i J VT i 'i it I T!1; KMil A DIFFICI LTY. Mil. OH I I'OKITluN Id Kl'sT.l PRSli el; IN PRISON The Vienna (.iaidic aaaa-rts that the lirii- ) t-h aud French iuiiiistcra at .Va-Jiiiigtoii j have expressed their concum-iiee iu the. co!- , lective protest of Austria, I'tut-ia anal Uus- i-ia !iiiit tin- conduct of Captain . Ingra ham iu the Ko-ta affairs. This asU lion is, of coitrto, false. A Vicuna correspondent of the London Times a'ays, et. Kth, that the grounds of Mr. tlffli v 1 1 nitcd States Consul tt Smv- tun) relu-irig to- consent to Ko.-ta's shipment ; were : 1st. That he, Mr. tfflc v win not depend nit on the legation Ht Constantinople, Fat niti-l receive instruction, from Wasbingtou. -d. Ko-ta was cither nn Austrian or an American citizen ; if the former, lie must ho delivered over to Austria ; if ffce latter, he could nut hi; forced tvsail to America. We cannot arrive at the facts from (In contradictory frSgsseuts that appear in the Kjropemi papers. If i. now sai l, on the , ." " . , i that host onl not h ave Mtryrtta on ilie oth, : but -till remained prisoner iu the Frtncb ho-.'.tai. v .. i Fp in the Ia.iieon N. vr, IV I. JO A few day ago we published the -late- ; iiieiit of the A u-tri.m government respecting j tiie rotivclTiiou mad l.y Karon Urach, it,, i internuncio it the l'orte. with Mr. lirown. Minister of tin, United Slate at Constantino ple, stipulatin the condition upon which : Martin Ko-ta should he released from the e'.,aruintis,ip of the Fletteh Conr-ill. W- til- ! s ) -lll.se'j'lchtW rp.iotcd the statement of a, M ihrse jujru il that an A.in'ricsn vessel, ' with Martin K v-ta on board, had torched at that Island. Thi- latter s-t ut in . tst was rcn- ' dcred doubtful by the fact that one of the point of agreement was, that tiie vessel con vriiii Ko-t.i should not touch at any of the Mc.liu rranean pjrts. It would niw appear thai it was ift true, and, iii.!e d, ih.it K i-t.i Vol tot l .'t't .Smy t rj.t on tL- 5th. The Jo! i. i:y lettir iu th- (icri.ian Iiurtial of I'raaki'irt b.'ar thai late : Koa is -till in the Frei.e'j ho-pital. and u'.i aff.iir ha auai"! a ' apretaratii-'c. I'i iri-ii! .f the L .lite J J-talei has declar ed to the Consult.: t.ieiieral of Austria that K .-ta was cither Au-triau ui' Atncriean ; that, if an Aairiaa, he ought to be (jiv. n up to Au.-tiin, hui, if yfl Aiueri'-an. ke c-oul 1, as a fret mi an, 0 or t.:y when he pleas-.-d. The consul audd lii.it lie ha ' no orJers to r ,'i.i t jiii th" AiHCrican einlassy at tYn--t iiitinopie, L.;t o'i'lv ft M his government. In coii' .'jeiiee he refued to receive jni Mni off M K 1. Mr. lirown. Secretary t tiie Atueric'iti li ju'i in ;it I'onlantii.npie. t!i. n ileiu tu led from M I'icii oi, C onsal of Kr-iliee, (iiat Ko-ta -i. .old be I'iveli up. but M l'lCiiou refused, :-ritilu' that ii ' only un derto ik I'. jji.e up K i-ta to one of the parti-, with the con-.t.t of tin' cni-ii:- of i-iri. r.nJ the l.'uite.l States. r. Hr j'.vii '.'iiTtupon oi taine i lr.HU the ambas-adnrs .n t' in-taiititif.pl.' an order addressed to M. I'tei, to ive i;p Mr. K-ta vcn without the e lis. I, t .1 tii I' . o-i.l of tir- I'nited. . liut M. I'leli UI VT.jllid tl it eSec UK Si" jrdT. :iv that he as under ari en-, in..: t t o tiie r ':- n 1 - if Ausi.i-. 'nj.l the I'i tied s.. .tes. Ko-fi.'Oi his -i ,1.., declared :h..t umi. r tic eirc'iiii--ii.ccs tie nO'iid not p it t.i- pri-iu. Mr. llr...ti. :iej :n liin jly r.;- - d ' IT. C-is-d. ',iT,.'. Wl' !'!.' aff or.' T. ii';V oil (j" i!. t. u'-I ' ee no- ni'Te eoi ij-!i . in. -u.'XKi'TioN i .r m M1.VI-- ti;i:. s' '.'.;,tw. fhins.i V ! --VI. 1!,.. 1 ' Mate- Mini-1. r. II oi. II. M;.r-iia!i, i. 1- ii.u-L reason t . rou-pbiin oi tiie l iiit-. J "Utes na'.'al afli-.-cr- tlinl h-ie l.t.-i. 11 in (.'bi as, b'-csus-- -1 the iiivle ail th-v have lent 11 is-i m in the trying ilin-s hits ii.a-.ja. ttirtiar.-, la,: m, had ; nay. In in a- teiitwu anil ttidigbiti-s b'lt to .( rtheb--- he ha- got a f j itbohl. and r. r. i uau fr-a-n vs.sciiti Vi i'i;.. U r- . in lii- end !' M iy , lii.a'.i. t o. i, '" jf tne .'ri .jf (,i-- ri aril p, -.--id. m .,( the l;.:.rl if War, at, appoint-:'! ; v..-rtir l. r a lhe Li Ki a no in -1 .101; irncvl JU ihe-e pi ov iiice-. takino p i te; Imperial Army, which tai in at.kitt. Mr. Mar-iiall a- alon. iiti' 1 any fore.-. He add r.-s';d Illian with -'i'u i.-ki-.j , aloi .--I: ui i'ii an inter. iew t. forwarj iiii cn--ii -i.'i iis turoili h..n, a- 'fovemor (general ul '.lis I.iaug Kiali.', 1 1 ti.v Km pci .r. Ho .at ne,e '..ft tne aruiy io ue-et Mr Mar-hull. .iui app ..I,'.; 1 tie 4:.ii .,f July to hav uu s.il'-rv.ew w:ti, him at iv le-n-oau, ,t v. al,e.; ity tf at.-, ;t '-i IJ, I III p-aj.tjlati-.il, '-l I III n,t;...--t ol t!i ci'y ol Sulchovr. and abn.ti r'l uni-s inlur, i fr on ti.i- plaf'-. Mr. Mjr- - a uijji.V'1 :'ie 8 i' of tiie I'uii-d Sta;" i.iiuil h"it (he ol.iv craft whr h Could ;'ilo tin tan 1 Canada ali i with nil "oito, e.s,tu, of thrt"! Aiii'-rie ini and 'iiroe Chiuest. he went to Km Italian at the 'Hue appdnt- l, an"! had the Intel", it w '.ib-. .. -"J l.i- . r-,ieiiti il- iu du; form, and t'.. y wer- d. -t: .1'. bed 1 a uikswiit iu -I r .ur-. ! a I' ie in it a- ; 'i, : 't -r An :iirsai'.'r acktio-rli.-'ii.iiio jiritnti-i I v the ileeroe. ,l! not -.r 1 1 ,( tareliti'i 1 1. -tatc. ;.anl to Carry lie te gleet jiiic rs. : p -at I htm bv the Cnite'! "i. was i'i' kv riioojli ...i-'-h origin illy I t njoht ii.ru t, the t wil ; lu jiv'" mat prattle a '. our tre-jiv whii-h eofM.-i-de Sll lli' rieau Mitli-t" r to dei e-.'.i-in fur the limj r -r at n:. e-uistrueti th.