1 . - t, VOLUME Q- CHARLOTTE, O., GCTOBER 18,18SS. in 1 UOLTON k WILLIAMSON, Editors a.nd l'aoramoRS. TEIIMS: The North .Carolina Whig will b afforded to lubieribere at TWO IXJlXAKH in advance, or TWO IMJlXAIltj ASU FIFTY CENTS if pay. uifnt be deluyeti fur three months, and THHKK H.I.AK.S ut the end of tho year. No paper will be discontinued until all arreurugee ere paid, ex. cfftt at the option ot' the Kditors. Ailvcrtisnnif nteinacrted at One Dollar per square Iti Imra or Icae, tlna ai i. d type) fnr the first uiaer. turn, and -!j ccnle fur ejoh continuance. Court art. vertiaemcuta and Shciffa Kalce chared 25 j.tr cent, higher ; and a del in tinn of 3,'i per ecnt. will be nude from the regular prime, fbradvertiacre by the year. Auvcrtiec aieuta inrted monthly or quytrrlv, et il per atjmrc fi.r each time, hcini. ruwilhjy 75 eenle per liU. re fur ea h lime. TY All' JclL-re en bu.o.ae u.ual be due.' led to ; L.IST OF Ii:TTi:tlS REMAINING in the IW OfT.ce in Charlotte, mi thu 1st duy of October, I Bis. Alexander, Jerry n J i Hi r son Arnold, Nclrnn Armii trong, John Adama, J. W. I-ciiie. W T. A. li Black, William U-mlt, William ilrtieecl, Ailoipli urown, t'A ihe Edit -.. l-etterti n.u.t be poatpaid or they Jr"' " w,,,-.-. be .tended to. I K.Tl.M' Tr Payment can be nude to either. If Poalinaatcra are authorized to act aa agenla. To the TravclliBs I'libiic. A. m III llll'NK luvmg die-meed lna ittlervet in hi Kaleitiieti llollun, II. II. Uriys, J. J. rl-bcock, .Ms Edith M. Ilu.hncll. V. W. S, lllakclv, Jainca Itoyd, Win. Illuir, J. r. Black, Col. John I'.fOW'll, U ll ll.lnin, iUibert lhh:e, Thoin., maul ( A. Bnili.tne Sl I n, fender h,e M rrylull, J. J. cordial tiienka to hia Irund and cu. tiniM re tor pa- favo a. end wetild iu. fufni them and the public gettt-ret'y. ihal he will no.e (l-v.-le ft la eltt-nlioti rlclueively Id the dud. i. ntvlil of t'.e ATIl.ItU AS IIOTI.I t hi? ifg raH th' p'im-r'v for a irnii of ynrt. I ieii 'U'tiH A iihiii h,Mii ii ret lun(irr(l yrii of tiifl Ha I ir.-d OfTi'fl uf U pl. j. fcpiingt St l.'o , and ii'm d m ltd I'uMita DAILY HAIL LIME it ! tin ll'iia. Ttt Mjm Uiva iha Amari. cn ftufpl. fir If eitt lyii c r wne.intf itiiriiditt: v -er lit arna1 tit' ti 4 ra antl artiTe ry Uj) ( oh.i irikHotJ K hliaiii, Sidiu j Mightjiii, W in. C. H.rnt-tU U. V, IIiriiliiH, Knbfrt llraiit'ttrd, Jjint Hull, Kii W. Hi ( klll. Ti, f. G. Ii.,k. r Hainirt IjV ii ton, "J hoiuat C Coffin &. Ilaizd ii 5 p i Through Tickets f'iif'eiU5J l tM.it)r li.e h-4prl foul tu li4itittur (ht t an tm I(iuiii) Iront (Jhr la A ! lof liit.li aiund bi Null if and Prtr(bt'p lor 917 tHt t'atwpi.gara n g rrth'f iNurifi or SMiih will m fA Ifh ! ltie tlMtti"fi llml I B'M ft! Ml lie rig ; iietatai iitfin; urty ifimg in tetiMtM in tyt tsina ur tli il'tir'ur tf i't i( t,ig(-. J II W , 1 1-., a',- t f'HH-ii 0. llti l)pt on I ii'itil (' cr, at.d vi ink ficure tit wailitij 01 p4eii;fr goiig th'tuii r any Mtitnif iu a y l tii tit?fM.ii Unlet I C'-oiiih r, Jamct (Ilcru) In iin, Aaa ...iiiif r, ii. W. -11) h 1.I I eV Hugina 3 (ihih, T noma a ( I ti'ton, John tolhn, John M. 1 hla', W . t jutpit II, John ('j)Jte, JUII I'nijf. .Mm, S. P. ( l.tf , .ikim ff a m li' i-nt htimbr uf Portesfa at hta com (VaigheaJ I. G U. P. i 4 (id in atti ti 1.. tttmt ft and ihn r tmffiifc. ! c akoi.iw i. I5Y JKNMNCS II KEUH, ? harlot tr, A. ! !) riy, J.ni,r., I ihci. Iao', 5 ) I ' . v!, .fri?e " VViijiMin ' J. 8. lijvidaott, i. A. r-M-a.ra Ifi IxM 3'f ! Fillacrc Hotel. i -)$4iiw muwj-i J. w. m 4 i HV WJI. K. tat A N'T. ),V,J.ul ,W1J DaVld j Kiblinjrer, M. M. t A. A Kiiif, A. A. " Colin Miea Nannie Keter, l.ciinn l Tho. F. Kirkpatritk, S. H. Pyrua E. L Tlioinaa J.unly, Simon tJ. T. A Cj. . I.iuuly K. L. Kuaan l million-. t)r. C. D I.ittl., Win. T. jr. M MrCraeken, Robert Mittag, J Y. ti. M Id a, t:u. Jo hii Me Ken, Col. Mi-Her, K. M. MiHjrd, Win, Eljni T. Moore, Ijc t Minn. Wni. M. MrC.ll, Kliiabcth AleUoiiald, .MiaaMaryE. MeKinghl, Mr. s. C : Me.e.-ly, Abel C. ; .M uwtii, Win. 11. ! M irli yn, John ! M.-..iia, John M. Moiitjuiiivryf Wiimn ' Joaiuli MrCrrighl, Eaq. Morrow, J .n.ra ,M l.ure, Cyrua S. .M.lli.y, )uvid I . Mi Alli.tir, John j M iyr.,i,t, S.rah F.. M. Kinly, Cloirli-, y M horn, y, Win. K. j M.JIi r, Ahum C. ! M-o.re, Mra. JJne. " M. M. ! Ne;i I, W. II. j .Nt-i-hr, .Mi)t liuiaa J Nid.nn!, J.inii a A. I N.ltiii(; r, John I Nelw.n, J.iii, a W. ! Nirbnlaon. ('nrwW Ntuflir, A. W. .Niilon, I h.irlie L. ) Ovr-rrrh, Henry, 3 O'ttara, I'utnck P Parka, Mm Karah J. K.rUtr, A. A. I'arki-r 4 liail.y Puekrl. J .lm I'rati A Co. Mrim. I I'lurr, lln. IS .nil. C. I'hi Ui,, M . W. d j I'liili r. Pi Ur Powt-r, l.avi-iiea 1 Pati-a.n, John ! Port, r, Alra. i 4 1 Qui ry, Wi!,ani ' J.iliii It Ii y Siinurl i ltui: liter, 1'jtrii k KubeiUoU, Ahaauder w. I'On T1I6 NOItTH-CAROI.INA WUIQ. " One Short Year," Oh! why eo mounful at the tlmuj;!.!, ' Of wlut one year rni.y bring I Beim, unci truatiny in thy Ui-d, tjcb winter hj; lie 'plug a " Out of darkneea light .. culled, To cheer ua on our wav, And though eioude gather