T 1 4 OE3Il.LllaOl?a3?!lS, 3XT. O., IDTESIEJbiJbJS. 27, 1803. She ivJl HOLTON b WILLIAMSON, EdITOUS AND PllOl'BUToKB. TERMS: Tlic North-droliim Wliijf will be itTorurd to ulwrrilMM kt T O IKH.I.AI.h in aiice, or even ihii l.AKS FIFTY I fc.VI S il p. y- , be, del., vol tur three iii.,nti., -nu 'I III. i-K Uill.l.AltS iti '.it enil oi'tlie yc.r. Nuppcrwiil bp .iicu..ih.u.i until Ul ..ircr. (je. kre .-ici, ex- c.-,.t -t the ,.t.u l the &--" t,N..iiid t.i.t. t;,rea.ilicmiiiiu.iie. t-urt-u. i-rti'iM!iiifiiU kiiu Shi rifl' S.le iU,rue. US r .1 ... ... .. .. ..1 '11 1 ........ I U..U ci- at. n igm-r , nu - " -i mil not bv ktUliUvii tu. JJ- I'arnntitu run be m.idp to pitlirt. j" Po.liii..nt"Ti kru autliuriicd tu net 'S eiit "ilortrn. UNKHIOKT Y LAK. v t. iiitnr, Ji. In one !'"f( yt-r, O, wim r-in tt !!, U h i c 1 1 in; t I. nit mil I-f ? Ti' uii j "liii.f n itf tl tiy lni., 'J'-'t Ii;iib -t kW'i'tly miif. 1 in (iuwrr uaii.ltl tl.eir m Lit f ir, And .11 l nut k t . liu l Kc Ii if u i.r iljr tit, M y tin u h..tr pt y mh.Ji M"f'f tur' iule may nJI ..! nt, Aim! rli'Utl tt.c it b r bf(. , Ail h.uri lt fc fr.in orri r frer, M y tl ri hi -tiiir' li w ; T-.-p I'lliirc m y - hntl.t (r-r, n tine mm li.utJi ti I j, It u t i l(udit m y p -Iht r iini ttJ d tk, Ait-J bi uty I ue - w y. T'i y-'un? ni y tlrcnn g M h irc in, 'I'm fut in h in l-frt h it ( tt-unc yr ,f ii( t Vm J y I ;u tr ti!iPhit !p.'4iii ttrv u't r ; Tii' y fin.j Oi I mrlh in iy mronjt 'I. t'-t tUv )..uiliiul ur rt, Aiii Hunt t r (juriti U Im tic tit TitCif ear tli-Oi prri-iig rl. T' f eh in.." tl of una hort ytir, S.t tr tt'i !y lltt-y on m cm, T i t t r n h ir.Hy dt cut tlx yi ft tit, (tut tme aiiorl iiiuur'iful it re in J In "nt !iit ye. r, ut jII wc I'vrt At v in. n h.vc H .w y. An I Inic c"ut' tin w y ot e-rth, I j ff-lnn ul tfnghttr uav. ! 3tli5Cfl(;uifous. s I i n i. i i in: i ivi: roi i v 1 Tin: two i'knnv MAititr a;k. i "Mr l'i a-u,vit Hal, i Ui be married,'' " ant to be married what lor V by, you cee, c don I thii.k it i rijbt ui to be Iivi u t o 'ether tin nay any ? r I ' ii.-'-r, and e bae hern talking over the , a.jtt.-r to-day, and you ee ' I ' et, ye, I see y on have been talking fO'.i r the n atter over the bottle, and hae i ine to a e ihelu-ion to jo t marri.'d. When 1 y J )." 1 ""ber yrx both repent of it, l hablv." No. -ir, we art notary drunk now, not -" drunk but what we can think, il w e ' a-1 think we are duiug right we are not ; 1 iiug a- we wero brought up to do by pious ipi'i nt-i. W't bine been reading about the. f u l things yo,i have d im- for ju t such poor Jujleais as we are, au l we want you to try j and do something lor us." " lie.id T Can vou read ? Do vou read Mwliilde'" i ' Well, not much lately, but we read the Hi w-papi is, ami sometimes we read some- tiling ood iu tin-in. How cau we read the j hibie when wo are drunk ;'' " Di yoj think getting married will keep j 't -- T IJ'J'J from getting drunk .'" " es, for wu are going to take the pledge, 1 I ' , an I we shall keep it, depend upon that. ' "."suppose you tuKe the dedgn and try "ui nr t, ami it you cm keep it till you can j - - - soi.ie i.i in,, niri away, aul get some j'l.-tlie then I iil marry yo.i." j j " No, tint won t do. I shall get to think- ' jl:'g "hat a poor, dirty, miserable wreh h I 5Ja, anu hmv I am living with this woman, i'Iij is not a bad woman by nature; audi ,':---u I will drink, and then she will drink cii-iil rum! and what is to prevent us? it it we were married, my wile, yes, Mr '")' wile would say, I hoiua- he ml not say, l oin you dirty brute Ion t tempted ;" and who knows but we might ouii body yet somebody our ow ll moth- miu Her.- u u n oi! a-na neu oi. ) tliu woinaii. who had been silent I 111 her liinoilv I, nr. I n.l.i 9 , ,..i..,,l II.. , I l. m.m Ir.iiu tlie rcj.-ui. r (ific. i..r u.ii..-.. 7 , . ullieieiitl suLer to loni- and tliat immiI ad view ton .-iv., u. I.nnb l!n- ve.r. A.lvi'rtuM in. ntH iuTli il im.oii.iy i-f . I . ,1 . r i i ' i i . i . ii lrninir OT luoUltyil"v : i ii . ..... f. r f i-h Im.i- K:llll . IllfUrilU Ul Bull lllllll hi 11113 PU 1 Ul viiiv.3 iihu ui.i 11 i u-a .ill ... . qu irt. rly, t 1 '-r uure 1-r e,. n nine. rH.nu. i j liiuiei lurt her hint.-1 Xiint . . . Jl. . . . .' It .... . I 3Jatliiln A IvOrk. v..rw t.if.i iif it I Vitnu .,. UV' i-nnrorhnd-Sl,olvnr.l; J and lok tit our him . ' l. il - 1A PC-lul Hettl ""vr.r.:-:"r:,u.; ,l,t l.,.. ;.. .:,..,..:,..;.. n.ro-,, up.,, Turkey, k liie rl"". "... " " 1 J UMIIMn, .nif.rvw.'flil.lfii''.IJ,ili.i. .'