rei;-.r'J li.c whole of ins sii;';k ri'T .lie p. rtv, Illasiltji' no ellst.l;ctt'-n an.orc' tht in 1 ..count of eld ditferei. -6." 7'hts corr'jtt h.'ir. L-iiii was faiihfuily e .rrred ut n the day of . if tcr; by ill its pr-rtits. Hut the f'bl I.ii.t lit mo. rat. now cor.-ip! -in llt-.tti'li'la P.-.-re--, tr.e N'.rtrit rn Cjlirorrn, iias tiolu'.. '1 trie spir-' of ins n:'it!liifll by p j-a-if olf his jbtoilrt.ti !; i.m ;n alj undue prnpt-itron in tile btsti w.il fit orT.-t-s. This chargt. we think hrrs b-.-en very siioslai.t, tiiy proved. But what WC rsibil to ste is tire 1.1 trt i. niiliitv and patriotism of Southern I leiiitK;. t d.;iiaytd in coming out ni.t. ra-jldry r- ;-.i-.rit.i.g tin. curse of the Ktt' utii-.', so far a to tn-ke lie ;r coiiduet iielore ami :iiec Hit t it eliuii ii.ort r on si .lent ttitit'iitir doty to t..c e ounlr y tnaii lie .1 nli re Luv. -riiiy s,i lice woeiiti prove, iaa na.e deceived tiie ptapie and it l e.ue to tociil and to yourst-i.. s to - xiii.in ytmr loriner '-'jii-'ucl rini vour pr. st 1. 1 j. ,-1 1 .on in tii- k. iiiie.rt Hit rt itrolis. (Jul Wioi i'. .-id " it t i u-lii t U done thocrtli to. lull I., f.ii." The Last and Wiakot I'lank. r.pp-a. !U-ti -Ui-t.',5 ution ot t . or fj e'' ,;sol WJl'i .iniotiir tile S tallj- rcuti'j from tserj f.i i lie y hive- iutlu rti r.n uj,:- 0 .i li d is tiitiir last anti oioy ti.taj -inei runiou. ilefeat h of v. ) u . .1 tilt iiit-iiMi t' pii-ilit l.tiidi" siioulJ Lt I'tariii'. an I in-i ; i-y ti i.eiit rai f. v. rnritt nt as a L his to nei.rt: our n tionai faith. IUl it .1 not nrril.t. tlt.it til' he yf t' in, il stitlel. r for t .Ii til.H.or.'i. o-i at.oi . ..lotilii u -t eiitt-i I on const: lotion -1 c.-o;oi.8 aaii. tlo. ve w of toe snr.j' et, at A' ii an a ralli -l eiisli ai taot' foi,,. i.t t.y toe .V. , t g tor the jjufpia,. f an.: no. ii it u no of n . l.on. 1 i... tit an y n.ore ti,, lie j a, r.- t.v.-i. ii.r e.itril,ulii :i. 'J ii- y vsc-re civ, to .t .oii.ii l ". Jo.iiti,',-. of . -'jn ,.iy arneri7 '. "'-''.,.ii.i I - (iiy o!i I. C n :l, ol,. I (I'd It, cor," l,y lot sU'et..:oi jirosto utioii of ,l,t Ki .oiutio ,ry .r. It r.tnT tn.-i, u t.iat lots.: m,,n .si.t.it Iiici.!ii lie n wou.il et loore .o.,,.!. i,t woo ll, fit. 11 ir r.'j trie.-. .oi,;. 1,1,1 : !', n l,uo fii'.h I.t, whi! ' 1., if ti:. :!:' iCoo tior Ul.o. to Iist.lt tieir i 'I in v wool'. e M t- H .;.-,i..,i..t. 'i t- inort .-I, r .1 , a..1 o,,. Tr, i..i!i. i J in -oui.J out . -1 f ( o '.f I' era! fiotr; k It- f,,t:. .r iiiri.r,!' tr, X tl ii. I ' I, lit I., y 0:1,1 O'iii nt t .,1. k J 1, 1 I1, I ... ,t ll.al, t l .1 IU ' fl'. I. t t .- : ,1 'i.i tm r e . 001., lit V. i, of la re. i,,-.f, 1 ,e piji ;,, r 1 ' 1', 11 . ' ;l ri-iiijt , 111 -'.r, o.l Hit oil ,t . ,.' s ot ;.i,: J ,,,., to uopok, tu L t..i . t,-.t.oi, were correct in principle which we deny, and which we have hitherto proved to he false, would the old Slates be bound by it now ? We any not The faith of the contract has been violated by Congress in giving the lands to the new States in undue proportions, and denying to the old Slates finy share therein whatever. We have bit n taught to believe that nil. j: i. lice and protection lire re -ciproc! terms, and that wlit-neter tiie one is Withheld the other should be denied ; that when evi r the re-aViu of an obligation ceasi s, eithir 1 y the abuse of its It mis, or by limitation of lime, the ol. ligation itsi If cease s to be binding on a ny of the parties. So that if the grant tit' the laniis was originally intended to apply to the jiivimnt of the (Revolutionary Ue-ht, tnc trust has long since teiiuinated by tlie liquidation of tlie debt j or if it was intended to extend to all the debts of the tiiivcriiniciit for all time to come, the tru-i has bci n forfeited by tin: nbuse of its terms. In any view of the' subject, and whether we apply the principle to the; lands ai quired at the time of, or since, tiie Revolution, the l.eneral (.owriiiucnt cm only be considered as a trustee, acting fir the benef t of the Stales. It is admitted on all hands that tiie piop rty in the I. mis btlio'us to the States in li.tir separate and eorpoiitc capacities, and not to the Federal to-ve rnment ; and it would seem to he States Uiiflits policy to administer Ihe funu for State purposes by State (iovirnnunts. But the great objection to distribution is that it is j a iur measure, an I the creat cardinal priucihle ol lite Deinoerdtic party is opjicMtiou l.ieverv. tiling liiat originates in tiie councils of U hie M)K.V llo matter what claims the uirasuro itself j la)' have upon true Deiuocratit; talih and prillei ! ph s. We admit that the term Democrat has as- !l,01'iall'lUUU vnJean,,s chi" hut wc ! ! tlh II tiS MV. t 1 ' di;in.