' ! i - r. ryM is, . j Wmmm charlotte: RANKING IX THE CMTKT) STATES. LVY lf. ft:,vr lttli r this title u pamphlet of more tli an J tUt ll) VL.U UlUUl ordinary ink rest to the community lias been I " piibln-tied by Mesets.Ticktior, Reed 4; Fields. I v" - - - - - " It i from tliu pen of lleiivy K. Maker, K-q , 'tf:''-Or ' formerly of this e ily, -now of Cincinnati, and , jjriP1 l'l&kl n frenriitiiinn tuiimi'aii, v nn.4 inn lie 1114 --.,rrs .-- -- .j-..,.... - .... ... Vractical piLK'i'kncc ud mathematical at- jHwtit tigfajiple ih the wil.jci-t. Add '. to t&i, lie is master of a vi'oroti'V and lu"id : 'sfcS'iC ..... . . .. - . .ifl-HlU! l-nn-th style, ami well posted in u tne sci f rf W day hearing upon his topic. Mr. Laker regard the innovations thnt have W mcde opon the banking system of uf Now York and elsewhere us pernicious and tending to its insecurity ; and tie regards the l aiikin"systi 111 of MattavhtHctis, at it now t.taii ds, as peifevt for the protection and security if the bill-holder us human law ran make it; the laws under this sylem re- ; i.t,iriii.' thai ' No hank -.ball jro into opera- Tlll'SllilY . ft i'MOOII, l, )t. lllllV (h 1S-W. tion Willi one-half of its -:Iit a i is paid in (. j!d an 1 silver, by the stoklioldcrs, towards the payment of their respective shares and l ot tor any tHlivr purpose, mid that it shall remain in the vaults of the bank, as part of i the Cap. tl sn-d bills cannot bo issued t'.ir mois tlmn 23 per cent, beyond the amount n puid in, hot ran a bank extend it line of '. discount beyond double the amount of capi t.il p..,u .it, hovc'..i large. ' r p. tinam-nt its tlepo-its may be. The stockholder- arc al so liable, individually, !'.ir the payment of all the bill issued by the bank. Tliis last Tcrpii -it 1011 has been regarded' 8 too exaitin and oiict uu ; but Mr. 1 hi ker contends that it is Hut to be so viewed. It partner in other occupations are liable for the !oasi! of the firm. tlii'rftsu. luiMi.ivn- i igciiK tl or vtipsfortune, why should a bank , be exempt from the same iialii.'ify ' Every stockholder iu a Mas-ncliusctts Lank is now deeply interested in the conditio: cf the bank, since be can make no valid transfer of his interest therein it the bank is in-.d-' vent. In i ti-tinlrm The same rcoeoni which indue nee j B ho have bcea accustomed hcrctofjfO to re ' f'.urojR-nn governniri.U to odept tlie rtrjit clnss soiling tero. Jly opinion i that, iu chang 1 does apply tu tlie ix.lii y ind gniiuof tur int.li-1 ing their hummer retreat, they lime inudj , tutions. There the court i!re in adoptid to in-' a bad X-change. X. spire in the people a feeling uf we uiid rivirciici J . . fur their cotcrnimnts. With u ti,u;lil) n tl.f principle whieh tills cur pccplc with a lee id' : thvir jjiiveriiiiii lit, and 1 1 1 .. t tqudilr ulu.uld apeur iti mir tlri-ft Ami in nil mir fffi..l nnd itliciiil rela- ; tio,u And lo ius.-it. i'M ,au.t fe. liu ... the po-1 .'vc appointed a uniou meeting lor pic of other cminlrir., the Hr.nie me .n. .h. uld U-. i f'-'J1'.'1' .......j.... , adopted there in nrdir lh.it thnte pci pic my the i . bi tter miiuire the harmony of cur rvtUiu. I NATIONAL IIUM1LIATIOX. It may not bo known to ninny of our read- li Wit. MAM TIIUMI'SUN Ksn.. is our a tent in H.iltliiiiii , , authntleil tn "hi .m .nin rtise Mieiits .mil -(iii.-cri emu!, und to t:r:int refeipts. IT 1'.. W. ( A I' li. E-i., is mir agent ill I'hlhuii I jduii, :. tit Ihtui il 1. 1 eht.iut nail rtisemeiits a nit pro. t-lire HUllMTlj'tif.l'. 1."" . I!. tV.hiii r. K.im.. t Mir i'lithiiri.'ed aent n r ei ive .litvi rt;semi tils .Old suheripte n- at lits i.lhi'i S ill ii.'Mwti. .i w itfs iilili Fillita ihi.i. . be held at live o clock, in the atteriioon daily, during the prevailing epidemic, in which they cordially invite the members, of all I'hristian churches, and the public gen erally, to unite with them iu luiiubliun them selves before their Maker, nnd in aeknowl cdjjiig His .sovereignty over them, and iu siiMilii-nliinr llim tn il. 'liver thein from the Hue, pr..et.ci tro... ll,e"l...le,Oreiii.,- val. r tI, t ! I o ! . CO that now desolates their city. u.,l.e family puper pulli.li.d in Nive ork,wlncb M,ey lso u.-k (.'hrisliaii coinmuiiities throu-ll-we ihink will bear with xculi..r fcrec up. n the ' (1ut ,,,, a,j ,0 j0;n jn sul,,,iica;g (j0J j eec.inuiiiiy ot tin n ejiiiy. i..iun, e.specunj , hchali ot their stricken coiumumt y. j we invite to " read, learu, nn.rV, i.nd inwardly di- j connection with this, we notice ill the ' g'st" it. Savannah licorcian a suiiiTestion that u dav ! Filly SiMikcii. j We eli p '.lie fi Honing ttnsille rt-nimii.t upon . ry em. .ii.dii but ut the n.unc tune cruil, uiid im- TIIK PROORKSS 01' RUSSIA. There is soinething roully grand and im posing iu tho steady march of Hussian do minion since l'eter tho (ircat fust .consolida ted his empire into a substantive State. On his accession in Hi"!!, it, western boundary was in longitude II.) degrees, and its south ern in latitude VI degrees; these have now been pushed to longitude degrees and latitude .'IK decrees respectively. Russia before he could be pot out. firemen carried him out in a M: sil.ilite wltfii hit wiii eiiiivovfti 01. '," bc Vm tu'Osigbout the laml tor Dumil- I n t t, fjt ,-mit, is extremely doubtful. At twel an exploMon oi eureii, siii iioseit Tnocuim.iss iT t'utr.i thi.t tin- h ,1th ot I be body i urVeeiid by the tute ( jj,,,, au,j prtvcr and ); 0c ..niversal con ol the mind. hen a l' v in uisciised, in a inn. .. . - ' . . ,..,.. ir,...,ii.ehe,r- tiibutioii ot mean to relieve the continued lulnc., s y 4 coi.Ump.,r;,ry. Mis. .M 1 in j aim pressing necesMties oi me tiniiiieu ; a ll(1(.n R ,arrK, f t u vp.e lit i lit it L mt ikliiii i in r tt- u iiit it . in. i - tu i . n .1 , 11. r ii n m v v tiri'in w ci i u ui j'u i.u iv.