- right f eaiiiiinj of tie- Vi, vine--; a rial, i. M th" iiiari.'ii line' p r-i.-ill i- tne r.r -t whit- nri'i w ie. I, ,. ,r curi-J a UV.t.-rtj ('iiri-'i an lia it,?, i'i- in'. riorof Chin, w ith lhe o-. this - i.i rniii. nt. in. b j.. ri. lentil , ,Jr....... j , ,.i- ' b iiate.iul c-'j.t'jiii", not .reetrli-.e. ; , 'nn 1, I j r-oii, an I n-i I- ariiij trioot s, i- 1 M ie inner in I ; II- fl i ti, -t-.r. Mud -t r t -- I t th" I i .- .1 -fiti . !.'" viuagi , h:'L -i"q.ii. I two day '' tii.'i.f. r;u-j. mil on. an I a hi'.f f Tiie ri-ii . it ws e very "rand a'f.r- -I" iitrt.viii"n nt prepar-i! in L,r ..jt Ti li.J-i", "f n'll".. I." .mi .ol; wni, tne j, , . I all l a lar, e le ,t,-. I ;,,,.. , . . a. I, ii in g, uu..' . ii a i 1 pr. i.u:'v,u. , ii - ' 'teh i . nl. .' I Ii f-i l.i : i - i r- I tl . a - a ; It. . lei a a iv j ttin I ,- r- f ir 1' li .1 io. j - -I'll t . 1M.I ;, f i. . ... (out i Th' it i t .-;t.. of i,.; li.i ! -t ii I i.e ii, v it ati-.n fir t in- ii tit iis -row ii--r-- .p. t. .1 .il Ml ' Ill l I..- - I M t 11. 'I, f'f l.o-e .' !l.il psfrl ,t..I ite from ,i;i JHe iinna bvi I aieouni- liavay Lt. n revived. :.rrit"I at ali I III., i-l a oli lh. 1 Ush llit He ha- li- n in . .t eiitlius-ia.-tiwal y rem IK" 1 .-i I. a. Jlned to fl a 1 iiii b f ah e!a:-a- s -r.tto. I..Mi mm rnai'i.t .w it." n,.l M.a, li.ll.ll, sf 1 ..liai.l.a, hj Hortlj Carolina S 5-. ; CHARLOTTE: iTiicsiliM Aflcrn'ii, .Novenihrr 15. ir W ir.l l.M TiivlMl'Mi.N K-.j., i ...ir a ;ruf in It iltuii'trr. nut hor i'.-.l in i.l-t.on .oiv. rtihe nents Hnii !nhrri't inn, uii.i to s;r.! u: n ri iptN. ir i:. w.cifi!. r.-n.. r our . ut in riiiiinii i. phi.i. r.ut'ieri' il to olit .in adv. rli-eim-nts anil pro- ,llri. m,ifprii.insn. jj-v. jj. plim-r. K.i.. i onr tWi7-.l .?mt ,, receive ...ivert.aeiuei.ta :nul aiihserii'limi- at I1"-I jIi. Niw Voik anu Piiihnl. iphia. Vinit U Chur!!(in. t j II iv Inn m ' alien t.i vi-it the " Cjiu. ii Cily," on a little businroa, wc Uvk a flyinff trii, havni) ; Cilalii.tte .Hi Tiiis.hiy and reaching '!... rli stmi on I he next uiori.Mi tt 5 ol..rk ritnriiiug hoini on S.lurii.iV iiLi.ng ;.t 3 ich-k. As llrt.ly was nee. ss inly short, we m.ly c .U.d mi nir tritaiia .if toe Stan.l.-ril, w.lii one f wi.tin we ha.l some bus:o.-.-.-s. Wc hope t a limie fiiVor-.tlc till;. 1 to cultiv .te the ae.jtl .lot .nee of tile olin r ll lull" rs .if Ih.c t 'oi ps l-U.ltorial. , 1 1 1. is U. n m ar two years since tt wrrc in t 'Ir.rN -ton, v.t we could Mt milrll i inpn.v I'll. e lit in li...t tone. S-"Hie of the I .r' Pry (iw! tsl..h i is ! i ui- e t i'ii Ivin-s trt.t rn f-vr-biy compare with w York, ana the M.!!s ll.'Usc 01. Mietiej. Str'-i t, in our view, in ap;t'-r liter, .iju-ls t;.e far.!'. iii-.-J A-t'T 1 1 lis- . Our time w.. s.. liu.it.ii th..t. i.ii'iei.eh a ir.i'.ei aii'.itud us to ej. mine it, I we hi", t.i miei lie- lo.nsr.-. V- are nrry In, ie..r.i in ! oi sirueteo.s io.v 'i ti.rnvv iim lot vv-. v ".f ti.e exl'-iisint. of tiiis houe hy p ra"ii in- , t. r.steil in one of the nth. r Hotels. Tins will . ii i y r coil "-ii '.i'.'ir ow u h. mis. V' ni.,ii .oil imine lit the Auierieaii, ill;.! we r; .-"n.ni.-n.l it to our fnen.-s wuo m-.y l.i.ve oe. a. tr Visit a.irh -'on. One f. ature in lio- iiian if. ut" lit of lei- Kst .hlisiiii.elil rj'se.i it v. ry n.ueli ill nor .. .-lii.i.ti n. linii liial is. t..e .ie id ol t..e ta. :i. I- l.l'llvl lie- I illliiailv .lliil ii t i,.- ut . r la -ill. s ..I l:x- !,t,u-e -I p I.' ir aloi p.. rl-, k . ! lie tr Ine.-l.--vvilll tie 1,' I. lb II.' 11. This IS e.lt. III. I'd to pre- v. nt i iiy tin:." unpr.ij" r. W c neeil.-it U-i.ij; in ( " : i r i- -ton oi.te iiirlit y-ar- wi.eil a fel.t I .k o! i' in "iu of the tir-t le u Is oe a iiii.lr, ).- t '.. ' . It I v. . t lit !. a rt'i ho to-, al- Aei.tlor linn::, v.e l.- i. Lv.e. t-.c- J.: t.: s ( r-ii ry " -s r,. tin r 'a e ft . We hi"! i;.t em' to sp. n-i in (' ..iiiiiHia, hnt in .s (to , i t,ja hlt Sd'lilie tl.'' 11-III' S-1 Ul' H p- II r - 'il " of l". II'V nt tile prv I-' r. .-lije.H-. s. It I a ..!... in- iy ! ...1 '.ri . !i.i l;.e -t;e( t- t.. in v.rv a el. ..ii..- v n- i.rieit t'i i'p:-"' r.tnei-. Ujf I : :--:i !- ' i.. o. . ',' -3 . '. i-it t naia -'on rif. on -l re ss. ' ill t". ! nr. .ie it la ti.-l a '-i t II "U hy t.ki:lj tin I-..'ht :.- h i. ..iir;..t li i t er- - t v .lit II. l.-ai.'.. o. t I list nidi!? W . .1, the a .J 1 i-itv r ... W a-ia:.. .1 t ... r 1 nt .jI" Mm. A. I)...S .... tin. A .. rah T. f-- I I M :l.lu:t M ik-Ts, . i..!!v i . U. l.c tc .ti.o n .tri.i.i-:a-!..tr., " .' Ii.'.J.' V )l h'l-in- 1 Wi 1 t-mri'.r v ' 1 ' 1 i.:r t :t W It!: .i.f.r : 111 v. i A.'jM 'l.r ti.i, t, ;n tl m, i x ct J. . t.-i Ai'iiv.il nl lh' . r Ml ! '.'"! f r m7 t.ii' tit it ." 4 !(! i-it'-f t : I r -1 1 11 .vjii '. ri sat I til. -toil .1 -.1' h- 1- ii.-' .i .j , r v -i t -t (' ' n if v- r itu r eu- r.. . so ,1. . lo :- .11 all l.e ', ,.l,.i : I i;".- ill .t.i I'i a- e. .. n I . u- r 1 I.- r in als rwe a... a t.-i.'.r-- oa li rihitairiT rirs.-r ot' i1-.- tt' : lines W . le IJ.II. h aa tne -lt!i net til, M i . . s iOUil'i o' d in I .' Mr. "I I. (r i.,'..-..U'i Marry. - re-t- - illlornia o l'..d .t!....... -.. a it II. v li.. ...'.i.l I oe.o. , iiUr-l.ill .1 I- a in toe . . . r li -ii - nl .ro ii i.t anil oi.t: c .li.i, lie-. II a 0' at lue hi art wao r'-sitie i S.- ti-.' naa i.-ll a IV I I'tu .a-!-, ifiiiia. a n i .Li i.;t from a Of litS , If i.f - .r r.i f. .f in' v nil-ill. nn. I :;. aeoi.l.i so,e,ae tiul In. y r ?1 I, a ..g.., I, . ill .1 h., s . fH . ,i In r. tot'or. ;.r..in!.r.ei, Liui ..liii-r i.t'!' i .