mi ii;' i I i ii i Jfoi-tl) (Carolina SotWu. CHARLOTTE: WEDNESDAY, Julv 20, b33. trWHJ.lAM THOMPSON Esq., in our a jeut in Bn 'limorr, .tathoriied tn outrun advi-rttse .r.nlt Auu .ntmtrit.tsMi., and lo grant receipt. K. W. t'AliR. Kq., is our agent in Pliiladcl. phia, authoriu-d to obtain aurtrtiwmtnt. and pro cure .uaacription. 1TV. B. Palmer, F.q., if our authorised afent to rt-ceive advertisements and stil.cnptioiis at his allien in llotlon, Si York and Philadelphia. corrupt pop!r." Oh, be war tlicn ! and Uk away the puhlic landt from the Ftdtral Omrtrn nirnt. Takt away tlii. ' aeurcc of jmrtr, vrullh, and dittinctim," leal " the power to do harm hould remain in the lxcvutiv branch of the (internment ;" and W at the Democratic parlv hould continue to ait njxn the principle, " that la tht rirlori Movg Iht spoilt." Be it miii-nibirtd that Mr. t'raigc 1 now anting iu lull fellowship null tht- parly which, at the date of this. Kite, he no bitterly denounced for Hit corrupttcn. .nd that, at that time, lie t utcrtauu-d no " euiistilu tional scruple. " again. I the ductnne of distribu. hun. Truly, "a change has euine e'er the spirit of his dream, ' an-i " ttie cohesive iuw i r of pui lie plum'tr" hue h.id a wondtriul attraction fur .Mr. t'raiec'. Political .'.'flinitir.. Salisbury. S pti-nihcr tli, lt.'lli. 'rntlcmcn .- Your ot the 3utli ultimo, in rtine me, ui behalf of the citizen, of the county i-l Orange, to participate will. I hi in en the ITllinisl. in the celebration of the recent triumph of hii. Dri'.cu.ii s in tins Stale, n-.clu.-d me a few iii since. Ki'g.ii-cim nls lliat may net he broken, I length of tl eoniiel me to loii;o ine incisure i suioiiu n n mi ,y our twn!inian ineelm tin in at Hie IckI.vc hoard en that day. Tile 11th of August waa a proud day for Norlh Carolina, mid nu one would be more gratified tiiaii uld in lite cilibraliou ot the vu lory Ihewhie, FOR CO.NC.KKSS, 3 AMIS W. GSBGRHE, O? MfteJKLKNBUEa COUNTY. CASDIUATKS VOU CLERK. If Wc are autiiorizcd to anm-uni-v lil'dl F. MoKMGHT, t-q.. aa a Candidate for the OnVc of I'-oiint? Court Clerk at the enduing August lrc t tun. The ineiiJi of WM. K. RKIH. take era! la- urc in announcing in niic to fit Pftk ol lU Vounty of Mt ck W nbuj;, at a rintiidalt- lor tht Of. fir of i'wity Court Clerk, at the Lusumg Au gafct Flection. Cr arc nuthnriied t announro 11VGH M. Ktrty thul il.iy .ichnvvu. It is a ource of ru li -ticulioii tome wlneli I cannot t Xri ants niusl be o to every wNp in North I'jruliii.t, tlit tin dt m'cniiiiiits of thoift who were the first to ilceln n tht ir ludi ot uiitiicf of a wirirn ti e, in the Ilth nf Auttl (trovt-d their itttjehmint to the 6int principUs by detluriiig tlu ir mil ndniee of a ' dmi$tic one. 'i'hiii grjlifn'-ition u.ul h- ;rt:al!y hvilitcited by the refleetiuii lliat the latu-r is t far more duneroua foe lltnn the former, becuuse tt works in t rtl ; bticuube it atealtkuty atU-irpU to undermine the fK-Ueftai upou winch our liberl.e rt tt ; white the oilier bnltily made an asuuit u.n libertv ttIf. The oi.e W4M rtiiisUd beeiun- it W ia jri-a, berauM.1 no veil wms thrown tvtr the djrnitr outrni uwn the nghta of mun ; tiie ulhtr cannot be o ejpiy itMfrlnJ, btcaue not so c3Mly ecn. , ihous.TiiU iiin hai bt i n thrown ovi r it, :ind the i tt n y of ii name lias prt vcnU-tJ the tim id from milking any a 1 1 nipt In litt litem, and ex- , iiil the eorruptton tn Oor Mechanics and their Works. Wc love toiiotice.oecaaionnlly.any works which diaoliiy the skill of our worthy mechanic. Be. hUi tU being due to t lie in us a movt useful and respectable claim oi' the rnniinunity, it brppts .mong them a spirit of emulation which is calcu l.ili d tr improve tht ir skill and tutitc, end tells a favorable Ulc upon the prosperity of the cuuuliy. When vcr the mechanic arls Hount.li proajh roue Iv, there you nmy know that the firming, mer entile, and all otlu r interests nrusner in a corre ponding ticgrcc ; for UfHJii the meet b of tltese ! depentis the prompt rily 'f ti e forn er( and these in their turn feed am! fuMer the lutti r. lit stroll ing uver town a llw days cinee, we were stiuek with the great improvement in the architectural tuMe of our modern tiwi Ilit-ga nnd huiinehs li.Uft s ever those of fount r times. We noticed in partu ul ir that W. W. Kims, Kmj., has recent ly had added to bit) a I ready beautiful house an elegant veranda, in front, eitrndtnj; along the whole bouM, hu.ll with much artistic U ill 1uhI Keill.r. Sitie .ortli- eru genthnn n, noticing th'iH liuiihc n fhort time ago, pronounced the execution of the job as gooti as could be found in the Northern cities. We no ticed some time since, the liiiiiiisuine improvement of Messrs. Iirtin, I'hift r, idbon, &c. in pro cess of construction by Mtrs. RoMf l,oiu rgan. and Kudisill. The principal brick buildings about town, now ftnifhed, will stand as the eternal inoii. umeiit8 of the industry and iiKehaiiicuj skill of Taylor and Allison. Indeed we can boat of as gooti workmen in every brunch of the mechanic arts as any town in North Carohua or elsewhere in the S uth ; and let those who do not betiee it examine and convince lhrtnche. woman, and came to thia country, and was sold in North Carolina for her paaitngc from Germany, tt waa a custom in those days for poor emigrants in this way to pay their passage, by being articled, or indentured, or hired out, for a longer or a shui I er period, until thcif pnssage was paid. THE MOST DISGRACEFUL APPOINT MENT OK ALL 1 The present AJuiiuistruliou has ninilo a number of very extraordinary appointments to office. ery many of Ihe inoi-t nnpor taut and lucrative Offices have been be Henry Jenkiim, horn in England in the year I t-towed on Aboliioni.-ts Ulld l'iMinioilUts. l.'iOl, died in 670, Hired one liuntired and uixt v- n i ne yeiim, Fti'ra l'oRtif was I i v i n jj in the iphle.ndu of ixiye tu an imiired in-uiile matli. Tiial tint i nut th. creature ui imagiua. niHin tlu ir pnllibilitv it to eiK et lion ; that inch a luc il -s t a ; that tlun li liab St veara bi en at wi.rk : tltat it lian niudei.etrtl HOI S TON, l'.rr., tit 3 e.in.Jin its tor re-election tn a.iu!t ujk.ii Mir libert.es by aUcninline; to cer. tli offier ot' Sum nor Court L'lerli ol" I'nion I'oun. 1 rU,t lnj ,;i.,tr1y ibe iiic f la ol llie eouununity, tr, at tiie ensuing AugUht eleetlcD. 