(Hnii;) 1,-nh ! anun nt ft iiiMir no II as sweet hy nnv ct!i liitt.' Tiie lftt nio'li Is of a!- ti r th? Inpt v.stij-ra nt frc i1nt h ive lu t uw-.v I'V t-U" '"'Wit of absvlutv tksiK.tini Tht1 Hope of the South The Salisbury n.uuer says that President Tie ree ls " tiie hi pe of the S. uti .' II.. ve M'licy on u;- ! " TIIE Nf.i. i .: fAUUI.I.VA WI1IJ. K I H I K WO I!T I I I'KMALM SKMINAKY. lhi UyAAiih, Itituti-n of which (io. u-n..,r .Kii.u .M.' M .rebcad U Pr, pii.tor alllj ., ,r i;.,arl StvriiliL. A. M . i j.. al. aided by a corp.-. of afeompii-hed :i...i..t.iiil.., is pleasantly sltu.it.-ii oil oil.- ot tje i..wt beautitlll UareS f the ci.n-rpriz- i 1 1 t .- . I i it ( ir.-en-bor-j". It was eneted and supplied with a chemical and pl.i!o.i-ph- ical a paratus, w ;lil musical i u.-i r u .i.t 1. 1 nnd other r. inisiti s lor a ie-tuale school of l.ih j;r onie u ft i-l-U or tWctltV e-rir- .I'") I'V tiie; iiidiviuuai enterprise of tiie Pr pii. ror. It is .aid to have been in jiic.-cs.-f.ii i-p.-ra-tio-.i from ti.e period of it- t-t.tl-li-hmeiit to the 1 reseiil time with the e.yciptin e-f a verv .siioit ;,.terval. The la.-t sehuia-tie year, iiotteVer. is r..-L,.ii ile J by tiuse who are fit miliar with the institution as one of the in 0-1 s.icc. -sl' .l li-. tin r the- uun.ber of j .u- -i!s '.r their trade of st i;-jl:.r-L;p be c .i.-ni-li- 1. 1 r Jin uu t-xati.inatii.iii -t tin eat. i i V1--' it appears tint its 'Uri.e has extended o.-.r, ami its fa!roi.ri-- i, n..w biiti-i; r-Cvi.C-i Irt.in sev.-rai .if the .ScatL.r:i M i;t s -itu-itel letw.-ci Maryland au-1 Teias. The ;-r 'ii: r-p'!tati -n ! ?!. S -n,ii,ary are! its jnci'ca.i 11 ptip.iij.rity have imp --d tit. -buil'iuiL's cpial iii'extei t to t.'i -e a!ri--i iv coastrueted, in order to accommodate t:.o-.-who ai:xi"j.l-!v desire t j educate th-.ir da;!.h-U-rs at t iat place. A p it lie examination oft!i" f-'ipils of thi iii.st:tuties:i took j.iiie.- ia-t w.-i-k in tht; pr --t-nce of a iare bumi.r of p itrons, visitors and the citre-in of O reeiislioro'. 'Ihe ext-r-(i-es coii.iuuut-i.-J 011 Tui -tiay morijiiirz the tilth iii-t., and coiititi-i'.-d f'om day to day until '1 hursday c'. i.i,i when tiny v.ere t.oi.CiU !i--l l y award. 1. dip;...ii.as t .' the Ui-.-uibers of tin.- si ne.r or trraj elating c'. is.n. A brief de.-cnptiou of ti.in iLiti.-restiiir; t'l-e;.-cion, Ly a putron, I Mijtp.-j.-ij will not b-; ii;,;;iti.rc -.;.!.' ta oa aud Vuur numerous re ad err of f. 1,1., aiel r. -, who are Inetidly to a hi-.li or , Iu education, and appreciate the fame. Lutation cf toe " ' 1J N otii Stat-,"' wh when asked far her jewel-, point, nut t j her nt h u.iiii... of c .'i p'rr, sil ver diamond.-, but to her intrinslcaii v jold ami in'.' re vai- tialiic, more polisier l, ami bii.lutit j-'VteH, her dun -j'tters as cil a- h.-r gifted n'lin. Krom the: catalogue whieli I n-tid yon, it will L: erecii. id that the c i ii of educa-. ti n prescribed in Ld-;..-w-.rtU is v. ry th'ir ou'.'l. and t-xten-ive. In all tho-e brain he-s the y.jao.' lailie. Were i.xaniin"d as tlwr otj'h as c aial'l be d ti,e in th'.- three davs vloth Were c aij st.tj.tly aia'l aa.-id avu.-!y ilo V'.'. 4 thereto. Ti say that tle y a'-j'i'it-'d t'e !n-':ives W'.ii K.U.'l too tan." rj.1. 1 eolntii .li place. whil-t a liiin Ho d..--.-nptia:i there.-. -l would i xti -nd tiiis ti-.tiet; to an ii.eoin enie nt iuugth. To sav, however, that a'.t jrcst.-i.t m-ir; de- liohied with the variety and accural ind accural y of their ciit'Ttriinmi r, their pr jinpt and i L'f.-iitic r-nd lail v -li were well plua-t d with ady rail-Bet-, with their i 'leportiiii-iit. and with t.he in. i-t.ilicaid caiile fcvi'leiit-i ,- o!t,.e:r iiitelli-c- tual de levr-l tplneiit, w-i-,!'l more li' arly r.t,- J roxiniiite ju-t-ee to the J oUtl-.' Indies. (f. ten were heard fr' tn tlio aivlitory iii Jtitj- tan xp,-' ;oi,s of ri'.ioiiutioi,. :'t, i. ,v.-r.. the jrnnipiil an! Lis aecoii-t.!i..i.-d a--i- tai.t- .-oii.jili!!.. i,K d i' -r ll.tr '.aii.-ty -,f th. ir "W n atiaiiiii.ent, for the -ei!', pi.r-ever.-tieu :i.-d (iniv-r.t "i.-ci-. v. ith uhich th. y hii'l '!i-!ir,roc, t;,o ,!;,,;.., ,e , rr ,!. ;,.,.., aljl r-:-!-oi.-;hii-tr-i-t,f ,rr!.e tact with whi-h t.i,. v i..'i'1 iiiij arii'd ii,-tru ti-m, f.ud f x-it, .1 1 1,'.. iai.e-s i 'I aiit:' ij All I, If ...ill, par ; tl, th. t. . -:r (J. V ' ' r. : -. at'. oi .-.r-i'-t I'-Uit I I.- v. r n.i, of imp !.t i, nr'ii i' t.t arid enjoV i'y oi ' ii the p.-trt of .t tin ir labors a,- th" toucher-' the ' x hri id 'I in this "Wl e.'o.ld liot have z. ii.-a1;-, a In ai '. Il.O-t Mi" li- " Ii r. : foi c.'.r.iriinrjt d with .': a iii,:t. .1 i ,- p. r.i'i ,n en t , ;,lt ,,j ,(,,. i l.i'li.-- ti., n -.-l-.i J-lii-iioiio-ito i... ii, i:i..!i-h liii!ii,ii,ar, f .vr:if b- f. Al- br-i. 