lie M Oil!) M !k IM '5 .-5 4 r CHARLOTTE, TT. O., KTOVEMBKS. jL -9 J-'sJ IIOLTON & WILLIAMSON, Editors and Piioi'Iiietors. TElt.Mri: I Tlie N"rlli-Ctrnlitii Whij; will b f, iumtiIhti al TWO DUl.l.AkS in be afforded to, or j'Vll DIM. I, AHM A.U I I r 1 1 lli.TIll pay. liuit lie dmjyud for three rm.atlia, mill 'I llli UK Ji il.l.AliS l the end of tlic year. Nu paper will . Jm-oulii.ueil until all arrcaragca are paid, ex. j, (,l at Hit- option if tlu' Editor.. I viviTtiKciui'iiU inserted alOnc Dollar per nquiire 1 Iii tuna r !'', tin' iiuil lV" ) lor the first uiscr. ' uud 'JO cents tor eaori continuance, l-oiirt mi ll riienieiit uml Micriil a tiW riiurgcU per - f . , . .. 'i 'i 1 . n tnRiiir anu a iieu'icuon 01 jitin'iii. win . ni'iila from tlio regular prices, fur advertiser, by ij ,i- ye ,r. Adcrttaf nieiita iiiM-rti'il iitt.uthly or i 1 irti rly. nl I piT nU rc fur o.cli time. Sunn. i,,.mUily ii tenia iter aiiiurtr tor Cacti time, jar All Idlers nn biiamraa muat lw dirrcttd to ! ... K.litnra. I.rtUna muat l post-paid or tlicjr V M "t Ik tended to. j jrrm".nt can bo ndc torlttiiT. I y "Win later, arc antlioriicd to act aa afenta. PASS THIS OYER, I pities. IV IIA.! IT TO VOl It fti:iillISOUft, I.T rvnfv ntit knw. ilmi H TJ.INGS .V O. wiM In v a nrat 8 M U I! wn-r ver n y po ; mil cult., llit v H.I I, MM M verv MIW, ai d t vi;y nn ia ami fied ihi ic j t ; n4 n't k mil rtt-r, mm wtVr ltii li't'e b."W, 1 ilimk I'll qnl anil K tn otk. ft thi I've gul to b i' K W 8TORE, I . AMUSING. A Gentleman lorintrly of tliis Dittrict, ' but now a rfci-idi-nt of Florida, paid us a the oilier day. lie i ft jovial, merry, fun- NATUItAL CUllIOSITY. loving kind of noiil, and amuses no little The SmitbHonian inmitution i. iu doily relation of several amu.singauecdolc-, ; fspc-taticD of recieving two .peeimeni. of ol tl,c? hf ll88,a fu?d ''.i command. A- tl, Um,du Ma-trwttM. n, ..i..,.,r;.) 1 muu ol,lprH snowing, ana ' " - " ' -' political. I!cp!y uf (.'o'lictor I!roi:so:i. Nkw Voiik, MMjAv, Oct. IT. rv ..t !-.!. I,:, f ! flue la iff rn in. a r'tt Ncm ll'i'e', wltt-re wv davv a fin f" k f coinpriMiiig aryllMi.; l at " L-i be t d hi Gentlemen's Furnkhing Ilcuse, i i i 1 To ihc Travrllins I'nblic. x a o u tMvina1 diaiiaed r.Biali tali i fidf ra Ina n i ii I'M-; iiitrua' in ill-1 til muni l . n'"ii'iiiB . . . i IF,.! rfil'lia! Ilili" ni iiirnnn '- I.,. ii ra fnr nl 'o and "Id in. I ... nrf Inn'ic iffili rally lllnl ll iM infill uf Ina ailriiiio iicluaivi'ly lu Ui uiau iTii:lci iioti:i l ii.iif Va-d 'liii i " r'T ' rr i ! i. aiu.'.d wiiiiii 4bn 1 iliiaf i judnil yu'da i lu I Itu d KeiMrt. ll- "Iii. ul k plfy. f, ii ja li Co and Hi n d and Dunn a f " DAILY HAIL LI '.C , al I'll l..oa" l l.a-f Mif ' ( ii II.. l-r l!a' ili ' V I'-IT ,r iii riil id I. a i aia and an hi b r a'd InaiU ?our i-nn- " .i. . "an ay mild Iwi Ifl'mf yu" i ni.-ra ihn -vr nn kiiuwii. But f ill ay Im in la'g l ."ii"' k nun r.r li.d. al pin-a lw l'i I noi fail 10 i ni i "iy iimo and in c .ui lii-inii i n ill My m in. ii and all I al '! Iliai k ou l'r ynur pitiulKi- lieiaio'-'li' In Kicd ilimi ua lln:i' n I ITU bran llli Ji.ll i l d if luir and lliil.i" l' di alii j; lux pri. ia and j hh) go-Mla. lH irf a cotiiii'il ii' ol llu- aaina H ahall Ik; dunu at iIm: itiamiiKJt h aign ol FI LLINGS i CO. Aug ml. C. '.'3 .... I., l i. :ii l ...j' nn i I il .t-ii'iiir v ... .. .1 i t .i : a l- i i' wo Miicereir novo uo.wm naruou ua lor "r.-j - imu. .