1 U1L. (jreat bi: upon wiliell tiuy nt.ilid, none can I.rWe are autliur'.i'! ! nninuiue JKNNIM.S deny h. have looked d!i ,.u uiiiri'judieeu eye 15 KKRR, F.-i , , a nnrfid.ilr tV.r ri -eiretn n to 1 t' tiie iti.-kni;!' ot" the mirerallv central t..l.il at the offire of Suinrmr l".'tirt ('It rk nf M-CKlenburg Vabini;t. n, who have aided tli drattn-ea ot couotv.at tiie eiuinjj Aujui.1 tkctiun. llna fre..t Kepublic for tiie laatfew years. It was aantft t'nia neeri t foe, i,eratiti; Umhi thcfMupIe rr " - ------ - - " " , ------ wdji t;ltr own money , tiict u e nave iieen eoiiunu- ,., i ii tr, nnd it ia over tin toe tli.it we hiivc rtcenllv ar e om.'.Ud to eai, atliiilion to M. r. Klia. ; f,t,aly ir,Uitiphvd. It wa not a;,ilt .Mr. C.Ii n"s auv, rt. ncimiit Uht week. See it. Fej- 'jn 13uren, Jolmaon and Sp.iiclit, tln.t we contend, aons wi.i,n,K eneajj Sutnmtr Umd would do well ; ed, eiecj.1 n far tnev were tiie toula tiro ! I mr 'jnit in' n nu "ii 'i misiauui uiMu,oui ii w as ag.tini.1 til '- iii.il lti If, b-ek d lr ail tr.i. j powr and pilror.ne ot' the feiier-1 ovtriuiient. I tn.it we liad to tout. ml. to -il. j Iitct'ption ; a Last Resort- .re me ream rs o: xne ansi ury itoiiner 01 suen a cli.irueter that itw Kditor cjii. n ly so eonfidi nl ly tilt III tn nulp : dott n tlirir obedient t!iro;.t su h iniscr ibh du s i of decepliiin ns the fuilowing paragraph c-uut..ii,s ! SiNt.l l.AR AM) siiru iUt s. It "is a very fin uLr. and a no I rii-p!ri(its j rircUiT.e.t.i.ee. that the advoc.itci of distribution , do nt ta-e thrir aetion uptn prii.eifjk lo not i advoete iitrihiitnti) tx e:iiiae it i ri(. hi prop- t-r within itself; hut they are so eunseiuus of vvrna" that thty hunt up uii txruse tor it. and s y , "i i.:r(. is ciin the i.n.o tu tl'.e mw St..tcs, ; snd wc th rett re tit m.ml our shjre. I ! the Kditor ta net aware of it, we h;.ve rrntl i denct' einuich in the intelligence of the reader oi his p.ijwr tn helif'Ve th li t they will reim n.U r th;t o:tr( ut:' n i a mraxwie, hatd upon the nnrij'lt nf equality an.cnjr the old iStti s, fr wliirh iht lix, McClelland, Yrootn, (Jrey, 11 ay tie, Cuiiipbcll. nnd KlaHrt. nrc as oHonsivc re- i presontatives of tbc former pni'ty. a.s lavist Sct tlnntl, a thort time ago, at the uj;e uf one hun-j 8oule, Campbell, Inro, (Jadsdot), LVLron, and others arc ot thu IatU-r. i liene two ubomiuable fattiotis li.ivo literally divided the spoils Letwecii them. JHtt what shall wo nay of the appoint dred and twnty.iive ve.irs, and in It-IH, wan hlill ttviiiv, Sli wiincphcd the buttle of C'ulloden in 171j, and wiithcu twenty -seve n years of age. i Abstract of Seventh Census. Wv arc indebted to Mr. IVIlow, of the Crnaua LVpartuient, ir this valuable little book, and we shall nuke csi-cts f:;in it. I t KNSl S OFFICE, nietit of tho notorious M. J. IKW of lndiuna tiie follow wlio attomptud to biirtt r liimself oil' to Wihnot nnd liiscrew in t'ougress in l!t9, Iot tiie pcskcrMliip of tl:e House to an important olhce Mcstrt. rJiora: Tiie lollowin,- circular I tier I SoulhiTii man, j ea, every lionot man, tuu-t is prepared iiiiiiswi i to the nuniernus inquiriea i fuel at the rewarding of to itifailiuu lliatl ina.ie at tliia flue in regar.1 to the prot.rea ol the a , v as hoj.pod with the most V ( iip,o- . f 1. 'l lie dctled stuUslics of the Ceiisua will I From the Xew I'ork XietUy Budget. WHAT NKXT! Is it a fact that the Catholics have be come so numerous iu this country, that they boliily and impudently threaten in their leading papers to pull Protectant noses? It would .vein so, if nn exchange paper ciuotes rightly the Purmun's Journal, the Cutholic organ in this city. Wo find the follow ing paragraph ijuoted from the Jour nal, but without date : "The Pope does not thank anybody for what freedom Catholicity enjoys iu Ameri ca. Catholic Ijishops do not thank anybody. We thank nobody. We bless tiod ibr his good providence iu this matter, and stand rrxdi la pull tin' silly nose of the first Mi tlt otlist vr I'lcsliitcrian that iu act would at tempt to prevent us in the free exercise of our rvliuion. It any ot theut Uoubt. let Tell j.r i plied for the fharleslon I'-, I-ulT Jroni Ihirop,., ! n. Where bhall we tind langunge to express!,, ?. :, ii the ttiSL-uct anil luUiirnalioti which every ... , , , . j b f aa vnijr lu-b hitr nc wlw.-iwii v withering cxtires.-ions of scoru and Uoto from the same model Chrii-tiau paper a sneering rccoinmeiiilatiou to the faithful , to "break the mouth of the Italian booby," i.i,., . . , i . i ke a aiiarti v.iinnie ofuliout 1 .Cud na"e. .mil : tempt I'V liis own party, as soon as HIS j , . ,. , . ,.' ., , . illbeeom,ll(.dadpubl!..l..d Lelbre th. n.e, t- racality was exposed ? tt.cy tit.g.il hear liim u.scu.s ine uocm es mg ..f Com;,.. 1 The I'rei.lciil of the Cited .States, ith i a1"1 'den-ie of the Catholic ty-lcm. We : Altlil VAL OF TIIK S'l'DAMrii ATI .NT, I Thet8..M,,l.,eU,.l,i,x;;;::(J'',' has arrived at New York from l.u,',, '1',' " I port hlie loll on the SUih ult. M. I Thk l.ivicarooi. MHKrTs.Tl,e ,1, ,, , , ( ton ainee the dipirlnre of tin- lint,,,, " 1 I .hip .Inn-lira on the S.'ilh of June I, Ji'"'"'"' ' j and -MMM li-ile. eUaiiKed ln, ; ',",. ',' lators look SUIIU ami export, t, ium (l . "!",' j iin t.itiona lire aa toll.,, : (v,, " 'I , I .M,d,llinK Drlean-, r, K,r .', "" ''. und .MiudliiiK l'pl..nda 5 10-ICd. ":" Kick waa in good dnuand. aii atitUr. i fp. J. The at.ai.iic. of M.nif..cturrs, of .Mortuli. (,r ,..,., (lf ilU .-.i ,;, ., i..., .. ! arc decidedly of opinion that it is rl little tv, &c. liave,ot hem ordered lo be prinled, in !:, sineei'il M .il n,t Catholic, to aniline .0 bold cinsiiiuenec I Icn.i; deleetive, and noud have point U tills man In ott u rpt ( ul -Mall Agent J v.,i ., , i ,i J i i .i i r il,.. i..i..a .,c 1. ,,;.,,,.. ,1 niiiwda i und t ii rcateinuc a tone. ere tliey to un made iinuiiicvoliiiiu' oi tlieH.mie sie, lor me states oi itiuiaiia ami Illinois, in 1 , i 3. A(!rei.,le... ot'vMiiable matter will remain j this capaeitv h.' has power to etiUT and I ,,K to l'rLak tuo ",outu uf ' "' or aiuong il,c inaul.liahed uniu-rial ot the lensiis, ; uVtrlllui ' iv,t ( Ifiicu and every mail I -any other man, just yet, for free discu.siun mned up witliiueh that cannot be relied ii,n. j ... , ,1 , , ,.. I iu this country, there might perhiips be ,"VfiC ' 'l"'", W, KW':; "V it is doubt ess "aVfaaorv to hi n , It' ' Th, i o.0 Pulli.,K of " silly noses" on the other vn wa orSiK'i'eationa in relation to the mattcia ol .11 I" UouLtiess sall.