1 .. TV. i7i N. Y.- Delta. A VISIT TO T1IK CF.MKTKRY. V.' e paid a visit, lat rven'ng, If) tlio cor poration cime'.cry, in tin: Fourth I'i-trict, in order to fcittisfy ourselves of the spectacle which was reported to ho prist nted there. Wr learned nil our way thither, that tin au thority's lind ceased to wild corpses to this l-lnee. in order to tire lime to bury those vbiih already lay on thv ground. This rov ed to bo a prudent incatT.re, as it v.-as the only measure by which the aeeumul.-.tiou of unbiiriej cofliiis could be disposed of. As wc approached tho t inn d ry, we discovered its location by the number of carriages vthieh Mire p-is-iug and rej.assiiijt. For tome dilaiict bt le re wr arrived at the sate. -"-Poor creatures ! they were inconsolable ; ! Trx.s.-TIii Suto nUo, we prisnmc, list (tcc-l and all we could say to dissuade them from I I',1 ''U Dcu,,... e memUr. ol ( ions, (Aorgc - i . -iiiiiei i u ks. . it. n u r. n i" their m-nry journey of more than two milts, through the hot sun, to the Lafayette ceme tery only elicited the plaintive cry : " Mun pauvro pere ! mon pjunro pere ' ' They were immigrants, who had arrived but a few months ago from France. Such incidents, and ethers cquiily di--rcssinj. nu t our eve in ivcrv dirci tion. SLKKP AND TUB SENSES. According to M. Cabin!, a French phys- NEWS FROM EIT.OPK. The following further intelligence brought w..s ( Imi chest n, tint, .iiniuliift the many etiinK:ll- ioicij;isi, nm uiuseies") met .i-e.siinu ia iij-.u uy mu i-i meii leu ill" uibu ncmi iiiv vuuii- t'.rt fi.r the ifliii', it is ml vit bniwn who i tlie their power before those n Inch bunpoit the ! ton pa pern : ; head ; and these last sooner than the mus- u -fho Eastern itiestion has now assumed cles which sustain the back j and he illus- jsacJ, a position that it will not be loliz be- tratcs this by the eases ot persons who , r0re it is decided one wav or the other. It uicceiul eaiit;id,lc. With la vitlsoii CoHosh. had not tim pleiiFurc of leirj r Fi lit to s; tin Conni. ci.it mi lit llicreifi's ul tb.ifc insti- sleep on horse-bacn, or while they lire stan- jS( however, at present generally believed dim.' or walking, llo conceives that tltc I that appearances are less favorable for a sense of Mailt sleeps lirt, then tiie sense of I i.,eiiie tei iiiioati.ui of the ilisnuto. Thov pi 'claimed what alao ! is too appart tit tuiipn cf hamiiip, which cimi- r.ff on tin week t.istt ncU that of lulling, and lastly that I The ivIM answer could lint lie in a liuixlrril otner tonus. t:iat .New unrans i is now ero-Miiug under one of the West awful jtr.f.iit ih. t there loft. Hut c Ki.rii frmi tlxfc wlmwtre a l.rt cuui'oiirsc nfils pe.-tilciiecr that ever scourged a community. tVit-ixsK in utciidiiiue, In, wire well pit-amd with m lllf I .rl Ul ilf till' HI I'llfHlll. r illll, of 'iil:iii!;toll Cclliri--. Va., w: 1'ri't'i the oib.r w :is e.uite iifii-li-'iM, id we were warm ny persons wlio were returniiii: tli.it it would be insufferable within the inelositre. N tw itli-l.'iiidinir the cessation f the corre lation eotfi'is, ihi're had bc.-n at lea-t tiftv lit there by private individuals, which, as! it is u puldie n un tery. could Pot be refused. J As we pa-sod through the ciite. inhaling a j lno-t jie-tileiitial odor, we li 'tieed a eurioiisj exhibition of the careless indifference toor eli irat teristie ( jiir people 0:1 o, c.i-i ius like j this. !.'!' oe the door of the little house aS, l:ie pate of the ceinet-ry, we saw several lit- j tie i hddrcn eupaed in tU' niis-t joyous iner- j r;iiie;.t. and an old woman vending ice-cream i to pi-ser--by, who had t hold c.unplior tv t'.ieir iio-es to avid faintin.', from the od..r. : A -trate.'e contrast with tin j;l... miy speeta- i lie within Thole lay quit'' a imuthir ol'j Coffins of roiiL'li. Uliji'.aiiied dank. paint. 'd a' gloomy ld.i.-k, v.itli i.i riads of fjs h.iii.'ln ; ai-'iund ihciii, and iliscliariiij.' a ucst n pul-1 sie olor. The i haiii-;aih.', composi-il of iwjMes under penal restraint, were niploy-. i 1 iiite briskly in depo-itin these coAitis' in t.'eiiche-. du scarcely a fnn de p. All the white laborers who were origin i;!y em-1 ldo -ed in this w,ik h 'e i ; 1 1 n r died cr ! cera tail nslecii, one niter another, and with different deurees ef soundness. S rut i jic A liter it an. I published last Full in the Charleston Courier, the fact that the senso of hearing w us- tli lu.t Irt vln.-n nnil t,t oonl.l 1 '' Tti'"i"iiiowiiic i. a Ii.t of Senior and Krad. ' "vcr.ic with a 1'crscn liri, iusensibic to W fttt'l "l'lVftlinM TlTil'lirt' ll,c1"i l'ro!Vi..r f M .il..-iu:.l-r, tnil tin Ibi. 2-UlllJ VLtlvUlUul Viv!l-JIH. J.imsii. UiU-iui was iu.u;urat..d rrofr..or nf .. T AISLE MOV iVc. . Jt bccnm to mo rnthnr, that in b,, - Oa'l'he emnmonly received opinion, that ! Fosenco there incommoded H,0 A' !"s 1.0 mysterious Table. Movin-s, which have. -iMtl, tho latter, ut t,u Illos.t w , . " J i . i . . 1 fill It'll unnii entioii in mis couuiiy uuu ( -i ....avium auui(iritiQ.4 in eed by electricity, has re l',iru '"s epai tare, and not, by an J. rc'. ui am, innuunne a nature 0v a the indignation ot tho inhabitanu0f S, and, I do not doubt it, alto of tl,' V-V"1 Slates. v luM kJ &ttjf 1 1". em, OfARLO'H'E: Tiu-m1.iv Aflrriition. .us,ul ll .tlll ci ( . ( '. A I. J. II. AlUuii, J. I.. IL.m.s, P. t. (rd. n, V. H. iM.riion, J A. (irav, J. T. Ibir'iy, l '. . Hi m. i '-on, J. II. M.l l, Han , J. .Mitjut.n, 11. II ur. . U . W. 1'hi.rr, K. 1!. S-ii.iih. .1. .M. W.ison, t'lllltt.;ntCj;.i, Tt nn. Viirk Uistiut, S. l Willi.. iiihlurj Pis., S. C. l.'and.df.li t'cuiity, N. C. Michlciibui; I o., N. C Cilurrun t'n., N C. Iiii!.i mhi C o.. M . C, V Of k I . ll-. S. I'. t ..l...rrin t o . N. V. York I list: it t, t . AUikb. iibing lo., N. C the prick of a pin. J. V. t.i. M ITT AG. I C kaiiottc, At!!it.-t 1, 15;). i A- hi,! l-O.'