--I. - r. r-ti.. r oi.t ..I .te. t uia.ut a y. ., iriii'e-'l i.r' ...I.-. .r,.,ti,. t .! .r. v .i. . i,r l. i I ... j-i i " '. ii. a I h..v . i it rnniirnje to a..',,i mi.,, url r.-il if.-itl, f,, .'..'!: i -..ttn.-i. ,1 I i.. .i .1 t It '. i r. it I. h 'j. ;i i" v. ii r J.I V ,1 to I in i u . . . . ... i . . Hi - tin r i r ti h - .Hll 1,111 M.i 1) ii ti ' t Ji'. le 't'-r a'l.i 1,11, ol. uie -t.,t" i I - on Ie. t. l ' ic.'l i t-' T..rk,,h t'-.-a ..Hi" . I'.." I ii. I!. It ii... la in. Ui.-. t .1 ri- fil t yt ' 1 , la, l t.r a 'n. ; I' .. . i f onall.lil.ii'1. sires lartin ; It .. !e ' I '- : re ."ti i.'.i!-. T't. T .rSt.it i, ,v . jr.-a. ... t ,,?' ta c ue: Uliresa tit. y Ml. I.r- p It i. r-ji.e i. .1 ti t i. t It a; V .'..a Uu .aaa . I. . 1'ai oj. roe,, i.t 0 e a I tie. 1. t .i t... I t --I .l.lli',.. I- iil'v. t I. av ra hi. r. ,1 (o a.t , tr . I. irt.r. 1 ' '.. the a 1: i.t- h- 1 ol" It ippeara that tlit Uusian, lot ilii-rircai-finiia, were iifln.ti'd in tl.e viigageinviit tli-l recently t.Mik pl.ire. The Hon. P. Sociit.our Miiiter ot t!ir Courtof M.ulrnl, w..a r cuvid by the (jmen ol I'-m, lie hi-tiii); uiotlitieU km bbjeetiuiiible pkc iu l'i audres. The Mills House in ( liarlcslon Our t'!inrltt(.n neli..nne biinj im w ii " ieeri tiuim ot' the upeiiiiif eereluonin ol this m.il;iiinci.iit lintel ill t li.. t til)' on the Itli inst .nt. A hre iiuii.Ikt of edit.im wire tliere by H'nial I nn It .linn, w ho ciijoytt! lheinele in th.. I v, :.y in which ci.ilom more tln.n any boily eUc can enjoy ' themelvn by iuJulin in a " I't. st of rejon and a flow of KOll" ill the trenuilie poetical cliie ! of the pbrane. I " Tin ir v.irious ti.rts in one imint'conibinci j 'I'll, busmen, of their live thut is, to ii'if." I Mine Host, Mr. T. S. Xieki rum, ili.yid his part in a rpint t;ud flyU- creiiiltble to Ion. keif and ' u.l"d lu the ilnet-rl.-mee i f 11 C nCivinu. Uc Mouiilaiii W is i I o Sulphcr 'priiis '1 hese highly va 111! l.le mineral prings, mtuateu ill the County of t',.t..wb.i, near the rinra fi w miles above Oxfi ru'a Kurd, and oloilt leu inil.-a :rom Ni w Ion, have ric.ntly be. n f.urih.i.ee by our I'm ml, lr. K. O. lallu it from the iicioi.b. r. huid of Charlotte. The vulu ble prof.-itua of tluac Sorinra ln.vc la-, n lat.an xisl lo- fH.Taoua living- ill their iloll. edible vicinity, bill utvei g. l into the hands of any one who via.a able to a.e and appicci. tt the adv.n.t. jo a ol iniprov ii " thin, until tiny came into thoe of the pnaei.t firofirii tor. Dr. KUiitt now projmi to etl.il.li.-h a l..of and f't'-nsive aysli m of acc..iniind.itioiis on tiie ftrenilses, t.i be eoluluetid under lua ow n lllilll. iil..te Slip riooiill, Ull.l to be ready and o;ie-Il. id for tnc mt Sun. nn r Si-..son. Ti e vv-ter baa mnr bull akiifuliy n. Iv it d. hut la pr.iliouneeil bv very HlteilaiUl and ci. II. K lent jUOeea to po. s b nieiiiciii..l .iieitn ifuite iU .l lo those ol tie' eilihr-td Wilson 'a Sprues, nei-r M.t ley 111 t leave! nd t'ollllty. Tl.l V ..re s.tu led 111 a pleas. uiit and healthy in igl. hoi t.eoii, .-nil un.li r tiie in. n-ajii-lin nl ot' In. Kiliotl w ill nfK-ii n. w i. 1 1 r-etiona lo persian. sttking hcvllll or pleaaurc in tile Sum mir se-iun. Maryland Klcclions. Thr 1'. moer .ta of .M ril.rd have .-lectcd the tiovtruor, t'ontroiUr, anil t'oiiiiniiihioiii r o: I.otte. rn s 111 th..t St.te and lour Men, beta of Corerca In tun hy the Whiys. Tl.l" la a Wins ! ' in. il.b. rs ainc. the 1 at 1 1. 1 ti. n, and is ullni'Uta. h!e to lhe fact liut the I inoe r.. Is, livii' a ma jority 111 tiie U.-t Leg!!., lure, o.-rrv llialieere wt th.,t aiioth" r word ceillo lie invinled to ' pre. a theatllie idea tile Stite to suit th.riiS.jvia i'i hv.nj i ri the ( oner.ssi. iisl ..li lrut.-. Uut now the U l.is will have a lo- pilily "II joii.t b..l. !t t in fa 1,. "i-1 tore of from lo to'.'" u.i-iiiIh.i h. ino thua a. l ure the t h l lloll ol a IV Ilia Nti the I'toteo St. li s S..11..I1, .. nd a Sl..le Tie. so..-, nui, m-v we not . xprt sa U.e hnj t that tin 1 wni uu- eer r V lit- Hi r I.ae .'t n so .1 a 10 a ii'. " .0 ft ne th. I v :l die- vi-aht in tin 1 n .-'. I' a ' .aa uf ll.e I luted The Mcdiitu of ('uasn ss. T'.ie fir-t scsai.m of tiie thirty. third t'ot.grraa o! ' t l"l!!li.d Slli l V. l!i L's. ll.l'Ie in tiie ( :ty ol V aahltleton on toe fral Ab n.iay of utlt mol.tii. It la probeole that it will be a w asi. n i-f more I'i: n orLin..ry innr'sl to lie- nali.-n. The (re.t I'... itie r ihvr.v will clioi a l iro. ftoiiioii of t lit H- iiiiaii ol (.'oiigrcs.-, iii.o hut ti.r lii' f" r of some .if the Iii.fM-r t.e iii'-inliri of eiii.orin. VN t '- it.-. aetiia it.i-nii,- I,.. !., f.f - ti.rr. j f t'ubi. Arm x -I'-iu in oinf rn: - r o'.ut r wii! pr U..)y pr. i tl '.j;k;h t!,t ' i. I :. I.i- i'.r-l i't : i -1. !' ! -r- p !.v li 1 Vr -i 1. j:' . uud will Uf -A w.tii -t ill! t l.'I.l Ca u I J iir li u ill '". u ,li: W'ilnii.tt:i J.jur r. m.k a tl,t. 1' W'w t fi t f j C;li,ltfs.Ui. W tlii t'-'K : rr.nM iis.ag j,,.irr; lift yjt ,wU T niff , no oii;f uif v, wt." prvnijiiit-, w i:l lw vxm fi'-ncii 1:1 t if. ;lif -ii ft' cl'U'tr, cii.t'.: il Ih I.- t proublt: !h T'; ',V;tt tf UlOr'- tl-;fl ).( s.-t ,,f ,'ull'll'.!' . 'I i.- t t h or w - k t.i - of Id' ..iniiii'-tra. toil- It piH T tij !Mlr W I tfl liif It-Mil hFrHl oi.t tut: pri.i;rt - uttU H.f.l!niii t in .u.l V, r ;l f.ihj.'t U no s'i a ;.,rilv : ull t tiei- wii 1 1 ta ;'.i" f, lie,, 1 1 .1. so : .r -s lh' ir .iini'.'i t- t-t;i . .te ..jr.. tl, tlti.'it-t i'iiisi .jilene. . lh.' more Clft-ilit ' rie oi ore .i nt. it .ii toliy riv. .1. lint n.r tlt j.re. .at nl to r. iii .ri-, ti. . t all ;l.e noli. ' t, ,na Ja nt lo al .te M ll.n-.