'I. ,,!, e'ry, Tii- ,n .1,,,-trv, .' -tn v . Ciii n,i-trv, Nat'ir:.!, Menial -uei .! I'.'o'l -- thy, llhet ;..-. - ,;.i:,..: p;,.,. . tl." i.-lit .lioti of t l.i. I iiii.-d " in A ,v : i.t and M .-u .,:,. ;. ,,,-, r, e :i Uall v i r k -on," and f an oli, . :, ;! A-' ; ,, '..in'. 'T t a ,u ti 1,, 1' 1 - ai.u 1 this iliOV.' e lire audit., TV at' t to l' r 011 1 ach d .ii.'.d f,r the . i.i 1 :, 1 -, 11 . 1. 111 1 1 1 1.,- b. ,U': ha 1 1,' li lot n t. , 1 1 Tl,.,, -- in the the :l,n d .-.-l ! .1, . d. ' l.i':, nil i e li . 1 ' I .- '.' t r tie ' t!. l.lal I , , Uil! I t 1 1 1 yd t Ui 1 I v indi- i"ii-ai, ii- ei-a( Mn i'i ai.d . lurtnnce to pnrt, on the part of visiters, , constitute lllti-dmst compliment they could possibly bestv, both upon teachers ana pupils. I Whilst thfrrocress of tho youii!? Inlic3 in tlio more of learning their attain): es were ctiu (.Mi We'dnes' ere. mm useliil uepurtinents s thus successfully exhibited, it in tlio ortnitm'iitul brnneli y satisfactory and imposing. eveu'm tit o i lock tuu nu Illllll (.'ulll'U ll f thu institution coimiii'tioed l ofore an in house, nnd c hours of the liati'UH'tit of w alls of tlie nsclv tlirongoil and crowdod tiiiuid until near tho small fijibt without tlie slightest uhlie iiitercsi. i no luiei ioi leious hall were handsomely iti cm uti'd wit! avcrvlar-'enumbcrof beau-;' tiiul painting in oil ami water colors, ta-tolv',ly arlnrrcd and suspended in su- j pub gilt fia os. l-.aeh ol these paintiu.'S , luiu iieeli ex miliary in tl uted by the pupils ot thu he- Itheii closins .-' holastic J;i,r-1 Mder the beauty ot the paint- Whether Ice in,-s selcctc.lhbe tasto displayed in their irranu'pmetit.lr the arti-lie skill exhibited I ion, I regard them in each ; ainl in every isl'cct as siineiiur to any thing , of tho State. kind In a at 1 have ever seen iu the ; iliou to these paintings the room wasoru tueiitcd by a very large num.- i j I'1''-ot well Jxccuteil pctieil "i"! "J''111 1 ! drawings, lik juse the handy-work of the j pupils, ami tU beair.ilul le-tuoiis oi ever- greens, ami Covers eracefully arranired. over all of which flood of brilliant li-rht was she.!, alui.xste,ttal.uv the noou uay ''ii, and if notnrVa beautiful, nt lea.-t servm- better to el'iipliiji the beautiful than even the tl's--!'- ut'f- ??, 1 beautiful au4 lovely i to I.. j ni iioin. im. Oliiplcte the! scene, ami that wa.-.-tipplicil when tin' youn,' ladies n ude their appearance on the stac, in their simple vet m at and eraci-ful attire. This was trulv a feast for all ve; it most !uke of luxuri:it''!v dil they iiidule ami p it, until the uid-ieal perl' nuance coo. luetic :d. When " soon t-ie ( ves re'ideri to e.as t..eir r:ht 1 no 0 t'l hear, i- :i (i t ar 1 te 11 there." F t sui li sir 1 11 ire liarinuiiy tin y Th at uil tin ir s. uses tho keii ml Am', e.f rv f..cultv WISlltd to he The Piano mid the fluitar were the in struments chiefly u-ed : occasionally, howe ver, Professor Schneider, the principal in struc' r of music, accompanied them with the (.'l.uioiit t in such dulcet tr.iiii-. as he nloni' can iini!,.'. Son;-1. cli ru-cs. s.los, duets and t i i s were siin-.' and pi-'. !oi :ind in such a mail in r a. t -i eleli jl:t tie --e h heard; nnd to he conceived ot. an ciatod ott- t to be lie tea 1 rlbr- M 1 ly by tho-o who did hear ; bu scribed. Fur such umie an malice are like J "" try ; in each " Are ii titi' h-ss o . a which IM II ' -"I tesi Ii, Aiui which 1 in -si- r's hoi't . tout 1 .n re a- Ii." I ttndcr--taiiJ that it has 1 ee n t! 'j eleter tiiiiinti'iii of Mr. Scliiicidi-r ever sinee he has been eoiiiieeted with the iirsti'iiti 'in, to make his jutj.ils really si- i - u t i f i ( -rfinii. r- of mu sic, and to cect this r..j- .-t he I. is .-pire 1 neither paii nor labor. Tin- manner iu which !ii. pupiN srtpiitt. -d th- tii---Ives sho'v that his labors have not been in vain, an 1 that he teaches more t!i-ir 'M-I.,y than any on-- el-e in tiiis section of th.- c iiitrv. Hi confidence i i the it' ii: fieietiey of s'-tiie --f his fl. J ; - Le s. nt t ) New V ri; t -r tl.' and e.iiiiiiii-rifed p;..e .-si7 itoi in that city, with which to t- Kvi-n these pieces t!i. yoilt.j 1 i I at tin-ir c iir . : t with !. oiit cori.mittine; n in:-tal; , ri; an I -i. '.! '-r.t ei.:.,,.-1,'. -1 r, " n ii i- i t and pro-a- -ueh that - in fj-t i!i!lic i!t -I.- t" i"f vir.i t their skill. a le-- perfirm---ii.iti 'n, i'h 1 v- i'.h a ta te '1 j.ii-h- I'vt-n l:i I ' ..1-iv e-i - tl." .Ti!-! i tin 1' ii: e , :.ie h r or,-:-1' d ;n i'i ill- on th- purr - rl'las.-,i,,l hi r!,. plrillinj in I : i!! jr-i "is rii.'.f 1 L-r -nt r ,-.-(! it ur"j illf I J 1 ! tr.tii.l. I -f'iriii:i:,fe . " i wr.-e I 'olllt 'l-it -.1 ( f the ' ,-incy Th" ti the .