-M lie-l t dollar- an In1 er- t . -q.ply bf obtained. Ko'Hlt s tc 1 e 'V -l b ! f,cdo,.J a eoatin.' of . 1 (: -i... enrtli was tlien lieapct upon toe ffii'a. This ,:t.i ., l.c done i ry carefully su a- t jTeveiit the coffin- from beinj; (itii, s- their surtaei-s appeared t be not over fix i in-lie - fr mi the L-v. 1 the ear i!i. Th : al vr was perf.rine 1 bv the ne.-r'--. v.b. e oroiuel r have 1 n "fter.-d f r laleT- heir plaec-, and tin y eaini' The tvi ni h s .-Hu led to Wen- - -.-'i:ire. so tJi,,; sj t-.i!hn- could i!i TU- of lin in. Here they w. ie : - t iji tiier as p..s.ibb-, an I a iiiiek line- t'liuwi; ui-in them. to- Wil l 1AM THOMI'SON k" ut in H .Il'in.ire, ill! honj -I 1" u.ei.l.s ni.1 a'.i-iieti-j.is. ai, .1 t.i 1 r i'. .i AliH. K-p. I-. .m pioj , itul :- i :. il t'- '-u l. in a -.. . -. r I : tire so''!-'i rr.Iioi.- . i r V. It. l'.'.i.i. ' . I's.-.. t .-ur o. ri-0' iri- a.;vi rt s, an..! t- nlVie ! IM lf---tC. .N. .V V K.,., 1.1. I -r i n! r-'i-f our a icrt.sr Fhi!..(-.-l. s ll ' u t inn.' ; !i-crit't;t li ri.H.isH ipi.i I 111 AV hat next for Kdiloi? i Ctl-il-l bii an l'.d a i. I V. ' ' I fl !!. ' t.o le. oil in t; -off. i, 1, -;t in wer r '.in i a lour b lie tin eJ of. . n-1 tii We 1.. t.eir - "1' a!,' ip, 111 nil til 1 b literal be k-l't t l.t p..t it," C'llllls wer.- ! t lie o;j,. us , flics- . it v i 1 1 eharai't r tie- the -atl-t etJ -M -if lit r- at .-iiii-i t there a.-i... uiibiiried ii tli" jroun 1. l!i;i wi, ,i l.'iri.-'-1" t'llliiv t'c.t i'l ;i!l acre .,f io 1 U-. tin-re t -r - ii- t ! than d l.o'lie-. lyi.i bl.t a few ilii he lirl.it'.' o! the L'r-jiitid, in tin- vi rv t" I -t sla(.. of d'. -"!IIJ'-ijio. dfp'."i'ci tlieie within ti.-e !a-: in ik. And tiii- w itin'n the i-r-J' -r.st- limits of .-w (Jrieah-. and within a ! i.iiniite-' wi-l , ..f tli.- in .-t 11-. i: i-hin j -i 1 b.-a-itlful part -.1' "iir it v. I- tl.. re n.-l i ni'ii h rcav-ii t ' .- pre),, nd that -in h a '-. ' in .ii of -o ii-.uiy dead b.. ii.., will e,-lt. l it" li.aluriii arid -.ri-iiiar..- (H-.a-es t'.at I' ..-.vl . ,. '!" let mv who..? Ti,e r.-;. Ill 'mrsui- tin' i ' ef tin ir v ri or ii.- i. -t t: ' ulitli the hi. ' t . . . ,'..r ..; rid r- ' f Art ai. d Si r, t;,i d Ii.. politic, I" ' r'1' .1 V ill tl: ll t.. lsi t le i re vi ir iti l.u. i ia..r il Ii' ..lei 1 r. t-. il l:.r ii .t.. I, ti. . ;' r c:;t. -, in ti . i;,. ificli-.i. wit'" i ll..u;-M I.J iiiinii r iiv.d I. iiui .t 'ii now . rises, i f tiie IK .11 (.'ell 'rt . i i w -a., ii of tl.r ci u: try c!:l. rt.m i.cr.r 4 r oio'li t:ir.,ii-jli t'.r ;.!:. s , iiiui ..irn y tin- re-.t fi.ii.- of '.it-Tia , i let .,t. ru-1 lm -.ron. fo.a sn:, .(-.. uf.. n Iim!i to .! -i.i ut. I'. iti. is the nr. L.I. w .ii .... i. be re i c, .nn ii. llf i !r. . t ti:-' of l.e -.-...rk ri.l ' i n t ,e , w .Ii rOi s ll.-!, Ii. . 1. t 11 - 11, vi.i. r 1 iMiibmiun in N hi ill Carolina. A!t)iotti.'h our opjMin nls lii,ve i It c It d fcur out of 1 lie i i.ht fiejir. ii t . Ii ua. tu l.'ui.i;r Irmn thin M..te. tt tin. f.icl is viry npimrinl 1 1 1.. t a f.rgc in.i;t.rity of our people arc In U.ur of a f.,ir i.nd "iul di-tributioii uf tlii jiut-iie 1.. n u.s sinciig lie M.I"-. In tin- M .roituin ditlntt, win re lin n ..re Li.. -tit till tin.ui..int vuttai c.vt, tiicrc m scrire. !y a c.n.s:i.n on lin, -uiit. In tin-, ti.e "tadis. W:ct, tiie qui tl.'li laliic W iiial. ill!, v.-l. cf btl'.g i .rrntl. In Purvt'..r-8 itcrrml by nun llian 3'K) toli s. In heir's ty i.i. re la-.ii iloOo v, ti s. In In. in. trotn.i.t.,11 d i s I r ii t, ihclutimi; the vote fcr lio" rs :-nd Vinl'li. i.nd li"tvvitiisl..ndiiie the K r. .. t i tr..rl.s uf Hit M..ndri:,'' lu i It il Lewie, il i.irri.-d by in. re ti...n s too votts. In Ashe's din. trie t. ll rcieiled ls-tj lull , and W.. beutell t y oiily sll1.!. In I.t.tliii'n tiistriel ti.e e)ucl.e.ii ol eiislfit'tltit 11 w..n 1...1 pr.-selit.ii o ,1 Ii si u. slteli in the- ei.tiH t; :.t;t, 'i.poiiiiir tal in fi it neis voti d for Iaifuii. lie e . a s. -t of ...wki ihsiril.ut.fii- l.-t, il w js lb fi -ted by .iidy '.7 11 .,l.. Saav' Hi-tret nc y be n e ,, ret ii s i,, ii ir . I ; t. r, .,!t:., ui;h !.-. Ml..Wf W ntleeltd by a few ..t, , yet it HI v. ' y c. (k i.t til--1 a pr.tly h,r;" ram.br of tiie U ui-s el t!i..t liislro t i.;j n. t uO in tin ilie. 1.. ii, ti.ey isaj ii;i..ti..fmj with M i . ( l-jil.n , ' li m -c tl ri t ofhis in..i vt ..rimit in the Utt rris. K elilii l !. . tie ll. S. thvt if I is cilc-ti. i, Here (.-nit, J .!.i.!y to ti.e 'ti. ;e it neu.O c.riy lilt si .te I y 3 l.ri'f ii rtl v. i vasiiini;t(jn gossip. ' Wasiiinoton, Aug. 11, l.'iM. , News, j (ist now, is sauce as cold breezes. llariily an itetu worlh reiatinj rewards my labor to-day. '1 he vliief topic of conversa tion, to-day, (aud a jolly, Ut, spe p.-ia-cui ini; .topic it i.-,) wa the tlaim set up by Lord Stirling, a subject ol ti teat llritain, to the whole of thcNotth .V.iifi.an li.-heties, by a right supirfoito tho-i ol either the United States or ir4at lit : ,1 ohn Hull and .lirotht r Jonathan, hsaji''!'.-. ii a g.iod deal of trouble out the"e li. Leri's. (if late there has s.'t no d good .'ea-ou to fear naughty words might be interred no long, to be loi ljwed by utiiritnlly blows; when t:i Lord Stirling step ir and 'iiiaiilhropicaliv pro-po.-es to give lach go. ernnietit a si, -il, and - keip the ovste' lor hiln-i If m hi- liht. l.ut, stiioudy, the ea-e i- jn-t this: In ll -1. Sir iVm. Alt xaialer, the original F.arl of Stirling, oltnincd trom James I, a "rant of Not a Scotia ; and la lii'J", from Charles I., a similar ;rant of Canada. 'I he patent in loth ease waseoiili ined to him and his male hi irs. Soine yctrs Inter he attempted to establish O colony ii Nova Scotia, I ut lailiii" bccin.e di-eouiaocd of touch, lie maintains also, that the vis- jlsnowu until tho 1 lit h in-t. If he accept the terms proffered to him, the troops must be withdrawn Ironi the riineiialiiies, timl u conference of (he Great 1'otvers will take plate at ieuua, f.r the purpoto of drawing up a treaty for the protection of Turkey lor all time to come. If the Czar, lion ever, re fuse to accept the ultimatum, or evade a re ply, the lliili.