.'v.i..ii.A HI lb I J IJ.i; U L'MII'fl I IIJU' . i' ars, cry ing, ".Mother, mother, I kno.v iln-re was any sympathy between the par 1 -Wiether she U alive or not, and dare iic. Hot they would not come up; they , ' Hiqiire; Lut if wo were married and wanted to see' that couple married. So l j "iiied, I would make her happy once 'went down ami found the sq iilidly wretch-i I I t' mid no longer stand such a strong ap- ''. and - I determined lo give them a ' 'd. I have married a good many poor, Vr,ti'licd looking couples, hut nunu that Iiiau was l" '.,l's. -,..1 .1 1 -.1 ... . ....i siioiit-s.s, wiiiioui coai or vei, ' "i long hair and beard grimc-1 with du-t. "! Un. I... I i .. i - . i j "mir ui it mil ver. i, irniiii u ii'i, . n i nr i,.i ul I u, ' "- ' the city. She wore the lii-t remains lilt hoiimt, and aomethiiig that might J'.'M r',r "hoes, and an old, very old dross, "c a rich merino, apparently without nn t''ftiiiciit.. ' "hi, 'Mil Vour nnnm ii 't'lieoou. Tl,....,. ''nt "dbi'g. sir. Thoin.is Filing, a good true tuuii that is, shall be if you I. "in- ai.ii ,r ... I'.ail j u . ii. wen, . ,.rr" 'i. I am eoing to luirrv vou." I here, Mag. t told vou so." ! ) nt ci Ma.. If I hiii toTM.it till irtH 'I. I !, . r;.ri1 "li 13 i ',. j - - ' J -"j ,, umin , tiiu v """her gave me." i i -Vj. Mag ? well I ,,.,.. p ...... ., I J sJ uviT.t IV ll". 1 Ua,.. ''Now, Thomas, hold your tongue, you l AV lint could it menu? Married them n hen talk too much. What is your name." I worse oil '. Who were they ! I "Malildn. Must 1 tell the other Yen, 1 " Have you forgotten u !" said the wo I will, and I wil. never disgrace it. I don t nmii, taking uiy band m her-" j an 1 dropping minx i aliotitu ever have lieen an bud it I had kept it. '1 hut bad woiuun who lir-t H'li'tneu uie to ruin made ine lake a lalse name. Il is a had tiling lor a girl to give up lt.t mime unless lor that of a pood hut- JJatilda Fraley. Nobody knows me (, , each oilier ly the right hand, and look nt me, for 1 am oing to unite you in the holy I If ' I I I' I. i.oiius oi marriage I y uou oruiu.ii.ee. lo and druiikeiiiics'i. 'J bomas, will you take I Matilda to be your lawlul, true, only wed !ded wife?" " Ye, -sir." " Vou promie that you will live wii'i her, in MektKVs as well as health, and iiouri.-b. tiroteet and comfort her an your true oimI luilbful nife; th.it you ill not eel drunk, and will rlolbe yourself and keep c'.cau ''.is living villi this woman ju-t a I (ii I. "So I will.-' 'Nort, he thinks he eaii iclurm ju-t as well "Never mind Btiworing until I pit as me; but he thinks be uni t take the tbrou b. You promise to iiKtaiti tori I- ' pledge of the i-ainij man, and have hi-1 flui t tilly from every kind of drink that intoxi- .-aiictiiiud with the huiue hle-Hii.-, ami then eaten, and treat llin woman ki lit: I v. alt: e- tionately, and lot- her .ti a husband -boubl love bis wedded wife . Now all of this will you, here before me n the servant of the Mot lli-h In r' in the si-.d t of !od and Heaven, most faithfully premi-e, if I cm you this wom-.ii 1 1 be your wedded wile ?" ' Ye-, I will." 'And jou, Matilda, on your psrt, will promi-e the Mine, and be a tiuc wife to this man '" "I will try, sir." " Hut do vo'i promise all this faithfully''' 'Ye, sir I will." " Then I pronounce vou msn Mid wiV." " N ow, 1 boiims, jr. th" tie w ;fe, n!t- r I hud made out th" certi fiente and idvi-n it to her, it Ii n iiriin t'on to keep it af.-ly "now psv Mr I'esse, nii-l let us ';o honn' 1 and ! r-nk thi- bo'tle." Tbomi felt lir-t in bis ri- l:t bam! t.oek. t. mid then in tin- left. then bsek to tht rijht hand, then examined the w-.teh-foh. I ' Why. whore i it '" s.i hhe, "you hid .tn ''olliir- this mornin?." " A'e, I know it, but I li-ye ".olv -ot tWO C'-tlts this prMiill' Ther". Mr. Fei-e, ike them, it is all I have got in tbe world ; I inl more ran I pive ; Sun" f nou -h, wbif r udd he do more I took them nnd prayed over them, that in pirtiti' with the I it prnnv this ritip'e mi ht he pril with er, a wii-keci, foo'i.h prirtiee, which bad reduced them to ' sni-li poverty nnd w reteheilnf , that the , neiii-t. r power of rum could hardly send its j viciini- lower. ' So Tom ind Is" were trsn-firmed into Mr. an I Mr F.t'iie.', mi l h-ivin- frown s.ilucwhat m-iri- s.i'.er wh'l" ill the boll-e, Sot!ieil to f'llly U'l-b-r-lTttl th-or U'-W pi-: tion. and all tbe obligation they had taken upon themselee. - For 1 few days T thou-dd neci-ionsllv of this two fiennv marri i"e, nnd lin n it ( c-il'i" flhsnfl ed wifli fl thousand olto-r sei nes of writele'dnes wbieh I have viim-s-ed inee I hive bred in tbi- entrp of the eitv misery. Time wore on mid 1 married m-inv oilv r roupb-s o'l.-n those who c-in.e in their esr rive and b-ft 1 .-olden marris-'i-fee a d. !-ic-ife w iv; of "ivin- to the nee.1v ; nt 'neon ; all. I hid ni-ri-r p rformed tie" rit for a roup quite so bv ns thif oath's tro re-n- iiy fee, sod T resolved I never would .ig-on At b-n-rth. however. I hid 1 e-ill for .1 full tiinteb to them, which I refused. " Why 'lo yo-i eofno to in, to he mi- ried, my friend" sail I to the ni'iii. " Y so ire I oth loo poir eve" to live - psnfe, m l 1 e-si-lei you :ir both terrible drunkard", I know m sro." " That is ju t what we wmt fo l' t marri ed for, and take l,e pledge." "Tike that fir-t " 'No, we miit takis it all togitlur, noth ing else will -rive us." " Will that '" " It di I one of my friends." "Well, then, go and bring that frietil here ; let me see nnd hear how nim h it a-ived him, and then I w ill mike up my miiil whit to do ; if I can do you any good I want to do it "My fiicnd is at work he ha, got a good job and several hands working for him, and is making money, and wont quit till night. Shall I come this evening " "' Yes, I will stay at home and W ait for you." I little expected to see him again, but about o'clock the servant said, that mini ami his i r 1 , with a gentleman and lady, wr re waiting in the reception room. I told him to -k the gentleman and lady ti wa'k up into the the parlor and sit a moiiieul. while I sent the eamlidutes lor in. image awav. beiii" determined never to unite iino- il... ,.....,).. ..i ,U i,. . tiiat ed pair hi company with a vvell-dres-ed la boring man, for he wore a fine black coal, silk vest, gold watch chain, clean while -hirt ami cravat, poli-hed eiilf-.