-: iy lu iruni vuu river nuiuzon, wnicu were sniiipeu , . , . to New York to 1. D. Williatiison. ir.. ei . "''"S lt ' PuW,e' . . . bK! .r ,-r,-of oli,,i ,1 1 ,..;. . -c i... :. vi' ii. j. ... . ' r.': no wai once ottenuina court at Cliester- comint'ineiit to n s,ek rmm TIC BIC CUB UIUU IU UUUIU II Ulll 11ilr i-t l ! . -. ... tic I f J 1.. II : fcl'Mtpn 111 tlm h:ir rmnn in.n La .i. 1,1. ........... I. . If. if . . t . uiiiiscii were several rreuueiucn, ana eaeu iiutiiiit. one was Loading of hi :reut bucccss in You Cit M.iti-, in niilii-taner-, tl,;,t I have hunting. One prai"ini his ;:un, and another been under a ili"l-n, wliii li hm not he, n equally aa loud, prainin his. redeemed, to ili-tu!.iit. tli i. i!;""i i:i i;,v li. ......... . it i n. i . - ........ m';i'i a- . ... . . i'uiiii" a uauac i.t urjai. . n". . "... .. .. 1 earnestly hope tliey will reai-U you nalely, fj..f j,,ve t wufli my con ic party, antt tlu-n prexnln; tin- c.ii:'.--e v .a and that llio el rinicntn you may innlra v.un nun a deer, .-hot hia hat oil hi- In ml, cx rt inr to pur-ue in Yi'.i I u! will mov in-ol,u , 10 our" and the -hoes off hia feet, all at one crack ; uoinphiiti that inv n ; i : t 1 1 are mil i i ! r elf and the ciei.liliC world. J hey leave kini , d ai,j pulli, ,bot tlt.m.,h p,!r..ol.s for ,bl. 'u. ,;.v ,,,f.u;,,, or ,i,lt ... ,..,; o.u.,, ..... 4 ....,u, ..v.........,. w...v ijt,, ll!lt all(J iJ1Jt;s.", tlu-v Mere immediately upon the receipt they ,hould UIIlilZoj. g0Ilie woul,l nol Ulieve.'w -,iU others, loudly declared it was a La-e lai-o- of that city. private letter of Mr. Williamson to Prof. Henry, which will show what in kuown about them. "After the rrcat expense and trouble that I have been to in importing thc-c eels, be placed near a stove, and be allowed to remain where the heat i- uniform, i'o not pour warm water upon tbcui, as they will die as soon as it becomes cool. Ky irrita tni'' t lie in with a flick they will (jive out their peculiar power in great force; this will however, become weak by con.-t:int tax, but a days rest will cauic it to return as usual. When cold aud torpid it is scarcely perceptible. They are in the water from the Amazon, and it had l.i tier be cliair.-ed hood. they are n-.t tMi;iul J tai'hed to the prineip' linn suj'rnirt"rs ol t:i" ui'.erat .-inecrcly es of ti.f pal tV a Nati'iml A ! n i ; ti i -1 How wad it dotiC," they iuq lit d ti in, liut you think t'.rit I illVi Cabinet Warehouse. " let us hear.'' " Well." said our friend, ' I will tell you. My mju went duck hunt in ; arriving at the bank of the river, lie e-pi.-d i-uiiie ducks up htream, so he puiled oii hi.i hat and shoes, and crept aloti,; ea.-i.y, to jjet in ahootin.' di-tauce. He had advuneed some di.-tauce, w hen hearini: a ru tliii' noi-ic behind him, he turned around, and there he saw a deer immediately behind hiiu.LctAeeii ly regarded all .-ri tijn.-i of the i W hen Mr. 1'iekiliuMi deliiii I tor-hip of thi- port, in April i i-t. ed by .-i-wra! lii. n N ,' titer I v. my name to 1. e llu lit. o.'ii'd t til" lor the place, :iu-l nn-U' le i in th I t li'juj Ii t no ii. ore of tli" Mutter ilay altirwai l-, wle.'ii I s-nv in i t "i " t i mi i-:.i:i e. ,M a . i ' pf vi i ted.' it i- i",o .. a i II 't "'.'j .. . j I , ;, ,, ti at ..i', i-iiin. lo.t !;:,,' i e ;i;-i 1 w a i i , . in I,, . u i ol the i iiivei.'i i;i, an 1 1 i! ha i Hi' y v. oul i pic." . n "nt clleei -. ar.- c! w . . j i.o.'e at .S.i n e, tie- .,, ' .' Wh J V,... e i, ro - ..j ir-.