! r CT3I.I:LIjO,,371-ES, 3XT. C, NOVEMBER. IS, 1853. r HOLTOW & WILLIAMSOri, EDJTOttS AM) I'Kiil'lUEiOIl.S. TERMS: Dm PASS THIS OYER ll.HI IT TO Vol 11 MldillUOK!-,, Tk. Vrt)i.(':.r..lini, VVI.i.. ,,., I... . T....I..J ... .ucni-r. TWO IIOJ.I.AI.S in i.c.v...,v-r, ,., B ,",7"'' kn. .h.' M I.UM.S IO TWO IHIlJ.AI.S AM) HHV t-K.VISil' i...y- B 4 '"' """'I' ' If"! ,m.I b..icl:.-.d fr tnnf m..l.,., ...d Till' l.i: ' ! ""' " .'" I " " h'W. iHu.Aiwiu..-i.drihBJrar. .v, . w.ir'"1 "'J' ' Mi'' "; " " J"1 ", '' b. .ii-cmi.,.....! vinlll.ll ..rn.-r.-gr. n lio",'- k'"" " ' " "" '"" ' .'! '"'W 1 '""k ..Jtlir-l.t..m.rf iheK.iit..r.. I I 1 ''' " '" n'k-''"""" 1 lu " ' ,M:' ro e me hae tctt .Kevin,, in it "ur SiH'i'rti.ciac.iti. nil, rl, d at Oar IMInr xr Krguarv 16 iniirl k, t iiid y) lor tin lost in.,, r- TV H,'' tAfEp B fl,1 Imn. mid S3 renin fiir e .nil c.i.ljnii.ii, c. Court ud-' i- wW JL V M A i 9 """r"'"1' '-" l-rK.-d "5 f , J,.,, ,., Sld,e.., N ,,,,, Ul. ,,.ve . venl. li.Kl.rr ; ..i. J .i ,!.-..n.t,..nf J.lj p. , .-. 1. will fil .... h , 1... ... trAii, f r.'ir ill if lit- (! ti.r . iliirtiuf r t. tr . t c yir. drrt-titH nla. Htifu Led miMiility or aajri-rly, fit $1 ,wr no, u .ire fur en h turn-. Kuni. ) ' More than I could ever k.ep tally of,' said Michael. 1 4 'J'lien will you pledge yourself to me, that you 11 change your mode of life?' baid tbe voitfj. ' I 11 do anything you atk me,' said Michael. ..uitlilj "j r.-i,i wr nqi'sre fi.r rncli time. I T All li It- ri on liusiiir" mutl lie ilircrU d to Kiiitur. I.i Iters ium.1 l Mt uid ur tin y n ll lint tr u! fmirti t'l. i" I'aviniiiU c.iu be inadi' ti.iitliT. I i' I'mt'll. trri n n lit ll.it Hi d to t mielltn. IMKOM.N A I.N.N. BY J K.NMXlIS I! K K I! i! , I: tn loll r, 1 . f.m.i I i I -;.3. 3 I' tillage Hotel, HOTS HOTEL GOODS. ! rnritprixin ttervKni-i; ( -ut to li u d in u Gentlemen's Furnishing House, t'i w tn h w w-tiufd invili vwur ttrnlion u furs ulil (tft If I tt f 'Hl fl I lit- IM tlll i vt'rr r kno a . Hot wd Will my w li ite i t.r li'g ! n k i in t9t hti. Hi (it it 'l ItnW in I ( i H la 1 1 1 o p if rt y otii) a ml in f: 'iu'lu-i'"! v.c 1 1 mv I" t'ttl cm- ai.il nil I ulltd llm-k f yt.ur j .Intiiiijjt hptf iii't.r'; t" ! upon us nt.-: i nvtf --!- iih ; it (nir "i-il Im itntn ' i!' . t g. jQW JtflPtB 11 gfH (H'Mlv !! r r. nui utnet ol iln It liutl t doi.a at 'I,.- ii !( li kin Of ITLI.TNCS i CO. A i g it' , &, "., 3 Cabinet Warehouse. hicofiitoii) A Open. ST bif'fiff li-rn f(.f.r:r-tf in o'tt ei'cnt ! mrtMlMti nj rtKittli1. HkI 1 a1- v r '' :i i . hi ! t lx ii. inJ h" f t t ' v " lit- r). j;.n 'MriPliT ; "h" .'' r- IT !i'f I ' ' "ii 1 .1 r. : I,f Mtirll tl f t'l fJ!i'M!tt(i if I . .ftf. li it t',.- f (Tl Ol (J IrJMilt I l.i " 1 Itfl'll li lilt It) i'" i uvolli l 't t 1 f -"i ; ill ! i- I h ;.. f ,fH III I lilt ' II In t(- !' H 'ft't' M H'lH'f II i 1 1 w y i i y M i t i.il init . t 1 !ihfiitr ' f ' ii.-a'f.j i,,(t l h fc j i 4 i iiu pVo tli4:ip it'd 1!. S. JOHN."" IN. s vdi:i:n iioemii JJ M1J t M g ; :hnc til t rail , I i Wir ie i ii t 4 i i - ii Cabinet Business, n I ! in (i ? i t , i h f. r N . 4 . i-t itV J 1 1 w ' ' P 1 1 , P f, ). d 14, , x, r !r ! i - J ' r "I ' h K it t . ," iJcliuards. Uiiiciiiis, toh. WOIiK FOU THE I'OKT. Wake nnl thy lyre in lHy clnn'i, With tnyiiiic tr .ncendrnlil wuru, Hublitncly Kwcllinir, Like wayworn mrn, with dunty fret, Cdtne unftHa to Uci' li' street And Aljrtltam's tlwcllmir, AnH thui in liujnblo puie nd wxh Kliould l'o!-fy iipprou h and teach 'I iic 'i(J hnd li.wly. Till, taur tif-urtM nvitli i n lix in burn, Tnc iinijtn !ory tin y (iiarcm ; Tlit ir ht i lioly ! Tiitis t!c fivjii.dt upm carlh, Ii(fht-crowin-ci hi fun tlie tt.r htui rth, lly the w.y-uit .md Ik ub- hold l.c.rth I'm d ftiifijilV plir m ; KiimUt-r Htjn;ii if I'.il, j nd iulr, With Mrrid Ih-'- uly He m t-nr', T' i h r llit t .ni' M iniiiuiuic Hit I dllitr jirj)t S C' t'ine und h'.rvcfi!, rcU ; lid t-in, T! c toiinii' n nt(jM-N n- .r .t li. ini, To r-?nr HiiiH vik n ; Tfii louo ..ulinrr, Hm- rity'p flrifr, 'I tif tit rl ..mi the n.ount, uirn nic Willi J- i.l . i..t. r li!.-, Ai;a wii:,t IliM n. ism. mi. loi t, po fiinir on nurb lv t i" m Ouij's liht, t.'i'- cit riiti t. ilitiiiic, lit y hum s r- in u j iijj ; t.'-u- I II i : li t lu; l t i) ,,l t' y , :. y r, t ;I pufi y t f r! o- ;: ir u ; tin, mnill'r 'tll III ; (Oijr di J'j' ..." ; I p. , uu he t'.uiup ! 11 IZA 1 1 1 V EN iifit lisccKaiuous. it.it r fit I If A.1H It !u' III ill. II It ' T I K I II! llUU LL.L'LilL'.niJ, r .' u- I . t. i . ii I i. I . ;n v ' I . ,i r. . I Jl.l v ' '(.