-a v.rv ..ill' r.i. t . . i.i In -I s . nd ti . ir-il ami IiojiciJ i,r hy t!.- oi... tl' ,ni. - r-rovv 1. r , o - li. r l!y aj.eal. ir.e. 'I h' y p. ii t to ii . i.eroua i.iiu in,, r.. I st.iii,nri oi li .-A. heroua i.lnl 111,, r.. I aoi(,..rl oi II nun is l r , In n, .. h! a hof in. .ni.. li a ... ti. Ii ol tl.e l. er.de p-irly, Tit.) a.li.t l' an' li reeninin' etla. t- liS Oil tl MlieM n' , ur ti. r lyll i illl OOllit stie . 1 ' i ey i w li he ass. iit- ii to hj ti.e jiiii-'in.-iit, ..a iv. II r mm, in;, d lo l.y the fo lou;. ol in.. Amir, te Ii iei.,e. Tin: linii.il. II nl tl.l: llnua,.- ol l!' ,. r-.v. i.tjtii, i time t i e a h lfoiii toe fa ojil' ttiat.l.i. I. -i ta. J'r ai-i. nl, I'i' r . 'r- in tnal people w ho a.. Tt ' . I.ll ni-t ij hoi! l.y toe r sllh. Ol' the I I' C. lor., in l'rw. syiv.i io.i, ili,:o i.r.il i".rei . (Voiii lliat faufii. w iio a h'.'.v l.oi, iinrl rare i.. t ior tin .'I ti. .l.i-1. a ol Tout. l). k a la. II .rry. lor ii. t.i'. t or ..ti n. Ik. ii ..in. lh..l sol. Iy. I'lil ill tht Conre-s. u-s h.-:vc int-n.U to hank t... iu.-l a It- j.rtaeiiliti-.e o. f-r- ss lie u.. It is our Cuty 1. .a to embarr aa hun hy a.'ve e lieaii to aire !'t,'ti.' n his liaiiea hy neti;r..te -1 t!..i'- (,f oi,r tr 'it atol tor nee. .-s. in ,1' our h r.a.r ainj il, :. . t ar 1 to joi I .nee it. a hurl 'ir nl' r- In"-.': ini oil- . IH'i"' , VI In h III. r'-Hlitlle luf-li l;an lilt re llllly IIII-..'r-t-.l.'l ,'il.d i Hl.iain. 1hii tlioae f.of.atl. has n. tun-1- know li . : in i. -t ua .. w in II . a ii, .lion ot'.,. rallaCowil-t', II not ol' t I imjar. I t.i W lis. Our own fe...le have oni.t- u,to tin in. tor w.'h their own me n. th. y h..ve -rn.-o a r (!.t 1..C .II upon (.overiiinr nt lo htlo. '1 in y tiivt ia. ai trying tol.".i. th. ina. h . a. Piliaiikiini; Pay. At t .' f til ( -aD.iiiia in', I'm: if.M jin,r f.t" tl (i : y r,l' ptiitijf Ul -Is IllliOII llljK.U -f fll -jf ' t iifi-irt y.',tyt M l': l Iii airfonitinft with .li. tu t.;ii oiM.(nt- d 'I'liumd. v. : ".'I'll lfn.t.1.!. t' Ih .. 1 1 r rotiMiiCi,'., thi t f-! ! r J U-r lh.it j.tirp. . ul if ( in (!'.; int its U- t i, t: I .nil ! t. . . -1 r..iniii- 1 ia i) i.'- v, ' " K" .i.i;-. -:i I" lil If foll-.Tt 'Jfi. V,f J-.. lie of !),. In u 1 1 : ....l.ka lo , .Mini: ' tl lor i.ie .,1 It tl,.- .le lo, i. t::,i, v , ' -a "aally l-r Ml Id I'oioii, .,i,t r' ii-'.'-ia lilt. , Iv. ol 1,1 tl. rlii . loi'y Nblire lo Coilnii i'liiulcrs. I 'r f if niififif! a r i. tii.t tr . m.i A ' ';r ''(unify fri-ii'l. vv r-.l.fa.i fi.ul li-Mtl h-i diii.j. I ..It tit t ie put ij f j I- ii,ii!l if iitnir in ihinpuf '!'tr ( tfrth t jl t.r tirii rr an y ti.ii- U tf . xir- H. rl. Ami f i h UnW !).,ii' t!y itiirkcij, Ourf'oijn. 11 t ny . tl nf.ion ( th i fi'i 1 1 m -1 l; try I'd. i r y r Vi '-Uifi ' .Niiilli l'iiro!in,i lluil i!(i;nl tufiif lllti"!! tf l.ljf (Vi'-imJ 'if id H t uh I. t i(i. fft w.- nl. t lin t lh yr.illllijr f.n (it ll lii Un.t6 tiai b A c..inj.l li;d w tw l.tn, fiii'j tittt i I rp qitafili! j t irdi, i rii ti , A f, , "U g-ti. rt-i. .'"f y r. r-l Mtot.MM' iit un tit li Hit' llCa to loaaa the ir.Tk Lt New oik Election. Wc Icorn frcm tYr Tehgrnpliie report in the t'hi.rleiili ii t'ouricr lli.it in N. w York the whole Whig St.itc Ticket haa been . I el. .1, except the Jucfieii of the Ajp!ul ( ourt. The I. jjial turu ia, ..Ibo, VI,i(. 'Pile lute t.f Hie &'( w I iger tln.u tli..t of the IftiJt, ..llhounh toe I Iter w. re i.l.eucl of the former in New Vors cily. Tile V utj; plurality vote in the 6-t .le i 30,()0t. I.oiiisii;r.a We learn from the t'olumbi.i Snuth Crolini n I It., t the Whigx litre ileeted three nut ol the four ic.cuihera ot t'oiipiess from thin fstutc. IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. 15y the arrival at New Orleans, of the steamship JlfrxUo, we have received dates lioin (jaU'cstou to the 1st itibt. The lirctiliom l.hquirtr contains the fol lowing warlike ticus : We learn from a passenger w ho came over from San Antonio in Friday nijit a ta,'c, that just before the stage left, an express! ' Uuo.lecin.o pages, coniaiu ail arrived at San Antonio from Kl IVso, bring-1 any man need to know of the rise und ins ,hc news that the Mexican troops, tu the 1 l-rofe'r.'s of ci il liberty.it history mid fate number of .000 or u0.i, were coming j among the nations of the world, its cornice down upon Kl lVo fiotu the interior of,1'01' lawi ,ta a ta-oms.iu to tno-t ol the Mexico, 'lhe cxprcs man catue with such ' governments that have prevailed upon the ha.-lc, that ho rode two horses to death, and j "rtlt. In tho.-e two volume will be lound had woi n.diJwt. the third when he got into j a auiaiing atiiount of liitorii.ution, ael t.i Sun?fiMiVi. "r;.'LiM mn l.-im al.nnt' i.l.t ol reasoning that u ineoiitrovertl the mailer. If ti no. it certainly sounds l,:-- 'l he inlorinatiou that it furnishes upon warlike. Ry our lit xt issue, we will proba - blv know more on the subject. ' "U'e cannot believe in the report. Santa ! Anna is no fool, unless he has suddenly re- ! lapsed into dotage. 11a knows that war ; would be ruinous to hiinscll and eouuti v and will, therefore, " have none on t." NKWS FPiO.M WASHINGTON. We copy the following from the Star: A New Pknmun Auknt at New V uk. ; an lirtioh Livingston, esq, (fonnerlv I'nited States L'harno to the iiepuhlie ot Kquador) has been appointcuPeii-ioii Agent at New Vork citv, vice Pierre N. Irving, ' , " I iL-iiiuiiu, ! l'EsPATCH IN" TIIE NaVV The I'nited States bii.. of Painl.i i.loc. Lieut ( Ah araoo) i minor c "inmutiaiii'.', went to sea troiu At York harbor on Ftiday, though only put iu commission on the -lull u!t. N AV St'll-Tut A-i ukil.s DiiMiKIi. Messrs. Pi aid and L'i.