-kiu boot-; and his wife was ju-t as neat and tidily dressed as anybody s wife, and her ,ui .1 I .- .. I . I hcamcil nil li lutein .'.lice, ami the way in whi h she clung to the iirm of her hu-ban I. as she seenied to shrink from my sight, told that she was a loving as well as pretty wile. " This couple," says the gentleman, " have Come to be married." " Yes, I know it, but I have refused. Look at them ; do they look like lit subject . for such a holy ordinance! God never iu tended those whom he created iu his own image should live in matrimony like thi iiiiin and woman. I cannot marry them. "Cannot! Why not? You married n when we were worse off. more dirty, worse clothed, and more infovieated." Tim Uiiumii kliriiitlf li:ti'k :i little niiii.. ruit f :..!. t k,... . m my lit. . r-.i w niivj i i v iitmi n -i"ii mij , nun put her clean cambrie handkerchief up lo her ' . 1 t'ti. on tier knees. "Have vou forgotten nruiiK- cu loin and Mai;? We have inner for ut- ten yon. Put pray lor ou every day. ; " H you lime for-nUtu tlieiu, you have not furotieu the two-penny inariiage. No wonder you did not kno.v u. 1 told Matil- . .,.,1 not. Ilo.v could you: He wcru in rags . uud diit linn. Look nt us i.oiv. All the Il .' . . 1 a . .. we-Mug- oi mat ple'igo, and t.iat hiain.iic home; and oh, .tir, tln io ii a cradle in oar bed room. 1'ivc hundred d.i'lari in tin bank, and 1 bball u Id as much more in si week when I Ii ui-- !i inv yh. So miieh I one year of a auber liu , and a faithful, bon e-t, goyd wile. Now, tlii- man i u-i coo 1 a vuiikuiuu as I am, only be is buund down with the L'alliiiL' fi tters of drunkenness, and i uin a toon resolution , ami .UaliiO.i uno nn to walch over them, I do belietc j Miecced.'' " v,,i,,,i:.i . . i ,i . mean-. 1 married them ; and as I shook bands with Mr. Filing at iiarlin.', In left two cuius iii my bam!, with the siui'd.: re inaik that there was another tvv o -penny mariia-e fee. I was in hope- that it n i lit h ive bi en a cu ip!e of dollars t!ii- linn-, hut 1 -ai I iiolhiiig, an I we parted with a mutual tie! ble-s you. When I wil.t up -tails I lo-sed tin- e ii us into my wile's lap w ith the remark, "two peniiie- s.ain, my dear. " " I'wo peimie,; V by, hu b ni l. tin y are ea.des, real -old i-k.-ii-. Vv'h.it a deal of go i 1 they will do. vVb.it 11 tolio.ved that ,n t. ' ' And will follow the pr. pledge is (aith(u!:v kept. Ir h.i.e it. if the .iv, hi- i- a .0)0 A' r-sult of a I wo penny Marriage ' Yo'i ioo.r. LOVF MAKING IN uL!F.N TIM.'-S Iu the hi torv of Im- I loo! aoouis ate vry lon and emiou.- direction (or lu ihinj love. In the ieiii oi l-l.uabt tii, t ie i ol.o-.s mo pi ai liees prevailed : " : ' Ilay nig v. il n I he iitt.e lallianee; sitting or King tin 'er iu aim-rou' Ht the fei t ot tin ir mi-tre in ball-room ; looking sugar pi un- in tln ir eye, a- lii y ealleil cifatii; roely and ninoioit-ly into ea eh ot her ey e-. 'i iiey al.-i ei hi I iled their pa--i oi p.il lic'iy . A pendant lot k ot hair, oi ten bitted and tie I w ith lii bin, an 1 ban g iug at the car, wa si fa-bioiial le in the aje ol Shak-peari , and a I !. r .v a r ! -, t h 1 1 I 'ii ir ! -I. and many oi 1, i - e. oi i ti.-r Wore them 'I his lock wai win on the l. lt -i le, and bun; doivii i oii-ioei ,, . y i e -t of the hair, s oin time die, Il wa- supposed to eau-iug vi deiit I jve, and l'n i. eh ei. torn. Y i- w tale it. 15 irton adds loll, I ipgi r ill. i n even t) the a v e t in- i lb c the e i r- t of ia- oi ii ii u i ;y "e n.aoe to i i i ..- ; i .. a ll j i er wol li in the ear. Ki - i ug the eye- vv a -main ot i xl i aor: i nary t. -ii.P-riie . In l! I n e pai t d the st a v vv a a nciei.t ; v i j oe if, where ivonieii u -t nn'v ei:ii-d li.e h ti ls aiel token-, bat even their in -h -v ai in. it' ll d- lor in t die-vvoi ,;. V, h. n ni-M. In-lit stay wen- worn, Lmr- 'IT 'h nil r.iry i.in-r- im i to, m. li a w a Ion- btter in the bo-un poele I, -.11:1.1 p it it vv a- a ul - w 1 r ne, -up- ,i-titv, or Th.":i;. I i ii it lli-i- - j.i -." to I, I II id a!h ciioll. VV liio.l w ,iii ly pei-ons iii-.-ppainlc po-ed (t,,iii the tree s pi oin ol the famo-.i- pa --age ii. tin ' : can a i in ! u g cl el iie a.loive ! to lov i r-, a .1 mate aeo 1 illit.lin e, iu tin- til bcth and Jam- , were Very la. A CC ors i-r-v. u i::iy. A mo-t curio i ami int.. ic-ting ui co.viv has ju-t bun made at Fin.iv, 1 i.iin-.