-taclory 10 lillii.-ell. J lie I " J the IVnau.." ' objection i to the man to piving uck an Is"10- o, no, alr. yui-a, your leal out J. n. P. lit'.ltmv, Sop't. : oue a coufuh-utial control o'i tuo i "'"I' iour diacrctioir; it N too early by Ipo.iJeuce of the country. , some years yet to accomphsb by btiliying I And where were Messrs. Dobbin, Davis, ! J""1 ,,ru,e fur,, hat euu 8l'1":;lv,'.1 FOR r,B north fARt.Ll.NA v, Hl.a. an(, .. tua by intrigue and secret machinations. ,t TO TIIK niKNDS UF Mil. USDUli.N'K. ,0 be arp0iuU-d ' A man who had secret- j a 1,ui,! lo"r ' u,e ",orK m,lll K''"l'(,i allt' Messi-.s. KuTolis: If the friends of Mr.'lv cotispircd to facriHce the South to hi si gentlemanly language ; dig away ni secret n.K, , t,.,;,. I of,. I,,ia..n tl,; ..,! tl. :' :,,,l,;i',n., ' l. I....I r.t ..rliv i;..,l ; I to get control ot the " unifodl v schools, or .Surr. of 'I'Ranr. In M,i,cl,e,i, , ,. , changed. ul"y. I.OSUON Mostv Maiklt. Coii(,.l, . at'Ji. "'"i.i I ti.-uiLNf. N'.jfwitliat.ntliiig u,e Wai. . ! acter of the act-uunt thu I h.,vi , fi 1 the t 'oiitineiit uf luroM', tt,,. fi j ' n' L ' in Knfhinil i. that pe;.ee will br inH,,!,"""'1 ; inon;n ine unoi r riii rs i.e, ni to(f, ' ua they still eoniimip ( gk ailvn,, Ml,, siir.ili' e on vchm i prueei uini. to , f , in rejiorieii in i.oniion in.it ., k,. s Co., unci .Mi rs- IVIlser, liii l,;t A burg hae Krasi a.- il.il. II.. -What Hi-tion t'rnrr ,ll , Uard to the l nsn.Turr ish yiii-li,,,, ,, , " ' : iillr kiKiw.i, nitiiouuh it i. !,, . " I"1' I : poleuii I... J. .,o, mlL'il ,,- .,. ' J i llienl win tin r It ll.l. Ii. I. .1 pt ji,. ''"" ,", l""s that a f.r a. t'r..nec a tonn-r,,. ,j ll( "' t wmruiiy lor titlicr. Tiie l ,i,. .,. ',' r' I'aris "I that Ihe f ii t) r's, rn Fr i v , . " ' I.... .1. .1 ii nijaii.r, inn iii.ii uir lUMtor Hi. I I lorees hail inviitU the ll.iliu Ii. lldQ. 1 1 11 US 111 A- Unial3111. It matter, but little who i the President of the ! " ' it 14: have cv. r e. n'ended as one of the cardinal ... ,, , . , ,1 t inted States, so lone a. thia stale of tilings e T.ic Hon. William A. Orah.m pas.ed through, . . . a. ?h, r , . tv vl.icii . ur .- iaat.en route to In. farm in ! rukra hsvc bun ottrnd are in the a'.etndant. I The root of the evil In a dei;ier ; lie boi y pi'litie I is corrupt ; this corruption niUct be rvi:.'Ow-d; a j more correct sit of prmciplts lllut ne at:o;,t. d.or Plllilif I-'-lVnr-S I '!! g-" lot l.tt: 111 wvaliug .Mr. Van Ho- 1 UU.IC IdiOTS. I r-n. We w, t like t.it- Fox iu t..e fabl of the election, bo an be elected by .r00 majority, j denial of the conspiracy? and nho Wis fi- break them up altogether ; scatter darkness I know had mv. The Mimic of this sec- nailv ulliaed to read to the House the ev- a,,u "cl "f-'1'1 ln 1116 patnway ot me pe.-pie; lion are an nt. lligent and grateful people. ! idet.co that lie had lied and that Lc waJ j ct all the atholic property in tl..M-..ri.try Thev feel tht they owe James W. ( tsborne ': iulamous ? la . O'V, vrr. I M'":,-v v',t,d, " 11,0 n,'1,8 of ' s a debt of crtitu.le for his Ion-, bold and! ' vassals, the H,,h,,ps and when the iV.p;' ontiriinr dcvlion to all the orcat interests ! THK ITIILIC LANDS. j lias money enough and men enoiieh at his if I'm raimlv nnd thev nre inw d i-ncsed ; n; , i command, and network Is ail well woven, ,,V lion f , ilf r . I f v1 1 t hree argiiuie.ils ad v ai.ced by , datk1,.sS lvi,m, ,.OVl.r ,, t.art!l. n n - the pot le of thi s'cti'in -ire m l"! l'Ocofoco press against a distribution ol , (iu; ,, u iVtlabi; y P . rf l-ads, burn at I.i.(t in.ii ue ci.ii. t uai t.n rem (uii. oi in. ijjoh earned out would be ol no t.rolit .1... f. i , : .: '1 .......... :.. .1... :.. lto his absurd an! suicidal' ..' . ... ,. .iri. ,m; ,'w"i mT',' l""1"l:' tv. ...... ..... ..v. pU, j iiiisitioii, anuiiiii you please, fir y..u wnl T'J i ' I""" " . luu i then have the power. Hut at present we ndn.irers of Ir. O-borne, to to work. Let every in a of vou attend the election; tn;s place on Mio' Vorit D.sinct, s;. c. We are indebt-d 10 the Hon. Alfred Dock'rj for . copy of Owen". Ge icgieal Survey of Wis. cwnsin, lows, and Min.soti. and other ralu.ible pualic cocuuieota. Tlit; Season and Crops 'rnrni Jyi.n A Yunp, of tl:i f'l ice, who ha hvn oti an it-ii ?v tour in the tt'. .-i jnd utii VV"ctt hj juj-t rtjrucd, and bfirii;B ;th him a f rablc rt-purt "f the IjIc of ihe crops, in tho pirtt oi" ti't Ct.unlry where the rrjp h.ire not th.rc j a brrn too fir ijii.r.-J to b- Via !UU'J by ti.e rmns '-ii.. - . . n vt" j Ct thi, b- ry, urifo.-tun-U iy the Cic in Hi. a:d S. u!h Cirr-imi, th-.-ir cr'iii having n"r!v tu.-tu -ji (J r tht p-xciui. t!n.u-.t of the t-rl pj.ft of i.tz fct- J. Mr. Usbornes ProsprcLs. tt r . t is y t btn 'TO lu:;yi-h t'i fav nu. ...f i.,P b-.-f'-.re t !a."f au l.'r'. it r.t: tu. t tu.- k'.. r: ' If t...'- rr.-:.-jfc t bt-91 u.iid of Au'ttt. Mr. OsEri Idvortd w.tii a copy Arj;u, I'ut wu ie-irn .i tri.t Mr. n,'.0':i: l'' , iiid tut l.v w.ii g'rt thf j..k-d T'T one man n. CMjtitie, A:.on aiifj Stanly. :.'it, f.-i c.ptrihutiot 1.1 il tut olrw f t-.t Ii.sl..!;t w.ii i..,y have The ITiinit. iinvt.Kn. tn 0 to r.c '.(, toe Ult il b ticttt-iJ 1 rot five red t our t louiitid fuln of a n.iiK.r.i v J i K'JT uiyn t ja-r .a no iiiuUkt ahoul :t. lustribuiioa in North Caruiina. Iu cv-.-y (.'-ongr-iionaI District in tht Slatr, ther it a c-.Tididntc. or canUidalti, in the fit;!J in fn A dit 'r.f-ulioi., Tie ttliij canidatts are in fjv-jf uf it and arc prcsaing it upon the consid eration of the n-ofir, and Kui und F!i ; w. will i ul dnse a w y ihh cwjnn who art nearly tut-d, to bv the pr of a n.ort' lean atiU hungry on. We mut go ftirtStt r than the tin re deft. -t of Mr. Nan Burvn, w tin. h thitu-h it witi do much tf. bring about a btltt-r stutt (-1 thing?, will lift do all. Tm pitr'-n.