A "- Ot. t " m t ' 3 plauta. Of u-:iir and tobacco tlic fcttlerf , of povf mmrnt loats, tut none of them at-j thing but the pecuniary intercut, of the corpora- from twoGreek word, aigni.j oar airi-ady cultivate et.oui:ti for their own ton-1 tempted to interfere with her. ' " ".V'K ' " ,'urce ol ""; '"' "1'reme IcgiaMita authority it w. "..;PH.n 0. TtioH.y, the lth, . answer ar-! JJ "I7,7t TT&-Z ,in' W 'T""" limber for building purposes ia rather rived from Jeddo, stating tliat the Kmperor tr in. which should lw rat Ldi.lud btlore the ! oeoiile m thnr pnm.rjr i.rm inblu.. The Urn. naree, ami ouM soon be txliausta'd if ant ! had ppoiutul an officer of the highest rank rh :ni;c ullutU.1 to i.bovc i .tl.et.-d. tn una pt-r- w hi iiittc.-i.se of population were r c-fill fur the to proved to I'raga and receive the letter . "' ' t''n' u "" '' ' ""' P'r'y P"' . erection of many tuildi?S. The Km kind, ! of the frcr-ide. of the United W, and w .'"hUn. loMllCu-u'r 1 -ure t.ie Uiuatia ami tlx- HJ mulberry. ) .atit:ietory proofs havitiir been pixeii to ral ii Inn riH a. N wt-re- r j rttd, but t yield ' )Mtil '1 he former i s-iinilnf to the red wood of j Com. lYrry that this appjiiitn.eiit came di- to tin- pri.bt.iin n ot tin m il ! Purely iu.i.c .. the j 0y ( Hi a itl and !eica, and is verv ctidurina. 1 caused the island, to be thoroughly cs- rectlv Ironi the Imperial (.iovcriuiiei.t, it was arranged that the inter tew should take pioreu bv two l nrl'H of oflker and their place on the niomini; of the 14th. reports will le duly filed with other similar The Japanese selected the small town of papers. The master of thi ship and the ; Gorihatna, al out three miles south of I'raa "' ?aiMtira ru-o surveyed Hie harbor. The scarcity of sea and land birds ha b.cu trjlieed by every one as singular, not wore than five or six varieties of land bird have been seen; of these the common crow uni the t ijeni are the largest, the oihers for the interview. On the iiiumin" of th Nth the SusipHhanna dud the Mississippi took p a p.tsitiou off the town, and lay with their broadsides to the shore. The governor and deputy govirnor of I'raga, with the commandant of the military forces, (I to i.bovc it .rl'tetid. In thin pt.r- Whiir 'ai lii.,llul'..ctured from the motto of the eenw to u. llii.t wlr.la inn- p-.rty . , .. , .-hail,., .h. firal foui.lit thr cuiiatituliom.1 liUrlien ut the Hode in op. pottiliun to the unlimited nrtrngi. live ol the Crown, kmg tlie iiiitiblg of ttie mctto, (Vt bo)e in (od,M u nd pttin tluiu together todiscriov the party whoae uitto lhi iT tiu.i lit Tina par ly hai iiiat'jd in Ei j; land Ironi tli..t di-y tu this, and by ill intiuti.ee in the councils ot Enlinh polity hui brought i rt.und it wonderful tli..ii(e in favur ot r-itiomil Jibeity in that country. From 1 to the Hlth October, have been received, this party Anurican Whigi inibibed their prinei. hnw that w r bctwien Turkey and Rui-' pl i, end i xhibitt'd tluui by nuecenlully deputing lomitou I .k.n bv the I h rl..lic rouil in nr pnnc ml th- fin. 1 e net ioii on the pait ol l'otiuaitn HuLb..ru, illuslr-tol. War in Europe. fly the nrrivilnf the steamer Arctic, ncw from l.iver which re of sniall size. Uf gulls and other sea came off to accompany the Commodore to I i: 's T.c saw very few the booby being the m jSI -ftumerous. I noticed before reaching the I-lund a few petrals; these were of un- sue, ana of siu -ularlv brilliant unaiiv the 1 indium plaee. the officers ami men detached to accompany Commodore lVrrv i.i is inexitablr. The docuuu nt in w inch the Sub tin h,. condition lly dvel. rcd wargaint Ruuiu, is niil 1 1 be a calm, uignifird and unanawcrablf f. view of the puaitttma and miU cedent action of the two powt r. Il ho th .t wliilc Itunu hai oU)it mounted to about 4Du, while the force ol occasion fi.r war, the I urknih Government ha the Japancv, whs variously estimated at done all it could in honor, to ert it. The dccla. from li.tMIO to7,l'i 0. ration then conclude thus: The Commodore w as escorted, w ith the j Since the ('abnn t of St. Petersburg h.n not been Amerieau colors flvim;, and the bands play- : content with the a.ur. ncei ami .le.i;. i that have : .1 . ..;,. 1 .' 1 1 ..;! i ' ,1 ; " t th. i been ortered, nince the bt mvolcnt efforti of the p.u'iiae. Of ipiadrujcds we may enumerate hogs, p.'at', deer, bullocks, and sheep, with any i..iii,1.,.f r,( .. ,f - .,..1 .1.,.. M f .1,". v", r"" V , ' 'lush power, haver, n.ainrd Iruitl. , .incr, in fine, cat, and hogs having strayed to the jungle, hous of reception. Here he was received , Sui,Ii,e Por, riinni tol.-n.tc or nitier any are h mored with the appellation of wild 'by the l'rince of Idzu, first Councellor of the ,,ngcr the actu.d st- te of thniv, or the prolong, cats air! wild boars, and are hunted accord- ! Kmperor, whi was accompanied by the of the urcupiiion of the- .M.ildo.V..llchi..n ,npMy wun a..ga. A low acer aim goats i r.nee ot 1 warn. ! Kmpire-the Ottoman iCbtnctT with the fir... ...d ! of rePre..Uti rapublican. .The tim. will ar. wi rc c'Mi.t vp;tr ao p.acoa upon orth or I 1 lie U tter of tho rreiaont and Lommo- , ... . . ...... l,. : .t..t'..,tinft ,im .irf.i i rtva .i.. ...;.. M..i.. . ,11 M Itncr ot ill Kii.iil.iv tuait rrnriaaU nrjMinait 1 I - vio ..tin at he treiits wtm ti it luiuiuvri iii a - . . r - , tlic hutliuritv ol' tlto Uritih t ruwn kiid I'urliu Hunt over the tlu n tiiirtten culuniti. Tliin ujtpu eitiun of uur U then wta Uiftii on a dvtt niiintion to estublmli not a wild uiicrrU.in dt nn.crt jr, bul a pi -tin rt'uublican, rt-prrM.