-t the S-n: of lii'llie. t'::at of t1 His r-f ' i ' lier. 1 lev re iiU't.i ii of wc-t-'Ss an I , iw-r- written in fine n-d I y that rodun- ii'r r. a-'-mi-e of coin ri w-akei.s the NT, rt f t i." w rit ir.'s of th" l". iiloiii-t ikabie ey. ta-t , ;w.-re diii.ey of w T'-i i -n whl ami mar the btauty .whil-t t'n'y nf! n r of thouj.t aii ! V..-.I! id.!,' telic lion ami of ii.- ta il traiiii'. With ti.f: recpti ) of th-.ir diplomas ter-niii,ati-d the e-reii' s of tiie y nn ladies, lei'. I C'lllll' t Mli-U'li' this te -ie.- without bearing te-timniy ti tic ir rae foi and ca-y manners, nitl.otl -xt-r. - in i..y hilj ii'lnii ratio.i of the .itl:!y and in . ie-tv, I'piaii ties that so hirilv adoru a woman; that characterized tb-i. in all 1 1. : r public exi r-ei-es. I'or riot.vtlitati.lin t! ir fine healthy appi. arati'-e thet le.au ty ani brilliant sue- -s. " Tot , rooson rr' V of o ..eosi-. ,', r--s H 'I in ir crie.-ln .!,,! jit o- -.v I a-1 - to ti. e i r i h iriiin." In :raiitiiir7 tlidiplonn Mr. .v'tcrli:i,tln. principal, dtl'wrd an a l-.' e-s to the: youn ladie,oiippnp'ilc in -uh-- meeand f.iuith-s.-iii .-ty!-: as to ti' 4 tie! i t.- rc- ppprobntion of a!! whi we r.i rn i.r, whi -t hi- .li-licite and t 'I'-hit: aibi-Lr t-i two ovelv and interes tin no ti.i.ers cflh it el;--, ntn-of whom re cently f-.-ll a viiiii to e ii 1 1 1 1 - j tion, ami the tle-r is v t fonif d by ntflict.on, -le.w ,at I," h as a heart ,; feel t.-iieh. I shall i-i-s :. - well as a head to nil, illlil-lt, up jn hiin, f,r tin; -l,i.er in whieh be h a t di,-eh.ir'-d hi. d.ier: (' r, -th" y oari Indies 0f h; e fiiire in tur -neci-!:il j h ue j reei io!( c .in1 in thi-, in t an.l.'.ation rins more I eun use. 'l ii-til ut.ri :if;!bic Mian miy A-Kintr parilon ir t!,i; lcntli ot this notice, It " ' l.ti.-i it to a life. A J'ATKO.V. Mi Ml, 1 JAMKS VIKJl'.NK, ti.e Whi Can- '-idate loi Coi- rss in thi.- Di-tiiet, will n,l 'Ire.s.t Li.s li L.i-titiZclls at tho loiiowino place,, t: At W.vlesbor oriTue-day the I '.'th of Ju ly, and at -h othi r places iu the coun ty as may designated hercaltcr. At Centre, n umly eouuty,oii Wi-diiendav the ti'itli 'July, and at l.'ro.s Jio,ads on l iiday tl, Zii'julv. At Mount J isj,rit, Cabarrus county, on .'lonilny tl.i !-"ith J uly. At burr's, n .sjunly cojnty, on Mi, tier .ill, .1 u 1 At Alhr-n -iile l Saturday, the fH'tl, July. Tin; sTrii'Ln j:n i-iLfii'Ks. T lo re appf to be ''II'Tiil diss3tif'ie. tion in .N. ,v V.t, that Mr. Nesbitl, Station er, in fiat i-jj has been allowed, in the coiitiai' with i ov rnmi lit to fuini-h the 1 nn be s to iik- use of them f.,r the pur-l.t.-e e- ad i-i-aiu. It is stated that on tier it., Jc, th" r wb.i ,(a I' -Iter in one of these ru le il b person refer I the plnei. ' I t pn , I it', -rnti' tbri' will im.t-i-1 "f tt; lal, the name of (i. p'. Ncs rA. V , will I,- the lir-t siht i". 1 his rye. (Jiiile 11 rlu-iip dtiitistittr, nnd e,tif! too, wi- t,re- sllll wh:eh wild r'-aililv be einbrne-d bv it: Of th" I,,, f,f I'iltl-llt Mc'lil-illl' ),,ctOS ir 'btT .tholt!.' ad v t-i liter.-. We do not I '.il.t I-'.' tlii: runny of tin-in lire deeply v.'iuv ! a .M. Ne.sbitt's .iLiewciftitsi. ' From the Whig and Advocate inn. okkorive. i Wo attended tho meeting at tho ?Iincral Spring near O. 0. Foard, Ksip, on last Sat urday, where Mr. Osborno tiddressed his Fellow-Citizens. The Ladies were out in full force, and wo could see from the deem interest and respectful attention which they . . . 1 1 t exhibited, that their feelings and priucip.es were rjltt. ami that ineir iiinueiieo ii bo excited and felt on the 4llt day of Au gust next, in behalf of the Whi' (.'undid ate. i .1 11 ........1.1 Mr. Osborne alter f briet out lieautiiul a-jrti,iowk,(l!:eliR,lit o( h gr:ltitll(le to tho Ladie who had honored him with their oeecded to discuss tho political .. ' ' .... our ('omitrv. itat. luo.-t.,, .. u-i. ,, t, encomiums which had , i,stl)rt.eti on ;,.. Pierce's Iumisurnl , . .... . , i: ion l),.m0cratie orators a;ifi ,resSt.s:-a(l then adverted to the dis- trust, tho disappointment and mortification is now cvurv w,pro visii,i0 cx0,.pt l-Wsoilers und Secessionists, lie . , ,t t! , bieath'd. and ..,. ... i.r,i . t,,, ..n'ort of a nolicy. , r,, .,. , v -... ,..,,,,',1 f..r honor. : ou such i,.ti:.ir:a .H ),.vu. Camiib.'ll and Smile, . ,ilftllrf!1111-4 f ,, (1f ,he same strine j,, acroj-atiuti of tlie wi.o, tic poml miJ p' trj,j0 w l0 m buttled so manfully for the .- , (, U., measures. Mr. Osborne then e xplained to his fair i,,,,.)!;.,,,,,, nil(ii,.,ieo bis views iu rela- tion t0 tuti jjnbuiion of the Public Lands aliJ t!ic amu.x.lti,, 0f Fori-inn territory. ,f , r,., ., rk,.,i tltsat, if the Wbi 's and Demo- vi u.it. .u.iriiiution men would step forward i . i ... f. un.t i;..o in ii. i. .n.ii.jr cujriu.., .n... rill- Vl j( anieil al a late iiee.r la-i eveuini: the signs of the times, he thought tin; dele- t la : C. tln'r.i was somi) hope of bis recuwry. Ration in tho next Coiijress from North. 