3' VOLUME i-j ea i - s. " i 0 4 ' HOLTOW & WILLIAMSON, EDITORS AND l'ROl'RIETOllt). TK11M.S: The Nortli-Core.lina Whig will be afforded to liiriiicribcra lit TWO IM)I,..KS in ndvuticr, or I rtU lUl.l.Allrt AM) rlFTVCKNTK if puy. -not ber did lycd for three inontha, and '1 IIKI.K IKII.L AI!S ul the end of the year. No paper will in; diaeeintinued. until all arrearage urc paid, tx. c.iit ul the option of the Kitilorn. A.licrtlacrncnta iiiaerte d at Our Pullnr irr i")ii'rr I o line or baa, tliiii mi d tr'') for tin; first inai-r-nnn, and ccnta tor cieih entiitiuuunrtr. Court ad rrrtiaenitnt and flu ritV' K,ili charged 25 prr -ml. JiitjIiiT ; anil deduction nf XI) per cent, will nude from the rrgul-r print a, for iieUt-rli-era by Oic ye.ii. Attnati.niclllB mat-rica irnimmy rfr -.iirtrrlv. t ! per ei-nre for each linn, heini. ij'.mitihly " j c--uta iter aqu-ire fur each tunc. J," All It ltt'r on bufiiinM iniiKt be direeud to ilu- Kditom. Letlira munt be poal-paid or the-v iml be attended to. 1 r I'ajriiicnta can be nmlc lo ritln-r. J j' Postmat"'ra re authorized lo act aa arii la. I an Wot (hanred. at w. p. n iu.uua. (,; no more tbo light lln.1 abed U' rdi nc u'trmjr heart, Hin!lin( 'II lh pUtine limughia I tw nxrhl In. bid d. .ttt. I mnl no more tbr aui.ny mule Oh ll'T buhd.t lip 111- t !'! '. And llw' thy viiieo i imiie atill, Iovc dwi U ie t in lU tone. A.nl i it th ? slid c;:iit thmi, w'.iem I'd hoprd to find unrUngrd, Winn drarrat Im nd n lil-' (ray morn Khali b? bi tunes tiHoiiju' (mil with thy acorn the iiiart whi.ae fiult II i it'a lon'a ir t. Ami to ita CUi ot ai.rrow, hriilillK d, Aiid drnia of bilUrocaa ! Ct do n-'t ay tint I am rlwnsn' Tho' ehanftd I ell imsli! If F'r, tlM tin : nic in iii.tlioig iIm, I'm a till umlnnced tu lhi II . ne'er rrief m J h ive daiki n'd o'er, llr p'aa,..rt at 'itied ituroiuai , tol bright hnd purr, tbi aireani of b ao Kji line ia at iU aouicr ! 3tlisccIIancous. THE MIDNICIIT VlIT; (it, THE HIDJjEN WILL. A lU!Ii:TIC TALE. ar WAHHEN T. AHIITON'. CHM'TKU r. 'Certainly, Mr. lterkby, you will not dc- :ve tnc 01 tlie aa ssiisiacuon m rn mj , , . , ., - Poor f'tberiu hi lt moments, Ka.U rmn ucrurj, . pt over his manly C features. U he our father ! a.-knl Mr. F- rkb-v I n i . .11.. t .ny ami iioiuw-viij. I ' He taucht me when a child to call him f , . h. . . jr. siid has ben a father to me eier since. '' f .. 1.. ..it,... 1., . I em. r . all I hec hue tUll t.onsyou bc fostered inu-t have an cud I iu and now," " I do uot understaml you, nr. " My brother is not your father, and you 11 oblige me by lievrr u.-ing the term again ft. relation to him. ' V our conduct r very singular, .Mr.i:;il " l'i rbapa it is." " 1 insi-t ir upon feeing my father." " Vou ratmol." " l!ut I trill, ' and the young man took a p lorttard, as though he iut.lideol to force way into tiie room, at the door of which r conversation had been carried on. " Hack 1 young man, or you ahull be ex- ft led liuui the house," replied Mr. llerkb'y, i nly. I At thU nioment the door of tho aj.art I' ul was opened, and a young Ndy ot sur m -i iif beauty aud sweetness sto.ol belore J anry pattiet. She ieemcd like a pen. n.,....l ii.i.t I., it.rt .Irir.. (lint u a $ Minting, even at the door of the dying Aus chamber. J Mio paused for a moment as the lowering 9 aol the angry young man met her gaze. ' ly Herbert, what is the nutter T" 'd she, with nn appearance of the deep ""liciludc. Your father, Julia, refuses to let me see . . .i. r i .1 - l.'M.r. IIVIII'T I'M 11 V IIM1IU lllilll i'a- af t, aunwercd Jleibert, eagerly siczin r rf - fi J ' i ' llie ' -'nuiiity lo vindicate himself. I" Father!" exclaimed che, casting a quit nf reproach et tiie obi gentleman. 4" l'isn un about your business, Julia," J led In1, an jrily. There are pood rea-- hy lie should not se e him." Probably there are," interposed He-r-H t. with utiii r of sau usm. 4' And the physiuian has forli.blcn your I ! trow seeing; any person, even his near- ft lends." I I I'erl ili.l i l.'...r nn.. ,n nn lo, nil in I lei - H "ting him. Ho cannot live the eloe-j If sVs." 1" Anil on ..........t ..n wrml.l liaslen . . ........ "Uloftho world V said Mr. Berkley Nyt but hi.t son, fathe r. ' "ei is nt, hia aon," 'lopted ami. then." I A.ipid o uneereel Mr. Ik rkley ; " but 1 re lo him than any othiT beguar. t'Mr. Ite rkley," aaiel Herbert" sternly, "f s hll nii'et agiiu." f I'frltaps we shall i I may yet be an f rseer ot ,l0 ioor ,i,H,..'' J rather, father ! this is cruel," cxe-lainicel ahoeked hi her fatucr coarscni'ss i'diuuiaiiity. I 'Juliu, I forgive I 1 Herbert, hirugr, him i bo is your father," dine to subdue! the Clno ' pr-jilueed by th lather's oruolty and ''augliter's centleness. "r a iiionn-ut there was a pause', elu I 'alii 'h th young mill pared toil lcrly upon the fair pirl, whose heart seemed to limp in .sympathy with him. Mr. Jicrkley regarded them with a fueling of anger, which even their proximity to the bud of death, could not prevent from ilNpltiyiii" itself in u. darkening scowl on hi- hurd fea tures. " Must I po away without seeing my fulh cr ? Must I let him die without