-i thi cily an i .,r at liv:u uiuiel:' I do li i t::t ' t!:f- -e t 1, ? I j L'I-, i 'V ! I. a ve lei'ip t i i 01 lUlj'i'ini'oC'-lor. .h ''. l-i.', !:.;, .. o-; . I. IV, 1- ,11 l!, - 1 : iiii i t : i 1 , i, i- 1 1 .. ; 1M I ar.:, n: ' 1 , r i li." IIM'i i:, !.'.', I a' -, t;. ,1 ! i :, : t' '. '.' ' - i'. . t i , 1 ; i i ., i i;ii, i. ' .a I. a. i - of : ;, I 1.1 i 'ha Aniari. iinitii a i i . ,. t ') d y si.di:ks 4.v not: in Cabinet Htisiness, in- i f i i' - j j -i f P i"' mi'r f I , (h- f.i'in.l I ra g : g ,1.1 4( tli . ThrDugh Tickets IU B gl UVl.t M d Pfft' iff lut .h...... ht to il I- li i Hlxttfl hi Mi ir ! it. ;i ,. V t,.f ,u .-g r MI7 t N id in itr un''t Hi: M.lllKiM ll.Mt I a M ' ' ," g fVaf-y tiling i (e .iii'.' . in .ill- ut tl.-jM' u - I - '' -g'' II V i I .. f' ' l -l on I a ari Wo! a"dtl '-fc urw in WJitHf uit taat K-r gn-itte Hi' u 4 i n iv w filing (y M I'''"' j nr!i. i. iH iMiiit r .I Pofit-ff. m In io n It t ii n d 1'irfi, if.i mtr tffi'u1 Hf tfic ll fir1 lit fc-ri a h i i ih Jul wr'i" ti rt. ( hi h if Iiii' lor river water, wmi a sumeieni quaimiy o. .1UJ llU liltall,i U.-' H t,IUl. It they are very anry the ekclnei- biue 1r..,si.r" (t!. U.,..1U 0 ln(! L.u,u tJ ,;., ty will be eoiiimumeatedtothe w ater, so that ..u,. aI)d tracked awav. lie l,i le i the a shock may be obtaiuci without touching j. ,ld hUfjl il)to ,. j, :llld Ril0,.. e tl"-' ' ' . th-ielore bot the deer, and the hat r,' his .Several at!cnr,ts have been rrewou-iv i,,i ,jn,i ,i, i, ,... aa ,..., None could matih liia cxtraoldiuary feat, laent to our fruuu was "cock of the wau L-i untie r Lk' t, a, 1 In I ' a- Cii wit'i lh r ir .'1. la thi fa SitL-bonrds, liiircnns, iif.i!;, n.ade by Mr. W. to import the Ounuotu, but till now unavailiue'y. Two lie eaeles from Nebraska Tciritory have been recently received at the lu-tit i tion. '1 hey are kept iu a board eneloniio a little south ol the building. .V; i i, , allied I.i jia-a, I i I l -i3 If.-and ih r Lautf i J i .1,4. urn. i.MVa parcha e niai.ii i. a. ii ii g li. e FiGD DiiiDSiEAD, AMERICAN INGKNI ITY IN INDIA. .Sonic of our readers may icco'..iit that in the spring of I"iol wc putdi-hed a notice FINDING A WIFE S TON'Gl'E. Mr. 11. affronted hi wife, who to puni-h l.iin, resolved to act dumb when he was pi'i'-ei.t, and mj well did she maintain her resolution that a week passed away au I she did not utter a word in his preseiic l:Lh I. i ' l 1 Ida d' I :i.-.i I 1 1 M i . 1 t,i ol t! E ; Ttiry i'lfn'ttt tin I ht r gl itr it CMItOI.IN A I.N.N. nr nw i.'ft'td o fiirMh if l bill! V. aui WiTC IiUI'pY to be, e WCTc. tli ft en -t- i '' rt n) ''' i y iM-ii jf mi iii d I IS Y J IJNNINCS Ii. K E It I! , i IHII lt l(, alf. . i; i-.' i 3 f j Village Hotel, 'I rv w.ii. ii. uns r. ! IIMS HOTEL. m t k ' i'ii n I hev f"'t . a'H i I tc'-i H'-m ; ii tilHgtne n li i' l'tfl-1. I'"' 'fiatnlj j H - nt.t. i rf n iii.-i p v iifir n h iim V dn n I N H i i 'H- I NS (u'ii'-lit l -I tne -h r ir-l rifMH-r ti 1 . lr in n . --.T'i!f 'in. ! ri.a I .V, js. ,.t. ii-Ih -, ln.i. 3l'f ! iiiami i:i;st ji:fki:ks & co, 1 CO. HISSIO.M MERCHANTS, 4 ii.ii:i.i;s nt.y, v r. i II R ondeiaiC'md iK-f la.a.- In iumn to ij. liirir n.ii.i.-r.'U imini l-.r lieor pai lilwral eairniKia.-. and in urm IIimii ih it Hi' r .'if .'mill' lo.p inifiiiraa na Imr. tao-ra ane lned li,rma' ?.! dv In mo" tlu Irit.d. a.el ail lii may I .vaf I i'i. iii lat'li c.iii iih.iiIi. i.r I'H-l r. m H at ..I jil.eir .kol and aailtly and lhat no tll,nt on lli.'ir of a prize of J,oiiO rupees, with a j:od medal, performed her household duties a- u-ua!, but offered in India for the be?t machine lor the not a word did she speak, lie tried ta o:ix cleaning of the native cotton ol that country, her out of her whim, but iu vain. At la-t V.'e had tiie infoi ination of the o'l. r of this he tried the follow in ' plan to overcome h'T premium from a source of the fir t re.