'J' ,0 citizens w it neoing the outr.vro, en t'arolina, would chow a united front on the iraui-d iu the riot, and several thousands of Land (jiii-stivjii. people were soon collected on the pround. Mr. Osborne then rt ferred to thc Filli- Information was sent to the Ninth Ward bu-ter attempts on the Island of Cuba. police Station, when ei 'htecti athcers were lie Lustowe.l on .'loti-ieur .Soule a severe, but deserved castration on aeeoiitit of the i efforts of that entleiiiati to ilisturb our i flielidly relations with Spain by a certain ' speech in which he compared Jopi-z and : bis deluded followers to I. a Fayette and i Kosciusko, lie thought if the object of tin 1 President was to nc iuire Cuba by fair and hom.-rable means, that that object emiid not have been more Micccst'iiHy ib-f.-ated. than ' by the appointment of such a tuau as ."-oulo t th.r ."-nalil'sh I 'mirt. Mr O.borue c-tiitra-ted in i -lo.pieiit Ian- bcrni in o'lare, Spain a ln! i. p-r ant with no- j:,.,. aI1, 1 thin.' n v save ( aha. that sue can c ill her .own, an I Spain as .he w as three centuries : a--), when she h id no rival in arts, in science and literat-.ire, and wln-n her victorious ar- mies carried tenor, an I o.r t.i.eeel-flll urina- ' I , ta In-r iinmciise earth. I If .aid le r poverty ami the Island sunk int'lit r.'to -led pr-it.-i-tion, pos-e's-iiill-t thr-oi ; I . ' r 1 1 tie' he r pride im-rcasi-l with that si,,. wot ild rath.-r iu tl," Atlantic plummet Mem 1 nit nt t') u pr-'p i i-tt-r bv wh im ( ei-an " d'-eprr than ever :.'),'' than listen tor a m-i-itr-iu to se!!, throii-h a Min he b id bee ll wr-m.' -d mi l iri-iiltel. Mr. sb.,rne in that Mr. l'olk bad ..-lb n millions f..r the 1 ,i ir I . w , ii!:niitiy refused, and n i w.eild ini'.rin the i.ie. le utioii'-tl the fii-t I on" boielrt 1 eh h id b t n in hi'tl Mr. 'rai ..- af iiia. it lien.- he would be willin- to five. M r t'r :. i "..', - r" at dsnor to the South in at; rlv-rea-i- of th" Tar ill if the pr. ( t d - of t l.e l'ni lii.' Lnii in should b di-tiit'iit-.l, but be reh'it'e in th" pro-tieet that Inilli ill- sh olid Ui:.j a in laws, l-'Tein c i-intiy ititf -rcnt trotu u in l:iiiiiri.-i-, in rt-li.ti oi. in rust .iii- ant in n..-.r. II" is wiliiri it., ii-.. bl own 1-iiiL'ii ie I "to take ni'int-v out ,(" the po.-kf-fs r f th,. -,,.,. with .-.!,.. hand an I L'l 1 sue Cot, lor th in I 'lil'.l w l'l itl.-iiu and ti i the tiabl th. r. but it . ilation of the , a pi -titi.ti t Wioilil justify Iiullihi ation ntalive .if the Seventh Con. a llepr re-soiKi, stnet ol ortli ( arolinrt t, vote t r a distribution of the- Public Lnuds. It is all ril.t and pr .per for th- people i.f North Carolin i to be taxed to pay tor Cu ba, but oritraco'lsly unconstitutional to de mand tln-ir own property. We have writt.-n ti tins subject at tins lime than we iiifemle l We have tin, and anin eiid-avored to imprest the ti. w of the Cunre irttial Catididiiti s f.,r this l;s trir t upon the minds of our readers. The leetioti will moil take place, and the voire oft' ; people will be heard tlirouli the bal-1-it-box. W hope that voice w,l be but the echo of truth, of w isdom, of patriotism, of jit-tree, and the happim-a and lory of North Carolina, and tiie perpetuity ' f our rlorious I'niori and bless.ol C.in-tit'iti'.ii. l'.r.wan. old Ifowan we tru-t and believe will do ln-r duty, nnd In r whole duty, nnd the inteiiient s..m of S.-ot"h Irt-bind will aain place the teal of eoii'letiinatioti on the trickery aud double dealim ,.f this l-'ri-e- .-oil und Sit ion administration and spunk in trumpet tones political d-ath to it ami its suj,port-'rs. I'rom North feroliria Ar"ii. Troiii a h Iter received Irom aliicnd in a lieil.boriii!.' county, we take the f dlowiii : I think. I W.Usb irne s ,ro-pects briht and still briahteniii. I personally k n iw of tnnnv ititellii-nt I ..mocr,-ifs uhosavthev ... a wi ar vote for lit in . Tln-y ay hi doctrines nr'd sri,.iil,fr. thrit thev think it n crest outrae for ( ..leress to ive away the public land-i to the new States, which th'-v do at every sc-sion, nnd then refuse to iive the old States, who aw them this land lor a common I'linl, nn eipial -bare of their own dtiiiall iii ; that they cannot think of volin lor a man to w bo ri fu-es t rt-pt-s".'t 111 an act h"tn ill I 'rtiitres., coiiiiii'iti jii-liee ; for Mr. ( Isboi ne it is not worth ny, if he did de that th'-y uill eith.-r vrite or tcit ote at all ; that while for Mr. ('rait- t i il ny nt tiobl-IIill, that lie ever said that lie w ,as opposed to the distribution of the pro ceeds of the public land: that, th'-y have i .. a I : ...... ..... inir'i nun say ne was oiirn-ei to the uoi- tri upon con tt nt lotm round-, ntni that as th'-y iinve no ynijitrs tliein-.