the pres euco of him whom beloved and protected !" fcaid the young mnn, to Julia. " You hhnll hee him, Herbert," replied (die, an (die placed her hand upon the door. "Juliu!" taid her father, angrily, " if you permit him to enter that chamber, you do ' r u -i.. .j- r uro " " liut, father, it would be cruel to deny him at t-ueh an hour ; he has come a long distance to nee hiiu." " The more fool be ; why did ho come!" " I wrote to him to come.'' " Vou did !' " I did. Father, if you think 1 can fee you thus wrong Herbert lci kle-y, you a'e miftaki n !" and the face of the beau, tilul pirl huddeuly lighted up with an ener py aiid deterininatioii, that cei mod not to be born of In r pentle divpo-itioii. Mr. lierkley rronled fiercely tit her. It was bin that all the ordinary feelings of hiimanity had died out in his heart ; that, on the present oecf-ioti, li Isif ked the litting opportunity to Li loon. Julia opened tie' door. "Come in. Herbert," raid she. " Stop I" exclaimed Mr. Lerkle' only a ue- li) a loud voiee. 1'rotn the l ed in the c Tiler of the rhun lir came a proan which seijned to pene trate to the uiil of the youn man, aiid he sprung forward to i-nti r the apartment. "Stop! Mr," mid Mr. lleikb-y, ph:eed bis hand upon the collar i.f llerlo i t. 'I -houl'l be sorry to u-e viohiiee at i Mich a time anil in such a place a this, but jenliT that chamber you i-hill ind'" eon- tinned the t uia.-d Mr. J!ei kl v, as he tightened his j;ra-p upon the collar of the ither. " And I r-houbi be orry at any time, to lay my baud up m an old man like yon ; but k-c my father I will, come what may. lieware, old man!'' and the countenance of Herbert evinced a determination that would have made a calmer m ill than his opponent to pau-e and cnn-iJcr. (ut Mr. Ikrkley wai cviJci.tly actua ted ly some ttrong-T motile than the grat ification of revenge, or of his own self will, for no ordinary eau-e could thus have over Ciiuic bis M ii-e uf propriety and pro idence. Heedlesjt of the show of rc-istanec made by the oung man, be pave a mlden and dep perate pull at his cdi;ir, a if with th in tention of hurling him back from the en trance to the chamber. This movement, by the promptness and dexterity of Herbert, was uf lui aiail, and i there was no Mrui'ele, betwi hem, the ! oM man ainlile-iily reeled t.n i, aim Ins ! younger, and moie powerful opponent shook ' eff his gra-p. Another giom from the beil oftiieily : i ii... i. r ii.,,. iirj mail intf .i n , in' .n in. ii vi i ' t - io j,,,; lhc ,..,;.,, of l. It., lb... h- f.il.wed Julia into the roun. I The fair pirl l ent over tl form of the ised, and he ,l,:. ,- n - " ' . Scelltcit leit to I'C - e c ' r. .celneil leit I I I'C e "li-el ins f lo r presence, it. come too late, I " I In ale. ps," said Ib rb. " No; I fear vou have - 1 , Helbelt." I ' I iod forbid ?" ejaculated the young man as he hi nt over the prostrate foim. " I nele," said Julia, in a gentle Imie. The sick man ope ned his eyt s. I he) were l'Iv j "Ibrl v ami 1 1 1 : i . it has come ; be stands by your bed-side." With extreme difficulty, fi parently, the ilviuo man turned hi- cye t.'.'.n his niece to' Herbert. He tried to extend hi" hand, bill it was more than hie .-tr oigth would permit. Ileihert, divining his intention, took, tho eniaeiateel hand of him who had bun ail that father could be to him, and was con scious of a sl'mht p.os-ure ail the sufferer could do to express bis continued affection. A tear struiLded ill the young man's eye, a he recoc'iied the expression of his. fath er's heart. "I iod hies vou!" faintly ejaculated 'b parting father. " I his interview been .mite long e- noii'di," iii'erpou'd Mr. lklkley, who had billowed Herbert into the mom, and station ed himself by the font id' the bed. i The dying man In ard the word-, and as ! thou di an electric shock had rcviulicl his m;m.,. ill the bed. 1 he attempted to spring If ii t w as fatal, and up .... .1. ...,...1 I.,- ll..,l,,.rf iitiO .1 II l.i. Sillill ii.ii K -ii'. .i" . .. I Father, you will kill him," said Julia, i . .i ... .. i.:i.. r in a low loliej to ncr laincr, none imi i...e was Hushed with horror and indignation. " I wish to save him ; don't you sec what an elhct this inte rvie w is having upon jour umde. Let Ileihert leave the mom instant lv, or 1 will not answer for the couseipieii e'es," replieJ Mr. It. ikh y. ' Ileihert," groaned the .lying man t.