- t uu- .i.e tu.i,.. t., h.r i:in...i.e dimes, tolls upon s.i,U nitioti. The calamity is one which In. n. U an. I Ueiifis to lit r lleeess.irv hlp'lp : , , .1 , . .... , . , ,. - viiin.i uii 1 111.1 nt.iiii. Mim 1 r.i.t. , 111 in ,11 . .. ...... r she iiiii t hi r Irn mli ; . .' . ' J'""".' " - v i itw i iliOles, a meinler C ON F L A G R AT I O N DE S 1' R I ' C T 10 X OF 1 MAUL MTUKKT IIOl.'SK. (n Tuesday night, 23d iust , about l! o'clock, a Ore broke out in the six story buil ding known as the " l'earl Street House,'' in New York, fronting on No. Mi, and 'JO I'enrl st., and running through to Nos. 50, til, ami 5-1 Water st. The lire origina ted iu the lower part of tho building, but how, or in what manner is unknown; and tho flames had burnt a passat:o from the botti.m to the upper story before being discovered. The first discovery of the lire was of a deiiso smoke issuing from the top story, but before the alarm was given, the flames burst forth with great fury. The immense edifice was entirely consumed. There were about tiro huinlivJ guests in the house at the time of the tire, nearly all of whom have lost nil their baggage. One old er-ntlcinaii. seventy years of aire, who lav kick in bis bed. was nearly suffocated I olas, iu 1-'J5, it was i'H,tliMi,;M(. 1W the treaty ot ."veusta it, in n-i, ami Dy a sun seiiieiit treaty, in liill, she acquired more than half the kingdom of Sweden, and the A NEW KIND Oh' 0uTT0., We have seen, days the York Tr h linn, a Kpeciniun of allow am) very bca t'" fill sort of cotton, brought from ainoi,,, t'l Kino Indiana of New Mexico, by an 08i of tho Mexican Uoiindmrv l!oii,..,;:.. , peculiarity consists in a fine xilkv ki'Ji superior in length and strength to all kind". ... ........ 1(.uru tlmt ,h(j .vi. HiMKiiuniii iui.j Lexas, and 1I..1 had then no access to any huropi-iu sea ; ! t... at wpi Rn hn ,. ,. ' ' ........ mm n ..i-. uu ; litii. .r . . y. .. . .er onlv norts were AichaiiL'i 1 in tho 1' r - ia;i ii !,.. ..i ... .. ... , 1 xitij- zeii Ocean, Aitrakliati on the ( aspiau; she deneneratiiiL'. and not renuiri.... has now access both to the Ka tie and Lux- ,i. ..,.i ti. ..i..... ,. "'JWal . ,, i - . ,. ... . c I r"""i an these inc. iici io .iu.uii.il, iiii.iin, i..,s,s iiv.,, n,,,ri,,s are nroved rt,.r.i,,i,nii .. . Hi.:. .. . . u- . ... . "v ui n, iini.si cneei a rovoiutioti in cotton ni'. i no hiicc ntuii we line ,.., :n , accession 'cxhited at the Crvttal I'alaee. It ..... , "! ... " ' " nrtS I'll". warded here by a merchaiitile house of S of territory, has augmented thus : s accession of l'eter the (ireat, in increase At t! UHl). it was loll, Kl,0 Ml ; at th of Catherine the Second, iu ll'i'i it was lili(l,liOII; at the accession of I'aul ill 17!)(l, it was ;tli, 000,000 ; at the accession of Nidi- )-eu. to he hi,,.. rais- I'llliinit'llll'lil. Tite Pih s; mih t ' .r.iliui m on i iilurpi-ii, -I'd otturwiHe li.ihi's, nit Lpjar..r.e. . A pnod si;n- siU(-,( i tn us iiiut h iinpi-i vtd in lof addition t j these safeguards, the Suffolk liink .system exereises a const ant watchfulness over the issues of every 11. ink in the State, and nut one could venture up on an execs-ive is-ue of it-" t-iil without iin-lu.- iiii:.; exposure. TL author proceeds f . institute a com parison between the healthy and successful i-unking -y-teiu cxi-ti" in this State and the .-aii.ty Fund -yteui of Nevv Vork and , ' '!.i i. and the free tatikiiitf sy-tem now iu ie iu several Slates, ('wins to loeal - ni-'-, the fertility of the soil and cem-rM .r rify of the inhabitants, the system has thu- far wirked in an unohjet tioi:ai..!e in a till'-r i i Ohio. The fre baiikin; system he regard-. Vs rotten. The la in.p -ing re straints are "hut e hivebs in the hands of di-jgnini men, ia-ily broken through and : tieride l. Another ci j- itien i-. that at " en trusts to a single inriividiial a .!e-j. tie paw - ' -r. more arbitrary than that vvi,ie!i th iimi.etury autoirat of th.- bit.- I'. . !n, Wis accused of cxirei- ii by !ii adversa-r:-.;-. The f upfrinU'iid -nt is 'in "tie jo !ge of seenries of the hank, and can vi:ii hold or di-peiiM- th" Lank n -tos, a- j artia'. ty. eapriee. or pr"j odiee tii.iv iiii I Ti.i-rj rv iu the United ttes mor-- t!.. in otic t!;oiis,iii.) V.nnks .)' ei-e;i!ati..p. Mr. ; Hiker regpr fs t!o- !tin!rir,';eity a- a gr-at R!ei ii:. re.i-ing ev!l. Ati exaitii!i.-ifi-..!i of t!i- .Ickiio'.vlnlsciiifiit. f t e forgot i-.-t week lo rtturn nur ueLv.A lie Ms to our fYn-niin oi tlic Steel t'reek It.vn the Sen- . i T- niii' f-me' fur a hdiidftouie pres. i.t id ioee t -i kt , r. si I V i ii t v;inV l-r ! n in lie I s -t.Ve ho ni of tneir r..tei.t i i-lt i f .. !i. li. V e ue ii.rst.il!.. 1... t ti.. l.idie uf let t.iii;Ni.ufhu--d fur-Iilsii.-d sliul fifty h.rge rakes fi.r tin v . - ' . iim t't-.at ti.e ti-.y passed e;T to n.t s it.i'-it.ou inn: dililit uf d pr' e "t. hut when veriitio W ilerei ver --lid aeeti.uiitai.i es, she is vret led thu : " hy, -Mrs, M , hew dreiiUiilllv vnu tin uk ! Yi-ll arc vi ry Hun nnd pah . Vuu must he v. ry ill fur y. tl halt- ehaeed suoV dtllini; ti'l' l.st K vv uk," A.C. 'l iie i-,nieiUeliei. . . Mr. .M re. turn Imim dt ores'ed in spirits, sold s..ys to her rtiMHinn, " I it.fisi took very til im.nd fi-r I cun hardly uieit an acqil.illlliince from home w hit doen ti..f Ii-il tee so." 