-nU.tive guvt-rt-iiieitt, wlioinr ptmcra were dtfiiird kiid timittd by a written constitution. Hence it will Ik h'i ii that Whiggrry dtlr-ff the r-tit'iiL, iiit Ilitnre vi the Aititricrtn (copltf and ret it suit ly ujtoii lhi element of pipubr intructiun lor it guiiie biid support. Whereas, on the other bnd tliv fi-ry Utiii IX inocracy aprn-uls to the wilucvt tind n.ot tumultuous pitssioiisof an illiU r-te pupul crt mid thus is at oucc whotljr irrvcouc-iluhtc ilh the icim V i ... .11... ....I il. . 1 11 'li. . a" 1 . . . 1 . .. . . .. . .-iaij r iiJii'i j w sriiu-r, auu uic nore I ittj i icmr m vvvueuvv cu- ivnuac rights t iovtrMyntv and the indtpttMitnce ol us . , . Ion Jtxt-.ved b the DouuUr ...... i s . 1. :..k ..i . ,) : i 1 i i- i i .ie . i : i - . . . 11 ..." ..i .. .i . ' i u ' Jl IKHC UIULllJtilCU JM tJUII'JUSl . IY Ut-ClCU, BIM ail'UilAl rri'l'l y IZ WVU 111 WtHrrmilCHI, wMI tllipiMJ i..a.a tainas when this shall be 'he case lrtUr will cvuse to Tl Anotheii Lettf.b from Jinoe Hkonbon- 'lhe Jkcw York papers contain another letter Iroui ex-Collector JJronson, to occro tarjt tiuthrie, iu which lie juftifie- his own Course ana condemns that of the Secretary lor his alleged interference in the local pol ities of the State ot New York. As regurds his rtaiotul lie says: "Aside from the principle involved, the removal irotii office is at. affair of little mo Uictit. 1 leave thn utlice at the close of this day with greater pleasure tliun I accepted it kix months ago. 1 have been a.-sailcd withoat cause there has been gross viola tion ot the democratic doctrine, which de nies to the federal" government the right to intermeddle with the purely iutertial allairs and policy of the State. KOSZTA. It appears from a letter in the New York Evening l'oi-t, dated at Constantinople, Oc tober ii.that Mr. Ullley.tho American Con sul at Smyrna, protested against Koszta's release on the conditions prescribed by Hu ron de liruek.und acceded toby Mr. Marsh, and refused to demand him of the French consul upon auch terms. Koszta himself it is said, took the tame view of the case, and refused to be liberated on those conditions, and at the date specified he still remained in prison. The following is and extract from the Post a letter : " Though this arrangement between la ron de liruek and Mr. Marsh) appears lib eral on the part of Austria, and honorable . cater to the low p.nui cl the people which tint to the United States, it is said here that hulls. tm. mid sheelv find a f.w ntnrn liv tLi t u ii I'linci-s. Thp 4 tkiimi wer landed fioiu the Sus.im lmnna, dore stated, that in order to irive the Japan- cu""" ''" :.:..ii .1... ,l. r- .... , 'l vlf W 1 I liieir lllerrase two hill s Slid two nn int nrnmclil. (inn 1' t!ln tor de llier:ttlon. 11 . i ..-..IC ..1.1; t .. ., b. us put vtl shore at Sand Bav, 011 he would depart in three or four .lavs ami ceL,eVr ; tLt it I... given t pr.cse i..ruc. ! Urm flu,u" M"1 '""uIi't"- Th. ..ur Ll.ed , ,1C Cousul of the Cited States at Smyrna l.p l onli side ,( I'i i I island, and tun" mm ,.., in 1 ... mm.ih t.i rcenir,- tl" r.-nl v timn n hi. ejc. Hem y I .: r I'achu u. drmund inslitulioua will be .on.iniil. red 111 the api.it in j has refused to demand Kosita 1 release five Shanghai broad-tailed sheep, with n the f. How in- dav Commodore l'erry, , ,rlnc" l;"r'!'ff ev.:cu,t,..n of the Prm. ; ., h they were con,.d, wrcugl.t out, ...u ... ; from the French l.o-.ital in which he is eix on Son!, islnnd. in the Mi-sissir,m wcl about ten n.iles be- 7 , '!: M"h"L " hP .00.. ; closely conhned and strictly guarded V'a K.tt. klau'1 i!an I there are a ciod ' jonJ th., maliinir a total of -1 miles te- ptrh nt tur Ruvsiun bed-quarrs, an mswer in , lidUibt r t i-Oi', and the settler b;ive rt-ceut- vou'l the limit of previ.ixH t-xt'loration. the nrgutive should be returned. : " " 1 . t ckod two other uf the stualK r iiautls Froin the 1ei-k of the fri 'rite a crowd of As it is stilted th.t the Cnr of Russia accepts 1 ilDrni-v Vitl'iitubi 1.IILIIIII ItUllltOi time ship. 'in was M'cil i,vt,n or ei.'ht uules to the TurMth Dtclr.ratun of w .r, hostilities have, i lie .iorin iLatroiioa i. nnrriKT .i-ininc BACON, SHl:St " it.tlliS, " round lliyyingt i'uttuii, It. . I, . itutw r, - . lift P Will, . Itt'dllH, . lirainly, Apple, . IV-uch, . 'tiiimi, I'dti'iC, t'uudk-s, Atiunumtine, " Tallow,. Cur n, Chickens, - Clutb,t'u(iK-ras, " I.nuiut)', V-ee .!h L'"at, so that iu lhe course of t!:"y will lucre asc to many thij-'inds. The harbor of I'ott I.loyl and the tieih 1 .ir'nii waurs abojii 1 with excellent ti-h. which iiuv he tukeii th with the ho r seine, Uj.h the j.laecs f.-r hau'tit. cra! whic V, 'J1!1J t I till .1 :i iu many prts tLe sL.TeS. l ie be-t place for Laulius the soine in 1'jrt Lliy 1 is upon a sandy beach in teu fathotu hole, wh-re there is a small clear p'-t. The v aricties offish are not very nu-lu- ruu; cf those taken in the seine of the Si 'vjuchaniia. I bt iced bat tir the mullet, (the m j.-t nuiiierous,) two varieties of porch, the c:ir, aui l:ie cjiuinou ray. t.arks are very nuunru-is, an; ti!;vn q tict tlicy fre pient the shallow place a ni iii-t the coral roe Ik n.-ar liu h r- and th-.re p.irsoeJ ly iLe dos, s.-ii.- 1 upon -ti-1 -'ra.'.'i-J ash i.r.-. t 'f edible he!i-S-h there are D ine, t5.it I c -u'. J 1-. J' n, i iet-p! the cham r, :a-, : tridic in.j wuicli mu-t be vt-rytja.'h au-1 indices til 1c. .t other vrni-.ties f the tcstici-a there are many, but non-,- of any rarity. J he f.inily of crustioea i-, however, more eiti:i-i.-; hut the kin Is are chieflv connncd shippiu.' as seen the northward, Slid frniu the number of c:e thi, been roninienccd. juuks continually g'jinj; and coining, it was , evi.ictit tnat this was the anchorage in iront ji tin- eav-itol. Tlie officers of the Jvisone- peak with adiinrati-'n r , and the rich eul ejctniou which thev Nov, iuUr, i. in our tuLlc. It is very inhrest. doned in number, containing tlie Lecture, iJ.li.cred ly I her as I... ... I !, v .......... I puuuu nmh luc -lusiiiuu viviiLitiiuriii should not be allowed to state in it any res ervation of ' rights," and be required to ad- j u. it the illegality of his arrest. The consul for ' requires that Ko-zta shill be, aban- Indian Entertainment, ClV Cj.s Ul.ilcr a LurfD ariMiun, e.ifiuoie oi II .citing 1 DUO persona. 