dim and dark, 'J'licy nvvcr lonj,' do atay. We need not hope to find unchanged, The beauty aoen in youth ; Hut there ia one more laating far, The heuuty found in truth. Our golden ilrmnia are light and frail And Itttk- worth at beat; Ku let ue tear them from our thouglite And euck a truer rest. , were Dot bo bigh ufim the world as now, nueu your ucijUUHitl ic DPgan. " I know ull tbanotlir r. Jlut when I was a boy y0u taugbiie oilier tbing beside tlircading neudlcH. ou tauj;lit mo that pridu of wealth aud jace, was billy evinc ing a weak mind ; tht bonet poverty was respectable, and cajett, welul industry, ever honorable ; andl have not forgotten tbo-e early tcacliinsfsl iiing Kate. JSiie dotf4ot move in the same circle itb us now j ri position is entirely , changed.. You krfia Mary i likely to th many wrnnge, .rt." Maater MffiSIIMEL, l.incohiton, Still ftprn. IT hamf rn reiiorltd to aoni eltanl in the amroui.dii.g eoumw. that He ' eaia'.iiah nni cloa-d. ;and no d.mut ty eouie de f niog cinracier ilir aiiirriier ihnflorH mane Una M.eili of infonn-iig t'ie roiniiium'y ai l.rg. tt.l the . ik...i....i ii... of gi . i,I aa il i (.on m ta mi. i loi ju t latoU'e il'i n i-p'rienc emim l" ' ya.r, in ilia t.na ,.. e(. he i.l a olieila a abate n i,.l,n llae.ng lalele irlillrd ai,d nn.r..e.l md .i...li.hineni. t.e f-it a-aored lint tne g.Kaia ehatl not leare diaeatiafied H S. JOHNSON. i.re'a en. Avfnit IS. IK',3 28 6.il Hagler's Hotel. ralll!-. .Miieinwr n-.,i Una me 1 ihml of n il. ruling hie lruli.l Hid tin MiU;- Kemrll. Ihal r. 1 .... mlw it fvti-d at.fi own. fl lor ilirit a. e-.inni'.H'i.in ,,'- larf f Bnek It'll ilme on M-Kgantnw.i .f'e'. " 'he l r, .ii, o.oeC h t .'I Wm ian"rt. ol li ll .piii V.Hr,. I I,.- .hriber h"lM.a ly an .e.irlUi'Ma li iriiikni tn l.i. rlni'.iw tn reml't ilia mi.il.ii 'S ' all h-i .Ir.ri Willi hi ii eiMiilo.taele end ( able. IV a. in lrj. lln g l.i ihe in.iiii.Uina, and wiahn g "o ri ml a ira di.y. rrl. ot inmiilia, in ihe nkaaan' .e oi l.f noir, may find ln houea a pleaeaiil ri ing i.Ui e. ' A. K. IIAHLKK. 1 4l I' louiii-rtv. Itolirrt l'.iiin, M-ry i:. .Mi. a ' Juini a " Jdiuea P. II .fenpi.rt, J. W, " M . 1'. IVIii;-. A. Ihuui, l'-ni.l I. r.nnia, J. II. I.il.rua, II. V. I.U-JOil, II. M'aa Sarah Krriiigion, Kibtit l.lin.i I I'.hy, John t railer, J . C. l it Iding, John I li.vi, Mte .M irijuet I'Uoiiiki-it, S.iuui 1 (. (ray, Naney W. tlain J..I.1, Ynu eay, "that rarth. To iiU-tl the T'Hlllil Uul know you not that til i,ur wrong t rom uifvLiedii nee atari ? , , Poor inothi r enrth ! 'in well ahe'a f.r.'ii, And oiii'K-ii nt to hi-nr. The mne of all her wicked one Committed everywhere ! Sorrowa and enree atill will rome A rtuiai 'uud fragrant flnwere j IJut we should turn them to ocouunt Like auiikliine aftir aliuKcre. We need not ho(e to find while here, Uninterrupted joy : Flcaaurr alone could ne'er he known, Uid they come without alloy. So let ua kn p our epiiita pure I rmn eurtli'a depreanig care; And we will unit a brighter light, from beuuty everywhere, Tin n du not mourn that we were made From urth to p.iae awi y ; But lite, an we may bow to meit In ni.ln i of tndltta day. Vrtul,rr I, l.'j.'l. Vli5Cfi(;mcoii5. , tui; wav or i isr: ui;i,n, I!Y rRAN( IS DANA CAGE. would advise me to desert her, because she I circumstance?, and seldom eat oj'tun, ex-1 of Lin sister, and with earnestness besought in struggling to prepnre br-rself for duty cept at my regular meal.", po exe't-e rue. him to avoid the wine cup. I'reeton talk- '" AVell, I don't know ; it does eem hard I heard jour merry laugh, and yit called ! ed lair and made lihenil proiiii-e-s jier- but Hill, Ilarii.-ion, I notncliow don't like ' in to : the in:s. Have you got throuuh , haps he meant to keep th.-m, and would tlie idea of your marrying a kitchen girl.' with that railroad ca-.; V ' I have done so, d jubtlcv, had not tempta. 1 It ia Btrange,' said young Orey, pacing A dark scowl flitted owr tho features of tion tn. t him at every l urn. Again and tho floor back nnd forth, in an almost an-! both the beau and belle, and without giv-: ayaiu Harrison (irey found him in eoiupiuiy gry mood 'that thin abominable prejudice ' ing time for reply to Grey's question, the 'with, and partaking wiih nine bibbers, has taken such fast hold of the minds of lady replied with affected pertne.-s. 'Not -Mary was warned. IJut Mr. and .Mrs, lirey all women. You. mother, of nil others, to drink wine. Mr. (Irev ' I l.iw n.n nn,...r ihtuiuhi. Im una im li .(.., I ... i ..t.i i uo not wi.in to kke back any part ot talk thus of the few and ".tinted callings not teetotaler, I hope . ever to In eouie a drunkard ; the influence) those precepts, or to pre you forget them ; opened to women, to make this one, which ' Yes ; a teetotaler. 