-. ' I t... '.: ' V 1 . -.j- y- r- i . ! .it and Iwi I y l.i r. ..t n iii TIIK VIK'H'K !' KNTKil-lAj ISM ; OR, Kick lturj hey c.nd ths Gh s. An itietJrnt oecurr?il in the hut ! of rtie cf the pi-turi'-ijiii' ti.atiiie i!laris whiih i-kiit Lku l'ui.t I.:ir(r;iiti, -'ti a n ri;:in m r:t , . hi. m, h-t MitniiK-r, t!.:it ef!'ei tn:i!lf -erM"! t.) ili-pel the linleM r:n"i Mo jna!,-t.t in ptn-ii ea?e. A'tion ti e m-t- tin re, for the time I ciie-. wp,oiie Mii-liae Murphy, an - .: J i i i i,,,, ,v(:,. i rrr-eeine. ixj'i-naniren komi, truui n:n N It i i 1 1 I NS iuhi.-i J ' ii:u ill -it t imn. r Uel to tie, nr r)r,!,ert, the hind uf r i- ,1,1,. i. ..i,.. tutor", hut which t'.n'.T mnv he called the ' ' 31 f n , tat. ,.!.. t I ,. I n r... '' I " - - I ,,. .!..,:, . ... I ... , .i. l.i... , i iMiiinniK' irptTHi v it ,:,..' .J.'... i i, ... u.i d .. v. ,.e. I., .hr . . ..t u : l U.t.UIr.U. Jul i r.it iv iv, i.i in i lumc .- n ... ...nrd li I I W.n f i.i I . ..I n . ! I-. ' cT- ' TTr" IT A"JTS hat h :U1 J .1-fl a!.T li t tllO f.llm' t: IDC. ...-, lie t-iiwin t.. ly -1 ' ' LU. UWOIJ lii.uviin..i t AU tlii 1 K-an-e Kl. ami t i :i vn,tni" li t. ,i,n i., i i. . t-. f, , .ir' i.r r....,i,n .ii .., .11 f 11,1 ii I.l. MM )''' !,,, fl. ii..r vi-h t.j the nlace aii'l wli.j ' ' I -o -i , , had MK-li oHiiiiiaiid '"it 1,1" v "lee tii'it lie i2agler's Hotel f X-l? 1 f ol iii!.i;m' ,' i i- - ri ,, ti . .. g VjiXiir '' " i!y ' ! j - - - 1 nrv m h i t i a i itjr "U - I ' H i I . "n,l . I i)t i Ii l ru noiiof I k b and f !' IV'. n I'liTrH l I't tli-- in stil! tui -III A'-lil'f o i.d u ir i' j t h-, ! o..i if . i ;" - ti 'ft Ml .ciitK , tta k I; id It it tl Ml I ft' - l ii 1 a. k. iiai;li;k. IiHM HOTEL f ii iitu:sT., s. c. a f'.r..'.:;:,.t.r.; ...uke iv a, u. fro,., n,e pu. ,.,,,,;, . ,.,, . ,, ,., , !,., ih.v mil r...ii,-n inr of a under the .Mte t" the intn I,... . I ri i.e. r Im'.l " """ ' " " of IlluC k I HjlLi r J . iVliewiy that MieliieJ , , t i .. n.fi' i-i'.il l '" "i !'' naj,,t ahout that time in an in: , I'l-i' le v .e r;-:.,:;'r; r':.:::; i -ft.ry i,v i,-,i.. ,,!. ,.t, ,. .... i. ....... he would, throw the incdiutn of lii , en- .... .Mi i pJ 1 1-1-1-1." f -- i- C(1 deavor tj etl.tt a eh.inpe in hi. moral.. ..!..!1,-V!1,.V::';- ;ii -A. ' -ke,i i,i. r..r bed in the aiue room with Mieliiiol, ami RA-nirj. FULI-IAri & CO., aboat teUe oeh.ik at nirl.t that h.ur SAMMv...l...Al.l:l,r.AtEHMN the up. r.t.tio.,. rninu 1,3. o ,ra i . mi ..... riMt In' 1 It,' lt"l I " UMfl' U li ' I'll VI fl? ,r:r. k i(n,cft,c, St,!t a iarc, it;u, m . killJ of ,ro,,..o,.e JL.U-.r lloTM. .I...,. .l.-il I-. !,. , lllll IWWrlU1 tcuc P r "- "" I ! I l.f 'Miihuel Mu,-.l,y: Mlchail M.'lhy: are Hit I . i ti "a iil n J llir tut -pi tti'wr. I hi l' ''ird Miid vci ku .f'i ll"'""" ' t ' 'i i .,.rtie' alii piii'ni h r -ml .-in , i'il ' i n-t and iai)hHitV t ir oMiif.-, a.d ti nm in ti.a ritlr i f hum . atti m Mif to wt f i-'i a .! iatl o' liifl '' V a it -a a 4 I fnnti I r imt in d t'uroir ptritn- n th. ll,,uf ; ri U V It i.i.iam -tt ol IUUIM, .i 131. .T.ro Mntl, i I, Kl.l i T v 1' V ll. It.,!. ir A.'mi N f. lil 1.(1 III 1 1IMI ill na-niMtf . i ' i.i.l .H i i l"-r iiirt o in kt ,,., ii .MILS. A. .1. KI.NNKLiV. liensoval. fil IK It.t.i.ti o.'lil. It.i.k l.a.'.'.n n- fi nn.v.ll limn ! .ill' H .i,!n.p I", U" I'fll .' " I, cum r ill lr A.l.m' '.ii. VI mil llr. I TIKtS. PKWKY, f .t-l'B I Ifi -'"'I lirlll. p'.. f Ii. ll-' V , . ..I.i-titi i; !-..ni.!i. It t .nil -.1 ,' n m ! k lll.t.ll j? - 'I. , Mfi up i". J.niurr 19 K.3. kt k I.-. ... . .11,1 (II. . ,'tli K ri1. II ,! I . nl . ,i ,nn i,i. ol Ah. il. '". ,Iul i: n 't , l, at lii i n i 'ii'N uiirti ioiti:, , I St- AN M I I M. I t I MINI, 1'. l - l I' 1 1 N kl' I i I:. : i; i.i v- irr- , 1 u ' n i 1.1 .,w ,.i ,i h ,mi Mis,rn I.,. I t I I , - .Mil Mi I ' .i w r ' i.ts liis m ll.i , iii ki v. UMIIV'S Hxcl ai.I'MN , X r ; ' "I, e. in.. II miH.aMi'. l,h.llllN I I I'll IIS llanhvare. . 4 k1 i rrV' 1 w i, ,i b- ,(i ' Ihd m T !.. IllWIN, 1H GI.IN.S i I'D., ; . i, ".,"' , .mil r in,. .tin, . I . n' .'2 - IV ' r. ' ii r. i "ii I ,1.. d,.,.il Dissolution. t. VI i ti ll" t'"t- it A 1 i 1 ti i pal' fir u a ft ri p-iti! i" i'i U Mflt'l ( ,-W.-ui (,t HI h I!'" -.tli", r,t,t f, (I'm a 'h it ib intlinrtt' d lo at? tie t he ii" c. j. i i. S.Mlrmh.i I. i-;i3 .'I" 'I l IITII .-ll.ll I IU 11 . IIKC T"l.ieen i.f Hit- ii,.,. I .u-rii.i J lir.iiiil in IMu ht.tr. I ij;.,r un.tir ( .wtl. I ,.r . .1,. I,v I'l'ilTfliAlih A CM.I'VVIil.l., . iu if I irr". flrl,lr I, :i 7 1 B.1HI n ii. wk t i;n I , hi i. v,t 'i "" I t (T , II ..I.- . i. .i-.. V .. i.. II .. i k . lei you a-k'i'p . 