'J'he celebrate il Imli uu I'liief KAWSHAWGA?cE, Frniii the Vil.iitiu nutiun, Suiitbvrn Dngon, dc coiiiiuiucd by GKATWAliLA A Cliierfru.il tlie Cill.inooli.1. trihe, to(ctlirr with their l.irjic lrooiol InUiun. fioiu west of the Kueky .Mountain., will (jive un exhibition ot the .Manner, und Custom, peculiar to their trihea in S.iuthern Orepoii, ut Ch..rli.tle Saturday alternoon und even- ilij: iov. Illlli, IPjJ. 'l he cntert iiniiii nt coii.i.t. of a larce numlK-r of I). ncei. Song., Ilurhd Cercinoiiy, linlisn .Mer rv .M.ikinu, M.irriuje Ct remony, Seulpmij Scene., 1 ..tnij out ili.e.fen from iek liiiliun by en chantment. Al.o, M vcrul in.ioricai mem. in. cidi-ut to the curly etllemeiit uf our Country. Kaw.hawuaiice, w hu haa received hi. education in the fir.t .chool. in the Stute., uml iaacknuwl edged by oil to lie the (j res tint lndiui. Or a lor who hu. ever apotrurcd before an American audience, will ive a dt .criolion of hi. colinlry and the lini li ner in which tiny take the Wild llor.e", Ilt.tr.ili. Sec. Al.o the condition of hi. nation beioru and im-p lli. intr.uhif-lt.itl of Clt illX tloll Ulllolli tllclll. howinu the (j ret t unu unmoral illtlucnce -ttelld- ; I'eaa. cd over tin in hy the large ela. of Kur Trader., j I'"'"1 in r.-Miiiini. in llicir llilflt. ! Iiwha(aiiie will eilubit a large collection of, nice, Indian Cuno.ilic, ainoog which may be found iiuj,"t -"Jfi .n r.ds-ciinrn"f War I luh.. War hmv ., W .r ! " Urow n, raddle., Haille Aaca, Mexican Foucht ., Illankela Stone. W are, made fnun the bark of tree., I'ij of I cuce, V ar , i"", liK-, War KallUa, a large vanity of Ik-ad Work., Vc. ,Vc. The Chief, accompanied by the Warrior, will I wen riding through the .trot, mounted on tln-ir Indian pome, drt ed in their Indian coaluoie, painted and fnllv eqmpird for War, orcrriicd hy KAW SHAW tJAM K S C V. I. E II U AT K I UK S HAM., l twern I mid 3 o'clock, I'. .M. Kxlohition to cuiiiiiic ncc ut -JJ and 7, P. M. Aiiimtlaiice oU ccnu ; Clultirtn und Servant. Ii-lt pr ice. A. M. HAI. I., .tj'fnr. C1IAULOTTK, NOVE.MIIEIJ 8 El.. Featht ., I.ard, -Million, M.ckirel, .Molal kt'., Mea . .Nail., Hals, . fork, . I'eaa, I'ululof Iri.li, Swert, 'I Wheat, W hi. key , Northern, " N . t 'arolioa. W.K.I h .1 ( lb. lb. lb. vU Ib, . lb. - Ib. buahel , - tl. . - Ib. lb. lb. lb. bunllcl , each yufd - yard dozen - H'll II... . - lb. - Ib. - Ib. bhl. . Kl. . buahtl Ib. buahel - Ib. bu.lul Luhi - bu.l.cl bualitl - Ib. . Ib. - gal. "afk - Ib. - buahel - gal. gal. 1 Yarn, org i. ) wa.Md, ' Ulitriikl td . . bale 1 1) 15 8 II ti 11 au 4ll 41) ts'l 'J IU all 1G all 10 sj 111 J S!a IUJ O tlu 33 aU 6 'Ji uu aU all tl II f'l IC :i (-.-, 411 31 M Sa 1863. 00 m i la la all all ij (ill in 31 itn IM U 15 2U 2J .'i h ou ( 16 'A W i 3u 1 15 W w w HI III 15 tl "a all 4H i'S 3 by Austria, and acknowledged by Iciti" au Auieiii au citizen, t'ntil ippi the Seitie are hanna and Mis.-i of the beauty of the si. tivr. tisin and iiiinriiit everywhere witinssed. The uatics with whom they came in con tact sere fiiendlv in their demands, and tl. .Vori-m.fr H, s;,3. ir.. A. . U 11 la A H 11 V (10 fCC!SOIIISlS jllSlllV HIP r0- the .. Kranci. L. Il-k., D. V., btlore the Ilia- then, he relust-s to claim him of the French i All n. w, ju.t rvc.i7ed Mi VA t. OF Jl lx;E BRoNSON AS Ct.I.I.EC. toiie.l Socu ly of New 1 ork, IKciinbv.' le, lsji, toiisul, and refuses to obey the instructions i Toll OF THE PORT OF NEW YORK ' unbracing the aubject at the MeekU nbt.rg IKeL- ot the American Mini-tcr on the subject of ' There are two rta.ons. cither of which may be ration of Independence, and other n.Urc.tiiig i.r- his arrangement of Ko-i!a s immediate rc- 1 t-.nn as a solution of tin. singular que.lioii. We ticln. lease, whilst his nationality is under di.cus- j find throughout lhe while Southern country all of W'e are also in rrecipl of PiUraoa for November, ''on tj the two (iovernm. Ills. It is also; the imwt ultra Hi.uni-.ni.ta taking aidea with the which we ouiilU-d to notice .oouer. Kc.d wh.t ""''I that he his put up Ko-ita to protest governor of I r:iga is spoken of as a mod- administration on th.a aubject, and ju.t.fying the be .ay. in the ollowuig paragraph. : again-t the .meriean 1 mi-tcr, i t hi rr j f rofinemet.t and good breedin.-. ,,-n.ovul if a In ion man to rive pl.ee to a Free The PuUi.her a.k. the l.u.e. .1 they h.ec ever. J" !r"v' U I -s .- i i. .1.. . .1,. - in an Maif. no., read .a beiutilul . aiorv "Z-. Jitrt.vm tit Ifie I nil'd .".'?( j. For Sale at cost. I pr. French Tc'le E. Te'le, 1 oni. M thog.ny Sotioe Sal Oiim, 1 nr. Pier i .1.1. .. M .rl T..... 1 M.hogahv rr.iirh Iho.te.d, 1 .uMrior Mo.. M .ttr...., t tl.l Mill A M AKK F.T. "i i. Ni, j ( ottos. Our c.ll.. n market yi.irru.t , , tu- .not hu.'V .lit, Willi price, .t.aililv a.'li.,. Ml b..le eh. lied llahii., at pro ri .'ariiue I, ' to !U rent-. ' 11 L. 8. wii.i.ia?:.- 4 it CII.VCI.I.STOS MAfihl l. t IU11 K.los. Sns ( OTTON -There i.aa,.a.i ton ti -I v, the tr-.l.. t to l.a I,-1 ii.g rr i KHU1.-1 ., I ..b. ut the to . . en,,, i.i ,,, 1- ! ' ' wr.l) i .rl. Thi a. n . -, mi . b I. at s ; 'Jl,.i t - ; . , - i u '. . "I at . ; -.4 , t 'Ij , y0 . I 'j j ; -. , ,. .1 -i . 1 to .t i . a -t vi j n .i i, UC1.: .'! -t . s . - ( , "1, The day before the departure of the squad ron, the tiovenior w.-nt on board the Su. i '!-!. a nua, taking with LIiii a mnnbcr of preset. t-. cnsi.