'I'ttu arc the i liorl- of husband ..i.d I'ioldrioi to kit u the hr.irl ef a w ife and mel!u r eliri rlul. coinpliti Iv ft list r- ted, it nil II in quite to slide tli.-.t the ijdv become linurahlv lil. nt iu ap- ; poinliiig a day ot national Itunniiatton and prayer, .and although much has already i been contributed to the relief of the suffer- : .is, we have no douhjta large sum would; be collected on the day appointed in this j manner. mllt Ctif'iliniun. ' In accordance with the above request, j ; prayer was offered iu the M. K. Church, on t ; Sunday last, by the Rev. Mr. Miller. -V. C. j ine ot the te of ilisen by the pu is recovery u1 o clock to have and iu a few ' walls of the lenus crash. f Limine 'oin- up iii the lie ul by and Lis scull fiac- lues rceeiwug other liiiuiies. He was conveyed away by In- brother fire men ill a state of insensibility, and no hope lis recover v. Antonio for that purpos iniliulcs ,'iltcrw arils tin; Uj hotel fell iu with a treim pel pany No. o", was struck some uf tho falling wall. (,-.ol 'n.-ii!.. is entertained of hi CONSlCNKKrf 1-Kll lt.l,.pl,An T. C. (Irahiim, .1. & C. J. Cottl,., ; .. Johnston, A. Sh.-ek & IS. s;IL,,,b i. ,' " eiiiiiiiiaii.l ol tlie u nil ot I'linami, ti oiu w tueii t lieni, 1'iuter , I ., .Ieiikiu, H. ,v ('., -before she was excluded. 1'y the three ! Kanisoiir, .1. U. (iordan, Sill Jt S., Jt c' partitions of Poland, in 17"'.', 17!:i, and ' W. Helms .V Co., I. F, Siinont'iii 1705, and by the arrangements of IM., Ih Harper, .1. tfc Co., lllhiinA; Cg , ' aeiiutred tei rti irv lieai iy cipial ill extent to A: Co., Murpln y, MeR. A. Co , I'lm nix (; ' the whole Austrian empire. My various wars Co., S. Wcililtnututi, V. Murphe HiicO and treaties with Turkey, in 1701, li'.!, k 'late, C, Hiekeivoii, Lull-, J. A.Vo"'p and 1-1'J, she robbed her of territories e- ' W. I.audriiui, W. F. Taylor, T. Waltoi' K Hi I that remains of her , I'. Harris .v. S , W. H. lbii heels, ('. y , and acioireii :d tho COtll- t. IV 1 f t I i roMb'iTiV id hock biaiiu. Il id i;r l.fvin lf itnos thf- e sue ni n of l!iC Tiiiiss irupt ntv of tii, F.elf-rv, iif txhibittd in thf 3iiitui:t ff it? in.ii.u'.it Uirt: CUirl'ttli t" liUllKfyii-, J-iJ l rM!: W u; t;i.- l in n, l.arg'- luat fTlltiv li i li -l ! f tut t- lll-l li V 'if !l f-fii iu! -oti.v i h n to ti,t Si: hcaje- r.,isu;? i. ol' U!t4 M I N -ritu rti Si .t-i. Th c.-r-liu' n- l tl Ifttiii S n':t V ,.1 ..1M.. yr It V liti V I.M'V b itliii t rut:. nt lit I - i .:,' r 1- r;ri - u .ro : v.- ,n 1 uc ho;-" t;- i. f.' t')t in tn tsr nr-s I t- i 1 y t'i ;r 1. Dfl-r. t!v tu ?t !"' ! ilij; Wt ;i iu bu n tr inaiiiut i f tin i it :m n.ti-t auv m ti:i- it ti .,r So te u-tst'nf and " u . ti of rti v - ntrr. The fale of Virtue. At tirt Mi,'!it, t wou'mI utt tu to I t an anomaly in hum ut art'tjrfi tit.it virtue i r.n ly 'vr Jully rcw ;td, t Lpprcciiitt d, t y j-ul'ltc opmiuii, tin riis the it!- tune ot ti:t agt id prttinng il. But w mn Af ttiitc to rt-tUct tlut tiic hlure ufeil li.iie thcr works "t" influent in ine dmini.'-tra. liuii in uii eiiiiiuitiry c-'iiccrn?' ; tli it jcjhay, cr.vy h. ilrtd. aivt inalicf-, hr lia-if Ji n ral intt n sts tt rvptrM nt, nd tlt-it iituc iii-t-r cuhtii sccnd to mot t ti -r vu ti.o ar na of rtattf ry, fist li'Mitl, anJ dt tr it t.fii w !.:t h wn Ii! or ly a tt niHrtiry in i! ik nee, i. ur nriirit'' it h Drive ct'iiitrud into tnc l.uutii-!-i ?itt 1 'ii ti.th!'i! truth, and our mor t:iic.it; jii fines c-w:U .tioii only in thr unerring jtM;!H lit nt p t!f . ! V . A.l llU't'T) IS ftDid Wltfl fitiiipi" - witii-h X" tj Mii.t..n!iut(,' liit- truth ot -pnitf '.v. It niuf.tr. t'''. il) li.c li' ts of a!" in tiic bi"'i. r- pi. i n of ll Ktnpt, r.tiip. rtirf, ind jiyll'l.V-U S , I It t lit? ii ilJilill 1 1 - il'Ul t ti.i (jutiiii. ill.-I smcii. OIK ft T1 ;.U rt it ji ine utft.Utts; m tiie odiHHiitr.t(itii cf : rnU, t.n, iiiu r iijiou, tnd in f el: m !,iH-,.i p.artu-t of r ry sr:". " ry I s u . Two of lite umt jvi iring is I tu pf. v.; kii ce ut this prrcipjf &t s rv rccrnt Hi i;-t in -" i .V I ! (. AT:.l ;at i ...f r1,,. I i the rriicv, f more tb.-ri fa.h !. will f si;r.;l cat.jta!-. ii i re i:i New V. r a. and Jilty iu CI. small !.,ii.k are tii-iii.ti or of tive tlo!; i.o- . at, j rich iu c ti Ire 1 b. at they Tr:irlv ;. -it I.ieh m-i-f print I oii.. tliird ...t i.i I', in,-. 1- '- " 1 lie li 'les uf ;iii.-ra'l under the ir-. attructi". e in ap-iili.-l' i - inn-!:t -. Sa- fiim''' .A finals (if Tennessee. V h-ic '"en p-rn;rti a c -py --f tnc .!'f v; ri nit A n nr3 hy i 'tr ?n n l J ll-rfy n :;o l r s nei h -tn J u H i i-.it r ftf tneru :" f !r t hi lU.k St ,; , te .i.r N Th i;.,t of !1k p.?t Of. fi-, nn Try on .rf(t. 'Vh wrrU tniK-nt ofT t n ntiin:ru mf-s f I t rmt-l m.. ( r, snfi ll iii ('ounlrv. tiift one iiowip tl- ai:t i.rit in Mr. Filtn.ort aominitr.5 t.'.n N rti', wIrtc ffrnf.r,;. I j i!ca y, 'n y , si.il' nd titht-r evil influr'iccn wt r brMiplit t. -.nti; it, siij tht otif r where u im! J tiat tj.iii, Wi-ff Ct HiE.ini.d t ott Tor h v I r i c . n p" p!' . f t'if p lit r ! Ill' .STI.lXt; AN ALTiLITdMST. An individual by the name of Jeffreys, fer a short time resident at Halifax, up the lio-.id, rendered himself obnoxious, by the delivery of certain seiitinu tits calculated to: arotisf die iie of Soutlieru penple. In sh ut, he was voted an Aboiitioni-t, ami the com munity determined to gi t rid of bini. So a crowd collided and politely ccurtcd Mr. Jeilreys to the Depot lor transportation to the more congenial NtiIi, Ho indicate! n prefercnec to remain, but on the arrival ol the upward train, he vs placed on loard, and ioutid hiuiseif t ft iifie for Wcldoti, miiid the parting farcwdl of hhs fi lion -citizens. " Good-bye, Jeffreys.'' " l nr.