'Win)'- that" aid Michntl. nmeh Mar tied at the m u'l lii a! t"l:e in h:eh the ijuery i j.'it, a'.-i the I ...e "t mt!iii ll. A.k ii ' li !, h il Mii-vnr, ..:..,! the rn-tri'oiiin-! . -ii i . i ::.i.in.; l.i- lio-t like ac cent. WtU. !,..t i.ae ".i t t to say V i-iW Michael. 'Mjch v. t which 1 want you to take no tice, i-aid the cut r il niui.-t, or rather the v iitiiloijiiist voice. ' Oh, clear oil,' .aid Iicl,a..l. 'or vi-c 111 give )ou your t;iy .' ' Iiiiu r you had continued to t ike tea than to break the pledge, as you have done,' said tin; voice out-i,le the door. 'What. U ail ttii. n.ii e uu an '' said the VClitrilouuU. ..feakini: from the h.'.i. i! i i k . I .1 i ,. I V i; I. rn 'Sunn, dirtv hhiek "ua ril. tnats oiit-nlo the door theie, sanl .iliehael, iiiterkiin v ith vvhiit s none of hi. bii.i. ' Why don t you drive hiui from it '' -aid the vi ,itr;.hiiiiii-t. sneaking frn th'" '"'d .3 . BSI It'll ' I he d dare.' Miid the vniee ol the VIlC II t M 1. j vontriloqui-t, pe!ikin.' ottt-i'le ,t the l""r. lU.t.thtltt ti;il ll J '. . J j; j,.,, j.u w.e l ,l:,re,' said Michael, ASI . juinpiita up. .vizil, hi. I.iek.ry, and liur- AI'n'H 1-ir.llS. ne.ily oponi,.' the do.r, ready, on ..c'ht, lo COr.I'MnfA, S. (". knock dawn the annoyer. t;r .lii-it f r I,,.,.-,,.. n.iV Miive it t. hiui,' said tlm vent ril...jui-t. II .1 1 "ii"' B" .. l-'i",,' " " ' "' from the bed. ti-idn. hiivnigf- .1. r...i. -n ..." Mineiiu,,,: i , j 1 i m.-. . it's the old boy biiue'.l' in " " ' ' l"",'-"'"f j, - , i(( Mid.ael, 'for 1 (ion t see a m.I , , ,l..lci,l!llir uir. murine ..iill'iv- "i 1" ' MUIJ"l T " MA"' "' Ri -! I lil N: li A' K' J"' '"'U-it very ntysteriou,,' said the ventrilo- W ., J l.i.m. n J in. vv , i W. W. i: .juist, from the bed. ' l Bonder," (-aid Michael, ' if there any evil Miirits it, thi. couiitt v V pi m.cs ,;, svo n.cs 'l.lot.t know,' nid the ventriloipii-t, Il.'.wV's.'"''.;'....- ! "-VV the ,ho.s of departed In- s. II,,, r i,.. dial., haunt the place. IllWIN IMV.taXS .1 CD. 'Oh, that's no Indian liost," said Michael, for it spoke as p.od Kli.h a I do tny- V;iiil'l, mIIV ... . i .. . i i . ,. . Ill's . IS "I n. ni"l ..II rle Hint Ami ft little iM'lter. .'Ilinaei. rai.i ..I. i.f mil I lli" i 'v l'"" 1 l.,ii.,.. I llllliloir. Vruelahle Tlm'liiH'. I fc"K VKI-I.V c lelnr.,1 l,.r il- .,..il , iij i If , I. in hp i ii ii i I s,.. !'.! i. ill a . o il .I1 i .in,,, ,t ..i' ,e.u.., :. t in i.,..,i m , I ,,, I I'I VMH-AI'.., mv ', iH. ID iioie ivimv vo:,.,,( M if it proceeded from one standin: v ,,.,,. ... . . . . . II... VV l, tno (:a V.IU.IAM .IDIINSTdV i .. I.; . ; , IIMI'IV I Ifl :C I ( 'I I .. . , i ll ,i il,.. VI v n..il III- vv I, in. j , . . .11 - Ii .imI iI v h...l iiiili rinl lor wlni-li i"o i rvou . l i I l e '-i d A n(. n-1 H I. :i,iu I, i' 1 18 viii,'. t u liibtf r.ll lirtilt t t-. 'I'll I'. rp,iti- I in .-.I on .( Hie l I" Hell.' mid Michael, ' what are you at all. at all T ' No evil spirit, but your guardian genius, (aid the. voice. ' A mortal oncer trenius you are,' said Mb hai l, ' that can be heard nml not see,..' y i, ai d i ytm purrvii m -.i.i. i.i . nj . ... . .... ,1 .,.1.1 .;. i ''I' I .-.Ml.- V,,.,.. ,n.l Arc,...,. .I'"" Hi" li"" r "ll ' -,-- a -. ii-.i '- '''1' i'1" 1 ' y l,v" s,"",mi"ii. ,j "ny ,. . 1,77,1. ii.r.-.'.Ur. , iM.t. 1. i-.i ... 1..1.1 linn Ymi wout do anything had tome, sanl i ' s T 1 !"'. '""8" .l''l!"''". "" " ' A V Michiu l. Mi -In. g.vni. wvit-ril ; 'Nothing, snnl the voice. i ' Honor bright!' taid Michael. From t'.e Examiner, 27th Sept. The Crazy Popedom. Tho policy pursued by the Court of Home in the management of its ecclesiastical in terest (savors far more of the fourteenth than of the nineteenth century. There is not a government in Europe which has not political uf ..-utc the iui iui.ii iuu uiviiipuiichi in uiiui a urop I . I Ll a. i - f ! r said the voice. ! !aU ha' ren t0 '''P1""1 ,of. or t0 Put 'Not as nn.,.1. n..M k.k. !Uel1 f.n the i'cf..-i,ive aau,t, the encroach. bill," haid Michael. 'Then I'm off,' naid the voice, but, re member, if ever you attcir.bt to break it, 1 It .n ,......., l :..L il i. i:r i ii v plenum .uu uuiiibu , uu vui uuuu inn. 1 . i ii . . i- i - eel. j . ii i as iiri,. u it.-! :.i i i i i wu s'ia:. noi vrouuiu ourselves to inquire. - .. . r ' vv Lo is tl.nt with wh"i j'-j.are hold-It, , . , . .... 