-tiii of silicic- of lae.p.ered w.ire iud other Japanese manufactures. ovtb (Laroluu Wlliig. Tha wntiooa ..t .U . . ....!.. . . ul... I .. hour, by iMuv-urnpufg nuch concuct in the Exccu. iUm It, pUtt fVUri.'. tivf, to sickt-n and diiguM the Snutt.rrn ptoplo al kf,txe all iot ntorarif ot Hi cLm- lUrprt. with thtir ntrnnnnt, and thus prripit..tc thnr " fnnniice c.niM.1, inuttd, b bmputcti. In . 11 i.ir r.nhed o in ct, a UifiMjliitioii of thf L nion. I nf .. . , , . . , J nl he lori'u'tt n. hv tlti.tr w mi ! i tit uhcritM In rmi.t MapjZim- tor I4, tht .Mr. Mi pht-n wntrn t xcluafitr) v Tor lt. rs.n'i LanJu-a .N-titn- al." Now ia the tune, too, to begin in-Kit f eluh.. ' I he Colored 8icel Faahion Plate onnlted tim ru.. v. -I s.Z id is whit i sen'"--..!? called the nirau ii; s.en tu every uirection near th which are uf every variety rm and olor A most numerous i I'se r'iors. trueiliu,' abrit with their ri liculo-js ti jui i.-- up in their backs, which they -eetn to have -tiectedjinorc by chance than choice. TLe watirs of the lijiiiu i.-laads furnish abundance r f crawti-1., as also green turtle, Wiir..- F' R Fran, r.. The Pit.-burj: tiaiette of the 17th u!t says; "Last i,ck a purchaser was in the market buying con siderable whe-t, at prices rantini; from !h cents f 1 10 p bushel, and as fast as it w as weighed it wasunt to store, where it was placed in o-uabur-' sacks, its etid. iit desti- ol policy, umn r Tiie circuiostaoces. .o w mat nii.iiin, nu a ate.i ui.. te o. i u.tiu.it . i,,r .e . -s t c k nation ueuie r.as.t rn or r.urorieaii m.irk.-ls. tiicy j u-li the I'rcfcldc Free S.,ih r. to . rlicc it t!ie aacr..fice of good I'ni- .ideuce, I dim. e...l of the M lho!i.t huril.. . (Tl Altl.oTTK, N. t'. I Irr r cut w nl in tdr I- v r r 1' !r A '1 A . !l. ( no i ioJ, t,ii . i rai.u ii in lit. t Jiu r auiii il 4 iu) ttriitnpt! v i.tt it'i d to. .-ale of TOWN I.OTs ! i ! 2 3!uf Che ot'ner niodc of accounting for thtir dhcnng to the Pnsnhnt'a policy n that by to I'omg they reap a birgir prnr-jrlion of the spoil, of office th.in thtv would do bv pu.-.uno- anr ether course up f 9 llli; oi.ii, r.ij-in JVi t i-.ll.trd by the , u o Coi.i ii.Ui.ll , I tit I put if, w . :1 ii,.. !uf.l,i ..otery, ic I'm i , till., at lo, l ,,url Hi. u , ..ii Tu... m. I i, t, M h. ii.g I'ii. ait y ,.( Il,, I h,1. .N.... .', t mi I.-', in U. re ,N .. - , , ' !-.i,tii,.. l ,le (,, ,r a . t I . ul lot i l. , 'I 1'., 1 I., heijlt;J ut' which w A.r-.r .I, wa. t j the Japai.ise as eariv a and tiicy de-.-ribed th.-m under the nam I.i:.o .-H..3, alio as atuiniiii;: wil l tt-U ir-il.-. -iine of which were froiu fjjr t ib. l-r'r , : . L.. i.ir 1 1. . -1 u ".I - " ' the tlapai.ise as eariv as Imo. ,.f Jo 1 fix on.' Front this de-cription of the 1 am lei ti idic.-e that thev ii.i-t.ok Cl i ADI ATT .lieire.l nor.ai i..e in the world ; for the Vnion itm n of the parly at the North, w ho know their rrthrin, the Fret Sjiler, a iiliic Utur Ih.n Sc. ci ., .furls can be upjcd hknow thi rn, and wiio h;.te a. much inlerut al .take in promoting the h .rmir.y of the party the l .tt. r can poaai. bly l.av.-, put not a .cruple of confidence in the r. fi nt oreti n.inn. of the Free S.i!cr, and t: us ''reen tirtle. which are so e .inn. .'ii here, for crabs. Other aeeou:it-i e-ive a iiiuoti larlier dat? for the discovery 3l the e islinl- by the J.ipanesp. l'. '!rnrt r;m A mil'r. ' j-jt the year l'JTo, the Japaneso ae cid,.nt:i!;y ducovtri-d a very laru'e Island, one of their barks bavin? been forced there in a -t .rrn from the island Fit-eio. from wiiich th.-y c imputed it to be Ml mil.-- dis tant t ards the ea-t. They met with no inhabitants, but f j.nd it to be a very plea ant and fruitful country, well supplied with fr.-sb water, and furnished with r.l.-nty of p'unts :.i '.ree. partiealarly the arrack tree ; which, h-o-vsv.r miht t'ive rojiu to coiijee tare that te i-Un-l lay rather 13 the syutb ol Japan tha'i to t'ie e..-t, tue-e. trees rw only in h t countries. They called it ft -.!: ."ii)a; and beeaue they found no in i.ab.tants upjn it. they tu-.rked it witb the character 't an ui.inhai.itfi i-Uiei. I)n the- h'jiesthey found an i:i.-rei;ibi: ij'i inlity of fi-h a;i l enbi, -ou.e of whien acre frstu Vixt i) six I'..-, t lori." 1 !.- f A) 11:. i-it'-ri-t;ri; a..eo ji,t of the mo-., in, tits of the eipf-ditiot. U from the , r ;,,., M i,!. ,.( Auu-t 1 1 tli : :ii',t the hr-t otii.-r Tuesday A flrrn'n . .Noyi mber h-3o ir WII.I.I AM TIIOMPS. i. t:.-,., I. our a ie:,t 111 I1..U. More, ai,i:.or:.e,: too:.ton iovert..e me.-.ts ana a-,b-eriptjo:'.s, riiio tu rmt rcc 11. ts. f V.. W.i 'A Kit. K.q., , -.ur i-.-i.t ii. I',:! a, itiiin. autiii.ri7.eii to obl-.ia ativ, rli.eiiienl. and pro . ure .uii.crij.tioiia. I i V. B. PjImi.t. F..q.. t. our s iithori 7, ,! arnl in rfC 11 ,- .s.il v ert; ten i::.t a in It. sioii. e' t' shcy in appointing .uo.tnutto, priocipuiy 10 a:i.,w me i.uit. 10 coo. louay, another purchaser came forward,, ..... ... ...... p..... ..,.r .., ...,, to,)k ali0lll , ,, . , j, m , j M .irallliea. ror this buriMMe a wo.Hl.cut ol to. ... . men en the grennd th..t Kree Soilcra . votinj f..i, ns. auth a. our coUii,por..ric g. nt r lly pub. ; " '"c b poea iliret -tly to Friniee. Ilisde-in' I'ltree for I're.duit placed ll.rni.elte. Ii.h, 1. n... rtetl, only aair ,.iul 1. Uu.r en. 1 lo purcliase St-ycral ttiousaml t,aek, if It : II Itimore Platform oi May, lsii, .. the ' r ''d Dd '""" 1 r P ''' " " f e" ' Loutl,t on what ...ay be deeme.l fair - 11 r. 1 .1 ... ... ...ir . I l. . .. ,.l p.. ..,. .,.-1 I .1, a.- . .. . t terms. v c notice tlo- a beinvf t he first1 ion platta. I i . . . I , ,. I wheat ever purehas- d in this market direct , t w i. .i t , cj . for the continent of Kurone. i yr It ia with feeling, of deep rcgrtt that wt ; rturu ti e doth ot n.K. R. Willi n. n, . nn.ii ol ii,o.t . it o.pl. ty chur.,t.r, u.ih. ,nd .n.i. I.lc in In. cih un, n. ch.ril-tile, ju.t ai.d hoi.iri.ble in Kv Tilt Svvrii) The Sultan had repre-1 In. tlt.lnu. with t.i. 1. 