-, which we have ll do-bt vviil e l I e a -ei-n-tiiie inquiry a to the material and propei ties of the perpetual burning lamp-, -:;i I lo h ive been u-cd by the aiicicnl-. V'orkim-u were recently exea val: n g It a foaieiahoii It a new boil ling, in a dt bii-, evideiit'v the re-ui.iiii-. of G 1 1 1 1 . Koiii a :i c reel ion vvn -i they came t tin- ro d of an uu b i-gro ni I ort of a ea e, wbieh time b a re inic red of almost me talie hardness. An opening vv i elbeted, vv hen one of tho workmen in-t nil!;, exclaim ed that there was a light at the bolt on of the caveiii. 'I he p.n lie prc-ei.l e-tered ; In ll they found a hi n.ed . p i.el.ral .ai.ip ol i em.ii kable vv oi k man-hip, s,i pen I, 1 i'lmu the rod by chains of tin: s.iije Until. It was entirely till, d by a c i.ii-'.i I, , -u'i-slain-.-, w hich di I iiotann a r lo h i e di or u - idled, a'ltho l.h tin P1 iy I - t a. il I u . oi for a .'es. combustion ha I l.eeii g I hi. w ill, e ti n t, thro subject whi, h li-s eau-i 'On - I o ma ni at. g learned antiq 1 11 la.i ol IIAM ND Ni-iCKI.At'i:. A rich case of jewelry i on exhibition at i- Crystal F.ilaee. Among the al tides i lieeslaee, containing thiitv ei.bt pearls. Weighing "- grains and one iiiamom weighing CI grains. The di i I i v aiu ..- at -So. Mil an I the vvh lie at n-il. llKl'LY TO AFSTKIA. Secretary Many , it is said, is bu-i!y em ployed iu drawing up an answer to the Au--tii.ui pi ouuuciuiuciito about Ko-la. It will j be a paper, a la Webster on 1 1 u'-ciuami. j Hich ground will be taken, ami wilhal ex I eoriating. It will be ad.lre.--ed to the Aus j Irian Miiii-tcr at Washington. DIAMONDS IN CANADA. tjucbec Mercury says that diamond.-. Tl as well as goiu, are loumi ni uie i naii.tiere mines. M. dc 1! tterunind bus one ol them " of the siz-- of a liHn-tl," mi I valued at friin Xl.-J W to XI ,)'-. roitn(.t.M.s n 1JV TUB FRANKMN. The Ttva on tii Tlhki.su Qukstion. The London Tiuiea of the 2ytli ult. repro bites the course pursued by the Forte iu i!i laying o lon; its assent to the propo-ilion, and iu requiring any alti rations which may ieau 10 luiiuer uiihcui, ami L'lve the i'ui- p.-ror of Uu-sia J.-.lber pretext lor with ' . . . MS UCCeptailC J he the onus of inter einent bein ' thus 'land and France would be justified iu withdiawim- the com bined Heels. IXA !. Queen Victoria, Friuce Albert and the Uoval l'ri.,e.. l,,.l ' cent and enihu-ia.stio r, c ption at Dublin, . . . . . . .... on the occasion ul their n.-it to the l.xhibi in that city-uearly twenty thousand per-ous were present iu the building on the Queen s first visit. After lfiivitir Dublin, it was stati.-d tie Jueeii would visit O.-tiiid, to Coiiu'rutulate the Duke and Duchess de lirabanl ou their man ia.'e. l'ltAM E. The French Government ha" ...'made cnorinous purchases of breadstuff's at I Odessa. The price of wh -nt varied from ! 1 e. 10 i oi. c. per iKLijliirc nd the freight was from Of. to Inf. The now f.ivorabb; declaration of France as to her crops was scarcely believed to be true, iu the face of the v-ry laive purtiia-es of corn effected on account of the govt rn- meiit iu London and oilier markets. Al sTlil A. The Tn i.-to journals indub.'e in .-pi dilations resnei tin-.' the objects of the liussian im-n ot war which have touched at Hong Kou.'. They are supposed to be sent to c i-op, rale with the America ns iu briu.'- ing the lapauese to their seli-es. Ulssia ami Tl kkkv. M.ihmoud I'asha declared iu tie.- Divan of the 1 7 th Augu-f, that " he would divorce lis wife, but would not advi-e a di -honorable peace with Fos sil." This is an cxpr -s-iiu of th" stronge-t kin! in ue amoug.-t the. Turks. Kvery day -lis a tirmd Council, and yet no result is .u rived at. I he in n gnatum among the Turks at what they f.-rin the t: thles-uess of III alli.-s who with the.-i signed the sol- inn treaties which were to guarantee the inti i.iity of Turkey, is cou-t.-mtly expn-s-ed, and Kiijand comes in for t be 1 irge-t share of ahue. A deputation bis ju-t arrived from ii.'l'.K) Christian ol' iJ.ilgari i, offering tln ir services to tbe Sultail again-t bis en: tiii.'i. The Trie-fe Gazette sUtcs, nv he nu tl.ority of a b tier from Selniu il, that 1 J.-iHO Albam-se, Miridii.-s and t reeks, bad re ciived j,i riiii--ioii from Oiueil'atha to erve as the advaiie," t-uard of tie army of the Danube, thus shownig the de v -.1. dm- of the Cbri-tiati- t i the cau-eof the Sultan, au l al- ) that the efforts of he Kuian t j gain parlizaiis anioii the CLri-ti.uis of Tur k' V are unav ailing. Nui k. i-r thk FuL.it Iiwi::s , traits late ti -mi t'u.. original, in tin Louden Times Ol September 1, II 11 " UUt'jeltie copy '' of the nop- apptoved by the four I'ovvers iu con-lelelli-e at A" io tlll.l , and DrupOsed siiiiikaue- Hi-l v l ) l! i-ia and the Ssblime Forte : '" Hi- Maje-ty the Sultan, having nothing more i,t heart thin to rc-stabli-h between him and hi Majesty the Iinperor of Kussia tin- relations of good ncijhhor'hood an I of per cet under-taii liiig, vlich hav e, unhap pily, been changed by recent and .aiiitul eon plications, has care-Illy taken the ta-k of -eekiug the mean- of tll.icing tho traces of thi difficulty. ' A S.ipri Iride, d -1 , hav ing ma le Kiel-'. II the Impirial lieci-ioit, the Sublime Folic leiieitates i-elf on !