-co, the in w asai-t.-n.t trea.-u-n rs at Ki-ton and New Vork, having ee cuti d their loud-, which have been approved at the Treasury Department, and their com-liii-sions have been duly forwarded to theui. Skv.ati.kiai. Kl K. Tli.v l Odiii H. lia ble inloriiiatinn, received iu Wa-hiiietoti ii . 11..111 1 11,10. satisiius us that the lion. liliuui Allen cannot possibly secure the nomination for that position by bis party. PPESIl'ENT'S MKSAiii: IN ANIIU-I-AIPN. The New York Herald 1 Wa.-hintoii cor rtsj undent fund-hes an outline of what is believed will be the It a-i'ij-j f.-aturcs oi the Presidents Message. It is s.ippo td that the President wi! recou.mt-iid : l Nou-in-terveiitiuii in European n!f lira. i. Keiiuc tioii of the. tariff, probably ii, eluding mil, Coal and iron. it. Advert to tiie Cuba ipics tioii. 4. l'n t I'niin nd eoiue relorm ami re treuclitiietil in the ocean 11, nil -I. nm-hip r. ,,VS. V. Hie,!.,,,,! .. a-IU.tl . v.. . Navy. ti. Prtsi iit fav u aide a-pi ct ol the po-t 1 lue.; oporatioi.s lor the j..,.t vear. 7 Sugge-t vai iou- thing.. 1, r the bilicht of our Ir oi.tii r lii lian and frontier .ettlers, iin-1 nling a (erridir. a! e0,erll,iL.lt t,,r Vt,. bra-ka. s. i'hat 1: will tike a -ale. and cautious po-ilioti oi the ijuestion of thn Pa citie Itailruad. 'J II. c.imiiii ml a liberal policy of reciprocal. rade between the I'nited States and Cuba. (.l'NKIM. tJAli.SPKX. lilois of lie New (Ir'eans I'ieavune Th. have be. ti t ivorei vvilh the sijltj )in,oJ cx. trjet from a .riva- letter to a friend. " (.. ii. (i.id.sdtn our mini, t.-r, i g"ttb g along Muoothl y i h t l.i- government. It i agr'."l that titit'ur Aui.-ro in n.,r Mexican tro'ij.s shall oepu.y the di-iut. 'l territory iu the Me-illa Vaby while negotiiilions are Jielldilig. This His projiosed by Santil An li i, and readily am j.te.l by i;,-n. (iad-den. 1 lei bc-t feeling it pre-eut eeius to pre vail iu thai gov ern, n ut toward Aiuerii an. For in-taiice, mi Ainericfin -el was de tected in -tnug-liiie, r ut l. i-t pretty strong ly sii-,ecte(l, in lie -.it of Acapuleo; be ing ib liiiind, and in ..flic, r having bicn j. lii-eil on board ii, ill ex iminatioii should taki ( 'nee, the cap in om; night alij pe l his cabh an 1 p it ou o ..-a with the r.rhcer on board. lie w as jur-iied, overhauled and hr .light bin k, i.tii 'hi n with nil his cr.-w thrown into pri-.n. On a rejir-sei'tation from (ii ti. Ijads.'i, however the vessel 8 plain an '1 crew at re released. "Another case necurred nt I'aso del Norte, where an A li rican stole oine Mexi can rattle, nn. vj-i placed in jirisoti t) -tand hi., trial tor III: offence. There, again, th.- American M lii-ter interfered. In both in-taticea I am sfi-fjed that ri-bl and jus ii... u ... i. ..vi . : : i ' r . . J ... .. . ... ,yi. jiicau -iiii; oi tne (jue-- ti .'ii. Dot the in an (iovi rniueiit, iu wrilKn comiiitii.iitioi, to our Minister, informed him th lua vvi-hi-a j tlu,t. caM., were aee.-UiJ y,f J,, th,. . rt-1 1: ii -tfd , out of nn i-j.ecial r.urd for his Kxcellency lien, liuii-.lcii, ad ;m an e-jieeial favor to hin. ; and as sui lthey dehired loin to on-l-i'ier it. "Tin-re is no i.iibt of all this. It was an t-p.-( ial f.ivor.o him, and not an a-t ol policy or jii-iie,. I5.it tin-re i. no doubt Pallia Anna i xtrts to inaki; bv tl,.- o....... ti'ill in tin: , - - - j --- . .. in gotitioiis now peiidiu', as hi- I Itil Is VViiti i" I' for a'UiiK money under the ilevi nlh nrt;l of the 'I II ,t treat of (.'ijarlaliiji.j HiiLig,,.'' ; A MIAMI JlliV 0 K.LItO.I).S. We clip the fili.tt ing from the rie-ent-lio nt of the I. rati Jury of Chester district, which w.- liu I iniie I'alm.Uo Standard: "nice the iliodui'tioii of railroad a i.i'.ngst u-, ii. uc eoiiiplaint is iiia.le on ac count of tl,. hillig of atoek by the trains All admit the mity of railroad.-, the advau-tii'.-es ari-ino do ur coniuiunitv, both a ri- cultural and c niuereiiil : ami Irmu tl.n in.. coiiilitional r.-liiii-liment of the right of j way obtained tin landholders ,y nr ta;. I ro.i. I i"iiii'.iiiiei,ieeoroiug to the jirov i.-iona I of their eliaite il, would seeni that ilnv a- fri-iM-.r-, ml thfowiH'M i. harri . ' H-afr .1,,.;.,-. IJijI it mm.,h ih.t UmJ If f-i-iiiiri ut tl ,iru ii. o....o uuu bold otberwi-.., 'I his Icadii to dissati,,fac. Hon m the puiip mind, and the cutlers of stink so kiil. lii!t. r tu uiisuctca-ful appii en lion to th.- Ihcers of the company fur d.imagea, and, ending the Utirtrtniuty of ! .rcliaiiUtc, a.. lj, -., !..,. a-t-pieior, 1 I I is entertuinoil that these threats have been attempted to bo put into execution uj pi" ctii oh.slruetioiis upo.i the track. The grand jury would, in view of thine things, through this court, uri'i! it uuoti the Legislature to j nuui-., ill ntn v , , s court, urge it upon the Legislature ke nouie ftatutory provision upon tin joet, clearly denning the liahiliiica i ' . - I . . ,..h ma sul'i rtiilrnml eoi.nirti.ieri in caea where btoek 1 kilted, and where and when ovvuers are eu titled to and can recover dauiagen." dr. Linniats work. The liosloti Po.