-poii-i- resolution, by working on her curiosity t!ic mod unzovcriiable of female t roncti-ities. means of making it public in America. e l'etuniiiii one evening from his employment, are very glad to learn from the same source Ids ljdy sat as usual mute. The e!o-ct was that the offer attracted t'.ie notice of Messrs. examined, the bed-rooms drawer-, boxc, Jiate", Hyde A: t. o , of Underwater, Ma--sachusetts ; and that a machine ucw-cd and constructed by them has won the premium and medal proposed in that unuotinci'iucait. A tribute of turli value to American indus- ?--il lv blulvea, everything that could be p thought of as overhauled. His wife was struck with at ini-htnei:t nt his unaecountal le behaviour, mi l so be proceed-, iu hi- search, i-he became vcrv ner- try, at sueh a dintam e from its home, is the voutdv anxious to find nil wh?t lie a- in more yrati ttaar, na tlm uffer niu.-t liavc tl.c soarcli of. What could it he; She looked attention of machini-U iu every pat t of the in bis face, if po.-sible to clean frmu his ex pression, the ol ject of Ins search, hut no trn, he was sober as a judee. He lilted the print my aj point in t nt. re.-ijn,',i in v jii.i Colt of Api e.i! r a.'aill lieee. ralifal a- I an, I -hoiil I I it lop the tai: "I o! f," 1'r," and the a.airaiav ly lie.-il'eii 111 V nei ' When I a -V. ' .'eeii le r ha 1 any e . .e. J're-i.lci.t, an l of eo ; po-des bet w i'c n ::, -a v iinj !i" I between bioiora! lii.e relation t i :i 'h ota to I. Xpi et tint 1 tto lid ' fully lli-l'll ll "e tile liilti maintain in all prop-r which retried t'::a l. pjwer ; an !, .- 1 iihii.'.-ition, that Ilia eonii'lence in nie w-nrd dra'Mi. 1 liavij ii jm. r e ja.ioii ne 1 t I'ru.-idett ha- not lii.-eiiar.'i-'l hi-pi ohiir iti Jii, and am I ! c .noa . i omitted to iii.-ch.ii;e n.y nun. Von tail tin- that tiie I're-i 1 n 0 ll'l i I '. a;, i tie' IV: i I ' I I 1 ft t world We believe that it has been stated lint two American machines were offered, both of such excellence lhat the prize w a- divided between them. IJotf'ii lhiihj Atvrittcr. 'o ; i : i.i ion. J inroliitoii, .1 Slilt ticn I KTiht kfftt f-f'iH lo otit fmtnl in tlm J2 ptiffoiiiaii-ng fiMtnim liiaii iii iU..- -a.4't th i. t iu. ; uiij i.n d -ii'. i ii v "'! d- C i s f im.'i.r ) 'hr i.ihsrTil p- t tirifr tki Urn niin , iif IM'unii 1 11 f 1 i l. I'IMI. I' ll I a'tjfB I'm. lh -g til 1 .ri i I.i m- Tliii.k'-tt tin fa o f ' ' U viMi'R iiu n I ji-fiMif" "tt nmw I a - I " Mi tiini a l'i' ' I I 'DT il li4' n JaI'.,i.Ai, llVUg 1 !.! V ft'ItP'-'i N.iil till,-If t 1 r rn'ii .tia-ltiilfll1 . 5 -U'a-I t ll tl li a ( " 4 ti! not !i-4a Uip4U!u'd j It. S. JdMNSON. J lirr.'f an ,lfnO .6, ls..d Ja li ! Hauler's Hot el. 1 'IMI ...i -i . iii.r .Hi,. It no fJi-Tn "'"iJ "' " "'" '" """ Prrr!;jt '.d Hir i.i..- ruU. a I" t itsiisiSi 3 '" ii 'v ' ti ''d "i .1 .iiM-.e d i.u ill la- k . le g CIIAMIiKlt.S, JKITEltS k CO. ! i., -. . . J ..) 2- ls.'