-r bi bad nartialiv recovered IV. -Ill hi- iii- e X- ertion, " give mi1 yur hami ' . , i 1 n n about ' to die.'' The young man placed his hand in that ! of his foster father. I "lod bless you!" eoiitinilcd he, with freat effort. "Julia, vour hand." The fair pill placed her baud iu her un cle's. " He happy my children." Though it requireel an intense effort, the dving man placed the hand of Julia in that of ileihert. " Ik: happy, God bless you ! I die ' " Knough of this !" alinoMt shouted Mr. Ikrkley when he saw what bis brother had done-. " Mnoitgli of this !" The sick man started with convulsive en ergy, aud fixed his eyes upon his brother, who enraged beyond control, approached Herbert, as if for tho purpose of ejecting him from the room. Leavo this house', sir," said he, vio lently. . .11 i win ihit Mr- l'K r,i''" ""y-"0 e:""' ' think where you arc," replied Herbert, calmly. " Leave the house, or you shall be driven out." " Xay, Mr. Ikrklcy, the lioue is imt yours nut yet. J)o not bn violent." " l-lo be calm, father," pleaded Julia. " Herbcit," paped the djiiw man. Leaving Mr. berkh v'a hide, be returned to the couch, aud toolt hii father by the hand. " My will you and Julia'' "Leave the room, villain !'' exclaimed Mr. IxTkley, coming up behind Herbert, .. I :i I , " ' wmie m wnote iranie trembled witli anxi-isball " My will," continued the dyin; man, " is : tions and elainm of the ''Vaiididatc f(r in that secretary " i the suffraprri of the pcojrl'oi IJeforc the sentence could be finished, the Occupy ing the relation of personal eniaped Mr. Herkley had apnin n'izcd Her-1 friendship with each, and entertaining tho bel t by the collar, an 1 drawn him an ay I kindest wishes for the prosperity and hap. from the bed. piness of both, 1 can have no motive promp- " My (iod 1 he is pone !" rsclRimed Julia. ' ting a desire lor the success of one over tlie A taint rattle was heard in his throat for other, except a wish to promote the pro po nu instant, and all was still. lie had pone j rity and best interests of our common c juu from that fcccne of Hiile to the presence i try, and to secure conmon ju-tice and eipii of anvi ls. jty to each of the Stales of our glorious Cuii- "Is he dead?" asl;i"i Ii'h deniotiiacal j brother, with en eagerness he did not at tempt to conceal. " lie is dead ! Oh, father! father! what have vou done 1" " It is -11 ever," added llc-bert, a? be wiped a tear from his eyes; "gone! aud what a death bed scene has this been !'' " May (iod forgive you, father." He is dead," said Mr. lierklev, oddly, and without another word or lok to Her- i belt, he left the reom. ' " ( Mi, Herbert," cxelaimc I J ulin, bursting into a flood of tears. "I 'o not weep, Julia. He Las bei n a latin r to you as well as to me," n plied ller- iert, as he lo;did the weeping gill to Ins heart, and l;ied away the t'-ars from hi r , maods, as Congre--.-! becoiues mire liberal, I p ile ehei k. " W'e n.u-1 be all in all lo each now claim as their rgl.t, the wh-.le of that other, now that he has gou'.s We have no!va-t public domain ; and urge Congress to other friend." j.-iirrender all thereof. o the re-peetive Stat---1 i " Ala-, I fear not." I and Territories in wlich it is situated, there- " Ho put your hr.nl in mine, .Tuiin, and 1 by endeavoring to jrevent the tieneral (io bade u be happy. Here, over his honored ; verniuent from deriiing any revenue there-du-t. let ua renew the vows we made years from, and tlu old Males from re ceiling any ago beneath this very roof." " j 1-eU' lit thereof. Tht rapidity with w hieh the 1 And the vows were renewed, with many iiew .Mat' have iicrea.-cd, and are still in-, tears on r the lifeho-s firm now scarcely crca.-hig in popuhtion, is such as to enable r'dd '-f him who had been their be-t earth- ! them, in si very sloit time, to carry their ' ly liieiid. j wishes into npentiou; and to appropriate! Tf UK e fNTf.rt:n. j this vat public loiuaiu to their own use, : j unless tin; old State, warned by the history : ; of the past, shall obtaiu the passage of a ' I'ANCK OF I'il AWKUS. ! law distributing; the public lands or their ! A l'ai is pap-r thu explain-; the mystery proceeds nri-ing from tl-' sale thereof cp.ii of d-im-iiig talde.s: , tably amongst each of 'be States, both edd , "Ma laiueM , dealer in wiiwa, was , and lie-e. prej aring to eio-e her c-tabli-hmeil for ih'j j This immense nat'ona" trea-ure w as e ith tdsbt. Aln ;. !v the w in low shutter were ertvdid to the Cnited State I y the el I put n). but in the hepe that some lingcrintr State, (North Carolina included ) for the rii-l'imiT might drop in, she left the front purpose nf paving the delt of the Kevnbi door a little open. lietiring to the rear shop, tiou, an 1 ol being ndmiiisti red and dis. flic ran over a journal and became ali-oib- ' leased of for the eeiicral aid eoual benefit cd iu an article relating to mov ing aud dan - c.ng tallies. .t tlie moment, wticii tier miii'l was dee-ply in presse d with the account, haling by chance raised her eyes, she saw dis!:;.iilv her money-drawer, supported by. au invisible force, innviug in the middle of the sh"V. Seized at first with a-toiii-hineiit ' aud f ar, she hurried to recoinpose her-elf. and restraining the beating of her heart, she lu.se coin ageoiisly and will, a firm voice ' should be made of the pul lc lands, in less e-ried out "ilii't'cf fume here." Instantly ; than ten years they would become a cor tlte drawer betook it-. If towards the door. I rupti in fund with which topureha-e pre i Tliis canine m i le of obciiience txciteel the : dential votes from the new Mates ; and that suspicions of Madame M . She ad- Iwlun the new States should h ive the pre- aud reeo.ii.n"! at once th Ve l'V simple cau-c ol the plif liotiiclion i ne i . i . . r . haw- cr was upon the back of a :.'"', who was crsnling