1!. w n.tn. Suite Un fir.i set, ted to the atnbas.adors of forei 'n eov-' ,pi.a,.,.t o. ,. ,t.. . ..,, ,.,... ..u .; (,,la fi,.. he , 1. . r.-, t Clll'ilL't U III IIIIII- I.' I a. 6 " 1 I'll Ila'd K If h If p yu.g tht . . ..... rapt i Che hiu..et dfgrre. The more modt.ru tr, umun. Ii y nrvltttl by i-ur citis.-is. ) sni nitximtol ' Suuthrrni-m.l owevrr, h.-t rr hty 'y 'I'ut di-cecicd vii native uf Lincoln uttirlT tw n confct-tlly and utir inl y enj . Lit tfihV:A.w-rnt.'-t.'l'.-'t.i.k ' ittU' the ditli p-arinlilv ; but i hi- p, himi. A unu (fulfil i . ii j Hi War bf'lwi'cn l!u.-id ami Tuikt j. IL tt:t' citiEina iff !i.ii!'-llf und thr aurroiiitii- iii rouutf y , t !ut tir is nuw ff 4 v tn jj atnJ n. i-ii p it U rjj- llJl v uf sKorT:Kii-:s uf nil 1 wcr'pttonn, wl.tf -h h fi..ttt r ,,n.rii he -.ii u tiic to ii i.s at: 1', it' 11 t tut. :. t.H, ttun nr otiir rit .hlnlniH nt uf the kiim in II. r town oft llrU ttr. .All hr nil to gi tiitn c - It n chrff (ur lfikiif. Mr tatk coiuiati in jwrt, of tfie lullowii.g rtitlr, tu: A Urgr lut f.f )m,i.i. a,i irf.y 1 l ftii, Ii iiint.ti.i' crttiit. j; ., . W. WIl.UAMsiiN. f , Is.,3. ,1,. -. ( 1 1 M 'I'1 Wanted, ! I VOI M. l.AIHIX lolr.rr ! M.Hinfj Mii.mf.a. Tlio.e ai-Lt! oj; prt 1. r.. ' Apply to lr- A. W. n IIKIa AN, Xmrrntrt 1, I".'i3. r fcTNntico. mav propoac lo then. a. I v. a or country by advoea. ting tl.c d.jclrinc of IVcei.ion.cari no loiigtrtndure e to ka the rod Ju.t r. laid to l..ke finrr blood. " A few day. r-go we had the p!aaure of convrr ainr. with a v.ry int- lligent Sece.f icni.t, jnal re. t .i.-ned fr un the rth, ho d. el-.r.-a that he can N. C. rt titoved lo M,..i..ippi in the Ksli .,1 lsj'. and .i near the cIom: ol I,, a 3clh ye.r ithtii I, d.ed - .V. ('. Wkig. ,.,...''-J.l,v, M.I . - v joa t'i- 1 aword, lhe Turk would perish in its un I ""i CTcrr "rtiel lo be found in a l.rw.if .si.,r-, ! pott ; or if fate ord.i 1 that their country ! !'"' V""", '" Tr"""' A'r 'u""t'""'-1 '" "T -...,. ! i . , n , . ! und on Jrade trctl, oppoaiir J. h. Karriw.n loui.ly. In.ultl tall to another ma.ler, thi-y would ; (,,cer,. VI I. w-r..i,a imli-1 t, . I to V ii . It biii'l N in. It. & J I.. Part ., e.lh. r hf Sy'. ' OUIll, Sf. 1.1 Ol J. I,f quit hurepe as tht y entered it- haud. sw&rd in i .Vreiilter I, 1 .'..T lll.UK. 3tf .u -i.-l aiii.-eriptioti. t h: nu ,.r,ger a.aio:ttte in .uch 1 foul crwd, and ap and Piiiud- ipi.ia. t, i.,t i K iar. to be in great tribui :tion eUeut denning hu the North,.. nil nuno rou. indiinslion niri ting, are A G R ICl'T t It A L M EET INC. Thr Ariculturt. S.j I ; lor Unit louht; he In it (jUcrttfljr nistctilijf iu liie I uurt.lli u .i.n ' ui . uy ut la si ct k( U tn tht otiouiit) it. url. Aflrr 0 iug cIJtj to urUrr, th rrtiM.tnt intro. i Indian Enterluiiiinfiit B T' r li' T lo our idvt rt;iin cnlurnnn, tiV r.-'ide'r ill s' t tii .t an firnb:tii.n of fjuittr a novel r Ii tr m t r w i II v iit air!ut!', on the 1 tii i;mtji,t, Offii' t'xlii hit k n t c .n y i. ti.ii., hut we 'is-' I:;? f'iil'.vi ijijf jj ir.igr.1 f.;i iVoin liie Richmond I'n qnrrrt w'tirh 'n-iy ot coi.sidcru j'"d autiiOa'i'y .n TiKtn Itidioin h. vr '"omf t" t ;ic St.itr f'jr t.'it pjrj"ir of ri : i si i-n LtiiiFtij i cur-lien, .iitO . . e tii ir r t ':4,t ,i, .nu ut ordtr lo raur tin fi '-h&r x ih'-.th t i ii ihlr Ht-m tu tUj nt. 'Viu r'ornittJ in lii' iiriif.i.d t a Ijrr nd iint rt l bl n ui I -ih'c of I, . anu t ii lU nu n, and t' tJ.- r:A.rr i- t: j( t.oii of ..!). Tin ;'ivr h'tins -f ti:' I nil- I Jid liur.-i n r n ft, W df. If r v- f . M i'n Mf a t . d otiMT I .nrr-n, VV i y I . v m, S I'l.ir.. v.m jifHt:li(.d hy tti M n. i ll i!. V.t-j n aii'1 Jfi'.'i u i'n- lii turitM-r ,y 1 . r I ti, tni !..'. - t nolc"! uf W I.r, t.f 'tr,- .i T1' fti -i T i j 1 ' V 'lur, f.;l:i,i 31. il ntf'.f.r;. 'J'i.e lil.- CU.VflGNEKS I'Eft UAILnoAIt. ! .1 C. Norwood. J. Si II , J I'aldwcllJ Jenkit)., H k l'o , M llrown A J , T. ('. , mith, W. F. Taylor, .J. V. l..ckton A Co . ' ...rr. Ifi.i a hi. -,e ... . . - - ;a,.ition. He .ay. ths.t j;ri-at rir.iieincnl preraiia at duecd lo the rsocicty and a crowded Iiouk ol citi. j , h 11 I' II ' i te- a leua Mr. Williaa. -V. faltoii writ, l.tort u u. with'" " " nn.-rs. .siiir-, . ... -. i ii i... - . 1 f.hfv A 'I .1 A Mel..,.,, I) M s'..l i. i con.tintlv heid, in Inch the course of the admin, i ,,, . ' a a' i l . i ti- m i' ,'. .. a'1 in., ail! join me in .ay.nj it wt. u.i.to a (ar : A. C. .'Ic I litosb, . Murphey, K ( arroll A ! istrstion in remming Mr. Brnnw.n nd appointing and a trr.t. Tlie y..uil,!ul 4(,(a-.r..,ce ol lhe or. ("0 f (J p-. J-;.lpr J a,r,, r Sn.it Ii VI' the Free Soiler Reiifiel,!. i n.o.t bitt, r!v denounc. "tor, with the well hlito rsjin u-h.re linn. pro..uctu ' i . ' it- ti- ' v.- ii ' . . , , .a , . ,. ,, , a fteling of .yn,p.tl,y for hia tm.iuilr, n.tur.l to : f ' ( o , . eaer, v I'anisoiir , ed and t oi.di mned. M v audi ever be the fate of , . r . k I n I i: ,..,. r. s:.. ;,i. w ii t toe want of ye.r. sua eiurrui.ee; bul.ll.r tl.e .o., I. uuo'liiian, I' i.lli, Sill A ,: a!! auch corrupl.on. uitrisluetion it became apiMrvnt tnt he -.a fa- Chan. hers A Co., Smith A C. A. W. Hui. j ....liar with the 6tld he w.a up.,.., and veier.... oi : T. H Tate, H. C. Jackioii, S W!er'i tin, tou were toreed lo eou.oliioci.t him !ur b.ti.,u t . , ,, . ft A Leaf from Rnnwv's Ilislorv of r-rer"ei u.i-.rc.i.on, ti.r.,uj,-ti n,e it.tatot .c. er.ee, in a manner uotn i.tit iiie. ni aim ...atruttiv. . 1'her could n but hVe eilnene. d a lit lull. t.1 Cr 'Trust Sale. 