.3 iTil f Unl'i f, jl: n',1 ii u en M i i, i . i h ". ii. "I la l - I V. hi ti. n.!. tttrt-r I I' ll ...J- I . I n i ia'tr II ir- r'. In Ota I- w t -, I.. 1 law i n 'I, '.I tar 1 1 .pie ii ' I V an a-iedil'"!!. a' "i erf tin: '-"iidai Ml ' all I..,, . . i d a i, 'ijr ul B'MIIJ , , .V,v ( i- li lit il Pttlltl 'I jjj it ih.: la .1 ) ' t I It . II, If, IH m .t mimI "f'r bIi!. I't mi niti 1 1 t'm, mid tfcmhiog u , ir mil", Im I lie (i't in' full! tn li .ii-.; a )! fein A. i:. HAG LEU. i I RA!VKirJ, rULLIACI & CO., lMl'oltl Fits AND W llnl.LSAI.K I.tALtllS IN Fortign k DomcEtic, Snplo k Farcy III! I liildliV I II Vlil.K..- I ' IN, .. I'. W ) R.1KIH 'if Aa'.rtll:.. N I". K VV In.i ua IUSTIiES.SING CI HCUM. STANCE. A most di-tres-in event, arising from ciperimeiit.iliiine on the recetitly di-cover-ed moving power of " animal uia.'i.e ti-in" has happened to a young lady reiiiliiie iu Sussex-place, "Id Kent road. It appears that, iu common with in.itiv other", she firmed one nf a nartv to te-t the truth of in tli itinvitii a laKln l.v tnenna of this a-.enev. Hoi'ida and in doing so the usual way was adopted of eompre-.-nii; the tinner., or rather doub- ede of the carpet, looked un.lir the tal li cover, aud riuaily approachel her chair looked under it, and even go'io: -o far a- tc bru-h her drc- partially aside, a ii he sought iui::ht be l id there. Sha stand it no longer, be bur-t out " Hob, what are you looking for! ' lie smiled and answered : " Your ton ur, and I've found it." nil at coii''tit:i!io:i:i! a I '. i the wo:U to the p' dov. u ill tiie l'.ahi lnaug'iriil Aiidn---lieve that ill! gent acc pt i ill ce tin ler pledged t i t !.. Mil, 1 ai'i'te I i that : an p!ie ! piedje, I :l ill pi o-. e- l.othii.g to t" i- no one w, i plat form or the 1 l lln-i '.im,. 'nie til" .-tall M.t d I I l o a a plall',1 ami Lao i ii ho c Adii.ini-: d t- plllie.P; !, I ie-U.ii lit it- 1 1,1 il ' I'Tta. i.' : oil',.. par; There is a capita1, of S0,tMli J:iO invested ilidiilmtin tions of the a; p 'int. e- are pl.-'i.-buti jii, y oa may ioc inent to tiiid evi iei: BOill'? il. f-i. ui't.t V bit It in i v be in!' rr. . tot. i- r i I.-UI ill n HI.' !' i! t'. r 1 ti a: i; 1 1 .- a li i- l'o !' . : a--u: A.:, , ii. :- .. , ..' I :. :, ill I t . t ' - . ' . . i !..;.,-, il ' a . . ...'.ii i N . i I . ; . '" I . e, . I ', t . I ' .. : ,i;.,,t. i. .M ,.- a . V ' , l' "'! " .1 t! 1 h ulture of can in the States of Tia .-id at :n .t ,1 of" I la'.' llf II- Ofg., ,il A-lifnll". s ling them, towards the palm of the hand. On r moving tlieui she was horror-struck to Gud they hud become fixed iu the po-itioii she had placed them on the table, and all her rndi avor- up to the present t i -ai to open t lie tu have heen unav aning. lo pre Loui-iaiia aud Texas. Ihese States produce aiiuually about 3.MI,IK)H.0.KI p.'iin Is of sugar, be.-ides w hich foreign importations are made to the extent of al o'.t :i."i'i,iiO,i, (I id pounds. Even a short crofof sujar at the South, which reduces the u-ual produc tion only,iKM,Oi0 or i.VV''.',ttilt pound-, invaiiiibiy advances tlu rate uf ? u L'ar from one to one aud a hi! Cents per .lee a 11 D in, tile H lltiii, ei rely all ty, uitbiM inn v have pr-T-r r iieted iu in ill. hi cause 1 w .ii but bee aa-e 1 i lle-l I :h at bei n oi in lie.' pr l-o i r li r Jtlt lt ITU l, AT t.ll.1l.ll i ItllK. TOIIi:, VilXi A s. il'-l'.,Ni. l.hMltM, P in. V Ii i s s l'. I N Kl' ' I K. Ill IiIY-iHTmX It M I ' f YKI.IiItt I ! K Mi VI S vl'll I. . I I I l.'s All-t'AI;l' I. A WI'Kl'KIO II I. W II. M i II Kill V I) l. 1. 1 Y'- W nil M.I'AIN I X T v lot. Illl. II. Ii ll I.AM'-- I. Ml M N I I I I" KII.S miW HOTEL, Hardware. . . ii. i Wl K si.a-k i t I 1KWIN, 1ILGG1NS i CO , IN. . I, Ci aiiln- li' ,,.,.i ,1 a. f,. i .,,.; , ,,.,!,,, ,,f pound : w Inch, on the entire onsumpiioii her hands her medical a lw-ers have order- of li-'i.'