ahun: and making nis way towards the e!o ar. J he cm of Madame M- can, d a m in out-; 1. waitim.', to take flight and taken to the '' Ii " seemed to be TI. bo v as s. izei w In rj ho w as re coni' d as an old olTiu r. MISi'AKLS NOT KKCTIFH-'.t). I h. arl an incident conn. vied with the hi-tory of the North Church, in your rity, the facts of which arc not, I think, "en. r nliv known, and it may prove interesting to vour reader. It appears that t iwnrds the elo-e of the licvoluti.ui the cood people ef the North Church found it mec."s:iry to make sonic repair. They pent on to Ho, t Ul and purchased sonic nails, which in due course' of time arriveol, and, upon openin; the kegs, lo and behold, one nf ihi iii was found to cintiin Spanish dollars. " This was a e !" 1 he 1. 'aeons s.-einbh'd, held a consultation, and the result was th 'V wrote en to I', i. t 'li and informed the merchant who made the sale that there was an error in snipping the poo ls. The men hint, ac ini" upon the principle ol our nans at me prest nt day, wrote hick urn in- count ice- . tily no mi-takes that the nails w. re bought I and sedd as they were'. Ile bought them of: hi m ivati'e rman. and mu- t let it stand a it : 1 I . I .1 . 1.- 1.1 - was. The money w as melted up and made i into a service of plate for the church, and 1 it i in existence and uc nt the present day, ; The above related to me by a gentleman : in whose family is a large goblet made from i tiie same silver, and you may rest assured ! tli.it w hat I have stated is a fai t. .Veie llnrii .riv.vVe. A SL.Wi; OFGLX. WASHINGTON. The Monoiiirahela (Pennsylvania lee-publican savs that there is yet living mar Conkstown a slave of Gen. Washington's. He is 1-1 years of age, and can walk six miles in a day. He is so uhl that his lin 'ers and toes are nearly all white. He be loi.'p'il to Washington when he owned what is now known as Washington's Iiottom, on which Pcrvoriilis now stands. The estate of Col. Conk was ami still U bound for his liviiiu'- He! s be taken to the V orbl s l.'.ni- f.ip inhibition, if arran.'emeuts can be made. GTAKUAL PIF.RCK ANDGKNKIIAL SCI ITT. t . i : l... i"'l.,.,-i.,l Vnl.tee on last Thursdav, when President pierce met Gen- merit uunng the presidential term ot John eral Seou'lio shook him w nntily by the baud, I ( . Adams, an administration re jectcii by aud said : Ah, Gene ral I never e xpected the people in consequence of its e xtrava io meet vou agaiu on the same plutjwi ."' jpancc. The secoud istimate would amount I ifeour-c, both bundled Leartily at the joke, tu a ?uuj nearly three aud a half times rcat From the llowun Whig m;i' Ai!vucr.tc. Tha Public Landcltsn. Osborne and M es-T". Editors : As our Congressional election is drawing near, mil thovoters of the di.-triet w ill hoon ijavt" t ) determine whether Mr. Craige ce Mr. l.-bome A represent them for the nexi two yearn in the Congress of the United t tntcs, 1 trust I be paidoned for i ubm ' . to mv fel . ... ... federacy ine ilepublic of the United States owns a vast quantity ol piohc lauds, portions of which, in forme r veirs, were sold as they were bro'igbt into miiket, and the proeeeds avi. iug therefrom who applied t.- pay the de'ets and expenses jf the tieneral tiovern uici.t. lint of late yiars the Congress of the 1'nitud .States has no-t prol'u-i -ly and ex travagantly, made lirge grants :i n -1 dona- tioiH ot .sari lands ti tlie new Mat ; n itoiics for school internal in, prol a it 1 elit au-l ot'ur purpo-es, .vhiUt lint one Militarv acre Las been granted to one of the old .-'tatc for these or anj other purpo-e s. The new States, not satisled villi the liberality of (Vii'icss, but incrca-iii'' in their de ' of all the Stat 's, o: they wire hr-.cd by the united blood and trea;ure of them all. National Justice, the cleax-t principles of li i: lit imperatively deuiandthal this e.iu nion fund should be disposes! of i-r the eotu- iieui benefit of all the States, the old as well the new Fftccn years ngo, Mr. Calio'in and others predicted, that unless seine disposition ' pop leranee in tie; tloveriilmnt. as thev are ! destined to have at no remote period, the y would appropriate said landsto themselves, and thereby deprive both tic tieneral (o 1 vernmc.it and the old States of any part or parcel thereof. I appeal to i.y follow -ciii-Zens to observe how literally these pre dlo . tioua are coming to pass. General Cas, of Michir.r, a camlidate I f.r the l're-idency in 1 "r1!-, who was sup j potted for that station by M". Craige, Mr. ' 1 ' .'ii;l is-, who also strove recently to be a candidate f.r the Presidency, each voted mo -t extravagant donations o; lands to the ne.v States, while their coiisii.uti mal seru ' pl. s pn". etit'-d tli-ni from voting one neve to .North I arolma, or either ul tuo obi State". The followiii"; stitement ol the amount of public lands granted to tie new Slates aud Tt rritori'.'s will enable :he vet.-rs of the 1'istriet to form some es iiuate nf the injustice su-tained by the old Slates, and ol the eonseipieliees that must follow, unless they make an immediate dem ind for their jis ji.irlion of the common fai.T. NiimbeT of acres granted (he New States and Territories: hio, tw'i.wtl :i. .'