'tllf I f ,i tS Trut. r ! t ul' d to m f-.rln, I will ri! m forp hit Mturc in l,iniii.t'in. "ii Vl'ind'i y, 'Jmtri dfl r of N-itnuiKr m-ii, iui n,n. Iti.ur tn r t, from dtj to day, until n mi) his fttrarit of .Mi rrltamoiiof. c'iii(ing o gt tntl nd Vnnry St'irk of DRY GOODS, .; fj ii '..v; .( t r ri,i it i rf U rry a l.iu;ti r, fuju- ste.1 to eoii.t, foist e .a m .nu.r. n, il. We are e i"-.oi at I lona .laoilinj., au.l , i... : - . coil. W ill stall llie,UM I .. a ol th i IV. Jl. .V J. I.. 1 AUKS .urrnttr I, 13. d-ai a i: w n it 3i. BLAIR & ORHf A f i...M.v T lt ;, m. i'0 Ti'uu nr. t htaM', 1 i a (r I.KIleV M'KIMi ( i.Rvr.li, A It I! now r. . umj at,d jK i,i,jj a ;,'( it. i B li'lid ..Mtrloienl cf i , TK.NNKfiSr.K. The following de.ervrdly high compliment to prioe w hile hat. inltjj, rtrl. ct th..t lhe a-,1 ol .Iu I one of the nohle.t aoldirra of tlic Revolution, we tike from R.irr,.ey'a elcclltnt hi. lory of Ten r;,.ae. Tie pife i. .elected indi.criminHteljr fr .in the 1,00k to g.ve our re.nh r. .oine idea of the .tyle arid cluiricter of liie author, writirra a. a h-.t'iroin. Ary nun.tr of copie.of the work may Irt: found at Kniii..'. B'a.k Store in Charlotte : -Tl. Ktow 1" ol I- oiun iiiafl' riiT.'.n' r r.,i and ' lion: iv t'o 1. '1-11:01 oi tin ih;t!..,. lo. a, w . Ii w or Hi . C3- t t'.e m a I p a fed 111,'.!,.' tl.f A- p. uraij-e ,n tie .-!.-t-.w. hi j A the .' WalrfTS Itll w ill. a;l h crnrnii'n wn. the 1 t intlitury tfeiirc rend, red hy S. m, r, .'nd the r.nlv one fur h;efi hi- ever r.tfiv.il rii.,n. ton front the Lot -rum, nl. For ne.-ir!y twenty ve.-ir. he had b .n riist.,ril .y ei. d m inc. a.:-nt and unre. ti .'Tu,.. He wr.ii in thirty. five halt!.-.. tl, of al.s fjr!i- 1, f Hi kii'it- an hour, eons, leralo'- sen-ntioii , and all 1 trilin.' j Ji crjvd.-d. in a i.i tune . pr'.duc .J.paiii-- Wljteb ti, t it ftf tl. -s. 1- ,-re e ti. : : 1 i0 aIl, .,vr ' K, ts V !,; t-ed int , the Lirv It!.- at a tl. . 1 li:-t,,,T ir w; t o air b:it 1- :r-. Vi p.rt.i.i . -ton ' U. tr. U .. e- oy ! ,e f. i. iv .Mail A rriincnit nt l.e- ill t',e H nd di ri.ive. lie 11. ctiiip;,ipr,H and ' r, j" ilitt to. un -A lot OI i;.' oft., r,.U,roui;ii . iiiitt'ioiiv m!i I'oat ' 'thee I), . ;i. Iron, f 'barb . ie ;,n imp. Iu. -I, -. :T y 11. 11'. i. :. par. vt'y a- a sii'i.-il, at,-l ii'-t '.) h ,-t;..ty. .'.'i. ral ;"iv-r,i-ir,.,, lo- Out. 'y i -ju,,: of!, and e-iid.--.v- "Ii b wld It.i- -1 1 the U-U.i Ii t-',v 1 .1.. r-. iM..n. t:,. n, t , -i. pi vi re ii -t neened. b ,.-. r, an-i lij ne r ot L raa, ai,o wis the et.ii y.'i wed t-, con,.- ou board wa 11 , as a t ji;' n I 1, it- im-T-d l , t nt I. at. n :.art Th' v 1. put;. , y p-1 II'! d s.f il th- .).ipane-e a'H h ji if -s ndea v .re t , --.'f-jjiid the -ii-pa ttitl, the uual rori, ' La'... it a .uld i a 1 'j verv si-rej'js e'i r : -t n . o... ,1 t , a 11 I H ih-r .1 , I-.-or al ti:i " ,otjr le to of I ,-t i-ry I,, 'Ut II Man '.' m k , In - 'j r " 1 " n it w .1 H 'ir' fa 1 t t-.r: I '1 V T bat u.il , rj. ll. fie. - 1- I ,. S .-,,0 I.- ji ii."-r. t: but ..lit s:itlfle'i was in i-. r rj-f'-.nri tii'- vi.'ht a r j i n 1 ( N , lti '- theiii that 1. are! tiny tuv of" tl,'- ) It t:i. .It !:..-..- i.o-l. to ; 1, v r alt r visit. i '' 'l.tl lllh the '-.ti it; jni w, re ti... tin- S .-','.-hann-t war, ne jw -laraf t '-tiimiaditff j' rr-. iiuteki, i-tar.i juaJr-asi. ii ii..- ha v any b a.-. t ifi. I ;il a thru'jjii if earned o;. The tl- it nt'trnll.-Z. V--i aii 11 ,!,, ti if ( ra.ra, and a n-.-.-le ol ti,.. t cii-n,- orf, and. alu-r awertainiri-. ! I v .:. -l i.ed fjr ti:e i, 1 -p ,!, Ipn-.s I , Jeddu. in "rd-r t-. '- i-iiiiuji thi iij'.,niiuli'iii. an J "hli.iu luJnf't ,'i ' a, t 1 1 . 1 1 .1 :f tiii- llir,-,- aiav at.i--h , . .j... . 0 b. ;,in- 1 Kt- ii.i-.wt r armed, tie Mia.M-si,;,i ,i,af- a tr.p (' aboit: ta n ivili fir'h.-r up t'.o! ;.v, In.. I, i ; ever,- ware J'a p jMad...-a tl -. oi-d t'i 1 r -ii. or 1 ,r t.t rra... a ft-,' i t wt.ieli 1. 1 f .1.1-11 v-s,. I. . I p-i., J b.-f'jn-, ,iif di-e-ivi r.-d a luroe an I beautiful bitt, which w -.a put, i lly land b,"ked,aud ofTi-reti the most sreure and c-jii,-jdu,ua anch'iraire. Siif a Kll,.'.d it adi tancc bv a L'ja.ber .,r,i. , I-.- 1 1:, I; ll t 11, t I ol'lll.tll , a I.'-ra. 1:, ,. (lli 111 f, '. t 1, , lo to I' a.t.i, . r-,"r 1 II h . y et :, I, 'at-h-nt un- oil . ro In Ir hi- ; .in. it- , ra l-i ii. t I I. M, 1 ; .. . I. a, ll.ro ! ti,,- to. I'D' . , ' i-sp f I. ,!oiie i.j I n at.l.i.' i.rii . ', -jlll'TII . I.- e ,r. , v.iy IT ii'ifi ill.-! it- r . :m r. 'I'..-.! ! t -Ui J t I t in . t-1: w u... : Iff n t u Uy 11, -.t hv f'.iu ... I.H.iaf. . i , ..rrn tux nig mm,. .t f.iitj it- !. r. -I w ii M.tji tniur it. 1.1 t,t 1 in Ilittt' fj 'Ti K IIP orn- 'if hrin hiirtilv c. .fit f ft win rw xf r .iini'!'(i, an ft in all h i;ilUi , wa Htn rrnn'ij anH thr ticltr. Il- wa fan; fiit of tlif hvf m f hi- irrv, unit, eijthfujj-h he aUvn I fl thf-rn In virtory. h- hrt, m wll titrt f n f ' -i t rn f r. t with thp nu rnv, Im I fifty-mi fm n. Tne rri t of h ir.v rt-ihlr mtmu, w n th- inijx'tfjfiiiity and -,0(,ur cf hm chute'. Ili;n m If fi ;-i-'ntiilitah(-ti tinfif limn, a prai.-r-ful ril r, y,uut.t y fnnd of t npiriir'! chari." r, rIw.iv "-il mount! t th l,r:id of hm Hr7'rfn, he w-m at ttvf.c m lur nu'lfl 'if 1!m fijjht. flm raind move, in i.t, ..I 3) um t wrtrd and laiidfi'-n, ft nrrnrrrtrJ the memy, und M th- firnt finurt drcidrf) th vie. tnrj. Hp w tu thp firt tft intf'Mucr thr Inrliin HHf. hfrf-p in h ' hit (Ji with thr n-i vxg , thr to rn . or tri' lr tmh. More h -rnih -m thnn Vr lci n n.i"u'', il fii.f l cu ( iFi' " n tt a nd wr : 1 w v t u- ir tir-uir i r' n t nd nt 'if vi lor v Th- prt fti'-r" at Kihff'a) M'-iif.t iin niH, ' Vr mulri ni.md yoif fihtint'. hut )nnr riin.d hiilhifnnp ronOjwd tj. ; t(if.tj(fil thr m.-iif.t ih had r t'iin rntii in. fi i,f i;r.iiI.trn-." S.