-t hat the following uotice of Prof. Leiher a new work : " On Civil Li rtij and Srf Uovei umcnf, b I 'miu is Lt-tUf, L L. JJ., VhUaMjhia : Lipjiimiill, (Iratiilio il- Co. Uiislov s lift tin' d' Co., lt riil jit i' Co., a til Crmbii, Si. Iwlt .) Co. To some less crowded hhett than oura must be left the titling tribute to this masterly work. In clear, conciao lan guage, Pro!. Lfiber goes through hi subject j thoroughly. It two volumes, ciiinraciug ; l;,w a'ol,e would make it one of the most ; valuable issue of the day. To this, how- ' vwr, is added Uu-criptioni of the various i European systems, and an appendix eiubra- ' cl11 eP' of -' important state papers, as .i.ioia t Inn t.i, the li.il ut Itioiua and I the dillerent Constitutions of France. The! BANIN5 t.krn out UU' ra of administration wcrk is otic to ponder on. Its thou -ht on ,1,r '" t lU "'fi ",'! , . , ' . ., . 3 !obt lined an Order of tout t to Ihul iHet.lwill is worth the iuol earnest atleution that can . . , .,. ,, .,... , u,. I..te be "iven il." NEW PUuJKCT. A writer in the Newberry Jvulincl susgcstn , to the Lividature the propriety of the ap p")iutiiieiit of s State Koiiiucer, whose duty : , i hi.. . i- . i . ii .-nun oe iu lunae am ity.i aim esiiuiaves a" prpo-eil railroad routes before any tate shall be given, lie con- icons ui.n ii uie .laie la caiieii upon to con tribute to the building of railroads, the lo cations should be ma le so as to contribute to the general interest of the community. without regard to local interest. '1 hi- i- rather a novel suggestion, and we cannot .-iy how the Legislature would be iii-po-cd towards it. It has heretofore been .-..i.-i l. r...l il.ni s,,(r.,.i...,t ,1... Mate wan always to be found iu the pru-i deuce with which the holders and direetora would look alter their owu inlrrt it-. $ualh (" v.' in in n JlI'DE lirtttn A'-ll THK Fhi.iilcr. The Kreesoih rs of New York have a resolu-1 tiot, belor tl,- u, lo'ihin, to the iinpea! ol .lil l h t.ri.-r for lua Mor.la an. I aeti,,i.a the late Wilkcsbarrc Slave ca-e iu Philadel phia. 1 he resolution appoints a apecial cotunnttee to memorialize lue Ilou-eol Jun-re-etitives of the L liilcd State upon the suijeci, i"J take sucn imiiicr action iu tiie prcii.i.-ea as will secure a hearing i'. i! tioiiy on tins nutiject. i iu uiot.on r.I John P. Hale, the resolution was I.i'u on the table till Wednesday evening, hen there will be a full niteliiij. Aix lu-Clutpt lit', iu Uermaiijr, dcri-ci iu naiiif ir-nu tin- (ouib o( Ciiaru nia-'iic. He gave iii-tructions that when h'.' died he should be but it'll in a toy a p ilii, : ' i,t r,r . . I .. t 1.1 1 prii-nate almiineriug Ju l. but. seated in t lie attitude ol a tunng mouurcb. lie had the liiau-oleuill erected over the sepulchre of our Saviour at Jeru-ulem. Iu a tomb vitiiii. this chapel he was placed ,.,.., ,. . ' , . I ' inioiic. J lie 11 os pel-, 11 Inch I duppo-u Lu hil ofteu read whihst he was living, hi: would ...pear detcriii'iied to atj ly thorou 'h- Iy alter he wai dea.I lie dir.cted thev -lionl'l l.e lab! nr.-r. i:,l- f I . '.( laid npoll liMhtle, , f . fore 1, ItU liy bis aide was his award ; upon his head was aii imp' rial crown, and a royal mantle covered his Itf-less shoulders Thua was his l.rnl v t.l'.o-.l ,l ,iii 1:1 1. . - 1 "''J remain, for about I 1 years. One of Ins successors would ee h iw Cliarlem ,.n.. resolved he. looked and hat had becomeofthe rich.-a that .domed his tomb Near'v a thou-and v.-ira after l.'hri.t , . J t lie tomb was r.r.etieil bv Km- f.eri.r ( Itho. I he akeletoti form of the bod v was found tln r, dis-olvcd and di-iuem I bered ; the various ortiaiiienu I s-ak of were all there too; but the Iran..; had aunk into fragments, the bones had fallen dis. jointed and a.-under, and thern n uiained ii.tliing but the gh i-tly sLull wearing it, erowti .till ! and nothing to -iguify royalty hut thi, vain pageant r, death in its ni'i-t' hideous form! The various relics wen- ta ken up, 11 ml are now preserved nt Vi. una ; ind they have often aiuee been employed in th" coronation of the Kinj.erors of Ijeriu.iiiy, in order to signify their greatinraa, and their beiiio successors to Charlemagne IJ. M.,. : .vir An in mi r WhihI.Ik, Th. Y.r e. Hon crop in Alahimi ia 00. .th.r.l I. .1. limn aa au.aea.-U 6 .iioi.lh ago. CONSIGN KKS I'KIt KAILUOAIt, r in M tiikTtii to tiik 14th. riioei.ix (J. M. Co., Smith fi 1'., Sill A fi , I I', lieu ler-on, lt. ,V A. Murphey.J ( Mmtli, J. W. Harris A M., 8. .V .Vithers. J. A. C. J. Cvvie., f. . Wedilinoton, T. K l i.i.. U' VI' : m . . it .. . .. la.ia,... .ti.j-11'iii'r, ii. .iu haii A. lla.nsour, L...,g,.I. A C0 , .M,ir:R .v lla.per, .1. a, l.'u , It. II. Corb.-tt, K. J. 1 ''.VV I .1, .Miller, I. A. t:.,. I. MeO, well, .I.O.j K. I''. ."iini,t,t.iii.,l. W. Si... L,,,n l'lor...i 1'icid A i , Klkins .V K Moke, n. A ( o . .1. I,,.. noir, A. i:. .Sojui, leb.s. (I M C.. I Jenkins,.), A. Kamsour, J. Allison, J. li.l.), bank, J. II lloilo-,,,,. ,v (' . j; , i. .... ,.,.. Ilall A S. Murjhey, Mel!. A Co.. How a, 1 factory, J. H. Wilkin, J. H.-jd A II. I iKroo.s to llirii. i j - - - j Toe auliadila-r ,. tl,r, y..g , f, , (iirp I lor tin n. it y r ; ,. e,r, ,.,,. ,, iiin t-r 'rcllnr. I l K oa.aa, .Ilir, j ve. y well. Ilie boy, are both e, f.. ! .X.,.ly t A.t . VMI.I.mmson -W. lath h;,:i. SOAI' I'DTASIf H . - i ' ' " "rt f t. in-i.r., tr, Ihla la the alroeei at Pnt ah Iliad,. ;,r ' rt,,n f Bf J f HKIMT.If'S "-9to'lftN. v. Notice. 1 Ji" "rrh TWT.NTY nr TWKYry I- IV KMal. IIDIX Men ... u- . 'T: " T--" "I". Mar wbieh will pir tin.