.ld 1','d.O pounds is equal atone cent, d ihetu to bo covered with c.dtou wool, to ', '' ", and at one and a half cents She has been U Guy s and .-t. Thomas s to about ?10,ll.lO.IIOJ. Ho-pit als and they cannot relieve her. In- j credible as this may appear, we cm vouch AM EMC AS GOLD COIN' IS THE HKIT- for iu truth ; and we would caution the public in future to be careful l to indu! -;-in in this harmless aiuuseineut. DuMni Ma- 'tin i: Au'vritiser. I II M. I) A can d i.i il,.- T -w ii. CJl.tnLESTOX, S. C. r-ii Mil tl . I'll! v o in p Miihr (fii -ia "t ' if a pii nr I Iip 11 1 K tiai(-riMr i u Infiri h r fruM-iN V. 't ll Irtki'M V. IH ' I I- V Ml' ll W.r! Ml Mi' urn 'f ! l.t -i-ill f-t 'in! I f4Vi'lira t i n iri" ' tii-yiiit i t 'Itu tai hiUt, I hm !on i ihiij .., 4 i l i, h ian I l'in li .a tin Hmt. i ni n a li'-'i' i"M i i roii'.'.ii', iinJ ,(ifn ni"! i i '.'( t.ili . Ml t f Inn tlr", and Im- u j i I'H 'fniri ut Imihmi-h n-"l i-i 'hi m l (a? tmu " purl ) it, i i)f ir i i a i i I li'"ii t'Of litinm " 't ib-.,u a 'id I'tf'iM t p ! ron nf I I.e I l M ; a d i, ih tin. hi miu. ti ni hint ll l Ifll iinii "if ' t,r' (iil i tt in kis tiM-m u-iintn-Ulilo wild in im MAHt II & S5I,ACK I .o'I.HIION II1K II A. Ih I AND AicnuN units. C0LVM1UA, S. C. THE COUNTRY IN AUTUMN. Talk of the summer delights of the coun try as you will, this is the real season pleasure in the 1 rural dis;ricts. lor One can , ISH WEST INDIES. I The London Gazette coniain-a proelann- tion by which it is ordered tin t the gold j coins of the United States slui! be legal tender in the liritish West Indu colonic-, at 'the following rate, viz: tin-cairle at the tin- hali' mv -t " in.'s an I ar at Hut that er a no . llier Hi! S'lt air ill t a .... -,!. I .-l.o.ild go hi y ;,.! ti, pi: . :.t- f 0' ..:.' e ai e aud a.-ci 1 1 iiii i j hat hcI'Mi and then i 'lion ei'' ...c- la t hi-, that ao .,: i : in i I I... a; " I i ,i at V.' , -.- I ; i'.- -i ..... i ; ' i i N.:-i i' D i at'' tli ai, . t i- ii 1 a l a'.. rate of lort v-nne sl.illin.'s sterin ea-'le nt twenty shilling- and t-n ling; the qunrti-r-eagle at tenshillii .l...... ..".. 1 .1... ...1.1 .1 climb the hiil side without fatigue and meet : ,- , " ' . , , , . i , tour .shilhiigs and otie pennv A rlim me leiiipereo sunneam.-on ine sainuiii unu out peril of a rui'ji itr sont. When a man is macerating in a solution of his own sub stance, ami larding the lean earth as he walks along, enjoyment is out of the uues- f.l. five ilietr p. r-"u il aii. inn lo tnr .a', nl l i.iliin, ll'teiai, I'lnnr and I'eii-, .l-tl " lM a. ii in !it v . ti if an v di aert;.'f n hi ilfflia-iil I - -n If until li'f l.rii a, ai.d Mi i I a -l.a'r til (la'-ii.t air Ir n. I li o ' ie and lau oi r tit.i n.i , i,,.n r i . T. 11 MAKU1 J RKO Ill N I.N J lin.'i n J In, W en,, W A. I1LACK, JR. '.ij-i.i IS MUS A. J. KENNEDY. 3 - Jul Unmoral. it. ... I . -Si U a d ...In.' llaia 'I"! 1 i". IRWIN, MUGGINS A CO. tmii. hi- annual spirits evaporate with the oi tne.