1 reasons lor U iT7.ii;.. , " ,a .".""K. in rniutt, u uu vile seuouiivs .1 l-xiutat, -BU. ,,c Iprcve lr,;, lialv, tnat tlle tcn, tbjii.n.U.a sav in ing and cxtravagaut r-pirit of i'apal preteu- Bions. What possible motive it can be that ac tuates the Court of Home in these respects P.KI'IiY DIT.X COJ.IiKCTOU l'lRON.SoX TU TIIK SK.CKKTAKY01-- TIIK T HE AS UK Y. Nkw-York, Dct. 31. l-riH. PlR, If you hnd been content, in vmir letter of the Jd iiutiint, with ai.tiouinin-' din eonver.ati"., " . ta-, . )'e vfci.frii3 t, 1 ... .111 1 .w.vi. ivrv-i.e iro.H lt.y, vuhv vne veni riieuKin Hemu iron, lite ueu. , , . n" , . .,. I . ft n ; riorn si (ivtrnnttiri, ,,f ,l,n I'lincllnn, ,d n ll.iu I tiion.eiit actually crumbling beneath it. and I rl. n 1. 1.. . t , if-. . i "., .... in.. 1111; 1 inn. 1 uiicin.i 111 mi; la.-V trreat deal of mtere.-t , t , -,- n , f -,, . , - 1 . t , . iki 01 ill 11 11 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 01 11 f fl 1 li v I' 1 11,-1 1 v in my welfare. ' f. .1 1 . , . , . . 1 Iron, their very coiuplnii.t a kind of utinat- ' Dh, you re ore an. nip, Rani the ventri- , , J ' r . , . 1. ' ' , . 1 ural anu uiiaecountalile force capable of l,,!itnt I'll 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 ii ., to cruoil.- 111 i.fimtlit . . ' . .......e ... ... ,.. !ua. What possible motive it can be that ac-",'' 'TV'' fr"' il, VuH U,VC . . .1 . 11 . .i- 11 . .1 'lie cnu 01 our corresnomiei.ee on th;u 1.1,1,. jeet. Hut as you have attempt."! to a--i':. .e procecdm in reulv.. and net any w peiie.hlne.lt. Nothiiii; in your tier mis an.aied tno nio.e ihsiu wh:il yx .-::y about my h-dee-un free suiler. for . lV.ee. No man can n:i! w hut was in jour liit communication ;t!i out si i.-i.i;i tiiut you caiicd on me to apppoint a iai '-i r portion of free s .'iiur.-, or per-otiH had i,-it tlie il, inoe rat.e party ami fol- li.C si:. t YS ,p.e.- cf Me d i.el ui divided ilii" uomtiniined than 1!.. 'Nobody at all,' said Michael, barin , J some mighty polite, invisible pei.ticn.an, ' 1 ; that seen.s to take lovve'l .'Ir. an Ini, 11 on t! lion in I - i-, than I had b sp iki- of the pat ty r.s In "uiiierinl vetioti-;" and my j , p I , o i 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 ', t . ha.l b,.,-i. ,'i-m rally tuade . 1 have home- from that noi lion of tin: ti.u l v t w hich L RiHicrpil V., 11 vvi-ri i..,t v,,..iiLiiia,f tin- re. . - V . , , .. . - . . ..... . xu aciiy tlie rijrns of the Collector to ceul u,.?,iini ut f vraou-e, ror 1 i.ua mac act without instructions from your depart- n j nominations alter that event happc-ied. ment, in my case. This doctrine is entirely You Were speaking of the d liferent .sections wearviiir and overeominir the resit-tanee of r ,, ,,. , 1. ...... i . 1 . 01 me i re : tin- ueuiiiij-. .Ann u:is K' rn)5 irj dc me caHe jwith the l'opi dotn. It is actually perishing of destitution, disaffection, and anarchy at 1 home, vi hiist abroad it still continues to uis- ' l aix, it's like a dream, i-iiure enough,' said Michael. The licit iiioniinj.', a friend a&kcd Mich- ... . . . 1. 1 : 1 : . . . - . 11 ....1 v ... I 1 -... ue. 10 lahe ills uui. rs. 11': eoiisi-iiiuu , oui, , ,,,1 .iw. .i.i , . , . , -i-iii lum 1111011,-s ui.ii ,ii iine& euiout'-s. ju-t a- he took t he cla.s in ns hand, the' ,, ,. . . , J . , , -, - , , It oii"ht not to be il.llicult, one would voice 01 the ventri oiiuist, who was present, ; . - -, , , , , , , , , ,. I ,' - , - 1 . 'say-, impossible 1tcerta11.lv should not be, was heard above hi. head in the a.r, cryii.ir f ... 1 ." 1 1 . . . ' " iur a iiotentate who lire .-tends to recti ate out, ' loueh it Hot, Michael Murphy re- , ." r .1 11.1 r ' . ' ' l Itlii 1,1,1 I.I 1 il,4 nt tli n-iir ,1 t.i L-lintv h.nv t.-i na., eticui igovt-ni and content his own tubjects. H it In ......i.,u ..'f..,,. .,1.... ,.r .!, ti... ' 1 he pleasure of wine with you, Mr.:,, , , . , , ' c , , , ' ..' ilope has al'iiiiuoued all notion of such a Murphy, taia a ireutleinan at the dinner- - , . . r . . . , . . . ., .,' ' fc ill, ii,.'. At Cr.-t it was thooelit that the t '1 1 !e 1 . ... . ., , iv. I Austrian occupation of the province and null li.ea-UIC, sn rrtl.i .'ilvliilli, IJUV .1 11 t .1 -.1 I , ' ' ' . , , ' . the J-reneh occupation of the capital need- mi-i.il 1 r your proti.i-e . M.ehael would taste not. It -t at that iiionii nt a voice n:as heard to is- corm r of the room. It a- th:it sue (r of. terin; his admonitions. Thus the thitiu' went on for a week, till Michael was then and for ever made a tee totaler of. He now industriously mint's bis l u-iness, enjoys rooj health and prospers. In relation to the circumstances under hich he says he became a teetotaler, he nicer had the pleasure of eeinjr his bet frieiid. cd but to be ti mp rarv. v c were told it n,,. I ..I .F...n.wl., . .1 ,.f.....l ,..1 ., . , , , . . , . .. v-iiti