- h,.h, i N,).,tolWr 1'., Isi3. ' I AND to ' Z)'ii.i,a , TCOtC (X 1 C 3 1 0 ai J i 0 C ,lillti 3, of.1 ' . ' u I " f it i tf r inn J. r. UILMKR. LMPS, rilOSfiKNK r.AS. lil'RMNCi FLUID ANL CAM I'll INK- Juat received, a l..rie und eiteiiaivu aaaiiitiiicnt ofSnirit l.ainiia, with l-.riff aupply ol t. a, riuiu and Cniiiphene. Tlieac rluida are nix rnir to any artificial light where the lias of Ciliea cannot be obtained. FISIIKR & liKIMTSH, j9rggi anil I'hrmitl, iipnilr Juhn HV(' t.'ioeriy AVuic, ( harlutlr. A'. C. &3h Notice. A 1,1. i-raoii indi l.lei) Ui the aubacriber, either 'Sk by Note or Ilook Account, mail pay up by .T . . . I I.... - .11 ll.e... in lilt" III UI rf.ilia.nj ii..., i i" '' - the hand of an ollicer for collection. I need the money and mual liave n. 11. W. MtHiliK. -11-tlJ .Voriirrr 15, 1M3. C'UKAP LAMP OIL, for FAMILY I SK. F.iinliea en now be aupplied w.th very auja.-. rior aiticle ol L.inii lil '-1 low price. 1TSIIKH i IIKI.MTSH, OfueHflt, l liarlnllr, .V. ('. ULIK ,STlNK, y I. IN INK, Ac. Juat m elted a pure article of Itlue St..n." and new aupply uf vajuinine, CaaU r Oil, lilue I'llI.eVc, w hich will bV dil low at FISIIKR & HKIMTSirS t'hmp family Pnig Mori, ( nuiloTtf. .V. ('. Public Sale. ! deecjai d, oil the 1st day of l ceiubtr nut, the 1 following prop rty, vu : 7 I 1 1.1' Htl.i) YOVAti wr w r D f BZ a - : " a" " ' . ""'? ( 3 K". Ju"' e "". i hir llir-e rhil.'r. ii COTTO.V, COUS, H:.IT, f.!7S, lloraifM, I nl(, llii';'- V MM-i-i, One hotut W'azpnH, Jliif:' mul Han,.-, Fur nuns I tr,,m'i, llomthulil and hi'ihrn Furnilurr, nd otlwrr artirlra too ttumta to u. ittu-.n. Tvin made known on the d v " I S. P. CALDWELL, .I-'w". .Vora4ar li, s.'..'l. 1 13 IMPORTANT TO FAMII.IK.H. iI l.'K Hi. mood M.nli. lnii. 1 & 11 ittii.l. have juat reerivi-d a fr.ab auptdj ..fti.ia 1.. w iid il. (fi.t ..riitk for t!i laundry, a., highly on. te! f--r imp.rlin a be.utnul gl..aa lu Itie i. ut ,,(., Il t (T t tl i II 1 H C II ( , it. ' '1 H EN und. r a I. r-"e I'arlll'OA, c p.ble ol' Tut c..i.brt-d li.d.- H ae .Hag lOIH) k I.W.I. n Cl lef KAWSHrUVGAiVtE, jv.,n tin- W. at .on.p.iiird by A Chief from Itie C II ,f.M.h-a tribr. log. titer with ll.eir I ..r tro.ip.,1 to4ll.ua Ifotl. W al ot lit. Ii,a-.y M ,,...l..a, will ij I .m . a lob. I H.I. ol ti.e Vi . a ' . i and i'uatotiei peculiar lo liwtr tritat-a in sk.uih-rn llrtaji.ti, al fit. rl.ttr ."a.tur. j alt-, raoi.ii ...a t..o. my Nov. I'lih, lJ3. Ttas i nU'ii .linn i.t conaiata rf a if.'e nun. I. r of It nr-a, I -up a, liuri.l ( ,. n iiiuii t , liitii.u . r. 'J Mikun, Mjin.;.' U.iii..ii),S...Iiii s,,,,. ., ' """ '- 'i k I11..1 1. I y . u cltai.tui. l.t. Alao, N v. r-1 IliaUilital S. t in a III- ,,... , ,e .,.tll,. , ..,-, ( ...... kawabawgaurr. wiiu n. a . emu I. at ti.,11 "' Sr' aeiHa.la m tl.c Mat. a, nil 1. j.).ii.,! e,lS"' fc -""' tin tn-U at Indian Oral. ,t . h t'i"" '.'' ""1 '" '"."L"" A"T"r-n ,ujl w i l tove a learri.liio 1.1 hia eoui.ti f aU Ilie 111.11. m-r 111 which liny uke the v,J !r,. i!..i. Vc. Alao the cundilion i.f 1.1a n.lion bei..m am: "Hcelbeintro.iuetion.il rmlu tu n , t... ,.i, v,c "' "" '' "";'- ' v" "i d ' '"" k ,bl 1 "" r-"1 " I'r-wra, i,., -Ui7 in lliril ,i ..I. kaw.haw,; u. e w ,,l , il,,, , 1 . oil, , ttnri of 'n,,'jn t'urmaitiea, wluii m.r w f.on.i; "rr1 iei.i.. ol W.r .ub.. ikti.i.l,i rad.ika, II. lilt Air,, M. nr.n Pouch a. Ill I.lrl, m,dc ,. ,i,. i,jrk ,,. . .. , 1... .. . Pine, War Ittt!,., a I.r;.- variety f! . a vCr,., Ae. k.c. 'l'"' Chief, areoi,,,,.,,,,.! h, th- Wirno. I; ! ,U'U'"H """ " n"'"'"i " ' inuiau poiuca, iliiaaitl in ll.rir Hull a -.i.tino, oaii.ta,! .n.l loll. .1 1... vv . 1...1 1 kAWSII Wi.AM Ir.S (HI. Il II ,1 A I 1. Il Illl .s HAM), la-lr I and 2 u'il..t , !' M. l-.lliihitton in ruimiH ni-r at '2 and 7 J . P. f. A Iniittanet- 50 cut inliirrn ami fv.tai.ta half priee. A. M. IIM.I., 4c-'a. For Sail, nt cost. 1 pr. Fr. rich Tc'tr la. Te'le, I not. M.hog n y Spruij S. ... Cl.aira, ri. 1 . r 1 ,ui. a, .11 trill. 1 ops, 1 Manogany Fri iirh lb rl.u-.ii, 1 an pi nor ,.-a M .lira -a, All rn-W, jllat reei'ivto. Io WILLIAM.-!, tott Xwtmlr 9, Ja-..,'i. 1 1 I WII. I, . p,, pl,,r ,,1,.. 'Pur.,;,, . ti. Jlal mat .nt, a my Plantation, ni ami a I1..I1 niilea lri.ru t'tiarlotle, t!.o following jiroptrty, ir : nl. stJasAaWi. i2LZ tTr 40 or 5(1 html of llnsii, m r 1 il,n!,,t Cull I, , aiming w-hi.li ar. a., ma fma ,M,,-i (',,-,, 1 ur 5 htitU i, IUi,. i hir l,l;l,,l V,,li '' a , '"" ' '' W,.or, 'inrj.ru. hi I nllnn f, , ( '". hold I'n ml ni-nl r , ,.,. , t"IT' lh' r with ,. ,,il,ar ti,,. t, i,.,!,,,,,. ,.. "nlM.n. A ererlit of tw -It. l.ioiith. wall la i'i. "'," '" ,cr II umi. i IhJI atll.l to Ih- J- A. KUX. tn SnrrmlT H, H.".,'l. Valiinlile Land for Sale ; !!iUv5 'BVIKsilbaerilHr I.illlif. t .,,,. J' T al Iron, l ,,,.,, I nil. . ,,rt', r. lor w a.,1- In. HUM , ,!,, ,.,,,,.,,. a It cut una i.boui -too , ',. ,,. I n.l ii. a w. II, i. v. ry .r.li t,,- WU , , food pro,.,rt,o of w.anl.n.1. Ala.ut on, .fnurl li .. ...v..lu.l,l.. er.-k iK.llom, . ,, , ,..,, 'inr. il .ml baa lai n ... . ..Il . i i. .on at i'i,. ae r. -.vera f...l ,.f !..- I .. . . . . ra. j IIIIB , ,,,, ,,, r la- rem eriui i,r,un... live at a vera Iilflit cane: it h . lw ,1, , Coo la aalt the nrn .1 anil, ailll ai t ,..l never i ,n by fllla, 11 will 1. II or U me u eii,.,, U, . HAM L. Ji. U. WJI 4 - Ilrelniar-. SDN. Iltf Taken I'p A V '?'' H'"y ""k 'cenrdin, tr, J l-W, II William llr.an I , l ....1 ..... nl (aaw-orrf,. r,.r,n .v iwv.nrf i oLT ip IIIBta la n.1 ... C.ti... "r FSiaiTlaV aa-ai r JV. i I. w.tb T .V,k ZZk"' "'"'u'T'' ' ',itnjn m 8. MKAiSS, Hanger IWj,r Oa Ja,1 ' ,,, " The Jl.u l.t U. (ilAUl.OTl'K, NOVEMBKr' 15 jg.,"" II.U'O.N.aiuca, 18i3. la. Iu IS H 11 6 '-'I 'M 4(1 10 b'.-j S IJ M lb iu 10 " II. ma, . ' II..). round II H'U'i'if.'