-well. old fellow !'' Take care of yoursel' '." l,A dieu, my friend." ' We like you pretty well, but you can't May here.'' flood bye '. liood bve!" And away he went, lajaire and all, as fa-t as. Meani could carry him to chlou. Arriving there, this victim of free opinion hastened to a!i"h', and was warmly mi in iv. ereeti J by a number of crpiaily kind friends, iiit. iice who conducted him, eonliarv to bis choice, arc 1 1 V to the l'ctcrburo; train, ami safely landing h iiuri of liim in the cars, waved their adieus, as the traveller in spite ol lamsclt, sin t pat t!ic vllagp iu hot haste for the Cockade citv. " tjood-bye, Jeffreys : Farewell, old fellow ! ' "A pleasant trip to you,' shouted the creivd, and that was the last of the Aboli-tioni.-t in t!e-e parts. Whether they passed him on iu like mann- r at l' ler-bur?, ami so on to the region of faise phiianthropv slid fanaticism, we knjw not. Wi.'. Jltnnd. SERIOI'S MISTAKE HY LEIt. On Wednesday, Henry I mission iiierchant, ot New a check drawn for "!) I 'J Hank in that city for paym tot.ti, the paying te bllslli.-s,. take iust Cobb, ill en d that there w as . of funds, an 1 uimu A HANK TEE- ii-enthal, a eon- ork, pre-eiitetl on the- Hanover nt. .Mr 1. I' in the liiirrv o paid Hoselithal b'l- by in s -ad of -?J 1'J. l.ati-r iu tin- day , Mr. making up Lis ai.-eouuls, tli-cuv- llte a large detieli-Iiey I . 1 1 .11 tie' e:,, . up. with the check co rn tl di-covrred The tjulie sent after Host ntiia!, and on denied any connection with '.' said he had i,-'t drawn tie1 in o w as s.-nrelii.'!, vvliieh r- -u t.- I i ill SHIJ bill-, whieh after 'I. hf admitted wai a poitiori drawn upon the cheek, and j mistake by Mr. Cobb. His p scirehed, and upon him w i making in all nearly tint sin him. The accused was Jet ination. 1 1 ror vv as were hum tin .d I i a i-re -I fe alter, and His trunk din.' .-"stiii In. -sit jtlon. 1 in .. . . him 1 v w .- I f.ind.- tlilal 111 extent t ) Eui'iipi'iui iloiiiini iii inatid 1. 1 the l.lack .e;i. Letwceil 1-UO and 1N1I, she aeipiired from 1'er-sia di -tiids at lea-t as lare ;i the whole of England, from Turtary a territorv which ranges over oil decrees ..(' . .u itude. Huriiio tliis period ot I "id veins she has advanced her Iroi.lier 0.1II luili s toward. 1 C.'iistaiitiiio.!e, (i.'ld miles towards Stock holm, 700 miles tow ai ds JiVriin nn 1 Vien na, and in. 1, 1 11. ili , towards Tel,' 1 an, Ca lie.ol, and Calcutta, t'ue utiiv iie.iui-iti.,i li"t yet made lhoii.li stea 1 1 : v pusli- it, 1 arm -tiy de-11 iing it, and leel : 1 eiitial to l!i" cointii, li ,n of lis and tin' iti-f.ielinii of hi r !i-i'el.l aud ition n.imelv, the p-t-sfs-ioii ol t'oli-!al,tiii .. .. ;,n I Iloiiiin iiii, Biii. li vo.i . Id give In r the liio-t udiniien hie li.i'iioi- and tin' command of tint le-r-aiit, -..lid vioald cn.ibh1 her to overlap, sur round. 111. naee, an I emi .-ii . a-- iiU. r, . -I E.i i ... 1 1 1 1 . j intii,n . 11s, Ii 1 . hdwardt, ..,wn k H, J, J; (;.. dan, C. i. I lain.-, It. A 31, ii j l,iY, W .r lloo-toii, J. A. Uamsoitr, J. W. Sloekjj,, J. Wraj-.'. W. ti. 1 ;id -y . t ., M.lj. she h ing to ar iliL' it t 1 her va t de-i n.itiii al and c In I In- (.1. ee, (,11 the Id, 11, s., nt. KI.SI ( tillM.II. in 1 ltd II1I1 jmr los ugi; 11.1 I 1 Mill ol An;'. 111 J',11, tin,.. ('. It 1 11 . l.HAt 1 IIV, in il.e I'.'iiv f I,,, ..-e. Me. 11.lv 1., Cabinet Warehouse. st.i)i:i:s 4.v mm m 2.N I 1 'K' l tfift p-ttiiic gt-tn f a;f t 1 1 ,t ji. t,j 4(g J (rf-, 11' oil HiO ( 'abinet liiisiness. A NEW I SE Foil COTTON. Invention, which (joes far to make ti t f il a!mot .'ii rv i rod ueti 'ii .f i.at 0 re, has ;' jim I .1 in a v r v i.i. ie to til' I ,!y and to a 1 v h in il nt tlu nl' n t. b.-r.r t haf-d, si . 1 1 si r . di I'ml so "f'-iit SPARS poll THE FRENCH t.oVERN M I.N I. The S-lma Sci.tiiiel of th -inh snys ; an other large lot of pine spar-, we of -. t, . .., been brought duun fiom ), ll.y an ! li : I. counties, by the Alabama and Teiine-si e Riv er Railroad, and tlo y are to i t; raited to Mo , bile, bv Col, Stewart iieoio, who j., , we -tl.- 1 li-.te a n : .t the hist m-1- 01. in h it.t will be tin t. .i--i s now e. :i-ivelv into 11 I- her, t..f,re t.lii- has used one f t, and ha- found il ! 1 .p.ahty., Co. am in ii ' Oil.- artie Ii, without ,1 Mlbt, e em;. love I. We 'iiniig so fa e in prt f. r-t.l- I The .r ioi.ie fix "ro ev 1 1 y f .1 matl ra--, 11' llo o r. ,! h. . ,0 .I Hie .11 ,il m 'i 1 d, i t e HinT N thf th- J I ah imtrf nt iutr hi v ?'ilt! mm han ! Siilclioards Uurcaus, ufds. t' M 'i V TT .' $ h t . k'."l.",,l Tlo 1. I'll! r (,.'; oii-f he p.. 1 o,u . litre 1. j -hist Il is .rtuf CoiKiuei ij.ile nt' . -11..' - "in i. ty -ca". r. d niii .ug the p..pu!ati''n esterti StaUf.-. who art ae.-u-toitied ix- iJC a defaced and uritilat mI cir-tlo-'. re readiiv ado; tod jut eireu. lati in. lil ike di tributioii is o i-eiiernl. th.it I. - imp iry is -v..r male a- to their tin ractt r. ." ln-t ".;( have i.-curred. in Licit bi'uk 'tills hivi- b- ii j.ut into circuia t .-!'. l-cfjie the bank itself hul either a l aiij.li,.' Louse, books of account, fr even capita: j eoU.iin.T'-e with." Mr. likci is .tpiiiion that if our La Tib -iog iu-;j!u:i-.i.- wojM si let out of their ow n tiim'iter a dtb -gatiou of iiit.-lli''-ut directors. I ItCiOi tttt. t liu sr. iiiirr-teil m ; -ly 1c . r.U Iroln I o Jr in riieu liit. II uoil Vi of ijre le i. i 'I'. IH.. .... ' ,:.! III- M 1 -iii the 104 iMrv U11.H. 1, ', t of .V.jriii 1 ' ilea vi: t,.r of !0, ! set how N uf th s foillts, ale mi As I to.