-p nf the Kx. erutive mut t-f; reduf.d ; the puhln t-xu nditurr-, winch 10 fuiir IhM an luucfi unut r tLit t-rnfioruuin a-iministration as it wa tiiiaf-r .Mr. J ifi rnon, mu.-t be r-.ducid to tu- ! itniiate wmtn ot tiie gn t riprtu 11 1. Juft in proportion n "e Iwfi tu the 1 fcdtr.-l jvi rnriM iit as tlit- un.'v sourer of p ', VT'.-aitii and distinction, in the aine ppp,rtion inns: wc b-.cuu,e a corrupt ptople. So ionjj ut- )i:k-. tt mj i ejt jj e tNtfe are buyerbf a- r.y to gtxr hiph pr;'(s, tfj'.Sf w;.i t luumi, .:ii uriWiliii'jf tu wtk t'.r tf. ir Ii.hl', '-ft. r"dy t'. H iiititipt tvei. hiiM ail ii..-1 r tnttuti.ee. l. jjrii d;r. s it i-, it it no les tru-, tnl l(u- i-m n-t-n 1 tin C3e miw.t tlit prvjtium-ition ul tin an ilun n rt y, tlial f.'. rif (.- fttiotttd tht spnU ;" -i:: tin will c-'H.ta.UL- to te t;ic c.i ho loi: ;-s t! t ! powir Ui do harm rein an. in the Kji -.utive br-iin-1. of ine ifovr-rnjitent. Li I u nut tut n r lax our exertion, but .t t us pur-u our victory . ui. til n t on.'y t.it ht.itt tsi .N'v'td Carolina hi,...' rt dtnitu lr in tiit rnr. rutior.t of tiie print iph s of it.o ,il$ fitty," u it until t;.e -AiK.ic ertw of land piruttv Miuh u ta'rivcii iruiii l tit i r tri,i pi jc j-, aith uulii tit v an !ccjpj-d by tlit w;m , tin. Jioi.L?t ;.nd ik. pieiced. "-nti ;ii n, to prt stt.1 to t n to,"ip:,. ny that nuv Ih: a Bimh.. J th- f llowmp i.'.i iiici.t, and ei.-i-pt lor y.ur.Ui-s unn t.jos-f v-u rrurteiit, my b t wisi.is lor y.ura anti tin ir pr'.rtptnly and hjpp.ut . I l..t t!ie ll jii'.r t'J be, Vdt.r o'k tU j.t 1M KTMN l Ht Mwi'frs. (.'.idwliarit r Juih s i.nd olin ;., tAIIillllf tr.. , iVc. 7 he lvw rr uf iht I.jrtutitf. 'I'oo gr- at. Coi;ttitutM.,n bt eultflj uti. r'.m t.y : I ;uit tiit hit. it'iia.iiuririfi Ci'i.iiru' tion af l; e prt n i.i 1.x u tir, t'.in rty isnotB-ift: A rurb n.ut He pi n; i. UjM.ii it, or e may have Xij we p over that ftlneh tr is. own j'urry views oti ri int ortatit ih s-ti-n. nv r ii'n ii mo tit ron;ii an- in t- it i i r i ' " . i - ii .'siiir i .r.'ii.id Fiiiii' ii.'i'ti'fii ir.iiii irrnhiii 1 i . . iauda. lbo.,0 UucUis arc J.la.u uud need : t,.,,,,,, a lailc- more or Idl v- ic. Ho no rqaliti.ui. j .UilJ pi vul take i,riv:itc couui.,1 of l.l,h- l l.c mcouJ ii, that the Adiu. lustration op j, u li , a ortlic l'ruaidcnt woi.,.o,.;.l to culn r (.,rm sllare of,,u . all) juM ol di.tnluuuu and tn .t the K-mci .tic j UI1,oultej v fr t ome Vl..ir4 COIIIt. ri .cuU1. part y u bound t, H,,.,,rt the 1'reMilent. ; , j' l00.1(.r-ali JIK ltliout Bt(i I'liir to coiindcr tlio truth ol j the latter pi. i ...-ili..ii, it it oul v neees.-arv ! to remind tile leuioeraey that llio only Val uable otiirial apiiuintiiieiit jjivi n to a .Nurth aroi i ui a ii by the I'reiidi lit has been v en to I'ULean K. M ;Kae, Kmj , who (ircsned hii tlaiim fur a selit in (.'oiir.-esa upon the sole ground of favoring an eiiual distribu tion of the public domain among ail the .71 a ten. I i Tliirt 1 y, the following resolution aJopted remind tiie for. tfu!, and assure the indiffer ent. See tlit a full unpply of tieket.s is' procured audjroperly diitnbuti'd. 'l'his is ' ijuite iiuportat. Keep j n i f . int. neverthe- ' le-, k"tp a use and a c.'iis'ai.t look-out. ; JI STICK. Julv l", l fM.1 , , a midti, n ehtrk mint liny (ntd,.! ,;( , fkt.- 1 1 i Tt iN.rtco lit .1 th v , ( , he t.p'iid f..r tut; ff.e iii.jh it.u n , ; t.R LI r. h llijf I Mho IH pH the t,, liine t,i him K i ii y .Jliii . 'I nf. Id o.Ti rkimi ci ijTMi. J ,, prt p futiijiirf ot both the 'I urk iU; u tMii.!y projr kniiiff. An Au-tiin I .ui, had arnt d si t'oiitjiitittupu , 10 tfiR ' urih 4ioV( riimrn t, A t -. fr- ii M..id.iM s. thi.t t .n,fl. r l.y iia 1 p-ii-n.-.' Hiri'l:-il tot 't.i.nt int.ii ; w b rr, W hu M w Iu In- m t i, , v . ! i olIm r a ur toe It ufli.in ii rn . j s -,v thrt) tatfiiiijr, and stuttoiif d uttinii tAl t.K. T-tr h mil ftuiitlrr, ouid t:o ...... . In.- t.,.l,. n. I'tif'U I'fptt rar'l (U t fP (,. r.,.r, 1 M v in i tu- ( .! y oi Stnrf . thi- v .,- ri hu U kiU.'d lu'.Of.O permit., j 11 in Mil. h id hfwfctti out ia tut i .! v. . unbt.ricd eopm s. diM'tntics of tht ir faith. Tnc " esrusf" a tiie H-iitttr e.ills it, tor our advoratini? tU atiojitiun fit f'lis (imf.ni the r- .-u't "f c rrupt ! ;ner.it,i jj. i.-I.it.f ii. The corruj't ! i.-l-t-oti of I tnoer..tic ni;ij'jfiti in t onff.-p, on suSj el, r ttn Unt a w yearf, v. hieli ha. j;i. n i.i; ny uf ti.e Luti t lie t.tw Stit-K, lias lortei. the W iuys tortutui the weapons of el f-dt ft nc, and tu strike f:t the rights cf tiie eld St.iU f. N-.itht r do we Ik Iu v tint tin- Editor will divert the atti iihtdi of his re-iders from the ccnsidtration of utii, r whoit ni V iiirr doctrine", a i.d C!pciall v from tin ir opposition to tin- d Iemoeratic doc- f ' I 1,11,1 11 uecerj, to tnn thcin Lot I; uown, ' by the Lucf.to (Wenti u at JUllnuurc ..... ... - V" f . ; ;Hi'-l rut up aiiew in nu : ai:d tho ivaieih , Js urieti i,.nnii- u nn tu mun' piiiii. dn-'i mui mini it t e t t i i . ; . ...nthl. not tn Ke JU,tilirU on tee .ere ol ,,.-hl,:'" 'rry:'i'0L a "' thv ' a'lfl ur' leiliocratie (ilMrilmtl HI policy : but ..rlv to iK-.xruWi.il account of i,ii r n.hc s, fanner, llilljaxeu tual ine euitor CI tin may w- in t excUiiii, "How li.ic the mil.tv j Standard -aa to Ve the fortunate new man Hut when llie time appointed arrivid t MKHS."KNAi;i.K AND LKWH. The CoiiM bettteen M. sri. Ycnable and Leni;', i the 4 tli I'i-triet, gives the lla.'tih i.-li.U trouble. n;e viexks ago it ua- j roi-IanuJ that a couw nti-.n was neees ai v to m -ttlcliit inteiotliii family quarrel, : coiiMiieui'' arirunieut airain.it A I'tTiiocralic Mblake CorrcrUtl. 'ur frici.,! if the I'lin irjt in hia sl.rlrli ul Mr. I run;. ' ppireh at Munrn? laat weik, cerUui- rt II; app hold the convention, tin re uipeared no d -lejfat,.; in a, etidaiu-f, i'-' J.t troni John son ai:(' 'ake ; and the ake deiega'.es decline to l"i into convi-ntioii. Hut the idi-a i f travellin .Joliii.-o delecati-t had y iii!-ii!-(.-ri iiMuifl lt;e nei.nr In wlinh be amiei-u , , ....... I'.l.wl, f r it ir-- Tli.t- .ei..,apar-i.thei.. lie .i.t, "one .f hnil ,...,;.. V..t,..,,,...!..,., '..f,li.,!,. ted AAI. I.ew.s, K.