-e sects. ichor lhat oo-es through his purse, and his the Latin phra mind heconics as limp and languid a- hi muscular libre. How dillerent are the sen sations with which one wanders ihicu.h the Wood paths, or on the bretiy .shore, on such a day as yesterday ! The spring and bia Ces of tlio animal machinery stiffen iu the stringent air, the U.iccid mu-cles become compart, the brain and the nervous sy-tem neupeiate, and the mind, linding its tuds in go-oil order, recovers its jocund tone. Aw York Suiithii 1' inlet. I. II. S. These letters are seen in theCatb pi-conal churches and iu thetoave lie an 1 rloA- - tli 1 1. !l W , 'II "liani li ol ll. n Siia Hank haa l.n ra " ii". d limn Im." M Hiding io Ih- I 'IR nn l'C' id lf Anl, my'. I,, i, Mm. irm-t Tlin.S. W. PEWEY, Cailiisr. A;gu I 16 ami EXTUAOKDISARY FIDELITY OF A DOG. There is at Saratoga Springs a tine New foundland dog that for tb la-l year aud a half has watched the approach and drpar ure of the railway cars from that place. The animal was accidentally left at Sarato ga about eighteen months ago, and since t... ..... i I .1 .... t--j . mk fci.iie- not a iiiiin uns. ue).iiu-u nor one iIN. litiee. j arrived but what this devoted dog is iu the VIKN a and Ai v'-in.ia dm-ihi- lata finii of depot, anxiously aud faithfully watching .. t. , hats Ih.h .ii.e. d m my for Ins master, ror eighteen hm? mmiths nil 'i-H iB i. .n hurr'a II..1.I and llir l'o.i li-mla I.u cnllr. li a. d inoaa iniMi'.i in and firm 1, l,as uever failed to bo OII the grouud .... .. . I Y.l!r ..... ...i.n.O li...iii.p .n.liilit..n.-a .a il I A ili.c'r .)cij it Au.', j T" .oi, in vt. kl"'. Imij and Hi. and f I' e int'itnng et. u.tlt.m and piiMiHiiiiia Holm. ' I ami aid I', i. I ii t nt.. I'lfl.e Jiill.oa.ii. ;tnlt'l, MX dK IH.tsltKt.Snf new .lid wsll clannrd Jl 9 r " II I AT. it my Mill. 10 miles h.'lnw l linf ,,,e. r.;l.ii.( lint I a lllan aiHv pound, m lilt.'.fl 'I .aWlnla tin. M. .y and Ilia Wlnlii ln-ard'-d Wheal piulfirfd for winch ll.o t'A.-sil will lie pt'd i WILLIAM JOHNSTON. Align.! 3U k' T They are abireviatioii- ol e, " .1 1' sits Ilotiinuiu SaU a- f.r, w null siguiiie., " Jesus die vsai lor o. im u." Some may a.-k why t(c letter 1 i-u-ed instead ut .1 ' Jiaaan.-e lirineriy th- re was no letter J iu the K man alphahot ; then 1 was ued where J iionis. Many of our readers ein probably reueinbor h.i.i.ij seen the uaine John spilled i Lu. THE !JOPE AND THE IMrEKoR. The exelu-ively l eli gions initials of Eu rope bitterly deplore the p.iiiiic solution ol" of Eastern tpie-tion. t'atholiti-in, they say , is dead. The universal 1'ojr of Rome has now a rival and a successful one. It is the Czar High Priest of Schinn, the Pontiff Emperor! Niclndas has new reached the ideal of this old Roman Papiey such as it was for & blief period utidci Grog'.ry. 1 1 Si 'Hilary I'J I -." 3. i'l-l V Dissolution. 'IMIR r..,,.,,i, .. "I r,., it. r,d.ll i. thi. dv di.a-la ' '' "'U;al r..nem. AM m. ' ind-M. d In M " ln ' i'rpi-ud in inair " . in r,.mn-ii nii lit. anha -rihcr, wlm a l"iu ! a iiliui f .'"' "" lllu aani ViL'.s I' im I t'XiiCfl loi.ii.'r indulffitnc., aa it I A V Ml I' l.a (ivpii. ! J P. SMITH. Jnlr IH. I "SI S!4 I di niltei C. J FOX. tut Notice. A I-I. lint' do nnl ytmy their l own Taie hy 'I"- 3ntli ninianl. will ti-tva to nay wuli out rtiffcl I'toa-iti S. A. HARRIS, I?.!! (hiecfrr. uCu.t U Ida! 'i7.l j He cxaiiiines every stranger minutely, i but makes acquaintance, with no one. Nobody knows where be eats, sleeps or any thing furl her about him hut that he has not fouud his master yet. Albany Trauseript. IHIFRAUDING A OASCO.MPANY. j A couple of individuals v re airc-ted in New York ou Wednei-day on a Charge of defrauding the Manhattan Gas Company. It appears they had secret pipes coii-truet cd aud ingeniously laid through the plaster ing in tlio wall, by means ff which one of them contrived to supply ten burners in his establishment gratis. cau-e f a' e .' a sihle to a !ni; su.vs.a. Ion tli ' e "..