1 drink no beverage of a wife was ail he wanted to save him. but still I cantrot feel coneiled to your vis- j is more important and indi-petisable than stronger than pure water.' r' i On specious reasoning thnt has led all the others, and upon which more of the ' La, tne. 1 don't believe water was ev- thousands of the beautiful, tho lovins and happiness, health, comfort and prosperity cr made to drink, it's o insipid.' true, to ruin and de-pair. If the maiden of a household denelids. disrenutable. seems ' ' It mav be. Miss I.t-'iand. to thov? who cannot hold th lover firm !, mi,-.. ii, j make inllinueB. w;...' ll.arics l'refcton, the ! to me the height of inconsistency. Half , indulirc daiir in Litrlt seasoned lood find wife never will. If the mau liatli tint th. i most talented and iWi.n.hU . :.. .i... c. i.:. .i. ... . .i:.i. i ... . ." r i ., .... , . jvuii man . 1.10 n viliill III nil; OtdlO an) Kuetieil WUIIII'n Ul lull, OUl 111 I 110 IL'llLl'jr, it Is Very UCil- bireiljlll ttmiill ll'.lll.Sl It to wsllt upn.'l.t lor somebody s es-tablishtntii, and often 1 eiutis to my palate.' no power ul' -maii can hold iiim loii" m work more hours, and harder and faster, I ' You may drink it all for me." sail the the paths of virtue. When will soeieiw wheu supported bv a husband, aud for far ' proud beautv. with a toss of lo r heail tease to make woman tin. Ii.....r f t.irrniii.i.. u.;l...u.i:AnAn.l.... . . .1 t .... . .. " , . . " r i";anHiii)rw. luss wages, too, tnanwhcu tncy were hitcu- ; evinentlv pniueit nt the vouii'' mans ho-.morals: lion m tuts matter wm upset the whole ofen girls on their own hook. It has'ahvays brieiy. 'I have no eympathy with those U8- j been a wonder to me, that women will so j who make capital "'it of their wenkne-s. "If I thought Chnrti Preston was made oppress their own sex. A man may work j A man that has not resolution and eharae of ucb poor $t.uj' ua ti aeaert the girl of bis ! at any trade he pleases, if after his work j ter enough to um tin; good things f this heart because her braher married tho wo-; is done, he nut mi his nriut.iemtii. nnt i world wuhout. al.n.in.r t )..... i imi...i...i man of his choice," reeled the young man 'and behaves, and -s at heart a genth inan, I ull. Come, now' let me tempt you to excitedly, "I ahould le willing to try his: the world at large recognises him as such. I ta-tc ; this is delicious. beautiful. Y.jme, mettle, and save my sist-r from such an un- I IJut education, talent, beauty, grace, nor Mr. Orey, surely, you will not refuse a ciiiiiimc alliance, ojeri.r break tlie w heel goodness, can wash tlie brand from the brow ! ia in our citv: and 1 feel I ' visiting Mrs. Willouglhy's hired girl, that Lis aristocratic rclativetwill decline all in- CI, 1 and and alter the kite! Ila. i i- i , married the beautiful with tlie full coh.T.nt r par. tits. Two Tear leli :n 1 to atoms belore it is pfcted under the ear, ; of the kitchen pir!.' than to run the risk of Its strength and en- j " Your love lor Kate, my sen, makes you danger a score of lives. f So it will be better : sec these things too strongly." to break into fragment) this much desired! 'No mother, my love for Kate n.akos family allinuce, than to.ct it be consuuima-' me sec things trul v. Lore is n irreat sham. jtauL and thus make a sBpwreek of tho hap- eu.r U the eyesight. If the 'fashionable ias3 of a household. You call Kate a i and talented Charles I're.ston was to desert lureU girl, aud so she ii, a regular hired lour dear Mary simply because I chose to girl. L'ut what of that !i Is not your aris-1 marry the girfof my heart, and Mary was tocratic Charles l'reston hired man !'' I made to sutler, as both know she would, " Yes, in one sense ; at agent for the com- ! 'our jvci u,i' dear, for tho sufferer, would pnny, he may be said tobe a hired man. I'e" our evt;s to the wrong, and we should IJut he is not obliged towork." condemn without stint the ba-eness of tiie "I ask your ardon,lmy mother ; he is ' action. If Kate and Julia I'reeton were oblijjcd to work or lead a dependent life 'c'lual in point of wealth and position, now. j using the means of his iuiicr who, when a ; '"other, which would you rather have me hired man of all work to ' bn"e "'"a a-s a daughter: ' 1 , even a lady cannot tempt me from w bat I feel is a duty.' The lady bit Ler lip with vexation, and reu are rum- tutitr. j young man, aas a Kate Uoyd's grandfatler. Kale is not obliged to work either ; for since her fath er's death, more than onofiiend has offered ; her a home. Uut Kate prefers a life of in- j dependence.". " Weil, Harrison, I know ail that. I of--jfered her a home myself for your sake, but j she would not accept it. Mrs. Weston gave her a chance to caru her living wiih her, but she refused the place. Your fat!.er, kno'eing your predilection, offered her a Well ,' said Mrs. tirev. composedly. ' Kate was always a favorite of mine.' 'And still you urge me to give up the favorite, an I wed wealth and position ; making the bride only a kind of appendage to the rest !' ' I know it seems wrong in theory; but yet it does seem to me you had better give up Kate.' ' (Jive up in jr happiness and my honor because you cull t brave public opinion. 