-ij . uf Franklin, to be it. t i .. .-ii .-lur iioriu dv ine ueii.ocracv oi .j oiins-n " That the public land-, are the common prope rty of a'.l the Jnate-., 1 ' itiLl l y tie t.enrruKiot e ' ntni nt as u i-omiiinn fmitl for tlir jtnijmi lit r,f Die jm'iiv iltht mid uilirr t'tt'ii i" s iimn the jiniiiie tretimri." We cannot -tee that thii rettdutiun has anthiii2 to do with the iioint at iiue. WHKUK WAS THK HKCLAIt ATIoN OF INDKI'KMjKNCK WHITTKN ! This id a iiis-l ion which has excit"d nmch discussion. The following letter from Mr. Jcfferwi) Kettle, the iU-tiuii. The houie he di-si,'iiai4- is lit the. curlier of S v- eiilh and lii'li (or Market) KtreeU, l'bila- 't l.i.i tl.e I. .1. er ilnrv . .f u l.ii'l. is I. u' cuded as a clotliinjr .tore, and the upper atones A.i a printing office : MuMti Kl.I.n, Sept. 2'!, I --'. To I)R. Jamjj MeapK, I'hiladelphia : I'.-ar Fir : It not f.r me to i stiuiate ortaiiee of the rircutu-t.Hn ' C n- thc in ci-rnin, iiiipurjr ' pr nuine t ff'i: i W hi's r,r.,mis i iiim Cro-"') fi ft v hi.' volt s " ! I oi I iowi cui.'y. Vi- I:jvi S....II Iwo ri.!l.il.!e tnti j n -fxi ull. f.rit.rein uf the Win.' linrtv who'..,.. I r, i..n,.r..l, The iiuestioii before the p.-. .l ie i.-, net wliati ijn-'-l if, I done with the public land.i, but a, ,iat wlial is a one witli tin in. It in i - Ii t lie very I i: rii'l.t and proper to devote llieiu to the i . i ii- i. . , him to the iliinocra.-v of l'au-" l" 'UO.ie eapense,. nut tia.-y al.ieli jour letter of the "th n.ak -i 1 licjr prove evm in tlu ir n.ii.nl.'- nes. tne .serct attailunenn or our !i li iw litin ns to t'ue event of which the paper of July 1. 177l, is, but the derlarati ill, '.he r.ti, ,f till- h..-ur.i tin sj. t". Tn. y ' a rt;,'v wi.iis ftilh cr.cli ot;i( r i:i..ii!!tr Mr. frai-'i i:eli .1,4 vvitivs-id the ae ne allud'-r) ; r t : s :. t .;n 'iiil v nt!. non by the name j Ilian-.F, a V In', ivjs nnsii.t anil; Ttiat In .Hid Mr. l'r ii.: wen b.ia.i v ii'C ' r son.'.- linn , in a j-l . vtui ! i... 1 n. tin: f'.rim r w i th ; other cuLties c-i the Jii-tri'-t. U. Vatt tot. i.tlli .1 I.e n ph. i Ue Heady and Fail Not. rr.vnu.! il u uur dj'y to r- mind vou tht V-n E'jur'.h of A'jgufct ib ut approacnuiij, and liii large portion uf tne "n tifcitday it n not only yujr ,nghrt pnuKg'.-, njt mrti - h n b ' t. " tU ;j.i d di eirt-U to iu tltat in.- did i.. it- tin n (iri.fi 'i'ltlii Kit ot the ijiith ii.t n w ho rc--it:dt m t;if cuiitv ot , u.d t- wiiling to ft ik; i 'Jtiu, -iM .'mi . Cr.ij ''rui. to " t h ! t y, t.r tvim county if in: c..uiu. THK 'AY TIIK 1TH1.1C I.ANl'S (.(). A lai article iu a South Carolina pap1 r, Setting forth the rncr-aehniciits and u-ur-patioiisjf the North against the South, saji that "' tot of the S-ritin-rn Stales ir' t about tu o j.rn i nt. of their pui lie laiid.-i, while Il!iiioi.s,Mk-liie;an and ot!.. r freesoil Siaten can bild th' ir raiUa ati'I r ueate t tit- r 1 1. 1 i ! r : , Iree, anu jr D-iu'ratiC par v, not aat.sried with the advocates Jour u-usl sairiii arid luu.sjierihalni; duty to n.akr of t!ie Dim jcratic Baitnnurc platform on this "" to ti.e- lu'oori ti. rough Iht ui..u.ui:i ot ta ubject, h-vt brought ut -. an'l.-.at-.s of tin ir oii baiiot-sox your will iini wish'., in r. g,rii to lai p-irlj f-.r.ult; lo tois r.ic.sure. and are jressuij; policy wluili you di fin your ov':rninti.t to pur- 1'ieir Klctt.oi.s with great i-ariiestucas .r.u real. .a'-' n tie- iioiiti(jii ol tin r'-nt p.jiil.c-1 'jue- 'J ;u poie. tt ffi-at f,pijritf of luc rre:-sure. tions fti.,lli l;. agiU'.i Hie ,ii.,nc nonU. A n,.- and alicws th.t ti.e old flip V.n Winkle of the j'.rity (ui.y, fairly, ar..l l.oneaily tx;-.i'.d . ! Ii". .u:r. wii, wake up ori'.e ifi every etnturv to a- t.'.iiot-U'i is toe re .t ruutroiiifo? el ne.i;t u ert and regulate her ften. cal right. i'rett f..r:n.jr Ji.i.e l).-IEK,r r jl , W i.O W u aii.i ;j k d Mr v h.;' v., '.... Mr ...J t i.i W U I'l ii Kf V hi . 111 ti.e all that w as of it. l.iU d tl.e he nt to u, r h I iiioh, u.d s.iyi, tit.-it he a ill til.lt III Is HUI lor Mr. Osiiorrie on thi: 1'ourlh of An One ol tin se fr.i .n.s also iiiferii,ed tlill.i' but enthusiasm iin-vailrd il. the IV moer 1 1 1: i ,.,,,.!. X .-;V,,,,i , ". i are nut o ucvote'l. Ihe and .slavery inter est will not allow then, to be fo devoted. Tin y are given aw aj for jnirpoes of intern al iiiiprovi'uviit in the Wet and North e-t and so far a-i wc can jud'e thev will continue to be (:iveii away until a'.l arc Jii-po.-ed of. These are fai t.- known to ail, ilenied bv Iioln . I he iiuesliou arises 1, a II this policy be mit to con-ta i-ontiiiiied t rabber it their canaN, population 7 M.all we a- -i-t in bin i fr,.(, u, 'jr up a vast an'i-idavery power iu the N Miail we y ol property tiothit' out of the pul 'ii: land-i." True And trie n v r.ractical rem. orioit lions' , e I. un e.inii.,bie thu Southern i- j o - - i . . i ..In.i.l f.n e,l t e.e in :. r, r I he i r r. roeeeiU ill .-v. " lhatli.ily W ii!i oiik w.ll vott j an on, ,. f!ie St .it.-s. Vet the leader, of pralil. a. JT.-H.-Iiin ed y f- thi-i "Utl- and lin0. rth- Wcsf I hese a.' 'i i'-.sti jns in w hi.h the rieot le b.eni Sl.-il.'S I...L .. sun... nr.:. lir.il tuny that the i verl-.-tin about .-ueh miserable ab-'.i actions . of the soul of our country Small thini'i nut, perhaps. kc the r-lici of Mint., help t nourish our devotion to the holy bond of our t nton, and keep it longer alive and warm in our af fection. Thii . fffct rimy pivu import ihce to the circiim-tance however inail. At the time of writiii"; that instrument 1 lodi.'' I in the hou-e of a Mr. 'iraaf, a new brn-k house, three stories hi'h, r.f which I r. nted the si coud floor, con-iiting f a parlor and bed-rooni ready furni-hed. In that a 1 1 - r I wr.-te habitually, and in it wrote this paper, particularly. S far I .st.it-- from written proof in my poi-c-s-ion. 1 he pro prietor, (iraaf, wa a younjr man, otl of a lii-nnaii, and then newly married. I think he was a brick layer, and that hi h hi-.-wan on the south i-ide of Market Mre.t, probably between "th or "-th ktreet-i, and if ti .r the only Louie on that part of the -treet, I I. :(( I'r.nii l;i..ie. i:i;iai. i if thk lu.niMi m;i. :!., Mill' AliA HIA. T'.e llr.tish.M.iii M...111 Ship ,' 4 . . Ju.ii in., .. r r . v . J .t Vifi . u Ir.