-co tel. mast be that v. -!, cratie party . unite t principle, h i' a in lit M'.-tioll-. Ik-hi t t!i:ri tiie i n e o! ,'!iiei piece- the ut 'ill. lit . . agl icl I d 1 11 t lie .i 1 -I ! .Nut .litil-t think it W-e.l ting, ti.iit tli at. 1 l-i'.i. rly e m; ..i;iie 1 - a I - C'.ive I it.- tail s'il.11" "f the ii lie hiive be.-towe 1. hi- mi l.vibt ll!."- "l p 'ilitlll'-l.t- ha " he. '; . see., ,i of tie' j'lily ll.'in ! i m and a -ingle rea-oii a i.i : -e i. . w hv it v as pr i" r t p r-u " t Mo' t of lh, e li t :.-!, i this poit 1. iv..' al.v iy - " . i. .: -C 'unties of New "t , . 1. aa 1 1 -. . a:e three large , n v. -of the port. In 1 - I - il. I' Five- nl vot" iii t'a .- ' - tii'i - , latioii of uior t i in '- 1 ii' i ''- ' " one for the latter. 1' r -m tiie 1 -le-ahl he clediiet.' 1 t'.c wi i ::.' which we'.t i" tl;- - mo' '-," - luakiiigthe pr f - r a,' ' a ane - : i 1 think it. -a..' to e i:i '. :,- , . tiiau one mi: ,.t se . en oi ti ' i tliosy e i :os v d.' i ! h ' I : e , 1-1- , la tiii- i.-v- ': I- ' ::: I it will b I far li'oin ! I have act 1 mil l that ! lie- ail ia i l-t ei i- 1 ri t! i- h i r . 1-re. tt '4- 1. .1 t de the I. cau-e I I wi-hc pi'iniiot lianey ol It is I. p i-ing that t'a lull .-hare of t : .. r a w hat l'lliol, and 1-,'ty. , '.le that I Ere. .oi I. I-T. the little office in my I the mo-t Pin t g "ie among MOUNT VERNON. I of the party, I have neither I It will be matter of gratification to the I nor the t do mu fremient nil.rrim to the tomb of the Father inve-tigaiiug the Huteivd.-iit of his Country to learn tbit th garden of i were supposed to be all right im l, i, W li.e.'l !l l'. the r ink ai is i I lie il l y w.' of IliCil li . it'itiii, unl'i i.i..- v ....... v. .... ... A million copies of the New Testament I are to b writ out to China by tiie Rritish 1 the Mount Vernon estate has been opened I In r to y c i- re.i:r u; Foreign Bill isoeitty, ttevl of X.-0,UiJ.' k Uie iaspctlja f vuiurj -.Vrfj-'.i . A-., cut npturi Ji r-";v -1 '.'' ,, -i : . i .. , i a - .-, i-i - f , . i, i '. t i y nil i 1 i - t . e- I ,aii"- Iti - '.'.-.-'.l . .n:t .in : :i. rv i.-ti in., to if lac i. .: i.e. 1. ', i:b'. i- s at'l :' i i.i ill- i U -lid."'! oi ' . . . . 1 !! e t , le A ,,v. - ' : I:. ' t ill I : - , i t el tlie u. . 1 i:... r. ' ii. Ifa'n l VMli, .' . ,r ! ii n;ii ' , li Kil ti,l . "i. the !' i : t- ti.,: ii yh ; ,1 -j'.. in , at to..!: . re -l oil e im i.i. et'.r. ail I:, ' t ' III ra , , lit a.' r t -. o- ; .j. r :o-ar,i. :. a a : ' e i.e r ba 1 ! .1 ! leu ! 1. ai tl-' i .' I .e- " I . i a ie I" i-...e 1 leT 'r' t.. I - i :.' : to -i, va.t f i 1 ' :. : r- a ". : v i.: t i'. -' I i, i . I I ! l.,e i I lie t ' i !. I il I .,., ,'- t i ' I 1 , ".. .'hi: el.! .11 . 1 -i . -, ..f (.',,. r ,e l'.r-t i:, ! e - i ". ii e ..' - ' -i : ...1 1, . , a 1 .1 : v i : ti,, '.. ,, , 1 e ley ' y t '. that. -I'. i a'l ' l a ii t ' c t; i.o ii lii'i i.i.. .a::.,.,:; -;, :.i. I i ; ; i ... or i . -' I i- I, li e I ' : i , r ti .. : v o i.i . e. h' y. 1, , r " I- V. I!.;;.. 1 -. ' i i a . : '. an :l i . , i '. : a ' V i- t, - : .. : i.- o. . .);, u I 1. .'il'1 i r '..-;a :;-r;ti ,! . ; I . r- i , ; i- Hal to i a i i.. :.' i. r - , - i .. a '. I. i ."...:! e -. .' . . 0 I I 1 '. !.:. t. .1 I a ! V C M AX. i.-i u:i- i f 1". ,a ; : '.t e '.! ..'.; y ) :r t .. 1 al a-. I .- . " i- ,' U a -o,.'i ; r ii: .'. ii .a. , . e - a - . i i a . a . ; ' I. -.1 e u r- 1. ) it,..i.a . tile.. ; l . i.i-:: a - a-- i;

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