a Lii.1.11 vi 11 1 1 - .t 11' , 111,11 uiiuimm ie vet.triioiiui-t, who sat by Ins sioe ut- p , . , r. , 1 J Lome iiciiiiist tin, I- r-i.i- 1 niter iivim, it up a republic there. Uut the brigands, as they were called, have lon ..iuce been eot t AI.EXANIiEK sMIIH l'utti RAIT y 1 11 h l', it. A London correspondent of the 15, stun Tran-ciipt j.iics the following jtinrijttl -i.i-ich of Alexander Smith, tiie new poet. "A few cvcliinjs ,-ince I v as invited to a friend bou-e, where a company of lit rati wete to as-emble, for n.eetiii" the vout.eest and of the lhiti-h bards. About nine o clock the crowd of ladies and pi-Ii'l. n.eu thiekc li ed toward the door, and cxpctation ,n lip. toe u,h nre-en many heart of ..on;. "lietiius is always ocfoi, i. i thin, ...ry, stt aiht-haircd Smith will startle us, 1 ' manner." " lie will R"n b the lad v "f the house, an -an: Ten o'cioc :iu d the wlite a tall, c m ate, and f. with his e here.'' replied 1 we shall see." Leaded servant bowed and called out distinctly at the drawing-room door," M . S ..' '" Every voice w as hii-hed as the fool -t, p in the en try gr.-w louder and ar.proched the en trance avenue. I must acknowledge to con Milcrabie cuiiosity on mj own part, a Mr. Smith c 'liie lot ward and ixteinii d his hand to Madame . 1 observed a -lilit tlcmu- lousiies. on the part of dir l.o-tcss, usually fo calm mid colli etcd. Hie too b-It ti e mag- 1C rcM l.ee ot genius, an u in-iinc ,iciv turn id i. ile. and faltered sonr-wl,::t in her man hit. 1 have seen her b,n to a lhike, a:? ! extend a linger to a Ibicliiss. without a .juiv rr of a mu-ele. 1 have seen her recogniz ed by and return the salutation of a half a dozen Earls and their CouMes-es, at a sit tiiiir, with M-arceiy a change of colour, 1. rid ol. His hohni-ij ha. Iiauged am! nut a lew. '1 he in ass of the Human peo ple, notwith.-taniiin. iu-tcad of being more tranquil or better ulleetcd. increa.e every day in their inveteracy of opposition, in Itii-.ir tacit and obstinate rebellion, 'lie great fear at present is that even the j.-ur-ri.-oti of 1 -.Hiui Fri m.h may not sutTiee. to keep the Hoinans ijuiet ; and of course no doubt can be entertained that with the firt gkam of war in Europe, the lir.-t necessity tlint should oblige the Austrian and Kiei.ch cither to wciki n their garrisons or to as sume t o.'.tiotis hostile to one another, the the pu,po-c of !'Tl'i" of both Home and th- Homagna u.o t enchant!..? w ,,.!,! r.se-and w o to the ecclesiastic ty- runts . The Trench govt rt. incut has been natural ly enough reproached for not having coun selled the l'at.ul.'.pur.t Jo adont some meas- iin-: io e.jiiicill l.s J eop,e. .Til'I picp.l.e a I least fur a time whin it might stand alone, lint in truth all such advice would prove vain, as all such .forts arc impossible. The fir.-t mcc-sity . to re-tore -ome order and iC 'i.omy within the Hon. an provinces. Nothing can be done if thev be not saved new; for in much the largest part of the bu siness of the C:i-tom llou-e, tin- Collector i guided by the revenue iaw., and has aiway. acted witliout instructions trom tin- S, -cretarv asury. It is only in special ease.. where the law is of doubtful construction, or the duties of the ( 'oilcr-tnr have not l ien fully prescribed bylaw, and where tie Sec retary has a dispensing power, that he has bceu authorized t) is'iie instruction to Col lectors. And none of these cases have anv tiiing to do with the appointment of i.-fiici r.-i of tl,-; elision.. On that Lend, tho rid,t., and duties A both Sjccrctaiy and l'.,;,,ti ,r have been prescribed by t'uiigr.-s-. and i.,i ther can cotitiol the other wh-.n acling in hi- appropriate sphere. If, as y on appear to --up o-e, t'.e C. 1', c tor can do i.uthiug v. ii bout in-ti uetioi.s i r your depnln.etjt, the bu-ii.e.-- wiiich is t, nv transacted in the Cu-P in II use in a single hour, could not be accon.jdi -lied in a month. You have evidently Set too hi. h an ,lii..a'.e upon the extent "t vur power. The reason which you have .-,t j;iied f r as in.-v.-ry t tie; t;.,p, i'i - i had i-.i-li,d in the past. i uu know that I adhered to that i o.iion of party winch loci n -t (.--, ,!, :i u- v,:i- 1 stau. a rd in l -l-s; Hl.d n-' one can in int. lelv 1 I sl.ijiiid give. o.iie.-s to the fr.-ii soil ,,.s, Anl I. '.v y-jti think laa 1 I i -i .ii " thai I Lavo s.e ti.at V r .-bar.' '. ii 1 it- a :.',,;, of ' a. i-cled ha e - ' uJ caiu.ot i l ot ini -rn. y i.: t" st.it... t..r a. 