-m l.nrrp. In. Ii p,..t sin 1. .: -; in-liiit. Tim llrili.h M,il Mr sin SIm-i I j ,. , I'liil.d M..U-S Mall Mi . I, i M,ii Ha.'.-. ... A ariivi.l mil. Tiir. I.ivaa.-'xii. Iit T . , Ln i:uniik' ii.. mfi i en f.r i.e.i ., . wl.ii-l. iii..l..r ...ik !i.l .,.) .1... . ., leannj .'I.i.i.oii hal.ato the tr.e. I! linn -ml t:.e diiiiariil was ;.iir, l. ;! . , . II-. i. liar. I air I I II an. wa. q.,,l, ,1 4 ',.' ; M.'li'll -g ttri. all. ul ( -,;.( , ., t ,... !.! t; J.I., .ml M.il.lliiit I (,!.i,,., i... It " I... .n-..llr a.li .1.. . .1 ."tin i.( Imai. I in!, ui M j.r ;;. .. - i . eh-ee. .1. Tiir M.i tr Ctin Minrr l.- u- -.- fi,,talti; rh-li.. siftae f,r U.f sfl,;, . . 'J . .. IIIII'K Ihe . , k n.l . ! 4 1 1 -Mtls -I. .- n . t Kill b.,!. s All .luallll. s of Km n II. , . Iifc-I.tlv Sillain e,i. I hr 1 n e' Ii titiiii. hail lre!iit, 'I III LliMWeTt s i.n CJ' l .rlr.s I -i - , t :( lil.Mlei! in ii oe fcFili an arieeu in'r - ; part .,1 Ui l ,ur gr.l l ow.rj.. 'I ) . ,. Knells'i M. I. at the i.i s.ii ,ee, , ,, . 'I l. Kill loftier th-il llie iilim.rrum r, . .. . 4 r. ai !i. ,j Si. I', ti r.l.urg ,.n ii , vi. ,. 1 iie K:nier.,r ,.f (tt,..,. t ., tie .fr. . . ,-: a..ilfiij In, Ktit.ii.ti j,i,d Iren h u '. .. . Ii.' ': u. I. m. .( I is lleiU ....... ... I" '-In-I.' Tn.ki V. Tie leul'l. ... fir Ii us., ot .iii.j hi In , n er,!. r. ., '.. 'I il la. Til. Itil'.ian fi re. sb!?..I;-'! . '. r ..( I.. Ilia, k S..i, eomprise Ji I ri.iii huetlr.il Tur k v o'MHtt! i ' I ( el Ii II H 1 is e (f a if:, i t. .1 ... '.- I i i-ii.ii I'r, i,,i( (. riv- I' is ri M..t. e thai l i ... -. ' Sisli.... !'; .1. I d I.i su.re.q 1 1 1 I 1 i IS -f a a. llie U' VII m U I Aim; ol ... -. I' ,i iliel.ii. I his A.iiires from ' l.irm e.i, i i- ; nil. red that llie rebels Wi re (,,.!( I.. I I fturty in ln:nn coiirtv. liCips h. is not ;ntu ti.t wrrtlfc of th par'y Mocklioldcrs .Mi'tliim' in ialiLnrv I ti e dmocratie ai ty, with this South (,'aro- a'' ' lliat illlV.I ;,, ;lr,r ninr,.,o tfiel- st re n UOII al V i.m.ii.i. r-llOllbl ht depriv e them of 'All' K.urs y last h Mr. Craie ia h-JG. uulicaii iijtf tuti'.-iiK, and pd hy y-ur 'i'.vcrr'nif.nt noiitirjl fore- to it:r.d in W r i rii-iai '.ttff: ! J f arMi'. invito ttK t1c:tM.ii of jil partita uodl I), at;.' t, fj 1 t--r in tfia iMC, t tnc ( 'win. i' nt, w.kj gup.r nt'tdt.d t;.t v. (trjr.'jt county, wnjuh ui .finJ;jle iX-Aird 1(. Uautr Mr It v Mr. ii-: i 'j . : rti t'fTii . en from tm r v i one of ti.t ni; tt. t o w-.iti .-. J'.t- i. u trill ',1'il; (iiiiiii ii Iife.r, t'i. i .1 l ((lost rah. .a and urn. iiripfoiii is butt- of .N.Mtt. iu,..,.. 'J i,i- great ii.tcrol of tr.a couulr tr- p'ostnt.-. .u,u hi ..-Tii.jf at etiry pore :;m i.-.e w..ur,o i(.ltttj up.,n tiitm by tht pirni, d.i .(liu.ii,..Tal.un ot ti,- l,i tn ta f, (.cliira! Jacas-.-i, add the a :.(-"'. leim.g .Iriiin if Mr. V.n Kaon wis p(:,g to '.,r t'ie pe.,pl.. It w, tl,,. fir.', t int in tin Inst. r of Nurth Crohn., that trie eiietion of a (.ovionor had Peen sjhiuilte.j to tn. p. o;or, (irj mucri t ii tU ini-ot pr v.,.d iri trie cnKiitry au llie .ahirll of polities, !.,lii isute si.ii N.lejrm. A that d.y, Mr. ( rai((t' t n Ihuaiasm iii.j..rti i.,,n i,, Ut.iounit th I)' n,ot;Tdltc party u l.. (mill' jjt of tut country, and to coii. jratu .i. n.t u,g party, in i ,t iniiirit. a not nty t..t p.rty in,,,,, ,ui .1 prin p.. ...f t ., f.t f l.i. M I ti.t i j , il ,,.,1 urfj, th. tm.t ol M l r..,K. , VV t,K ...,,. ,ilut M-. Spjit.f.ho.lc i O.U.,, f.,r i..,.. rnor, ur Mr. Vail fjjr-fl (of Pre..il.l. - J. ,?Jin,, err t fat," .ay. M -. ra,.. - !t w, ,,,, ,,,1 f llaal Jt.irlf. .1 VV..I1J Ii tell, ho k.-'l 1 -, ti, n-ii,J p.iwtr an 1 pi tionapi .f lie F. derai (;.,, rr tnl ," t lat ii.e - Minle .r. t .IU t u,.i our liui.rtir. alt. jiinnr t. corrupt a no a. .-.rev l.., rie:,F.; ..I it. . . iiinu-iit . ," and ' or, r .t.-.r u p -n t: r p. ,,. p.. III l le.if on n money " Ihat liny. In. Win,, kail t eor.tend a f 11..SI. .nu ! Overt, .1.4 .ft I., I i. . ... r. is. I.' " . in. I. ' irr.-t t set of p.fiir; .s " tut I. ((.i, !,, -,,! i,e s.ys. -J.j,i " f "' ' i tu i-.e I tan mi 6'nfis- i' at futf. vtu.ll, Ului 111,. prup.d.ui, n.u t Ucoinc l.jr.1 L.ur Caticof. At iht hi tinlion Jinoi g ui ; ur wraith, p , r, or :i.t i t ruts ot f r flct t'i u ii.t;, nio-ie of t r. jf ii ty kiio our i LliOUt it th' !d w u no nigral, tii r,mxLi' n t k oi ot-no k't.aC' tct. Ui "I lid X': n lo h Ui i.i. r: art-- i;o cm iA Cint', hirtn. all uit i t uj i. '. t-f t!.-. hi'hi ct I'll silt.tOllOII'S. it, that ilf Vhiit Oi ry T:.b:tl on r v i mji -.'t t.i ttiut '.ti; r j.rt 'iMiUt.1. i n.a r- pnn. tny ;J ot h.b i.i. i a i ti if v, in,,;, U.ft Mt'I ((' ill wh rc-r j 1 th.j tt it ' t;--n ' lll!.l. tj tin. In l-t list I..- iw.c, ii.iiioi. ind Mr. I't- iu: iA m iiiU :.t ol tn-; mt t.rt iv nd i.nTiy Ji'V. !.!(, f. tlllfJ ,.'.111' 111 tur frcit polit.cai '-!!. I to iJtJCllC-h i t:V.:i ll.'.tii'i he I HMtt of h si I liOt, kiK-.w t .rUii.iy tli-t '.oi.-,t j iii.c tc.i t i.i. j n K-tlt I- i t U I. Ol. - i r.!ilf ijf ',.,4 on'.,. lii.g on tl. 'M: fco.VM.U Hiiii.;, t.rL dii'.Ui' 0 b.:-TL i.ft connl.t oi' iiU taiii . it, t'x., to in- pr'.ki',uti(di ol out iiU r ,.- in r. purity , tn.'-t men ttoi.io iH.t jrn.it ttiC tyr.innitftj w iy oi nrt . i.(u,t Ui tj-j-ru; ud trii.ni'; ui-ct.-r 1-jot t'.r o' t .t. m a ti,ir b'-tu r j U'.gintnt ' J t ,m U. 1. 1- , u..!.-.-!, t u- tloji -d, u n j.iuit' r j t i nt.ti . i.i if , t n j re jofi a t.o .nnd rfu .iii' .it of t.n; nr'.rity t.Ii(t it;.- b 't.A W. . iut-li'!' 'J '.-I lV-Ju'. 'ili. ll in t'i- Ji.,ni' '. ii'.i Hut is n.i'ircd ti jtrioti: t..;voti.,n to our hl -.-, 4r.tt:tati.i.M. -t u Jjppfai l tl.i Ir.. i.o'n of o.-tn-but i on 'i k lr,i of t,.t. toint.lut.oni f:-i.t of lii'- K.ii-.; -.(,;; ct,i',!y a no inh k. u.jj!y t.j jj., fr w rj i.kt if u.-H on t,.f d .y ,,(' . , tion iii... ar"..l your ' ot nu. -..(...k .it. t t t itU of y ,.ir M.l- ir..j tMJi-if v. Y'.-i i.. U lot (ii dounti- k W(jrUiV (jliiM nn-n m tin ir enh-.r--, hut ) sifji . , .M ff hi jii s n'MiUir fiti,tn fir ti.t-1 jKiSiiti.,!,, li.i jhtk of t( r ;o:,linti(d coi.ti h Til' oi l:tt: t out f . y tine l I. nu jor t.m ti'ttifii.jf ii' r- ' tfy, zii.I.ai.il A ni.ifi.;-."