-. ing able to e imniuiiieate with hi-ixeelleliey Count Ne-selrode. If at all tines the liuiperors oi 11 i-si.i h.ive le tiued heir active solici tu le lor l he maintenance t the imiimiiities an I pii, lieges ot the Urth-llox tlici k ('i.au li in lue I 'itomaii Kuipirr, the Su.tan have Ii i T I 1 to eousecriie them anew- I y iv hich have ;! -ti i tin ir an-ii-tant goolivil! to.varj their .- ci. stv. the Suit, n Abdul M-ljid. si'lelllll ci- 1,1 a. net-, id C-: I'll I i ! i.lil - Hi.- M now tion. reigning, auniiated bythe same' di-po-i- wisuiiig to give his .iijetv, the l-..u - ror ot Lii-sia, a proot ui m mo-t si e 1 1'e h ieu -l-hio, an 1 i iilertaiuiii; unlimited conli ileiiee iu the euiitielit quiiltics id his augiis fri.-ud and a'.lv, has ilcigiml to take iiiti.-e it c- of j;ou- cou-i Ii ration tbe riuie-ent atioii which hi- highness, the Fiii.ce Mi u-eliikoi!', wa rendered the organ irur tho Suiuimo I 'on... 111" idei-sjgned has i-oii.icciuentlv re- ciic-1 order to declare ly !hee pre-ent th it lh'- Government of hi Maje-t v I h" Sul t.oi vviil remain faithful to he letter and to tae s.',iit ot the stipulation- of the treaties o I Katehiili Kamardji and Ad nauople, for the p. ot ojii ui of the clni-l iii religion, and th il hi. Maje-ty regards i, as a matter of honor to cuu-e them I i be o-erved for ever, and li preserve them from all violation, ei- thcr in ll pre-i nt or tue titnre, the enjoy- 1 meiit of the i.-l hgiou priv il ges w Inch were ace irded by th augu-t sncestors of lii -. Maje-ty to the Orthodox lla-tern Church, . ami which are maiut iined iiiid continued by ' him ; ami, inoreo, i r, in flu ino-t equitable spiiit, ti allow thetireek ('j iieh to p.ntn i pite in the privileges rouccved to other de 1 liouiiiiatiotis nl l hi 111.10- ht conventions or j -pi ci-li a.reelllelits. " I-or the ret, as the imperial lirninn, which has been granted to the Patriarch and the Greek clergy, ami which e intain t In- confirmation of their reh :ious pn i ih-ge-, mii-t be regarded as a now proof u f thee noi l sentiments, and as moreover the pro claui.iiioil of that firman, which gives every security, must dispel f -r ever all upprelien - si, tu io reinir.l 1 , tbe Greek rile u hleli i the -di ion of His Mai, slvlhe Kmpcror. I i......... ... k.. ..i. .1 "..oi, ti... .!,,. .till ii.ii'1 J ue: I uai-i -. ,.,vm v.i. un,, making the pre-ent uotilicatioii. As to the guarantee that, in luture, nothing shall he I changed in the places of vi itatiou at deru- -iileni it results from the finnan embodied iu tU J2iiu.ll.KW or L Is-tb Ftbra- ary, 1S02, rzphtincd nnd corroborated by other uriiiiii.-, that it i.s the foi mill inteiilioii of bis Majc.-ty the Sultan to cause these sovereign decisions to be executed without any alteration. The Sublime I'ortc further promises officially that it w ill make no modi - - hcution in tile condition of affairs without a previous under.-tandini with the tiovern- incuts of Frnnce and Hu.ssia, mid without any prejudice to the different Christian eoin- muiiitiea. " in case the Imperial Court of Rus-ia demands it, a convenient locality in the city of JeriiMilein, or in fho environs will he as- - i l""e" 0r . -"J''-tl u'tllJ" o1. " 'UrU to 1 Kji liiin.A-ii-il.il t.t !..i iiul..l.r.iliiii rtf 111. It .a i i- vt-n-inmiuu ui isuui: - ' 0 ' "n--i iti ecclesni-ties, and ol 0,uiai ior uie muieni or oick jnigriuis ol nainm. - ! '"a r"u:,mc ' 0,le eupagv ny tnev j prc-cnt-i to subscribe a solemn act w hich I ! l''""-" un.hr the spe- 1 -urveillaiict- of the Consul (Jeueral of i , , ;! '" 'J"',""1 I alestinc. I li I hi. iiiiil..'.i..i.,.il ' V .i - 1 , . ,, " ' ' : -v ."" . " '" w'as """'ned at I on- - 'l'f,Ji 1 l" umiiio, ui men ine iatria-clis were summoned to attend. It will be remembered tint the answer to th leiitia note was despatched from Coiutanti- n p!e ou the l-th of Aui'U-t. Damhi.w Fiusvirw.iTiK-i. The news- p:lI-rs in the l'i -ini.-ipiilities have been ex- pressly loihnlden to luake iinntion of the """ veiui-nts of the lroojs, an 1 the uierchants ":n,: ,H'''" "ilornifd that they must not, in ; ineir touimerciai coi respouut-uce, maKc any 'mention of military matters. ''" 0,i quintals of merchandise and grain 'passed the Suliua mouth iu the month of July. Aci-ounts from Wallachia agree as to the "nbeailhy state of the liu.-sian troop-, and "nleeiiug ne eet ol their eomlorls show u ') " superior omeers, w no treat tl, em as mere machine-. 'J In-y were observed mar- ediing into l!ueliaret under the burning; heat of a July sun, sweltering under the iou i oi ineir great coal-, winter clothes, an I heavy knap-acks, many of them from tiuic to time dnqiping ou the road through fatigue. Typhus fever tommits great rav - ages among lucm. Iiai.v. A telegraphic despatch from 1! niie. dated Augu-t -' J, says that the Gov ernment bad resolved to appoint a t-ommis. uny me coii-pii uiors arresieo un me i-Mu uiiuiio, ami tnat other arrest had taken place at diil.