'I "' tin ; r- r m,: ,-l I:; ,l;-: i I'-, Put this 5W'c( 1 il crditiarv a arc, " w her eti: powered extra- ti.e the to stood ,L..il en captive so and heads oni' n; the admirvra .in. . . anl ii u u i claim it-elf. Your wi.ris di partn.ej.t i- n -t cxpriIy eiw i..strunti..ns to s'lb- ornates, it has tno a ithoritv to e.o so, as inherent in the pow.ir t-, nmoe a refractory ollicer." Now, a- I read the constitution, the i"ccreturv of the Tnasury ha. t,o power to remove a Coib-ctor. h ,cv-c-r refractory he may l-p. Tin- j.r.wcr ! re moval, as well as ot appointment, i. v,-t-d in the l're-ibnt. V vi -; ,!.. v.-U, t!., re fore, 13 look f-,r soiue better n-iuvii tl'.an tbe one ou have i,.sit'nod p,r an ui'ioiti .1 authority over collectors, j,, i,v t-Uct;..n of tin ir agent.. You think it -iiiguiar that a gi lilicte c, n ' f my b gal avium met. t-and c. peril t.ce sh .-i'-l fall into the I'l'i'Tof ;i-u.iiil,4 that tlie t -1- 1 1 -- , ,,. .,,., cr-' M this taill S-'.V ' n.'ll.e ire :. i. 1 r;.i:, 1 jut- " l':'".' r.l told at ll.e 1 1 of til-' , iar.guaje i t be s:i .I' tie , .1 1 -! lilt I I; li;i-:i fit i ':. I.,--bu, ' t i t!u p.. ri. si i. , " 01, 1. I -.11- rut-, tie ,-t.r.l !- i it tl i ry . weuir.g I tan -i.i., -1 1,11- t) lie r- i!,oi a', t 1 1 "ai; i ,1: 11 1 1, at ;;r ; utti i , , I A.t. r ti.e o i , 11 .t v. as 1 1 v a- not r.ti-t',.- paity ; t au-e of COIII e p .ioy bad lit-. 1 1.1:: v. i ; ii I 111, '. t ' and rclicvei! ling daily edicts of ro! bery up( ciass ol citt7eii! wno vet pose d of the ne, from bankruptcy f It V ol ss the small anything. Hut how i. anything of that kind po-s:Lile while an .uslriaii army is in p session of the Legations revenue as well as tin provinces, thus o-t lo Home ? and devouring the produce of those but now her trial knur fad conic indeei Like a true London hnd ho-tess, however, she soon resumed her wititcd co ducss, and Mr. Smith was out on tin floor for exami nation A pallid face st on a back ground of raven hair, eyes now trighl now languid, of i l.ui blackness; lips sput and eager; a f rm hail as tho bush link bears the pend ant lily ; and Alcxandv Smith is before us. He looked hungry, and immediately called for a sandwich and sum-thing liijuid to meiteii its journey d iwi his wailing throat. I have seen pantaloons i all their various sta o s ot tiatelieil uecn y uiu never sueu .i Home itself. and the territorr which is under tho occu pation ot the French, produces nothing. It cannot feel its inhabitants, much less feed the French army. The citizens have their little fortunes and savings in the Homan funds, and bankruptcy of all. Our public is very much occupied at pres t nt with the iUesti-.oi of Constantinople, but ihat of Home is iiuite as dirT.eult, ami hard ly less menacing. An empire as great as it is antiiiiated, a. portentous in its pride and pretensions as it is weak in it. real pow er, is perishing on the banks of the Tihtr as well as on the banks of the ltosphoi us. And whatever In.pe we may have of his llk'hmss the Sultan, we have none of his I! ulilli: the r pp. We see no opening cf Whether the Austrian, and safely fur hiui French withdraw or remain, we see no chance of the ponti ;ate sun iv ing. If they s'tnv, they may continue to awe the popula tion, but they will con-.inue also I-, cat up its revenues, and devour along with them the pecuniary revenues of the priesthood as well as the small revenue: of respect still paid to them. If they co, the Hope and ill the I 'll-!-' In 1 1 Ui.-' proval of the Secretary, and . no , p..- th, a, s,.;e authority of the i',.ib .-tor. Nn.-tilur that a. this may appear to y,-ti. i' i. the coiir-c - i i T ' which has .mil, irmly 1 1 i n pur-v,, ! sin , ti,,- t',i;, fouliii al i-'I. ,,f the gov el n.m i,t. YiLhft. a d - i gangers and inspectors have leeii a; P dnti d ti :i ' by the Coi'.ector, with the approval ,-f tin- -c S, -cretarv ; while c! iks. p.-rtei-, bare, u.eii. u.i iw laborers and other., have been ap: p -'.tite-i il by the Collector alone. It l.i. i,--t e: y ,-r v. been so under all former St crvtaii,.-. cf tl .- 1 ut 1 Treasury, but during v our cov n tin,.-. A.i wa-i: my clerks, porters, crimen, la'hr -1 r-. Ac . -.tr-u.. have b,;en at j, oil, ted with. nit c-is..';tiii vo- b e; -r in any form ; and you never intii.ia! d a doubt about the pr iprii ty , f thi- v-ur..? un til you deemed it expedient ti interfere in the local politics of New-York. Still you insist lhat th" clerks and oii,- r agents of the Collector " derive their ap pointment and thi i r authority as public ,-f. licers from the St .