. Cottull, Heel, ... llutter, . ii. . a M il A, - . IKa.l.a, . llraiiuy, Aiple, " lY-ch, . t'nttoll. . Ik . II,. Jd lb. lb. lb, buahel Iful. gal, lb. lb. lb. lb. . hualn t'dtil y-H yard (JOMII IliU Iba. . . lb. ib. In. . bbl. K"l. . I.U:,hil . lb. - hu.ii, 1 ib. buaht I - bualnl bualnl I'll.inl lh. . Ib. f.l. bysLt J gal. uu "1 li 8 li Zi il) iu (,! i-u Aditiuuiitiiiv, !i! i!u bU ii li 30 -l Ml W 16 iu UU 1 JU ? j IKJ Wl 11 !? mi i a id 40 " TalloW,. t'orn, ... thickeua, . t loth, '..j.fK rua, " I.inuaey, I'-l'a, . l!..ur, rV.liiera, . I... ui, . in t Ji lus lit) ti 1 uu ill IJ tt IJ '"4 10 tl tmi - IU :i;i i i '"'' I .Ml .Million, mrt-l, - aaea, . Meal. . Nail., O.la, . IV.rk, . F.-ua, . rotu.a.a, Inah, .. Weet, . line, . Sutf .r, la:.af, . " lirown, Stone. are, .s..lt, . La. . M In at, I l iuak i y , Nui llirrn N . ( 'arnlnia. al. ml (hot t..iru) waalird, " " " uiiWaal.ed Varn, . . . !.! I a; ,J r;j l I IIAI.I.!'.STlV MM: KIT ( o'"ro.--Tl..rc w.,a 1(,h1 j, ,alla , , vrin-le to il. j , tin In limii.g r,-... I.. a f.!i, j b h a, Th. . tri no a were Iruiii 7 ( t., I lo, iii nl ty. I urmi r pricea were t.ilij ,u,t ,, ', j tdl.l Mill A MUiM.T. I ul I HBj. ,,, J j t'liif.v. The c.lli.ii unrk. I w quit. . ,Ll dy yisOrd y ; and i.IIIm,U;h pnr.a iie ,u L1 a.l. li. m.. j , I II. a .upply i n a. It- e..ntin.. . ' Uft.i. ... h a ih ti' a i,....d-, i -. u l ...i nd !' A a Y. H'llKta.W. li .ldllir , 1 ri.sif I .it of I ht M IIim;..; If,, ('UAULUTIK, N.C Ul.-.. . Hi. He. :,J pr-uipt. ,V,i tm'.ri . ..t ami li. ..- Li I i. in i. ml w ,ir u l" .1 t.. hi. Or,; v r .11. Ml. U lo I Sa.l. War lirlwnn l!niu mid Ttirki) rtfiiol hifi ! ii I'lliil I.-li I'I . a t .r ili.. tountr v . th-t t,t 1. 1 r t- a Urge au..y of of ail ,f. arrif.t.ona, lorh lie ttaltrra lnn.r'' t. 'H tt ai.lt lo a. li IV t UK if, ,1 ..( ( III ;. .., limn mi ".111. r 1 a) .tilial.iii. i,t of tl in.j ,n l-e ton n ot I'li-rii'lti-. All he aaa if jnr .1 . 4 P H ,oi '. fea for l.a.fei'.a., l v ., e, in f.-rl. i-l tiie I. Honing art, 1 k, vi; A l.r;a l,,t ,,( wjtr, Ctilli f .Mti!!is,st s.( ' . -(. v.-ry a.l rlr . lap li.miH 111 a t.M.e l. A r raUbll.hli. i.n.t, a ti, 1, , i,tni on I .- uc r-trt: Hi I "UD' .r.a 1 .it J. k II. J i ni.ui; I, I-..1. ; V-' Trust Snlr. if I h V 1 - 1 . 1 a of a II-. J ,,( fm I P l.y (.iii- r( IV. ..ti. II, 1, , ruai. . .uria--a ii r is . I . 1 . I ail' a-II la Ion- hia S-lorc lii l.ir:e,aiil..a . M Ho I . 1 , I '.'Ifi ,..y f .S'.trmla. ran I. ana c a, Ino..- to aeil. Iroei A. y to alav. Until .li a..li. iib .1 a it nl , i l,.,iKl.a-( c-rttaialltigr ut a a. tier, an. I V l.ry M. . a 0" BUY GOODS, .. II .;. .5 t 1 Ti.UiY, 1 l iit hl l t t- I.I 1 w 1 ;ir, an .-xl. ria.re f..t of titititc.t 1 it 1 ) i 1 m.s tin II tltMi'sv .! TM.. ti.lT.S, dtps, IloolH, a nil iittit t of ll'OII, .tulillga. I'ori igHuHil ItiHHf slir i,ujtior. ' j i nl 111 f.el, (oiv thin -re. I'. ,-a.itia 1 lia et t tint . jit.-rtuiiili (. llallllll - 111. 1 .1 III t ie' It , .a, aa hut I. M,,( k ol I. . . It r , I., li,- iiuhhe, i... 10 I ,1 o...lii'. ASP Al.sai Tht ...nl I. ill.. 1 1 pre.,., i, nl on. .I1..I1 lot with tn ! :A I s.ll it. I'll nn el tia r on, ili, il nn the S. '. . ...-ti. 1 "I C ' l.e , ... -.-t ol a I w, ii, a m l,it,.-,,l,t,.n, 'i'l.t mi I'.'.v. .... 1.1 2'w.ti ll.ieiln,.. Il tttae an, 1 Ha! Iiti.. ! I'trtiia . n .iu km.vm .,n tha .i. v I IS. S. .ltd INS I D.N .i.,..'nl,,.i, ,. t".f ()ct.&rr '..'., I-., i. I N. K. !l i. -,.,n, in,;, I.t, , tn, . i .in. r l.y V.i.- ,., !(., ,, ,..-. , . ii ii 1 1. r . - li. ii. in y i. n.ia lor a. t ' J. iiii ei, rinl il lt ; : " Iy 11. .. a. ry to . 1-ae tne In, i.niti. Ill e ia.,lia wilt tout ih.tifirtn.n, .a titer. I. ri rafni' ti.v.I. l., i. ,!1 ,,,j ,,Mk.. (..y.nei.t nn I'V li" il .j- . f 1 1, .a int., i in jt, , in. i.st I ' a ii- ll In t nl, ..ie tlu- Loih.t.ui. hr II" -a. ottii . r. II. S. JOHNSTON, Tcv'"- D l.i,, '.'.',. i.,:i. la STATE OF SOUTIICAUOI.ISA. I, .l. I L VTI , (''ill, Jul I'h it umi (Ju.irO r (". ' Iii'hi S'.vanai, I ".'ill. I'll. ila. ;h I nner , ra. I , lit on ii r Dun. r. M.l 'olltiiii Phil. r. VI r J , a. In, . r. J.i. i ib Id i ii... A-1"' M I.' all.) I.lla hlanif. .Win. M 11 Vina, M..1V I '" I ri . li t '. II mi a, n,l II ,11. lb Vina, ( r to i " (I.rall.l M.rv hi. l I. ..loai.l.t I .l.g.ll.ih '"' ami l.i aii.ii , 4 r.iiu. l.il.lr n of ll.ij," ''"t "' M .ttln Ina ,i iir, iieec. aril, l.lualii III I'b h r. eari I I'll. I. r til. ..nor I'I, 1 1, .. DjVI.I I'hll' I. S '-' I'l. il. -r, Willi, iu I'lnl. r anil Hatha. I Am t Ini, Ir, ii l l .III., ia I'l, tier. ,ee.-.i.t il, J I'.. tt. l'liif.r, 1 1. vol II. Pbili-ranil tiny I'toi' '' r. n i.l I'.vitl rliih-r .leei aae.i. I I' ..i-nearnii; I.i lhe aat.alli' tn li of lh'' 1 ll. t ll.e ,le I. I. I.,t,.,l. 111 Villa. V'a ll . I .ti.l I- I., . u I.,, . r. it I 1 1. i 1 " . tt a M Hi una, M iry -:. II. una, I n.li If in - "" '' '' I! i in. l o . ii i ra, uiiU M .ry J "' I'1'1'" " ' ia al... a minor, are lint inlliiblt .nt. ' '"'' hut nan.- Ii. viiil the lii.uta ul the aame I ,..r..li.r.. ...,l.'r. ,1 l.v lhe , ,.. r I that I U ' " ll i .iiiuii I,.- mail.- Inr al Wl'i'ka ill the Nurlh W'hitf, a n. wapi-a r iril.t. il ill the I"" ' ' ' lull.', imtl'j. IIIK the a. Ill (le felid.il Is l "' ''J'I' pear al lh.-'ni l ( nurt nl Pli a mil Waartr r fa ""1 I. , be In I I f.r Hits Cuiinly i.l l iimn, al the ""' II. iuae in Mnirno mi Hie tirat Monday in J'"'u ii. it. then and there Iri malt) tl at'" ' " " dnt. .,ml t ideml auawer r demur lo I"1" I" ' In. i, the a .uie will be t. ken .ra enll li. aa !" " ami a.t li.r hearintr. .. . VVitnea. J. M. Kn wart Cl. rk of our "''" '' at Dllie. in Moii run the firat Monday '" Iri.,,1 ami in lhe -"th year of American In"'." Hi lie. " ,, .. ( J. M. fTI "W H'V ' '

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