0!i, mother, after ail your teachings, t0 aJ vise me to such a step. Well, it s the way of the world." t , .i . . .jr. 1.1 rey rose to depart. I re-ton, alarmed and lnnrtitied, followed I fie door, and begged him to be silent ring that the lady ha' street, and given him could not evade, iVc. ' Could not evade,' strong Harrison (irey, still more excited step, he cannot evade now, w ill he be alle to do -o hcrenft-r ? No.no; M iry mit-t not be sbipw reeked upon such an unconcealed breaker, lie begs me to be silent, lie loves Mary how can he help it. Hut bis tone is not that strong anchor deeply bed ded in manliness and virtue that will hold real!- im to. ; aver- in nt him on the a banter w l.ii.'h ho i said the bold and . as he again, with strode aion-j. ' Ifi I aries l'reston amiable Mary apt-rot at of I. ley married Kate Jjovd, v. uli. nit their approval. and with a retuclaiit euii.-ei.t. Let us skip fcve years. Mary I'r.-aton is at homo n?am in her father s hail, the J ale, wreti hud. dro-piii mother of two sickly children. Ilow coul 1 thi'V be otherwise ; the drunkard's child- Chailes Preston tils from his lodge of by day to his bird c:in:o of etnbczziiiiff tne conwet s eeil, au .-in joji.-s forth day tui I, t ) expiate the tiie 'Ul. I'e 11. oiiey, and f, anu hath and him fa.-t, when the whirlwind overtakes him or the rude waves tion rock him to and fro. Mary wa-ne.1, and Charles must be po-sible. lint Charles Preston was l oung tir.-vs ham! was u; on j l.oddtn, (;hr"l or Louie I I If lldlaill, I.. i Kes. Kobi-rl K. ! Ii j iiim. ii r, V. A. C. , l;..i.i.i. ii.iiin, t 1 lU.lfrow.Z. I!. j Kodgera, lit l ; Italialll, SM.MUi , Herd, Ijio. W. Sharp, D. C. I II. W. ' sV ilea, J. M. j Sluirr, H, K. j Siprmya, AmireJ ! ,riHM'r, it. ; Silu,tli, II. i lliirton, 3 I .'. Ilium Slru klaiiii, Moaee . SAieara, .Morg.iu . S. villi', AualiU I Psri i, 'I . W. 'Ihe door bell rung, aud the conversation Llacti III tin' l. ul, lie s,.,.v.l. ).,,( il,.,i .1,,. Harrison, said Mrs. (irey, and she held not like. Nothing else would do, (and Mrs. .'er head down to her sewing, ami tried to Urey s tone aounded very like a sneer,, but -em and speak undisturbed, "where did to become a kitchen eirl. I am s..r we you spend la-t evening ! 1 know you are have doue our part bv Kate, and if she will was interrupted. VOUrottnninn linir hut .till I .I,.... I....1 ............ I ..is - . . .: i' n ................ .1 IT I ... i I- ' icspeci nerseii, we are not in duty bound i "-oi"i'-"y n ounouuueeu, mm iunuu .jt u Bl-tl V like D-i kiln, nri a ii. At t,..H u. .. ... I. e .1 . . .. ...... ..i, J ....... .... i 1... ..-,... , .ii i j . ft (. K.iyiuei 9 tiaivilllll lure lO re- nee C UCr. . .siij.'iw upon me si i Lti i,o iiuitl JUS j'Ul - . p. .ji; ''MrsVirey.t.u.'erstwitlhedai.dthelhread herself, a kitchen is as sule as a parlor ; it he VTV ami Tro reTOre tne wpm J . .. , . ? . .. .1. . . 1.. . 1. .. .!:.,, .'.i .. i. m.'iiismn thnr now lll'ldn ills home- 31V llllll- 1 i" r s pped from the eve ol Uer needle, and she is noi me umt iu..v a.oi.y . .o. - brought it up between her and the lamp or womau-but the man or w oman should er makes ,t a boast that he w as once a poor and made effort after effort to re place the give dignity to the trade. If kitchen work mau. and has worked Ins way up fro.,, pov- ,e could see that there . i, actually Hisgraeelul, w hy Hut you ever go erty to wcaiui ey ...s u cm . - more than the dimness of fo, ty into your kitehe..: NShydoyou, a elms- Hence, les. he maKes it as uo.ist, nu years that came between her aud the accom- tun womau aud mollier, ever let the ctiilU a.ier au, i mum i .u-.e iu. ' . . ... i t .1. .. ' ti.rii.np or v.. r bans we mav sav. the unex- t.hshiuent ot ncr object. I "'""" 6" ; ,., ,. , i -. . . 1 "II. k. ...ntlier said a fine lookins. "Why, lay son, I doa t think kitchen amplcd growth ot tins great country than well dressed v.mn ? eentleuiati. who lav oil work disgraceful you kt)o.v I don't,' re .1... ..i .i t . r w il,:,i i ni vnu ulied Mrs. (irev. excitedlv ; but in e soi ii, jvu i i.. i "-J w i ., - , , . I.'.i.. ,r,,i i turn vour needle t other side how all ladies feel about it. up; you are rever.ing the order of things, public opinion, and somehow there thread. One Something (ilatehr'h, Mie Indiana 1 suiiii,, Cbriatina r?J!in "awer'-'.'! -rim "HaMaaTeW Mil, . s.',3 I. uira iiini ( II IItUSTOS, S. ('. f m 1 K. an'mnril it li-g" r.spn. t'iil'v I" in Ion n hi-r Ini.ila mid n. timhe f en- .1). ihal -ha ha laaen a leae-i ol ina a 1 h..v" IU TKI. "Im h n win "I" re,.,pi,n f liianlir and 1 raae'era llween Ilia J.eh mai.nl and IHe lei laeplrmher. Thia long ee U-. ..i, r. k.,.,n lloiiee. ui.Hergi.na a Ue.rootrli a It era I ."ft l hnM, g tnll fir?!' n.ifl-1 nd lurniahed ernh nt and liia'.n.ii.i.le turn. lute, anil Baing enim-m I'. Ibe rr.nr of l,,,-..a,l l'l l'i taahmn- el.le i.arl of Ihe ri ao'icne a rail Iroin nor iiihoo loo. inai.il. a.,d lor.ner purnne o( the lluuae (liver, AU s. (iiyiu-iiit r, Miaa E. E. 1. oil, -in, A. II. I Phi. W.A. tirool, P. W. I.UIUIV, Capl. J. I. ull, John I), liooiih, Tli .niiie tirier, F.. C. Catlili.Suaan Miae Cr. if, K. II. II. II IP, (tie. W in. W . I.. J imra II. " John, jr. Ili.lniet, II. W . -1 llucka, Oaiiu W . Hipp, MariT'.ri t lluti inaoll, . S. .Mia Harriet " Ctharmc Holm, J..hu rt. IP.uion, J-.lii. a Hemh rs.iii. Mm S. K. .Miter, Win. l..IUwy. Mi M. ll llll! II, S lIllOl'l IPdohaueh, .1. M. ll'Kjver, t vru" Howell, Mi Melinrla.sl ' If!, John Harvey, Cept. Thoinar llama, lr. John llr.C. W. Hnrriaoi,, Kl.im Hemphill, Monroe F. Hunter, llrnry Hoilge, l.rrsn W. I V J Irwin, J. S. i Julian, J. C. J.inra, Wni. Jarreil, ll.in'l. F. J.iiiim.ii, Miae Miry J, nkina .V Taylor Joite, I'. t. I II N. l..n.i.l..