-rotary of tbe Tiea.tiry alone. " The roa-oti y-oi assign for thisp.cw and extraviijaiit elai'. will show that it is wholly without any local foundation. Wu place it upon the ( 'on-lit :.: bui of the I nited States, which ro'. ides that " ('oppress may, by la,vc-t the aj-p-,i..t n.i ri.t of such inferi or officers as they may think pr-'per in the heads of lVpa.ti... nt-." l'o'i then add that " ('oi.i:rcs. ha. not :it t - in ted, por il it had, could it have iflectcd any modification ,.' this provi-ion of the constitution." And hence you conclude that the appointment is in the Seer. tary. It is readily granted that Congress has let, ami cam: -t. m-.di'y the i o ust it ut ion. Uut .till your arguun ::t amounts to n- more than this because Congress nn'u int' vest the appointment Uict, l. oil. - i w I t .e s I he si-i d. tl,,- pai.- ehpiofc s -l.tloii Ills ut i t e !,.', Wit!. t'.l aLlc - I a- tr. 1 "'' -1 licit I h the lice :.),-! ealel luitive : on iioi'ir; in li it wa. I I "! bl ( ii 4 I c -li VVi I.I t . - .,-:,!.. fr oil ll i," ali.cr. w -n. of p cup -t bv the t ,'l. b, cr: and I ! b'ov ;1- t- i-e 1-,-lid. ( l;:!; oil.t 1 y P. a li in.' it fa th, ll v f.'.p. in., an insi:iri-i-a e- pv i:i tlie b "ad. of ; eli-t ins. w h i vv l i -per, d it ! ' gave i: to the pre- as a "tl .-tt- r. .1 .-lit-. 'I!.-! ii-trai; .1. int i who had P,--.. of the patty, ui- ,n w hen it down bv the au-e tl.e'Cd i' iaiportanee. he m ire sig. 1 1 111. 1 o l Hid placed r-r of the and final- ingmc Whet! sb-,u!d so act. i- P so far as have y-.ur cnlidci And P ,-.v what w a- th tr ivci-sy t v l,:ch y.vi 1 P '-el a Imi'ii-t : ati-m a i-on'lict between ,ie:,,-,- between two ti n. , ty. No eoinii I t -s !.. in th-' ti. i 1 ; an I if th h-'Uest in proclaiming proaoph-- It':- Ii.ltin- ii.au. ai : : I a l : res-, t i.i I i.-.ics at -fa I.e. 1 1 w a . , I e i i r t i I. involv in-r ,U,-s i i p-i.;, '. i n -ui n a rpi a : vv as,j ogfon about :.s a means ,j annoy - v , u inti tided tl tlie. r or.- th in 1 can -ay ; but. b arued. he -till enjoys n a; :.VO ar.s i f the eoti niade tho in- .i t v '.' It was ti t -. but C-ib p ur as encaseii in:., ,.iu.ii.e ii-nuo ,o ... , ' i . i ,' i . i i il.cr-ol Alixumlcr iin.tli. itievnan Tlie sn.e may b sanl hi. api I, ln manners iokt d nor ac- d no mi. cr m'i n bctt -r days Id. coat and the sum I Hut if his "arnieiits tveie were brilliant. He u, itliT I ted like any ordinary mn. His whole bearing w :i ....Iginhecnt, an eviry eve followed him Wlh admiration. ( Mie "of "his lir.-t ri ipii sts.vas to hav e the windows throv n open wb'r that he might gaze upon and bol l a co. cr-atioii with the Mars, lie s,"'ke to no op else, declining ail solicitation, of introduc ns. Hi. breast pin, a large cameo n presetation of Marc Antony, lay, like an Emptor, upon a very dingy 'shirt bosom. Tit- he frequently clutched with a convulsivc-ncrgy. I wish ed very much to hear the s(.nd of hi. v oice, and once only dining th evening I was ratified A s the scrv anthalided him tlie tray of ices, he seized nnerith both hat. 1., swallowed it without a strggle, threw the glassout of the window, ad sighed in a tone like the western wii.d- 1 III h t me l.v To love, : ml llusli, nd llirill Or li t mi- ilte Two waiters immediately n.shed forward ; di-t:,i,l populations w and bore him to a div an, rond which thirty seven white armed da. ..sis immediately hovered breathlcs... At all" past eleven thev laid h'.m in a cab, an, 1 saw him no J I more. ,,!' ,1 ,, ll,.. S... .- . ,1 , ,., us functionaries wnl assurevlly be ma.-saered r,.rx. i ,..,,,,.,, , ,,. ',.;,;,. this I'onstitutioiial prov i-ion, thert lore the lias, Stat t ,t in i vl so universal i- the tv-lmg against them. v :.. . .1... i .1... ........iii-iii .-.I' th-. t .VSMlllllll UU I, UN' o-. ,i,-iiii.-n v- ,i.v a n Ol , . , . . Ill ,..,!.. r . ..1. ,. ... . . i .il Ii.n --i.-iii.-it.-iii i.V ll',. ,- 1 i ell., ll.ll I i imn i 1 i s ...... ta ot his ap parch . --' , 1 i . . . , , r- rs Home bv the French to be cipuaiiy so, we may regard the tenij.oral dominion of the l'ope a.- at a vi.tual iiid. lie i- 1 i.t a bishop or patriarch in the hands of the two i.r.oo Human ( 'ailinlie rowers uf Euro:'". alio cannot devise if they would, ami would ' not devise if they could, any mode ol extri cating Ids holiness fr.uu durance, There was a time when France an l Austria, umler the suggestion of '.ingland, were agreed in icconiim l.di.ig the l'ope to govern by an.n- the notables, l! not , told tl', ta th,-y p. t ; 1 what -I, ! "rat. and w hi.' f tin' democratic pir l.atb'i, il -fi-c. - worn fr, -- - 'il s cti-.n sn' it . c -rivei-.i ,n to the r- plat'orm and ti:,' r vv ,-r ! ' . at nr, !y :i New irk ui- of luer,' S'ato ! a ".. cr t' the i- take, sbb-s. -md 1 in oerats of this !c-t !'t ril- ir 1 --eal ... tic ir p di"y in 1 - '.or matt', rs i f Secretary Iris the power of apt J ' - , 1 1 1 - 1 t other words lccail Co' ress u:ay, please, confer a p -w, r. Suih is tin and the oJ-' of y,-,lir ',, t;,.r. I !i:r- c li-'-. ,ar :.s-;. 