-ni' nt, m :oui,ui.lii.i s iilid j f I V .1 lii-1 li v tfit- ,r ojf b IjI the loft . We hiv. not h.ro'd t:.. ui; I r -L-urit. Ktit, tM ing d "h., j.r. ; r,firty btrcngth in tb- r-at .North nit, w li-ree!f-nit-Kt c .jius tlim to prefer the j r-. nt itw i:ilit to lc roi.tiiiu-'-l ; ami, .--trati- a! it nrtj opr -ar to .-tr.iilit forward, h -t I't-oj-l-. t(n: .'.t ofuco K-aii'Ts in t!ic oM 'tAtf, aie wi! tn to f-acrifirc eoruinoii j:i-tit:y anI the iiii-rtt of their oAti co tl jIi, f r the 41 vr.oeiiii'tit of IIal the I)i-nio:rat.i oftii: ),! Stat- utiit-! with th- W.ii'H, on t-.it j'ii"-tion, Nortli ('ar jli na wotil-1 'it.'-c have; Ici n r eriviri h r (.juitahl-; .-h-ir'f this jmhlio (lonuiiii. Hit in-teafi of that. ?, ii left an open '(iie-i-ti'irj, to Lo iwl ni cut rn.tioti fund, to buy votes wttii, wliere r ite.m Le inudo u- tih ot l St in i.i .n S .ii.-.:t liluiii A. .i ili.iiii j.r- ',: tint K 'i'ivi rnor John M. A t:i -ii.hujI n,' -it O ri tru i Ii.. ,i Ho.h t 'Ahif 1, tl.- U hurnian, wt: U-uxn t-et. -j 'rt -jit. f( t of tiii: roid. l tntnk th:t t i.ir St i:V. fi'.ii!' r ll.t'fi .!h of tl.r St:. I; ;n,ii .,J -.'It Mr. I't-j; r, of S Jjsburv , Sili-in i -, w.T''i far l.v .-n c two 1 1 it. i jr.. Tl.. f!ir ttiorn cr ft- ctlu-r n-r il -ion ami tho resolution, of ( l.av, om i.le.i thnt it wjt a rori.er I.oi.h.-, to.,, an 1 that some I.ractlciil Ine v- I , re, olleeiior. thro. in li!.t .-un.-lor . i leimiiiir the rl.U of the .South ' tK, ,.,.,;,, or Wurlll tollllllun Mi!,-'. 1 ami , l -k.io tlm eiirroai i.nciit., of tl.e a, ; , Tl fore only r.d'1 a.M.raii. i' of .North .LotiM Lc J...u.l. - lh. w). ct an,j .,,,,. ! tii. JKH-i:i:stt.. !.) iMK.STIC MAM TACTl r,K OF KAIL- UOAI llto.N. I he ('oluiiilii.i liaiiin-r .lv) : " Wo learn from the ( 'h.ittanooori (laz.-tt.: that a ..mi pany ha-i bf.-ri ri-eenily formcl in t.'liatta iiooca lor tl.e irttti 11 of a lareu rstah-li-hiiielit for th Iiia.'iiil'aetiiru ol railroail iron. 'Ihe coiiij.any i.t f'iiniOse'J of ini-n of m iillh, ciiti-rprisu and ititelli.-iic, an. it may lo; safely calrulul.-il that tiio work ill Le iiu-hi cl fi.rwar'l to cointiletion at an ear ly uav. 1 he a' ; "- ..Ni;.Tr.s(; tijk aiii. Another Freni hiiian has n ii-ntlv att.-n.p-teil to solve- the j r ! h in of a.rial nav i iti-.n. Hi a-.ein!eil with a Lalloon from the l'arii Ili.j.oilr.;ine in a paraeliiite, hii-h was to Lc rot fr-.tu tl.e Laliooti at the L.-ijiht of three thoiisaml f.-it, ("otiii tliiiii over half a mill.,; anil the inventor wa tl en to si t his wind's iu motion, l.y whii h he hojieil to iiiiprc- any liireition he nleaseil utioti hi ileM-.-nt. rk to ot till V.i v. The Siile of (io!(J Hill. W v tn crntifit.fi to ii arn tnat our It ihm townit. in-i n, 1 r. I 'i.n.i S A - iiiir y , -a tin ri l urn - . d t. w ti y c unci, irom a tv ii.mi 'm,t to .V w ork til, ii.m ' ' lied m rn ifott.ilK. . Bjt (,( f Ji,i!( j ii,,iri i.'.o' ty, t i a V.rtu- rn t -Any ti, v, u'-on t-r:tii to-at oojii.t t- n..lia'v toe uji:,tv e ti.t ino.t -iV.irn ion mmd. 'I i.e lort j.,r tvonn iiionti. nr-n, has gi-n to tdm ni'ic, m.i, nto.t Sii 10 uoiiH ;ifid unriini ! t.o .tt' i, ! , n i,d a! tl.ouh tSii i.ft - i- t. rmR ot iir t. iln ii. hy hiin Wiii not L. m-i'l t.i Ar fr so n-.f w .. to f.-ornt , hi 'ir VI.-ITS OF TIIK I'.lKSlliKNT TO THK . IiKI'AITMKNTS. It i-i i-U.-d in tin Washington Jo .ul.lic that l'resiieijt I'ieii.-e Jiayt weekly i-its lo tiie llef.ur mr-Iitf, Irojir) into the ofiiees of the huaoj if huri.-iu-, aii'l mi .rar a his tinu ill jii-riit, inakt hiin-elf aeuuiiitcl with the Lii-ii -a ainl practical opei atioim of the a..-vera! C -ordinate Lrain.iien of the (jovirii-, meiit a jrat.-tiee w hieh cv. r) ho'ly will com lueii'l, a. I which will lead the people to he--lleve tl.. t,hu will oiidca-.or to " Hike care that tin Iiwai.-o faithfai'v t x'-cuted.-' ru i an anuii'iane.i nt the At t - h.-iol.t nt ln l,-.H . ,,l., .1... I,l. raw m.-ilenal, an-l the lo.-atioi, every way ,(I1 ol,M.rvC(J c,,la,lM., a,l i, and favorahie r ,.. h an enterpr.-e. The ! t)lL. liaratiut,. t ,,,, r .j Wl(i, -roisi.iHe,,,;.,..! for iron ra.N, and the hieh , w,.ri. wulllI1 Uiri.p bu,r,:a r,.,.t ,jf th(. puce exacteil l.y the hnropeai, inanufaetii-! ..r,,,,,,,) tl(L. (..ir ,.u, aiJ1, ,lC l,,,,.,! n.r.o.'r il ii..i....iri' .!,.. .1... ............. i- ..... ... " . ... 1.41 lliliLrilllOll.flll iioiiin in i-oiiic ileoreo control ... .1 ine cxiorniiti ai roa.i. in vai ious portions Cl I'm i FAl'Tl lUV IU Il is with sinei re reret'liit u lh- I ,-s of M. r Lester A Ki'.- ' Thurs'Uy lii-.'ht, ni out I 'J o e! k. ! ton Fartory ou liimree was nil. r. ed, with nil Its col.tellt.-i. Tl.e I is mated at cl'J.iHH j,,,,) re - r:;. ii o I oili ...ii . f it was iiisiiriJ, III-- tin- lire ori'iiiute'l run. tin- i it ': l in I lo' iurri t. The heat jji in i 'i !' ' ' ihe ri). ot the Sim diliilitli. ii..l.. 1 I ei In srs of llie lo-Oli liulllij tl 1 '' i au.-ed p'llltallt-ou coinliii-'.i n i" 1 '' of greasy co't jii. W e are el-i I I ' ' liotwithsuiiiliiij: thi.s. Ciilaiii.t;.. 1 ' J card, aie still m s.iu:ce.-.s',il up. i ii. ia the third tune a i-ottoti I n t-r, u- -Lurut on the name "pot. It sc :'i.' ' place, an-l y(.t we understand thai :'' K-tic propiielurh uro fi'" 1 niore, and ri-k thu destiny uf t. 1 4 ('.(( . 1 lie I'lil i tot. THK I.NtiKM 1 1 V ul' TU M'K rer ti on ut hotiii ot tin country we have un aluiiidaiicc ot material, and it only requires, to he put in proper shape in order to supply at l.-a-t a portion of the present t i.oriiioii d.-rnaiid." Cannot railroad iron he manufactured in North Carolina " We have ore of exci lleiit iinality and in print abundance. Wo have IU II ie ground with tni'litlul rapidity, In.- win-, provino of no use whatever, 'le wa not di-hearleiied, however ; the fault wan laid to the Lalloon, and ho would repeat tiie experiment. ..ris. il I. Ui i.K lor B, 'tl (..- ' if VH '.11, Ui IUt tfa.la-r ' lint .Mr. O.te.rne ..-.-.ri elli. i run. ) i it( i. iijf iiuii, J'ju a.s. rt a 1.1a. in t-, v-.ur -l-lt's si.arv ol trie piial.e lari.-c, M ii ... 11 wo, U r. S.M-tt.iJ, ali'i laru'i.ili, , .