-trrii f ft t h u 1 -m waft rf.! l-ii'ii'i ; hr imp rt d it ti hjn rnrn. If- wi fi- nl'. I f.f t'i '.l.!i( ry, and hm nrdrrn wit- n.ary. i H r, i r f i ! I v tmitf d w th prt f im.n. In a M.i'.tifv f, irr t" iwrily yi--.rt c,nr ini rrr ir t,',t ! r,'.-.-. n i f it i-iih-rdniMt en rn the y rt of ii r or uf iimcii'lirii- hy thr '.mrit j n r. fnrai tr'i-i wcrr piMr.-My hia nr.phh-ra, and thp nirnih i of hm own fiiiiily. flftrn no j.rhi;r (ir.ii'nioii w.i ini'r for Ihrir fa, i(iiii. t,it,mt.r .rihuut' m r. 'I'ii v i r- ii rni - h H hy Kin. i. if, !, ji ;. o-ici f , nun ii!ir, 'oituni r t m! Vu y in ft r. Th- m.fihrry r nJ voiirrt -it hia f.ii-c, v !.if h tiff, ti hii ;rn- n f antonn nt m f'l'i', r- r uririr, w f piwn up in ( horr. r m ti ; a,i!if nd I ji, pr,. tiirin, clot limp, t v n II : . h- Cm l-.nr'd t. hi in. n. T f- K'f-wah r iiip-ii-it f. rimr.'it ) thr mil tifT k - m of Cu fi r . ! S .Mrckirnhurt, whuh ui uroout o u.tch Wa.ii nobic it J niition., cou.u atii! j xi nt it giit U rinif jc wi Ik. A 1 1. r Mr. P Hon iUd. th. R. J. (. W.n w .i iiilf(j)ucto by the prtau. ui, lm iiiiuii i ptt uluriy th-qutiit i,(i ni..n inf at) 1 , tntir tuitiid the atuoit nrtf hIf viii hour ingi r, upn tht iniporl. ncc ut -('I'ly irnjf fecit w u iuLtcJ x- fX'it rif e ti our ayatt n. vi . jn ultur . Ait r a oi. ol lit-iika to Mr. ftton and .Mr. Wtt tor tin ir tahlc bnd ini.tr ucli .u bdi.rea a, on hm. lion, it Httttirtd, J'lw I the I'rt aidn.t ,ipf,nt thri c n.rin. , i.r wnoa duty il alull or. to pnat nl, e.rti, , ; wr t .vii Kr'Mrt upen some auhjtxtronntLtid with Arjf ulturr, of lur con-nut ration of the St u ty vt Mm nrxt fn t ill ; V hrr ujiii, tht ,rfu.rnt nppoiiit. d ' v. II. fi. ( utiiMiiif hum, Mr. A. ft. O-aVioaoii, nihi ( n, Ji.t.ri A Your-ij. I n, ViUfi(r tht n fciitiouHf i d u, tht ' Spm ly titut amcc ita tnti hfig it h.. tuaL.iii. ; i. rv 111 lhe dert th ol .Mr. John Sr ina, no off rni tilt follow ii jjf riaoIutioiiN wdirh rrt uun un uly hdoptt-u : H'Kilrrd, 1 hut it ia with ihrdttpiNt rrirretwej h. le-rnru the dnth of .Mr. John Sprina, who hit a contrihutid o n.oli to at.vjnrf thr intrrrat of nnrulturr, Ii err. turn of iiMiiuf .rtorira ami thr f:ontrui tion ol i.iiruaiia, tu miprovp thr rou. i dition und dt vtlooc tht rtaourttf ot our nouthirn ' country. fetUrdt Th.it by thr death uf Mr. MprinH our ! !Sotji ly hft ht fnif ol it m'. vd!ud intml'M rm, rtiid our otitioijiiity and country oi.e of ita n.ol : lutt lliji nt t ii t rpnzii.jff tnd m nipt, ry i il.it i H'victlx ' n.it in mingling our yiupafhy with hi f.uiiiiy and nurnrrfu tr inula, wr wdl m mli at otirrfrt lor hia m n.orjr hy Npproprii.tiiijr (fc ot our Jourii.it uKn which kIi.. U- ilia riiwd the ' fiiiinr ot the i:crrtacd mid the circuiitMUnct a of hia . dra Hi. , On motion, tl eSuty adjourm d to nu t t on lhe !Siturdy pnctoinr uur or it Jr. ury (oi.i. JOHN WAI.KKH, Triaiumt. j A. biiam, Strrt Ury. j niKLni-nij. M rrie'l. in tin. eourilv. on Ihr Q, tnir. i,v lhe It,t S. It. tl. WiL. ri, Mr J. II I II Huts 1 1 I.N, ol Ir. ,1, l eni.nl r. lo Mi. a M Alt V, da u fhter of W in. Patter.' n, 1.. ii'i,l rn aril.er keen, a, t, I, , uin rrmrf dsrt, lie n,-.y alw.j. I a., ii, unilii g heart to herl. M .rrie.l, on the 3.1 I ,. . I .. n I . I the I oii.e of I )r ' A. All i n. ' r, in t ..b.irrii. ..in I v. Me. JAM l I 1MI .VS. M,-r, h i,l. of I lie firm ol lloan.4 I. j l ie, to Mo. M J , ii..uL.l t. r l the 1 i. - I ir. T. J ' ..rr, el ,M ekl.-nl urj. enuritv. .'I irrie'l. in I,.., on ,.,ooU. "n the .IhiIi nil., I,t the ,-. Mr. I.nile. Mi. DA.MI.I. II UVKKI.V. ' ol l.arliille, l.j M .. J. II C. OaujI.l. r ol .Mr. Il'iifh Jeiikina, ol .;u-t,,n county. ale! aSjile!! fWII.I. I. puhlir a Ir, on Tueailay, the at'.th mat nl. Limy I'l ut ,ti,in, one aiil i hi: mile, from t'h.rlolU, tlie loll- no ,roMrty, tu : Uhjr r,(ttrti,o oA-j, or XDhmtlof Ctiltfi aili-l (, hlh ..re ..in. fin. Mlleh f o, 4 ur 5 hraJo, J,f, C.j-j- ()J.. S ( Ht II I (' A Hi i I . I S A, I aind "J yr ira old, ' 4 , , f I MiiS nd M V 1 .iof.. ( of I'ttiS tint (JiHtrfrr 'ii? (h . I lousrhftht FtiHttttre tif t'tntints hutts, j l.liiitxth I'ltiirr j toirtth.r with i....t. i.tl..f Uur.,,. .,ai, ... ! r i I'tition f..f Ion imntion. A t-rrdit of Helw i. nili. -t;l h,. . i.n on nil tgii.a over $.', II undrr tout aunt to h c-h. mn eit fiiiU Ii.t of i i mt i iui: i kmmi .1. wt tapn, Hoot, H tills, a 'ju.ntity of ion izH0iml iMoitit nt ic S.ujttoi Mid in lii i, frr thing uau .ily hrpt in K t ui Sli.rr, Ii raofit rug -i il in iht tr.n,r ahntlhl Ic! I t tint "'jp.,rttiis i t v ', it hu t h M mm h a t tt l fril to tin JiUhiK , t;,f Muf t( n Ja r. II, g (,( aintl fjiiiont AM" Al. B ',i,1'rt ''r tindi o!-d b ,( ''H 2 ' ofi h-.li hit. vif!i lhe impr.i mrli th n on, p'ln trd tjn tin- S. 'A , (nrin r 1.1 lor puh. tir a.jtiatrt in f.itt olnton. Tin- itnproti rot nl on. ; mtofii 'Nd )-ilnnj H'Miat- iiJ t liu f 1 : ui VV.H, 'J'. rn.a mail- known on t'r d. v "f h-. H .S. J .NS i ., mxr.r f.inrfthiton, .V t ., ihhtftt I -v.. 'I .1 ( .N.fl. Ail jxrr'iia irnt' lln! In Hu t it, r.tfii.'i, i ithrf hy .Nun or Hmm.ih A'loiiut, v ii fi.id (m p nt ' iii my h n..a f.r hl km nl, .,mi it n i -jf h.-i ij t. . ly m i it ry ti th- huriiM I'iri h t i ' i. m p. r'.fi Hiihfiut tl i 1 1 it I ion , ia tin r lur i .ir . i nl Hiv .t 0 lo til itd in. ik. p . inr 1. 1 i.tt t,r ! i t .i I t j d .y i.f lh t t iiil. r it. it. th- rwiai I h-.u ..m t lit l to t-itforr-t the cillr hoo hy tlo ,id of an olht t:r. IS S .Jr)HNT(l( Trr. Ortuher 2:, H..'l. u riftivv uui'w lcu;(l, ami l ine iA ' AMI Ai, firit ato k of ULniLLrviLn'S wsju". ( I O- (Vfjftti, f .- i tu ' I f s , ' 1 ' '' H'fi, Ct if.', Vm-a, and a itjr tta.ttio- i t of Ala.., .,11 iini-n. r t-l Oil nil . thtir t; Tilt U a tiu, U v ' i t n t1 "; f ' il t.iMi t s HM isll. ( - r-i,,",J . . I. ra .1, atii-rt t r- oil. i- I ' ' ' ; ' '" iil'I.I iMifH lu'r in .