- 1 :..ie- t,.e n-iie, . ..! . t 1 Tt iim . . Tiit- y ..I tiic ...t .1 y ,. r. -jnd i lieritu; t .e m. ny sotjrei is in 'iifiii;. 1 . on v c he (.- ,! .. sli -1 of rti y . . m .. i- '.. i- .: . . ,. o! ii--.- . . fc .- Ut;i to the 1 ar 1.01 t hi w ooli , wt mid uoe-'i a iHsn tieiierul ..flerc in tin ;;.ft r.f I In tii.e lint ot t le iii"oesl 1 I o!i flees n aim p tri' lism til ti.e W h:- Ji rty of tlie jiresilil dr. 1, lll-l it r.oiiio'ts ti.e nncrioiii.g i-ki-iitr r.tnu ii, tra' ti'iii of "ill tr I- ditt'-ri i,t frattii ns uf ti.e pre. sent iloiiiin r.', Dt mocr-tic p.'rty to r -r il y c itn infiuei.et' ; -roi we in. v uirive ii.m.li e..ii..l..lnn from tlie r rli ction th.t the future hi.u.rt of tbc -'We have reason to blievc that Lord country will ce.-Uiu'y 'rii to the .niici(i't. John Kus-cll's letter r-lative to the proito sin; pv.litiel ictioii 01" ti c piesenl W ing pjrty the titioti for a tripartHe treat? bad been an vil to toe pars an ,1 GREAT HllITAIN AND CI HA. The special Washington correspondent of; on thein the Herald rites; that rmper on Saturday to i g'-nti the following effect: have j revio heavy .'.. ti S me uf the we lj-p ever fti 11 thit.11 of the kind i v, the State. Anioti tl. eral thi.t loyked to 1 in 1...M,.' ' Fr 111 triini, 11 t a knot 1 Ct 1 . v , ' 1 1 ie-l tl 1 Xeo 1 tain - iv. f . t -com ra1 iilel I.I il!i it ,1 lnr the Ilia pr. the v it in, an I- ei u ,10 alt -t ef that raili lo in i 1 ii . -ireal 'j. ction i,..nei,i'y urged ' cirb-d hair or h i-ks as the ks 11, .uidiiio from d imps, J . ;t -nn I., fi ,.m curled hair in ".1111111. r, and the lump 1 1 1 1 if of tiie ino-s. '1 lie cotton felling, an d by a pat. M. d pr -s, j.;,, no,,,. ,,' c a iiir-i aiiees, ir. al 11 ay s t I 1-tie. ami will, 1 .oiditiarv care, la-t a hto I an,', Oor 0 il ls " wsy down mi ii M ,l;iut.-i'i 01 " i i pb-as.- in ike a not.- ,f tfi-. and 1 .j-ider .at tie' in , i-iiti,.!! is a f. atiier in their caps, -or rather money in tin ir pu-e. as tin. -li. and f..r the r i'v m Ho-i,il at lir.n.e will ml tiess niateri.tily in. T. a e lie' prieo. We el sore t UUU DLLLMLnD, l irr n it ,irti !a f, try dfi rf ! ji t !' 4r -r to I t. OLj y in tietn if T e 1 tin 'Ui! -(!nf hi 'ii-if rt-M, 3 the N It t tit i IN fu'fiiiirpf t thy nfurii t n t llltf .fl till ItH I 1 1,1 -".!! iiir If 'IlIP, Stoves! Stoves! tlirthrsl iiiirid nl prilse ii.t. restte pstrii-tisii,. Foil TliF ' l:TI! CAHt'l iv.t WI!I' 10 in' 1 oi j iol 1 jiin o e.ui r 01.1 Wlio Wu'.I.i t.. rionieai V alei i;-ei---i e '.- n-- 1 j . eiiible at lio'toti, N iv York, Cini-iiji..-iti. aiel St. Louis, and ioterchaJii e oj.ini.,ris w.lh fach r'.irT ' 1 u t,!:aiici.il u'.ieet-, it wouid pr-obaliy r.'-uit iu hy.t cstaol'shed system 'jf in alia j rem' l.f, whi'-'i w void combiee to the -''e ra! - .''.;ty ..f the lat.l.-. an ! 'h- I 10 Ht uf toe trading coii.iuu!..ty." The author trv'.-i;'i to iJi-cJsii til. various ili-ttirlluir ead-'-s Kl.ieL agitut-; "r mom t .rv ( one -r:i-, tnd c inttrti 1- that umiJ juv ui.lioi in lintioii u! sVstein of bank eiieu'iotioo i.s ij i..r,ted. we Cam lt "-cap tlie c v j is of our jTese-i.t Lett ro tetii.oaus eurri l.cy. Soli.e pernors ma, de ...'tuiiee tiii- J r .jn t of a gem ml hank eoii veitou, wi;!, a vit-w to ui.itv of aeti..:i, a chiuMrhcal. Sr wa-the S'lS.lk liink sys tem deitjun; ') at t.r-t. Mr Raker airiies :,t the co:e 3 u si oi, ll. it w i'.ii . ,,t a t-u 1 r 1 1 .rganl.atoej, v hintarily en ated by the i ..:. -, a 1 i ad pted -,- a permanent affiant'.-', u ir haul. I ig iii-l : Itioll- will continue t hi; putt 111. i. g 1',-bi. s, with t it the ciitrn! .uli wt o .r p,.ui.-t..rv .-y-t i'ii j n tiiu tin. reVvl- V ,. g l-,: ie,- ll tite:r oll.il-.'' Il is iiiipj- .L..', iu tii.: sjjrie.- v.- have a'i-ol!-:'i t j 0 J1 solves, to do jo to ti.U Very ' clear .i.'ld sag 'jio.is ip j-- oi the pres- i,t I a:. king -y t' iu of ti. .- I niu.-d Siaiij. '1,,. s.uti .,1 " otiivial po.-itioti 111 one of th.' ankr 111 Ciie.i.iii ati has civt-ii 1 111a t.;e ii, of w hie u .lly. Th.-ru is 1,0 IIU1.U" ..lAelf lle-ol llli iu Ills r-il-.'-l' en :,ui liioiotioiif. Hi- f tit. li.el.t - are ).: t,- iug th. j.ioii, p'lnolis inter' o in i KU J ui 0 01! f MiMiiilnh Friends. M .oi.i -t -1 riit-r.. ii I V '1 Hi th-; to thu I., .fn I,,; Cuiftjx . .liit-r f r f.n u t i run f-i-ii -jt- iiJit f.jf ' 'oiii,lf y if.Cu - v. r If ti, U, pur i t,o '.r.' : (I . Il.i I. t oi.t I .Sl : lfo,rp, c it 1 1. ipeti- at tue foreign courts to wliieii tln-y are 1 11 r r- .re.-' i.t.itivi s, is not the enst of ,jiir gov iri.iiietit so far e.piai to a monarchy, and are riot the peopi- land to pay it as they ii.e in a monarchy; and, although we may have ti;" el.o ee cf our rulers, have wc not t in-11 tin - alio.- burden to bear, in fact, as the subjects of a kingly government? If luxury and extravagant living attach .. . v.r !:.!,- at foreign conn-, do these gi-iilleiuen, on tln ir rit'iru horn.., not cotn iiuuicate tiiese 10 their friends here, and :ije-e again to their-, until a wide circle is r lound linn. , una ci. swerca Ly .'Jr. .larcv in viil not 1 'ily conviuce - ry of St it" vf bis Want kiiow'iilie as to the distaice be twee I iiitcd Slates and Cuba, but also of In 1 in. 11 1' r. iichU 1. ro st a maimer which English Seerrla of ceoyrapiiicai the n .ihroa,t arj. pt too tires., fa,.t ,j,at ay con.bin.itioi,.s of European its of living that .rev ail ..... ), -i,:,.u ( . 1:1.. . .... K J , . 