(jini't'O, Uh.ii r t. t w i ij; lit of Ins i I - j tii.i.s .in; lo! ia I.' ' . V.y statue at liunm .lifj je niiltlilil.' .Mr, l.raiee tu ut- t., 1. 1 i , you tutually ka y lo jour l.u.. riiii.n.t tiial you i.a.t rift tui.stit'aliuiial r.j-lit lo a a!iMre .it tie uutjiit ia.i.Js, ur tlut V'i'i sr.- r.r'.i ei.uujah k il ...ul tii. in. sin, do not wattl tin in. If vou say so now . e.'l in-.y alj-ir.dori at. i: ji. hjj .11 I tl , uf iil. l'e 1'i.s nyi.t llj fu'uri-. Tl., ri f'.oi I t noix'usi d'-'.nn j. .j at i,....,r. or k.. v , , u a , y (r,. ti . u.iis V ..),,,. , l.jtt. ij ui,, u!' y..u -r..ali .l.y and t' un.... t.. f -j r..r.;d . s-f takt your i.'ijl. tort w.th yeu. ' n J i'.c tour iu'.j t y ur ca"3i.tr . uur !rii li -ine lu,,. lor us. i" i.' v. li.. it lii" i. re y ...i. We .-. a t.;l.l It,. H ' ion . 1 tl. I'J'l.t w- ' a .i Ko. .i.lii i tor lo S il II: JiNancs of lh iii.-iikiililc I.onnrvil) Ir. S ,ii,'i. 1 .-. 1,H , ,i, ..,irik u Ui.,f l.il,;-. i.i), A.I., .iil.ii-l,. .! in .'.i v. ,tk i.i -I.I.. that th. I bbi.K ..uf U'.iii.ii, il,. ;,ed -li l.l.e! .nil in. v-ais . j,"', at lilt l.ei uf one .-.iiiior.i aie furty yea's. M .rjjar. t J t. r il.i ii in 1 :ilil liaii.l, Kl.'l..l..J, ii. 17'.). nt,-. nu liuniif. u .li'i tliir'y yi-iis. - ,,,r.i ' f,.,n, j P4 ., ,,,, J A KXTKAOr.IUNAKV I'lSCOVKI! V. 'I he attention of inen t.f science, in I'ati. also an f-se.-llent home market for the arti- i hasi lncn drawn to an extraordinary disco-,-- ' ie. u h Mun tnat the immense ami m- , ery made in a tieiohliorm ilepartineiit. A , creasing demand for railroad iron through- ! (?ravc difrer, in thrnwin up Home earth, NliiV MOl I i: l'OW KK. out thin country will keep up the jiriee "of ! came upon a Lody in it Htate of perfect jire- M. du TrctiiLay, a Fr.-neh 'r'-iitleman, the article for years yet to come. Now, at erv ation. On examination it proved to Le iai I lilt a ntcamer which i worked Ly present prices, raniiot the manufacture of I that of an individual Luricd thirtv-Mtun w ii; i the v porof ether and it aj j earn that the railroad iron in North Carolina I,. made years bioj. lie had died from the effects, i nr. satin loirj- and the rvalue sj.ecd are ohtaim d prolitahle ? Let f nj,it nli-Is direct their at-! of the Lite of a mad dog. The shroud and iioi.- at 'n-liiif the ( xpei.ditmi of ma!, and t.-nliou toward this suLject. The vatre-lthe coffin had fallen to du.st, hut the Lody i; wit! Kn-iti :s which oi i-upy li s. room. 'I In- .-onree of Notth Carolina iu coal and c.j. l r.-iuaiiie.l iula.-t. This is the third cxhuina- li.ii, i th r prev nts also oi.'ie other minor advan- I"'r I'ave Leen attractinjr a larc hhare of tion made within twenty years of Lodics of tai. am,iiost which the niciustatioii ol the ""'lie aiteiition. m-have no ol.j'-ction to the victims of liydrophohia, under fimilar thu; hut .ve do not wi-h to m-e " iron, the I eireuiiihtances ; and it would really mi-ciii civilizcr," iie-lected Ao lit Carolinian, jthat they are Leyond the reach of decoiu- ; position. The reei-try of deaths was ron ..i i . . . . . MKX'ICO AMI Till'. l'ITl. r. T tTi.-u ,""'", ' n" iiieninu. ot the i-mlialiiiuieiit The ilerald irive the eonf --i i er in the nrdent in New- York .-it hei n t"'ndin' off varieties " d ''.' " t lie reiiowii'-d Maine law J :- ' he ha pucked ke' of li.pi -r I r;t!.h; he h is pn- ked them in ; h i i inr around with ui'n-; h ' , i them in oil casks, tilling at I placing a pi.-ce of s.oi.-e saiou' l)l'i-r the IjIIII", and covered wit'1 tin, so that when tin- ca-k i r--!!' little nil will l,e .iiueezeil nut. 1 0 l - kno'vin' ; he has pin ked t lir-iii I" leaving a hole in the head ihr clicene white oak was vi- l ! I i :' l.v l I, r is ot the least. The el hi' L.-cn tried with of .Var-cillc'-j and has vu;"- ti Algiers. I'tlier propelled success ill the In . n hi nt on a TIIK .MAfJ'.I'O.MAN". Int. llig lice ha Leen received nttheNa ,y l. i.aitiiii-i.t from tin I nited States fri- ! The " l."niveral," piihlished in the city i of Iexieo, alludes to the rumors which have I 1 In en eireulated iii that country and in this, I that tin- larire increae ol the .Mi of the hody w as found. ' i'h.. ii. ot N .r'.h ., r .Ln i, in J I.t t ii. . "he I,i,nrrer1 siolfil'li y ar. A .Oman dim, I K-.etl i.e. T' nor s.e( in t lit V t.i r J fc3j, seed ', .' I',;adrv.' -r.'! f itr-fr Tr-r. ft e sr. (.err. r. WASIHN'iiTON CITV. ! . . . i . . . , i , . ... xicaii nrinv i ' r"' n iter auuresstd to the editor ol y.ite .Ma"tvl'iinaii, as late as the lith ot .May provided lor Ly a recent decree of Santa : I'm National Intelligencer, we learn that in la.-t, nt wlit h time she was at the isliind of , Annri, (;onteniplafe a declaration of w ar " ven wards of Washington, the Luild-, Gran'! Cmnry, tw-nty-two days from the against the ('niteil Slat.-. Thee rumors ! i"g of Hill lionsen wa commenced within i w at-i - of the I'r.iled Mates al Wl.. It it pronounce, entirely eroundless "In! the half vear eiidlins .lime III! I N.VI ,.( i will he n i inhered that a di-tiessitig ruuior short,'' it says nt the close of this attic. which lilO ire wood, mid KMILrick. The ' of tie total lot. bf thia fine v.el pi evaded " Mexico has i, idea of d.'elariug war a- total liiimLer of houe is estimated at N lllil h'.t lattjj iace. i gaifi.t the I uited Stales. '' ind the jiojiul v'iou at ahout '",'j.jl. floatini; Ligroi: .-H"p A sloop ha heel, lined up ",il '1 ' ' upon ln-r deck, and uni-liored in"-' ai.-out three miles fi .mi I ' - ' ' u" '. pie and Peer Islands, lor tl.e l'" supply ing lio.-it-, paitie, h'' u"'lft li..iors of all kinds. This floating-'' ( reported to have done a large l''l'll:'.' e . the " Maine Law " only iippl""t t".''. land, the proprietors do ii"t '""'.'',.! thing hut. ihe spirit of the Xi-H":- u 1 1 1 i .-; novel ari aiigclneiit. t.Ti- . . t-il! I.'. CMilM- I ur, i I-, 'i .-i" , The Citieiniiati (ia.'tt' "".v , va of the news steam tire engiie uf " . ' .. 1. .. .... ol Oil'' week, lor thu ai-coiie'inm .- )( eoiiiinisioiiers from 1 1 rent . WoiMh Fair, who reeeivd !' i ,-i timis Lefore Kunipe t vi.-it thai ' 'l) ' , limine this l.i.iehin.' I le express.-l hiolily j.lea.-'jd with ii J qiur'.Jir- i I i I