-h and French licet s will loitli with pass the 1'ardanclics, and active ope rations lor the maintenance of the integri ty uf the Ottoman Umpire be commenced, j 'the conduct of tile Kil-siau Generals ill the l'i im ipa'.ities seems to indicate the intent ions ; of the Czar to maintain permanent po-ses- i sion ot them, and he lias evinced no sL'iis of I I au inteiitiou to retract his previous demands. 1 It is stated th;it Austria will demand re paration Irom the I bite 1 States on account of the Ko-st.i allair, and in.-i. t that Turkey shall immediately procure his extradition. , It is sai 1, however, on the other hand, that the IVar has alvi-.ed Austria to gite the l i ited States no pretence for int rlerin.' in .the affairs of F.uvpc. ntl: iicteil much utte Kurone, are protlui cently been overthrotviij and to Professor Furaday, of the Hoyal Institute of London, is tho credit of the discovery of the true ,.f il.lsi t.l... in. in.. ii.oi leivui'iled. bv the i states, seieiitiliu world. Wo have read tho some it hat diffuse account of the Professor's ex periments, which lias been so extensively published, and wo find that theso experi ments but eonlirm the theory which J. F. G. I J'r''tlK r.-pitud by stating Cola l.i Mittng, Kstp, of South Carolina, advanced j never ceased to be an Austrian eut,j,ct a upon the same subject more than a year ago I how n from Ins declaration made j ,.,,'. 31 ' . . i ' i .1 1. ..K...I i.. : nf tint enlislll nf ll... I IimI.,,1 . .. ' Ill tins town, ami sun-cipicnuy eiinio'iicn ui ; -- --- ; -- - - '" -mtcs a( e;u ins iirie-i. eonsi (nifiii .. .. . i. . i .. . . . ' .vt 'M t Mr. Itrowo conclude l,y a,king tlat , T-.....1. ...:,i . : ..a ; v ii ueae ill l vu oiiii.rs i..p ti... . , Costa, so that ho mnv 1 ., f , ' J '-e...e;ei 10 lo ii (-ounnuiiieatioii to the Charleston Courier, j nJ which was re-published in the "Herald ii Torch ". in December last. Prof. Faraday claims to have established the fact, by his inline runs experiments, that these Table Moy iugs are the re-ult, of the involuntary action ol the will upon tint iimi -elar sy -tein, in.-tcad ot electricitv : ami tbis theory now m t ins to Uruek. took place i:i virtue of tl. which assure tho Austrian Govern,,,,.,,, full and entire independence of its jmi0,-'C tion over all its subject in Turkey " ti therefore concludes it was inii.;i i.. ' GUI.. GADSDF.N S INSTKI CTIONS. iirt'sja v York A Va.-hint"U c man s Journal. Net ing letter : AsiiiM', vnv. Auit-t eli.l'ided to put vol in - 1' lldellt of tli , w l it,', the lt:. I, til, i i inn miioe over ,t and tit' (sui h a.- it was, for had rclinpiishcd her title,) to La Toir, 1 think, was Lis old be si posed that this a-- O.o .1. . n,j. t.. ir. d. 1 t.j hw I'liiirioUt' in .ii:!ht. I i... d "i une ! at-d : t . t 11 .No 'aiiu-iij. y lu,. ije-i-.r- f ..iir t it.- I.s, iiieiti,.!C . ''.!- i,''l ' tt' tbe I., am. 1- ri',fc ; i e. r... to the ;,i ,ta. re.ii '- :or oh ..-art; Ti. Hist., , i .n.. e.' I '. ' r .v, Aa.e.. iio!licr I.iiilioad Acfidriit. I'llvrslui- 1 .. j . v li.ttiiie, r.nr ol tiie I3lli t I.CU Ui 1 .fl lliebl, ItCS the ll 11, sblell ,t I.IOll ol .I . r s of oil lm r l.nn.lii- rtu tile C'-IIIUtll Itiui Ail.tov liil. b'lM..n l-.t- lr..iiu from I'liiLi.e Iphia 4,1,1, " '--J toe bill, by hie I, anuu.Ur iost, .i.J rt.t d-nia"t dent.- lo tile I ,lli I I 1- ' -.f ---t. l.t , It V, ( sv-t v a:. I 01-. f -r those I 111 1.0 l.l-J 11 rtii ! oi tr or 'e- e 0.1 . ! - ( p re so im-iim-d. t:, a and -r' iai ti -t tlv marked dun'. . ntru.-t-d with tlf I' 'I'. lu ll .-- 1 '...u. l.e foe , In i ir -. -i"in (- rain Vn-li I. , le ui la, 1.; itc her la pr. titrtfry 'I lit- lie en-:.' u:i .ji .l' 10 e. 1 f- r.v. '.i..ii.. e-l tl.' bee ause cet.turv ieiHI ii. . would bt d.ii Wire- li-d shortly af. p. lied to oli i til, 2 of till' pa!tCr'tT-: !lilr .V I Ml l.ri.NO . T II L ri.ssKNO.Rl. no inir- l..,tii i been i.roctirrd. 1. his whole 1. l rai.ee lie. 1 a Frciichma naine. I: w slonuiclit cut oil the it teres t of the Alt .a lit r-, in the grant-, a any event. Alexander Humphry, the individual few known as Lord Milium, claims to be the legitimate heir, heir o the original Alt xnii dcl, and thcrcl ore cl.ttlcd to the entire tli--puted fishing coa-t. He prop.-c-, or rath er, a company of sp eulators who u-e Lis name, propose to Ii out a li-hing Vessel which shall practiealk' a-.-ert hi- ri-lit and title; and, if ii.ttrit cd with bv tin- lirit-i-h cruisers, they de.iie the I i.-.ted Stales (io'.t rnuiciit siiMeild ill rd the le c. -.-arv protcftion. '1 iicy ask i ur t iot ei i.uient t ) abamlou our tntii right- in tie fi-l.t-i ies, relying upon Prilains Inline to prove her title, and hereafter r fu-e t aekuow h d.'. tl.at Liitalii has t'i . ri- 1.: . in the- pre-mi-c-, to; ml e i '11 of t t 1 nl 1 nn a 1 1 01. w lm b ! ba t e , and on which, I iic-d n n - 11. lit place the mo t implicit r. liai.e greatest anxiety has I. en i..ai.i.i know what Were the ill.-t riletion- ta bv tietieral tiadsdeu as the rule ,,f duct in s 1 1 1 i 1 1 JT the m .1 y 1 n t i have "centre. 1 to complc ate oar r with Mexico the rLhtoj w.i', act 1 itiitejif, the Mexican I - .'in! ary 1. Indian tl.-pr-'l ation- en the 1 1 .i.li.i . 1 1 at inr .1 t. lined an ant!.' nth- .. the in-tin. lion- j i . t 11 to liin. 1 ad Sin 1 the ii.. t!,.. 1 ,.f ,lt all tbi'- Wi a- ll.e at pro,,,. ..it..! b I la "li,t a Sr. 1 ' v. r.. I trdii.s. 'I'iie ii,;i. w ing p.-. r, t by -n ;L-'!;...l:i 11 granted a m a v t half M ir! 1 1 loilliiol,. I I that ail fi-l, ,-iie J-uicha-e l.etn-e- tbr n-ln ri-, a f .re the Ani.