(i Ttioniae T. vou know 1 can t control is a kind O .. i , l. i! I Il..r.. '..i .. thread needles to keen me out ol reproach a t lentil 10 wren cms, aim us of mischief, aud now, peihaps, I may put useless for me to attempt to get society right of pa.-.- ion of temp ta in, i-t be saved, if f irgottetl. .iitin; Wil- 1'V's iiell knob and its energetic ding. oiiig, uiiig, lortuwuh answered ly tne ni-at kitchen j-irl, who put all other thitigs out of his head, and turned his philosophy out to take au airing for the time being. It is not often that one meets so fine a specimen oi womanhood as hate 1 v 1 . y 1 I'll, nor Vet an amaz.'ii; not n n..r Vet it 1. l unette. lie r rv.'. ii: I t ..... . , ... , -..'... Southwcith talks of.) nor gold. Mi Li:, or rich an!, urn; iit falling ringlets, ..r ii.ii.e up iu nia--ie madonna bi aid-: it was n .('""' " llernoe was ii"t Iloinan, nor aijulin.', or snub; it was just such a lio.-s as you would see un a friend s face and not know particularly th-H she had a u.we ; so in hr.riuoiiy with her half blue, half gray and half hazle i-e... that yu thought nothing about ii, only that Kate l!oyl was lovely ; s-nne said ' I mi. ful,' otheV-' splendid, and Vet 110 oticcilbt exactly tell t-.rget v. J he kitelieu yui is honoie f UI1J loved. lint the pro id, talented, fashionable rich agent of the ll.ii'.road (.'.jinpaiiv, bowed all their heads low with tbame sorrow. TIIK WAV I'F TllK Wi.Rl.Il. All around us are parent.; strugL'linir for wealth, sacri'.ieing ea.-e, comfort and socia bility, even -;lf -re. pi ct and the i.-Ieasure of on-cicuee, t..i gsiu wheriwithnll to their children place and power, blcsing tin-v tints ardently want. and untiringly struggle lor, become a with, critig curse t , tliMu and their children. Like the apple of the lV-a.1 ea, fair to look upon but turning to .vhi-s iu tho a cod i: buy for and the I s."''i-i i ..i d We Si gling th"! r 1 1,, . are weuitu and honors unaccompx by integrity arid good habits. Yet e about us every day, parents strug- to g't rn, ami ..r tli:-t cud peg cliH'lrMi. scarce kiiowing how , ct cr their time is spent, laying in their minds iu f'limdatiiiii of n-efuhiess f-it ire. '1 hey accomplish their ch their aim, thev get rich. liters, what of fathers ruin tho w here young fur ti work, they reach their Hut their urns and dan th.-m ! The wealth ef the rl ib- ren' An which taketli away. In too tmicli still to t)il l Jen vine: itself wiYi.'s' and lleelh t, the v;,v rf the nnrl.l TIIK by. I ..i ... ....neluoon iioihinir will be fell miu-no , k en bar part Iu make Uiem coinlorlabte while in the Kennedy. Miaa Miry 1 1 'Hive. . i i sitNar., Jeon ; Suiini.. now, II nrj Si.i iiiiji., AnureW ! J. I,. ; Stafford, Mis. II. N. 2 I Moan, Kobert ! iMtWall, J. II. I Stockton. Mra. M. J. 3 ; Si-oit, lithium I 1 ' Todd, J. W. J Adm II. i Torrl'i.ee, Charlia I.. I've, Wni. " M. M. a Tagert, Nam V Thorir, V iili-.m Tlionipaon, Or. John II. Trowly, Slephen V V.rrtliS W. II. ti. t ValvliUne, Miaa Mary J I Walker. Jane H. Mre. 1 Wlnle, Mia. M..gga K. ! Ward, M.a. M luida U ! ilaen, 1.. 1-. j I" t'ti relme I i Jatiiia Wilhama. Flli-bclli R. A lire wn Joim " Cathnrino Wntaon. John II. Wella, OsN.r,, ! W ilkineoli, W m. eeii. Joeepll i Wi.ll. Joeeph Wallace, Mi-e Marg't F llliamaon w . s. Went, Joe Wilhelin. Win. M. lute, Thr lime Wilile, lr. J. W. I'. Warner, lit n. W ill., rspoi ii, n. billow Nietinlaa Intlle, Mra. W. C. V hitl'ord, Hn hiird my knowledge to a belter use; helping my , m that matter, mere arc too many kiieu g.wd mother's failing eyes." ! en girls whs are not mti-liigent and upright, " Thank you, Harrison ; I do thiuk I shall . and I suppose that la the reason tin y stuud have to g. t a pair of spectacles." I so low. ' "Just let the sewing alouu till 1 go on for " Kxactly so; but where a good girl, one goods iu the fall, or set me to threading ! every way worthy, makfs it her choice of O .1. . " ; 1 . . 1 .1 k.