3 , ,'ltll.u 1411 1 l null 13 I BUII k'J be nearly or remotely affeeted will not be regarded with indifferetiii1. We are furth er of opinion that the tr j!v American doc trine enunciated by Mr. Everett, in his eel el rated State paper in reply to Messrs. Cramptoii and ftartiges, lias been endorsed and etnjihasjzed by the iireseiit adiiiiuistri- ti .ii, to the fullest extent. appearances, whilst no di-.' sition ismntiite tci to assume a hostile attitude on the part of our governuieiit, it is evidei.t that if the threat of Lord John Ilusstdl, that il eat l!ri -tain is free t act ninglv or iu coniuctioii f.tu.e.l i.iuoiig our people? and if luxury with other powers, as to her may seem fit, and txtruviiL'ai.t living are plagues to a re- means that sho will enter into combination pul.i.can f 1111 of govei i.meiit, as our worthy to thwart the policy of the I'nite.'t States, miuu- that tlit-re will be no hesitation 011 the nait bringing to pub of t!,c pine for. bo reeoll.eted of the va'ue of i.s brcmi'l.t from a years aro iuipenetr; tliey then Mood Bvt thfv ciii be cirri -d less tiiii 1; ?! i, w here a riiece. If tie A littoii AlaL f. tras 1 r:.!iv Uf ti, if. rue, h'i ,,i iiiimI Iti'iiti), IP fe f peril ir oiiuot ... 4 i.f .1 n 1 . - flvtl. are s 1- ; . Iu. .11 of I-. and tl it: ! -- fa 1 now ,-t of '.: 1 tMI ti." oiid not 11 - I . I oil tl, I ly litis u h 1 1. I ti.elo at it tl..- i ul ipialiti. , i.t tin , 1 er ma le know n to t to- public huu I red tho r-aiid bales a v ali-fy llo- ileiii.ind for its m: he nrtle.e liavill.' been l'i ,- " ) riioop i st. aui ships and, h 1 'ii- tvV'inq, V;irj:ih- Box River Rii Wflfa re " n.i.italsi 11. road i-n t " pi 01 in this re-peel vie Tel tlo- o, s ..rv ie ir i.i r -. as wt ii as .y ptn . I. a . e ti i.- l and sti ui',y r. e,.ii. d oilit 11 it (li.- Rat. i,t, , v ill f .lt .he -II tl.i III. 'I he ;,o, 1,1, .,r and lie' union j. nera'.U , are M.'s- rs. .s A N.j. .'i. 'J I Park I'l.iee an! lil trect A' Y. li- ;.,.,.. t. r ho,L-,'. ir, t,,a rt.ilipt. In." t 1 i tin ti''i n m 111 t.-er I I.i trli I t ill I- U ,1,. n ',..1 111 liuj pure bttoie. l,.fll ..f "f . " I t.l -b. !, ;t. e.t. . I a ,1,.,,. I'. 1 iitrfevf Iwpi, , A, mil, Ji-or tl .rl. I'ltl Ml J 1 1' A Ml) ofirr wh-i!rM,e 0' , ie llott ol euyi, , 1 il". ,-llOU. IXIlllll n at r 1 .,iil. . l.rtiitv. c urn. 111. ,11. I i nor eon ie t.to.ii ly pre. IlilS-IHSS I .N .rlii '. f u t t i we not hi set for us by Ir. 111 :i K f it a point to re mini I'TS to adopt the ui: j-li ntatioiis repuhii- loi.-l.t think -1 1 j hie peo. tawdry and and extrav- li.e eoiinr.i; - : , ll.e iufe,,,! iisj' I-ii 111 lne V , s:,fii ..,rt ui 'lo- -eai".i!, and ui one tiut. fw p: lolii f lo tin1 Sufferer. h: h inai oi l. jX llotie-. of tnf 1- .1'. aii.-i Lin.-, if fa Aito si-lc tle-ol 1111 ' liooitioiif. Hi- ft-.t' t nn! sit'oj. att.-n'ioii ot ail sled JO llie l-flhli-iilllelit of a iforin currency. Ji-.jl'hl. ' 'M'ftJ't. In 3 tlie jif; lurg- 0 Ir.e.ii.. 1 -1. ol Lie . I !mi!.. ' ,11 . . C ... 1 ' Ok ul toWliF, of toe lots of ni- rt-r rr I ti.i " II -s..r- rn IV ill N' w (I; r- r- iro n V. ,!. .i n 01 11 01 1 iiiinfy-, sum of ';t,l j 5 . I i iff U ' .ill! lii I.Uiiiii f Oi t . i- ili .t it.ij r-iiseil ittiti O' 1.. I iioi g l.e for l,'- reoff er iii tii. 1 ily. 1 lined in iiii ir,.iiiil.y if 1 ii I ol 'iti.bi a 4 e.,r. taught f.-ii 'il the s;t,al 1 rrjlitllli, liii'l tiOVV tpjire our Ivr'-ie iniph. die-s of an CUil, leeill iies-. 'f fth.it titoSO who role an Igimraiit an! a 11 j ic by tin- ii .u.l I.' -. iy i f a costly eo.-tiiiii; and a suiiipiuou tig. oii stvnr ol living . 'I here is no danger hut tiiey will he re ' 1 .. I ly toreh,'ii court- and treated with pr p.-i re-p"ct, if we should make it a point tu 1 11 rt 1 i.'ii t extra te;tt;j-r- it-t us lieiu HI Inind t.iat virtue, 'i-: well as iiiteliii'cnee. is a part of our uiotfo. and that w.. -in- " a citv -et upon a I.i ! ' J. F. fi. Ml'l'TA'.. (:h'iri;'i, s-. 1 I-.l.t. of Preitlent I'ierce in piotecting the inter ests and honor of the country. It looks stpially." Tl fo!'. atid tlo la L'l't it. I hese eoiiits wid have sense rtrprecirite the b ti' y without the i '.a WHIe ii oilii 1- S CAN!) Eil'lM CM 'MR .itv-litiil. pp'-r, ii' a" :'"e ja-l r.turtied to hi- -y vf J idg- McLean, " s i,n.--it.i 1. U up. In -'ii t' ftt i ..f lo!' .llje.!. i ii.t ..; i ti'f trr t. ni l-. .vi. s ction is ' labor,'' hut ars VoU " 7'i.u -i of" W-h. lily sw.-'.ia liiiily pr tin it i li 1 1 1,1'.- Wlf- Itf u t 10 I o.,',,-l,e of ol 1 Mia t i I I a''K ... loe 1 r,.u, . t;..,. 111! t I" to.: f.r .1 t. 1 . ki tu t HC Wl ili s .'1 ' Oil I 1 ! !.er lip- n ki r!c t. ' r an 1 contiiy , "1 man s th such are tho lie- i'lilill.-l. ati oi I figlliie, i, r..p 1,1 in v da V s it i "asi."' Mill' he ie 1.1 d-.-iht; - .re-. is i.ea I , II il-l 101- I i'' ' I10 ul w h,e;i I.e. l.'h to.- iiil1 il I. : .at ,f the i'siii-r of lniio;itimis. Ill Uli J. f 'i 1 ' t! 1 i:j...'' crack in u-t tinti's lor ' In if ilioii :fi t .. VI It.,' . tiu- a .( 0.1 tlll e lin. Is 14 1 v .1 . los a mo de huiiioi Miitt.ukie N',' I fi , I If .' f Jill it -I 1 1. Uj .'at, 1 ', '. .11- '. thf ii r WW I CRY. - I K.i-oi,.., . 1,1 ..1: . . or r t. Ai.'i ll.e t 1 1- 1 i i It. .1, ie ' 1 10. 0 urt 1 1 1 111'. i tr .' Till. V lITil-I AISol.INA WARM SI'RIM.S, Mai isos C .,N I' . Auo 1.1 M..sr. IjUhj.s : Wei!, the el ov.-r the ii.'oi lit ai lis h;ie ,ee ill and hale brought forth not a iH'"f tne syiiie animal it voiuited forth tvto n'o. Tlounas E. (.'ijngiiiiin I suppo. I. a' ' heard, however, long en- thi has lo fti r: e, i t'-d l y a iaroe majority. He is 1 jo.ji 1, ing here nt p.--ei.l re-ti:.g I miJi pose f-oi,, the lal.or of his la-t coinpaion, and n c. iv ing tin- pl audits of his South Cur- ie!