-r-1-e ti.e result ttoeild be e .lo tions, a to the I lion, to be as ! !! tiell. lia l.il, a and in-i-t on ii," I'nited St.,! - ,,; railroad al ,:i t in 'I he I'niied Mat, lit.!ltli--h all eiail.i Mexico a Celt lill ilian dcprctlat ii eo the ad t ant 1 - ralio. luetit. il i- ll mil the 1 1th iiitit le of ti,. dalgo treaty, r. udcrinj t lin of n.i.it.iry t . a'. 1, ji dcr t.o 1 1 1 1- 1..1-. arv 1 h-l- our ealiii.t t tu, lie the a.; e lit e I i! .v. -I am rv hu ll -t ,'IV Votl . ' ih" led to ken o.n ,i cut is that 1 I. h I-lli-ti '11, 1,1 ...ll ,1 tra- IniliOs.iliU t him to order nis release. Mr. Itrowti, in his rejoinder. I'tirb. 1 .1 be generally received as truth. Mr. Mitlag, deelara'ioti whii h M. Co-ta ,;i,je in hiseoinmuiiieatioiiof Deeemhcr hi-t,sahi ; !'" 0,1 '-' " reijUll't.lrl, "I account fur the phenometion in thi, "s all.' 'tatKe to the Kmperor of An-n, 'way s the hand has a disposition t. rem. ""' taking mi oah of allegiance ,0,,Hi' to ilm bo.lv, as the .nu-clJs that extend the I ' ,lUl! '"U'J f -Wri. 1 . .- 1 i - 1 . 1 .t :. 1 "If. brown also aiUs : " arm bceotne latlguctl, wlueh takes place 111 I " a -holt time ; there is a pulling; of the corner 1 ' tu "(-;'' of expatriation and uf Matura! "of the table I hell towards the' indi t id ual, as Nation is reeoguied, I believe by ll. I,,,v " well as a downward pressure, and a pulling, i ertnncht of Austria, as mil a, l.y otLor " towardsthe right, as the right hand is upon Governments, and it seiin, t ,11C ,ut "the table an I i- on a better sulfaeu lor j ( rt hoi.il again 1111 Iitionin tl, Ultal( " pulling t li 11 11 that ot the lett, ami Irmn lis '' tempi rat are hat ing caii-etl a acutini, a l-.t " -tit k- to the table. '1 he light arm is iiioie " On r more couinionlv rmploved in pulliiu', 1 tar a- the u l.t 111:1 v ui. crate 111 In 111- woabi l"' tuts (lie body is ; whi.'h Ih ' Austrian Cou-ul to c!lccl it ) ol the Mini tra ami mo ai'otit ti.i" phenonn nun, ' l.r.-t t.i pull, i 11 w hi, li t'li-i 1 drawn b;.c nn the 1 i-h', ami mote I loi aid 'on the bit, ni' I 1 i-i-i the left haul t ' p i-h, w bile I he 1 i-lit i- pull in.' ; wit 1 these loiei - tl.us appacl tu ,1, a .-mall, ii.hl table 1 I,. ' 111 ur- In a tilt ...'. ' tli. it I he w ill 11, :i v r j .-rt in t h ' may be t -t 11, al 1 d , w h. 11 w e ' bllllo II ,-,. ,,1, ,1 ;, ' hid I I , t w, 1 11 tl.e thini ' 11 ill 111 it c 1:1 11 rious ihi I he pott cx;i. llllel lin t that a end of a till .1.1, 1 and I'.n- Lu.. 1, l tlolis at the W ill ,1 ul-li h. S tlx true! lr "i, iiibt l..r i'-d par ,11. 1 ,,f i:. li t .lli. ;i:t.-. I 1 ' T. i 1 1 1 1 1 I - j 1 e ; i, ru a- la b iui.il v l".-r and t , -K.i r . w i:1, M of i:,, 1 . . i. '1 1.,, 1. 1, will l-i ...-tli ;,iiv " ot him w In I, 'I I, the ti,rt 1. The' North Ciroliiia Whig aiii.-le. of Fai a!ay and M it lag, at c un panics tli. i.t witli e online. ti-jui which Wc take tl.e 1 a,l v, in ;. ..t I : " W in ihev tiii- in-.e.iij ition will re-ult in any .ra 'tit.il g -'l to the di-tiny f man or le t. Mlit.la: 1- 1 lilil!.-. i tin' , 1 1 . I" of 1 I ilig ti.e bl.-t I . e,i-t ,, o, , l,i ,,,,, ,.)' atl li :t 1 ii l.t. 'i i.:- I. .,, ir i-j i-l-y due l l'i ---or Milla.', a- b i p. iiiaj -, the onlv c unlort to il'tell.-. . ii out of it, may b ate i ll,, .;.,. v 1 1 Hint lit and e iui.ti iiii.il. . ie nun j ii.i, ii, nar i!, n l) -!A...r. Kta w hieu in; ba- b en al l ol in v al-- int. -ti -uiiject- lio t ..pi. y -u : ru I re-ult hi an. " r-oii- t ii.':i,o il i.i t b ri fi .mi a sieg.' itioii in lli i-r al.-tnl-c il -re lie", w lm li r in !y . .i.i !- ! . -ii. M . lo the: ii- ii..' .I-: ' - a t ial , lo. ,11 tie- . '1 anil: Ml'.V I'll ASF. I if I A I la I t.i li, V 1. JI ii i hr- l.Ul.f... .-liiii-.i i y ol ll,d..l, l-ihii, He - 'r i L.t. , ,,- '"e-i t i ill tie,-- nil w ti, tl,.- j ro a a I pro-peri ta i' ti." ; i-ioi-d, u i it. i.t---ary enrv tai T ' e ti great i. in the I' ..than of f of t'.r - U i 1 H If tl . . ii.- r.'i-ne v o; , j -'h-iluiiiy Oct alvin -Oplc h.tie fill I il-fvd the live-, the In a'th, eitizeli-. We I .-1- I iioiad- aj.pl.tu i i. er- to -npl-l y bo in tin I this pre-el lor V V li io WI,! H--III!, atevi 1 W. I:,'- I or. ll,- My ill' t'-r- . -: v. r': ..! n, t With a In We l :t ti.i f ni"- ,f a' I trf .w 'it.' w t :. i o I v. -1, 1 i' I., in it- . ,;. - n- nta.i ni v t link that t t eo 1 in t'lil tli it r.i in .,f t ...1 . I. -i.t. ..I t'-. - i.'h t a. la s., t li' t .-it tiie . r a... : and h.i-i- l.ot I" in.' r if d.-tiei-I'-etil, i-,tl- II .a. at ii.i- I.J tie- EI ctiun in Teiii:tt'('. Kriiiiirky. 'c It is '.oar-' r iad ol. iii lot l.lis, I,. ,1 H, ; ; . ; - t- If i. n.or af '1 . ai.- .... . ; 1-a, a r .t. . i.t ,y tv . . t n. i .-r i . i-i,. t t.ilifil III tl.is M I;. ,.!;.;...!' r. i L.t t li to l'uLrf',1 'f.-lll til' ?i:Vii.c la K- i.tony ti.e H Jll(., , , . , ii ,,i ti- r t , I i, -.-,; ir: I . . 1 1- lie . r t - :', ar. I. A'.-.... . Wil.-l-.ii. lJ. ii.. r..t, i il. iry, IVi,, r J. i.i.s.-i, sirict. T. I' ll.- ur t't!ii w -Ji ,i.e a II -r,.. n, li Mr. 11 .r!,,oii, l..e- e-oi.-i..iil eeeurrelle m-d Luii-herie, c JJ- .1 1, ii. rt tic t.oii t.i, iot j,.,rl i f i, tiie jot.ior.l.i -. 11c 'had had ,-o-i. e Ijftfe iiee, .-ind no itB re.., pro . t t a , I ih. ;c In t r w u a rli a iii. ti t:,e o-i,t, .t .t.j.aiw ,.- i .U-i ' i-u.J Ih.' r ,t . ,i ; li . t' l.llo ,' ! I ,!..' it no e - u tv ill ui liuirih-rt r,. me pr..,,!, in ii -1 be iitiiotiisi-, it, rv it.Hi k 1 oh,, i i resiMr,.i; 1,-. t. ioiaf mil..- b- en a tl.,M. lrrk I in,. - ea- ,:t. ti. lo or. a, ul lo. st- ol ll.itiii.ore , ti c clhi,u i.i" Jo Ij'bia, to t,.c cii..ir. floor. ,1 .ted ll.ut jl ti.e-M.' i.j... il,i.g rjil. the n.oi-t orototit ji,l c I" o.. , ; ,1 wi ll oiiui' rd blr mil 'y to itthriu Hii.i ..ui c iiisioii for a Mill ..roundel! Hi l..yti.ii,il of l:o t li'liK i .': li nn i... old Li- IrtutcU us In a n.ti'c ueh t tin., where t!ir etor antl e' -.i.oiild llntf :, i.nl i. I, r. si t uu.tt ea ki V i Lnfj i ns that tin- t'.Le of this Lord : is very much fe. lioubt. '1 he ller- piib.isiiii.g tl'i t il-it : ' bulletin. rd Mirling. on .