- 11... sat.,.. needles for vou till then, and ill Urmg you business, aim noes, wa, u ..aj ...... the best pair the city affords." " That will be very nice, 1 1 be sure," said the aoitated tnnthir. scarce heeding what she said; "but then it would be a trouble for vou, and vou are ulrsvs in such a hur ry, 1 suppose I cau get a pair at Newland's that will answer." Harrison was laughing in his sleeve ; he knew the cause of his mother' agitation, and while he respected and loved her ten derly, still he kiiew that tho coming convt r- nioii would be very likely to end where it bean, except that it would caue some un pleasant feeling- to both ; for the time, there fore, he Uivcr'eu it again. " And what il it s iou d cause me a iitu turc, is doing the very ttnngs mat iatner . . . T e .. : '. ...th.. Lie.. ,.1 fll.MP lie oil, tail-'IU. ...rl- t oi, vn.i iiiive an'in ior Years, is il una otoiie. . ...... .... -- c ri'ht. is it just for you to withdraw your mo wer- right and proper and praiewor- kiudiiess from her, hecae-e some unw. rthy anwhing else, that has given us our posi tion. Little dreamed he when he bought his farm here, that twenty years would increase its valve one hundred fold. Then 1. I.-.. ..n ia I'.....,,.. lt,vd fla ti simerior. in',uu,i - j .. CV and was delighted when Ins Poy played: is-ate reeeneu uer love, jo,, -hide and seek in the summer moonlight ' pirl would, led him to the par r and seat with the Congressman's daughter. And . ed herself gracfully by Ins side-f ,r Kate molhcr too. how much pains she took, had sunk the kitchen gu l long ago, ,n ..e i..i. ' -..i .1 ;.(..,. loitl, fH,.n eves of the U i.lougiib v s, and though tuev on tho household, ami Kale, the gentle paid her, per contract two Kate, strong iu that purity of her own na- I he pile I an; now : gaut e .-' '! ii .t !. -- th. str.i this 1 A.-IICI'.'J 'LOCK, military ban; retired, aud iu a chair facing the gi lt .on to the. top is t am! ittin. ; fi-.m the 1 in one irlieir.'.t le, t, an.l manv is are waiting to see the working "f ck when it strikes the hour of n ..:i. verv ce is upon the chick. It now wants live minutes to twelve. The clock has struck, and the people are gone except a few whom, Auguat Is). MRS. A. J. KKNNKPY. 3,1-ui 303 woman has done the sane work ? It is tho heart that people carry into labor, not tho labor itself, that degeneiutes." Mrs. Giey knew her son was light, but yet she was not quite willing, or had not moral courage to acknowledge her error; so, waving his argument sho replied : ' Why did she, knowng all these things, refuse all other modes o' living? I should have thought she would have had more re spect lor us. " 1 tell you, mother, Kate had respect, and love, and honor for is, and for herself. iliroon u e . If ii- , , .... , .. ,,.l t I I. ...o," to:, ii.l. lee ltsi trouble or even a day's i e ay vou were j mil ouercu ner a iiome ii wu iu i....e. i.o. . trouble, or even a lay i l,,.ie of dewudenc. aid the world would be lashionaole, is not so tne ngni to un eyes .o - . ... i 7 ' k" I... U .Ul.in.r labor, to the niushroou an-toeraey a -. . i... i i . m... ... ...il.t I. ,e. inildicaii America.' Heaven IUI a. liuau.mu. .'..s. ii.i'". ....... r lteinoval. ril'IF. Ilreneh of the Stale Hank he ir. re. Jl movvd liem Klme' ll Jildtof 'o ' on tiie corner of Or, Aa'm'y'a lot. V1..m aireel THibS. W. I'KW'KY, (lithicr. .V'xIIC 'i!i'f m r 1 prai li. B iii MeeklxMbuig and Ilia end li aaili'iinii'geoiiiiln'eandpti.eeeuie lloun. tv l.aud ed P-nton ' lann". '". Joh.ialoii'e br It tMiililing between Kerr'a Hotel and the Poal OlTi-'e, up ale, re J.nuary IU. 1h53. .',2-1 V l-llftl, A I.AHIiF. !H;NET RINfi. wiih the initiala. A II II, 0." upon a creel, containing also a lock of hair. Any puraon rinding eaid ring and leafing II at Ihe Store of Oividaon St Moae, will te eaive Five lit. Hare. Jane b, IrtoJ. H) f V. M. KOSS, P. .1. W.-uilcil, aava.a. Ill'sHF I.S of new and well eleinedj JlP'r WIIKAT.al n,y MilU 10 "' t .....e. wiMghing not I ea lh.,t. ..at, ,.o- .!. lo th.t .1 Ti e VV I, ,le lh May and he be.rd-d Wheal p.eler.ed. Ior which the i AMI ' " d- WILLIAM JOHNSTON. . , 3Uit Align"! JU. rejillR Noiea end Aecoiiiiia due Ihe lte firm ol 'l1 ., n... I A I'.... have Uen placed in my . . V' ..,.1 ihoaa ii.dehte.i 10 a. lil firm ll.i.ue lorui.. . .. ,, I'lV MILS T nol espeel longer imlulgimce, ea A .s J. P. SMITIt. aiif Mi l' be given. July IH, IS.S3 INotice. J .. . T. V, a I h ttioaa ibai do not par meir . ".. . . .. j Ihe '-h in.ianl, will have to pay coet Willi oul reaped of pereon. S. A. IIAKlUS.Taa: Collator. Aoguat 8. mi- 'J7lf r - . - r , . ... . . . . i ii .... t is but fair and ilutilul that i siiouiu iry in all ways to be a light lo you. Where is lather to-night ; " I think he has cone down to the ran- . .. i .... i t. f..r roail. irs. Virey urew 111 m i i'"" another attack. " I asked you " Aud where is Mary V " She went over to see Maggie Weston. I was asking '' "Where is Will and Ponto! "Why, mo ther, you are very still and lonely lure. I've a good mind to run off too." ' No. Harrison, don't go out to-night I want to talk to you. Where were you last night so late ; I believe you were never out so late belore. The young man raised himself upon bis elbow, and for a moment evasions hung up i nit 1,1. loii.oi,. ; hut he had never deceived Ibis excellent mother, and though he was sure he was now going counter to his fcel- itn's, still be felt conscious of integrity of purpose, ami spurning tne evasion no an swered