-lves, thr-y prclt-r votin l-.r n man who has none, and imperially who has none against their just ridits. Many l)einocr.'ita, who are liom-t ami in t' i!li -nt, and who have the moral ; nirae to ;n t iiiticpctioei,t!y, aiei tiicri- arc a rent inriny fiieli, say they cannot ro fir Mr. Crnie on account of his wild and visionary notions about ivin n iniicli ' more elbow room for the boy, " when wr have .mire than we will evi-r s. tile, uiebr one united oi eminent, if we have another slavery a itati in over such a ne'.v ;ic,uis;ti.,n as Cu ba. Tln-y would ratlo-r the beaux would not " tickle the fam-ie and tn-t.-s of their .We i tbcu-fs " and the " ood old folks nt home with " oraii""--. er,-iro,-i a. rutf, iVe , tit the expense of national honor "livery ''ritalion . a war that, would rause the Io,s of lathrrs, ).ro! er,, kindred and fiietiiis, with uil the oeei nulitted ami di- ra-stating t-vila of war aud th e army and tho climate nnd pnmperins up an already ; too much graspinu' national cupidity, which cries like thu daughter ot the Horse leeei , ".'ive! give! and are never satisliod with taking," 'but "when an inch is given they demand an til," and give an ell, and they would demand an acre. So that if old Anson, and cver-wido-awake vniniT Stanlv. wiil but do their full wins Jimy", pjod old whi' doetiino and North C1 .... i e .. .1. . Carolina interest-, will Ue prompteu oy tuu election of a man whose talents ml elo- , e.ueiice are equalled only by his faithful ami patriotic consistency to the whig cause and i to his country's good." i From the X v York Hint, J:j ti, Juti TF.UIUlihfc: RIOT IN TIIK NINTH vai;i. Yesterday moniii)' about halt past l fl t.iock( tue :intU Ward was the scene of one I 0f the most desperate riots ever witnessed - jn lh.lt S(.t.tiun 0f the city. It appears by : ,i, st.-itenu-nts of tho Police, that one of Kipi I .i;. l!,,.'s stm-rs was nas-in.' down Hud- 1 ir...-t mmr Trov street, driven by F.d- : .. ;., I ..r,..,inr when the horsei. excited i l... it... .i,,i... nml eoiifiwion incident to the ' .v Locnnw fntindv uiiuiaiiaL'cablt! ; and ',!,;!, I,..ini nnlv able to iruide them, ' tvu compelled to select an open space through which a procession of the, Hiliern- i-... t,.;..tv miioberiiit'. it is said, about ' fd,ir bundled, was moving. 'J'he driver was attacked by some of the Society, drained from his box and most trUelly and hhan.efully beaten. The driver ; ......,-,t tn 1,1a hmnn bv come of hi ' friends. It was rumored that be w as killed, , , ........... despatched to the scene. A most indiscrim inate and bloody fiht then took place. The Hibernians, it is stated were headed and eneoiiraed to the re-i-tatiee ff the I. -lit by their Mar-hai or Pri-ident, who' flourished his 'word, which was suli-.cii-iei.l-1 ly taken fr..m him and hiiu-i-if arret, d by the police after a desperate e -inflict. 'Ihe! fijlifiii; wis continued down I! i -1 - si street to near Canal. Th-main s-ccnio!, h ntevrr, e cased nt II im im rslv street, nhe-ie the banner "f t!i- Hi was (t. -t r- . il. Several ot ine j o citizeiis. wen- s.-vcrelv itij'irt 'I; and. niriori'-t the f". inn r, Lieut, h'-briii!.', who wa- itijured by a 1-1 o.v, front n paving htone, on the ht-ad. Ollicers Stilish. Clark, IY!t, and three ex policemen, were M-vi-rely iiijuu if ; ficer k is c iiifiet d t i his home iron tl,-! i f- les. 'I hllty-six ' f th" 11 't K-sS injured, wt re a-rc. t- -1 feet jf the itij it i rs all more fir an 1 taken I ef . mi;:, d tln-m b re J.i- ' ' St'iart, who cotn .r exaniiiiatioii. l'r. J. K. iir-b-ii! r lice I. I' their w The IM ok, one irt u I,!, Ill la ;ee of t! of tin i ..lreoiis t-i tin w as i"i !l-d ir. and drc- Ninth Ward, beab-d. bv Lieut .-'-fed bv Hants 'I'af't ulid V i ine;. Were a--C.ipt. St. vi-ii-.tti, of thc S.xt,. el.th ;!i a plat -in ' f h: n. n. W-.rl, wl;!, Th" rit! ns re I'lin in tfie vieiiiity Le liiU i.l. it IS sai l. III a ere d.t.ibh- inai reii'b riii all aid in their p e A ii'iiii!" r of tltlz eon' I u.it I' am, w-re -v.-r , , 'Uw Il'l'VUian-t it is a'lf in a y 1 1 Ol i fe- u a , i - -1 -. i i r, ly in the conflict. Tier in-esti itl ,n whi n th" fact It inn y.-.te-rdaj , m-.-t i xa of the ri -t w,-r,. i-ireill.il. 'I, p't was cxpr.-'i-.-.l that t! di-hoiior-d bv riotin. r to th- V . )-.- n.i-.i' Iv I iur-,1. I. U-ed I'i t v .-mil r-"i s WI.l Will .-r:it" str.i t i,i!.-! j i "ii t-' an 1 ee ti, mi r I e d iv -bou! I I G UK AT 1TKH AT t iSWD.t . sw ton, N. V., July tl. A very destructive tire occurred ut this place yester lav. It extended ovi - about lo acres of ground. Kvery mill north ol 1i id; street is burned ; al-j Messrs. Ante .t Hail's elevators. Nearly -(Ml ntnres and dwi liins are in ruins. Tim portion of the town consumed is lio'imlcd on the we-t l the river, soudi by Urid.. street, east 1-vj Sixth stri.