-.tl-, ice of ciniuciit u.e n. trr to tiii- louiitrv bicaii-f it w.'i- i l- .11 hi, h tt inei-t te ir that thi I X'l I: -lie IV prc.s Ins conceded same, in- bef 'ie the f'.f f irgrry of tv his dctetlt ny one w I. ii-i. t- I V If I'lZi- ' ti m n l, and s gl joniy miu I, id, only t j eie i,iit. r and death, rx-n mir I'-T the di-j- i-itioiis of vit.il -pirit Las ab in 1 ,n--. v t.. io -mem "f th" .-.ul i : .'. ial.e II -',rw.l, tiui .o'-'.nu r v Ih.lrie I'.-oirf M a-i. ... i.e.- ti.:i ' o- V. l.e N ..i; ,.. i I : I r- '. -. . 0 lo Au. le.-on.i i r- t, if ll.-ia i.;n - la. I ..lu I le oiu the .-. lot- ill. o nl. t ., J , i. turn i-ik, L A . ) ll .t fee, th ,t -i ' al. i I llti- We v SV-teIJ pra III'- ;' - ail , tilt h- It .ii., iHtiriiiifj -f I-:,..,;-, a- (uieulat "i t . ' of ti.- ,i. a-1. r ,t aa 1 ia. ;! a w a -, , i'i - '- of pe-n-- ii.rr. - al.il. t i th" I a ri-tiii'-d. Ii.t ili'..-nt n eu-t hu .,( loiriiiii ' K'i . It- St i in: ai i.i . s.. T i ..i..l:;-l- o l . I 1. 1. I.I TIll.Ns. l;i'- iorll.O' 11 'bit .if, fr. their a )', t hi-r-judir-. It ,al 1 l.e a 1,. lu . re Il-I n- r M. I ,.. .1 ,i,i. ii. II. J. . 11-e. I ; . Mi i. e o. hiiiii noil" O! hum. i, . . I, ,,, li . iii I.i ..y tal li,. y lonol H..nt r.eei.a nl, il lin y no not i-h tun t .ri and l..eoii.ol,t, s -Iroy o. Hc.il I.-...I, walh th.K dt a.u i,,u. ilif arou.ai I.., v. .11 no ,,o f.jii, ,:., Why 'I t....t io lai.t .!.. ol loor,- v.lot to it i ...i ti ' , .. rs . aai j. ,00100 1 , '. . I o. roo,. f,s, or ct . r w,li ,,v. i .-vaiii. r, Ks.,.. o' .N.m J. p., v. .-l-nnH. ilr.s..,j in,, mi,, .,,'. ,, ,, , . . ,.", ,r,., r,,n. In. I noliiioi, 1 ui ia. 1, ... ,. .. , ,, , .. ui,.:. r lb..- o,,,..,,n .f Ju..(j l.ue i., ol ore 01 ro,,.: 1,, lor iin,; . i.e ,i,,t r, u i., j,ut n Ih. s.- ,..,.lli,,o tr.ii.aii. tioi.a. Unil.lt- . Cll-i.lioi' ol , -,r. Win. I. Ta. I 10. t "ilii ,.'. 1.1. 1 ; Jo-. ;,li ..,.,,, r. ,,l N, J. r. - y ; !...;.-, I I- ,ii,,, l 11 .1,,, nor. ; W ,. M .1. '' w -. ol . tv J. 1.. y, i,, u. I',, ,,, mr, !: i. ,!,'.. ,!,!. 1) lo i. r . it r . I. ill. jj.t. ...ti 01 l':. v 1, h . ii,,- i .... o. r.. i. o r. l,r. ii. oU - hoi l. !y nil- r 0 iurlii-.l Hi'j, lin I, llowin : lx,,ir,,l. Ta .t n, tlo- ,.,, n f Hu. ,,( r tir.o-. liie- use ol a f,r.tiei ti . a mccli f 1.1I .0. i,inu ifi.S-w luik, 01. ,,, ieerlivt a r-.l. I. , 1 ill . br oa till lo to.- Co,;. ,.y . ... I,,., ,.;!., , ,,,,( ! . '. - . loi. r ,, t. , . hrrihrii, Tntl.H s ,,,.,,) Ilf p ,,..,!,(,,. j. ' ; 1 s.' 't-ry r.il'o.ol ( oiu (,.. i.y lo t s I . I,i 1 . h 1 , 1, . ;r..j,ii In., n ill, ,,, o.,,, ,, .., , ,, .t..,,,,,,. ,,v ... h i I, 'oily ti.ii.u,! (ouio ;. (in. ,1 ,, i:,,- ,,r.. 11 ol l' ; 1 1,- ti hi a , ,-t ol 1 . 11 . , r, no, r ,r, ' a eoios,,.,, ,,. ..-.al.. i:.. P. d Ur ,,o I , Lie !o t.e loosl vtvlitoti ft t- , . I- it our - . f. 'I '1 I it iri -. who li ii s if -at I l ir t ii ; t . 'n- of i ;i ll.-l, " '' ':' i': halt - I""' till- e.- i 1 -li ii t-irv loo h.nt a-!. 11, j. -r.-d - Cut 1- -,i try. .f t. in 1- oir.aty., II ... 1 r, ,i.i . . -, by i.e. ' j'. ai, J iir i tt 11 1. -. V t'lf srV"llf ot ten. .11 , I e tl ran , il,.' t' o to i . Si I ; H a l'i I A:,, .1 1. r IV. I - 1 in .' r .t- K Z ., p , 11- . s a;t 4 0,; I- .'i-.j. J ,1. s 11 .'..r. t... I fl r, . I' r .' '.', by i I 1 11 li e Ii ol . .-.,. Vt 1,1 io l ,.o. . , I , il.f ill' a i . r, H 111-. r. . li. t.lli.n ol to. 'J ill f.r.i.a . I'M,., . aim .. 1'ri. I, , 1 I In 11 W t !i 1 li 111' 1-t it V f. ul, I I,.- a t , f-l- M 1 aril ag'-. :. . ,-. ir i,,i- -ra: , 1 ..,'. 1 . ..ill.' of .litbfi (-:,, 'I-. ' .... I U la , I . I t..r. I.,.. . I.. It ,. 1 ill tin I,,., ou- 'I!:..! li.r -11 foi Hi. fr i f ( - o,' It r ll 1.1. , 1, ' o. i .! t, ..,!,, . 1 1 If. I1.1I ,0.. ti . ,,, of II., 'lilii; 1 ,r, aK tji t,os- (I, , ,,, ofl I, 1 . ' ' i-- i" 11 or 11 i ,i .'oj li lo if. ,,u: i .: 11, l,: p.,;, ,,( . y i'.l.i ...a li .liiooi- . Ill 'CKWlillJ. Iir. J ,ii, ( ',l.lw. il, ..n of Iir. finltriir . oi 1:.,.. j,bo 1 . uiii ,. 1 u.lu i.u.ij.. r. 1. 1, 1,0 ,.l . ,1,0 .1 i, urow -- , ... f,f ji a . f y ott I. i.o .i h,s i.uo..,- or, Ti or-ii t y . toe '.'.- k !, I" 1.. J..I, .,f ,,io.,i, ( iaj -. 1. 1 It., i'' d, ht- to . ot.; 1 . 1 1 1 sllllalioo ,, . w.iii riio in a pi . le . li l: 110 ,i . nl l-oli. la- tiit 1 ii I al l.i'I. b b : oj r. 1 I,-- fr- Co :oi t; rn'-lr a oil.- I ll I of i;a-i, t I,,. ,l,avt elf t He r , ilii- -,f t , .:,( tut .. t . r, w I,. j ti.i-i iii jr.- ,, 1- 1 , K, ,.,!! ii I w h 1 vht... fun-, : i'l I, i!, I, , al o l'i,. coi, o a-: j; ,. , , , ; I. tu h ue til ai in 1 in, r. Tl,. I.-. , ' oiM-, w hi'di 1 oC - , di , -,t (. tli ye. ot many a brli-il l r I , on. e op o tli 01 earls lh re -t. , ; 11 it 1. ilrit.-ii by a bay li - I I . a. ,- 1. ;.,i - th" in 'j-rrs r . by i - ,n, 1 t ; bt.tiii' -uu. ; 1 ii, ,1.1 I in a ir- 1:11 in, .1 I.i W 1, A uf lliiifi. - f ii 1", 1 ii I- a . f a b.v (.it ll - ; hi I, iii ! tif , 1 1 , vtalk'-.J n "iri, near- old iifiuriiiii. Ii - U 1,0 A. 1 1' lot, .1.1. I lo ' ,o:.,,., J., II ii. -r A- .. . . 1. II. M - i t 0. -,t... .' ir I). 1 1. s.1 ! ,. H ,0 . I,.: ol I V. , I "' ' North ( - It .-'tiliil s.1-1, ii saysl, came di clued tiie L claim. That en ! lii.iy Ly tlio.-e w Lo reioeio! on 1,1 uiii has fi-jur- ! eouits of Stotiai.d, on t.-i.-il . ihjouiiit l.ts lieee--.iry t) sh from tl. Karl of Mirl.'i,". .reads a rc.iew of tl,i, tiial, at pul.ii-l.ed jttto or th ee yiiir- si in Jnackwood's MagsJuc, iH no apt to conclude that the siiccrssi.-in to the till,; and estate of the IJar'.s of Stiiiin w .-- tutailed uj.on heirs ni, wheria- tic- present claimant ileii.uk his descent thruaoli ii males only. 'ihat evi n his dr-ct i.t tl.r ,uoi ht irs H nink u an entire fabrication, 'i bat the pretend ed charter of Nov odaini s, under which he claims, is a former 1 , an I n.niiot be other wise. 