?. lfi!l .-..o-u.ki: ;t.".' -'.; -Ji l'.ii; i.'-'-si 1,1 ol. til Illinois, State of Mr. Pj'.ij lass, Missouri, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Miel.i .mii, State of General l.-'iii,:-,1-.' Cass, A rkansas, Florida. Iowa, Wisconsin, Tennessee, California, Minnesota Territory, Hi coon Territory, li.lnVlid (i,".'o ..TI.'l.i'.V. ;e.l J"-.?!)!) ;t,:t i:.--j i ."ill!!, 0(10 ''.!'!'7,1"7 rj,isii,i:si i,l:i:i,l-.'t) i,li-l ,707 New Mexico Territory, I'tah Territory, Amounting to l,'--"-',l - 1 acres. From the foregoing statement it appears that at the price of one dollar and a quar ter per ai re, the lands so grantea woulel a ,,,( t. t,u sum 0f 5iib"i,".'77,7HO ; and at ; tw0 dollars per acre to the sum of S I ",- 4ll,:i(ie; ami at three dollars per acre to the sum of 8",,.")',)(iii(i)5.).'. The first estimate, being at tin) lowest government price, would make a sum move than double as great as the entire expense of the whole administration ol tho govern cr, and the last to a sum n little more than five times greater than the whole cxpen-e of the general government during the- said administration of Mr. Adams. '1 hc-i' enor mous grants to the new States, eonstitaite a fund suilleient to enable them to establi-h common schools, anil to effect the neee-sarv works of internal improvements without adding one cent to the taxation of their cit izens. To the little State nf Tlmida. with one representative, Congress granted more than a,(KK!,fiOil of acres; to N-.rth Carolina with nine representatives before the ceii-us, and by the same ratio entitled to more than 1 , Wory ,;.; ' ,v ' ""j To the State of Michigan, Coturn s srant ed more than six miniums ot acres: to .North Carolina, by justice entitled to ilniii.le as much, Congress granted imt i S''itm ! n '.'''. Similar eon. pai i-ons might lie made 1 with Iiiinois and oilier new States, 1 , u t I forbear. No wonder that the new Slate prosper, and draw from the old St.'.tes ! much of their energy and capital, and p,,int ' the lingered' scorn at .ith Carolina, and call her ";;,, Vati Winkle," th" .'i:i,'h n S'o'e, which, l.otw it li.it ;i lui ill Lr this I in justice staling her in the; face, sends nu n to Congress a her I - r.- l.tatives, v. bo i.p pose her receiving her ju-t jhare ol this na tional fbonain. ! Looking then, a! :!.!s ti'.ri "ft!::- ju:b II" lauds, eoiisi'lei in 1 1 he e.Mr.u aain with which the tiew Sti.t'-.s has been ci.'biwe-d, and the inju-ti -o ib.ne to the old Stat.-, re flecting iijimi the claim- that ill" new St at' s are set:i.ii np fir t!,e wh'de of t'.ie public land, and tint by i'eir i i.. i a in..- p .pi. In tin th'V will !o-..i;le able I i ni i r-:. i - ' them aii to then; . lies, the o i-.-i; --n ' .li. trihiiti :i hee. inn the mo t inn-o la; t !--':' ever . li 1 m i 1 1 ti 'l to the o! I Stat only that of Ameiiean I u 1 j . deinaiius the m 1st ..v..;..'. , i i( i.v , at.'i riyr,: ,, On this vit:.l Slid a'.!-al.-oi iier i--n-, b-t in examine the views o! '.or i-ani'idat s I'.r for iii-ress. Mr. i-d.orrr in favsr of ei . i !i;i the pr'.eeeds of the .sale e.f the public bin 's equitably and ju-tly among-t aii the Si-i'.--, both old aud lew; and, if this c-mii 't be (lone, then he is in favm- nf inakin.' ti, same distribiiti on of the lauds lln-ui-i 1 , . .. Mr. Crai.'i! is opposed to an i ipiital le di -tribution, either of il-.e pi-.'-ee.s of the sales ot the public Inn Is or ol the land- tie-in- Ive amongst the States. ! Ly Mr O-l. nine's policy, a revenue v. ill be ili rived from the public lauds by .North , Carolina, suiVieient to t.. t;.1.Isli her common s. li'J'j ' iip jn .-u . ..-1 ol 1 " t ' i n !'". eOil"ues, neet asylums, and to . ii. et all neeeessaiy work- of int-ral iir.'.iMveliiciit , .without taxing the people . n nr c.-nt. ! Ly Mr. Cr iije's policy, the State will receive no rove 1:112 from the public land-; no schools, coiie.es and a-yiums can bo built, no "ni ! , of intern-il improvement 'completed, nor ti.o-e alri-ndv coiunienecl, 'aiil for, wilh'O.t a eiire et and In avy tax i tion ef the pcr-ple ; whilst the public lands vs ill e -vcr.iu.illy, in all huiir"! pvol aliillly , he 1 l-t to the general eov. n.iliel.t. ! Mr. Oshnrue in preijei.1i.1i ihetl oi- ha invariably voted l-T the e..n li ie.te w Im fa. vorcl distribiiti . Mr. Cr-iie has invarildy V' t- d for tliO Call'lidate w ll" n j.Osed it. When Sooth Cnr.-'.iiia coieiived lo r-ili" injure.! by what she rcgar-le-d as an iim ipial tarirl', Mr. Crai, w a -o in.ii.n.int as t 1 1 1 come a mil'iii' r, us to ei.t -it.iin oplio o' which, if carried into exi'eiitio.i. Gen. Ja.-k-s"ii savl w.iid'l make him a trr.it or. V. ie n California, a St .! purcha-cd b i!m eoiu. H1011 l..--v and t:ea- :rc "f aii til States ap p.lied for !iliiiisi.-i iut. the Itliien, vitlt a eontltu!ion pr.diibiiing .-i.ivi iv -, Mr. Criige wis .) indi.'ti.'iiit as to be almost i-ea l vt -e-i'o'.i.-e the e i.-trines of s cession, v. i i h Gcm-ral Jaek.-oii .-aid were the same a nul-lilli'.