promptly, peihaps proudly, " Cp at Sijuire Willoughby s, mother." ' I su-pected as much," said Mrs. tin y, .,..1.,;,,.. to l.reuihe more easily; "aud it B. . ...ll.p, - " was to talk with you upon that subject that I sent for you while all the rest were ab sent, to come lo inc. There was a time when nothing would have given me more pleasure than to have known that you were visiting Kate lioyd. Hut now, my son. it I .!..' onllv nimcar to me finite right and proper. ' And why not! what has Kate done to reuder her unworthy of my attention! It seems to me that sho is just as pure and good, as smart, neat aud industrious as the ever was. " To bo aure. she is. Hut then you know ... euthliiiris ao changed ; her father was so I well off and a member of Congress, and we to occupy thv, I am eailed upon to act tne p ml for-ake her. h ' it is strange now ply rooted is this prejudice against fe male labor, and particularly uou-cnoiu labor, in the hearts of our American peo ple. From the liaughtiast aristocrat of us all, (I say us, for we lovingly profess to bo a l and of brothers,) who traces his proud blood back to some offshojt of nobility, down to the ignorant booby whose father was a coal heaver, and who by some sud den freak of fortune, has grown to a mil lionaire. Through every branch of society minutest r.imuieatioii is this 1. 'ice itself, if it happens to obiii'Vous as hard of Ko- Atiienc to its mo- Siven her sewing, but sle knew a sedentary mark,' what Kcpubiieaus we are. dollars a week, they never dreamed that she was not one . of tliein, and she m ver dreamed of neg-; lecting duty or gating out of her place,' and being "stuck up because they made a ennpnni .i! and e.pi.il of her. KaP- was one of u-,' ci.c pt when the P. nl '! the' sisl, rs and the l're-tous, and such as tiny, were to .lit- or to take tea, and then Kate , did all h.-r duty witii an air of uneon-eious- lies f tie ir p'.eseiiee, only omitting to put her-elt'iii the way of any i u-ult or c M ill-gleet that their weakness aud piile might prompt them to oih-r b.-r Siiu did H"t tike the aecu-tomcd seat at the table n..r in the parlor after P a, let that she eared one straw f .r th, ir attention or neg lect, but she could see plainly that deal Mrs. Willoughby was made im.-n-f, and wa.- pained by tVir wanted' good breed ing, and so the calm, self-saeiilien.g, -c'f-respecting vouug girl always found .-ou.e- to keep her away. . , .-it 1 or t.'keu ni-! si.e the a -w The is s -xt. in, or lo au man, .r.l. is c ni 1 u, ting ar. clock is struck in tl.i ,pi tlicu 'I illll h its w: out eon and places h nir .( tw i- mallet n save the thing plausib Uut Uli p.at bv no word not budgi not I ! I U marry Kale t,od bless he'r in spite of ti.clu ; and there is another tiling I niu-t do, vaud a dark -hale came over the blow of the young man.) I niu-t sae Mary from Charles Preston, or I must save Charles Preston from his w inc.' As this thought glared through his mind, his car caught the sound of a f amiliar laugh through an opened door from an inner room of a fashionable saloon that ho :i- passing. Though not a frequenter of such places, h life would not agree wiu her, and she pre ferred health to a false espi ctability. Fa ther offered her a schod " And sho ought to have taken it," replied Mrs. (irey, tartly ; " th re was no depend ence or sedentary life aVout that." " Let us see about lint, loo. Mr. Hoyd, teu years ago, was theweallhiest farmer in P. He was sent to tip State Legi-latnre. as well as to Congress ;drank his wine, and believed, like thousand ot others, that 1.1 .. .. 1-11 .....1 !;L..jK.,i,...ih i,i ntli.N L.. I t,r ...v.li.ne mother 1 stepped 111 Ulld inquired l.T u - J- ushered without cercui one we love will be en many days pass, it , be does not take heed. 1 he sons, following,!" ' ' ,. , ,, , .1.. u r .1... f-iil-r. fell also moiiev ! Lounging in a rcc'-s ha.t esneea.cl Py went through their halls like water. th" luaiy draperv. with l is head rc-tmg Meantime, Mrs. IM, almost broken-' against li e shoulder ot a dashing belle ot ( h.arted, to save Katelfeeli.igs sent her otl the city, upon whom rumor had unready ; lo school, about the tiie I lelt for College, j fastened dark su-p.e.oiis 1 ut whose lather s j She remained th.ee yefs, and then returned , wealth and influence still kept up to the top ; to find her father a dunken sot. property waie of p-ntility, was t!,, lover of i..s . brolers gone to ( alitor- . pure niiuucJ sister, j.eioic ... -.oo., ..... , and the V only wain u i t ineir iiiiuiciice their evening uis.-i- ; ever for a in that playing utabie or ag Cook.ltg stt. , uueiit give siincti ui to the plea ; upon the piano was mure rey reealde than placing up mi tne ,0. W'.uil 1 that all o..mg la- dns thouglit evcll is halo. l,.,n; l.uol the lovers,' and the blissful future was hung bv bows ofjToiii.se, g .rgcous aud bright. Yo'iii' Harrison had j i-t retur ied from ... n: ,...1 niii-r.-d business with his f er. "ll a ;i.l i uli w mured bu-.aes.