'Ihat "Lord ."-tir.'ing ' only e-caped t.-un idif 11 of forgery la- 'au-e a Seotdi jurv have tin; privib ge of bi iing a Verdict, of "hot j roveti," instead 0,' not guilty. That the present claimant ii n it n eogni-cd a. Lord Siirling, nor ailourd to voir at cl.-e tion- of f'cotch lo pit -r .tjiit,; I',., ri ; nor allowed to take any potion of th" a-t I r .j 1 r:y of the K.n,- ol .stijino, which i 111 tl,'.' hand-, of thn 1'iotn tJflicir-, waiting lor an I.i ir. Jbit r 11-11 were Lord Stirling's title ever so gOod, Wr hair IIOthlllL' t 10 With it. If hf ha- any 1 a-t- at ail, it is iigaiii-t the Ihlli-li t'.'.' I I li" lit. His re. 'lf I that the I Hi) .1 .-tat..- hould att.-n, l tn -u-tain him is -im-ply li'iiculoii-. Ilir ,r.po-iii,,u that the Ijo-.i inn, .-lit ,,f the I'oitnl Mat,, imbator to g. t out of its treaty ol ii-ahons by an', -jrj, l.a. k wjinJ.j a, t; ,,i foil , v j, ,,. 1 al, 'liated t.i n licet lii.d, honor on tin- m in who a'lt.Hif.s it. in air, ('..-hi. I .in, l'i,.,. to -ay, the Ailinlni-riatioii in- iirn r f'.,r a lll'.llli lit ('celiicd the proposition Woltby e-in-idf ration or iiivc-'iati- li, no tun pa rt III i- ,',,.' liUoiii ,0, A special b. iier of i!i-.p'i(ri,i-.s fr.,.,, the h-l.ino njuadion, iiriin.1 m the car- this rt, h.i.o, anil j iona ilfii ,,t llV,; f, tli" .- t- 1 i.rr o li.r .-.-( rrtarv of tin: Navv J.i.l,,. his ln-te, our mijht rra-on:,!,y - t 1 "r.ui.l ilnpui t Hit ; hut the Mil,-.i--p,itrhi;s has not t ra n-pi 1 i d . of I'otta atoiiii.. Iieli nis t r.t 11 a day or t-'.u -io r. i.t a ti-it to-l.v. I it:,, l.t ar tiia' tin- I'jr.-idei.l ad- 1 II y tliro'o;h their int.-rpi r- leliow- were iudueeii to s and e .1:11: ( .1-1 1 v -'ini" xhibited t ii 1 111 about th" eoun. lin.' l,,r -Jo ( 'iiation 'lid not 1 ay, li'ioli. d them at. I; ,-toli. l ill. nieting ll,!; re-t t r,-. etiiij a ii-uta f'T the I '.ti-i lie railway. I 1,,-.-oul iind here the north' i h t' rniin :- l a tiiat shr (li-likcs; and "ii toe r; tint aiiti-slairry m in fnl I in- fat t that lno-t part . t tlo- r .11 thr j.ih In trrritory, M. ., . h .prs, will lind in the a It .ii.i.... t Ini 11 Malt s will reap Irun tli ill ihe ptM.pt ft ,.f a spir.iy o-,i.! liity III-Ue fir 1 lid i a 11 tlrpi id ..t ; ui poiti-1 In) en. nigh to indui e Ir r t . I I- ; ".,-,! In i i o,.t to In r. t I IHliri I. U-ll,, I I- ,11 a.r, 1-1,1 I I, at i-: bin tri ,,,i,a b .,s of V 1 i t 1.-M it.lil I, I at iln t I- N o I t tl .- ii. la Ai, II p. lei, j the lil',1 1 th,-;.. : ,-i.avi: TKAi'i:. in -Lives is rrferr. 1 to by r i;!i r, w h , :u t!n,t 1 L artir I ii,t 1 Cuba, : i'ir 'J lo- J 1 1(1 - li luiv. . 1 red the a .0 at in t: iniii urrc ! I, I lu ;!, In- :i"r:it were 1 . ..n I tiie terms ,,f w i' h tlo- 1 1 . s ana tb alei , sh itt in a. to be p. nd lo i ry ildult la !j. "o. n an 1 1 ir! it. i, in pi p it. 1.. I. 1, it ! 1 uti.ei si 1'. .1, lm. m n li ny demand upoi,(,,ii Cai.'.b, f ,r II. it" I.i . rati on 31, ,1 re t ,il; li ,,. I'd I il iiai.l. '''ijr'u u.jJ t 1. Ul, Hi 1, f Turkey, after the ait of , , ' fiance m ide by the liovcrinnciit of tu. -liited St lies as being hot 01,! v a v. r t ', Ial l u .ation of thl -e silllle lights r,f Jj(. i. itl.ui i'.it al-o in consi ipont c of ,,, e cc-.ioii, ui u nam 1,1 re-p-el ;u l r. ward.-, my government "I which . -ion will l.e removed with I i !l. ulty , B ; not leave your exe.-ilciiey ijliuaiit ,,f , .ri ! d:ng tacts ; but lather, by i ,,iau,T c.ttiti.' t l.eiii to your 1 ctaii 1,1 . r; . mi -uf of all the responsibility ii, , , air. -1 01 1 --ia, and 1 lie con may gr of iv Il w a- 011 I ri s. -ntiii the i'o,iila!r t.f the I 1. Hi il n a at . .uy 1 lift, a litl to Ihi- L. L-al, ai. 'I.,' the said Co-la was f.irt.i-hed will, s ;. I.i -!i t ) e one tu Con taiitinople, a:, i ut to .-llivriia. V. lit lie,' he b.l to ilart ,r , .rk. Since hi- arrival at S.i.vn,4 i,, . re. 1 b d iii Turkey lind. r the' :. . . t i; my i - n i rniiieiit, and it i- a p.. t -.. ; :.. t-i l.e able to statu that his c..u iii ( (,.,. ways be, 11 ii r. pro.ic'ii.ible. His , :, Ins native lat.d the only crnue . f .m 5. he is aecucd leads him .declare ,.. lUajt an Hungarian, and to -tit. ii . wi-hrs ni n to me. t hi. death - . h lu ''-iiirlu.i'-iii, Mr. JSr n Ti lit. -I 1, : t- re i ui on lu hail' ol the pti.oti. f, , J II Hicr with which Would he ). .,; ,. 1 I ., o , l'rr-idei,t of the Ciiitrd Stat., with. .'... faetiuii, and prevent the painted aal . i'-i. ordmiry ii. w , of ,i, arr. -t b v. ; . eau-r ol the inn irupli.'ii of ll,.i-c It, 1,1 I'eiiiigi b-itwi-'-ii the re.-jtictive 1 ii:-. 1 which, b ' says, ,e siucert ly ha-, it a; L -.1 ; i . . out il" iiifl lo c jlti v i,lr. l; IC l oi Te'-t. ,f ht lei II ! 1, a". Il ti, t-.lll-e- f 1; . i. r 1 liat il ,1 ill" flOlll Sli I 'l l' lli jeet of hi 'i ho con '.till ai I it. the 1 I e-cnt (lie ,-t.d tl.e tt-r. 'I he leave tln ir W lot" ., tt ho t,V. I th' V a A London paper brins t , n.in I th" losing eaiaous coincident : "Ull the 1 - th of .Illli", 1-1.1. the I ii.-h and I rciich win -1 1 . a . . I m ,i. conflict at Water! , .. 01 lb.- - m .' of the same n. .0, th. in 1 -.1:1, 1 1, Jlu. and 1'ietii h tl. t t- wrr" at a e-l, Ilardaiir 11"-, ( iiga'- i in a eou n On the I Ith ..f June, I - . .., tpirrc l tin- tra .p of .. n ! r at l-'iif'll.iifl. an I tin- tw , in. 1, a Siib.-f.pii n: intirvii-tv at Ill-it. t. a. to vt l.ether t ri t !, a . I 1:. . 1 I, iimlde 1 he 11 1 ..il ,-,.ter ..; p; -ix years lat.i . day t r i!;t. tie nun s. Kiiglaud .ind I-ram-.- nr. inn, d t ri -i-t ii I'liCrOill lill.l l.t- of tin' Mu-. .Vile. 'I ,e , I her of Ab- llel. r and tin- 1,1 pi. w of N, pole 011 do Hot ai l in c ,1 1 1 . I ,: 1, i, , i,,r I hat a ball e. i.tiry, li.iio-u r, -h .a! I pr" d !( -in u ( han.'e . le t -in pi 1 -, 1,, but t t iuiiri.jci.t i. ot date- i- .