-, who aiii, o-t vv iiodiip the itioun- tiler. .li i ! i'l to be 1 , eted fbv a ltr": o.ir I ie r.ry j ov eriitir ol 'linm--,i- .I'l.er el.o ti ,t,- ii, that . .,.,),. are n d i , be f i 1 .1! ! to th.- Iiemocr its. hriv.. p., 1, ,i re tu t n .-holt time. I iih th" place. Mr gi.iitleuiat.'i v nrotirietor vi i v pink IMI'ORTANT LHCOVERV. Washington Star jf Monday hits the ng aim juncemi'i.t : '' Th". lioverniiient hive recently been nj pri.'"l of the existenee 111 large tpiantitics. arf-u on our ."s-iiitiieni eoa-t, )t a, most val uablu J article of couiinerct! in China, not before . known to tie ofitaiiiaiih' lu re, it e reter to what is known iii M'itnce as 1'ieho do mar, corrupted in the laui'uaoe of commerce into iJei-Le I.i mer. Tho Chiue-e call it Tre pang. The Ciiinese use it as tie do fceland ino-s and i-inglass. It t taken lo tin -m iu immense ijuantitii s from the tropical shore of Asia and Australia annually. Its value varies from to el l per picul of I :i:ij lbs ) aee .rding to the 'pia.ny ; there being some thirty different 'jualitics of tho artjele, which only to Le tii-stingui-lict by 1 xj, LIxiEFlEJ.L (,(i The gold tligt'tugs of promising great ! in Abbeville ; but From present richest iinlu atieins. in this I'tstiii't al-o Dorn, I'r. Liiiidruoi .k C cres-ing line! v. 11 in the mi i r r' ,i-. - 1. 'y 1. 1- 1 his fourth of it, S iiue ten .r tion are tiio i:'ht t) pn -eiit 1 hie mark' of a !! ti I'rl n.. have liiiLolis a tilt lit 1 he day of usurers is pa-t :i ri I le- v is pi.'i.t v (all coil e iiii. t. cent ) llie tact Is we can gi f it nio-t our own terms. J h v. take it after a w In I Ry ti.. stated that n Freiieh ch. ini-t I a '"( ' " pi . , oi i.i.i..,ii the lotio sougiit I'liilo-..) iier s ,- 'F cot ike II V. ,f the great coiks I r. t ce c.-ii rie I their art to sir h . that they w 1 ,. old,, to nerip up hoUe. I 1,11 ' 1 1 1 e -,e all, roat'd and stntl,.. bt-iden. ihon-L i-ii le lil "irk ol the Kllll.' tlj t t-.r of f'.i- t. al w u crin-l ei. mgi, e p, ,1 ... er. ( ',,r a hel.; ear. . are the trade eits ill I HE MVSTERII. it is n. tuat -.-ui" ,,f the great coiks of ., . "' '- "' L' 1 . 11 .. ...o . . r 'I'H iniit, ! i tl , s'li'i, i.. jeeii. i t are -1,1 iitii i'-,t I I 1 o il s s prop- I . -. J '. i-'I O: laiioii- ouie -. iiilii I.e iu,.,;..i,i ui out to he b ,rk. d Oil tlo- ,, I'll ,t of Car'. .1 , 0. .,!...,., r- n iv t.r 1 '',,. ' mom I tint on ,., Ke-r il,,- pr... s, er. t -,,r :l l.l.. ,e:,r. . (W I tl, l-us f ,r, ii l.o, .t I. ;, ..e.i .1.. 1.1 iV. . fJL- YJL lo 1, I -. il.,. .,,,.,! .( ileath by a v-rv -mail wound K j"Ul h.'y (4vr ,-.,, lertl,.- should, r, " which I.e I, .1 ai-i pJ'""M He-hall ex'rae.t.d the i'litrrlt i.i. e. ;, t,:it . Li rti F W I. 1,. ' I . , 1 . - i, ,,i ., . 1 Liiiiti, . .1 1. .-. . . G ) j . U - '.." -o 111.- i.iioiit; i II f' ' ll M' and that, by t.-as ,,' fail, y p i le, he li.i l W ' I - "" "ll" i'l' j Il.llHlg I'l I I now it ai.- i, led it att.-rwar.I-. It i- sai I ;,!- , , t,,..,. I I JB 1 il lo g iis t.. (iri-. l; ks, that bv theimai. i ',!,. L!, .a.'.,'T""i,ir.;'.1 i-'",',rai, '"'"' '''-'' -i t:.- ,oir,v.".-r'e;,",.. " 1 '' ' ': ' 11 .0 i- . I ao '.ii- 1 goei.-n age Is here. , :,, I,,,. Ji lilS' ll Willi I'll 'I '" "I I'rciiehVs rt eiti" in f .r ' I1,.- I ,.11. t . ,. . . ut.se 1 i' ll.ii I , . - ' , - , , vii, ei ; 1.,,. i,ii iti..ral I.- ai,. e .t, s ( I" lieeomes loo ii. .. i d , p l t.;. . I l;,,.,;. t.r ,!,. en. , . .1 tiro .1 ,,,,, ,,. ' r 1 "" ! ''-' : A oing :.-pir.int t .r oie't.---mna .;. : I . 1 . Se;,..,!,r fi , 1 ,0," - t.t 01 i,t in in a 1 -l . n ....ie 1 I, e,e I.I' MINES IS 111 e 1 : 1 ,, , .' ,- 1 ' - ..no , e.-j lenee i.y ;t , , l ot.' .'in I uloi-i.e attack upon the eccentric i'off, ; i-e-i i,,!.r fr,,,,, -jr At the c .tiebi.i,,,, "g ot at.. i on ..1 1 ... , 1 ... 1 1 Ei I'. 1. ..H r. 1,, f !,,ak(, arose n, s,r, t, ;,!,,., "B ol tiie euebra- ,.,. I... 1 1 . . .," , '"e 1 ie 1 1 'in, hi ni I'm iiri 1 tiie amalgamator b- -r .. . ..f , .....ei'in vooth, will, a halt- -nt iv toirc'.jsed a ;.. ,;,;.. I., .it , '. .. . , ,. ., - ' , " 1 s. ...I.. ii.'i,.,iii.iiii loon, uiu i re- . ,0! -"'a. f-. p.. ,! : ' Mr. Speak, r, ,.,,,,.,(' Iiest gold lllilies !..!. itii'-aoy I, cell and p.i.tt" ' i in, 1 itii.-r oi : l ll ii'" I. , lies in 1 'l" en (.nuiJ inj .,r ,,,.i 'l . st In rm t Iwi'i n, ; I'IK VtllNh ,uet, ,, It tin 1 1 ii o. tUiiii) -ring, Slnir l'i hi, .V , , t-t i. i.i nt ii, .life ii.. p..-.et. .oi. Tin sri. 01 S S M I, T, H Ri.-h'N j. i I'asliioiiahh, Tailoring. Mill, fit If) I IttP IMP" h' t ' t ! If if ' hr pot r muil ft t- t (t iiiinw tisil,'' ijt( -ht- r or si tio nl'.-o n?" I tt hr'. ( P.lii n' ttt-m -- I k Nil -1 J" f . ll i! " . 4. nMft.f ih r i i (OJLI V - ti t1? f t ft, to i-nut 4 -vt t'f r1 oi .im .( f iPf g t r 's-,-' i f h i (t ii- 10 n ri'l i"H -5p 10.10. 1 kf to i th r 1 .! f ' $t g ttf N"i I 'i Oi O I h- r k - . a l '; .. thp N.H'i , , .,.4 -sf m I ,.li-H , i'mI (hi rm ? it.uf? i llttqrlp'fi, H A, R RiiRINs-'iV NEIL UTLKINm'.n j, t LLRCHASE CF t.O (1IMA. It U stated that .1 h i N. U dent of the Hanover Fire In pany of New Vork, and fsii , inu.'iitar and patent t(l fjiinrln cru-her and ing; Ins name, have rt farm iu l aiiijuirer coniity, having- up. ui it one of the ri in that Mate, There have traced out thirteen distinct veins of quart, upon the t which will measure two and , Vant(Ml, OT 2 t1'' 3 UTt ( (mi ll ( VnrtOt "k Nil' ll 4 C4M 1 o(im We't rt Cri iMnHopd 'nt i ' ' if too 4 H'i I'f- hatotn, eo(itant nt it mini fx i jr iiii 6f g vt it. SANLERS I IKiRAJl, Sfl1tr111l.fr I'.. I.t- Thr IViffSn-j I itillifBii'-fr will tnsfft tl'" t'- ' 'o Itie mooili I oi .', 3111! end l.lii In litis elfi r Ii,r -in V fur ul. oil 1 1 r tan ho .l-.liti niaj ii it s 1 j The treasonable corrt-spo.idi nec found runuiii" i-xt' nt concealed in Major Andre a boots when lie which iiieuure. was arelied by Faul ting, V, illiauis, and in width at the an "vert, l.s recently been discovered at Albany. The paper consist of an enumer ation of the number and disposition of the American forces at West I'oint, and a dej. cripti 111 of the fortilieatioii", with suggestions iu regard to weak and exposed pointi. 