-ieiit points of the Kumau territory. DkLoii m. The riots at Leige broke out ou the -JUih. A large body of workmen and women on that dav !isenibl..d ,.n the 1 ual de la liatte, where a -peeies of corn maiket is h.ld. Their iueii.ieing attitude create I eoii-idt-rable alarm, and the author ities called nut the gens d armee, who were received with bind bi-.-t-s. Iu a few minutes tbe populous streets in the vicinity sent forth their thou-aiels of opei ative-, who, iu -j.it..- ul the remon-tran-ci s and ail the attempt of the armed force, would not di-per-e A manufactory of anu on the (Juai D Avoy was broken open and a q lantitv ed lirearuis were rc-.aoved. Great cxcte'.iK 1 1 prevaileJ, bat tranquility at lcti.th was re-tored. II V TIIK NfAHARA. !y the telegraph fioui Halifax and I!os to i we have the following- further advices' brought by the Niagara to the 3d hist : j I he K:i-t ril question Continues tO wear the same uncertain a-pect a- ever. It is doubtlul if the Fmperor Nicholas will at-- cept the ult:in s modified note. 'I he grain market is every where singular ly l'-u ri-b. F-.oi.AM). There is nothing politically important stirring iu Kngland. The tj.ieeu s movement- in Dubiin occupy the new-paper column-, where it is duly set foitb how Ire- laud is in a feveri-h state of loyalty, an I that the presence of tbe Sovereign dispel those mi-ts of ignorance and prejudice which had .-ui-cn at tli-j tod uf proli's-ional agitator-. The tjaeeti had visited the Fxhibilioii two or three times, witnessed the review of eight regiment- of troop-, nnd paid a priv ate vi-il to Mr. Dargau. at bi- lio'ie at Anville. !he sicklies- at N"" i b an- had excited inteii-e inlei i -t ; and extracts from the I 'res ei ni, Pelta, aii-l I'icay iiii-. were -j 'ing tUa rouu Is of th,. Fug!i-h piip-r-. A railroad c .llision had happened in nr Lon loii, in which the L T-l May or, the lii-hop nf Line oh-,, and other respectables were con-i-li-rably -liakcii up, but n-'t M-ri-ou-lv bint. An anihassailor frotn Morocco is rxp-.-eted in L '.I'loii t ! settie tho diffic allies b-.-tvveca Dritaiu and M iroceo. Fit AN' i: App. araiices in the Fr-Mieh mai-iiv t- iiiiu-iilc a fni-ther reaction iu bicad stull's, alt'-r the recent exiraoi dinary up ward moveineiit. The price of bread w,i not to b' r.ai-ed dining the I i-t fori nig lit September. lopots -ay that tii'- hn'vi-t in I'laoee ha- proved b.-ttv r tbau va- ex pected. A slight em-it.' occurred nt Ivemic-. Urit-t-uiv. re-peeting the high rate of e i-ioin an I indirei t lax-, which show a million and a half of franc- ov er the com j, ju-. ling month of List year. Prince Mu.at had civen a ! inner to fil iate, al Mar- idTeers of the uuibei i i'.id fri -ciiles. !Cs AP TuitKKV. I'll- affairs i that a meeting . pre-ent -tat, t the 1 1 1 and -t Council wa- announced for the -oth, but mi demand of the ambassadors w a- held on the 1-th. The Patriarchs attended, and nt that melting the note drawn up by the. I l'ovvcr w:is accepted, with the modification j which follows. It was then -cut fV to t In-. Czar, and would reach bun August ;t-t, so; that no answer could be received for some : ays. , 1 1'he following are the nioditicati uis of the , note of the tour I ovver-. 111-1-1,1,1 ,.u t,y l ur-, . kev. (See above lor original note.) j ! Fir-1 For the worship of the Orthodox ' 1 1 : iwl; t'liiireh the Sultans have ne v er ,-e.ise 1 to watch over the maintenance ofi'1 .1. , : ....I i,rU ;i c of that nr. ine i in ut mi, i.. . ii..-. - ... - - - lnp, ami ol mat V uureu, in uie 0111-111:111 Fmpire. and to eoutirm them anew by sol emn act. Ac. Second The Coi'imunieslion". 1 I'Lfvl Of S-vHikii JB,-. lviei-vfj!, oHJ- 1 .- . I . I M ..1. I. . .1 . II.. tinned by that of Adrianople, relative to t l.c protection by the I'.ji to of tin: ( hri-tiau worship. Kourtl And make known that His Majc.-ty i he Sultan,'' Ac. 1 Filth " Tho advantages nreordod, and which may be aeeorded to other CLrb-tiaii subject.--." - Mutters rest there, notwithstandinir no assertion on the l'aris lJour.-e that the Sul- tan had concluded to forego the amendments, provided : First That the four powers would guarantee against any new lin-shn demands. Second That an order tot-vac- uat the pr.neipaluies he .ven bctoie an urn .a.yml..i I..... . 4-... I . t' . .....i.iuaa'ivi iubih vuii-iaiiiiiiiijiiu lor C-l. l iierturg. , -i rumor is o.-iiiuui; srounu mat i! lius.