-nion. Mr. I Isborne has always belli true t the I'uion. If Mr. Craije's Mi of i-i-tie". in Cie ea se of Snit'.t Car nil; 1 and Calif, ruin w as so rvcat t pre-eipitate him into the err rs nuililiinti on and s.-ci --i"ii, why st . hi iii ii.nat; ui at rh i ;i : 1 -: i -e- 1 : 1 ' I 1 th "id State- iu inak't!.; il 'Mi n t i 1 of bin 1 -it of n i-ommon fund "lily to th ' n"-.v State-'' W hy 'b. - !; le.'l eh .11:1 u-1 the 11.II sh ire f. r Nonh Caro'.in.i '' . I,.-t th" o- j '.' .0" the I'l-'v-.t, as tie y tive in their pr .-"ty t-r t -ix-iti-oi, a-i 1 a thev "iy the ii increased t:.s-..b -"' :e v. I., til er N-e.tli Carolina, the 1 irtii .l:;ee ..f Alio r ' ivau ind. pcmb-iice. tie- era ih- of h'-i-rty," the State w b'c'ii ma ! 1 !!" .' . c t 0.- ..f I .:. 1 to the gencr ii g .v. nairci.t, 10 paj the- d, bt ' of the li Voluti :i, which, ul.. never ,; ha- b. . 11 ' iieccss-ary, !..:. t. 1 !-r b! 1 ;.:. 1 tiv ' uro the senil e uf the na;i .a. is n o e-lrti-' tl-.-d to her fo'l -hi re of lb. p n.iie 1 1:. ; -. as 'much a.- 1 liber "f the le'W S:at--.' Wh.!; 1 r her cltlz hriv n I a;i . al m -c--i:y ! f.r interna! iinpi ov. im pt-, a n-i w lid I.e.- th.-j ' have net an 1 iplal liht with a;.;. !' lie.' ti. w Slates ! Im 1 l'i" tli - .aii. ' p i: I I r ''v ;lo' p 1! lo: Inn I- : And a J 1 p:t t!;.-e t i , r.'iuembcr that by th" p !iey .-f Mr. .' n..-, oll would 1 e r. .ice I tic T. t'r - - It wbil-t by : the p.diev of Mr. Cir;i .v. tl; y will remain ! no in j in their fill t uov and w.rgbt. I " Thus view in.' tiii. .( '. .-ti m of t h .! i -t r: -ibution of the public lands, ell which th" candidates, M-s.s. Cf.-.i...' and O-l ..n;.-, I have ioined i--u', we j eu-icve t - at it c Ui I .-I it nt an is-;;.- of va-tly more imp.it t a ne-" than rill nth -r i-sm ictwixt tl. m, and 1 thc one on w hieh tiie elect; 01 should turn. ' Are you I'. nioerat, and do j.-'i dislike to sep-irat.' tron. y eir p irty r m iati o s ' This is iiatur;il. lhit reeolh et that the next I'oU'.'ress will be lar.o lv ilomoerati,-, and will not re.piire the vote of Mr. Craige to earrv out it party im a-e.res, whilst on tin eontrarv. the friends of the old Sl ates, ami ; of distribution, have no votes to lose. 1 ue election nf Mr. Osborne may secure this measure of ju-tiee to the old States; by bi defeat it may be l".-t forever. Peeoliect al so, let mo intrcat you, that devotion to par ty is useless unless thereby some benefit be reiiidereel the country, and that viS''n, uitinlinrss and j'.iti io'isr.t , abvays demand a fricvifiee of party rathe r than of country. Are vou WhtL's- . Ih e ilhit that th'p W a pte-tion of justice, of natural rights, fyr w Inch you have long been struggliiiu'. lie- lax not yeiir i fi'orts. WhL'S and democrats, th'iiih cot Menus of the difficulties that Mir- round you. cheer up at the prospects that are before you. M r. Venablo, a most eleci- il.-d and distinguished IVmocrat, and now a candidate for Coii"rcss in the Wale Ills.' tnct, on this qu.-stion lixing hi.s cya readily upon justice, ami the rights of the old States, ha nobly bur.-t asunder th"T hains of party, i and is lining battle for an eyuitable ilistri-i button ol the public lands amoiiL'st all the Mates. many si l North .i i" .".ii. , .. iim '"ia .seeoieieii HI ins cllorts by Messrs. Leak, Loftin and -',i.nrni,ii,l,i iri' , , : Cr mWlMHW'WnV ,n the same views, and advocate the maiutai same policy. Hon. K M. Saunders, tho mo-t (-isiiiigiiishe'l n. ember of the Demo cratic party in the St it", at one time it .stau !'l ud bearer, and nmre n cently minister to Spain, se dug the manner in w hieh the public lands are In ini; disposed of, and the proba- 1 iiity that they will be lo-t both to the gen eral L'overnmi nt and the obi States, unless .,!, i. s!,..!l . ' i . t .! il. ....... ..i iiii'iii iiiiiii .litmus luu M.!. ;. . . .i .i i i e Mate-. Usui'' so i i or to the t ira il.iin of party. Illicit i-c- a'lv ."r.tes the same policy, distinguished and lirom- ; And whilst the mo-t 1 im nt ne-u .1 1 rs of tl lleinoeratie pa.ty iu nui "uii.siaio ar-' gnim.' us t i,ese ctieermg evidence's e.f their patriotism and lovi.n.i,i to the true interest ,,f North Carolina, the State of Geoi-oia i abo ti.iug abumlant eau-i' of fouratiilati.ui. 1 11 a 1 r.nvention C'lnpo-ed of b 'th 1 olitical j.aities, reeuitly helu in Milledgeville, in that Slate, the fof. lowing :e;olutiou wa adopted : " c.r.'rc That the public b.nds tire the eon nt-n pmpe 1 ty of the States of the Cnion, atel in 'In ir a pi epriation. e-i('ialil v Is the em h tn a ml of 1 1 1 11 1 1 v ; and anv alicimli of tin in e x . e Pt t-. brill-': money into the tivasu ;v s ... aiid I t f.r the eipial bene fit of ail the Mates of the l'i;i"ii. the o'.-l as well as the Then let lis like ."lr Whi.r find l'emo cratie friends ebewlier.'. strike for justice :;n 1 the ii.htof the old States. Oiilhe ii-ie-tioii ,f di triloiii .11 tln-n l- t North C -.j- il'n a present an undivided front; and as i'l the i'eel:i! ati.m of iielipeiid.-iiee, let her ! 