- r th or i. ' H f - ' " ua a t .11 -Mid t X -i fu I ll (' tur - in. Mi: ''I- n,i.,!, ;,, w;, :i ' Nu. II AS ..I- MKS M(i HfllK l- i, ai:cii:M'K rni'KT. f I ,. v h. n,l . c,M J I.I', Ok . ,.o u . 1.1.1 m i:i;i t;, w im Ai.o, ! Hi .1 .. Inn noielat,'i I'r. mlum Vine Ei'ttn. . , inn. li re, . iiiiiien.leil I.f I 1 - y i i ' 1 , - Ve u.r.l In, ,,,, . II,. I,.. I f " '"'" Ii. w U Jon II e ,iil-lir, fi.,1. .1 -1' ,',(' Ihlnl.ri : '., I.,.l. ' '' AV.rember H, 1H.",.1. lit i, . i- eii il i ,,-' or,i l--a II- . I' " ff in of T run .n r. Tur. Kakti.iin (ji iustio.n. .Xw Ihnn of Aprirvtrht l'iujnanj. A letter, dated laon don, I let. 1 1 tli, st.-ites thai at the n-o.-tit Cah ...it Council a uiiaiiiiiiou.i li ci-ion huh ar rived at to insist ujioti an .-ntircly new form of aore. ni.Mit heitijf drawn up for tht ae.-.-p-tiitice of Kussia, vt liiclj hlial! be free Ironi ll. renfi. r, e ill all vajfueiiehu tind cover the entire dispute io.rt i.l aj.' r.ry in tl. r, v. r. e a . .1 l 1. II. I'l-l lo lit .if ., r .' tile I, Ol ril.li. .i,e-,,a. V. .- It ,t H-.ul-. t.kc a firm etiiid a-f, .ii la-rlerene. , at.,: eonau.f u- t o( the ro,d 1... . no . om- li III .Ilia a. .'uiii. i. U Ii, lo I i: fi, . , . fit-f ..ny ...ri gt.rl i.t ;oeiiiarflt.. in. '.-.,. ef llw Iiiusi-ry aril l morrm f'orif ntstrd T' ,- term. W ug and Itemfrf-r-.t are ernj.loyed to d.-aij-eat.- n, rfi.tihp In.h the two n'-li'.n I p-'T-tut w It i r li tti.iHe the p..ifiel .entirnflit of till, re.-.l ref.tii.lie. It in fht relore ir;iKif u n t th t as it at ,r. seiit .tall, Is. lhe ( znr, it In ' ani.l, iiiak'-i no ',l.j--i lion ,. a full (-xplana- , tlofi thai .hull h ave no duul.t of the position to a hi. Ii he is to r. tire, but a. jour readers! ill ri-fneiiib. r, In; desirc-a thatlhi . iplnnn- ' lion hould .oine a' a 0't of a,p, ndn to the orie;iii!il note driarn up by the allied I I'oairs. I'raiir,; oti'l Knland, however,! mill not ronsent to tliin. It "a auppuw.l j . i i e two -are.-K. aoiint -n.i,e tie.ore an answer' 1 lie eotn- ! ol I onr.,rif, Valunhlo Land for .Salt; TWV. iul,.,rilr, int. imIihk to r,m,, y ar-. -al Ironi I. n.l.on ( ll, K, , tH ,,r pi It- In. I'AHM in lh ,t nii,,i,i,r,. i 1' eo.it. in. . iM.iil VIOO a. "a. The ,,. I -ml In . wep, , v, ,y :il lhl u I(,hI .ro,.rt,on ol ,..,i..,,il. Al.iit on, .i,ri, i. irivlu .1.1.- eri.-k l.tloin, a .,rl,n nl nhnhi. i I. a red i.iki h.ia been in riillivulion r ,,., Kvrry f.K.tol th,. I il ,..y - r. nilenti ,,r...l.-t.x- i.t a v.ry ll:,i ,,.; , , , - f.p it in- on, .1 ..-..,,,, i,,l y, I I, lo.l i,y ,. WlM , .,,,,, nl j, dnllr, allow tlo. (,1,.1-e to ,.ny . ne ,l..,ng l ,, ,..,- -AM la. il. O. WII..SON. Snrvmlifr 4, Ift.'.'lj .leler lo 1 M . nb red or. mv Str.iy Ibmk r.eror.l.fie lo I w, I.T W. II, .nil lln n. hvinrr .' mil. . - i. the MOle .hoiiltl niidrr.f nd .or,,, tl'inp of th,- f.np-n, iii-i.irr, n.- o , i.n.n .,. .i,e.e u rn,. in or. - to tin l.otfl rou, I be fecetven. j tie f-otn- ; oi onr,,ro-, c. rt in .tru y M. IKK. mi t It I.T t. der to a rijl.t undrr. t . nrtinj or He p. dliral prin. hlfied Beelii, n the "til, were fllil at ai.ehor I "' " " '" lnr lollowini; d. eri,lin : a dark ro,li e.ple. f the to r"" pert,.-, a I i h thearejip Jfc.,ik hy. Tw ateamer. only, de- j pr'.?d teThe"m, 'p'J niiini i" a'-- rn! waonjiiioi, j or if rm ne. ivcnci aii i ntr j n v at u rrtiutBi., u iimivu i Tf II I V W l l1 i va - " . t'i li.i.o'i. attn, r OttJ.tr Ut), u . ' ..via .- .i.d In'., lie... . p r.in ijrt toer. ri.oerary i. aa old ea hi. lory it.lf, and i. denrrd the Dardar.ellef. I M. '..Hui.. I'h.frr. S M.ryjiue I'li.f. r. J-,., ,h II. A.Ih rry M! ' and l.i.i , In. wh, , V ,n. M II. io, l.,r j t il. -r.il., I I ri.. 1 1 I ' . It, i n , ..ml I .ii. II Mi, a, 1 r hi, i At, i ,n I il.-rati.l M .ry hi. w iti , Jo.i.il, ( 'ruif , lt.,t h.,e f 'raig ; n.i jo. I, r r,j, ei,,l,ir, n ol 1 1 ,l2 1 II (,., ,t. .,,, Mirth I hi. H ll. , ilerr.i.eil. I,Ii.,Ih III I'hihf, M,r. ! If fl I'hiler, Kli-.nor I'lii I. r, l...nl I'hil. r, K.rah I'hihr. t' ill, .im I'hilir and !(.,, o.i. I Ann I'ih-i,, llllilren nl Mitlln-w -,ih r. ll.era.t n, Jhn, VV. , , I'lutrr, l . vol II. 1'ltifrr ami Vl .ry .VI. I'lul, r, l' l,,l . ilr.-n ol l a v i.l 11. 1 1, r tlt eiii.nl. II' .l,,-.iril,jr tO till- .all.t.ietlon of . Court th..t lhe defriitl.intH Jon.ih II. u,at Aal,.,ty i VI-.. I mi, I I.IlM hia H lie, who ure lull o,,, , VV in. ' VI. Ib-Mii., M iry I., lb in,., I ri..h II. un..,,,,) H.nl. Ih t in w ho ..re iii i iii i r a, uml M .ry J .nt I'hiler w ho i. ditto a minor, re not inhakit iota ol Una rslli , - hoi re.idu hi yi.n.l lhe llilnl.al lhe .lime : It ia llirrefore ordi red hy lhe Conn, llo.l I'lihlieatinn i ! h- iii.i.l. lor mi weeks in II,,- ,,rli Crolina i I Wliiu, a n, .,, r i,inli,l in .In- town ,, . h.ir. I loll, , liolifyiiiK the ...i.l .1. Ii ndi.nl. to In, und ap. '. ! H .ir ul Ih. iii l ( t.iirt nl I'h i. anil (Quarter Kt-aiona ' j In l ht Id lor the Ciinly ol I iii'.n . hI lhe Cuurt I House ,n .M,,nr,ie on the iir.t Vluiiiiny in J.niu ry '"''' od there to finikr th, ni'.eiv, a d, fi n 1 i d- nta and to ,ie,l an.wei or demur l lh,, ,. lion the a .nie a ill Im- Uken .ro i on foaar. a. t tln m ' in tu lor hrnrtitt,. i llalal. l AMI a .aa .V M ai lllll n rr l,'! -e " slot I.' I Im t t In . -rl' 1 Vatches .v Jt -vM 'i M" V''. HI rtif I '.t.t ., ,Vrr. VV 1 1, nr. II, ral.r i, hv r rn r il A lib.r.,1 .li..-'.ui,t lo whol ,i li.ir,'' I .n. I- I fEllalP WHIliB .IKWlXPiY. T. liiuiii'.ii & LJr! , a .Jl- nW f.,-el'"H nil " iat- VV ilne.a J VI. M, w.rl I'lrrk of nur aaid Court t Oilier in Monroe the fir. I Monday in totter .u in ilia sjll. year of American Imb H-n. d, nee. 3 M. KTHWAMT. f '. I .e. ill Xar IrVS. est '' - ol AU. ASI KMVISt. . T TIMlTTKK Si n "I I'.-M.br :-r I. lo-V. i