1 t .at -right in supposing that the ilerks. j laborers, Ac., in the I'i idle officers wllhlll 1 10 tist tutioii in rclatP'ti 1 1 ml ii In r ,i t , h ,,f ih ii,irt' v nrir..,i . ! I n te, up . itimu' il Knr -lib ' fit I IVH !IU .V tWI.IivVKl.t,. :i7 , I R. KlXilRS' I.iverwirt, Tnr .V fhoiicluil .- 'I,,!,, fur the ritre nf t 'nn-nimption, llr,,nchi. t", t'nni-li., t ,l., A-c, Ap., I'r .ln l,r I HirCll AiiD t CAL1WELL. J.ilr If. l-.M .1. V. SMITH, v I , UK.Airriri'I. Extha, J. ho velvet moss grows on a sterile rock, the islctoe nourish es on the naked branches, in ivy clings to tlui iiioulderiii-r ruins, the ne and cedar, snila, and to ...iiniiiou the deputies of tin" Unman States, to fake part at least in the management of the provinces. Hut sii,,e those days Franco and Au'tiia have both becom-- stiiet'y mili tary governments, am! of course tl.ty caif only npplv to Home, or their idher depen dencies, tlie kind of ruh' w hieh t hey cmploy and excrci-e at home, 'l'he p muff there fore, a poor, penniless, powerie-., sov, reign at bo. ne, yet in bis spiritual character ex ercising great and fatal influences among listatit populations, who have but a laloi- on.s hnowleilLC of Ids existence and none of Ids degradation, simply continues to be re cognized as :, sovereign by the grace ol the French ami the Austrian iinnics. Hut even this cannot la-t ; military rule i. subject to a thousand chances: and it appears to us, we must confess, that the annihilation of the popedom as a temporal power is one of tlie impending cvt ni. soonest to be expect, Hut, in truth, they are u Collector, to aid in the duties which the law l as ;;::; Thev ire the hand" by vv i and arc n-, m.,rc , the, r i-oii-titul: m than ale I h" a in, and li:, vv. I lev h treat... I. or ev en in, t t:- n -d 1 ofl-ee.- :,p. vi-te, by the I' d ar 1 imth'ng in s ivmj ti.'-! t! t"lli lbui li'. ':'.! ing app- 'intm re a- i t. li-eli-il.e ' i'i. lip H il he i.l the S I'-c in I - and In if it law el .1!'c o ti r-, e. arc of the r.ts, of the ,-f the him. v ., r k s . cf the Y. thi , t em am "Hit t . n uir lu I I fged. prim Is n: , ! ;h e mv, - -!' la. 1 -- .1 1 have t a-s , , d.t t. a.T .irs 'S-,ll, h tt T V , i.:..i' id,: . -el Up h -.- 1:1. - r in tic I 1- : ai I a " .1 k of the " . i lid 1 " .' 'inii on tnv I'H M . a I. a. i " -t t! i i. r- v t! he impending i A new iv you n a v ioundati in am t You .,!!!'! t'op orJinati- the removal. Hut unable t" .h-. ti it y oiid my ju-t i ii.!-. , to a, t III '!',',' l , nee ' all cases w hel c t be 1 tlcritv t- ibn ft. Y that subonlin.iti n. in office do, - n-t i ri'v prove interi r : t v : and. bilweeii lu. ii. the red i. ion ot supi nor and sn lonfer-' ti rig I t .-u the . t u. ri o.is l nio'iao, . Mid imposes , sox. , 'I'r. -,s o.S l- Ull'l Who I as-,,., , ol' ti al to v ;ir ui t:.u-t v as I'i tno ,! . lil. 1 ti . r , . , -i .i : .., . v., Honor tll'lL'tlt, "'c- - ' a' , know you have been a hard liver.' Jirjr7 i Ol ICC. . 'l','fs a fact,' said Michael. . M i -onAin.. mil p-vi ' l ow-,1.es l y 1 , you j,ava broke tho pledge,' snid the ',h.- ami. fy c""1 voire. mm r.,e,-l m ,i,r.m 1 , ('irr) ss praychiu,' said Michael. S. A. nHlUS,T,f'-ovr,.o-. , Vua dili bad tlin,' said the voioc. n .... 1 l "7f , .,,. prais ved uple went t Niagara other t Mirrciio, r nth-man. in order t- he was brwe as vvil! to g down into the grateful to the soul, will. i ta darkest hour ' cave of the wind. She, ot course objee of fate, still tvviue its tends around Ihcited; but finding that he was determined, . l.i:.. olt irsand broke arches of the : alTectiotiatelT r, ,,iie-te,l him to b'.ive l.i- dcsulate Uinp't, of tho Luiu Lurt. j.let-WA i.uu -aU'U U-kud. i:'..:uc luarricd iv reimiiii IVe.sk mid fadeless mid the III lit -t-! on a visit; and the g, b.i.j nf il.o r. eedii. ' year ; ltd. Heaven bo I convince his dear that d! sonic, hi IP? beautil to see and as taoatit, reso legal li.hts. y, on eon,,' a in that tin' rcrca.'.i.: ,.i mv former letter impugn y our motives. 1 di i no more thai, state bu ts facts which you have not attempted t c-oit rov, rt, and t!i.-u said " as U the motive of this injve.m lit I, t r piiec. ll v .-ur ...on i i's i.avc r.'i'i; id ottic ;i tl.- sU , , t vv .i. led ll lUaarCth t:,.

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