0! th" van. llv the ele-ti. ii of James W. Osborne, (ui'iiout 1 mill. any di -paragenu nt of his f.imp- tlt.r,) we shall secure a represent a. ti,. "w-i'l v . f ti e Il'.str'.i t, in every respect tli" e 1 1 ,1 of Mr. Craige, and one of the fir.-t nratoi - c t the Mate. I. t il l-be ritel tl. i n. v hnt.-ver may be ill" late of i'i 1 -A . ill i. .11. I ahl.oil'. b w P...... for U.e 1. SO 1. e : ,. l.i 1. I . o 1 . e. i Mii'e"!r:t',..:i of kuo.wn; that we hav char 'i d our ilutv t" our State, and will pr.-i'i e di-. to the i n tlie com tr JCSTICK. Ci :NS: LIDA i ION. . i . ii-bury 1, anm-r ba.t rcsorte-.i 10 ine ; t..r ,vK,n n ; p, !.,. olle .suddenly halts, ;..,", tiick of the party, and is bu-ilv threw two. three a.nd four with a ""-el in mi-representing Mr. Osborne s ,.,.,,,.,1,.,,. j,.,-, while muibcr five f.;d.erly s. H -tvl-s him a " coiisolitlati'Mti.-l," 1 ce, aud with the greate at self-poss man who frot-i p'""? ' uisitlerairons and M,.s;ni . , pas,. the fillcii crew,, hoarse tieal prejudice will array himseil again-t v rrl,aK ...,,- v,, whv." "ask vou whv," be-t interests of our common country" .1 .,,k vn -,..v. ' This bttle pecimcn had ,iho v. ill exeit all his intluinee to en- ,,e eon.iilete' clTect of a U:tui bath upon j.i th- p e.ier- "t the general government an l contract t.io-e o. ' W h" la-j"'!-.! til ti 'ii tin !t-r to" e !.! tne "talc g- States but vcninieiits a- enrp..r.i- 1.4 ' 1 th l-'e.b rsl -'OV- n! e , .Ve. - n.a in. .v f 1 i . -;i i.lllj - may I r-rfare; r then. and iiii.-rcpreent:ition . h i v li'ivtirc modes of pnr l ut v.e- are tint i!i-pot"l to it rv ''"'''". The Sali-- b ' i'.-v Manner knows vety we ll mat .Mr. O--borne au l the S hi 's hold no such opinions, s.-( k im siu I. a Ivaueeiueiit of Federal inilu ei.ee ml tit -r. ---imi of States Might-, as it a-.nl.e- to tlu-ni. ll knows very well, or o,i'ht ti know, that in calling Mr. O-beTue T anv . tie r Whig a coni-lidnii.iiiit, it mis-r-' re-en!s him. It know very well that t'n.- onlv executive usurpations ever made, have been made by the Loc ifoeo Adminis trations of Jackson, N nn M. lieu and Polk aii'! ih-t! th"-" usurpations have always been st-.- ieily opp-ed by the 1T1 at Wlik' party of tie- I lli 'Il. What i meant l y the term consolidation-i-t." a applied to Mr. Osluriie and the Whig party ': Why. that they hold that all piwir of covernmt-nt are ve-.ted in the I -nit -1 State; that the Suites have 110 pow t i-s and no ri'.di, and hence that all author ity i- "CiUi-tdidateJ" iu the general gvern- in -nt. Now it i e t i-y has avow-t i- t-.o -,- -"i - -: 1 1 j s .i'.ils which they niaiia o-el to produce, and vinin that 11s mnn in th" eoun-j -vi,.;, prv0, ti,"t ai whioh had pone be l any sin h opinions, and there ! f,,ry was only the prelude to the grand -u; p os,,'' i'ia, ine- ate netii l v ;,;;v "ii '. 1 i.e m'.creli is plain that the t.-rm is applied to the Whig party because 1 its in,: I Ity. and that the applicants I rue ! .ill v aitar- .t it- injustice ami uutrurH. 1 Mr t '-borne i a sound and reliable W hig t an up.i.-ht and liouorable gentleman liei"' -.1 I the be-t interest of his country, 1 ,m 11 I thi. if r ele-.oted ti the maintenance; .if lb,. I i.i -u and the Constitution upon v. 1.1. li the I ' interests t the whole conn t- -, ar-- 1'.. pendent. lie iiobi we are sure, ...leion. I; -11 by the a i Whij party , Ki.d 1; 11 it ;.i ar- past by the l athers tin- I,, p.i'.lic. mat fie item-rat 1 , overn- , ,lu,v rL.i,ell,., ; all until one of the press in nt has .01 p over ex.-. pt Giose expres-ly !((,r-i(.(- tu.r0 W!M ,w prospect of a siugle o.ted it by the C-'nst;tiiti u. aml those 11c- j re-po, te-r's remaining to immortaliio the -ary for carrjing tho.-e p,.wers into effect. 1 ,....,,,., m ,ie oeca'sian. At last, however, nt the Si Geivertimciits h"!d all p.nv- 1 v.(i,.. .ats were reserved iu an honor is !:..; .-r-1-..i'.i to i.ie ini'-i ni to.e. nine. 11, Hot f - I've i t" til " people, atl't ll 't bn Mil el. ti t the Slates bj t he ' ui-l it uti'Ui. That ill e:ie-s of di.lcr .-.ie.' 0.1 Coii-tif utintirll epics ti 11- bitut. i. ihe General ami State gov . rnmcni. the Sunrciue Court of the 1 nited ."states 1 e.ei HVe el to judge f those dif- j frenees. Sin-h we boll, to be th" princip' ment is founded, i-t" therefore, reproach, but a- s-uch Mr. Osborne ,'s 11 p 1 n which this . bohls, I vern- If 111' are " co.isolidntion aece pt the term not as a boiiurtble distinction. 1 1 ut " cous.i.nl.iti such as is spoken of by the Miini'-r, never has found, and so tor as we can iu lg. , never will filed, advocates a mouj the U lug. We trust that the Vi'higs of the 7th Pis triet, and even those of their opoucnts who arc more devoted to the Cnion than to any man or party, will do their whole duty at tho CsT.in eIsct;oi and ic t it that cue so calculate'd to shine in Congrrvi as an or- ator, a patriot and a statesman, no less that as an liororable private gentleman, may be sent to represent them instead of one who has openly avowed nullification,, fceession and disunion cuntiuieiitn, 1 ' by rtr.QUKST. From the Mack Itivrr Watchman. Ml" SIC. I preached in T church on lasti Sab- bath, and bad the rxaui.site pleasure, or ra ., , , , , . , .. . . !ur AmM 1th? '-;P mort.ticat.ou.of listening to the far-famed Choir. No won- HV0d 'a'rocTTo'loVJnrr- h. ,Ut"' r,. ol.,I1l'"t "-" I - woneler f regarded it with sorrow m have heard Organs, and Choirs, and singing clas.se, and all that fort of thing, but this) e clipsed them all. it was the most solemn mockery of worship, and the mast Kompletk) farce upon the praise of the Most High that I have ever been compelled to hear;, and I never wish lo hear again. For my second hymn, i not 19 sp; ak of the first.) L read that . , impressive appeal, eoaiuieiijuu.'