-i t, an 1 north by the Fort rounds, j Ihe only projierty snicil within these limits! i- Kan lail s elevator, thc second M.-tli idi-t! church, ami half a ih..cn dwelling's. The) loss is not b--s than SI ,."iiMi,iMri. liver :iil,-i 001) bu-ht Is of j-raiu were coiismn, d. I he insurance oliiees sutler In avily. The! principal loser, arc 1 itziiuh ,V ('., , who 1 i-e c'JiMli ll on th.ir mill, n hie it was only i:;sun d f,r fc I .'int. There was al.'o a lare stock of rain in-ide ; S. lo .btt!e t In. II and stuck destroyed, valued nt 8 I't.UiHI. pruliillv insured; Ann-.- At lirotlicrs Klvvn-1 t-tr. .s'ii.iiiiii lo-t oi. tlie buildin. and in.ur- ed f.,r only ll r,lii.Hi. TIhtc i, al-) about! . .i i.tino ),-, i,, t),e rain iu the -tore, own- i i i i , -. - . i en anroii'i, aim ai -nil iri.i.mi.i ,s, -u pr-,. vi-i his eb sfroyed. M.-.-r-t. Ilnwb lt lli.rd iier hs..- rsi.ljioo and aro insured for hi'-K-l)IM. I'l-rifi.-ld ti C .'s mill and stock of rain and Hour ins. t-.-t i rn au-ii at is 0,(Uf ; in-ur-ed f:;il,lHMI. 'J'. W vriiiin's tb.ur mill loss U.IIIM). Jlall.V buildiri S.I '.(KMl ; Cos Mlevatois lo-s nn on prain tsi,lMU. l-'itz- trh iV Co. bad a lare amount of meridian (li.e 111 tin ir store, the loss on which will to, t be less than gWOiljIKKI, which falls on pintles abroad. 'laloott's w an- bouse ami found rv -,! o burned 1'iss gnO.Oiiil. ''. 1 1,,,.,,,, j!)m i,al cstablisbiiieiit was partially Hiivcd. Added t'i the above is a Ion !i-t of stori kei ;ier and othe rs, whose losse-s rane from $ llll.l to .-I (Mini). Many persons were injured by the fallin ruins, but it is bi In -led no lives have been lost. 'I he buildin, were In arly all of wood, and biirni'd with rent fury. Tin; (ire en (,'ines becaiiie hcdeil in by the flames, and had to be thrown into tho river to save them. I M 11 HIT A NT SI I!'i H'AL DI'KIt ATK IN" A very iiiteri-stiiiir and important surical operation was performed in Auustn a few days since, by Ir. 1'aul I-'. Kvc', I'rofrssor of Suroi-ry iu the Medical CiUeo,, ,,( Nash ville. A little boy, son of the Jtev. James . Lane, of TalU'loa county, Ala., in hi. sportive experiment, had Hiickeil a nnil into Ins trachea, which, passing ilown into the left lobe of the liins, had lodo-cd there and remained three weeks. The nprration ron-si-ted iu opeiiiii tho tr.udiea, ,,r wimlpijie, reaehin; ib.wti into the b it bronchia mid remuviii tin; nail with a pair of f.ire. ps. Ir live was assisted by Messrs Campb. ll, Mean., For. I, ileariii'' and Mneki,. 'I'I,,! oiierntloti was most saill.iMu ..... (,,r .. ...I ... l has res, ilti. I in u i '.: . . . - ....... ro.- ..... , ,lle-l was riinnine; about within ur days after the removal of the foroin body. The ope ration is certainly an important one, nnd tho manner iu which it was performed reflrcti the bilicst credit noon the skill of Ilr. Ken :uir Lis absociater. At'iiUa lltirtc Cuicttc. Olio Week I.utrr from i:nro.. IlAUKAX, Jl'I.V 0. The steamer Aw'rr. if(t has nriived, Lriugiug Liverpool dutij to Juno -th. TJiu proceed ings of the Ih itish Parlinm,.n. are lllllllilieii lain. ii. Wits inej prevai in.. .i. . i : i ii . . , " pinion uiui bin; uoiiioineu ueei ot 1 1 1'eut 1 'li tain ami franco enter the llardain; . . !...:... lts a conseipiencc oi nussiu s oec.'pritloii of ( Panubiaii provinces ; and that Austria then offe-r her meditation, thereby opL ;,,' the w ay for a renewal of iicoitiatiuu, . : will tcrininato thu crisis peacirbly, ' The Paris nioniteur contains a (l(,.ri regulating the affairs of the liouapaite fa. ily, in which the F.mperor assumes tho sjl control. Hin consent is necessary to ti,,j inarriajri! or divorce of any iiomiparte, u j no liicmber of tho f.imily is nllovvej I, t further than seventy-live leagues from 10lue without the permission of the Kiiipcror L) may punish by arrest or exile. ' The Cabinet of Prussia takes a neutral attitude on the Turkish question. Accounts from St. Petersburli to tjtf I f th June states tliut no final resoluti,,,, tn. peeling the uccupation of the l'uuubijH pr.j. MIICCS wool', no I..II.-II mull rt'Cljitiji of the refusal of the Porte to decide tj (Le ultimatum of llussi.-i. It is reported that the Pmssians hav e,,. te-r.-d Muldavia and proceed to Hut.-l.ui.st 1 lie liinpcror reviewed the ri main 1 bis fleet at Cronstadt ou the l'.'th p of Men-eliikolf ban been nann-il I jvern-: , the Crimea. The Sublime Porte, on tLf I'ith u',i;,,, finally refused the ultimatum of ihe ( ij-' The l.us-inns had not yit cionsetl (,, ,41l. ube, and it was believed there H-auM b,- war. An Au-trian Fnvoy hail arrived at ('... staiitiiitiplc. On the l?ih ultimo the t ,r ,t-('arli.