-ti ii,, PKAISKWt iK'MI V 'ill.MlK' f-l l V 1 1 ! " M A , III We see by li.r N " ll V lk I .' . I ,1 the fiiii ii - ol N i vv V a U b.-iv . i ,i , ., , I 'I til" r ... ! of Nl U lllirllll,. V. -ev.ril ilf ii . i lu:. 1 -ul,-, i ij.tio'i- tii it re al flHO, wVinr li. a h'.. ll, Aeli-i- ,v r the St. Nifbuia-. II, t.l. pn, . Jo I. ',j. speaks V oi II In. s .,- ll,,. hi , i a,, I , ol tic Now -olkrr-. jLli'ililoi -e. We . lakl'l lot ii-tirr-, Wit, i a siiiiil ir ,.i j. ..... .,;,i i, , - aiiaady -ul. -ei ib. I . I ,ii i ' , , ; ,' i I , 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,, has iiNo luri.i-ln d iilaMi 'J l.r (;,,, ii th'. lilies ui Savannah hat o roiilriholi d .' I . 'I-ii. VV hy ,,, v,r le t If iir lioui our own uren ( "it v ' Sui h ut. r. dound in . t c red- II .lby to ilf . - p. i !.,, riif ... Il,al. r .-pr i ity . but win ii nilv.i. it tlr v air cai h ready to 1 ?.t. i,d ll,.. , .,,,,( ,,j ,.j aner and r i t f t t tli A A v. the ol'l-i Ms r Nii. i: t"r lo an lia A I.T K II C rn i:s t"l . !',..' it w a, , I' ' :i" " " ' " If I. HI. ,-f had I -'.-.v. I up ii I i and .s ;. at l. CIV I c -t. Ill-ill r r. ! i tiii" til II. Scott. ai- t , !l h tf.lh 1 1 be, I, 1 til !a' of one. . ,i.' li- III", w HU. oil. . bv tif .- hi!.-, I oi Nf i ill J -. Tl. e .' -, ti...! I ill I..... . '1 he ,r ariii, i.i 'Lily i io,,,' : Ut a.l !, l . d, and b pationaj b. I.. .,1, l'i- I. -- ba -u in a cople of ti,. a.i l Ca-i'c I VI itil l.f 1,-1. I lo.l- 1, rt liai.t. and Tri '.Mil-, 1 1 v, e tin d, in: smviina l, c in. II ta A M thai bill el ve art,, i oj the t.te. Ini: " or l :,o I, 11. in to tii" Ait! lie e ,. t I til " 1 I ,1 1 1 , ' Cl ward, M lie li pr a ( i, . It A I'l-. IK. f III t.i n tl lu,,,,, hip i h kk ( ir Tin; K(-.- r a ah aiii-i.:. Hull t iiKKIli'l Kir W v I I,,, l.t,.,!,, wr -i e !r ii , t le in the I nioii, i j . i i:,! j ti.. j ii r. in -p. akin.' y,-.t. id.,y ,,f (',- I ' -.' " i 'ii:n. I p,n rcetirii t oi re -p on, I, on-f: b. (wn ii the I ni;, an I Au-triau ('harg. - at t' n t-,,li tin I lh.it tiie former r. l, rred to tl K-,--!a inv ing f on, ally " ri u "ii. ulaiie.- (j (1,,. Kn p.r., r of A i-!i . .. i i.i : a it '. ' . ". . . ,'.. :,, I. ..if,'' '.' ' '( i,a , t,.:, ., of .( . , , fun-:, tilting tin- ground of his (li- , il.tliii for K i-ist.i re. ase. 1 1, in th.- same piipf r, that tin- arret o! K I V t li.- A i -1 1 1 a ii a if t ti r ity , " up .11 L. tr.ll soil .,' I lilk.y, ' 'I' I hi' iin: r l,i, . 1 nil , re-'iiriliil N tn.vi riiioi :.t of the Cut. 1 Mu:i-i,,l i. i a a I .in. il 1 lolati .li of t he 1 it:h' , -.nt i',t, , but also, in eoii-cipit ia" "I n ii.t. ic. --I .11, a a Ha.it of n ;:iri and t- ' total. I in v I io. t riiiaei,!," Ar, Ar. 'i tills I. He 0,11 . w,; Were led t Mi (' poo tlut '.-t i,,t. if ii-i. 1 i f Mr. Iliouu was La-, i ,.; 1 the con -1 le, 1 ation tiial Ko.-la a ris a tnt 11. i.-d tiii' ii, and art-,1 din ! v t "I "' " '' An-tii. ii, . I 11 1 11 r e, in r latioii t , ih. t 1 tl"' II iinga 1 i atl in 1 hui.'e, in hi, ' oi I!r ue s , if. pre. -1 :i fl . a V at .-10 t 1 1,1 ; o.l-l-... d Allan. i.. Mi tier at ( il" o . Ih - I .1 " . ; ilULloii, cl bc- I1 1 t1 II-I lil- : (' , ta a n, the -li 1 1:1 N I V V . !-, I, ,.te-.. l-t Ilf Hi I fl,,. t ol ll, I till l'.-tl ii- to Mil in 1 -.'i rt. till lee our t 0 a u I I. mi li t 1 L n tin- .itioll III. t, d luiiy I O S . f , hi. pn,',.-. 1 h. I 1,1 . I Iliell ' I had ..ij.re 1 n.-l I - I" I if to 'fur' 1 e h id 11 -I I n I.i (Irr vt l.i.'ii he A in. 1 11 an t it i t taiii. .1 tot, 1. III-, Irlllti 1 initial ny s I - j I- r our Lm, n- I 'l with ucii-hip wh, ioi. in -m il 'ill' that In It,. led - i.llicr tint lie t r.v ar 1- 11 If I , t iefL the 1 i . Id :i eh w -I"' ... I I ,- t, 1 ei-e ' hinl all a- bi, i not !-. oil,, r 1, h" ell our country on In (ur lio, cr i.iiien!, I r lied lilill W llh pa could ( I111111 prat. 1 1. Ii : but -ol I.i, .!, i ' i Ui n- r l a i i leu I"1 ' 11 aii .11. 1 1 -' i -1' I hi- lllt.d 1 I llh. a ria II nl i.I Ki al. '. Is pi run! I If , - 1 1 1 I 1. r.i- T- i. I . and r. rd -i t, r. ays re-p- he t 1 th- w , lll-ll, 1 r-aii :,t-.,!s,-t f.-iii t and vtiii itiiV . I s- ,t. p- t Mini Mai. iiuiie.alfon but .1 I.I ol d tie 'Jhc t itig in-taiif, lia nks : " We -a iv per-., 11 w If, I v.i lit V '!' O'll' - I V ill- . huiidl-e.1 d, dial-. , 1 1. b i! .1.1 o I-. : it's li, ll 1 eh; i d II, If. 11 .i-int ol Ib. 1 . : t.. ti no', r 1, 1 ii, , - i .t I . , ia 10.. 1 1- i.s i dl'ie i tl,. JU11; iity lii'y made their way here, ir lireat hitfl Pa tin r to send heiti mini ill-. a 1 11, which will plohably be no, n I I V 1 )((' 11 111 11 1 :, 1 ! ,-,i tiil-l "ti -taifiin.' t A I v.s i:.nns. 11 Tiii.r ih r r.-iales the ffiotv- ii-ii iiiibi;,. of S.iviii ' 1 .-day III, I .. ,1. of ,, ,'-ar. a."., d.-p i-it.-d in nibs ti,,- sum oi (iin-e ii, cr tiial t,ior it I, ., j lop I -it " ,,,- l!- 'ay ilf ini, -n -t -el. l.t and t that her tin moiii.; hi i.D. vi , We ('hiimll, III!' own tic 1, the, he ai.tifui sp. a ii. -Ti.. lb U;t-i I',, Our K. vc!i nn si's. r of 1 iir fret b. VV. dr t, y lie- hail I a lilt! V " .1" ,,f a.'.-. Tie-y e!t if a f'tmilt ..' ,1- hair a ! ..t 1 r. tit t vv r- a.-, 0,1,1 I " o, niiir. l ie ia lilted boy, ten or ere all tiiat li' h,bl-t Wri'k, IIUIII-, lfa.',i .(ur.-. . . . a .. . . . ti- leii nn-1 a if r ; thi- tva' .-.. ... s..,-, j . f. 1, I tie I nr.' I .tie I Hon-. Mm s. Iba, I ,, S . U. H . ( .,. M r. '--n f iiiiji. ,h t , ,,, lioo. John A. io.'.,.. ll- ,-., r I ot coil,.-, .11, ,1 a f! .lor. of (be . .11..: .. ill, I' Ss. ,, f.n an t , l.e I. 1 -. ,!!. li. Si,,,,,;,, J In. I-. Hi,,.,,, . t. ii 1.01. ,., a r I o I d bv lio, i.y I', ol . tvas th"' but f. w r, t 1 us. t oil li. oouol. It. u . ie f. r t oiler. i ...l, L, I. e,,. r, lio. 1 K. II. lies. . . . 1 loi S I. in i.i u l.r. . o.i,,,.