. 1 "Sinners linn, why will ve roe, liuil ye.tir .Maker ush yen why , lioet who did your beih' J,riee, Asks yi u wilii biiiift-ll to live.'1' At the first discharge, I did not know v. hi ther to laugh outright or to swoon,, for while it was rilieuJousr it overtook me like n thunder clap, being uiiauieuaiufud with the preparatories of scientific singing.. After leailing the lines, we had to wait about two minutes, while the rattling of leaves, the movement of hi'iuls, tbe exehangu of glaimcs, the hissing of w bisptrs gave ominous prophe cy of something- extra. F'irst.a low,iudi-iinet hum from the leader, like the last notes of a haii'l organ, (which I presume in musical perfe.i nianiM's Ls the word of tiouiraand,) gavt notice! that ail was ready, aud then cami the discharge. Shades of Plicl and Ha-ndl ! Sinn thing between the roar of a storm,, flit! braying of an ass, and the " breathe ings of nn a.-tlini'.'.h elephant" is the best idea I can give you of it. Imagine twenty or thir ty voices in sijttads of five or six, -luvil number one lays vigorous hold upon tho "sinners, ' while number two erics, "turn," "turn," and number three are impressively asking-, in a -qui al, " why," " why," "-v. by, ' and number four chirps, " will ye," "will ye," and number tivii crooks iu expiring groan.-. " die," " die," "die." Not 4n naeU , " : "-' heard as distinctly as here nicii- ii'ne.-i. new i-i in i ni. r ii li . I si n stniuilll- neon niovt incut, and therefore formed an in describable jargon known to those who t..i . .. ni,., C--1 1. 1" in s i-j ii mii to i". iflrs, however, was e-ejly the first di.-eharge. On the second line, imagine number one b-jltiug invay iu full gallop, while twor three, four, each a little behind the other, are 1I.1- imi- their lii'-l- to nvnl-l n L'e bnn ftti.l limn. , " r , ,. , .. ' , ,. liter live, in sublime snlcnmitv. tnnichiiiu af- 1 fi)r ,1,,. ro.,t .j,.,,,,, o( swoat ftooll QU on my face in spire vt myscSf. Fluti shaw ! I had only l.- avd the it-lroduetion. At tho ." third line, they see'ined to have lost their -eatterred forces, for at the beginning of tho next line, they all .started together with a ti itiuipli.mt scream. Tenor, Treble, and )as, (the wh de voiubiiuiil u-4kiivg the lata t'-r iutinitely preponderant ) Uut the 7 rchle took an unexpected turn, which would uot aiiow the others to- keep the even tennr of their way. The eonscipienee w:w inevitable, ami might have becu easily foreseen. They all fell f'roiu tk-ci-r high po-ition, and came with the force of an earthiiuake, lumbering to the Mass. The tension of the upper strings being so great, made the word of the hymn come iu very appropos, us a large party of them eried lustily, "give," "give," "give," All this was but tender on the nerves to what sue-ceeded on the last line; for the w hide fallen crowd s,.Cmed to leap up in a rage, and laid hold " belter skelter," upon any note that came iu their way. Con ceive ef ho eh.itas of a frog J-"nd, the tu- I mug ot a ti t'lle. tlie cre iKnig ot uiioitet j machinery, combined with tlie roar of a j cannonade and the bowl of a locomotive). ; whit!e, and you have a faint idea of the I unnatural aud unearthly combitiatio.!) e.f ; t.r.lsi, wo..(jor t a prirt ot em I aftt.r the rest bad spent their force aud ceased, cried to. tliein and the faintim; eon. L'lretration, the last word of the verse, " live-," " live, live. VN KMLCTi: AT THK CRYSTAL FAt. ! AC1-: MANm ilT. I There un souiev bst of an emeute at the 'New York Crystal Palace banquet on Fri- :.),,. n;u. w ar.ncars the manuL'ers provi- j aej tables for the reporters of the l.ir,,sS f,.,f "awav from the edibles, at whieJi , , 0,- ,1, ,., where the eatiii!? anil d .-inking were most free; and then the re p,.rt oiial pen moved briskly enough. Mr. Sedgwick made the thing public, by apologizing in his ispeeeh prefatory to his toast to tlie press. Ami. by-the-way, it is .-aid it was exceeding hard work to eLoko down the indignation that rose spontaneous ly when the President of the World's Fair ....:.,:.- ,,.,,,..,1 ,l, V..,.. ',si-L nres 011 the head, and commended it for not levying one eleaar ol DlaeK man on nis fsi.uiiMi nieut the liHVt incvitajjle advertisement of his opinion that black mailing was one of the common institutions of the press. Mr. Raymond, of the Times, who replied, thrust; a small sharp stick into the President' (S -dgwick) side therefor, which seemed to 1 Mi dit the entire audience. ... mii -t ... 1 .-... i t. fXrPe !4-t nJ fear noi

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