'I here is al.-o a pa s from Arnold, under which Andre, as Mr .1 dm Smith.'' wa.1 return. I'roiu one of these venH fl otu fifteen to twenty f. e rf.ie.. of the t'liKind twelvi bii-hels of ore , Int. I) t t k - out nm brought to New Vork, and 011 Tuesday la-l the same was pulverized ami Uinalgniiiuieil ill the presence of a number of g. i.lieiiien The result yielded M in line goei. WHO SHALL RE HEIR 7 111101 Ol iiie ill 1 ;iis, aieiill IIVIII". lias iiitiinited to Ih" "row. Is of relatives who daily swarm around bis bed, thnt he would select as Ins lo-1 r a o V one of the 111 n li m chose t.l 1,1 hi niiisei! to iK-eoiiinanv us the i .oilt, remain there for -ix inoiitli in.' thi-; peril I, he engaged that a . tooii, repi-t . provided daily 111 the : el.i.rnel hou-e ; and at the end of twel, ,. I iiioiiiiis, he will settle '.'11,01111 fr.inci per an ; iiuiii on the sharer of his crave. 1 j R T IT.ESS'AKE EXTRAORL1N RV. 'I he I'aiiiii U i Standard t. lis of a large : n.tii. -Hake kiih d by one of In 1 suliwcrilit r. : Wc are enabled this week to crawl a it:.; I iv. r Ins figures. Mr. Sti'diimii, .,f ih,, ,j,. itjut, killed .,11 the I "lh hi-i a snake uf thi -pei ies, which measured lour feet, h.,.1 eleven rattles and exhibited teeth ,. wt long, "Attt 1111: Iii ,1 , r ' " yg ( , J,. iii lnr 1. od v to . Nn- Sfllllli- to tne -h camp. A MIR HER Ell iot has oei'iirred ilelie oei'i of Ih I'J I but pi. 11, t "1 ' iiiim the -or nn- In ,t ll ,!.. I.ir e t -ptiglilly, tlr; eaustie and a.iny .' It ii s'llel by the tiiat Fanny has heett dj. hi I Hiel. and that lie, Mr. ii v es 1 a C'to-agw. , in g ri'- ire'. II.. Ores, e.l'ioli I ig I, til, , ill f. 'if 't, Ie K ei 11 mif f. I '' t.ii 111- i. f " ' ' (-air fo r ' u- to loiiow tile llrtil'Ml us i.y - iootiortjl I r-iiklin. Iiv t- ': 1. o-uit- oi pi nt iait C'ii fil loli.fi's i,il li.... it uli thi r at f tiic world i!i i'jt 1' . ' L ,'.. : . t'.t - ti'ilr ftl .' '', ' VJIi.-CpeLr. lo mlt E I'a it til' III Would have -ion a good li ot which bear 1 io,tr.,l 1 1- if I were It-It the choice of di termining, I would say fhaf the site of the Warm Springs cannot be si,r,.ist;d fitivwheie, iu point ol "lierv . J he watci iii r f w hat 1 to 1 e. I haw ; jilaces many , tiigu r-i.'ii ai .on lor nd roiii.ititie seeiii rv ; but Let' ;.' watt ling very high Ml.s.-iOUU COTTON, 'hi the -.'Id in-taut twenty-six bales of cotton, rai-ed and poked in l'olk c ounty, Mo., arrived at St Louis. The News ol that city says : " U e note this a' the fi r-t nhipuif i,t of cotton from the Missouri river. In the course of time, South Sea I.-land will be rolling over the 'road from India,' ami down the Missouri by tin; hundred and per-1 hups thousands of balei." A eoii-o H iilsijii. charged at Savannah, three dred negroes renin; tvrs, who called in their as-i-t.ini e, w h sued, in which tint in I ARRLS'I tt Nii.g-ii : of a 1. i.i liliil'de and Wat-ou South. rec tor. Wit ,ti fr ,! oute 1 1 1 - a I 1 .1 th -p. rat. gto' were I lit; has nn II tie Iio, ( . fight (11 deh ai. d, '".1 11 enl olh tol natural beaut., and places here arc not a full as they usually , The w hole amount subscribed for th. are .owing, I hut pose, lo the fai I, that inativ I 1 lief if New- (Irlenn is eiDccled , . 1 bvei; in.'. ie..; u vi -it th' World's Fair,' pyi (Ui'l re- l,e THE MORTSLITV. Thu ib;atin by yeibtw fiver in Or leans, from ''!:tli Mny ti .'ith n ...i-t. arc -Oli. toed up by the Jli it, 1,1111. 1 ihe lucl ancholy aggrci'iitt; of 0,1 Li is gj' t n. The inti 1 111 nls on Sunday Were 1 iit in- eiuditig I'M from yc.b ft... Public, Sale. n iSii dt'tiinrd In rrmovr SiMh. I ii lloiiseholil Itlif h 11 l iiriiilnrc. '"iimt-t unj m .ft ' t -t a h ' lot f.f Mjtiressfs 1' list f 1 11 I Uf lte. fi In II g f imiiii'. Ttif fiiftiti ilte " b-.l n hail lime. Al-", ".' " ..I Ii ie Mlf.UM 1 ivVS LEWIS LIN KINS S. pti-iiil.e' fi. I t I Si'irvo Hov Wanlcd ! ! 875 Eti-fiVAKI). The valuation of real c-fnle j tllf, city o-toll. for the lile-e it. lioir n. .....fi ..,.. ,1 bv th" fls,cs I I "i.'.'li I .tlOll ; al e l-,'i!.l mid the present doilart. person. .ate, -'.1.1,1,1,1 ,111.1 ; ,t...I valuation, ! -', l ; number ..f polls, Ilil.Oim ; ratio of taxation adopted fol' the year is tj ceuti 011 oue hutidred AN A WAV from the .tih.fMHff Si, Hill.- I .). I hitr.l ",,"' Iv N '. .ut Hi I'1 "' it. rif II iv n.tiicd J At K s' N. .tx nt SO nam iiiii, ...me II " m, Ur I, Kll, h' ll C'HBi -It J". e.ttf'"1 "fl.. e- ge't. lilt i .lipiX.'M tn lurk III niiii'llPr miwren - -W S. 1'1,,-f's mi'l ItoellV Kiviir Co.iBret;lln" ill i.y twenty fl d"llr tt lltlinTiiiJ IU'" nil or hn r-.i.nii.ntlli'til I" I ul, lhl 1 gl htm. ' ha v tiatim lo IwltrvBthat he ha-annm "t'liU! ItM'"'' won ire I iii-nmnf aid ami t-nmlurt I " VI ' ly ih.lo.rk rnaid fur .Vllii'tic.. atitlli lettl Iu 'aiiv ii.. ..1 harboring linn. Us niav h "u'1'"' i til irre (isji-ra anil mimi,il In riiatha hi" '"P j""' "" E. K. II ARRIg- Sep-emb'.r 6 3l !' a it