-h- passed throtioli iet,n i n,.!, ,',,.,.' in-tructi'itis lor the Kiiti h Mmi-tir al ' staiitiiinple. 'I he Paris Sife reports that the 1 ... dnr. of the Panuhain Provinces hrn,- , , .. : l r.. . . . r . . . r ' ise'i, in easy in a itussmn inva-i.in, tj b iik on the Turkish territory witj, t, ti j-'ps. llorpodar of Wallachia t r a., Th" I'orte has ib dim d tin a s.-r.i.-i-s it tlie l o.isli, llutirinan, a:,,, Vii i in r I., ci -. lie wuiiL-i only I.r ; ,, 1'ieiii 1: oi.ii crs. Ihe in counts from China Mat" th :! f. - l i l-'io t-r.e i natal lorees wire ai-i-tu... :.. p r..r while the H.-iti-U remait,. -i :. , A!"i, that at Shanh.-ii thc Kuii- tr.ii ri -i . we re ercallv nl irincl. um enr illcd tin nisi-!, s aj volunteers, j iu '!!! from tlo-ir ships. Tin- A', r. ; lu-l liken i.-e held a liiirctin, aii'l aj ( :. a fiiiiiitiiit' e (! act when m cear. I.t . llll'tml, M.MihKT, .llMi V,i I' i ha l b. i n iu in-live demand f r ';, -. ti ad'-, :.t nn a I vance of I -1 id. a 4, ; : Hi li.. ! Ill lit; a I. el lair . jilniities. "Jin- u.ii.t wa. ) firlv supplied with the li it- r n .j. tn a of I l l a!l. Co.V-b;,:i-;S I'm JtAlL ltnl' rii tenu t.M. Compiny, j. p, i; d. r-..t., V,-t. rn I'. II. C K. li Lk !: II h.rir.k W. Murpbv, .) 1 1 arp.-r, .1 K .1 M;-. iihiiii. r, Ir A.N. II. n b-r- r II .: .'t 11 , K. Mart, a .S. C , Murphy, M. U .'. Murpbv .. I!, Sill S , Winch,-:, r A . Fox A. Mi ll , l!.,sc, C. A IV. A W bi lb, w. r, .). Co, J It.ld k II, (' .ll.ali, i. IriWer, r.)..ll Wl.i. . I'.lt tl ('..., (I If litie: al. II 1.1 lot. in:,iii.r;L:L. lhi e-Riiil t-. on t'.e Tin ,.. . li 11. I.n!.-ri, Mr. J At HI ,J : .oia.ii.ei Mm, I A I II AKIN L ll i fO-Notiee. 1 1. i" tl to Ine i O'llift t,,, ol Hie rt- to rt li v rrtj ii.-si. ,! ue nt . A .-I , infill wcl i 1,1. d a i oi rspr,,,.;. K-awlr arc in ,. l,,,J, i cIn r i,.r colKj'ion. id iiiu.l h p.ni B-, ill h-i-1 tln.r p..n m Hie l,.od. ,,f tn Cii! If-i't it i. n. ii i;u v,: J 13 l-"1 k 1 VI " nitu who irm ai mr ,, r. .j M'-AI, in', t'let k, ih eie- miei ,ih ,'.i ,n lhe fl-.l Irielnf mil K.,i,,',r f A(,,i ,i,t! (ay ,,r w!lw ilinr N ile, a, id Aftiian'i tt t lli lorii,. I.o ,mct n,,r will n-.l t. rmn. .ln. N m. i;i,Wi:K July o 1-M ... , II IX. I. O It 1 II i imi in: si'.mimkv. 'I .UK M X r slM, ll- II wi I 1 111- Col,,, of I'l.T'ie'., ." Iir I It t .r , , o , , ol I' n or i ins i wet on Moiirj.y A.i "I o' , ll I.t't-rl ro,'.,'" it ' ' 1 It'll tannic I!. I 't K 'i- zifi m in.' ilpomiiorni oi , Hi.-rn Kti.gii.e. tut. loin" li.t-ii i..in a, on.- lit -he liM.-l ae mi t-ii aint .o, ,-.,.l,i tr,, li, r8 Virginia, I la very rl. , Or, Ml- th.l .i.,.-, at'rn.; r o at lh roniiiinneeiiiiii of Ilia a.aton I eariii mat inrtirinai i,mi reflecting ihe rs, i.-" LI'TIAUD SSKMLIMtl, M I'i iinrioal, (r. eo.Uji", 1 - Ji, a I -S3 li.i i lull.' V . l. It.tll l.'''d kIcikI. j fH ' r- "" '' "i lioruoiia ol in.: I li.i B Stiuiiil iioiitia K tilro,d ( 'omnnnv i'lin'? Cf- .it 'I a il .. rt ml l TWO Dul l. Alls iMU j II M.I' on o r liIM- ( ,f Hln ,,( I,,,,,,, i,..Hi i i, (. ,,,1,1 at Hie K.no.iail I l!i,,-e, in t i lim '. ! on ,i.J ulrer ihe 1 .1 ol J ilt rii'innr JOHN A. JJUAldilA Jiiiib I - all rjiiu ita.n 'f- No I ice. f V. ani irritwr re.iiwinitiy in forma ''" 1 '' S. thai he Ima hmlt a Una -a t of ,M 1 1 . l-- old aile em ihi- ( aiha Idyer. Willi IM a')"1"-j.-a ol In, i , e.rn-1,1 in Ihe bii.iit.-a n(',!''' ot twintv )taia. lot run .ay to the puttie llol ,5 llaa a a !l of MlUa wlneli ealinol I'.r aar: ,-' k' rtliy ill lilt. riHilln-Ill Slatl-a, lor lilieneas "' I ''"'' ant' i'iaiilli In ,i: l.u.h. I, (jo.1 wntal i'-m i lu IU ilia, aupcifire -Imif ) Al llias lo.,t -late of ihr (ialawla I'."'"' ill In- altli In (ttinel (r.mi li lo rl Lie-lf1" lioor, on rai-li luini.r. tin I. rla thank'nl I"'-1'" liii'tlic l-r Ihr-r lormrr pa'ruiae aliU t,uiiB '') " Ifootl .ei :or inani tl ul In, .Mills lo liie'U lil 1 liiUnot e. ( all aii'l ttve linn lria' n no m will Le given tiy an t'ljicriciietti a ai t .-' Hiiler. W. II.NKAI" Junr il7. I Soil. sl aiiavay n im in. .1.... .... h.. . hi. v. i ho I'"' "' ' I' .-..I .it., tr.rl i. ....... M.I.I Y. Si-r wn'C. a vary rturk l.oi tany Iat mulatto ihunt J e"''. age, hss a very ho-liv lie-ail, Is atmU'r h'O 1 "!"' rt iinpU'leiitor Inn ii iii l.aar iiiaimer". (, trtn on tlir riwd nj I ha'loim wlurf . no d"i.l'i ' ' nnw, ai alii liaa a'O lamli n" a lliern. A" V" ' , . I il-IIlP rn liirutvarni-d avauial liarbolliiL' or tone' ' . , ,.i ...I... , .o.i.. .a il,. ii.it iBWiiril ' "'" lam will h eivin Ihr liar ai.n lieii'ion tn J ilt-liu'lf to rn in Connor.!. ,. , . C. N. C.cird July I, l 1 h f

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