-ia , evoeuaie.s u,e pi nicipaliry, Mie will ili-msinl irom i hi hey me . ::pi ns,-s y, the ..eciipatn Friendly autograph letters bad pa-sed between the Suitan and the Kuiperor of Austria. A DM lit A L CiH'KlU'liN. The late Admiral Coekbiirii, so Xi es-ive- ly lauded by the London Times, irets s ' lir-t-rate notices " tlii- jde ol the water. for his atrocious conduct duriti" the last war. J lie National Intelligencer, w ho-e publi-hers had their printing office sacked al tho burn iiii: of Washington, in which Cock burn bad a hand, says : " He conducted the British naval opera tmin in the wuU-rs of the Chesi'peak dining mat war, am: with all ullowante lor the m-- arily harsh aceompauimeiits of war, w ure sorry to say that those operations were often attended by excesses which reflected no credit on the commander who ordered or sanctioned them. They were such eeitainly as to exciie a dec p indignation tht oii-dnm! this country, and esneeialh in this eitv. . . - - i j . m re uis grentesi act ot t aodalism wa committed. We refer to the-e things now only as a retrospection due to the oeca-ion, unprompted by any remaining bitterness on our part, nltliou-li we had more pcr-onal cause perhaps than any other individuals ll-v resentful feelings at that time." ' ' A TI1KILING SCKNI-:. A few days siiii-t-, as the ixpic-s train f.r lialt.more was passing the vicinity -if N an num s cr. ek, at the rate of forty miles an hour, a bonifying .sight was witn. s-e'1 bv those bain appareiitlv charge of the train. A iiiau, lishe! iuii, inhabiting one of tl,c Mantle close by, who wa- laboring . bad thrown himself up-. u the rail, for the pnrp i-e of .-elf d.-trueti.,ii ; ion io ieuiaies uav lug ili'avvn nun on, we re engaged iii a dreadful struggle to prevent hi again throning hiinsell before the train. 1 lie had a deadly gilp of hi- leg, vv bile the other was kneeling upon his brea-t. a- the iron horse went thundering by, ju-t i razing hi r clothing; indeed .-o close was she that her own ee.ipc from in-tant d.-ath wa- most im minent, 'j he vv hole scene oeeapied but an iti-t-int, and scarcely any of th.. i,as-( ngci i ...... i- i i , . ... we re aware of the calamity that ha. bcell were ly 10 I'lhe l leU Li '. '"'f"'11 ing. Those who witue I it burr .r struck, know ing the linpo-sibil prevent the dc-t ruction of all three, i maniac iu strug m v inches nearer the rail. 1 FUOLIIAIIDINLSS. A London P-mer state that a m-n: -it Low t h offers to -i-celid the spire uf St. .) aim ' Church, which is "'!.- feet li-oii the gioimd. to repair the weathercock. Lut the ch-.,,i.ii- wardens re 1 use to a Mercury say., that t.....i . -T !.. lw..:.. 1 ow ii i in . ur or ii 1 he ."Stanford '; asi'eijt- have ', out of b',-av i- mo-t extra ir on the "uh of ned lieiij.-imiu ' Spire Smitii,"' cell le: li- v. ,iui ii !.': tneie- r lo or a drunken frolic. Th linarv feat of ail took plac May, 1-f, vi !,eu a in, ui Smith, known scaled the mi afterwards . summit of. tue no .iraii'i bis the bottle. Majesty s health, thiiVV ii ei vv r oriipipe, turned roil! danced a h i re oi k sev, the vane, ( sal 1 v . I the U a'.il ef t i ral time w hi re be tied his IK'ckeigh left it.) and i'e sc-- TII TAFLKS TFliNFD. A day Went In ( r two since two "fHeers of thi ana l. i for tin- I-,-t -a A .-ei i ll iatio.i I. ,r to I.-.ain- for dett succeed ed poi ct in. they c; nut "ifeiter-. In e i-mued the rogue and ot a cou-iderabie q -iiey, a, i 1 no hrile int ! V e! Counterteit i i. ncc. when tile b a h r of the ng, by a -firewd put into pri-uii. .vie ii they were movement, had the officers A ii i-xpla nati ni w a had, Si'.ci at.'d. In the lue.iiilim t -c.ipe-1. toe real rogue TIIK l'uKTMY t'F TilK IU mc one spi'iiking in liie ueari late o t'i ly ai the p is I,, . I '.liliel Web-t.-r. !' tin sal hii. e ' H i Te-t nnciit. tie- latter im .I ri .u-ly remarked, " Ah in n-tiy of Isaiah and ,lob and II. . .itiioi i.i-li e 1 : but w hen y i ha i.ive, -.At y - nine S cai -. y ei w ill . i- 1 111. or tub "iiai t, i uf .1 dni r one of ti,,- ip;-!.e-, tli.ui l o V Of tliL l'.iblC. ' iv i l.i l e t r t f. p -el SKI 7.1 111' OF IT-UING 1--11.-The ei,o.--inr . I, line- llix ha- arii.id l!o-t m from the li.iy .-I I'm!, nr. lb r cap tain 1 1 p.-rt- that the Aim o n-an -eh. . m r ( , a Z. lie, "1 Delllli-, iil-o thre i, . nn r- ei NeVV buiyport, M l-s.ichu-i tt-. aiel thr. .- v, -ii ol'Cape Ann, hi i c been i i.i 1 by the lrmi upon the charge of v i-d.ititig tin- ti-le'ig law Ail th" above vessel- were taken u'i Fox riv er. The al! nr has cau.-e 1 no suiali iSigr "f exgltclllel.l. ST U ING oF i:"I. One of the bc-t -eric- ef pan- ver p.r- . pe'rate were ma le by t .u, I. W oit, told, dav, having been indulging 1:1 hi" amu-eaicnt. was told that he ought le1 I tavorit to be j '''. " P 'iis"n' '" said Cab-b if I w a s pilll t hav. ishe-1 for ou r; I ..'..", I w iilld tie X pelli Y -!' 1 t) U':o at ivi"l.'r III V t"I ii-hed! A CAl'ITAL THING liY AVILLIS. I A W asbiiiL'toti corre-pondriit of tlw T, i ! liniic t.t accused the I're-iikniof dies--! '"2 rat1-r loppishly, and auiotij; othi r i thin-s ,,f having ' his hair oiled ami curled alter the la-hion of N. 1. Wiliin," Mr. W. makes tin: following ex.lanatioii in a liule at the lout uf an aiticle in '.be J.'u.nt J-jm- Hil : " first, the humble bend which bis F.i cellemy the l'i e-iilt ut is thus an tin nticaliy tlrlarnl to have selected torbi-suwu imi talion has hitherto km n no cxlernal cul ture or i lebelishini ut l eyond a daily souse in cold waternever, to niy know leH,je-, ' havin-.' been touched b oil, pomatum, curl-iiU'-ll-jid. em liiik-toiiL.'s, or olher undent ait or einonii nt. o, it ha- never know n even the lii&uvy of hnir-dre.ssin or barber, bay iri been cut. Irani boyhood till now, when ever and wherever it lias intouveliientl y lon', by sciv-nrs iu my own bands. 