-. itu las -re too vouug to marry d for Preston, and ny into the A,n Harrison they cou';! talk mattirs over, renew loiis of child h"0.l and strengthen ti.i ter-.'st that was to bind them through did not leave till sue I hour as wo o) hit" cs!.-"t "in " "" buke from hi- go..J P, tb hil -he suj'p 1 that bi was c; : '-'.--' ' ' l.-ght at a i';hi.t.ab'ie party. While the 1 vers were thus cngag. 1 :,-,". u'no bad g t home ir the iu- w uli a w.io't and un-1 the b'liiding. - wav : The dial me twenty H-tt lrom tne it jor, o!i eaeii side of which is a cherub or a little boy with a mallet, and over the dial there is a small bill. The cherub on the left strikes the tir-t quarter, a-id the one on the right the S"C"tid quarter. Some fifty feet above the di:i. in a large niche, i- a huge iigur j of Time, a I i ll in bis 1,1't. a scythe iu is r'!.t, hand. In l.otit stands a iig.ire of a young man with a p.s'.et, wlu strikes the third larter on the hen m tne haii'l -t I ime, an. a slow stei, r eind behind an !! man, raises his mal ms.. If in front of him. As e e 'iies, tiie obi man rais didit'cratelv strikes twelve times on the bell, that ic'.ioes through the b'liiding, and is beard ro nid tin! church. Then the old man glides slowly khiud Fa ther Time, an ! the young mau c mho r nnr.l agaiti. S .on as the I mau has struck twelve and di-up eared, ai. o'ner set of lua chir.crv is put iu motion, some twenty tect higher" still. It is il ,is : There is a high ero.-s v ii'u an image of Chvi-t ou it. The iu-tant twelve has struik, one of the apj tl"s walk- out from behind, comes out in fro.t. facing the cr.'.-s, an ! walks r.cn.d t bis j.laee. A' he do- so. an- tb.-r e . n;e uut ;n front, turns, bows, and passes in ; o twi-hf apj-tles, figures as large a.-life, walk around, bow, and pa-s on. A. the last ap pears, an enormous e k. pealclcd on the pinna-de of tho el k, 'lowly f'sps hi., wings three times, 1 ere , i- so lo.i 1 a- to be luarl outi If the church to ..v. distance, and so naturailv a- to be mistaken for tin real cock. Then ail is ile!.l death. No wonder this eb'. V, i- the -. !t.:ira!: ti of I'lurope. It was made if I iit' i ii Is perf'-rmed th -.-" u:e chare ''1 wonders t ver since, c-xc, pt si. at fil'tv v..ar. when it s:e out of rep-t:;. all cone, and her brolers gone to ( alitor- . pure nia. where, probably, ley have ended their j wine n uavs. as she does not I ar from them. Her ; oyster mother died vei y soouand her father, hav ing no cheek, put annul to his miserable existence by delirium remens. Kate's ear ly life was free lion care; sho was the child of wealth; herbhool days gave her no chance to be useiubnd at ca-ein a nou-e. She felt that every wmaii should, if possi ble, be a good hou-cEeepcr, aud a house keeper she had ream to hope she would one day be, for from y boyhojd up, with ,..".. nt too. meher, she has had the Aud to C pation. Oh, fatal lures are the oyster and ice cream sule-ons with all their elegance and show, too often, but the gilded doors that, usher tho young, uiisii-pccting and thoughtless into dens of deeper an 1 darker intemperance and crime. Preston started, colored, but collecting himself instantly he sprang quickly to In fect and gave liarriso- a kindly grasp of the haul ul a warm welcome, inviting him to bo seated and partake with them, at the same time ordering another di-h of oysters and another '"'f 'Sotfi.r me. not for me,' remonstrated .1.1- sue . -.i-.-.i v i - , , you, mother, that ' young. Ureyr ' I never dnuk wmo under pj , iia-l g t hoiu Meeting, and his lady w. re sctt.i.g u thati usual, di-eus-ii'.t to - -a .".' ' '.''; mother and "!i ha 1 begun early I It ua- no ii-.'. i evening, man Siiid son woui in. 1 Mr. '; il laU r ol that in the LCllt.e- llarri- lo jili I s!.o li 1 i !un ; tuu ; C J J.1 ' 1 Mr. Crawford says she wrot- one -' !n ber K at hi. en M avoiirnccn " for tiie evi-rc-a vinio-e of c .'iitoiiiidnig the leek II uo ..-.-vM.iae nf beinir tn v louse keeper, ami i she resolved to cngagi in that work which li i.u ft her for tt- ulace she expected WUUltl u,'. ' - 1 to argue tlie que-,;. I hale toe girl, tit the wl.at thev might. .i!P. i' a.i. haie done j i-t - w ii. n ii,- wa y il was unlovtiinat. . and s.l t.uv w as to n: ike the be-t ot it. Charles Pre.-ton sat long with uating beauty, his held rich ! 1,,. eo.ihi t.,n bear ur.ieli, and left the saloon, he joined - prty ol 'ting ravc!b.-ra wh'i in, t l.iui upon the street. Wine had cra;ed him, nnd betore moii.ing he bore the brand of a uruukard and a -,----bier. A dsv or two after the oce .rreiie. i it ;,., liro7 eauc s unca uu ,i i s. W 11) sulig niiler is 'e.u i e il i t i,e s.iiue tr. il li. as ti tie- : re in t lo bat M 'iVoo 1, ' A 'cart that is um. .c meg' A s:i mm war tle had .or " t 'tie.'' re t!;e t-isci IM'.ll Willi alter the que I". 1 tr i r i : i T Mr-a',-."" The w .is calli I aii-'-r, of Ik ca'Ji-e SH U ti re- .J.I.J An e n rr w: r ' t'eli c i wi i thcr. ' w.a'.hcr be r in which W''ath- I If s-iid it W ai th'J hid c.cr sc:u. 71"

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