-,,. in or . a r ,. ;. . ',y in. S. .,0 , r M ,. ,y of.f , 11.. old t tin ra inn. I, , arln r tit ah ," 1,1 M ;o- lm, 10 ill, o viUiw Fcvi r in Atw Oilrans. V ,- barn fro nt tiie S". w rr.(fiH I'i.av.inr lln.t thr loi . I in-..II. a ,y (lie yellow frv. t fur the na.i.tl, ol 'Aupiift, loi- I I Ilii. W f O.-.'.l.'i. 'Jorivr oifr r" i.a 'b I,,,,,,' n.'t i i.f l he- j r, I tiftlr. ihat Haiti r-lfl 11, . M I I, ,. til; ill. le ,.tt,lt,,,t, to wri.iii ' m i.ft. itl cw.Uii.ii tlHiell 1 and a th, 111 i (JiJlir. (loV'-iiior room, of New J, t cy, is h'-re lo Aing over Ine n cords of t!." Mate I'r paitiuint with ri-fereni-e lo I'm ia, pi rpar- ?!'" V ''"" 'or i,e, on, .1,1 hi, ..-,,.,. f,(iJli,j ou ,;(, ,)f M . An,, lie - in- ir jin Arvv jori, on thi i .lli. loung Arthur Spring, of Plnla 1,-lphia, ins la -t-ii app-iiniod an ii.-i-tiiit iiie.-rtycr in th" oflin: nt ti,,. !( oi-. - of tin: Tt" i-iiry. Sundry I e liie cl ats profess a go id deal f indignation in the prfini.es ; but it would be diflicult to i-iiiipi i v ; upon 11 hat good ground tin y ba-e their 1 Ib rve-ceiin. I I'jiu Ui,. zkki;. i-oii at tar present 1,, aiif i.l incur ui I ourd tiie Audi -i;m hiig .,1 war I I., ln-te, on,- ,,j w ho had bceu ilc j " ' lit-r ttilli oihri ve thi- ("llllitrv in a- -. di d w ii :, lb, a,, t , (I,,, . ! If to ,k ti,,- pielimi. d b, r ,11,1114- a ciiiyi u of i tiiat i , In nn Ic a f r .1' aii ,.ll ;i. to any m . - 11. -n i . 11 tt halo 1 1 r, and took 111 of all ,-.'i-ll,rr to tl... (iotfii,. I lot. d . t tt,--. A l. vv mm, lb, 1 1 r to .-my I ii.l Irom New tb" ib -ii-ii of ,'iaiii proc cdin" i d Slates. In the niteino. 11 of t-, W hilr -eated o, lb, : m.ll in l of Wa- suddenly -, t llj ol, ,e ,01, ,,. I.-, all armed, sai. ,, I lor that pin p ,v the r b 1 villi; bit 11 1 - ha 1. by Mr. ns rl !, ,-oii, in tl,,,. upjier pail of I.iiiirrui Iti-liiii, near tin SpHit.iiiburg an I I i 1 t uv ilia lm,.. '',, ,( the paiti h-s wi re liiuf a- larg,- and niur h ; thicker th in a linger U iii. The r vvrre 1 louii'l ill the sand an I wa-lfd out by means of till pail. It it thought (hut He- work-i ing will be very prolilahh- wleoi machinery j is nj, plied. (im in'tlc l',i', ,. ' j Hu t , , 1 I ,, mu Ilia , r ; .wit ., tl," 11 1 .. 1, in. nt of ., iii- M r. 1 01 k, v, nn t 1 tl.r I nn ll..- s'l-t ,- .-III ', tliil. lie ..'.I 1 n 1 1. 1 in ( i 1 have I" t li fliinloy A.i-tn.iii 01,-ul ; and, aft. Ileal,:. I ii, the ui-l hruti t III ovt t- into tlir ,. :i( w here in.! t 1 Iriiiir and conduct, li i.iu brig I ! ,i--a r. M. Co. t i, on b avin'.' the I 'nil ncei'.e l a, eg.,li.e, copy of lb',- d which he had made there of alb thr iioveriiiiient o the I niled States, and which dociiiiiciit, nmler i.rdinarv iir, lid him to the friend I iloiy upon t I 11, 1 ui ahzatioii ami cilott n-bp , ,l il, 1 i.italloli I, .-ill"; pr, .1 dl. i I ' :!-' 'oli-iilate a f Siiivilia nifl the b 'i'b n ( '.ui-talililloplf. 'Kos-lil was liiriiii.il a Ti i.i-r. it ( Permit) ' to colli" to I :'';'. tl.e. pie, :t li I ta ret.irii t.i the I liiteii ..''' We maie this ( j,piiin:itioii .,r tin' "'' 1 "'' '! enaldiiij i.iit f ad, r- uti-b r ! n. I l: -li ii,- po--lion of ,,.-la in tin- nil.,11. !' I nnoi rails it an " ahoinab u- p-i-iina. u' it truly is. Tbr fondue t of Au-tru i-. ' 1 "'f ever, not thr more d,deii-il.r 111 lio- ii' the mall. r. Sin' Was guilty of a li " t ti f oraiit violation of the iicutia! light-"! ' ir' lo y, a-, wi ll as ,,f gro.s if 1 -r " t ' ' ,? ( loveliiuunt of the t 'nit.d Mat', '' '' idea i.I In 1 sct kiug .'..' or "'"' ",'"' the Inth-r is ridiruloiis enough. I p ai l:'" point the National Intelligencer, i" 11,1 luriits on the I nioii a nl tit h , very J i"i oh-ervei : '' At f.r Atl-trla's dcniaudiiig t' I ': "! for the net of Cu,t. Iicrah im, she I" c- I 1,- ti m.i' t-i.r net of dpt. to.i.o.i.r ,'i,eil l.v her i.tlti (I, lllillll'IICV I " s I - -V I - . . lie 11111-I come n" ' " if n n I'1' , We ft'' 'r" ,f Kil-.U if 1 bo il h as w nit. din lo the A Us ui Stales, -duration giaiiee to sceiis redress o us with clean hand.,; and, unless -I Some treaty stipulation of liie I lior.int to warrant In r arrest Smyrna, Inr 1 ,-. I,, bun lln r Vork would Aiiienean sol t ,,l b ,,l no mure ri-.''1 re than her Consul m -v " have had to Mfe I '" I. The facts of the -1"1: l,ii,py to lind I.y the letter hi J11"" urn, tho eoiidiict of Captain In:' 1 yK. Ci.i vikns. It is laid Ihe result of A mini rrct iit'y poked his head out f, 0111 the Alaoaiiia i".'islalive, cleelio,, is iioriin-t "behind th" tim. ..' Leli it was taken oil the n tim of Mr Clclucm to the Ciiiinl tvirtaU ' 1 tutuo S.jnalv. . - Jo. ... . a,i,i, 11..,, . ...1 1 . .1 . .1 1 11 II... ....! 1. ti.rrriilii" . ,, , of,.,,!,-,,,, llM,i 1,1 in,. 1 in- ji 1 j - . uowever, urn niiroiy r.uui' 1 - ly aid and con-idei aliou of the American for any extended ili-eu-sioil of it, lt iiuinorilifs. j w a,e l,, 1. . . 1 ... . ! 11 1 1 mini or foiieeivril lu re tlmt I us n. er column. dividual s temporary rr-hleiifn in . , ilv ham relieved Irom the imputation ol ra-1 . r -.' 11 ... . I . , I.i.. I. Ill I"' 0 . my 1 11.1 eoui, 1 p,,sMi,y excite the m,. iirss nml ineoiistierateiiess iiio ily ol tho Austrian Consul to Kin h n .1... i minds of Minn! rested Oil it- gn u nt a eaii-e bin, tu armed rulli ins to altnek when he r voir ul I .- hi.,1 1.,, 1.. . 1 hi. ,l,.,,l,i to ihe en'irso whi'li Iii - .- I. I . - ' i 1 I .1 . 1 1.1 .lofell ee,, a, .en .on, ;i.i. hhi, Kjjjjve li 1 111 en ii- i c ni il 110 etl . ue miouiu 11.110 . ,- 1 in..,, ; , . L e .1.. .1:. 1 .nihouiy ol "' Willi 11 e H"tn " emj.Ioy a band of' have deeply felt the re -ponsiiiihiy m him, at a moment' ho was placed, mid it is Hot (.train!" ' . . ! !.. 1.1 . .1 ....l.f f l. ..,. 11 llIC ll 111' U" ' deferred to lj veyril in an ijiioiuinious manlier on l. , .-,1 : views of tho diidonintm autlioiiiy i mu Auatiiiu vttwtil of ar. . . leouutr at CoiiiUtitiaoplu. t

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