'J , it-- daily "fiir-n riou as a model for tbe Pres ident (ih .u-h I was wholly unaware, hith erto, ut cm r having been seen by bis Fx-c'-llci.pv) i- jieriuiincd without trest, plutm: or livery, it being known to my friends and neighbors by tin: eovcriiig ol a straw hat which -tiavv hat, I may add, is l0vv near the c!(s of ils wear for a sie.,ud summer, ami was I. ought iu tin: village of .N-wburL'h fur i i-.ltin cents. "Pear Ivieivis tf I he X i ihii nr ( J' ituld like to be bclicved to gl ow old. ill eouiiii v iu r.iiy w av, I inu lli-' to l,,,,,,,,,., ,,f i ve ley i'ui'-e have the wi of my eh-d as a cony tor the IVesiilerif .n, ,-hrcii though I would rather it were the inme that were a Copy f,,r the -chouLl.uy. f you (ill strew my -.eluded path w ith" mistaken o.se.v, however, I must be i-.M-it.-cd for such drops of i" biography as the truth com pels me to distill.'1 'I be following g0,l tfjinr is from flic North Wtsferu Gazette, a baiid.-ouie paper publish ed at Galena, Illinois ; MODKL KAILUOAD CONDFCT'f ii;.-. It i.- not enough that we punish vice, but we should reward viitue. it is not enough that we rail at worthies railroad conductor.-, but we should commend those who do well. The Cleveland IK raid did right in bringing P. the notice of the public the uianliiiess ,?( the conductor ..u the fgilciisburg road, who a few days ago halted his train three hours waning lor th.- opposite (rain lo pass. In answer to the importunities of passenger-, he told tin in be " should not adv a nee 1111 inch till In- beard from the ea.-tcrn tiain, though he waited a week." Another in Ohio was u-.Ii-red l- the Pri.id.i,t ot the i"ad 10 go on, aliho-i.h he knew a train w a- due which was entitled to the leal. '1 be Conductor -ti pped Irom the cars, and (old the President that if he wi-bed the train to go ollt ,, 1;,,. Pje-ideiit mu-t run it him-df. 'J he man who is ! -r of a .cii.iiei-.-imcnt capable of with standing ail iii.puitu'iilie- to proceed, when be ha- go n iva-on to -n-p, ,-t daiigi , j t,.. way ol g. j.,, ,vard, -old n ,t occupy for a in-., nil, 1 liie po-t t,i rabroad coieiiii-tor. It Oll.-'l 1- ,j nr, . very bi lb give i,f both to avoid doing tquiv ah'iii t 1 in -I al - : 1 I pi that, vv hi, h, murder. Wi y -i--.il cui. 1 when dope, i admire po.iteu - in railroad eaiiiiut say iiing. 11. cu, but n..t that k.lld v ilia ii its hill nn. -v 1 : 11 1 qmrci i-i A NFW D! Mi-, he r Vi- siu im Inns ui on a in vv stv' es throU-.ll in iking fho vvai-t- of ladies' dii e- : ' We s'i -v ! i.-t week a lie vv ,: . r 'r hi, lo,,;,-.. or ' ba-'j i" w ai-t-vi-ry ilea! an I ta t -tul. it i w Inch i ! ) cur.- on --half V sty ie ot making c.il.ed the ' puik.i . Fe-ides, being; the ' eathi'licaii the ' female dis- ea-es w ii:c,i no.v l I's Oi' Jelt- ht Uie ipy the inventive pow- makers. Instead of 1"' ing tu- wai-t into th- shape of a funnel, or a saw log, ult, 1 tin- -lab takt 11 off tuo si b s, jt j, e-ut in graceful curves to lit the 11 it'irai oi m of the w.it hi ij lite long, coiiiilig (io'.vii on the h p, and w ha'i bolted, so that wii-itevcr j 1 -iirc th.-re is conies up 'ii I 1 ,l and hqi-boiic. ing th- portions of the p( r is p-.il.-ing but the haeki.01, iatt -iiiies liuiii b, ing eru-he entirely lehev -11 vv here there to protect the d." oi T'i iii!-' PK.Y-'P IN -'. A pen. un !--r-tuo t in of th 11 qile-tl 1:1 of s.,U,i itjtore-t li t be pending bcf.,-rg tii- Secrc- h r, v iz : n lc-ther an appli te 1 fur gi'hintrv. iu an cant w ii . i- br neti ' w!,i" bc I- iu which be revive the wound for he i- t 1 be i..'11-i..he.l, i- tilt. tied tj i iiie 1 al the rank which he held wLeli vv in led. 1,1:11 b . ,!,i '. ..r at ,' the f the the brevet rati eoiiierrel I 101, .leliuil - 1-il nt. il... t ) date tiaile to ti Tie. the ' l lilhV -til war ' n bog, - grow ing eit of Mex till f C p. 11 -liits in all ot t!.. m c u '.Use. lor the gre iter 1 would be d -,, under It strik.-s 11 h 'vveve-r, ie law to j i-tity peii- lite- the in there i I 1 , whieii -I pen -i m. vi iiie en a-ed rank, is nothing in t g them at all. tln-v may have i.er ran actual! th.'iu tiiat in el'v-'d lie A I. MIMING DI I": : .1. W f.-.v 0 T.oSFFvF. tt. ef Nut!: C O'lii- ih Fa-.etlevil N . i th Car. . it he 1. , - i:, a le c -ehe t - lis -t I ! bu i-t fi.i: ty f ir y , a-.'s. ! j-l-t e'it lis b.i ..II- t '1 the ptli p-.-e , I thill tl I V 111: le ' il- q lilii ll t iii, i.t am . I- : 1 ; ii, .. ap 1:1 I uc -ii-.ii , ; 1 VV . ,-l. I b! I ll- ''IT i'ii as in to Pa rtingt-.il re-istible b an i'.i'.i -ta b-l p It t M an ir w It'll i"ii t : b Iv get bait I ;n-r. a p.-r-.'pt:ve h sr fr-t S'at- n l.-liin I, an 1 al--' . r'-.g' . NV Th.-r upon t'1 groan ! the ne; -lib r .-.-v, t; I' I'.-